Bible Irreconcilable (Julian)
Bible Irreconcilable (Julian)
Bible Irreconcilable (Julian)
[No 11.
– ~,
Teeuwes :
(1) The Mosaic Cosmogony
(2) The Fall 11
(3) The Flood 13
The Bible Irreconcilable with Science, Experience,
and even its OWI. Statements,
orthodoxy have been fairly opposed, the latter has been forced
to retire from the lists, bleeding and crushed, if not anni
hilated; scotched, if not slain. But orthodoxy is the Bourbon
of the world of thought: it learns not, neither can it forget;
and though at present bewildered and afraid to move, it is as
willing as ever to insist that the first chapter of Genesis con
tains the beginning and the end of sound science, and to visit
with such petty thunderbolts as its half-paralysed hands can
hurl those who refuse to degrade Nature to the level of primi
tive Judaism.”
We purpose, in this pamphlet, with all possible brevity,
to show that Scripture is irreconcilable with science, expe
rience, and even with its own statements.
+ “On the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God as manifested in the creation
of animals, and in their history, habits, and instincts,” by the Rev. William
Kirby, M.A., F.R.S., rector of Barham.
The Flood. 15
* The common Hebrew cubit was about 22 inches. The “royal cubit" was
three inches longer. The Roman cubit was 18 inches.
16 Scripture v. Science.
period than their notions of astronomy, geology, and general
history. They referred intellectual operations to the kidneys
or reins:—“My reins instruct me in the night season"
(Ps. xvi., 7). The affections they ascribe to the heart, and
bodily pain to the bones. They believed epilepsy to result
from demoniacal possession; that mandrakes provoked fecun
dity in women (Gen. xxx., 14–16; Cant. vii., 13.); that
peeled withes, placed before pregnant ewes, would affect the
colour of their lambs (Gen. xxx., 37.); that ants eat corn
and lay up for themselves a store for winter (Prov. v., 6.);
that bees can be generated from a dead carcase (Judges xiv.,
8.); that falling meteors or stars prognosticate evil (Ezek.
xxxii., 7.; Matt. xxiv., 29.); that spittle contains a charm to
cure blindness and other maladies (John ix., 6, 7.; Mark vii.,
33–35. ; viii., 23, 24.); and that the stars exercise an
influence on the lot of our life (Judges v., 20). But to
enumerate all the instances of contrariety between Scripture
and science would occupy more than all the pages of the
present pamphlet; suffice it to say, that every false notion of
the age is endorsed as an inspired fact, and no single error is
corrected, or new truth brought to light. We must now
leave this part of our subject and proceed to the next
sea than any other man, the reply would be, that Jesus was a
divine being, and sustained his rash disciple by His omnipo
tent power. So, if anyone were to demur to the chariot
and horses which fetched Elijah from the banks of the
Jordan, and carried him through the air to that mysterious
country called by the Hebrews “heaven,” he would be told—
well, I hardly know what he would be told, but certainly the
miracle was substantially repeated when the crucified but
risen Christ mounted through the air without either chariot
or horses, and followed Elijah to the same mysterious region.
