Simulator Development

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Workshop material


The originating Sections of this publication in the IAEA were:
Nuclear Power Technology Section
Nuclear Power Economic Planning Section
International Atomic Energy Agency
Wagramer Strasse 5
P.O. Box 100
A-1400 Vienna, Austria



© IAEA, 2001
Printed by the IAEA in Austria
April 2001

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has established a programme in

nuclear reactor simulation computer programs to assist its Member States in
education and training. The objective is to provide, for a variety of advanced
reactor types, insight and practice in reactor operational characteristics and their
response to perturbations and accident situations. To achieve this, the IAEA
arranges for the supply or development of simulation programs and training
material, sponsors training courses and workshops, and distributes documentation
and computer programs.
This publication consists of course material for workshops on development of
such reactor simulators. Participants in the workshops are provided with
instruction and practice in the development of reactor simulation computer codes
using a model development system that assembles integrated codes from a
selection of pre-programmed and tested sub-components. This provides insight
and understanding into the construction and assumptions of the codes that model
the design and operational characteristics of various power reactor systems.
The main objective is to demonstrate simple nuclear reactor dynamics with
hands-on simulation experience. Using one of the modular development systems,
CASSIMÔ, a simple point kinetic reactor model is developed, followed by a
model that simulates the Xenon/Iodine concentration on changes in reactor
power. Lastly, an absorber and adjuster control rod, and a liquid zone model are
developed to control reactivity.
The built model is used to demonstrate reactor behavior in sub-critical, critical
and supercritical states, and to observe the impact of malfunctions of various
reactivity control mechanisms on reactor dynamics. Using a PHWR simulator,
participants practice typical procedures for a reactor startup and approach to
This workshop material consists of an introduction to systems used for
developing reactor simulators, an overview of the dynamic simulation process,
including numerical methods, and an introduction to the CASSIMÔ development
system. Techniques and practice are presented, with exercises, for development
and application of reactor simulators.
The workshop material was prepared by W.K. Lam, Canada, for the IAEA. The
IAEA officer responsible for this publication was R. Lyon from the Division of
Nuclear Power.

The use of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any
judgement by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or
territories, of their authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their
The mention of names of specific companies or products (whether or not
indicated as registered) does not imply any intention to infringe proprietary
rights, nor should it be construed as an endorsement or recommendation on the
part of the IAEA.

1.0 Introduction to Modular Modeling Systems ........................................................................ 1

1.1 Modular Model Generation Process ............................................................................... 1

1.2 Integral Components of a Modular Modeling System.................................................... 4
1.3 Simulation Development System for Control Room Replica Full Scope Simulators .... 4
1.4 Simulation Development System for PC Based Desktop Simulators............................. 5
1.5 Technology Trends for Modular Modeling System ....................................................... 7
1.6 Simulation Fundamentals ............................................................................................... 8
1.6.1 Dynamic Simulation Versus Steady–State Simulation........................................ 8
1.6.2 Mathematical Modeling ....................................................................................... 8
1.6.3 Model Specification ............................................................................................. 9
1.6.4 Basic Physical Laws........................................................................................... 11
1.6.5 Physical Process Characteristics of a Control Volume...................................... 16

2.0 Overview of Dynamic Simulation for Power Plant Process.............................................. 23

2.1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 23
2.2 Basic Equations ............................................................................................................ 24
2.3 Mass and Component Balance Equations..................................................................... 24
2.4 Rate of Change of Pressure in a Control Volume......................................................... 26
2.5 Momentum Equation for Links Joining Control Volumes ........................................... 27
2.6 Linearized Momentum Equation .................................................................................. 27
2.7 Pressure Drop Calculation ............................................................................................ 28
2.8 Pump Flow Equation .................................................................................................... 28
2.9 Flow Equation in Link with Pump and Valve .............................................................. 30
2.10 Pump Cavitation Factor .............................................................................................. 30
2.11 Flow Equation to Match Specific Pump Curve and Incompressible Flow................. 30
2.12 Energy Balance Equations .......................................................................................... 30
2.13 Rate of Change of Fluid Temperature in Control Volume ......................................... 31
2.14 External Heat Transfer Rate in Control Volume ........................................................ 32
2.15 Equations of State ....................................................................................................... 32
2.16 Two Phase Systems (Simple Equilibrium Model)...................................................... 32

3.0 Numerical Methods and Other Important Model Considerations ..................................... 35

3.1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 35
3.2 Explicit Euler Integration ............................................................................................. 35
3.3 Implicit Euler Integration.............................................................................................. 38
3.4 System of Equations ..................................................................................................... 40
3.5 Other Important Model Considerations ........................................................................ 42
3.5.1 Range of Validity ............................................................................................... 42
3.5.2 Reliability........................................................................................................... 43
3.5.3 Real Time Simulation ........................................................................................ 44

4.0 CassimÔ Based Simulation Methodology and Simple Modeling Exercises .................... 46

4.1 Introduction to Cassim™ Modeling ............................................................................. 46

4.2 Block Oriented Modeling Concept ............................................................................... 46
4.3 Cassim™ Simulation Development System................................................................. 49
4.4 Simulation Modeling Using CASSBASE..................................................................... 52
4.5 Opening The Two Tanks Model................................................................................... 53
4.6 Browsing The Algorithms Library ............................................................................... 54
4.6.1 The NON-MOVEABLE BLOCKS Algorithm .................................................. 56
4.6.2 The DEMO 1ST ORDER VALVE Algorithm .................................................. 57
4.7 Opening a Block in The Model .................................................................................... 59
4.7.1 Browsing Block #1............................................................................................. 60
4.8 Two Tanks System Modeling Analysis and Design..................................................... 61
4.8.1 Description of the Two Tanks System............................................................... 61
4.8.2 Algorithms Selection.......................................................................................... 63
4.8.3 Initial Conditions................................................................................................ 64
4.8.4 Flow Calculation Method .................................................................................. 64
4.9 Two Tank System Modeling......................................................................................... 65
4.9.1 Creating Block #2 — VALVE 1........................................................................ 65
4.9.2 Creating Block #3 — FLOW1 ........................................................................... 68
4.9.3 Creating Block #4 — TANK1 ........................................................................... 69
4.9.4 Creating Block #5— FLOW4 ............................................................................ 71
4.9.5 Creating Block #6 — PID Controller................................................................. 71
4.9.6 Creating Block #7 — VALVE3......................................................................... 73
4.9.7 Creating Block #8 — FLOW3 ........................................................................... 74
4.9.8 Creating Block #9, 10, 11, and 12...................................................................... 74
4.9.9 Creating Block #13 ............................................................................................ 76
4.9.10 Creating Block #14 .......................................................................................... 76
4.10 Hands-On Testing and Debugging the Simple Two Tanks Process ........................... 77
4.10.1 Verifying the Model......................................................................................... 77
4.10.2 Exporting Model Data File For Cassim™ Simulation
Engine — CASSENG ....................................................................................... 78
4.10.3 Testing the Simulation Using Cassim™ Debugger ......................................... 79
4.11 Running the Simulation Model with Labview® Screen............................................. 88
4.11.1 Running the Two Tanks Simulation ................................................................ 88
4.12 Merging Models.......................................................................................................... 91
4.13 Review of Thermalhydraulic Network Modeling....................................................... 91
4.13.1 CassimÔ Thermalhydraulic Modeling Simplifications .................................. 95
4.13.2 How to Create a Hydraulic Network System................................................... 96
4.14 Algorithm Source Code Development........................................................................ 97
4.14.1 Fortran Algorithm Coding Standard ................................................................ 97
4.14.2 Algorithm Source Code Standard .................................................................... 99
4.14.3 Simple Algorithm Exercise .............................................................................. 99

5.0 Reactor Simulation Model Development......................................................................... 100

5.1 Quick Review of Nuclear Reactor Neutron Physics................................................... 100

5.1.1 Rates of Neutron Reactions — Reactor Power................................................ 100
5.1.2 Multiplication Factors for Thermal Reactors................................................... 101
5.1.3 Steady–State Neutron Balance......................................................................... 103
5.1.4 Mean Neutron Lifetime and Mean Effective Neutron Lifetime ...................... 104
5.1.5 Reactivity Units................................................................................................ 104
5.1.6 Changes in Neutron Flux Following a Reactivity Change in Reactor with
Prompt Neutrons Only....................................................................................... 105
5.1.7 The Reactor Period for Reactor with Prompt Neutrons Only.......................... 105
5.1.8 Power Changes with Prompt Neutrons Only ................................................... 106
5.1.9 The Effect of Delayed Neutrons on Power Changes ....................................... 106
5.2 Point Kinetic Model — Delayed Neutrons................................................................. 108
5.2.1 Analytical Solution to Point Kinetic Reactor Model Equations ...................... 109
5.3 Modeling Exercise — Simple Point Kinetic Model................................................... 113
5.3.1 Problem Description: ....................................................................................... 113
5.3.2 Point Kinetic Reactor Simulation Model Using Cassim.................................. 114
5.3.3 Simple Point Kinetic Model Algorithm Formulation (Solution)..................... 115
5.3.4 Simple Point Kinetic Reactor Model Fortran Program (Solution) .................. 117
5.4 The Effects of Neutron Sources on Reactor Kinetics................................................. 121
5.4.1 The Neutron Sources........................................................................................ 121
5.4.2 The Effect of Neutron Sources on the Total Neutron Population ................... 121
5.4.3 The Effect of Neutrons Sources on a Reactor At Power ................................. 122
5.4.4 The Effect of Neutron Source on Reactor Shut-Down .................................... 123
5.4.5 Photoneutrons Sources in Heavy Water Reactor ............................................. 123
5.5 Modeling Exercise — Point Kinetic Reactor Model with Photoneutrons. ................ 124
5.5.1 Point Kinetic Reactor Model with Photoneutrons Sources (Solution) ............ 126
5.6 Reactivity Feedback Effects ....................................................................................... 126
5.6.1 Long Term Reactivity Effects -— Fuel Burnup and Buildup.......................... 126
5.6.2 Intermediate Term Reactivity Effects — Xenon Poison ................................. 129
5.6.3 Short Term Reactivity Effects.......................................................................... 133
5.7 Modeling Exercise — Poison Reactivity Effects ....................................................... 134
5.7.1 Problem Description ........................................................................................ 134
5.7.2 Modeling Steps ................................................................................................ 135

6.0 Reactor Control Simulation Model Development ........................................................... 138

6.1 Brief Review of BWR Reactor Power Control........................................................... 138

6.2 Brief Review of PWR Reactor Power Control ........................................................... 141
6.3 Brief Overview of RBMK Reactor Power Control .................................................... 143
6.4 Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor ............................................................................. 146
6.4.1 Pressurized Heavy Reactor Control System General Description ................... 147
6.4.2 Moderator Liquid Poison Addition And Removal System.............................. 152
6.4.3 Reactor Trip System......................................................................................... 152
6.5 PHW Reactor Regulating System Brief Overview..................................................... 153
6.6 Generic CANDU Simulator — RRS Familiarization................................................. 156
6.6.1 Familiarization with CANDU Generic Simulator ........................................... 157
6.6.2 Simulator Exercise Related to PHW Reactor Control ..................................... 161
6.7 Modeling Exercise — Reactivity Control Mechanism: Liquid Zone......................... 167
6.7.1 Liquid Zone Hydraulic Modeling and Approach............................................. 167
6.7.2 Liquid Zone Reactivity Control Modeling....................................................... 171
6.8 Solution to Modeling Exercise — Reactivity Control Mechanism: Liquid Zone...... 172

7.0 Development of Adjuster, Absorber, Shutdown Rods Model ......................................... 173

7.1 Development of Adjuster and Absorber Rods Model ................................................ 173

7.2 Development of Shutdown Rods Model..................................................................... 175

8.0 Reactor Startup and Approach To Criticality .................................................................. 177

8.1 Subcritical Reactor Behavior...................................................................................... 177

8.2 Reactor Instrumentation.............................................................................................. 179
8.2.1 Startup Instrumentation.................................................................................... 179
8.2.2 Ion-Chamber Instrumentation .......................................................................... 183
8.2.3 In-Core Flux Detectors..................................................................................... 183
8.3 Methods for Approaching Criticality ......................................................................... 184
8.3.1 Approach Reactor Criticality by Raising Moderator Level ............................. 185
8.3.2 Approach Reactor Criticality by Removing Boron Absorber.......................... 185
8.4 Practice Reactor Startup and Approach to Criticality Using Simulator ..................... 187
9.0 From Simple Point Kinetic Reactor Model To High Fidelity Model .............................. 193

9.1 Spatial Kinetic Model for PHW Reactor.................................................................... 193

9.2 Nodal Approach for Simulating Space–Time Reactor Kinetics................................. 193
9.3 Summary of Model Formulation for PHW Reactor ................................................... 198
9.4 Coupled Reactor Kinetics Reference.......................................................................... 209

Typical Workshop Agenda .................................................................................................... 210


Algorithm # 102: PUMP_SIM, Simple centrifugal pump ..................................................... 213

Algorithm # 106: VLV_ONOFF_SM, Simple on–off valve ................................................. 216
Algorithm # 108: CV_SIM, Simple control valve................................................................. 219
Algorithm # 128: TANK, Simple storage tank with heating ................................................. 222
Algorithm # 133: BREAKER, Breaker.................................................................................. 225
Algorithm # 134: MOTOR, Simple motor model.................................................................. 227
Algorithm # 140: CONDUCT_FI, incompressible flow conductance .................................. 229
Algorithm # 223: RSFF, Reset — Set (RS) flip flop............................................................. 231
Algorithm # 232: COMPARATOR, Single analog comparator with deadband.................... 233
Algorithm # 236: DELTA_INP, D Input = (current input — previous input)....................... 235
Algorithm # 241: SPEEDER_GEAR, Steam turbine speed/load changes gear .................... 237
Algorithm # 312: 5_SUM, Sum of 5 inputs........................................................................... 239
Algorithm # 332: PID_MALF, Proportional + integral + derivative controller
with controller malfunction ................................................................. 241
Algorithm # 398: MARKER, Dummy marker for model identification ............................... 247
Algorithm # 399: DUMMY_DISPLAY, Dummy display of 20 output tags......................... 248
Algorithm # 401: H_NET_INT, Internal node ...................................................................... 249
Algorithm # 402: H_NET_EXT, External node.................................................................... 251
Algorithm # 403: H_NET_LINK, Hydraulic network link ................................................... 253
Algorithm # 451: Timekeeper................................................................................................ 257
Algorithm # 452: NON-MOVEABLE, Non-moveable block NMB ..................................... 259
1.0 Introduction to Modular Modeling Systems

In 1968, General Electric equipped its training center with the first full-
scope training simulator. That was followed by all the major manufacturers
of light water reactors in the U.S., and subsequently, by several utilities
and training institutes, both in the U.S. and overseas. Nowadays, power
plant simulators have become necessities among nuclear utilities
worldwide and have become much more than a training tool. In addition to
imparting to the operator an extensive “hands-on” experience in startups,
power maneuvering and shutdown operations, they give them the
opportunity to face more emergency and abnormal situations. They also
constitute a valuable tool during licensing examination and in the
development of operating procedures. As well, they have been used in
plant design validation as engineering simulators.

Over the span of the last 30 years, the simulator technologies have
changed significantly due to the rapid advances in computer hardware and
software. 15 years ago, computers that were used to simulate a complete
nuclear power plant down to the last electrical fuse occupied a full room
and cost millions of dollars. Nowadays, the same full scope simulation can
be accommodated by a high-end multi-Pentium chips PC sitting on your
desktop, and it only costs few thousands of dollars.

Despite these advances and dramatic price/performance improvement in

computer hardware and software, the essential development cost of a
power plant simulator remains to be the knowledge intensive mental labor
that is required in mathematical modeling — representing the physical
systems by algebraic and differential equations, and subsequently
transforming these equations into computer codes, followed by endless
process of model tuning and enhancements.

In the past, mathematical modeling was a very labor intensive process

because any minor change in the equations, or some adjustment in numeric
constants, necessitated repeated program re-compiling and debugging.
Therefore, the development of complex models simulating large scale
systems was a very difficult and time consuming task. Then in the mid
80’s, the use of a modular approach for the model development of large
scale systems began to appear and evolved rapidly. Nowadays, almost
every simulator development will involve some kind of a Modular
Modeling System (MDS). However, the ease of use and the capabilities of
the individual MDS often vary with different vendors.

1.1 Modular Model Generation Process

In general, the modular model generation processes include:

1. Based on inspection of the whole plant, the basic units of component

like a valve, pump, heat exchanger etc. will be identified. Individual
mathematical model for each of these components will be developed to

cover various operating conditions. It is important that the model will
be generic and flexible enough to facilitate easy customization of the
component for specific application. For example, to change a valve
model from a first order linear valve to a quick-opening non-linear
valve only requires changing certain parameters in the model. Some
vendors called these basic units “generic algorithms”; some call them
“standard model handlers”; others call them “model objects” (a more
modern terminology). In essence, they all amount to the same thing —
that is, they are all compiled into object files and stored in a library that
is readily called upon by the main simulation program.

2. The next step is modularization of the whole plant into subsystem

modules — reactor, heat transport system, boiler, feedwater system etc.
Each subsystem model is further broken down to process model,
electrical power distribution model and control logic model. This is a
critical process in which modularization guidelines will be established
in sub-dividing the system into manageable units. When these criteria
are combined in the definition of the borders of the system’s modules,
the result will be a set of well designed easily manageable modules
with a low level of coupling with them.

3. The third step is to develop specialized algorithms specific to the

requirements of the particular modules — for example, specialized two
phase flow modules for reactor thermalhydraulics to cater for loss of
coolant accident (LOCA) simulation, or special 3D spatial kinetic
reactor model etc.

4. The fourth step is to build subsystem models using basic blocks of

generic algorithms, as well as the specialized algorithms. Generally
speaking, the simulation model is described as a sequence of
interconnecting blocks where each block has defined inputs and
outputs, whose relationships are characterized by a set of differential-
algebraic equations — mathematical representation of a basic
component. Specific component block can be created by specifying
parameters to the generic algorithm. The output(s) of one block feeds
into one or more subsequent block(s) downstream. When the
simulation runs, each block is executed in sequence, producing
output(s) which is passed onto the next connected block(s). This next
block in turn executes the simulation based on its inputs and
coefficients (parameters), and produce outputs for subsequent blocks
connected to its outputs. When all the blocks in the model have been
executed once in the sequence, the simulation has completed one

5. The fifth step is testing to ensure that the subsystem model satisfies the
modeling requirements specification. Such requirements will include:
range of operating conditions; model fidelity ( % deviation from
operating data); model performance on selected malfunctions etc.

6. As the several interrelated subsystem models are completed, they will
be integrated to form a large size system model, followed by testing
and model tuning etc. leading to the final plant model.

The process for building generic algorithm library and the large scale
model is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

1.2 Integral Components of a Modular Modeling System

Basing on the above described process of modular model development, a

typical MDS typically consists of the following integral components:

(a) Generic Model Algorithm Library Management — create generic

algorithms and store them into libraries.

(b) Model Development System — to create blocks, arrange block

sequence, make block connections, extract or merge portion of the
model with another model.

(c) Model Testing and Debugging Environment — to change block

connections; change model parameters; change block sequences.

(d) Thermal Hydraulic Flow Network Solver — to create a network

topology consisting nodes and branches representation of a hydraulic
flow circuit in the plant, where pressures are calculated in control
volumes known as nodes; and the flow between these nodes can be
obtained from the application of momentum equations in the branches
between adjacent nodes. By specifying nodes and branches, a system of
linearized algebraic equations will be formulated and solved by fast
matrix methods.

In the sections below, we will briefly describe the Simulation

Development System from various vendors, ranging from Full Scope
Simulator Development System to PC based Desktop Simulator
Development System. As there are many simulation vendors worldwide,
the ones selected below are only considered as representative samples.

1.3 Simulation Development System for Control Room Replica Full Scope
(a) ROSE (Real time Object oriented Simulation Environment ) from
Canadian Aviation Electronics (CAE), Montreal, Canada.

ROSE from CAE is an object oriented, icon-based design and simulation

development system and has been used for full scope training simulator
applications for nuclear power plant and fossil fuel power plant. The
library objects, the lowest level building blocks in the simulation, are
developed using the Object Editor. A ROSE Object consists of a
graphical icon and corresponding object definition information. In the
ROSE environment, models are represented graphically by Schematics.
Schematics are drawn by dragging objects from the Library Window onto
the Schematic Window, then by connecting objects to one another.
Simulation configurations may be loaded and run through the runtime
executive. A suite of simulation and monitoring tools allows users to open
schematics and display, plots or update any simulation variable. The
Model Builder groups the schematics and passes them to the appropriate
code generators. The Code Generators are a set of tools used to parse the

schematics and generate simulation model codes in C and FORTRAN.
Specialized Code Generators include: (a) Hydraulic and Electrical Network
Solvers (2) Relay Logic Model Generator (3) Sequential Logic Generator

(b) CETRAN from Asea Brown Boveri (ABB), Connecticut, USA

ABB’s CETRAN has been used for real time full scope simulators
application for nuclear and fossil power plants. CETRAN software is block
structured. In block structured approach, the model development engineer
creates blocks from an algorithm library, enters physical and
thermodynamic coefficients to make the model match the physical plant,
and then links the blocks together interactively and on-line. A CETRAN
Model is created by interconnecting pre-programmed blocks (e.g. heat
exchanger, time delay etc.). The CETRAN Executive controls all of the
simulation software modules and performs the following simulation
controls : (a) creates the necessary initialization before simulation runs (b)
controls the timing based on the real time clock (c) Passes necessary
information to other modules (d) activates/deactivates the other modules.
The CETRAN Graphics Package generates a variety of displays for the
instructor and operator stations. This software allows the user to build
tabular, graphic, or trend displays, and to make the displays interact with
any simulated variables of the model. CETRAN Network Solvers are
provided for Thermal hydraulic (THLF) Network Models and Electrical
(ELNET) Network Models.

1.4 Simulation Development System for PC Based Desktop Simulators

(a) The Modular Modeling System (MMS) from Framatome
Technologies, Lynchburg, Virginia, USA

Modular Modeling System (MMS) is Simulation Model Development

tool targeted for Desktop Simulators applications. It includes a
Component Modeling Library which contains generic pant components.
The Model source code generation is aided by the use of a Graphical
Model Builder — models are built by placing graphical icons on the
worksheet representing a module from the Component Library. Once the
components are placed, connections are made between ports on the
modules to define the flow of fluids, control signals etc. Each module has
an interactive input form that allows the entry of component data (i.e. pipe
length and diameter). MMS makes use of the general purpose simulation
language — Advanced Continuous Simulation Language (ACSL) from
Mitchell and Gauthier Associates (MGA). The model source code
generated by the Graphical Model Builder is an ASCL source code macro,
which requires ASCL macro translator and FORTRAN compiler to convert
them to object codes. Therefore, the ASCL software and the FORTRAN
Compiler are prerequisites for running MMS.

(b) The APROS — APMS (Advanced PROcess Simulator — Advanced
Paper and Pulp Mill Simulator) from Technical Research Institute of

The APROS — APMS concept can be explained by comparing it to a

spreadsheet program, where the configuration of the calculations
corresponds to the configured process model in APROS — APMS, and the
figures input into the calculation compares to the dynamic variables of the
PROCESS model. The simulation system can be defined by using the
APROS — APMS graphic client interface. Also, model definitions can be
created and manipulated using the APROS command interpreter from
ASCII command files. The simulated process is described by means of
modules. A module represents a well defined part or component in a
physical process. The modules and their mutual connections are mapped
onto a computational network and the process model can be simulated and
modified without any program recompilations. APROS — APMS
simulation environment consists of an intuitive user interface program, the
APROS simulation server program with toolkits, simulation software
libraries and application model specific files.

(c) CASSIM (CASsiopeia SIMulation) Simulation Development System

from CTI (Cassiopeia Technologies Inc.), Toronto, Canada

The CASSIMÔ based simulation development software (www.cti- is made up of a Dynamic Linked Library (DLL) of
generic algorithms, consisting of supporting FORTRAN subroutines that
model various types of power plants using CASSIMÔ block oriented
modeling methodology. Generic software algorithms were developed to
correspond to physical plant components such as a process, a logical unit,
or equipment (e.g. valve). The block oriented modeling technique
simulates a large complex process system as a collection of these smaller
components, each representing a subset of the larger system, and each is
connected to one another to represent the detailed interactions between the

CASSIMÔ is a simulation development system based on three common

core technologies: (1) CASSBASE: the database engine which is used to
manage the library of generic algorithms, and to manage the
interconnections between the blocks in a model. In addition, it is also used
to manage the Hydraulic Flow Networks. More importantly, as the model
is being developed into a number of blocks, it is used for debugging so that
the model developer can view each block's input and output values during
each simulation iteration. Furthermore, the developer can dynamically
modify these values, or even block interconnections on-line without
recompiling the simulation code. In support of the model maintenance and
upgrade, CASSBASE can be used for model "merging" and "extraction".
(2)CASSENG is the real time simulation run-time engine. It is used to run
the model data file produced by CASSBASE, and to control the simulation
such as "freeze", "iterate", "run" in response to user's command. To enable

inter-task communication within Microsoft Windows operating system,
CASSENG supports Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), so that CASSBASE
can view block's details during debugging, and LabView can represent the
plant's simulated data via its graphical user interface. (3) LABVIEW:
LABVIEW for Windows is the user interface development environment
from National Instruments of Texas, U.S.A., with many value-added
features provided by C.T.I. for the purpose of developing user-friendly
graphical interfaces for simulator applications. Graphical screens with
buttons, icon symbols, pop-up dialogs, etc. are developed using LabView
for Windows. User interface symbols, and special-purpose modules are
provided in the form of LabView libraries. CTI has the custom LabView
libraries which provide power plant simulation related symbols, modules
for pop-up's, for performing Microsoft Windows Dynamic Data Exchange
(DDE) and TCP/IP communication with CASSENG, and more. Through
either DDE or TCP/IP, user interface screens request data from the
simulation running in CASSENG for display and monitoring. Likewise,
user input interactions such as specific control actions and setpoint changes
can be transmitted via button status changes sent to the running simulation

1.5 Technology Trends for Modular Modeling System

1. Object Orientation — the current prevailing MDS technology is
predominantly block oriented; each block is defined by a set of input-
output equations. With the advent of object oriented software design,
object oriented modeling languages begin to appear. Object orientation
allows for a definition of classes which group components with
common properties. These classes can then be extended to form more
refined components by simply adding to the properties which are
inherited from the parent class, thus maximizing the reuse of existing
models and minimizing the amount of programming.

2. Distributed Computing — standalone workstations delivering several

tens of millions per second are commonplace, and continuing increases
in power are predicted. When these computer systems are
interconnected by an appropriate high speed network, their combined
computational power can be applied to solve a variety of
computationally intensive applications. Indeed, network computing
may even provide supercomputer-level computational power. Further,
under the right circumstances, the network based approach can be
effective in coupling several similar multiprocessors, resulting in a
configuration that might be economically and technically difficult to
achieve with supercomputer hardware.

1.6 Simulation Fundamentals
1.6.1 Dynamic Simulation versus Steady–State Simulation
Process simulation is the use of mathematical models to develop a
realistic representation of the real process behavior, as measured by the
dynamic responses of the monitored process variables such as levels,
temperature, pressures, and materials compositions etc. Process simulation
can be divided into two categories: Steady–State and Dynamic.

· Steady–State simulation usually consists of groups of algebraic

equations solved iteratively to account for the steady–state heat and
material balance calculations of the process under various steady–state
conditions. In all these steady state conditions, mass flow and energy
flow equilibrium are always assumed. That is, the rates of change of
mass and energy hold up in the process, known as accumulation terms,
are set to zero. Steady–state simulation programs are commonly used
in the process industry such as sizing a boiler, turbine equipment for a
specific plant's heat rate requirements.

· Dynamic simulation is not only concerned with the steady–state heat

and material balance calculations, but also the transient conditions of
process evolution — for example, the dynamic response of boiler level
due to sudden loss of turbine generator in a power plant. This is
accomplished by solving a large set of coupled, non-linear differential
equations in real time, that represent the dynamic material and energy
balances for the process being simulated. The mass and energy
accumulation rates are computed continuously and integrated over
small time intervals, to produce realistic dynamic responses imitating
process levels, temperatures, pressures, and materials compositions etc.
Because dynamic simulation can provide dynamic responses of process
over time, it is widely used in:

1. The development of training simulators (for operator training).

2. Safety analysis for nuclear power plant.

3. Control design studies for process controls.

1.6.2 Mathematical Modeling

Mathematical Models of process are obtained by applying to each
process component the laws of conservation of mass, energy and
momentum, and the laws of physics, as well as the appropriate semi-
empirical correlation of flow and heat transfers etc. This results in a set of
coupled Differential, Algebraic and Boolean equations that are solved by
digital computer in time series manner.

Formulating real time simulations of physical process are, to a large

extent, very much situation-dependent. There is no one "all-encompassing"
model which covers every possible situation of the process conditions. For

example, the technique which applies to a single phase heat exchanger
differs considerably from those which apply to a two phase heat exchanger.
Hence, correct simulation problem definition is the first and the most
critical step in simulation. This is commonly known as "Model

The simulation analyst must identify all of the "situations" which are to
be "simulated" by his/her model over the entire operating range, including
"situations" mitigated by component malfunctions (valves, pumps etc.). As
well, it is important to identify simulated conditions (single phase; two
phases) in an equipment such as heat exchanger so that the model will give
correct dynamic responses. However, as a caution, one must be able to
balance the needs for accurate models versus expensive model
development cost, and NOT to "over-specify" the requirements for the
model, resulting in paying for an expensive model feature for insignificant
training (or design) value.

Therefore development of physical process models utilizes intuition and

good judgment which comes with experience; as well as classical scientific
method of observation, classification, hypothesis, and test.

· Intuition is required to established the basic assumptions, major

relationship between key variables, and the initial approaches to
establishing the physical process model.

· Judgment is required to preserve a balance between accuracy and

completeness versus complexity and cost.

The generic modeling techniques discussed in this lesson cover only

basic process simulation of flow and heat transfer. It should be noted that
some complex systems and important plant processes would require more
complex modeling techniques to simulate specific phenomena such as two
phase flow and steam bubbles formation. Examples for these systems are
found in a nuclear power plant (e.g. reactor coolant system; steam
generator; pressurizer; etc.); as well as in a fossil-fired plant (e.g.
waterwalls; furnace boiler system etc.)

1.6.3 Model Specification

Prior to developing the physical process model, as stated previously, the
purpose and objectives of the model should be clearly stated. This is
known as "Model Specification". In general, the following parameters
should be kept in mind for the development of the physical process model:

· Scope or boundary of the process under study — practically speaking,

scope and boundary definition would require "marking" up Process &
Instruments Devices (P & ID) Diagram (diagram detailing the process
flow, pipework arrangement, equipments and instruments associated
with a process subsystem.)

· Depth of the details — specify whether every process, every equipment
(pump, valve, etc.), every instrument (pressure transmitter, temperature
transmitter etc.) shall be simulated. If simulation is required, should it
be a detailed simulation (down to the single electrical fuse); or
functional simulation is adequate?

· Physical and Safety constraints — In case the process model is required

to simulate the extreme physical and safety constraints such as pipe
break; two phase phenomenon; reverse flow; boiler
implosion/explosion, how long should the simulation last under such
extreme constraints?

· Steady–State and Dynamic responses — these responses should be

obtained from actual process operational data.

· Accuracy required — also called model fidelity. How accurate should

the simulation be, when compared with the actual process transients?

· Need and method for updating model

· State variables and available control variables — State variables of a

dynamic system are the smallest set of variables which determine the
state of the dynamic system. For instance, if at least N variables (X1(t),
X2(t), ... Xn(t) — e.g. pressure, flow etc.) are needed to completely
describe the behavior of a dynamic system, then such N variables
X1(t), X2(t), ...Xn(t) are a set of state variables for the dynamic
process. State variables need to be identified in the model.

A simple input-output Block Diagram is shown in Figure 2 for a

typical control system associated with a plant process. The controller
produces control signals (Control Variables) based on the
discrepancies between the reference Input Variables (setpoints) and
the Manipulated Variables (e.g. tank level, a subset of the state
variables) from the plant process. In practical situations, there are
always some disturbances acting on the plant. These may be external
or internal origin, and they may random or predictable. The controller
must take into consideration any disturbances which will affect the
Output Variables.

Figure 2 — Typical Block Diagram of a control system associated with a
plant process

· Disturbances — all disturbances to the process need to be identified.

We have only presented here a general introduction of Model

Specification. Detailed discussion is a course by itself and is not within the
scope of this course.

1.6.4 Basic Physical Laws

The foundation for the development of physical process models consists
of the basic physical laws of the following types of systems: pneumatic,
hydraulic, thermal, mechanical, and electrical.

(A) Unified Approach of System Analysis

Despite the fact that there are distinct types of systems (pneumatic,
hydraulic, thermal, mechanical, and electrical), a Unified Approach of
System Analysis can be applied to these systems so that the same basic
laws of system analysis can still apply to them, regardless of the type of
system it belongs.

The following notions and definitions should be introduced before the

Unified Approach of System Analysis is explained:

· Control Volume - also known as "element", or "block" — Control

Volumes are physical objects whose behavior may be defined by
measurements performed with respect to two points in space. They are
the unit building blocks of a system. Control Volume may store,

transmit, convert, and dissipate energy. Typical control volumes are
valves, pipes, generators, motors, vessels, and heat exchangers.

· Junctions — Junctions are points which join together one or more

Control Volumes together. No energy, storage, transmission,
conversion, or dissipation of energy takes place in junctions. Typical
junctions are electrical busses, and connectors of pipes to vessels.

· System — a collection of Control Volumes where the net sum of

energy is zero. Or energy generated is equal to energy converted and

· Quantity Variable — a State Variable which describes the quantity

contained in a Control Volume. A Quantity Variable is a "one-point"
variable; i.e. it can be defined by one point in space. Example of
quantity variables are volume, enthalpy, momentum, and electrical
charge etc. Junctions cannot contain quantity variables, since they only
join elements together.

· Flow Variable — the rate of change of Quantity Variable with respect

to time. It is also a "one-point" variable. Examples are flow rate,
enthalpy-flow, force, and electrical current, etc.

· Potential Variable — a State Variable which measures across the two

ends of a Control Volume, i.e. it is a "two-point" variable in space.
Examples of Potential Variable are pressure, temperature, velocity,
and voltage, etc. In many cases, one of the point in this "two-point"
variable is a reference point, e.g., melting point of ice, ground
potential, and atmospheric pressure.

Figure 3 illustrates the definition of Quantity, Flow, Potential Variables

of a Control Volume. Figure 4 illustrates Junctions as points which join
together one or more Control Volumes.


The following Table 1 summarizes the Quantity Variables, Flow Variables,
and Potential Variables used for pneumatic, hydraulic, thermal,
mechanical, and electrical systems. The units for these variables are listed

Type of System Quantity Flow Variable Potential

Variable Variable

Pneumatic Weight (lb) Flow Rate Pressure (Psi)


Hydraulic Volume (ft**3) Flow Rate Head (ft)


Thermal Enthalpy Enthalpy Flow Temperature

(BTU/lb) (BTU/lb-sec) (Degrees)

Mechanical Momentum (lb- Force (lb) Velocity (ft/sec)


Electrical Charge Current (ampere) Voltage (volt)


(B) Two Basic Laws For System Analysis

There are two basic laws for system analysis which are based on the
laws of “Conservation of Energy”, and the “Continuity of Materials”.

1. The sum of all flow variables for any Junction is equal zero.

2. The sum of all potential variables for any closed loop in the system is
equal to zero.

As shown in Figure 5, these two laws can be expressed:

For Junction n,


where Fni is the Flow Variable from ith Control Volume going into (or
away) from Junction n.

For the mth Loop,



where Pmj is the Potential Variable for jth Control Volume

Applying the First Law for Junctions A, B, C, respectively,

F1 - F2 - F3 = 0

F2 + F3 - F4 = 0

F4 - F1 = 0

Applying the Second Law for Inner and Outer Loops, respectively,

P1 + P2 + P4 = 0

P1 + P3 + P4 = 0

Note that the direction of flow should be taken into account in the flow
equations. In the potential equations, the potential variable is assumed to
be measured in the direction of the flow variable. Thus P1 is the potential
variable measured across junctions C to A.

Therefore applying the Two Basic Laws of System Analysis to the

different types of system, we have:

Type of System First Law: Flow Second Law: Potential
Variable connected to Variable around a
a Junction loop

(flow rates ) = 0 (pressures) = 0

(flow rates) = 0 (heads) =0

(enthalpy flows)= (temperatures)=0

(forces) = 0 (velocities)=0

(currents) =0 (voltages) =0

1.6.5 Physical Process Characteristics of a Control Volume

This section will discuss the physical process characteristics of a
Control Volume, particularly:

· the relationship between the Quantity Variable and the Potential


· the relationship between the Flow Variable and the Potential Variable

· the concept of Resistance and Capacitance

First the general case will be developed, then the characteristics of

typical pneumatic, hydraulic, thermal, mechanical, and electrical systems
will be presented.

(1) General Case

Let the following symbols be assigned:

Q = Quantity Variable

F = Flow Variable

P = Potential Variable

R = Resistance

C = Capacitance

The Resistance of a Process Control Volume is defined as the rate of
change of the Potential Variable with respect to the Flow Variable, and is
given by:


The Capacitance of a Process Control Volume is defined as the rate of

change of the Quantity Variable with respect to the Potential Variable, and
is given by:


If a Control Volume has both Resistance and Capacitance, it is further

assumed that this Control Volume is divided into two elements, with one
Resistance element connected in series to the other Capacitance element.
Thus the Change in Potential Variable of this Control Volume can be
expressed as :


The Resistance and Capacitance for the various physical systems are
introduced below as illustration of the concepts, without the detailed
derivation of the appropriate equations.

(2) Pneumatic Systems

Gas flow through small orifice can often be considered as turbulent,

whereas gas flow at certain velocities through larger pipes is often
considered as laminar. Elements which often produce turbulent flow are
orifices, valves, and small pipes. Elements which subsequently produce
laminar flow are circular tubes and pipes. The Quantity variable for
pneumatic systems is Weight, the Flow Variable is Flow Rate, and the
Potential Variable is Pressure.

Thus the Resistance to laminar gas flow in an adiabatic condition is


Where R = Pneumatic resistance (sec per square foot)

P = Pressure across the Control Volume, in (Psi)

F = Flow rate through the Control Volume (lb/sec)

L = Length of the pipe (ft)

D = Inside Diameter of pipe (ft)

g = gravitational constant, (ft/sec**2)

K = flow coefficient, dimensionless

A = area of restriction, (ft**2)

Y = rational expansion factor (lb/ft**3)

= Gas density (lb/ft**3)

= Absolute viscosity, (lb-sec/ft**2)

The resistance to turbulent gas flow in an adiabatic condition is


and .............(1.8)

Where V is the head; f is the friction factor; D is the inside diameter of the
orifice, and L is the equivalent length.

The Capacitance of a pneumatic vessel is given by:


Where C = Pneumatic capacitance, (ft**2)

Q = Weight of gas in vessel (lb)

V = Volume of vessel (ft**3)

G = Gas constant for specific gas (ft/deg. C)

T = Temperature in (Degrees C)

n = polytropic constant = ratio of specific heats for adiabatic expansion

(3) Hydraulic System

Hydraulic systems also have two types of flow: turbulent flow where the
Reynolds number ( a function of geometry, flow rate and viscosity) is
greater than 4000; and laminar flow if Reynolds number is less than 2000.
The Quantity Variable of Flow Rate; Potential Variable is pressure.

The Resistance of laminar flow hydraulic flow is:


The Resistance of turbulent hydraulic flow is:


and ......................(1.12)

Where R = Hydraulic resistance (sec per square foot)

C = Hydraulic capacitance (ft**2)

P = Head, in (ft)

F = Flow rate through the Control Volume (ft**3/sec)

Q = Volume (ft**3)

L = Length of the pipe (ft)

D = Inside Diameter of pipe (ft)

g = gravitational constant, (ft/sec**2)

K = flow coefficient, dimensionless

A = area of restriction, (ft**2)

= fluid density (lb/ft**3)

= Absolute viscosity, (lb-sec/ft**2)

The hydraulic capacitance for a uniform cross-section tank is:


where A is the cross section of the tank at the liquid surface.

(4) Thermal Systems

There are three types of heat transfer: conduction, convection and

radiation. Conduction takes place when heat is transferred through a solid
object. Convection takes place when heat is transferred through the
movement of liquid or gas in a vessel. Radiation is the transfer of heat
from the surface of one object to another object at a distance. The Quantity

Variable is Enthalpy, or commonly known as heat; the Flow Variable is
Enthalpy-Flow, or Heat Flow; the Potential Variable is Temperature.

The thermal resistance for conduction through a homogeneous material is


The thermal resistance for forced convection is


Where F = heat flow through the Control Volume (BTU/sec)

P = temperature across the Control Volume (deg.)

R = Thermal resistance (deg-sec/BTU)

C = Thermal capacitance (BTU/deg)

K = Thermal conductivity (BTU/ft-sec-deg)

H = Convection coefficient of the Control Volume (BTU/ft**2-sec-


A = Cross-sectional area of the Control Volume (ft**2)

X = Thickness of the Control Volume (ft)

The thermal capacitance of a block is


Where Q = heat stored (BTU)

W = Weight of block (lb)

S = Specific heat at constant pressure (BTU/deg-lb)

(5) Mechanical Systems

There are two kinds of mechanical systems: translational and rotational.

Mechanical systems have an additional characteristic that differentiate
form pneumatic, hydraulic and thermal systems. In addition to resistance
and capacitance, mechanical systems have the characteristics of mass,
known as Moment of Inertia.

Only translational mechanical system is presented here. Consider a

mechanical spring system. The Quantity Variable is Momentum; Flow

Variable is Force; Potential Variable is Velocity. According to Hooke's
Law, the spring constant is the inverse of the derivative of displacement
with respect to force.


where D = displacement (ft)

F = Force (lb)


Recall the definition of Capacitance = dQ/dF = Momentum/Force.

Hence the spring constant is analogous to Capacitance.

Recall that the definition of Resistance = dP/dF = Velocity/Force. This

is analogous to damping in a hydraulic piston system, where viscous
damping is the result of the force resisting the rate of change piston

(6) Electrical Systems

The Quantity Variable of an Electrical System is Charge; Flow Variable

is Current; Potential Variable is Voltage. The three characteristics of an
electrical system are: resistance, capacitance, and inductance.

