Essentials of Gerontological Nursing
Essentials of Gerontological Nursing
Essentials of Gerontological Nursing
Gerontological Nursing
New York
Essentials of
Gerontological Nursing
Copyright © 2008 Springer Publishing Company, LLC
08 09 10/ 5 4 3 2 1
Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xv
Veteran’s Benefits 68
Long-Term Care Insurance 69
Payment Options for Older Adults Without
Resources for Health Care 71
Summary 72
Influenza 134
Pneumonia 135
Tetanus and Diphtheria 135
Secondary Prevention 137
Cardiovascular Disease 137
Diabetes 138
Cancer 139
Summary 142
The author wishes to gratefully acknowledge the many students who as-
sisted with this book. Thanks go to Kara Diffley for her contributions on
Parkinson’s Disease and her editorial assistance with this book; Patricia
Cino for her assistance with the sections on Alzheimer’s Disease; Jay Plano
for his assistance with the sections on diabetes; and George Flohr for his
assistance with the sections on congestive heart failure. Also, thanks go
to Paula Shevlin for her work on the Evidence-Based Practice boxes and
Lindsay Neptune for assisting with the case studies. Many thanks to the
Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing for generating so much of the
knowledge evident in this book and to Dr. Mildred O. Hogstel, who pro-
vided so much inspiration for this book and for compassionate geriatric
nursing care throughout her career.
The Graying of
Learning Objectives
1. Discuss the concept of the Graying of America.
2. Identify special issues of aging.
3. Discuss 10 myths of aging.
4. Discuss the concept of ageism and its relevance to nursing.
5. Define ethnogeriatrics and cultural competence.
6. Describe standards of gerontological nursing and education.
7. Identify the major theoretical categories of aging.
in society includes the need for more health care for older adults. Older
adults, although living longer, tend to do so with several chronic illnesses
that are in need of long-term and consistent health care. Moreover, older
adults tend to have comorbid illnesses, or more than one disease at a
time. The Alliance for Aging Research (2002) reports that the average
older adult has three chronic medical conditions. The presence of illnesses
among populations is referred to as the population’s morbidity. When
these illnesses result in death, this is considered the population’s mortality.
These acute and chronic illnesses will be discussed later in Chapter 6.
The increasing lifespan of older adults makes it possible for an indi-
vidual to spend up to 40 years in older adulthood. Consequently, geron-
tologists have broken this stage of life into three segments: the young–old
includes adults aged 65 to 75, the middle–old includes those 75–85, and
those 85+ are the old–old. The division of older adults into segments
allows nurses to recognize the unique differences present in each stage
of older adulthood in order to provide more effective care. One of the
unique issues present for the young–old is the great impact of the baby
boom population on the nation’s resources. The first baby boomer will
turn 65 on January 1, 2011, and this population will provide the nation
with the largest elderly population in history. With the great use of health
promotion and health resources required by this population, society will
be challenged to maintain supply with demand. The middle–old and old–
old also have challenges including health and housing, as well as paying
for long-term and chronic care.
CѢlѡѢџюl FќѐѢѠ
Older adults who have immigrated to the United States to live their later
lives with their adult children may not have paid into the U.S. Social Secu-
rity system, and, therefore, they must either buy into Medicare or become
eligible for Medicaid. However, legislation passed in 1990 made it more
difficult for older adults who were not citizens of the United States to
access Medicaid. Nurses caring for older adults from various cultural back-
grounds should question ability to pay for medication in order to decrease
nonadherence to suggested health care strategies.
on their income. The cards provide discounts on some drugs, but not all.
The American Journal of Nursing (“Pick a Card,” 2004) reports that
older adults with higher incomes may save more by using other prescrip-
tion drug plans. Moreover, Social Security payments, which are a form of
income for older adults who are no longer working, were designed based
on a much shorter lifespan as well. Social Security payments continuing
into unexpected eighth and ninth decades of life are causing the social
security system to explore alternative methods. For more information on
the health care delivery system implications surrounding the increasing
aging population, see Chapter 2.
Medical problems are very common among older adults. As stated ear-
lier, it is not uncommon for older adults to have several chronic medical
conditions at the same time. As a result of these medical illnesses, older
adults experience a variety of problems with activities of daily living
(ADLs), which include bathing, dressing, eating, toileting, continence,
and transferring. These problems often impact older adult’s ability to
live independently, because their functional decline may prevent them
from bathing on a regular basis, preparing food for themselves, or paying
their bills on time, which all affect the individual’s quality of life. When
this occurs, older adults have several housing options. Many older adults
move in with siblings or children. Others may consider subsidized or pri-
vately owned and operated housing alternatives, such as senior housing,
assisted-living facilities, continuing care retirement communities, or nurs-
ing homes. Each of these environments of care provide some supervision
and services to help the older adult to live as independently as possible.
More information about these environments of care and the services they
provide are available in Chapter 11.
The Graying of America 5
When nursing students enter educational programs they are often asked
with which populations they would like to work. Most students answer
that they wish to work with children and babies. Some students respond
that they would like to work in maternity. Very few (if any) students
reply that they came to nursing school to work with older adults. In
fact, the society that currently exists in the United States is extremely
youth-oriented. This means that older adults are not always considered
and respected for their unique needs and contributions to society. Beliefs
about older adulthood in the United States are perpetuated by myths of
aging. The following section reports on the top 10 myths of aging and
discusses why they are untrue of today’s population of older adults.
Myth #1: Older adults are of little benefit to society. Older adults are
often viewed as sick people in hospital units and nursing homes. As they
lie in beds and consume medications and resources, it is hard to imagine
what benefit they are to society, and thus they are often considered to be
a burden. However, the rate of disability among older adults is continu-
ing to decline steadily. Moreover, it is important to remember that the
same older adults for whom nurses care are mothers and fathers, grand-
mothers and grandfathers, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, and friends. To
those with whom they are in relationships, they are of great benefit, as
they provide and receive love, care, and support. These same older adults
function in professional roles as teachers, administrators, physicians,
nurses, and clergy. Consequently, they are of great benefit to those they
serve in these roles. Instead of viewing older adults as a burden, take the
time to speak with them about their lives. Ask older adults about their
favorite memories or regrets. Don’t be afraid to ask for advice. When
given the opportunity, it is likely that nurses as well as the rest of society
will learn a lot from older adults.
Myth #2: Older adults are a drain on society’s resources. As many
older adults retire in their late years and collect Social Security payments
and Medicare, it is assumed that they are overutilizing their resources. In
fact, increasing Social Security payments over decades of life and Medi-
care reimbursement for rising health care costs are a significant problem
for U.S. citizens. However, older adults who received Social Security and
Medicare paid into the system from which they are now drawing. More-
over, while many older adults retire, many others do not. In 2002, 13.2%
of older Americans were working, or actively seeking work. A Gallup
poll of 986 older adults reported that, of the total sampled, only 15% of
older adults wished to retire; the vast majority wanted to work as long as
possible. Mandatory retirement ages and work discrimination have often
forced reluctant older adults into retirement. In addition, many older
adults who are retired spend a great deal of time in unpaid volunteer
work, which saves employer’s costs. Moreover, many retired older adults
have taken on the role of custodial grandparents, relieving the states from
having to pay for the full cost of foster care from a nonrelative. The 1990
Census reported that grandparents raising grandchildren had risen 44%
over the previous decades. While it is true that the rising lifespan of U.S.
citizens is resulting in a greater amount of expenditures on the behalf
of older adults, this is not always a result of their choosing, and a great
majority of the retired older adults are significantly contributing to soci-
ety in ways other than traditional employment.
Myth #3: Older adults are cranky and disagreeable. When asked
about initial impressions of older people, many nursing students report
that older adults are cranky, disagreeable, and generally unlikable peo-
ple. This myth plays an instrumental role in the lack of gerontological
nurses. While it is true that there are many cranky and disagreeable older
adults, it is important to note that there is an equal number of cranky
and disagreeable younger adults. Moreover, the continuity theory sup-
ports that individuals move through their later years attempting to keep
things much the same and using similar personality and coping strategies
to maintain stability throughout life. Consequently, the coping strategies
seen among older adults may be very similar to their younger character-
istics. If there appears to be more difficult patients among older adults,
it may be because older adults tend to approach their later years sicker
than the younger population. Anyone who has ever been sick can report
that being sick can make you cranky. When working with difficult older
adults, remember that negative interactions with nurses may likely be a
symptom of their illness, rather than a characteristic of aging. Like any
other symptom, it is essential to identify the cause and treat it. In so
doing, the older adult’s personality will be allowed to shine through, and
they will likely treat you with the respect due to a caring and concerned
Myth #4: You can’t teach old dogs new tricks. Patient teaching is
a major component of the nursing role, regardless of which population
is receiving care. This is true for older adults as well. While it is easy
to think that 60 to 80 years of poor health behaviors such as drink-
ing, smoking, or poor nutrition are impossible to break, this is simply
not true. In working with the older adult population, a large amount of
care will be directed toward managing pathological diseases of aging that
resulted from poor health practices acquired early in life and continued
into older adulthood. But, this does not mean that these diseases cannot
The Graying of America 7
be treated, managed, and in some cases cured. Older adults are never too
old to improve their nutritional level, start exercising, get a better night’s
sleep, stop drinking and smoking, and improve their overall health and
safety. The Surgeon General recently stated that the health risks of smok-
ing may be reduced among all age groups and recommends that “geriatri-
cians should counsel their patients who smoke, even the oldest, to quit”
(U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2004). Moreover, older
adults may still benefit from health promotion activities, even in their
later years. In fact, health promotion is as important in older adulthood
as it is in childhood. Further support to refute the myth that you can’t
teach old dogs new tricks may be found in the record number of older
adults increasing their education. Older adults are increasingly return-
ing to school and increasing their level of education. Many colleges and
universities allow older adults to attend classes for low or no charge. In
fact, 17% of older adults have a bachelor’s degree or more. Keeping intel-
lectually active is regarded as a hallmark of successful aging.
Myth #5: Older adults are all senile. The word senile was commonly
used many years ago to describe older adults who were experiencing
cognitive impairment. More recently this word has been replaced by the
word dementia, which describes a number of illnesses that result in cogni-
tive impairment. Becoming senile or demented as one grows older is of
large concern to the aging population and their families and is the focus
of a great deal of study in the older population. It is commonly believed
that older adults will develop dementia as they age. However, this is
always the case, as many older adults live well into their 10th decade as
sharp as they were in their 20s and 30s. Memory losses are common in
older adulthood, but are often falsely labeled as dementia. Dementia is
not a normal change of aging, but a pathological disease process. In fact,
dementia is a general term used to describe over 60 pathological cogni-
tive disorders that develop as a result of disease, heredity, lifestyle, and
perhaps environmental influences. Dementia is a chronic loss of cognitive
function that progresses over a long-period of time. Alzheimer’s disease
(AD) is the most common cause of dementia among older adults, making
up about 50% of all dementia diagnoses. There are approximately 4.5
million U.S. residents with Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia is a devastating
occurrence for both older adults and loved ones. Much research is being
conducted on the prevention, diagnosis, early detection, and treatment of
AD and related dementias.
