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+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” for 10% discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

Dedicated to my students

My student, you are the best

Of all the rest
Promise me that you will never admit defeat
Your dedication is visible to everyone you meet
So soothing is your smile
I am amazed for a while

I have students everywhere

But like you are very rare
I can never forget you

Because you are like a drop of shining dew

From a leaf split apart
Your fond memories will always shine in my heart
Yes, I believe in you
Yes, I am proud of you
Don’t ever give up
Yes, you can and you will do it

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11. Resilient : (of a person or animal) able to

withstand or recover quickly from
difficult conditions.

12. Lucrative : लाभप्रद : producing a great

1. Ex Gratia : is Latin for “by favour”, and is deal of profit.
most often used in legal context.
13. Hastily : जल्दी से : with excessive speed
2. Ambit : the scope, extent, or bounds of or urgency; hurriedly.
14. Leapt : जोर से उछले : jump or spring a long
3. Status quo : the existing state of affairs, way, to a great height, or with great
especially regarding social or political force.
15. Transient : क्षणिक : lasting only for a
4. Grim : very serious or gloomy. short time; impermanent.
5. Caveat : a warning or proviso of specific 16. Sanguine : आशावादी : optimistic or
stipulations, conditions, or limitations. positive, especially in an apparently bad
or difficult situation.
6. Albeit : though
17. Tranche : अंश : a portion of something,
7. suo motu : with reference to an action
especially money.
taken by a court) without any request by
the parties involved. 18. Trifle : a matter or object of little value or
8. speculation : अनम
ु ान : the forming of a
theory or conjecture without firm 19. Manoeuvring : पैंतरे बाज़ी : move skilfully or
evidence. carefully.
9. Amassing : संकलित : gather together in a 20. Conundrum : पहे ली : a confusing and
crowd or group. difficult problem or question.
10. Out of woods : Out of difficulties, danger 21. Benign : सौम्य : gentle and kind.
or trouble

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22. Pact : समझौता : a formal agreement 33. Envisaged : परिकल्पित : contemplate or

between individuals or parties. conceive of as a possibility or a
desirable future event.
23. Inevitable :अपरिहार्य : certain to happen;
unavoidable. 34. Rancour : विद्वेष : bitterness or
resentfulness, especially when long
24. Woes : संकट : great sorrow or distress standing.
(often used hyperbolically).
35. Ramp up : increase the level or amount
25. Prudent : विवेकी :acting with or showing of something sharply.
care and thought for the future.
36. Nitty - Gritty : the most important
26. Colossal : extremely large or great. aspects or practical details of a subject
or situation.
27. Spur : प्रेरणा : a thing that prompts or
encourages someone; an incentive. 37. Augur : (of an event or circumstance)
portend a good or bad outcome.
28. Boasted : डींग मारना : talk with excessive
pride and self-satisfaction about one's 38. Bulwark : Something that protects you
achievements, possessions, or abilities. from dangerous or unpleasant
29. Discernible : नमद
ू ार : able to be
discerned; perceptible 39. Impasse : a Predicament affording no
obvious escape.
30. Scepticism : संदेहवाद : a sceptical
attitude; doubt as to the truth of 40. Leverage : लाभ : to use something that
something. you already have in order to achieve
something new or better.
31. Thriving : संपन्न : prosperous and
growing; flourishing. 41. Unanimously : सर्वसम्मति से : Formed with
or indicating unanimity
32. Plaguing : नाक में दम : तंग करना : cause
continual trouble or distress to. 42. Rhetoric : वक्रपटुता : the art of effective or
persuasive speaking or writing,
especially the exploitation of figures of

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speech and other compositional 51. Proliferation : प्रसार : rapid increase in the
techniques. number or amount of something.

43. Pragmatic : व्यावहारिक :dealing with 52. Inexorably : निष्ठुर : impossible to stop
things sensibly and realistically in a way or prevent.
that is based on practical rather than
theoretical considerations. 53. On the face of it : without knowing all of
the relevant facts; apparently.
44. Recuperate : recover from illness or
exertion. 54. Squalid : (of a place) extremely dirty and
unpleasant, especially as a result of
45. Show one’s Mettle : to show that one has poverty or neglect.
endurance and strength of character, or
the necessary skills, abilities, or traits to 55. Reconciliation : the restoration of
succeed in something. friendly relations.