The Resistance is equal to the derivative of the voltage across an

element with respect to current

R = dP/dF = dV/dI, .............(1.19)

where V = Voltage (volts)

I = Current ( Amp)

Capacitance of a electrical element is

C = dQ/dP = d(Charge)/dV, .........(1.20)

The Inductance is equal to

L = dV/dI.......................(1.21)

(7) Summary

Table 2 summarizes the physical characteristics for various physical


Type of Quantity Flow Potential Resistance Capacitance

System Variable Variable Variable

Pneumatic Weight (lb) Flow rate Pressure (psi) Laminar flow:


Turbulent flow

Hydraulic Volume Flow rate Head (ft) Laminar flow:

(ft**3) (ft**3/sec)

Turbulent flow

Thermal Enthalpy Enthalpy Temperatures Conduction

(BTU/lb) flow (degrees)

Forced Convection

Mechanical Momentum Force (lb) Velocity Viscous Damping Spring Constant

(lb-sec) (ft/sec) Constant

Electrical Charge Current Voltage (volt) V/I Q/V

(coulomb) (ampere)

2.0 Overview of Dynamic Simulation for Power Plant Process

2.1 Introduction
Formulating real time simulations of physical processes is, in some
respects, more difficult than formulating other quantitative models. This is
so because as of to date, there is no cogently expressed situation-
independent theory of real time simulation. Over the years, various
modeling techniques have evolved; the more successful survived and the
less successful have not. What is presented here then is a compendium of
techniques which are of necessity situation-oriented.

The fundamental mathematical modeling approach to the simulation of

power plant processes is based on the systematic application of first
principles to all principle plant systems. We have discussed the concept of
"Control Volume" in Chapter 1. Thus:

· Each system is segmented in a number of "Control Volumes" or

"Blocks" in which volume averaged properties (e.g. enthalpy, pressure,
flow) are obtained from the application of conservation of mass, energy
and momentum. The resulting equations are obtained in the transient
form, unless the time constants associated with the variables they
represent cannot be perceived by the operator.

· State of the art engineering equations and/or correlations are used in

order to describe accurately energy and mass transfers from one
"Control Volume" to another, over the entire operational range to be
covered by the models.

· Equations of the State are approximated by the ideal gas law or by

accurate curve-fits to Steam Tables over the entire operational range of
the simulated plant.

· Local distributions of a variable within a Control Volume are obtained

from the volume averaged quantities and an appropriate correlation
taking into consideration local effects such as temperature distribution
in containment atmosphere in a nuclear plant.

It should be emphasized that the fundamental properties of the simulated

systems are represented, whether they are directly observable from the
control room instrumentation or not. However, depending on the purpose
of the simulation, typically, when there is limited instrumentation
connected to those systems, their simulation may be simplified and limited
to the extent that they can be operated from the main control room. For

· Alarms associated with auxiliary tank levels may be logically


· Indications associated with water chemistry, which are not influenced
by operator actions may be made parameters adjustable by instructor

· Loads of small components (e.g. valves) may be lumped.

2.2 Basic Equations

In general, most process algorithms are based on the principles of:

· Overall Mass Balance

· Component Mass Balance

· Heat (energy) Balance

· Momentum Balance

The general unsteady–state equation that applies in all cases is:

Accumulation = Input — Output

Where accumulation term is usually time derivative of :

· Mass for liquid mass balance

· Pressure for vapor or gas mass balance

· Temperature or enthalpy for heat balance

· Mass flow rate for momentum balance

2.3 Mass and Component Balance Equations

Consider overall mass balance is applied to a "Control Volume"
containing a liquid. It has i inlet streams and j outlet streams:

Rate of Mass Accumulation = Rate of Mass flow in — Rate of Mass flow



M = Mass of liquid in the "Control Volume" at any given time.

= Flow rate of inlet stream i into the "Control Volume".

= Flow rate of outlet stream j from the "Control Volume".

Normally, the level of liquid in the tank is the desired variable to be


L = level

= liquid density

A = tank cross-sectional area (assuming constant cross-sectional area)

Substituting equation (2.2) into (2.1), assuming constant density,

If concentrations of substances which are tracked by instrumentation

(e.g. chemical composition), the component balance can be applied to the
"Control Volume", assuming perfect mixing. Consider a Control Volume,
with i inlet streams going into the Control Volume. Each inlet flow stream
contains concentration of a given component xi. The question is to find the
resulting of concentration X of the given component in the Control
Volume, after mixing i inlet streams.


= concentration of given component in inlet stream i

X = concentration of given component in the Control Volume

S = rate of depletion (or creation) of component by chemical reaction, if


It is also assumed that under perfect mixing, the concentration of any

stream leaving the "Control Volume" is the same as that of the "Control

Expanding the left hand side of equation 2.4, and substituting equation
2.1. After re-arranging, we have:

2.4 Rate of Change of Pressure in a Control Volume
Equation (2.1) can be re-written as:

Assuming the fluid is incompressible, i.e. constant volume, (2.6) becomes

In general, density is a function of pressure and enthalpy (energy), h,

expanding the time derivative of density, we have:

Generally speaking, enthalpy changes very slowly in a Control Volume,

when compared to pressure changes. That is

Hence dropping the second term in (2.8) :

Substituting (2.9) into (2.7),


Where C is defined as the Capacitance of the Control Volume

Note that is a measure of fluid compressibility. For instance, for

incompressible fluid such as water, has the value of 4.43E-4


2.5 Momentum Equation for Links Joining Control Volumes

Consider two Control Volumes 1 and 2 are connected by a pipe. There is
fluid flow from Control Volume 1 to Control Volume 2. In "hydraulic flow
network" terminology, this pipe is known as a "link". Fluid flow in the link
between two Control Volumes depends upon the physical nature of the
flow path, as well as the flow conditions: laminar flow or turbulent flow,
etc. For passive paths such as a pipe with a valve, the relationship for
turbulent flow and constant density can be expressed by (Bernoulli
momentum equation):


W = Mass flow rate

C = Flow conductance including valve position

P1 = link's upstream pressure (i.e. Control Volume 1 pressure)

P2 = link's downstream pressure (i.e. Control Volume 2 pressure)

If the pipe has a "check valve" ( i.e. only allows flow in one direction),
the flow rate will become zero whenever downstream pressure is greater
than upstream pressure. On the other hand, if flow reversal is possible for a
particular situation, equation (2.13) becomes:

If the fluid is gas, or vapor, the flow in the link connecting the two
Control Volumes also depends on density. Hence the following equation
may be used:

Where C is flow Conductance including valve position.

2.6 Linearized Momentum Equation

For the ease of computation, it is necessary to have the momentum
equation in linearized form. Thus equation (2.13) can be written as:

Where A is defined as Admittance and is expressed as:

Note that as the pressure difference goes to zero in equation (2.17), the
Admittance, A, will go to infinity. This can be prevented by limiting the
value of A to some maximum value when the pressure difference goes
below a predetermined valve.

2.7 Pressure Drop Calculation

If the flow in a link is known, but the pressure drop (difference) across
the flow path is required, this can be easily done by re-arranging equation

2.8 Pump Flow Equation

The pressure/flow relationship for a typical centrifugal pump inside a
link connecting two Control Volumes 1 and 2 having pressure P1 and P2
respectively is expressed as (assuming incompressible flow):


W1,2 = flow from Control Volume 1 to Control Volume 2

Cp = Constant representing pump flow conductance

Sp = Normalized pump speed

= Maximum possible pressure rise across the pump. This also

commonly known as pump's Design Static Head.

= Pressure rise across pump due to pumping action. This is also

known as pump's Dynamic Head.

= Pump Discharge Pressure — Pump Suction Pressure

= (P2 - P1)

Note that the pump's actual static head is related to the Design Static head
as follows:

Actual Static Head = Design Static Head * (Pump Speed)2 *

(Fluid Density/Fluid Design Density) * (1 - degradation factor)

.............. (2.20)

Thus at 100 % rated pump speed, if there is no fluid density change, and
if the pump runs at 100 % efficiency (i.e. no degradation), then the Actual
Static Head is equal to Pump Design Static Head.

Again converting equation (2.19) into linearized form,

Where the pump Admittance Ap is defined as:

As pressure rise increases to maximum pressure rise, Ap will approach

infinity. This is prevented by limiting the value of Ap to some maximum
value when the pressure rise increases above a predetermined value. The
resulting pump model for pump flow as a function of pressure rise can be
seen in Fig. 6.

Figure 6

With this model, it can be seen that as the pump is started, the dynamic
head = (discharge pressure — suction pressure) is at its maximum. As
pump flow is increased, the dynamic head decreases accordingly.

2.9 Flow Equation in Link with Pump and Valve
Consider a "link" connecting two Control Volumes 1 & 2 has a pump
and a valve in series, the flow equation for this link can be expressed as:



C1,2 = Link conductance

VA = Valve port area

P1 = Pressure at Control Volume 1

P2 = Pressure at Control Volume 2

PDYH = Pump Dynamic Head

2.10 Pump Cavitation Factor

In simulation, it often necessary to find out when pump will cavitate.
The Pump Cavitation Factor (normalized) is given by:

Where N.P.S.H = Net Positive Suction Head required for the pump to

2.11 Flow Equation to Match Specific Pump Curve & Incompressible

In certain simulation situations, it is necessary to model pump behavior
to match manufacturer's pump performance curve, rather than the standard
pump equation as described in equation (2.13). As well, the incompressible
flow equations should be modified to reflect compressible flow
characteristics for steam flow, gas flow etc. These are advanced topics
which will be discussed in a more advanced course.

2.12 Energy Balance Equations

For a "Control Volume" containing a liquid, or vapor, or gas, the energy
balance is generally expressed in terms of enthalpy. It is assumed that all
the entering streams are perfectly mixed with the contents of the "Control
Volume" and thus the volume averaged value of enthalpy is calculated as a
function of time. As well, all outlet streams from the "Control Volume" are
assumed to have the same volume averaged enthalpy. Hence,

The Rate of Energy Accumulation in Control Volume =

Rate of energy inflow from the incoming streams — Rate of energy outflow
from the outgoing streams + (or - ) Rate of external energy gain (or loss)



M = Mass of fluid in Control Volume

H = Volume averaged enthalpy in control volume

Win = Mass flow rate for incoming stream

Wout = Mass flow rate for outgoing stream

Hin = Enthalpy of incoming stream

Hout = Enthalpy of outgoing stream

Q = rate of external energy gain (or loss)

Expanding the left side and substituting for dM/dt from equation (2.1),
after re-arranging, equation (2.25) will become:

After integration of (2.26), the temperature can be calculated by means

of a thermodynamic functions which relates temperature to enthalpy and
pressure: T = f(H, P).

2.13 Rate of change of fluid Temperature in Control Volume

In some cases, if the fluid specific heat can be considered as constant
over the operational range, then

Equation (2.26) will become

Where Cp = Volume average specific heat of fluid in control volume

In the derivation of equation (2.28), it is assumed that the specific heat

of inlet and outlet streams are equal.

2.14 External Heat Transfer Rate in Control Volume
The external heat transfer, Q, is normally calculated from:

Where UA = Heat transfer coefficient * Heat Transfer Area

Ts = External Source temperature

2.15 Equations of State

Power plant processes mainly consist of heating water to make steam,
passing steam through turbine, and then condensing the exhaust steam into
water. This means thermodynamic properties of water and steam must be
evaluated inside various equipments throughout the power plant. The
approach usually taken is as follows:

· Material mass balance gives pressure, P (equation 2.11).

· Heat balance in control volume gives enthalpy, H (equation 2.26)

· All other thermodynamic properties can be calculated using established

curve-fit of the steam table functions, using pressure and enthalpy as

for example:

Saturated Water Entropy = f (P)

Saturated Steam Entropy = f (P)

Saturated Steam Temperature = f(P)

Density of water, or steam, or saturated water/steam mixture = f(P, H)

Subcooled water temperature = f(H, P)

Superheated steam = f (P,H)

Subcooled water density = f(P,H)

Superheated steam temperature = f(P.H)

2.16 Two Phase Systems (Simple Equilibrium Model)

The following two-phase system model can be used in all vessels where
two phase conditions exist under thermodynamic equilibrium. Examples of
such applications include most vessels in the plant such as feedwater
heaters. Exceptions are the specialized equipments such as steam
generator, and the primary heat transport system in a nuclear plant. The
vessel in this model has n inlet streams for steam flow. Steam condenses
inside the vessel, due to heat transfer to external source (feedwater). At the

same time, the condensate is drained out from the vessel at a certain rate. If
the drainage rate is less than the steam condensation rate, condensate will
accumulate inside the vessel to form level L.

Symbols Definition:

= Steam flow rate for inlet stream i, i = 1...n

= Enthalpy of inlet stream i, i = 1....n

= Saturated steam temperature in vapor space of vessel

= Saturated steam pressure in vapor space of vessel

= Saturated steam enthalpy

= Density of condensate

= Saturated liquid enthalpy

W = Condensate outflow rate

= Heat transfer from vessel vapor space

L = Level of Condensate

Mass Balance in the steam space —

Where C is the Capacitance of the Vessel Steam Space. Wc is the steam
condensation rate.

It can also be shown that by using Ideal Gas Law, assuming constant
volume and constant temperature (recall Chapter #1 - on pneumatic

Where Z = Compressibility Factor

R = Ideal Gas Law constant

M = mass of steam vapor

Vv = Volume of steam space

Wc = steam condensation rate

· Mass Balance of liquid space gives:

Where A is the cross sectional area of the vessel, assuming constant

· Overall Energy Balance to give condensation rate Wc -

Compute using saturated steam table curve fit, using Pv as


3.0 Numerical Methods & Other Important Model Considerations

3.1 Introduction
The real time solution of a set of ordinary differential equations (ODE's)
in a digital computer based simulator requires the application of
appropriate numerical integration techniques to provide numerically stable
solutions, given a specific integration time step.

In general for real time computation, classical Euler's first order

integration techniques are employed in most simulation applications,
because of simplicity of its integration scheme, stability control, and fixed
time step.

Two Euler techniques are presented here:

· Explicit Euler Integration Technique

· Implicit Euler Integration Technique

The selection of Euler techniques depends on the analysis of the

numerical stability conditions for the equation set to be solved. It is
important to note that the selection of the proper technique ensures
numerical stability of the algorithms, and does not require any artificial
treatment of the equation set to mask local stability problems.

Other important modeling considerations that will be discussed include:

· Range of Validity

· Realism

· Reliability

· Real time Simulation

3.2 Explicit Euler Integration

Consider the following ODE:

Where f can be either a linear or non-linear function of the dependent

variable X.

The solution of X(t) of equation (3.1) is defined in the interval if

an initial value of X is known for , that is

A numerical solution of equation (3.1) can be obtained by
approximating the time derivative of X by a "backward difference" over
the time interval :


X= X(t)

With this Explicit Euler Integration Technique, the solution X at the

instant t can be found as a function of the solution at the previous time step
from (3.2):

with initial value

This integration technique is computationally most efficient. As for

every first order integration algorithm, it can be shown that its accuracy is
of the order of . Therefore, the error on the transient solution is
proportional to the time step. Hence, the smaller the integration time step,
the more accurate solution will be.

The drawback of the Explicit Euler integration method is that it is

conditionally stable, that is, a stable solution will be obtained only under
certain conditions.

The stability condition can be studied as follows. Consider at the instant

t, the calculated solution is equal to the exact solution, plus an error term

Thus , at each time step, the calculated is obtained from (3.3) by

substituting (3.4):

Replacing by its Taylor expansion, limited to first order


Substituting (3.6) into (3.5), we obtain:

Again substituting (3.3) into (3.7), after re-arranging, we have obtained
a relationship between the error term at the current time and that at the past
time step:

Re-arranging to obtain ratio of error terms, and taking absolute value on

both side of the equation:

In order for the solution to be stable, That is,

Thus, to obtain a numerically stable solution, the following conditions

must be satisfied:



Condition (a) is a measure of the equation's natural time constant and is

always satisfied if the equation is properly formulated.

Condition (b) depends on the value of partial derivative of f, as the time

step is fixed.

Examples where this technique is applied are:

· Valve actuators

· Thermocouples

Typically the differential equation describing these devices is :

Where X0 = initial value of X

= time constant

Clearly, this integration technique works well with sufficiently large

time constant. (Why ? )

3.3 Implicit Euler Integration

A numerical solution of equation (3.1) can also be obtained by
approximating the time derivative by a forward difference over the time
interval :


Applying the same error analysis as in Explicit Euler Integration, we


With Taylor's expansion,

Substituting (3.15), we obtain:

Hence a numerically stable solution will be obtained if


which requires the following condition to be met:

Therefore, the Implicit Euler integration technique is unconditionally
stable, as long as the partial derivative of f is negative, which is always
met, as long as the equation is formulated properly.

One drawback of the Implicit Euler integration technique is that f(X) is

evaluated at the current time t, which yields an implicit algebraic equation
to solve for X.

For linear equations, the implicit integration can be applied easily, for
example, consider the following differential equation:

Applying Implicit Euler technique:


For non-linear equation, it is possible to eliminate the implicit character

of the equation by linearizing the non-linear function f on the right hand
side by Taylor's expansion.

For example, if the function f in (3.15) is non-linear

With Taylor's expansion:


then (3.25) becomes:


It can also be shown that the linearization of f(X) does not affect the
stability conditions.

Let us apply the same reasoning as before:

After rearranging and substituting, we arrive at the same stability condition

as (3.18):

3.4 System of Equations

Real simulation applications involve solving a large sets of ordinary
differential equations and algebraic equations, which can be written in
matrix form:


The same techniques for Explicit Euler and Implicit Euler can be
applied to the solution of the system of ODE's.

In the linear case, or in the non linear case after linearization, a typical
equation can be written as:


in the right side of equation (3.34) can be evaluated either at current

time (Implicit Euler) or at past time (Explicit Euler), as shown before.

If , that means the system is loosely

coupled. Explicit Euler integration will give stable solution, and each
equation can be solved individually.

However, if the system is strongly coupled, implicit Euler integration

must be used. The equation (3.34) will become:

Therefore, the system to be solved can be written in matrix form:


The matrix solution to equation (3.37) becomes:

It should noted that if the size of matrix A is large, and if it contains very
large and very small values, (such as the case for solving mass and
momentum conservation equations (pressure and flow have small time
constants) and thermodynamics (temperature has large time constant)), the
matrix A is called "stiff" matrix.

Finding the inverse of a "stiff" matrix A is computationally "expensive"

and may not be obtained in real time usually PC platform. This advanced
topic will be dealt with in more details in an advanced course.

3.5 Other Important Model Considerations

There are a number of important considerations in simulation modeling,
and they are introduced in the followings:

3.5.1 Range of Validity

In contrast to most engineering applications which are designed to meet
very specific design situations, dynamic simulation models have to be
valid in the whole range of plant operations, for example, cold start, plant
warmup, loading, full load, unloading, cooldown, shutdown. In addition,
the models may have to cover also the abnormal or emergency situations
resulting from operator actions or malfunctions. In some instance, some
models function normally; in other instances, the model gives wrong

Consider an example of a heat exchanger between a one phase fluid and

a two phase fluid, such as the heat exchange between reactor coolant and
water/steam mixture in a nuclear steam generator, the heat balance on the
primary side can be written as ( recall equation 2.8):


= inlet and outlet coolant temperatures respectively.

= the temperature of secondary mixture at saturation temperature

W = Coolant mass flow rate

, = specific heats at constant pressure and at constant volume

M = mass of coolant

UA = overall heat transfer coefficient, multiplied by the average heat
transfer area

For a constant temperature in the secondary, corresponding to a constant

pressure, the steady state solution to (3.38) is given by


m is a dimensionless factor, defined by:

This shows that for low flow, m could be small and less than 1/2. In
such case, the right hand side of equation (3.39) is negative, which means
the ratio of temperature differences is negative. This implies either T0 is
less than Ts, or Ti is less than Ts. In either case, this is physically

Therefore the point illustrated here is that model should be validated

under all possible operating conditions, and in the case of the above heat
exchanger model, the use of another method such as NTUs ( number of
transfer units) method, also known as Effectiveness method will avoid
such problem, but the detailed discussion of this topic is beyond the scope
of this introductory course.

(B) Realism

Realism is one of the key ingredients in real time simulation for

effective training applications. It requires that the control room hardware
and indications of the instrumentation look almost identical to those in real
control room. The fidelity of the instrument indications requires that the
results provided by the model must satisfy some performance criteria. For
example, there is an ANSI Standard for Nuclear Plant Training Simulator
(ANSI/ANS-3.5-1981), which stipulates that steady state computed values
for the principal mass and energy balances and for critical parameters shall
be within + or - 2%.

3.5.2 Reliability
The effectiveness of a simulator can be greatly reduced, if it often
interrupted by a failure of the simulator, either in the hardware, or in the
software model. An example of model failure is the case of division - a
number divided by another number, which suddenly becomes zero, causing
computer to "crash". To obtain a highly reliable software model,
unconditional stability of the numerical techniques may have to used to
solve ODE's, and the implicit algebraic equations. As well, model may

have to undergo "stress testing" to ensure proper behavior outside expected
range covered by the model. For example, in addition to testing a boiler
model under all operating conditions, it may have to be tested under
extreme conditions such as all water inventory evaporated, and see whether
the model can survive and still gives reasonable results.

3.5.3 Real time Simulation

As discussed above, all ODE's and algebraic equations representing
power plant process, as well as Boolean equations representing control
system logic are solved in time marching process. Here are some important
points that should be presented before we understand the meaning of real

· When all ODE's have been integrated once with a fixed time step ;
as well all other equations — algebraic and logic, are solved once, this
process is then called one ITERATION of the model equations.
Digital computer via a special "simulation executive" will execute the
model equations iteration by iteration continuously in time, unless
stopped by human intervention (in this case, we call it simulation

· The time interval between the start of two consecutive model iterations
is call "Iteration Interval ".

Usually the simulation executive allocates a fixed Iteration Interval for

simulation, say sec.

If the current iteration is completed in sec, which is less than sec,

the simulation executive will not start the next iteration until sec. has
elapsed in real time.

Should the current iteration take longer than sec. to complete, i.e. >
then the simulation executive will wait until the current iteration is
finished and will immediately execute the next iteration.

Now we can discuss the meaning of real time and other terms:


1. If we choose an Iteration Interval such that = (that is, the

Iteration Interval is equal to the integration time step), AND

2. If (that is, model iteration time is less than or equal to Iteration


If these conditions are achieved, real time simulation is achieved.


1. If < (that is Iteration Interval is less than the integration time



2. If (that is, model iteration time is less than or equal to Iteration



If > , regardless whether is less than or longer than .


Despite that fact that we set the Iteration Interval to be equal to the
integration time step (i.e. = ), but > .

It should be noted that there are limitations (such as numerical stability)

that would limit the size of the integration time step to be used. Hence,
once a certain time step is chosen, the Iteration Interval will be set to be
equal to that time step size accordingly. This would then impose a upper
bound for the time to complete one complete model iteration, in order to
meet real time criterion. For an exceeding large model, and depending on
the computer to be used, this is often a challenge.

Ô based Simulation Methodology & Simple Modeling Exercises

4.1 Introduction to CASSIM™ Modeling

· The objective of this lesson is to introduce you to block oriented
dynamic modeling using the CASSIM™ Simulation Development

· You will be given the assignment of building a simulation model of a

process system with two tanks. Detail instructions will be given to
guide you step by step to build the simulation model for this system.
When you are done, you will be able to run the simulated system,
operate all the equipment and see the effects of such a system in action.
Along the way, you will be using many of the powerful simulation
modeling tools in CASSIM.

· One final note, the completed solution to the simulation model you are
about to build is included to help you as a reference guide. It is
installed in the directory called 2TANKS.SOL. Please feel free to
reference this model solution in the CASSIM™ CD.

4.2 Block oriented Modeling Concept

The block oriented modeling technique simulates a process system as a
collection of small components connected to one another to perform as a
system. A component may be a process, a logical unit, or a piece of
equipment like a pump or a valve. Each component can be described by
one or more attributes. Some attributes can be manipulated by external
forces (e.g., moving the plug in a valve), some attributes uniquely
characterize a specific component (e.g., the stroking time of a particular
valve), and some attributes change over time as the component operate
(e.g., the port area opening of the valve), taking into account the effects of
the other attributes.

In simulation terms, a component is called a block. The attributes of a

component are categorized as follows: attributes which can be manipulated
by external forces are inputs to the block, attributes which uniquely
characterize a specific component are called coefficients and attributes
which change over time as the component operate are block outputs. An
example of a component block is a valve:

In block oriented modeling, a simulation model is described as a
sequence of interconnecting blocks, where each block represents a
component in the simulation. The output(s) of one block feeds into one or
more subsequent block(s) downstream. When the simulation runs, each
block is executed in sequence, producing output which is passed onto the
next connected block(s). This next block in turn operates based on its
inputs (and coefficients), and produce outputs for subsequent blocks
connected to its outputs. When all the blocks in the model has executed
once in sequence, the simulation has completed one iteration.

CASSIMÔ models are real time dynamic models which are based on
systematic application of first principles of mathematical modeling of plant
process systems.


gate 1
gate 4
gate 3
gate 2



1 (gate 2) (gate 3) (gate 4)
(gate 1)











1 Valve 1 (Inflow1) inflow 1 flowrate
(Valve 1)
BLOCK 2 BLOCK 4 outflow 1 flowrate
(Valve 2) Valve 2 (Outflow1)






Block name: CTRL1_SIG Block name: VALVE1 Algorithm name: 108) CV_SIM Block name: INFLOW1

Outputs: Inputs: Outputs: Inputs:

CTRL1_SIG/A1 0.56 CTRL1_SIG/A1 0.56 VALVE1/ZA1 0.56 VALVE1/ZA1 0.56
CTRL1_SIG/A2 -0.01 VALVE1/ZS1 0.56

Stroking time 10
Plug type(1=linear;2=equal %) 1

Block name: CTRL2_SIG Block name: VALVE2 Algorithm name: 108) CV_SIM Block name: INFLOW2

Outputs: Inputs: Outputs: Inputs:

CTRL2_SIG/A1 0.56 CTRL2_SIG/A1 0.56 VALVE2 /ZA1 0.748 VALVE2 /ZA1 0.748
CTRL2_SIG/A2 -0.01 VALVE2 /ZS1 0.56

Stroking time 5
Plug type(1=linear;2=equal %) 2


Each generic component is called an “algorithm”. Other special

purpose algorithms can be added to a library of generic algorithms. In any
block structured model, a “block” is a customized version of one of the
algorithms from the library. For example, a customized valve block can be
created if the generic valve algorithm is customized with a stroking time
parameter of, say, 5 seconds, while another valve can be created using the
same generic valve algorithm, but with different stroking time parameter.
The stroking time parameter in the valve algorithm is called a
“coefficient”. The relationship between model, algorithm, and block is
illustrated in Figures 3, 4; whereas the relationship of Inputs, Outputs and
Coefficients is illustrated in Figure 5.

Quick Quiz

1) What are the three categories of attributes of a block?

2) What attributes of one block connect to what attributes of other blocks


3) Define iteration.

4.3 CASSIM™ Simulation Development System

CASSIM™ is a simulation development system based on three
common core technologies:

· CASSBASE: the block oriented simulation modeling tool.

· CASSENG: the simulation run time engine

· LABVIEW® for Windows: the graphical user interface from National


The seamless integration of these three tools provides a powerful
Microsoft Windows-based dynamic real time model development
environment, and a user interface development environment for producing
high fidelity, user-friendly simulation applications. The CASSIM
development system is also capable of producing stand-alone simulation
run time applications.

CASSBASE and CASSENG together form a robust model

development environment. CASSBASE is the block oriented simulation
modeling tool used for building, debugging and maintaining simulation
models. CASSENG is the simulation run time engine. Models developed
using CASSBASE are run in real time using CASSENG. CASSIM™
provides an on-line, interactive debugging facility which allows a
developer to debug a simulation while it is running. Furthermore, the
developer can dynamically modify simulation values on-line without
recompiling the simulation code.

LABVIEW for Windows is the user interface development

environment from National Instruments, with many value-added features
provided by CTI for the purpose of developing user-friendly graphical
interfaces for simulator applications. Graphical screens with buttons,
iconic symbols, pop-up dialogs, etc. are developed using LabVIEW for
Windows. User interface symbols, and special-purpose modules are
provided in the form of LabVIEW libraries. CTI has custom LabVIEW
libraries which provide power-plant simulation related symbols, modules
for pop-up's, for performing Microsoft Windows Dynamic Data Exchange
(DDE) and TCP/IP communication with CASSENG, and more. Through
either DDE or TCP/IP, user interface screens request data from the
simulation running in CASSENG for display and monitoring. Likewise,
user inputs such as specific control actions, button presses, and setpoint
changes are transmitted to the simulation running in CASSENG.

LabVIEW Application Builder for Windows is a LabVIEW for

Windows add-on utility for compiling a collection of LabVIEW user
interface screens into a run time executable. The resulting executable is a
stand-alone application that runs without the LabVIEW development
system. A run time simulation application would consist of the LabVIEW
executable, and CASSENG, running the corresponding simulation model.
The following diagram illustrates where each component of CASSIM fits
into the simulation development life cycle:

In summary:

· CASSBASE is used for managing block oriented modeling, such as

sequencing, and interconnecting blocks, and generating
thermalhydraulic flow networks.

· CASSENG enhances the model development facility by providing the

ability to run the simulation model dynamically while debugging the
model in CASSBASE.

· LabVIEW is used for user interface development. The user interface
screens communicate with the simulation model running in CASSENG
to allow user interactions with the simulation. LabVIEW Application
Builder is used to produce a stand-alone executable application
consisting of the user interface screens.

The remainder of this Chapter is a series of step by step exercises which

guides you through the process of building a simulation model for the two
tanks system described earlier. You will be using CASSBASE and
CASSENG to develop and run the simulation model. After successful
testing, you will be running a LabVIEW runtime screen interact with the

4.4 Simulation Modeling using CASSBASE

A CASSBASE model is composed of a sequence of interconnected
blocks. Each block represents a component in the process or control
system. For example, a valve is represented as a block in a simulation
model of a plant.

In the same plant, there may be many other valves similar to it. From a
simulation development standpoint, it would be cumbersome to model
each and every individual valve separately in the plant when they all have
similar characteristic. It would be more efficient to model a generic valve
only once, with some configurable parameters (or attributes as described
earlier), and store it as a template in a library. Subsequently, every valve
created will be based on the generic template stored in the library, with the
configurable parameters filled in to describe the particular instance of the
valve being modeled.

An example of a configurable parameter for a valve is the stroking time.

One valve may have a stroking time of five seconds while it may be one
second for another valve.

In CASSBASE, each generic template is called an algorithm. CTI

includes with the CASSIM product a library of over 200 generic
algorithms. Other special purpose algorithms can be added to this library.
In any model, each and every block defined is a customized version of one
of the algorithms from the library.

The relationship between model, algorithm, and block is illustrated in

the following diagram.

A CASSBASE simulation model consists of blocks which are
customized versions of generic algorithms from the algorithm library. We
are going to illustrate CASSIM™ based modeling using a simple two tank
process. Before we start, we should first describe the process.

4.5 Opening the Two Tanks Model

· Let's open up CASSBASE, the simulation modeling tool. In your
Program Manager, double-click on the icon that looks like a baseball

· The first screen displayed is a product introduction panel. Click on the

picture to make it disappear (or admire it quickly for the next five
seconds after which it will disappear all by itself). The top menu bar of
CASSBASE looks like this:

· Each menu item will open up a drop-down menu. The first three drop-
down menu: Model, Algorithm, Block are used for managing models,
algorithms, and blocks respectively. The rest of the drop-down menus
are productivity tools to assist you in simulation modeling. The drop-
down menu items will be presented in more detail later. You will also
be using quite a few of these items to build the two tanks system.

· Let's open up a simulation model and begin building the two tanks
system. A model has already been started for you. From the top menu

bar, select the menu item Model. The drop-down menu list looks like

· Select Open (hold down the left mouse button, drag the mouse pointer
onto Open, and let go of the left mouse button). This will open up the
file dialog for accessing a model.

· A model is a collection of files stored under a Windows directory. The

name of the model is the directory name.

· The model you want to open now is called: C:\CASSDEMO\2TANKS

· Keep in mind that you will be building the 2TANKS model. A

completed solution is also available in the model
C:\CASSDEMO\2TANKS.SOL. You can reference the finished model
in 2TANKS.SOL to help you out in case you are stuck.

· Using the directory list on the right hand side of the file dialog,
position yourself into the C:\CASSDEMO\2TANKS directory. You
should see a list of files ending with .dbf in the file list on the left hand
side of the file dialog.

· Click on any one of these files, for instance, blk.dbf, and press the OK
button in the top right hand corner of the file dialog.

· The file dialog will disappear. A few windows will flash by and you
should see the message:

Model C:\CASSDEMO\2TANKS opened.

4.6 Browsing the Algorithms Library

· The first thing to do when building a simulation model in CASSBASE
is to look at the algorithm templates available in the algorithm library.
It is from these templates that model blocks are created. From the top
menu bar, select the menu item Algorithm. The drop-down menu list
looks like this:

· Select Open Algorithm (hold down the left mouse button, drag the
mouse pointer onto Open Algorithm and let go of the left mouse
button). This will open up a list of algorithms. The dialog looks like the

· This list allows you to choose an algorithm template to look at. By

using scroll bar on the right, click the "down arrow" until you see
algorithm #452 in the Algorithm List Window. Let's look at algorithm
this algorithm's template definition, click on this line with the mouse
pointer. The line will be highlighted. Now move the mouse onto the
Open button and click. This will open an algorithm template window
like the following.

4.6.1 The NON-MOVEABLE BLOCKS Algorithm
This algorithm is a CTI Generic Algorithm that comes with the full
CASSIM Simulation Development System. It is a very simple algorithm.
Its purpose is to bring together outputs (signals) from specific blocks in the
model to this one block for displaying the simulation values. You will see
later on when debugging the simulation that this block is very useful for
monitoring the running simulation values.

The algorithm is called non-moveable because once a block is defined

based on this algorithm template; its location in the model should be fixed
for convenient future access.

This simple algorithm works as follows: There are 99 inputs and 99

outputs. When the simulation runs, each value coming into the non-
moveable block via an input is transferred unchanged to the corresponding
output. Thus, if you keep you eyes on the 99 outputs while the simulation
runs, you will see the values changing as the corresponding input values

(a) The Inputs

Click on the Edit Inps button to open the table for editing the input
descriptions. In the demo version of CASSBASE, you can not change the
contents of the table. In the first column (labeled PINNUM) are the input
numbers. In the second column (labeled DESC) are the descriptions for
each input. (When we developed this algorithm, there really wasn't much
to say about each input. Note that we simply use the input number as the
description). The last column is the data type of each input. The letter A
means analog, which is the same for all the inputs of this algorithm. An

analog value is a real numeric value. The data type can be digital, in which
case, the letter D is used. A digital value can have two possible values:
TRUE or FALSE, represented by 1.0, and 0.0 respectively.

Let's close this table by pressing Close Inps.

(b) The Outputs

Next press Edit Outs to open the table for browsing the output
descriptions. The columns are similar except there is one more column
called TRANSFORM. This column is where you would give short names
to the outputs. You will see later that these short names are used when
connecting blocks. Press Close Outs to close the table.

There are no coefficients in a non-moveable block algorithm.

The Alg File Name field specifies where the FORTRAN source code for
this algorithm is stored. Note: If the Algorithm is CTI's generic algorithm,
source code file is not included. For this reason, if you click Edit Alg
button, you will not be able to see the source file.

Press Cancel to close the algorithm template window.

Let's move on to look at another algorithm. In the Two Tanks problem,

you will be needing some valves. So let's look at a valve algorithm. Select
Open Algorithm from the main menu. Select algorithm # 857) DEMO 1ST
ORDER VALVE and click Open.

4.6.2 The DEMO 1ST ORDER VALVE Algorithm

This algorithm models a valve which operates based on a 1st order

Given an opening demand, the valve port area will open quickly and will
slow down when the opening approaches the demand. This behavior is
different than that simulated by algorithm #856 DEMO LINEAR VALVE.
The linear valve algorithm simulates a valve whose port area opens
linearly based on the demand signal.

The DEMO 1ST ORDER VALVE algorithm has one input, three outputs,
and one coefficient.

· Press Edit Inps to open the input description table. The one input is
Port Area Opening Demand. It is an analog value specified as a
percentage (decimal value between 0 and 1) opening.

· Press Edit Outs to close the input description table and open the output
description table. There are three outputs: Effective Port Area, Valve
Fully Opened, Valve Fully Closed.

1. Effective Port Area is the actual port area opening of the valve.
Although the demanded port area opening may be a certain value, it
takes some time before the valve drives to the desired opening.
This output simulates over time the action of driving the valve.

2. Valve Fully Opened is a digital value indicating whether the valve

is fully opened. A 1.0 (or TRUE) means fully opened. A 0.0 (or
FALSE) means not fully opened.

3. Valve Fully Closed is a digital value indicating the opposite of the

Valve Fully Opened output.

· Press Edit Cofs to close the output description and open the coefficient
description table. There is only one coefficient: Stroking Time. This is
use to set the stroking time characteristic of this particular valve. The
stroking time is defined as the amount of time it takes to drive the
valve from fully closed to 90% opened.
· Press Cancel to close the algorithm template.
The CTI Generic algorithm #108 Simple Control Valve incorporates
both of these valve port area opening types in addition to an Equal
Percentage opening type. The selection of which valve type to simulate is
done by specifying one of the coefficients in that algorithm. Feel free to
examine this and other algorithms in the algorithm template library.

Let's have look at how the two algorithm templates: 1) 452 NON-
VALVE are used as blocks in a model.

4.7 Opening a Block in the Model
One block of the two tanks system has been created for you.
· To open it and see its content, use the Block menu. From the top menu
bar, select the menu item Block. The drop-down menu list appears as
shown below:

· Select Open Block. This will open up a list of blocks defined in the
model in a block selection window.
· The block selection window appears as shown below:

· This window is used for browsing the list of blocks in the model.
Scroll up and down the list by pressing the PgUp and PgDn buttons.
Use the Top, Middle, Bottom buttons to jump to the respective section
of the model. The Search and Repeat buttons are used to locate to a
block beginning with a specific string. We will not be needing the
Search and Repeat functions.
· The blocks in the list are listed in execution sequence order (i.e.,
ordered by the numbers under the SEQ column). To change the display
order, press the Reorder button to display the blocks in order by the

numbers under the BLK column. Usually, the sequence numbers and
the block numbers are the same. After moving and deleting blocks in
the model, the numbers in the two columns may no longer match. The
simulation always execute in the order by sequence numbers.
· Since there is only one block in the model, the cursor is on this block.
Press Select to open this block in a block edit window for browsing.

4.7.1 Browsing Block #1

Block 1 in the block edit window looks like the one below:

· The block number and the sequence number are both 1. The name of
the block is DISPLAY. There is currently no block description text for
this block. The block is active. Inactive blocks will not be executed by
the simulation engine.
· The next four items concern the algorithm template which this block is
based on. The box following the title Alg Name is used for selecting
which algorithm template to base this block on.
· This block is currently based on algorithm #452 NON-MOVEABLE
BLOCKS ALGORITHM. The block inherits the characteristics of
algorithm 452 and thus has: 99 inputs, 99 outputs, and no coefficients.
· Press Edit Inps to see the input connection table. Many of the entries
have been filled in. Use the scroll bar to the right of the table to scroll
up and down to see the various connections. There are connections
which connect to other blocks' outputs that currently do not exist in the
model. You will be building them shortly.
· You can also move the highlighted cell within the table. Note that as
the highlighted cell moves from one row to another, the gray area
below the input table shows the algorithm description of the input that
the highlighted cell is on. Recall that the algorithm input descriptions
for the algorithm that this block is based on is just the input number.

· Press Edit Outs to open up the output table for browsing. Scroll up and
down the table to see other outputs.
· Press the Cancel button to close this block. When prompted whether to
save the changes or not, press No.
· You are now back at the block selection window. Press Close to close
this window.

4.8 Two Tanks System Modeling Analysis and Design

The best approach to block oriented modeling is to first analyze the
problem and design a block representation of the solution before using
CASSBASE to build the model.
4.8.1 Description of The Two Tanks System

· The process system to be simulated has two tanks, each receiving

liquid from external sources. The objective is to combine these two
sources of liquid and deliver the liquid through the output of the
smaller tank.
· In reality, the flow from the external sources are available only
intermittently. Therefore, the tanks are used as reservoirs to hold liquid
from these sources for use in the system regardless of whether there is
flow or not from the external sources.
· For the purpose of simulation, the flows from the external sources are
available at all times. This facilitates testing of the rest of the system. A
possible future enhancement to the simulation would be to simulate the
pattern of availability of liquid from external sources.

· A line is provided for pumping liquid from the larger tank to the
smaller tank. Likewise, a similar line is available for transferring liquid
from the smaller tank to the larger tank. This is to facilitate the storing
of as much reserve liquid as possible utilizing the larger tank to meet
the demands of when the external sources are not available.
· The delivery of the liquid out of the smaller tank is controlled by a
level controller monitoring the tank level. The level controller adjusts
the valve on the outlet pipe to let liquid out so as to maintain tank level
at or below the controller set point.
· The following are some technical specifications of the system
described above. These specifications will be referenced later as you
build the simulation model of the system.
Tanks Tank 1 Tank2

Tank height 10 m 20 m

Tank Diameter 0.5 m 0.5 m

Height of outlet pipe 0.5 m 0.5 m

from bottom of tank

Pumps Pump 1 Pump 2

Maximum Flow 5 Kg/s 15 Kg/s


Run Up/Rundown Time 5 Seconds 5 seconds

Valves Valve 1 Valve 2 Valve 3

Valve Type Linear Plug Linear Plug

Valve Valve

Valve Control Port area opening either ON or Port area opening

is proportional to OFF is proportional to
control signal (0 control signal (0
- 100 %) - 100 %)

Port Area Type First order Constant speed First order

system motorized valve system

Stroking Time 5 seconds 5 seconds 5 seconds

Physical Properties

Liquid density 1000 Kg/m3

Flow Rates Flow into Valve 1 Flow into Valve Flow into Valve
2 3

Flow Rate 5 Kg/s 10 Kg/s 20 Kg/s

Control Specifications

· Valve 1's port area restricts the flow through the cross-section area in
the pipe and can be adjusted by controlling the stem position of the
valve to the desired position of opening. This control action is achieved
by manual control.

· Valve 2 is an on-off valve and can be opened or closed under manual


· A simple PID loop is used to control the outflow from tank 1 through
valve 3 by opening or closing valve 3 to maintain a tank level of
maximum 8 m. The PID loop can be put into manual mode to allow for
manual adjustment of the valve 3 port area opening.

· Both pumps 1 & 2 can be started or stopped under manual control.

4.8.2 Algorithms Selection

Based on the P&ID diagram plus the data given in the description of the
two tanks system, most of the components can readily be modeled as

Equipment Represented by Algorithm

Pumps 855
Valves 856 or 857
Tanks 858
PID Level Controllers 859

One concept to emphasize is that flows are modeled as blocks although

they are not usually drawn on the P&ID diagram. A revised diagram
showing the flows is given below:

4.8.3 Initial Conditions
· Tank 1 initial level = 5 m.
· Tank 2 initially empty.
· Valve 1, 2, 3 closed.
· Pump 1 & 2 stopped.
4.8.4 Flow Calculation Method
In this lesson, a flow is represented as a block using algorithm #860. In
fact, it should be computed as proportional to the square root of the
pressure drop between two points — part of the Hydraulic Network
Solution schema provided by CASSIM™. Since it will involve details
beyond the scope of this lesson, we are going to take a simpler approach
here. However, future Lesson will involve detailed Hydraulic Network

Therefore, in this lesson here, each flow block represents a flow path
which can carry a specified maximum flow rate. The same flow block also
allows the inclusion of one valve and one pump on the flow path to affect
the effective flow rate through the path. As depicted above, there are five
flow paths in the two tanks system.