Myth #6: Depression is a normal response to the many losses older
adults experience with aging. Older adults have the highest rates of depres-
sion within the U.S. population. The frequent occurrence of loss among
the older population was once used to explain the large incidence of
depression among older adults. While it is true that situational life events,
or the involuntary loss of urine and feces, occurs more commonly among
older adults, but these are pathological changes of aging and are highly
treatable. If an older adult smells of urine or feces, this is likely because
they are very ill and their illnesses are not being effectively managed.
Increased attention to older adult’s care will likely result in improved
management of hygiene, incontinence, and associated disorders.
Myth #9: The secret to successful aging is to choose your parents
wisely. This comical phrase from the popular work of Rowe and Kahn on
successful aging (1997) leads society to believe that little can be done to
slow the aging process, because it is all set out in a nonmodifiable genetic
plan dictated by lineage. This myth is dangerous, because it leads older
adults and caregivers to believe that little can be done to slow or com-
pensate for normal changes of aging or to prevent and treat pathological
medical problems. While genetics certainly are responsible for some of the
aging process, they become less and less important as older adults age. As
life continues, the role of environment and health behaviors significantly
replaces the role of genetics in determining the onset of normal and patho-
logical aging. Rowe and Kahn (1997) report that approximately one-third
of physical aging and one-half of cognitive function is a result of genetic
input from parental influences. That leaves two-thirds of physical aging
and one-half of cognitive function to be influenced by environmental fac-
tors and health behaviors. Consequently, there is a lot that individuals can
do to prevent the onset of both normal and pathological aging processes.
Myth #10: Because older adults are closer to death, they are ready
to die and don’t require any special consideration at end of life. When
society learns of the death of a young child or adult, the level of grief and
astonishment for the loss of a young life is extraordinary and difficult
to contain. This grief and astonishment often is associated with a life
that was too short, or taken too suddenly. However, when individuals
in society and health care workers learn of the death of an older adult,
or have the opportunity to work with an older adult at the end of life, it
is often assumed that the older adult is prepared for their death because
of their advanced age. This myth often leads health care professionals
to offer less than aggressive treatment for disease and to neglect essen-
tial components of end-of-life care for the older adult. It is important to
remember that while death among older adults may occur after a long
life, older adults are not necessarily ready for death. They require equal
and specialized attention to physical, psychological, social, and spiritual
tasks at the end of life. End of life is often a difficult time for many
older adults, but it also presents the opportunity to complete important
development tasks of aging, such as mending fences with loved ones, dis-
engaging from social roles, and transcending from this life into another
existence. Nurses may play an important role in helping older adults to
complete these development tasks that can make the difference between
experiencing a good or bad death.
Many of the residents of the United States believe these myths of aging
and allow them to be unchallenged in their perception of older adults.
These myths of aging perpetuate ageism in today’s society. Ageism is
defined as a negative attitude or bias toward older adults, resulting in the
belief that older people cannot or should not participate in societal activi-
ties or be given equal opportunities afforded to others (Holohan-Bell &
Brummel-Smith, 1999).
The presence of ageism in today’s society is of great concern to nurses
working with older adults. Ageism affects the medical care of older adults
and their access to services. It has the power to rob older adults of their
dignity and respect and often forces older adults to abandon hopes of con-
tributing to society. The danger of ageism also lies in its ability to influ-
ence policies and care decisions for older adults. Traxler (1980) proposed
four reasons for the development of ageism in society, including: (a) fear
of death in Western society, (b) emphasis on the youth culture, (c) poor
economic potential, and (d) past research that focused attention on dis-
ability and chronicity of older adults. The following examples illustrate
ageism in action.
In order to fight ageism and protect against its many harmful con-
sequences, it is essential to re-examine the role of older adults in society.
Some important facts are coming to light to dispel the myths and reframe
the experience of aging. For nurses it is essential to identify ageism and
mitigate its ability to influence policies and care decisions that will affect
the quality of life of older adults. In so doing, nurses play an instrumental
role in preventing the consequences of aging on older adults. This includes
making sure that older adults are not discriminated against in selection
for medical procedures or resources. Older adults as a group have taken
great action to prevent the effects of ageism on health care policy. As one
of the most influential and persuasive cohorts present in today’s society,
older adults have formed two large and influential national organizations
that provide them with representation concerning legislative issues and
resources for successful aging: the American Association of Retired Per-
sons (AARP) and the National Council on Aging (NCOA). These groups
are also good sources of information for students interested in exploring
issues of aging.
AARP is a very important and influential organization for individuals
aged 50 and older (Hogstel, 2001). The organization has substantial influ-
ence on policy making at the federal and state levels. Currently, AARP has
The Graying of America 11
Eѣіёђћѐђ-BюѠђё Pџюѐѡіѐђ
connection of mind, body, and spirit has been shown to enhance the
health and spiritual well-being among older adults. In addition, alterna-
tive and complementary health care practices are more commonly seen
in the clinical area.
Economically, culture also has an impact on health care. For exam-
ple, there are older adults who have immigrated to the United States to
live their later lives with their adult children. They may not have paid into
the U.S. Social Security system, and, therefore, they must either buy into
the Medicare system or become eligible for Medicaid. Medicaid, a com-
bination federal and state program, varies from state to state and funds
health care, including nursing home care for low income older adults.
However, legislation passed in the 1990s made it more difficult for older
adults who were not citizens of the United States to access Medicaid,
which means that noncitizen older adults may not have any method with
which to pay for health care.
It is imperative that health care providers become aware of the cul-
tural diversity of the population and identify the cultural beliefs that
empower health care decisions of older adults. In order to fully under-
stand how cultural shifts in society affect the way in which health care is
accessed and accepted in society, it is first necessary to understand a few
terms. Increasing understanding of the great cultural shifts in society will
have a substantial impact on the ability to provide health care to older
adults from all cultural backgrounds. The term culture refers to the way
of life of a population, or part of a population. Culture is usually used
to discuss different societies or national origins. However, culture also
reflects differences in groups according to geographic regions or other
characteristics that comprise subgroups within a nation. Acculturation is
defined as the degree to which individuals have moved from their origi-
nal system of cultural values and beliefs toward a new system. The term
ethnogerontology is the study of the causes, processes, and consequences
of race, national origin, culture, minority group status, and ethnic group
Cultural Focus
Cultural Competence
Cultural competence refers to the ability of nurses to understand and
accept the cultural backgrounds of clients and provide care that best meets
the client’s needs—not the nurse’s needs. Examples of cultural competence
include the nurse’s ability to discuss appropriate foods associated with
healing with a hospitalized older adult and procure those foods to aide
in the healing process. Another example is sharing in prayer with an
older adult. Questioning older adults about their ability to pay for their
medications or health care also shows an increased integration of mind,
body, and spirit and is an example of cultural competence. Becoming
culturally competent is not an easy task and requires great work. Purnell
(2000) and Campinha-Bacote (2003) identify stages of cultural compe-
tence. The first stage, unconscious incompetence, is common to begin-
ning nurses and is manifested by the assumption that everyone is the
same. Following this stage, conscious incompetence occurs as the nurse
begins to understand the vast differences between patients from many
cultural backgrounds, but lacks the knowledge to provide competent
care to culturally diverse patient populations. Conscious competence is
the stage when knowledge regarding various cultures is actively obtained,
but this knowledge is not easily integrated into practice, because the nurse
is somewhat uncomfortable with culturally diverse interventions. The
final stage, unconscious competence, occurs when nurses naturally inte-
grate knowledge and culturally appropriate interventions into practice
(Campinha-Bacote, 2003).
Developing cultural competence is increasingly challenging to nurses
who were not exposed to a large variety of cultural backgrounds during
childhood or early adulthood. However, with attention to several steps,
cultural competence can be developed. An integral step toward cultural
competence is to examine personal beliefs and the impact of these beliefs
on professional behavior. This may best be accomplished by conducting
a personal cultural assessment on oneself. The following questions may
be helpful in guiding this assessment:
Origin of Belief Health beliefs and African traditions are Classical Chinese medicine Most Latino Americans
views of death are often integrated with influenced traditions in practice the biomedical
older than the American Indian, Japan (Kampo), Korea model, but among some
country and vary Christian, and other (Hanbang), and Southeast elders there may be remi-
by tribe. European traditions. Asia. In parts of Asia, niscences of other beliefs.
Many African Taoism and Buddhism
Americans grew have influenced the
up with little health healing traditions.
Focus of Health Great emphasis on Interaction of Characterized by need for Religion is an important
mind–body–spirit multiple causes of balance between yin and component of health.
integration. health as opposed yang to preserve health.
to just physical. Interaction of basic ele
ments of the environment
(e.g., water, fire earth,
metal, and wood).
View of Illness Sometimes seen as a Illness may be seen as Illness is viewed as a threat Illness may be multidi-
result of an individu- the result of a physical to the soul. mensional in nature.
al’s offenses. cause, such as
infection, weather,
and other environmen-
tal factors, or from sin
or great offense.
Components of Care Use of herbs from Power of religion, The use of herbs and diet An interaction of the
Needed for Healing native plants, Christian in some may be seen as a method biomedical model with
spiritual healing, cases; and use of of unblocking the free flow complementary and alter-
harmony with herbs, or “root work- of qi (chi), or vital energy, native therapies provides
environment; ritual ing.” The use of through meridians in the the framework for health
purification healers is rarely seen. body. Acupuncture, tai chi, care.
ceremony may be Home remedies may moxibustion, and cupping
needed to heal. be used. Experiences are also used frequently.
of segregation and Illness should be addressed
memories of the not only through medicine,
Tuskegee experiment but also through social and
may make older psychological means.
African Americans
skeptical and
distrustful of health
care providers
Gratefully adapted from the Stanford Geriatric Education Center’s Core Curriculum in Ethnogeriatrics.
Cultural Focus
Cultural Focus
The fast pace in which the American culture operates may be seen as a
sign of disrespect to older adults from different cultural backgrounds. A
quick approach to patient care, which is often essential in busy health care
climates, often is perceived as uncaring and hasty. Recognizing this allows
for nurses to approach the clients more slowly and with great attention to
caregiving and detail.
The increased numbers of older adults in the United States undoubtedly has
a major impact on the demand of this population on the health care sys-
tem. The Alliance for Aging Research (2002) reports that the average older
adult has three chronic medical conditions. Consequently, more nurses are
needed to care for the increasing number of older adults with chronic ill-
ness. It is commonly assumed that any nurse can take care of older adults.
However, with the increasing population of older adults there has been an
increase in the amount of specialized geriatric nursing knowledge needed
to care for this population. Not only are more nurses needed to care for
older adults, but nurses competent in the care of older adults will be needed
to meet the enhanced needs of the older population. Rosenfeld, Bottrell,
Fulmer, and Mezey (1999) report that “Today, a nurse’s typical patient is
an older adult,” and “it behooves the nursing community to ensure that
every nurse graduating from a baccalaureate nursing program has a defined
level of competency in care of the elderly” (p. 84).
