08-Solidworks Sheet Metal 2019

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175 sounwoms



Sheet Metal

Dassaull Syslémes Sodeorks Curpmalion

175 Wyman Slreel
Waltham, Massachusens 02451 USA

Abom This Course ‘

Course Design
Using nus Book
Conventions Used m this Book
Abom the Tmming FllC . mmmbbwwNNNN

Training Templates
Windows® 7. .....
Use of Color.
Graphics and Graphics Cards
Color Schemes
More SOLIDWORKS Training Resource mo

Local User Groups

Contents soLIDwoRKs

Lesson 1:
Basie Flange Features
what are Sheet Metal Pans?
Sheet Metal Methods . . .
Unique Sheet Metal ltelns. l()
Flange Method . ll
Base Flange/Tab ll
Sheet Metal Parameters . 13
What is Bend Allowane 14
Using Tables ........
Editing Sheet Metal Parameters. 20

Sheet Metal Bend Features . r . Zl

Flatrl’attern Feature
Flatten and Exit Flatten
Toggle Flat Display . 22
Additional Flange Features 24
Edge Flanges ..... . 24
Edge Flange Settings ....
Editing the Flange Profile. . r r
Flange Profile Relations . . 29
Edge Flanges on Curved Edges . 3i
Miter Flanges 32
Mirer Flange Settings . 33
Hem Feature
Hem Settings
Tab Features . . . . 35
Cuts in Sheet Metal
Summary of Flange Features .
Exercise l: Sheet Metal Bracket. 43
Exercise 2: Flange Features . . 44
Exercise Edit Flange Profile 50
Exercise Sheet Metal Box. . 54
Exercise 5: Assorted Framing Hangers 57
Lesson 2:
Working with the Flat Pattern
Working with the Flat Pattern. 60
Flat Pattern Settings . . . . 60
Features for Manufacture . 62
ComerrTrim Feature . . 63
CornerrTrim Settings . . 63
Corners in the Fomled State . . 65
Closed Corner
............. 66
Closed Comer Settings
................................. 67

Corner Relief
Break Corner/Corner Trim . . . 72
Producing the Flat Fattern. . . . 73
Sheet Metal Cut List Propenies . 73
Aeeessing Cm List Properties 74
Flat Pattern Drawing, Views . . 76
Flat Pattern view Pmpenie . 78
Drawing Doeumem Properties 78
Shem Metal Tables
Cut List Properties as a Note .
Exporting the Flat Pattern. . . . 83
Exercise 6: Flat Pattern Setting . . 85

Lesson 3:
Exercise 7: Working with Comcrs
........................... 90
nal Sheet Metal Techniques
Additional Sheet Metal Methods 98
Designing from the Flat
Sketched Bend Feature
....... . .98

log Feature.........
Adding FeaturesIn an Unfolded State .

. .
Unfold and Fold
Creating Cuts In the Flat Pattern.

Swept Flange ................ . 108
Swept Flange Flat Pattern Options. . . 110
Lofied Bends
Bent Letted Bends
.. 112
Bent Bend Region ()ntions . . 113
Formed Loficd Bends. . . . . .
Formed Bend Region Options .. . . 118
Lotted Bends in the Design Library. . 120
Exercise 8: Sheet Metal from Flat . . 121
Exercise 9:1ngs and Hems . .. . 124
Exercise 10: Fold & Unfold . . . . 129
Exercise 11: Conical Swept Flange . .. 132
Exercise 12: Lofied Bends
Exercise 13: Using Symmetry
. .

. .
Manual Relichui
Sheet Metal Library Features


Lesson 4:
Converting to Sheet Metal
Sheet Metal Conversion
Insert Bends Method ..............................
............ . .
Imported Geometry to Sheet Metal . . 146
Adding Rips 1 . 149
Insert Bends . . 150
Associated Feature. . . . 152
Switehing Between States . . 153
Making Changes
........... . . 153
Welded Corner
Converting Cones and Cylinders
. .

. .
Convert to Sheet Metal
Convert to Sheet Metal Settings .
. .

Using Rip Sketehes . 167
Exercise 14: Importing and Converting . 169
Exercise 15: Unrolling o Cylinder .11. 1
.. 171
Exercise 16: Convert to Sheet Metal Praetiee . . . 176
Exercise 17: Convert with Rips
............ 1 . . . 177

Lesson 5:
Exercise 18: Sheet Metal Hopper
........................... 179

Multibody Sheet Metal Parts

Multibody Sheet Metal Parts ..............
Tools to Create Multibody Sheet Metal Part
. .

. .
Multibodies with Base Flange . . . . . . 183
Sheet Metal Parameters for Multibod . . 185
Solid Body Feature History . . . . . . 186
Cut List Item Properties for Multibodle 1 . . 186
Flat Pattern Drawing Views for Multibodi s 1 1 . . 187
Cut List Balloon Annomtions
Exporting to DXF/DWGS with Multibodies

Convert with Multibodle, . 193
Hiding and Showing Bodie . . 194
Hide and Show 1 . . 194
Hide/Show Bodies . . 194
lsolate 11111111 . . 194
The Display Pane . 1 . 195
Using Split wlth Sheet Metal Part . 196
Patterning for Multibodies .....
Using Edge Flanges to Merge Bodies . .
. 198
Interfering Bodies
Combining Sheet Metal with Other Bodies
. .

. .
Assigning Materials to Bodies . . 206
Exercise 19: Toolbox
Exercise 20: Mirroring and Merging Bodi s 1.
1 . .

. .217

Exercise 21: Sheet Metal Trailer

........... . 220


Lesson 6:
Forming Tools and Gussets
Sheet Metal Forming Tools
How They Work . . . .
............................ . . .

. .
Types of Forming Tool . 235
Standard Forming Tool . 235
Tlle Forming Tools Folder . 236
Using a Standard Fonnillg Tool . . . 237
Form Tool Feature Settings . . . 238
Form Tool Features in the Flat . . . . 240
Pan Document Propenies . . 240
Custom Forming Tools . . . . 242
Split Lille. . .. . . 243
Forming Tool . 244
Form ToolsIn Drawing . 248
Punch Tables and Punch ID. . 248
Sheet Metal Gusset
Exercise 22: Forming Tool
. .

. .
Exercise 23: Sheet Metal 0 set . 260
Lesson 1:
Additional Sheet Metal Functions
Additional Sheet Metal Functions . .264
Cross Break Settings.
Vent Feature ..267
Mirror Part . . ..269
Tab and Slot . ..27l
Process Plan. ...274
Appendix A:
Sheet Metal Cosllng
.................................. ...277
Sheet Metal Tables
Tilt: Sample Tables
Templates and Other Tables ..280
Customizing Tables ......... ...28l
KrFaetor Rmin Tables
.............................. ...282

Introduction soLIDwoRKs

About This The goal of this course is to teach you how to huild sheet lnctal parts
Course using SOLIDWORKS mechanical design automation sofiware.
The sheet metal application in the SOLIDWORKS soflware is so
robust and t‘caturc rich that it is impractical to cover cvery minute delaii
and still have the course be a reasonable length. Therefore, the focus of
this course is on the filndalncmal skills and concepts central to
successfully building sheet metal parts. You should view the training
course manual as a supplcmcnt to, not a rcplaecmcnt for, the systcln
documentation and nnrline help. Once you have developed a good
foundation in basic skills, you can refer to the (incline help for
information on less frequently used command options.

Prerequisites Studcnts attending this coursc arc cxpectcd to have the following:
a Mechanical design experience.
I Completed the course SOLIDWORKSE ‘enli‘uls.
. Experience With the windows® operating systemt

Course Design This course is designed around a process or taslebased approach to

Philosophy training. Rather than focus on individual features and functions, a
processrbascd training course emphasizes the processes and procedures
you follow to complete a particular task. By utilizing case studies to
illustrarc these processes, you learn the necessary commands, options
and menus in the context ofeomplcting a design task,

Course Length The recommended minimum length for this course is two days.

Using this Book This training manual is intended to be used in a classroom environment
under the guidance ofan experienced SOLIDWORKS instructort It is
nol intended to be a scltlpaced tutorial. The cxamplcs and case studies
are designed to be demonstrated “live“ by the instructor.

Laboratory Laboratory exercises give you thc opportunity to apply and practiec the
Exercises material covered during the lecture/demonstration portion ofthe
coursct They are designed to represent typical design and modeling
situations while being modest enough to be completed during class

A Note About The drawings and dimensions given in the lab exercises are not intended
Dimensions to reflect any particular drafting standard. In fact, sometimes dimensions
are given in a fashion that would nevcrbc eons cred acceptable in
industry. The reason for this is the labs are designed to encourage you to
apply the information covered in class and to employ and reinforce
certain techniques in modeling. As a result. the drawings and dimensions
in the exercises are done in a way that compliments this objective.
soLtionKs introduetion

Conventions Used This manual uses the following typographic conventions:

in this Book
Convention Meaning
Bold Sans Serif SOLIDWORKS commands and options
appear In this style. For example. Features >
Extruded Cut Efl means eliek the Extruded
Cut icon on the Features tab ofthe
Typewriter Feature names and tile naincs appear in this
style. For example, Sketehl.
Double lines precede and follow sections of
1-, Do this s.” the procedures. This provides Separation
between the Steps ot‘the procedure and large
blocks ofcxplanatory text. The steps
themselves are numbered in sans seritbold.

About the A complete set ot‘the various files used throughout this course can be
Training Files downloaded from the SOLIDWURKS website,
wwwsolidwerkecom. Click on the link for Support, thell Trainings
tllen Training Files, then SolidWorks Training Files. Select the link
for the desired file set. There may be more than one version ofeaeli tile
set available.
Direct URL:
WWWEOlidWDPk 0m tramin llessuhdworks
The files are supplied in s gned, sclecxtroeting executable packages.
The default extraction location for the training files will be
C:\SOL]IDWORKS Training Files.
The files are organized by lesson numher. The Case Study tolder
within each lessoll eontailis tlle tiles your instructor uses while
presenting the lessons. Tile Exercises folder contains any files that are
required for doing the laboratory excreises. Completed lesson tiles are
also included and the tiles names are followed by “736" to differentiate
Introduction soLIDwoRKs

Training A set of training templates are used throughout the course to

Templates standardize the settings for the new files that are created. These
templates are also supplied in signed, selfrextraeting exeeuieble
packages. They can be downloaded from the same website address as
the Training Files and use the same extraction location.
These templates are used for all SOLIDWORKS core courses.
To access the training templates ill SOLIDWORKS:
[ Click Tools, Options, System Options, File Locations.
2. Choose Document Templates from the drop down menu.
3. Click Add and browse to the Training Templates folder.
4 Click OK and Yes on each ofthe messages.

Accessing Training Once the file location has been added, click the Advanced button and
Templates the Training Templates tab in the New SDLIDWORKS Document
dialog can be used.
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Windows® 7 The screen shots in this manual were made using the SOLIDWORKS
sofiware running on Windows‘i’ 7. Ifyou are not using windows 7, or if
you have a different theme setting, you may notice slight difieienees in
the appearanee eft‘ne menus and windows. These difi‘eienees do not
affeet the performance ofthe software.
The SOLIDWORKS installation paths conform to Windows 7
standards. lt‘you are not using Windows 7, the installation paths will be
soLIDwoRKs introduction

Use of Color The SOLIDWORKS user interface makes extensive use of eolor to
highlight seleeted geometry and to provide you with visual feedback.
This greatly inereases the intuitiveness and ease or use ofthe
SOLIDWORKSsoflware. To take maximum advantage ofthis, the
tra‘ ‘ng manuals are printed in full eolor.

Also, in some eases, we may have used

additional color in the illustrations to
eommunieate eoneepts, identify features, and
otherwise eonvey imponant information. For
example, we might show the result ofan
operation in a dill‘erent eolor, even though by
default, the SOLIDWORKSsoflware would not
display the results in that way.

Graphics and The SOLIDWORKS sofitware sets a new siandard with besirinrelass
Graphics Cards graphies. The combination ofa highly reflective material and the
realism of RealView Graphics is an effective tool for evaluating the
quality of advanced part models and surfaces.
RealView Graphics is hardware (graphics card) support of advanced
shading in real time. For example, it‘ you rotate a part, it retains its
rendered appearance throughout the rotation.

Color Schemes ()ut oft‘tle box, [he SOLIDWORKS sofiware provides several
predefined color schemes that control, among other things, the colors
used for highlighted items, seleeted items, sketeh relation symbols, and
shaded previews of t‘eanires.
We have not used the same eolor scheme for every ease study and
exercise because some colors are more visible and clear than others
when used with ditl‘ercnl colored parts.
In addition, we have ehanged the viewpott background to plain white
so that the illustrations reproduce better on white paper.
As a result, because the color settings on your computer may be
dilrerent than the ones used by the authors of this book, the images you
see on your sereen may not exactly mateh those in the book.

User Interface Throughout the development ofthe sottware, there have been some
Appearance eosmetie User Interraee ehanges, intended to improve visihility, that do
not afieet the tuuetion of the sofitware. As a poliey. dialog images in the
manuals whieh exhibit no functional ehange from the previous version
are not replaced. As such, you may see a mixture of current and “old"
UI dialogs and eolor sehemes.
luuoduclian soLIDwoRKs

Displaying Sketch The SOLIDWORKS soflwmc has the

Relalions capability to automatically display graphic {50 *
rcprcsentations of sketch rclations as shown In \
the illustration at the right. These can be turned moo
on and oil‘ using the command View, Sketch

In most nflhc exainplcs in this book, thc
graphic display ofthc skctch relations has becn
turncd off.

More MySDfidWDrks.com cnables you to be morc productivcby connecting

SOLIDWORKS you with relevant SOLIDWORKS eontcnt and scrvices , anytimc,
Training anywhcrc, on any device.
Resources Plus, with MySolidWorksTraining you can cnhanec your
sounwoxxs skills on your own schedule, at your own pace.
Just go ((1 Mysolidwol’ksfiumltrajnjngl
Local User Groups Discoycr the benefits ot‘thc SOLIDWORKS User Group Network
(swuth). Attend local meetings to hear technical presentations on
sounwtmxs and related enginccring topics, learn about additional
sounwtmxs products, and network with othcr uscrs. Groups are
led hy SOLIDWORKS uscrs just like you Check out SWTJGN.org for
rnorc information, including how to find a group in your area.
Lesson 1
Basic Flange Features

Upon successful completion ohms lesson. you will be able m:

Understand umquc sheet metal FoaturcManagcr nee ncms.
Creme :1 shcu mcm] pan usmg a base flange.
Flanen a shcc! metal pan to see the HM pancrn.
Add cdgc flanges and mimr flanges m sheet metal pans.
Use xhe Hem feature.
Creme Tnb features.
Undersmnd speemhzcd shcu metal em options.
Lesson 1 soLlDwoRKs
East: Flange Features

What are Sheet In general, sheet metal parts are

Metal Parts? fabricated from a flat sheet of material.
By using a variety of processes, the flat
material is bent and fci-rned t0 generate a
manufaetured part.
In SOLIDWORKS, a sheet mclzl pan
refers to a type efpart model crcamd
with spceialized features and has
spee fie eharaeteristies.A sheet metal
part model...
I ...is thin mllcd.
I .has “bands" at the comers.
I ...can be flattened.
Although sheet metal models are used mest nficn for representing true
sheet metal designs, the speeialized features ean he used for any part
that shares these eharaeteristies. Some examples would inelude
eardheard packaging or fabric.

Sheet Metal There are several approaches to building a sheet metal part:
A pan IS created In the formed state by using specialized
flange t‘eamres.

Flange Method
(page 11)

Has": Flange Fealmes

A pan u designed by addmg bends m a flat piece of


Designed from
(page 9a)

A profile and pam are used no genemle a sheet meml


Swept Flange
(page 103) , \ _


Varying profiles are used for park such as shee! me'a]


(page 1 1 2)

Add bendv and npped edges m a nun walled pan m allew

II In be “Michelle

Insert Bends
(page 146)

Convert a mlxd body In sheel metal by chtmsmg faces

and bend edges to be Included.

Conven to Sheet
(page 161)
Basic Flange Features

Unique Sheet No matter which teehnique is used, as soon as a model is identified as

Metal Items sheet metal, two unique items are added to the FeatureManagcr tree:
The SheetrMetal folder stores the default sheet metal parameters such
as the material thiekness and default bend radius fer the entire part.
Individual features within this folder relate to the parameters of
individual solid bodies within the pane Ifa gauge table is used, it will
also appear in this folder.
The FlatrPattern folder stores the flat pattern of each sheet metal
body in the part Flat pattern features are suppressed when the model is
in the formed state and utlsuppressed to display the flat pattern.

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Important! Sheet metal models created priorto SOLIDWORKS 2013 made use of
a slightly different architecture that did not include the SheetrMetal
and FlatrPactam folders These legaey pans may experience issues
with newer sheet metal fulletionality. Ifdoeumenl templates include
this old architecture Code, be sure to recreate them in SOLIDWORKS
2013 or a newer versiunt
i an. ant . EMMA“
s amnin
. wlirflangn
, mappings
. as initial

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
Haste Flange Failures

Flange Method This lesson introduces the most Common technique for sheet metal part
ereation: the Flange Method. This technique focuses on the finished
formed state of the model and makes use of several available flange
features to generate the bends and faces ofthe part. The Flange Method
makes use ofsheet metal features from the very beginning by utilizing
the Base Flange as the base feature of the model.
Base Flange] The Base Flangeflab feature can be thought of as “the Boserxtrudc"
Tab of sheet metal design. This feature behaves lnilar to the conventional
Extruded Boss, but incorporates some functions that are specific to
shcet mctal pans.
For instanee, as with an Extruded Boss, ifan open pmfile is used for a
Basc Flange, a thin feature is created. As a sheet metal feature however,
sheet metal parameters are used to determine the wall thickness.
Additionally, any sharp eorner in the sketch will automatically be
replaced with a default bend radius.
Ifares are used in an open profile sketeh, they will autoinatieally be
ereated as bend regions in the feature.
0an profiles are common for use with the Base Flange feature since
shcet mctal pans are thinrwalled.


Haste Flange Features

If a closedpmfi/e is used for a Base FlangeITab, the contour will be

extruded similar to an Extruded Bess. But as a sheet meml feature, the
sheet metal thickness parameter is used as the extruded distance. This
produces a simple flat plate as the tirst feature ofthe part, or can add a
Tab to an existing sheet metal faee.


Where to Find It - CommandManager: Sheet Metal > Base FlangefTab 03

I Menu: Insert, Sheet Metal, Base Flange

New part.
Create a new part using the PareMM template. Name the part Cover.
Begin a new Sketch C on the Front Plane.
Sketch a Rectangle D as shown.

Change the bottom line to Construction Geometry lzi and add a

/ relation tel the Origin.

L. m—a
—ng _‘l’_‘____

soLIDwoRKs Lessan 1
Eailc Flange Features

3 Base Flange.
Click Base FlangeITab Ml
Since this is an open profile
the feature is extruded similar
to a Tluanxtrudc. Direction
1 and Direction 2 control the

extruded distanee from the

sketch plane.
For Direction 1, type

Sheet Metal The first sheet metal feature of a part is used to define the default sheet
Parameters metal parameters ofthe model. These parameters include:

I Sheet Metal Thickness

The thickness oftlie material.
I Default Bend Radius
The default radius added at sharp bends in the pan.
The bend radius is always the inside radius value.
I Bend Allowance
Determineshow the flat patteni is calculated.
See What is BundAI/nwunee? on page 14‘

I Auto Relief
The size and shape of rcliefcuns added automatically when needed
For Rectangle and Obround rehets. the size can be determined by a
ratio to the material thickness» or values can be specified for Width and
Depth. The different relier'rypes are pictured below.



Lesson 1 soLIDwoRKs
saeie Flange Features

Note The initial Values for these sheet metal parameters determine the
default settings for the pan. However, individual features and bends
can be customized.
What is Bend Bend Allowance is the general term in SOLIDWORKS for values
Allowance? used to calculate the flat pattern. In reality, bend allowance Values can
represent a bend allowance, bend deduction, or a ket‘actnr value. No
matter which type or values are used, the goal is always to find the
length otihe neutral axis: the axis along the material thickness where
the material is being neither compressed or expanded.
The table below summarizes the differences between KsFaeror, Bend
Allowance, and Bend Deduction:


»xm-mmmflmm Mun-.1 I“ tamer—i #—
min. l ruminant
/ fuel.
k / Kw,/ m
”W. - x .5



The Bend Allowance field for a sheet metal part

ean be specified in several ways. By choosing K-
mm, A

Faetor, Bend Allowance, or Bend Deduction new

from the pllllsdown menu, a specific Value can be 51:31:33,:
entered. By ehoosing Bend Table or Bend MW“
Calculation, an Excel document can be used to determine the value
based on the sheet metal parameters (Sec Bend Tables on page 16).
Using Tables Fields for sheet metal parameters can be modified by typing, but to
limit the available values and standardize input, Excel tables can be
used. Bend Tables may use text files iii addition to Excel files.
Male The parameters for Sheet Metal Thickness, Bend Radius, and Bend
Allowance can be controlled using tables. Auto Relief is defined for
models individually.
There are 2 types ot‘tables that can be used, Gauge Tables and Bend
Yables, each with several available formats. The information in the
tables and the format used depends on information gathered through a
company's manufacturing processes.

535M: Flange Fealmes

Gauge Tables Gauge Tables are used to define which gauges of material are available
and for each gauge, which bend radii can be used. When a gauge xable
is used, the sheet metal paramexers for Thickness and Bend Radius
are replaced with pull down menus populated from me table.
There are 2 ways to formm gauge mhlcs:
I Simple

7 a e
5M. mm A
Amqmmm. Nun-mum em nu:
% Minna-mm». .] ‘n s


Gaug- m 3 a, m, 50, so 10,0
Gaugn12 25 3.0 «150.35101)
Gluge u 2 zmwa, 5» m we
u mum mm.
mm” ‘esovaojan
15, 2010405010403
Gauge 2n n a

G-ugeZZ n 1

@9224 as ”10.152040 mso

u owe: "mm Gaugezs L15
w- um. A
[new .
1 memmw.

I Gauge TablelBend Table Hybn



m mmumm

[mm mrzi

Shawn-mu A “

a. csznmm

J mmumn.»
«mm. mean
mm... u
u mm mm


gm when“) H

Lesson 1 soLIDwoRKs
Basil: Flange Features

The table below summarizes the functions available in each type of

gauge table. For detailed information on customizing gauge tables, see
the Appendix Sheet Metal Tables on page 279.

Defines gauges Columns are used In specify Eaeh gauge has us own "thickness lahle“
and material gauge numbers and llnckness wrllnn llle Excel dnennienl. Cell al the
thicknesses: lnplei‘l ufeachtlneknes lable ind ale
the gauge numbers and thiekn -- -

Defines available Available bend radll are llsled In Each avallahle bend radius has a column
bend radii for lhe mw for eaelr gauge. Values in llle related threknes, table.
each thickness: are separated by semi-colons (;).

Specifies Bend Only a single value for K l‘aelnr Bend Allowance or Bend Deduelion
Allowance to be can be specified al the lop ul‘ the values can be used and can vary for eneh
used: doeunienl. radius and angle “1 the lluekne ahlem
To muarpnmle Vurymg values or The type of dlue is speclficd al the my of
11 inf/mm Iypa of Value, 11 the Excel table.
veparale Bend Table can be used.
Allows 'or No. Dlfl'erenl Values can be specified for each
differing bend A sepal‘ale Bend Table can be 111di and for Various bend
allowance values used to incorporate this angles as desired,
for different bend ml'emiation.

Bend Tables Bend lablcs are most often used in combination with simple gauge
tables. Bend tables will match the information for the slreet metal
thickness and bend radius with values in xhc bend mble. The Bend
Table provides the bond allowance values fer the model. Some table
formats allow for varying values for ambient bond angles as well.
The fonnam for Bend Tables are as follows:
me WWW.
mm mmmmssmsnmwmmammuummn
mm am we nun Olin awe mu mu nzsn am am
new um am new 02m nz7l 02H cm H307 um um
l/2lti m, n21é am 0256 we 02% CZZOG
“as um am

we am we aw: 0502 n52: aw csuz mg m: w;

u m nszl nsn use D531 n54< 0551 an» new n cw ussl my calm
in mm. enema m Wmmnmmaxrm (amen wruumm "mums "as; m

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
Haste Flange Fealmes

Varying Bend Allowance/Bend DeduclianIK-Factor by Radius and



Varying K-Factor by RadiuszThickness Ratio

Cm. mm
3mm iwlcwrmi Ma...-

Bend Calculation
This table format uses equatiuns to determine the length of the flat
A a c
2 in. Stu‘EgumnnTaM!
7:, mm ‘smwazmm

s Imam: ‘sw
7 Ilmecialmlcknm ‘;
m BendAnnlz mu


‘5 m-m—«n pp'uaau hymn) ("My W'm-t

<5 whens ‘p‘msmhwEnri-oyyx/Zy‘kw‘iwsnan“"M101
fl Mun-1w r41

Lesson 1 soLIDwoRKs
ads": Flange Feanues

Sample Tables SOLIDWORKS is insmllcd with example lablcs in each format

summarized above. The sample tables enn be used as tnmplams for
creating custom tables with values specific to a manufacturers stock
material, moling, and standards. The localinns for sample tables arc:
I Gauge Yables
installidh\]ang\<1nguuge>\Sheet Metal Gauge Tables
I Bend Tables
[mm/[idifl12mg\<lungung8>\8heetmeta1Band Tables
For detailed information on Cus‘omizing Gauge Tables nnd Bend
Tables, see the Appendix Sheet Mcm/ Tables on page 279.
For unis Course, the simple gauge mblc samplcs insmllcd wmi
SOLIDWORKSwill be used. The band allowance for all examples will
use the default KrFixctur of0.5 defined in me lablc.
A a 7-:

2 '19:: NuwnumGiuweth
mm. ‘NummumeCummg

emu 3 :0, es mm
9 Gwen; 25 was 90,100
mm 50,50,100
emu i2 0,30, 50,90,100
ea.” as 2 40.5.0
u saw; in 0, 30.41) 50
is ennui as DSJDlSzoanEU
is damn is essninisanmwso

4 Use gauge table.

Check lhc option to Use gauge lable.
From the pulldown menu, select SAMPLE TABLE -ALUMINUM.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
Basic Flange Fealures

Sheet Metal Parameters. U mu, a;

For the sheet metal parameters use the following v x
Bend Radi
i" i

Bend Allowance = K-Factor (read from the a minim
table) r m“ e
Auto Relief = Obround, Use relief ratio: 0.5 i... numgé A
EU): New:
Cheek to make sure the material thickness is being %
meme nnnn .

added to the outside of the sketch. If necessary, Mummum (mini

use the Reverse direction eheekbnx under the

Thickness setting. , Li -

(a new :i
Fawn-1e lmflmau
1' Run): ”my.
K inn” .
r emu-1. .nnn

.. km Akin-m A

Nole Cheekboxes are available to override the default Khan:

values in the table if necessary. 0 mmdzmlu:

Click OK 'I .

I15 »

EaserFlangel is added to the FeaturcManager design tree along with
the unique sheet metal items: the SheetrMetail folder and Flame
Pattern folder (See Unique Sheet Metal hams on page l0).

Basic Flange Features

Editing Once the initial sheet metal feature is created, all the default sheet metal
Sheet Metal parameters are stored in the SheetrMetal folder as mentiolled on
Parameters page 10. This means to change the default Thickness, Bend Radius,
Bend Allowance, or Auto-relief, the ShaetrMetal folder should be
The individual SheetrMetaM features within the ShaetrMetal folder
control settings for individual bodies in the pan.
. E Shea-Mani
fl snowman
Overall pan settings
Solid body settings

% GaugeTabl: <— Emneadea gauge tame

Note when editing the initial feature, such as the BasarFlangel feature just
ereated, only settings specific to that teanire will now be available.

Edit Base-Fungal. ‘6 MW] 0

Click BaserFlaangel and Edit Feature fl, 1 x
The only properties available for editing are now Lew

the direetion ofthe extrude and options for .


overriding the default parameters. <3 "mm s
i. M...“ v
Cliek Cancel x ,
L mammmn
L llama flllulmn
K mm a.

Edit Sheet-Metal. r3 swim <9

Click the SheetrMetal folder and v x
Edit Feature a. Mm W. A

Change the Thickness to be Gauge 18 and the

Bend Radius to be 2mm.

Click OK v.
Ifthe seleeted gauge table for a pan needs to he
changed, it is recommended to first clear the ”unanimous: A

option to “Use gauge table" and eliek OK. This “’“V” '
will completely remove the embedded table a :

from the pan. Then edit the SheatrMatal folder 7‘7“"‘mm‘k'lm

again, reeheek the option, and ehoose the K

appropriate selection. am... am
BaserFlangel updates to use the new values. All subsequent features
will also use these values as the default.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
aasre Flange Fealmes

Sheet Metal Each sheet metal feature ineludes subrfcatures for eaeh bend regiun
Bend Features that is ereated. These bend features ean be edited to modify the default
sheet metal parameters for individual bend areas as required.
An example of where individual bend parameters may need to be
modified is shown below. The large radius bend will be fabricated
differently than the other bends in the part, so may require a custom
bend allowanee. Since all bends were ereated in the same feature, the
individual bend feature ean be edited to define the custom values for
that area only.
Note The pan illustrated below can be found in the training tiles, L1
Reference folder.

m up a." a “m" 0
[ii Winn. " "
L than “yawn A
' Imam-l l3 mm: .w ‘

- a; mango
C mm “3 ‘ _ .
K 3151mm

haste. -
. i .

Flat-Pattern Each sheet metal body within a pan gem LDquR<<Ddllm>JlsptlySu

Feature automatically has a FlachatLern feature >
(E may
associated with it. The FlatrPatteI’n feature _ Exam
contains subrfeatures for each processed bend t altruism
as well as sketches used to display the ' grommet
Bend Lines and Boundmg Box ofthe flat Sf;j:;:"‘"“““"

, mMrMml
- wmrmaa
a aha

H .
.5 anathema).
3 sum trmraaar
Bend-Lines BeneriIles represent the center efa bend region. They can be
displayed indrawings with assoeiated Bend Notes indicating the radius
and angle ofthe bend. Dimensions ean be added ta Bend Lines in
drawing views to assist with fabrieation.

Lesson 1 soLIDwoRKs
sasie Flange Feamre5

Bounding-Box The BoundingrBDX sketch contains the smallest rectangle the flat
pattern can fit into. This information is useful for determining the stoek
size needed for the pan. Properties are automatically assoeiated With
the bounding box and can he displayed in drawings.
For more information on working with the flat pattern see
Pmducmg the Flui Pattern on page 73.
Flatten and Exit The FlatrPattern feature is suppressed when a sheet metal body is in
Flatten the formed state and can be iinsuppressed to show the flattened state at
any time. There are several methods to toggle the flat pattern on and

Activate Flat»Pattcrn Exit Flat»Pattcrn

Select the FlatrPattemb‘f feature in Seleet the FlatrPatterrw feature in
the FlattrPatter‘n folder and the FlatrFattem folder and
Unsuppress T' Suppress 1'
Depress the Flatten 9 button on the
Sheet Metal toolbar.
Toggle offthe Flatten 0button on
the Sheet Metal toolbar.

