Memoir & Gonzo ASSESSMENTS
Memoir & Gonzo ASSESSMENTS
Memoir & Gonzo ASSESSMENTS
You will be required to write and post ONE story to the class Google Site.
0 Trash 1 Partially met 2 Half or mostly met 3 Met the standard 4 Impressive
the standard the standard
4.B Writing – Write a thesis
statement that requires
proof or defense and that
may preview the structure of
the argument.
6.A Writing – Develop a line
of reasoning and
that explains it throughout
an argument.
6.C Writing – Use appropriate
methods of development to
advance an argument.
6.B Writing – Use transitional
elements to guide the reader
through the line of reasoning
of an argument.
8.A Writing – Strategically
use words, comparisons, and
syntax to convey a specific
tone or style in an argument.
Common Core Rubric
0 Trash 1 Partially met 2 Half or mostly 3 Met the standard 4 Above and
the standard met the standard Beyond
B.LA.Eng.11.8.10 - By the end
of grade 11, reads and
comprehends literary
nonfiction at the high end of
the grade 11 text complexity
band independently and
B.LA.Eng.11.9.1 - Writes
arguments to support claims
in an analysis of substantive
topics or texts, using valid
reasoning and relevant and
sufficient evidence
B.LA.Eng.11.9.3 - Writes
narratives to develop real or
imagined experiences or
events using effective
technique, well-chosen
details, and well-structured
event sequences
B.LA.Eng.11.10.3 - Uses
technology, including the
Internet, to produce publish,
and update individual or
shared writing products in
response to ongoing
feedback, including new
arguments or information
B.LA.Eng.11.17.2 -
understanding of figurative
language, word
relationships, and nuances in
word meanings