2023 Marathon Guide SiS EN
2023 Marathon Guide SiS EN
2023 Marathon Guide SiS EN
The marathon is a huge achievement for any runner and a true test of running endurance. It’s 26.2
miles of self-discovery and self-belief. In this complete marathon guide, you have everything you
need to take on the marathon.
This guide has been brought together with the help of elite marathon runners and leading SiS
nutrition experts. Olympians, Stephanie Davis and Mohamed Reda El Aaraby, along with Director of
Science in Sport Performance Solutions, Professor James Morton, share their advice on approaching Stephanie Davis
and completing a marathon.
At Science in Sport, we help over 330 elite teams and athletes achieve their optimum. We are
the world’s leading endurance nutrition brand, combining world-class knowledge and scientific
formulations to provide optimal performance solutions across the nutritional need states of energy,
hydration, and recovery.
We push the boundaries of science and nutrition, so you can push the boundaries of endurance.
Everything we do is Fuelled by Science.
Remember that this is just a guide, due to individuality and physiological ability, this plan will suit
some runners better than others. Therefore, you do not have to follow it word for word. You can move
sessions around and find a strategy that fits your specific needs. Professor James Morton
In this complete marathon guide, you’ll find everything you need to train for and
complete a marathon. We have included our top endurance nutrition products, that will
help you on your way. You can find all of these and more online at scienceinsport.com.
pLAN “The key to running a great marathon is to
balance good training and sufficient recovery”
- Mohamed Reda El Aaraby, Moroccan Marathon Runner
These runs are great for focusing on form and building endurance, the purpose of this pace is to help with active recovery.
You should comfortably be able to maintain a conversation and should feel very relaxed.
Tempo sessions are excellent at increasing your tolerance to fatigue. This pace is quicker than your easy runs and while
you should still be able to hold a conversation you are beginning to work at this pace. These sessions get you running at
more challenging paces in order to prepare yourself, mentally and physically for the marathon.
This zone increases your aerobic capacity. The pace you will be running at is usually only bearable for a few minutes or
repetitions. You will have time to recover and rest during each interval so you can push yourself that little bit more. They
are a great way of teaching the body to tolerate running at faster speeds.
The long run is your dress rehearsal for race day, as the plan progresses and you become fitter your runs will get further.
All of the other elements of your training will help you maintain pace for longer without fatigue. The pace might change and
it’s good to vary your pace, this will make it more interesting and will help replicate how you feel on race day. This is often
a good time to practice doing negative splits.
We have put together a 16-week beginner training plan. This has been brought to you in collaboration with Runna as a
rough guide. For a more personalised plan, you can visit runna.com to compose a training plan, tailored to you.
1 3km Intervals Rest 3km Tempo Rest 5km Easy 8km Long Rest
2 4km Intervals Rest 5km Tempo Rest 4km Easy 9km Long Rest
3 6km Intervals Rest 5km Tempo Rest 4km Easy 12km Long Rest
4 3km Intervals Rest 5km Tempo Rest 4km Easy 7km Long Rest
5 6km Intervals Rest 5km Tempo Rest 4km Easy 15km Long Rest
6 7km Intervals Rest 7km Tempo Rest 7km Easy 12km Long Rest
7 7km Intervals Rest 7km Tempo Rest 5km Easy 18km Long Rest
8 5km Intervals Rest 5km Tempo Rest 5km Easy 10km Long Rest
Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
9 7km Intervals Rest 10km Tempo Rest 6km Easy 21km Long Rest
10 7km Intervals Rest 9km Tempo Rest 7km Easy 12km Long Rest
11 9km Intervals Rest 9km Tempo Rest 5km Easy 25km Long Rest
12 6km Intervals Rest 5km Tempo Rest 5km Easy 12km Long Rest
13 7km Intervals Rest 8km Tempo Rest 4km Easy 32km Long Rest
14 7km Intervals Rest 9km Tempo Rest 6km Easy 18km Long Rest
15 8km Easy Rest 9km Intervals Rest 4km Easy 12km Long Rest
6km Taper
16 4km Easy Rest Rest Rest RACE DAY Rest
In the early stage of training, start with a ratio of 1:1 (eg. 5 mins of hard running with 5 minutes rest in between intervals).