Not a few of the “miracles” of the Bible appear quite
purportless, mere exhibitions of super-human power; but, as
they are miracles, nothing more can be said. What end
could be answered by that miracle performed by the bones of
Elisha, recorded in the Book of Kings? It is said that the
Moabites were burying a man, and being disturbed, cast the
dead body into the grave of Elisha; but when it touched the
bones of the prophet, it “revived and stood upon its feet" (2
Rings, xiii., 21). In fact the restoration of life is certainly
the commonest of all miracles. We have the widow’s son
restored to life by Elijah ; the son of the widow of Nain ; the
daughter of Jairus; Lazarus, Jesus, and the many saints which
came out of their graves after the resurrection, and appeared
unto many (Matthew xxvii., 52, 53). Shakespeare was quite
mistaken when he spoke of the grave as “that bourne from
which no traveller returns.” Many have returned, but what
is passing strange is that none have left any record of the
land of shadows, and no curiosity seems ever to have arisen
in any living being to learn from these resuscitated ones the
secrets of the dead. This certainly is contrary to human
experience. If some now in their graves were to go to Lon
don and “appear unto many,” they would be beset with
questions—questions of infinite interest, questions of untold
influence; but of all the numerous dead who came to revisit
the earth, not one has left behind a single item of informa
tion, and if we except Lazarus and Jesus, not even the name
of anyone has escaped. Some are called “saints;” but were
these saints taken from Paradise, and sent to live again in
this “vale of tears?” One was a Moabite, was he snatched
from the “burning lake’” to live a new life and die a second
time in battle? It is past finding out; and truly so contrary
to experience, so altogether strange, so objectless, so in
credible, that those who relate such things must bear the
18 Scripture v. Experience.
But if several of the scripture “miracles" are mere wanton
exhibitions of super-human power, not a few others are puerile
in the extreme. Witness that of Elijah beating the Jordan
with his cloak to make himself a passage across the river (2
Rings, ii., 8), a “miracle” repeated by Elisha, after the ascent
of the Tishbite (2 Kings, ii., 14). Witness the tale told of
Elisha respecting the woodman’s axe: The woodman dropped
his axe in the river, and Elisha attracted the iron head to the
surface of the water, merely by “casting a stick into the
river” (2 Kings, vi., 6). Witness the petty wrath of the
Shunamite against the children of Bethel. These thoughtless
children mocked him, saying, “Go up, bald-pate ſ” and the
enraged prophet “cursed the children in the name of the
Lord,” when, lo! “two she-bears out of the wood tare forty
and-two of them.” In regard to Elisha, however, it must
be said that his miracles outnumber all the rest of the miracles
of the Old Testament put together, and they are none of them
free from serious objection.
The whole argument generally advanced in support of the
miracles of Jesus is singularly weak. It is said that miracles
were needful to show that Jesus was the “Sent of God;” that
the working of miracles is the seal of the Almighty to
the credentials of Christ, as Nicodemus pleaded (John iii., 2),
“No one can do these miracles which thou doest, except God
be with him,” and Christ himself endorsed the same plea
when he said to the disbelieving Jews, “Believe me for my
works' sake ’’ (John xiv., 11). It is notorious that false pro
phets, and even Satan himself, are said to be workers of
miracles. It is said that miracles are performed to deceive
and lead astray, as well as to convince and lead to God. In
fact miracles prove nothing—neither mission from God, nor
approval of God, nor the truth of a doctrine, nor the power
of God working in the person who performs them. They are
restricted to the Jews, and nobody knows anything of the
historians who have avouched them. Thus the great miracle
workers of the Old Testament were Elijah and Elisha; but
no one knows who wrote the Books of Kings, which de
scribe their wonderful works, nor whether those records were
compiled before or after the Captivity. The miracles of Christ
are recorded in four Gospels, and who were the authors of
these memorials? Luke was no eye-witness—he himself ac
knowledges that his Gospel was compiled from several exist
ing ones (i., 1-4); but we are nowhere told by what guiding
power he made his selection, nor why his compilation is better
Miracles. 19
* It is obvious that the Book of the Kings, whether of Judah or Israel, is not
the record called the first and second Book of Kings in our Bible, for it is not
unfrequently referred to in the Chronicles, for “the rest of the acts” of certain
kings, but the account in our Books of Kings, in some cases at any rate, is far
more meagre than that of the Chronicles. To give one example: 2 Chron.
xxvii., 7, refers us for a more detailed account to the book of the “Kings of
Israel and Judah,” but the record given in 2 Kings, xv., 36.38, is far less ample
than that of the Chronicler. It is no less certain that the book called “The
Chronicles of the Kings of Israel ” cannot be our books of Chronicles, inasmuch
as they wholly omit the Kings of Israel, and speak only of the Kings of Judah.
t Perhaps this expression may mean “the general scope of his preaching,”
and not a book. It may go for what it is worth, and can in no wise affect the
question at issue. -
Prehistoric Man. 21
sion 256 souls. Suppose half males and half females, we get
128 of each sex, and supposing one-third to be adults and two
thirds children, we have somewhat less than 43 adult males,
and this was the entire population of grown men in “the
whole earth.” These 43 men “were all of one language and
one speech.” These 43 men “made bricks,” and said one to
another, “let us build a city and a tower whose top shall
reach to heaven,” and the speech of these 43 was confounded,
and the two score and three were “scattered over the whole
earth.” Nothing of comment need be added.
