Accotex Acc64 Acc68 Brochure en

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Accotex cots ACC64 and ACC68

For compact spinning

ACC64 and ACC68

Technical information

New era in compound technology

Accotex . ACC64 and ACC68

New Era in Compound Technology

The ACC series

Accotex starts a new era in compound technology. The development of a new formulation – using high quality raw
materials of the latest generation combined with latest rubber mixing technology – revolutonized rubber cots for com-
pact spinning. The successor to the J series signifies the following: AC for Accotex and C for cots, the number after ACC
indicates the Shore A hardness.

With the ACC series, Accotex sets new standards in cot quality. In the combination of the best raw materials, a revolu-
tionary compound formulation and modern kneading machines, Accotex was able to create many improvements for the
compact spinning sector.

Key performance factors

• High quality of raw materials combined with latest mixing technology
• Less deformation of the cots
• Longer life of the cots
• Intervals between grinding cycles can be extended up to 50%
• Two different shore hardnesses for flexible applications on the compact spinning machine

Accotex . ACC64 and ACC68

ACC64 and ACC68

Boost of cot life

Accotex demonstrates once again its leadership in the soft cot market with the launch of the ACC64 and ACC68. With
enhanced elasticity, reduced dynamic deformation and increased mechanical stability, the ACC64 and ACC68 cots can
process fine to coarse yarns from any raw material. Made of premium and innovative compounds, the ACC64 and ACC68
cots, with respectively 64 and 68 shore A hardness, offer outstanding anti-lapping properties.

Up to 50% higher lifetime Highest flexibility

Grooving has a major impact on the lifetime of cots. The ACC64 and ACC68 are suitable for any type of staple
Thanks to a unique elastomeric structure due to in- fiber and yarn counts and can be run in compact appli-
creased mechanical stability and enhanced elasticity, cations on both front and compact position. Depending
the Accotex ACC64 and ACC68 display unsurpassed on the yarn count and type of fiber, the cots can be
grooving performance which leads to up to 50% higher switched from front to compact position and vice versa.
lifetime. Of course, it goes without saying that the new This gives spinners high flexibility to adjust the ma-
ACC64 and ACC68 offer the same yarn quality and grind- chines to specific yarn counts and fibers, thus ensuring
ing ease as the other Accotex cots. the best possible yarn quality.

Excellent anti-lapping properties

Thanks to new polymer technology, the ACC64 and
ACC68 cots offer excellent anti-lapping properties
without the need for a general additional UV- or chem-
ical treatment. Cot maintenance is thus reduced and
machine downtime minimized.

Types, sizes and applications

Product Application Fiber Colour Shore A Hardness

ACC64 Front + compact roller all Berry 64

ACC68 Front + compact roller all Olive 68

Rieter Components Germany GmbH
Branch Muenster
Gustav-Stresemann-Weg 1
48155 Muenster
T +49 251 60938 0

The data and illustrations in this brochure and on

the corresponding data carrier refer to the date of
printing. Accotex reserves the right to make any
necessary changes at any time and without special
notice. Accotex systems and Accotex innovations
are protected by patents.

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