Algorithm #860 calculates the effective flow in a path using the following

Effective Flow = Maximum Flow * Valve Opening * Pump Power

· Maximum Flow is in kg/s

· Valve Opening is % port area opening of the valve (in the range 0.0 to
· Pump Power is % of full power (in the range 0.0 to 1.0)

Suppose we use algorithm #860 in a flow block to represent flow 1, the

flow from an external source through valve 1 into tank 1. An input into this
flow block is valve 1's port area opening. The effective flow rate output of
the flow block is input to tank 1. Depicted as a block diagram illustrating
data flow:

In fact, if we look at the entire two tanks system, a suitable block

diagram illustrating data flow could be:

You can follow this block diagram design to build a CASSBASE model
representing the two tanks system.

Let's begin by creating a new block to represent valve 1.

4.9 Two Tank System Modeling

4.9.1 Creating Block #2 — Valve 1

· From the top menu bar, select the menu item Block. From the drop-
down menu list, select New Block. You will get a dialog like the

Press OK to create the new block.

· You are now looking at a new block in a window similar to the one you
used when browsing block 1. The difference is, this one is empty. You
will fill in the block entries, select an algorithm to base this block on,
and fill in the inputs, outputs, and coefficients.

· In the Block Name entry box, type in VALVE1 and press Enter.

· In the Block Desc entry box, type in a description describing the

purpose of this block. For example "VALVE #1". After you have typed
in a description, press Enter to go to the next item.

· The next item is the Active item. This specifies whether or not this
block is executed when the simulation runs. By default, it is marked
with an "X" to indicate active. You can toggle the active/inactive
selection by clicking in the box.

· The next item is the algorithm selection for this block. By default, the
first algorithm in the list is selected. For this block, you want the block
to be based on algorithm #857 DEMO 1ST ORDER VALVE. To select
algorithm #857, click on the downward pointing arrow to drop-down a
list of algorithms. Scroll down and select the entry 857)

· Press Edit Inps to open the input table for editing. There is only one
input for this block, the port area opening demand.

· For this simulation, the input comes from the user interface, where an
operator would control the valve by typing in a port area opening
demand. This demand value will be passed to the running simulation.

· The block where the input is passed to is the DISPLAY block. If you
had noticed before, input #3 of the DISPLAY block was reserved for
taking the port area opening demand for valve 1. Knowing that the
DISPLAY block transfers the value coming into input #3 to output #3,
VALVE1 block's port area opening demand input should be connected
to output #3 of the DISPLAY block.

· In general, an input can be specified in two different ways:

1) input can be a constant value, or

2) input can come from the output of another block.

· To specify a constant value, enter a constant tag name in the

TAGNAME column, and enter the constant value in the
DATAVALUE column. A constant tag denotes that the value for input
is stored in the DATAVALUE column. A constant tag name begins
with a '$' and can be up to 17 characters consisting of letters, numbers,
and underscore. Examples of constant tag names are: $VALVE_ON,
$PUMP_OFF, etc.

· To specify an input from the output of another block, enter in the

TAGNAME column the output tag name to connect to. An output tag
name consists of the output block's name followed by a '/', followed by
the transform of the particular output of the block to connect to. Recall
that transforms are names associated with the outputs of an algorithm;
one unique transform per output.

· Instead of typing in the output tag name to connect to, use the Connect
button to the right of the input table. For the VALVE1 block's port area
opening demand (input 1), move the highlighted cell inside the input
table to the cell to the TAGNAME column corresponding to the row
with pinnum = 1.

· Note that as the highlighted cell moves within the table, the gray area
below the input edit table show the algorithm description of the input
that the highlighted cell is on.

· Click the Connect button to the right of the input table. A block
selection window opens to allow for selection of the block to connect
to. Select block #1, the DISPLAY block and click the Select button.
This opens up a Select Transform dialog listing the output transforms
for the DISPLAY block. Select output #3 (XX03) and click the Select

· Because this input gets its value from another block's output, there is
no need to enter any value into the DATAVALUE column.

· Press Edit Outs to open the output table. Values can be entered into the
DATAVALUE column to initialize the outputs produced by this block
before the simulation begins to run. In this case, the valve is initially
closed, therefore you have to configure the VALVE FULLY CLOSED
output to be TRUE (1.0).

· Press Edit Cofs to open the coefficient table. Position the highlighted
cell to enter the DATAVALUE for VALVE1's Stroking Time.
According to the specification given for VALVE1, the stroking time is
5 seconds.

· Press Close Cofs to close the coefficient table.

· Press Save to save the editing you have done.

· You are now presented with the Create New Block dialog. Press OK to
create block #3.

4.9.2 Creating Block #3 — FLOW1

· The output of the VALVE1 block is the valve's port area opening and it
is used in the calculation of the flow path called FLOW1. Make block
#3 this flow calculation. Enter FLOW1 as the block name. Enter a
block description. The block should be active. The algorithm this block
is based on is algorithm #860 DEMO FLOW CALCULATION.

· Press Edit Inps to open the input table. There are two inputs.

· For input #1, the port area opening of the valve on the flow path, the
input comes from output #1 of the VALVE1 block. Position the
highlighted cell on the TAGNAME column for output #1. Press the
Connect button to the right of the input table. Select the VALVE1
block from the block selection window. Select the Effective Port Area
output (A01) transform.

· For input #2, the pump power of the pump on the flow path, there is no
pump on this flow path. To make the flow calculation work, enter a
constant value of 1.0 for this input. To do this, enter a constant tag
name for input #2 in the TAGNAME column. Type in $NO_PUMP.
Also enter 1.0 into the DATAVALUE column for input #2.

· Press Edit Outs to open the output table. Initially, this calculation
should show no flow. Therefore, leave the ACTUAL FLOW output's

· Press Edit Cofs to open the coefficient table. According to the

specifications given, the flow from an external source coming into
VALVE1 is 5 kg/s. This means that if VALVE1 is completely opened,
the maximum flow in the flow path is 5 kg/s. Enter 5.0 in the
DATAVALUE column for coefficient #1.

· Press Close Cofs to close the coefficient table.

· Press Save to save the editing you have done.

· You are now presented with the Create New Block dialog. Press OK to
create block #4.

4.9.3 Creating Block #4 — Tank1

· You have just finished created the first two blocks in the following
flow path:

· If you refer to the block diagram earlier, you will notice that before we
can create a block for tank 1, there are other flow paths that are input to
tank 1.

· Let's chose another flow path to model.

· Make block #4 represent pump 1. In the empty block edit window, type
in PUMP1 as the block name. Enter a block description. The block
should be active. The algorithm that this block is based on is algorithm

· Press Edit Inps to open the input table.

· There is only one input to PUMP1, either request it to turn on, or

request it to turn off. This input comes from the user interface and is
transferred through input #1 and output #1 of the DISPLAY block.
Connect this input to output #1 of the display block. Press Connect,
select block #1, the DISPLAY block, and select output #1 (XX01)

· Press Edit Outs to open the output table.

· There are two outputs. By default, PUMP1 is not energized (i.e., no

power) and is off. Therefore, the default DATAVALUES of 0.0 for
both output is fine.

· Press Edit Cofs to open the coefficient table.

· There is only one coefficient for PUMP1: the pump run up time. Once
the pump is turned on, it takes some time for it to run up to full power.
The pump run up time is reflected in the pump power output.
According to the specifications given, PUMP1 runs up in 5 seconds.
Enter 5.0 in the DATAVALUE column.

· Press Close Cofs to close the coefficient table.

· Press Save to save the editing you have done.

· You are now presented with the Create New Block dialog. Press OK to
create block #5.

4.9.4 Creating Block #5— FLOW4
· The pump power output of the PUMP1 block is used in the calculation
of the flow path called FLOW4. Make block #5 this flow calculation.
Enter FLOW4 as the block name. Enter a block description. The block
should be active. The algorithm this block is based on is algorithm

· Press Edit Inps to open the input table. There are two inputs.

· For input #1, the port area opening of the valve on the flow path, there
is no valve on this flow path. To make the flow calculation work, enter
a constant value of 1.0 for this input. To do this, enter a constant tag
name for input #2 in the TAGNAME column. Type in $NO_VALVE.
Also enter 1.0 into the DATAVALUE column for input #1.

· For input #2, the pump power of the pump on the flow path, the input
comes from output #1 of the PUMP1 block. Position the highlighted
cell on the TAGNAME column for output #1. Press the Connect button
to the right of the input table. Select the PUMP1 block from the block
selection window. Select the Pump Power output (A01) transform.

· Press Edit Outs to open the output table. Initially, this calculation
should show no flow. Therefore, leave the ACTUAL FLOW output's

· Press Edit Cofs to open the coefficient table. According to the

specifications given, the flow capacity of PUMP1 is 5 kg/s. This means
that if PUMP1 is running at full power, the maximum flow in the flow
path is 5 kg/s. Enter 5.0 in the DATAVALUE column for coefficient

· Press Close Cofs to close the coefficient table.

· Press Save to save the editing you have done.

· You are now presented with the Create New Block dialog. Press OK to
create block #6.
4.9.5 Creating Block #6 — PID Controller
· Let's choose another flow path that leads into tank 1 to model.

· Make block #6 the PID level controller. A PID controller has four

1. Controller setpoint
2. Present value of the process variable being controlled
3. AUTO/MANUAL mode request
4. Manual control signal

· In AUTO mode, the controller automatically adjusts its output control

signal to drive the process variable (level) being controlled to maintain
its value at the controller's setpoint. This is done by comparing the
current value of level vs. the controller setpoint and adjust output
control signal accordingly.

· In MANUAL mode, the manually entered control signal is directly

used as the controller's output control signal to drive the process

· In the two tanks system, the PID controller is used as a tank level
controller to maintain the level of the liquid in tank 1 such that it does
not exceed a specific height. The specified height is used as the
controller setpoint. The PID level controller's output control signal
drives valve #3 which will open to relief some liquid inside tank 1 if
the level rises above the height setpoint.

· In the empty block edit window, enter PID as the block name, Enter a
block description. The block should be active. The algorithm this block
is based on is algorithm #859 DEMO PID CONTROLLER.

· Press Edit Inps to open the input table.

· The controller setpoint input (#1), AUTO/MANUAL mode request

input (#3), and manual control signal input (#4) all come from the user
interface and goes through input/output #5, #6, and #7 of the
DISPLAY block respectively.

· Input #2, the present value of the process variable being controlled, is
the tank level output of tank 1. The Connect button can not be used for
specifying this connection because the block representing tank 1 has
not been defined yet. However, you can still specify the connection if
you know what the tag name of tank 1's level output is. Since you did
the analysis and design, a likely name for the tank 1 block is TANK1.
And knowing that the transform for the tank level output is A01, you
can enter into the input table's TAGNAME column TANK1/A01 for
input #2.

· Another approach to handling this situation of having to connect to a

block not yet defined is to enter in an arbitrary tag name and later use
other tools to identify the arbitrary connections and correct it.

· The input table should be as shown below:

· Press Edit Outs to open the output table. The default values of 0.0 for
all of these outputs are just fine. Therefore, leave them as they are.

· Press Edit Cofs to open the coefficient table. There are four
coefficients. These are values for tuning the controller so that it makes
its automatic adjustments smoothly. Enter the values as shown below:

· Press Close Cofs to close the coefficient table.

· Press Save to save the editing you have done.

· You are now presented with the Create New Block dialog. Press OK to
create block #7.

4.9.6 Creating Block #7 — VALVE3

· The output control signal from the PID level controller controls valve
3. Make VALVE3 the name of block #7. Enter in a block description.
The block should be active. The algorithm that this block is based on is
algorithm #857 DEMO 1ST ORDER VALVE.

· Press Edit Inps to open the input table.

· VALVE 3's port area opening demand signal comes from the output
control signal of the PID block. Press Connect and make the
appropriate selections to form the tag name PID/A01 for input 1.

· Press Edit Outs to open the output table. VALVE3 is initially closed,
therefore you have to configure the VALVE FULLY CLOSED output
to be TRUE (1.0). Leave the other output DATAVALUES.

· Press Edit Cofs to open the coefficient table. According to the
specification given for VALVE3, the stroking time is 5 seconds. Enter
this into the DATAVALUE column.

· Press Close Cofs to close the coefficient table.

· Press Save to save the editing you have done.

· You are now presented with the Create New Block dialog. Press OK to
create block #8.

4.9.7 Creating Block #8 — FLOW3

· Block #8 is the block representing FLOW3.

· Enter FLOW3 as the block name. Enter a block description. The block
should be active. The algorithm this block is based on is algorithm

· The inputs are: VALVE3/A01 for input 1, the port area opening of the
valve on the flow path, and $NO_PUMP with a DATAVALUE of 1.0
for input 2, the power of the pump on the flow path.

· The output is just fine. Press Edit Outs to check the table and press
Close Outs to close it.

· The stroking time coefficient according to the given specification is 5


· Press Save to save the editing you have done.

· You are now presented with the Create New Block dialog. Press OK to
create block #9.

4.9.8 Creating Block #9, 10, 11, and 12

· You create the blocks #9, 10, 11, and 12 to model the flow paths
shown below:

· Make block #9 VALVE2, block #10 FLOW2, block #11 PUMP2,

block #12 FLOW5. These blocks are very similar to blocks #2, 3, 4,
and 5 respectively. Use the specifications given earlier.

· Note that VALVE2 is a LINEAR valve. Choose algorithm #856
DEMO LINEAR VALVE. The inputs, outputs, and coefficients are the
same as a 1ST ORDER valve. The difference is the behavior of the
effective port area opening.
· For each new block, make sure you press the buttons: Edit Inps, Edit
Outs, and Edit Cofs at least once. CASSBASE checks this to try and
ensure you accept the contents of the tables before saving.
· The following tables list the values you should have in the blocks, use
these tables as reference in the unlikely event that you get stuck.

Block #9 Algorithm Pin Data Value or

VALVE2 Alg #856 Input 1 DISPLAY/XX04
Output 1 0.0
Output 2 0.0
Output 3 1.0
Coefficient 5.0

Block #10 Algorithm Pin Data Value or

FLOW2 Alg #860 Input 1 VALVE2/A01
Input 2 $NO_PUMP, 1.0
Output 1 0.0
Coefficient 10.0

Block #11 Algorithm Pin Data Value or

PUMP2 Alg #855 Input 1 DISPLAY/XX02
Output 1 0.0
Output 2 1.0
Coefficient 5.0

Block #12 Algorithm Pin Data Value

FLOW5 Alg #860 Input 1 $NO_VALVE, 1.0
Input 2 PUMP2/A01
Output 1 0.0
Coefficient 15.0

· When you are done saving block 12, you are presented with the Create
New Block dialog. Press OK to create block #13.

4.9.9 Creating Block #13

· You have now created all the flow paths. It is time to create the tanks.
Let's make block #13 TANK1. The algorithm that this block is based
on is algorithm #858 DEMO TANK.

· Press Edit Inps to open the input table.

· The TANK1 block has four inputs. The tank in this demo has two
inlets and two outlets. The algorithm takes into account the flow rates
entering and leaving the inlets and outlets and adjusts the tank level

· Based on the P&ID diagram with the flow rates given, the flow rates
which are input to TANK1 are FLOW5/A01 and FLOW1/A01.
Likewise, the flow rates which deplete from TANK1 are FLOW4/A01
and FLOW3/A01. Make these connections. Connect FLOW5/A01 to
input #1, FLOW1/A01 to input #2, FLOW3/A01 to input #3, and
FLOW4/A01 to input #4.

· Press Edit Outs to open the output table.

· TANK1 has two outputs: tank level and tank overflow indicator. At the
start of the simulation, TANK1 should be set to a level of 5 meters. At
a level of 5 meters, there is no overflow. Therefore, the tank overflow
indicator having a 0.0 (FALSE) value is fine.

· Press Edit Cofs to open the coefficient table. The four coefficients for
TANK1 are: tank height (10 m), tank radius (0.25 m), liquid density
(1000 kg/m3), and height of outlet from the bottom of the tank (0.5 m).
Enter these values into the DATAVALUE column.

· Press Close Cofs to close the coefficient table.

· Press Save to save the editing you have done.

· You are now presented with the Create New Block dialog. Press OK to
create block #14.

4.9.10 Creating Block #14

· Tank 2 is very much like tank 1. You fill in the details.

· Set the initial TANK2 level to 0.0. Also note that there is only one
outlet in TANK2.

· The following tables list the values you should have in the TANK2
block, use this table as reference.

Block #14 Algorithm Pin Data Value or

TANK2 Alg #858 Input 1 FLOW4/A01
Input 2 FLOW2/A01
Input 3 FLOW5/A01
Input 4 $NO_FLOW, 0.0
Output 1 0.0
Output 2 0.0
Coefficient 20.0
Coefficient 0.25
Coefficient 1000.0
Coefficient 0.5

4.10 Hands-on Testing and Debugging the Simple Two Tanks Process

4.10.1 Verifying The Model

On the Model drop-down menu, you will find a Verify menu item.
Select this now to verify that there are no errors within the model. The
Verify process performs three checks. Examples of potential errors are:
connections not specified, or an input connection specifies a block or
output connection that does not exist. If you have followed the steps
presented in this manual, you should not have any errors. A successful
Model | Verify will produce the following messages.

If you are unfortunate enough to run into some errors, the listing of
errors are captured in a text file. The Verify process will display a message
notifying you that there are errors and will ask you if you want to see the
error listing text file. Press OK to open this text file using MS Write. The
first MS Write dialog will prompt you whether you want to convert the text
file to Write format. Press No Conversion.

The most common error are hanging tag errors. A Hanging Tag is an
erroneous connection (hanging connection) specified under the

TAGNAME column in the input table. That is, the TAGNAME entry for
the input is suppose to be the output tag name of a block output to connect
to, but instead is a tag name which does not identify any output tag name in
the model. This usually occurs as a result of typing errors. If you used the
Connect button to specify connections, then you would not have hanging
tag problems.

Once you have corrected the errors (if any) ... YOU ARE DONE! All
the detailed work is done. Now comes the fun part of running the
4.10.2 Exporting Model Data File for CASSIM™ Simulation Engine —
The model you have finished building is now ready for testing. To test
the simulation, you need the Simulation Engine — CASSENG and the

· First, the simulation engine requires a compact data file from

CASSBASE to run the simulation.

· To produce this file, select the menu item Export from the Model drop-
down menu. You are immediately presented with a file dialog to enter
the name of the compact data file to export to. Using the directory
selection list on the right hand side of the dialog, position yourself to
the \CASSDEMO\2TANKS directory. Then, in the entry field under
the File name:, type in the filename TANKS.DAT. Press OK.

· CASSBASE will create the compact data file


· Let's start up CASSENG and open the compact data file. First
minimize CASSBASE. In your Program Manager, double-click on the
icon that looks like a train engine.

· CASSENG opens up a small window in the lower right hand corner of

the screen. Once the CASSENG window is opened, select the File
menu, scroll down and select the Open menu item. You are presented
with a file dialog for selecting the data file to open. Select the
TANKS.DAT file in the \CASSDEMO\2TANKS directory.

· The simulation model runs inside CASSENG. There are some

simulation controls under the Control menu. You can FREEZE (stop),
and RUN the simulation. In addition, the simulation can be stepped
through by ITERATION, or by BLOCK. When the simulation is
running, the icon is displayed. Select the RUN option and see
what happen !

· These controls are not very exciting since you cannot see the model
values change as the simulation runs. There is a debug tool in
CASSIM™ that allows you to watch the inputs, outputs, and
coefficients of any block while the simulation is running.

The above only demonstrates that CASSENG and the model data file
can run by itself, but you do not see much going on. In order to visualize
the simulation data, you need to invoke the CASSIM Debugger:

· Quit CASSENG by selecting File menu in CASSENG and scroll down

to select EXIT.

· Exit CASSBASE by selecting the menu item Model | Exit. Some

prompt are displayed:

Close C:\CASSDEMO\2TANKS model? Select OK.

Do you want to make a backup? Select OK

Exit CASSBASE? Select OK.

4.10.3 Testing the Simulation Using CASSIM™ Debugger

(A) Block Debugging

· Go to Window Program Manager and invoke CASSIM Debugger with
this icon

· The following CASSIM Debugger Menu will appear.

· Click on the Model folder (yellow color). A "Model Open" Dialog box
shows up.

· Press "Model" button. A dialog box will appears, requesting your input
for the directory where the Model resides. Select
CASSBASE\CASSDEMO\2TANKS directory, and click on any .dbf
file in the directory. The model will be loaded.

· Press "Data" Button. A dialog box will appear, requesting your input
for model data file. Click "Tanks.dat" to select the model data file.

· Press "Done" Button. You will see the Debugger is loading up the
· Use the mouse to click on "Engine Control" and "Block List" Menu
items. (Note if you do not know where they are, move the mouse
cursor to any of the menu items, you will see a "tail-tips" behind it).
You will see the following dialog boxes.

· Double-click on the first block on the list "DISPLAY". The DISPLAY
block will be presented.

· The debug block window communicates with CASSENG via
Microsoft Window's Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) facility. The
debug block window requests data from CASSENG and displays the
returned data. Likewise, input from the user is sent by the debug block
window to CASSENG and these inputs are integrated into the running
simulation by CASSENG.

If you wish to know more about debugging operations, press "HELP"

menu item to read more details.
(B) Controlling the Simulation
· The "Engine Controls" can be used to Freeze or Run the simulation.
· Press Iterate to step the simulation through one iteration of all the
blocks in the model.
· Press Block to step the simulation one block at a time.
· The Iteration count shows how many iterations the simulation has run.
· The Sequence count shows the sequence number of the block that has
just completed execution. The Block value shows the block number
corresponding the sequence count shown. When the simulation is
running, the Iteration counter will be counting.


If the simulation is frozen (i.e., counter not counting), press Run now.
The Iteration count will count up. Press Freeze to stop the simulation.
Press Step Iteration once and notice the iteration count go up by one.

(C) Jumping between Connections

· The inputs of the current block may be connected to outputs of other
blocks. Likewise, the outputs of the current block may be connected to
inputs of other blocks.
· Use the "left" mouse button to click on the first block output
DISPLAY/XX01. It will be highlighted in "blue".
· With DISPLAY/XX01" highlighted, click the "right" mouse button to
display a "drop-down" menu for "Connection List" or "jump". Select
Jump to trace the connections from one block to another.
· If the selection is connected to another block, that connected block will
be displayed in a separate debug block window. In this case, PUMP1
block will be displayed, because its input is connected to output:
DISPLAY/XX01. Note: if there is no connection to the selected input
or output, a message is displayed " No Jump Point".
· For outputs, it is possible that one output is connected to many inputs.
If this is true, a connection list is shown after you select the
"Connection List" in the drop-down menu. Select one of the blocks in
the connection list to open the debug window for that block.


· Single-click on the 11th input line, it looks like:

TANK1/A01 .........

· This selects the input and it will be highlighted in "blue". This input is
connected to the block TANK1's A01 output. Try to display the debug
window for block TANK1. Loading Initial Conditions

· Single-click on Debugger Menu item "Model", a drop down menu will


· Select "Load IC", meaning to load an Initial Condition. The following

dialog box will appear.

· Note that the 2 tanks process that you are simulating can be at different
process conditions — that is, some pumps may be turned on and some
valves may be opened. So during debugging, you can store and reload a
particular process condition of interest. These initial conditions are
stored as IC files with *.ic file extension.

· Select 2 tanks_ic1.ic. This is a pre-stored IC for a normal condition for
the process.
· You will see the IC file is loaded via the "progress indicator".

Now, we can do some on-line tuning.

(D) On-line Tuning of Simulation

· Double-click on any Input, Output, or Coefficient line of any block to
bring up the Tune dialog for manually changing that value on-line.
· The output and coefficient tune dialog are virtually the same,
displaying all information about the selected item and allowing input of
a new Data Value.
· After modifying the data value, press Tune to send this updated value
to CASSENG to include in the simulation. The input tune dialog
optionally allows for modifying a constant data value (in this case, tag
name would start with a $), or modifying a tag name to change the
output to which this input is connected to.
· If the current input is defined as a constant value, either change the
value or press Output Tag Name and enter a valid tag name in the entry
box. If the current input is defined as a output tag name, either change
to another tag name using the Connect button, or press Constant Value
and enter a data value in the entry box. Press Tune to send this change
to CASSENG to include in the simulation.


· Let's tune some of the inputs of TANK1. First bring up the debug
window for TANK1.
· First run the simulation by pressing Run on "Engine Control". Note
that there is an inflow of 15 kg/s (input 1 connected to FLOW5/A01)
and an outflow of 5 kg/s (input 3 connected to FLOW4/A01). The tank
level output of the tank (TANK1/A01) is increasing because there is
more flow coming in than going out.
· Let's turn off the inflow at input 1. Double-click on the input 1 line.
This will bring up a Block Inputs Editor dialog as follows:

· Press Output Tag Name, you will see the Input Tagname FLOW5/A01.
· Put a $ sign in front of FLOW5/A01. In other words, you have
disconnected the output connection from Block FLow5 output A01,
and in its place, you have put a constant tag name called $FLOW5/A01
as input.

· Press "Constant Value" in the Block Input Editor dialog box. This will
switch the Data Value area to allow entering a constant value. Enter 0.0
in the entry box, and press Tune. The input is now tuned to have a
constant inflow of 0 kg/s.

· You will see "red" arrow pointing input $FLOW5/A01 in TANK1
Block. As well, you will see "red arrow" pointing the block TANK1,
indicating tuning changes are made to this block.
· Now press Run and notice that the tank level output is decreasing
because there is no inflow and still an outflow of 5 kg/s.
· Repeat the steps similar to above to tune the outflow input currently
connected to FLOW4/A01 to have a constant outflow of 0 kg/s. Run
the simulation and notice that the tank level output is constant because
there is no inflow and no outflow.

(E) Restoring Original Model Values and Saving Tuned Values

· Note that tuning modifies the run time values used by CASSENG in
the running simulation. The tuned values are not stored in the model
· For any tuned input or coefficient, the original model value in the
model database can be restored to replace the tuned value in the
· Conversely, the tuned value can be saved to the model database to
replace the original model value.
· For any input or coefficient that has been tuned, it is possible to discard
the tuned value and restore the running simulation to use the original
model value defined in the model database.
· To do this, single click the tuned input $FLOW5/A01. It will be
highlighted in "blue", then press the "right" mouse button and select
· Once the value has been restored to that defined in the model database,
the line will no longer have a red arrow pointer.

· All tuned values are used in the running simulation only and are not
stored in the model database if not saved. To save the tuned values into
the model database, single click anywhere in a block debug window
(but not on any input, output or coefficient line); then click the "right"
mouse button. A drop-down menu will appear, then select "save

· Caution for Saving Block Tuning Changes

1. Before you save the block changes into the model, make sure the
changes are final and not temporary ones, because after you have
"saved" the block changes, you have to re-export the model data file
2. If the change is temporary, it is recommended to save the block tuning
changes in a new IC file. You can do that by clicking on the Debugger
Menu "Model" and select "Save IC" in the drop-down menu. You will
be asked to enter a new IC file name. As debugging progresses, you
can continue to make incremental "save" of the tuning changes into this
IC file, or if you wish, you can save into another new file, as the
situation requires. If there are numerous IC files, it is recommended
that you should label the IC files succinctly so that you may easily
recall what tuning changes those files have had, by looking at their
3. After numerous testing, and if you are satisfied that the tuning changes
are final, you can select to update the model database with your IC file.
The way to do it is to first load the IC file as you have done previously
in "Loading Initial Conditions". After the simulation engine is loaded
with IC data, you select Debugger menu item " Save Model with
engine data", the tuning changes will be saved into the model database.
You have to re-export the model data file TANKS.DAT.


· Open TANK1 block and tune the inlet flow to be 10 Kg/s. As well,
tune the outlet flow to be 5 Kg/s.
· Save an IC file for this condition, and call this file tanks_ic2.ic
· Exit the Debugger, and make sure to exit the CASSENG as well.
· Now re-invoke the Debugger, load the original Model Data file
· Load the IC file tanks_ic.ic
· Restore all the tuning changes that you have made previously.

You should now have an idea of the debug capabilities of CASSBASE in

providing dynamic debugging at simulation run time, and you are now
ready to run the graphical user interface to interact with the simulation you
built using CASSBASE.

4.11 Running the Simulation Model with LabVIEW® Screen

4.11.1 Running the Two Tanks Simulation

A graphical interface program is distributed with the CASSIM
demonstration software to allow you to interact with the CASSENG
simulation engine. This program is a Windows executable program called
2TANKS.EXE installed in the C:\CASSDEMO directory.

2TANKS.EXE is a runtime program developed using LabVIEW for

Windows. LabVIEW for Windows is included in the CASSIM product.
Normally, you would use LabVIEW to develop the screen display program
for interacting with the simulation. But using LabVIEW can be a course by
itself and is beyond the scope of this Lesson. However, if you have
LabVIEW, it is recommended to go over the LabVIEW tutorials.

LabVIEW uses a graphical programming environment for developing

data acquisition and display programs. The user displays are built by
dragging and dropping graphical components like buttons, digital readouts,
graphs, etc. onto a front panel. After completing the front panel, the
program which operate with the front panel is built by assembling and
connecting icons in a diagram, instead of writing text-based programs. A
LabVIEW diagram resembles a traditional engineering flowchart with
computational icons, programming structure icons, communication icons,
etc. The icons are connected together with lines, or wires, to direct the flow
of data within the program.

A running LabVIEW program communicates through DDE with

CASSENG in the same way the debug block window of CASSBASE
works with CASSENG. A LabVIEW program can request data from
CASSENG for display. A LabVIEW program can also send user input to
CASSENG for integrating into the running simulation. CTI includes with
CASSIM a customized library of LabVIEW components specifically
designed for building simulation user interface programs.

· Before running 2TANKS.EXE, start CASSIM Debugger, and load the

2 tanks model, as well as the Model data file.


· After the Debugger is loaded, minimize it.

· Open Program Manager and double-click on the icon that has two

· This program sets the CASSENG simulation into run mode. The screen
appears as shown on the next page.

· At this point, you will notice there are THREE tasks running in
Windows: (1) CASSENG (2) Debugger (3) LabVIEW graphics
· The equipment that you modeled in CASSBASE are presented
graphically in the program window. There are two tanks, with pumps
on the pipes connecting them. Valves 1 and 2 control the inlets to tanks
1 and 2 respectively. There is a level controller on tank 1 controlling
the outflow through valve 3.
· Valves are green in color when they are fully closed, and red when they
are fully opened.
· Turn on valve 2 now by clicking the On/Off switch besides the valve.
Notice the pipe flowing into tank 2 fill up and the level of tank 2 rises.
The level of tank 2 is shown along the scale to the left of the tank and
as a numeric display to the left of the tank.
· Recall that tank 2 is the reservoir tank. Let's try to fill this tank's level
up to 10 m. To speed things along, it may help to use tank 1 to fill up
tank 2. First open the flow from tank 1 to tank 2 by turning on pump 1.
Turn on pump 1 now by clicking the On/Off switch besides the pump.
Notice the pipe connecting pump 1 to tank 2 fill up. This flow into tank
2 will speed up the fill of tank 2.
· At the moment there is only outflow from tank 1 and no inflow.
Eventually, this will deplete the liquid from tank 1. To add some
inflow, turn on valve 1 controlling the flow from an external source.
Turn on valve 1 now to fully opened by typing in 100.0 in the numeric
control besides valve 1 and press Enter. Recall that valve 1 can be
controlled to be partially opened.

· A couple of things to take note of here

1. Notice that although you typed in 100.0% opening, the valve still takes
time to stroke. In fact, the valve was modeled to take 5 seconds to
stroke for 0 to 90% opened. The 100.0% entered is the demand
opening only. There is no numeric display shown of the actual valve
opening. The color of the valve helps in this case. When the valve was
fully closed, the color was all green. When the valve is stroking, the
color is half red and half green. When the valve reaches 100.0%
opened, the valve color changes to all red.
2. Also notice that once the valve has completely opened to 100.0%, the
total inflow rate (with pump 2 off) is 5 kg/s as modeled. The total
outflow rate (with valve 3 off) is also 5 kg/s. This effectively makes the
level in tank 1 remain constant.
3. Is tank 2's level filled up to 10 m yet? Once the level gets close to 10
m, turn off first pump 1, then valve 2. This shuts off all flow into tank
4. Time to squeeze some juice out of valve 3! That is, let's use the level
controller to operate valve 3 to let out the liquid in tank 1.
5. All along, valve 3 is being controlled by the level controller which is in
automatic mode. The setpoint is at 8 m. That means as long as the level
in tank 1 is below 8 m, then the controller will keep valve 3 close.
Once the level goes above 8 m, the controller will open up valve 3
accordingly to let out some flow from tank 1.
6. The following diagrams show how to use the level controller in
automatic mode and in manual mode.

· If the level in tank 1 has not reached 8 m yet, wait for it. If you are
impatient, you can lower the setpoint to a lower level. Try typing 7.0
into the setpoint (SP) numeric control. The controller will adjust its
control on valve 3 accordingly.
· Once the tank level has reached the setpoint, valve 3 opens. Turn off
valve 1 now to shut all flow into tank 1. Watch the controller slowly
close valve 3 as the level in tank 1 comes below the setpoint.
· Another method of letting some liquid out of tank 1 is to manually
operate valve 3. To do this, switch the controller to manual mode.
Switch to manual mode now by pressing on the MAN button. The
pointer will switch to point to MAN. You can now control valve 3 by
entering the desired opening in the numeric control under the label V3
Out (%). Open valve 3 completely now to 100.0% by typing in the
numeric control. Notice the flow out of valve 3 increase up to the
modeled maximum flow of 20 kg/s.
· At this point, you have interacted with most of the equipment modeled
using CASSBASE. Feel free to continue to run the simulation, trying
out different operating scenarios.

· NOW maximize Debugger, practice some tuning changes and observe
that the changes can be seen in the screen — e.g. change the tank

4.12 Merging Models

It is highly desirable in simulation modeling that some sub-system

modules can be extracted and recycled for different simulation projects.
For example, the feedwater model for power plant can be used for another
plant if similar feedwater design is used. CASSIMÔ has a “model
merging” feature which facilitates easy model copying and merging of the
model. The merging of models will be demonstrated.

4.13 Review of Thermalhydraulic Network Modeling

Solutions to differential equations representing the thermalhydraulics
of a power plant process contain a wide spread of time constants, i.e. some
components of the solutions have a fast response, while the remaining
components are slow varying. The eigenvalues caused by the mass and

momentum conservation equations (flow and pressure) are generally very
large while the eigenvalues caused by thermodynamics (temperature) are
small. Therefore a system of coupled differential equations describing
mass, momentum and energy dynamics of a large process could contain
wide spread of eigenvalues, and thus is usually referred to as “stiff” set of
equations. Stiff equations are usually solved by implicit methods due to
their inherent stability. However, standard implicit methods usually require
finding the Jacobian for the equation set during each iteration (Newton’s
method), as well as solving the resulting set of linear algebraic equations.
These solution techniques can provide solutions with high degree of
accuracy and stability; however, they cannot be solved “economically” in
real time.

CASSIMÔ employs a real time solution technique for thermalhydraulic

modeling, which involves identifying control volumes within the simulated
system, where pressures are calculated. These control volumes are known
as nodes. The flows between these nodes can be obtained from momentum
equations, and are known as links. Each node pressure can be obtained
from mass balance around the node. A linearized solution method is
employed for the nodal representation of the flow network. This method
involves linearizing the momentum equations, and solving the resultant set
of linear algebraic equations implicitly by matrix methods.

Figure 8 illustrates the mass and momentum equations set for a typical
flow path containing equipments such as pumps and valves, and
demonstrates how these equations can be linearized to be solved by matrix
methods. By specifying nodes and links, the flow network problem can be
defined using modular block structured modeling, that is, each node block
and link block can be created by using generic node and link algorithm

Hydraulic properties of the nodes and links blocks (e.g. node size, valve
size, pump dynamic head etc.) are either treated as coefficients or inputs to
these blocks. CASSBASE, the database engine of CASSIMÔ, has a
computerized network generation program which will automatically create
matrix elements for the network defined by the connected nodes and links

As the flow network problem generally creates “sparse” type of

algebraic systems, the network generation program can reduce the
computation time required to obtain a solution by rearranging the algebraic
equation set. This computerized network generation program produces a
data file which can be run during each simulation iteration. If the topology
governing the nodes and links has been changed, the network generation
program has to be used to re-generate the network again.

Tank 2
NHZX01_N01 NHZN02_X02

(N2) Valve 1
Tank 1 (N1)
(X1) Pump
Assuming incompressible flow
W X1N1 = K X1N1 (PX1 - PN1)1/2
W N1N2 = K N1N2 (PN1 + PDYH - PN2)1/2 Legend
W N2X2 = K N2X2VA (PN2 - PELV - PX2)1/2
W ij = flow from node i to j
Pi = pressure in node i
Linearizing equation by defining admittance VA = valve port area
AX1N1 = W X1N1 / (PX1 - PN1) PDYH = pump dynamic head
AN1N2 = W N1N2 / (PN1 + P DYH - PN2) PELV = elevation head
AN2X2 = W N2X2 / (PN2 - PELV - PX2) Aij = admittance between node i and j
Kij = conductance between node i and j
Ci = capacitance of node i
Performing mass balance on N1 and N2; assuming constant density ,t = time increment
CN1(dP N1/dt) = W X1N1 - W N1N2 P' i = Pi at previous iteration
CN2(dP N2/dt) = W N1N2 - W N2X2 Mij = matrix element ij
Si = source element i
Using backward Euler; and substitute admittance
CN1((PN1 - P'N1)/, t) = AX1N1(PX1 - PN1) - AN1N2(PN1 + P DYH - PN2)
CN2((PN2 - P'N2)/, t) = AN1N2(PN1 + PDYH - PN2) - AN2X2(PN2 - PELV - PX2)

Rearranging to matrix form

( M11
M22) • ( ) =( )PN1

M11 = (C N1/, t) + AX1N1 + AN1N2 M12 = AN1N2

M21 = -AN1N2 M22 = (C N2/, t) + AN1N2 + AN2X2

S1 = (C N1/, t)P'N1 + AX1N1PX1 - AN1N2PDYH

S2 = (C N2/, t)P'N2 + AN1N2PDYH - AN2X2(PELV + P X2)

Procedure for solving pressure solution:

1) Calculate admittance from flow, P' N1, and P'N2
2) Solve P N1, PN2 from matrix
3) Calculate flow from P N1, PN2

Figure 8 — CASSIMÔ Hydraulic Flow Network Numerical Method


The above diagram illustrates a simple hydraulic circuit which involves

a flow path from an open tank#1, through a suction header N1, a pump P1,
a discharge header N2, a valve#1, and lastly another open tank#2.

In hydraulic network terminology, we call open tank#1, #2 as "external

node" X1, X2 respectively; whereas for the suction and discharge headers,
we call them "internal node" N1 and N2 respectively. According to

CASSIM™ Network naming convention, we give this network a 3 letter
pre-fix NHZ. Hence, all nodes and branches block name will have this pre-
fix identifier. For instance, N1 will be labeled as NHZ_N1; the branch
connecting Tank #1 and Node N1, is labeled as NHZX1_N1.

The equation sets in the above diagram can be summarized as follows:

(a) The flow in each link is computed using momentum balance for each

(b) The pressure in each node is computed using mass balance equation for
each node.

The calculation scheme is as follows:

(1) Users create node blocks and link blocks. The node block output
contains node pressure values; whereas the link block output contains
link flow values.

(2) After users have constructed all the node and link blocks with the
equipment (pumps and valves), and with proper initializations, users
"generate" the network using CASSIM.

(3) After "network generation", the CASSIM utility has already built the
matrix equation similar to that shown in the above diagram.

(4) In the first iteration, for each link, given the initial flow, initial pressure
in upstream node i and downstream node j respectively, admittance is
calculated in each link block (see equation above); and hence all the
M's and S's in the matrix elements can be calculated. When these
calculations are all done, the Network Solver inside CASSIM solves
the matrix equation in real time to give the pressure values for all the
nodes. Once the pressures of the nodes are solved, they update all the
node blocks' pressure output.

(5) After the pressure update in the node blocks is completed, flow can
then be calculated from executing the link flow block algorithm (see
equation above).

(6) Now it is ready for the next iteration with exactly the same iteration
scheme as described in (4) above.


(1) The equations formulated below for the hydraulic network pressure and
flow calculations are only good for incompressible flow. For
compressible flow (steam, air systems etc.), users have to consider the
use of "variable" conductance in the link, in order to use the same set
of incompressible flow equations. See explanation below.

(2) The hydraulic flow/pressure calculation is decoupled from the energy

transfer calculations. The energy transfer in the link of a network (e.g.

heat exchanger) is done outside the hydraulic network blocks
boundary. It can be achieved by using "mixing node" algorithm, in
which the output temperature or enthalpy of the mixing node is
calculated from the inlet streams' temperatures or enthalpies, assuming
perfect mixing. The effect of temperature change can lead to a change
in the flow in the link due to the change in the fluid density (input # 7
of the link algorithm).

Ô Thermalhydraulic Modeling Simplifications

4.13.1 CASSIMÔ
· It should be mentioned that, for computational efficiency, there are two
important simplifications taken by the CASSIMÔ thermalhydraulic
modeling approach:

· The hydraulic flow/pressure calculation is decoupled from the energy

transfer calculations in the flow network. For example, the heat transfer
in the link of a network (e.g. heat exchanger) is done outside the
hydraulic network solution schema. It can be achieved by using
“mixing node” algorithm, in which the output temperature or enthalpy
of the mixing node is calculated from the inlet streams’ temperatures or
enthalpies, assuming perfect mixing. The effect of temperature change
can lead to a change in flow in the link due to the change in the fluid

· The numerical solution technique for solving the network pressures

and flows, as formulated in Figure 8, generally applies for
incompressible flow. For compressible flow such as steam, gas
systems, etc., the following momentum equations should have been
used instead, assuming constant temperature:

For non-choked flow:

Flow = K c × V1 × Pup 2 - Pdown 2

For choked flow:

Flow = K c × V1 × Pup

where K c = link conductance; V1 = Valve port area in the link between the
upstream and downstream nodes; Pup , Pdown = upstream and
downstream node pressure respectively.

· However, in CASSIMÔ, a “variable conductance” technique is

developed, by which the same set of incompressible flow equations
could be used for compressible flow systems. In this technique, when
links flows are calculated by using the incompressible flow equations,
they are substituted back into the above compressible momentum
equations using the initial pressure conditions, to back calculate the
link conductance K c . The calculated link conductance, a block output,

is then connected to the link block as input. In other words, this
technique “allows” the link momentum equation to be an
“incompressible” flow type; however in this instance, the link
conductance should not be fixed, but rather a “variable” one and is
calculated in each iteration from the compressible momentum
equations using back-substitution. The application of this technique
allows the same numerical solution methodology formulated for
“incompressible” systems (Fig. 8) to be applicable for “compressible”
flow systems, with the additional computation of “variable link

4.13.2 How to Create a Hydraulic Network System

REMEMBER in CASSIM Hydraulic Network,

· Internal Nodes = Control volumes whose pressures will vary with time.

