Potential Role of Green Hydrogen 003
Potential Role of Green Hydrogen 003
Potential Role of Green Hydrogen 003
Unless expressly stated otherwise, the findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in
this publication are those of the various authors of the publication and are not necessarily
those of the Management of the African Development Bank (the “Bank”) and the African
Development Fund (the “Fund”), Boards of Directors, Boards of Governors or the countries
they represent. The content of this publication is provided without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied, including without limitation warranties of merchantability, fitness for a
particular purpose, and non- infringement of thirdparty rights. The Bank specifically does not
make any warranties or representations as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability or current
validity of any information contained in the publication.
1. Introduction 9
1.1 Hydrogen Global Status 9
1.2 Hydrogen Applications in Various Sectors 10
1.3 Potential of Green Hydrogen 13
1.4 Barriers and Opportunities of Green Hydrogen Production 15
7. Conclusion 52
Annex A: Parameters used in the modelling 55
Annex B: Just Transition dimensions 58
7.1 Defining the Just Transition 58
7.2 High Level principles 58
7.2.1 Procedural Justice 58
7.2.2 Distributive Justice 59
7.2.3 Restorative Justice 59
7.3 Aligning the Just Transition Process with Country Specifics 59
7.4 Moving from State and Government to project level 60
References 62
•H2-powered passenger cars have been under •A significant increase in FC cars is to be expected
development for several decades •More major car manufacturers are developing
•H2-powered FC electric
•Although some car manufacturers, especially from Asia, prototypes
vehicles - cars
are offering FC passenger cars as series models, their •Expansion of H2 filling stations must increase
number on the roads has been small up to now. significantly at the same time
•H2-powered FC electric •Several manufacturers (e.g. Van Hool, Solaris) offering •A significantly increase can be assumed in the coming
vehicles - busses series-production vehicles years
•H2 gas turbines and •Gas turbines currently used in combined cycle power •When H2 is converted back into electricity, part of
FC power plants can be plants are partly able to operate with H2 contents of the energy is necessarily released in the form of heat,
used for the large-scale maximum 30 % in the natural gas. Turbines that can run regardless of whether turbines or fuel cells are used.
reconversion of H2 into on pure H2 are not yet available in the MW power range. This waste heat can be extracted via a water circuit and
ENERGY electricity Companies such as Siemens Energy and Kawasaki are used as process heat, for heating of residential buildings
ELECTRICITY STORAGE working on the development of such H2 turbines. For the (district heating) or to heat drinking water. This principle
AND HEAT use of FC power plants for the large-scale reconversion is called combined heat and power (CHP)
of H2, the existing systems must be scaled up
•The application of green H2 •FC heating systems are already offered by various •H2 can be mixed with natural gas and burned in gas
is an option to replace fossil suppliers and are mostly based on PEM fuel cells condensing boilers connected to the pipeline network.
natural gas and to reduce Provided the necessary adaptation of the infrastructure
HEAT greenhouse gas emissions in (e.g. pipelines and heating systems), a gradual increase
SUPPLY FOR the building sector in the proportion of H2 in natural gas is conceivable
BUILDINGS •H2 can also take place in stationary, decentralised FC
heating systems for domestic energy supply
Table 1: Overview of potential hydrogen applications in different sectors [IEA, 2021: Global Hydrogen Review 2021]
coupling, green hydrogen can also be increasingly
1.3 Potential of Green used as a greenhouse gas neutral energy carrier
Hydrogen in the future, for example, in the mobility sector.
In the course of global efforts to mitigate climate For the cross-sector, medium-term development
change and the accompanying advancing of the hydrogen market, various ramp-up
defossili-sation (i.e., the substitution of fossil scenarios were created within the scope of
raw materials), the importance of hydrogen this study. Figure 2 shows that the demand for
produced in a green-house gas-neutral way is green hydrogen is likely to be subject to dynamic
likely to increase in the future. Thereby, green growth in the coming decades. In a progressive
hydrogen - i.e., hydrogen pro-duced from scenario, the demand for green hydrogen could
renewable electricity by means of electrolysis - almost reach the volume of today's hydrogen
offers the best prerequisites for a timely scaling consumption as early as 2030. Even in a
of production while at the same time minimising conservative scenario, by 2045 at the latest, the
greenhouse gas emissions. demand for green hydrogen will ex-ceed the
current consumption of fossil-based hydrogen.