The next event we would advert to is the period of Abra
ham. There were then several large empires and populous
nations. Egypt had its regular court and standing army;
Nineveh was older still; China and India were certainly ad
vanced in organisation. We read of nine kings who made
war “in the vale of Siddim, which is the Salt Sea” [Gen.
xiv.]; some of the Greek states, as Argos and Attica, were
founded; and Etruria must have been in its hey-day. This
would demand a population of some hundreds of millions at
the least; but what was the fact, according to the Bible
reading P
Noah was scarcely dead when Abraham was born ; some
calculate that he had been dead two years, while others think
the two lives overlapped each other. As Noah was 950
years old at death, and 600 when he entered the ark, we are
not left to conjecture respecting the interval, which, of course,
was 350 years. There were four men and four women when
the flood ceased; and suppose the increase to be the extra
ordinary one of doubling five times in a century, we have 256
souls at the end of the 1st century, 8,192 at the close of the
2nd, and one-and-a-half million at the death of Noah ; say
two millions at the birth of Abraham, a population inferior to
that of Lancashire, and only two-thirds that of London.
These two millions are supposed to have furnished forth
several large empires, most of which would require more than
the whole number. Again we leave the subject without add
ing a word of comment.
The number of the Exodus has already been considered in No.
8 of this series. It is given by the author of the book as 600,000
“fighting men’’ or adult males; and if the women equalled
the men, and the children were two to one, we have 600,000
adults of each sex, and 1,200,000 children of each sex, some
what more than three-and-a-half millions, say three millions.
The increase of 70 souls in 215 years, although oppressed by
26 Scripture v. Experience.
taskmasters, and although for 80 years of the time the decree
of Pharaoh to put to death every male infant at birth, was
supposed to be in force. Taking the same rate as that given
above, the 70 at the close of the first century would have
been 2,240, and 124,540 at the time of the Exodus. Allowing
the children to be twice as many as the adults, this would
give us 6,703 as the number of “fighting men,” or, in round
numbers, 6,000 instead of 600,000.
Presuming the Bible text to be correct, the three millions
led by Moses into the wilderness would require daily for food
3,000 oxen and 30,000 sheep, that is allowing half-a-pound
of food per head. Of course meat might be replaced by bread,
but it would not decrease the difficulty to have corn to carry
across the Red Sea.” As it was 45 days before manna was
supplied, the fugitives must have driven before them 1,135,000
sheep, and 135,000 oxen. Hence there were three million of
men, women, and children, a mixed multitude of camp followers,
more than a million sheep, and 135,000 head of oxen to lead
in flight across the Red Sea, with the horsemen and chariots of
Pharaoh in pursuit. Of course, on the reduced scale of 6,000 in
stead of 600,000, all this would be divided by 100; and although
there would still remain above a thousand oxen and eleven
thousand sheep, the numbers would be much more manage
able; but the writer of the Book of Exodus is responsible for
the larger numbers, and with them only are we concerned.t
(3.) The armies of the Jen's, and the numbers slain in war
irreconcilable with experience and history.
Akin to the above is the extravagant numbers given in
Scripture of the fighting men mustered on several occasions
by the petty kingdom of Israel before it was divided, and of
* The average size of an ox in the herd is 60 stone (of 8 lbs.), and of a sheep
six stone. When the Armistice of 28 days was lately proposed, the supply of
Paris for the time was estimated at 34,000 oxen, 8,000 sheep, 8,000 swine, 5,000
calves, 100,000 cwt. of salt meat, eight million cwt. of hay and straw, 200,000
cwt. of meal, and 30,000 cwt. of dried vegetables. For the cooking of food, the
estimate was 100,000 tons of coals, and 14 million square feet of wood.
f The absurdity of such an increase as even the “small” supposition of
doubling every twenty years will be obvious to any one who will take the trouble
of working out the figures for 440 years, which would bring us to the reign of
David. At the Exodus the number was three millions; if they doubled every
twenty years the people in the little kingdom of David would have been twelve
and a half trillion l l And if the increase of the book of Exodus is taken as the
standard the numbers must be increased a hundred-fold. Now the whole popu
lation of the world is somewhat more than 1,000 millions, so that in a space not
so large as Yorkshire, and three-fourths wilderness, would be gathered together
more than all the inmates of all the world twelve thousand times over.
