Newsletter Vol. 17 No.2
Newsletter Vol. 17 No.2
Newsletter Vol. 17 No.2
Vol. 17 No. 2 ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified Institute May to August, 2015
In this issue
in Goa. With a long history in Goan agriculture, rice occupies a
cultivated area of 45,000 ha and presently the cultivated area is
declining. The different rice ecologies prevailing in the state are
Research Highlights rainfed shallow lowland, coastal saline soils and rainfed upland
• Research Highlights conditions.
• Progeny test in coconut and arecanut
Rainfed shallow lowland is the predominant rice growing ecology
• Performance of rose varieties occupying 1/3rd of rice area in the state. Continuous water stagnation ranging from 30-50 cm
• Rose petals as dietary carotenoid source coupled with biotic problems like pest and diseases are the major challenge to the farmers.
for fish
Farmers prefer medium duration rice varieties with semi tall type having lodging resistance.
• Effect of biofloc on growth of fish
Jaya, Jyothi and few traditional rice varieties are widely grown and their yield potential is slowly
• Low-cost capture based multispecies
culture system declining over a period of time. Efforts at ICAR-CCARI to introduce new high yielding varieties
to this ecology were successful with the introduction of Karajt-3, a medium slender grain rice
New Initiatives variety of medium duration. The variety is capable of giving 5.0 to 5.5 t/ha with a high head rice
recovery suiting to both raw and parboiled rice. This has now occupied substantial area in the
• Live fish gene bank
farmers’ field.
major events Goa state has 18,000 ha land affected by coastal salinity which includes rice cultivation to the
tune of 12,000 ha. Farmers still grow traditional landrace Korgut in these areas which tolerate
• Group meet on AICRP on Palms salinity as well as other associated problems prevailing in such areas. The effort at improving this
• National Workshop on Hydroponic landrace through pure-line selection was quite successful with the selection of two promising
Fodder and Bypass Fat
selections KS-12 and KS-17. The selections are able to yield 50-100% more compared to the
• Silver Jubilee celebrations of ICAR-
original Korgut.
• 10th Annual Meet of ICAR Seed Project Rainfed upland rice ecology is another rice growing condition where intermittent drought spells
• IPR cell activities for 10-15 days affects the rice yield. Further, the cultivation of non-drought tolerant rice varieties
due to lack of awareness results in poor yields. The introduction of drought tolerant rice variety
Personalia Sahabhagi-dhan from ICAR-Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, has shown its potential to
perform in such areas. The front line demonstration conducted on Sahabhagi-dhan for two years
demonstrated its superiority over the existing varieties. Sabhagi-dhan recorded average yield of
Published by : 5.0 t/ha which is 45 to 50% more compared to the check varieties.
Dr. N. P. Singh, Director,
ICAR-CCARI, Goa being located amidst Western Ghats has huge diversity in rice genetic resources. There is
Old Goa, Goa, India - 403 402, enormous diversity in respect of local germplasm which include landraces and wild relatives.
Phones : (0832)-2285381,2284678,2284679 Traditional rice varieties or landraces of rice are still part of the rice cultivation. They are
Fax : (0832)-2285649 cultivated till date due to their specific utility to the farming community. Goan farmers have
E-mail :
website :
grown, selected and evolved a series of rice varieties to meet their specific demands. Due to the
introduction of high yielding varieties and also due to the lack of encouragement for farmers
Editoriral Committee : to grow these traditional varieties, cultivation of these decreased to a great extent. This has
Dr. GR Mahajan, Scientist
resulted not only in loss of the important germplasm, but also the various important genes which
Mr. Sreekanth GB, Scientist
could aid in development of improved varieties. Efforts at the institute to collect and conserve
Ms. N Manju Lekshmi, Scientist all the available rice genetic resources resulted in the collection of 20 different landraces and
Compilation & Technical Assistance: 25 wild relatives. Systematic characterization of these landraces is being carried out for their
Shri. SK Marathe proper cataloguing and future utilisation.
Printed at:
Impressions, Belgaum
(Narendra Pratap Singh)
Research Highlights
Progeny test in coconut and arecanut
(Dr. V Arunachalam)
Selection of mother palms is usually carried out using four varieties of coconut (Benaulim, Goa Benaulim
the yield and phenotypic traits of parental palms. Pani, COD, MYD) were scored for eight DUS traits.