As your fitness and your ability to recover improves, aim to reduce the rest period by 30 seconds at a time and see how you
feel. In the rest period it’s best to stand tall without hunching over to keep your lungs open.
Using a heart rate monitor can also be an effective method of ensuring you are training at the desired intensity. A well
known method is subtracting your age from 220, but this is only a rough guide and you should adjust your training based
on how each run feels. If you have the technology to measure your heart rate, it is a good idea to keep an eye on how it
changes over the course of your training. It is a good indicator that your fitness is improving, or if you are over-training.
This should feel like you’re working in a controlled rhythm. Breathing should not be
2 Tempo 3-5
Neither easy nor hard and breathing should be deep and controlled. Pace is bearable for
3 Threshold 5-7
runs between 5 and 10km.
4 Interval (V02 Max) 7-9 You will be working hard at this effort and the pace should be bearable for a few minutes.
Repetition/ Maximum or near maximum effort. This is great for building power, strength & speed.
5 Neuromuscular 9-10 Breathing should be short and rapid. You might encounter this effort at the end of
Power intervals, if you are pushing hard.
TIP: If your heart rate is higher than usual at night it may be a sign that you are overtraining or getting ill.
TIP: If your RPE feels too high for the type of session you might need to back off a little bit and focus on rest and recovery.
“Be prepared for the ups and downs. Some days it will feel smooth and easy, but other days you just need
to put your head down and get it done. It is the latter that will make you stronger come marathon day.”
- Stephanie Davis, GB Olympic Marathon Runner
The following table will help to give you a good idea of what you should be eating and drinking at the various stages of training.
Aim to drink 2-3 litres of water per guide) and try not to lose more than electrolytes and fluids lost during
day. Before a session (particularly 2-3% of your body mass through sweat the run. The best way to do this is by
longer runs or on hot days) drop one loss. Include electrolytes by dropping dropping a HYDRO Tab in your sports
of our HYDRO Tabs into your bottle. a HYDRO Tab in your water bottle to drinks. Refer to a later page of this guide
promote hydration. Drink little and to work out your sweat rate.
often to prevent stitches or bloating.
Post-run recovery starts straight after
Your pre-run meal should be
you’ve finished. Kick-start the recovery
1-3g/kg of carbohydrate. For a 70kg
Aim for 60g of carbohydrate per hour process with a carbohydrate protein
Ensure that you rest well Alongside a balanced diet you can also
between sessions as this is where take daily supplements such as our
TIP: During your training, it’s a good idea to vary your flavours, to keep your fuelling interesting and cater to any taste changes
throughout your running. The GO Isotonic Energy Gels come in a great assortment of flavours so test out which works best for you.
Nutrition is vital when training for a marathon. It determines how well our bodyies function, build immunity, handle stress,
produce energy and recover from physical exertion. You really are what you eat.
When race-day comes around carbohydrate is the preferred fuel, and you need to practise race-day nutrition strategies in
training. However, fat also has an important role to play. The percentage contribution of carbohydrate and fat to overall
energy production is largely determined by exercise intensity and duration.
Avoiding stomach problems relies largely on trial and error. You should always test out your race-day nutrition in training
to ensure you are comfortable with what you will be consuming, and when, to minimise the risk of stomach problems on
Our performance solutions team have worked closely with elite athletes to develop products which minimise symptoms
of stomach fullness and nausea. Our GO Isotonic and Beta Fuel Gels deliver easy-to-digest carbohydrates to limit
gastrointestinal discomfort, often reported by runners.
It is important to work out your sweat rate to ensure you
are drinking enough during and after exercise according to
how much you sweat.
