nian kingdom but with it the collapse of the Catholic church organiza-
tion. About thirty-two monasteries and rectories were destroyed at
that time. The Franciscans fled along with some of the nobility and
Name of Sultan Mehmed II. It was the first half of the next century, the
sixteenth, that saw the beginnings of persecution, including the de-
struction of Franciscan monasteries. 8 Those priests especially were
Franciscan Literature
*The following arguments rest on the statements in Jelenic, Kultura i Bosanski Franjevci,
II: 433-592; and Prohaska, Schrifttum, 93-146.
Spiritual and Intellectual Life of the Catholics 47
Urged onward by the desire to employ t~e same means that the
Reformatio:n had so successfully employed (that is, to write in the
manner and language of the people), the Roman Catholic church,
still lamenting the loss of the"old special letters of our Illyrian or Slavic
language" and complaining that it was "hard to write every word of
our tongue with its own peculiarities in a foreign alphabet."40 They did
winning great popularity under the title Stjepanusa [The Book of Ste-
Next to the Bosnian literature in Cyrillic, there developed a litera-
people the singing of such songs, frivolous and detrimental to the soul,
and to circulate ones that call for devotion and penitence (such as his
own Song of Hell, "which deals especially with hellfire, darkness, and
wardness, despite all the measures taken by the Turks, whether willful
or unplanned, to keep the population isolated from the Christian
countries at its borders, the restless nineteenth century with its ideas