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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Volume-8 Issue-11, September 2019

RBS process has to address two major issues: applying works on metropolitan cities because more traffic and
brakes which restraints the vehicles speed, maximum signals due to this the automobile moves in press- and-
recovery of braking energy to increase the efficiency of the depress manner.
battery. [6 and12] Electric automobiles and hybrid vehicles maintains
friction brakes. These friction brakes acts as standby system
II. REGENERATIVE BRAKING SYSTEM where proper power not supplied by the regenerative
The pure electrical automobiles is fundamentally braking system [16]. These situations overcome by giving
functioned with regenerative braking system. Electrically training to automobile drivers to avoid dread situations. That
operated motor necessary for this system. Here motor acts as means furthermore pressure applied on the brakes.
a generator and a battery charger while applying brakes. The
frictional heat energy converted into useful energy on IV. KINETIC ENERGY RECOVERY SYSTEM (KERS)
braking. It produced electricity when this motor High cruising speed automobiles equipped with kinetic
“performance in opposite”.Generally friction involved in energy recovery systems (KERS) are systems. Automobile
braking system the automobile moves with low speed. decelerates at that movement these kinetic energy recovery
systems comes to the picture and converts the power of
III. NEED OF REGENERATIVE SYSTEM FOR BRAKING motion into electrical power. This power recharges the
Brakes convert mechanical into thermal energy only when batteries - capacitors provided in the automobile. Trained
applied otherwise they do nothing. Driving on a highway at cab drivers press the button available on the dash - board
constant speed, they waste no energy at all. Driving in a clearing the battery to motion of the energy shaft and
city, they convert kinetic into thermal energy at each traffic philanthropically their automobile a improvement of
light. Taking the foot off the gas pedal farther away from the electrical energy power. [Ref 8]
traffic lights, if possible, helps reducing the waste of energy. Three main parts of kinetic energy recovery systems
The mechanical brakes replaced by electric motors to slow A Motor/Generator Unit (MGU): Mechanical power to
down the cars, the kinetic energy would be converted into Current power and vice versa.
electrical, is tead of thermal energy, and stored in batteries Power Control Unit (PCU): Regulatory device between
or capacitors, and could be used to accelerate the car after battery-operated unit and Motor/Generator Unit
the light turned green again - that is what hybrid cars do Storage stratagem: Chargeable battery, High capacity
[13]. Mostly braking system in automobiles convert whirl capacitor and flywheel.
motion into heat energy while pushing the brakes towards Automobile in deceleration phase - to store the kinetic
inside. Else, brake system sort out nonentity. Automobile power “charge cycle” used in kinetic energy recovery
moves at higher cruising speeds on main road, all the energy systems.
utilizing no wastage of energy. Metropolitan city driving The "boost cycle"— used driver pushes the KERS button on
conditions are different form high ways maximum energy is dash - board in kinetic energy recovery systems.
wasting due to frequently stops and starts vehicle due to
traffic and signal lights. Now the time to introducing the V. METHODOLOGY
new technique of regenerative braking system and replace Experimental set-up:
the conventional braking system. In this system the motors
converts heat energy in to electrical energy and charges the Case 1(Regenerative braking without Kinetic Energy
batteries and capacitors available in the automobiles. In Regenerative System )
addition, might be recycled to speed up the automobile A) Parts Used / Apparatus
subsequently the light signal changes to green again – same
principle keep an eye on in hybrid automobiles also. [13]. 1. Power Supply – 220V, 2. Transformer – Stepdown
The conventional brakes have low complexity and cheap (220V to 12V), 3. Rectifier (AC to DC) Voltage/RPM
when compared to regenerative braking Regulator, 4. Switches, 5. Motor (300 RPM), 6. Pulley and
system.Regenerative braking system works all the way of Belt, 7. Bearings and Shaft, 8. Tires and Wheels, 9.
vehicle propels. Depress the brake plate on a hybrid vehicle Generator Indicating Bulb, 10. Battery (8V), 11. Voltage
or electric mobility, these brakes change the vehicle's Controller, 12. USB Cable and 13. Tin Wires.
electric motor into opposite which creates it track recessive, B) Mechanism of Regenerative braking without Kinetic
in order decelerating the automobile steering wheel. Energy Regenerative System
Hence, on the trot retrograde, the mechanical device like
motor performances as an electric device like originator by The circuit starts when current of 220V flows from source
creating current power that's transported into the hybrid (in our case source is normal power supply) to the
electric vehicle batteries [14]. All automobiles equipped Transformer. A two pin socket is provided for easy and safe
with steering system with all the wheels while turning in connections. Then the current flows to Transformer
confined space follow the four wheel steering and careless (Stepdown) which helps to lower down the voltage of
for parallel lane parking and guiding the automobile current to 12V. This is done to ensure the safe working of
reasonably through not at all misfortune taking place main model as the parts are designed to work
and public road [15]. on low voltages.
At higher cruising speeds, this regenerative braking
system gives results that are more fruitful. It effectively