· External Node = Control volumes of constant pressures which do not

vary with time.

· Branches/Inks =Flow between each node.

The procedure for creating a hydraulic network system is:

1) Create a Nodal Diagram

· Identify location of the equipment and headers with respect to the

nodal diagram.

2) Calculate/estimate the pressure drop between each node.

(A) Pressure drop can be calculated using Darcy’s Law of the exact
piping configuration is known.

(B) An estimate of the pressure drop can be made if:

· The overall pressure drop of the system is known.

· The number of valves involved is known.

· Sharing the overall pressure drop between the branches and the

3) Create the external nodes, internal nodes and branches/links blocks.

Note it is very important to label the node blocks in increasing order,
i.e. NH?_N01, NH?_N02, ...... NH?_N10 etc., as you traverse the
Nodal Diagram from the “starting” node to the “ending” node in the
direction of flow. Note that the order 1-5-4-2-3-6 will not work.

4) The following block naming convention for branches should be

followed: NH?N01_N02 is the branch connecting node NH?_N01 to
NH?_N02. See more details in CASSIMÔ in the User Manual.

4) Create Network Control Block with Blockname NH?_CTRL and move
it ahead of the network marker block NH?_END

5) Run the Network “Generate” Utility.

4.14 Algorithm Source Code Development

4.14.1 FORTRAN Algorithm Coding Standard
In creating new FORTRAN Algorithm for CASSIM, the following
FORTRAN coding standards should be adhere to when creating
algorithms. These standards help ensure that double precision calculations
are performed with as much accuracy as possible.

1. Declare all variables. By default, FORTRAN will give undeclared

variables starting with particular letters default data types. The default
data type may not be what you want.


If a variable is not declared, it may default to a wrong type. For

example, according to the FORTRAN 77 language specification, any
variable not explicitly declared and beginning with a letter other than I,
J, K, L, M, and N will be of type REAL by default. Let's say you
assigned a value to a variable called SPEED, and you did not explicitly
declared SPEED as DOUBLE PRECISION. The value may lose
precision because REAL (single precision) can only hold six to seven
digits of precision.


Microsoft FORTRAN 5.1: Use the /4Yd option when compiling to

generate warning messages when undeclared variables are encountered.

Watcom FORTRAN-77 10.5: Turn on the Require symbol declaration

(option exp) when compiling to generate warning messages when
undeclared variables are encountered.

2. Assign a value to a variable before referencing it in an expression or

using it on the right hand side of an assignment statement.


If a variable has not been assigned a value, the memory space occupied
by it contains garbage data. When you reference this undefined
variable, the garbage data will be interpreted as legitimate data and will
cause unexpected results.

This problem can be hidden within code. For example, an IF-THEN-

ELSE structure assigns a value to a variable only when the condition is

TRUE but does nothing if the condition is FALSE. A reference to that
variable just after the IF-THEN-ELSE structure will return the assigned
value if the condition was TRUE and will return garbage data if the
condition was FALSE.

3. Explicitly declare all floating point constants as double precision by

using a D to indicate the exponent.


123.764 Incorrect

.4352344 Incorrect

1423.34E12 Incorrect

+345.E-4 Incorrect

-.4565788E3 Incorrect

2E6 Incorrect

1234. Incorrect

The above constants are all interpreted as single precision floating

point numbers. The following constants are double precision floating
point numbers.

123.764D0 Correct

1423.34D12 Correct

+345.D-4 Correct

-.4565788D3 Correct

2D6 Correct

1234.D0 Correct

4. When assigning a value to a double precision variable, do not assign an

integer, or a single precision floating point number.


TLOAD = 0 Incorrect
TLOAD = 0.0 Incorrect
TLOAD = 0.0E0 Incorrect

TLOAD = 0.0D0 Correct

5. When writing a mathematical equation, Use the same data type in all
parts of the calculation to ensure that precision is not lost.

4.14.2 Algorithm Source Code Standard

See details in CASSIMÔ User Manual Section 2.3.2.

4.14.3 Simple Algorithm Exercise

1) Develop an FORTRAN Algorithm for the simple ordinary differential

dY/dt = AY + C

where A and C are constants and treated as coefficients.

The initial condition is: Y(0) = 0.

2) Use Euler integration method for solving the ODE numerically.

3) After the algorithm is developed, create a block using this algorithm.

Use Debugger to change values of A = 2.0, -2.0, 0.000001, and values
of C = 10.

5.0 Reactor Simulation Model Development

5.1 Quick Review of Nuclear Reactor Neutron Physics

5.1.1 Rates of Neutron Reactions - Reactor Power

· Reaction Rate:
Consider n neutrons per unit volume move with velocity v towards a thin
target. From experiment with nuclear physics, it is found that the rate R
at which a particular neutron-nucleus reaction occurs is proportional to
the neutron flux B . That is,
R = B • 5 ....................................... (5.1)
where flux B = n • v = number of neutrons crossing 1 cm2 per sec.
5 = proportionality constant, or defined as the macroscopic cross section
for the reaction.

It is the probability of the reaction occurring in 1 cm. of travel of 1 neutron

through the reacting medium. It has units - reactions/(

· Macroscopic Cross-section:
The macroscopic cross-section 5 is also proportional to nuclei density
of the medium; hence
5 = N • I ............................................(5.2)
where N = number of nuclei per cm
I = microscopic cross-section for the medium in cm2.

· Mean free Path of neutron:

If l is the average distance a neutron travels before undergoing a
certain reaction, then the average number of reactions per sec is v / l ,
since in 1 second, the neutron would have traveled v cm.

With neutron density n, it follows that the rate of neutron reactions

R = n • v / l = B / l ..........................(5.3)

Equating (5.1) and (5.3), we have

l = 1 / 5 .................................................(5.4)

Hence l is also known as the mean free path of neutron.

· Fission Cross-Section:
Since different reactions occur with different probabilities, they will be
associated with different cross-sections:
(a) fission cross-section å f ;
(b) absorption cross-section å a ;
(c) elastic scattering cross-section å s ;
(d) inelastic scattering cross-section å i .

Since we are primarily dealing with nuclear fission which causes
nuclear chain reaction; hence the number of nuclear fissions per unit
volume per sec is B • å f .

· Reactor Power:
Given a reactor with fissile material with volume V cm3, fission cross
section å f (fission reactions/(, neutron flux B
(neutrons/(cm2.sec)), the number of fissions occurring per sec in such
reactor is V • å f • B .

Note: the average energy released per fission is 200 MeV. Note 1 eV =
1.6 ´ 10 -19 watt sec (Joule), so 200 MeV = 3.2 ´ 10 -17 watt sec.

The reactor power P in Megawatts is then

3.2 ´ 10 -17 • V • å f • B ....................(5.5)

5.1.2 Multiplication Factors for Thermal Reactors

In a critical reactor, one neutron from each fission causes exactly one
further fission. It goes through the typical cycle shown below:

Fast neutron born Fast neutron is slowed in thermal neutron is

at fission moderator to become captured in U-235 to
thermalized cause fission

Of the (typically) 2.5 neutrons produced at fission, only one goes through
this cycle to maintain chain reaction. The other 0.5 are lost by capture or
leakage. We start with N thermal neutrons in the reactor, and go round the
cycle as follows:

1. A fraction f of the thermal neutrons is assumed to be absorbed by the

fuel, and the remaining fraction (1 - f) is then lost by absorption in
material other than fuel. So f N neutrons are absorbed by the fuel. The
quantity f is called the thermal utilization factor. It can be define as the
ratio of the number of neutrons absorbed by the fuel to the total number
of neutrons absorbed in the reactor.

2. Not all the neutrons absorbed by the fuel will cause fission, because
some will be lost by radiative capture. Let a fraction “a” cause fission
in U-235, the remaining fraction (1 - a) being lost by radiative capture.
Therefore, we get afN fissions.

3. Each fission will produce n fast neutrons (note for U-235, n = 2.43).
Therefore, an fN fast neutrons are produced by the original N thermal

neutrons. The product an is usually replaced by one symbol h so that
h fN fast neutrons are produced by U-235 fissions. The factor h is
called the thermal fission factor. It represents the number of fast
neutrons produced from each thermal neutron captured in the fuel;
whereas n represents the number of neutrons produced from each
thermal neuron actually causing fission.

4. A small fraction of the fast neutrons produced by these fissions will

cause fast fission of U-238 before they are slowed down. The total fast
neutrons population will therefore be a slightly greater than h fN. This
additional contribution (typically 2–3 %) is allowed for by increasing
the fast neutron population by a factor A , commonly known as the fast
fission factor. The total number of fast neutrons produced by both U -
235 and U- 238 fissions is therefore A h fN.

5. These fast neutrons (~ 10 MeV) now have to be thermalized (~ 0.025

eV). Some of them escape from the reactor due to leakage before they
reach the resonance energies. Let Pf be the fast neutron non-leakage
probability, then the number of fast neutrons which do not leak from
reactor while slowing down is A h f Pf N.

6. Some of the non-leaked fast neutrons will be lost due to resonance

absorption in the moderator while slowing down. Let p denotes the
resonance escape probability, then the number of fast which have
thermalized in the reactor is A h f Pf p N.

7. Some thermal neutrons will be leaked out from the reactor. Let Pth be
the thermal neutrons non-leakage probability, then the number of
thermal neutrons which do not leak from the reactor is

A h f Pf p Pth N

Now these non-leaked thermal neutrons will be absorbed in the fuel

again. Each thermal neutron has a probability to produce new
generation of fast neutrons again. So we have complete the complete
neutron cycle.

· If we define the effective multiplication factor K eff = A h f Pf p Pth . The

effective multiplication factor K eff can be defined as number of
neutrons produced in one generation divided by that of the previous

· For very large reactors, leakage is very small, hence Pf ~1 and Pth ~ 1,
we get

K¥ = A h f p ....................(5.6)

K ¥ is called the infinite multiplication factor, meaning that it is the factor
that would apply if the core in question were made so large that the
neutron leakage became negligibly small. Hence, this called the “four-
factor formula”

· For K eff ³ 1, = 1, < 1, the neutron population increases, is constant,

and decreases, respectively; and the reactor is said to be
“Supercritical”, “Critical”, “Subcritical”. Note K eff is also called
K e in some literature.

5.1.3 Steady State Neutron Balance

We are now in a position to write the neutron balance equation. In a
steady state reactor, the rate of change of neutron density is zero. That
means the production rate of neutrons is exactly equal to the loss rate of
neutrons. In a critical reactor, the production is only from fissions in the
fuel, while in a subcritical reactor, one has to take into account any
external neutron sources intentionally introduced. The loss of neutrons is
primarily due to leakage out of the reactor, as well as absorption in reactor
materials such as fuel, moderator, coolant, control rod, etc. Thus
mathematically, one can write:

· Time rate of change of neutron density = 0 = neutron production Rate -

neutron loss rate.

· Neutron Production Rate = B • å f • K eff neutrons/(cm3 sec)

· External source = S neutrons/(cm3 sec)

· Loss rate due to leakage: Fick’s law states that assuming that scattering
is isotropic; neutron flux is a slowly varying function of position; no
source in the medium, then neutrons flow from regions of higher
densities to lower densities, i.e. the neutron current (number of
neutrons crossing unit area in unit time in the normal direction is
related to the neutron flux -
J = - D × gradB = - D × Ñ 2B ............(5.7)

where D is the diffusion coefficient constant.

· The loss rate due to absorption = B • å a

· Thus the steady state diffusion equation with source is:

= 0 = K eff × B × S f + S - ( - D × Ñ 2B + B × S a ) , or

D × Ñ2j - f × S a + K eff × f × S f + S = 0 .......(5.8)

· The diffusion equation is the basic equation which will be used by
reactor engineers in designing the reactor. However, since diffusion
theory makes the basic assumption that all neutrons have the same
thermal energy, the multiplication factor or critical size calculations are
therefore not very accurate. Application of the slowing down theory
improves the result somewhat since the neutrons are classified into
epithermal (slowing down region) and thermal (diffusion region). Even
this two energy group representation might not be adequate for actual
design of power plant. In order to circumvent this problem, multigroup
diffusion theory equations have been developed. In practice the total
neutron energy spread from 10 MeV to thermal energy (0.025 eV) may
be divided into 100 groups. To account for leakage and other spatial
effects, one has to divide the reactor into some spatial mesh points at
which the diffusion equations are solved by applying the boundary
conditions. For example, if there are 100 spatial points in each
direction, then there are 106 points in the reactor at which one has to
solve the diffusion equations. Since we are primarily interested in the
dynamic behavior of the reactor, we conclude the steady state design
topic discussion here.

5.1.4 Mean Neutron Lifetime & Mean Effective Neutron Lifetime

· In an infinite reactor, there is no leakage, so the mean free path l is
equal that for absorption, i.e. la = . Since neutrons travel at v cm
per sec., therefore the mean neutron lifetime for infinite reactor is

la 1
l0 = = ................(5.9)
v vS a

· For a finite reactor, the mean neutron lifetime l = l0 × Pth , where Pth is
the thermal neutrons non-leakage probability.

· Since in time l , N neutrons are absorbed, and K eff • N neutrons are

born, therefore, let us define L as the mean effective neutron lifetime
for each neutron to be born, hence:

l × N = L × K eff × N

or L= ..................(5.10)
K eff

· We can see that l is based on the death of neutrons; whereas L is

based on their generation

5.1.5 Reactivity Units

· Define Excess Multiplication factor K ex = K e - 1 ..........(5.11)

· The reactivity, denoted by ,K or H , is defined in some literature by
the equation

K e - 1 K ex
H = ,K = = ...............(5.12)
Ke Ke

· Reactivity is normally measured in milli-k, or 0.001k. Example, if k =

1.002, ,K = 2 milli-k ( 2 mk). The reactor is then said to be 2 mk
supercritical or to have 2 mk positive reactivity. If k =0.995, the reactor
is 5 mk subcritical or you can say that it has 5 mk negative reactivity.

5.1.6 Changes in Neutron Flux Following a Reactivity Change in Reactor

with Prompt Neutrons Only
Consider a reactor to be operating in the steady state with K e = 1,
when reactivity is suddenly increased by an amount ,K and then held
fixed. This known as step change. Assume that just before the reactivity
change was made, the number of neutrons in the reactor was N. They will
now multiply themselves from one generation to the next generation with a
multiplication constant - the gain in neutrons will N. ( K e -1) , therefore the
rate in neutron population will be given by:

dN ( K e - 1) × N N × DK
= = .............. (5.13)
dt l L

The solution to this ordinary differential equation is

æ DK ö
ç ×t ÷
è L ø
N = N0 × e .................(5.14)

Since neutron flux and reactor power are both proportional to neutron
density, and they will have the similar exponential behavior as the neutron
population growth equation above.; that is
æ DK ö
ç ×t ÷
è L ø
· Neutron density : nt = n0 × e ..........(5.15)

æ DK ö
ç ×t ÷
· Neutron flux: Ft = F0 × eè L ø

æ DK ö
ç ×t ÷
è L ø
· Neutron power : Pt = P0 × e ........(5.17)

5.1.7 The Reactor Period for Reactor with Prompt Neutrons Only
If we define the reactor period T as the length of time required for the
power (or flux or neutron density) to change by a factor e. That is:

T= ...................(5.18)

The previous equations now become:
ç ÷
nt = n 0 × e è T ø
ç ÷
Ft = F0 × e ...............(5.19)
ç ÷
Pt = P0 × e

You can see that the shorter the reactor period, the faster the power
changes will be. Conversely, should the reactor period be infinite, the
reactor would be critical.

5.1.8 Power Changes With Prompt Neutrons Only

· If all the neutrons in the reactor were prompt neutrons, the neutron
lifetime, L , would be about 0.001 seconds. The neutron lifetime is
largely dictated by the diffusion time in the moderator. Hence the
reactor period resulting from a step reactivity change from 0 to +0.5
mk will be given by:

L 0.001
T= = = 2 sec
DK 0.0005

In one second, reactor power would increase by a factor of e0.5 =1.65.

· For a reactivity change of + 5mk (i.e. 10 times increase in reactivity);

T= = 0.2 sec.

The reactor power increase per second is e5 , or 148 times.

· These two examples show how rapid the power increases would be -
even for small reactivity changes of a order of a mk - if all the
neutrons were prompt neutrons.

5.1.9 The Effect of Delayed Neutrons on Power Changes

Fortunately, delayed neutrons are generated by the decay of unstable
fission products precursors, of which 6 groups are usually identified. These
delayed neutrons, which only represent 0.65 % ( > ) of the neutrons
generated by fission, prolong the reactor period considerably, and as a
result, reactors can be controlled quite easily. If it were not for the presence
of these delayed neutrons, controlled nuclear power from fission would not
be possible.

The weighted average lifetime of all neutrons, prompt and delayed, is

0.085 seconds. It represents the average length of time for all neutrons
generated by fission to be “born”. The lifetime of a generation, J , is then

this weighted average lifetime plus the slowing-down time and the
diffusion time in the moderator. The latter is typically 0.001 sec., and so
we arrive at J = 0.085 + 0.001 = 0.086. Hence, when compared with
lifetime of prompt neutrons of 0.001 sec., delayed neutrons increase the
average lifetime of all neutrons by 86 times.

Consider the previous example of reactivity increase by 5 mk, the

reactor period is

J 0.086
T= = = 17.2
DK 0.005
The relative power increase per second is = e 17.2 = 105986
. ; that is 5.9
% per sec. corresponding to +5 mk increase in reactivity. Therefore, the
power increase is much less rapid than with prompt neutrons alone.

Table 3 showing Delayed Neutrons Groups for a Typical HWR.

Delayed Group Mean Lifetime Yield (%)


6 0.33 sec 0.025

5 0.88 sec 0.075

4 3.32 sec 0.257

3 8.98 sec 0.127

2 32.78 sec 0.142

1 80.40 sec 0.0215

Total = 0.65 %

5.2 Point Kinetic Model — Delayed Neutrons

Given total m groups of fission precursors, the decay of the ith group
precursor is described by the following differential equation:

dCi n
= bi × K e × - li × Ci i = 1..... m .......(5.20)
dt l

where Ci = Concentration of i-th group precursor

bi = Fraction of neutrons in i-th delayed group. Note b = S bi
i =1

li = Decay constant of i-th group precursor

>i K e = Neutrons born to the i-th group precursor

li Ci = Rate of decay of the i-th group precursor concentration, or it can

also be interpreted as the number of delayed neutrons born per sec due to
decay of i-th group precursor.

The neutron differential equation with delayed neutrons is then:

= Rate of birth of Prompt Neutrons - Rate of loss of Neutrons + Rate
of birth of Delayed Neutrons ........(5.21)

Rate of birth of Prompt Neutrons = K e (1 - b ) .......(5.22)

Rate of loss of Neutrons = ..........(5.23)
Rate of birth of Delayed Neutrons = S li × Ci ........(5.24)
i =1

Therefore neutron differential equation becomes:

dn n m
= ( K e (1 - b ) - 1) × + S li × Ci ............(5.25)
dt l i =1

dn n m
or = ( K ex - K e b ) × + S li × Ci ...........(5.26)
dt l i=1

dn DK - b m
or = × n + S li × Ci .......................(5.27)
dt L i =1

In summary, the Point Kinetic Model Equations for m groups of delayed

precursors are:

dn DK - b m
= × n + S li × Ci ................(5.28)
dt L i =1

dCi n
= bi × - li × Ci i = 1...... m .........(5.29)
dt L

5.2.1 Analytical Solution to Point Kinetic Reactor Model Equations

In order to study the dynamics of Point Kinetic Reactor Model, we
solve the single group model equation using Laplace Transform, for a step
change in reactivity ,K , from an initial equilibrium of No, Co for t < 0
( ,K =0 for t < 0).

Single delayed group model:

dn DK - b
= n + l × C ...............(5.30)
dt L

dC b
= n - l ×C ................(5.31)
dt L

Applying Laplace Transform,

DK - b
(s - ) × N ( s ) = l × C( s ) + N 0 .........(5.32)

( s + l ) × C( s ) = × N ( s ) + C0 ...........(5.33)

Rearranging the second equation and substituting expression for C(s) into
the first equation, we have:

DK - b l ×b l × C0 b/L
(s - - ) × N ( s) = N 0 + = N 0 (1 + ) ....(5.34)
L L( s + l ) s+l s+l

dC b
because = 0 for t < 0, hence C0 = N .......(5.35)
dt l ×L 0

s+l +
Hence N ( s ) = N 0 L ........(5.36)
DK - b l × DK
s + (l -
)s -

l × L - DK + b l × DK
The characteristic equation is: s2 + ( )s - =0

If l × L << > , the characteristic equation for single precursor model
reduces to:

b - DK l × DK
s2 + ( )s - = 0 ................(5.38)

The roots are :

1 ( b - DK ) é 4LlDK ù
s1, 2 = ê- 1 ± 1 + ú .......(5.39)
2 L ë ( b - D K )2 û

and noting that the series approximation:

1 1 2 1× 3 3
(1 + x ) = 1 + x- x + x +......
2 2×4 2×4×6

We can keep the first two terms as approximation if x <<1. For small ,K
and the fact that l × L << > , this approximation is valid. Hence, the roots
equation can be approximated as:

1 ( b - DK ) é 2LlDK ù
s1, 2 = ê - 1 ± (1 +
( b - DK )2 úû
) ........(5.40)
2 L ë

that is s1 = ; ..........(5.41)
( b - DK )

1 é ( b - DK )2 + LlDK ù
s2 = - ê ú ........(5.42)
Lë ( b - DK ) û

( > - DK )
»- since l × L << > ........(5.43)

By partial fraction expansion, one finds that the approximate solution to

the one delayed group precursor neutron differential equation:
lD K
é > t DK -
( b - DK )
t ù
N = N0 ê e ( b - DK ) - e L
ú ...........(5.44)
êë > - DK > - DK úû

The roots s1 , s2 depend on ,K . For ,K to be positive, one root is

positive (growing exponentially); the other root negative; whereas for ,K
to be negative, both roots become negative. This has found to be true for
multiple precursor case; for ,K positive, one root is positive and all other
roots negative; for ,K negative, all roots negative, and after a while, the
slowest delayed neutron group dominates the response.

Returning the subject matter of “Reactor Period”, for prompt neutron

model, the reactor period T is

TP = ...............(5.45)

For the delayed neutron model, for positive ,K ,

Case (1) if ,K << > , the reactor period is dominated by first exponential
term :

( b - DK ) 1 b
T= » ...........(5.46)
lDK DK l

Plugging in some numbers: ,K =0.003; > = 0.0065; l =0.077

T = 28 sec.

This is intuitive because in our approximation, we assume l × L <<

> . Dividing both side of this inequality by l,K , we have

L 1 b
<< .............(5.47)

That is Tp << T, as we would expect.

For multiple precursors model, the reactor period is given by:

1 m
T= ............(5.48)
DK i =1 i

Case (2) if ,K >> > , the reactor period is dominated by second

exponential term:

T= » ..........(5.49)
( > - DK ) DK

This is the same as the prompt neutron model. This implies that if
,K >> > , the beneficial effect of the delayed neutrons has been lost, and
prompt neutrons dominate the response.

Some single precursor model responses for different constant values of

,K are shown in figure below by substituting value of > = 0.0064;
l =0.076, L =0.001 and for ,K = 0.001, 0.002, 0.003 into equation:
lD K
é > ( b - DK )
t DK -
( b - DK )
t ù
N = N0 ê e - e L
êë > - DK > - DK úû








0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

The behavior of the single precursor model can be explained as follows:

The number of delayed neutrons contributed to the chain reaction at any

instant is proportional to the thermal flux at some previous time, but the
number of precursors being produced by fission (i.e. the number of
neutrons being delayed) is proportional to the flux at the given instant. As
soon as reactivity is increased above unity, the fission rate will increase,
and prompt neutrons will immediately be generated from the prompt
neutrons and delayed neutrons already there. Hence, for a very short time,
the reactor behaves as if all the neutrons were prompt, and the flux
increases very rapidly. This is known as “Prompt Rise”. When the very
short lived neutron precursors formed before the reactivity change have all
decayed (in this case 0.5 seconds), this delayed neutron deficiency must be
compensated by the neutrons delayed after the reactivity change.
Therefore, the rate of flux increase gradually falls off as it has to wait for
these delayed neutrons, and ultimately the rate of flux growth will be
governed entirely by the new delayed neutrons. The net result is that after a
step change in reactivity, there will be a sudden fast prompt rise followed
by the more leisurely growth in neutron flux (or reactor power).

Dollars: one dollar is defined as the magnitude of ,K which is equal to
> . Thus for Uranium 235 fueled reactor, one dollar is equal to 0.0065,or
+6.5 mK. When the reactivity is one dollar, the reactor is critical on
prompt neutrons alone (since dn/dt = 0; if ,K = > ). Normally reactor
operates near delayed critical with ,K near zero.

In-Hours: One in-hour corresponds to that magnitude of ,K which

produces a reactor period of one hour. For example, > = 0.0065; l =0.077,
for reactor period T = 3600 seconds,

1b 0.0065
DK » = = 0.0000234 = 0.023mK
T l 3600 × 0.077

Note: for inherent safety of the reactor, if the period is smaller than 10
seconds, the reactor control is designed to automatically shutdown the

5.3 Modeling Exercise - Simple Point Kinetic Model

5.3.1 Problem Description:

Create a simple point kinetic model for a PHWR type reactor core.

The following equations described the reactor kinetics assuming a point

kinetic model:
( Dk - å bi )* N FLUX 6
= i =1
+ å li * C i
dt N LIFE i=1

dCi bi * N FLUX
= - li * Ci


NLIFE = 0.0008 sec

b1 = 0.000329

b2 = 0.001003

b3 = 0.000856

b4 = 0.002319

b5 = 0.000587

b6 = 0.000206

l1 = 0.01261 sec-1

l2 = 0.03051 sec-1

l3 = 0.12 sec-1

l4 = 0.3209 sec-1

l5 = 1.262 sec-1

l6 = 3.239 sec-1

NFLUX = neutron Flux(normalized from 0 to 1)

Ci = concentration of delayed neutron groups(normalized)(i=1,6)

Dk = overall reactivity change (K)

bi = delay neutron fraction of delay group i(normalized)(i=1,6)

NLIFE = mean neutron lifetime(sec)

li = decay constant of delayed neutron groups(/sec)

5.3.2 Point Kinetic Reactor Simulation Model using CASSIM

1. Create a custom FORTRAN algorithm using the above equations with
overall reactivity change Dk as input, and neutron flux NFLUX and
Delayed neutron group precursor, Ci as outputs.

2. Remember to follow the CASSIM release notes(document #1)

guidelines for calculations involving double precision numbers.

3. Use Euler's backward difference(implicit method) to model the above

equations. Try to reduce the two equations to one equation by
eliminating the time dependent variable Ci. Why is it best to use the
implicit Euler's method?

4. Identify the necessary outputs, and coefficients

5. Use CASSBASE to overwrite ALG802, and replace it with your

algorithm. Remember to define your inputs and outputs for the
template in CASSBASE, and save your FORTRAN algorithm as

6. Exit CASSBASE, and go to SRCLIB directory, and recreate

CASSIM.DLL with the new ALG802 using the ADDTOLIB batch file.

7. Copy the new CASSIM.DLL to the CASSENG directory.

8. Use CASSBASE to create a new model and call it IAEA1.

9. Create a NMB block(ALG452) for communication with LABVIEW.

10. Create a block for calculating the reactor neutron flux using the custom
algorithm ALG802. Remember to initialize the neutron concentrations
by depositing their values in the output section.

11. A LABVIEW executable, 'TRENDS.EXE is provided for you to trend

8 variables that is connected as input 1 to 8 to block NMB. Trend the
neutron flux as calculated from the reactor block.

12. Try to maneuver the reactor power to 80% by depositing the liquid
zone reactivity change to no more that -0.1mK.

13. Shutdown the reactor with large negative reactivity, and observe the
reactor power decay.

5.3.3 Simple Point Kinetic Model Algorithm Formulation (Solution)

The following equations described the reactor kinetics assuming a point

kinetic model:
( Dk - å bi )* N FLUX 6
= i =1
+ å li * C i
dt N LIFE i=1

dCi bi * N FLUX
= - li * Ci

NFLUX = neutron Flux(normalized from 0 to 1)

Ci = concentration of delayed neutron groups(normalized)(i=1,6)

Dk = overall reactivity change (K)

bi = neutron flux(normalized from 0 to 1)

NLIFE = mean neutron lifetime(sec)

li = decay constant of delayed neutron groups(/sec)

Use Backward Euler's to approximate the above equations:

1) delay neutron concentration

dCi bi * N FLUX
= - li * Ci

Ci - Ci bi * N FLUX
= - li * C i

re - arranging C i

bi * N FLUX * Dt
Ci * (1 + li * Dt ) = + Ci

bi * N FLUX * Dt
+ Ci

(1 + li * Dt )

2) neutron flux calculation

( Dk - å bi )* N FLUX 6
= i =1
+ å li * Ci
dt N LIFE i=1

( DK - Sbi ) × N FLUX
N FLUX - N FLUX i =1
= + Sl i × Ci
Dt N LIFE i =1

Substituting for Ci,

( DK - S bi ) × N FLUX é bi × N FLUX × Dt ù
i =1 ê + Ci ú
= + Sl i × ê ú
Dt N LIFE i =1 ê
(1 + l i × Dt ) ú
êë úû

Multiply both sides by ,t ,

( DK - S bi ) × N FLUX × Dt é bi × N FLUX × Dt ù
i =1 ê + Ci ú
N FLUX - N FLUX = + Sl i × Dt × ê ú
N LIFE i =1 ê (1 + l i × Dt ) ú
êë úû
defining Ai and Bi

li * Dt * Ci
Ai =
(1+ li * Dt )

li * bi * Dt
Bi =
(1+ li * Dt )* N LIFE

The equation reduces to:

( Dk - å bi ) * N FLUX * Dt 6
i =1
+ å ( Bi * N FLUX * Dt ) + Ai
N LIFE i =1

re - arranging for N FLUX:

( Dk - å bi )* Dt 6 6
N FLUX * 1 - i =1
- å ( Bi * Dt ) = N FLUX + å Ai
N LIFE i =1 i =1

N FLUX + å Ai
N FLUX = 6

( Dk - å bi ) 6
1 - Dt *
i =1
+ å ( Bi )
N LIFE i=1

5.3.4 Simple Point Kinetic Reactor Model FORTRAN Program (Solution)


C INP(1) = DKXE, reactivity change due to xenon(K)
C INP(2) = DKLZ, reactivity change due to liquid zone(K)
C OUT(1) = NFLUX, neutron flux (normalized)
C OUT(2) = DK, overall reactivity change (K)
C OUT(3) = BETA1, Total delayed neutron fraction
C OUT(4) = C(1), neutron concentration, group 1(normalized)
C OUT(5) = C(2), neutron concentration, group 2(normalized)
C OUT(6) = C(3), neutron concentration, group 3(normalized)
C OUT(7) = C(4), neutron concentration, group 4(normalized)
C OUT(8) = C(5), neutron concentration, group 5(normalized)
C OUT(9) = C(6), neutron concentration, group 6(normalized)
C COF(1) = TNEUTRON, mean neutron lifetime(sec)
C COF(2) = BETA(1), delayed neutron fraction, group 1(normalized)
C COF(3) = BETA(2), delayed neutron fraction, group 2(normalized)
C COF(4) = BETA(3), delayed neutron fraction, group 3(normalized)
C COF(5) = BETA(4), delayed neutron fraction, group 4(normalized)
C COF(6) = BETA(5), delayed neutron fraction, group 5(normalized)
C COF(7) = BETA(6), delayed neutron fraction, group 6(normalized)
C COF(8) = LAMDA(1), delayed neutron decay constant, group 1 (1/sec)
C COF(9) = LAMDA(2), delayed neutron decay constant, group 2 (1/sec)
C COF(10) = LAMDA(3), delayed neutron decay constant, group 3 (1/sec)
C COF(11) = LAMDA(4), delayed neutron decay constant, group 4 (1/sec)
C COF(12) = LAMDA(5), delayed neutron decay constant, group 5 (1/sec)
C COF(13) = LAMDA(6), delayed neutron decay constant, group 6 (1/sec)


DK = OUT(2)
BETA1 = OUT(3)
C(1) = OUT(4)
C(2) = OUT(5)
C(3) = OUT(6)
C(4) = OUT(7)
C(5) = OUT(8)
C(6) = OUT(9)
BETA(1) = COF(2)
BETA(2) = COF(3)
BETA(3) = COF(4)
BETA(4) = COF(5)
BETA(5) = COF(6)
BETA(6) = COF(7)
LAMDA(1)= COF(8)
LAMDA(2)= COF(9)
LAMDA(3)= COF(10)
LAMDA(4)= COF(11)
LAMDA(5)= COF(12)
LAMDA(6)= COF(13)


BETA1 = BETA(1) + BETA(2) + BETA(3) +
& BETA(4) + BETA(5) + BETA(6)
C--------DEFINE Ai,
DO 1 I = 1, 6
A(I) = LAMDA(I) * C(I) * DT / ( 1D0 + DT * LAMDA(I))
C--------DEFINE Bi
DO 2 I = 1, 6
B(I) = LAMDA(I) * DT * BETA(I) /
& (TNEUTRON * ( 1D0 + DT * LAMDA(I)))
NFLUX =DMAX1(((NFLUX + A(1) + A(2) + A(3) + A(4) +
& A(5) + A(6)) /
& (1D0 - DT * ((DK -BETA1)/TNEUTRON +
& B(1) + B(2) + B(3) + B(4) + B(5) + B(6)))),0.0D0)
DO 3 I = 1, 6
C(I) = (C(I) + (DT * BETA(I) * NFLUX/TNEUTRON)) /
& ( 1D0 + DT * LAMDA(I))

OUT(2) = DK
OUT(3) = BETA1
OUT(4) = C(1)
OUT(5) = C(2)
OUT(6) = C(3)
OUT(7) = C(4)
OUT(8) = C(5)
OUT(9) = C(6)

5.4 The Effects of Neutron Sources on Reactor Kinetics
The point kinetic reactor model equations in the previous chapter are all
based on the assumption that there are no sources of neutrons in the reactor
other than the (induced) fission. This assumption is not entirely true. In this
chapter, we shall consider the effects that neutrons sources other than
fission have on power changes.

5.4.1 The Neutron Sources

· In general there will always be a source of neutrons present in the
reactor, if only because of the spontaneous fissions which take place.
The spontaneous decay rate of 1 gram of natural uranium is about 7 x
10-3 fissions per second. This is very small, but significant.

· During reactor startup, it may expedient to introduce an artificial

sources of neutrons into the reactor for the initial startup. This will be
discussed later.

· Finally, photoneutrons may be produced by the absorption of fission

product gamma photons in reactor materials. This is particularly
relevant in reactors containing heavy water, where gamma reactions
with deuterium are possible for gamma energies in excess of 2.21 MeV
( i.e. the binding energy of the deuterium nucleus); namely,

1 H 2 + C = 1 H 1 + 0 n1 ................. (5.50)

This photoneutrons source will persist after the reactor has been
shutdown and the prompt and delayed neutrons have died down.

5.4.2 The Effect of Neutron Sources on the Total Neutron Population

· In a critical reactor with no neutron sources other than induced fission,
the neutron population in the reactor remains constant from one
generation to the next. In other words, neutron losses due to absorption
and leakage exactly take care of the excess neutrons generated by
fission that are not required to keep the chain reaction going. Now
imagine a neutron emitting source So neutrons per second to be
inserted into the reactor. These neutrons will be multiplied by the
factor Ke from one generation to the next. Therefore at a time t seconds
after the insertion, neutrons of various generations up to the will be

· Let us iterate the neutrons population growth. The number of source

neutrons at the end of the first generation will be S0 × L , since S0 are
produced per second. At the end of the second generation, these will
have S0 × L × K e and another S0 × L new one will have been added by the
source. At the end of the third generation, there will be a total of S3 ,
given by

S 3 = ( S 0 LK e + S 0 L ) K e + S 0 L = S 0 L(1 + K e + K e2 ) ........... (5.51)

Hence after mth generation, the total neutron population due to the source
will be:

S m = S0 L(1 + K e + K e2 +........+ K em-1 ) ................... (5.52)

S 0 L(1 - K em )
or , Sm = ........................(5.53)
(1 - K e )

since m = , therefore the number of source neutrons at time t is given
S0 L(1 - K ) L
St = e
(1 - K e )

· Let us now look at three cases:

Case (1) K e < 1: As t approaches infinity, St will reach an equilibrium

value given by :

S0 L
St = ..............(5.55)
(1 - K e )

Case (2) K e =1: In this case, S 0 L neutrons will be added to the neutron
population in every generation, so that after a time t equivalent
to m = generations, the number of source neutrons will be:

St = S0 L = S0t ...........(5.56)

Case (3) K e > 1: For a supercritical reactor, the neutron population will
increase very rapidly. The fission neutrons already there will
increase at rate governed by the reactor period and the source
neutrons will multiply as given by equation (5.54)

5.4.3 The Effect of Neutrons Sources on a Reactor at Power

Let us consider the implications of the neutron sources by using a typical
heavy water reactor as an example.

· When the reactor is at power, photoneutrons will be produced by

(C , n ) reactions with deuterium nuclei. The gamma source is made up
of fission gammas, capture gammas and fission product and activation
product decay gammas. The photoneutrons flux will typically be of the
order of 10-6 of the thermal flux. If reactor power is held constant, the

total flux will be constant, so will the neutron density. Suppose there
are n neutrons in any generation, they will related by :

nK e + 10-6 n = n ....................(5.55)

· That means K e = 1 - 10-6 = 0.999999 . It should be interesting to note

that when K e is exactly unity, we should expect the neutron population
to grow by a factor of 10-6 per generation. Hence the effect of the
photoneutron source on critical reactor operation at power is
therefore seen to be quite negligible.

5.4.4 The Effect of Neutron Source on Reactor Shut-Down

Let us now consider what happens when the reactor, which has been
running at power, is suddenly made subcritical. In the absence of neutron
source, the reactor power would diminish to zero at a rate ultimately
governed by the longest lived delayed neutron group. However, with a
neutron source present, the neutron population will never decrease below
the equilibrium value

S0 L
St = .........(5.55)
(1 - K e )

We can therefore say that the final power level, P¥ , will be given by:

P¥ = ......................(5.56)
1 - Ke

where Ps is the neutron source strength, expressed in watts. It is the fission

power produced in a reactor by a source of S0 neutrons per second. It
should be noted that the final power level of the reactor depends on the
amount of negative reactivity inserted. For example, if Ps = 30 W, and
,K =-30 mk, then P¥ = = 1000W

5.4.5 Photoneutrons Sources in Heavy Water Reactor

There are 9 photoneutron groups, analogous to the 6 delayed neutron
groups, categorized according to their respective half-lives. They are listed
in Table 4. The photoneutrons constitute about 4 % of the delayed neutron
production, and that shortly after shutdown, the photoneutrons yield is
decreasing rapidly. In fact after a couple of days or so, the photoneutron
source will be down by the order of a thousand or so, and only the last
group of photoneutrons will be effective.

They will decay with a half life of 18 days and will therefore set limit
on the length of time during which the reactor may still be restarted
without special instrumentation.

Table 4 - Photoneutron Groups for a typical HWR.

Photoneutrons 7 3.6 sec 19 x 10-3

8 57 sec 5.7 x 10-3

9 3 minutes 1.3 x 10-3

10 18 minutes 1.11 x 10-3

11 40 minutes 0.61 x 10-3

12 2.5 hours 0.64 x 10-3

13 6.3 hours 0.08 x 10-3

14 2.2 days 0.02 x 10-3

15 18.5 days 0.02 x 10-3

Total=28 x10-3

5.5 Modeling Exercise - Point Kinetic Reactor Model with Photoneutrons.

The modeling equations should be changed to:
DK - å b i 15
= i =1
× n + å l i × Ci
dt L i =1

dCi n
= b i × - l i × Ci for i = 1, ... 15
dt L

Note that i = 1 to 6 belong to delayed neutron groups; whereas i = 7 to 15

belong to photoneutron groups.


NLIFE = 0.0008 sec

b1 = 0.000329 Delayed Neutron Group Fraction
b2 = 0.001003 “
b3 = 0.000856 “
b4 = 0.002319 “
b5 = 0.000587 “
b6 = 0.000206 “
b7 = 0.00019 Photoneutron Group Fraction
b8 = 0.000057 “

b9 = 0.000013 “
b10 = 0.0000111 “
b11 = 0.0000061 “
b12 = 0.0000016 “
b13 = 0.0000008 “
b14 = 0.0000002 “
b15 = 0.0000002 “
l1 = 0.01261 sec-1 Delayed Neutron Group Decay Constant
l2 = 0.03051 sec-1 “
l3 = 0.12 sec-1 “

l4 = 0.3209 sec-1 “
l5 = 1.262 sec-1 “
l6 = 3.239 sec-1 “
l7 = 0.2778 sec-1 Photoneutron Group Decay Constant
l8 = 0.01754 sec-1 “
l9 = 0.00556 sec-1 “

l10 = 0.000926 sec-1 “

l11 = 0.0004167 sec-1 “
l12 = 0.0001111 sec-1 “
l13 = 0.0000441 sec-1 “
l14 = 0.00000526 sec-1 “
l15 = 0.00000063 sec-1 “

NFLUX = neutron Flux(normalized from 0 to 1)

Ci = concentration of neutron groups(normalized)( delayed neutron
group i=1,6 ; Photoneutron Group i = 7, 15)
Dk = overall reactivity change (K)
bi = neutron fraction (normalized) of delay group (i =1,6);
photoneutron group (i= 7, 15)
NLIFE = mean neutron lifetime(sec)
li = decay constant of neutron groups(/sec); Delayed group i = 1 to 6 ;
Photoneutron group i = 7 to15

1. Modify the Algorithm # 802 to incorporate these changes. Be sure to
include additional inputs, outputs and coefficients

2. Shutdown reactor power with insertion of large negative reactivity.

Observe reactor power decay transient.

5.5.1 Point Kinetic Reactor Model with Photoneutrons Sources (Solution)

To be included in the class

5.6 Reactivity Feedback Effects

Figure 9 - control block diagram for reactor reactivity control

In a reactor control system such as in Figure 9, the power error ( neutron

density error) is used to adjust the control reactivity U by adjustments of
the reactivity control devices. The actual reactivity H ( = DK ) is the
algebraic sum of U an the inherent reactivity feedback effects due to the
changes of the system variables affecting reactivity. These reactivity
feedback effects can be classified into three categories:

1. Long term effects which consist of fuel burn up, conversion of fertile
material into fuel material (build up), and the accumulation of fission
products. Time scale is in months.

2. Intermediate effects where the time scale is in the order of several

hours consist of reactivity changes due to xenon and samarium

3. Short term effects which arise due to temperature changes in fuel, heat
transport fluid (void) and moderators, The time scale for these short
term effects are of the order of minutes.

Let us discus each of these effects briefly.