Despite the increased need, as well as the substantial growth in geri-
atric nursing science, the field of gerontological nursing has been slow
to gain recognition as a nursing specialty. While more and more nurs-
ing programs are offering courses in geriatric nursing or integrating best
geriatric nursing practices throughout programs, geriatric nursing is still
not a popular specialty area among nursing students. Moreover, there is
currently a nursing shortage that affects all areas of care, including older
adults. The overall shortage of nurses along with the increase in older
Evidence-Based Practice
in geriatric nursing, and 30 continuing education hours may sit for Geri-
atric Nurse Certification through ANCC (
ancc/) as well. Certification programs designed to provide the 30 continu-
ing education hours are often available at local hospitals, colleges, and
universities and on the World Wide Web.
Currently there are several organizations that specialize in geriatric
nursing. The National Gerontological Nursing Organization (NGNO)
Prior to the middle of the twentieth century, the cause of death listed on
many older adults’ death certificates was old age. It was thought that at
some later point in life, the body just gave out. The growth in scientific
medical and gerontological knowledge over the past century has chal-
lenged this popular view. In fact, advances in the study of older adults
have made society question whether there are more appropriate physi-
ological, social, or psychological reasons why people die. At the 55th
annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, a presentation
by Butler and Olshansky (2002) continued to debate, “Has anyone ever
died of old age?”
Despite the continuing debate, the question remains: in the absence
of illness, why do people die? The results of efforts to answer this ques-
tion are derived from theories of aging. Biological theories explain that
the reason people age and die is because of changes in the human body.
Psychological theories support the idea that an older adult’s life ends
when they have reached all of their developmental milestones. For exam-
ple, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs states that a person’s final stage is
self-actualization. From a psychological viewpoint, once an older adult
reaches self-actualization, they approach the end of life. Moral/spiritual
theories support the idea that once an older individual finds spiritual
wholeness, this transcends the need to inhabit a body, and they die. Soci-
ological theories explain that when an older adult’s usefulness in roles
and relationships ends, end of life occurs.
Biological Theories
Two of the main biological categories are feature and defect theories.
Feature theory is consistent with the work of Hayflick (2007) commonly
known as the “Hayflick limit.” The Hayflick limit essentially states
that cells will divide for a finite number of times, and once they have
reached this limit, the cells shrink, disperse, and eventually die, result-
ing in death of the body. The Hayflick limit relies heavily on the science
The Graying of America 23
expand life. This theory, which has repeatedly been tested, revealed that
when mice and rats were fed a calorie-restricted but nutritious diet, they
lived about 50% longer than rats fed regular diets. Moreover, the study
showed that the study rats were more active and youthful. This translates
to about a 30% increase in longevity for human beings or 10 to 15 years
of added human life.
Psychological Theories
Psychological theories support the idea that an older adult’s life ends when
they have reached all of their developmental psychological milestones.
Theories focusing on the psychological dimension include Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs. This theory states that an individual goes through
a series of developmental steps through life commencing with the need
to obtain safety and fulfill biological needs such as food and water. The
steps become progressively more challenging until the final stage in a
person’s life, known as self-actualization. According to Maslow’s theory,
self-actualization is obtained when a person develops an understanding
of themselves within the world and accepts who they have become. From
a psychological viewpoint, once an older adult reaches self-actualization,
they have reached the final stage of life. Other theories within the psy-
chological dimension include Erikson’s stages of development (1997).
Erikson theorizes that within each stage of life, individuals must success-
fully encounter and resolve a problem or crisis in order to move on to the
next stage. Within the final stage, ego integrity versus despair, the older
adult must successfully master changes in health, loss of loved ones, and
resolution of role changes such as no longer being a parent, employee,
or friend.
Moral/Spiritual Theories
Moral/spiritual theories support the idea that once an older individual
finds spiritual wholeness, this transcends the need to inhabit a body, and
the person approaches the end of life. Theories that fall within this cate-
gory include Kohlberg’s stages of moral development (Lind, Hartman, &
Wakenhut, 1985) and more recently, Tornstam’s (1994) theory of gero-
transcendence. Kohlberg’s theory of moral development states that an
individual goes through a series of moral reasoning activities that become
progressively more sophisticated throughout life. The most sophisticated
and final step is post-conventional reasoning, which is not reached by many
individuals. According to Kohlberg’s theory, post-conventional reasoning
is obtained when universality with the world is present and sense of higher
consciousness is achieved. This stage is dependent on social interaction
The Graying of America 25
Sociological Theories
Sociological theories explain that aging results as older adult’s usefulness
in roles and relationships changes or declines. Sociological theories to
support this process include disengagement theory. This theory, which
was among the first of sociological theories to explain aging, states that
as relationships change or end for older adults, either through the process
of retirement, disability, or death, a gradual withdrawing of the older
adult is evidenced. Less involvement in activities is seen, and while new
relationships may be formed these relationships are not as integral to life
as previously necessary. Also within the sociological dimension is activity
theory. This theory states that social activity is an essential component
of successful aging. Consequently, when social activity is halted because
of death of loved ones, changes in relationship, or illness and disabilities
that affect relationships, aging is accelerated and death becomes nearer.
The focus of activity theory is the relationship between activity and self-
concept. In other words, social activity and role relationships are integral
to the self-concept and harmful when disrupted or stopped. To avoid this,
new roles must be developed to replace lost roles. For example, within
this theory, the loss of job roles through retirement could be replaced
with appropriate recreational or volunteer activities to avoid the harmful
effects of the job loss on self-concept. A final theory within the socio-
logical perspective is the continuity theory. This theory referred to earlier
in the chapter supports that individuals move through their later years
attempting to keep things much the same and using similar personal-
ity and coping strategies to maintain stability throughout life. Within
this theory, one can look to past experiences of an older adult to predict
A 64-year-old White male had been healthy for most of his life. He was a
teacher and an upstanding father who was active in the church and commu-
nity. However, after experiencing signs of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD),
he underwent a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG). What should have
been an unremarkable recovery was tainted with many complications, and
he required permanent residence in a nursing home approximately 1 hour
away from his home, wife, and grown children. Within 1 month of admis-
sion, he died.
1. What theories of aging could be used to help explain why this client
died when he did?
2. What factors may have contributed to this man’s premature death?
3. Do you think any one theory explains the aging process and the
cause of death among older adults, or do you feel a combination of
theories is more useful? Why?
how they will encounter current and future stressors. For example, if
an individual became greatly distressed after the loss of a friend in their
forties, it is likely that they will experience similar distress to other losses
in life. However, this theory also supports that past reflection on life and
future goal setting are helpful in changing past dysfunctional strategies.
Alliance for Aging Research. (2002). Medical never-never land. Retrieved August 10, 2007,
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Campinha-Bacote, J. (2003). The process of cultural competence in the delivery of health-
care services (3rd ed.). Cincinnati, OH: Transcultural C.A.R.E. Associates Press.
Erikson, E. H. (1997). The life cycle completed. New York: W.W. Norton Company.
Gerontological Society of America. (2004, July). Alternative medicine gains popularity.
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nursing programs: A national survey. Journal of Professional Nursing, 23, 21–29.
Hayflick, L. (2007, April). Biological aging is no longer an unsolved problem. Annals of the
New York Academy of Science, (1100), 1–13.
Hogstel, M. O. (2001). Gerontology: Nursing care of the older adult. Albany, NY: Delmar
Thomson Learning.
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J. Stone, J. Wyman, & S. Salisbury (Eds.), Clinical gerontological nursing. A guide to
advanced practice (pp. 267–287). Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders.
Kovner, C. T., Mezey, M., & Harrington, C. (2002). Who cares for older adults? Workforce
implications of an aging society: Geriatrics needs to join pediatrics as a required element
of training the next generation of health care professionals. Health Affairs, 21, 78–89.
Lind, G., Hartman, G. A., & Wakenhut, R. (1985). Moral development and the social
environment: Studies in the philosophy and psychology of moral. Edison, NJ: Trans-
action Publishers.
O’Brien, M. E. (2004). A nurse’s handbook of spiritual care: Standing on holy ground.
Boston: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Olshansky, S. J., Carnes, B. A., & Desquelles, A. (2001). Prospects for human longevity.
Science, 291(5508), 1491–1492
Pascucci, M. A., & Loving, G. L. (1997). Ingredients of an old and healthy life: A centenar-
ian perspective. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 15, 199–213.
Pearl, R. (1928). The rate of living. London: University of London Press.
Perls, T. (2001). Guest editorial: Genetics and phenotypic markers among centenarians.
Journal of Gerontology, 56, M67–M70.
Pick a card—any card?: Helping patients understand the new Medicare-approved drug
discount cards. (2004). American Journal of Nursing, 104(7), 24–26.
Purnell, L. (2000). A description of the Purnell model for cultural competence. Journal of
Transcultural Nursing, 11(1), 40–46.
Rauckhorst, L. H. (2003). The challenge of nursing education to meet all levels of care of
elders. The Gerontologist, 43(special issue 1), 227.
Rosenfeld, P., Bottrell, M., Fulmer, T., & Mezey, M. (1999). Gerontological nursing content
in baccalaureate nursing programs: Findings from a national survey. Journal of Pro-
fessional Nursing, 15, 84–94.
Rowe, J. W., & Kahn, R. L. (1997). Successful aging. Aging, 10, 142–144.
Scommegna, P. (2007). U.S. growing bigger, older and more diverse. Population Reference
Bureau. Retrieved July 12, 2007, from
Stotts, N., & Dietrich, C. (2004). The challenge to come: The care of older adults. Ameri-
can Journal of Nursing, 104(8), 40–48.
Tornstam, L. (1994). Gerotranscendence: A theoretical and empirical exploration.
In L. E. Thomas & S. A. Eisenhandler (Eds.), Aging and the religious dimension
(pp. 203–225). Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Traxler, A. J. (1980). Let’s get gerontologized: Developing a sensitivity to aging. the multi-
purpose senior center concept: A training manual for practitioners working with the
aging. Springfield: Illinois Department of Aging.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2004). The health consequences of smok-
ing. Executive summary. Available at
Learning Objectives
1. Identify the impact of retirement on aging and ability to pay for
health care.
2. Identify challenges for older adults within the current health care
delivery system.
3. Describe the basic elements of payment for health services for
older adults.
4. Identify the essential elements of Medicare as the primary payer
system of older adults.
5. Discuss Medicaid, veteran’s benefits, long-term care insurance,
and other payment methods for older adult health care.
6. Identify resources for health care for older adults without health
would pay for such services. They come to you for counseling on their
options, as well as to obtain more information on eligibility requirements
for Medicare and Medicaid.
