PC Vocabulary Technology l5

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By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

• talk about actions related to technology.

• discuss common technology in daily life.

Warm Up
Ask and answer the questions.

• What technology do you use regularly? Explain.

• Do changes in technology create more advantages or more

disadvantages? Explain.
Practice pronunciation with your teacher.

1 2 3

to develop to install to update

4 5 6

device(s) software app

Vocabulary Picture Match
Match the pictures and the words. Then, make a sentence using the vocabulary word.

A to install

B software
1 software 2 3

I need to install new

software on my C to develop

D app

E device(s)
4 5 6

F to update
Vocabulary Application
Match the actions and the “doer” (person who does the action) to the picture, then write a sentence.


1 update apps

3 develop
install software
support specialist
A engineers The software was
installed by the
B support
specialist support specialist.
C student
Vocabulary Application
Look at the vocabulary. Think carefully about what is associated with the words to answer the questions.

1. Do you know about any new technology that was 4. How were devices used at schools and workplaces
developed recently? Who developed it? in the past? Explain.

2. Who installs new technology programs at your 5. Photos can be edited and documents can be
school or workplace? Explain. created with software. What software do you use?

3. How often do you update your devices? Explain. 6. What are some popular apps? Who generally uses
them? (Students, employees…)
Make a Story
Look at the picture. Make a story.

Kerry works in marketing. She also takes language classes online.

She shares information and interacts with clients, teachers and
classmates online. Discuss how her home office was created.
Example: The software she uses was installed by support
specialists from the marketing company…
Use this slide for additional instruction.
Answer one of the following questions:

• What did you do well on today?

• What do you want to improve on?

• What is one thing you learned?

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