5.6.1 Long Term Reactivity Effects - Fuel Burnup & Buildup

· The composition of the fuel will change quite significantly during its
life in the reactor. There are two predominant effects - the burn up of
fissile U-235 and the conversion of non-fissile U-238 into fissile

· The rate at which this occurs depends on the neutron flux, because the
rate dC/dt at which U-235 is destroyed by neutron capture is given by :

= - CI aB .....................(5.57)

where C = the concentration of U-235

I a = absorption cross section for U-235

B = neutron flux

· This depletion of U-235 is offset by the conversion of U-238 into Pu-


U 238 + n ® U 239 + C

93 Np 239
94 Pu239

· The conversion ratio is the number of Pu-239 nuclei formed for each
U-235 nuclei consumed. In typical CANDU Heavy Water reactor, it is
about 0.8.

· The Pu-239 that is produced will eventually build up to equilibrium

when its rate of production will be equal to its rate of removal. The Pu-
240 formed by neutron capture has properties very similar to U-238,
but if it captures another neutron, it will form fissile Pu-241. Therefore
after a long period of reactor operation, power will be produced by U-
235, Pu-239 and Pu 241.

· The rate of change in the concentration Ci of the ith isotope in the fuel
in a flux of B is in general given by:

= Ci -1s i -1a i-1f + C j l j - Cis if - Ci l i .................(5.58)

where I i is the absorption cross-section,

l i is the radioactive decay constant

= i is the probability of an absorbed neutrons producing a radiative

capture ( n, C ) event.

The first term Ci-1I i-1= i-1B is the production of the ith isotope by
neutron capture in the (i-1)th isotope.

The second term C j l j is the production of ith isotope from radioactive
decay of a parent jth nuclide.

The last two terms are the losses due to neutron absorption and
radioactive decay of the ith isotope respectively.

· The composition of the reactor fuel after a given time t can be obtained
by solving the set of simultaneous equations (5.58) and inserting as a
boundary condition the initial fuel composition at t = 0. This change in
fuel composition will affect both thermal fission factor D , and the
thermal utilization factor, f , and hence D f . This will be given by:

C5 × s × f 5 × n5 + C9 × s × f 9 × n9 + C1 × s × f1 × n1
h f = ........(5.59)
f m
C5s 5 + C8s 8 + C9s 9 + C0s 0 + C1s1 + ( Cms m )
f f

Here the subscript 5 and 8 refer to U-235 and U-238, and subscript 9, 0
and 1 refer to Pu-239, Pu-240 and Pu-241. The absorption in materials
with concentration Cm in the fuel other than fuel isotopes is included in
the last term of the denominator.

· In general, it has been found that the changes in the composition of the
fuel will not change the value of the fast fission factor A , or the
resonance capture probability p, since both of these are dependent on
the U-238 concentration in the fuel, and this will not change
significantly with time.

· Thus the change in reactivity after a specified burnup can be

determined by solving equations (5.58) and plugging the answers into
equation (5.59) to obtain new value of D f , and hence the new value
of reactivity. Numerous computer programs exist to carry out such
burnup calculations. But general observations of the burnup are as

1. Initially the burnup of U-235 and its replacement by a smaller

number of Pu-239 (conversion factor 0.8) leads to an increase in
reactivity. This is due to higher cross section of Pu-239 relative to
U-235, leading to higher value of f.

2. At higher irradiations, the U-235 is still being removed, but the

buildup of Pu-239 becomes less rapid since it will eventually reach
an equilibrium level when the production of Pu-239 will equal the
removal due to absorption. Consequently, at higher irradiations the
reduction in the number of fissile nuclei causes a reduction on

· Previously, we saw that the small fraction of delayed neutrons

substantially increases the reactor period for a given reactivity. The
delayed neutrons yields from U-235 are such that the generation

lifetimes are increased by a factor of 85. However, when fuel are burnt,
Pu-239 are formed. Plutonium-239 has lower delayed neutron yields,
and the effect is to reduce the mean lifetime and so make reactor
behavior more dynamic. For example, for equilibrium fuel with
roughly equal U-235 and U-239 content, the neutron generation
lifetime will be around 0.06 seconds. A + 1mk insertion will therefore
cause a more rapid power increase for equilibrium fuel than for fresh
fuel. Therefore, in the design of the reactor control system, an
allowance must be made for the decrease in reactor period as the
plutonium concentration increases.

· The burnup of the fuel will produce change in the neutron flux
distribution across the reactor. This occurs because the burnup at any
point in the core is proportional to the flux at that point. Since the flux
is higher in the central region of the reactor, the burnup proceeds at a
greater rate there. The gradual reduction of reactivity in these regions
will cause the flux to be depressed there relative to what it was before.
This changing flux shape across the core affects refuelling scheme to
be used if maximum burnup is to be obtained from the fuel.

5.6.2 Intermediate Term Reactivity Effects - Xenon Poison

Some of the fission products and the products into which they decay
have very high absorption cross-sections for thermal neutrons. They
capture many neutrons and hence they are called “poison”. Samarium is
one of these “poisons”, but the by far the most important one is xenon, Xe-
135, which has in fact the largest known absorption cross section for
thermal neutrons. It forms and decays as follows with half-lives shown:

Tellurium135 ® Iodine135 ® Xenon135 ® Cesium135

Tellurium is formed in about 5.6 % of the fissions, and Xe-135 is also

formed directly in about 0.3 % of the fissions. During normal operation,
Xe-135 is changed to harmless Xe-136 by absorption of neutrons, but in
absence of neutrons, it disappears only by the slow natural decay as
indicated above.

Because Tellurium decays very fast into idoine I-135, we may assume
that iodine is produced directly from fission. Hence the Iodine and xenon
concentrations are given by:

= g X S f f + l I I - l X X - s X f X ...................(5.60)

= g I S f f - l I I ...............................................(5.61)

where X, I = xenon, Iodine concentrations, nuclei/cm3

B = neutron flux in neutrons/cm2.sec

5 f = macroscopic fission cross section

C X , C I = fractional yield of xenon and Iodine ( C X =0.003; C I =0.056)

l X , l I = decay constants of xenon and iodine ( l X =2.1 ´ 10-5;

l I =2.9 ´ 10-5 sec-1)

The terms on the right hand side of the ODEs can be described as follows:

· C X5 fB and C I 5 f B are production rates of X and I, directly from


· l I I , l X X are loss rates of Iodine, xenon due to natural decay.

· I X B X is the loss of Xe-135 due to conversion to Xe-136 by neutron

capture. ( I X = 3.5 ´ 10-18 cm2 is the microscopic capture cross-section
of xenon for thermal neutrons.)

Under steady state condition, (dX/dt = 0; dI/dt = 0) for a constant neutron

flux B 0 , the solutions are:

g IS ff 0
I0 = ........................(5.62)
l I

(l I I0 + g X S f f 0 )
X0 = ...............(5.63)
(l X + s Xf 0 )

Substituting (5.62) into (5.63), we have

(g I + g X ) S f f 0
X0 = ................(5.64)
lX + s X f 0

For small flux B 0 ,

(g I + g X ) S f f o
X0 » therefore proportional to flux ..........(5.65)

For large flux B 0 ,

(g I + g X ) S f
X0 » , therefore constant...........(5.66)

So for high power reactor, the steady state xenon concentration is
independent of power.

xenon Poison Reactivity Feedback:

A reactor which is critical with xenon will certainly be supercritical

without its xenon. The reduction in reactivity caused by the xenon is called
“xenon Load”, and is expressed in mk. The xenon load is due to the change
in thermal utilization factor f.

Sa Sa
Let f = without xenon, and f ¢ = with xenon
Sa + Sm Sa + Sm + S X

Note that S m is the absorption cross section of all materials in the reactor
that is not fuel or xenon.


K e¢ - K e f¢- f f S + Sm + S X SX
= = 1- =1- a =-
K e¢ f¢ f¢ Sa + Sm Sa + Sm
=- × = -R × f
Sa Sa + Sm

where R is called poisoning factor. It is a ratio of absorption by Xe-135 to

absorption by the fuel X .

At equilibrium, = 0 X ..................................(5.68)
Sa Sa

Substituting equation (5.64) into (5.68), we have

S X s X × (g I + g X ) S f f 0
R= = ...............(5.69)
Sa ( lX + s X f 0 ) × S a

When the reactor is critical with its xenon load (i.e. K e¢ = 1), and - Rf
represents the reactivity loss due to the xenon. In other words, the xenon
load is the product of R and f.

For example; a reactor with man fuel flux of B = 3 x 1013


; I X = 3.5 x 10-18 cm2 ; C X =0.003; C I =0.056; l X =2.1x10-5; =0.54
(for natural uranium), substituting these numbers into (5.69), we have R =
0.028. Given f = 0.9, the xenon load R will be 0.0252. This means that this
reactor would suffer a reactivity loss of 25.2 mk caused by equilibrium
xenon poisoning.

The presence of an equilibrium xenon load means that enough excess
reactivity must be built into the reactor so that the regulating system can
compensate for the loss in reactivity as the xenon builds up.

Let us consider xenon transients after sudden reactor shutdown or

following power reductions.

Let at t=0 the reactor be shutdown suddenly from a steady state flux B
with corresponding xenon and iodine concentrations X 0, I 0 . Putting B = 0
in equation (5.60), (5.61), we have:

= - lX X + l I I
= -l I I

The solution is:

I ( t ) = I 0 e - lI t
lI ...........(5.71)
X (t ) = X 0 e -l X t + I 0 ( e -lI t - e -l X t )
l X -l I

It can be seen that for initial steady flux of B = 1014, the
xenon reactivity load rises from an equilibrium value of - 28 mk at t = 0 to
a maximum value of -132 mk somewhere between 7 and 12 hours after
shutdown. Note that the peak xenon load level depends proportionally on
the reactor flux level before shutdown. Physically, after shutdown, there
are no neutrons to convert the xenon, so it disappears only by slow natural
decay. But xenon is being produced at a faster rate by the decay of iodine,
so its level increases. Due to the decay of iodine, a maximum is reached,
and the xenon decays thereafter.

To find the peak xenon load, we differentiate (5.71) with time and put
dX/dt = 0, we have

dX l I I0
= ( l X e -l X t - l I e -lI t ) - l X X 0 e -l X t = 0 .......(5.72)
dt l X -l I

The time where peak xenon load occurs is:

1 l I l X ( I0 + X 0 ) - l X
t= ln( ) ...........(5.73)
l X -l I l I 2 I0

Substituting this into X(t) gives:

X0 C
X max = ( I 0 + AX 0 )( B + AB ) .......................(5.74)


lX lX lX
A = 1- ;B = ;C = ............(5.75)
lI lI l I -l X

The consequences for peaking xenon load are far reaching - it is not
economical to provide the extra fuel required to override such large
negative reactivities. The net result is that after a shutdown, the reactor
can only be restarted within about 40 minutes, before the xenon has grown
too much. If this is not possible, it is necessary to wait about 40 hours for
the xenon to decay naturally to a sufficiently low level.

Xenon effects also accompany both power reductions and increases. For
a power reduction, the effect is essentially as above, with the maximum
xenon reactivity load depending on the magnitude and the rate of the
power reduction. With a power increase, the effect is reversed, and a strong
dip occurs in the xenon concentration. Its depth again depends on the size
and the rate of the increase. To prevent a sharp increase of reactor power
due to this dip, it is necessary to introduce neutron absorbing reactivity
control devices to compensate for it.

Spatial oscillations can be present in large reactors, due to the xenon.

Suppose that for some reason, power rises slightly in one half of the
reactor. If the total power is kept constant, this will cause a decrease in the
other half. Since in the first half, more neutrons are available. More are
absorbed by xenon so that xenon concentration in this half reduces, and
therefore, the power in this half rises even more because fewer neutrons
are absorbed by xenon. This further rise absorbs more xenon, increasing
power further. The increased power produces more iodine, the decay of
which into xenon counteracts the power increase. A maximum power is
reached, and continued iodine decay then causes a power decrease, which
in turn raises xenon, reducing power further etc. The period of these
oscillations is ~ 1 day.

5.6.3 Short Term Reactivity Effects

(A) Power Reactivity Feedback

With temperature changes, the nuclear cross sections will change due to
changes in mean energies, and density variations will affect the neutron
mean free path and the leakage probabilities; as well, there is the
broadening of the resonance cross section due to an increase in the
temperature in the fuel, known as the “Doppler effect”.

Therefore, the overall effect of temperature changes in the reactor will

affect the reactor reactivity and is given by

DK T = = T × (TFPSS - TZERO ) .........................(5.76)

where = T is the temperature coefficient ( -15.06 ´ 10-6 /deg. C for fresh

TFPSS is the fuel temperature at reactor hot full power condition.

TZERO is the fuel temperature at reactor zero power cold condition

For example, in order to bring the reactor power from cold 25 deg. C to hot
condition at 271 deg, C, the reactivity needed to compensate for reactivity
loss due to temperature effects is

,K T = -15.06 ´ 10-6 ´ (271 - 25) = - 0.3705 ´ 10-2 = -3.705 mk

Reactor Coolant Void Reactivity Feedback

It has been shown that reactor core voiding (due to boiling or in extreme
case, loss of coolant accident) will lead to positive reactivity excursion. Is
generally expressed as:

DKV = DKV max × F × ( ? - ? FPSS ) ................(5.77)

where ,KV max =the maximum reactivity from coolant voiding ( typically 2

F = Flux shape weighting factor (typically 0.68)

? = Coolant quality

? FPSS = Coolant quality at reactor full power (for CANDU, it is typically

2 to 4 %)

5.7 Modeling Exercise - Poison Reactivity Effects

5.7.1 Problem Description

1. Create a model which will predict the xenon concentration on a step
change of neutron power.

2. Use the model to predict the following:

· poison-out period for a reactor trip from 100% full power

· the poison-prevent power level.

The following equations described the formation of xenon and iodine in a

CANDU-type nuclear reactor.

= 9. 445 E - 3 * N - 2. 8717 E - 5 * CI

= 9.167 E - 4 * N + 2. 8717 E - 5 * CI - ( 2.1E - 5 + 3. 5 E - 4 * N ) * CXE

DKXE = ( 27. 93 - CXE ) * 1E - 3

CI = concentration of iodine(mK)

CXE = concentration of xenon(mK)

DKXE = reactivity change due to xenon(K)

N = neutron flux(normalized from 0 to 1)

5.7.2 Modeling Steps

1) Create a custom FORTRAN algorithm using the above equations, with

neutron flux as an input to the algorithm, and concentration of iodine,
concentration of xenon and the reactivity change due to xenon as

2) Remember to follow the CASSIM Technical Notes: algorithm

development guidelines for calculations involving double precision

3) Use Euler's forward difference (explicit method) to model the above

equations, and introduce an extra input, for varying the integration
time-step, and call it the speed-up factor.

4) Use CASSBASE to overwrite ALG801, and replace it with your

algorithm. Remember to define your inputs and outputs for the
template in CASSBASE, and save your FORTRAN algorithm as

5) Exit CASSBASE, and go to SRCLIB directory, and recreate

CASSIM.DLL with the new ALG801 using the ADDTOLIB batch file.

6) Copy the new CASSIM.DLL to the CASSENG directory.

7) Use CASSBASE to create a new model and call it IAEA2.

8) Create a NMB block(ALG452) for communication with LABVIEW.

9) Create a block for calculating the xenon/iodine concentration transient
using the custom algorithm ALG801. Remember to initialize the xenon
and iodine concentration by depositing their values in the output

10) USE CASSBASE COPY BLOCK function to create 3 more blocks

using ALG801.

11) A LABVIEW executable, CURVES.EXE is provided to display the

results. This LABVIEW custom trends executable requires an
additional block calls TIMEKEEPER(ALG451) which calculates the
iteration count. The LABVIEW executable will convert the count to
simulation time. Connect the OUPUT(1) of this block to INPUT(1) of
this block, and OUTPUT(2) of this block to INPUT(2) of this block.

12) Since all 4 xenon/iodine transient calculation block is required to use

the speedup factor, is there a quicker way than to change the inputs for
all four blocks before running the model?

13) LABVIEW executable, CURVES.EXE expects the display variables in

the following order:



2) XENON_1/A2 (xenon conc)

3) XENON_2/A2 (xenon conc)

4) XENON_3/A2 (xenon conc)

5) XENON_4/A2 (xenon conc)

note: NMB must be block 1.

14) Use the above model and create transients for the cases of a step
change of:

a) 100% power reduction

b) 80% power reduction

c) 60% power reduction

d) 40% power reduction.

15) Use a speedup factor of 600. Why is it better to use a smaller speedup
factor, i.e. a smaller integration time-step?

16) Using the model and with the help of the LABVIEW executable,
CURVES.EXE, can you find the following:

a) If a reactor core is tripped from full power, what will be the poison-
out period? When must the reactor be re-started before a 'poison-
out' occurs? And if a 'poison-out' did occur, how long before the
reactor can be re-started?

b) What maximum step-change in power will never give rise to a

'poison-out' reactor?

Note: the LABVIEW executable, CURVES.EXE can be found in

directory CAS_TRN. Double-clicking the file from file manager will
start the executable. It is best to start CASSENG before CURVES.EXE
is started.

17) Try repeating the exercise with a different speedup factor.

6.0 Reactor Control Simulation Model Development

6.1 Brief Review of BWR Reactor Power Control

(Courtesy of ABB)

BWR is the abbreviation for the Boiling Water Reactor. These reactors
were originally designed by Allis-Chambers and General Electric (GE).
The General Electric design has survived, whereas all Allis-Chambers
units are now shutdown. The first GE US commercial plant was at
Humboldt Bay (near Eureka) in California. Other suppliers of the BWR
design world-wide include - ASEA-Atom, Kraftwerk Union, Hitachi.
Commercial BWR reactors may be found in Finland, Germany, India,
Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Taiwan.

(Courtesy of ABB)

In the figure above, water is circulated through the Reactor Core picking
up heat as the water moves past the fuel assemblies. The water eventually
is heated enough to convert to steam. Steam separators in the upper part of
the reactor remove water from the steam.

The steam then passes through the Main Steam Lines to the Turbine-
Generators. The steam typically goes first to a smaller High Pressure (HP)
Turbine, then passes to Moisture Separators (not shown), then to the 2 or 3
larger Low Pressure (LP) Turbines. In the sketch above there are 3 low
pressure turbines, as is common for 1000 MW(e) plant. The turbines are
connected to each other and to the Generator by a long shaft (not one

The Generator produces the electricity, typically at about 20 000 volts

AC. This electrical power is then distributed to a Generator Transformer,
which steps up the voltage to either 230 000 or 345 000 volts. Then the
power is distributed to a switchyard or substation where the power is then
sent offsite.

The steam, after passing through the turbines, then condenses in the
Condenser, which is at a vacuum and is cooled by ocean, sea, lake, or river
water. The condensed steam then is pumped to Low Pressure Feedwater
Heaters (shown but not identified). The water then passes to the Feedwater
Pumps which in turn, pump the water to the reactor and start the cycle all
over again.

The BWR is unique in that the Control Rods, used to shutdown the
reactor and maintain an uniform power distribution across the reactor,

are inserted from the bottom by a high pressure hydraulically operated
system. The BWR also has a Torus or a Suppression Pool. The torus or
suppression pool is used to remove heat released if an event occurs in
which large quantities of steam are released from the reactor or the Reactor
Recirculation System, used to circulate water through the reactor.

The BWR reactor typically allows bulk boiling of the water in the
reactor. The operating temperature of the reactor is approximately 570F
producing steam at a pressure of about 1000 pounds per square inch.

The reactor power output control system in BWR plant consists of a

control rod made of neutron-absorbing materials, rod drive system and
recirculation flow control system. The control rod and its drive system
maintain a constant desired power level by adjusting the position of the rod
inside the core. The recirculation flow control system also controls the
reactor power level by changing the recirculation flow to alter the density
of the water, a moderating material use to slow down the fission neutrons.
This recirculation flow control is capable of changing the reactor power
output rapidly over a wide range while keeping the power distribution in
the core constant.

A BWR plant has numerous control rods installed inside the core. Each
control rod is provided with a drive system and hydraulic control system.
Rod position is adjusted by drawing out or insertion by means of the
hydraulic pressure that is remotely controlled in the control room. Only
one rod is operative at a time.

When the power output is changed by using a control rod, the changing
rate is approximately 2 % power per minute. In the event of emergency
shutdown of the reactor, all control rods are promptly inserted at once
(scram) by the reactor trip system.

The coolant recirculation flow is controlled by a recirculation pump.

The pump speed changes according to the change of the power frequency
of the induction motor that drives the pump. Thus recirculation flow is
regulated via a flow control system which consists of a recirculation pump
motor generator set with a variable frequency generator and drive motor
between which a hydraulic coupling is provided. The Flow Master
Controller controls the speed of the motor generator set, thus providing the
capability to change the reactor power output at a rate of 30 % per minute.

6.2 Brief Review of PWR Reactor Power Control

PWR is the abbreviation for the Pressurized Water Reactor. These

reactors were originally designed by Westinghouse Bettis Atomic Power
Laboratory for military ship applications, then by the Westinghouse
Nuclear Power Division for commercial applications. The first commercial
PWR plant in the United States was Shippingport, which was located near
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

In addition to Westinghouse, Asea Brown Boveri-Combustion

Engineering (ABB-CE), Framatome, Kraftwerk Union, Siemens, and
Mitsubishi have typically built this type of reactor throughout the world.
Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) built a PWR design power plant but used
vertical once-through steam generators, rather than the U-tube design used
by the rest of the suppliers. Refuelings must be done with the plant

The Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) has 3 separate cooling systems.

Only 1 is expected to have radioactivity - the Reactor Coolant System. The
Reactor Coolant System, shown inside the Containment, consists of 2, 3,
or 4 Cooling "Loops" connected to the Reactor, each containing a Reactor
Coolant Pump, and Steam Generator. The Reactor heats the water that
passes upward past the fuel assemblies from a temperature of about 530F
to a temperature of about 590F. Boiling, other than minor bubbles called
nucleate boiling, is not allowed to occur. Pressure is maintained by a
Pressurizer (not shown) connected to the Reactor Coolant System. Pressure
is maintained at approximately 2250 pounds per square inch through a
heater and spray system in the pressurizer. The water from the Reactor is
pumped to the steam generator and passes through tubes. The Reactor
Cooling System is expected to be the only one with radioactive materials
in it. Typically PWRs have 2, 3, or 4 reactor cooling system loops inside
the containment.

In a Secondary Cooling System (which include the Main Steam System

and the Condensate-Feedwater Systems), cooler water is pumped from the

Feedwater System and passes on the outside of those steam generator
tubes, is heated and converted to steam. The steam then passes through the
a Main Steam Line to the Turbine, which is connected to and turns the

The steam from the Turbine condenses in a Condenser. The condensed

water is then pumped by Condensate Pumps through Low Pressure
Feedwater Heaters, then to the Feedwater Pumps, then to High Pressure
Feedwater Heaters, then to the Steam Generators. The diagram above
simplifies the process by only showing the condenser, a pump, and the
steam generator.

The condenser is maintained at a vacuum using either vacuum pumps or

air ejectors. Cooling of the steam is provided by Condenser Cooling Water
pumped through the condenser by Circulating Water Pumps, which take a
suction from water supplied from the ocean, sea, lake, river, or Cooling
Tower (shown). A discussion of cooling towers is provided in the photo

Light water PWR plants have four main control systems: control rod
control (reactor power control), steam generator level control, pressurizer
pressure control and pressurizer level control.

The control rod control is used for reactor power control (Figure 10).
The control rods are moved up and down when a deviation between
“primary power”, PPRI, and the “reference power”, PREF, formed by the
turbine first-stage pressure (secondary power) exceeds the predetermined

Figure 10 - Control Block Diagram for Reactor Control for a typical PWR.
(Courtesy of IAEA)

Reactor power change due to PPRI change is compensated for by

introducing the differentiated deviation signal between neutron flux and
turbine 1stage pressure (power demand) into this system.

The boron concentration control system (which requires manual action)
is used for the relatively long-term and slow core reactivity control,
whereas the reactivity control (including reactor trip) responsive to load
changes during normal operation is performed by controlling the rod

6.3 Brief Overview of RBMK Reactor Power Control

(Courtesy of Argonne National Lab.)

1. Reactor core - produces heat for converting water to steam

2. Steam-to-water pipes - carry steam to drum separator for moisture
separation of steam
3. Drum Separator - used to separate water from steam
4. Main circulation pumps - used to circulate water through reactor for
5. Group dispensing headers - headers coming from main circulating
6. Water pipelines - headers supplying each channel in the reactor
7. Upper biological shield - protect operators and other personnel from
radiation while working above reactor, e.g. during daily refueling
8. Refueling machine - used to place new fuel assemblies into the core
and remove spent fuel assemblies
9. Lower biological shield - used to protect personnel from radiation
while working in lower areas adjacent to reactor

The Soviet designed RBMK (a Russian acronym meaning Reactor High-

Power Boiling Channel Type) is a pressurized water reactor with
individual fuel channels and using ordinary water as its coolant and

graphite as its moderator. It is very different from most other power reactor
designs as it was intended and used for both plutonium and power
production. The combination of graphite moderator and water coolant is
found in no other power reactors. The design characteristics of the reactor
were shown, in the Chernobyl accident, to cause instability when low
power. This was due primarily to control rod design and a positive void
coefficient. A number of significant design changes have now been made to
address these problems.

(courtesy of Uranium Institute)

1. Fuel rods - Pellets of enriched uranium oxide are enclosed in a zircaloy

tube 3.65m long, forming a fuel rod. Two sets of 18 fuel rods are
arranged cylindrically in a carriage to form a fuel assembly of about 10
m length. These fuel assemblies can be lifted into and out of the reactor
mechanically, allowing fuel replenishment while the reactor is in

2. Pressure tubes -within the reactor each fuel assembly is positioned in
its own pressure tube or channel. Each channel is individually cooled
by pressurized water.
3. Graphite moderator - a series of graphite blocks surround, and hence
separate, the pressure tubes. They act as a moderator to slow down the
neutrons released during fission. This is necessary for continuous
fission to be maintained. Conductance of heat between the blocks is
enhanced by a mixture of helium and nitrogen gas.
4. Control rods - boron carbide control rods absorb neutrons to control
the rate of fission. A few short rods, inserted upwards from the bottom
of the core, even the distribution of power across the reactor. The main
control rods are inserted from the top down and provide automatic,
manual or emergency control. The automatic rods are regulated by
feedback from in-core detectors. If there is a deviation from normal
operating parameters (e.g. increased reactor power level), the rods
can be dropped into the core to reduce or stop reactor activity. A
number of rods normally remain in the core during operation.
5. Coolant - two separate water coolant systems each with four pumps
circulate water through the pressure tubes. Ninety-five percent of the
heat from fission is transferred to the coolant. There is also an
emergency core cooling system which will come into operation if
either coolant circuit is interrupted.
6. Steam separator - in the RBMK design, boiling occurs. The steam
produced passes to the Steam Separator which separates water from the
steam. The steam then passes to the Turbine as in the Boiling Water
Reactor design. Similar to the BWR case, the steam is radioactive,
however, the steam separator introduces a delay time so radiation
levels near the turbine may not be as high as in the BWR case.
7. Containment - the reactor core is located in a concrete lined cavity that
acts as a radiation shield. The upper shield or pile cap above the core,
is made of steel and supports the fuel assemblies. The steam separators
of the coolant systems are housed in their own concrete shields.

In the RBMK design, water coolant slows the reaction down, meaning
that the water coolant absorbs the neutrons, a necessary part of the
reaction. In other words, the water coolant additionally serves to control
the reaction. The lack of water increases the reaction in the RBMK design,
due to positive void reactivity feedback. This is one chief difference
between the power plants in the United States, known as the LWR (Light
Water Reactors), and the RBMK type. In the LWR the lack of water kills
the reaction, opposite of a RBMK.

6.4 Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor

(Courtesy of AECL)

The CANDU-PHW (CANada Deuterium Uranium, Pressurized Heavy

Water) nuclear reactor is a heavy-water-moderated, heavy-water-cooled,
natural uranium-fueled reactor which utilizes the pressure tube concept.
The pressure tubes containing the fuel run horizontally through the reactor
core. Pressurized heavy water carries the heat from the fuel to the steam

Each pressure tube is isolated and insulated from the heavy water
moderator by a concentric calandria tube and a gas annulus. Consequently
the moderator system is operated at low temperature and pressure. The
reactivity control and shutdown mechanism reside in the low-pressure
moderator, thus simplifying their design, construction and maintenance
and eliminating the possibility of their ejection in an accident situation. As
well, this cool moderator can act as a heat sink under certain accident
The use of natural uranium fuel in an optimized lattice, and heavy water
as moderator and coolant, combined with the capability to refuel the
reactor while at full power, gives the CANDU reactor its good economy
and low excess reactivity. This results in a power with very low fuel costs.

The only reactivity feedback effects that are of any consequence are the
coolant density (or void), fuel temperature and xenon effects. Since the
moderator temperature is controlled independently of the primary coolant,
it does not contribute any significant reactivity feedback. The fuel
temperature reactivity coefficient is negative and therefore stabilizing
whereas the coolant void reactivity coefficient is positive and therefore
destabilizing. The sum of these, and lesser reactivity feedback effects, is a
power reactivity coefficient that is near zero under normal operating

6.4.1 Pressurized Heavy Reactor Control System General Description

A simplified diagram of a generic CANDU nuclear power plant and its
digital computer control system is shown in Figure 11. Circulating pumps,
also known as primary heat transport pumps maintain the flow of heavy
water coolant around the “primary heat transport circuit” which transports
fission energy from the reactor to the boiler. Inside the reactor, this coolant
passes through fuel channels which contain cylindrical bundles of fuel.
Heavy water “moderator” fills the space between the channels.

A surge tank, or pressurizer tank is used to absorb shrinkage and swell

due to coolant temperature changes and to help maintain steady pressure in
the circuit. The controls needed to control this circuit are basically:

(A) Heat Transport Pressure - it is controlled by electric heaters and steam

bleed valves on the surge tank.

(B) Surge Tank Level - it is controlled by the feed and bleed valves shown
on the circuit.

In the boiler, the energy is transferred to ordinary light water steam, and
the steam drives a conventional turbine-generator set. The feedwater
valves, pumps and preheaters complete the chain from the condenser back
to the boiler. Steam can also be discharged directly to the condenser via the
discharge valves with a capacity of 68 % of full power steam flow, or to
the atmosphere via atmospheric steam discharge valves with a capacity of

10 %. The need for these valves is related to xenon poison effects
explained earlier.

The boiler level control system (not indicated on the diagram) control
the light water level in the boiler drum via feedwater valves.


(UPR) System & Flow
Control Signal







A simplified diagram of a generic CANDU nuclear power plant and its digital
Figure 11-
computer control system (Courtesy of AECL)

The three main control programs are:

· Unit Power Regulator (UPR) - it controls the generator output to the

desired setpoint, which is set locally by the operator or remotely by the
central load dispatch system, by adjusting the turbine load setpoint via
the speeder gear of the turbine governor.

· Boiler Pressure Controller (BPC) - in the normal mode of operation,

boiler pressure is controlled by adjusting the reactor power setpoint. It
can also be controlled by adjusting the governor valves, and by opening
the atmospheric or condenser steam discharge valves.

· Reactor Regulating System (RRS) - this is the control system which

controls reactor power. It attempts to make the actual reactor power
(determined by a Power Measurement Program), equal to the
demanded reactor power (determined by Demanded Power Routine) by
adjustment of the reactivity control devices via the Reactivity
Mechanism Control Program. A “Flux Tilt” control program is used to
prevent non-uniform flux distributions throughout the reactor by
differential adjustment of reactivity control devices in different part of
the reactor.

Three types of reactivity control devices are shown :

1. 14 light water zone control absorbers - these are vertical cylindrical

compartments, distributed strategically through the core, which can
be filled to any desired level with light water, a neutron absorber.
Differential adjustment of levels in individual compartments is
used for spatial (zonal) control. Platinum in-core flux detectors
provide the neutron flux feedback signals required by the digital
control algorithms for the regulation of the both the bulk and
spatial flux.

2. 8 banks of Adjuster rods (total # of rods ~ 21)- these are neutron

absorbers which are situated in various locations in the core and are
normally fully inserted in the core. Being neutron absorbers, they
will increase reactivity in the reactor by pulling themselves away
from the core. They are withdrawn in symmetrical banks, under the
control of the digital control computer, to provide positive
reactivity for shimming the zonal light water control absorbers as
well as for xenon override following a shutdown. The total
reactivity worth of all fully pull-out adjuster rods is approximately
+ 17 mk. Each adjuster bank is assumed to have the same reactivity
worth. In the event of a shutdown of reactor from full power, the
adjuster rods have enough reactivity to restart the reactor within
half an hour, before poisoning out.

3. 2 banks of mechanical Absorber rods (total # of rods = 4) - these
Absorber rods decrease the reactivity inside the reactor by inserting
themselves into the core. Being neutron absorbers, insertion into
the core means more neutron absorption, thereby reducing the
reactivity and the neutron power of the reactor. The total reactivity
worth of both fully inserted absorber rods is approximately - 9mk.
Each absorber bank is assumed to have the same reactivity worth.

Figure 12–14 Liquid Zone Configurations in a typical CANDU Reactor

(Courtesy of AECL)

Figure 13 - Reactivity Mechanism Desk - showing the arrangement of
Adjuster rods, Control Absorbers, Shutdown rods, and Zone Controllers.
(Courtesy of AECL)

6.4.2 Moderator Liquid Poison Addition and Removal System

Here the “poisons” refer to boron or gadolinium, which have large

neutron capture cross section for thermal neutrons. They are added to the
moderator to provide large negative reactivities under certain conditions:

· For instance, a typical CANDU has available excess reactivities of +

110mk at an initial startup with fresh fuel. For the reactor to be critical,
reactivity usage must equal to available reactivity. Therefore, to
compensate for fresh fuel, the equivalent of -60 mk is added to the
moderator in the form of boron. As the fuel burns down, the boron
must be gradually removed.

· Poison is also used at reactor startup after a long shutdown. The

equivalent of - 30 mk of gadolinium must then be added to compensate
for the absence of xenon, and gradually removed as xenon build up.

· Poison is also used to compensate for transient dip in xenon load

during reactor power increase

Poison is removed by the ion exchange purification system. But the time
constant of the removal is of the order of hours. Operation of poison
addition and removal is controlled manually.

6.4.3 Reactor Trip System

Two safety shutdown system exist for CANDU; each with its own
separate trip system. One is a high capacity system for direct poison
injection into the moderator. Gadolinium, through more corrosive, is used
as poison. It has the advantage of being much more easily removable by
ion exchange, facilitating removal of the large quantity of poison in less

The second system consists of a number of shut-off rods, which can be

dropped into the core in 2 seconds by de-energizing clutches in the drives.
They are essentially the same as Absorber rods and are made of a stainless
steel cadnium.

Conditions which cause reactor trips are:

· High neutron power > 115 % full power.

· High rate of power increase > 10 % per sec.

· Dangerous pressures or flows in certain parts of the system.

Triplicated instrumentation channels, with 2 out of 3 to be actuated to

complete a trip, are used to avoid unnecessary trips due to spurious
operation of one channel.

6.5 PHW Reactor Regulating System Brief Overview
The overview of the PHW Reactor Regulating System is shown in the
following block diagram (figure 14):
(Courtesy of AECL)

· The Power Measurement & Calibration Program determines average
reactor power and its distribution through the reactor.

· The Demand Power Routine sets the desired reactor power which
depends on the mode of reactor operation. In the “Normal” mode of
operation, reactor power is set to follow turbine generator power such
that boiler pressure is kept constant under all conditions. In this mode,
the setpoint demand signal comes from the Boiler Pressure Controller
(BPC). In the upset conditions, the mode of plant operation is switched
to “Alternate” Mode, in which case the reactor setpoint is manually
adjusted or adjusted via a Reactor Power Setback Routine.

· The Reactor Setback Routine monitors a number of essential plant

parameters and ramps the reactor power down if any one parameter is
out of permissible limits. One of these parameters is provided by the
Power Mapping Routine, which measures neutron flux in 54 locations,
and uses these and other measurements to determine whether there are
individual fuel bundles in certain locations whose power ratings has
been exceeded.

· The Reactor Stepback Routine monitors a critical plant parameters and

initiates a very fast power reduction if any one of the parameters is out
of limits.

· Three types of Reactivity Control Mechanisms are available to

implement desired power changes. Under normal circumstances, power
is controlled only via the 14 liquid zonal absorbers. The Power
Measurement Program provides the power in each zone. The zone
controllers are adjusted in unison to control overall bulk reactor power
with the use of the Flux Tilt Control, which is used to equalize the
powers in the zones in order to prevent “flux tilt”.

The reactivity mechanism control logic is summarized in Figure 15.

1. The primary method of short-term reactivity control is by varying the

liquid level in the zone controllers. Normally, the adjusters are fully
inserted , the control absorbers are fully withdrawn and the average
liquid zone control compartment level is between 30 % and 50 %. The
total control signal to the zone control valves consists of the bulk
power control term plus a differential component proportional to that
zone’s power error.

2. In case of a shortage of negative reactivity, indicated by high zone

controller level or a large positive power error, the mechanical control
absorbers are driven in, one bank at a time.

3. In case of a shortage of positive reactivity, indicated by a low zone

controller level or a large negative power error, the adjusters are driven
out in a specific sequence.

4. The adjusters and mechanical control absorbers are driven at a speed
proportional to power error to minimize, at low power errors, the shim
reactivity rate which must be canceled by zone controllers.

Figure 15 - Reactivity Control for a typical CANDU Reactor

(Courtesy of AECL)

6.6 Generic CANDU Simulator - RRS Familiarization
Summary of Simulator Features.


REACTOR · neutron flux levels over a · reactivity · reactor power and · reactor setback and
range of 0.001 to 110% full control devices rate of change stepback fail
power, 6 delayed neutron · shutdown rods (input to control · one bank of control
groups · reactor computer) rods drop into the
· decay heat (3 groups) regulating · manual control of reactor
· all reactivity control devices system reactivity devices
· xenon and boron poison · reactor trip
· reactor regulating system · reactor setback
· reactor shutdown system · reactor stepback
HEAT · two phase main circuit loop · main circuit · circulating pumps · main circuit relief
TRANSPOR with four pumps, four steam · pressure control · pressurizing pumps valve fails open
T generators, four equivalent · pressurizer · pressurizer pressure · pressurizer relief
reactor coolant channels control · pressurizer level valve fails open
· pressure and inventory · feed and bleed · degas cond. · pressurizer isolation
control (pressurizer, control Pressure valve fails closed
degasser condenser, feed & · inventory · degas cond. Level · feed valve fails
bleed control, pressure control · feed & bleed bias open
relief) · degasser · isolation valves for: · bleed valve fails
· operating range is zero condenser pressurizer, open
power hot to full power control degasser cond., feed · reactor header
and bleed break
STEAM & · boiler dynamics, including · steam generator · level controller · all level control
FEEDWATER shrink and swell effects feed pumps mode: computer or isolation valves fail
· steam supply to turbine and · steam generator manual closed
reheater level control · manual level · one level control
· turbine by-pass to condenser · steam generator control gain & reset valve fails open
· steam relief to atmosphere level trends time · one level control
· extraction steam to feed · steam generator · level control valve valve fails closed
heating pressure control selection · all feed pumps trip
· steam generator pressure · extraction steam · level control · all safety valves
control isolation valve open
· steam generator level control opening · steam header break
· boiler feed system · extraction steam · flow transmitter
valves fails
· feed pump
TURBINE- · very simple turbine model · turbine- · turbine trip · turbine spurious trip
GENERATOR · mechanical power and generator · turbine run-back · turbine spurious
generator output are · turbine run-up and run-back
proportional to steam flow synchronization
· speeder gear and governor · atmospheric and
valve allow synchronized condenser steam
and non-synchronized discharge valves
OVERALL · fully dynamic interaction · overall unit
UNIT between all simulated · unit power
systems regulator
· unit power regulator
· unit annunciation
· computer control of all
major system functions

6.6.1 Familiarization with CANDU Generic Simulator
(1) First load the CANDU generic Simulator up as per instructions given
in the class.

The generic CANDU Compact Simulator is made up of numerous

interactive display screens or pages. All of these screens have the same
information at the top and bottom of the displays, as follows:

· top of the screen contains 21 plant alarms and annunciations; these

indicate important status changes in plant parameters that require
operator actions;

· top right hand corner shows the simulator status:

· the window under ‘LabVIEW’ (this is the proprietary software that

generates the screen displays) has a counter that is incrementing when
LabVIEW is running; if LabVIEW is frozen (i.e. the displays cannot be
changed) the counter will not be incrementing;

· the window displaying ‘CASSIM’ will be green and the counter under
it will not be incrementing when the simulator is frozen (i.e. the model
programs are not executing), and will turn red and the counter will
increment when the simulator is running;

· to stop (freeze) LabVIEW click once on the ‘STOP’ sign at the top left
hand corner; to restart ‘LabVIEW’ click on the Þ symbol at the top
left hand corner;

· to start the simulation click on ‘Run’ at the bottom right hand corner;
to ‘Stop’ the simulation click on ‘Freeze’ at the bottom right hand

· the bottom of the screen shows the values of the following major plant

1. Reactor Neutron Power (%)

2. Reactor Thermal Power (%)

3. Turbine Power (%)

4. Main Steam Header Pressure (kPa)

5. Steam Generator Level (m)

6. UPR Mode (‘Normal’ or ‘Alternate’)

· the bottom left hand corner allows the initiation of two major plant

1. ‘Reactor Trip’

2. ‘Turbine Trip’

these correspond to hardwired push buttons in the actual control room;

· the box above the Trip buttons shows the display currently selected
(i.e. ‘Plant Overview’); by clicking and holding on the arrow in this
box the titles of the other displays will be shown, and a new one can be
selected by highlighting it;

· the remaining buttons in the bottom right hand corner allow control of
the simulation one iteration at a time (‘Iterate’); the selection of
initialization points (‘IC’); insertion of malfunctions (‘Malf’); and
calling up the ‘Help’ screen.

(2) Explore the SHUTDOWN RODS PAGE.

· The screen shows the status of Shutdown System (SDS) #1, as well as
the reactivity contributions of each device and physical phenomenon
that is relevant to reactor operations.

· The positions of each of the two SDS1 SHUTDOWN ROD banks are
shown relative to their normal (fully withdrawn) position.

· REACTOR TRIP status is shown as NO (green) or YES (yellow), the

trip can be reset here (as well as on the RRS / DPR page); note that
SDS1 RESET must also be activated before RRS will begin
withdrawing the Shutdown Rods.

· The REACTIVITY CHANGE of each device and parameter from the

initial 100% full power steady state is shown, as well as the range of its
potential value.

· Note that reactivity is a computed not a measured parameter, it can be

displayed on a simulator but is not directly available at an actual plant.

· Note also that when the reactor is critical the Total Reactivity must be


· This screen shows the Limit Control Diagram, and the status of the
three reactivity control devices that are under the control of the Reactor
Regulating System (RRS).

· The Limit Control Diagram displays the Operating Point in terms of

Power Error and Average Liquid Zone level.