We investigate the suitability of supplementing The study has led to the identification of further
the progeny test to complement the process of superior mother palms among the selected ones.
identifying elite mother palms. About 450 open Similar effort is in progress in Mangala and Hirehalli
pollinated seedling progenies of 19 mother palms of Dwarf varieties of Arecanut.
Effect of biofloc on growth, proximate composition and digestive enzyme
activities of Etroplus suratensis
(N Manju Lekshmi and GB Sreekanth)
average body weight of 9.2±0.2 g were stocked at a
rate of 50 /tank and cultured for a period of 161 days.
Specific growth rates (SGR), composition of crude
protein, fibre and lipid and enzyme activities were
significantly higher in T1 followed by T2 and control.
Besides, lower pH values were recorded in biofloc
tanks attributed to the higher rate of nitrification
and respiration by microbes. Besides, the addition of
carbohydrate significantly reduced the total ammonia
A biofloc based experiment was conducted including nitrogen and nitrate-nitrogen in water. Thus, it should
two treatments (T1-wheat flour + formulated feed be noted that the use of wheat flour (carbohydrate
(2% of fish biomass) and T2-wheat flour)and a source) along with formulated feed has enhanced the
control (formulated feed)with triplicates. The growth, proximate composition and enzyme activity
fingerlings of Pearlspot, Etroplus suratensis with an in pearlspot.
New Initiatives
Live fish gene bank of freshwater fish resources of Goa
(GB Sreekanth, N Manju Lekshmi and VS Basheer)
As a result of the research project on freshwater fish
diversity of Goa (ICAR-NBFGR and ICAR-CCARI), a live
fish gene bank of forty indigenous fresh water fishes
of Goa was established at the institute farm pond
facility and regular monitoring and enrichment of the
stocks are undertaken.
Major events
A one day program on Soil testing and fertilizer recommendation using
PUSA STFR meter under TSP
A one day program on ‘Soil testing and fertilizer
recommendation using PUSA STFR meter under
TSP’ was organized on 25th May, 2015. Dr. NP Singh,
Director, in his inaugural address, emphasized on
the use of the kit for soil health management and
employment generation. The portable PUSA STFR
meter is capable of analyzing soil pH, EC, organic
carbon, phosphorus, sulphur, boron and zinc and
recommending fertilizers for selected crops. The
five kits will be distributed to five ST SHGs of Goa.
The hands on training were attended by farmers and
officials of soil testing laboratories of the Department and fertilizer recommendation in the village in a
of Agriculture, Govt of Goa. By making use of the very short span of time. Additionally it will generate
PUSA STFR meters farmers can get the soils analyzed employment opportunities for rural youth.
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Distribution of Turmeric rhizomes under TSP to Tribal farmers at Cotigao
A programme on Turmeric rhizomes Distribution to
tribal farmers was organised in the fore noon of 11th
June, 2015 at Cotigao village, Canacona, South Goa
District. The function was chaired by Dr. NP Singh,
Director, ICAR-CCARI. He interacted with tribal
farmers and inquired about their requirements for
better farming. Six tonnes of turmeric rhizomes were panchayat president, Mrs. Meena Gaonkar was also
distributed to 30 farmers for an area of 4 ha. Cotigao present in this programme.
ICAR-CCARI observes its silver jubilee
ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Institute celebrated
its silver jubilee on 21st July, 2015. This occasion was
blessed with the presence of Chief Guest Smt. Mridula
Sinha, Hon. Governor of Goa and Guest of Honour, Smt.
Nila Mohanan, IAS, District Magistrate and Collector,
North Goa). Dr. B Mohan Kumar, Assistant Director
General (AAF&CC), Dr. VS Korikanthimath and Dr. PG
Adsule (Former Directors of the institute) were also
present during the event. The former staff members officially released during the function. Smt. Mridula
of the institute were also invited for the silver jubilee Sinha and Smt. Nila Mohanan congratulated the whole
celebrations. During the inaugural session, welcoming team of ICAR-CCARI for their team work, salient
the invitees, Dr. Narendra Pratap Singh, Director, ICAR- achievements and ensured whole hearted support for
CCARI highlighted the journey of the institute from a the institute in future. Dr. B Mohan Kumar appreciated
research station to a full-fledged central institute. A the staff of the institute for its successful journey of
brief presentation of the research achievements of 25 years. The former directors of the institute, Dr. VS
the institute was followed. The institute honoured Korikanthimath and Dr. PG Adsule briefed about the
the former staff members and the present members research and development activities that the institute
with more than 25 years of service. There was release has carried out during the last twenty five years
of silver jubilee publications (Souvenir, 25 Year and they also recommended research opportunities
Research Achievements and History of the institute) for the institute as an ambassador for agricultural
during the event. The logo of the institute was also research in the coastal region.