Rightrclick a sheet metal body and Rightrclick a sheet metal body and
click Flatten F3 from the shoneut click Exit Flatten ® from the
menu. shoneut menu.

Click Exit Flat ‘3, in the confirmation


Toggle Flat The flat pattern can also be

Display previewed in the graphics area
without activating the flat pattern
feature. The Toggle flat display
option can be initiated from the
shortcut menu. Clicking offthe
part in the graphics area eauses the
preview to disappear.

Where to Find It I Shortcut Menu: Rightrelick a sheet metal body, click

Toggle Flat Display

someoRKs Leslon 1

am: Flange Feanlru

10 Acllvale Flat Patteml

Use one of the techniques described in the cable on page 22 w activate
me flat pamm.
Notice the Bend-Lines and Bounding-BOX sketches also become

11 Exit Flal Pattern.

Use one of the mchniques described in me cable on page 22 m exit the
flat pancm.
12 Toggle flat dlsplay.
Right-click the pm, Click Toggle flal display.

Click omne part in lhe graphics area :0 clear me flat display.

Lesson 1 soLIDwoRKs
Easlc Flange Features

Additional To add bcm flanges to the edges ofa sheet metal part, there are 2
Flange Features primary flange features: lhc Edge Flange and the Miler Flange.
Here's a quick comparison summary:

Edge Flange
Selecting an edge and dlrection
Miter Flange n
Sketching a profile to be swept
Created by: for the flange. along exrsting sheet metal edges.
A F1125 profile ls auromaled and A simple Cross Sectmnal profile of
Flange Profil can he mndlfiad lfdeslred the flange must he created

Multiple edge flanges created Mnered centers are created as

Mitered corners: Wllhlll a single fealure WI" miter nee ry when flange follnws
to eaeh mller lfnace ay. multiple edges.
single bend flanges or flanges Complex flanges with mulnple
Works best for: that are shorter than the full edge hends or identical flanges along
length. many connected edges In a pan.

Edge Flanges Edge Flanges do not require a skemh

and are dynamically eeeated by
choosing an existing edge to hcnd from,
then defining a direction and dismncr:
fur the flange. A profile sketch ofthr:
flange face is aulomatcd and ean br:
edited to adjust the sizr: or shape of the
flange irneeessary.

There are many variations on the use of rho Edge Flange:

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
Hui: Flange Fealures

single or mumple edges can be selected within the

same Edge Flange feature. If multiple edges are
selected, they 211 receive the same settings but may be
created in opposite directions. Edge flanges created
within the same feature will automatically trim to each
other te produce mitered corners.

Where to Find It - CommandManagcr: Sheet Metal > Edge Flange \>

I Menu: Insert, Sheet Metal, Edge Flange

13 Edge Flange.
Click Edge Flange §.
Click the edge as shown.
11:: It doesn’t matter ifan inside
or outside edge is selected.
Move the cursor down and
click again to define the
direction for the flange.

14 Addllianal edges.
Pick the two additional
short cdges at the front of
the part as shown.

same Flange Features

Edge Flange The Edge Flange PropertyMznager contains many settings to control
Settings how the flange is created.
Flange Parameters In Flange Parameters, the checkboxcs can be “mama.
used to maintain or override the default sheet
metal bend radius.
The Gap distance field is used to control the “WWW“,
gap size at mitercd comers created in the wthhz
feature. K .titaa
{.7 mm .3

The Edit Flange Profile button can be used to 3:

modify the faee profile sketch ofthc flange it‘
necessary. It can be used to:

. Change the profile sketeh size at geometry

. change the length ofthc edge flange.
I change the starting or ending positions of
the edge flange.
See Editing the Flange Profile on page 29 for
an example using the Edit Flange Profile

Angle The Angle settings default to adding a flange at a W A

right angle but can be changed to a specified angle lg an... 7;.

or related to a selected face. 8

Flange length The Flange Length sets the length ofthe flange. Wise...
Options include: 33

(3 it new a
I Blind measured trom Outer Virtual


Inner Virtual Sharp, or Tangent Bend g [Q

I Up To Vertex with Normal to flange plane or “when

Parallel to base flange fl HIV-Vain

I Up To Edge and Merge (multibody parts) E)

man in menu.

Note If Edit Flange Profile is used to modify the sketch, a length specified
here would be uverridden.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
aasic Flange Features

Flange Position The Flange Position senings are used to position Mwwm A
the flange and bend teiativc m the seleeted edge: ”4.4;.“

1 i? i i\

Tangent to
Material Material Bend From Send
Inside Outside Bend Outside Virtual Sharp (> 90“ unly}

In: I: L: L
offset allows the flange [0 be offset from 1
the seleeted position.

Trim Side Bends The Trim side bends option can be used when a new edge flange
undercuts an existing bend:

Trim side bends OFF Trim side bends ON

Tip Closed Corners features can also be used to adjust corner conditions
sueh as these met the flange is created. Sec cloned Comer cm page 66
for more infonnationt

ass": Flange Features

Custom Bend The Custom Bend Allowance and Custom Relief Type options allow
Allowance and the default sheet metal parameters for bend allowance and reliefs m be
Relief Type overridden.

15 Adjust Edge Flange settings.

Use the following settings for the edge flange feature:

I Gap Distance = 1mm

I Flange Length: Blind, 16mm
I Measured from: Outer \firtual Sharp a
I Flange Position: Material Inside L.
I Trim Side Bends: Checked

Click OK I .

Modified Edge The next Edge Flange to be added to the Cover

Flange is shown at the right. For this feature, the Edge
Flange Profile will be edited to modify the shape
and width of the flange.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
East: Flange realms

16 New Edge Flange.

Click Edge Flange §.
Click the edge as shown.
Click again to deflne the direetion
fertile flange.
17 Edit Flange Profile
Click Edit Flange Profile.

Editing the A profile sketeh fur eaeh edge

Flange Profile flange is automatieally ereated
and ean be edited irneeessary.
Editing the flange profile is used
most oflen to shorten an edge
flange or mudify the shape ofthe
When an edge flange profile is
being edited, a dialog appears on
sereen whieh allows you to go
Back to the Edge Flange PropertyManagcr, Finish the feature, or
Cancel. Messages in this dialog also indieate ifthe sketch is valid for
the feature.
Flange Profile The edge flange profile is ereated with an an Edge relation to the edge
Relations scleemd. This is the same relation created when Convert Entities 8
used to eonvert an edge into a sketeh. This relation is unique beeause
by default the ends of a eonverted edge are fully defined to the edge
end poian, but this attaehment ean be broken by dragging.
To shonen the flange length along the edge, flist drag the geometry
away from the endpoints, then add dimensions. Ifdimcnsions are added
first, the sketch will appear as over deflned.
Lesson 1 soLIDwoRKs
East: Flange Features

18 Modify profile.
Drag xlie short ends uf'the rectangle
away from the edge end points:
Add a tangent are and dimensions
to modify the profile as shown
19 Back to PropertyManager.
Click Back in the Profile Sketch
Note Notice the number field for Flange
Length is no longer displayed
This is because the length is now
being controlled by the sketch.
Make sure the Angle is Wiley and the
Flange Position is Material Inside In.
Click OK V .

Note Reliefs are automatically added for this bend. The

relief ratio of0.5 means the reliefis halfas wide
as the material thickness.

2|) Pattern Edge-Hangea.

Cliek Linear Pattern 53.
Pattern EdgerFlangez along the
right edge:
Distance: 120mm
Instances: 2
soLileoRKs Lesson 1
Hui: Flange Feanlru

21 Mirror patterned
Mirror rm over the
Right Plane to
add flanges to the
opposite side.

Edge Flanges Edge flanges are not limited to lineal edges. Circular edges can be used
an Curved for edge flanges, but the faee profile will notbc editable. Additionally,
Edges a single edge flange ean be mated aetess tangent edges, but as with
circular edges, the Eco profilc will not be editable. Only one set of
tangent edges ean be selected in a single feature.

Nate Cylindrical edges, such as edges ofa bend regicm am not valid
seleetiens for an edge flange.

flash: Flange Features

Miter Flanges Miler Flanges require a sketch ofihe Cross»sceliunal profile ufthe

flange. The skeieh must be created on a plane normal to an existing
sheei mcml edge at an end point. The proflle is then swept along
selccmd edges. The miier flange can only be swept in one direction.
Some examples of mimr flanges are pictured below:

Where to Find It - CommandManager: Sheet Metal > Miler Flange I!

l Menu: Insert, Sheet Metal, Miter Flange

22 create sketch planer

Flip the Cover model over.
11p Hold Shift on ihe keyboard and
press the Up Arrow key twice to
flip the part 180deg.

Create a Plane .

Perpendicular to the outside

edge and Coincident A to its
23 New sketch.
Sim a new Sketch C on the
Add lines to create the profile as
24 Miter Flanger
Click Miter Flange fl.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
axis Flange realms
Miter Flange Miler Flange settings are very similar to this settings for an
Settings Edge Flange (Sec Edge Flange Selling: on page 26).
Some unique options exist for StartlEnd Offset. This allows the mimr
flange to be offset from the beginning or enel of the chain of edges
To select edges for the miter flange, they can he picked individually
from the part or if them are mngcnt Edges, a Propagate Ki button
appears in the graphics area.

25 Flange settings.
Click Propagate Jig in the graphics area to select the tangent Cdgcs at
the back of the cover.

I Flange location = Material Inside L:

I Gap distance *1mm
Click OK v.

Basic Flange Features

Hem Feature The Hem tool provides another option for adding
material to sheet metal edges. The Hem tool is used to
fold over an edge of the model using one of several
shapes. Similar to the Edge Flange feature, a profile
sketeh is automated for Hem features. The profile can
be modified to change the width ofthe Hem ifdesired.
Here are some additional items to note about the Hem

I The selected edge must be linear or eireular.

Helns can be applied to multiple edges.
Mitered eorneis are automatieally added to
interseeting hems.

Where to Find It - CommandManager: Sheet Metal > Hem 3

I Menu: Insert, Sheet Metal, Hem

26 Add Hems.
Cliek Hem 3
Select the inside edges ofthe Miter Flange as shown.

Hem Settings When selecting edges for Hems, the default direction will be towards
the edge selected 7 to the inside or outside. To change the direction of
the hem, the Reverse Direction 4 button can be used.
Profile The length of the hem along the selected edge can be modified by using
Edit Hem Width, similar to ehanging an edge flange profile.
For an example nfediting the hem width, see Edit Ilem Width. on
page 92.
Position There are two options for how the hem is positioned from the existing

I Material Inside c
I Bend Outside g
soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
am: Flange realms
Type and Size There are four options for the shape of the hem:

Closed Open Tear Drop Rolled

E C. Q. Q
27 Hem sell ngsi
Modify the Hem settings
as folluws:
I Position: Material
Inside c
I Type: Closed 8
I Length: 8mm
Click OK v.

Tab Features To add material that docs not require a bend to a

sheet metal pm :1 Tab feature can be added. Tab
features are a function of the BaseIFlangelTab
command as mentioned on page I l.

Lesson 1 soLlDwoRKs
Basic Flange Features

28 Skelch.
Create a new sketch on the front face as Shawn.

29 Base FlangeITab. U ha»: a

Click Base Flangel‘fab M. a x
Male With Merge Resull checked, a simplified
" W“


PropenyManager is used and results in a Tab
feature. If Merge Result were cleared, the result 9., us:

lam. i.
would be a new Base Flange for a separate solid 6“
body in the pm. See Multibodies with Ease Flange
on page 133 for more information. WW
m mull
Click OK v. R i

L at." ii .W
soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
Hui: Flange Feamms

3|) Examine the Flat-Pattern

31 Save H the part.

Cuts in Sheet Cuts can be made to sheet metal pzm in the same as M a;
Metal way as conventional models. When adding outs to
sheet inml pam, however, some add onal
, .-
options are available that relate to this type of
mod Llnk to Thickness, Normal Cut, and
°P"""‘e mm"!- o
l Llnk to Thickness )'
This option can be used in conjunction with
the Blind and can I on to set the depth ofths Elm
cut equal to the mamrial ihickncss. wamnan
El amino. czamm

E m...

ans": Flange Features

I Normal cm
This option ensures that the cut is created normal in the sheet metal
thickness. This is impomnt for cuts that will be cut into the flat
blank during production.
An Exislmg nonrnormal out can be changed to a normal cut using
the Normal Cut feature.
it Optimize Geometry
Thi the default option when Normal Cut is selected. It will
optimlzc the geometry by simplifying the cut foccs for complex

Normal om : cleaved

Normal cut: seleded

Nole For information on adding cuts to the flattened model, see Uri/bid and
Fold on page IOS.

32 Sketch for cut.



soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
East: Flange Features

33 Extruded cut.
Click Extruded cm I.
Link to Thickness = selected.
a x
Normal Cut = selected.
Click OK V .

Results. minusmnmn
Using Link to Thickness to control the depth of v—‘mmm.
the cut ensures it will always pass throughjust a new
single material thickness.
E ms. V

35 New sketch.
Create a new sketch on the miter flange raee as
36 Extruded cut.
Cliek Extruded cm a.
Clear Link to thickness and enter a depth of10mm.
Make sure Normal Cut is enabled.
Click OK 1.

37 Results.
The cut is projected onto the angled
face and then cut normal to the material
thickness. This allows the cut to be
easin produced in the flat pattern.

Haste Flange Features

38 Add holes.
Click Hole Wizard E? from the Features loolbar.
Use the following settings:

Hole Type: Countersink :31

Standard: ANSI Metric
Type: Flat Head Screw -ANSI B18.6.7M
Size: M2
End Condition: Up In Nexl

fip Since (he Hole Wizard docs nut include the Link to Thickness optiun,
Up to Next can he used to ensure the hole only euts through one
material thickness.
39 Hole positions.
Click the Positions lab.
Add sketeh points to the am Ccnlcr ofcnch paflcmcd edge flange.

Click OK v.
4n Examine the flat pattern.


41 Save E and close the part.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
Haste Flange Fealmes

Summary of The table below summarizes the flange features intredueed in this
Flange Features lessen:

Base Flange] The Base Flange is the

Tab base feature for a sheet

w metal part It works

similarly to the Extrude
feature but it autematiesny
adds bends using a specific
Bend Radius.
This example uses an open
contour sketch.

The Base Flange ean also

be used my ereate a flat
sheet metal part from a
closed contour sketeh.

A Tab is added when a

closed contour is merged
with an existing sheet
metal body.

Edge Flange An Edge Flange adds

k material in an existing edge

at a specified angles
Mu1tip1e edges can be
seieeted within the same
feature and will
automatically trim to each
Theface profile ofthe edge
flange can be accessed and
modified as a sketch

Lesson 1 soLIDwoRKs
Haste Flange Features

Miler Flange The Miter Flange requires

a cross .vecliarlal profile of
El a flange and swccps it
along existing edges.
Mimrcd comcrs ate
aulomzttically Created as

Hem Hems an: applied to

existing edges and behave
similar lo Edge Flange
fcaturcse A skmch can be
modified to adjust the Hem
width along the edge.
There are several hcm
shapes available.
soLIDwoRKs Exercisei
Sheet Metal Ericka!

Exercise 1: Create xhis pan using the provided information below

Sheet Metal
Bracket i O

+ 25
L *- 7 <

,‘ v 5

40 45.00“


e , l l 7 m5

Design Intent The design imem for this part is as fellows:

l The material is 14 gauge steel
2 All bends R2.54mln.’
3. Dimensions given define lhe inside ofthe brackel.
4 The pan is symmetrical abnm the default reference planes.
This exereise uses the following skills:

- Base Flange/Tall on page ll

- Cuts in sheel Meml on page 37
Units: MMGS
Proced u re
New part.
Begin a new document using the Pal-LMM [Cmplmcl
Base Flange.
Creme lhe skereh for the Base Flange M on the Front Plane m
appropriately match the views in the drawing provided.
Ensure the material is added in the correct direelion to meet xhe stalled
design intcm.
Add cuts and chamfers.
Add Exlruded cm Hi and Chamfer 0 features in eompletc the pen.

Flange Fealures

Exercise 2: Use flange features to create the

Flange Features part as shown.
This exercise uses the folluwlng

- Base Flange/721!) on page 11

I Sheet Mam! Parameters on
page 13
Using rah/es on page I4
Edge Flanges on page 24
Tab Features on page 35
FlalePatmm Feature on
page 21
Units: MMGS
Proced ure
New part.
Begin a new pan document using the Partde template.
Sketch the profile as shown on the Front Plane.

Base Flange.
Click Base Flangel'l'ab U.
Direction1: Blind, 75mm.
Click Use Gauge 'lable. Select SAMPLE TABLE -ALUMINUM.
soLIDwoRKs Exercise 2
Flange Failure:

4 Sheet Melal Parameters.

Use the following, settings for the sheet metal magnum.
parameters: m
“mm "W
I Thickness = Gauge 18
I Bend Radius = 3mm
I Bend Allowance = K-Faclar (read from the SMme-rm

table) n
I Auto Relie - Obround, Use relief rat : 0.5 " ”“W‘
m we. Ihlzlmen
Click OK 1, germane“
H mm new)
Ms. A
I. Wm VIM:
' mm
l7 in. rellrf nna

5 Optional: Modify appearance.

Clear any selections by clicking in empty space in the graphics area.
Click the tab for Appearances, Scenes, and Decals 0 in the Task
Expand Appearances, Painted and selcet Powder Coat.
Press ALT while dragging the aluminum powdercoat appearanee onto
the pan.

fip Using the ALT key during the drag and drop opens the appearances
Use the PropertyManagCr to
change the eolor of the
appearance and apply it re the
entire part ‘.

Click OK V .

Flange Failures

Edge Flanged
Click Edge Flange 5.
Click the edge as shown.
fir: It doesn‘t matter ifan inside or
outside edge is seleeted.
Move the enrsor to the right and
click again to define the
direetion for the flange.
np The nrrows in the graphies area
ean be used to ehnnge the
direction and length ofthc
flange, or use the options under Flange Length in the
Additional edges.
Pick the two additional cdgcs at
the back of the pan as shown.

Adjust Edge Flange settingst

Use the following settings for
the edge flange feature:

I Gap Distance = 025mm

l Angle: 90deg
I Flange Length: Bllnd,

l Measured from:
Outer Virtual Sharp a
l Flange Position:
Material Inside 1,
I Trlm Side Bends: Checked

Click OK v.
soLlDwoRKs Exercise 2
Flange Failure:

9 New sketch.
Create a skcmh on the right faee as

1|] Extruded Cull
Cllek Extruded cm @-
Use Through All to cut away lhc comer of xhc Base Flange.

Click OK V .

11 Edge Flange.
Cmatc a new Edge Flange \a feature from the angled edges as shown.
Use the following settings:
Angle: 90deg
Flange Length: Blind, 22mm
Measured flom: Outer Virtual Sharp Q
Flange Posilio . Malerial lnslde L
Trim Side Bends: cleared

Click OK v.

Exercise 2 sounwonxs
Range Feamres

12 Evaluate reliefs
Relief cuts were automatically
created for the edge flange. The
default sheet metal parameters are set
for Ohmund.
For this feature, we will override the
default sheet metal parameters to use
a Tear relieftype.

13 Edll ldgel‘langea. lam-mud type A

Click the last EdgeFlange feature and
Ed]! Feature d.
Click Cusfiom Rellef Type.
Select Tear, and me Extend type.
Click OK v.
soLlleoRKs Exercise 2
Flange Farms
14 Add a Tabl
Sketch the rectangular profile on the bottnm inside face as Shawn.

Click Base FlangeITab M.

Ensure Merge Result is checked. Click OK v.

The thickness and direction is automatically determined by the existing
15 Evaluate Flat Pattern
Toggle flat display or Flatten the pan (0 evaluate the Flat Pamem.

16 Save and close the part

Exemise 3 soLIDwoRKs
Edit Flange thle
Exercise 3: Use nange features to eteate the pan
Edit Flange as shown.
Profile This exercise uses the following
Base Flange/Tim on page I 1

Tab Fealures an page 35

Edge Flanges on page 24
Editing the Flange Pm/i/e on
page 29
I F/alePallL’m Feature on page 2i
Units: MMGS
Praced u re
New part.
Begin a new part document using the ParthM template.
Sketch. 45
Sketch the profile as shown on the
Front Plane.
Base Flange. i

Click Base Flangel'lab U. a i

Direction1: Midplane, 35mm. L

Click Use Gauge table. Select

Sheet Metal Parameters.

Use the following settings for the sheet metal parameters:
Thickness Gauge 18
Bend Radiu - 2.54mm
Bend Allowance = K-Factor (read
from the table)
Auto Relie = Obround, Use relief
ratio: 0.5
Click Reverse direction to apply the
material almve the sketch lines.
Click OK V .
soLIDwoRKs Exemise 3
Em Flange Plum:

Add a Tab.
Sketch the profile as shown and use it for
a Tab feature.
Mirror Tab.
Mirror I‘lil Tabl over the Right Plane.


Edge Flange.
Click Edge Flange \a.
Click the edge as shown.
Click again to define the direction for the

Edil Flange Profile.

In lhc FropcrtyManagcr, click Edit Flange Profile.

Drag me ends of the flange profile to break the endpoint znachmcnt.

Modify and dimension me prome as shown.


Exemise 3 soLIDwoRKs
Elm Flange mm:

9 Edge Flange Settings.

Click Back in the Profile Sketch dialog to return to the
Set the Angle to Bodeg and the Flange Position to
Material Inside L.
Click OK v.
10 Mirror Edge Flange.
Mirror Ila EdgerFlangal over the From Plane.

11 Add holes.
Click Hole Wizard fit from the Features toolbar.
Use the following settings:

Hole Type: Hole 1

Standard: ANSI Metric
Type: Drill sizes
Size: $5.0
End Con on: Up to Next
fin Since the Hole Wizard does not include the Link to Thickness option,
Up to Next can be used to ensure the hole only euts through one
material thickness.
soLIDwoRKs Exercise 3
Em Flange mm:

12 Hole positions
Click the P05: ons tab.
Click an Sketch. {a ma <5! mm
Add sketch points Colncident A to the an:
cenmls of cash tab and edge flange.
me A

Click OK V .

13 Evaluate the flat pattern.

14 Save E and close the part.

Exemise 4 soLIDwoRKs
SneetMelai on

Exercise 4: Use flange features to create the part as

Sheet Metal Box Shawna

This exercise uses the following skills:

I Base Flange/Tub on page ll

I Miler Flanges on page 32
I Editing Sheet Mela/ Paramelzrs on
page 20
I F/aert/Illem Feature on page 2|
Units: MMGS

Proced u re
1 New part.
Begin a new part doeument using the PaI’LMM template.
2 Sketch. 55°
Sketch the profile as shown on the Front
Plane. 1

3 Sheet metal plate. I

Click Base Flangel'lab M. |

Click Use Gauge Table. Select SAMPLE * iiiii L

4 Sheet Metal Parameters.

Use the following settings for the sheet metal parameters:

I Thickness = Gauge 14
I Bend Radius = 2.54mm
I Bend Allowance = K-Factor (read from the table)
I Auto Relief = Obround, Use relief ratio: 0.5
Click Reverse direction to cxtrude the plate forward from the Front

Click OK v.
5 Optional: modify part appearance.
change the Color ofth part as desired.
soLlDwoRKs Exercise 4
Sheet Metal Box

New reference plane.

The sides of the box will be created with a
miter flange feature. The profile for a
miter flange must he Created normal to an
existing edge at an end point.
Create a Plane
using the edge and
endpoint shown as references.
11p The Plane
'command can be found on
the Features toolbar in the Reference
Geometry 'fl flyout.

Sketch on Planell
Create the profile as shown on Planel.

I2 25

ngm View

Mlter Flange.
Click Miter Flange I1
Select the edges as shown and use
the following settings:

I Flange location =
Material Inside L
I :
Gap dlstance 025mm
Click OK v.

11p The initial edge that is selected ~ the inside or outside edge of the plate 7
is determined by the relations in the profile sketch. The additional
edges selected for the feature must be connected to the initial edge.

SneetMelal on

9 Edit sheet metal parameters.
5 ,M ”M <1)

cnck the SheetrMebal foxdcr and

, X

Edit Feature é. M mama


Change the Thickness to b: 12 Gauge and [he Eu

Bend Radius to b: 5.080mm.

Click OK V .

1|] Flat Pattern.

Examine (hr: am pattern. sud—A
a ,

r mm. mm.”
p: [—‘Snlflmm .
r mm. mum:

K us 3
r mun-1: mu:

7 Mg m. A

[—‘obmum 7

n5 »

11 Save E and close the part.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 5
Assofled mining Nangels

Exercise 5: Use the accompanying graphics and

Assorted sizied design intent in create the pans.
Framing This exercise uses the following
Hangers skills:

- Base Flange/7E1!) on page ll

- Edge Flanges on page 24
I Cuts in Sheet Metal on page 37

Design Intent fine design intem for n11

pam is as follows:
Material is is gauge stee1
All bends ’ Rll905mm
All hail ’ (65mm
Holc pesitiens ean be estimated
Part is symmetrical

Past Cap

regs, Mi



Joist Hanger 1

4 20



1 1

o ‘

0 0 l

‘ 1

o o o

o o

Jois! Hanger 2

'8 32
Lesson 2
Working with the Flat Pattern

Upon successful completion ofthis lesson, you will be able to:

I Understand and modlt‘y flat pancm semngs.

I Add (InrncrrTrlm features for mantlt‘aetumbllity.

I Modify the corners ofa formed sheet metal pan llsmg Closed
Comer, Comer Rcllef, and Break Comer/(:omemen features
I Access and modlt‘y eut list item propcr‘llcsl

I Create drawings of sheet metal pans.

I Expon a sheet metal flat pattern to DXF or DWG file formats.

Working mm the Flat Pattern

Working with Even though sheet metal designs inest ottcn tocus on the tinished
the Flat Pattern termed state of the model, the flat pattern is what is responsible (or how
the part is produced.
This lesson toeuses on aspects nfworking with the flat pattern
Flat Pattern Settings en page 60
FEtIlureSflJr Manufacture on page 62
Pmdnetrtg the Flat Pattern on page 73
Flat Pattern The FlataPattern feature can be edited like any QMPM Ci)

Settings other reamre. It includes several options for the

appearance alld treatment of the flat pattern.
, X

7mm A

Fixed Face MW
This face selection detennines which face 8
remains stationary when the part is unfolded. 12:32:“)
Merge faces

When the Merge faces option is selected, m— Mm ~

faces that are planar and coineident in the tlat 7 (ulna “mull
pattern are merged. No edges are shown for am data» A

the bend regions.


r.“ n. [Mutts s
\7 7/,

ltyou clear this check box, the tangent edges oftlle flattened bends

Simplify hands
When Simplify Bends is enabled, complex curves ill the bend
regions are straightened in the flat pattern to aid in production uf
the pan. when this option is not selected, eonlpound curves remain
in the flat pattern.

Show Slit
When a Corner Relief (see Comer Relief
on page 70) is smaller than a bend region,
slits are used as additional bend reliefs. This
option is used to determine iftllese slits are
included in the flat patient
Working min the Flat Patten!

I Corner treatment
When selecteds corner treatments are
automatieally applied to open eomers
in the port. This allows for eustom
\/ l

Corner-Trim features (see Cor/tereTrim Feature on page 63) to be

added or for the material to deform during fabrication.
lfthis clleek box is cleared, the flat
pattern is shown without the corner
treatments. This means open eot—ner .

areas seen in the formed state are represented in the flat pattern.
I Grain Direction
Select an edge or line to set the groin
direction. The grain direction is used to DOWN some" Ram ‘

orient the sides nfthe bounding box

I Faces To Exclude
Faces that would not be ineluded in the flat blank for the pan can be
excluded and ignored by the flat pattern. This is ofien used for
features such as pem nuts» enuntersinks, and gussets.
Faces from features that prevent the pan from flattening can also be
selected for exclusion to prevent errors.

Where to Find It I Shortcut Menu: ightreliek a FlatrPatbem feature in the

FeatureManager design tree and click Edit Feature 6
I Menu: Select a FlatsPatteI’n feature and cliek Edit, Definition

fit Some Flat Pattern settings ean be controlled with Document Properties.

To setup default settings, doeument properties can be moditied alld
saved to a document telnplate. For more information on Sheet Metal
Document Propenics, see Part Document Properties on page 240.

Open the Cover.

Continue working with the lnodel created in Lesson 1, or open the
model provided in the Lesson02\Case Study folder, emigrate.
Flatten the part.
Activate the FlaitrPatter‘n.
Some changes will be made to the flat pattern to make it enrrect for
manufacturing. First the countersink faces will be removed. These will
be added to the part afier the blank is cut.
Edit the Flat-Pattern feature.
Edit the FlattrPaitteI’n feature

Lesson 2 soLlDwoRKs
Walking with the Flat pattern

4 Remove counterslnk facesl
Click in the selection box for Faces to Exclude.
Select each of the countersink faces in the part.
Click OK v.
5 Examine the flat patteml
Examine the mitered corner areas. Notice mater is being added to the
open corner areas seen in the formed state.

This is the result ofa earner treatment being added.

S Edit the Plat-Pattern feature.
Edit the FlairPaittem feature.
7 Remove Corner treatment.
Clear the nption fur Corner treatment.
Click OK v.
The open comers seen in the formed sate
are now represented in the flat pattern.

Features for Open bend areas onen result from flange features being added to the
Man ufactu re made]. sounwomcs offers several options for dealing with these
bend areas as well as features to break sharp corners in the model In
improve the manufacturability ofthc part.
I Closed Comer (page 66)
closes corners and bend regions bra formed sheet metal part.
I Corner Relief (page 10)
Adds corner reliefs to bend areas in a formed sheet metal part.
I Break Corner (page 12)
Adds a ehamfer or radius to sharp corners of a formed sheet metal
part. This can be particularly important on pans out by laser or
waterjet as sharp comers require a positive stop in the cut path and
ean increase cutting time.
I Corner-Trim (page 63)
Adds custom corner reliefs and breaks comers in a sheet metal flat

Working wmt tne Flat Patten.

Corner-Tri m Corner-Trim adds features to the flat

Feature pattern for manufacturability stleh as .. . e
custilm corner reliefs and broken corners.
Since Corner-Trim features are applied to
the flat pattern, they are a child feature of
the FlatrPatter‘n. Therefore, Corner-Trim
features are suppressed with the Flat
Pattern and are not tell/merited m the/armed Stale o/lhe model.
Important! Corner-Trim should only be used for corner eonditions necessary for
manufacturing the part. They are associated with the flat pattern, whieh
contains the fabrication information for the part, and are not shown in
the formed model. Comer Relief (page 70) and Break Corner features
(page 72) are used to add similar features to the formed state ctfthe

Where to Find It - CommandManager: Sheet Metal > Corners (5 >

Corner-Trim ii
I Menu: insert, Sheet Metal, Corner Trim

Note The part must be in the flatrpattern state to access the Corner Trim

Add corner treatments.