* magnitude as well as rate differences are computed and multiplied

by appropriate constants.

· If power error is negative, more (positive) reactivity is needed, hence
liquid zone level will decrease and if this is insufficient, absorber rods
and adjuster rods will be withdrawn from the reactor.

· If power error is positive, negative reactivity is needed, hence liquid

zone level will increase and if this is insufficient, absorber rods and
adjuster rods will be driven into the reactor.

· The ABSORBERS are moved in two banks, and are normally outside
the core. They can be moved by RRS if AUTO is selected, or manually
if they are placed in MANUAL mode.

· The ADJUSTERS are moved in eight banks, and are normally fully
inserted into the core. They can be moved by RRS if AUTO is selected,
or manually if they are placed in MANUAL mode.

· A single controller representation of the 14 liquid zone controllers is

used in the simulation: the in-and out-flow rates, average zone level,
inlet flow control valve position are shown, and it is possible to place
the liquid zone controller on MANUAL and directly control the
position of the Zone Level Control Valve.

· The speed of the Absorbers and Adjusters is displayed but cannot be

controlled from this page.

(4) Explore the RRS / DPR PAGE.

· This screen permits control of reactor power setpoint and its rate of
change while under Reactor Regulating System (RRS) control, i.e. in
‘alternate’ mode. Several of the parameters key to RRS operation are
displayed on this page.

· The status of reactor control is indicated by the four blocks marked

green but will turn yellow when in the abnormal state.

· MODE will indicate whether the reactor is under NORMAL to

ALTERNATE control, this status can also be changed here.

· SETBACK status is indicated by YES or NO; Setback is initiated

automatically under the prescribed conditions by RRS, but at times the
operator needs to initiate a manual Setback, which is done from this
page on the Simulator: the Target value (%) and Rate (%/sec) need to
be input.

· STEPBACK status is indicated by YES or NO; Stepback is initiated

automatically under the prescribed conditions by RRS, but at times the
operator needs to initiate a manual Stepback, which is done from this
page on the Simulator: the Target value (%) need to be input.

· TRIP status is indicated by YES or NO; trip is initiated by the
Shutdown Systems, if the condition clears, it can be reset from here.
Note however, that the tripped SDS#1 must also be reset before RRS
will pull out the shutdown rods, this must be done on the Shutdown
Rods Page

· Key components of RRS and DPR control algorithm are also shown on
this screen.


under UPR control (‘normal mode’), the upper and lower limits on this
setpoint can be specified here.

· The ACTUAL SETPOINT is set equal to the ALTERNATE

SETPOINT under RRS control (‘alternate mode’); the value of
ALTERNATE SETPOINT is input on this page.

· HOLD POWER 'On' will select ‘alternate mode’ and stops any
requested changes in DEMANDED POWER SETPOINT.

· It is important to note that Reactor Power Setpoint Target and Rate are
specified on the Simulator in terms of %FP and %FP/sec, i.e. as linear
measurements, instead of the logarithmic values used in practice. The
requested rate of change should be no greater than 7% of actual power
per second in order to avoid a reactor LOG RATE trip. This is readily
achieved in the 'at-power' range (above 15%FP), but only very small
rates should be used at low reactor power levels (below 1%FP), such as
encountered after a reactor trip.

(5) Explore the UPR PAGE.

· This screen permits control of station load setpoint and its rate of
change while under Unit Power Regulator (UPR) control, i.e. ‘normal’
mode. Control of the Main Steam Header Pressure is also through this
screen, but this is not usually changed under normal operating

· OUC (overall Unit Control) MODE can be changed from NORMAL to


· TARGET LOAD - on selection Station Load (%) and Rate of Change

(%/sec) can be specified; change becomes effective when ‘Accept’ is

· The OPERATOR INP TARGET is the desired setpoint inserted by the

operator; the CURRENT TARGET will be changed at a POWER
RATE specified by the operator.

· Note that the RANGE is only an advisory comment, numbers outside

the indicated range of values may be input on the Simulator.

setpoint of the Steam Generator Pressure Controller, which is rarely
done during power operation. Caution must be exercised when using
this feature on the Simulator, since the requested change takes place in
a step fashion as soon as the change is made; changes should be made
in increments of 0.1 MPa.

6.6.2 Simulator Exercise related to PHW Reactor Control

(A) POWER MANEUVER: 10% Power Reduction and Return to Full
· initialize Simulator to 100% full power
· verify that all parameters are consistent with full power
· select the UPR page, and change the scale on the “Reactor Pwr &
Thermal Pwr” and “Current Target Load & Turbine Pwr” graphs
to be between 80 and 110 percent, the “Main Steam Hdr Pressure
& SP” to 4500 and 5000 kPa, “Boiler Level” to 13 and 15
meters, and set “Resolution” to “Max Out”.
· reduce unit power in the ‘normal’ mode, i.e.
Þ using the UPR display
Þ select ‘TARGET LOAD (%)’ pop-up menu
Þ in pop-up menu lower ‘target’ to 90.00% at a ‘Rate’ of 1.0
Þ ‘Accept’ and ‘Return’
· observe the response of the displayed parameters until the
transients in Reactor Power and Steam Pressure are completed
(approximately 4 minutes and full time scale on the graph)
without freezing the Simulator and/or stopping LabVIEW, and
explain the main changes
· continuing the above operation, raise “UNIT POWER” to 100%
at a rate of 1.0%FP/sec.
· initialize the Simulator to 100%FP, record parameters
· reduce power using RRS to 50% at 0.5%/sec, observe
parameter changes during transient, and freeze as soon as
Reactor Neutron Power reaches 50% and record parameter
· unfreeze and let parameters stabilize, record parameter values

· return reactor power to 100%FP at 0.5%/sec, freeze as soon as
Reactor Neutron Power reaches 100% and record parameter
· unfreeze and let parameters stabilize, record parameter values



· initialize the Simulator to 100%FP and from the Reactivity Control

page note the position of the operating point on the attached
diagram (confirm the value of Average Zone Level on the Plant
Overview page):

· insert a power reduction request using RRS to 70%FP at 0.8%/sec

and freeze the simulator

· go to the Reactivity Control page, unfreeze, and note the path of the
operating point on the attached diagram, until power error has
stabilized at or near zero (about 3 - 4 minutes)

· confirm the value of average zone level on the Plant Overview page








-7.0 -6.0 -5.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
(error amplitude and rate)

Question - Why is the final zone level higher than the original zone


· initialize the Simulator to 100%FP and from the Reactivity Control

page note the position of the operating point on the attached

· insert a power reduction request using RRS to 10%FP at 0.8%/sec

and freeze the simulator

· go to the Reactivity Control page, unfreeze, and note the path of the
operating point on the attached diagram, until at least one Adjuster
Rod bank is out of the reactor (about 20 minutes) - once the first
Adjuster Bank is more than 50% withdrawn, place Absorbers on
Manual and drive them fully OUT.

· compare the response to previous case and explain the main

differences, particularly the ‘end’ state


· initialize the Simulator to the ZONESMAN initialization point

(note if you do not have this initialization point, put all liquid zone
on manual and create an initialization point accordingly - as
instructed by instructor.)

· on the Reactivity Control page place the Absorbers and Adjusters

to Manual

· using Absorber and Adjuster drives on Manual, maneuver reactor

power to keep generator power between 80+1%FP

· note the time taken from the start of lowering reactor power until
steady operation within the specified error limits is achieved


· initialize the Simulator to the ZONESMAN initialization point

(note that all liquid zone controllers are on Manual - they are not to
be used during this exercise)

· on the Reactivity Control page place the Absorbers and Adjusters

onto Manual

· manually withdraw the Adjuster rods

· describe and explain the response of the system


· initialize the Simulator to the ZONESMAN initialization point

(note that all liquid zone controllers are on Manual - they are not to
be used during this exercise)

· on the Reactivity Control page place the Absorbers and Adjusters
onto Manual

· manually drive both banks of Absorbers into the core, and by the
simultaneous withdraw of one or more the Adjuster banks keep
reactor neutron power within 2% of 100%FP

· once all the Absorbers are fully in the core, attempt to drive all
remaining Adjusters simultaneously out of the core

· describe and explain the response of the system



· initialize the Simulator to 100%FP and from the Reactivity Control

page note the position of the operating point on the attached

· insert the Malfunction “One Bank of Absorber Rods Drop” (use a

five second time delay)

· observe system response on the Reactivity Control page and note

the path of the operating point on the attached diagram








-7.0 -6.0 -5.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
(error amplitude and rate)

· note OUC mode and reactor power

· clear the malfunction

· once the Absorbers have fully withdrawn from the reactor, raise
reactor power to a level dependent on the number of Absorber
banks out of the reactor: for each bank partially or fully out, reactor
power is limited by 5% (i.e. one bank - 95%FP, two banks -
90%FP, etc.)

Question - what is the maximum power level that can be achieved?


· initialize the Simulator to 100%FP

· manually trip the reactor

· observe the response of the overall unit

· wait until Generator power is zero and reactor neuron power less
than 0.1%

· reset Reactor Trip and SDS#1

· record the time (using the display under the chart recorders) needed
to withdraw all shutdown rods

· raise reactor power to 60%FP

· observe the response of the reactor regulating system and the

reactivity changes that take place


· initialize the Simulator to 100%FP

· manually trip the reactor

· observe the response of the overall unit

· wait one hour before resetting Reactor Trip and SDS#1 (use
initialization point given by instructor).

· after the shutdown rods have been withdrawn observe the status of
the reactivity control devices

· attempt to raise reactor power - why is it not possible?

· note the reactivity changes that have taken place, in particular note
the magnitude and estimate the rate of change of Xenon reactivity


· using the data from the previous two exercises, estimate the time
available to the operator from the initiation of the reactor trip until
the trip must be reset to avoid a poison outage: the desired end state
of this exercise is reactor power at 60%FP and less than one bank
of adjuster rods left in the core (i.e. the last bank is partially

· initialize the Simulator to 100%FP

· manually trip the reactor

· wait until the above calculated time has expired

· reset Reactor Trip and SDS#1

· raise reactor power to 60%FP

· note the final state of the adjuster rods and Average Liquid Zone

6.7 Modeling Exercise - Reactivity Control Mechanism: Liquid Zone

6.7.1 Liquid Zone Hydraulic Modeling & Approach

Liquid Zone Hydraulic Model

Problem Description:
Create a process model as presented in the figure below.

liquid zone outlet isolation valve (V2)

liquid Liquid zone

Delay Tank
Liquid zone (TANK2)
zone inlet
pump control
(P1) valve
(V1) PID
Level setpoint

Level controller

1)Delay tank: Design Pressure = 135 KPaa

Design temperature = 30 deg C
Dimensions: radius = 0.5m
height = 4m
Full power design level = 2m
Elevation head = 5m

2)Liquid zone: Design Pressure = 500 KPaa

Design temperature = 30 deg C
Dimensions: radius = 0.224m
height = 4m
Full power design level = 2m

3)Liquid zone pump: Design flow = 12.6 Kg/sec

No load maximum static head = 1177 KPaa
Dynamic head = 1001 KPaa
Run-up/down time = 10 secs
Power requirements = 4.16 KV

4)Liquid zone isolation valve: stroking time = 2 seconds

plug type = linear
design flow = 6.3 Kg/sec

5)Liquid zone inlet control valve: stroking time = 2 secs

plug type = equal %
design flow = 12.6 Kg/sec

6)Properties of water: density = 1000 kg/m3

heat capacity = 4.16 KJ/Kg/deg C

7) Temperature of water in the system can assumed to be constant.

1. Identify the process equipment which will be required to be modeled,
and find the corresponding generic algorithms to match the equipment.

2. Identify which method of flow calculation will be used for each flow
paths in the system.

3. Create a nodal diagram to represent the hydraulic network circuit.

Liquid Zone Process

Network Nodal Diagram


X01 N01 N02 N03 X02

Equipment locations:
NHAX01_N01: ELEV HEAD OF 5 metres

Full power design value:

NHA_X01: 135 KPAA
NHA_X02: 500 KPAA
NHA_N01: 134 KPAA
NHA_N02: 1100 KPAA
NHA_N03: 900 KPAA

FLOW: 12.6 KG/S

4. Use CASSBASE to create a new model and call it IAEA3

5. The system ID chosen is AAA.

6. The flow between TANK1 and TANK2 will be calculated using the
network method, and the return flow from TANK2 to TANK1 will be done
outside of the network.

7. The process/non-network flow blocks required to be created are as


Equipment/function Block name Generic Connection
algorithm used comments
Pump 1 Breaker AAA_P1_S ALG133, The inputs to
BREAKER control the breaker
will be constant
Pump 1 Motor AAA_P1_MTR ALG134, MOTOR The inputs to
control the motor
will be from the
breaker status from
the breaker block.
Pump 1 Hydraulics AAA_P1 ALG102, The main inputs
PUMP_SIM will be the motor
speed from the
motor block, and
the flow from the
network block
Valve 1 AAA_V1 ALG108, CV_SIM The inputs to the
valve position will
be from the
controller block.
Valve 2 AAA_V2 ALG106, The inputs to
VLV_ONOFF_SI control the valve
M position will be a
constant tag.
Conductance of AAA_V2_COND ALG301, Valve 2
TANK2 return flow 2_MULTI normalized port-
area is multiplied
together will
TANK2 level
factor, such that if
TANK2 runs dry,
it will stop the
return flow.
TANK 2 return flow AAA_RETURN ALG140, The input will the
calculation CONDUCT_FI TANK2 return
flow conductance
TANK1 total inlet AAA_RET_TOT ALG_311, 2_SUM TANK1 total inlet
flow flow is sum of the
return flow from
TANK2 and the
overflow from
TANK1 AAA_TANK1 ALG128, TANK The inlet flow is
calculated from
TANK1 total inlet
flow block and the
outflow from the
TANK2 AAA_TANK2 ALG128, TANK The inlet flow is
calculated from the
network, and the
outlet flow from the
TANK2 return flow

8. Create a NMB block(ALG452) for communication with LABVIEW.

9. Use CASSBASE and create the blocks for modeling the process
equipment, and non-network type flow calculations.

· Remember to create marker blocks for enclosing the process

equipment blocks.

· Input connections can be done after all the blocks are created.

10. Use CASSBASE and create the blocks related to the hydraulic
network. Remember to create marker blocks for enclosing the network
related blocks.

· An initial node capacitance of 0.001 can be used..

· Tank level factor must be set to one if no tank is connected directly

to the link.

· Remember to create a network control block and call it

NHA_CTRL, after you have created the last link block.

· Remember to create marker blocks for enclosing the network

related blocks. The NETWORK GENERATE routine requires it.

11. Use CASSBASE and run NETWORK GENERATE to produce the

auxiliary network blocks.

12. Create a PID controller to control TANK2 level by controlling valve


13. Use CASSBASE to EDIT the blocks and make the connections to the
block inputs.

14. Make sure the connections between the blocks are made correctly, use
the VERIFY command to locate any hanging tags, and clear these
hanging tags by reconnecting the correct output tags to the inputs in

15. Connect the variables you would like to trend to block NMB (up to 8 is

· Start LABVIEW executable TRENDS.EXE.

· Observe the transient when you try to set the level setpoint of
TANK2 to 1.5m.

· Use CASSBASE DEBUG functions to change controller constants

to find optimum settings.

· Remember to save the controller constants by pressing SAVE on

the DEBUG screen in CASSBASE.

16. Operate set the level setpoint back to 2m.

· When steady-state is reached, save an Initial Condition(IC)

· Also save an IC file data into CASSBASE using the CASSIM


· Exit CASSENG, and load up CASSBASE, check that the initial

condition will now be transferred into the database. Now export a
new Data File.

6.7.2 Liquid Zone Reactivity Control Modeling

liquid zone outlet isolation

DK from

reactivity change due to

L liquid zones(+3 to -3 mK

liquid REACTOR
Delay Tank Liquid zone
Liquid zone
zone inlet reactor flux
pump control
demanded setpoint
reactor power
Rate limit
to 0.8%

actual setpoint


Create a model to control the reactor power using the liquid zone.

· Include the effects of xenon poisoning.

· The reactor power can be controlled using a simple PID loop,

though the reactor demanded setpoint should ramped towards the
actual setpoint at 0.8% per second.


1. Use CASSBASE and merge 3 model databases to form a combined

Model IAEA4 :

· the Point Kinetic Reactor Model with photoneutrons, IAEA1.

· the xenon/iodine poison model, IAEA2.

· the liquid zone hydraulic model, IAEA3.

2. Delete the unnecessary NMB block using the DELETE BLOCK


3. Connect the reactivity change “output” from xenon/iodine poison block

to the designated reactivity change “input” in the reactor block.

4. Create a block converts the TANK2 level to reactivity change, such

that when TANK2 level is 4m, the reactivity change is -3mK, and
when TANK2 level is 0m, the reactivity change is +3mK. (hint: use
linear function Y = mX + c, and use generic algorithm ALG#311).

5. Connect the reactivity change due to liquid zone level to the reactor

6. Convert the level controller to a reactor power reactor controller, by

reconnecting the process variable as the reactor flux.

7. The reactor setpoint should be limited to a rate of change of 0.8% per

second. Create a block to calculate the demanded power setpoint by
increasing it to the actual setpoint at the rate of 0.8% per second.(Hint:

8. Connect the demanded reactor setpoint to the reactor power controller.

Tuning constants may need to be changed.(Optimum Gain and reset
time will be different)

9. Select the parameters you wish to trend (e.g. reactor flux, TANK2
level.) and connect it to the NMB block. Use the LABVIEW
executable TRENDS.EXE to trend the variables.

10. Try lowering the reactor setpoint to 2%.

· Can you control reactor power at 2%? If not, why?

· If you are successful, can you raise the reactor power back to
100%? If not why?

Any suggestions on what we might need ?

11. Use CASSBASE to extract the whole model out, and call it IAEA5.

12. Perform NETWORK GENERATE, and EXPORT on the new model.

Have you notice any difference to the model?

6.8 Solution to Modeling Exercise - Reactivity Control Mechanism:

Liquid Zone
To be included later in the class.

7.0 Development of Adjuster, Absorber, Shutdown Rods Model

7.1 Development of Adjuster and Absorber Rods Model


· The overall reactivity change for a reactor can be expressed as:

DK = DKC + DKP + DKV + DKXE + DKSDS + DKFUEL ......(7.1)


DK = overall neutron reactivity change (K)

DKC = neutron reactivity change due to control devices (K)

DKP = overall neutron reactivity change due to power changes (K)

DKV = overall neutron reactivity change due to channel voiding (K)

DKXE = overall neutron reactivity change due to xenon poisoning (K)

DKSDS = overall neutron reactivity change due to safety shutdown

systems (K)

DKFUEL = overall neutron reactivity change due to fuel burnup (K)

· The reactivity change due to control devices consists of reactivity

change due to adjusters, absorbers and liquid zone.
DKC = DKADJ + DKCA + DKZ ...............(7.2)


DKC = neutron reactivity change due to control devices (K)

DKADJ = neutron reactivity change due to adjuster banks (K)

DKCA = neutron reactivity change due to absorber banks (K)

DKZ = neutron reactivity change due to liquid zone (K)

· We have already developed model for liquid zone. Now we will

develop models for reactivity changes due to adjuster rods and
absorbers rods.

· The reactivity change worth of the adjuster banks and absorbers are
assumed to be:

Normalized Adjuster Normalized Absorber

length of reactivity length of reactivity
Adjuster change (per Absorber change (per
rod inside unit rod rod inside unit rod
core worth) core worth)
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.9 0.0 0.1 -0.00617
0.8 0.02 0.2 -0.0544
0.7 0.09 0.3 -0.1532
0.6 0.2 0.4 -0.2525
0.5 0.34 0.5 -0.3552
0.4 0.5 0.6 -0.4809
0.3 0.68 0.7 -0.6336
0.2 0.86 0.8 -0.7907
0.1 0.97 0.9 -0.9321
0.0 1.0 1.0 -1.0

· We have already correlated the rod’s position versus reactivity change :

iWORTH * ( MAX ( -1, MIN ( 0 ,

( -0. 001267 + 0 .13904 * SCAi - 2. 32103 * SCAi + 1.16576 * SCAi 3 )))


DKADJ = åi =1ADJWORTH * ( MAX ( 0, MIN (1,


(1. 02293 - 0. 484729 * SAi - 2. 8621 * SAi + 2. 34474 * SAi )))

2 3


DKCA = neutron reactivity change due to absorber banks (K)

DKADJ = neutron reactivity change due to adjuster banks (K)

ABSRiWORTH = total reactivity change worth of absorber bank

ADJWORTH = total reactivity change worth of 1 adjuster bank (K)

SCAi = absorber bank i position (norm)(i=1,2); SCAi = 0 means

absorber completely out of core; SCAi = 1 means absorber completely in

SAi = adjuster bank i position (norm)(i=1,8); SAi = 0 means adjuster

completely pulled out of core; SAi = 1 means adjuster completely in

· The total reactivity worth for the 2 absorber banks in core is -9 mk; the
total reactivity worth for all 8 banks of adjuster out-of-core is + 17 mk.

· At full speed, an adjuster rod takes 60 seconds for full travel; at full
speed, an absorber rod takes 150 seconds for full travel.


· Develop simulation model “IAEA5” for absorbers and adjusters rods

using generic algorithms. It is expected you will use ALG # 241, #301,
#312, #322, #323.

7.2 Development of Shutdown Rods Model

· The reactivity change due to safety-shutdown rods are assumed to be:

DKSDS = åi=1 DKSDSMAX * ( MAX ( 0, MIN (1,( SDSiPOS )))


DKSDS = neutron reactivity change due to shutdown rods (K)

DKSDSMAX = reactivity change due to shutdown rods when fully


· The total reactivity worth for the 2 shutdown rods is - 68 mk, when
fully inserted in the core. The maximum time for full rod drop should
be less than 2 sec.


· Develop the Shutdown Rod model “IAEA6” using generic
algorithms. By now, you probably know which algorithms to use.

· Design a reactor tripping logic. Make this trip is a latch in once set.

trip the reactor if d(log n)/dt > 10 % per sec.

Can you model this using generic algorithm?

· Integrate IAEA4, IAEA5 and IAEA6 to form one combined model


· Make the necessary connections and create blocks, if necessary to

add the individual reactivity contributions together.

· Now test the model by manually tripping the reactor at full power.
Monitor xenon-iodine poison buildup. Try to speed up the xenon
poison buildup, if you can.

· Now remove the shutdown rods manually by resetting the trip


· Use the liquid zone to raise reactor power. If liquid zone cannot
recover full power, use adjuster rod to help. Do it slowly, and make
IC points on the way.

8.0 Reactor Startup and Approach to Criticality

The commissioning of PHW reactors usually takes place in four distinct


· Phase A - Fresh fuel is loaded into the reactor; heat transport

system is filled with heavy water. Moderator is overpoisoned —
Guaranteed Shutdown State (GSS) (> - 475 mk).

· Phase B - Approach to first criticality, check-out of reactivity


· Phase C - Gradual runup to full power.

· Phase D - Reactor at full power and establish normal operation.

The approach to critical is a procedure that is undertaken with a great

deal of respect, because during this time, the reactor is in the most
“dangerous” condition. The reasons are as follows:

1. The available reactivity is at its maximum, since the fuel has suffered
no burnup and fission product poisons do not exist yet.

2. The regulating system will be inoperative because it is “off-scale” at

the low count rates encountered here. The approach to criticality is
therefore manual, rather than an automatic one.

3. The response of the neutron instrumentation depends on the flux

density in the sense that the speed of response is slow at low count
rates. At very low power, this could result in high power increases
occurring without them being detected quickly enough.

4. The critical value of the variable that is used for the startup is
unknown, For instance, if the approach is used by gradual removal of
poison, then how much of poison removal is enough for criticality is

So in this section, we are going to experience a simulated reactor startup

situations using the CANDU simulator, which will illustrate the important
points as mentioned above.

8.1 Subcritical Reactor Behavior

During the approach to critical, the reactor will be subcritical (Ke <1). In
previous chapter and modeling exercise, we have discussed the behavior of
a subcritical reactor. Let us review the essential concepts here again.

In earlier chapter, we discuss the effect of neutron sources on the total

neutron population in a reactor:

S 0 L(1 - K em )
St = ...........................(8.1)
(1 - K e )

where S t is the neutron population ; S 0 is the neutron source; m is the

number of neutron generations ( m = t/ L , i.e. the time duration after
source is introduced divided by the neutron generation time).

Equating S t and S 0 to neutron power P, Ps respectively, we have

S t /( S 0 L ) = P/Ps. If we plot P/Ps versus m, with different value for Ke
(i.e. Ke = 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.97), we have:

For a subcritical reactor, as Ke is increased, the power levels off more
slowly. As Ke is increased further step by step, a point will finally be
reached when the power will increase steadily without leveling off at all,
and this is the point where criticality (sustained nuclear fission chain
reaction) has been reached i.e. Ke =1. This is the basic method we use for
approaching criticality, by gradually increasing Ke. First let us review the
reactor startup instrumentation which makes this startup possible.

8.2 Reactor Instrumentation

Three instrumentation systems are provided to measure reactor thermal
neutron flux over the full power range of the reactor.

· Startup instrumentation covers the eight-decade range from 10-14 to 10-

of full power;

· The ion chamber system extends from 10-7 to 1.5 of full power.

· The in-core flux detector system provides accurate spatial

measurement in the uppermost decade of power (10 percent to 120
percent of full power).

· The fuel channel temperature monitoring system is provided for

channel flow verification and for power mapping validation.

Figure 16 illustrates the range of sensitivity of nuclear instrumentation

for reactor power measurement.

8.2.1 Startup Instrumentation

This system is used on initial plant startup or after a prolonged
shutdown, and performs a dual regulating and protective role over the
lowest power range when the normal flux measuring instrumentation of the
regulating and shutdown systems is off scale. This occurs on the initial
reactor startup and during a shutdown of 40 to 70 days or more when the
photo-neutron source decays below the sensitivity of the ion chamber

Two sets of neutron detectors (BF3 counters) are used covering the range
from 10-14 of full power up to 10-6 of full power. One set, located in-core,
covers the range from spontaneous source level (10-14 full power) to 10-9
full power. The in-core detectors are installed via the vertical viewing port
penetration from the reactivity deck. This instrumentation is removed after
the low power commissioning period.

Figure 16 - Range of sensitivity for different reactor instrumentation.

The other set of neutron detectors is located out of core in the three spare
cavities of the shutdown system number 2 ion chamber housings.

The detector outputs are connected to startup monitoring

instrumentation located temporarily in the main control room. The signals
are processed to give log and linear count rate indications and rate of
change information. This information is used for protection and monitoring
during the approach to criticality.

In this range, the reactor is controlled manually by the operator from

the control room. The operator monitors and records the output of the
neutron counting instrumentation which is mounted in a mobile cabinet.
This instrumentation is divided into three redundant channels and includes
trip comparators which are connected into the D, E and F channels of the
trip logic of the shutdown system number 1. Shutdown rods will drop into
the core under any one of the following three conditions:

· The count rate exceeds the setpoint,

· The rate of change is excessive,

· Two or more channels of the instrumentation fail.

On restart after an extended shutdown, the system is normally on-scale

with the out of core detectors; in-core counters are used only on the initial
startup. The arrangement of the system is shown in the following Figure

The in-core detectors (or sometimes called counters, or ratemeters),

have the flexibility of being moved further out from the core to prevent
them from saturating due to increased neutron density during reactor
startup. Typically when counts in the detectors at a particular core position
exceed a certain counts per sec., it is required to move the detectors further
out to another core position in order to keep its counting rate within the
useable range.

Figure 17 - Arrangement of Startup Instrumentation.

8.2.2 Ion-Chamber Instrumentation
The ion chamber system is a part of the on-line power measurement
equipment of the reactor control system. This instrumentation is on-scale
during normal operation, and remains on-scale during a normal shutdown.
If the shutdown lasts more than 40 to 70 days (depending on reactor
operating history and ion chamber neutron and gamma sensitivity), the flux
decays below 10-7 of the full power value and startup neutron detectors are

The ion chamber units consist of lead-shielded housings mounted on

the outside of the calandria shell, in which ion chamber instruments and
calibration shutters are installed. The lead attenuates gamma radiation so
that the ion chambers measure neutron flux, primarily. The output current
from separate ion chamber instruments is amplified to generate
independent inputs for the reactor control system and each shutdown
system, as follows:

a. log neutron power, 10-7 to 1.5 full power,

b. linear neutron power, 0 to 1.5 full power,

c. rate of change of log power, -15 percent to +15 percent of present

power per second.

Ion chambers measure only the average flux, as seen at the side of the
core, but are sensitive to very low flux levels, for monitoring sub-critical as
well as full power behavior. Because they are outside the calandria, the
neutron flux they detect has been attenuated by the moderator and any
poison dissolved in the moderator.

8.2.3 In-Core Flux Detectors

In-core flux detectors are used at high power levels (above 10 percent
of full power) because they provide spatial information needed, at high
power, to control xenon-induced flux tilts and to achieve the optimum flux
distribution for maximum power output.

· Vertical Flux Detector Assemblies

The control system flux detectors are of two types. One type has an
Inconel emitter and is used for the zone control system. The other type has
a vanadium emitter, and is used for the flux mapping system.

Both types of control system detectors, along with the Inconel detectors
used for the shutdown system number 1 high neutron power trip, are
contained in vertical flux detector assemblies located throughout the core.
These assemblies extend from the reactivity mechanisms deck to the
bottom of the reactor.

· Zone Control Flux Detectors (Inconel)

The self-powered in-core flux detectors are installed in flux detector

assemblies to measure local flux over two decades, 10-1 full power to 1.2
full power, in the regions associated with the liquid zone controllers. At
each location there are two detectors for redundancy.

· Flux Mapping Detectors (Vanadium)

The flux mapping system (described in previous Section) uses vanadium

detectors distributed throughout the core to provide point measurements of
the flux. These detectors are almost totally neutron-sensitive; however,
their response is delayed by 5.4 minutes due to the half-life of the beta
emission from vanadium-52. The signals, approximately 3 mA at full
power, are fed to amplifiers in a stand alone distributed control system
station inside the reactor building, where they are multiplexed and sent to
the plant display system computer.

8.3 Methods for Approaching Criticality

For a PHW reactor such as CANDU, there are two methods for
approaching criticality:

1. Remember Keff = A D f Pf p Pth . For large reactor, leakage is very small,

hence the fast neutrons non-leakage probability Pf ~1 and the thermal
neutrons non-leakage probability Pth ~ 1. So the idea for approaching
critically is to maintain moderator level at some low level initially to
incur large neutron leakage; then keeping the four factors unchanged,
gradually reduce leakage by raising moderator level until enough fuel is
covered to sustain a chain reaction.

2. An alternate method is start at a certain moderator level (nominally

near full calandria) with a high enough boric concentration in the
moderator to ensure that criticality cannot be possible. The boron
“poison” is then gradually removed until criticality is reached. In this
case, the leakage is held constant, and the value of f, the thermal
utilization factor is increased until Ke becomes equal to 1.

The first method was used in earlier generation of CANDUs - NPD,

Douglas Point and Pickering Units 1 and 2. Later generations of CANDUs
such as Bruce, Darlington, which do not have moderator level control; thus
they use the second method for approaching criticality.

Note that these two approaches to critical do not of course have to be

repeated every time the reactors are shutdown. Under normal conditions,
the photoneutron source provided by the fission product gamma reactions
with deuterium is sufficiently large for the reactor to be started using
automatic regulation. Only when a reactor has been shutdown for a period
of 3 or 4 months, by which time this photoneutron source will have
decayed, will a manual startup be necessary again.

Reactors which do not have a natural photoneutron sources like CANDUs
are usually equipped with an artificial source, in the sense that some
Beryllium is included in the core which undergoes (g, n) reactions in much
the same way as deuterium.

8.3.1 Approach Reactor Criticality by Raising Moderator Level

In the first method, the approach to criticality is monitored by devising
an approximate linear plot which can readily be extrapolated to predict the
critical moderator level. From equation 8.1, you will see that

= constant x ( 1 - Ke) ..........................(8.2)
count rate

As the moderator level is raised in small steps, the count rates will
increase, and the reciprocal count rates are plotted against moderator level.
A plot of inverse count rate versus moderator level will look like this:

Count Rate
(c.p.s) Critical Moderator Level

Moderator Level (m)

8.3.2 Approach Reactor Criticality by Removing Boron Absorber

In the second method, the approach to criticality is monitored by
devising an approximate linear plot which can readily be extrapolated to
predict the critical Boron concentration. It was discussed previously that :

= constant x ( 1 - Ke)
count rate

As you recall the definition for ,K , this becomes

= A × DK
count rate Ke

= A × B × ( C - Ccritical ) .............(8.3)

where A, B are proportionality constants.

C - Boron concentration at time t.

CCRITICAL- Boron concentration at criticality.

The procedures used are as follows: the count rate is measured for the
initial boron concentration, and the moderator purification circuit is then
valves in. Boron is removed for an interval of time ~ 20 minutes, and the
count rate were recorded again. This procedure is repeated a number of
times and the inverse count rate is plotted against total boron removal time.

Count Rate
Critical Boron Concentration
at this moment

Boron Removal Time (minutes)

In conjunction with the measurement of inverse count rate vs. Boron

removal time as an indication of criticality, liquid zone control response is
also used by some CANDU station (e.g. Darlington GS) for indication of

The theory is simple: if all the adjuster rods are in “Manual”, and the
liquid zone control is in “Auto”. As Ke gradually approaches 1 by slowly
removing Boron, liquid zone controllers always control water level at
setpoint, thus making zero reactivity contribution from liquid zone. As Ke
is very close to 1, and if Boron removal is stopped at that time, and one
makes a small step change in reactor power increase by RRS, the average
liquid zone level will drops (for power increase), if in fact Ke =1, after the
desired power level is reached, the liquid zone level will eventually return
to its original level setpoint after a few minutes. However, if in fact Ke is
less than 1, as we explained earlier, the neutron power after initial increase
will level off quickly. Because reactor power cannot reach setpoint, liquid
zone level cannot recover quickly to setpoint, and in fact it will continue to
drop in order to contribute reactivity for power increase. This is the
indication of a subcritical reactor, so Boron removal is resumed for some
time, and then the small step change in reactor power is repeated and the
liquid zone level response will be assessed again to determine criticality. In
the simulated reactor startup that we are going to practice, we will use the
liquid zone response technique to determine reactor criticality.

8.4 Practice Reactor Startup and Approach to Criticality Using
1. First load the simulator up and initialize the simulator with the IC =
GSS_SD.ic (that is, Reactor in Guaranteed Shutdown State with
moderator overpoisoned).

2. In the Plant Overview screen, you will see the overall plant condition
from the annunciators: Turbine trip; Primary Heat Transport System is
depressurized at low pressure < 300 KPa, at temperature 54 deg. C;
PHT pumps shutdown.

3. Go to another screen called Reactor SU/SD (startup/shutdown)

controls. Here the display represents the reactor startup
instrumentations in combination with certain controls for RRS and
Liquid Zone. The details are described as follows :

(a) Special Liquid Zone Controls under the box titled “LIQUID ZONE
CONTROL MODE”. A control push-button is provided for
switching the Liquid Zone Control between “Standard” and
“Special Shutdown” Mode. Some explanations are necessary for
these two modes - under normal operating conditions, that is when
reactor power is > 0.1 %, the liquid zone controller is in “standard”
mode, that is, the zone level controller signal is proportional to the
combination of reactor power errors and flux tilt errors
components. However, when reactor power is less than 0.1 % and
at such low power, flux tilt control is not necessary and operator
will put the zone controller in “ Special Shutdown” Mode, meaning
that the zone level controller now responds to local level setpoint as
inputted by the operator. The zone level controller is now
proportional to the level errors only. As you will see later, as we
approach criticality, the liquid zone controller will be “kicked” out
of “Special Shutdown Mode” into “Standard” mode, when power
level is > 0.1 % (-3 decades) and there is a positive power error

(b) The reactor startup instrumentations under the box titled “POWER
LEVEL READINGS”. The instrumentation simulated here are :

· the in-core detectors (counters), which have 3 ranges : Long

(long distance from the core); Medium (middle position in the
core); Short (short distance from the core). The IC indicates it is
now in “Long” range.

· as well, the Ion Chambers and Flux Detectors are simulated, but
they are all off-scale, meaning the reactor power is below -6

(c) The reactor power maneuvering rates - PWR LOG rate (DEC/sec);
and power error (DEC) are also indicated here for monitoring

purposes. The Xenon Load (mk) normally would not be displayed
in real situation, but is displayed here for our study and analysis.

(d) SDS1 Reactor trip Setpoint can be set here under titled box “SDS1
Trip Setpoint”. For safety concern, you always set trip setpoint just
slightly above the current the reactor power level, to prevent the
unlikely situation of reactor power running away. You can set the
setpoint in % full power or in decades. Currently the SDS1 setpoint
is set at -2 decades. Remember to raise the SDS1 trip setpoint as
the reactor power level reaches -2 decades. In real situation, there
will be a warning message informing a “pending” reactor NOP
(neutron overpower) trip, when the trip setpoint is approaching.

(e) Specific RRS controls are included to provide:

· Alternate Mode reactor power setpoint input. This setpoint

input will be processed by RRS to indicate an allowable
“Demanded Power Setpoint”, which is a slowly ramped
setpoint calculated by the RRS.

· RRS Startup Flag Control - ON/OFF. Note RRS Startup Flag

“On” means that the RRS will use a minimum reactor power of
-5.9 decades in its calculation.

· Hold Power control - to hold reactor at any time.

(f) Poison Controls are included here for adding (pointer

“ADDITION”), removing (pointer “REMOVAL”), or stopping
(pointer “STOP”) the boron process. For the boron removal, there
is a button that you can use to speedup the boron removal process,
but use it with care! This speedup is not applicable in real life
situation. The Boron poison load is also indicated for our study and
analysis. It is normally not displayed in real situation. Right now,
the boron load is approximately - 60 mk.

(g) The graphical trends are provided here for count rate (counts per
sec); power log rate (dec/s); ion-chamber detectors (dec); boron
poison load (mk); power error (dec); average zone level (%).

Let us follow the procedures outlined in the table below to perform

our simulated reactor startup and approach to criticality. The sequence
of steps to be performed should follow the numerical order of the steps
indicated. The symbol Þ only gives you the highlights on the statuses
of the subsystem conditions.


(1) For our purpose, we can ignore the first step regarding operations
in the PHT regarding the warming up of the pressurizer liquid, and
go to Step #2 right away.

(2) The currently simulated startup counters will saturate at 6000 cps at
the “Long” position. One should take the approach of plotting the
inverse counts rate versus total boron removal time in order to
arrive at the extrapolated “critical” boron concentration. But to save
time for our exercise, we are using the method of liquid zone
controller response as an approximate indication of “criticality”.

Operating Phases Unit Load Reactor RRS PHT SDC SGPC Check/Monitor
1. Initial State: De- Þ Liquid zones Þ HTS in a cold Þ Both side of Þ In ‘Hold’
pressurized control in de-pressurized the SDC is in mode with
cooldown state: Special S/D state: service under a SG
HTS temperature < mode with a ‘SDC pump’ pressure
54°C and pressure level setpoint Þ HTS mode. setpoint of
< 300 KPa. Reactor of 40%. temperature < 461 KPa
has been down for 4 54°C Þ For SDC #2,
weeks. Þ Adjusters the flow path
control in Þ HTS pressure is MV23,
manual < 300 KPa MV45, SDC
P2, MV31
Þ Absorber Þ HTS inventory (bypass MV18
control in control is in is closed),
Þ Reactor auto. ‘SOLID’ mode Bleed cooler,
power as both the MV20, MV28,
level Þ Ion chamber pressurizer and MV29 to RIH
depends will be off- the bleed #1 & #3.
on how scale if the condenser are
long the reactor power isolated Þ Some bleed to
reactor < -6.25 MV10 (10%
has been Decades Þ Bleed flow is open) &
‘down’ controlled by CV15(Bleed
for. The CV15, the condenser
last group bleed LCV) to
of photo- condenser Purification.
neutrons level control The tempering
modeled valves and the valve MV19
has a half pressure should be
life of the letdown valve closed.
order of MV10 which
days. is opened at
1. Continued: Initial Þ For SDC#1,
State: De- the flow path
pressurized is MV12,
cooldown state: MV46, SDC
HTS temperature < P1, MV2, SDC
54°C and pressure HX, MV8,
< 300 KPa. Reactor MV9 to RIH
has been down for 4 #2 & #4. The
weeks. bypass line
valve MV4 is
closed and the
Tempering line
MV5 is closed.

2. Reactor 2. Set RRS 1. Turn all Þ Circuit #1 & 2 Þ In ‘Hold’ Þ SDS1 poised
Approaching Startup flag pressurizer both in service. mode with with NOP set at
Criticality - Phase1 to ‘ON’ . heaters to a SG LOW POWER
(from screen ‘auto’ and set pressure TRIP= 1 %
Reactor the solid setpoint of
SU/SD mode 461 KPa Þ Moderator
Controls) pressurizer Poison addition
pressure available.
Þ Startup flag setpoint to 7.3
will ensure MPa Þ Note Power
that the RRS (from screen Level and Zone
use a PHT Pressure Level
minimum Control)
reactor power
value of -5.9 Þ The
decades in its pressurizer
calc. may take a
long time to
3. Remove warmup
Poison by IX depending on
columns its initial
until Ion condition.
Chambers (warmup time
are on scale can take up to
and flux 9 hours)
response to Þ Speedup
poison control is
removal is available to
significant artificially
(power speedup
changes warmup
within 1-2 process
(from screen

2. Continued: Reactor 4. If Ion

Approaching Chamber is
Criticality - Phase1 less than -
5.9 decades,
power of -
5.9 decades.
(from screen

5. Place all
rods on
Manual and
fully insert
them into
the core
(from screen

remains in
Special SD
with a level
setpoint of

3. Reactor 6. Stop poison Þ Monitor time to
Approaching removal double the
Criticality- Phase 2 when Ion count, which
Chamber gives some
indicates indication of
reactor proximity to
power > -6 Criticality.
decades. Adjust range if
(from screen count saturates
SU/SD Þ LZC will be
Controls) "kickout" of
Special S/D
7. Raise power Mode on
by inputting positive power
a reactor error.
which is 0.3
above the
power. (from

8. Monitor the
zone level. If
the average
3. Continued: Reactor should drop
Approaching below 25 %,
Criticality- Phase 2 press
the ‘HOLD
(from screen

Þ Note: the
average zone
level is
available as
one of the 6
trends on the

9. Resume
removal so
that the
zones must
rise to hold
Monitor the
zone level
rises and the
power. As

3. Continued: Reactor the zones
Approaching rises to 70
Criticality- Phase 2 %, stop
Note reactor
power and
zone level.
(from screen
10. Repeat Steps
7, 8, 9 until
after a
power SP
increase, the
zone level
drops, and
returns to
within 5%
of the
level after a
few minutes.
(from screen

11. Stop Poison

Enter a
slight power
SP decrease.
If the zone
rises and
power drops
and then the
zones return
to the

level (+/- 5 %),

Reactor is
(from screen

12. Resume
until the
zone level is
around 60
%, and
(from screen

9.0 From Simple Point Kinetic Reactor Model to High Fidelity Model

9.1 Spatial Kinetic Model for PHW Reactor

Now that we have developed a simple point kinetic reactor model with 6
fission products groups and 9 photoneutron groups, it would be a logical
evolution at this point to consider a more sophisticated model such as the
spatial kinetic reactor model. In the following sections, we will be
discussing the techniques used in building such model. Because the
development of a spatial kinetic reactor model will involve certain amount
of time, so we might just discuss the underlying theories and the
techniques and it is hoped that the materials that we cover here will
provide enough background materials for the students to try out the
simulation development by themselves.