This chapter will explore the financial issues related to health care
among older adults including the impact of retirement on aging and health
care. The Medicare system will be explored in depth, including historical
changes to this system and the effects of these changes on the delivery of
health care to older adults. Other reimbursement programs for health
care will also be discussed in order to prepare students to understand the
basic elements of these systems and viability of these systems for older
adults. The primary systems that will be discussed include: (a) Medic-
aid payment systems, (b) long-term care, (c) private and fee for service,
and (d) veterans services for payment of health care. Finally, the chapter
will conclude with an exploration of payment options for those without
access to these systems.
Eѣiёђћѐђ-BюѠђё Pџюѐѡiѐђ
In fact, a recent study by the Pew Research Center (2006) found that
the majority of older adults plan to retire at age 61, but 77% expect to
work for pay after retirement. Moreover, the traditional view of retire-
ment at 65 to pursue a life of leisure is becoming outdated as a result of
the expanding lifespan.
Some older people prefer and need to continue to work throughout
their older years. Work options may be full-time or part-time. Some older
adults continue to perform work similar to what they had previously
done, but others change careers. Currently, there is no mandatory retire-
ment age for U.S. residents.
Continued employment in older adulthood fills many needs. These
needs are physical, psychological, social, and financial. For example, con-
tinued work helps to provide extra income and socialization. As of January
1, 2000, Social Security recipients age 65 through 69 can earn as much as
they wish and still receive their full Social Security benefits. Prior to this leg-
islation being passed, individuals age 65 through 69 had $1 deducted from
their Social Security benefit for every $3 they earned (Hogstel, 2001).
For those who have chosen retirement, the continually increasing
lifespan means that older adults can spend an average of 30 years not
working. Rosenkoetter (2000) provides several theories to help understand
retirement. For those who view it positively, retirement may be peaceful
and less stressful than previous years. For these individuals, retirement
can be filled with hobbies and travel. But, for others retirement can be
difficult and filled with financial struggle and ill health. Older adults are
not always prepared financially for retirement, and many older adults
live on limited incomes.
It is important to note that when older adults retire, the health care
insurance available through employers may be terminated. While some
employers maintain health insurance coverage, others do not. This will
force the older adult to become a Medicare recipient. Medicare provides
limited benefits, as will be seen later in this chapter. These limitations
often place financial demands on older individuals that when combined
with lowered income post-retirement, makes paying for health care and
other expenses difficult. Financial planning during the young and healthy
years is the ideal way for older adults to be able to retire when desired and
to live at an optimal income level. This can be facilitated through con-
sultations with attorneys and financial planners throughout the working
years. However, this is not always done. Often when older adults retire,
they find themselves on fixed incomes with insufficient financial resources
for the future.
Continuing to work in later years has both advantages and dis-
advantages. While work provides a daily structure for activities, social in-
volvement, and the possibility of health benefits, it also prevents travel,
The Health Care Delivery System 33
There have been many changes in the health care delivery system in
the United States in the last 10 years. These changes include the devel-
opment of new medications, treatment for early-diagnosed disease,
improved surgical techniques, and enhanced diagnostic capabilities. For
example, new generations of antidepressant medications, cholesterol
lowering agents (statins), and blood pressure management medications
have all evolved over the last decade. These improvements have played
an instrumental role in preventing death and disability among adults
who are fortunate enough to benefit from these new interventions.
Cultural Fќcus
Cultural Fќcus
Health care for older adults is primarily paid for by the following
methods: (a) Medicare and related plans; (b) Medicaid; (c) private pay,
or fee for service; (d) veteran’s benefits; and (e) long-term care insurance.
Each of these payment systems has specific eligibility criteria as well as
inclusions and exclusions. In many cases, more than one system is used to
pay for the health care service. The following section provides a discus-
sion of each of these payment programs and their ability to pay for health
care costs of older adults.
serious danger to your life or health, Medicare pays only the land ambulance rate, and you are responsible for
the difference.
Ambulatory Medicare covers services given in an Ambulatory Surgical Center for a covered surgical procedure.
Surgical Centers
Anesthesia Medicare covers anesthesia services along with medical and surgical benefits. Medicare Part A covers anesthesia
you get while in an inpatient hospital. Medicare Part B covers anesthesia you get as an outpatient.
Artificial Limbs Medicare helps pay for artificial limbs and eyes. For more information, see Prosthetic Devices.
and Eyes
Blood Medicare doesn’t cover the first three pints of blood you get under Part A and Part B combined in a calendar
year. Part A covers blood you get as an inpatient, and Part B covers blood you get as an outpatient and in a
freestanding Ambulatory Surgical Center.
Bone Mass Medicare covers bone mass measurements ordered by a doctor or qualified practitioner who is treating you if
Measurement you meet one or more of the following conditions:
• You are being treated for low estrogen levels and are at clinical risk for osteoporosis, based on your medical
history and other findings.
Men and Women
• Your X-rays show possible osteoporosis, ostcopenia, or vertebrae fractures.
• You are on prednisone or steroid-type drugs or are planning to begin such treatment.
• You have been diagnosed with primary hyperparathyroidism.
• You are being monitored to see if your osteoporosis drug therapy is working.
The test is covered once every two years for qualified individuals and more often if medically necessary.
Braces (arm, leg, Medicare covers arm, leg, back, and neck braces. For more information, see Orthotics.
back, and neck)
Breast Prostheses Medicare covers breast prostheses (including a surgical brassiere) after a mastectomy. For more information,
see Prosthetic Devices.
Canes/Crutches Medicare covers canes and crutches. Medicare doesn’t cover canes for the blind. For more information, see
Durable Medical Equipment.
Cardiac Rehabili- Medicare covers comprehensive programs that include exercise, education, and counseling for patients whose
tation Programs doctor referred them and who have 1) had a heart attack in the last 12 months, 2) had coronary bypass sur-
gery, 3) stable angina pectoris, 4) had heart valve repair/replacement, 5) had angioplasty or coronary stenting,
and/or 6) had a heart or heart-lung transplant. These programs may be given by the outpatient department of a
hospital or in doctor-directed clinics.
Cardiovascular Medicare covers screening tests for cholesterol, lipid, and triglyceride levels every five years.
Screening Ask your doctor to test your cholesterol, lipid, and triglyceride levels so he or she can help you prevent a heart
attack or stroke.
TABLE 2.1 Coverage of Medicare for Health Care Needs of Older Adults (Continued)
Service or Supply What is covered, and when?
Chemotherapy Medicare covers chemotherapy for patients who are hospital inpatients, outpatients, or patients in a doctor’s
office or freestanding clinics. In the inpatient hospital setting, Part A covers chemotherapy.
In a hospital outpatient setting, freestanding facility, or doctor’s office, Part B covers chemotherapy.
Chiropractic Medicare covers manipulation of the spine if medically necessary to correct a subluxation (when one or more
Services of the bones of your spine moves out of position) when provided by chiropractors or other qualified providers.
Clinical Trials Medicare covers routine costs, like doctor visits and tests, if you take part in a qualifying clinical trial. Clinical
trials test new types of medical care, like how well a new cancer drug works. Clinical trials help doctors and
researchers see if the new care works and if it is safe. Medicare doesn’t pay for the experimental item being
investigated, in most cases.
Colorectal Cancer Medicare covers several colorectal cancer screening tests. Talk with your doctor about the screening test that is
Screening right for you. All people age 50 and older with Medicare are covered. However, there is no minimum age for
having a colonoscopy.
Colonoscopy: Medicare covers this test once every 24 months if you are at high risk for colorectal cancer. If
you aren’t at high risk for colorectal cancer, the test is covered once every 120 months, but not sooner than 48
months after a screening sigmoidoscopy.
Fecal Occult Blood Test: Medicare covers this lab test once every 12 months.
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy: Medicare covers this test once every 48 months for people 50 and older.
Barium Enema: Once every 48 months (high risk every 24 months) when used instead of a flexible sigmoidos-
copy or colonoscopy.
Commode Chairs Medicare covers commode chairs that your doctor orders for use in your home if you are confined to your
bedroom. For more information, see Durable Medical Equipment on page 46.
Cosmetic Surgery Medicare generally doesn’t cover cosmetic surgery unless it is needed because of accidental injury or to improve
the function of a malformed part of the body. Medicare covers breast reconstruction if you had a mastectomy
because of breast cancer.
Custodial Care Medicare doesn’t cover custodial care when it’s the only kind of care you need. Care is considered custodial
(help with activi- when it’s for the purpose of helping you with activities of daily living or personal needs that could be done
ties of daily living, safely and reasonably by people without professional skills or training. For example, custodial care includes
like bathing, help getting in and out of bed, bathing, dressing, eating, and taking medicine.
dressing, using the
bathroom, and
Dental Services Medicare doesn’t cover routine dental care or most dental procedures such as cleanings, fillings, tooth extrac-
tions, or dentures. Medicare doesn’t pay for dental plates or other dental devices. Medicare Part A will pay for
certain dental services that you get when you are in the hospital.
Medicare Part A can pay for hospital stays if you need to have emergency or complicated dental procedures,
even when the dental care itself isn’t covered.
Diabetes Screening Medicare covers tests to check for diabetes. These tests are available if you have any of the following risk fac-
tors: high blood pressure, dyslipidemia (history of abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels), obesity, or a
history of high blood sugar. Medicare also covers these tests if you have two or more of the following charac-
• age 65 or older,
• overweight,
• family history of diabetes (parents, brothers, sisters),
• a history of gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy) or delivery of a baby weighing more than 9
Based on the results of these tests, you may be eligible for up to two diabetes screenings every year.
TABLE 2.1 Coverage of Medicare for Health Care Needs of Older Adults (Continued)
Service or Supply What is covered, and when?
• All Medicare-enrolled pharmacies and suppliers must submit claims for glucose test strips. You can’t send in
the claim yourself.
Medicare doesn’t cover insulin (unless used with an insulin pump), insulin pens, syringes, needles, alcohol
swabs, gauze, eye exams for glasses, and routine or yearly physical exams. If you use an external insulin pump,
insulin and the pump could be covered as durable medical equipment. There may be some limits on covered
supplies or how often you get them. Insulin and certain medical supplies used to inject insulin are covered
under Medicare prescription drug coverage.
Therapeutic Shoes or Inserts: Medicare covers therapeutic shoes or inserts for people with diabetes who have
severe diabetic foot disease. The doctor who treats your diabetes must certify your need for therapeutic shoes
or inserts. The shoes and inserts must be prescribed by a podiatrist or other qualified doctor and provided by a
podiatrist, orthotist, prosthetist, or pedorthist. Medicare helps pay for one pair of therapeutic shoes and inserts
per calendar year. Shoe modifications may be substituted for inserts. The fitting of the shoes or inserts is cov-
ered in the Medicare payment for the shoes.
Medicare covers these diabetes services:
• Diabetes Self-Management Training: Diabetes outpatient self-management training is a covered program
to teach you to manage your diabetes. It includes education about self-monitoring of blood glucose, diet,
exercise, and insulin.
If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, Medicare may cover up to 10 hours of initial diabetes self-management
training. You may also qualify for up to two hours of follow-up training each year if
• it is provided in a group of 2 to 20 people,
• it lasts for at least 30 minutes,
• it takes place in a calendar year following the year you got your initial training, and
• your doctor or a qualified non-physician practitioner ordered it as part of your plan of care.