Retrieval Number: K15120981119/19©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K1512.0981119 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
1677 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Modification of Existing Regenerative Braking System for Electric Vehicle

After the voltage is changes to desire, the current moves

onto a Full Wave Rectifier which converts AC current to
DC current (our other parts work on Direct Current)
A voltage regulator is fitted between Rectifier and Switches.
Function of a voltage regulator is to fluctuate voltage due to
which RPM is controlled. A rotating switch has been
provided on the regulator chip, which is rotated clockwise or
anticlockwise to maintain RPM.
Two switches have been provided from voltage regulator:
a) First is attached directly from rectifier which rotates the
motor in Clockwise Direction.
b) Second one is attached by reverse connection (polarity)
from voltage regulator chip, this helps the motor to Fig 1: Circuit diagram of regenerative braking system
moves Counter clockwise direction.
Vehicle can be operated in two phases according to the
Wires from voltage regulator is directly connected to requirement a) Four wheel steering: Steering wheel is used
motor (which can rotate between 50-300 RPM). The other to turn both front and rear wheels b) Two wheel steering:
end is connected to a pulley and a belt. Material of belt – Steering wheel is used to turn only the front wheels
Rubber. Case 2- Regenerative braking with Kinetic Energy
The motion provided to Pulley is transferred to shaft with
the help of a belt without any motion loss. Shaft is fixed on Regenerative System
two wooden bars fitted vertically to the base, and fixed with
the help of bearings which helps the shaft to rotate in both
the directions. On the shaft a main wheel is attached and in
parallel to the wheel a small wheel (Gear). The second
wheel will rotate with a same speed as of a shaft.A braking
system which consists of wooden pedal hinged to the
supports in fixed onto the base. Is works same as normal
brake of a four wheeler is functioned.
One end of the wooden panel attached with a Generator.
On Generator a small wheel (Gear having 4:1 ratio to the
previous gear) attached. When we press the Pedal the small
gear comes in contact with the main moving gear, due to
design of small gear it starts to rotate in reverse direction
with a RPM of about 4:1 ratio of main RPM. This reverse
motion of small gear rotates the generator in opposite
direction from which generator generates reverse current
(Generator converts Mechanical Energy into Electrical
Energy). The generated reversed current then transferred to
a Rectifier. This rectifier changes the polarity of current to Fig 2: Experimental lab setup
normal, which then transferred to a switch.
The two ends of the switch connected to Indicating Bulb
and other side to Battery. The opening and Closing of the
switches decides whether the current will flow either to
bulbs or to battery. When the switch closed the current flows
on to indicating bulb that glows when current flows through
them. And when the switch is opened the current flows to
battery thus charging the battery.
A set of wires are also connected to the Polarity rectifier
which is used to measure the voltage or current which is
flowing in the circuit.This whole parts and wires are fitted or
fixed onto a wooden board so that safety is maintained. All
connections are made from Tin Wire and has been soldered
for better and long lasting connections.

Fig 3: Braking gear setup

Retrieval Number: K15120981119/19©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K1512.0981119 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
1678 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Volume-8 Issue-11, September 2019

Mechanism of Regenerative braking Kinetic Energy VII. GEAR MECHANISM

Regenerative System

Two gears namely, gear 1 and gear 2 are meshed. Gear 2

is then meshed with a ring gear. Reaction member is
connected to gear 2 via a shaft.
When ac motor is rotated with the help of battery , gear1
rotates. As ring gear is kept stationary at that time, gear 2
rotates about its axis and revolves around gear 1. This
motion leads to rotation of reaction member.
Now when brake is applied, reaction member comes to
rest. This makes the ring gear rotate about its axis and gear 2
stops revolving about gear 1. When this happens an opposite
force is applied to ac motor which induces an emf.
While the motion by ring gear produced kinetic energy
which is converted to electrical energy by a generator and
Fig 4: Braking gear Mechanism setup
stored in battery.
Gear 1 is taken smaller than gear 2 and so teeth in gear 2 The first gear which is directly connected to axle shaft and
are more than that of gear 1. As we know that induced emf = runs at input rpm. SO, gear 1 has diameter of 8.5cm, mass of
blv where ‘b’ is flux density, ‘l’ is number of loops and ‘v’ 30 grams and 28 teeth. When braking pedal is pressed, gear2
is velocity. meshes with gear 1 to stop the wheel from rotating. Gear 2
It implies that ring gear due to its much higher speed and with diameter of 3cm and mass 10 grams, has 7 teeth.
greater flux density will produce greater emf. This is how by Kinetic energy in gear 1 = 1/2[Iw^2]
kinetic energy recovery; regenerative braking is applied.
Where I = moment of inertia
w = angular velocity.
Case 1(Regenerative braking without Kinetic Energy
Regenerative System) I= 1\2[m1r1^2]

