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DTC Journal of Computational Intelligence, Vol-1, Issue-1
1. Introduction
In 1954, humans were introduced to the world’s first fully functioning industrial robot
“The Unimate" and after that, scientists and engineers have come together to create
dynamic and diverse changes in the field of automation and roboticsto make the daily
humane tasks easier and faster. The use of robots in development and automation fields is
increasing day by day and there is no doubt about the future being largely controlled by
robots and artificial intelligence (AI) [1].
The Surveillance System closely observes and analyzes the surrounding and get instant
information about the conditions. It is mainly required in areas of high risk, borders,
public places, and prison or in industries which is mainly used for monitoring behavior
and activities of a group or any individual. The need of surveillance robots arises when
the life risk is too high and the user wants the information to be highly accurate.
Robots are nothing but fully automated electronic and internet controlled devices that are
capable of performing various tasks that a normal human might not be able to do. Thus,
use of robots for surveillance is one of the greatest advancements in the field of
automation [2]. These multifunctional robots are able to perform tasks in dangerous
situations like collapsing buildings or radioactive zones. One of its best uses is in the
protection and rescue works after unexpected tragedy or unwanted invasions like
Ukraine-Russia Cold war or tragedies like Chernobyl/Bhopal Gas Plant [3]. There are
many obstacles faced by the rescue forces during inspection of such sudden and
unexpected events like narrow spacing, collapsing of damaged structures. It becomes
difficult for an ordinary human to deal with such risky tasks to enter areas without
knowing the present information. These robots being autonomous in nature are designed
to perform efficiently without human interference and have high mobility.
Back in 1999, Kevin Ashton introduced the term ‘Internet of Things’ to the world in one
of his presentations. IoT connected people with everything on the internet from anywhere
around the world and since then the definition of IoT has evolved and growth has rapidly
increased. Nowadays, we can see the wide use of IoT in various fields to connect the
world virtually and physically. The number of devices connected via IoT as of 2021 are
close to 30 billion and expected to react 75 billion in the year 2025 enumerated by
Statista [4].
This IoT Based Autonomous multi-purpose surveillance and rescue robot is built on
mainly two systems as shown in Fig.1.First, the motorized working of the robot with all
the connections and second, the communication of the device with the user and smooth
data transfer from the sensors to the cloud platform. These systems help in carrying out
task properly. The main aim of this project is to combine the two different systems into
one machine that would make them work simultaneously and perform the required tasks.
To achieve this aim, an IoT based monitoring system is also included with the robot
which can be used to monitor by the user through their device [5]. The main applications
DTC Journal of Computational Intelligence, Vol-1, Issue-1
Figure 1. Block Diagram for Communication with Surveillance and Rescue Robot
2. Literature Review
Table 1. Literature Review of IoT Based Surveillance and Rescue Robot using various
existing solutions
DTC Journal of Computational Intelligence, Vol-1, Issue-1
3. Problem Statement
The limitations of the earlier models motivated us to build a monitoring robot that
allows for active and inactive monitoring, in use independent monitoring mode and
manual mode that notifies the user when movement is detected. The robot will record the
video and stream it to the Android device via Wi-Fi. A lot of the disadvantages of robots
that are currently on the market: too expensive, ranging from thousands of dollars; they
need a large domain to communicate with a robot, and they have some gaps in the model
such as poor battery backup, limited storage, using 3rd party applications.
Our robot will have fewer benefits than the ones already unlocked in the market such
as detection sensors, solar panels for better battery, thermal imaging.
A. Existing System: There are many already existing systems that tackle different
B. Proposed System
Figure 2. Block Diagram for IoT Based Surveillance and Rescue Robot
DTC Journal of Computational Intelligence, Vol-1, Issue-1
4. System Design
The system consists of two major sections – one is the user control section and the
other one is the mobility section. The robot has an arduinounomicrocontroller which acts
as the brain of system as it is used for controlling the motors and movement of the robot.
In the user section, with the help of a mobile or a laptop user control is much better as
compared to the old versions where a big control instructed panel was required to make
the robot move and perform tasks. The communication from the user end to the robotic
mobile section can be performed in various ways, using a Zigbee device or any Bluetooth
controlled technology, but in these the range of communication is limited. So in order to
make the robot remotely controlled from a far distance, user Section can be connected
with the internet using the IoT technology. For connecting the user with the robot from
far distance, ThingSpeak,an IoT based technology is used[13].