9.2 Nodal Approach for Simulating Space-Time Reactor Kinetics

Traditionally, two different approaches have been proposed in the real-
time simulation of space-time kinetics. One Approach is based on modal
kinetic formulation (1). The other approach is based on Avery's coupled
region kinetics theory (2).

In a typical coupled nuclear reactor model, the reactor core is divided

into a number of nodes axially and radially. The usual considerations for
the choice of the nodes are the core symmetry and the accuracy required in
the description of neutron flux distributions, and the execution time of the
nodal kinetic model. For a reactor core divided into 14 zones, the temporal
nodal fluxes are computed by the following nodal kinetic equations using
Avery formulation (3).

For Zone i,

dN 14 14 6
li i = (1 )å Kij N j Ni å K ij å l mCmj ....... ..(9.1)
- b - +
dt j=1 j =1 m=1

i = 1, 2, 3......14

= b m N j - l mCmj ..................(9.2)
j = 1, 2,......14
m = 1, 2,..... 6


Ni = Neutronic fluxes in Zone i, respectively (nodal fluxes)

lm = Decay constants of the mth delayed neutron group

b = Total delayed neutron fraction

bm = Delayed neutron fraction of the mth group

Kij = "Coupling Coefficient" determining the probability of a neutron

born in zone j producing a fission neutron in zone i in the
next generation.

lmCmj = Partial power of zone j contributed from the mth delayed

neutron group.

Cmj = Concentration of delayed neutron group m in zone j

li = Mean neutron life time

Equation (9.1) can be rewritten by regrouping the coupling

coefficients for zone i,

={(1 - b) Kii - 1} i + ii å l mCmi +
dNi N K
dt li li m =1

(1 - b) 14 1 14 6

å ij j l j =å
li j =1, j ¹i
N + K
1, j ¹i
ij å l m Cmj
m =1

i = 1, 2, 3......14 ...............................................(9.3)

The above respective terms represent the various contributions of

neutronic flux changes in zone i from the following sources:


{(1 - >) K - 1}

is the rate of neutronic flux changes in zone i due to the its zone reactivity.

ål m Cmi
m =1

is the rate of neutronic flux changes in zone i due to its concentration of

delayed neutron groups.


(1 - >) 14
å Kij N j
li j =1, j ¹i

is the rate of neutronic flux changes in zone i due to the coupling effects of
the neutronic fluxes in the other 13 zones.


1 14 6

å ij å l m Cmj
li j =1, j ¹i m=1

is the rate of neutronic flux changes in zone i due to coupling effects from
the concentration of delayed neutron groups in the other 13 zones.

By introducing the definition of reactivity DKi = (Kii -1)/Kii, equation

(9.3) can be written as:

dN i ( DKi - b)
6 14
= N i + å l mCmi + a i å Kij N j +

dt Li m =1 j =1, j ¹i
14 6
å Kij å l m Cmj
li j =1, j ¹i m=1 .....(9.4)


Li =
(1 - b)
ai =
l*m = m

Equation (9.4) is almost identical to point kinetic model for reactor zone i,
with the exception of an extra zone coupling source terms:

1 14 6

å ij å l m Cmj
=i åK
j =1, j ¹i
ij Nj K
li j =1, j ¹i m=1

If we absorb the "zone coupling effects" into "the zone i reactivity term
Drii" and rewrite the point kinetic equations for zone i:

( Drii + å Dr ij - b) 6
Ni + å l m Cmi
j =1, j ¹i
= *

dt Li m=1 ............(9.5)


Drii is the zone i reactivity change.

Drij is the reactivity change for zone i due to coupling effects in zone j

Equation (9.4) and (9.5) will be identical if

Dr × N1 1 6
( K12 å l mCm )
For zone 1 & 2, = a 1 K12 N 2 +
L1 l1 ZONE 2

Dr × N1 1 6
= a 1 K13 N 3 + ( K13 å l m Cm )
For zone 1 & 3,
L1 l1 ZONE 3

Dr × N1 1 6
= a 1 K14 N 4 + ( K14 å l m Cm )
For zone 1 & 4,
L1 l1 ZONE 4

Dr × N1 1 6
( K1,14 å l m Cm )
For zone 1 & 14, = a 1 K1,14 N14 +
L1 l1 ZONE14

Repeat these similar equations for all other 13 zones

Therefore the equation for Drij, the reactivity change for zone i due to
coupling effects in zone j is:

æ ö6

ç ål
Cm ÷ m
ç N j 1 ZONEj
Dr ij = L i K ij ç a i + ÷ ...........(9.6)
ç N i li Ni ÷
ç ÷
è ø

It can be seen that equation (9.6) involves the calculation of coupling

coefficient Kij. These coefficients Kij define the probability of a neutron
born in node j producing a fission neutron in node i in the next generation.

In Avery's formulation(2), the coupling coefficients for the two energy

groups of neutrons are given by the following equations:

òi å
n f
ò f (r ) n å f jth( r ) dr
th (r ) dr f
f f
k ij *
òj nå f òi f (r ) nå f th(r ) dr
th (r ) dr f
f f


å f
= fission neutron production cross section

Bth(r) = real thermal flux at position r

B*f(r) = adjoint fast flux at position r

B jth(r) = contribution to fth(r) from fission neutrons produced in


j in the previous generation with distribution 5f Bth(r)

Kij involves the computation of the distribution of the real thermal flux
and adjoint fast fluxes which usually involves a lot of CPU time. It would
be impractical to compute these fluxes in real-time environment. To deal
with this problem, an approximate method (3) is implemented to compute
the coupling coefficients in real time using a perturbation form (relative to
the equilibrium values):

K ij = K ij0 + g ij ..................(9.8)

where K ij0 = nominal value of Kij (nominal coupling coefficients)

gij = change in coupling coefficients in node i due to perturbation

in node j

gij can further be defined as

gij = åP K
k =1
k ijk ................(9.9)

where Pk = net reactivity perturbation in zone k (mk).

K ijk = change in coupling coefficient in node i due to node j with +1.0

mk change in reactivity in node k (normalized perturbation

Rewriting equation (9.8),

K ij = K + å Pk × K ijk ................(9.10)
k =1

· It can be seen that the implementation of this approximation method

involves two major components - the nominal coupling
coefficients, K ij0 , and the normalized perturbation gradients, K ijk .

· K ij0 can be computed off-line for a given (nominal) core condition and
configuration by using equation (9.7), for all i, j.

· The core is perturbed from nominal core condition by changing

reactivity in one zone, say zone #1 and equation (9.7) is used again to

calculate the new coupling coefficients Kij off-line, for all i, j. With the
use of equation (9.10), K ij1 can be obtained for all i, j. Repeat the same
for other zone to obtain K ijk , for k= 2, ...14.

· Store K ij0 and K ijk as coefficients in the computation for ,H ij in

equation (9.6).

Equation (9.6) is computed every simulation iteration, and ,H ij is

obtained for all i, j and they provides inputs to a summer åH
j =1, j ¹ i
ij , which

in turn inputs into the reactivity change “input” of the affected reactor

9.3 Summary of Model Formulation for PHW Reactor

Here is the summary of the essential modeling details for the spatial
kinetic model:

· 14 point kinetic models are used respectively to simulate the 14 reactor

zones inside the core.

· Each point kinetic model will calculate the neutron power based on 6
different neutron delay groups and 9 photoneutron groups, and the
overall change in reactivity.

· The change in reactivity will be a function of control devices (e.g.

adjusters), concentration of xenon, voiding in channels, power changes,
reactor zones reactivity coupling effects and safety shutdown devices. (
See Fig 18, and Fig. 19).

· The decay heat calculation assumes that 3 separate decay product

groups exist, each with a different decay time constant.

· An arithmetic average flux from the 14 reactor zones is used in the

decay heat calculation.

· The reactor fuel elements are divided into 4 lumped channels. The total
heat generated from the fuel as calculated using the average reactor
flux is assumed to be divided equally among the 4 lumped channels.

· Each channel is assumed to have its own coolant flow, and its own
lumped fuel element. The temperature of the lumped fuel element in
each channel is calculated, and the lumped fuel sheath temperature will
be used in the coolant heat transfer calculation.

· In the spatial reactor, the reactivity change includes:

1. 8 independent lumped adjuster banks, there is an equal reactivity

split between 14 zones

2. 2 independent lumped absorber banks, there is an equal reactivity
split between 14 zones.

3. liquid zones; the individual zone level will affect the respective
reactivity change in its designated zone reactor.

4. reactivity changes due to temperature changes, which is assumed to

be proportional to the power changes.

5. reactivity change due to voiding.

6. reactivity due to burnup in fuel.

Fig. 18 Spatial Kinetic Reactor Model

Reactivity Change due to
adjusters, absorbers,
Power Error shutdown rods and fuel
Average Zone Level
Average Reactor Flux

Zone 1 CV Position
Zone Controller 1 Reactor Zone 1I

Reactor Zone 1 Flux & Level z

Zone 2 CV Position
Zone Controller 2 Reactor Zone 2I

Reactor Zone 1 Flux & Level

Average Reactor
Flux Calculation

To Decay Heat,
Zone 3 to 13 Zone 3 to 13 RRS

Average Zone
Level Calculation


Flux Mapping

To Display

Zone Controller Zone 14 CV Position

14 Reactor Zone 14I

Reactor Zone 14 Flux & Level

I reactivity changes due to temperature change, xenon poisoning and voiding are
within each reactor zone
z coupling is modelled between each neighbouring zones according to prescribed formula

Fig.19 Reactor Model Zones Configuration

13 8
14 9

1 6
2 7

(A) For each Zone Reactor, the point kinetic equations and the governing
equations for various reactivity feedbacks are:

1. The total delayed neutron fraction is the summation of the neutron

fraction of the 6 neutron groups, 9 photoneutron groups
>1 = å >i ........................(9.3-1)
i =1

b1 = total delayed neutron fraction

bi = group i delayed neutron fraction (i=1,2,3,4,5,6);

for i = 7, ...15, bi is the photoneutron delayed group faction.

2. The delayed neutron groups concentration can be expressed as:

dCi bi * NFLUX
= - liCi
dt TNEUTRON i = 1,....15 ..............(9.3-2)

Ci = concentration of 6 delayed neutron groups,

and 9 photoneutron groups.

li = decay constant of delayed neutron groups.

bi = group i delayed neutron fraction (i=1,2,3,4,5,6)

( i = 7, ....15 for photoneutrons delayed fraction)

NFLUX = total neutron flux in zone(norm)

TNEUTRON = mean neutron lifetime(sec)

3. The rate of change of neutron flux in a point kinetic model can be
expressed as:

dNFLUX ( DK - b1) * N FLUX

= + S i15=1liCi
dt TNEUTRON .........(9.3-3)

NFLUX = total neutron flux in zone(norm)

TNEUTRON = mean neutron lifetime(sec)

Ci = concentration of delayed neutron groups.

li = decay constant of delayed neutron groups.

bi = group i delayed neutron fraction (i=1,2,3,4,5,6)

i = 7,...15 belongs to photoneutron delay groups fraction

DK = overall neutron reactivity change (K)

4. NFLUX can be calculated by solving above equations, using backward

Euler's expansion.

NFLUX' + S i =1 Ai
D K - b1
1 - Dt * ( + S i15=1 Bi )


li * Ci * Dt
Ai =
1 + li * D t
li * bi * Dt
Bi =
(1 + li * Dt ) * TNEUTRON .................(9.3-4)

NFLUX' = total neutron zonal flux from previous iteration(norm)

5. The overall reactivity change is expressed as:

,K = ,KC + ,KP + ,KV + ,KXE + ,KSDS + ,KFUEL + ,KDIFF


DK = overall neutron reactivity change (K)

DKC = neutron reactivity change due to control devices (K)

DKP = overall neutron reactivity change due to power changes (K)

DKV = overall neutron reactivity change due to channel voiding (K)

DKXE = overall neutron reactivity change due to xenon poisoning (K)

DKSDS = overall neutron reactivity change due to safety shutdown

systems (K)

DKFUEL = overall neutron reactivity change due to fuel burnup (K)

DKDIFF = overall neutron reactivity change due to coupling between

zones (K)

6. The reactivity change due to control devices consist of reactivity

change due to adjusters, absorbers and liquid zone.
DKC = DKADJ + DKCA + DKZ ...............(9.3-6)

DKC = neutron reactivity change due to control devices (K)

DKADJ = neutron reactivity change due to adjuster banks (K)

DKCA = neutron reactivity change due to absorber banks (K)

DKZ = neutron reactivity change due to liquid zone (K)

7. The reactivity change due to liquid zone is calculated in this algorithm:

,KZ = MIN (MAX(,KZONE / 2 - ,KZONE * LZ), -,KZONE / 2),

DKZONE /2)) ....................(9.3-7)

DKZ = neutron reactivity change due to liquid zone (K)

DKZONE = Zone controller reactivity worth from completely drained


100% full (K)

LZ = liquid zone level(norm)

8. The reactivity change due to power changes is assumed to be:

DKP = =TP * (1 - QR ) .....................(9.3-8)

DKP = overall neutron reactivity change due to power changes (K)

aTP = power feedback reactivity at zero power (K)

QR = heat transfer to coolant(norm)

9. Assuming there are I coolant channels in the reactor zone, the reactivity
change due to channel voiding is assumed to be:

( S i =1>Li )
DKV = DKVO * N *
>Li = XEi - XEFP ...............(9.3-9)

DKV = overall neutron reactivity change due to channel voiding (K)

DKVO = maximum neutron reactivity change due to channel voiding


N = neutron flux squared weighting factor for channels

bLi = effective boiling length in channel i(i=channel 1,...I)

XEi = effective exit quality in channel i(i=channel 1,...I)(norm)

XEFP= effective exit quality in channel at full power(norm)

10. The reactivity change due to xenon poisoning is assumed to be:

DKXE = 0.001*(27.93 - CXE)/14 ..............(9.3-10)

DKXE = overall neutron reactivity change due to xenon poisoning (K)

CXE = xenon concentration

11. The formation of xenon is assumed to be from the decay of iodine as

well as from the initial fission products. The concentration of xenon
can be found using the following rate equations.
= 9. 445 E - 3 * NFLUX - 2. 8717 E - 5 * CI

= 9.167 E - 4 * NFLUX + 2. 8717 E - 5 * CI -
( 2.1E - 5 + 3. 5 E - 4 * NFLUX ) * CXE .......(9.3-11)

CI = iodine concentration

CXE = xenon concentration

NFLUX = total neutron flux in zone(norm)

12. The reactivity change due to Zone Coupling effects:

æ 6
ç ål Cm ÷
ç N j 1 ZONEj
Dr ij = L i K ij ç a i + ÷ ............(9.3-12)
ç N i li Ni ÷
ç ÷
è ø

K ij = K + å Pk × K ijk ............................(9.3-13)
k =1

Li =
(1 - b)
ai =
l*m = m

(see previous section 9.2 for definition of symbols).

(B) The Overall Reactor

· Referring to figure 18 above. Reactivity changes DK due to

temperature change, xenon poison buildup, voiding, are modeled
within each point kinetic reactor model.

· The reactivity changes due to zone coupling effects are calculated

separately for each zone. The zone coupling effects for a particular
zone due to all other zones are then summed up and entered as one of
the reactivity change inputs for that reactor zone.

· The reactivity change due to fuel burnup are calculated for one whole
reactor, and split up among the 14 zones according to certain criteria -
e.g. zones near the center of the reactor would have more contribution
than the outer zones.

· The reactivity change due to 2 banks of absorbers (total reactivity

worth - 9 mk) are calculated for one whole reactor, and split up among
the 14 zones according to certain criteria - e.g. some weighting factors
related to the proximity of the absorber location relative to the zones

· The reactivity change due to 8 banks of adjusters (total reactivity worth

+17 mk) are calculated for one whole reactor, and split among all the
14 zones according to certain criteria - e.g. some weighting factors
related to the proximity of the adjuster location relative to the zones

· The total neutron power from the 14 zones reactor (each normalized)
will be summed up and then divided by 14 to get the normalized
overall reactor power. As well, each zonal power will provide into to
Flux Mapping routine for display.

· All the zone levels will be summed up and divided by 14 to get the
average zone level to RRS.

· The power error inside the reactor is defined as:

PERR = + KRATE * ( - RD )

However, under reactor trip, stepback, or if the shutdown rods are fully
inserted, the power error is always set to 0.05.

PERR = power error(norm)

NFLUX = average corrected neutron flux(norm)
NFLUX' = average corrected neutron flux at the previous iteration
PDEM = demanded reactor power(norm)
KRATE = power error control gain
RD = demanded power rate of change(/sec)
· The absorber banks drive logic is as follows:

1. If the absorber banks control is set to auto mode, then the absorber
banks will move according to the power error versus zone level
plot below.

2. In the 'DRIVE 1 BANK IN' region, the absorber bank 1 will be

driven in first, and bank 2 will start to drive in when bank 1 is
completely driven in.

3. In the 'DRIVE 2 BANKS IN' region, both banks will be driven in


4. Similarly, in the 'DRIVE 1 BANK OUT' region, the absorber bank

2 will be driven out first, and bank 1 will start to drive out when
bank 2 is completely driven out.

5. In the 'DRIVE 2 BANKS OUT' region, both banks will be driven

out simultaneously.





-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

· The adjuster rods banks drive logic is as follows:

1. If the adjuster banks control is set to auto mode, then the adjuster
banks will move according to the power error versus zone level
plot below.

2. In the 'DRIVE 1 BANK IN' region, the adjuster bank will be driven
in an 'ascending bank number' manner, i.e. only one bank will be
traveling at a time, and the next bank will start to drive in when the
last bank is completely driven in, and the rest of the banks will be
driven in this sequential order.

3. In the 'DRIVE 2 BANKS IN' region, both banks will be driven in


4. Similarly, in the 'DRIVE 1 BANK OUT' region, one adjuster bank

will be driven out in the 'last in first out' manner, and next bank
will start to drive out when the traveling bank is completely driven

5. In the 'DRIVE 2 BANKS OUT' region, 2 banks will be driven out








-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


· The absorber and adjuster traveling speed is calculated based on power

error and is described below. Under reactor stepback conditions, the
absorber will take 3.5 seconds to completely dropped into the core.





-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


· The actual absorber/adjuster position will be calculated from the

previous absorber/adjuster position and its speed, if electrical power is

· The reactivity change worth of the adjuster and the absorber banks are
assumed to be:

DKCA = åi=1ABSRiWORTH * ( MAX ( -1, MIN ( 0,


( -0. 001267 + 0.13904 * SCAi + 2. 32103 * SCAi 2 + 1.16576 * SCAi 3 )))

DKADJ = åi=1ADJWORTH * ( MAX ( 0, MIN (1,


(1. 02293 - 0. 484729 * SAi - 2. 8621 * SAi 2 + 2. 34474 * SAi 3 )))

DKCA = neutron reactivity change due to absorber banks(K)

DKADJ = neutron reactivity change due to adjuster banks (K)

ABSRiWORTH = total reactivity change worth of absorber bank

i(K)(i=1,2) = total -9 mk for 2 banks

ADJWORTH = total reactivity change worth of 1 adjuster bank (K) =

total +17 mk for 8 banks

SCAi = absorber bank i position (norm)(i=1,2)

SAi = adjuster bank i position (norm)(i=1,8)

· 2 banks of shutdown rods of equivalent worth are modeled. When

reactor trips, the banks of shutdown rods will drop in together. The
rods will remain “in” until the shutdown system is “reset”. (This occurs
after the reactor trip button has been reset). Once the shutdown system
is “reset”, shutdown rods bank 2 will be pulled out first. After
Shutdown rod Bank 2 is completely pulled out, Shutdown rod bank 1
begins to withdraw. Note the rods insertion speed is different than that
of the rods 'pull-out' speed.

· The reactivity change due to safety-shutdown rods are assumed to be:

DKSDS = åi=1 DKSDSMAX * ( MAX ( 0, MIN (1,( SDSiPOS )))


DKSDS = neutron reactivity change due to shutdown rods (K)

DKSDSMAX = reactivity change due to shutdown rods when

fully inserted(K) = total -68 mk for 2 shutdown

9.4 Coupled Reactor Kinetics Reference
1. Luxat, J.C., “ The Potential of a Generalized Modal Analysis of
Postulated Loss-of-Coolant Accidents in CANDU Reactors”, Nuclear
Technology, Vol. 46, Mid-Dec 1979.

2. Avery, R., “Theory of Coupled Reactors”, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. On

Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, September 1958, 8/1958,

3. Chou, Q.B., et al, ”Development of a Low-Cost Spatial CANDU

Reactor Simulation Program for Power Plant Control Studies”,
Proceedings of 1975 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, San
Francisco, California, July 21-23, 1975.

Typical Workshop Agenda

Session 1 -

1. Introduction to Various Modular Modeling Systems

1.1 Integral Components of a Modular Modeling System

1.2 Simulation Development System for Control Room Replica Full

Scope Simulator (ROSE, CETRAN)

1.3 Simulation Development System for PC based Full Scope, Part

Scope, or Principle Simulator (MMS, APROS, CASSIM)

1.4 Technology Trends for Modular Modeling System

1.5 Introductory Hands-On Exposure to CASSIMÔ

2. Dynamic Simulation Fundamental

2.1 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling and Physical Laws

2.2 Overview of Dynamic Simulation for Power Plant Process

2.3 Numerical Methods & Other Important Model Considerations

2.4 Simple Modeling Example (2 Tanks) with CASSIMÔ

Ô Simulation Fundamentals

3.1 Merging Models with CASSIMÔ

3.2 Thermalhydraulic Modeling with CASSIMÔ Hydraulic Flow

Network (HFN)

3.3 Creating a simple CASSIM Algorithm

4. Reactor Model Development

3.4 Quick Overview of Nuclear Reactor Kinetics

3.5 Simple Point Kinetic Reactor Model - Basic Equations &

Analytical Solution

3.6 Development of the Point Kinetic Reactor Algorithm

Session 2 -

1. Wrap Up Point Kinetic Reactor Model Development

2. Effects of Neutron Sources on Reactor Kinetics

2.1 Effects of neutron sources on Reactor at Power and Shutdown

2.2 Photoneutron Sources in Heavy Water Reactors

2.3 Modify Point Kinetic Reactor Algorithm with Photoneutron


2.4 Discussion

3. Reactivity Feedback Effects

3.1 Overview of Reactivity Feedback Effects: Fuel Burnup and

Buildup; Fission Products Poisoning; Coolant Void Reactivity
Feedback; Temperature Feedback Effects

3.2 Xenon/Iodine Poison - Basic Equations and Dynamics

3.3 Developing Xenon/Iodine Model

3.4 Discussion

Session 3 -

1. Overview of Reactor Control for Different Reactors

1.1 Brief Overview of BWR, PWR, RBMK Reactor Controls

1.2 Overview of PHWR Reactivity Control Mechanisms & Reactor

Regulating System (RRS)

2. PHW Reactor Regulating System (RRS) Familiarization Using


2.1 Familiarization with Generic CANDU Simulator

2.2 Simulator Exercises related to PHW Reactor Control

3. Simulator Exercises continued for PHW Reactor Control

4. Reactivity Control Mechanism Modeling - Liquid Zone

4.1 Liquid Zone Hydraulic Modeling

4.2 Liquid Zone Reactivity Control Modeling

Session 4 -

1. Reactivity Control Mechanism Modeling Continued

1.1 Develop Adjuster Rods Model

1.2 Develop Absorber Rods Model

2. Reactor Shutdown System Modeling

2.1 Develop Reactor Shutdown Rods Model

3. Model Integration for Simple Reactor

3.1 Integrate Reactor Model + Xenon-Iodine Poison Model +Adjuster

& Absorber & Shutdown Rods Model + Liquid Zone Model

3.2 Testing & Discussion

Session 5 -

1. Practice Reactor Startup and Approach to Criticality using PHWR


2.1 Subcritical Reactor Behavior

2.2 Reactor Instrumentation

2.3 Methods for Approaching Criticality

2.4 Practice Reactor Startup and Approach to Criticality Using


2. From Simple Model to Higher Fidelity Nuclear Reactor Models

2.1 PHWR Model with Spatial Kinetics & Demonstrations

2.2 Nodal Approach for Simulating Space-Time Reactor Kinetics

2.3 Summary of Model Development for PHW Reactor

2.4 Model Development Roadmap & Discussion

Selected CASSIMÔ Algorithms Descriptions
Algorithm # 102: PUMP_SIM, Simple Centrifugal Pump

Purpose & Descriptions:

Note: the pump manufacturer normally provides pump performance diagrams
for users -
(a) Pump power (at certain specific gravity and speed) versus mass flow rate.
(b) Total dynamic head (at certain specific gravity and speed) versus mass
flow rate and
Net Positive Suction Head (N.P.S.H.) required.

The pump model is a simple centrifugal pump dynamic model which utilizes
the pump's manufacturer performance data for the following computation:
1. The pump static head is calculated as proportional to the product of the
design static head and the square of normalized pump speed. Other
factors such as pump degradation and fluid density changes relative to the
design density are taken into account in the calculation. That means as the
pump is starting up, the pump static head will be increasing and will be on
a quadratic rise to the design static head as the speed increases.
2. The pump power is computed as quadratic function of pump mass flow,
using curve-fit technique on the pump performance curve to obtain
respective constants (KP1, KP2, KP3) for the quadratic function.
3. Heat dissipated by the pump frictional loss is calculated as a fraction of
pump power
4. Cavitation factor is calculated as (suction pressure - saturation pressure) /

Note that the CASSIM hydraulic network solution scheme is represented by a

nodal diagram which involves identifying control volumes (known as nodes)
within the simulated hydraulic flow circuit. The flow between these nodes,
called link flow, can be obtained from the linearized momentum equation
governing the pressure differentials across these nodes. Each node pressure
can be obtained from mass balance around the nodes. In the present network
solution scheme, the pump static head is assigned to the link in which the
momentum equation is expressed as :
link mass flow is proportional to the square root of {pressure at suction node
of the pump + the static head of the pump - discharge node pressure}. The
pump dynamic head is calculated in the link block in which the pump is
located. For details on additional hydraulic flow network solution techniques,
refer to CTI's document "CASSIMÔ Thermohydraulic Flow Network
Solutions - Techniques & Examples"

Scope of Application:
Physical effects simulated:
· Static head calculation as function of speed, fluid density changes and
pump efficiency.
· Pump power as a function of mass flow.

· Heat dissipation as pump frictional loss.
· Cavitation factor is calculated.

Limitations or effects not simulated:

· Pump rundown and flywheel effects are not simulated.

Validity check:
· Cavitation factor should be checked if it is near or equal to 1.

Range of Operation:
· Full range of operation with the exception of pump cavitation.

Special Requirements & Assumptions:

· None.

Input Specifications (ALG102):

Input Descriptions Analog Engineering Connection Details

(A)/ Units
Digital (D)
1. Pump motor speed A Normalized Connect to the speed output tag of the motor block for
the pump.
2. Pump mass flow A Kg/sec Connect to the link flow output tag of the link block in
which the pump is located
3. Not used
4. Fluid density A Kg/m3 This can be inputted from a table look-up function or
just a constant tagname ($Constant) if it is a constant
5. Pump suction A KPa Connect to pressure output tag of the suction pressure
Pressure node block
6. Fluid saturation A KPa This can be inputted from a table look-up function or
pressure just a constant tagname ($Constant) if it is a constant
7. Pump degradation A Normalized 0 - no degradation; 1 - 100 % degraded. This can be
factor inputted from a table look-up function or just a constant
tagname ($Constant) if it is a constant. Usually it is
obtained from the pump efficiency specification.

Output Specifications (ALG102):

Output Analog (A)/ Engineering Connection Details

Descriptions/ Digital (D) Units
1. Pump static head A KPa Connect to pump static head input tag of the link
(G1) block in which the pump is located.
2. Cavitation factor A Normalized For indication
3. Pump power (PM1) A KW For indication and electrical motor current calculation
4. Heat loss (Q1) A KW For calculation of pump heat to the pumping fluid.

Coefficient Specifications (ALG102):

Coefficient Analog (A)/ Engineering Calculation Details

Descriptions Digital (D) Units
1. Design static head A KPa This is normally obtained from pump specification
2. Fluid Design A Kg/M3 This is normally obtained from pump specification
3. Required NPSH A KPa This is normally obtained from pump specification
4. Pump power factor A KW This is obtained from curve-fit to pump performance
KP1 curve
5. Pump power factor A KW/(Kg/sec) This is obtained from curve-fit to pump performance
KP2 curve
6. Pump power factor A KW/(Kg/sec) This is obtained from curve-fit to pump performance
KP3 2 curve

Algorithm # 106: VLV_ONOFF_SM, Simple ON-OFF Valve

Purpose & Descriptions:

1. This simple valve model allows user to specify the type of valve to be used:
linear; equal percentage; quick opening.
2. The model checks for motive force for the valve. Usually for pneumatic
control valve, the motive force is instrument air with a constant pressure as
specified by the valve manufacturer. On total loss of motive force, the valve
is either failed open, or failed closed. On partial loss of motive force, the
valve will fail in mid-position on a graduated scale between fully open to
fully closed position, being proportional to the value of the degraded motive
force signal at the time.
3. The valve model accepts the solenoid valve status and drives the valve stem
position to the fully opened position when the solenoid is energized and fully
closed when the solenoid is de-energized. The stem position will travel in a
first order lag fashion. The time constant for the lag is a function of the
stroking time constant for the valve.
4. The stroking time for the valve is defined as the time required for the valve
stem to travel from the fully closed position to the stem position at maximum
Cv on a step-change in control signal from fully closed requested to fully
opened requested.
5. The normalized valve port area is calculated based on the type of valve
specified by the user. For linear valve, the normalized port area is equal to
the stem position; for equal percentage valve, the normalized port area is a
quadratic function of valve stem position; for quick opening valve, the port
area is proportional the cube of stem position.

Scope of Application:
Physical effects simulated:
· Motive force (e.g. instrument air signal) for the valve.
· 3 types of valve can be specified: linear, equal %, quick opening
· Valve can fail open, closed, or failed to desired position.
Limitations or effects not simulated:
· Valve cavitation is not calculated in the model
· If the valve characteristics is known, and it does not fit the linear, equal
% or the quick opening, an extra block(ALG152-CURVEFIT) can be
created to calculate the effective port-area, using the stem position
output(OUT(2)) from this block as an input to the CURVEFIT block.
Validity check:
· Valve will not operate if motive force is not provided.

Range of Operation:
· Full range of valve operation, provided motive force is kept constant and
is greater than the motive force required to fully open and close the

Special Requirements & Assumptions:

· None

Input Specifications(ALG106):

Input Descriptions Analog Engineering Connection Details

(A)/ Units
Digital (D)
1. Valve solenoid D nil Connect to the solenoid valve status. A datavalue of 1=
signal fully open, and 0= fully closed
2. Valve Malfunction - D nil Connect to Non-Moveable block which gets inputs from
"Fail to position - graphical user interface for inserting malfunction.
On": 1 means malfunction active; 0 means malfunction
3. Valve Malfunction - A Normalized Connect to Non-Moveable block which gets inputs from
"Fail to position- graphical user interface for inserting malfunction. The
magnitude ": datavalue of this input represents the stem position the
valve is failed to.(e.g.:1=open, 0 =close, 0.5=half open)
4. Motive Force A Depends on This can be connected to instrument air source, or
motive force power supply source, depending on the motive force
medium : medium. If these sources are not modelled, just enter a
Pneumatic constant with appropriate value ($Constant). For the
(KPa); valve to stroke the full range, the datavalue of this input
electronic (mA, must be greater than the data-value of COF(3)(motive
or mV) force required to fully open) and the data-value of
COF(4)(motive force required to fully closed)

Output Specifications(ALG106):

Output Analog Engineering Connection Details

Descriptions/ (A)/ Units
Transform Digital (D)
1. Valve port area A Normalized Connect to the valve area input tag of the link block in
(ZA1) which the valve is located.
2. Valve stem position A Normalized For indication
3. Valve fully opened D Nil Connect to logic blocks for control or indication. This
(FO1) fully opened limit switch is set at stem position > 98%
4. Valve fully closed D Nil Connect to logic blocks for control or indication. This
(FC1) fully closed limit switch is set at stem position < 2%
5. Valve stem position A Connect to logic blocks for control or indication
in % (AS1)

Coefficient Specifications(ALG106):

Coefficient Analog (A)/ Engineering Connection Details

Descriptions Digital (D) Units
1. Valve stroking time A sec This is normally obtained from the valve specification.
This stroking time is defined as the time required to
open the valve from fully closed to a stem position at
maximum Cv
2. Type of Valve A Nil 1 = Linear; 2= Equal %; 3= Quick Open
3. Motive force A Depends on This is normally obtained from the valve specification
required motive force
to fully open medium :
(mA, or mV)
4. Motive force A Depends on This is normally obtained from the valve specification
required motive force
to fully close medium :
(mA, or mV)
5.Stem position at A Normalized This is normally obtained from the valve specification.
maximum Cv A typical value of 90% can be assumed.

Algorithm # 108: CV_SIM, Simple Control Valve

Purpose & Descriptions:

1. This simple valve model allows user to specify the type of valve to be used:
linear; equal percentage; quick opening.
2. The model checks for motive force for the valve. Usually for pneumatic
control valve, the motive force is instrument air with a constant pressure as
specified by the valve manufacturer. On total loss of motive force, the valve
is either failed open, or failed closed. On partial loss of motive force, the
valve will fail in mid-position on a graduated scale between fully open to
fully closed position, being proportional to the value of the degraded motive
force signal at the time.
3. The valve model accepts control signal (normalized) from controller and
drives the valve stem position to follow the control signal command in a first
order lag fashion. The time constant for the lag is a function of the stroking
time constant for the valve.
4. The stroking time for the valve is defined as the time required for the valve
stem to travel from the fully closed position to the stem position at maximum
Cv on a step-change in control signal from fully closed requested to fully
opened requested.
5. The normalized valve port area is calculated based on the type of valve
specified by the user. For linear valve, the normalized port area is equal to
the stem position; for equal percentage valve, the normalized port area is a
quadratic function of valve stem position; for quick opening valve, the port
area is proportional the cube of stem position.

Scope of Application:
Physical effects simulated:
· Motive force (e.g. instrument air signal) for the valve.
· 3 types of valve can be specified: linear, equal %, quick opening
· Valve can fail open, closed, or failed to desired position.

Limitations or effects not simulated:

· Valve cavitation is not calculated in the model
· If the valve characteristics is known, and it does not fit the linear, equal
% or the quick opening, an extra block(ALG152-CURVEFIT) can be
created to calculate the effective port-area, using the stem position
output(OUT(2)) from this block as an input to the CURVEFIT block.

Validity check:
· Valve will not operate if motive force is not provided.

Range of Operation:
· Full range of valve operation, provided motive force is kept constant and
is greater than the motive force required to fully open and close the

Special Requirements & Assumptions:

· None

Input Specifications(ALG108):

Input Descriptions Analog Engineering Connection Details

(A)/ Units
Digital (D)
1. Control Signal A Normalized Connect to control signal output tag of PID controller
2. Valve Malfunction - D nil Connect to Non-Moveable block which gets inputs from
"Fail to position - graphical user interface for inserting malfunction.
On": 1 means malfunction active; 0 means malfunction
3. Valve Malfunction - A Normalized Connect to Non-Moveable block which gets inputs from
"Fail to position- graphical user interface for inserting malfunction. The
magnitude ": datavalue of this input represents the stem position the
valve is failed to.(e.g.:1=open, 0 =close, 0.5=half open)
4. Motive Force A Depends on This can be connected to instrument air source, or
motive force power supply source, depending on the motive force
medium: medium. If these sources are not modelled, just enter a
Pneumatic constant with appropriate value ($Constant). For the
(KPa); valve to stroke the full range, the datavalue of this input
electronic (mA, must be greater than the data-value of COF(3)(motive
or mV) force required to fully open) and the data-value of
COF(4)(motive force required to fully closed)

Output Specifications(ALG108):

Output Analog Engineering Connection Details

Descriptions/ (A)/ Units
Transform Digital (D)
1. Valve port area A Normalized Connect to the valve area input tag of the link block in
(ZA1) which the valve is located.
2. Valve stem position A Normalized For indication
3. Valve fully opened D Nil Connect to logic blocks for control or indication. This
(FO1) fully opened limit switch is set at stem position > 98%
4. Valve fully closed D Nil Connect to logic blocks for control or indication. This
(FC1) fully closed limit switch is set at stem position < 2%
5. Valve stem position A Connect to logic blocks for control or indication
in % (AS1)

Coefficient Specifications(ALG108):

Coefficient Analog (A)/ Engineering Connection Details

Descriptions Digital (D) Units
1. Valve stroking time A sec This is normally obtained from the valve specification.
This stroking time is defined as the time required to
open the valve from fully closed to a stem position at
maximum Cv
2. Type of Valve A Nil 1 = Linear; 2= Equal %; 3= Quick Open
3. Motive force A Depends on This is normally obtained from the valve specification
required motive force
to fully open medium :
(mA, or mV)
4. Motive force A Depends on This is normally obtained from the valve specification
required motive force
to fully close medium :
(mA, or mV)
5.Stem position at A Normalized This is normally obtained from the valve specification.
maximum Cv A typical value of 90% can be assumed.

Algorithm #128: TANK, Simple Storage Tank with Heating

Purpose & Descriptions:

1. An overall mass balance is performed by this algorithm to calculate the
mass accumulation in the tank based on the inlet and outlet flowrate. The
level in the tank can also be calculated based on the mass accumulation in
the tank, the fluid density, and the tank's orientation.

2. An energy balance is also used to calculate the temperature of the fluid in

the tank. The temperature is calculated assuming a constant heat capacity.
Enthalpy can also be used in place of temperature, as long as the units for
INP(3), and OUT(3) are consistent. However, if OUT(3) is chosen to
represent enthalpy, COF(6) the Cp of the fluid must be set to 1.

3. If the level in the tank is greater than the overflow height, overflow of the
liquid will result. A simple first order lag is used to model the overflow.

4. When the level in the tank falls below the elevation at which the outlet
pipe is connected to the tank(KEMPTY), the outlet flow should decrease.
The outlet flow is assumed to be decreased to zero, when the level falls to
20% of KEMPTY. The tank level factor is used as a measure to reduce the
outlet flow when the level in the tank falls below KEMPTY.

Scope of Application:
Physical effects simulated:
· Overall mass balance to calculate the liquid level inside the tank
· Overall energy balance to calculate the liquid temperature inside the tank
· Liquid overflow will occur, when the liquid level inside the tank exceeds
the overflow limit
· Tank level factor reflecting the required reduction in outflow when the
tank liquid level falls below the elevation at which the outlet pipe is
connected to the tank.

Limitations or effects not simulated:

· Only fluid in single phase can be considered.
· Reverse flows at the input of the tank is not allowed.
· No pressure calculation inside the tank. The pressure is assumed to be
· The density of liquid in the tank is assumed to be constant

Validity check:
· If reverse flows are simulated, additional blocks must be used to calculate
overall input and output flowrates with respect to the tank.
· Check for two phase fluid.

Range of Operation:

Special Requirements & Assumptions:
· All fluids are in single phase, no boiling or condensation takes place in
the tank.
· The properties Cp of both fluids are assumed constant within the range of
their temperature range.
· Only 1 overall inlet flow and 1 overall outlet flow is modelled. If more
than one inlet flow or outlet flow exists, additional blocks will be
required to calculate the overall inlet and outlet flows.
· The energy balance for the tank assumed perfect mixing for the tank.

Input Specifications(ALG128):

Input Descriptions Analog Engineering Connection Details

(A)/ Units
Digital (D)
1. Inlet flowrate A Kg/sec Connect to the link flow, output tag of the link block in
which the fluid stream 1 is located. Or if more than one
inlet flow exists, use a mixing node block(ALG151) to
calculate the combined inlet flowrate.
2. Outlet flowrate A Kg/sec Connect to the link flow, output tag of the link block in
which the fluid stream 2 is located. Or if more than one
inlet flow exists, use a summer block(ALG312) to
calculate the combined outlet flowrate.
3. Inlet temperature A oC Connect to the block which calculate the temperature of
the inlet stream. Or if more than one inlet flow exists,
use a mixing node block(ALG151) to calculate the
combined inlet temperature. If enthalpy is used instead
of temperature, COF(6) must be set to one.
4. Heat input A KJ/S Connect to the block which calculate the external heat
into the tank. Any heat loss should be combined to this

Output Specifications(ALG128):

Output Analog Engineering Connection Details

Descriptions/ (A)/ Units
Transform Digital (D)
1. Tank Level(L1) A M Connect to equipment requiring the tank level. This
output is required to be initialized with the design data
at the full power steady state point.
2. Mass in Tank(M1) A Kg This output is required to be initialized with the design
data at the full power steady state point.
3. Temperature in Tank A oC Connect to equipment or heat balances requiring the
temperature of the liquid in the tank or leaving the
tank. This output is required to be initialized with the
design data at the full power steady state point.
4. Tank Overflow(FM1) A Kg/sec This can be connected to the hydraulic flow network as
an external flow.
5. Tank level A Normalized Connect to the hydraulic flow link which calculate the
Factor(G1) outlet flow from the tank. If the tank level is greater
than level at which outlet flow begins to reduce, the
value of this output should be one.

Coefficient Specifications(ALG128):

Coefficient Analog (A)/ Engineering Calculation Details

Descriptions Digital (D) Units
1. Orientation flag D Nil 0 = horizontal; 1 = vertical
2. Tank radius A M This value should be obtained from the equipment
3. Tank height/length A M This value should be obtained from the equipment
4. Overflow height A M This value should be obtained from the equipment
5 Maximum outflow A Kg/sec Can be estimated from the normal outlet flows by
multiplying that value by 130%
6: Cp of liquid A KJ/Kg/°C For water Cp = 4.16 KJ/Kg/°C
7: Density of liquid A Kg/M3 For water at 40 °C density = 992.3 Kg/M3
8: Overflow lag A sec A default value of 2 seconds can be assumed
9: level at which outlet A M This value should be obtained from the equipment
flow begins to reduce manufacturer

Algorithm # 133: BREAKER, Breaker

Purpose & Descriptions:

1. This algorithm simulates a typical breaker, with breaker close and breaker
open status as outputs. Breaker alarms indications are also modelled.