On the one hand, green hydrogen can substitute Green hydrogen is becoming a relevant en-ergy
grey hydrogen in existing applications. On the carrier in the global energy mix, which will find its
other hand, in the course of increased sector way into many sectors.
The shares of individual sectors respectively fossil raw materials. Furthermore, future climate
applications in the future consumption of green neutral electricity systems, which primarily use
hydrogen are currently difficult to forecast. Still, it fluctuating renewable energies such as wind
is considered almost certain that large quantities and photovoltaics, will, in all likelihood, rely on
of hydrogen will be needed in the chemical green hydrogen as a long-term storage medium.
industry and steel making to enable climate In contrast, there are sectors, for example,
neutral production. In these fields of application, mobility and heating, where it is not yet possible
hydrogen based solutions represent the only to predict the extent of future hydrogen use.
viable option for the complete substitution of Hydrogen based solutions can be used in these
Figure 3:Overview of activities worldwide towards national hydrogen strategies, status 06/2021 [9]
In addition to the significant greenhouse gas and utilization, usually a specific conditioning
emissions from the natural gas supply chain, the is necessary. The reason for this is the low
pro-duction of hydrogen with steam methane volumetric energy content of gaseous hydrogen.
reforming produces further carbon dioxide
emissions. For these reasons, only water In the following sections, both the different
electrolysis for the production of hydrogen technology options for electrolytic hydrogen
is considered in the case studies elaborated production and the hydrogen transport options
in this report. If the hydrogen needs to be are presented accordingly.
transported between the locations of production
Figure 5: Expected development of system CAPEX for PEMEL and AEL [10, 12-22]
Figure 6: Expected development of system efficiencies (based on LHV) for PEMEL and AEL [10, 12-22]
Volumetric 0.8 MWh/m3 2.4 MWh/m3 1.8 MWh/m3 3.3 MWh/m3 4.0 MWh/m3 10 MWh/m3
energy density (at 350 bar)
Figure 10: Overview of the analysed supply chain and the model for optimised hydrogen supply
The first case study aims to investigate Egypt’s 4.1 Availability of Renewable
potential in terms of green hydrogen production
and export. The approach to this case study
Energy Resources in Egypt
follows the following steps. First, the components
A preliminary assessment of renewable energy
of a suit-able supply chain are identified based
resources is estimated, which can be used for
on the regional conditions in Egypt. This initially
green hydrogen production in Egypt. For this
involves identifying a suitable location for setting
purpose, the results of the country selection
up a production plant. Second, a suitable sales
process are used. With a mean wind power
market is identified for possible export of the
density for the 10% windiest area of 663 W/m2
hydrogen produced. Accordingly, a range of
and a specific photo voltaic power output of 5.35
possible transport options is identified, from
kWh/kWp per day, Egypt has a high potential for
which an alternative is selected that is conceivable
wind energy as well as for solar energy [31, 32].
and advantageous for connecting Egypt with the
Therefore, both renewable energy sources are
selected export market. Finally, the cost model
taken into account in the site identification for
approach (as presented in Chapter 2) is applied
the green hydrogen production in Egypt. Figure
to examine the identified supply chain through
11 clearly shows that the potential for the use of
proposing a possible design of an exemplary
solar energy is very high throughout the whole
demonstration plant, then estimating the energy
country, whereas the wind energy poten-tial is
supply costs and the overall efficiency expected
very unevenly distributed. By far, the highest
for a realization in 2030.
potential for use of (onshore) wind power is on
the shores of the Gulf of Suez.
A major advantage for hydrogen exports to Africa. In the current planning, the connection of
Europe is the large hydrogen pipeline network Egypt to the net-work has not yet been taken into
through Europe, which is already being planned account. However, as the country selection has
with the "European Hydrogen Backbone" project shown, Egypt has a very high potential for green
as shown in Figure 14. The “Hydrogen Backbone” hydrogen production, so a connection might
will enable hydrogen transport within Europe and be attractive for Europe if the corresponding
realises the import of hydrogen from Northern production capacities are built up in Egypt [45].