• Some exceptions apply if no group session is available or if your doctors or qualified non-physician practi-
tioner says you have special needs that prevent you from participating in group training.
• Yearly Eye Exam: Medicare covers yearly eye exams for diabetic retinopathy.
• Foot Exam: A foot exam is covered every 6 months for people with diabetic peripheral neuropathy and loss of
protective sensations, as long as you haven’t seen a foot care professional for another reason between visits.
• Glaucoma Screening: Medicare covers glaucoma screening every 12 months for people with diabetes or a
family history of glaucoma, African Americans age 50 and older, or Hispanics age 65 and older.
• Medical Nutrition Therapy Services: Medical nutrition therapy services are also covered for people with
diabetes or kidney disease when referred by a doctor. These services can be given by a registered dietitian or
Medicare-approved nutrition professional and include a nutritional assessment and counseling to help you
manage your diabetes or kidney disease.
For more information, call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048.
Diagnostic Tests, Medicare covers diagnostic tests like CT scans, MRIs, EKGs, and X-rays. Medicare also covers clinical diag-
X-rays, and Lab nostic tests and lab services provided by certified laboratories enrolled in Medicare. Diagnostic tests and lab
Services services are done to help your doctor diagnose or rule out a suspected illness or condition. Medicare doesn’t
cover most routine screening tests, like checking your hearing.
Some preventive tests and screenings are covered by Medicare to help prevent, find, or manage a medical prob-
lem. For more information, see Preventive Services.
TABLE 2.1 Coverage of Medicare for Health Care Needs of Older Adults (Continued)
Service or Supply What is covered, and when?
Dialysis (Kidney) Medicare covers some kidney dialysis services and supplies, including the following:
• Inpatient dialysis treatments (if you are admitted to a hospital for special care).
• Outpatient maintenance dialysis treatments (when you get treatments in any Medicare-approved dialysis facility).
• Certain home dialysis support services (may include visits by trained dialysis workers to check on your home
dialysis, to help in dialysis emergencies when needed, and check your dialysis equipment and hemodialysis
water supply).
• Certain drugs for home dialysis, including heparin, the antidote for heparin when medically necessary, and
topical anesthetics.
• Erythropoiesis–stimulating agents (such as Epogen®, Epoetin alfa), or Darbepoetin alfa (Aranesp®) are drugs
used to treat anemia if you have end-stage renal disease. For more information, see Prescription Drugs.
• Self-dialysis training (includes training for you and the person helping you with your home dialysis treatments).
• Home dialysis equipment and supplies (like alcohol, wipes, sterile drapes, rubber gloves, and scissors).
Doctor’s Office Medicare covers medically necessary services you get from your doctor in his or her office, in a hospital, in a
Visits skilled nursing facility, in your home, or any other location. Routine annual physicals aren’t covered, except the
one-time “Welcome to Medicare” physical exam. Some preventive tests and screenings are covered by Medi-
care. See Preventive Services, and Pap Test/Pelvic Exam.
Drugs See Prescription Drugs (Outpatient).
Durable Medical Medicare covers Durable Medical Equipment (DME) that your doctor prescribes for use in your home. Only
Equipment (DME) your own doctor can prescribe medical equipment for you.
Durable Medical Equipment is
• (long lasting) durable,
• used for a medical reason,
• not usually useful to someone who isn’t sick or injured, and
• used in your home.
The Durable Medical Equipment that Medicare covers includes, but isn’t limited to the following:
• Air-fluidized beds
• Blood glucose monitors
• Canes (canes for the blind aren’t covered)
• Commode chairs
• Crutches
• Dialysis machines
• Home oxygen equipment and supplies
• Hospital beds
• Infusion pumps (and some medicines used in infusion pumps if considered reasonable and necessary)
• Nebulizers (and some medicines used in nebulizers if considered reasonable and necessary)
• Patient lifts (to lift patient from bed or wheelchair by hydraulic operation)
• Suction pumps
• Traction equipment
• Walkers
• Wheelchairs
Make sure your supplier is enrolled in Medicare and has a Medicare supplier number. Suppliers have to meet strict
standards to qualify for a Medicare supplier number. Medicare won’t pay your claim if your supplier doesn’t have
one, even if your supplier is a large chain or department store that sells more than just durable medical equipment.
Emergency Room Medicare covers emergency room services. Emergency services aren’t covered in foreign countries, except in
Services some instances in Canada and Mexico. For more information, see Travel.
A medical emergency is when you believe that your health is in serious danger. You may have an injury or ill-
ness that requires immediate medical attention to prevent a severe disability or death.
When you go to an emergency room, you will pay a copayment for each hospital service, and you will also pay
coinsurance for each doctor who treats you.
Note: If you are admitted to the hospital within three days of the emergency room visit for the same condition,
the emergency room visit is included in the inpatient hospital care charges, not charged separately.
TABLE 2.1 Coverage of Medicare for Health Care Needs of Older Adults (Continued)
Service or Supply What is covered, and when?
vide this service in your state.
• Only standard frames are covered.
• Lenses are covered even if you had the surgery before you had Medicare.
• Payment may be made for lenses for both eyes even though cataract surgery involved only one eye.
Eye Refractions Medicare doesn’t cover eye refractions.
Flu Shots Medicare covers one flu shot per flu season. You can get a flu shot in the winter and the fall flu season of the
same calendar year. All people with Medicare are covered.
Foot Care Medicare generally doesn’t cover routine foot care.
Medicare Part B covers the services of a podiatrist (foot doctor) for medically necessary treatment of injuries or
diseases of the foot (such as hammer toe, bunion deformities, and heel spurs).
See Therapeutic Shoes and Foot Exam under Diabetes Supplies and Services starting.
Glaucoma Medicare covers glaucoma screening once every 12 months for people at high risk for glaucoma. This includes
Screening people with diabetes, a family history of glaucoma, African Americans age 50 and older, or Hispanic Americans
age 65 and older. The screening must be done or supervised by an eye doctor who is legally allowed to do this
service in your state.
Health Education/ Medicare generally doesn’t cover health education and wellness programs. However, Medicare does cover
Wellness Programs medical nutrition therapy for some people and diabetes education for people with diabetes.
Hearing Exams/ Medicare doesn’t cover routine hearing exams, hearing aids, or exams for fitting hearing aids.
Hearing Aids In some cases, Medicare covers diagnostic hearing exams.
Hepatitis B Shots Medicare covers this preventive service (three shots) for people at high or medium (intermediate) to high risk
for Hepatitis B.
Your risk for Hepatitis B increases if you have hemophilia, end-stage renal disease (permanent kidney failure
requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant), or a condition that lowers your resistance to infection. Other factors
may also increase your risk for Hepatitis B. Check with your doctor to see if you are at high to medium risk for
Hepatitis B.
Home Health Care Medicare covers some home health care if the following conditions are met:
1. Your doctor decides you need medical care in your home and makes a plan for your care at home, and
2. You need reasonable and necessary part-time or intermittent skilled nursing care and home health aide
services, and physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology ordered by your doc-
tor and provided by a Medicare-certified home health agency. This includes medical social services, other
services, durable medical equipment (such as wheelchairs, hospital beds, oxygen, and walkers), and medical
supplies for use at home.
3. You are homebound. This means you are normally unable to leave home and that leaving home is a major
effort. When you leave home, it must be infrequent, for a short time. You may attend religious services. You
may leave the house to get medical treatment, including therapeutic or psychosocial care. You can also get
care in an adult day care program that is licensed or certified by your state or accredited to furnish adult day
care services in your state, and
TABLE 2.1 Coverage of Medicare for Health Care Needs of Older Adults (Continued)
Service or Supply What is covered, and when?
4. The home health agency caring for you must be approved by Medicare.
Medicare covers durable medical equipment (such as wheelchairs, hospital beds, oxygen, and walkers).
Note for Women with Osteoporosis: Medicare helps pay for an injectable drug for osteoporosis in women who
have Medicare Part B, meet the criteria for the Medicare home health benefit, and have a bone fracture that a
doctor certifies was related to post-menopausal osteoporosis. You must also be certified by a doctor as unable
to learn or unable to give yourself the drug by injection, and that family and/or caregivers are unable or unwill-
ing to give the drug by injection.
Medicare covers the visit by a home health nurse to give the drug.
Hospice Care Medicare covers hospice care if
• you are eligible for Medicare Part A,
• your doctor and the hospice medical director certify that you are terminally ill and probably have less than
six months to live,
• you accept palliative (care to comfort) instead of care to cure your illness,
• you sign a statement choosing hospice care instead of routine Medicare-covered benefits for your terminal
illness, and
• you get care from a Medicare-approved hospice program.
Medicare allows a nurse practitioner to serve as an attending doctor for a patient who elects the hospice ben-
efit. Nurse practitioners are prohibited from certifying a terminal diagnosis.
Respite Care: Medicare also covers respite care if you are getting covered hospice care. Respite care is inpatient
care given to a hospice patient so that the usual caregiver can rest. You can stay in a Medicare-approved facil-
ity, such as a hospice facility, hospital or nursing home, up to five days each time you get respite care.
Medicare will still pay for covered services for any health problems that aren’t related to your terminal illness.
Hospital Bed See Durable Medical Equipment.
Hospital Care Medicare covers inpatient hospital care when all of the following are true:
(Inpatient) for • A doctor says you need inpatient hospital care to treat your illness or injury.
Outpatient • You need the kind of care that can be given only in a hospital.
Services. • The hospital is enrolled in Medicare.
• The Utilization Review Committee of the hospital approves your stay while you are in the hospital.
• A Quality Improvement Organization approves your stay after the bill is submitted.
Medicare-covered hospital services include the following: a semiprivate room, meals, general nursing, and other
hospital services and supplies. This includes care you get in critical access hospitals and inpatient mental health
care. This doesn’t include private-duty nursing, a television, or telephone in your room. It also doesn’t include a
private room, unless medically necessary.
Implantable Car- Medicare covers defibrillators for many people diagnosed with congestive heart failure.
diac Defibrillator
Kidney (Dialysis) See Dialysis.
Lab Services Medicare covers medically necessary diagnostic lab services that are ordered by your treating doctor when they
are provided by a Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)–certified laboratory enrolled in Medi-
care. For more information, see Diagnostic Tests.
Macular Degen- Medicare covers certain treatments for some patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) like ocular
eration photodynamic therapy with verteporfin (Visudyne®).
Mammogram Medicare covers a screening mammogram once every 12 months (11 full months must have gone by from the
(Screening) last screening) for all women with Medicare age 40 and older. You can also get one baseline mammogram
between ages 35 and 39.
TABLE 2.1 Coverage of Medicare for Health Care Needs of Older Adults (Continued)
Service or Supply What is covered, and when?