Edit ihc FlattrPatteI’n feature.
Cheek the option for Comer treatment.
Click OK V .

Click Corner-Trim E.
Corner-Trim The Corner-Trim cummand ineludes settings for corner reliefs and
Settings breaking corners.
Relief Options To add custom earner reliefs, individual edges can he selected, or use
Collect all corners to automaneally piek all areas where corner
treatments are applied.

For Relief Type. there are 3 options:

Circular Square Bend Waist

Lesson 2 soLIDwoRKs
Walking mm are Flat Pattern

Circular and Square relief types can be centered on the corner edge or
centered on the bend lines at the earner.

Centered on bend Centered on bend

lines = ON lines = OFF

The dimension field defines the size ofthe reliefradius or side length.
Alternately, the relief ize can be controlled by a Ratio to thickness.
Tangent to bend provides another method to size the relief when
Centered on bend lines is selected.
Add filleted eorners adds a radius to any sharp eomers
resulting from the relief eut,

Break Corner Break corner options allow sharp enmers to be replaced with a
Options specified ehamfer or radius.
Comer edges can be selected individually, automatically eolleeted or it‘
a sheet metal face is selected, all external edges normal to the face are
broken. The option for internal corners only can also be selected
For Break Type there are 2 options:

- Chamfer 0
- Fillet 0
Use the dimension field to define the size or radius.
Working mm are Flat Pam

10 Corner-Trim Reliefs.
Under Relief Options, eliek Collect all corners.
q (mm W 4)
., ,
Use the following settings 10 define the relief:
Relief Type: Circular
Centered on bend lines = ON taunw

Radius: 3mm
Add filleted corners = 0N
Fillet Radius: 1mm ncwmnmolm
11 Break Corners. (2 "mm :
Click in the selection box for Break Corner 1:22:33:

°P“°“s' Wm M
Select the face ofthe ilat panern. K "WW“ :
Break Type: Fillet

Radius: 1mm
Click OK v, mm. mm"
5m. "in
0 ll
K 1mm” ;

12 Exit Flatten.
Return to the formed state ofthe modell
Notice the reliefs and broken comers are not represented here. In the
FeamreManager design xroc, me CurneI’rTrim feature is suppressed.
13 Save E and close the part.

Corners in the When working with the formed state ofthe model there are several
Formed State options for working with eomers to achieve the desired result. When a
model is in the formed state, the following commands are available in
the Corners Q tlyout menu:
I Closed Corner (page 66)
I Welded Corner (page 156)
I Break CornerICorner-Trim (page 72)
I Corner Relief (page 70)

Walking with the Flat Panel"

Some of these eoi-ner features will

be used to modify the corner
conditions of the pan pictured to
the right.
For more in formation on Welded
Corner, see Welded Comer on
page 156.

Closed Corner This feature is used to modify the gap between flanges. side faces of
flanges are seleeted and extended or trimmed to produce the required
enmer eonditien. Bend regions enn also b0 extended if desired.

Where to Find It - Commansznager: Sheet Metal > Corners @ >

Closed Corner :5
l Menu: Insert, Sheet Metal, Closed Corner

Open the existing part Gomerst

Cornerssldprt can be found in the
Lesson02\0ase Study folder.
Optional: Part Reviewer.
This model has been saved with
comments describing how the port
was built. Hover the cursor over

features in the fine or use Part
Reviewer from the Evaluate
toolbar to examine the features and
closed Corner.
Click Closed Corner a”.
Select the 2 side faces ofEdgeeFfiangel.
Working with the Flat Patten.

Closed Corner The faces selected from the model are added to the selection box for
Settings Faces to Extend. Matching faces at the flange corner are selected by
the system automatically as long as the Auto propagation option is
turned on. The other chcckboxcs provide the following options:
Open bend region
Select this option to prevent the bend region from being cxlcndcd.
Coplanar faces
Applies the closed corner to all faces coplanar to the selected face.
Useful when cuts separate the tlange faee.
Narrow corner
Allows hcnd regions with large bcrld radii to extend further to narrow
the gap.
There are 3 corner types that can be created:

Bun 3U Faces meet edge to


Overlap 3U Faces to Extend

overlap matching fact:

Underla p lJ Faces to Extend

2' underlap matching

Gap distance controls the space lefi between the corner faces.
Overlaplunderlap ratio controls how far faces are
extended over the matching material thickness. A ratio of 1

would equal a full [apt while a ratio of 0.5 would result in a

halt lap. .

anng mu. me Flat Panel"

4 closed corner settings. _“ MW 0)

Use the following, settings for the cluscd eerner:
, x

Corner type: Butt 3”

Gap distance: nlmnmm “F”
I Open bend region = cleared Fuolu m.
8 use,
Click OK y >
5 (nmulype
The faees and bend regions are extended to elnse :UHl
til: cumcr. 4"! “WM 1

a“. ‘ :
fl out" me we.
m lemme.
m m

6 Mirror the body.

The enrrent geometry only represents halfofthc finished pert. Tu
create the other half, the body will be mirrored.
To mirror n merged sheet mcml body, a face ofthc sheet mcml part
must be used as the Mirror Face/Plane.
Click Mirror *1.
soLIDwoRKs Lesson 2
wmmg mm me Fla! Patten!

Select a face at the back at‘ the part as the Mirror Face/Plane.

Click Bodies to Mirror. Select the sheet metal body.

Click OK I .

7 F lanen.
Flatten the part t0 examine the flat pattern.

8 Edit the Flat-Pattern feature.

Expand [ha F‘laLrPatbem foldcn SCICCt the FlatrPattam fcamm and
Edit Feature 6.
Walking mm the Flat Panel"

9 Modify Fixed Face.

Click the top face of the part to select it as the Fixed Face of the flat
10 Grain direction.
Click in the selection box for
Grain Direction.
Select a herizontal edge as
shown to define the grain
Click OK V .

11 Results.
The top face new remains statiunary when the part is flattened and the
bounding box is oriented with the selected edge.

12 Exit Flatten.

Corner Relief Corner Relief features add relief cuts ta bend regions of a sheet metal
model. The settings for this feature are very similar to those available in
Corner-Trim (See Relic/Options an page 63), however Corner Reliefs
are added to the formed sheet metal part, while Corner-Trim features
only apply to the flat pattern.
soLIDwoRKs Lesson 2
Manny mm me Fla! Pam

Corner Relief options will vary depending on if you are relieving a

carrier that has 2 bends or 3 bends coming together. For instance, the
Full Round and Suitcase mlicftypcs an: only available with 3 Bend
The relief type options for Corner Relief include:

Rectan- circular Tear Obround Constant Full Suitcase

g lar W'dth Ra nd
36 ES
a; Ba“
BIT: a";

Note Corner Relief features can create complex geometry that may
contribute significantly to rebuild time.

Where to Find It I Commansznager: Sheet Metal > Corners g>

Corner Relief Q
l Menu: Insert, Sheet Metal, Corner Relielr

13 Corner Re left
Click Corner Relief Q.
Cliek Collect all corners.
Use the following settings for Relief Options:

l Reliel type: Circular 3;

l Centered on bend lines =
I Size = 5mm
Click OK V .

Walking mm the Flat pattern

Break Corner] The Break CornerICorner-Trim feature adds a chamfcr or radius to

Corner Trim sharp comers ofa sheet metal part. This is nearly the same function as
seen in the Corner-Trim feature (See Break Comer Options on
page 64), except that Break Corner is added to the formed state of a
sheet metal model.
The Break Corner command is better suited for sheet metal pans than
the Fillet and Chamfer commands. With Break Corner, a sheet mcml
face can be selected and all sharp external edges normal to the face will
be broken. Internal comers are ignored, but can be selected separately.
If using Fillet or Chamter features, a face selection would result in the
edges ofthe se1eeted face being broken.
Where to Find It - CommandManager: Sheet Metal > Corners > Break corner @
I Menu: Insert, Sheet Metal, Break Corner
14 Break corners.
Cliek Break Comer g .

Select the 6 flange tnees as shown.

Use a Fillet 0 break type, 2mm in

Click OK V .

15 Examine the flat pattern.

The Corner Relief and Break Corner features exist in both the
formed and flattened states of the part.
When a Corner Relief is not large enough to cut
the entire bend region, slits are visible at the
corner. These can be removed from the flat
pattern using flat pattern settings.

16 Edit the flat pattern.

Edit the flat pattern feature. Clear the option to
Show Slit.
Click OK v.
Working with the Flat Pattern

Producing the In general, the information for producing a sheet metal part is delivered
Flat Pattern through out list properties, drawing VICW information, and exponed
files such as DXF or DWG. Here's a briefsumlnary:
I Cut List Properties
Propenies assoeiated Wllll each sheet metal body are automatically
created in the cut list. These properties inelude information about
the blank size and sheet metal parameters.

I Drawing Views
Flat pattern drnwnig views automatically include bend notes for
each bend line

It‘scommon for nesting programs for laser cutting or watcrjct to
require the flat pattern information in one oftliese formats
Sheet Metal Cut A cut list |S like a bill of materials for a multihody part, However. even
List Properties a pan containing a single solid body can take advantage of the
automated cut list item properties. Propcmcs automated for a sheet
metal body lnelude:

Bounding Box Length of rectangle in BoundiilgrBox sketeh

Length (larger of the two dimensions)
Bounding Box Width ofreetangle in BoundingrBox sketch
Width (smaller ofthe two dimensions)
Sheet Metal Thickness ofthe material specified in sheet
Thickness metal parameters

Bounding Box Area ofreetangle in BollndlngrBox sketch

Bounding Box Area offlat blank
Cutting Length- The perimeter ofthe fiat pattern oiiter
Outer bmmdm,
Cutting Length- The perimeter of all the inner boundaries
Cut Outs Number of inner cut outs
Bends Number ofbcnds
Bend Allowance Default bend allowance vnlue
Material Material specified for the body
Mass Mass of the body

Lesson 2 soLIDwoRKs
Walking mm tne Fiat Pattern

Description “Sheet" is the default description for a sheet

metal body, but this can be modified
Bend Radius Default bend radius
Surface Treatment Linked to the Finish Custom Property for the
pan, if speeitied
Cost-Totalcast Cost evaluated using Costing tool (page 277)
Quantity Number of identical bodies in the part

Accessing Cut List Bodies within the Cut List. folder are organized into em [[51 item
Properties subfolders. Bodies that are geometrieally identieal within a part are
grouped into the same eut list item folder. Each eut list item folder
represents a line iteln in the cut list table (for lnore information on
working with lnultibody sheet metal, see Lesson 5: MIl/ilbmly Sheet
Metal Parts).

Q Corners (Default<<Default>_

v Q lemu) Cut List Folder

5 CtmLtsrlternlO.) 4—
v Cut List Item Folder
t BreaieComed
<— solid aody

Cut list item properties are associated with each cut list item folder. The
properties can be accessed by righteclieking a cut list item folder and
choosing Properties...fromthe shortcut menu.
Note It‘simportant to note that Cut List Item Properties are specific to
bodies within the part, while File Properties El are related to the
entire pan file. File Properties generally contain information displayed
in a drawing title block or bill of material table when the model is used
in an assembly. Cut List Properties are communicated through cut list
tables in drawings (see Sheet Metal Tali/er on page 80).

17 Access cut lis tern properties. gems (Ddiullshmutlnfllsi

Expand the Cut list folder in the ' Em,
FeatureManager tree. ,
Rightreliek the out list item folder

and click
. .
Properties... , moment

mam” WW,
a mom on
19mm to m

ll E an

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 2
wmmg with me Fla! Patten!

1!! Modify Description.

The cut list properties can be added and modified in the same way as
me propcnies.
forlhc Deseriptien property, modify the ValueIText
In the row
Expression cell In he 14 Gauge Sheet.
Click OK.
19 Edit Material.
Rightelick Material <not specifled> in the FcaturcMallagcr (rec.
Select 1060 Alloy from the Favorites menu.
20 Review cul list properties.
Access the Cut Lisl Properties dialog again to verify the Material and
Mass propcnies have updated.
Click OK.

:m e seems
elmmwm mmwww mew.


”we". m. me”... am" new“...

sruxmuammesl m1 v 1

‘ Im'mln mm: m: v gown

‘ eumremvyflv am is): v :w eumlvylsngm amen-«:11 m away snm‘ '32! ll

Lmnfglmyfilnnr m : chmhylsugmlnmmeemlls'llmlgcamm rr zmlnm

The. C M
We“ l mm
“mm s

u mm m 17 5w mmeeeeem.emoesmesm mum
‘1 ms lnfl V‘Nwrlwfllfllrll'rlrlmlhKnvaVllwk - 4151M
‘3 v
venetian Volt M 5ng. shm 4 wings 3m:
“ lama ream: m: w um Remueegm us lxemgcnmuxalmm‘ 5

‘7 DMWT m1 mmmwanamw-nemaemmsww
u «Runaway»
ex m we

21 Exit Flatten.

22 Save the part.

Working mm Me FlaIPaflem

Flat Pattern when a sheet metal part is used in a drawing,

Drawing Views the system automatically creates a derived 1 mm mutual! mt
configuration ofthe flatten part. This
configuration is used to manage the suppression
state ofthe flat pattern feature. A that pattern
drawing view will also automatically appear in
the View Palette and is listed as an available
view in the Model View PropertyManager.
When a tlat pattern drawing view is added to a
drawing sheet, the BendaLiines sketch is visible
along with autnmated bend notes.

Note The BoundingaBux sketch is not shown by default, but can be made
visible from the FenturcManager design tree.

23 ConfigurationManager.
Currently the Corners model has only a
single Default configuration. - g emmwglmn
is «namaicmni

24 Make Drawing from Part.

Click Make Drawing from Part E in the File menu or
New Document D tlyoui menu.
ChOOSC (hi: B,Size,ANSI,MM template.
A Flat pattern view is shown in the View Palette along
with the standard viewsl 2
to H2! pmm

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 2
Working with me Fla! Patten!


eenfiguration was automated to allow the
‘ 5 p, 9 o
model to he represented in both formed
and flattened states.
. umwmw mm
m enngoamemmn
~ 1‘. Vnsrunloamml
.aileioii i: io-li

Important! Once this derived configuration is created, it‘s important to be aware of

whieh configuration is active when making changes In the rnedel. The
sheet metal model should always have the flat pattern feature
unrupprmed in the SMVFLA'I‘ PATTERN configuration and
Sup/Waxed in the Default Configuration onee changes are eomplered.

25 Creale Flat Pattern view.

Clear any cheekboxes ill the View Palette Options ifneeessary.
Drag and drop the Flat Pattern view onto the sheet.

26 Drawing view properties.

The Drawing View Fromm/Manager lists the Default SMVFLATV
PATTERN as the referenced Configuration.
Additional properties sheeirie m a flat pattern View am also available.

Lesson 2 soLIDwoRKs
Walking mm the Flat Pattern

Flat Pattern Flat pattern drawing vicws inelude unique

View Properties properties to control how bend notes are
We a sitar uiuu'
displayed as well as options for orienting the
flat view on the sheet. These propcnies are
accessed in the Drawing View
PmpcrtyManager when the flat pattern view is
I Bend Notes
Use the ehcekbox to control the Visibility
ofthc bend notes. The buttons within this groupbox add additional
information to the notes The initial format ofthe bend notes is
controlled by an external text document. The bendnotefurmat.tx‘t
is found in <i/isml/ dir>\SOLlIDWORKS Curp\SOLIDWORKS\
I Flat Pattern Display
Use options here to rotate or flip the flat pattern View.

Drawing Drawing documents also include some properties specific for sheet
Document metal pans and the display ofthe flat pattern. These can be accessed by
Properties selecting Options {E , Document Properties and selecting the Sheet
Metal category from the left

We q



”a; m...

.23; ,
We, 3

M. 3. 0a..
m: mm
( rm 8sz Surround

W. s...

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 2
Wanting mm the Fla! Patten!

Options exist here to control eolors nfinformation on the flat pattern as

well as how the bend notes are displayed.
The options for Show fixed face and Show grain direction are
applied when n Bend Table is used. See Adda Bend Thble. on page 82
for more information.
Nole Document Properties are associated with the current document. To
standardize Doeutnent Properties, modify these options nnd save them
to a drawing template.

27 Modify drawing document properties.

Click Options El, Document Properties and select the Sheet Metal
entegnry from the left.
Modify the Flat Pattern colors by doublerclicking an item in the list
or selecting it and elieking the Edit button. change the options as
Bend Lines - Up
Direction = GREEN
Bend nes - Down
Direcllo = RED
Model Edges =
Click OK.

2!! Ad anal views.

Add a Front view and projeeted Top view ofthe
These views automatically reference the Default
configuration of the model.

Lesson 2 soLlDwoRKs
Working with Me FlarPattem

Sheet Metal There are several tables associated with sheet metal parts that can be
Tables used in drawings:

- Weldment eut List %

This table is used to display the cut list item properties.

- Bend Table Q
This table ean list the bends ofn model in a table format. The flat
pattern bend notes are then replaced With mgs associated with the
line itcms oftlle table.

- Punch Table Q
similar to a hole table, this table lists the locations of Form Tool
features in a table format. For more information on Forming Tools,
see Sheet Metal Forming Tools on page 234.

Where to Find It - CommandManager: Annotations > Tables @

I Menus' Insert, Tables

29 Add a cut list table.

click Weldment Cut List El and select a view on the sheet.
Use the default cut List template and settings. Click OK v.
Place [he cut list table above the title black on the sheet.

hp lineeessory, use the browse for template button

Cut hst.sldw1dtbt mblc template. It is located in
<irls‘lall dly>\SOL]DWORKS Corp\SOLLDWORKS\lang\<2ang>.
to seleet the default

HEM N0. ell. DESCMPllON ttuem

l l

30 Modify the Cu! List Table.

Drag the DESCRIPTION column header C to eulumn A.
Click eolumn header 3. Use the PropenyManager to change this
C(‘Illlmn to display the Cut list item property Material.

Click eolumn header c. Change this column to display the out list
item property Sheet Metal Thickness.
Click column header 0. Select the Cut Iis tern property
Bend Allowance. Change the title ofthe eolumn to KrFacmr.

DESCRlPVlON Malellal SheslMelal Kchlol

”GaugeSheel mm Alley : 05

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 2
winking with me Fla! Pam
31 Save a Gable template.
Rightrellek in the cut list table and click Save As....
Save the table template to the Desktop as SM Cut List.

Cut List As an alternative to using a cut list table, sheet metal properties can also
Properties as a easily be displayed as a Note annotation in drawings. The out List
Note Properties note will automatically list all properties are associated
with a selected Flat Pattern view. The note can then be edited as

Eoundlnv ioxm l» stamina

sowing Box m h ZEBSmm
see. Metuiwcknm9mmanm
smarts isxaisa
Evundlnv BoxAleu mm
cunnghnomoml Km! 25mm
Mm lrnev 0mm
Cut on, in
ms s
Banleananea us
Malawi VGADAlloy
Ma» mesa
streets» liGavgeS‘eet
swam“ smn
Smaeeitenimem anh<halvve<liu>
can Venice“ 0w
oUAmllv i

Where In Find It I Shortcut Menu: Rightrelick a flat pattern view, select Annotations,
Cut List Properties 9

Lzsson 2 soLIDwoRKs
Working with the Flat Pattern

32 Add a Band Table.

Click Bend Table Q and select the flat pamm view.
Use the default bendtablerstandard template and settings.
Click OK v.
Place the bend table in \hc lower lcfi eorner ofthc sliect.

f 'é’ '“tf‘omers

Mole The display of Fixed Face and Grain Direction is controlled by the
drawing document properties. These notes can be modified like any
other note annotation to reposition and romlc as desired.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 2
Walking with me Fla! Patten!

33 Optional: Add dimensions.

Add dimensions to the bend lines and for the ovcmil sizc ofthc part in
the flat and formed 5mm.



a e a
new a

f i‘ “demon

34 Save E and close the drawing.

Exporting the Flat pattern information is ofion communicated for production through
Flat Pattern DXF and DWG formais. The 20 information provided in a DXF or
DWG can be read direetly by nesting applications and eut via laser or
waterjet. SOLIDWORKS provides options to export the fit“ pattern
information directly to these formats from the 30 model.

Where to Find It I Shortcut Menu: Rightrclick a sheet mmal body, click Export to

as Exporllo DXFl
Righteliek a faee ofthe Corners parL
Click Export lo DXF I DWG.
Aeeept DXF as the file format and ComersDXF as the file name.
Save to the Desktop.

Lesson 2 soLlDwoRKs
wmmg mm me Fla! Fatlem

36 Outpul aptions.
Use lhc Fromm/Manager to define lhc follomllg scmngs:
Expon: Sheet metal
Enlilles lo Export: Geometry
Cllck 0K V l

37 DXFIDWG Cleanup.
A prcvlc“ oflhc DXI" ls shown In Ihc DXI" DWG cleanup window.
0mm: 21! the lop allow nm’lgmlon ol‘lhc \. lcw, Geometry m lhc vlcw
can be sclcclcd and removal from lhc DXF H dcslrcd uslllg lhc
Remove En! s blmml,

“mam ., v-

Cllck Save l0 creme lllc DXF,

38 Save E and close all files.

soLtioRKs Exercise 5
Flat Pzflem Settings

Exercise 6: Add a new edge flange to complete the part, Then prepare the flat
Flat Pattern pattern for manufacturing by adjusting the sheet metal parameters and
flat pattern settings. Finally. export the flat pattern to DXF.

This exercise reinforces the following skills:

Edge Firing/3X on page 24
Closed Comer on page so
F/ul Pullem Selling: on page on
(farms/r771»: Feature on page 63
Expanmg lhe Flul Pattern on page 83
Units: MMGS
Proced u re
Open the existing part
Flat Pattern Settings.
Flat Pattern Settingssieiprt can
be {mind In the Lesson02\
Exercises folder,

Optional: Part Reviewer.

This model has been saved wtth eonnnents describing how the part was
built. Hover the cursor over features in the tree or use
Part Reviewer Q from the Evaluate toolbar to examine the teamres
and comments.

Exercise 5 soLIDwoRKs
Flat Pattern Settings

3 Add an Edge Flange.

Click Edge Flange 5.
Select the bottum n ght edge and click to the right t0 define the
The bend angle and length ofthis flange will be delennlned by
sclections on the part.
Under Angle, eliek in the selection box to pick a face. Click the
horizontal flange faec at the lcfi side ofthc part. Click Parallel to face
in thc PropcnyManagcr.

we A Angle, parallel to me
[10 issmmxzdu;
i, U

a l—lrmal.

a mm... m.

me new A
’ Uptovmu
a mun n. m liar-wk Up to Vertex

For Flange Length, sclect Up to Vertex and click the vertex as shown.
Click Parallel to base flange tel extend to this vertex from the proper

For Flange Position, click Bend Outside B.

Click OK V .

4 closed corner, half lap.

Cliek Closed Corner a”.
Select the 2 side faecs ofthc new edge flangc.

I Corner type: Overlap 3U

I Gap distance. 0.100mm
I Overlap ratio 0.5
I Open bend region = cleared
Click OK V .

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 6
Flat Pattern Selling:

Prepare for manufacturing.

Click the SheetrMetal Ii] folder and
a summer-l a:
« x
click Edit Feature a. smwulearmtsrm it“... A

Change the Sheet Metal Parameters BUS! material sheet metal parameters

to be 7 Gauge thickness and sheet Mml mm A

Bend Radius of 5.080mm. E US: gauge tablz

Under Bend Allowance, elick er srunrmremeueusu uN V

Override value. Change the default SteelNr a. my

KeFaetnr fur the pan to be 0.42.

Click OK V . Shed Met-l Plunder: A

1 Gauge v
Custom Bend Allowance.
The large bend radius created in Base a 45mm"
Flangel requires a custom bend D emaa atria;
allowancc. Since not all bonds created K swam». V

in this feature require the change, just D came! We

the individual bend will be modified. 7
fluidlllw-rlu a
Expand Baselilangel in the K-Famzr e
FcamreManager tree. K M2 2'
made tuna
Seleet BaseBend2 <5 and
lube Relief A
Edit Feature G. V
Click Custom Bend Allowance.
Change the K-Faetor for this bend to
be 0.5.

Click OK V .

Examine the flat pattern.

Click Flatten s3.
The orientation oftlle flat patrern can be improved Also the
countersink taees will be removed and comer reliefs will be added.
Edit the flat pattern settings.
Expand thc FlaLrPatLem folder. Sclccl the FlatrPaittam fcaturc and
Edit Feature €-

Flat Pattern Settings

Select the horizontal flange face at Fm me

the left as the Fixed face.
Activatc the selection box for
Faces to Exclude. Select the 6
Cnumchlnk faces from the part.
Click OK v.

9 Corner-Trim. qW h»... g,
click Corner-Trim E. vx
10 Relief Options. mgr“;
For Relief 0p ions, sclcct the 2 comcrs where ..2...
me new edge flange mects thc side flangcs.
59m,» My;
Relief type = Bend Waist aims...
Chcek Ratio to thickness to define the size of
the bond waist and set the ratio to 3. G ”mm :
11 Break Corner Options. fiw'mm"
Activate the selection box for Break Corner 3 1

Options and select the flat pattern t‘aec. WWW

: JAdfl meted mlnm
Use a Fillet 0 break type, 2mm in size.
Click OK v.
1mm mm m.

K mm
5. I :
12 Export to DXF.
Rightreiick a face ofthc part.
Click Export to DXF I DWG.
Accept DXF as the file format and Flat Pattern SettingsDXF as the
tile nzmc. Save to the Desktop.
13 Output options.
Use the PropcnyMnnagcr to define the following settings:
Export: Sheet metal
Entities to Export: Geometry
Click OK v.
FIatPanem Semngs

14 DXFIDWG Cleanup.
A meme“ of ‘hc DXF 15 shown In ‘hc DF'DWG cleanup wmdov».
()pnons m the [0p allow nmugmmn ohhc \. new, Geometry m mo \. low
can bc sclcmcd and removed from me DXF xfdcsxrcd usmg mc
Remove Emmes butmn.
mmamw m- W"

“mm“ A7
9 s“. (mm

Cluck Save m creme mc DA 3,

Tip To View th BX]: open n m cmemgs 0r DmfiSIgh!

15 Exit Flatten.

16 Save E and close the part.

Exemise 7 soLIDwoRKs
Walking with Corners

Exercise Use sheet metal features to eempiete the pan and drawing as shown.
Working WIth

«.“n i

/'i: i: :

This exercise reinforces the following skills:

Base Flange/721!) on page 11
Edge Flanges un page 24
Closed Comer on page 66
Ilem Feaiurc on page 34
Break Comer/Comer Trim on page 72
ComervTrim Fealum on page 63
Shea! Mam! Cut List Pmpcrliex on page 73
Flat Pallem Drawing VIEWS on page 76
Units: MMGS
New part.
Create a new document using the PaItJVJIM template.
Base Flange.
Create a sketch and base
flange as shown.
The Depth is 100mm.
The material is 18 gauge
aluminum and thickness is
applied tu the inside of the

sketch. 25

The bend radius is

Use a Ohround auto reliefwith a 0.5 relief ratio.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 7
Woflunq with Comets

3 Edge Flangel
Click Edge Flange 5.
Select the bottom lcfi cdgc and apply the follnwing settings:
I Angle: 60deg l Up In Vertex
I Flange Length:
Up to Vertex (as shown),
Parallel to base flange
I Flange Position:
Material Inside L
I Trim side bends = cleared

4 closed Corner.
Click Closed Corner an.
Sclcct the 2 side faces ofEclgeFlangel.

I Corner type: Butt 2”

Gap distance: 0.100mm
I Open bend region =
Click OK V .

5 Corner Relief.
Click Comer Relief Q.
Click Collect all corners.
Use the following settings for Relief Options:

Relief type: Obrou nd Bu“

Centered on bend lines = cleared

Slot Length = 8mm
Slot Width = 2mm
Click OK V .

wdurmg mm comers

Click Hem 8.
Seleet the 3 outside edges of
the flanges as shown.
Use the following settings to
define the hcms:
I Position:
Mater Inside ‘:

I Type: Rolled e
I Angle: 225deg
I Radius: 1 mm
Edil Hem Widlh.
The hcms at the fmm and back am offset from the right side ofthe
model. The widths ofthc hems ean be modified similar to editing an
edge tlange profile.
In the Edges seleetion box in the Preportylvlanager, seleet the edge at
the from ofthc part so it is highlighted.
Male The order of the edges depends on the order they were initially seleeted
in the gmphies area.
Click Edit Hem Widlh.
The sketeh fur the hem eonsists of only the convened edge. As
mentioned on page 29, the ends ofa eonverted edge are considered
fully defined, but ean be dragged to break the association to the edge
Drag the endpoint of the
eonverted edge as shown.
Add a 25mm dimension as

Click Back in the Profile Sketch dialug to return lo lhc Hem


soLIDwoRKs Exercise 7
Wnflanq wnn Camus

8 Edi! hem width for back

Repeat step 1 on page 92 to
cdir the hem width for the back
Click OK V .

Exlruded cut.
Create a skcmh as shown and cut
Through All.
10 Linear pauerne
Create :1 Linear Pattern BB ofthc cut.
I Instances = 3
I Spacing = 35mm
I Geomelry panem = checked

11 Break Corners.
Click Break Corner %.
Select the 2 flange faces as

Use a Fillet 0 break type,

1.5mm in size.
Click OK V .

Male The cxtzmal comers enne

face are broken, but me
inwmal corners are ignored.
Examine 1 sounwonxs
Meeting win. Gamers

12 Examlne the flat pattern.

Flatten a the pm.
To mund the remaining corners of the pen for manufacturing purposes,
a Comer-Trim feature will be added to the flat pattern.
13 Corner-Trlm.
Click Comer-Trim
Activam the selection box for Break Corner Optlons and click
Collect all comers. This collects the internal corners of the patterned
Select the face of the flat patuem. This collects all the external corners
normal to the face.

Use a Fillet 0 break type, 0.6mm in size.

Click OK .4 .

14 Exll flamn.

15 Edll Material.
Specify the material Oflhe pan to be 1060 Alloy.
16 Cut Llst Properties.
Expand the Cut List El folder in the FeatureManager tree.
Right—click the cut list item folder 5 and click Properties
In the row for the Descrlpllon property, modify the Valuel‘fexl
Expresslon cell to be 18 Gauge Sheet.
Click OK.
17 create drawlng from part.
Click Make Drawing from Part la in the Flle menu or
New Document D flyout menu.
Choose the BisizeiANSIilfl/I template.
Working witn Comets

1E Create flat pattern view.

Clear any clleekboxes in the View Palette Options if necessary.
Drag and drop the Flat Pattern view onto the sheet,
19 Flat Pattern view settings. run-Wham a.
Change the Flat Pattern Display options in the
PropertyManager to Fli View and rotate 270deg.
Tm .

20 Optional: Move bend notes.

Bend notes can be treated like any other note annotation. They can be
dragged to be moved and when seleeted, their properties are available
in the PropertyManager.