2. The inputs for the breaker algorithm includes close and open command,
trip command, trip relays, and malfunctions.

3. The operation of the breaker can be summarized by the following logic


CLOSECOM = command to close breaker

OPENCOM = command to open breaker
TRIPCOM = command to trip breaker
OLTRIP = overcurrent trip relay 51
UVTRIP = undervoltage trip relay 27
ELTRIP = ground protection trip relay 64
MALFO = failed open malfunction
MALFC = failed close malfunction
MALCPF = control power failure relay 8
BCSTAT = breaker closed status
BOSTAT = breaker open status
BTRBL = breaker trouble alarm
BPROT = breaker protection trip operated
BDEMT = breaker demanded to trip
BCPFI = breaker control power failure indication

Scope of Application:
Physical effects simulated:
· Breaker status
· Breaker alarm indications

Limitations or effects not simulated:

Validity check:

Range of Operation:
Special Requirements & Assumptions:

Input Specifications (ALG133):

Input Descriptions Analog Engineering Connection Details

(A)/ Units
Digital (D)
1. Command to close D Nil Connect to the block where the command to close the
breaker is calculated. Typical a control macro block is
used, and the On/start command should be connected to
this input.
2. Command to open D Nil Connect to the block where the command to open the
breaker is calculated. Typical a control macro block is
used, and the Off/stop command should be connected to
this input.
3. Command to trip D Nil Connect to the block where the command to trip the
breaker is calculated. Typical a control macro block is
used, and the trip open command should be connected
to this input.
4. Overcurrent trip D Nil Connect to the block where the overcurrent trip is
5. Undervoltage trip D Nil Connect to the block where the undervoltage trip is
6. Ground protection D Nil Connect to the block where the ground protection trip is
trip calculated
7. Failed open D Nil Connect to the non-movable block which modelled this
malfunction malfunction
8. Failed closed D Nil Connect to the non-movable block which modelled this
malfunction malfunction
9. Control power D Nil Connect to the non-movable block which modelled this
failure malfunction

Output Specifications (ALG133):

Output Analog Engineering Connection Details

Descriptions/ (A)/ Units
Transform Digital (D)
1. Breaker close status D Nil This output should be initialized. This breaker output
(BC1) can be connected to motor blocks as a command to
2. Breaker open status D Nil This output is for indication only. This should always
(BO1) be the inverse of OUT(1)
3. Breaker trouble alarm D Nil
4. Breaker protection D Nil
5. Breaker demanded to Nil
6. Control power failure D Nil If the electrical circuit is modelled, then this output
indication(D4) should be connected to the electrical circuit blocks.

Coefficient Specifications (ALG133): None

Algorithm # 134: MOTOR, Simple motor model

Purpose & Descriptions:

1. This algorithm calculates the electrical current and the normalized speed of
the motor.

2. A constant acceleration and deceleration are assumed. The user must

specify the runup time, as the time required for the motor to reach a
normalized speed of 1 from zero, on a start command, and the shutdown
time, as the time required , for the motor to reach a normalized speed of 0
from 1 on a stop command. The normalized speed is calculated based on
the constant acceleration and deceleration term.

3. The total current can be calculated based on the motor start-up current and
the motor running current.

4. The motor running current is calculated based on the mechanical power

used by the equipment, e.g. the pump/fan power, the power factor, the
voltage of the bus, and the motor efficiency.

5. The motor start-up current is calculated based on the speed of the motor,
and the initial start-up current when the speed is zero.


STARTI = Start-up current in amps

MSTARTI = Start-up current when motor speed is zero
NSPEED = normalized motor speed
EXPF = Exponent of Speed

Scope of Application:
Physical effects simulated:
· Motor speed
· Current used by the motor

Limitations or effects not simulated:

· Braking effects on motor

Validity check:

Range of Operation:

Special Requirements & Assumptions:

· Constant acceleration and de-celeration are assumed

Input Specifications(ALG134):

Input Descriptions Analog Engineering Connection Details

(A)/ Units
Digital (D)
1. Start/stop A Nil Connect to the block where the command to start/stop
command the motor is calculated. Typical a breaker block is used,
and the breaker close status is used to drive this input.
2. Pump/fan power A KJ/sec Connect to the block where the pump/fan power is
calculated. For centrifugal pumps, the pump power is
calculated in the pump dynamics blocks(ALG102,
3. Bus voltage A KV Connect to the block where the bus voltage is calculated

Output Specifications(ALG134):

Output Analog Engineering Connection Details

Descriptions/ (A)/ Units
Transform Digital (D)
1. Motor Speed A Normalized This value should be connected to a pump dynamics
block(ALG102 PUMP_SIM) as an indication of motor
speed. It can be connected to any block which required
normalized motor speed.
2. Acceleration A norm/sec
3. Start-up current A amperes
4. Running current A amperes
5. Total current A amperes If the electrical circuit is modelled, then this output
should be connected to the electrical circuit blocks.

Coefficient Specifications(ALG134):

Coefficient Analog (A)/ Engineering Calculation Details

Descriptions Digital (D) Units
1. Run-up time to full A sec This value should be obtained from the equipment
speed manufacturer.
2. Run-dwon time to A sec This value should be obtained from the equipment
zero speed manufacturer.
3. Current calculation A Nil If this coefficient is set to zero, then the current
flag calculation is by-passed.
4. Power conversion A This value should be set to 1 if the bus voltage and the
factor pump power are in the units KV, and KW.
5. Reference power A Nil A typical value of 0.85 can be assumed
6. Motor efficiency A Normalized This value should be obtained from the equipment
manufacturer. A typical value of 0.9 can be assumed
7. Motor start-up A amperes This value should be obtained from the equipment
current manufacturer. A typical value of 5*the running current
at design conditions can be assumed.
8. Exponent of speed A Nil A typical value of 0.25 can be assumed
in current

Algorithm # 140: CONDUCT_FI, incompressible flow conductance

Purpose & Descriptions:

1. This algorithm predict the flow in a link using incompressible flow
momentum equation.

W = K*VAL*(Pup-Pdown)0.5

2. Check valve is modelled for this link.

Scope of Application:
Physical effects simulated:
· The flow through the link as predicted by incompressible flow equation

Limitations or effects not simulated:

· Static head from pump or elevation difference are not considered. The
user has to modelled static heads in a separate block and account for them
in the upstream pressure input term.
· 2-phase flow effects are not modelled.

Validity check:

Range of Operation:

Special Requirements & Assumptions:

· If more than 1 valve exists on the same link, the effective valve port-area
can be found by assuming the overall effective port-area = the
multiplication of all the port-areas on the same link.

Input Specifications(ALG140):

Input Descriptions Analog Engineering Connection Details

(A)/ Units
Digital (D)
1. Inlet Pressure A KPaa Connect to node pressure output tag of the node block
in which the inlet pressure is located.
2. Outlet Pressure A KPaa Connect to node pressure output tag of the node block
in which the outlet pressure is located.
3. Valve position A Normalized Connect to the block where the overall valve port-area
is calculated.

Output Specifications(ALG140):

Output Analog Engineering Connection Details

Descriptions/ (A)/ Units
Transform Digital (D)
1. Total outflow(FM1) A Kg/sec May be connected to the hydraulic network or tank
block to preserve mass balance or use as indication.

Coefficient Specifications(ALG140):

Coefficient Analog (A)/ Engineering Calculation Details

Descriptions Digital (D) Units
1. Rated flow A Kg/KPa0.5 This value is calculated by dividing the mass flow by the
conductance square root of the pressure difference of the upstream
and downstream node at design conditions.
2. Check valve status D Nil Enter 1 if check valve is present else enter 0

Algorithm #223: RSFF, Reset — Set (RS) Flip Flop

Purpose & Descriptions:

This algorithm simulates a logical R-S Flip flop element:
· Input #1 designates the "Set" signal; whereas " Input #2 designates the
"Reset" signal; Coefficient #1 dictates whether "Set" Overrides "Reset" ( if
value of the coefficient #1 = 1), or "Reset" overrides "Set" ( if value of the
coefficient #1 = 0).
· Assuming that Coefficient #1 = 0, (i.e. Reset overrides Set), when the Set
signal is equal to 1 (logical true) and Reset signal is equal to 0 (logical
false), then Output 1 is equal to 1 and "latched in". Output 2 is the
inversion of Output 1, therefore equal to 0.
· In the event that Reset signal is equal ! (logical true) when the Set signal is
equal 1, Output 1 is always equal to 0 (logical false); Output 2 is always
equal to 1 (logical true), due to the Reset override.
· The output 1 latched-in state will be reset to 0 (logical false), as soon as the
Reset signal becomes 1 (logical true).
· The truth table representation for the R-S Flip Flop is as follows:
Note that Output 1 & 2 in each row represent logical states corresponding
to different logic states of inputs and coefficients.

Set Input Reset Input Coefficient Output 1 Output 2

State State State State State
0 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 0 1
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 1

The truth table below represents a typical sequence of events for the output
logic states evolution corresponding to Set Signal & Reset Signal with
Coefficient = 0

Event Set Input Reset Input Coefficient Output 1 Output 2

Sequenc State State State State State
1 1 0 0 1 0
2 0 0 0 1 0
3 0 1 0 0 1
4 0 0 0 0 1

Scope of Application:
Physical effects simulated: Not applicable.

Limitations or effects not simulated: Not applicable.

Validity check: Not applicable.

Range of Operation:
· Input values are either 0 (logical false) or 1 (logical true). No
intermediate values between 0 and 1 are allowed.
Special Requirements:
· None.

Input Specifications (ALG #223):

Input Descriptions Analog Engineering Connection Details

(A)/ Units
Digital (D)
1. Set Input D Nil
2. Reset Input D Nil

Output Specifications(ALG #223):

Output Analog Engineering Connection Details

Descriptions/ (A)/ Units
Transform Digital (D)
1. Output 1 D Nil
2. Output 2 D Nil

Coefficient Specifications (ALG #223):

Coefficient Analog (A)/ Engineering Calculation Details

Descriptions Digital (D) Units
1. Coefficient 1 D Nil 0 = Reset overrides Set; 1 = Set overrides Reset

Algorithm #232: Comparator, Single Analog Comparator with Deadband

Purpose & Descriptions:

This algorithm simulates a single analog comparator (e.g. level switch,
temperature switch, pressure switch, etc.) with the following functions::
1. Using the coefficient #1, the user specifies whether the comparator is to
check if the input is "less than" the comparator setpoint (coefficient #1 =
0), or "greater than" the comparator setpoint (coefficient #1 = 1).
2. The comparator setpoint is entered by the user in coefficient # 2.
3. If deadband for the comparator setpoint is required, it will be entered by
the user in coefficient #3
4. Output #1 provides status indication on whether analog input is "less than"
or "greater than" the comparator setpoint (see (1) above).
5. Output #2 provides comparator setpoint as specified by the user in
coefficient #2.

Scope of Application:
Physical effects simulated:
· The effects of a comparator switch (e.g. level switch etc.)

Limitations or effects not simulated: Not applicable

Validity check: Not applicable

Range of Operation:
· Input values can assume any values from -99999999.99999999 to

Special Requirements:
· None

Input Specifications (ALG # 232):

Input Descriptions Analog Engineering Connection Details

(A)/ Units
Digital (D)
1. Analog Input A Nil Connect to process variable (e.g. flow, temperature,
pressure, etc.)

Output Specifications (ALG #232):

Output Analog Engineering Connection Details

Descriptions/ (A)/ Units
Transform Digital (D)
1. Digital Output (D1) D Nil If the analog input is less than or greater than the
(status indication on setpoint (depending on coefficient #1); this output will
whether analog input be "1"; else, it will be "0". This output is usually
is less than or connected to alarm and control logic etc.
greater than
2. Comparator setpoint A Nil mainly for announcing the comparator setpoint value
(A1) (equated to to other blocks.
coefficient #2)

Coefficient Specifications (ALG #232):

Coefficient Analog (A)/ Engineering Calculation Details

Descriptions Digital (D) Units
1. Comparison D Nil 0 = less than setpoint
specification: "Less 1 = greater than setpoint
than" or Greater
2. Comparator A The
Setpoint engineering
unit is the
same as that
for analog
3. Comparator A The If no deadband is required, enter 0
deadband engineering
unit is the
same as that
for analog

Algorithm #236: DELTA_INP, , Input = (Current Input — Previous Input)

Purpose & Descriptions:

This algorithm performs the following functions:
1. It stores the input value from the previous iteration, then it takes the
difference between the current input value (in current iteration) and the
previous input value ( in previous iteration).
2. The difference ( or called D input) is equated to output #1.
3. Output #2 provides the absolute value of the D input.
4. Output #3 stores the input value for the previous iteration.
5. Output #4 is a flag to indicate whether the algorithm has executed at least

Scope of Application:
Physical effects simulated: Not applicable

Limitations or effects not simulated: Not applicable

Validity check: Not applicable

Range of Operation:
· Input values can assume any values from -99999999.99999999 to

Special Requirements:
· None

Input Specifications (ALG #236):

Input Descriptions Analog Engineering Connection Details

(A)/ Units
Digital (D)
1. Analog Input A Nil

Output Specifications (ALG #236):

Output Analog Engineering Connection Details

Descriptions/ (A)/ Units
Transform Digital (D)
1. (Current Input - A Nil
Previous Input )
2. Absolute value of A Nil
(Current Input -
Previous Input )
3. Previous Input A Nil Mainly for storing previous input value
Value (A3)
4. First time through D Nil Mainly for storing flag status
flag (D1)

Coefficient Specifications (ALG # 236): None.

Algorithm #241: SPEEDER_GEAR, Steam Turbine speed/load changer gear

Purpose & Descriptions:

This algorithm simulates a simple speed/load changer gear for a rotational
equipment such as a steam turbine, or gas turbine etc. Usually the position of the
speeder gear controls the position of the speed/load governor:
1. Users can specify the rate of the speeder gear movement from 0 % governor
position to 100 % governor position (or vice versa). The rate can be
expressed respectively as Fast Time or Slow Time in the coefficient
2. Fast Time (coefficient #1) is the time in seconds specified by the user for the
speeder gear to move from 0 % to 100% position, if the gear is selected (via
Input #4 = 1) to move at the fast rate.
3. Slow Time (coefficient #2) is the time in seconds specified by the user for the
speeder gear to move from 0 % to 100% position, if the gear is selected (via
Input #5 = 1) to move at the slow rate.
4. Control commands to raise or lower the speed/load changer gear are received
at Input #1 and #2 respectively. If there is no speeder gear failure signal (at
Input #3 (Fail to Position) = -1), and there is no Manual control signal (at
Input # 6 = 0), the speeder gear will move to a new position with each
increment of DT, the rate of gear movement is determined by whether the
fast or slow rate is selected (Input #4 = 1 or Input #5 = 1).
5. The normalized speeder gear position is continuously updated in Output # 1.
6. When the speeder gear has reached its maximum limit, Output #2 will be
equal to 1.
7. When the speeder gear has reached its minimum limit, Output #3 will be
equal to 1.
8. Malfunction signal of the speeder gear can be sent to Input #3. Any value
other than "- 1.0" will be treated as the speeder gear "fail-to-position" value.
9. If manual control of the speeder gear is required, send a digital signal to Input
#6 which will switch the gear to manual control. The analog value specified
in Input #7 will indicate the desired manual controlled position of the gear.

Scope of Application:
Physical effects simulated:
· Simple turbine speed/load changer gear.

Limitations or effects not simulated:

· Effects of governor hunting are not simulated

Validity check:
· None

Range of Operation:
· All digital input signals assume value either "0" or "1".
· All analog input signals assume normalized value.

Special Requirements:
· None

Input Specifications (ALG # 241):

Input Descriptions Analog Engineering Connection Details

(A)/ Units
Digital (D)
1. Raise Speed/Load D Nil Connect to control signal
2. Lower Speed/Load D Nil Connect to control signal
3. Speeder Gear A Normalized Connect to malfunction block output. If there is no
"Fail-to-position" malfunction, enter $ constant with value = -1.
4. Fast Rate Selected D Nil Connect to governor control logic
5. Slow Rate Selected D Nil Connect to governor control logic
6. Manual Control D Nil Connect to manual control logic
7. Manual Control A Normalized Connect to manual control logic

Output Specifications (ALG #241):

Output Analog Engineering Connection Details

Descriptions/ (A)/ Units
Transform Digital (D)
1. Speed/Load Changer A Normalized Connect to speed relay, servomotor and governor
Gear Position (Z1) control valve
2. Gear at maximum D Nil For status indication
position (HL)
3. Gear at minimum D Nil For status indication
position (LL)

Coefficient Specifications (ALG # 241):

Coefficient Analog (A)/ Engineering Calculation Details

Descriptions Digital (D) Units
1. Fast Time A seconds Nil
2. Slow Time A seconds Nil

Algorithm #312: 5_SUM, Sum of 5 Inputs

Purpose & Descriptions:

This algorithm add 5 Analog Inputs together and produce the sum at the

Output #1 = Input #1 * Coefficient #1 + Input #2 * Coefficient #2 +

Input #3 * Coefficient #3 + Input #4 * Coefficient #4 +
Input #5 * Coefficient #5

1. Coefficient #1 to #5 are multiplying factors to be used for individual

Analog Input, if it is necessary to scale respective inputs for the addition.

Scope of Application:
Physical effects simulated: Not applicable

Limitations or effects not simulated: Not applicable

Validity check: Not applicable

Range of Operation: Not applicable

Special Requirements: Not applicable

Input Specifications (ALG # 312):

Input Descriptions Analog Engineering Connection Details

(A)/ Units
Digital (D)
1. Analog Input #1 A Nil
2. Analog Input #2 A Nil
3. Analog Input #3 A Nil
4. Analog Input #4 A Nil
5. Analog Input #5 A Nil

Output Specifications (ALG # 312):

Output Analog Engineering Connection Details

Descriptions/ (A)/ Units
Transform Digital (D)
1. Output (A1) A Nil

Coefficient Specifications (ALG # 312):

Coefficient Analog (A)/ Engineering Calculation Details

Descriptions Digital (D) Units
1. Multiplying Factor A Nil
for Input #1
2. Multiplying Factor A Nil
for Input #2
3. Multiplying Factor A Nil
for Input #3
4. Multiplying Factor A Nil
for Input #4
5. Multiplying Factor A Nil
for Input #5

Algorithm #332: PID_MALF, Proportional + Integral + Derivative Controller
with Controller Malfunction

Purpose & Descriptions:

This algorithm is exactly the same as ALG # 330, except that controller
malfunction is added for its output to fail to any demanded position.
1. This algorithm represents a proportional + Integral + Derivative Controller.

2. The mathematical formulation for the simple controller is as follows:

Output = Proportional Term + Integral Term + Derivative Term
The normalized controller output is continuously updated at Output #1.;
whereas the controller output signal in % is displayed at Output #15
Output #2 displays Error signal = Process Variable (PV) - Setpoint (SP).
Output #3 displays the Proportional Term calculated in the algorithm.
Output #4 displays the Integral Term calculated in the algorithm.
Output #5 displays the Derivative term calculated in the algorithm.
3. The controller algorithm computes the error signal at Output #2 based on a
"forward-acting" action: i.e. Forward-Acting: Error = Process Variable
(PV) - Setpoint (SP). However, most controller action is Reverse-Acting:
Error = Setpoint (SP) - Process Variable (PV). Hence Coefficient #4 can
be used to determine what the controller action should be
( Coefficient #4: 0 means Forward Acting; 1 means Reverse Acting).
4. The controller has 4 modes of operations:
(a) Auto Mode - In Auto Mode, the Setpoint (SP) is provided by local user
input. The
controller output is determined by the P + I + D control action taken by
the controller.
Auto mode can be requested from two sources :
(i) Man-Machine Interface (MMI) - Input #2
(ii) Internal logic from Model - Input #3
When Auto mode request is accepted, Output #6 will indicate that the
controller is in Auto Mode.
In Auto Mode, the Setpoint signal comes from Man-Machine Interface
(MMI) - Input #16.
(b) Manual Mode - In Manual Mode, automatic controller action is
disabled. User manually
controls the controller's output.
Manual Mode request is received at Input #4 through MMI request and
when it is accepted, Output #7 will indicate that the controller is in
Manual Mode.
In Manual Mode, the Manual control signal comes from Input #20 via
MMI input.
(c) Remote Setpoint Mode (RSP) - In RSP Mode, the Setpoint (SP) is
provided NOT by the
user, but by the internal logic.
RSP Mode can be requested from two sources:
(i) Man-Machine Interface (MMI) - Input #6
(ii) Internal logic from Model - Input # 7

When RSP mode requested is accepted, Output #8 will indicate that the
controller is in RSP Mode.
In RSP Mode, the Setpoint signal comes from the Model via Input #17.
(d) Tripped-To-Manual Mode - When the controller is in any of the
above control modes, if Input #5 is "true" (= 1), the controller will be
"tripped to Manual". Output #7 will indicate that the controller is in
Manual; whereas Output #27 will indicate that the controller has been
"tripped to manual". Logic Model may send a Manual Control signal
at Input #21, in order to set the controller output to a desired value,
should the controller be "tripped to Manual".
The " Tripped to Manual" mode will be reset when Input #27 is "true".
When that happens, Output #27 will be reset to "0", and the controller
will remain in "Manual" mode ((b) above).
5. There is a provision to "track" a controller when Input #14 (Track
Command) is "true" ( = 1). When that happens, regardless of what mode
the controller is in, the controller output #1 will follow the signal provided
at Input #15 (Track Value). Output #9 will indicate that the controller is in
6. The controller can be locked in a particular mode:
Input #11 = Lock Auto
Input #12 = Lock Manual
Input #13 = Lock RSP
It is important for the user to make sure that the"lock" signals for the 3
modes (Input #11, #12, #13) cannot be applied simultaneously.
When the mode "lock" signal is accepted, Output #10 will indicate that the
controller is in "lock".
7. The controller can be inhibited from "Auto", "Manual" or "RSP" mode via
respective Input #8, Input #9 and Input #10. The "Inhibit" function will
prevent the inhibited mode from being set. When a mode inhibit function
occurs, Output #12, #13, #14 will display the mode inhibited function
8. The controller accepts "feedforward" bias via Input #18 for MMI, or via
Input #19 for Model input.
9. Usually the controller tuning constants: Proportional Gain, Reset Time, Set
Time are set by the respective coefficient #1 , #2, #3. However, this
algorithm provides a tuning provision with which the user can tune the
controller "on-line" by sending a "controller tune" request at Input #22.
When that happens, Proportional Gain can be provided at Input #23; Reset
Time at Input #24; Set Time at Input #25.
10. The controller output can have a low and high limits specified by the user
respectively at the Coefficient #5 and #6.
11. Note that for the purpose of interfacing to Labview GUI, a special
algorithm #457 has been designed to interface with this algorithm. See
details in ALG # 457.
12. This algorithm accepts controller malfunction request via Input #28 (failed
controller flag); and via Input #29 (failed controller output position) If the
controller has failed, then the controller output will be set to equal Input

Scope of Application:
Physical effects simulated: Not applicable

Limitations or effects not simulated: Not applicable

Validity check: Not applicable

Range of Operation: Not applicable

Special Requirements: Not applicable

Input Specifications (ALG # 332):

Input Analog (A)/ Engineering Connection Details

Descriptions Digital (D) Units
1. Process Variable A to follow input
2. MMI Auto Mode D Nil See 4(a) above
3. Model Logic Auto D Nil See 4(a) above
Mode Request
4. MMI Manual D Nil See 4(b) above
Mode Request
5. Model Trip to D Nil See 4(d) above
Manual Request
6. MMI RSP Model D Nil See 4(c) above
7. Model Logic RSP D Nil See 4(c) above
8. Inhibit Auto Mode D Nil See 7 above
9. Inhibit Manual D Nil See 7 above
10. Inhibit RSP Mode D Nil See 7 above
11. Lock Auto Mode D Nil See 6 above
12. Lock Manual D Nil See 6 above
Mode Request
13. Lock RSP Mode D Nil See 6 above
14. Controller Track D Nil See 5 above
15. Controller Track A Normalized See 5 above
16. MMI Setpoint A to follow input See 4(a) above
17. Model Logic A to follow input See 4(c) above
Setpoint Value
18. MMI A Normalized See 8 above
19. Model Logic A Normalized See 8 above
Feedforward bias
20. MMI Manual A Normalized See 4(b) above
Control signal
21. Model Logic A Normalized See 4(d) above
Manual Control
22. MMI Controller D Nil See 9 Above
Tuning Request
23. MMI A Units of Prop See 9 above
Proportional Gain Term/Units of
24. MMI Reset Time A sec See 9 above
25. MMI Set Time A sec See 9 above
26. MMI to set D Nil See 9 above.
Controller Action: 0 = Forward Acting; 1 = Reverse Acting
Forward Acting or
Reverse Acting.

27. MMI to Reset D Nil See 4(d) above
"Tripped to
28. Controller Failed D Nil See 12 Above
29. Controller Output A Normalized See 12 Above
Failed Position

Output Specifications (ALG # 332):

Output Analog Engineering Connection Details

Descriptions/ (A)/ Units
Transform Digital (D)
1. Controller Output A Normalized Connect to control device
Signal (Z1)
2. Error Signal (ER1) = A to follow PV & For algorithm internal use
(PV - SP) SP
3. Proportional Term A Normalized For algorithm internal use
4. Integral Term (A2) A Normalized For algorithm internal use
5. Derivative Term (A3) A Normalized For algorithm internal use
6. Controller in Auto D Nil For Labview pop-up interface, see connection details
Mode (D1) in ALG # 457
7. Controller in Manual D Nil For Labview pop-up interface, see connection details
(D2) in ALG # 457
8. Controller in RSP D Nil For Labview pop-up interface, see connection details
(D6) in ALG # 457
9. Controller in Track D Nil For Labview pop-up interface, see connection details
(D3) in ALG # 457
10. Controller in Lock D Nil For display.
11. Controller Mode A Nil For Labview pop-up interface, see connection details
(A13) 0 = Auto; 1= in ALG # 457
Manual; 2 = RSP
12. Auto Mode Inhibited D Nil For Labview pop-up interface, see connection details
(D7) in ALG # 457
13. Manual Mode D Nil For Labview pop-up interface, see connection details
Inhibited (D8) in ALG # 457
14.RSP Mode Inhibited D Nil For Labview pop-up interface, see connection details
(D9) in ALG # 457
15.Controller Output A %
Signal (A4)
16.Controller Tune Flag D Nil For Labview pop-up interface, see connection details
(D5) in ALG # 457
17.Proportional Gain A Units of Prop. For Labview pop-up interface, see connection details
registered (A5) Term/Units of in ALG # 457
18. Reset Time A sec. For Labview pop-up interface, see connection details
Registered (A6) in ALG # 457
19. Set Time Registered A sec. For Labview pop-up interface, see connection details
(A7) in ALG # 457
20.Controller Action A Nil For Labview pop-up interface, see connection details
Registered: Forward in ALG # 457
Acting or Reverse
Acting (A8)

21.Controller Output A Normalized For algorithm internal use
Low Limit (A9)
22.Controller Output A Normalized For algorithm internal use
High Limit (A10)
23.Controller Setpoint A to follow SP For Labview pop-up interface, see connection details
Registered (A11) in ALG # 457
24.Controller A Normalized For Labview pop-up interface, see connection details
Feedforward Bias in ALG # 457
Registered (A12)
25. MMI Manual D Nil For Labview pop-up interface, see connection details
Control Signal in ALG # 457
Update Request (D10)
26. MMI Setpoint D Nil For Labview pop-up interface, see connection details
Update Request (D11) in ALG # 457
27. Controller Tripped D Nil For Labview pop-up interface, see connection details
to in ALG # 457
Manual (D12)

Coefficient Specifications (ALG # 332):

Coefficient Analog (A)/ Engineering Calculation Details

Descriptions Digital (D) Units
1. Proportional Gain A Units of Prop
2. Reset Time for A sec.
Integral Term
3. Set Time for A Sec.
Derivative Term
4. Controller Action: D Nil 0 = means Forward Acting
Forward Acting or 1 = means Reverse Acting
Reverse Acting
5. Controller Output A Normalized
Low Limit
6. Controller Output A Normalized
High Limit

Algorithm #398: MARKER, Dummy Marker for Model Identification

Purpose & Descriptions:

This algorithm performs no operation at all. It is intended to be used only as a
Model Identifier.

Scope of Application:
Physical effects simulated: Not applicable

Limitations or effects not simulated: Not applicable

Validity check: Not applicable

Range of Operation: Not applicable

Special Requirements: Not applicable

Input Specifications (ALG # 398):

No Inputs.

Output Specifications (ALG # 398):

No Outputs.

Coefficient Specifications (ALG # 398):

No Coefficients.

Algorithm #399: DUMMY_DISPLAY, Dummy Display of 20 Output Tags

Purpose & Descriptions:

1. This algorithm is designed for debugging the model, where the user wants
to display a group of output tags, along with their values updated
continuously from the model. These output tags may come from various
outputs from different blocks in the model.
2. Insofar as the algorithm is concerned, there is no computation at all inside
this algorithm.
3. User may delete the block using this algorithm after model debugging.

Scope of Application:
Physical effects simulated: Not applicable

Limitations or effects not simulated: Not applicable

Validity check: Not applicable

Range of Operation: Not applicable

Special Requirements: Not applicable

Input Specifications (ALG # 399):

Input Descriptions Analog Engineering Connection Details

(A)/ Units
Digital (D)
1. Analog Input #1 A Nil Connect to the Output tag of a specific block's output
2. Analog Input #2 A Nil Connect to the Output tag of a specific block's output
3. Analog Input #3 A Nil Connect to the Output tag of a specific block's output
. " " "
. " " "
. " " "
18. Analog Input #18 A Nil Connect to the Output tag of a specific block's output
19. Analog Input #19 A Nil Connect to the Output tag of a specific block's output
20. Analog Input #20 A Nil Connect to the Output tag of a specific block's output

Output Specifications (ALG # 399):

No Outputs.

Coefficient Specifications (ALG # 399):

No Coefficients.

Algorithm #401: H_NET_INT, Internal Node

Purpose & Descriptions:

1. This algorithm is used in conjunction with H_NET_ID(network ID block),
H_NET_EXT(external node block), and H_NET_LINK(network link

2. The pressure and flow calculation is performed by reducing the momentum

equation to a linear form, and from the mass balance on each of the node, a
system of linear algebraic equations can be formed. The solution of the
algebraic system will give the pressure for each of the node.

3. Please see CASSIM USER MANUAL section 2.3.4 and CASSIM

TUTORIAL section 2.3 on hydraulic flow networks for further

4. Each node can be considered as a control volume with a constant pressure

within the control volume.

5. Any flows to and from the node that are not related to the network link can
be inputted to INP(1) from the node.

Scope of Application:
Physical effects simulated:
· Pressure in the node will respond to a mismatch between the inflow and
outflow of the node.

Limitations or effects not simulated:

· The node pressure calculation due to boiling is not modelled

Validity check: None

Range of Operation:
· network flows remain in a single phase, for 2 phase systems, a 2 phase
friction factor has to be calculated outside the network blocks.

Special Requirements & Assumptions:

· This block must be used in conjunction with other blocks to form the
network system.

Input Specifications(ALG # 401):

Input Descriptions Analog Engineering Connection Details

(A)/ Units
Digital (D)
1. Sum of external A Kg/sec Connect to link flow output tag of the link block in
flows which the inlet stream 1 is located.

Output Specifications(ALG # 401):

Output Analog Engineering Connection Details

Descriptions/ (A)/ Units
Transform Digital (D)
1. Node pressure(P1) A KPaa May be used as indication, control or other network
calculation. This output is required to be initialized at
the design node pressure.
2. Capacity/dt(G1) A This output is only required by the network solver
3. Node pressure* A This output is only required by the network solver
4. Sum of external A Kg/sec This output is the same as INP(1)
flows (FM1)
5. Not used A

Coefficient Specifications(ALG # 401):

Coefficient Analog (A)/ Engineering Calculation Details

Descriptions Digital (D) Units
1. Node capacity A KPaa/Kg The capacity of the node can be derived from the
volume of the control volume(e.g. a mixing header) *
the change of density with pressure for the fluid in the
node. See CASSIM TUTORIAL section 2.3.4.

Algorithm #402: H_NET_EXT, External Node

Purpose & Descriptions:

1. This algorithm is used in conjunction with H_NET_ID(network ID block),
H_NET_INT(internal node block), and H_NET_LINK(network link

2. The pressure and flow calculation is performed by reducing the momentum

equation to a linear form, and from the mass balance on each of the node, a
system of linear algebraic equations can be formed. The solution of the
algebraic system will give the pressure for each of the node.

3. Please see CASSIM USER MANUAL section 2.3.4 and CASSIM

TUTORIAL section 2.3 on hydraulic flow networks for further

4. This block can be seen as the interface block to represent the existence of
an external node.

5. The external pressure is usually calculated outside of this block.

Scope of Application:
Physical effects simulated: None

Limitations or effects not simulated: None

Validity check: None

Range of Operation:
section 2.3 on hydraulic flow networks for further explanations.

Special Requirements & Assumptions:

· This block must be used in conjunction with other blocks to form the
network system.

Input Specifications(ALG # 402):

Input Descriptions Analog Engineering Connection Details

(A)/ Units
Digital (D)
1. External Pressure A KPaa Connect to the block which calculate the external node
pressure. It can be a constant tag, e.g. atmospheric
Or the pressure may be from an internal node block
from another network circuit.

Output Specifications(ALG # 402):

Output Analog Engineering Connection Details

Descriptions/ (A)/ Units
Transform Digital (D)
1. Node pressure(P1) A KPaa May be used as indication, control or other network

Coefficient Specifications(ALG # 402): None

Algorithm #403: H_NET_LINK, Hydraulic Network Link

Purpose & Descriptions:

1. This algorithm is used in conjunction with H_NET_ID(network ID block),
H_NET_EXT(external node block), and H_NET_INT(internal node

2. The pressure and flow calculation is performed by reducing the momentum

equation to a linear form, and from the mass balance on each of the node, a
system of linear algebraic equations can be formed. The solution of the
algebraic system will give the pressure for each of the node.

3. With the pressure difference between the two connected nodes, the link
flow can be calculated using a linearized form of the momentum equation.

4. Please see CASSIM USER MANUAL section 2.3.4 and CASSIM

TUTORIAL section 2.3 on hydraulic flow networks for further

4. The link flow as per the momentum equation is calculated in this


5. The momentum equation used is assuming incompressible flow, therefore

the momentum equation can be reduced to the form:

W = KCOND*TANK_LVL_FAC*VAL1*VAL2*(Pup+Pelev +Pstatic-


KCOND, the link conductance is calculated based on the link mass flow
and the link pressure drop at design conditions. For cases, where the
momentum equation for the link does not follow the above form, e.g.
compressible flow, or pump head/flow curve, an external conductance
has to be calculated external to this algorithm, and connected to INP(9)
of this algorithm. COF(8) has to be set to one, if external conductance is

TANK_LVL_FAC is the tank level factor (see ALG128 and input

specifications below for more details)

VAL1, VAL2, is the normalized valve port-area for the valves in the link

Pup is the pressure at the upstream node

Pdown is the pressure at the downstream node

Pelev is the elevation head of the piping arrangement in the link
connecting the two nodes.

Pstatic is the static head for the pump located in the link

6. If there are valves located on this link, the normalized valve port-areas
must be connected.(INP(3), INP(4)). These valve port-areas will reduce the
conductance of the link thereby reducing the link flow.

7. Any elevation head related to this link must be connected to INP(6).

8. Non-return valves can be modelled in the link, such that if downstream

pressure is greater than the upstream pressure, the flow is equalled to zero.
(Set COF(1) to 1 if a non-return valve exists in the link.)

Scope of Application:
Physical effects simulated:
· Flow calculation based on incompressible flow
· Reverse flows can be simulated.

Limitations or effects not simulated:

· 2-phase flow not modelled. If it is required, then calculate flow external
to this block, obtain an equivalent conductance, and connected to the
external conductance input for the link block.
· Link algorithm only allows 2 valve in parallel in the link. If more than 2
valve exists in the link. The overall valve port-area must be calculated in
a separate block, by multiplying all the effective normalized valve port-
area together, before connecting to this link block.
· Link algorithm assumes the link's momentum equation is of the
incompressible form. For compressible flows or a link flow which has to
match a pump head curve, the suitable momentum equation has to be
calculated outside the network blocks, and has to be connected to the link
block using the external conductance input. See CASSIM TUTORIAL
section & section

Validity check: None

Range of Operation:
· network flows remain in a single phase, for 2 phase systems, a 2 phase
friction factor has to be calculated outside the network blocks.

Special Requirements & Assumptions:

· This block must be used in conjunction with other blocks to form the
network system.
· Non-return valves are assumed to be perfect.

Input Specifications(ALG # 403):

Input Descriptions Analog Engineering Connection Details

(A)/ Units
Digital (D)
1. Upstream pressure A KPaa Connect to the network node block which calculate the
upstream node pressure
2. Downstream A KPaa Connect to the network node block which calculate the
pressure downstream node pressure
3. Valve area 1 A Normalized Connect to the valve block port-area output. If no valve
exists on this link, then a constant value of 1 must be
4. Valve area 2 A Normalized Connect to the valve block port-area output. If no valve
exists on this link, then a constant value of 1 must be
5. Pump static head A KPaa Connect to the pump dynamics block(ALG102), static
head output. If no pump exists for this link, set this term
to zero.
6. Elevation head A M Connect to the a block which calculate the elevation
head. For static elevation head, a constant tag with a
value representing the elevation should be used.(note:
the elevation head is defined as (the elevation at the
upstream node - the elevation at the downstream node.))
7. Density of fluid A Kg/M3 Connect to the a block which calculate the density of
fluid for the link. Density can be made a function of
temperature using a curve-fit block.
8. Tank level factor A Normalized If the upstream node of the link is an external node
representing an accumulation vessel.(e.g. a tank, or
drum), connect this input to the block output simulating
the vessel's tank level factor. Otherwise, set this input as
a constant tag with a value of 1. (see ALG128 for
explanation of tank level factor. Note: some algorithm
requires extra block to calculate tank level factor. e.g.
9. External A Kg/KPaa0.5 Connect to link conductance output tag of the link block
conductance where the flow is calculated using a different form of
the momentum equation.

Output Specifications(ALG # 403):

Output Analog Engineering Connection Details

Descriptions/ (A)/ Units
Transform Digital (D)
1. Link flow(FM1) A Kg/sec May be used as indication, control or other network
2. Link admittance A This output is only required by the network solver
3. Link admittance* A This output is only required by the network solver
head (G1)
4. Conductance (CN1) A Kg/KPaa0.5 This output is only required by the network solver
5. Pump dynamic head A KPaa

Coefficient Specifications(ALG # 403):

Coefficient Analog (A)/ Engineering Calculation Details

Descriptions Digital (D) Units
1. Check valve status D Nil If a non-return valve is present in the link, set this
coefficient to 1, else set it to 0
2. Design flow A Kg/sec Refer to CASSIM TUTORIAL section 2.3.4.
3. Design delta A KPaa Refer to CASSIM TUTORIAL section 2.3.4.
4. Gravitational A KPa*M2/Kg The value is 0.00981
5. Design valve A Normalized Refer to CASSIM TUTORIAL section 2.3.4.
6. Design pump static A KPaa This value should be obtained from the equipment
head manufacturer. This value is the no load static head and
should match with the value specify in the pump
dynamics block.
7. Design pump A KPaa This value should be obtained from the equipment
dynamic head manufacturer
8. Use external D KPaa/Kg If conductance of the link is variable, and is calculated
conductance as input outside of this algorithm, set this coefficient to 1, else
set it to 0.

Algorithm #451: TIMEKEEPER

Purpose & Descriptions:

This algorithm outputs current simulation time and current simulation iteration count.

· Simulation Time
The simulation time is represented as an eight-digit double precision number.
Starting from the left, digits 1 and 2 represent the hour, digits 3 and 4 represent the
minute, digits 5 and 6 represent the second, and digits 7 and 8 represent half

There are two ways to use the simulation time with TIMEKEEPER:
1) Use the PC's current clock time as the initial simulation start time
Code the data value at output 1 as zero.
2) Specify a particular initial simulation start time
Code a non-zero time as the data value at output 1. Use the eight-digit format
as described above.

Each iteration increments the simulation time by dt (the iteration time step
specified in the model).

· Simulation Iteration Count

There are two ways to use the simulation iteration count with TIMEKEEPER:
1) Start the simulation count initially at zero
Code the data value at output 2 as zero.
2) Specify a particular initial simulation count
Code a non-zero count as the iteration count at output 2

Each subsequent simulation iteration will increment the iteration by 1.

· Output 1 must be hooked up to input 1. Output 2 must be hooked up to input 2.

Scope of Application:
Physical effects simulated: Not Applicable.

Limitations or effects not simulated: Not Applicable.

Validity check: Not Applicable.

Range of Operation: Not Applicable.

Special Requirements: Not Applicable.

Input Specifications (ALG # 451):

Input Descriptions Analog Engineering Connection Details

(A)/ Units
Digital (D)
1. Simulation Time A nil Connect to simulation time output of this same block.
2. Simulation A nil Connect to simulation iteration output of this same
Iteration block.

Output Specifications (ALG # 451):

Output Descriptions/ Analog (A)/ Engineering Connection Details

Transform Digital (D) Units
1. Simulation Time A nil Connect to simulation time input of this same block.
2. Simulation Iteration A nil Connect to simulation iteration input of this same
(IT1) block.

Coefficient Specifications (ALG # 451):


Algorithm #452: NON-MOVEABLE, Non-moveable Block NMB

Purpose & Descriptions:

A non-moveable block is to facilitate external applications reading and writing
simulation data.

This algorithm copies each of the 99 inputs to the corresponding output.

· To facilitate external applications reading data from the model

Simulation data is made available to external applications by connecting the data
to the inputs of this block. The algorithm will copy the input data to the outputs.
When an external application wants to read simulation data, read from the outputs.

· To facilitate external applications writing data to the model

To pass input data from the external application to the simulation, write to the
inputs. The algorithm will copy the input data to the outputs. The outputs are
connected to the blocks which will accept and process the inputs. Note that the
input data is a steady signal (value) which remains at the input once written. The
output will continue to show the same value until the value is changed in a
subsequent write.

External Application Reading Data External Application Writing Data

External External
Application Application

Non-Moveable NMB NMB

Blocks Non-Moveable

Model Model

Scope of Application:
Physical effects simulated: Not Applicable.

Limitations or effects not simulated: Not Applicable.

Validity check: Not Applicable.

Range of Operation: Not Applicable.

Special Requirements: None.

Input Specifications (ALG # 452):

Input Descriptions Analog Engineering Connection Details

(A)/ Units
Digital (D)
1. Input 1 A nil If used for outputting a value to an external application,
connect to the block output where the value originates.
The value will be copied to this block's corresponding
output for reading by external application.
If used for accepting input from external application,
configure as a CONSTANT tag. External
applicationwill be writing to this input.
. . . "
. . . "
. . . "
99. Input 99 A nil "

Output Specifications (ALG # 452):

Output Analog Engineering Connection Details

Descriptions/ (A)/ Units
Transform Digital (D)
1. Output 1 (XX01) A nil If used for accepting input from external application,
the external application will be writing to the
corresponding input. The value will be passed to this
output. Connect this output to the block which will
accept the input value.
. . . "
. . . "
. . . "
99. Output 99 (XX99) A nil "

Coefficient Specifications (ALG # 452):




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