Mental Health Medicare covers mental health care given by a doctor or a qualified mental health professional. Before you get
Care treatment, ask your doctor, psychologist, social worker, or other health professional if they accept Medicare
Inpatient Mental Health Care: Medicare covers inpatient mental health care services. These services can be
given in psychiatric units of a general hospital or in a specialty psychiatric hospital that cares for people with
mental health problems. Medicare helps pay for inpatient mental health services in the same way that it pays
for all other inpatient hospital care.
Note: If you are in a specialty psychiatric hospital, Medicare only helps for a total of 190 days of inpatient care
during your lifetime.
Outpatient Mental Health Care: Medicare covers mental health services on an outpatient basis by either a
doctor, clinical psychologist, clinical social worker, clinical nurse specialist, or physician assistant in an office
setting, clinic, or hospital outpatient department.
Partial Hospitalization: Partial hospitalization may be available for you. It is a structured program of active
psychiatric treatment that is more intense than the care you get in your doctor or therapist’s office. For Medi-
care to cover a partial hospitalization program, a doctor must say that you would otherwise need inpatient
Medicare covers the services of specially qualified non-physician practitioners such as clinical psychologists,
clinical social workers, nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, and physician assistants, as allowed by
state and local law for medically necessary services.
Nursing Home Most nursing home care is custodial care. Generally, Medicare doesn’t cover custodial care. Medicare Part A
Care only covers skilled nursing care given in a certified skilled nursing facility (SNF) or in your home (if you are
homebound) if medically necessary, but not custodial care (such as helping with bathing or dressing).
Nutrition Therapy Medicare covers medical nutrition therapy services, when ordered by a doctor, for people with kidney disease
Services (Medical) (but who aren’t on dialysis) or who have a kidney transplant, or people with diabetes. These services can be
given by a registered dietitian or Medicare-approved nutrition professional and include nutritional assessment,
one-on-one counseling, and therapy through an interactive telecommunications system. See Diabetes Supplies
and Services.
Occupational See Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy/Speech-Language Pathology.
Orthotics Medicare covers artificial limbs and eyes, and arm, leg, back and neck braces.
Medicare doesn’t pay for orthopedic shoes unless they are a necessary part of the leg brace. Medicare doesn’t
pay for dental plates or other dental devices.
See Diabetes Supplies and Services (Therapeutic Shoes).
Ostomy Supplies Medicare covers ostomy supplies for people who have had a colostomy, ileostomy, or urinary ostomy. Medicare
covers the amount of supplies your doctor says you need, based on your condition.
Outpatient Hospi- Medicare covers medically necessary services you get as an outpatient from a Medicare-participating hospital
tal Services for diagnosis or treatment of an illness or injury.
Covered outpatient hospital services include
• services in an emergency room or outpatient clinic, including same-day surgery,
• laboratory tests billed by the hospital,
• mental health care in a partial hospitalization program, if a doctor certifies that inpatient treatment would be
required without it,
• X-rays and other radiology services billed by the hospitals,
• medical supplies such as splints and casts,
• screenings and preventive services, and
• certain drugs and biologicals that you can’t give yourself.
TABLE 2.1 Coverage of Medicare for Health Care Needs of Older Adults (Continued)
Service or Supply What is covered, and when?
Oxygen Therapy Medicare covers the rental of oxygen equipment. Or, if you own your own equipment, Medicare will help pay
for oxygen contents and supplies for the delivery of oxygen when all of these conditions are met:
• Your doctor says you have a severe lung disease or you’re not getting enough oxygen and your condition
might improve with oxygen therapy.
• Your arterial blood gas level falls within a certain range.
• Other alternative measures have failed.
Under the above conditions Medicare helps pay for
• systems for furnishing oxygen,
• containers that store oxygen,
• tubing and related supplies for the delivery of oxygen, and
• oxygen contents.
If oxygen is provided only for use during sleep, portable oxygen wouldn’t be covered.
Portable oxygen isn’t covered when provided only as a backup to a stationary oxygen system.
Pap Test/Pelvic Medicare covers Pap tests and pelvic exams (and a clinical breast exam) for all women once every 24 months. Medi-
Exam care covers this test and exam once every 12 months if you are at high risk for cervical or vaginal cancer or if you
are of childbearing age and have had an abnormal Pap test in the past 36 months. If you have your Pap test, pelvic
exam, and clinical breast exam on the same visit as a routine physical exam, you pay for the physical exam. Routine
physical exams aren’t covered by Medicare, except for the one-time “Welcome to Medicare” physical exam.
Physical Exams Routine physical exams aren’t generally covered by Medicare.
(routine) (“One- Medicare covers a one-time review of your health, as well as education and counseling about the preventive services
time Welcome to you need, including certain screenings and shots. Referrals for other care, if you need them, will also be covered.
Medicare” physi- Important: You must have the physical exam within the first six months you have Medicare Part B (deductibles
cal exam) and coinsurance apply).
Physical Therapy/ Medicare helps pay for medically necessary outpatient physical and occupational therapy and speech-language
Occupational pathology services when
Therapy/ • your doctor or therapist sets up the plan of treatment, and
Speech-Language • your doctor periodically reviews the plan to see how long you will need therapy.
You can get outpatient services from a Medicare-approved outpatient provider such as a participating hospital
or skilled nursing facility, or from a participating home health agency, rehabilitation agency, or a comprehen-
sive outpatient rehabilitation facility. Also, you can get services from a Medicare-approved physical or occu-
pational therapist, in private practice, in his or her office, or in your home. (Medicare doesn’t pay for services
given by a speech-language pathologist in private practice.) In 2007, there may be limits on physical therapy,
occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology services. If so, there may be exceptions to these limits.
Pneumococcal Medicare covers the pneumococcal shot to help prevent pneumococcal infections. Most people only need this
Shot preventive shot once in their lifetime. Talk with your doctor to see if you need this shot.
Prescription Drugs Part B covers a limited number of outpatient prescription drugs. Your pharmacy or doctor must accept assign-
(Outpatient) Very ment on Medicare-covered prescription drugs.
Limited Coverage Part B covers drugs that aren’t usually self-administered when you are given them in a hospital outpatient
You can get comprehensive drug coverage by joining a Medicare drug plan (also called “Part D”). For more
The following outpatient prescription drugs are covered:
• Some Antigens: Medicare will help pay for antigens if they are prepared by a doctor and given by a properly
instructed person (who could be the patient) under doctor supervision.
• Osteoporosis Drugs: Medicare helps pay for an injectable drug for osteoporosis for certain women with
Medicare. See note for women with osteoporosis, under Home Health Care.
• Erythropoisis–stimulating agents (such as Epogen,® Epoetin alfa, or Darbepoetin alfa Aranesp®): Medicare
will help pay for erythropoietin by injection if you have end-stage renal disease (permanent kidney failure)
and need this drug to treat anemia.
TABLE 2.1 Coverage of Medicare for Health Care Needs of Older Adults (Continued)
Service or Supply What is covered, and when?
• Blood Clotting Factors: If you have hemophilia, Medicare will help pay for clotting factors you give yourself
by injection.
• Injectable Drugs: Medicare covers most injectable drugs given by a licensed medical practitioner, if the drug
is considered reasonable and necessary for treatment.
• Immunosuppressive Drugs: Medicare covers immunosuppressive drug therapy for transplant patients if
the transplant was paid for by Medicare (or paid by private insurance that paid as a primary payer to your
Medicare Part A coverage) in a Medicare-certified facility.
• Oral Cancer Drugs: Medicare will help pay for some cancer drugs you take by mouth if the same drug is
available in injectable form.
Currently, Medicare covers the following cancer drugs you take by mouth:
• Capecitabine (brand name Xeloda®)
• Cyclophosphamide (brand name Cytoxan®)
• Methotrexate
• Temozolomide (brand name Temodar®)
• Busulfan (brand name Myleran®)
• Etoposide (brand name VePesid®)
• Melphalan (brand name Alkeran®)
As new cancer drugs become available, Medicare may cover them.
• Oral Anti-Nausea Drugs: Medicare will help pay for oral anti-nausea drugs used as part of an anti-cancer
chemotherapeutic regimen. The drugs must be administered within 48 hours and must be used as a full thera-
peutic replacement for the intravenous anti-nausea drugs that would otherwise be given.
Medicare also covers some drugs used in infusion pumps and nebulizers if considered reasonable and necessary.
Preventive Services Medicare covers the following preventive services:
• Bone Mass Measurement.
• Cardiovascular Screening Blood Tests.
• Colorectal Cancer Screening.
• Diabetes Screenings.
• Glaucoma Screening.
• Mammogram Screening.
• Nutrition Therapy Services.
• Pap Test/Pelvic Exam.
• Prostate Cancer Screening.
• Shots on page 52 including
- flu shot,
- pneumococcal shot, and
- Hepatitis B shot.
• Smoking Cessation Counseling.
• One-time “Welcome to Medicare” physical exam.
Prostate Cancer Medicare covers prostate screening tests once every 12 months for all men age 50 and older with Medicare
Screening (coverage begins the day after your 50th birthday). Covered tests include the following:
• Digital Rectal Examination
• Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Test
Prosthetic Devices Medicare covers prosthetic devices needed to replace an internal body part or function. These include Medi-
care-approved corrective lenses needed after a cataract operation (see Eyeglasses/Contact Lenses), ostomy bags
and certain related supplies (see Ostomy Supplies), and breast prostheses (including a surgical brassiere) after a
mastectomy (see Breast Prostheses).
Radiation Therapy Medicare covers radiation therapy for patients who are hospital inpatients or outpatients or patients in free-
standing clinics.
TABLE 2.1 Coverage of Medicare for Health Care Needs of Older Adults (Continued)
Service or Supply What is covered, and when?
Religious Non- Medicare doesn’t cover the religious portion of RNHCI care. Medicare covers inpatient nonmedical care when
medical Health the following conditions are met:
Care Institution • The RNHCI has agreed and is currently certified to participate in Medicare, and the Utilization Review Com-
(RNHCI) mittee agrees that you’d require hospital or skilled nursing facility care if it weren’t for your religious beliefs.
• You have a written agreement with Medicare indicating that your need for this form of care is based on your
religious beliefs. The agreement must also indicate that if you decide to accept standard medical care you
may have to wait longer to get RNHCI services in the future. You’re always able to access medically neces-
sary Medicare Part A services.
• The care provided is reasonable and necessary.
Respite Care Medicare covers respite care for hospice patients (see Hospice Care).
Second Surgical Medicare covers a second opinion before surgery that isn’t an emergency. A second opinion is when another
Opinions doctor gives his or her view about your health problem and how it should be treated. Medicare will also help
pay for a third opinion if the first and second opinions are different.
Shots (Vaccina- Medicare covers the following shots:
tions) Flu Shot: Once per flu season. You can get a flu shot in the fall and the winter flu seasons of the same year.
Hepatitis B Shot: Certain people with Medicare at medium to high risk for Hepatitis B.
Pneumococcal Shot: One shot may be all you ever need. Ask your doctor.