Power supply = 12V  I = ½*30*(4.25)^2

 I = 270.94g cm^2.
Table 1: Power supply with load
w1 = v1/r1 = {(2pie*r1*N1)/60}*1/r1

 w1 = {(2*3.14*4.25*300)/60}*1/4.25
 w1 = 31.4/sec

KE1 = ½*(270.94)*(31.4)^2

 KE1 = 1,33,568 g cm^2/sec^2

Law of gears,

This power supply will provide rpm of 300 when load is T1/T2=N2/N1
connected to it.
Stall Current at 12V will be 8.4A according to table 1.
 N2= 1200 rpm.
Power = V*I = 12*8.4
This lead to Induced kinetic energy KE2.
Power = 100.8W.
KE2 = 1/2[Iw^2]
energy consumed in 1 hour = P*Time
Where I = moment of inertia
 Energy consumed = 100.8*3600
 E.C. = 3,62,880 Whr w = angular velocity.

I= 1\2[m2r2^2]

 I = ½*10*(1.5)^2
 I =11.25g cm^2.

Retrieval Number: K15120981119/19©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K1512.0981119 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
1679 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Modification of Existing Regenerative Braking System for Electric Vehicle

w2 = v2/r2 = {(2pie*r2*N2)/60}*1/r2 and planetary gear starts to rotate about its own studs. Ring
gear which is released by friction pad thus starts to rotate in
 w1 = {(2*3.14*1.5*1200)/60}*1/1.5 direction opposite to sun gear at N3 rpm.
 w1 = 125.6/sec N2/N3= T3/T2

KE2 = ½*(11.25) *(125.6)^2 4500/N3= 150/30

 KE2 = 88736.4 g cm^2/sec^2 N3= 900rpm

So, if in a journey of 1 hour in traffic, brakes are applied 50 This opposite rpm of ring gear induces an emf in the coil of
times and braking action lasts for 5 secondsSo total energy ac motor and thus recharges the battery.
consumed is 3350*1,33,568 = 44,74,52,800 J
Total energy regenerated is 250*88736.4 = 2,21,84,100 J
Nominal Voltage = 8V
Efficiency = (Total saved electrical energy/Total
So, Power = V*I = 12*8.4
consumed electrical energy)*100
Power = 100.8W.
 (2,21,84,100 /44,74,52,800)*100
 4.95% So, energy consumed in 1 hour = P*Time

Case 2 (Regenerative braking with Kinetic Energy  Energy consumed = 100.8*3600

Regenerative System)  E.C. = 3,62,880 Whr

Sun gear (G1) is connected to motor and so rotates at Energy consumed for rotation at 1500rpm = ½*Iw^2
motor rpm. It is denoted by purple colour in the figure. G1
has 90 teeth and has a mean diameter of 30cm. It rotates at  I= mr^2
1500 rpm. A planetary gear is in mesh with sun gear. It is  I= 2.5*(.15)^2= 0.05635
denoted by blue colour in the figure. Planetary gear carries  w1= 2 pie N1/ 60
reaction member along with it. It has 30 teeth and a mean  w= 2*3.14*1500/60= 157
diameter of 10cm.
energy = 693.25 J

Energy regenerated while braking at 900 rpm= ½*I’(w’)^2

=> I= m’(r’)^2

=> I= 4*(.25)^2= .25

=> w3= 2*3.14*900/60=94.2

energy = 1109.20J.

If vehicle runs for an hour in which brakes are applied 50

times say for 5 sec each.

So time for which energy is consumed is 33350sec.