Table 4: Parameter of the renewable energy generation for the supply of 100 MW electrolysisa
All data refer to the year 2030.
of the electrolyser. High utilisation of the projects show that LCOE between 2 and 3 €/
electrolyser lowers the hydrogen production MWh are realistic and can already be achieved
costs, as the specific CAPEX costs (€ per kg of today at preferred sites. Due to the higher
hydrogen produced) decrease with increasing number of full load hours compared to PV
utilisation. energy, the share of onshore wind energy of total
electricity provided (70 %) is higher than its share
The low modelled levelised cost of electricity of installed generation capacity (54 %). Due to
(LCOE) of 25 €/MWh for onshore wind energy the availability of salt caverns at the considered
and 18 €/MWh PV solar energy indicate a good location, the hydrogen can be stored very cost
site selection for hydrogen production. Current effectively, so that the model does not choose
electricity storage facilities at this location.
Figure 15: Optimized system configuration for hydrogen production at the selected site in Egypt
Figure 16 shows the annual energy flows of the The largest energy losses occur during
optimized system configuration (see Figure 14). electrolysis (~200 GWh). These energy losses are
Based on the weather year 2019, around 695 determined by the electrolysis efficiency and are
GWh are generated annually by the installed generated mainly as waste heat. Therefore, the
PV and wind energy systems. Approximately 12 electrolysis’s ef-ficiency is the decisive parameter
% (85 GWh) of the electricity generated cannot for the overall efficiency of hydrogen supply in
be used by the system and is curtailed as excess the outlined scenario. While the use of waste
energy. The majority of the energy supplied to heat (see Table 4) from electrolysis is conceivable
the system is used for electrolysis. The energy in areas with low ambient temperatures (e.g., in
demand for compression plays a subordinate Europe or North America), this appears to be less
role in the overall pic-ture, at around 5 GWh per feasible in countries with a low heat demand,
year. Only about 0.5 GWh per year is needed to such as Egypt.
Figure 16: Annual energy flows of the optimized system configuration for Egypt
Figure 17: Composition of hydrogen supply costs for the selected location in Egypt
Table 5: Parameter of the renewable energy generation for the supply of 100 MW electrolysis a
All data refer to the year 2030.
In the case under consideration, electricity min-imum hydrogen supply cost is almost 1 to 1.
from onshore wind energy, photovoltaics and In total, just over 100 MW each of onshore wind
geothermal energy is available for the production energy and PV are installed. The oversizing factor
and compression of hydrogen. While the key (installed renewable energy capacities against
figures for elec-tricity supply from wind and installed electrolyser capacity) is slightly over
solar energy are derived from site-specific two. Due to the significantly higher utilisation,
weather data, it is assumed that electricity onshore wind en-ergy (59 %) contributes a much
from geothermal power can be purchased higher share to the total electricity supply than
from the public electricity grid. Respectively, a PV (25 %). The remain-ing 15 % of the electricity
continuous supply of electricity from geothermal used for electrolysis and hydrogen compression
energy at 70 €/MWh (includes typical electricity is purchased from the grid for 70 €/MWh and
generation costs for geothermal energy and grid originates from geothermal energy. Batteries
usage fees) is included in the model as a further for storing electrical energy are not part of the
electricity supply option. Although the supply of system for cost-optimised hydrogen supply.
electricity from geothermal energy is significantly
more expensive than PV or wind energy, the 5.3.2 Hydrogen Production and
advantages are considerable. A permanent base Storage
load and thus security of supply is guaranteed.
Furthermore, with an efficiency of almost 100 %, Since electricity from geothermal energy is
the tech-nology for using geothermal energy is available for hydrogen production at all times, an
highly efficient and only requires a small amount alkaline electrolyser was selected for optimising
of land. the hydrogen supply. As described in Chapter
2.2, alkaline electrolysers have slightly less
With 22 €/MWh for onshore wind energy and 19 operational flexibility (which is less important
€/MWh for PV, the location under consideration if continous electricity supply is available) than
has excellent conditions for generating cheap PEM electrolysers, but are expected to be the
renewable electricity. Especially for wind energy, most affordable electrolysis technology in 2030.
with over 5,000 annual full load hours, a degree At full capacity, an electrical load of 100 MW
of utilisation is achieved that is unusually high for roughly corresponds to a specific production
onshore loca-tions. The validity of the key figures capacity of 2.0 t H2/h.