Skilled Nursing Medicare covers skilled care in a skilled nursing facility (SNF) under certain conditions for a limited time.
Facility (SNF) Skilled care is health care given when you need skilled nursing or rehabilitation staff to manage, observe, and
Care evaluate your care. Examples of skilled care include changing sterile dressings and physical therapy. Care that
can be given by non-professional staff isn’t considered skilled care. Medicare covers certain skilled care services
that are needed daily on a short-term basis (up to 100 days).
TABLE 2.1 Coverage of Medicare for Health Care Needs of Older Adults (Continued)
Service or Supply What is covered, and when?
Supplies (you use Medicare generally doesn’t cover common medical supplies like bandages and gauze.
at home) Supplies furnished as part of a doctor’s service are covered by Medicare, and payment is included in Medicare’s
doctor payment. Doctors don’t bill for supplies.
Medicare covers some diabetes and dialysis supplies. See Diabetes Supplies and Services on page 25 and Dialy-
sis (Kidney).
For items such as walkers, oxygen, and wheelchairs, see Durable Medical Equipment.
Surgical Dressings Medicare covers surgical dressings when medically necessary for the treatment of a surgical or surgically treated
Therapeutic Shoes See Diabetes Supplies and Services (Therapeutic Shoes).
Transplants (Doc- Medicare covers doctor services for transplants, see Transplants (Facility Charges).
tor Services)
Transplants (Facil- Medicare covers transplants of the heart, lung, kidney, pancreas, intestine/multivisceral, bone marrow, cornea,
ity Charges) and liver under certain conditions and, for some types of transplants, only at Medicare-approved facilities.
Medicare only approves facilities for kidney, heart, liver, lung, intestine/multivisceral, and some pancreas trans-
plants. Bone marrow and cornea transplants aren’t limited to approved facilities. Transplant coverage includes
necessary tests, labs, and exams before surgery. It also includes immunosuppressive drugs (under certain condi-
tions), follow-up care for you, and procurement of organs and tissues. Medicare pays for the costs for a living
donor for a kidney transplant.
Transportation Medicare generally doesn’t cover transportation to get routine health care. For more information, see Ambu-
(Routine) lance Services.
Travel Outside of Medicare generally doesn’t cover health care while you are traveling outside the United States. Puerto Rico,
the United States the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands are considered part of the
(Health Care United States. There are some exceptions. In some cases, Medicare may pay for services that you get while on
Coverage During board a ship within the territorial waters adjoining the land areas of the United States.
Travel) In rare cases, Medicare can pay for inpatient hospital services that you get in a foreign country. Medicare can
pay only under the following circumstances:
1. You are in the United States when a medical emergency occurs and the foreign hospital is closer than the
nearest United States hospital that can treat the emergency.
2. You are traveling through Canada without unreasonable delay by the most direct route between Alaska and
another state when a medical emergency occurs and the Canadian hospital is closer than the nearest United
States hospital that can treat the emergency.
3. You live in the United States and the foreign hospital is closer to your home than the nearest United States
hospital that can treat your medical condition, regardless of whether an emergency exists.
Medicare also pays for doctor and ambulance services you get in a foreign country as part of a covered
inpatient hospital stay.
Walker/Wheel- Medicare covers power-operated vehicles (scooters), walkers, and wheelchairs as durable medical equipment
chair that your doctor prescribes for use in your home. For more information, see Durable Medical Equipment.
Power Wheelchair: You must have a face-to-face examination and a written prescription from a doctor or other
treating provider before Medicare helps pay for a power wheelchair.
X-rays Medicare covers medically necessary diagnostic X-rays that are ordered by your treating doctor. For more
information, see Diagnostic Tests.
Source: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (2007). Your Medicare benefits. Retrieved
September 2, 2007 from
be reimbursed to the hospital for the older adult’s stay (Hogstel, 2001).
This system, known as defined diagnostic related groups (DRGs), forced
hospitals to find more efficient ways to provide care to older adults. New
technology has greatly assisted this effort and has played a substantial
role in decreasing the hospital stays of older adults. Moreover, improve-
ments in outpatient rehabilitation, home care, and short-term stays in
skilled nursing facilities have provided alternatives to care that tradition-
ally could only be found in the hospital setting. To illustrate this, consider
an older adult patient admitted to the hospital with pneumonia. Prior to
the implementation of the PPS and DRG systems, the patient would have
remained in the hospital until complete healing and rehabilitation were
assured, as long as two weeks if necessary. Currently, this same client may
be treated at home with antibiotics or admitted for only a short period
of time if intravenous therapy and intensive respiratory therapy are indi-
cated. This change in health care delivery has some positive benefits for
patients, who often meet health care goals more effectively at home and
are free from the risks of hospitalization, such as nosocomial infections.
However, should a problem arise, the availability of geriatric-educated
nurses and physicians is much higher in the hospital setting than in these
alternative locations.
As mentioned, the need for hospitals to deliver care more efficiently
in response to the implementation of the PPS and DRG systems resulted
in shorter hospital stays. Despite this movement, older adults continue
to require care that is often delivered at home. As a result of these
changes in the late 1980s and well into the 1990s, home care expe-
rienced tremendous growth. With an average of 95% of older adults
living at home, and each with approximately three chronic illnesses, the
need for nursing care at home is substantial. However, while the num-
ber of home care agencies grew greatly, so did the amount of fraudu-
lent claims to the Medicare system (Hogstel, 2001). Offenders were
prosecuted, but the cost to the home care system resulted in the closing
Cultural Focus
Eѣidence-Based Practice
of almost half of the home care agencies and a more highly regulated
system of reimbursement. Hogstel (2001) reports that no new home
health agencies were allowed to open and those remaining continued
to operate under strict regulations. The closure and merger of many
home health care agencies created a shortage of services and providers
for home-bound elderly.
It is important to note that this change in Medicare payment to hos-
pitals was the impetus for private health care insurance programs to insti-
tute a PPS system as well. Consequently, it is not only the elderly who
are discharged sicker and quicker, but children, new mothers and infants,
and other members of the population are also discharged sooner than
they would have been previously. Hospitals also made a change in staff-
ing patterns and attempted to replace nurses with unlicensed assistive
personnel (UAP) as a means to remain viable in a declining reimburse-
ment environment. This change caused great concern about the quality of
care in hospitals. While there are certainly positive aspects of this change
The Health Care Delivery System 65
in health care delivery, such as the ability to meet health care goals more
effectively at home and the ability to remain free from the risks of hos-
pitalization, such as nosocomial infections, should a problem arise, the
need to transport to a facility with appropriate resources may be neces-
sary, and the delay in accessing these services could increase both mor-
bidity and mortality. This raises additional concerns for older adults who
may be discharged home with no one to care for them in the immediate
postoperative period.
In further attempts to repair the problems inherent in the Medicare
system, three newer alternatives have evolved as alternative options in
addition to the traditional Medicare plan. Medicare now offers (a) pre-
ferred provider organization plans (PPOs), (b) private fee-for-service
plans, and (c) specialty plans. PPOs provide discounts to older adults
who choose primary care providers and specialists who have agreed to
accept Medicare assignment for patients. This saves Medicare money and
provides older adults with an alternative health care provider based on
costs. For example, an older adult may have had a relationship with a
particular physician who chooses not to accept Medicare assignment. In
this case, the older adult can still maintain the physician as their primary
health care provider, but they must pay extra for visits to this physician.
Medicare fee-for-service plans contract with private providers to allow
older adults to go to any Medicare-approved doctor or hospital that is
willing to take them. Benefits of these plans are often improved cover-
age, such as extra hospital days. However, providers must work with
private insurance plans directly to determine coverage for the health care
expenditures. Moreover, an additional premium may be involved, and
there may be additional costs, such as higher co-pays. In addition, private
insurance companies may choose to terminate coverage at the end of each
year. Medicare is currently in the process of developing a variety of spe-
cialty plans to meet the diverse and comprehensive needs of older adults.
More information on these plans will be available as they develop.
Medicaid is another national health insurance program to improve health
care for low-income citizens of the United States, including older adults
(Hogstel, 2001). However, while Medicare is regulated and administered
by the federal government, Medicaid is administered by individual states.
Consequently, the coverage is variable according to state regulations and
coverages. Medicaid also has expanded coverage to include children and
adults younger than 65 regardless of health status. Medicaid eligibility is
based on specific income and asset guidelines established by individual
states. Older adults who are attempting to qualify for Medicaid generally
have very limited financial resources and assets (Hogstel, 2001). For older
adults with limited assets and income, Medicaid may supplement current
Medicare benefits and pay for health care expenses not covered by Medi-
care, including medications, extended hospital or nursing home stays, and
durable medical equipment. For older adults with both Medicare and Med-
icaid coverage, Medicare is the primary payment system, and Medicaid is
secondary. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (2005) estimates
that approximately 6.5 million Medicare recipients also have Medicaid.
Medicaid was enacted in 1965 by the same legislation as Medicare
and is also known as Title XIX of the Social Security Act. Unlike Medi-
care, which is funded and administered through the federal government,
Medicaid is a joint partnership between federal and state governments
aimed at assisting states to provide medical assistance to low income
individuals. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (2005)
reports that Medicaid is currently the greatest source of funding for
health-related services for America’s poor population.
While changes and revisions have resulted within Medicare since
its inception, many changes have also occurred within the Medicaid sys-
tems. However, because Medicaid is jointly funded by each individual
state, there is great variability in covered medical expenses throughout the
country. Each state establishes eligibility guidelines, allowable expenses,
how much will be paid for these expenses, and how the program will be
run within that state. Thus, there are as many different Medicaid pro-
grams as there are states. Because of the variability in guidelines, an older
adult could be eligible for Medicaid in one state and not another. In addi-
tion, an older adult may have a particular medical expense paid for under
one state’s Medicaid plan and find that it is not an allowable health care
expense in another. To further complicate the variability in Medicaid,
state governments have the authority to change Medicaid eligibility and
guidelines to meet annual state budget requirements. This means that
while an older adult may be eligible one year, they may be ineligible the
following year; or a particular procedure or expense may be covered one
year, but may not be covered the following year.
To receive the federal portion of funds within Medicaid, states are
required to include in the program individuals who receive certain federal
assistance programs. Generally speaking, eligibility for Medicaid is based
on low income federal funds. Eligibility for Medicare does not make a
person eligible for Medicaid. However, if the older adult receives Supple-
mental Security Income (SSI) from the federal government, they are eli-
gible for Medicaid assistance as well. While states are not mandated to
cover other low-income population groups, many cover institutionalized
elderly within a certain income level set by the state and disabled older
adults under the federal poverty line (FPL).
The Health Care Delivery System 67
Many state Medicaid programs have also extended coverage for home-
and community-based services (HCBS), if these services are keeping the
older adult out of a covered nursing home stay. These services fall within a
newer Medicaid program known as Program of All-inclusive Care for the
Elderly (PACE). This program provides alternatives to nursing home care for
persons aged 55 or older who require a nursing facility level of care. Within
this program a coordinator plans medical, social service, rehabilitative, and
supportive services with the specific aim of preventing costly nursing home
admissions. The services within the PACE program are often received at
home, but they may also consist of collaborations with adult day care and
clinic providers. In addition to these groups, many state Medicaid plans also
have broad language that allows coverage to medically needy (MN) individ-
uals, although they do not fall into one of the traditionally covered groups.