For receiving the live video visuals and the data from the sensors, ThingSpeak channel
plays a vital role. The sensors and ESP32 Camera Wi-Fi Module is connected to the
Arduino Board that further provides the Wi-Fi facility to the Robot. After the full
connection, the robot can send the data collected from the sensors using the Wi-Fi
modules and the IoT platform to the users.
In mobility part, the robot consists of wheels, motors, battery, ESP32 Wi-Fi Module
and various different sensors. The arduino board is placed on the body of robot which
gives input supplies to the DC Motors and the motors are further connected to the wheels
which move according to the user instructions. The arduino microcontroller is coded
through its IDE software where the code is defined for appropriate movement. Parallel to
the movement of the robot, various sensors such as Gas sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, PIR
sensor are also mounted on the robot interfaced with the microcontroller. The circuit
diagram is shown in fig.3.
DTC Journal of Computational Intelligence, Vol-1, Issue-1
5. Hardware Used
Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on easy to use hardware and software.
The microcontroller is used for connecting sensors and motors and the board is able to
read inputs and turn them into an output.
5.2 DC Motors
DC Motors are used for the movement of robot that operate with the help of 12V
power supply. These are also known as rotary electrical machines because they convert
the electrical supply to kinetic energy.
Li-ion batteries are used in this robot acts as the source of voltage for the device and
Arduino Microcontroller.
This robot device consists of Ultrasonic sensors to measure the distance of the objects
in front of the device regardless of the shape or surface. These sensors can also provide
data of any object approaching towards the robot.
5.6 Buzzer
Electronic Buzzer i.e. also known as a beeper acts as an audio device and works as
per the user requirements or can be triggered remotely as a signal.
DTC Journal of Computational Intelligence, Vol-1, Issue-1
Electric wire that consists of a connector/pin at both ends and is normally used to
connect electronic components via breadboard.
The ESP32 Wi-Fi cam is a tiny module based on ESP32 chip. This module is
mounted on the robot to provide live video from the camera and broadcast it to the user’s
device through the Wi-Fi module. It is widely used in IoT devices such as home security
devices, industrial monitoring devices.
Passive Infrared Sensors are electronic sensor used to measure light radiation from an
object. It is a combination of two different sensors that come together to make a PIR
sensor. It helps to provide the motion detection information happening in its view.
6. Software Used
The Arduino IDE is a softwareused to write codes, comments and upload the code to
the board and execute them to test their working.
6.2 Thingspeak
ThingSpeak from your devices, create instant visualization of live data, and send alerts. It
provides instant visualizations of data posted by your devices to ThingSpeak [14].
DTC Journal of Computational Intelligence, Vol-1, Issue-1
Figure 4.Thingspeakinterface
The Thingspeak channels are used to gather all the information collected by the various
sensors, i.e. PIR Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor, Metal Detector and Gas, Fire Sensor. These
details help the user to understand the surrounding environment of the robot and to
monitor the situation.Separate channels are made for each sensor and have their own
interface to monitor or gather live data from these sensors as shown in figure 4 and 5.
7. Cost of Making
The total cost required to make one Multi-purpose surveillance and rescue robot is INR
4800 only, including all the above mentioned hardware and software components.
Moreover, this robot has been made at a very cheaper cost as compared to other available
options in the market with same technologies.
8. Application Interface
DTC Journal of Computational Intelligence, Vol-1, Issue-1
Figure 6 shows the user Interface that will help the user to control the multi-purpose
surveillance robot to move in all the four directions. The user will also be able to control
the speed of the multi-purpose surveillance robot and the light attached on the ESP-32
camera for better visuals.
Figure 6. User Interface for IoT Based Surveillance and Rescue Robot
On the top there is a video display that will be streaming the live video footage through
the ESP-32 Camera module attached on the multi-purpose surveillance robot and can be
monitored for different purposes.
9. Conclusions
DTC Journal of Computational Intelligence, Vol-1, Issue-1
Figure7. Prototype of IoT Based Surveillance and Rescue Robot with sensors
New technologies can be implemented to make the robot more efficient. Instead of using
the ESP32 WIFI module, a proper HD camera can be used and a separate network can be
made for fast and accurate transfer of data. Instead of using the Thingspeak platform an
API can be built for fetching data. The design of the robot can be upgrades as per the
needs and an arm can be attached to the robot, which will have new functionalities and a
few more sensors.Instead of using battery, a proper solar powered battery might be
planted the working of robot. Further, thermal imaging or face/identity detection systems
can be installed on the robot that will help in identifying people and thermal imaging can
be used to get information regarding any hostage or people in restricted areas.
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