Zhong 2017 Study On The Iot Architecture and A

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2017 16th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science

Study on the IOT Architecture and Access Technology

Chang-le Zhong, Zhen Zhu, Ren-gen Huang

Foshan University
Foshan, China
E-mail: clzhong@fosu.edu.cn

Abstract—Three-layer architecture of IOT (Internet of Things) object communication, person to person communication, and
is accepted by many professional scholars and entrepreneurs. object to person communication.
In order to highlight the important role of network in IOT, From above definitions we can see that communication
and to emphasize the level of IOT intelligent application, this subject may be any one person, any one physical object, any
paper introduces respectively four-layer IOT architecture and one transaction or any one process. The destination of IOT is
five-layer architecture. Technological implementation methods that any person, any physical object, any transaction or any
of information perception and network access are presented process can communicate with each other by using any
based on the discussion of information perception and network
network in anywhere at any time. Therefore, by "Thingsnet"
access theory in detail. According to the actual demand of hotel
insteading of "Internet of Things", the meaning will be easier
chain industry for improving guests’ living environment, the
paper also discusses the design of IOT application scheme. The
to understand.
scheme may effectively meet the service requirements of hotel II. IOT ARCHITECTURE
chain industry.

Keywords-Internet of things; system architecture; hotel chain;

A. Three-layer Architecture
access technology; aplication scheme. So far, the architecture of IOT has not reached consensus,
but three-layer framework is widely regarded. Namely, IOT
I. INTRODUCTION is frequently composed of perception layer, network layer
and application layer, as shown in Figure 1.
Since the Internet of things (IOT) was proposed in 1999,

its connotation has been in continuous development and Intelligent

Ċ manufacture

expansion. The concept of IOT first came from RFID (Radio Cloud Expert
Frequency Identification) fields. It is considered to be the platforms Middleware Data analysis Ċ system
information network constructed by the radio frequency Special-line Mobile Satellite

identification technology and communication technology. network comm. comm. Ċ Internet


IOT can realize intelligent recognizing, positioning and WiFi Zigbee Ad-hoc Ċ Sensor
monitoring of any things through sticking electric label on
each one. However, the development of IOT soon breaks Camera Body Automatic

pickup induction recognition Ċ control
through this narrow definition, and extends to the traditional

Timing & Executive

IT fields. The connotation of IOT has been continuously Sensor RFID/EPC Positioning
enriched. Some people predict that the Internet of things will
become third wave of information technology in history. Figure 1. Three-layer architecture of IOT
After a large number of IOT definitions have been
comprehensively investigated, the Internet of things can be (1) Perception layer of three-layer architecture: It is the
broadly defined as follows[1][2][3.] Providing with information lowest layer in three-layer architecture of IOT, and may also
sensing, transmitting, processing characteristics, one person, be called the perception and control layer. Perception layer
one object, one transaction or one process have perception completes information collection of person, physical object,
ability or being perceived ability by using sensing devices transaction or process by use of perception tools. There are
(e.g. various types of sensors, RFID device, infrared sensor, many types of perception tools associated with specific
global positioning system, laser scanner, etc.). By using of application of the IOT, including various types of sensors,
communication technology network (e.g. wireless network, transmitters (gas concentration sensor, temperature sensor,
sensor network, mobile communication network, Internet, humidity sensor, current transformer, voltage transducer,
etc.), one person, one physical object one transaction or one etc.), RFID tag/EPC code scanner, timing and positioning
transaction process are provided with communication ability. terminal (GPS or CELL), webcam/microphone, human body
One person, one physical object, one transaction or one infrared sensor, remote measuring and controlling device,
process have information processing ability by making use automatic identification equipment, etc. When information
of information technology and information equipment (e.g. collection is finished, perception layer completes preliminary
information processing technology, visualization technology, processing and packaging of the information. And it also
embedded technology, computing device, storage device, receives control information coming from network layer for
etc.). So, a ubiquitous network can be constructed, which can fulfilling necessary control operations through the executive
realize various types of communications, including object to devices.

