Examiner FavouriteWords
Examiner FavouriteWords
Examiner FavouriteWords
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speech and other compositional 51. Proliferation : प्रसार : rapid increase in the
techniques. number or amount of something.
43. Pragmatic : व्यावहारिक :dealing with 52. Inexorably : निष्ठुर : impossible to stop
things sensibly and realistically in a way or prevent.
that is based on practical rather than
theoretical considerations. 53. On the face of it : without knowing all of
the relevant facts; apparently.
44. Recuperate : recover from illness or
exertion. 54. Squalid : (of a place) extremely dirty and
unpleasant, especially as a result of
45. Show one’s Mettle : to show that one has poverty or neglect.
endurance and strength of character, or
the necessary skills, abilities, or traits to 55. Reconciliation : the restoration of
succeed in something. friendly relations.
46. Petulant : (of a person or their manner) 56. Sanguine : आशावादी : optimistic or
childishly sulky or bad-tempered. positive, especially in an apparently bad
or difficult situation.
47. Punitive : दं डात्मक :inflicting or intended
as punishment. 57. Abide : पालन क
रना : accept or act in
accordance with (a rule, decision, or
48. Autonomous : स्वायत्तशासी : Independent recommendation).
and having the power to make decisions
for yourself. 58. Lacunae : खामियों : an unfilled space; a
49. Consensus : आम सहमति : a general
agreement. 59. Mull : think about (a fact, proposal, or
request) deeply and at length.
50. Stringent : कड़ी से कड़ी : (of regulations,
requirements, or conditions) strict, 60. Touted : attempt to sell (something),
precise, and exacting. typically by a direct or persistent
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61. Heinous : अतिदष्ु ट : (of a person or 71. Pact : समझौता : a formal agreement
wrongful act, especially a crime) utterly between individuals or parties.
odious or wicked.
72. Agile : चस्
ु त : able to move quickly and
62. Entrenched : आरोपित :(of an attitude, easily.
habit, or belief) firmly established and
difficult or unlikely to change; ingrained. 73. Pernicious : हानिकारक : having a harmful
effect, especially in a gradual or subtle
63. Sporadic : यत्र-तत्र : occurring at irregular way.
intervals or only in a few places;
scattered or isolated. 74. Impetus: the force or energy with which
a body moves.
64. Unprecedented : अभत
ू पर्व
ू : never done or
known before. 75. Deluge: बाढ़: a very large amount of rain
or water
65. Lobbying : पक्ष जट
ु ाव : seek to influence (a
legislator) on an issue. 76. jeopardy : ख़तरा: danger of loss, harm, or
66. Shunning : त्यागते : to avoid or refuse to
accept someone or something 77. Staggering: चौंका दे ने वाला: shocking
because of being extremely large
67. Curtail : घटाना : reduce in extent or
quantity; impose a restriction on. 78. Mitigation: the action of reducing the
severity, seriousness, or painfulness of
68. Vigilance : जागरूकता : the action or state something.
of keeping careful watch for possible
danger or difficulties. 79. Foster: encourage the development of
(something, especially something
69. Modicum : अल्पांश : a small quantity of a desirable).
particular thing, especially something
desirable or valuable. 80. Belie: झठु लाना: (of an appearance) fail to
give a true impression of (something).
70. Lacuna : कमी : an unfilled space; a gap.
81. Imperious: arrogant and domineering.
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82. Astute:चतरु : having or showing an ability 94. Waning: घट: (of a state or feeling)
to accurately assess situations or people decrease in vigour or extent; become
and turn this to one's advantage. weaker.
83. tandem : मिलकर: having two things 95. Evasion: टालना: the act of intentionally
arranged one in front of the other. avoiding doing something that you have
a duty or responsibility to do
84. Strive: to try very hard to do something
or to make something happen, especially 96. Reckoned: गणना किए गए: establish by
for a long time or against difficulties calculation.
85. chips are down: in a difficult situation 97. Hastily: जल्दी से: with excessive speed or
urgency; hurriedly.
86. Sans: without.
98. Tad: to a small extent; somewhat.
87. delineated : चित्रित: describe or portray
(something) precisely. 99. vehement : लवलीन: showing strong
feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense.
88. Muster: collect or assemble (a number or
amount). 100. Audacious: showing a willingness to
take surprisingly bold risks
89. Implications: आशय: the conclusion that
can be drawn from something although it 101. status quo: the existing state of affairs,
is not explicitly stated. particularly with regard to social or
political issues.
90. Stringent : कठोर : Strict conditions
102. snowballed into: To develop quickly and
91. Shore up: to make something stronger progressively into something bigger,
by supporting it more complex, more difficult, more
dangerous, etc.
92. Fleeting : क्षणभंगरु : lasting for a very short
time. 103. Perturbed:व्याकुल: feeling anxiety or
concern; unsettled.
93. Emancipation: मक्ति
ु : liberation.
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104. Paramount: ऊंचे दर्जे का: more important 117. Hounded : harass, persecute, or pursue
than anything else; supreme. relentlessly.
105. Abatement: कमी: a situation in which a 118. Harping : talk or write persistently and
rate, price, etc. goes down, or goes up tediously on a topic.
more slowly than before
119. Tweaking : a small change or
106. Subservient: अधीन: prepared to obey adjustment.
others unquestioningly.