Drag the bend notes away

from edges ofthe flat pattern
to be more visible.



up 00' P2

Del/w 225' R!

21 Add Isometric view.

Add an Isumetrlc view to the sheet. Change the view properties to
change the display style to Shaded
22 Add a cut list table.
I .

From the Annotations toolbar, eliek Tables, Weldment Cut List E.

Click a View on the sheet.
Use the default cut List template and settings. Click OK v.
fin lrneeessary, use the browse for template button
cut hst.sldw1dtbt table template. lt lS located m
«mm/l dI/‘>\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLLDWORKS\1ang\</ang>.
to seleet the default

Place the cut list table above the title block on the sheet.

Walking with carriers

23 Modify the Cut List Table.

Drag thc DESCRIPTION Column header C to column A.
Click eelurnn header 3. Use the PmpcrtyManagcr to change this
column to display the Cut list item property Material.
Click eelurnn header c. Change this column te display the Cut list
item property Bounding Box Area-Blank. Change the Title of the
column to Area-Blank (mm‘2).
Click column header D. Select the Cut list item property
Bend Allowance. Change the Title of the column to K-Factor.
usscnwlloN Memnl Affli’mflyk Meet“
lDAONluy mmz as

24 Save a table template.

Right—click in the cut list table and click Save As
Save the Bible wmplatc to the Desktop as SM CL with Blank Size.
25 Optional: Add dimensions.
Add smart dimensions and use dimension properties to eernplete the
drawing as shown.

[l Bl



26 Save E and close all files.

Lesson 3
Additional Sheet Metal

Upon successful complclion ohms lcssmL you wlll be able to:

Dcslgn shcel molal pans from me flat pmmm.
Add features In an unfolded slate,
Usc me chm Flange command,
Cream shccl mcml lransmons usmg Loficd Bendsl

Lesson 3 soLIDwoRKs
Additional Sheet Metal Techniques

Additional Similar to the Flange Method introduced in the preweus l sons,

Sheet Metal several other design techniques for sheet metal parts also begin with
Methods flange features from the very start In this lesson, the following sheet
metal methods will be explored:

- Daugning from [his Hm on page 98

- Swepl Flange on page 108
- La/led Bends on page I 12

Designing from At times it may be desirable to design sheet

the Flat metal parts in the flat rather than bent state.
For example, consider this tapered, bent
bracket shown at the right It‘we were to
model this In its bent state. the flat pattern
would look something like this:

By designing it from the flat the
shape oftlle blank can be
slmplificd,rcdl|cing manufacturing
coslst There are 2 primary features
used to add bends to a flat sheet
metal face: sketched Bend and
Sketched Bend Thc Sketched Bend feature uses a sketcllcd line to define the location
Feature ot‘a bend on a sheet metal face, The bend position can be related to the
sketch line using the following options:
Bend Centerline
Material Inside L.
Material Outside h
Bend Outside In

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 3
444mm: Sheet mm Techniques

An area amic face being bent musi be select as me Fixed Face. This is
ms area that remains smtionzry when the bend is applied.

my mom


Where to Find It - CommandManager: Sheet Metal > sketched Bend 3

I Menu: Insert, Sheel Metal, sketched Bend

1 Open the part

SketchediBend Can hr:
feund in the LessonOCfi
Case Study folder. 1i
cemains a elosed eomour

Base flange.
Select the sketch and click Base FlangeITab. Use
V T” a)

UNITS gauge cable, 9 Gauge. Mmm A

Click Reverse direction to cxtrude up from the %
sketch Plane. 3.0m...“
Set the dcfauli Bend Radius to be 5.080mm. m“
swmmi A

Click OK v m ercmc the base flange. ”u" ‘

J WWW..."

2i mm mm

u mm: mm
Additional Sheet Metal reenniquee

3 First bend line.

Create a new sketch on the top faee and add a bend line to the flat
model. Use a venieal line dimensioned from the edge ofthe modeli


Note The sketched line for this feature does not need to be fully defined. The
bend created will automatically extend tn the edges of the face.
Ifmultiple bend lines are used in the same sketch, all the bends will be
in the same direction
4 sketched Bend.
Click sketched Bend 3.
Use the following Bend Parameters:

Bend Position: Bend Centerline

Bend Angle: 75deg
Use default radius = checked
5 Fixed Face.
Select the smaller area as the
Fixed face.
Amarker 0 appears
indicating the seleetion.
Use die anew in the preview
Or the 1‘ buttonw reverse
the direction emie bend, if
Click OK v.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 3
Additional Sheet Mela! Techniques

6 Bend.
The selected portion ofthc face remains
stationary as the olhcr bends upwards at an
angle of 15°.

7 Second bend.
Add a second bclld linc.
Select the cemcr scexion as the Fixed face and use the same angle,
radius, and bend position as before. Bend in the opposite dircclion.

8 Resulls.
The complimentary bend angles force the center section x0 he angled
and xhc ends m be horiznmal.

9 Optional: Sel bend angles equal.

Add a Global Variable named Bend Angle to keep the bond angles

Addilional Sheet Metal Techniques

10 Examine the flat pattern.

The tint pattern matelies the original
BaserFlange sketch.
11 Save E and close the part.

Jog Feature The Jag feature is used to add ajog or an offset to an existing flange. A
jog is also sometimes referred to as an ofi'sct or a joggle.
A Jog includes n pair of bends with a flat faee bctwecn at a specified
angle and offset dismncc. A sketched line is used to position tlle first
bcnd of the Jog using settings similar tn the sketched Bend command
(see sketched Bend Feature on page 98).

Where to Find It - CommandManager: Sheet Metal > Jog 8

I Mcnu' Insert, Sheet Metal, Jog

1 Open the ex ng part named Jog Feature.

Jog Feature can be found in the Lesson05\0ase Study folder.
This part includes the blank available for uur design.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 3
Additional Sheet Mela! Techniques

2 New sketch.
Create the sketch line as shown on the mp face.


Note Only one jog can be created at a time. Fully defining the line is not
3 Jog feature.
Click Jog 8.Select the face with the holes he the Fixed Face.

Use the following, settings to define the Jog:
End Cond on: Blind
Offset Distance: 8mm
Dimension Position: Outside
Offset F
Fix projected length = cleared
Jog Position: Bend
Jog Angle: sndeg
Click OK V .

Fix Projected The option Fix projected length is usefill when designing parts in their
Length folded, 3D state. It allows for the overall dimension ofa face (0 remain
the same aficr ajog is applied.

‘\~ i‘\«
Lesson 3 soLIDwoRKs
Additional Sheet Metal Techniques

When working from it flat pattern however, this nption can be eleared
to absurb the material needed for the offset from the flat pattern length.
With Fixed projected length turned off, the length of the flat pattern
remains the same.

Consider the jog shown below. The preview shuws the difference
between having the option Fix projected length on, or ofi“.

4 New sketchl
Add anather sketch to the top face as
5 Jog featurel
Add anuther Jag feature using the same
settings. Select the face with the holes as
the Fixed Face.


Click OK 4.

6 Optional: Create a drawing of the flat pattern.

Click Make Drawing from Part fl.
Choose the AisizaiANSIiMM template.

Additional Sheet Metal Techniques

Use the View Palette to add a Flat Pattern View. Modify the View
propenies to Rotate the view 90deg.
Add overall dimensions to the View
The length ofzsoinin is the same as the dimension used in ereating the
BaserFlangel for the blank size

N‘ N

Q} $ éi:
KW N ta
f “3


*9 ‘9 51% ei
o a
Save E and close all files.

Adding Designing a part from the flat pattern is a valuable technique for some
Features in an instances (see Designingflnm the Fiat on page 9);). However, most
Unfolded Stale ofien sheet metal designs focus on the formed state of the model since
this represents the finished part and dimensions
when designing a formed sheet metal
part, you may find some individual
features are more appropriate to add in an
unfolded state, such as a circular cut
aeross a bend. To add specific features
such as these, [he Unfold and Fold
commands ean be used to temporarily
flamm seleeted bends, apply the feature,
then refuld.

Unfold and Fold Using Unfold, existing bends can be flattened. , E: mum.
Cuts can then be made on the flattened faces.
U Blse~Fllngel
Then 3 Fold feature is added to refold the »
5 ragerimga
bends- )
5 EdgeFlangel
The Unfold and Fold features usually braeket w \Inialdl
one or more eut features in the 9 @ tin-Emma
FeatureManager design nee. la Fuldl

Where to Find It -
CninmandManager: Sheet Melal > ”Mold
Menu: Insert, Sheet Metal, Unfold or Fold
6 or Fold w

Lesson 3 soLIDwoRKs
Addllmnal Sheet Metal Techniques

Open lhe par! named

Unfold and Fold.
Unfold and Fold can be found in
(he Lessonozmase Study

Click Unfold w and sclcct the planar face as the Fixed face.

For Bends to unfold sclcct the bcnd face as shown. Click OK V .

a "a... m

ma m.
a hug.

lulu”. l

Note Collect all Bends would completely flancn the pan

Skctch a circle dimensioncd
as shown.

Exlruded Cul. ‘2
Crcatc a cm using Link to
thickness. ]\

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 3
AdamanalSheet um: Techniques

5 Fold
Click Fold 3.
The Fixed face from the previous operation is autumnflczlly populated.
Click Collect All Bends to automatically select all unfuldcd bends.
Click OK v.
0““ CD

~/ x
when: x
m um

6 Examine the flat pattemt

7 Exit Flatten.

8 Save E and close the part.

Addilional Sheet Metal Techniques

Creating Gus in It is possible to add euts direetly to the flat pattern, however, these
the Flat Pattern features will not be represented in the formed state of the model. By
selecting Flatten
dependency tn
and sketehing on the flat pattern face, a
flat pattern feature is created. Therefore, any feature
added when the flat pattern is aetive will be suppressed with the flat
pattern feature.

Nate The Flat Pattern out example shown above has been provided in the
L5 Reference folder.

Important! Only features that are required for manufacturing purposes, sueh as
Corner-Trim features (sec Came/r Trim Feature on page 63), should be
added to the flat pattern. In order for a feature to be represented in the
formed smte ofthe model, it needs to appear before the flat pattern
feature in the FeatureManager design tree.

Swept Flange The Swept Flange feature provides an additional feature that can be
used as the base feature for a sheet metal part. The Swept Flange is
created in much the same way as a Swept Boss/Base, requiring both a
profile and path. However, the profile for the Swept flange must be an
open eontour. Sharp corners in the profile sketeh will be convened to
bends in the feature automatieally. Ares ean also be used in the profile
sketch to represent bends.
Swept Flange vs. Swept Flange is similar to the Miter Flange (page 32), except that it is
Miter Flange not dependent on existing sheet metal edges to use as the path, a sketeh
path can be used. A Swept Flange will also produce geometry across
curved path edges, while a Miter Flange will not

Where to Find It I Menu: Insert, Sheet Metal, Swept Flange o

Note The Swept Flange toolbar button is not on the CommandManagcr or
Sheet Metal toolbar by default.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 3
Additional sneet Mela! Techniques

1 Open the par! named Swept Flange.

Swept Flange can be found in the
Lesson03\0ase Study folder. *
The part contains a pmfilc sketeh.


Add a path. R75

0an a sketeh on the Top plane, and
sketeh a pmh as shewn.
Exit the sketch - .

Swept flange.
Hi9 WW“
we 4—1

CHck Swept Flange v x

Select the profile and path sketehes. hark-MM A

o .‘ymuer
Under Sheel Metal Parameters,
click Use gauge table, and select SAMPLE °


and Gauge 12.

Set the Bend Radius to 4mm n mmnmm We. t,
we m a...” A
C‘ick OK 4. v the “mu-m.

5”}sz ~\

L mm. Mm

t: Rnwe mm"

3 0mm: um

Luann 3 soLlDwoRKs

Additional sneer Mela! Techniques

4 Examine flat patternl

5 Edit Flat pattern settings.
Edit the FlataPatbeml feature. Change the Fixed face to the one
shown. Toggle the flat pan/em to so: the result.

Swept Flange The Swept Flange feature has somc unique opu'ons for contmlling
Flat Paflem how the flat pattern is creamed:
I Flatten along path
wnen checked, only the bends resulting from the

profile are flanened. The path shape remains
constant and the material flattens to the inside or
outside of the path sketch.

Flanen along path = selected

Flaflen along path = cleared

soLlnquKs Lalloll a
Addirinnal Sheet Metal Techniqm

l CyllndrlcallConlcal Bottles
Select this option 11) modify how cylindrical and WmA
canical faces are flattened. A line from the profile
sketch is selected to serve as the fixed edge where the pan unmlls from.
Note The model illustmted below can be found in the L5 Reference folder.

animal/ConicalBode; selected

mmmucmi-I am: cleared

Note Bend Lines for a Swept Flange do no! automafically include bend notes
in a flat pattern drawing view.

6 Edlt the Swept Flange.

Edit Swept Flangel.
Select Flatten along path.
7 Examlne the flat pattern.

8 Exlt flatten.

9 Save E and close the file

Lesson 3 soLIDwoRKs
Additional Sheet Metal reenniques

Lofted Bends The Lofted Bends tool is used to create a sheet metal part through a
lofiing proeess. This feature functions similarly to the standard Lott
feature with some speelfie unique requirements:
()nly open contours may he used as sketeh profiles.
The gaps in the profiles should be aligned for flat pattern aceumey.
No more than two sketeh profiles are allowed.
Use of guide curves is not supported
Use ofeenterline Curves is not supported.
For more information on standard left features, see the SOLIDWORKS
Advanead Pun Modeling courses
Lotted Bend features include options for selecting the Manufacturing
Method oflhe bend regions. Depending on the manufaemring method
selected, Bent or Formed, some additional profile requirements may
be necessary and available options will ditrer. See Berri La/Ied Bands
on page l2 and Formed Lojied Bends on page 16 for more
1 1


Where to Find It -
CommandManager: Sheet Metal > Lofted-Bend
Menu: insert, Sheet Metal, Lofted Bends
Bent Lofted Bends When the Manufacturing Method for a Lofted
Bend feature is set to Bent, the bend regions of
the part will be faceted with multiple bends and
flat faces in between. How the bend region faeets
are divided can be controlled using the Faeeting
Options and Facet Value settings (See Bent
Bend Regl'rm ()plirms on page 113).

Open the part named

netted Bendsgnent.
The part LthECl BendsiBent
consists oftwo profile sketches and
referenee t‘eatures
The CH’E Profile is at a slight angle
from [he Beet Profile.
Each profile includes a 2mm gape


soLIowoRKs Lesson 3
Additional Sheet Metal Techniques

2 Lofted Bendt
click Lofted-Bend 3.
Select the ptefiles ncar common
points to orient the lofl.
Set the Manufacturing Method to

Bent Bend Region Bend regions for a Bent Lofted Bend are defined
Mmum A
Options by first selecting the desired Faceting Options, monument.
then specifying the value for the chosen option in lit-bun“
the Facet Value tield. The number of facets will be
l9 oqmt um
adjusted based on the specified values. Emmom
m. m A

L soon Urdu-ml

Faceting Options The Faceting Options are as follows:

chord Tolerance Specify a maximum allowable tulerance value

K between the flat facet faces and the lofted
Number of Bends Specify a number ofbends to be included in
each bend region.
Segment Length Specify the maximum length of a flat faceted
@ segment.

Segment Angle Specify the maximum allowable angle

between flat segments
lnd' 'dual Bend Individualbend regions can be set to use custom
Regions faeeting options by selecting the pink spheres
. . .
appeanng In the preview. When selected, a
‘,K EQ i L5 I Ez‘ v ‘

dialog beeomes available to modify the settings

for the associated bend atea.

Additional Sheet Metal Techniques

Refer to endpoint The option Refer to endpoint can bc selected to keep a profile comer
as sharp as possible. This may result in material being removed at a
comer to allow for the selected facet opfions. With Reier to endpoint
cleared, the bcnd region raeets will result in rounding sharp comers ofa

Reflerlo endpalni Checked :
Relerlcl endpoint Cleared

Facet Settings.
Set the Faceting Options to Number of Bends, and set the Facet
Value to 8.
Clear the Refer to endpoint option.
Sheet Metal parameters.
Click Use gauge table and
Select 12 Gauge thickness and
5080mm Bend Radius. The
material should be applied to the
outside or the profiles.
Click OK v.

Examine flat pattern.

Click Flatten ®.
Each bend region includcs 8
bond lincs.
Exit flatten.

create a drawing.
Click Make Drawing from Part 5.
Choose the CisizeiANsLMM template.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 3
Additional Sheet Metal Techniques

7 Adjust drawing document properties.

Click Options Ci), Document Properties and select the Sheet Metal
category from the left.
Modify the Bend note Style to be emanate.
With Leader and click OK. 7‘DllDliYmulmdilbennnmt;
3M! l’wn. man

Flat Pattern drawing view.

Add a flat pattern drawing view to the sheet.
Modify the senle to be 1:3.
Optional: Modify bend note angle.
By default, hend “0105 are aligned with the associated bend line, but
their angle enn be modified like any note annotation.
Box select 2111 notes in the VlCW.
Use the PropcnyManagcr to change the angle oftllc mid;
notes to Meg and click OK ~/ .
10 Add a Bend Table.
From the Annotations toolbar, click Tables, Bend Table. Us: the
default template and options and click OK v .
Place the table on the sheet.
Optional: Adjust bend line eallauts.


Additional Sheet Metal Techniques

11 Save E and close all files.

Formed Lofled Famed Lofled Bends have 2 rolled or dmwn

Bends look to the bend regions insmad of being
scpammd by bends and flats.
To create a Famed Lofled Bend, the profiles
must meet an additional requirement:

. Profiles eannot include sharp corners.

The bend regions of a Formed Lofled Bend

can also be generated with separate bend
regions and multiple bend lines if desired. To
achieve this, however, some additional
requirements must be met:
. Profiles must be pamllel to eaeh other.
. Profiles must have the same number of
corresponding lines and curves.
The bend lines for this technique are controlled by either the Number
of bend lines, or :1 Maximum devlation value. See Formed Bend
Region Options on page us for more information.

1 Open the part named

netted Bende_rnrmed.
The part Lafted BendsiFDI’med consists
of two sketehes with no sharp comers.

2 Lofted Bendi
Click Lofted-Bend 3.
Select the profiles near eotnrnon points to
orient the lofi.
Set the Manufacturing Method to Formed.

Addirinnal Sheet Metal Technique:

3 thckness.
Set the 'fhlckness to be 4.5mm to the outside of the profiles.
Click OK ‘4 .

Note To adjust the sheet metal pammeters for

the part, the sheetddetal folder can be
edited afier the feature creation.

4 Edlt sheet metal parameters.

Select the SheetrMetal folder and click Edlt Feature 0 .

Click Use gauge table. Select SAMPLE TABLE - STEEL, 1 Gauge

for the Thlckness, and 5.0mm!“ for the default Bend Radlus.
Click OK v.
5 Examine flat pattern.
Click Flatten 9.
Note N0 bend lines or notes are genemted with this technique.

6 Save
I and close all flles.

Addilional Sheet Metal Techniques

Formed Bend To create bend lines and notes for formed lofied bends, separate bend
Region Options regions can be created. This requires the profiles to share the same
number oflines and eurves, as stated previously (page 116). When
creating separated fur-med bend regions, the Bend Line Control can be
specified using ene oftwo options:

Number of Bend Specify a number ofbends m be included in

Lines eaeh bend region.
Max'mum Specify the maximum allowable deviation
deviation between the bend regi n in the flat and
formed states.

1 Open the pan named

bolted Bendsj'ormed w Elie.
The pan Lofted EendsiFOI‘med W
BLs consists oftwo parallel
sketches with the same number of
lines and curves.

2 Lofled Bend.
Click Lofted-Bend 3.
Select the pmflles near eemmen
points to orient the lefi.
Set the Manufacturing Method to

soLInquKs Lennon 3
Addilinnal Sheet ml rem-mus
Lofted Bends settlngs.
Set the thickness to 4.5mm and apply
the material to the oulside afthe
For Bend Llne Control, specify 8 for
the Number of bend llnes.

Click OK V .

Optlonal: Edlt sheet metal parameters

Select the SheetrMetal {alder and click Edlt Feature 0.
Click Use gauge table. Select SAMLE TABLE - STEEL, 1 Gauge
for the Thlckness, and 5.0Mnlnl for the default Bend Radlus.
Click OK V .

Examine flat pattern.

Click Flatten 9.
Each bend region includes 8 bend lines.

x w

x w

x x

x x

l l

Optlonal: Create flat sounwosz ><

pattern drawlng vlevn

A dialog appears on the
flat mm,“ view creation A You mdflulmmed mammnng mm tame
me lohed ma leam me mm I‘Manglesaeated
in Iheteamve are only EDDIDXIm-ale
“Va-"ling that "0’“ are
”Seth: mm mam-mung Waterman locum:
approximate. mum


Lzsson 3 soLIDwoRKs
Addilional sneei Metal Techniques

When using diis technique, are bend news appear similar to whm is
ereaied for die Bcnl Loficd Bend feature.

Nole Bend radii nre nut specified in formed hcnd neies mi km rims A
and are listed as SHARP. This can modified using seminars»
the flat nanern drawing, view preperries.
(mm lo

Save E and close all files.

Lofled Bends in line Design Library eeniains several prCr

the Design rnade shcctmctal pens created with m act i
Library formed lofted bends. These pens are
located in til: pams\sheetmel.a.1\
, m Mmum
aEwe-«Mm :
lurtad bands folder. »

, B «new
These models are Crcalcd with design :
cables that can easily be modified In ereaie
. bm
a sheet meial transition ofa desired size. 6E, new."
b limbs
l b smn
E Mam .

O a O

hulk lien: mam
ma me We

median nmuun: Muniul-vl



soLlnwoRKs Emmi" a
Sheet Metal hum Fla!

Exercise 8: Create this part using the dimensiens

Sheet Metal previded. This is a sheet metal part that is
from Flat designed in the flat.
This exercise uses the following skills:

.I Designing/mm the Flat on page 93

sketched Bend Feature on page 98
Units: MMGS

New pan.
Begin a new pan using the Pas-Limit template.
Profile sketch.
Using the Front plane, sketch the full profile ofthe flat pattern. Use a
cenmrline and mirroring to cream the geometry.


Exzm’ae I soLIDwoRKs
Sheet Medal 1mm Flal

Sheet melal plated

Create a Base Flange win: 15 Gauge steel.
Sm the Bend Radlus to 1305mm.

Add a cut.
Add a circular cut, dimensioned as
Add a hole wizard featured
Add flfimm holes dimensioned as
The holes are symmetrical amass the
vertical Centcrlinc.

Add bend lines.

Select the front fine
of the model and
sketch bend lines.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 8
Sheena-2151mm PM

7 create sketched bends

Click sketched Bends E and
choose the center portion of «he
face as me Fixed face.
Add all bands as Bend

Centerline with 90“ bends,
bending up.

8 Save H and close the file.

Jugs and Hams

Exercise 9: Use sheet metal features to eemptete the

Jogs and Hems pan as shown.
This exercise reinfctrees the fulluwing
Base Flange/721!) on page 11
Cum in Sheet Metal on page 37
Edge Flanges on page 24
Jag Feature on page 102
Hem Feature on page 34
Comer Rene/on page 70
Flat Pattern Settings on page 60
Units: MMGS
New part.
Create a new document using the Paremlt template.
Base Flange.
Create a sketeh and base flange. 90

The Depth is 90mm.

The material is 14 gauge steel and
thickness is applied to the amide cf
the sketch.
The band radius is 2.54mm
Use a Rectangular autu relief with a
0.5 relief ratio.
Optional: Modify appearance.
Edit the appearance of the part as

Create a cut as shown.

Jags and Nuns

5 Right-mostedge flange.
Add an edge flange as shown using the
following settings:
I Use default radius
I Angle = 90"
I Flange Length = 50mm from
Outer Virtual Sharp
I Flange Position =
Material Outside |=
I Trim side bends = cleared
5 109-
Sketch ajog lmc nn lhc back face ofthc flange
fl r-e
as shown
Crcntcthc Jog

I Use default radius
I Offset Distance = 4.75mm
I Dimension position =
Outside oflsel 111’
I Fix projected length = 0n

Jog Position = Bend centerline
Jog Angle = 70"
Click OK V .

7 Left-most edge flange.

Add an edge flange as shown using the Same
settings as step 5 on page 125, except with :1
Flange length of 52mm.
Click OK V .

Jugs aim Heme

Add a ham w the oulsidc cdgc ofthc
flangc using:
Material inside I:
Type = Open C,
Length = 9.5mm
Gap Distance = 0.75mm
Click OK v.

Corner Relief.
Click Corner Relief Q.
Click Collecl all corners.

For Relief type select Constant Width $.

nits :21le type continues the width er lhc
gap into the bond areas for the rclicf.
Click OK v.

10 Holes.
Use the Hole Wizard a te creme M3
Screw Clearance Holes, Through All, I0
dimensioned as shown.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 9
Jags and Hams

11 Examine the flat pattern. ' <

The orientation of the flat pattern can be

improved. Also, the holes will be added
afier the part is formed, so should be
removed from the flat pattern.
12 Edit the flat pattern feature.
Expand the FlatrPahbem folder. Select
the FlambPatrteml feature and
Edit Feature 8.
Replace the Fixed face with the bottom
inside face ofthe part.
Click to activate the selection box for
Faces to Exclude. Select the 6 hole

Click OK v.
13 Results.
The flat pattern now
unfolds from the bottom
face and the holes have
been removed.
14 Exit Flatten.

15 Edit Material.
Edit the material of the part to be AISI 316 Stainless Steel Sheet.
Optional: Use the Appearances tab in the Material dialog to clear the
option to Apply appearance of the material.

Jugs and Hams

16 Modify cul list item properties

Expand the Cut List a folder. Rightrclick the Cut List Item 39
fuldcr to access Properties.
Modify the Descrip ion to b: 14 Gauge Sheets
17 Create drawing from part.
Click Make Drawing lrom Part E.

Choose the AisizaiANSIiMM Xcmplalc.
Create the drawing VICWS and cut list table as shown.
11p Usc Model Items as to add (hr: hols callout and dimensions Us: the
cut list table lcmplnlc SM CL with Blank Size created on page 96.




nix»! FucN Malawi x new

m cu s
N Cave: aw 31 10217 n5

A m. «a m". x

18 Save E and close all files.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 10
rain is Untold

Exercise 10: Use tools to flatten selected bends and add

Fold & Unfold features that are visible in both the formed
and flattened states ofthe model.
This exercise uses me following skills:

. Unfold and Fold on page 105

Units: MMGS

Prneed ure
Open part.
Open the existing pan Fold and Unfold
from the LessCDOE\EXercisEs folder.
Optional: Par! Reviewer.
This model has been saved with
comments describing new the part was

built. Hover the cursor over features in
the tree or use Part Reviewer from
the Evaluale toolbar to examine the
features and comments.

U nfold.
The edges of the bend region need to be brnken with a radius. The bend
will need to be unfolded to add this feature.
Also, the dimensions ofthe slot eut should be defined in the flat.

Click Unfold w and select the back

planar face as the Fixed face.
For Bends to unfold, select the three
bend regions surrounding the fixed faee
as shown.

Enru'sefl) sounwonxs

Click OK ‘4 .

4 create slot cull

sketch the profile as shown and create an Extruded cm U.
Tip The Origin is located at the Midpoint
/ ofihe slot’s top edge.

5 Add fllleBr
Add a Fillet 0
feature to the edges omie bend
regions as shown. Set the radius equal to the
existing global variable by typing an equal sign (=)
in the dimension field and choosing Global
Varlahle, Corner_R from ills: menu.
E1mwas minim


soLlnwoRKs Examine 1n
Fnld 5 mm
6 Fold.
Click Fold 9.
Click Collect All Bends.
Click OK I .

7 Examlne the flat pattern

8 Save E and close the part

Conical Swept Flange

Exercise 11 : Create the conical sheet metal pan shown

Conical Swept using a swept flange feature.
Flange This exercise uses the following skills:

- Swepl Flange on page 108

I Swzpl Flange Flat Pattern ()plirms on
page I I0
Unis: MMGS

Proced u re
Open the existing part Conical.
Conical.sldprt can be found in the
LESSODOE \ Exercises foldcrt

It contains two sketches which are set [0

create a conical swept flange.

lnserl Swept Flange feature.

Click Insert, Sheet Metal, Swept Flange 0.
Select the profile and path sketches.
Selcet Cylindrical/Conical Bodies.
Select one ofthe Conical pmme sketeh elements as the Cylindrical!
Conical edge.

Tip The flax pattern orientation will vary depending on the edge seieetion
(ifthey are at different angles).
Oxwlhw m
a x
”sews.” A
I mun
c I mum
J mm m; m
Mutual mm
W mmnd/(mnllodm A

SOLIDWORKS Exercise 11

3 Sheet Metal Parameters.

Click Use gauge table and select the SAMPLE TABLE .
Sclcct Gauge 20, with a bend radius of1.lJnmm.

Click OK V .

4 Flatten. ,' .
Flatten the pants sec the flat shape ’

based on the eylinder / eone option.

Optional: Fm Contrast, edit the feature
and dcsclcct this option.
Also try different cdgc selections.

5 Save E and close all files.

Exercise 12 soLlDwoRKs
Lofled Bums

Exercise 12: Use different lofied bend optiuns to produce sheet metal transitions.
Lofted Bends

This exercise uses the following skills:

it LnftedBendr on page 112
I Bent LofledBendt on page 112
I Formed Lnfled Bendr on page I 16
Units: MMGS
Open part.
Open the existing part Lortedjends from the Lesson03\Exercises
This part contains the profiles that will be used to create the sheet metal
Bent Lafted Bend.
Click Lofted-Bend 8.
Select the profiles near
common points to orient the
Set the Manufacturing
Method to Bent.
Faceting Optlensr
To control the facets in the
bend regions, select Segment
Angle £3 and set the Facet
Value to 15deg.
Sheet Metal Parameters.
Click Use gauge table and select SAMPLE TABLE STEEL. A

Select 12 Gauge thickness and 5.060mm bend mdius. The mamrial

should be applied to the outside of the profiles.
Click OK v.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 12
Lofied Bends

5 Examine flat pattern.

Click Flatten ®.
Each bend region includes
multiple bend lines.
Exit flatten.

6 Save the part.

7 Save as mmdinendsvl’omed.
To create a vcrsicm of the transition as a formed lofied bcnd, first save
the part as a new name.
Click File, Save As.... and create a new file named
ll Delete boned Bends! feature.
Once created, a lofied bend featurc cannot be changed from Bent w
Formed. The feature needs to be deleted and rc—crcat/cd.
Selected thc Lofted Bendsl feature and press Delete. Click Yes to
confirm the deletion ef all child features.
9 Famed Lafted Bend.
Click Lofted-Bend 3.
Select the pmfilcs near eernrnon points te
orient the lofi.
Set the Manufacturing Method tn
The material should be applied te the
outside of the profiles.
Click OK V .

1» Examine flat pattern.


Click Flatten l

nie profiles do not mcct the 1

conditions required to generam l

bend lincs and bend regions.