Armies. 27
the still more petty states of Judah and Israel after the revolt
of the ten tribes. The whole undivided kingdom was nominally
60 miles broad, and 140 miles long, less than the county of
Yorkshire. Much of this never came into the power of the
IHebrews, and more than three-fourths was desert. After the
division each kingdom was about the size of Norfolk and
Let us first take two examples of the undivided kingdom.
At the close of David’s reign, the number of fighting men is
given (2 Samuel, xxiv., 9) as 1,300,000; and, after the revolt,
Abijah, grandson of Solomon, is said to have headed an army
of 400,000 chosen men against Jeroboam, who had 800,000
men under him. This gives 1,200,000 fighting men in two
petty kingdoms, the aggregate of which was less than the
principality of Wales. But what will be said of the sequel P
the 400,000 men under Abijah slew 500,000 of the enemy
with swords and bows | | +
The late unhappy, but gigantic contest between Germany and
France, makes us pretty familiar with war, the size of armies,
and the number slain by the most murderous instruments ever
used by man. Suppose Gambetta had said 400,000 French
men had slain 500,000 Prussians, should we believe it? Sup
pose he had said that 500,000 out of 800,000 had fallen by
the sword, should we believe it? It is wholly irreconcilable
with experience, and most incredible.
Come we now to an example or two of the divided kingdom.
The kingdom of Judah was about equal in area to the two
* The nominal limits of “the promised land ” were the Euphrates and Medi
terranean Sea on the east and west, the “entrance of Hamath” and “river of
Egypt” on the north and south, giving a surface of 60,000 square miles; but
Sidonia and Philistia on the west, the land of the Moabites and Ammonites on
the east never belonged to the kingdom of David, the real extent of which was
about 45 miles broad and 100 miles long. Yorkshire is 90 by 130, the princi
pality of Wales 65 by 150; so that the entire kingdom of David in its greatest
extent was considerably smaller than Yorkshire or Wales, and only one quarter
of it was inhabited, the rest being desert or wilderness.
# Take Prussia. Every Prussian is liable to be called into military service as
soon as he attains his 20th year, and after he has completed his 27th year he
enters the Landwehr. Suppose war is proclaimed, then every layman in Prussia
between 20 and 27 is liable to be called into the ranks, and would constitute a
standing army of 200,000 strong; by adding the Landwehr of the first call,
100,000 more would be supplied ; and by enrolling all who have not rendered
their full service to the state, the entire amount would be increased to 600,000.
How absurd, therefore, to speak of double the number of soldiers in such a petty
nation as Judah or Israel ! The entire population of Yorkshire is less than two
millions, of Wales not equal to “David’s army;” yet the entire kingdom of
David º smaller than either, and more than three-fourths of it was unin
habited | |
28 Scripture v. Earperience.
counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, but what are we told of its
army P
#éhronicles, xiv., 8.] Asa, grandson of Rehoboam, King of
Judah, had 300,000 heavy-armed troops, and 280,000 light
armed, nearly 600,000, and “all mighty men of valour !!”
[2 Chronicles, xvii., 14-18.] Jehoshaphat, son of Asa, had
an army of 1,160,000 soldiers, “all mighty men of valour !”
[2 Chronicles, xxv., 5, 6.] Amaziah, King of Judah, had
300,000 “choice men, handling spear and shield, above 20
years old,” and a mercenary contingent of 100,000 Israelites,
which he hired for 100 talents of silver (£34,200).
[2 Chronicles, xxvi., 12-13.] Uzziah’s army consisted of
307,500 trained soldiers “under 2,600 chief officers.”
No such armies as these correspond with our experience.