120. Mortality : the death especially of large
107. status quo: the current situation numbers of people or animals.
109. Undeniably : without any question. 122. Erode : to consume or wear away
gradually .
110. Faltered : to show uncertainty about the
right course of action. 123. Clout : a heavy blow with the hand or a
hard object.
111. Tweaks : twist or pull sharply.
124. Underbelly : The soft underside or
112. Stagnation : not flowing or moving. abdomen of an animal.
113. Fillip : something which acts as a 125. Bogus : be lacking in natural or
stimulus or boost to an activity. spontaneous quality.
114. Influx : an arrival or entry of large 126. Afflicted : to cause persistent suffering
numbers of people or things. to.
115. Beeline : a straight line between two 127. Fragile : easily injured without careful
places. handling.
116. Exulting : Feeling pr showing elation of 128. Ennoble : give ( someone ) a noble rank
jubilation. or title.
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129. Sturdy : ( of a person or their body ) 141. Bottlenecks : that impedes or blocks
strongly and solidly built. movement.
130. Upsurge : a rapid or sudden increase. 142. Flail : to move or cause to move with a
striking motion.
131. Provocative : causing annoyance, anger,
or another strong reaction, especially 143. Wade : to start work energetically.
144. Fragile : easily broken.
132. Exacerbating : to make more serve.
145. Hype : of the very best kind.
133. Insularity : not broad or open in views or
opinions. 146. Stance : point of view.
134. Furrow : a small fold in a soft and 147. Pinnacle : the highest part or point.
otherwise smooth surface.
148. Span : to find out the size, extent, or
135. Articulate : able to express oneself amount of.
clearly and well.
149. Cease : the stopping of a process or
136. Futile : lacking in seriousness or activity.
150. Imprecise : not precisely correct.
137. Backlash : a strong public response
151. Demonstrably : capable of being proven
against something.
as true or real.
138. Deadliest : likely to cause or capable of
152. Curbing : to keep from exceeding a
causing death.
desirable degree or level ( as of
139. Impunity : freedom from punishment, expression ) (को रोकने )
153. Assertive : ( मख
ु र ) : having or showing
140. Spooked : ( especially of an animal ) a confident and forceful personality.
take fright suddenly.
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154. Stumble : to step awkwardly while 166. Starved : भखू े : suffer or die or cause to
walking or running and fall or begin to suffer or die from hunger.
fall ( ठोकर )
167. Striving : प्रयास : make great efforts to
155. Hectic : full of incessant activity ( व्यस्त ) achieve or obtain something.
156. Parochial : संकुचित / संकीर्ण : Insular 168. Befell : विपत्ति : (especially of something
bad ) happen to ( someone)
157. Comity : सौहार्द : Civility
169. Lurking : गप्ु त : remaining hidden so as to
158. Daunt : धमकाना : frighten wait in ambush.
159. Lest : ऐसा न हो की : with the intention of 170. Onus : भार : something that is one’s duty
preventing ( something undesirable ) ; or responsibility.
to avoid the risk of.
171. Helm : संचालन/पतवार : a tiller or wheel for
160. Prolonged : लम्बा : continuing for a long steering a ship or boat.
time or longer than usual ; lengthy.
172. Stark : निरा :serve or bare in appearance
161. Obsessively : जन
ु न
ू ी : in an obsessive or outline.
173. Slump : मंदी : sit, lean, or fall heavily and
162. Inundation :सैलाब : an overwhelming limply.
abundance of people or things.
174. Ethos : the code of good conduct for an
163. Scrutiny : जांच : critical observation or individual or group.
175. Lancet : an acutely pointed arch
164. Loophole : बचाव का रास्ता : an ambiguity
or inadequacy in the law or a set of rules. 176. Tumultuous : marked by sudden or
violent disturbance.
165. Affirm : वाणी : state emphatically or
publicly. 177. Furrow : a small fold in a soft and
otherwise smooth surface
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178. Bamboozled to throw into a state of 189. Tinkering : attempt to repair or improve
mental uncertainty. something in a casual way.
179. Sway :move or cause to move slowly or 190. Ambiience : the circumstances,
rhythmically backward and forward or conditions, or objects by which one is
from side to side. surrounded.
180. Bottlenecks : that impedes or blocks 191. Revelation : the act or an instance of
movement. making known something previously
unknown or concealed.
181. Yearn : to have an earnest wish to own
or enjoy. 192. Unscathed : without suffering any injury,
damage, or harm.
182. Carved : to create a three- dimensional
representation of ( something) using 193. Tenet : a principle or belief especially
solid material. one of the main principles of the religion
or philosophy.
183. Parlous : full of danger or uncertainty ;
precarious. 194. Dissent : the holdingor expression of
opinions at variance with those
184. Unwittingly : without being aware ; commonly or officially held.
195. Brazenly : in a bold and shameless way.
185. Accentuated : to indicated the
importance of by certering attention on 196. Menace : something that threatens or
causes evil harm, injury, ect.
186. Counteract : to balance with an equal
force as to make it ineffective. 197. Punitive : inflicting or intended as
187. Manifold : many and various.
198. Cater: provide with what I Needed or
188. Solace : a feeling of ease from grief or required.
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