Exit flatten.
11 Save E and close all files.

Exercise 13 soLtioRKs
Using symmeay

Exercise 13: Take advantage of the symmetry of

Using the model pictured by utilizing Mirror
features. Custom reliefs will also be
Symmetry added in fire part.
This exercise uses the following

I Cum in Sheet Mela! on page 37

I Tab Features on page 35
I Break Comer/Comer Trim on
page 72
- Jag Feature un page 102
Units: MMGS
Open part.
Open the pan UsingSymmetI‘yfrum rhc
Lesson03\ExePCisEs folder. It is a Shfict mcml
part that conmins base flange and edge flange

Manual Reliel Cut nie upper edge flange is in need ofa relief eut at the
side bend. Rather flmn use the option 10
Trim Side Bends, which would leave a large
opening, a custom relief will be created manually
using an Extruded out. This will allow only a
pom'on of the bend area to be remuved.

sketelr a rccmnglc using vertiees and
edges tu fully define it.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 13
Using symmetry

3 Extrude Normal Cull

Create a cut feature using the Normal cut and
Link In thickness options.
The cut is projected tc the depth specified, then
cut normal to the material thickness.

4 Mirrorl
At this point in the design, all features that are symmetrical from lcfl to
right have been completed.
Click Mirror H41. Use the face indicated in the picmre below as the
mirror plane.
Click Bodies to Mirror and select flit: sheet mmal body. Click OK

~I .

5 Tab.
Add a Tab U, sketching on the left vertical flange.


El 131
Exercise 13 SDLIDWORKS
Using swim-my

Break corners.
Click Break Corner @ .

Select the Chamfer option

and set the Distance to
Select the face as shewn.
Click OK v.

Tombstone relief eul.

Create another manual relief cut using the
profile shown and an Extruded cul fi.
Set the end condition to Blind and use
Link In thickness.

Sketch for Jog.
Create a sketch on the flat face
created by the mb.
Sketch a vertical line and dimension
as shown.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 13
Using symmeny

9 Face selection.
Click Jog 3, and select the face to
the left of the sketched line. The
\i 25

arrow should point in the direction


1|] Jog settings. 3 ”9 Q
In thePmpertyMenegee set the following: x

I Use default radius = On Mae—A

- End condition = Blind
I Depth = 0.5mm


I Dimension position = Inside Offset

Fix projected length = On
f K

I Jog position = Bend Centerline

I Jog Angle = 30°
I (3 mm

Click OK v ,
mm A

It; gig
mm A
L1” mm :
11 Result.
The rcsultingjog feature creates bends and flats in the flange.

Exercise 13 soLIDwoRKs
Using symmecy

12 Tabl
Add another Tab U using me right
venieal flange for the skeien plane.
Dimension the overlap.

13 Break corners.
Add 1mm chamfcrs to the mb face
using Break Corner é.

14 Mirror feature.
Mirror tie the existing wmbswnc relief
cut (step 1 on page 138) about the
Right Plane.

15 Hole wizard.
Use the Hole Wizard a in cream 3mm diamcicr holes using the
Through All and condition. Dimension as shown.

souuwosz Exercise 13
Using Symmeay

16 Mirror.
Mirror the body again using a sheet metal face at the back of the part.

Sheet Metal
Library Features
The SOLIDWORKS Design Library
includes seveml libmry features
representing Common sheet metal cuts.
These can be added to a model by using
drag and drop from the Task Pane.
The sheet metal library features are
located in the Design Library under
' —
E . a We."
D M"

. Dim-s

3WB8 t



features, Sheetmebal. ad

17 Access the sheet metal library features.

Click the Design Library a tab in the Task Pane.
Expand design library, then features, and select the Sheetmetal

Exercise 13 soLIDwoRKs
Using symmeay

18 Drag and drop

Drag and drop the keyhole smt lihmry
feature from the Sheetmetal foldcr
omo me fncc shown.

19 Edll sketchr

Click Edit sketch to locals the feature.

Add a Collnear /’ relation between the Right mum-”~— A

Plane and the eenterlrne.
Add the 15mm dimension as shown.
Click Finish.

715 flmkmlmupm

mm ,

Ema: amen" who

n... Yum:

stun rm rum
mum. ”me

11:: Library features appear with the

library books icon in the
FeatrrreManagerdcslgn nee. 1f
desrred, library features can be
dissolved from the shoncut menu in
order to appear as conventional
features in the tree.


E H.“ pm‘W;:l:**‘“"


someoRKs Examine 13
Using symmeay

20 Second Instance‘
Add a second instance ofthc key-hale 51m. Eimcr drag and drop again
from the libmry, or use a linear patmm.

21 Flauen‘
Click Flatten 10 check
:11: final flat pattem.

22 Exit flatten.

and close the


Using Symmery

Lesson 4
Converting to Sheet Metal

Upon successful complcfion ohms lcssmL you will be able to:

Use Inscn Bonds «0 add band regions to a mmrwallcd part.
Rm me comers ofa (hinrwallcd pan so (hm n can bc unfolded
Add a welded corner to a sham moml pan.
Usc Inscn Bonds to unmll a cone or cylmdncal pan.
Use me Convcn to Sham Mcml command.

Lesson 4 soLIDwoRKs
Converting to Sheet Mela!

Sheet Metal The final methods for creating sheet metal parts are techniques which
Conversion allow standard solid models to be eonverted to sheet metal. There are 2
convert techniques available:
I Insert Bends
Best suited for: imported sheet meml geometry orth swalled

I Convert to Sheet Metal

Best suited for: standard, nonelhin walled parts

Note Legacy SOLIDWORKSsheet metal parts (prceSOLlDWORKS 2001)

can be converted to the current format automatically by the addition of
any sheet metal feature (Edge Flange, Miter Flange, etc).

Insert Bends The Insert Bends method uses the geometry of a thin walled part to
Method define a sheet metal model. Rounded faces are recognized as bends and
sharp edges are replaced with a default bend radius. Ripped comers can
be specified if necessary to allow the part to flatten.

Imported In this next example, a neutral format file (IGES) will be imported and
Geometry to modified so that it can be processed as a sheet metal part. The pan is
Sheet Metal opened as an imported body; a single feature representing all the

Accessing import options.

Click File, Open, or click Open D.
Plant the list offile types, seleet IGES Files (*.igs;*.iges).
Click the Options... button in the dialog to access the IGES itnpon

Cmvemng to Sheet Metal

Select the following settings:
Automatically run import Diagnostics (Healing) = On
Perform lull entity check and repair errors = On
Solid and Surlace = On
Try forming solid(s) = On
Click OK.
Open IGESianonJGS.
Lesson04\0ase Study folder and
Browse to the open the
IGESimportms file.
Select the PartJlAIM template lt‘ prompted.
import diagnostics.
At the message:
DO you Wish to Fun meDI’t Diagnostics on this part?
Click Yes.
There is a faulty face Cliek Attempt to Heal All in the Import
Diagnostics FmpcrlyManager.
The fault is repaired.
Click OK v.
Note Iftllc following message appears:
Do you Want to proceed with feature recognition?
Click No.
This is an option to apply FeatureWorks to the Importedl feature.

Report and Error Whenever a file is imported into SOLIDWORKS, a tile is generated:
Files the Report File (filename.EPT). ltthere arr: errors during the import
proeess, a second tile is created: the Error File (filename.ERR).
Both files arr: text files and can be rend With any text editor.
The examples below are from an lGES tile that opened in
SOLIDWORKSbutjailed to eonstruet a solid.

Contents of the The Error File will list any crmrs that oeeurred during the open
Error File proeess. Suggestions and settings are also listed.
An error would typically have a line like that below:
WARNING: Unable to create solid fI’Dm trimmed Surfaces.

Lesson 4 soLIDwoRKs
Converting to Sheet Metal

Contents of the The Report File contains:

Report File General information about the IGES file.
Emity processing information.
An analysis ofthe IGES file.
An entity summary showing the quantity ofcaeh type of entity and
how many wctc converted.
A results summary.

Imported solid.
The surfaces have been
knitted into a single solid.
The single feature is
listed as Impurtedl.
mam tumuuumuo
an em
. m Museum
5 mmum(mt Wm
m up um
m ngM um
L am
3 more
fin The solid is considered a “dumb" solid because it contains no
parametric information or individual features. However you can still
add to it using standard SOLIDWORKS sketches and features.

Note This part comes in with uniform thin material typieal of sheet metal,
howeverthere are no open eerners whieh would allow the part to

someoRKs Lesson 4
convening I'o Slice! Mela!

Adding Rips Rips are used to add gaps to comer edges so that the part can he
flattened. Rips can create three types of comers: shomning either wall
01’ both at the edge where it is applied. One 01’ two arrows are used with
the Change Direction button to identify the edge of edges to be

The Rip feature is used to rip edges of the model before inserfing
bends. Alternatively,rips can be creamd fmm within the Insert Bends
Where to Find It - ConunandManager: Sheet MeIal > Rip 8
l Menu: Insert, Sheet Metal, Rip

Edge selection 0u
Click Rip 0 and seleet the edges as shown. . )1

Set the Gap to 0.10mm and click OK v.

11p nie ehshge direction button is used to switch between the tines types
of juints for the highlighted edge. The default “both" (two mews) will
be used for all edges here.

Lesson 4 soLIDwoRKs
Converting to Sheet Mela!

7 Resulting ripsi
The select edges are ripped with both flanges being shortened te a
cemmnn corner with a gap.

Insert Bends The next step will be to add bends to the pan. During this process
values ate defined in specify the bend allowance and the default bend
mdius while the existing geometry determines the sheet metnl
thickness All sharp earners in the model will he replaeed with the
default hend radius.

A Note About Ifthc model has cylindrical faces, they will be convened to sheet metal
Existing Rounds bends and will flatten like either bends. The value nfthe arc radius is
used in place of the default Bend Radius value.

Where to Find It I Cummansznager: Sheet Metal > Insert Bendss

I Menu: Insert, Sheet Metal, Bends

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 4
Convemng to Sheet Metal

Insert Bends.
Cliek Insert Bends a and select the face
indicated (below) as the Fixed Face.
Set the Bend Radius to 1.5mm, the Auto Relief MPH-m” A

Type to Rectangular and Relief Ratio to 1. 5

K imam
Click OK v. m mam

Medium! A

as...“ g
i) l

,6; “mm ;
Male The Insert Bends dialog includes :1 Rip Parameters section that can
be used in place of the separate Rip command (see Adding Kim on
page 149).

Relief cuts.
A message appears:
Auto relief Cuts were made for one or more brands.
The comers created by the rip need relief in order te be folded. The
system adds the relief automatically where it is needed. Click OK.
10 Results.
Four matures (Sheechetal, Flatten
Bends 1, ProcesseBendsl and Flats >
. lmpmkd‘l
‘9 m"1
m ShvamI
Pattern) have been added to the parL They EB Flamenraendsl
will be explained in the following section. »
y. FlatPnnim

Lesson 4 sounwosz
Converting to Sheet mm

Associated As a result ofthe Insert Bends operation, y

m Shawn“.
Features several new features appear in the , E3 Hangman,“
FeatureManager design tree. These represent ,
what can be thmight of as a process plan for ,
Flat ,flrm
the sheet metal part. The system applied two
distinct operations to the sheet metal part. First, it ealeulated how the
model needs to be flattened to identify where bends are required. Then
it rerfolded the flat pattern to produce the formed representation nfthe
38 Flatten-Bends The Flatteanends feature represents the v [g3 FIIttvi-Elndsl
flattened pan. This is where the system stores C (7)5tiaip75kach1
informationrelated to the “conversion" of the
Sharp and Round comers into Bends. Ifyou
expand the listing ofthis feature you will see
a<9 Smwnfi
features for each of the bends that replaeed
a “WEE.“
the sharp and munded eome ..
a@ 5mm”

Sharp earners are convened into SharpBend subrt‘eatures, using the

default Bend Radius Valuer Existing bends are ennvened into
RoundBend subrt‘eatures, using their current radii.
Ania Rellel
Round Bend

Sharp Bends

fin Editing a Band feature gives you access to override the default bend
H‘J Process-Bends The ProceSSrBends feature represents the transformation of the flat
pattern into the finished, formed pan.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 4
Cdnveflmg re Sheet Metal

Switching There are two ways to meye around within the chronology of the sheet
Between States metal preeess and to switch among the sharp corner, the tlattened, and
the processed states of the part.

I Use Rollback:
Dragging the mllhaek har before the Flatbeanends 1 mi feature
represents the part in its sharp comer statc. Rolling back to before
the ProcesseBendsl 3:3 feature represents the part in its flattened

I Use the Sheet Metal tools:

The No Bends a tool rolls the part back te its sharp eemer state.
The Flatten ® tool unsuppresses the flatrpattern feature. The
nice thing about using these tools is that they act like toggles.
Clicking them once rolls the part baek. Clicking them a second time
rolls the part forward again.

Making Often, imported or legacyrtype sheet

Changes metal parts require some medifieatiens
once loaded into SOLIDWORKS.When
this is the ease, it is best tn convert the
part to sheet metal early in the preeess in
order to take full advantage ofshcet metal
Now that the imported model is a sheet metal part, we can modify it
using available sheet metal features such as Edge Flange and
sketched Bend. We‘ll also add Welded Corner features to this part to
represent weld heads at the ripped eorners.

11 Edge Flange.
Insen an Edge Flange §.
Click Edit Flange Profile and edit
the sketch as shown hy dragging
geometry and adding dimensions.
Click < Back in retum to the
Angle = 90" ll
Flange Position =
Material Inside L:
Click OK V .

Lesson 4 soLtioRKs
Converting tn Sheet Mm!

12 cm feature.
Open a new sketch on the upper “step" top surface and create the
rectangle and dimensions as shown. Create a cut with a Through All
end condition.

Skelch on
this lace

13 Toggle flat display.

Right-click a face and select Toggle flal dlsplay to see the flat pattern
displayed with the pan.

14 Measure.
Zoom in on the bent tab and measure the distance between it and the
upper edge 0f the pan. The normal distance is 10mm. This information
will be used to form a bend using the Skelched Bend tool.

Convemng In sum Metal

15 sketch a bend line.

Zoom in on the other Lab, the (me whh the hole in it. w

0an a sketch cm the inside face ofthc pan, and

sketch a line as shown.
Do not close the sketch.

sketched Bend.
35W” (9
Ciick sketched Bend E. Us: the default radius. ~/ :1

Select the inside face ofthc part as the Fixed Face.

m, m. a
For the Bend position, click Material Inside Ls. WWW
E :m
v, )- samm ;
(q mum :

17 Results.
Use Measure to verify that the tab is
10mm abuv: the upper edge ofthc pan.

Converting :9 Sheet Metal

Welded Corner The Welded Corner feature is used to weld the earners ufa folded
sheet meml pan. The welded comer feature is suppressed when the pan
is ilanened.

Note Other options for representing welds can also be used in sheet metal
designs such as Weld Bead and Fillet Bead features. For more
information on these commands, see the SOLIDWORKS Weld/nerdy

Where to Find It - Cemmansznager: Sheet Metal > Corners C5 >

Welded Corner @
I Menu: Insert, Sheet Metal, Welded Corner

18 Face selection.
Click Welded Corner @. Sexthe nptionsand seleet
« x «

me rip seam face as shown.

(mum A

Click 0K «. D

,q ”mm :
mm we we

Note The Welded Corner PropertyMnnnger is laeked open so multiple

welds can be added.
19 Second weld.
Repeat the procedure for the
remaining np edge using the same

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 4
convening lo Sheet Metal

20 Stopping point.
Q "mm <1)

Click in the stopping poim field and select the vertex 1 x ‘
shown. Click OK « then Cancel x the Welded (mum a
Corner PrupertyManager. 3 Fin-D

,q imam ;
mime mu

21 Flatten the part.

When the flat pattern is aetive, [he Welded CDI’neI’ features are
automatically suppressed.
22 Save E and close the part.

Converting Insert Bends is one available option for creating sheet metal cones and
Cones and cylinders. while eencs and cylinders can also be ereated using flange
Cylinders features, convening these shapes can sometimes he simpler and also
produces features that can easily be used to “unmll” the part to add euts
in the flat state.

sinec eoncs and cylindcrs do not have planar faees to ehoose as the
Fixed Face, 2 linear edge ean be used,

Open Gone'u'nroll.
0an the existing pan CDDeUnroll.
This pan was cxnuded with drafi to produce the eonc shape. shell and
cut features were used to produee the thin wall and gap required for a
sheet metal pan.

Luann A sounwonxs
cumming tn Sheet Mm!

Insert bends.
Click Insert Bends a.
Sclect the edge indicated as the Fixed Face or
The Bend Radlus and the Auto Rellef uptions
have no bearing on this example.
Click OK V .

Flatten the model t0 View the flat pattern.
The selected edge remains stau'onary as the part ‘mrolls”.

F \

Exit flatten.

The Flatoen-Bendsl IE! and Process-Bendsl Ban features function
rnuelr like Unfold and Fold features (see Unfifld and Fold on
page 105). These features previde an easy option fur applying cuts to
the flat.
Rollback to a position between the mtben-Bendsl and
Process-Bends 1 features.

somwoRKs Lamont
6 Sketch.
Create a sketch and me 03:21 shown. Exit the skemh.

1 Sketch and cut.

Create a new skemh and add a circle using the 03m geometry for
placement. Use 1112 circle to create a cut using Link to Thickness.

Lesson 4 sounwonxs
Dunvem‘ngtu Sheet Meal

8 Pattern.
Use the cut to create a Curve Driven Pallem &‘ along the am.
There are 3 instances, equally spaced.

9 Roll In end.
Roll forward to view the completed part.

Hlde I» the sketch used for patterning.

10 Flatten.
Click Flatten to View the flat palmm.
An error is produced. Since the fixed edge for the tlnt pnttcru was
modified by the out feature, it is no longer recognized by the tlat pattern
11 Edit the flat pattern feature.
Expand the limb-Pattern folder,
select the Mac-Pamela feamre
and Edit Feature G.
Pde '
F ° “‘"W 3 3 ’ ' '5

Select a new fixed edge.

Click OK v
muummmmmmvtmn it
mm mm
12 Exit Flatten

13 Save E and close all flles.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 4
Convemng lo Sheet Metal

Convert to Convert to Sheet Metal uses selections from a sulid pan lo identify
Sheet Metal bend edges and faces that will be included in xhe resulting sheet metal
model. This reehnique can simplify sheet melal designs which may
have compliemed bend angles and geemeny by allowing the overall
shape in be firsl created as a standard solid body.
Here are some examples ofeonverting solid bodies.

""" ‘n’C’ \sfi’S’

convening n: Sheet Melal

Note Convert to Sheet Metal combines several individual upcrations

includingShell, Rip (page 149), and Insert Bends (page ISO). In cases
where Convert to Sheet Metal does not allow for adequate flexibility
of options, these commands can be used instead.
Where to Find It -
CommandManager: Sheet Metal > Convert to Sheet Metal
Menu: Insert, Sheet Metal, Convert to Sheet Metal
Open existing part Convert.
The part contains a lofi feature.
The faces of the pan have
camplcx angles between them
that may be difficult to replicate
with flange features.
The sketch on the fmnt face will

be used to define a rip location.

Convert to Sheet Metal.

Click Convert to Sheet Metal 3. ., x
Under Sheet Metal Gauges, select Use gauge Mflm'fi‘m A '

table and the SAMLE TABLE . STEEL . EU“9'“9"“’“

ENGLISH UNITS. Select 14 Gauge with n %
2.54mm Bend Radius.


tea-gt -
,, mm l

name mm
Dune bevy


ama. 7mm

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 4
convening lo Sheet Metal

Convert to Sheet Using Convert to Sheet Metal @ requires settings for sheet metal
Metal Settings parameters as well as several selections of faces and edges. Some ofthe
key selections are outlined belew.

I Sheet Metal Gauges

The Sheet Metal Gauges section includes similar options tn those
seen previously (set: Base Flange/Tab on page 1 l).
I Sheet Metal Parameters
The key selection is the Fixed entity; the face that will remain
stationary as the part unfuldcd. It is also important because this

face selection determines the rip edges and limits the selection of
bend edges.

The combination of fixed entity and bend edges can create multiple

Lessml 4 soLIDwoRKs
Converting to sneet Mela!

Reverse thickness dctcnnincs on which side ofthc original faces

the thiekness is plaeed.

The thiekness is applied so that the material thickness face is

normal to the side face (lcfi). This diffcls from the results on Shell
feature (right).
Convenlasneelmetal Sheii

Bend Edges
Bend edges define thc bends in the sheet metal pan using the
seleetion 0f model edges. In this example, three edges of the fixed
entity face are selected to form bends. These selections in turn
determine which foees are used to form the geometry.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 4
convening to sum Metal

I Rip Edges
Rips are used to create cuts in the sheet metal body. The Rip Edges
are automatically seleeted te allow flattening. For eustem rips,
sketched geometry can be used as Rip Sketches.


The Gap created by the rip and the type ufcorner (Open Butt 3”
Overlap 3H and Underlap :H') can be set for all comers 0r

Open Elm Underlap

The Overlap Ratio defines percentage overlap between flanges

from o (0%) to l (100%).

Overlap Hallo: 1 n Overlap Rallo :n 5 Overlap Rama :9

convening m Sheet Metal

3 Fixed entity and bend edges.

Select the underside face as the Fixed entity.
”046$sz A

3 Innub l

For Bend Edges, select the 3 edges shown in MN? '

pink and appearing with the eaneut Radius in the a: luwm
illustratiun beluw. DRAW mm
The selection ofthese edges requlrcs

that the ashamed,

body ripped in order to unfold properly. The K
Rip Edges found are selected aummatieally Dmmum
(shown in purp1e with the eaneut Gap) and listed
as Smart Selection <1> and
mm a? A

Smart Selectien <2>. fl

wrap fill-ad nut A

@ 3222:1223:le

pend; mutt

11p The flags in the graphics area can be used to modify the bend radius or
gap distanee for the associated se1eetien. The eaneuts ean be hidden by
clearing the Show callouts eheekboxes in the PropertyManager.

4 Corner defaults. emf—M’ l>

Under Corner Defaults, set type to Open Butt, El 1 3‘
default Gap to 1mm. s‘.“ 1mm"

Click OK V .

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 4
convening lo Sheet Metal

Using Rip A Rip Sketch can be used to add a

Sketches rip feature based on the gcomcn'y
of the sketch. Multiple sketches or
one singICrccmwur sketch can be
used in create multiple rips.

Important! When adding Rips, the sketch must cunmin a single contour. If
multiple contours are needed to achieve the proper geometry, more than
one skcmh must be used.

Two Rip Sketches

5 Ed feature. hum5‘9" A

Conveanofidl feature and click in the

Edit the C
Rip Sketches section. Select the Rip Sketch.
S Select bend edges.
Activate the selection box for Bend Edges. Esm ullwlt
Select the 2 side edges of the front face.

Click OK v/ .

convening 2.: Sheet mm

7 Examine the flat pattern.

8 Save E and close the part.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 14
Impaflmg and Convemng

Exercise 14: Use an existing IGES file to

Importing and create a sheet meml pm.
Converting This exercise reinfctrccs the
following skills:
I Imported Geometry la Shem
Mela/on page 146
- Adding Rips on page 149
- [rise/l Bends on page 150
Unils: MMGS

Proced u re
Open an existing IGES file.
0an the existing IGES file
named Importing and
Converting (mm the
LEESOnO4\EXeI’ciSEE folder.
Use the dethnlt impon settings.
Heal the pan ifneecsszry.
A thin walled solid is ereatedl

U nits.
Sel the unit system ofthe model to MMGS ifneeessnry.
Rip (3 the (We rcareomcrs nfthe selid. The nps should create an open
burl eomer with a Gap of0.1mm.

Exeru‘se 14 someoRKs
Impedingand L‘nnvem‘ng

4 Insert Bends.
Click Insert Bends
Select the bottom inside face as
the Fixed Face.
Use 3 Bend Radius of1.5mm
and an Auto Rellef of Tear.

5 Flat Pattern.
Click Flatten 9to
examine the flat pattern.
Edit the flat pattern to
remove Corner
Exit Flatten.

6 Edge flange.
Add Edge Flanges 5 that
an: 12.5mm in length with
Bends Outslde.
7 Break-Corners 6.
Break the corners of the
flange faces with a 6mm

8 Save and close.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 15
Unmlling : Cylinflel
Exercise 15: Use Insert Bends to convert the cylinder
Unrolling 3 to sheet metal. Use the resulting features to
add a sketch driven pattern to the unmlled
This exercise uses the follewing skills:

- Insert Bent/iv On page 150

I Converting Canes and Cylinders on
page 157
Units: MMGS
Prneed ure
Open the existing part Unroll.
Unrollsldpr't can be found in the
LessonO4\Exerelses folder.
The Unroll pan contains an are
that was extruded as a thin feature.
The are has a 1” gap, creating a rip
in the wall of the cylinder.
Inserl bends.
Click Insert Bends aand select
the model edge indicated. This is
the Fixed Face or Edge. The
Bend Radius and the Auto Relief
optiuns have no bearing on this
Click OK V .

Examine flat patternt

Cliek Flatten ® to show
the part in its flattened
Exit Flatten tct return tct
the formed part.

Exercise 15 soLIDwoRKs
llnrolling a cylinder

Drag the rollback bar to a position between the FlatteanEndsl and
PI’DCeSSsBeDClS 1 features.
A hole pattern will be added here in feature history in order for it to be
represented in both the formed and flattened states.
Copy a sketch.
Open the pan Pattern Sketch. It contains a sketch that will be used for
a sketch driven pattern.
Select Sketch] in thc FeatureManager design tree and Copy it t0 the
clipboard. You can use Edit, Copy, or press Ctrl+C.

é+~y ~47»; .77.; is, *7» .e .77.;
\ . s t x x >


Paste the sketch.

Switch haek to the Immlled cylinder pan window.
Change to a Front view.
Click the flattened face, and paste the sketch (Edit, Paste, or cm+vt

Edit the sketch [2.

Add a Midpoint
relation between the lefirmnst end ofthe hurizontal
eeilterline and the leftrmost vemeal edge ot‘the pan.

y s x s
/l k


somwoRKs Exemin 15
Unlnfll'rwa may
8 Delete the dllnenslons.
Delete the two dimensions. Drag one of the sketch points tn understand
what geometric relations are present, and how the sketch behaves.

T s n a x s n

t. s x s r .7
a l-

9 Mldpolnl relation and dimension.
Add a Midpoint relation between the right—most end ofthe
horizontal eenterhne and the right-most vertieal edge ofthe part
Add a linear dimension as shown. The sketch is fully defined.

10 Exit the sketch.

11 Skeich.
Select the flat face of the part and insert a new sketch. Sketch a circle
and dimension it. as shown.


12 Cut.
Extrude the circle as a cut. Use Link to thlckness.

Exercise 15 soLIDwoRKs
Unmllmg a cylinder

13 Pattern
Click Insert, PatternIMirror, Sketch Driven Pattern, or eliek Sketch
Driven Pattern .n on the Features CommandMauager.
For Features to Pattern, select the em you made in the previous step.
Click in the Selections list, and select the pattern sketeh.
Cliek Selected point and select the point at the hole eenterpoint as

Clear Geometry pattern option and eliek 0K V .

14 Results.
Hide ”Q the pattern sketch. Rightreliek the
rollback bar and seleet Roll to End.

15 Flatten.
Cliek Flatten to view the flat pattern.
An error is produced. Since the Fixed Edge for the flat pattern was
modified by the eut feature, it is he longer recognized by the tint pattern

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 15
Unmlling a Cylinflel

16 Edit the flat pattern featurel

Expand the Flachactem
_ a Sknrhrvmmd
fuldcr, select the Flake ‘9 *9 3
Pattern feature and Edil 0mm,“
Feature fl. aniififiiTSLT‘mmm"
Select a new fixed cdgc.
Click OK v

17 Exit Flatten.

18 Save E and close all files

Exercise 16 soLIDwoRKs
Convert to Sheet Metal Practice

Exercise 16: Use the provided selid pans and stated design intent in create the sheet
Convert to metal models as shown. Use the appropriate Fixed Face to match the
Sheet Metal flat display pictured.
Practice This exercise uses the following skills:

I Convert 10 Sheet Mela! cm page 16]

I Convert [0 Shaw MetnlSzllings on page I63
Unils: MMGS

Design Intent The design imcm for all parts is as follows:

I. Material is ls gauge steel applied in the inside ertlie existing solid.
2. All bends Rl.905mm
3. All gaps 2.00min

Existing pans ean be found in the Lesson04\ExerciSes folder.

Part Folded Toggle Flat Display

CDnvePLEX, l




soLtioRKs Exercile 11
MM m Rips
Exercise 17: Convert the existing geometry to sheet
Convert with metal geometry.
Rips This exercise uses the folluwing skills:

I Convert to Shem Metal on page 161

3 Convert to Shea Metal Sailings on
page 153
- Using Rip Sketches on page 167
Units: MMGS

Open Convert with lips.
Convert with Ripssldprt can be
found in the LessonO4\ExePciSes

Use Convert to Sheet Metal with
Rip Sketches to create the sheet
metal part as shown. Apply mamxial
t0 the inside of the existing faces.
Under Sheet Metal Gauges, select
Use gauge table and the SAMPLE
TABLE - STEEL. Sclect18 Gauge
with a 1.905mm Bend Radius.
Set the Gap to 2mm.

Exeru‘se 17 sounwonxs
mm: m Rips
3 Bend llne.
Create a new sketch line and
dimension on file face shown.

4 sketched hend‘
Use the line to create a new
sketched bend feature.
5 Save and close the file‘

SDLIDWORKS Exercise 13
Sneel mm Hoppel

Exercise 18: Use Convert to Sheet Metal to create

Sheet Metal the hopper as shown.
Hopper This exercise uses the following skills:

I Convert to Shea Metal on

page 161
I Can verr (0 Sheet Meml Seirmgc on
page 153
- Using Rip 31mm: on page 167
Units: MMGS

Proced ure
1 Open the existing part SM_Hopper.
SM,Hepper.sldprt can be found in
the Lesson04\Exereises folder.
This part was created using lofl and
cxtrude features that represent the size
and shape of the hopper.

2 Convert to sheet metal.

Click Convert to Sheet Metal 3.
Undcr Sheet Metal Gauges, select Use gauge table and the
a 5.080mm Bend Radius.

Exgmiu 1s sounwoRKs

Select the face Shawn in blue as the

fixed Face. Select the edges shown in
pink as the bend Edges. The purple
rippod edges will be found
Use an Open Bun corner with a
1‘00mm gap.
Set the Auto Rellef to Rectangular.
The material should be applied oulside
the existing faces.

Click OK v.
Examlne flat pattern
Flatten the pan to examine the flat pattern.

