Chapter 5 Signal and System

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Description of Discrete-Time

Growth of Discrete-Time Systems

• With the increase in speed and decrease in

cost of digital system components, discrete-
time systems have experienced and are still
experiencing rapid growth in modern
engineering system design
• Discrete-time systems are usually described
by difference equations

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Block Diagram Symbols

The block diagram symbols for a summing junction and an

amplifier are the same for discrete-time systems as they are
for continuous-time systems.

Block diagram symbol for a delay

‘D’ means delay one unit in discrete

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Discrete-Time Systems
In a discrete-time system events occur at points in time but not
between those points. The most important example is a digital
computer. Significant events occur at the end of each clock
cycle and nothing of significance (to the computer user) happens
between those points in time.

Discrete-time systems can be described by difference (not

differential) equations. Let a discrete-time system generate an
excitation signal y[n] where n is the number of discrete-time
intervals that have elapsed since some beginning time n = 0.
Then, for example a simple discrete-time system might be
described by
y  n  = 1.97 y  n − 1 − y  n − 2

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Discrete-Time Systems
The equation
y  n  = 1.97 y  n − 1 − y  n − 2

says in words

“The signal value at any time n is 1.97 times the signal value at the
previous time [n -1] minus the signal value at the time before that
[n - 2].”
If we know the signal value at any two times, we can compute its
value at all other (discrete) times. This is quite similar to a
second-order differential equation for which knowledge of two
independent initial conditions allows us to find the solution for all
time and the solution methods are very similar.
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Discrete-Time Systems
y  n  = 1.97 y  n − 1 − y  n − 2
We could solve this equation by iteration using a computer.

We could also describe the system

with a block diagram.

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Discrete-Time Systems
y  n  = 1.97 y  n − 1 − y  n − 2
With the initial conditions y[-1] = 0 and y[0] = 1 the response

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System Properties

• The properties of discrete-time systems have

the same meaning as they do in continuous-
time systems (homogenous, additive, linear,
time-invariance, etc)

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