2473-3636/17 $31.00 © 2017 IEEE

2473-3636/17 105
DOI 10.1109/DCABES.2017.32
(2) Network layer of three-layer architecture: It is the interface between IOT and users for associating with specific
middle layer in three-layer architecture, and can also be application. Thus, we may split the application layer and get
called the transmission layer. Network layer transfers the five-layer architecture of IOT, such as perception layer,
information which is obtained by perception layer to the network access layer, network transmission layer, application
application layer safely, quickly and reliably achieving support layer and application presentation layer.
communication exchange between the perception layer and (3) Application support layer of five-layer architecture:
the application layer via various networks. It is worth notable Based on the support of information technology such as
that data transmission function of network layer includes the cloud computing technology, database technology, expert
short distance transmission and remote data transmission. system, middleware technology and so on, the application
The short distance transmission depends on a wired or support layer may complete public intelligent analysis and
wireless communication network or sensor network, for storage of the information to realize information processing,
example, Wi-Fi, Ad-hoc, Mesh, Zigbee, industrial bus, etc. sharing and exchanging for various intelligent applications.
The remote data transmission depends on Internet constituted (4) Application presentation layer of IOT five-layer
by all kinds of special networks, mobile communication architecture: Application presentation layer uses multimedia,
networks, satellite communication networks, etc. virtual reality, human-computer interface technology and
(3) Application layer of three-layer architecture: It is the other information technologies to build the interface between
top layer in three-layer architecture. Application layer IOT and users for realizing various intelligent information
analyzes and processes the information came from the presentation and intelligent information application.
perception layer and the network layer, realizing the IOT After IOT architecture is split further to reasonable more
application. It can be said that the application layer is the layers (four layers or five layers), it can make each layer
interface between IOT and various type of users (someone relative independence, more flexible and more easy to
person or someone system), combined with specific needs, implement and maintain for the configuration, and more
for achieving various intelligent applications of IOT. For suitable to promote the standardization work of IOT.
example, intelligent building, intelligent traffic, intelligent
logistics, intelligent manufacturing, vehicle navigation and III. INFORMATION PERCEPTION AND NETWORK ACCESS
security monitoring. Of course, the intelligent applications of With regard to specific application of IOT, it is the
IOT still needs the support of information technology, such attention focus with the design of information perception and
as cloud computing technology, database technology, data network access, the selection of application support platform,
mining technology, middleware technology, multimedia and as well as application software development. All these
technology, expert systems, etc. are also the success keys of IOT application. So, this section
B. Four-layer Architecture and Five-layer Architecture focuses on the realization ways or means of information
perception and network access, i.e. focuses on information
As we all know, the network is the key of IOT. Only perception layer and network access layer. The hardware
when there is the network, any things can be perceived or configuration framework is shown in Figure 2.
become wise at any time and at any place. Therefore, it is
necessary that network layer should be split into the access Special Network/Mobile network/Satellite communication network
layer and the transmission layer according to information Internet
access service or information transmission service in order to
highlight important role of network layer[4][5]. As a result, we Network
get four-layer architecture of IOT, with perception layer,
network access layer, network transmission layer and Short distance Wired communication channel, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Infrared
application layer. transmission communication, Radio frequency communication, etc.
(1) Network access layer of four-layer architecture: It
Perception &
realizes various cognitive tools’ information collecting, Transform
Perception &
Control unit
Perception &
Control unit
Perception &
Control unit
Perception &
Control unit
preliminary processing and network accessing besed on
Perception &
wired or wireless communication network. For examples, Control Person, Object (Device,Vehicles, Household appliances,
Wi-Fi, Ad-hoc, Mesh, Zigbee, industrial bus, etc. object etc) ,Transaction or Process (Traffic, Production, Marketing etc)

(2) Network transmission layer of four-layer architecture:

Network transmission layer completes reliable information Figure 2. The hardware configuration framework
transmission in long distances based on Internet composed
by all kinds of special networks, mobile communication A. Perception and Control Object part
networks, satellite communication networks, etc.
In addition, there are two levels in the intelligent The perception and control objects may be any person,
application of IOT. One is intelligent information processing any physical object, any transaction or any process which
level, and it completse intelligent information analysis based need to be perceived and controlled. For example, staff
on a public information processing platform to provide the member, production equipment, production line, haulage
information source for a variety of intelligent applications. vehicle, household electrical appliance, transport process,
Another one is intelligent information presentation level, and management process or marketing process, and so on.
it utilizes a variety of information technology to realize the