determined for wind energy use is confirmed by
the real data of the Lake Turkana wind farm, The optimised plant configuration shown in
located near the analysed location. The operator Figure 23 leads to an extraordinarily high
states an utilisation rate of 70 % for the park, load factor of the electrolyser of around 7,600
which has been in operation since 2018. That annual full load hours. The amount of hydrogen
would correspond to even more than 6,000 produced annually is around 15,300 t. The
annual full load hours [46]. installed compression capacity corresponds to
the maximum specific output re-spectively to the
Under the selected constraints, the optimal ratio power of the electrolyser with 2.0 t H2/h.
of installed wind and solar energy to achieve the
Figure 23: Optimized system configuration for hydrogen production at the selected site in Kenya
Figure 24: Annual energy flows of the optimized system configuration for Kenya
The analysis of the energy flows shows that the transport of the ammonia by ship to Japan
electrolytic hydrogen production essentially (transport distance of 12,700 km assumed)
deter-mines the total energy demand of the are slightly below 0.1 €/kg. Thus, the resulting
ammonia supply. Thus, over 90 % of the total ammonia supply costs in Japan are approximately
energy used is used for electrolysis. At the same 0.6 €/kg. This corresponds to 0.12 €/kWh.
time, the majority of the energy losses that
occur along the supply chain can be attributed The ammonia supply costs consist of different
to electrolysis (258 GWh). These energy losses components. Central is the site-specific cost for
are essentially determined by the electrolysis the supply of the required green hydrogen, which
efficiency and are largely generated as waste is determined with the help of the optimisation
heat. Further notable energy losses re-sult from model described in section 5.3 “Results -
ammonia synthesis. While it is difficult to use Production of Green Ammonia in Kenya and the
the waste heat from the electrolyser (<80 °C), Supply to Japan”. The hydrogen supply costs
the waste heat from the Haber-Bosch synthesis include the costs for the supply of renewable
is easier to exploit for subsequent use due to its electricity (106 MW onshore wind, 107 MW PV
higher temperature level (>300 °C). Although the and geothermal power via grid), the construction
distance between the production site and the and operation of the electrolyser (100 MW) as well
supply location is high in the outlined scenario as the hydrogen compressor and storage tank.
with over 12,000 km, the energy input for Additionally, there are the costs for the provision
transportation has only a small influence on the of the N2, the construction and operation of the
overall energy balance. fuel synthesis unit and the transportation of the
green ammonia to Japan. The transport costs
5.3.5 Ammonia Supply Cost include the depreciation costs for the acquisition
of the corresponding tanker and the operating
Under the selected assumptions, green ammonia costs, including fuel costs. New construction or
production costs in the range of 0.52 €/kg can redevelopment of roads or ports etc. were not
be achieved at the examined location in Kenya considered in this case study.
in 2030. The additional costs caused by the
Figure 25: Composition of hydrogen supply costs for the selected location in Kenya
An area east of Accra was chosen as a potential site As the North American region is an established
for hydrogen production in this case study. This market in global trade and CO2-neutral
location already offers good infrastructure and transport is be-coming increasingly important,
easy access to the electricity grid. Furthermore, this case study examines the shipping of PtL fuels
the proximity to the coast offers short national produced in Ghana to North America. Figure 28
transport distances for future export. shows the supply chain under consideration.
Table 6: Parameter of the renewable energy generation for the supply of 100 MW electrolyser a
All data refer to the year 2030.
The comparison of the different process steps 157 GWh can be produced at the site under
shows that hydrogen supply via electrolysis is consideration with a 100 MW electrolyser
deci-sive for the total energy input of PtL fuel embedded in the outlined plant configuration.
production. Over 90 % of the total energy used Taking into account the excess energy, the overall
is consumed by electrolysis. At the same time, efficiency is approximately 40 %. If the excess
the largest energy losses occur during hydrogen energy is neglected, the overall efficiency of PtL
production (135 GWh). These energy losses fuel supply rises to around 46 %.
are essentially determined by the electrolysis
efficiency and are largely generated as waste heat. 6.3.5 Fuel Supply Cost
The efficiency of the electrolysis is, therefore,
the decisive parameter for the overall efficiency Under the selected assumptions, PtL fuel
of hydrogen supply in the outlined scenario. production costs in the range of 1.87 €/kg can
While the use of waste heat from electrolysis be expected at the examined location in Ghana in
may be conceivable in areas with low ambient 2030. The additional costs caused by transporting
temperatures (e.g., in Europe or North America), the PtL fuel by ship to North America (transport
this appears to be less feasible in countries with distance of 10,200 km assumed) are low and in
a low heat demand, such as Egypt. the range of 0.1 €/kg. Thus, the resulting PtL fuel
supply costs in North America are approximately
Further energy losses occur in particular during 1.97 €/kg. This cor-responds to 0.16 €/kWh.