You want to start by replenishing fluid levels, but also TIP: Epsom Salts are a really good way to help your muscles
ensure you are taking on enough protein to help repair your recover after a training session. They contain high levels of
muscles. magnesium which helps relax muscles.
You must also replace 150% of fluid lost during the 2-4 Don’t feel guilty if you miss the odd run. Life has a habit of
hours post-run and consume a carbohydrate-based meal getting in the way of training. If you miss a week or two of
with protein and vegetables within 2-3 hours of finishing. training however, go back a week or so in the timetable and
build your fitness levels back up again.
You might not feel like it but try to walk and keep moving as
much as possible. A proper cool-down can help with those It’s strongly recommended you get your blood pressure
aches and pains the day after a hard or longer run. checked by your GP before you begin training.
Never ignore symptoms of a tight chest, dizziness or ill
health - even if you are in good shape.
“The day before, hydrate well throughout the day.
I always have a bottle with a Science in Sport
HYDRO in with my dinner the evening before!”
- Stephanie Davis
Try to consume a couple of bottles of water containing a
HYDRO Tablet or GO Electrolyte throughout the day. These
will ensure you are hydrated and are replenishing all
electrolytes before you race.
Our body has limited carbohydrate stores to use as energy
on race day. To maximise storage, carbohydrate intake can
be increased in the 24-48 hours before race-day. To do this,
increase the carbohydrate portion size with each meal, use
carbohydrate snacks between meals, like a GO Energy Bake.
Aim for 8-10 g of carbohydrate per kilo body mass per day of
your carb-load.
Enjoy the atmosphere of the race village, but don’t get
caught out on your feet all day! Try to rest where possible.
The night before it’s handy to get all your race kit sorted
and number pinned-on so you’re not rushing in the morning.
Plus, it makes for the essential pre-race flay-lay picture!
The below plan provides an example of how a runner could load with 620g of carbohydrate:
BREAKFAST 100g low fibre breakfast cereal with milk (90g), 1 medium banana (20g), 300ml orange juice (26g)
MORNING 1 serving of GO Electrolyte (36g), 1 average-sized pot of low-fat fruit yoghurt (16g), 50g raisins (35g),
SNACK oats and honey snack bar (27g)
LUNCH Ham salad sandwich with butter (4 slices of white bread) (66g)
1 serving of GO Electrolyte (36g), 1 GO Energy bake (44g), 1 medium banana (20g)
Spaghetti Bolognese - 250g white pasta, 150g tomato & basil sauce, 85g turkey mince (97g), 3 slices of
garlic bread (32g)
1 white bagel with jam (55g), 40g porridge oats with 1 tablespoon of honey (20g)
Total calories: 3570 kcal Carbohydrate: 620g Protein: 120g Fat: 70g
“Before the race, I need to prepare myself mentally and physically,
that’s why I take a double caffeine gel to be more focused.”
-Mohamed Reda El Aaraby
Have your race-day breakfast 1-3 hours before you start, Aim not to lose more than 2-3% of your body mass via sweat
whatever you have practised during training. Travel and loss. This usually means consuming 500 ml of fluid per hour
logistics can cause distractions to your race and fuelling, so depending on sweat rate, temperature and humidity – drink
knowing what you’re going to eat and planning it out is going additional fluids as needed.
to get you to the start line in the best shape.
HYDRATION The Science in Sport Performance Solutions team advises
Drink 5-10ml of fluid per kilo body mass (around 350-700ml that your energy gel strategy should be based on time not
for a 70kg runner) in the hours before starting your race. distance, i.e. a gel every X minute not every X mile. This
A good option is sipping on a water bottle that includes a will prevent fluctuations in race pacing from affecting your
HYDRO Tablet or GO Electrolyte while getting ready and on nutrition strategy. It is suggested that during endurance
your way to the event. exercise (more than 2.5 hours) 80-120 grams of carbohydrate
per hour should be consumed. This equates to 2-3 GO
SNACKING Isotonic Gels per hour, or 1 every 20-30 minutes.