46. Petulant : (of a person or their manner) 56. Sanguine : आशावादी : optimistic or
childishly sulky or bad-tempered. positive, especially in an apparently bad
or difficult situation.
47. Punitive : दं डात्मक :inflicting or intended
as punishment. 57. Abide : पालन क
​ रना : accept or act in
accordance with (a rule, decision, or
48. Autonomous : स्वायत्तशासी : Independent recommendation).
and having the power to make decisions
for yourself. 58. Lacunae : खामियों : an unfilled space; a
49. Consensus : आम सहमति : a general
agreement. 59. Mull : think about (a fact, proposal, or
request) deeply and at length.
50. Stringent : कड़ी से कड़ी : (of regulations,
requirements, or conditions) strict, 60. Touted : attempt to sell (something),
precise, and exacting. typically by a direct or persistent

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61. Heinous : अतिदष्ु ट : (of a person or 71. Pact : समझौता : a formal agreement
wrongful act, especially a crime) utterly between individuals or parties.
odious or wicked.
72. Agile : चस्
ु त : able to move quickly and
62. Entrenched : आरोपित :(of an attitude, easily.
habit, or belief) firmly established and
difficult or unlikely to change; ingrained. 73. Pernicious : हानिकारक : having a harmful
effect, especially in a gradual or subtle
63. Sporadic : यत्र-तत्र : occurring at irregular way.
intervals or only in a few places;
scattered or isolated. 74. Impetus: the force or energy with which
a body moves.
64. Unprecedented : अभत
ू पर्व
ू : never done or
known before. 75. Deluge: बाढ़: a very large amount of rain
or water
65. Lobbying : पक्ष जट
ु ाव : seek to influence (a
legislator) on an issue. 76. jeopardy : ख़तरा: danger of loss, harm, or
66. Shunning : त्यागते : to avoid or refuse to
accept someone or something 77. Staggering: चौंका दे ने वाला: shocking
because of being extremely large
67. Curtail : घटाना : reduce in extent or
quantity; impose a restriction on. 78. Mitigation: the action of reducing the
severity, seriousness, or painfulness of
68. Vigilance : जागरूकता : the action or state something.
of keeping careful watch for possible
danger or difficulties. 79. Foster: encourage the development of
(something, especially something
69. Modicum : अल्पांश : a small quantity of a desirable).
particular thing, especially something
desirable or valuable. 80. Belie: झठु लाना: (of an appearance) fail to
give a true impression of (something).
70. Lacuna : कमी : an unfilled space; a gap.
81. Imperious: arrogant and domineering.

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82. Astute:चतरु : having or showing an ability 94. Waning: घट: (of a state or feeling)
to accurately assess situations or people decrease in vigour or extent; become
and turn this to one's advantage. weaker.

83. tandem : मिलकर: having two things 95. Evasion: टालना: the act of intentionally
arranged one in front of the other. avoiding doing something that you have
a duty or responsibility to do
84. Strive: to try very hard to do something
or to make something happen, especially 96. Reckoned: गणना किए गए: establish by
for a long time or against difficulties calculation.

85. chips are down: in a difficult situation 97. Hastily: जल्दी से: with excessive speed or
urgency; hurriedly.
86. Sans: without.
98. Tad: to a small extent; somewhat.
87. delineated : चित्रित: describe or portray
(something) precisely. 99. vehement : लवलीन: showing strong
feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense.
88. Muster: collect or assemble (a number or
amount). 100. Audacious: showing a willingness to
take surprisingly bold risks
89. Implications: आशय: the conclusion that
can be drawn from something although it 101. status quo: the existing state of affairs,
is not explicitly stated. particularly with regard to social or
political issues.
90. Stringent : कठोर : Strict conditions
102. snowballed into: To develop quickly and
91. Shore up: to make something stronger progressively into something bigger,
by supporting it more complex, more difficult, more
dangerous, etc.
92. Fleeting : क्षणभंगरु : lasting for a very short
time. 103. Perturbed:व्याकुल: feeling anxiety or
concern; unsettled.
93. Emancipation: मक्ति
ु : liberation.

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104. Paramount: ऊंचे दर्जे का: more important 117. Hounded : harass, persecute, or pursue
than anything else; supreme. relentlessly.

105. Abatement: कमी: a situation in which a 118. Harping : talk or write persistently and
rate, price, etc. goes down, or goes up tediously on a topic.
more slowly than before
119. Tweaking : a small change or
106. Subservient: अधीन: prepared to obey adjustment.
others unquestioningly.
120. Mortality : the death especially of large
107. status quo: the current situation numbers of people or animals.

108. Propelled: चालित: drive or push 121. Adherence : a physical sticking to as if

something forwards. by gule.

109. Undeniably : without any question. 122. Erode : to consume or wear away
gradually .
110. Faltered : to show uncertainty about the
right course of action. 123. Clout : a heavy blow with the hand or a
hard object.
111. Tweaks : twist or pull sharply.
124. Underbelly : The soft underside or
112. Stagnation : not flowing or moving. abdomen of an animal.
113. Fillip : something which acts as a 125. Bogus : be lacking in natural or
stimulus or boost to an activity. spontaneous quality.
114. Influx : an arrival or entry of large 126. Afflicted : to cause persistent suffering
numbers of people or things. to.
115. Beeline : a straight line between two 127. Fragile : easily injured without careful
places. handling.
116. Exulting : Feeling pr showing elation of 128. Ennoble : give ( someone ) a noble rank
jubilation. or title.