fuel synthesis (40 GWh). These energy losses
occur mainly in the form of waste heat, too. Figure 31 shows the composition of PtL fuel
Although the distance between the production supply cost. Listed are the costs for the supply
site and the sup-ply location is high in the outlined of re-newable electricity (193 MW PV and
scenario with over 10,000 km, the energy input hydro power via grid), for the construction and
for transportation has only a minimal influence operation of the electrolyser (100 MW) and
on the overall energy balance. the CO2 capture unit, for the compression and
storage of hydrogen and CO2, the water supply
Based on the weather year 2019, around 13,135 costs as well as the costs for the construction
tonnes of PtL fuel with an energy content of and operation of the fuel syn-thesis unit.
For the supply of the PtL fuel in North America, are comparatively low in the analysed scenario.
transportation costs have to be added. In this regard, it should be noted that the costs
The transportation costs include both, the for CO2 capture would be significantly higher if
depreciation costs for the acquisition of the instead of a biogenic point source (e.g., biogas or
corresponding tanker as well as the operating bioethanol plant), capture from the atmosphere
expenses, including fuel costs. New construction (the so-called direct air capture process) had
or redevelopment of roads or ports etc. were not been considered. Other studies have shown that
considered in this case study. the PtL supply costs can increase by up to 20 %
if no biogenic point source is available, mainly
Despite the large number of process steps, due to the high in-vestment costs for direct
electrolysis and the provision of renewable air capture plants. If the heat required for CO2
electricity for hydrogen supply (electrolysis & capture cannot be provided internally via the
hydrogen compression) account for the majority waste heat from Fischer Tropsch synthesis, this
of overall fuel supply costs at around 70 %. also leads to higher fuel supply costs.
This leads to the conclusion that the availability
of low-cost renewable electricity with a high The storage of hydrogen and CO2, the provision
number of annual full load hours is the decisive of treated water for electrolysis and the transport
criterion for selecting a suitable site for low of the produced PtL fuel by ship account for a
cost PtL fuel production. High utilisation of the small share of the total supply costs only, with a
electrolyser enables lower specific electrolysis maxi-mum of 0.1 €/kg fuel each. The relatively
costs (see Egypt case study). low costs for hydrogen storage (especially in
comparison to Case Study 1, Figure 16) can be
Another relevant cost factor is the synthesis plant explained, among other things, by the fact that
for producing the liquid fuel from hydrogen and the storage capacities installed as part of the
CO2, which contributes around 0.25 €/kg PtL fuel cost-optimised hydrogen supply are low at 13 t
to the total costs. At 0.12 €/kg PtL fuel, the costs of hydrogen (see Figure 29).
for providing the CO2 required for fuel synthesis
Finally, both the design of the individual components and the overall supply chain were examined.
Based on a possible design of an exemplary demonstration plant, production efficiencies and supply
costs were calculated. The Figure 32 shows the countries of the individual case studies and their
respective export regions. In the first case study, the production of green hydrogen in Egypt and the
supply to Central Europe was examined. The production of green ammonia in Kenya and the shipping
to Japan was elaborated in the second case study. The third case study explored the production of
green PtL fuels in Ghana and their supply to North America. Table 7 below summarises the main as-
pects of all the case studies.
Figure 32: Overview of the considered production locations and their export regions
The selected site for H2 production is In addition to wind and solar energy, Kenya also has a high Ghana has a relatively even potential for solar energy
located south-east of Cairo on the Gulf potential for the use of geothermal energy. Electricity from nationwide. Electricity from hydro-power is another
of Suez. This location has a high potential geothermal energy can already be purchased from the public option for the use of renewable energy sources and
for both wind and solar power. The close grid. While the potential for using solar energy is relatively can be purchased from the public electricity grid. An
proximity to the coast of the Red Sea is an evenly distributed across the country, the best locations for area east of Accra was chosen as a potential site for
elementary advantage with regard to the using wind energy are in the region around Lake Turkana. A PtL fuel production. This location already offers good
infrastructure and easy access to the electricity grid.
necessary water supply for electrolysis. wind farm already exists on the south coast of Lake Turkana
Furthermore, the proximity to the coast offers short
Furthermore, there is already a well- in the Loiyangalani District. An area close to the Lake
national transport distances for future export.
developed infrastructure and an existing Turkana wind farm was chosen as the best possible location
(natural gas) pipeline system. for green hydrogen production.