Around 20-30 minutes before the race, take an energy gel
such as a GO Isotonic Energy Gel or Beta Fuel Energy Gel. Our Beta Fuel Energy Gels contain an optimised ratio of
This gives your body time to utilise the energy for the first maltodextrin to fructose which has been shown to reduce
few miles. symptoms of stomach fullness and nausea which is great for
combatting any gastrointestinal issues often reported when
Again, only use gels if you have used them in training. running.
This will help to warm-up our muscles without over-lengthening them and increasing injury risk prior to the strenuous
work ahead. We should aim to work all major muscles that will be used during the session. Spend longer on any areas of
particular tightness or discomfort.
• Running Tights - seamless, moisture-wicking, lightweight and incredibly comfortable, running tights
are a great piece of kit.
• Running Shorts - a good pair of technical running shorts is a must, make sure they don’t chafe you
considering the number of miles you will be running. They should be made of a moisture-wicking and
quick-drying material.
• Base layer - ideal to wear as a “second skin” in cold conditions, it helps wick moisture from the body
and avoid chafing.
• Waterproof - you can’t train for a marathon in the UK and not experience rain at some point when out
training. These are often wind-proof as well and useful for all seasons.
• Tops / T-shirt / vest - good technical running tops will help you regulate heat and manage moisture.
Choose some that are appropriate for the season, like a longer sleeve for over the winter.
• Running bra - Often overlooked, a good quality running bra for women is essential. A sports bra is as
important, if not more so, than your shoes.
TIP: Make sure you have thought about how to carry your nutrition throughout the race! Consider picking
up shorts or tights with specific storage in them.
Your race and training nutrition are essential for completing
a marathon. Not only can they help you go further and faster,
but they also help you avoid hitting the wall and ensure you
enjoy the experience so much more.
A hydration pack is the best way to ensure you are drinking
enough during training runs and the race itself. Ensure you
find one that fits snugly to your body so it doesn’t move
around when you run. Hydration packs are also a good way
to carry your gels.
There are many different ways to carry your phone and it
often comes down to personal preference. However, the
most popular tend to be a running belt or armband with a
pocket for your phone.
Running watches are a good investment to make when
training for a marathon. They allow you to track your
progress accurately and ensure you are training at an
appropriate pace for you. Alternatively, you can use your
phone to track your progress.
Although any number of biomechanical reasons can be to blame for injuries,
wearing the wrong running shoes for your “gait” is a key contributor to easily
preventable injuries.
1 Get a well-cushioned pair - your feet go through a lot over the course of
marathon training. A well-cushioned pair will protect your legs and feet and
help you avoid injury.
2 Seek advice - if you are buying the first pair of running shoes for several years,
go to a specialist running store and seek advice from an expert. This advice
is free and following a “gait analysis,” you can guarantee they’ll find the most
suitable shoes for you and your specific running gait.
3 Quality brand - different brands of running shoes offer very different products,
so choose a brand which specialises in running.
4 Try them on, take them for a spin and if they don’t feel comfortable after a
few runs they may not be right for you. Most good running shoe companies
will let you refund a pair if you don’t agree with them shortly after purchasing.
5 No matter how good your shoes are, if you don’t have a pair of comfortable
socks, you’re going to get more blisters on your longer training sessions. It’s
worth investing here too.
No matter what you’re training for, Runna wants to be with
you every step of the way.
You can find out more about them by downloading the app or
heading online to runna.com.
Sign up and use the code “SIS” for a 2-week free trial.
The contents of this guide are to help readers prepare for marathons safely
and effectively. It should not be used as a substitute for proper medical advice.
If you are in any doubt about whether you are able to tolerate marathon
training, always seek proper medical advice.
SiS or the author cannot be held responsible for illness arising out of the
failure to seek medical advice from a doctor.