Compare the armies of Europe with those of these petty
princes, and see how wholly irreconcilable are these state
ments to the plain unvarnished statements of dry facts.
We have given one instance of slaughter under Abijah,
king of Judah, and will now add one example of Pekah, king
of Israel.
[2 Chronicles, xxviii., 6, 8.] Pekah is said to have slain in
one day 120,000 valiant men of Judah, and to have carried
away captive 200,000 souls, with much spoil.
Mr. Cardwell proposes to raise our army to 108,000 men. “This,” says The
Times, “is more than twice as large as the largest army ever taken into battle by
Wellington, and three times as large as [the English contingent of] that with .
which he conquered at Waterloo.” What would The Times say of the armies
of Judah and Israel?
Where there is no motive for exaggeration the numbers are
much more modest. Thus the army of Sennacherib, king of
Assyria, no doubt, was very formidable, but it dwindles to
nothing compared to the gigantic armies of Judah and Israel.
The army of the “great king ” amounted only to 185,000
men (2 Kings, xix., 35); if Judah could muster its million or
even half million of valiant men, all in the prime of life, there
was no need of a miracle to lay the invaders in the dust.
We will conclude this part of our subject with a few
examples of incredible statements, which cannot be classed
under the foregoing heads.
(4.) Incredible Marvels or Statements.
Joshua, vi., 20.
A procession of priests is said to have walked round the
fortifications of Jericho, and when they blew with their
trumpets “the walls fell down flat.” -
Incredible Statements. 29
Judges, xii., 6.
This is a very gross error or exaggeration. The writer says
that 42,000 Ephraimites were slain atthe passage of the Jordan,
because they “could not frame to pronounce” the word
Shibboleth aright. By turning to the census (Numbers, xxvi.,
37) it will be seen that the entire population of the tribe was
only 82,500, and by comparing this census with the previous
one it will be further seen that the tribe of Ephraim was on
the decrease, but even in its palmiest days it never amounted
to 42,000. (See Numbers, i., 33.)
2 Sam., xv., 7.
Here we have the tale of Absalom's revolt. Having mur
dered his half-brother Amnon, he fled to Gesher, the court of
his grandfather; but after the lapse of three years he was per
mitted to return to Jerusalem, on condition that he kept away
from court for two years. At the expiration of this time he be
came reconciled to the aged king, and “tarried forty years,”
when he revolted.
This of course is a blunder. The whole reign of David was
only forty years, and this was towards its close. Probably
“forty years ” should be forty days, but the correction is
only a guess, and the text is responsible for the mistake.
1 Chron., i., 13-15.
The First Book of Chronicles begins with a genealogy from
Adam down to David. The subject occupies several chapters,
but any attempt to reconcile the numerous genealogies of
Scripture is quite hopeless. Let any one, for example, take
the two tables of Matthew and Luke, and it will presently
appear how little they correspond; or take the genealogy of
Simeon given in Gen., xlvi., 10, and 1 Chron., iv., 24, and
compare them together; or that of the sons of Benjamin
given in Gen., xlvi., 21; 1 Chron., vii., 6; and 1 Chron., viii.,
1. In Genesis his sons are said to be ten, in Chron., vii.,
they are three, in Chron., viii., they are five.
1 Chron., ii., 14.
One would have thought that no diversity could possibly
exist respecting David, the favourite king; but what is the
Erroneous Figures. 35
(c.) Misstatements.
Exod. vi., 3.
God is represented as saying: “I appeared unto Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob, by the name God Almighty [El Shadday],
but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.”
Now the name Jehovah occurs over and over again in the
Book of Genesis, and has given rise to the Jehovistic and
Elohistic controversy, made familiar to English readers by
Bishop Colenso. Abraham, we are told, built an altar to
Jehovah near Bethel [Gen. xii. 8.], and another in Hebron
[Gen. xiii., 18.] but stranger still, when the sacrifice of Isaac
was stopped, the patriarch called the spot Jehovah-Jireh [Gen.
xxii. 14]. How could he call it so, if the very name Jehovah
was unknown to him?
*** We will conclude this part of our subject nith one, or two
errors of a different sort. -
Deut. i., 1.