SHARE OF SUPPLIED • Onshore wind power: 70 % • Onshore wind power: 59 % • Photovoltaic power: 91 %
• Photovoltaic power: 30 % • Photovoltaic power: 25 % • Hydropower via grid: 9 %
• Geothermal power via grid:15%
100 MW PEM electrolyser with a specific 100 MW AEL electrolyser with a specific production capacity 100 MW AEL electrolyser with a specific production
production capacity of 2.0 t_(H_2 )/h and of 2.0 t_(H_2 )/h and 7600 annual full load hours (AFLH). capacity of 2.0 t_(H_2 )/h and 3200 annual full load
6050 annual full load hours (AFLH).
Based on the weather year 2019, around 695 For NH3 production, N2 is needed in addition to hydrogen. The raw materials for the production of PtL fuels
GWh are generated annually by the installed The cryogenic N2 purification process is chosen for the are H2 and CO2. The synthesis plant consist of the
PV and wind energy systems. Considering extraction of pure N2 from ambient air and the Haber-Bosch RWGS reactor, the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and the
energy losses and excess energy over the process for the production of NH3. For this supply chain, refinery unit. Based on the weather year 2019, around
entire supply chain, around 12,175 t of H2 this translates into a total of around 86,800 t of green NH3 341 GWh are generated annually by the installed PV
PRODUCTION (~406 GWh) can be produced with a 100 that can be produced annually from the 15,300 t of H2 plant and 33 GWh of electricity from hy-dropower
MW PEM electrolyser. provided. Approximately 71,200 t of N2 are required. The is annually purchased from the public grid. From the
6,500 t of H2 provided, about 13,100 t of PtL fuel
total energy demand for the supply of 86 800 t of green NH3
(~157 GWh) can be produced annually. This requires
(~451 GWh) is 966 GWh. Around 937 GWh of this amount is
about 45,500 t of CO2
generated from PV, wind and geothermal energy.
EGYPT (2030) KENYA (2030) GHANA (2030)
Due to the availability of salt caverns, the The H2 storage capacity is 17 t and is thus significantly less The raw materials for the production of PtL fuels
H2 can be stored very cost-effectively. An than 50 % of the maximum daily output of the electrolyser. are H2 and CO2. The synthesis plant consist of the
electricity storage facility is not required. The reasons for the low installed storage capacity are RWGS reactor, the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and
The selected H2 storage capacity amounts presumably the high specific costs of H2 storage in pressure the refinery unit. Based on the weather year 2019,
1390t. gas tanks and the availability of continuous grid electricity. around 341 GWh are generated annually by the
H2 STORAGE installed PV plant and 33 GWh of electricity from
hydropower is annually purchased from the public
grid. From the 6,500 t of H2 provided, about 13,100
t of PtL fuel (~157 GWh) can be produced annually.
This requires about 45,500 t of CO2.
SALE MARKET FOR H2 supply to Europe NH3 supply to Japan PtL fuel supply to North America
TRANSPORT FOR Pipeline Ship Ship
Table 8: Water supply by reverse osmosis desalination and pipeline transporta [52-59]
Alkaline PEM
electrolyser electrolyser
Technology Readiness TRL 9 8
Depreciation a 25 20
System efficiency b
% 67 67
Table 9: Hydrogen production via water electrolysisa [10, 13-17, 19, 60- 62]
All data refer to the year 2030.
System efficiency based on the LHV (kWhH2.LHV/kWhel,input)
Depreciation a 15 30
CAPEX M€ 109
Depreciation a 20
Scale tPtL/d 10 10
Depreciation a 5 30
Depreciation a 30 30 30 30 30
Table 13: Storage of compressed gaseous H2 (CGH2), LH2, NH3 and PtL fuela [10,63, 64, 68, 76-83]
All data refer to the year 2030.
Based on large scale liquid hydrogen storage, in the case of small scale storage systems (e.g., vehicle tanks), losses can be
significantly higher due to poor surface to volume ratio
OPEX %CAPEX/a 4 4 4
Depreciation a 25 25 25
Table 14: Transportation of LH2, NH3 and PtL fuel by ship a [10, 40, 81, 84-86]]
All data refer to the year 2030.
