5 Tanda Pengkhotbah Menonjok Hidung
5 Tanda Pengkhotbah Menonjok Hidung
5 Tanda Pengkhotbah Menonjok Hidung
The nose-punchers would have you turn from sin and turn again until you’re a dizzy sinner. But the good
news that Jesus revealed and Paul preached reveals a God infinitely more appealing than sin. A nose-
puncher will use threats to compel you to turn, and you might, for a little while, but a gospel preacher
reveals the goodness of God that leads you to genuine and lasting repentance (Rom. 2:4).
3. Nose-punching preachers are no friends of sinners. It is one thing to have a reputation for integrity
and purity but if our message leaves our neighbors untouched by the love of God, what good are we? If
Jesus strode the streets of Jerusalem avoiding sin and sinners, where would any of us be?
Nose-punchers would have you withdraw from the world in a misguided desire for holiness. But Jesus
prayed that we might be sanctified in it (John 17:15-19). The nose-punchers will teach you to hate the
world, but Jesus said, “For God so loved the world that he gave…” (John 3:16).
The nose-punchers would have the world to come to them (to get their noses punched), but Jesus tells us
to “Go into all the world – the business world, the arts world, the sports world, the addicts’ world, the dirty,
stinkin’ world – and preach the good news to all creation” (Mark 16:15).
4. Nose-punching preachers seek to crucify the flesh by preaching law. “Don’t be like those Old
Testament rebels who refused to obey God,” says the nose-puncher. “To please him you need to keep all
the commands of his Word.”
Such a message appeals to our religious pride because it is thoroughly carnal. It teaches you to trust in
the flesh – your good behavior, commitment and obedience – instead of God’s grace. The legalist says
you must work to be saved while the holiness preacher says you must work to be sanctified, but both are
eating from the wrong tree.
The nose-puncher will whack you with the standards of God. “Look where you are falling short. Try harder
or be damned!” But the gospel preacher says, “Look where Jesus has succeeded. Trust him and live!”
The nose-puncher would have you die daily, as though that were possible, but the gospel preacher says,
“You have died already and once was enough!” Look to the cross, where your old self died, and reckon
yourself dead to sin. “I have been crucified with Christ,” said the apostle. “And I no longer live but Christ
lives in me. The life I live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for
me” (Gal 2:20).
5. Nose-punching preachers use the Bible as a stick. Their sermons are packed with scriptures but
are devoid of Truth. Like the Pharisees of old, they diligently study the scriptures yet refuse to come to
Christ for life (John 5:39-40). Or worse, they take a little of his grace and mix it with their own efforts,
ruining the whole thing and becoming lukewarm in the process.
In the hands of a graceless preacher, the Bible is utterly lethal for buried within lies the law which
ministers death (2 Cor 3:7). For thousands of years, nose-punchers have been using the law-bits of the
Bible to control and manipulate others. Jesus called them abusers and killers (Matt. 23:34) and Paul
called them dogs (Php 3:2). We would do well to heed their warnings and be wary of such men.