Copyright Application Meetings with DIVEGOA
Application for copyright registration of the software A meeting of ITMU members and all scientists was
entitled “Soil Test Based Fertilizer Recommendation conducted on 5th August, 2015 with personnel from
Goa (STFR-GOA) is sent to Inventillect Consultancy DIVEGOA, Diveshop and Training Centre, Goa in order
Services Pvt. Ltd., Pune, and is admitted before the to explore specific research activities in the light of
Copyright Office with Sr. No. 5028/2015CO/SW. signing of MoU for research purpose. Mr. Ajay Patil,
Director, DIVEGOA presented detail activities that are
Patent Filing undertaken by DIVEGOA before ITMU members and
l An application for technology entitled “Process all the scientists.
For Fermentation of Cashew Apple Juice Using
Microbial Consortium” with (Patent No. 150/ IPR Meetings Conducted
MUM/2014) has been published in official journal Two meetings of Institute Technology Management
of the Indian Patent Office on 28th August 2015. Unit (ITMU) were conducted during the period (Dates:
1-7-2015, and 5-8-2015)
l Application for filing of provisional patent
application for technology entitled “Extender for
Preservation of Boar Semen” has been recorded
by the Indian Patent Office on 11th August,
2015 (“Priority Date”) at permanent serial
No. 3037/MUM/2015 and further procedure is
under process.
Workshop/Seminar/Symposia/Training attended
Date Name of Scientist Programme Venue
14th to 16th May, 2015 Dr. NP Singh Meeting of Vice Chancellors of AUS and NASC
ICAR Directors Complex, New
4th June, 2015 Dr. NP Singh State level Executive Committee Secretariat,
meeting on Soil Health Card Scheme Porvorim, Goa
under National mission of Sustainable
22nd June, 2015 Dr. NP Singh Task Force on Agriculture development Secretariat,
Porvorim, Goa
25th June, 2015 Dr. NP Singh SLSC meeting of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Secretariat,
Yojana Porvorim, Goa
25th to 27th July, 2015 Dr. NP Singh ICAR Foundation Day and National Sri Krishna
Conference on KVKs Memorial Hall,
Patna, Bihar
14th May to 14th August, 2015 Ms. SR Maneesha Professional Attachment Training on NBPGR, New
“Molecular marker techniques in mango Delhi
and cashew”
4th to 5th August, 2015 Dr. R Ramesh Workshop of nodal officers of ICAR NASC
on KRISHI portal and Research Data Complex, New
Repository Delhi
9th to 11th August, 2015 Ms. SR Maneesha National symposium on Germplasm to NASC complex,
gene: Harnessing biotechnology for food New Delhi
security and Health
20th August, 2015 Dr. S. Priya Devi One day Workshop on Garcinia CHES, Chetali,
21st to 22nd August, 2015 Dr. R Ramesh NABS National seminar on Biological University
products for crop, animal and human of Mysore,
health- problems and prospects Karnataka
26th August, 2015 Dr. NP Singh Task Force on Nutmeg at College of Mulde,
Horticulture Sindhdurg,
29th August, 2015 Dr. NP Singh 24th Annual festival of Plants and flowers St. Francis
Xavier’s High
School, Siolim,
Dr. R. Ramesh
• Conferred Fellow of National Academy of Biological Sciences (FNABS) by the President, NABS
on 22nd August, 2015 to honour the significant contributions in research, extension and academics in
the field of Agriculture-Plant Pathology
1) Shri. Rahul Kulkarni promoted to Senior Techncial Officer. (T-6)
2) Granted financial upgradation to the following Skilled Support Staff on completion of 30 years of service
under the MACPS.
Shri. VY Gaonkar, Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture) superannuated w.e.f 31st July, 2015.