Save and close all files

Lesson 5
Multibody Sheet Metal Parts

Upon successful completion ohms lcssmL you will be aisle m:

Understand dmmm methods ofcrcaung and usmg mulubody
sheet metal pans.
Comm] shoot mcml parameters for scpamc bodms wnhm (he same
Creme drawings ofmulubody shod moml pans and individual
Usc spm m diwdc a single body mm mumbody shed mcml pans‘
Us: Mumr m creme a scpam‘c sham mcml body.
Usc difi‘crcm ‘cchniqucs m ducct imcrfcrcncc in a multibody pan.

Lasso" 5 soLIDwoRKs
numbed, sneet Metal Pans

Multibody Sheet As with any other standard part sheet metal models ean make use or
Metal Parts multibody design teehniques. A multibody pan simply refers to a part
that eontains more than one solid body in the file. All sheet metal
teehniques allow for the ereation of multibody designs.

Often times a multibody model might be a step in the pmeess to a
single body pan:

Other times, it may be appropriate to develop a produet as multiple
bodies within the same part:

When a sheet metal design makes use or new Wotan

multibodies, multiple sets of sheet metal and tlat '
pattern features are available in the
Feanrrelvlanager. Also, eaeh unique body will be

‘ #1
grouped into its own cut list item. r
t m E mm
In general, sheet metal multibody designs are itineraries
ereated in the same way as standard multibody ‘1]
parts This lesson will conccnumc on the tools and m MMPlana

options unique to sheet metal multibody parts. For , 333%

more detailed information on multibody design a an ton
teehniques, see the SOLID WORKS Advanced Pm g 2'“ij
Modeling course. r usrrrsuma
' D nu
, ,,
U l-rlllnsd

unltraedy Sheet Metal Parts

Tools to Create Multlbody sheet metal pans ean be created using several techniques.
Mullibody Sheet The following tools can be used to create a sheet metal multibody part:
Metal Parts
Use Base Flange, Convert to Sheet Metal, or
Sh 9°l M 9 . a I Lofted-Bend to create a separate body in the
Use Linear or Circular Patlern, Mirror. or
Duplication Move/Copy Body to duplicate a sheet metal
body In a pan.

Use Insert Part to add a body into an CXISlmg

lnserl Part sheet metal part.

. Use Split to divide a single sheet metal body

Splll .
into multrple bodies.

Multibodies In the next case study, the Base Flange]

with Base Tab feature will be used to generate both
Flange a Tab feature and a separate solid body In
the pan. The model will then be used in a
dmwmg with multiple ilat pattern vlcws

Open the exlstlng part Sheflinracket.

Shall,Bra.CkEt.slde’L can be found in the
Lesson05\Case Study folder.

Lesson 5 soLIDWORKs
mummy sneet Metal pane

2 Sketch Tab profile.

Sketch a circle on the top face as shown.

Tab feature.
Click Base Flangel‘lab U.
when the option for Merge Result is selected, this feature
generates a Tab feature, as seen In previous examples (see
Tab Feammn on page 35). Ensure this option is seieeted and
click 0K « .

Copy hole feature.

Hold em while dragging and dropping M5 Clearance H0191 from
the FeatureManager design tree onto the top face.
Click Delete in the dialog to remove the existing external relations
from the sketch.
Edit hole feature.
Edit M5 Clearance HoleZ. Modify the
position sketch to add a relation to the
eemcr of thc Xab.
HP When accessing the position sketeh from
the Hole Wizard PropenyManager, the
Point command automatically hecomes
active. Cancel this tool in order to make
selections and add relations.
Click OK V .

Add a new Base Flange.

Click Base Flangel'fab U.
Select the existing Sketch for Badya as the profile for the feature.
0an profiles do not meet the requirements ofa Tab feature; the Merge
Result option is omitted, This feature will result in a Base Flange for
a separate solid body in the pan.

Mummy sneer Metal Pans

Change Directiom to be Mid Plane,

Reverse the direction ofthe material
thickness ifneeessary to prevent
interference. Accept the default sheet
metal parameters.
Click OK v.

Results. Q SMIJvartu lndaunubmultr

The Cut List indieates there are (2) bodies existing '
in the part. Since they are geometrically difl‘erent, -
they have been grouped into 2 separate out list ' fi‘gfjfigmm
items. -
s rntrrwnr
' i? fauna»
The SheetrMecal folder and FlatrPattem folders $331?“
eentain sets ofSheetrMetaW and FlatrPatteI’m? ('1

features assoeiated with the separate bodies. [:3ng

Each body ean be flattened individuallyby selecting ' gigs,“
a face of the body and elieking Flatten s». $333335
, U rt. nan
, El hm
El m1
U B-rM‘N-A
. r: t. r.

Sheet Metal When multiple sheet metal bodies are generated in a part, the default
Parameters for sheet metal parameters are inherited from the overall pan settings.
Multibodies These overall settings are stored in the SheatrMatal folder in the
FeatureManager design tree as mentioned in Lesson I (see Editing
Shem Metal Parametem on page 20).

. E ShmrMsal
as Shnudelfl
Overall pan settings
Sam body semngs
% enrgtntrn <— Emhendea gauge lame

1r neeessary,individual bodies otthe sheet metal part ean have unique

sheet metal parameters. These can be defined when the new sheet metal
body is ereated by overriding parameters, or by editing the asseeiated
SheeLrMEtallf feature within the folder.

Lessnn 5 soLIDwoRKs
Mullibady Sheet Metal Parts

Note In eemin instances a single SheetrMetali? may control multiple

bodies in a part. For instanee, a single body that has been split or bodies
that result from a pattern (see Uxirlg Split with Shem Mela! Paris on
page 196 and Patterning/m Multibodies on page I98).
Solid Body When many bodies exist within a pan» it may be . gamut
Feature History dimeult [0 determine which features are ' figfifw M 7
assoeiated with eaeh pieee. One technique to :1 arm
easily find the SheetrMetaM and Flat 3:;W‘
Patter-1W feature for a hardy is to use the feature a moderated
history listed in the Cut List. By expanding a gain-MW
cut list item and solid body within this folder, the n . mi

features of just a speeitie body can be viewed. ' $3133“;

at him
Q) is. into

Edit solid body sheet metal

Edit the SheetrMetaW feature associated
with CutrListrItemE.
Click Override default parameters.
Change the material thiekncss to 16
Click OK V .

Cut List Item Eaeh unique body within a sheet metal model will be grouped into a cut
Properties for list item in the part and represented by a line item in the em list table.
Multibodies Cut list item properties for a multibody part are accessed and mudified
in the same way as a single body part (see Aecessing Cut Ll‘si
Properties on page 74). When multiple eut list items are available, the
CutrList Properties dialog, lists all items in the left pane where they
can be selected.

Edit cut list properties.

Expand eut list folder. Right click a cut list item folder and click
Edit the DESCRIPTION property for CutrListrItieml to be
11 Gauge Sheet.
Edit the DESCRIPTION property for CutrListrItlemZ to be
16 Gauge Sheet.
Click OK.

soLlDwoRKs Lesson 5
Mumbmty Sheet Metal Parts

10 Save E the part.

11 Make Drawing from Part.
click Make Drawing from Part 1: in the File menu or
New Document D tlyout menu.
Choose the BjizeJ—LNSLMM template.

Flat Pattern Unlike a single body part, a tnultihody sheet metal model does not
Drawing Views initially generate a SMVFLATVPATTERNconfiguration to represent the
for Multibodies flat pattern drawing View. Notice there is no fiat pattern view available
in ihc View Palettet

Flat pattern views of individual bodies must be created using the

Model View @ eomtnand along with the Select Bodies option. A
new derived configuration will he automated t‘or eaeh separate body as
the tlat pattern views are ereated.

12 Add a Right View.

Use the View Palcm: in add a Right View of the ShelfiBI’acket.
13 Modify sheet scale.
Verify the scale ofthc sheet to be 1

Lesson 5 soLIDwoRKs
Mullmady sneat Metal Pans

14 Add Model View.

Click Model View 1E fmm the view Layout mulbar.
Doublcrclick the open documcm Shelf_Bracket, or click Next (9 in
the PmpcrtyManagcr.
Click Selecl Bodies...
Select the body shown and click OK v .

In the Model View PropertyMnnager,a Flat

pattern option now appears in the
Orientation groupbox.

15 Flal Pattern options.

Check (A) Flat panem.
ax M—oenrn

HP The (A) preceding a drawing view name um,

indieates there are annotations associated
mew”... A
with the view. lg :Jr.mmrar.nmnv
Notice a new configuration is now added and mum... v
win hr: referenced by the drawing view. W» A

Rom: the flat patmm vicw Qfldeg.

Clear the npxion for Auto-start projected .. @E
view, if necessary.
mi in \m
Click Use sheel scale.
16 Place the view on the sheet.
r ’mmmz
3mm Maud m.

we...” v
m M...“ Damn A

a in new .

Din-m A
i’ imam prnynma m

50‘: A

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 5
Mumbmty sneer Mehl Pans

17 Add view of 2nd flat pattern.

Repeat steps 14 716m add a flat patient view ofthe 2nd body in the
A second derived configuration, SMVFLATVPATTERNI, is created and
referenced by this view.


18 Add a cut list table.

Click Weldment Cut List % and select the Right view on the sheet.
Use the SM Cut List template created in Lemon 2 (page 81).
Click OK V .
Place the cut list table above the title block on the sheet.
19 Modify cut Ii table.
Modify the cut list table m include the information shown.

w No aw DisciwwuN 5mm” K-Fqctu

I i
n Gauge Sheet was 05
2 l
lécawesheet 1.519 05

20 Save as table template.

Save the modified table as a new template on the desktop named
SM Cut ListVMIB.

mummy Sheet Metal Pans

Cut List Balloon Balloon annotations can be used for eut list items in the same way as
Annotations for bill of material line items. when using balloons in drawing views
not directly associated with the cut list table, drawing view properties
can be used to link the balloon numbers to the table.

21 Add balloons.
Click Balloon JD on the Annotations toolbar.
Add balloons to the bodies in the Eight VlCW.
Attach a balloon to each of the flat pattern views.

Click OK 4.
22 Link balloons to cable.
Select one of the tlat pattern views.
Access the Drawing View Properties dialog by either selecting the
More Properties button at the bottom ot‘the PropcnyManager, or by
righteclieking the VIEW and clicking Properties... from the shortcut
Cheek the option to Link balloon (ex! lo specified table.
fip There is only one table in this drawing, but ifmultiplc tables existed the
appropriate table could be selected from the drop down menu.

mm miner/ire; 7 X

m i'opeflie: 5m Modem Edges Mme/Shaw Indies

New Dieting «en: m, Nmedww
Wm M summml
Dam," C\lrspmuml\‘pskmn§ha[fimrw :i new

comm“ prime»
Qummi a ‘iwce' )vlsdcwndmnhgmahm

memsMéuréirrEehi V

:iiw minim, w W. a

Dusplwslwa v
s mtvrllwe
Munkhallznmsrtnspamming A w, W ”We."
mam most! M MDiiley shut mi
ma nmsr
Unisnls/ en mm D“

Mr (lué' a,

Click OK.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 5
Mumbody Sheet Mehl Park

23 Link other balloon to table.

chcat smp 22 to link the balloon in the other flat pattern View to the
cut list table.

24 Optional: Modify document properties and add dimensions.

Modify the drawing Document Properties to match the flat pattern
colors as shown and display bond notcs with Leaders.
Add dimensions to the flat pattern views and bend lincs.

25 Save and close the drawing.

Munmooy sneet Metal Fans

Exporting to ()mmns [he Export to DXF I DWG fullciloll allow for Slnglc or

DxF/DWGs with mulilplc bodies in be oxponcd, Selections can also be made to specify
Multibodies whether a single file or Scpm'mc filcs m'c cronicd.
lil ills DXI: DWG (‘Iclulup window. Scpamlc files being created can bc
noocssod by cllcklng me Next Layout '5‘ and Previous Layout 6

26 Export to DXFIDWG.
nglltrcllck a face oflhc SheL" Bracket.
Click Export to DXFIDWG.
Acccpl ihc dcfliull name and sle the DXF i0 Illc dcskmp.
27 Output options.
Use ihc DXFIDWG Output Pl'opcnmemgcr K0
“WWW 3.,

Select Sheet metal. For Bodies to Expert. sclcci

, x

a flicc from ihc 2nd body in ihc pan. . sow mm

For Export Options. sclcci Separate files, Tm- ‘73.?"

Click UK M . “MEX“
28 Preview output.
Usc ihc DXFIDWG Cleanup Window to prcvlcw
illc filc Islng the Next Layout and Previous g
Layout '3‘ buttons.

.ulmltmw r. we

2: Q a: q +6 um."
r. z

vim m, o o she mm

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 5
Mumbmty Sneel Metal Pens

Click Save. The DXF filenames include both the film pattern feature
name and the part name: FlatrPatteI‘nll , SheLf,Bra,cket.DXF.
29 Save E and close all files.
Convert with As with flange features, Convert to Sheet Metal can also be used to
M u ltibod ies produce a multibody design. Ifa solid body will be used for multiple
convened pieces, the option to Keep Body ean be used to prevent the
solid body from being removed afier the first Convert to Sheet Metal

Open the existing part

SM,Hupper,M:B.sldprt can be found
in the Lesson05\Case Study folder.

This is the same model ereated in

Emma 18: Sheet Metal Hopper on
page 179.

Examine the Flat Pattern.

Flatten ® the pan.
Select the top or bottom edge ofthe Bounding Box. The smtus bar
shows the length ofthe material needed for this pan is over 3702mm.
This is ton large for a smndard sheet ofmaterial, so it will need to be
produced in multiple pieccs.

fip Cut list item properties can also be used to quickly identify the
Bounding Box Length.

itiutitbooy street Metal pans

Exil flatten.

Edil Convert-Selim.
Edit the Cunvel’tosolidl feature and
cheek Keep Body.
Clear the selections from the Bend
Edges selection box. Select the edges
displayed in pink as the bend edges for
the first sheet metal body.

Click OK V .

A new sheet metal body is created and
the original solid body is still available
in the part.

Hiding and There are several ways to control the visibility ofbodies within the part
Showing including Hide and Show, HideIShow Bodies, Isolate, and using the
Bodies Display Pane.

Hide and Show Hide and Show can be used to control the visibility of selected bodes.
When a face or feature is selected for Hide/Show, the entire associated
body is hidden.
Where to Find It I Shortcut Menu: Rightrcliek a face, feature, or body eliek Hide "C
or Show '9‘

Hide/Show Bodies H'deIShow Bodies uses it PropertyManzger to control the visib ty of

cxi ing bodies.

Where to Find It I Menu: Wew, Hide I Show, Bodies...

Isolate Isolale ean be used hide all but the selected lsalat:
bodies. When bodies have been Isolated, a dialog
becomes available with options to changc the

visibility of the removed bodies to hidden or
transparent, to save the isolated view as a display state, and to Exit
Isolale to return to the previous display of bodies.
Note Isolale ean also be used with Components of an assembly.
Where to Find It I Shortcut Menu: Riglitrclick a body in the graphics area
and click Isolate.
I Shortcut Menu: In the FeatureManagcr design uee, rightrelick a
body in the Cut List and click Isolate.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 5
lithium sneet new Park

v -flnu
The Display Pane Expand the Display Pane to control the Q < w 09.
visibility, display mode, color, and
transparency ofbodies through the
FeatumManager Design Ties. % m.
~ 1min!”
,a Mum“, -
Isolate the sheet metal body.
To View unly the sheet metal body, right—click a
face of the body and click Isolale.
Click Ex Isolate.
Convert second body.
Click Convert to Sheet Metal 8. Existing
sheet meml faces an: shown in ma.
Clear the option to Keep Body.
Select the indicated face as the Fixed Face and
the pink edges shown as the Bend Edges.
Change the Gap distance to 1mm.

Click OK v.
Two sheet metal bodies are lefi in the part. Each body has an associated
Sheet-Mahdi? and F1at»Pa,ttEm# feature in the tree.

mummy Sheet Metal pans

9 Flatten.
Use Flatten 0 to view the flat pattern for each body.
~ 1

i i

i i

i i

i i
10 Exit flatten.

11 Save E and close the part.

Using Split with Another technique to address the issue of

Sheet Metal having to produce a part in more than one
Parts piece is to split the existing model into
multiple bodies. The Spin feature can use
planes, sketches, faces, or surface bodies to <
separate a part into multiple pieces.
When a single sheet metal body is split into
multiple pieces» new flat pattern features
are created, but the sheet metal parameters
are still enntrolled by the single Sheet
Mahala: feature tied to the original

Where to Find It I Menu: lnsert, Features, Split Q]

1 Open the existing part UstnLSpflt.

Usmg,Split.s1dprt can he found In the Lesson05\0ase Study

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 5
Munmmry Sneel Mehl Fans

2 Reference planes.
Add two reference pInnes using the I Wm ?

" ‘
Tap Plane as a reference and spacingthcm 3‘

25”“ Wm
flvsllelemxe A

D IraP mm
ag we
E My
zsnaoamm :
D Flip Wm
3 Split.
Click Insert, Features, Splil @.
Under Trim Tools, select Planel and P131352.
Click Cut Part, select all the resulting bodies
and click OK v . lnm Ms A


4 Hide planes.
Hide V the reference planes Mm“ A


mummy Sheet Metal parts

5 Resulting sheet metal features. Q mast-o mmuhuDdI-AK»

There are now 3 sheet metal bodies in the part with 3 ' L‘W
separate flat pattern features. , mew...
. rig eumui
Since all 3 bodies originated from the same Base
. . . ‘

there SheetrMetalw feature no,

Flange is only one roam
controlling the sheet metal parameters for all bodies.
This is similar to the behavior seen when bodies are Lfllwl"

panned. 'im...
5 fiauqehm
Save E and close the part. -
' 3 on mum

Patterning for As demonstrated previously, sheet metal parts ean take advantage of
Multibodies symmetrical designs by creating halfofz part and mirroring the body
(see Mirror the body. on page 68). When using this teehnique a sheet
metal face must be used as the mirror plane and the results are merged
imo a single body. Mirroring and patterning can also be used to
generate separate bodies in a pan by Clearing the Merge solids option.
Any face or plane ean be used as the mirror plane when this tcehnique
is used.
When new bodies are created by patterning, their sheet metal
parameters are controlled by the single SheeteMetaD? feature
associated with the seed body.
Inthis case study a Mirror feature will
be used to create the opposite hand
version of an existing body. A third
body will be created in the part that
will demonstrate how to merge
separate bodies with an Edge Flange.

fin The bodies in the illustration are

shown in an exploded view. Exploded
views can be ereated in multibody
parts in mueh the same way
assemblies. The Exploded View .3
command ean be aecesse n the Insert menu.

Mumbmiy sneer Mehl Pans

Open [he existing part Mirroringm.

MlmomngMB.sldprt can be found in the
LassonOSVL‘ase Study folder.

Mirror body.
Click Mirror H41
Activate the Bodies to Mirror groupbox and sclcct the Left Hand

Important! Clear the npxion to Merge solids

Use the Right Plane as the Mirror Plane.

Click OK ‘4 .

A ngnenand version erxhe body is created In the pm The new body
has its awn fiat pattern feature, but is linked to [he SheetrMetalfi
feature nfthc seed body.

11p To ereme an opposite hand version ofa model as a separate pan me, the
command Insert, Mirror Part can be used. For more information, see
Mirmr Pm on page 269.

Mullmady Sheet Metal Fans

4 Sketch.
Create a ncw sketch on the
flange at the from.
Sketch n rccmnglc, adding
mlaliuns m the sharp comers as

Base flange.
Click Base Flangel'l'ab M.
Clcar Merge resull.
Sci the dircction to avoid imcrfcrcncc.

Click OK v.
Second Base Flange.
chcat thc procedure to crcmc the second basc flangc wilh the samc

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 5
Mummy Sheet Metal Park

Using Edge The Edge Flange option Up In Edge and Merge eonneels scparam
Flanges to sheet metal bodies and merges them inlet one.
Merge Bodies

When bodies from separate tlange Sheet-Metal

features are merged, the SheetrMetaM?
feature fmm the first hddy selected 5 ”MM“
becomes the feature eontrolling the sheet ' fl Sheet-Malls
metal parameters for the new piece. The
sneeeMetaJ# feature for lhe 2nd body
a Sheet-Mean
% 5mg: mug
seleeted still exists, but is lismd as a child
feature in the FentureManagcr.

Edge flange. § “FM-I2 a

Click Edge Flange 5. e x
Select the edge efthe existing body (1) and Select "mm-m A

the edge ofthe apposite body (2) as shown. 5 "’“““

For the Flange Length, Up To Edge And Merge
is seleeted automatically. meantime
Click Material Oulslde i:
and OK « .

Four bodies are combined to three.

rum loan A




Lesson 5 soLIDwoRKs
Mullibady Sheet Metal Fans

8 Flat display.
Use Toggle flat display to preview the flat
pattern for each body.
Save E the part.

Interfering Sheet metal bodies may interfere or clash with one another like
Bodies components in an assembly. There are two solutions to finding the
interferencesbetween sheet metal bodies.
Combine Using the Combine tool within the part, seleet a pair i

of bodies to check and use the Common option.

Volumes ofoverlap w’ll appear as bodies. enneel the
operation, repair the interference and repeat the
procedure until the eomlnon volume is removed.

Interference Add the part to a new assembly for interference ehecking. Use the
Detection Interference Detection tool with the include multibedy part
interferences option. Repair the interference and repeat the procedure
until the interference is removed.
Note The Interference Detection tool is only available for assemblies.
We will use the Interference Detection technique to check the
erTor'jngM'B part for interferencesbetween the bodies.

1|] New assembly.

Cliek Make Assembly from Pan‘JAssembly
AssemblyjltrM template.
., select the

Click OK « to add Mmorlnglvna as a component in the assembly.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 5
Mumbofly sneer Mew Park

11 Hi
“WNW w
Click Evaluate > Interference Detection at «x
Click Include mullibody part interferences
and Make interfering parts lransparenl.
Click Calculate.
The results Show four inwrfcmnccs, eseh
where the sharp comers ofthc side bodies
«1 arm:
meet the outer body. r lnlmavenzel- r«we
Click OK ~I . r
lntmzrznlu new:

i: (unssnrnm
w A

7 new. mumbaw an immense;
17 M-kz immumu mm
1', (yak Vulzmufeldu

Inlau mm
E (7:11! lemmas,
r lunar: made» snare/(smssme

mrmhmmmfi A

a In: (mum
12 Break corner.
Rctum Io lhc pan, sclcct both of the side bodics
and click Isolate.
Click Break Corner % .

Set the Break lype m Fillet, [he valucio10mm,

and seleet the edges of one body as shown.
Click OK V .

Lesson 5 soLIDwoRKs
Mummy Sheet Metal Parts

13 Repeat.
Repeat the procedure for the opposite hand body.
Tip There must be two separate BreakCorner features, one for each
body. Ifyou try to apply features to multiple bodies, this message may
The selected entity does not belong to the sheet metal body.
Click Exit Isolate.
14 check for interferences.
Return to the assembly and test the interferences agam using the same
settings. Tile result should be he interferences.
Close the assembly without saving.
15 Save E and close the part.

Combining Multibody design techniques allow for the eombination ofdiffcrent

Sheet Metal types of bodies Within the same pan. For instance, a sheet metal body,
with Other weldment structural member, and a body created with standard features
Bodies ean be part ofa single design. Whenever a model eontains either a sheet
metal body or is defined as a weldment, the Cut List folder is available
in the FeatureMauager design tree. For detailed information on
weldment models, see the SOLIDWURKS Well/merits course.
The cut list item folder icons indicate how the bodies for that item were

:5 Sheet Metal Bodies

u Structural Member Bodies

I Standard Feature Bodies

Note In standard models that do not contain sheet metal or weldment

features, a Solid Bodies folder is used to organize the bodies eta part.
The Sth Bodies folder does not generate cut list items or have
propenies associated with the bodies ofthe pan.
For more information on standard multibody design techniques, see the
SOLID W()RKSAi/{vuriced Purl Mode/[rig coursed

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 5
Mumbmty Sneel Mew Parts

1 Open the existing part Bucket.

Bucketirsldpl‘t can be found in the
Lesson05\Case Study folder.
This part was ereated with a
combination ofsheet metal flange
features, an inserted part, standard
features, and a weldlnem struetural
member. There are 9 separate solid
bodies in this model.
Flatten body.
Select a face oftlie one ofille sheet
metal bodies and Flatten ®.
All other bodies auxolnztieally
beeome hidden.
Exit flatten.

Explore the cut List. e I; mm,

Expand the Cut List folder. »

fi Sheetdxn)
s inm<2>m

Dlt‘fereni body types are represented by r
we uaasiasrariaru mimosa,
difi‘erent eut list item folder icons. ' im'l-HVWW
r 3mmkwndww<l>m
Cut list properties.
Access the Cut-List Properties dialog.
Different eut list item properties are associated with the dilierent body
Click CubrListrItemll in the lefi pane. Add :1 DESCRIPTIONproperty
of Rivet.
Click OK.
HP Notice the description property is used as the eut list item folder name.
To adjust the settings for naming the eut list item folders and for
generating eut list items, go to Options 6?}, Document Properties,
Weldments. The use of cut list items for sheet metal was adopted from
functions used for weldment models. For more detailed information on
these options, see the SULIDWORKS Weld/nerds course.

uumnmty Sheet Metal pans

Ifneeessary, individual bodies within a pan can have a different

material assigned. Bodies with unassigned material default to the
Bodies material ofthe pan. Multiple bodies ean be seleeted at onee to assign
material at the same time.

Where to Find It . Shoncut Menu: Rightrcliek a body in the Cut List folder in the
FeatureManager design tree and cliek Material, Edit Material.

11p Bodies are represented with the solid bodies ieon U preeeding the
body name.

Access solid bodi s.

Expand the Rivet eut list item folder to aeecss the solid bodies.
Edit body material. . gm,”
Use Ctrl or Shift to select all 4 rivet 5
' Shemhm
bodies. g Shzn<1>m
swam mourned): glug<<1>l2l
Rightrelick and cliek Material, ‘

Edit Material. Select Plain Carbon

Click Apply and close.
: ”.th w
u anmxsnnawinoaol
Optional: View cut list properties.
Access the em list item properties to verify the Material property for
the Rivets has been updated.

Save E and close all files.

A Note About All sheet metal modeling techniques ean be combined with inrcomext
Assemblies assembly modeling to aehieve some ofihe same functions introduced
in this lesson. lt is oflen simply a deeision by the designer or a
Company's engineering standards that determines whether a design
should be ereated as a multibody pan or in the eentext of an assemhly.
For more information on inreontext assembly design, see the
SOLID W()RKS Assam/J!y Modeling course.

SOLIDWORKS Exercise 19

Exercise 19: Create the toolbox shown as a multibody pan and use an assembly in
Toolbox check for interferences. Cream flat pancm drawing views ol’cach body
and cxpon the flal patterns to DXF.

This CXCrClSC reinforces the followmg skills:

Convert Wm. Mullibndms on page [93
Inter/bring Baum on page 202
Flat Pull/3m Drawmg Mews/0r Mu/tllmdms on page 1x7
cm Lm Bullmm Almomlmns on page [90
Exporting m DXF/DW( mm Mum/Jodie? on page 192
Units: MMGS
1 Open the existing part Toolbox.
Toolboxsldprt can he found m
the LESSODOS\EXel’CiSes foldcr,
This pan contains an Extruded
Boss lhal will be convened to sheet

2 Convert to sheet metal.

Click Convert to Sheet Metal @-
Click USE gauge table. Sclccl lhc SAMPLE TABLE , STEEL‘
18 Gauge. and1.270mm Bend Radius.

Exercise 19 SOLIDWDRKS

Select the bottom face as the Fixed

Face. Select the edges shown in
pink as the Bend Edges.
Comer defaults are Open Butt with
a Gap distance of1mm.
Apply the material to the theme of
the solid.
Click Keep Body. The extruded
body will be used for a seeond body
in the part.

Click OK V .

Convert the toolbox handlel

Click Convert to Sheet Metal 3.
If necessary, clear Override default parameters. This body will use
the same sheet metal pammetcrs as the first body.
Clear Keep Body. The exn'uded
body will no longer be needed afier
this command.
Select the tap face as the Fixed
Reverse thickness to apply the
material to the outside.
Click OK v.

Toolbox handle edge flange.

Add 90deg edge flanges to the short edges of
the handle body.
The Flange Length is 35mm and the Flange
Position is Material outside [2.
Click OK V .

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 19

Angled edge flange Parana. a ram

Add a second edge flange feature to along
edge of the handle body.
For the Angle, activate the face selection
box and pick the angled face ofthc
toolbox as shown. The flange will be
parallel to this faee.
Edit the flange profile. Drag the edges of
the profile to modify the width of the
flange. Add dimensions to offset 20mm
from each end and set the flange length to
Go Back to the Edge Flange PropertyManager.Change the Flange
Position to be Bend Outside L‘,.
Click OK v.
Mirror edge flange.
Mirror EdgaeFlaIigea over the Right Plane.
Break corners.
Break the corners of all four edge flange faecs with a 12mm ehamfer.
Add hems to the inside ofthe angled flanges with Material Inside
Use a closed a type, 10mm in length.

Exercise 19 soLIDwoRKs

9 Offset edge flange.

The edge flanges for the other body will be
offset slightly te prevent interfercnee.
Click Edge Flange and select the edge and
direction shown.
The Flange Length is 15mm measured from
the Inner Virtual Sharp 2,. The
Flange Position is Material Outside I=.
Click Offset and ehouse Offset From Surface. Pick the face as shown
and set the distance to 0.25mm. Use the preview to determine the
correct direction for the etrset and Reverse Direction 4/ , ifnecessary.
Click the 3 additional corresponding edges ertiie body.
Click OK v.
10 Break corners.
Break the comers olel four edge flange faces with a 12mm ehamfcr.
11 Hems.
Add heins to the inside 0f the 6 exposed edges of the toolbox

Position the hem Bend Outside c;

Use a Closed 8 type, 10mm in length.

12 Save E the part.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 19

Checking for
13 check for interferences.
Click Make Assembly from Part/Assembly Q, select the
AssemblyiMM mmplate.
Click OK to add Toolbox as a oomponont in the assembly.
Click Interference Detection 25 from the Evaluate toolbar.
Click Include multibody
part interferences and
Make interfering parts
transparent. Click
The results show two
interferences, eaeh where
the bends of the handle
body overlap the main

Click OK V .

14 Move Body.
Return to the part window. if; MM w’ Q
Cliek Insert, Features, MoveICopy a. Ins—m Wm A

For Bodies to Move/Copy, select the toolbox 9


D copy

Translate the body 2mm in the Delta Y

Ax Ilnnllmnl
Click OK « _ ,, 771nm ;
np The button at the bottom of the MoveICopy n flnnnmm 1

Body Property Manager is used to switch W V

between adding Constraints to define a

movement, or specifying Translate/Rotate
15 check for interferences.
Return to the assembly window. Click Interference Detection and
calculate to verify thoro are no longer interferences wit In tho pan.
close the assembly without saving.

