Roadmap B2+ - Student Book Contents
Roadmap B2+ - Student Book Contents
Roadmap B2+ - Student Book Contents
UNIT 1 page 6
Give it a go cleft sentences free-time sentence stress in cleft persuade people to try different
1A activities sentences activities
page 6
Kind acts narrative tenses helping people weak forms: had narrate a short story in detail
1B page 8
How annoying! exaggeration at work stress on honestly and talk about annoying incidents
1C seriously
page 10
English in action FUNCTION: negotiate fights and sounding firm negotiate solutions in disputes
1D page 12 solutions in disputes disputes
UNIT 2 page 14
On the mend the future in the past Injuries and weak forms: to talk about recovery
2A page 14 illnesses
2B page 16 comparatives
Regeneration negative questions urban change intonation in negative make suggestions about new
Check and reflect: Units 1 and 2 page 20 Go online for the Roadmap video.
UNIT 3 page 22
It’ll brighten up ways of expressing the the weather intonation in future forms talk about the weather and plan
3A future activities
page 22
Law and order verb patterns and reporting The law and reduced -ed endings in past discuss legal cases and
3B page 24 courts forms consequences
Fair play even and hardly sports events, sentence stress: even and talk about sports events and
3C page 26 actions and news hardly news stories
English in action FUNCTION: give a short, clearly gender delivery of a presentation: give a short, clearly structured
UNIT 4 page 30
Time of your life defining and non-defining describing pauses with non-defining talk about a range of people
4A relative clauses different age relative clauses you know
page 30
Fashion icon noun phrases clothes and stress with quite before an answer a questionnaire about
4B page 32 fashion adjective clothes and fashion
Being me prepositions 1 Influences and linking with prepositions rank things that have most
4C page 34 identity influenced you
Check and reflect: Units 3 and 4 page 36 Go online for the Roadmap video.
UNIT 5 page 38
On the move continuous forms commuting weak forms: auxiliary verbs take part in a discussion on
page 38 commuting
In the wild participle clauses geographical chunks? chunking? talk about ways to attract more
5B page 40 features investment to or protect a place
you know
House or home? translation and collocation homes and weak forms: is describe different homes
5C page 42 decoration
English in action FUNCTION: make suggestions hosting guests how words change in speech: make suggestions about what
5D page 44 about what to do in an area would to do in an area
2B Develop your writing write an email to build building a rapport with an email
page 120
UNIT 6 page 46
A difficult business adverbs and adverbial successful and adverbs with -ly and -ally talk about businesses and the
6A page 46 phrases failing businesses economy
On the map further passive hosting events weak forms: to have decide on the best kind of event
6B page 48 constructions for your town/city to host
Going out word grammar and patterns talking about arts sentence stress talk about events you have
6C page 50 (expect, surprised) events been to
Check and reflect: Units 5 and 6 page 52 Go online for the Roadmap video.
UNIT 7 page 54
Ups and downs adding comments using life’s ups and disappearance of t in must tell stories about recent
7A must and can’t downs and can’t experiences and comment on
page 54
Is it news? second, third and mixed talking about the stress with modal verbs talk about the impact of news
7B page 56 conditionals news stories and events
A show of hands phrases to show the voting and sentence stress Take part in a debate (on issues
English in action FUNCTION: give a presentation explaining variations in pace and give a presentation with visuals
UNIT 8 page 62
Jobs for life? complex questions describing what weak forms: that roleplay a conversation about
Sleep well auxiliary verbs sleep stress on auxiliary verbs for talk about sleep and insomnia
8B page 64 emphasis
Food for thought complex comparatives food and cooking weak forms: as talk about food and cooking
page 66
Check and reflect: Units 7 and 8 page 68 Go online for the Roadmap video.
page 70
Feelings not only and no sooner/as feelings not only and no sooner/as tell better stories and
9A page 70 soon as soon as anecdotes
Habits will and would for habits; I describing people weak forms: would and will describe other people’s habits
9B page 72 wish + would and their habits and how you feel about them
All the rage making new words trends pronunciation of new words talk about trends
9C page 74
English in action FUNCTION: manage informal colloquial elision manage informal conversations
9D page 76 conversations and idiomatic
Go online for the Roadmap video.
UNIT 10 page 78
Eureka! prepositions 2 science weak forms: prepositions report on and discuss science
page 78
A great read linking words and phrases book reviews linking between consonants describe books
10B and vowels
page 80
A good laugh puns talking about how words sound in context tell jokes
10C humour
page 82
Check and reflect: Units 9 and 10 page 84 Go online for the Roadmap video.
Language bank page 136 Vocabulary bank page 156 Communication bank page 166 Irregular verbs page 175
6A Develop your reading understand a story inferring what will come next
page 106
6B Develop your listening understand the main points recognising nouns used as verbs
page 91 of a complex presentation
7A Develop your writing write notes, cards and expressing the personal
page 128 messages for important significance of an event
8C Develop your reading understand an online diary recognising topics that idioms
page 110 refer to
9C Develop your reading compare a text and its critically evaluating a summary
page 112 summary
10B Develop your reading understand linguistically recognising small details that
page 114 complex texts change meaning