B. Perception and Transform part (a) point-to-point information transmission by wired or
According to data types, expression forms and carrier wireless mode; (b) single point to multi points information
categories, perception and control unit utilizes appropriate transmission by using PC bus expanding or field bus; (c)
sensing device to complete data collection, conversion and wireless single point to multi points information transmission
utilization. And it still has data storage capability, wired or via Zigbee or Wi-Fi.
wireless short-distance data transfer capability. For some In the practical applications, three parts (perception and
perception and control objects needing control, perception transform, short distance transmission, network access) may
and control unit can also receive control command, and be mutual independence. Each part may be developed into a
complete the control task with the help of someone actuator separate component, and can be fit together according to
or executive device. actual needs. Or perception and transform part is combined
(1) For measuring temperature, pressure, humidity and with short distance transmission part to get a combination
other physical quantities, perception and control unit will unit which can realize information perception, transform and
transform physical quantity into electrical signal by means of transmission. Or the short distance transmission part is
special sensor. The electrical signal is converted into digital combined with network access part to get a combination unit
signal by A/D and then processed, stored and transmitted in which may realizes information transmission and network
the digital form. By using of technological method for access. Or all three parts (perception and transform, short
heating / cooling, compressing / decompressing, humidifying distance transmission, network access) are integrated
/ dehumidifying, perception and control unit can regulate together to get an incorporated unit which can realize
perception and control objects’ temperature, pressure, information perception, information transform, information
humidity, or other parameters. transmission and network access.
(2) The RFID tags or barcode tags may be used when IV. IOT APPLICATION OF HOTEL CHAIN
someone special personl or someone special physical
needing to be identified. Perception and control unit A. Requirements Analysis
identifies person or object by RFID technology or barcode
scanning technology. The recognizinf results are processed, In recent years, cross-regional hotel chain industries are
stored and transmitted in digital form. developing rapidly, and they attract more and more guests by
(3) For someone person or vehicle which needs to be virtue of their advantages such as affordable price, proper
located, perception and control unit may use GPS technology position and reasonable services, etc. In order to make
or CELL positioning technology to coordinate location. And management standardization and service standardization,
the location information may be processed, stored and hotel chain must apply new technology to improve guests'
transmitted in digital form. living environment. This paper is devoted to the IOT
As we can see from above three examples, sensing application in cross-regional hotel chain for improving
technology selection, hardware and software configuration guests comfort.
and structure choice of perception and control unit usually (1) Each room will be equipped with a desktop computer
depend on following factors: (a) Types of sampling data; (b) and Wi-Fi environment for providing guests with Internet
Sampling rate; (c) Amount of data obtained; (d) Real-time access service. Mobile terminals (PDA, hand-phone, etc.)
data sampling or not; (e) Environment and condition and so may connect to Internet via Wi-Fi wireless access mode. The
on. door control and fire alarm must be implemented by using
Persons, objects, transactions or processes which need to IOT technology, and also including the sense and control of
be perceived and controlled, differ in thousands of ways. room devices, such as lighting, curtains, TV, air conditioner,
There are many factors that can affect perceptual technology background music and so on.
choice, software and hardware configuration and structure of (2) Hot water supply should be automatically controlled.
perception and control unit. So, many different perception Water temperature, water pressure and water flow all should
and control units may be used in the IOT applications, and be adaptively adjusted.
they should be adaptively selected according to the practical (3) Information technology may be applied to assist
application needs. reservation, check-in, check-out and other services. The hall
entrance control and electronic screens management may be
C. Short distance transmission part realized by IOT technology.
Short distance transmission provides various wired or (4) The headquarters can manage and supervise branches
wireless signal transmission channel. The information can be hotel distributed all over the country or the world in real-time.
transmitted reliably. And the headquarters is also responsible for overall operating
and marketing.
D. Network Access part (5) All guests can access Internet with the help of
The network access mode can be used as follows: desktop PC, notebook computers, PDA, mobile phones and
(1) Wired access: Accessing Internet or intranet by cable. other terminal devices for reserving room. Some special
(2) Wireless Access: Accessing mobile Internet or mobile services based on location may be provided for hand-phone
intranet wirelessly. guests. Any early check-in guest can remotely control room
The information exchange between network access and equipment (e.g. early open air conditioner) via network at
perception and transform unit may adopt following methods: anytime and anywhere.

B. Scheme Design branch hotel's monitoring and managing. All business data
Considering actual requirements for cross-regional hotel are stored in the database server. The headquarters can make
chain, hardware configuration framework of IOT application a variety of network marketing and promotion activities
scheme is shown in Figure 3 [7][8]. according to the operation needs. The application software is
deployed on the application server.
(4) Hotel guest: The hardware configuration that can be
used by hotel guests is shown at top-left in Figure 3. Anyone
can access the headquarter website of hotel chain to obtain
room reservation service by using mobile terminals or
desktop computer terminals. Internet access network may be
LAN, 3G/4G mobile communication network or public Wi-
Fi. Via browsing the branch hotel website, hotel guest may
achieve some specific services (e.g. remote control of room
equipments and facilities).
The research results show that current IOT architectures
mostly give only some notes from function perspective. The
abstraction and definition of connection relationship between
functional components has not yet given any conclusion.
Although this paper tries to give standardized definitions of
each layer, but it is far from perfect. Further research and
verification are still needed. With the development of IOT
architecture research and practical design experience, the
Figure 3. Hardware configuration framework of IOT application scheme definition and description of IOT architecture surely will be
standardized and improved furthermore.
(1) Guest room: The hardware configuration of guest In the scientific planning and studying on IOT basic
room is shown at the top-right in Figure 3. The wireless theory, it is the inevitable trend of IOT development that
router provides Wi-Fi access environment for guests, and it actively promotes the IOT application research. Combining
also connects desktop computer and room gateway by requirements analysis with technical characteristics of IOT
network cable. The room gateway is made to order based on application, this paper put forward a comprehensive solution
embedded technology, and it may realize the perception and scheme of the IOT application in cross-regional hotel chain.
regulation of room equipments and facilities based on Zigbee The scheme may effectively meet the service requirements
wireless communications technology. Perceptual information of hotel chain industry.
is sent to management server of branch hotel for processing
and storing through room gateway. The control information REFERENCES
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