Exercise 19 soLIDwoRKs

Making the
1G Cut lisl properties.
Expand the ent list folder and aeeess the em list properties.
Change the Description properties to be Toolbox Body and
Toolbox Handle as appropriate.
17 Make drawing from part.
Click Make Drawing from Part g in the File menu or
New Document D flyout menu,
Choose the c,Slze,ANSLMM template.
18 Add an Isometric drawing view.
Use the View Palette to place an Isometric view in the top right ot‘tlie

Change the Display Style nt‘the view to be Shaded with Edges 0.

19 Add a flat pattern view.
Click Model View 13 from the view Layout tnnlhar.
Dollblercliek the open doeuinent Toolbox or click Next Q in the
Click Select Bodies...
Select the toolbox handle and cliek OK v .

1n the Model View PropertyManager, a Flat pattern option now appears

in the Orientation groupbox.
Cheek Flat pattern,
Notice a new configuration is now added and will be referenced by the
drawing view.
Place the view in the upper lett ot‘the sheet.
20 Repeal.
Repeat step 19 to add a flat pattem VICW of the other body. Place it in
the lower lett ot‘the sheet.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 19

21 change sheet scale.

Rithlick the sheet and click Properties...
Change the sheet scale to be 1 :3.

22 Add a cul llst table.

Add a Weldment Cut List a] table and modify it to include the
information shown.

"(M NO ow. prscmmoN \hmt mm “W ,0

I v
Yoobnmwwlk lzu a5
2 v
llmllmxlluy v
m 0.;

Save the lab]: as a template. Name it SM Cut ListrMB and save to thc
23 Add balloons.
Click Balloon £9 ml the Annotations toolbar.
Add balloons to the bodies in the humane view.
Attach a balloun to each ofthc flat pattern views.

Exercise 19 SOLIDWORKS

24 Link balloons to table.

Select one of the flat pattern views.
Access the Drawing View Properties dialog by either selecting the
More Properties... button at the bottom ofthe PropcnyMznager, or by
righeclicking the View and clicking Properties... from the shortcut
Check the Uplion to Link balloon lexl lo spec ed table.

Dvawmg View onpemes

VigWPmPEVVES ShMHmdunEdgzs Hide/Shwandies
Nam: mmgwm TWP dev‘ew
Mudei mluwnahun
View at mums
”Wm cwrsmswunasmpenrmaramsmear
minim." mimmmmn
0(I) Use modei‘: Whine“
Use namae
m ies‘ saved camqmmn
ensuiswwmrrznm V
.r minim mm mm M.

new sure
Display sure: V

Mann: 3 Mannie
w. h m..."
warm“ on ten v 12:».va sheei mam new "are:
[Dismay mummy box

i, me ii iii Wm


Click OK.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 19

25 Repeal.
Repeat step 24 to link the balleen in the other flat pattern view to the
cut list mblc.

26 Save E the drawing

27 Make changes.
Select the Isometric view and eliek Open Pan 5.
Male Opening from this view ensures the Default configuration is netive in
the pan window.
The dimensions erheth hedies nre tied te the uriginal Extruded Boss in
the pan. Change the size of the toolbox lo be 650mm long and the
handle m be 40mm wide and Rebuild Q .

Exercise 19 soLIDwoRKs

28 Review drawing.
All drawlng \‘icws update In reflect the new dimensions. Move drawing
vieus if neeessni-y by dragging the VICW bordcrt
29 Save E and close Ihe drawing.

Export Flat
so Export to DXF.
In the part ntndow. I'Ightschck n tnee in the pan and click Export to

Accept the default name and save the DXF to die desktop.
31 Output options.
Use the DXFIDWG Output ProponyManagcr to seieet Sheet metal.
For Bodies to Expert, seteet a taee trotn the 2nd body In the pan,
For Entities to Expert. seieet Geometry and Bend Lines.
For Export Options, seteet Separate files,

Click OK v t

32 Preview output.
Use the DXFWDWG oieanup wlndnw to prev ICW the tiles using the
Next Layout 5) and Previous Layout 6) buttons.

Click Save.
33 Save u and close all files.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 20
Mumnng and singing some:

Exercise 20: Use Mirror to create the opposite hand

Mirroring and body within the part Design the outside
Merging Bodies body by creating separate Base Flange
features then merging them with an
Edge Flange.
This exercise uses the folluwing skills:

I Patterning for Multilmdies on

page 198
- wing Edge Fiangex to Merge
(indie: on page 201
- Interfering Bodies on page 202
- Hide/Show Bodies on page 194
Units: MMGS

Open Mirroring and Merging.
Open the part Mirroring and
Mergmg from the Lesson05\
h“ 1

Exercises folder.

Mirror body.
Click M'rror Hi]. Activate the Bodies lo Mirror groupbox and select
the existing body.

Important! Clear the option to Merge solids.

Use Planel as the Mirror Plane. Click OK v.
Hide V Planel.

Exercise 21: SDLIDWDRKS
Minnng and Melging Bodies

3 Additional bodies
Create sketehes on the font and rear
flanges as shown. Use those sketehes to
create two more sheet metal bodies with
the default settings.
The result will be four bodies in the part.

Edge flange.

Add an edge flange that eonneets and
merges the bodies created in the previous
Use Material Outslde for the Flange
The result will be three separate bodies in
the part.
check interferences.
Click Insert, Features, Combine ..
Click Common, select the two bodies as
Click Show Preview.
The preview shows the Common volume
between the bodies. This represents their

cancel Combine.
Click Cancel x in the Combine PropertyMznager.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 2n
yummy and "aging Bodies

7 Hide hodyr
Sclcci a face of lhe merged sheet mclzl budy and click Hide ’Q‘ .

ll Break corners.
Use a Fillet or Break Corner feature in break the 2 edges from each
body causing interference with a 5mm radius.
This will require 2 separate features.
9 HideIShow Bodiesr
Click View, HideIShow, Bodiesm.
Clear the body from the Hidden Bodies sclectian box. Click OK v .

1n Save and close all files.

Exercise 21 SDLIDWORKS
sneer Melal 1mm

Exercise 21: Cmatc lhc Shcct Meial Trailer model as a

Sheet Metal multibody part.
Trailer This exercise uses the folluwing skills:

I Muliibody Sheet Meml Paris on

page 182
- Hiding and Showing Bodies on page 194
I Pallemingfor Mullilmdies on page 198
- Interfering Bodiex on page 202
Unils: MMGS

Sheet Metal The trailer model cansists of inu1iip1e shccl inem bodies as well as
Bodies existing parts. Create lhc bodies using the information on are following
CDI’DeI’ Bed

(L and R)



Clevis Pin


soLIDwoRKs Exercise 21
sneemelal Trailer

Design Intent The design intent for the lnodel is as fellows:

I. The material is 10 gauge steel unless otherwise noted.

2. All bends R331 mm unless otherwise noted.
3. All ehamfers are 10mm.

Proced u re
New part.
0an a new part using the PamiMM template.
creale Sheet Metal Bodies.
The following pages detail the steps to create the sheet metal bodies for
the trailer.

Bed Create a sketeh on the Front Plans with the fellowing dimensions.



Optional: Create global variables for the top flange width and height.
These Same dimensions will be used for other bodies within the pan.
Create a base flange extruded 1100mm as shown.

Rename the feature as Bed.

Exercise 21 SDLIDWORKS
Sheet Melal 1mm

Wall Create the Wall body as shown using existing

gcomcu'y at the front ufthe Bed.

The top flanges arc the same size its these at the Bed body.
The edge flanges at the sides and bettem of the body use the settings
fur Material Inside, and Trim side bends. The 25mm flange length is
measured from the Outer Wrtual Sharp.
Use Edit Flange Profile to modify the flanges at the bottom comers as

Break the bottum earners of the body with a 10mm chamfer.
soLInquxs Exercin 21
Sheet Metal mug

Axle support Create the Axle Support body centered on the Bed body as Shawn.
The profile is symmetrical about the cenmrlinc.
Exuu'se 21 sounwoRKs
Sheet um: may
Tongue cm: the Tongue body through me Axle Support budy as shown.

Create a cut in me Axle Support body

using a 1mm offset as shown.
Break me corners of the Tongue with a
10mm chamfer.

soLInquxs Exercill 21
Sheet Metal Trailer

Tongue Support The Tongue Support body will be

created by first defining the flanges that
contact the Tongue and Bed bodies, then
merging them with edge flange features.
First, create a plant: -1 00mm fi-urn the
front cfthe Bed. Use the plane to create a
base flange based off ofthe tongue body
geometry as shown below. The extruded
distance is 100mm.

t .

Next1create an additional base flange feature in contact with the Bed as

shown. Be sure to clear Merge result to create the feature as a separate
body in the part.


error the base flange body aeross the Right Plate.

Exzmise 21 someoRKs
5m: mm mm;
Create cdgc flanges wich Material Inside 10 merge the base flanges as

Gate support Create the Gate Support Vertical body against the back of Bed as
Vertical shown. The flange is extruded up to the vermx indicated below.
soLIDwoRKs Exercise 21
Sheena-2151 mug
Minor the Gabe Support Vemeal body w chc opposite side of the
Bed as Shown.

Gate support Create the Gate Suppurt

Horizontal Horizontal body as shown. The
pmfile should be the same size as
the Gate Support Vertical. The
extruded distance should be tied 1o
vcniccs in the vertical supports.
Exercise 21 soLIDwoRKs
5m: Mam mug
Corner Right and Create the Corner Right
Corner be" body using a Base Flange
and Edge Flanges as
The cdgc flanges an: 25mm
in lung!!! measured from the
Ouler erual Sharp.

Mirror the Corner Right body to create the Corner Left body.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 21
snmmm Train!
Hitch Create the Hitch body against the Tongue body as shown.
The malarial of this body is 8 gauge steel with a bend radius of

Add 10mm diameter holes to the Hitch and Tungue as shown.

sneer Mela! Trailer

Gate Crcatc a Cut thmugh bom thc Bed and (1!: Gate
Support Vertical bodios as shown at (he righx.
Create the Gate body as shown below. Comcrs 5%
arr: broken WM 3 10mm onamfor.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 21
SneelMual mug

Axle Crcatc the Axle body and cut through the Tongue body as shown.

3 Supplied items.
Add two Wheel pans and a Clavis Pin pan as shown using Insert,

Exercise 21 soLIDwoRKs
sneer Mela! mug

4 Inlerferences.
Check inwrfcrcnccsbctwccn bodies using the Include mullibody part
inlerferences option in Interference Detection dialog.
Ifncccssary, repair m: gcumctry m rcmovc nny inmrfcrcnccs found.
5 Optional: Exploded vi w
Create an exploded view similar (9 as shown. Several cxpludc Slcps
will be needed.

The Exploded \fiew a command can be accessed in the Insert menu.


6 Save

E and close all files.
Lesson 6
Forming Tools and Gussets

Upon successful completion ohms lcssmL you will be mm 10:

Use forming tools to crcmc features such as nbs, louvcrs, and
Modify cxlsung or crcmc custom forming tools.
Creme :1 Punch Table.
Crcatc Slice! Mual Gussus.
Understand the opfions assocmtcd with showing form mols and
gussms in the flm pancm,

Fanning reels and 6115595

Sheet Metal Forming wols cream sheet

Forming Tools metal features that would be
pmdnced using a punch or
supplies a number of sample
tools in ihe Design Library fair
use with sheet meml designs.
These files can be modified or
new form tool files can be
Created to suit yuur needs.

How They Work The geometry ofa forming mol

5W“ FECE‘.
”mg no
represcnls ihe negative space lefi
Fomung Tool
by a punch or sizmp. A .vmppmg
Face k, Remove
face is defined in the fenn tool
whieh corresponds (a ihe sheet
meml race where lhe incl is
applied. Faees nfthe farm tool
can also be specified as/aeex to
remove. These areas would be
left open once lo tool is applied.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 5
Fanning reels and Gusset:

Types of Forming The files supplied by

Tools SOLIDWORKS in the Design
Library are part files (".sldprt) Damm A

used to represent forming tools. Ensembles


They must he located in a folder B fawn

that is marked as a Forming Add Existlmflalder

Tools Folder to function as

farming tools.
must” OJenFaliAev

Another type of forming tool is ' ‘to its

WEE] renpsueu

identified as a Form Tool file. ‘ 3.10:"

e Newman
This file type is speeineally for t
BMW x oust.
models intended to be used as
a mans."
forming tools. Form Tool file
types are created by
using a
, 0 3i)

Forming Tool feature in a pan and saving the file as 2 form tool file
type (~. sldttp). This type offerming tool tile does not need to be
stored in a marked directory. It can be used from any folder location as
a form tool feature in a sheet metal design. Working with hoth types of
forming tools will be discussed in this lesson.
Standard Standard forming mols refers to the set of forming tools included with
Forming Tools the SOLIDWORKSsoftware. The standard forming tools are part files
(‘.sldprt) speeially designed for use in creating form features. They
are intended to be used like other library features: to be dragged and
dropped onto a faee era model. However, forming tools can only be
dropped into sheet metal pans
In additional to being, loeated in a Design Library folder marked as a
Forming Tools Folder, the standard forming tools make use ofspeeifie
features and appearanees to identify the stopping face and faces (0
remove. with this type offmm tool, all geometry not to be ineluded
with the tool IS cut away and an Orientation sketch is created on the
stopping/ace. Face: 10 mm v4 must be specified with a red
appearance (RGB 255, 0, 0).
; “Whom.“
[at We

:l pupa
lj ants
l:l suns
L. opp

fl tut rats.

in ma
3Iii not

Lesson 5 soLIDwoRKs
Fonmng Tools and Gusseb

Advanees m Form Ton] functions no longer depend on me manual

Creation ofsuch features and appeernnees, Scc Forming Trial on
page 244 for more infornlmion.
The Forming Tools The forming tools fnldcr cnne design library comains five subr
Folder folders ofsamplc forming ((1015: 61111305555, extruded flanges,
lanees, louver: and ribs.

Circular Counter sink counter sink

embass emboss 6111130552 1111311319


drafted rectangular embass extruded hole

round flange rectangular flange

90 degree band g6 lance

angled lance are lance

lance &' form lance 3e form lance and

Shovel with band form

Iouvers ribs
slnge rib

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 5
Forming Tools and cusses

Using a Standard To dcmonslmlc using standard

Forming Tool forming lools from the design
library, we will add louvers in an
exiting part model.

Open existing part.

0an [he cxisting pan Standard
Farm Tuols from lhc
Lesson06\Case Study roidai.
Standard form wols will be used to
add louvcrs m the sides ofthis

Access slandard forming tools folder.

Click the Design Library m ml: in lhc Task Pane.
Expand the Design Library folder.
Mark as Forming Tools Folder.
Righxalick the fuming tools @ v m, m b
folder. If it is not already marked , bBaswnblras
as a Forming Tools Folder, >

sclccl it from the menu. ’

mega AddExiswngnldev

u mmfl: D Open Folder

Access the louver forming '- lance:
lool. 37:“ ngws We,
Expand the farming mole D m‘ m" NewFaldcr
folder and select the louvers >
B pans
dimcmm , Drawing ”“9“
bmavtwm Rename
WTmlbm IE Emvcvnes
) 53 3|) (cinema

Lesson 5 soLIDwoRKs
Forming Tools and Gusses

Drag and drop.

Select the louver in the lower area of the
Task Pane.
Drag and drop the louver onto the face ot
the model as shown.

Form Tool Feature Form tool features are defined much like Hole
s, twins...“ to
Settings Wizard features. There are separate tabs in the a x
PmpertyManzger to define the Type and Position
of the tool.

The Type tab includes the following settings: —'“_":_"""
I Rotation Angle ank

Use settings to orient the form tool by rotating I: Mflmw ;
and flipping.

I Form Tool Configuration maroon.“ A

Seleet from existing Configurations of the F“"““‘“““'"‘”“""“"

form tool. amt .1

in, m croissant"
I This Pan Configuration "minim.
Select configurations of the target part that in. A
will be affected by the form tool feature. l7 untrainmrsm
I Link to form tool r ,wsannumomwams

Allows this feature to be linked to the original and. on

form tool file so that ifit changes, this pan
feature will update.
an n..." nasal-r A

I Replace Tool roumdtdnmmmlsmlnnl
Provides the ability to replace this form tool it «w

wixhanothcr- ::::,.::::
I Punch ID
when a Punch ID property exists for the form tool part, it will
appear here and will be used in associated puneh tables. For more
information, see Punch Tables and Punch ID on page 242;.
I Flat Pattern \fisi lity
Allows document properties to be overridden for this form tcml
feature. For more information, see Farm Trial Features in the Flu!
on page 240.
The Pos ons tab activates a sketch and uses sketch points to define
the feature positions.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 6
Forming Tools and Gusset:

6 Form Tool Feature Type settings.

Use the Form Tool Feature PropertyManzger to define
the following settings for Type:
Click Fllp Tool.
Rotatlon Angle = Hurley

7 Form Tool Feature Po

Select the Position tab.
Notice the sketch Point command

becomes active .\ .

Use construction geometry and

sketch points to cream the sketch as
shown. A Linear Sketch Pattern
could also be used.
Click OK V .

8 Results.
A louver form tool feature is
added. There are 2 sketches
associated with the feature: an
orientation sketch and a position

9 Mirror.
Mirror H11 the louver form tool feature over the Right Plane.
Use the Geometry Pattern option.

Lesson 5 soLIDwoRKs
Forming Tools and 6115595

1n Flatten.
Click Flatten @.

Form Tool Form tool features are not processed in the same way as bend features.
Features in the They eannet be "flattened", but their display in the flat pattern ean be
Flat controlled by the Part Document Pmpertics.
Document prssamsr sheet Metai

C9 dm at
Sysbem Upton; Dummlnl Pmnemes
Dummy sundml an serum saw
:. iatsrstsar
.1 Datum WW
wmi says; umutvemem
1 “mm fume mete: yummy mmmam been:
:2 WM tte‘u tier patents Mummy 1
a DimXum
ousting madman stamens" flattened
W newsman pmtflesu/nen flattened
MWII D‘SP'HY Ushewtem mm (enters when flattened
Matenai vaemes
W WW mums“: man gran mum," haunts
iniW-fujwu Dshw mar metai geranium when asasasa

Part Document Part Document Properties contain settings that determine some of the
Properties default nat pattern settings and ednnol how form tool features and
gussets appear in the flat pattern. These can be aeeessed by selecting
Options 53, Document Properties and selecting the Sheet Metal
eategctry from the lcfi (for more information on gusset features, scc
sheet Metal Guxsa on page 250).
Document Properties are associated with the current document. To
standardize Deeurnent Properties, modify these options and save them
to a part template.

Fanning T0015 and Gussets

11 Exit flalten.

12 Modify part doeument properties.

(‘llek Options {3). Document Properties and select Sheet Metal
train the left.
Check the nptlons to Show form tool profiles when flattened and
Show form tool centers when flattened and ellek 0K.
13 Flatten.
Flatten the pan.
Sketches now appear whlcll can he used to help dimension to the form
tool features in the flat pattern drawing view.
Note Notice sketches only appear for the original louver feature Patterned
form tools d0 nm have sketches assoelmed with them and therefore Wlll
not display this information in the flat pattern.
14 Exit flatlen.

15 Export to DXF.
()utput options when exporting to DXF allow for lOrmmg tools to be
excluded from the export,
nglltsellck a face ol'tllc pan and ellek Export to DXFIDWG.
Accept the default name and tolder locatlon and ellek Save.
Use the Propertmelager to select Sheet metal for Export, For
Entities In Export. seleet Geometry. Leaie the Forming tools
ellcekbox cleared.

Cllek OK A
The louver: are not present
in the exported DXF.

16 Save fl and close.

Cllek Save to create the
DXF. Save and close rhe

Fanning roots and Gusset:

Custom The tunetions introdueed above are the same for all forming tool types;
Forming Tools standard forming tool pans, modified forming tools parts, or form tool
file types. The size and geometry resulting from a form tool feature is
matehed to the forming tool file used to ereated it. Ifthe standard
forming tools do not inelude a required size or shape, eustom forming
tools can be created by moditying existing tools or ereating new ones.
There are three types offorming tools:
I. Pan file wilhaui forming tool feature (‘.sldpt’t)
2. Pan file with forming tool feature (‘.slclprt)
3. Form tool file ('.sld.t‘tp)

When creating custom forming tools, Swpplng

it's reeommended to take advantage F“
of advances in form tool functions by
using a Forming Tool feature to
define the stopping t‘aee, faces to
remove, and insertion point.
, Facetsl to

Saving a custom tool as a form tool Remove
tile type (".sld.ftp) is also
reeommended to provide more flexibility on where the file is stored.
Using this file type eliminates the need for the file to be stored in a
Design Library folder marked as a Forming Tools Folder (see
page 235).

Important! Custom files should always be stored outside orthe default

SOLIDWORKSdireetories in order to be managed separately.
In this next case study, a new form tool file will
be created that will add a recessed keyhole to
sheet metal designs. This section also
introduces Sp nes which are very helpful
in the creation of forming tools.

For an example ofmodifying a standard form

tool, see Eterciw 22: Farming Tim! on
page 253. A /’

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 5
Forming Touts and Gusset:

1 Open the existing part

FurmFeatslde’t can be found
in the LessonOG\Case Study
The pan comzins n hoes, fillet
features, and n sketch. The area
inside the sketch will be lefl open
in the resulting form tool feature. In order to specify this as aface to
remove, it must be scleelable as a sepamlc face.

Split Line Split Lines use unc 01’ more curves to split one model fzec inw two.
Split lines can be generated on a silhouette edge ofa face, by projecting
a skelch or curvc onto a face, or m the inicrsection ofa plane Cll’ surface
with faces ofthe model.

Where to Find It - Commansznager: Features > Curves > Split Line

I Menu: Insert, Curve, Split Line

2 Sp Line. 8 Son l— 0
Click Split Line I. , x

Click Projection and Single direction. Use the """fzn W

sketch to split the top face. :W‘Zm

Click OK v.
A new face is cremcd and can now be selected CI mm
l7l snot. min
a amp. Ila-mun

Fanning Tools and Gusset:

Forming Tool The Forming Tool command is used to create a forming tool feature in
a port, identifying it as a forming tool. The Forming Tool feature is
used to identify the stopping face for the tool, faces that will be
removed when the tool is applied, and the insertion point for the tool.

Where to Find It - CommandManager: Sheet Metal > Forming Tool fir

I Menu: Insert, Sheet Metal, Forming Tool

Forming Tool feature. a “M“ Q

Click Forming Tool % v x

Select the top, planar face of the base feature as “f we Thai-"Fir!

the Stopping Face.
mm m A
Select the “keyhole" face as Faces to Remove |mu>

Insertion point.
Switch to the Insertion Point tab.
Currently the insertion point (blue dot) is
at the geometric center ofthe stopping

Add a Coincident /\ relation to the

origin to position the insertion point at the
center of the keyhole diameter.
Click OK V .

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 5
Formmg roots and Gusset:

5 Resulls.
A Form Tool feature is added which contains the required Orientation
sketch seen in the standard forming tools.
Colors are applied to the model to classify the geometry;

. ,
Cyan geometry not included in the tool.
I Red faces to remove.
without a form tool feature, the eyan geometry would have m be
removed and the red appearance would have had to be applied to races

Nole The Form Tool feature sets the color of the face to be removed to pure
red (RGB 255,0,0). This is required in order for the face to be cutaway.
Do not change it manually.
6 Save as type.
Click File, Save As and choose the file type Form Tool (*.sldftp) from
the list. Name the file Keyhole and place it on the desktop.
Close the part and do not save. All necessary intonnatien has already
been saved to the Keyhole rcnn tool rile.
Nole Almmatively, the 1001 could be saved as a SOLIDWORKS pan file.
But in order to then use it as a form tool, it must be saved/copied/
moved into a folder that is marked as a Forming Tools Folder. Sec
Types a/‘meing Tools on page 235 for more information.
7 Open the existing part
CovenLeemprt can be
found in the Lesson06\
Case Study folder.

Fanning Tunis and Gusset:

Add form tool from File Explorer.

Because the Keynele is saved as a forming tool type, it can be added to
a model from any folder, in or out ofthe Design Libmry.

Cliek the File Explorer E7 Lab in the Task Pane.

Expand the Desktop to access the
files located there. Drag and drop the
Keyhole.SLDF'I‘P file onto the right
face ofthe Cover model.

Note If desired, custom directories can be created and accessed from the
Design Library. L ek Add File Location W at the top ofthe Design
Library pane and browse to the desired folder.
Farm Tool Feature settings.
Rotate andeg and make sure Link to form tool is selected.
Position the insertion point as shown. Click OK I .

somwoRKs Lauon 6
Fanning runs and Gusset;

10 Second Keyhole.
Apply a second Keyhole form mo] feauue m the hell side ofthe Cover.
Route 270deg, Link to Form Yam, and position as shown.

A 40

Note Adding a second feature ratherfllan patterning will ensure 1mm sides of
the part. comain placement sketch geometry.
11 Flatten.
Fianna 01: pan to view “16 flat panem.

12 Exflflalten.

Lesson 5 soLIDwoRKs
Forming Tools and Gusset:

Form Tools in To represent term tool features in a tlat pattern drawing view, the eenter
Drawings and profiles sketches can be shown and dimensioned to, or a Punch
Table can be ercatcd.
Punch Tables and Punch Tables are like hole tables for form [on] features. The X and Y
Punch ID positions ofthe form cool features are dimensioned from a specified
datum loeation and eallouts automatically are created in the drawing
View to identify the table line items.
Form tools are identified in the table by a Puneh ID. The Puneh ID
needs to be created in the Form Tenl library pan as a Configuration
Spceifie File Property.

13 Open KeyholeSLDFTP.
0an the Keyhole form tool part on the Desktop using the Open i3;
14 File Properties.
Click File Properties E.
Click the Configuration Spe e tab in the dialog.
Use the drop down lnenu in the Property Name cell to seleet
PunehID. The Value/ Text Expression cell automatically populates
with the file name and configuration name. This can be modified if

Summarylmoymatton , D x
Summary cine," Cunilguvaunnipmim

App», in mm alarm
or in V m. V mm
meny N-me me Vllue / 1:: when
SI-luied v-lue
l Meme rm anyhulnnmuk
pragmatism j‘
Click OK to aeecpi the default Puneh ID.
15 Save E
and close.
Save and elose the Keyhole form tool part.
16 Edit lhe Keyhole form lealure.
In the Cover part, edit one ofthc Keyhole film features to refresh it
with the new property infonnaiinn.

Click OK v.

Forming Tools and Gusset:

17 Make Drawing from Part.

Click Make Drawing tram Part 1?.
Choose the BisizeiANSIiMM template.

1!! Flat Pattern view.

Add a Flat Pattern View from the View Patcttc.
Verify the Scale of sheet to be 1:2.
19 Add a Punch Table.
Cl iek Tables, Punch Table %. from the Annotations toolbar.
For the Origin, select the hole edge at the top center ot‘the view.
Fm Edges/Faceleeatures, select the entire flat pattern face.
Cllck OK « and place the table at the upper lefi.
Move the callouts created in the View ot‘fthc keyhole features to be
more visible.
Mole The eallout fom in the illustration below has been modified for clarity.

m m '

.l 52;;
mm l

m; 37/ ,
.2 1


20 Save a and close all files.

Lesson 5 soLIDWORKs
Fanning Tools and Gusset:

Sheet Metal Sheet Metal Gussets are stamped features used to reinforce bends of
Gusset all types. Sheet Metal Gussets are applied between selected sheet
metal faces that share a bend. The position ofthe Sheet Metal Gusset
is defined by a location along a seleeted edge.
Similar to Form Tools. Gussets are not flattened, but their appearance
in the flat pattern can be eentrolled using options.

Where to Find It -
CommandManager: Sheet Metal > Sheet Metal Gusset
Menu: Features, Sheet Metal, Sheet Metal Gusset
Open the existing part Gusset.
Gusset.sldpt’t can be found in thc Lesson06\Case Study foldcr.
Add gusset.
Click Sheet Metal Gusset 9.
Select the faces as shown in green.
A llnear edge and point between the 2 faces is automatically selected.

Aetlvare the Reference Point & seleetien box.

()n the part, rightreliek the Reference Line edge (purple) and click
Select Midpoint.
Clear the Offset option.

~/ x

" '22::

J oert
/ WW is

The Profile groupbox allows for the depth and
shape ofthe gusset to modified. Use the
following settings for Profile: unmet ,
lndent depth = 10mm
‘“MW ’:

Rounded gusset L. at W...
. t2

Fonmng Tools and 6115595

5 Dimensions. WWW A
For Dimensions, set as follows: manual»

- lndent width = 10mm 5::12 %

I lndem thickness 2.5mm 6 mm 3

I Side face draft = .ODdeg mnnmnm

I Inner & Ouler corner fillet = 1mm mm 7
Cllck OK V ”WW“


6 Repeat. mm
Add a similar gusset on (he mhcr band.

7 Flallen.
Cllck Flatten 9‘

The Part Document Properlies are currently nor set to show gusset
information in the flat pattern. Soc Purl Document PropBHi/zson
page 240 for more informalinn.

Forming mm and Gusseb
8 Exit flatten.

9 Edit document properties.

Click Options CD), Document Properties, Sheet Metal.
Check the options to Show sheet metal gusset profiles when
flattened and Show sheet metal gusset centers when flattened and
click OK.
10 Flatten.
Click Flatten O.

The sheet metal gusset profiles and centers can be used to dimension
the position ofthc gusscm in the flat pattern drawing View.
11 Exit flatten.

12 Save E and close all parts.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 22
Forming Tool

Exercise 22: Modify a smndnrd forming tool m create a Cusmm size louver. Use the
Forming Tool custom louver to create form tool features in the Cover and create a
drawing and punch table.

This exercise uses the following skills:

- Cuxmm Farming Too/x on page 242

- Forming Tool on page 244
- Punch Tables and Fund! ID on page 242;
Units: MMGS

Prneed ure
Open louver from the Design Library.
Cliek the Design Library m tab in the Task Pane.
Expand the forming tools folder and seieet the lauvars directory.
Doublereliek the louver in the lower pnne to open the pnri.
Save As...
Save the louver to the desktop to prevent changes to the standard
louver pan.
Review features.
Use Pan Reviewer or the Rollback Bar my review how the part was

Exercise 22 soLIDwoRKs
Fanning Tool

A Layout Sketch is used to

control the length and width of
the louver.
BossVEXtr'udel contrOlS the
depth er the louver.
After the fillet is applied, the base
feature is removed.

The Orientatiun sketch was created by

convening the edges ofthc stopping face.
A face has a red appearance applied to
identify a face to he removed.

Required modifications.
The new louver will be 100mm in length. The width and depth will
stay the same.
The new louver will make use of advancements in form tool functions.
A Forming Tool t‘cature will be used to automate the Orientamon
sketch and faces to be removed. It will also be saved as a form tool file
Rollback. Q m rmiiunmuwnrmwii
Drag the Rollback bar to position it between
the Layout Sketch and BoserxtrudeI. ,
‘37 rm
m the...“
m we
[31 Pine)
Edit features. 51 Find
Modify BaserExtmde to bc 120mm long. ‘ $331M
Modify the Layout Sketch to be 100mm in
length. >

Rebuild m the partifneecssary.

t t .i m... is

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 22
Fanning Tool

7 Roll to End.
Move the Rollback bar to the end of
the FcamrcManagcr tree.

8 Delele sketch.
Select the Orientation sketch and Delete it. Click Yes to confirm the
9 Add Forming Tool feature.
Click Forming Tool
Click the appropriate faces for
Stopping Face and Faces to
Click the Insertion Poinl tab.
The insertion point is located at
the ccmcr ofthc stopping face by
default. This is acceptable for
this part.
Click OK V .

