Workiva Materiality Assessment GB - 0
Workiva Materiality Assessment GB - 0
Workiva Materiality Assessment GB - 0
2–4 Weeks
Company Name
Ex. Identify risks we need to disclose/help us produce ESG reports that are accountable, authentic, and actionable/influence corporate de
Carbon emissions Supply chain Executive compensation
Climate change effects Political contributions Shareholders' rights
Pollution Diversity Board elections
Waste disposal Human rights Business ethics
Renewable energy Community relations Incident risk management
Resource depletion
Ex. Internal stakeholders, customers, board members, business strategy Ex. Internal stakeholders, customers, board members, business strategy
alignment. alignment.
Ex. Internal stakeholders, customers, Ex. Internal stakeholders, customers, Ex. Internal stakeholders, customers, Ex. Internal stakeholders, customers,
board members, business strategy board members, business strategy board members, business strategy board members, business strategy
alignment. alignment. alignment. alignment.
G Governance 3 2 2.5 0 0 0
R Risk 1 3 2 2 2 2
Impacts of [topic] on our Example: Emissions Impacts of our [topic] on climate
financial sustainability and society
Example: Green bond issuance
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