The writer says—“These are the words which Moses spake
to all Israel on this side Jordan, in the plain over against the
Red Sea.”
At the time he was as near Jordan, and about as far from
the Red Sea as he well could be. The expression “On this side
Jordan” means in this verse east of the river, but after the
Israelites had come into the lot of their inheritance, “this side
Jordan” meant west of the river, and east of it was called
“beyond Jordan” [Joshua, ix., 1,10].
Judges, vii., 3.
This is another geographical error. It is stated that Gideon
ordered it to be proclaimed throughout his host that all who
had no stomach for the pending fight with the Midianites
were at liberty to depart early from Mount Gilead.
Now, the encampment of Gideon was in the valley of Jez
reel, west of the Jordan; whereas Mount Gilead is beyond
Jordan, far away from the site of the battle.
2 Chron. xx., 35-37.
This is a third example of geographical confusion, similar to
those marvellous blunders of old Homer. . The chronicler says
that Jehoshaphat built ships in “Ezion-gaber to go to
Tarshish.” Ezion-gaber was a harbour in the Red Sea, and
Tarshish is generally supposed to be Tartessus, the famous
Phoenician emporium near the mouth of the Guadalquiver,
and not far from the modern Cadiz. It was far more than the
navigators of Jewry could have accomplished to sail from the
44 Scripture Errors.
Red Sea to Spain, and certainly Jehoshaphat would not have
chosen that harbour for building ships for the Mediter
I’d Ilearl.
* See Virgil, Geor. i., 184, 185; Æneid, iv., 402–406; Horace, Satires, bl. i.,
s. i., 33 &c.
Misstatements. 45
We read in Gen. xlvi., 26, that the number, exclusive of Joseph and his
two sons, who were already in Egypt, and of Jacob himself, the founder of the
race, “all the souls were three score and six ;” but including these four, the
number amounted to “three score and ten.” By adding together the names set
down in Gen. xlvi., 15, 18, 22, 25, it will be found that the number amounts to
70; the five, therefore, added by Stephen, had no existence.
Contradictory Teacts. 47
Two things strike us in reading the latter passage: (1) Adam did not “surely
die” on the day he eat of the forbidden fruit ; and (2) there is not the slightest
hint to justify the common dogma that death was the penalty incurred by Adam,
but simply toil—toil till he died. “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread
till thou return unto the ground.” -
On the subject of death it may be here remarked that the scripture makes
mention of thousands and hundreds of thousands, who are not to die at all. We
have the case of Enoch (Gen., v., 24), the case of Elijah (2 Kings, ii., 11), and
all the inhabitants of the earth who will be alive “at the last day ' (1 Corinthians,
xv., 51). Either death is not “the wages of sin,” or these persons are not of the
race of Adam. The “curse ’’ is not transmitted to them ; if not to them, why to
others? And what becomes of the dogma of Adam and Christ as federal heads?
The whole theory is utterly overturned.
The pot of manna and Aaron's rod ought to have been in the ark, inasmuch
as Moses was told to place them there (Exod. xvi., 33, 34.; Numbers xvii., 10);
but this is only another instance of the inconsistency complained of.
It was just prior to the “entry into Jerusalem” which brought about the trial
and condemnation. It is wholly incredible that this anointing with spikenard
should have been done twice at about the same time.
Simon Peter says that Judas bought a field with the money he received from
the priests. The evangelist says he flung the money down in the temple, and the
priests bought with it the potter's field to bury strangers in. What is meant by
“falling headlong "is very difficult to make out.
60 Scripture v. Scripture.
Matt. xxviii., 2-5. Mark xvi., 4, 5.
Matthew tells us that an angel Mark says the stone was rolled
“rolled back the stone from away, and the visitors on “en
the door of the sepulchre, and tering into the sepulchre saw
sat upon it; and the angel [the angel] sitting on the right
said, “Fear not . . .” side. And he said,” &c. Luke
John xxi., 1. We are told that Mary
[xxiv., 4) says there were two
saw two angels sitting ; one at the men who stood. They had
head and the other at the feet. “shining garments,” and they
said, “Why seek ye the living
among the dead?”