1n Rename configuration.
Because we may want to configure this part in the future to ercate
additional sizes, wc'll rename the configuration to make it more
Click the (:epfiguranonManager tab above the FcamrcManagcr trcc.
Change the name ofthe Default configuration to be 100x6mm.

Exercise 22 SDLIDWDRKS
Fanning Tool

11 Add Puncthr
Because we may want to locate this form tool with a punch table, we'll
add a Puncth property.
Click File Properties E.
Click the Configuration Specific tab in the dialog.
Use the drop down menu in the ppeperty Name cell to select
Puncth. The Value/Text Expression Cell automatically pupulams
with the file name and eonfigumtion name. This can be modified if
desired. Click OK

simmsntnsmsssn e a X

sum."y (new Mnmmmn
We swam"
m, v
y—im, v i

munymm n... v-u-n-t an...“ BMW in...

Punch“) Text qum-mmsmm inwer-lmfimm

12 Save as Form Tool file type

Click File, Save As and choose the file type Form Tool (*.slrlflp) from
the list. Name the file Custom Louver and place it on the desktop.
13 close the louver part.
Close the louver part. There is no need to save. All the information
needed has been saved to the Custom Louver form tool.
14 Open Cover_Fonn Tools.
0an the existing part Coverjom Tools from the Lessan06\
Exercises folder.
The Custom Louver form tool feature will be added to this part.

soLlDwoRKs Examine 22
Forming Tool

15 Add Design Library location

To aeeess the form tool from the Design Library, add ihe desktop as a
new file location.
Click the Design Library m tab in the Task Pane.
Click Add File Location W at the top ofthe Design Library pane.
F or seleeled folder, choose the
Desktop. Click 0K. 3}, m ba
The desktop is now listed as a design n U sauowom cnnrrm
library folder. m
r a@ Dump
7 Yonlbox

[1 g in (militant-M


a ‘ O
hm. chm mm.

16 Add custom Louver form tool featuret

Drag and drop die Custom Louver onto lhe lop face oflhe Cover
Use lhe following settings for Type:
Click Flip Tool.
Ro'allon Angle = 270deg
Llnk la farm (col = selecled
17 Pas no
Switch to the Posillon lab. Add lhree more insmnees and dimension as

Exercise 22 SOLIDWDRKS
Forming Tool

18 Finish
Click OK to complete the feature.

Save E the part.

19 Make Drawlng from Part.
Click Make Drawlng from Part Ii.
Choose the B,Size,ANSI,MfM template.
2|] Flat Pattern View
Add a Flat Pattern View from the View Palette.
Clear the opfion fur Bend Moles. This dmwing will be used for punch
Change the Scale ta be 1:3.
4 J 2 Y
soLIDwoRKs Exercise 22
Fanning Tool

21 Add a Punch Table.

Click Tables, Punch Table E, from the Annotatians toolbar.
For the Origin, select the hole edge at the my eemer ofthe View.
For Edges/Faceleeatures, seleet the entire tlet pattern face.

Click OK v and place the table at the upper lefi.

Move the eallouts created in the view otfthe form tool features to be
more visible.
22 Combine Puncths.
Access the Punch Table properties by selecting the table at the upper
[en E-
Cheek the option to Combine same types.

23 Save E and close all files.

Exercise 23 soLIDwoRKs

Exercise 23: Add :1 Sheet Metal Gusset feature to

Sheet Metal complete the pan as shown.
Gusset This exercise uses the following skills:

- Shea Metal Gasser on page 250

Units: MMGS

Proced u re
Open the existing part SM_Gusset.
SM,GussEL.slde‘h can be found in Xllc LessDnOG\EXeI’CiseS folder.
Add gusset.
Click Sheet Metal Gusset .0.
Select the underside faces ofthe bracket.
A bend edge ofthe first face selected is used
as the Reference line and an endpoint is
automatically selected as the Reference
Point for positioning.
Activate the Reference Point selection box
(pink). Rightreliek the edge and click
Select Midpoint.
Clear the Offset option, ifneeessary.

The Profile gmupbox allows for the depth and
shape omie gusset to modified.
Use the following Profile settings:
. lneerttflepm
I lndent depth = 20mm
I Flat gusset l‘ . d2 .: em
- Edge Fillet M = 2mm
wow M n.»

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 23
Sheet Metal Gusset

5 Dimensions. Mm A
Use the following settings for the gusset mom
dimensions: 9, 2mm
lndent width k= 20mm (g mum :
lndent thickness (v1 = 2mm
Side face draft 5
I m. m

Inner corner fillet w = 2mm out" zvmufillrt

Outer corner fillet fi = 4mm

6 Additional settings.
Click Full Preview. r hmilpvmaw

For Flat Pattern Vi lity, sclcct Override

M Mm mum A
document settings, Show Profile, and a Mm. mm ”m:
Show Center. l7 3mm pm»:
H mm mm

Click OK 4.
7 Examine the flat pattern.
Flatten the part to view the flat pattern.

8 Exit flatten.

9 Save a and close all files.

Exercise 23 SOLIDWORKS
sneer Meta: 611559!

Lesson 7
Additional Sheet Metal

Upon successful conrplenon ohms lcssmL you will be able m:

Use rhe Cmss Break feature,
Mirror m create a new sheer mcml pan [bar can be flanened.
Use (he Tab nnd Slm feature m interlock Shem mcml pans
Use configurauons m show sreps m me formrng process.
Use the Cosring 1001 m evaluare sheer metal designs.

Lesson 7 soLlDwoRKs
Additional sneel Meial Functions

Additional niis lessen influduccs some additional sheet mcmlrspecific fcanu'cs

Sheet Metal and functions. Including:
Functions I meseBmalcv on page 264
Mirror Part an page 269
Tab and Slot on page 27l
Pmem Plans on page 274
Sheet Mela! Costing on page 277

Cross-Breaks cross-Breaks can be used to add a

graphical represenlanen ofz cross
break 10 a planar, reelangular faee afn
sheet mml part. It creams a
Cross Breakl feature with an
absorbed sketch.
The cross—break will appear in all
drawing views.

Where In Flnd I! I
CommandManager: Sheet Metal > Cross-Break
Menu: Insert, Sheet Metal, Cross Break
Open cross-Break
Open the part Cross-Break
from the Lessono'fl
Case Study folder.

Select facer
Click Cross-Break 9 and
select lhe face as shown.
soLlnwoRKs Lennon 1
Amalia! Sheet "ml Functions

Cross Break Cross Breaks are only graphically represented in

o ,___ 0
Settings the part and do not change the part geometry. The
settings for direction, radius, and angle are used
, ,
for the bend note that will be generated in a flat
pattern View.
By default the cross break profile will reach
diagonally from corner to oornei of the selected K m,"
face. The Edlt Cross Profile button can be used
to edit the associated sketch to modify the
position ifneeessary.

3 Cross Break settlngsl

Change tile direction of the cross break to downward.
Set Radlus to 1mm and the Angle to Zioodeg.
Click 0K ‘4 .

4 Examlne the flat pattern.

Flatten the pan.

5 Exit flatten.

6 Make Drawing from Part.

Click Make Drawlng from Part Ii.
Choose the BjizeJNElea template.
Lesson 7 soLIDwoRKs
Additional Sheet Metal Functions

7 Flat Pattern view.

Add a flat pattern View from the View Palette.


8 Modify bend note.

Commonly, cmss breaks are indicated in drawings with a simplified
Doublcaclick the bend note associated wiin inc cross break. Delete the
bond not: links and type CROSSBREAKi Click nuisidc the text field to
complcm cdiflng and confirm inc change.



up gp

9 Save E and close the drawing.

soLlnquKs Lennon 1
Addin'unal sheet new Functions

Vent Features The Vent Command is used to create vent features Common in sheet
metal and plastic parts. Vents require a sketch that defines the oumr
honndary, ribs, and alternatively spars ofthe vent. Cuntours can also he
selected to be filled with material.

Where to Find It - CommandManager: Sheet Metal >Vent E

I Menu: Insert. Fastening Feature, Vent

10 Modify View orientation

in the Cross Break part, modify the orientation 0f the model to view
the back flace.
AVent Sketch has been created on the back face.

11 Show the sketch

Select the Vent Sketch in the FeatureManager design tree and click
Show 0.
12 Add vent.
Click Vent m.
For Boundary, select the outside contour of the vent sketch.
The skemh face is automatically selected as the placement face for the
Llsson 1 soLInwoRKs
Additional sheet Mela! Functions

13 Van! senlngsi
Activate the selection box for ths. Select
the vertical and horizontal lines from the
Modify the width ofthe ribs to be 15mm.

Activate the selection box for Spars. Select

the diagonal lines and two outer circles as
Modify the width omie spars to bc1i5mm.

Activate the selection box for Flll-ln

Boundary. Select the inside circle.
Under Geometry Properties, add a Fillet
Radlus of1mm.
Note Vent feamres applied to sheet metal parts
have some vent settings limited such as
diatt and adjusting the dcpth and offset of
ribs, spars and filled areas. These options
are available when adding vents to standaid
Click OK v.
Hlde ’2‘ the Vent. Sketch.
14 Save E the part.
soLIDwoRKs Lesson 7
Additional Sheet Metal Funelinns

Mirror Part In previous exampres, we've seen how mirroring a body ean generate
an opposite hand versicn era model in a multibody pan. Alternatively,
Mirror Part can be used to create a new purl document that is the mirror
image ofthe souree part.
The Mirror Part eommand is not limited to sheet metal designs, but
there are some unique options when mirroring a sheet metal part that
allow it to be flattened.
Tu use Mirror Part, a mirror face or plane must be preselected.

Where to Find It I Menu: Preseleet a mirmr plane, then click Insert, Mirror Part...

15 Mirror pan»
Select the Front Plane. Click

3 him pm :2 a:
Mirror Part.
him. A

Partjlm template. .ng bum
Under Transfer, eliek Solid bodies and BM“ m“
Sheet metal informati n, 3::
Transferring the sheet metal information in
DAbsumed shame!
the mirrored part will inelude the sheet metal
D name names
and flat pattern features necessary for
flattening the model. gamma SySKEMX

Mean dimensluns
Unlocked properties would allow the sheet

Elma mum data

meta1 parameters to be changed independent get meta mlmmanun
from the souree pan. Leave this option Emmamw
cleared. D Material
(‘W A
Click OK «, D eimxm scheme

1ra prompt appears regarding units, click m A

Yes. Drunk ham englnal pm

Dunstan 7mm nnglml pan

Lzsson 7 soLIDwoRKs
Afldmonal sneer mist Functions

16 Resulls.
A new pan is created wliieli is the oppusitc hand version of the original
and can be flatlerled.
The sheet metal specific features far this body are locked in the
FcatureManagcr design rree and Cannot be changed. The exiernal
reference (9) re ilie original pan ensures changes in Cross Break will
update in the new part.
rm Man
.9 m nan
v Q emrsmvnma s
, a, (nine:

a swarm
a Drmnfimaz

» nn pneu-

17 Save
Save the
Epm as CrossrBreaLMimr.
18 Add Cross Break feature.
Graphical reamres, sueli as ilre
cross break, do not transfer to
me mirrored pan.

Add a Cross Break 6

to the mp face ofihe mirrored

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 7
Addlllanal Sneel Metal Functions

Tab and Slot The Tab and Slot feature creates tabs on one
body and slots (holes) on another body to
interleek thc two bodies. You can speeity how
the tabs and slots look and how they are
distributed along the selected entities. Tabs and
slots make it easicr to weld parts together and
minimize the requirement to build complicatcd
fixtures beeause you can interloek several shect
metal parts. This feature is available in all parts,
notjust sheet metal parts. You can use it in
single bodies, multibedies, and parts in the context ofan assembly.
Edges and faces must correspond to each other. You can select also
nonlinear edges when creating a tab and slot feature.

Important! The edges and races must bc planar or eylindrieal, but thcy should not
Slot Corners You can set the type of eomers for slots. In the Tab and Slot
PmpcrtyMnnager, under Slot, you can set Corner Type to:
I Slot sharp corner
I Slot filler corner
I Slot chamfer corner
I Slot circular corner
Slol Length and You can specify the otrsct values for the length and width of slots. In
Width the Tab and Slot PropertyManager,under Slot, you can set:

I Slot Length Offset

I Slot Width Offset
I Equal offset 7 Sets equal values for Slot Length ()fi‘set and
Slot width Offset

Where to Find It - Menu: insert, Sheet Metal, Tab and Slot Q

19 Sketch.
Bcgin a new Sketch C on the side faee.
Create a sketch as shown.
20 Base Flange.
Create a base flange using the new

Lesson 7 soLIDwoRKs
Additional Sheet Metal Functions

21 Tab and Slot.

Launch the command Tab and Slot Q
using the Insert menu.
In the Tab and Slot ProperTyManager, for
Tab Edge Q scicct the edge as shown.

Start Reference Point & and End Reference Point

populated auwmatically.
§ fields get
22 Slot Face and Spacing. a m... Mm a: i

For 1110 Slot Face 3 select the bottom face. ./x

Ensure that Spacing type is set to Equal
Under Spacing, set the
Number of Instances $1010.
23 Slot Length and Height.
Under Tabs, set [110 Length H to 7mm.

Set the Height IN ro Up to Surface.

59164-9 A
24 Slot Length and Width Offset. 0 sun Sumnu
rip-(mu km!»
Undcr Slots. sex the Slot Length Offset
0.100mm. Select the check box Equal offset,
m. A
valuc cqua} H unw-

to Slot Length Oflset and in this case equal
m 0.100mm. I. M
25 Set Corner Type.
Ensure that Corner Type E is set [0 Slot o \ai

sharp corner iwm ”

SW mm

7‘ Euuli
E (umqut

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 7
Addmanal Sheet Metal Functions

26 Creale New Group.

Keep rest of the settings as it is and click New Group.

For the Tab Edge Q seleet the edge as

shown. Start Reference Point 5 and
End Relerenee Point $ tlelds get
populated automatically. For the Slot
Face 3 seleet the bottom face.
27 Link Groups.
Select the check box Link Groups Together. This will link the
properties ofGroup1 m Group2.

Note You can link groups nt‘tab and slot features together so that all
parameters apply uniformly to the features Ifyou edit a parameter for a
linked group, all ofthe tab and slot features in the group update
To link groups, in the Tab and Slot PropertyMarrager, under
Selection, select entities in Group List and seleet Link Groups
Click OK ‘4 .

23 Save E and close all files.

Additional Sheet Metal Functions

Process Plans Flat pattern features include subrfcaturcs for each bend being flattened
in the part. These “flatten" features can be suppressed individually to
Show the mode] in diFFerent stages ofthc forming preeess. To store
these different stages for representation in drawing views,
configurations can be created

1 Open the existing part ProcessPlan.

PI’OCeSsPlan.Slde’t can be found in the Lesson07\Case Study
2 Where are the bends? , m
Expand the sheet metal features to explore . U r.“ we

—> rsa new

the bends in the pan.
The BaserFlange feature created 2 bends:
BaseBendl and BaseBendz. These were

\C my.time
created from sharp corners in the profile . .5
3m an.“
sketch ~
g mar-m.
C Mm
The EdgarFlangel feature created m¥ (n
5 Miran
EdgeBend 1 r aHi (mans
The Sketch Bend feature produced
SketchBend 1 ,
c r 1.; W
The bends are linked to the individual
Flatten features In the FlairPathm feature:
—> ss m
m «NW, asthma»,

BaseBendl is linked to Flatten 5 W .mmru

a m “Mam
(BaseBendl > 1 .

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
Addilmnal 3mm new Functinns

Make a new configuration.

Add a eonfiguxation and name it
FLAT and make it active.

Flatten the part.

Click Flatten e» m flatten
lhe part. This unsupprrzxses
the Flat»Pattem1 featum.

Hlde "t the Bounding-

Boxx sketch.

This slate will be slmed in the FLAT configuration.
There are new two eunfigurations ~ FLAT and FOLDED , which can be
used to swiwh between the 2 slates of the model.
Copy the FLAT configurallon.
Make lhree Copies 0f the FLAT
configuration. Name lhem:
. ‘ Pmcnsplln Clelim(s)
I'° ¢, Furwmaman]

um svmlvmessmanl
7 STEPUoncesSPlan]
- sTEPSlezzssPlanl
I STEPCS five romwl PretessPlan I

11p Configurations can be reordcred by dragging.

create STEP 1.
Make STEPl the active
eunfigumtiun. The part
should still be in its flattened

Suppress 1! the Flatten

<BaseBend 1 > 1 feature.

11p Consider splitting the FeatureManager pane :0 view bell; the

FeanueManager and ConfigurationManager at the same time.

Addilional Sheet Metal Functions

9 create STEPSr
Make STEP2 the naive
Flatten-(1335813811111 > 1
mtben-<Ba.seBend2> 1

1 fl creale STEPS.
Make STEPS the active
Flatben<BaseBend 1 > 1
mttEn-<BaSEBend2> 1
Flattan<EdgEBend 1 > 1
11 Process plan.
Activam the Configurations in Order from FLAT to FOLDED to preview
the process plan.
12 Optional: Create drawing views.
Create a drawing from the part using the BjizeJmsLMM template.
Add an Isumetr'jc View to the sheet.
Copy and paste the View 4 times onto the sheet.
Modify the properties of each view to reference n dit=rercnt
eonfigumtion and show the process plan steps.
The illustration below includes notes for each view linked to the
eonfigumtion names.

13 Save E and close the drawing

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 7
Additional Sheet Metal Funetinns

Sheet Metal Costing is a comprehensive tool used to determine the eest era
Costing sheet metal or machined part. Templates are used to evaluate material
and manufaeturing eosts. The templates provided can be modified to
refieet eompany standards and material data.
Material eosts options are modified using an available tab in the Task
Pane. Manufacturing, eost settings are modified from the
FeamreManager Pane.
Where to Find It - CommandManager: Sheet Metal or Evaluate > costing @
I Menu: tools, Costing
Note Costing is only available with SULIDWORKS Professional and
Premium licenses.

14 Costing»
Click Costing E. . it". ‘13 f

15 Material settings. ,2; _]
For Material select:

rm“ red 4
class: Steel
Name: AISI 304
The closest matching material thickness WWW mm, ‘
from the template is automatically selected. mun-m»
A warning icon indicates the model $2an

thiekness is not an exact match mjm
16 Begin Cost Estimation. iii-«wanna, is
Click Begin Cost Estimation to see the r "i“?
estimated cost ofthe part. nuts-m ,
dam is mum/m
17 Add allowance for scrap material. innvtittmmgrstaug.Win
Scroll down to access information relating “mm
to the Blank Size, Quantity, and Markup] r ngnmm,“
Discount. ”if“?
For Percent Scrap, type 2%. Bllmlted :mvav-n

Mn’iip’ '
s usemn
1E change Material.
Modify the material to be Plain Carbon
Steel. MW 5
The Estimated Cost Per Part will update new tune. as
as changes to the settings are applied. A mmam in! um 11%

Baseline price can he locked for

eomparison using the padleek ieon G. 7 g

Additional Sheet Metal Functions

19 Manufacturing settings.
Costs for manufacturing the pan are displayed in [he lcfi pano.
Rigntolioking the mum in this pano allow for additional operations to
be addod where appropriato. Rightaelicking individual cost [emu/K‘s
within tlio folders allow for additional options including cost override.
Rightrclick the Setup folder. Click Select Setup Cost, Painting.
Q E R G .0 B
l l

- Basso
69 sass a n uxbl
Pastas. liaison
reams. sssosi
- Btummm
@(utwm) um snsosi
fltuthmr um inausi
(a mass as, lnnsuxol
wasps“ sssssi
. Damorl‘i
5......“ unssi
amass unssn
amass, unison
amass. an unison
Etsmssssiss unison
E No (aJtAulnrlm

Custom operations can be defined using the button at the top 'fi.
Make any modification as desired and close the Costing tool from the
Task Pane.
20 cast out list item property.
Once a sheet metal pan has been evaluated with the Costing tool, the
resulting oost will automatically link to the CostrTocalCosl‘. out list
Expand the Cut List folder to access the cut list item. Righteliek to
access the cut list item properties.
The CostaTutalCDst property displays the evaluated cost of the part.
21 Save E and close all files.

Appendix A
Sheet Metal Tables

Upon successful complcfion ohms lessmL you wm:

I Understand the tables mm are pmVIdcd wnh mo sofiware

I BC ahlc m cusmmlzc and create your own bond mblcs,

Appendix A soLtioRKs
Slice! Metal Tables

Tables Seveml sample iahles are provided with the SOLIDWORKS

application. They are located in the in.sml[7dir\lang\<larlg> folder. it is
important to note that these tables are samples only.
Provided tables include gauge tables and bend tables for krfacror, bend
deduction, and bend allowauee.
For the occasional sheet metal designer using common materials and
gauges, the sample tables provided will yield an acceptable result.
However with refinement and increased scope of the sheet metal
project comes a need for bigger, more complete and more accurate
tables. There are several things users need to know about expanding
and customizing tables.
The Sample Tables The provided tables are listed below.
Sheet Metal Gauge Tables folder:
In [he

Simple gauge tables

a sample table . steel . engiisli unitsxls
- sample table . aluminum . metric umtsxls
Gauge TableIBend Tables Hybrids
krfaetur mm samplexls
krfaetur inches samplexls
bend deduction mm samplexls
bend deduction inches sample xls
bend allowance mm samplexls
bend allowance inches samplexls

Templates and In the Sheetmetal Bend Tables fnldcr.

Other Tables Bend table templates (for users to customize to their needs)
I base bend tablexls
l metric base bend tablexls
l kfaetol’ base bend tablexls
l bendiealculairionxls
Populated bend tables for some copper and brass materials
(Based on data from Machinery Handbook . 26th Edition, with
permission from industrial Press, Inc.)
tablel , bend allowancexls
tablea , bend allowancexls
tableS , bend allowancexls
tablellmetric bend aHDWaIlee.X]s
tablel bend deductionxls
tableZ bend deductionxls
tableS bend deductionxls

soLIDwoRKs Appendix A
Sheet Metal Tables

Customizing The existing tables may be customized for individual, corporate, or

Tables industry specification.
For custom tables to work properly there are a few hasie guidelines
which should be followed.

. Gauge values should progress in ascending order ofihiekncss. That

is, each successive gauge section in the table should contain data
for a thickness that is at least as thick as the previous section.
I Radius values in columns should be aligned, even if the radius
value is not practical / pos, ible for the gauge. Ifthc first column for
the first gaugc is for a bend radius of Lomm, then EVERY gauge
section below it should also have 1.0mm at the top ofthe first
. ALL data columns should be fully populated, nothing lcfi blank.
Tip: Use a dummy value of 100 as a flag to ignore.
I As an alternative to this filllrpopulation mullipicsgaugc table, you
may create completely separate files for each gauge, with just one
table each.

no 5m no
He! or; am
am 052 not
net 052 an
list 052

Radiusaligned is lnnnn rsi as: HR

Columns an man no uaz rru

Sheet Mela! Tables

K-Faclor Ratio A eouunon error is 2mmpting to use a Bcnd Deduetion or Bend

Tables Allowance able as a K~Factor Lablc.
A KrFacmr cable is critically diffcmm from the combination Bcnd
Allowance / Bcnd Deduction tnhlc in that it uses a Radius / Thickness
mio instead ofmdius only, as seen in BA/ BB tnhles. Use the
cxelusive vaactor [able instead. 1hey an: not handled in the same way
so are not interchangeable.

Important! Some of the Bend Allowance / Bend Deduction Izblcs includes a

KrFacmr option (under “Bend Type"). Do not use this, you will not get
(hr: CDn’CCt result.

Bend Allowance] Bend Deducl' n table:

‘Type: Steel Gauge Table
Process ‘ Steel Alr Bendmg
‘Bemi Typo: ‘Bund Alowmce
‘Unir. ‘milumetsrs
lflmmialz ‘ Steel

Gauge No. Gauge 6

nickmu: 1


K-Faclor table:

Type: K-Flctor
Material: Son copper and Son Bran


A mnven 10 mm mm] documenl pmpemes

addmg bend nes ax mnven Io sneex mm] semngs 1517 dmwmgs 711779
appearances 45 155 nan 24o
31110 neIIeI' 13 kecphndy 193 drxwmgs
mulubml s 193 documcntnmpcmns 7&7‘1
B unskeIenes I67 11a1 pnnem 75,711

balloons sIIeeImeIaI mnhlhody 137

lmk 1a mhl: 190 com/en 145, 1617158 IabIes so
basemnge 1142,41 eanven gcancsand eyIInders 157
mnlnbody 1x3 eanven g legacy sneex menu pans E
xah 12.35 racmnmended pmmees 153 edge nnnge ZHIAI
bend allowance 14 comer reIIer 7o curved edges 31
bend demnon I4 mmernmlmem edge Hang: sen ng: 2mg
Krfaclar 14 11annanemsemngs 51 edn flange nmme 29
bend reannres 21 comers mm sIde bends 27
bend 1e11e1 bleak coma/wmennm 72 up an edge and merge 201
manual methods I36 elased comar 66—67 cm I1anen 22
nhmund 1:1 onmer IeIIer 7o expamngmeIIaI pallem x:
nflsemnn 13 earnennn. 53 expamngla Dxr/Dwn 113
neeIangnIar 13 I'm manutaaure 52 mnIIIbddIes 192
Ian 13 I'nnnedsIaIe as
bend ublns 1&17 up 142151) F
bends welded comer 155 faccsm eerude 51
lnfied 1127120 eamen 6W remes
sketched ox earner um semngs 63 flancnrbends 152
flawless and unsupprcss 27H7n easnng 277 Ibnned,s11ee1me1a1 23pm
body cm shrank muss nmcesbends 152
assign nmenaI 205 c1 sbmaksclnngs 265
ensmn. farm needs 242
up wuso
mmhm: 2oz fixed race
hldaandshow 11:4 enIIIsI 7L74 “alrpallem m
nude/shew bodies 194 anIoans 190 Jog 1113
InnerreIenee deIecnnn 202 Imns 2M skenebed bend 0-)
IsnIaIe 194 mulnbady 1116 nange memod 11
up no edge and merge 201 pmpcnlcs 7&74. IXG flanges 24,4142
meek comer/comm'lum 72 ems base flange 11712, 41
aemssbends 105 edge Hang: 2HI, 41
c m 1131 nanem 10x
llnklalhlckncss 37
mllmflange 32713, 42
closed come. 66—67 swem IoHII
clased mmer semngs 57 normal cm 38 neI panem
color 5 cyIIndeIs mmeHIIm 6}“
cones mnvernng 157 ean 1011
canvemng 157 desIgn ax
mnfigmmms 2747276 D dmwmg views 7Hx
desIgnllbnly exnnanen 22
I'mmIngImIs 236 :xmmng x1
lofied bends 120 “men 22
sIIeeImeIaII'eannres 141 I'm-mlools 2w
dIsnIay pane 195 moduclng 73
senlngs so
IoggIe flax dIsplay 22

skelched ox mmeHrlm senmgs n4 filancnrbellds 152
suppress and unsuppmss 2747276 msung 277 lhl-rned,slreermeml 230249
body cm Hunk 264466 pracesstends 152
assrgn malenal 205 cr sbreaksenmgs 265 {In 142150
cdnrbnre 202 cnsldm l'drm lodls 242 fixed race
hldeandslrdw 194 cmhsl 7H4 “alrpallem 50
hld awbadles 194 balloons 190 Jog 103
lmerfcrenc: delecudn 202 Icons 204 skelcbed bend 00
lsalal: 194 mnlubddy 1x5 nangc melhdd ll
up In edge and merge 201 nmpcnlcs 7&74. IXG nangcs 24,4142
break corner/comer mm 72 Ens baseflallge 1142,41
acmssbends 105 edge Hang: 2Hl, 41
c m nal panem 1011
lmkmlhlckness 37
mnerllange 22713. 42
clnsed corner 66—67 swem 101L111
cldsed cm'ner sellmgs 57 normal cm 351 Hal panel-n
mldr 5 cylmders mmeHrlln 63—64
mnes mnvemng 157 en's IOX
canvenmg 157 deslgn 911
mnfiguralmns 271L276
D dmwlng vlews 7Hx
deslgnllbrary emllanen 22
rmmmglmls 236 uponlng x:
lofied bends 120 llanen 22
slreelmerallemnres 141 Inrmlools 2m
dlsplay pane 195 pmduclng 73
semngs 6|)
loggle nardlsplxy 22



flakpaflnn feamr: 10. 21 L ems 27

mrner neannenl 6| llnk lnlhlckness 27 1131
.mnem 275475
exllrlmen 22 lofled bends 1127120 “ancllrbendsfexlum 152
laces lo exclude 6| bent 112 gnssel 250
fixed lace so, 70 l'acelmg onllons 111 Jog 102
llanen 22 lbrmed 115 melhads 1w)
$3111 dnechan 51, 70 m desrgnllbmry 120 mnlllhedy 1112
merged laces 50 rererra endpolm 114 hammers 10
senlngs 61) pandocumcm phonemes 240
show sln 60. 72 M plmessplnns 2747276
slmpllry bends 50 mnnl‘aclmbllny 62 pracessbends reamre 152
mm 22
merge (does 50 up (mane 142150
(old 105 medmds lreerlems 10
l'm-mmnl future 238 shcclmelal 1H venl 257
l'dnmngloal murarbndy 68, 1:17 sheer mm! rmmerers 11, 19
del an 244 mulubady 19x edrung 20
l'dnmngloals 2347249 mlnarpan 260 muhlbady lxs
addmg 23x mllerllange 22713. 42 <l1ecl metallhlckncss 13
cnslam 242 mnlhbddy 1x2 mnluhndy 1115
deslgnllbrary 225 assrgn malenal 206 Shock mll'umm 10
m drdwmgs 2011 mmhme 202 mulllbady 1115
m 1131 pallem 240 edge Hang: 201 show sln so, 72
standard 235 future hlslory lRfi mpllfy bends 60
lynes 235 hlde andshow 194 skelclr duven pabenrs 174
mlerlerence derecnan 202 skelclred bends ox
G pallemlng lax snln 195
gaugelables 1&15 spill 195 splle: 243
glam dneclmn 6], 70 loals IR) suppress bends 271L276
gnssel up w edge and merge 201 sweplflange IDHII
sheelmelal gusset 250 swem nange oplmns 110
H neunxl llles |46 T
hem JHS narmal Cu! 211 Lab 12,35
hem semngs 34 ubles 14
hldeandshdw 194 o balloons 100
hldflsbaw 194 0115:! mm 13 bend 1&17.230
hldflshnwhndles 104 cuskim 2111

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