Notes Cost Analysis
Notes Cost Analysis
Notes Cost Analysis
Chapter-8 Costs
Cost: It is the sum of direct (explicit cost) and indirect cost (Implicit cost), including Normal
Explicit Cost: Actual money expenditure incurred by a firm on the purchase and hiring the
factor inputs for the production is called explicit cost. For example-payment of wages, rent,
Implicit cost is the estimated cost of self-owned resources of the production used in
production process, by the producer or estimated value of inputs supplied by owner itself. For
the owner.
Total cost refers to total expenditure incurred on factor inputs and non-factor input by a firm
on production of a given quantity of output.
Total cost is the sum of total fixed cost and total variable cost
o TC = TFC + TVC or TC = AC × Q
Total fixed costs is the cost which remains constant at all levels of output. It is not zero even
Total variable cost is the cost which vary with the quantity of output produced. It is zero at
o AFC = TFC/ Q
o AFC goes on decreasing as the level of output increase. Shape of AFC is rectangular
o AVC = AC – AFC
produced. MC = TC/Q or MCn =TCn -TCn-1 But under short run, it is calculated from
Total cost curve and total variable cost curve remains parallel to each other. The vertical
distance between these two curves is equal to total fixed cost
TFC curve remains parallel to X-axis and TVC curve remains parallel to TC curve.
With increase in level of output, the vertical distance between AFC curve and AC curve goes
on increasing. On contrary the vertical distance between AC curve and AVC curve goes on
decreasing because their difference is AFC which keep decreasing with increase in output but
these two curves never intersect because average fixed cost is never zero.