Boil-off losses assumed as fuel and therefore no additional fuel demand
Additional hydrogen losses during loading of 1.3 % per load
Depreciation a 40
Electricity demand for intermediate
kWhel/(kgH2 100km) 0.06
H2 loss kgH2/(kgH2 100 km) 0
Table 15: Transportation of compressed gaseous H2 (CGH2) via pipeline a [10, 88]
All data refer to the year 2030.
In December 2021, AFDB did launch a Just Transition Initiative, supported by the Climate Investment Funds, and with consultations with African stakeholders is aiming
to build a consensus around a working definition that can be ef-fectively implemented.
Cahill, B. M. Allen. 2020. Just Transition Concepts and Relevance for Climate Action. Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and
McCauley, D. and Heffron, R. 2018. “Just transition: Integrating cli-mate, energy and environmental justice.” Energy Policy (119)
International Labour Organization (ILO). 2015. Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all. Switzerland
The risks and opportunities resulting from the Restorative Justice relates to historical damages
transition must be distributed fairly, taking against individuals, communities, and the
account of gender, race, and class inequalities. environment that should be addressed, with a
It is essential that impacted workers and particular focus on rectifying or ameliorating
communities do not carry the overall burden of the situations of harmed or disenfranchised
the transition, and the costs of adjustment are communities. It is about redress: healing people
borne by those historically re-sponsible for the and the land, which is an immediate need for
problem. many communities.
• equipping the Egyptian, Kenyan and Ghanian • acknowledging the health and environmental
citizens with skills, assets, and opportunities impacts to communities in fossil fuel impacted
to participate in industries of the future, with areas, and supporting all citizens rights to a
particular attention on impacted groups, the healthy environment.
poor, women, people with disabilities, and the
youth. • Shifting away from resource intensive sectors
and fossil fuels to improve ecosystems with
• Implementing transformative national community ownership and stewardship, improve
economic and social policies that clearly consider energy security and eliminate energy poverty,
how benefits and burdens will be distributed and create opportunities for rehabilitation of
(this includes clear indication of where jobs are degraded land, water systems, the improvement
gained, where jobs are lost, and the quality and of biodiversity as well as related employment
longevity of future employment). opportunities.
• Increasing provincial and local capacity (both • creating a more decentralised, net zero
resources and skills) to promote local econom-ic emissions economy, which allows for
development. greater economic inclusion, ownership, and
participation, especially for women and the
• ensuring corporate responsibility to support a youth.
green and inclusive economy.
An effective just transition demands an • Remedying past harms by building on, and
understanding of the working people and enhancing, existing mechanisms such as
communities that are: equitable access to environmental resources
• energy, transport, water, agriculture, industry, In and of itself, Renewable Energy technologies
heath, finance and the environment and the supply chain of Green Hydrogen are
neither just nor unjust but their equity and justice
• labour and community rights,
implications must be considered. A part of the
• social protection, and so on. implementation of the Just Transition process
is therefore to consider and to answer in the
As an item of investigation, developing projects, affirmative key questions set out below. These
as such, would need to comply with the myriad are by no means exhaustive. Behind the issues
of Just Transition promoting policies, laws, will be a need for specific actions (eg polcies and
regulations and standards. measures) on the areas addressed by interested
parties, including Governments, civil society
The technologies, in this context, are renewable organisations and project operators.
energy sources (eg hydropower, solar and wind,
Will new skills, training or re-training be
undertaken for those impacted, the poor, the youth,
2.1 women, and jobseekers to seize opportunities
offered by the new technologies (RE and Green
Will employment opportunities be secured for
people losing their jobs?
Are the issues of various vulnerable groups being
Do the Green Hydrogen projects significantly
address the issues faced by women?
Do the Greem Hydrogen projects address the needs
of the young?
Has economic redevelopment actually been
Has an inclusive participatory process been
ensured (so no one is left behind)?
Have relevant stakeholders with a quieter voice
been included in the process?
Has local capacity been developed to ensure a
more inclusive process?
Has a good Green Hydrogen project selection
process been ensured?
Has good governance over the implementation
phase been ensured?
Legend: Contextual Importance: three: high, two: medium, one: low
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