So total energy consumed is 3350*693.25= 23,22,387.5J

Total energy regenerated is 250*1109.20= 2,77,300J

Fig 5: Sun gear and motor mechanism setup
=> (Total energy regenerated / total energy consumed)* 100
Law of gear ratios, N1/N2= T2/T1
=> (2,77,300/ 23,22,387.5)* 100
1500/N2= 30/90
=> 11.94%
N2= 4500rpm
The planetary gear is connected to ring gear. It has 150
teeth and mean diameter of 50cm. It is denoted by green
colour in the figure. This ring gear is kept stationary by
friction pad which locks the gear at the time vehicle is in
motion. At this time, planetary gear revolves around sun
gear thus rotating reaction carrier. When brakes are applied,
reaction member gets stationary due to hydraulic braking
Retrieval Number: K15120981119/19©BEIESP Published By:
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K1512.0981119 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
1680 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Volume-8 Issue-11, September 2019

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all parameters, restraints and mathematical descriptions, 2018, Pages 269-279d
which eliminated the requirement of measurement for mass
production or prototyping. Modified at modelling phase and AUTHORS PROFILE
tested in various ways that can be a disadvantage of using Dr. P. Suresh Kumar obtained B. Tech, M. Tech
physical phase. This thesis represents theoretical aspects of and Ph. D in Mechanical, Thermal Engineering and
design process of products showing case studies creating IC Engines from SVU (Tirupathi), JNTUCE
complex surfaces with the use CATIA v5 modelling (Hyderabad) and UPES (Dehradun) respectively. He
software. began his career as Asst.Prof Nimra college of
Engineering & Siddhartha Engineering College
(Vijayawada) then he shifted to UPES, DDN, INDIA.
VIII. CONCLUSIONS His research interest in Thermal Engineering, biofuels with emphasis on
From the experimental results and the theoretical results, alternative fuels for internal combustion Engines & emission control
studies with exhaust gas recirculation & three-way catalytic converters. He
we conclude the following: has contributed on Automobile, Refrigeration & Air-conditioning with
Regenerative braking can save up a lot of lost energy as renewable energy sources, Alternative fuels & control methods of exhaust
well as can sustain life than conventional braking system. emissions harnessing in international/national journals and conferences. He
➢ The innovative regenerative braking with KERS saved published one book on Engineering Graphics with solid works software. He
more energy than normal regenerative braking. has 21 years of teaching experience. He has contributed his knowledge in
International Conference, Guest lecture and Workshop as speaker.
➢ Total saved electrical energy without Kinetic Energy
Regenerative System is 2, 21, 84,100 J
➢ Total saved electrical energy with Kinetic Energy
Regenerative System is 2, 77,300 J
➢ But the energy consumption rate is more in without
Kinetic Energy Regenerative System compared to with
Kinetic Energy Regenerative System.
➢ Hence efficiency more in with Kinetic Energy
Regenerative System. Efficiency is as follows.
➢ Efficiency of normal regenerative pressure is 4.95%.
➢ Efficiency of KERS regenerative pressure is 11.94%.
Retrieval Number: K15120981119/19©BEIESP Published By:
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K1512.0981119 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
1681 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Modification of Existing Regenerative Braking System for Electric Vehicle

Mr. Swapnil Joshi- Matriculation and XII Board:

Shishukunj International School, Indore, MP, India.
B. Tech: University of Petroleum and Energy
Studies, Dehradun, UK, India. His achievements are
Member of the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME). Published research paper in the
International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical
Engineering entitled “ DFME Analysis, CAD
modeling and Modal analysis of a Cowl”.
Completed LEAN CHAMPION COURSE Certification conducted by
Indian Centre of Manufacturing Excellence in 2017. Participated in Robo-
war competition organized by The American Society of Mechanical
Engineers in 2016 at Dehradun.

Dr. N. Prasanthi Kumari is Associate Professor in

the EI Dept of SoE in UPES and has 18 years of
teaching experience. She has published 20 papers
and conducted workshop on antenna design, apart
from these, guided many project at under graduation
and post graduation level. She has raised labs in the
EI Departments where she worked. She has worked
in task force of accreditation team for the

Mr. Sathyajit Nair received his B.Tech degree in

Mechanical Engineering from SRM Institute of
Science and Technology, Kattankulatur Tamil Nadu.
Currently, he is pursuing his M.Tech in Rotating
Equipment at UPES, Dehradun. His area of research
interests includes thermal, automation, turbines and
energy conservation/ utilization.

Mr. Suman Chatterjee received his Bachelor's Degree

degree in Mechanical Engineering from MITS,
Rayagada in 2013. He started his career as a Product
Design & Development Engineer at Alltech Technocast
Pvt.Ltd., Rajkot. Further, he worked as a Project
Engineer for NFEC at KSK Mahanadi Power Company
Limited, Champa, Chhattisgarh
under Petron Engineering Construction Limited; and
then as a Delivery Lead at STI, Bhubaneshwar. Currently, he is pursuing
his Master’s in Rotating Equipment from the University of Petroleum and
Energy Studies, Dehradun. His areas of interests are in turbines, renewable
energy and product design.

Retrieval Number: K15120981119/19©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K1512.0981119 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
1682 © Copyright: All rights reserved.

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