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129. Sturdy : ( of a person or their body ) 141. Bottlenecks : that impedes or blocks
strongly and solidly built. movement.

130. Upsurge : a rapid or sudden increase. 142. Flail : to move or cause to move with a
striking motion.
131. Provocative : causing annoyance, anger,
or another strong reaction, especially 143. Wade : to start work energetically.
144. Fragile : easily broken.
132. Exacerbating : to make more serve.
145. Hype : of the very best kind.
133. Insularity : not broad or open in views or
opinions. 146. Stance : point of view.

134. Furrow : a small fold in a soft and 147. Pinnacle : the highest part or point.
otherwise smooth surface.
148. Span : to find out the size, extent, or
135. Articulate : able to express oneself amount of.
clearly and well.
149. Cease : the stopping of a process or
136. Futile : lacking in seriousness or activity.
150. Imprecise : not precisely correct.
137. Backlash : a strong public response
151. Demonstrably : capable of being proven
against something.
as true or real.
138. Deadliest : likely to cause or capable of
152. Curbing : to keep from exceeding a
causing death.
desirable degree or level ( as of
139. Impunity : freedom from punishment, expression ) (को रोकने )
153. Assertive : ( मख
ु र ) : having or showing
140. Spooked : ( especially of an animal ) a confident and forceful personality.
take fright suddenly.

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154. Stumble : to step awkwardly while 166. Starved : भखू े : suffer or die or cause to
walking or running and fall or begin to suffer or die from hunger.
fall ( ठोकर )
167. Striving : प्रयास : make great efforts to
155. Hectic : full of incessant activity ( व्यस्त ) achieve or obtain something.

156. Parochial : संकुचित / संकीर्ण : Insular 168. Befell : विपत्ति : (especially of something
bad ) happen to ( someone)
157. Comity : सौहार्द : Civility
169. Lurking : गप्ु त : remaining hidden so as to
158. Daunt : धमकाना : frighten wait in ambush.
159. Lest : ऐसा न हो की : with the intention of 170. Onus : भार : something that is one’s duty
preventing ( something undesirable ) ; or responsibility.
to avoid the risk of.
171. Helm : संचालन/पतवार : a tiller or wheel for
160. Prolonged : लम्बा : continuing for a long steering a ship or boat.
time or longer than usual ; lengthy.
172. Stark : निरा :serve or bare in appearance
161. Obsessively : जन
ु न
ू ी : in an obsessive or outline.
173. Slump : मंदी : sit, lean, or fall heavily and
162. Inundation :सैलाब : an overwhelming limply.
abundance of people or things.
174. Ethos : the code of good conduct for an
163. Scrutiny : जांच : critical observation or individual or group.
175. Lancet : an acutely pointed arch
164. Loophole : बचाव का रास्ता : an ambiguity
or inadequacy in the law or a set of rules. 176. Tumultuous : marked by sudden or
violent disturbance.
165. Affirm : वाणी : state emphatically or
publicly. 177. Furrow : a small fold in a soft and
otherwise smooth surface

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178. Bamboozled to throw into a state of 189. Tinkering : attempt to repair or improve
mental uncertainty. something in a casual way.

179. Sway :move or cause to move slowly or 190. Ambiience : the circumstances,
rhythmically backward and forward or conditions, or objects by which one is
from side to side. surrounded.

180. Bottlenecks : that impedes or blocks 191. Revelation : the act or an instance of
movement. making known something previously
unknown or concealed.
181. Yearn : to have an earnest wish to own
or enjoy. 192. Unscathed : without suffering any injury,
damage, or harm.
182. Carved : to create a three- dimensional
representation of ( something) using 193. Tenet : a principle or belief especially
solid material. one of the main principles of the religion
or philosophy.
183. Parlous : full of danger or uncertainty ;
precarious. 194. Dissent : the holdingor expression of
opinions at variance with those
184. Unwittingly : without being aware ; commonly or officially held.
195. Brazenly : in a bold and shameless way.
185. Accentuated : to indicated the
importance of by certering attention on 196. Menace : something that threatens or
causes evil harm, injury, ect.
186. Counteract : to balance with an equal
force as to make it ineffective. 197. Punitive : inflicting or intended as
187. Manifold : many and various.
198. Cater: provide with what I Needed or
188. Solace : a feeling of ease from grief or required.

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199. Congregate : gather into a crowd or


200. Steller : relating to a star or stars.

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