In these cases, older adults may have income or assets that exceed the eligibil-
ity guidelines within the state, but cannot afford costly health care.
As stated earlier in this text, legislation enacted in 1996, known as
the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act or
(Public Law 104–193) “welfare reform” bill, made legal resident aliens
and other qualified aliens who entered the United States on or after that
period ineligible for Medicaid for 5 years. Whether or not older adult
aliens entering before 1996 or after the 5-year ban are eligible for Med-
icaid is decided by individual states. This means that many older adult
immigrants to the United States may not have any available form of pay-
ment for health care expenses.
While allowable medical expenses within Medicaid varies by state,
the federal government mandates that certain medical expenses are cov-
ered within all state Medicaid plans. Mandated covered expenses for older
adults include inpatient and outpatient hospital services, physician services,
nursing home services and home care services that are delivered to prevent
nursing home stays, and laboratory and X-ray services. Coverage of other
medical expenses, such as various diagnostic procedures, durable medical
equipment, medications, eyeglasses, and hearing aides, vary by state.
Cultural Focus
Legal resident aliens and other qualified aliens who entered the United
States in or after 1996 are ineligible for Medicaid for 5 years. Whether
or not older adult aliens entering before 1996 or after the 5-year ban are
eligible for Medicaid is decided by individual states. This means that many
older adult immigrants to the United States may not have any available
form of payment for health care expenses.
Veteran’s Benefits
The Veteran’s Administration (VA) is a government entity that provides
health care for veterans (military personnel who fought during a war).
VA health care is provided through VA medical centers and facilities
located throughout the country. Eligibility for VA health care is deter-
mined through a network of VA health facilities and hospitals across the
The Health Care Delivery System 69
illness that results in a nursing home stay has the potential to bankrupt
most middle-income older adults.
Long-term care insurance was developed by private insurance
companies to meet the long-term and chronic needs of older adults. Long-
term care insurance was designed to pay for long-term health services
when multiple chronic health problems occur that require custodial care
not covered by Medicare or other insurance. There are many advantages
to owning a long-term care insurance policy. But, while insurance com-
panies that offer long-term care policies are usually very ethical, they are
essentially businesses with an interest in profit. In other words, while long-
term care insurance may legitimately and appropriately meet the needs of
older adults who purchase it, it is often very costly. The older the adult
is when the policy is purchased, the more expensive the policy. Monthly
premiums vary depending on age at the time of policy purchase, the antici-
pated length of coverage, waiting period, and the desired amount of daily
payments for health care expenses (Hogstel, 2001). Moreover, premiums
are often not fixed and may increase throughout the coverage period. In
some cases, the premium may rise so high that older adults are no longer
able to afford to pay. This may result in policy cancellation and loss of all
previous monthly premiums, just when the policy benefits are needed to
cover long-term nursing home, assisted-living, or home care services.
Long-term care insurance generally provides coverage for approved
care in nursing and assisted-living facilities, in addition to care in the
home by health care providers and community-based services, such as
care at adult day care centers. As the policies vary greatly, some services
within these facilities may not be covered. Alexander (2005) reports that
the coverage is needed the most when the older adult is least able to advo-
cate for coverage, often because of illness.
Long-term care insurance is a useful insurance alternative or addition
for middle-income older adults who do not qualify for Medicaid but have
insufficient resources for extensive long-term care stays (Hogstel, 2001).
Older individuals considering long-term care insurance should be encour-
aged to shop around for reputable plans that provide the anticipated policy
benefits and terms. Hogstel (2001) reports that the younger an individual
is when the plan is purchased, the lower the monthly premium.
The emergence of long-term care insurance is a new option for the
payment of health care expenses among the elderly. Because it has only
been available for the past 5 years or so, most of the current cohort of the
older adult population would be charged high premiums for coverage.
Thus, long-term care insurance is currently a rarely used method of pay-
ing for long-term health care needs among today’s older adults. However,
as baby boomers begin to consider their retirement years and plan for the
future, the ability to purchase long-term care insurance and utilize it for
The Health Care Delivery System 71
payment of future health care expenses will increase. In the next decade,
society will likely see a vast change within the health care delivery system
and the reimbursement for health care as a result of the population of
baby boomers reaching the age of 65.
As discussed earlier in this chapter, health care costs have risen
sharply over the past several decades. When older adults have to pay
out of pocket for medical expenses, they often must use funds set aside
for food, rent, or other expenses of daily living. Consequently, paying
privately for health care presents a great barrier to achieving health out-
comes. Inability to pay out of pocket for expensive medications and treat-
ments plays a significant role in medical noncompliance or nonadherence.
As health care professionals, it is extremely important to be aware of the
ability of the older adult to access the recommended diagnostic test or
treatment before they are sent home from the hospital, health care office,
facility, or home care agency.
Many older adults are not able to access needed health care and
remain part of an underserved population.
There are many reimbursement options for older adults in the United
States. However, they are not all-encompassing or available to all who
need them. If older adults did not pay into the Medicare system through-
out their lives, either because of their employment or immigrant sta-
tus, they are not eligible for Medicare unless they specifically pay for
it. Even those who receive Medicare are left with co-pays for physician,
clinic, and hospital visits, and they still have medications to pay for.
While Medicaid is a fairly comprehensive payment system option for
low-income older adults, it is not an option available to middle or higher
income older adults who may have some funds to support themselves
but not enough to finance their increasingly complex and costly health
Regardless of the reason, there are many older adults who need
financial assistance to pay for health care. Often hospitals have programs
to help older adults finance their health care over a period of months, or
to excuse the older adult from paying, if they legitimately cannot afford
to do so. Physicians and other health care providers may offer the same
payment alternatives for services received at private physicians’ offices. In
addition, physicians in private practice may also have samples of medica-
tions to distribute to low-income older adults. Clinics often have sliding
scales to make health care within these facilities more affordable. There
are also various state-run programs that have resources for financing or
finding affordable health care for older adults.
As part of Title III of the Older American’s Act (OAA) of 1965,
increased focus was directed toward public and private health care
systems to provide improved access to services and advocacy for older
adults. Within this program are improved community services, such as
home-delivered meals, transportation, home health care, and home-
making assistance; adult day care; home repair; and legal assistance,
which allows many older adults to remain functionally independent and
community-dwelling. These programs are administered within local Area
Agencies on Aging (AAA), which are located within each state. AAAs pro-
vide older adults and health care providers with a tremendous resource
with which to access and afford health care. To locate the AAA within
each state, use the “links” tab located at In addition
to this Web resource, the administration on aging offers a toll-free Elder-
care Locator telephone number, 1-800-677-1116, designed to help older
adults, families, and health care providers obtain necessary community
services throughout the United States. In addition to AAAs, senior service
offices within hospitals are good sources of information about hospital
and community-based resources.
The last several decades have seen enormous changes in the health
care delivery system. As people continue to age, they tend to develop
more health problems, requiring greater use of this health care system
in turmoil. Medicare, the primary health insurance of older adults, has
undergone a particularly large number of revisions in an attempt to
lower the costs of this federally funded program. Medicaid and veteran’s
benefits are also available options for health care reimbursement. These
programs, too, have undergone revisions that affect the care of older
adults, and long-term care has assumed an important role in the health
care delivery system.
As the population continues to age, it is likely to require further
revisions in these systems. Nurses caring for older adults need to be
aware of these revisions and advocate for the best care for older adults.
However, nurses also have a duty to be respectful of the cost of this care
for both clients and the larger systems that fund the care. Finally, it is the
nurse’s role to help older adults find assistance to access health care that
is affordable so they can effectively manage health care problems.
The Health Care Delivery System 73
Alexander, R. (Ed). (2005). Avoiding fraud when buying long-term care insurance: A guide
for consumers and their families. Retrieved May 14, 2005 from http://consumerlaw
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (2005). Medicaid: A brief overview. Retrieved
May 12, 2005 from
Federal Interagency Forum on Age-Related Statistics. (2004). Older Americans 2004: Key
indicators of well being. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Hogstel, M. O. (2001). Gerontology: Nursing care of the older adult. Albany, NY: Delmar
Thomson Learning.
Kane, R. L. (2002). The future history of geriatrics: Geriatrics at the crossroads. Journal of
Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 57A, M803–M805.
Pew Research Center. (2006). Working after retirement: The gap between expectations
and reality. Retrieved July 12, 2007, from
Pick a card—any card?: Helping patients understand the new Medicare-approved drug
discount cards. (2004). American Journal of Nursing, 104(7), 24–26.
Rosenkoetter, M. (2000). Retirement. In J. Fitzpatrick, T. Fulmer, M. Wallace, & E. Fla-
herty (Eds.), Geriatric nursing research digest (pp. 34–37). New York: Springer-
Vertag, Inc.
Stotts, N., & Dietrich, C. (2004). The challenge to come: The care of older adults. Ameri-
can Journal of Nursing, 104(8), 40–48.
Normal Changes
of Aging
Learning Objectives
1. Identify normal physiological changes common in each aging
body system.
2. Discuss nursing interventions to compensate for normal aging
3. Identify the prevalence, risk factors, and treatment options asso-
ciated with constipation.
4. Identify the prevalence and risk factors associated with urinary
are also many unnoticeable changes within the aging body that are quite
undetectable to the naked eye. These changes may not become evident
until the older adult undergoes a physical examination with appropriate
diagnostic testing.
Normal changes of aging are sometimes considered to be inevi-
table and irreversible. However, there is a great deal of variability in
these age-related changes. Just because an individual is advancing in
years, it cannot be assumed that they will undergo specific changes. For
example, while many older adults have wrinkled skin and gray hair,
there are many others with unlined skin and blond, dark, or red hair;
some older adults have stooped posture, others have perfect posture.
Individual aging is influenced by many factors that are both preventable
and reversible.
Cultural backgrounds also play an important role in how a person
ages. For example, people with darker skin may possess more natural
protection against the sun and, thus, may wrinkle less than those with
lighter skin. It is generally agreed that biological aging changes begin
to appear commonly in the third decade of life, with subsequent linear
decline until death. Therefore, it is important for nurses to refrain from
making assumptions about normal aging.
Differentiating normal changes of aging from pathological aging
changes is an important part of health care for older adults. It is also
of critical importance for nurses to understand the normal physiologi-
cal changes associated with aging. In so doing, nurses will be able to
differentiate these physiological changes from abnormal or pathological
organ system changes. Consequently, nurses will be able to avoid mis-
interpreting age-related changes as those caused by disease, which can
lead to costly, uncomfortable, and time-consuming therapeutic attempts
to reverse normal aging. This error may then result in iatrogenesis or an
untoward event while receiving care. For example, consider an 89-year-
old woman newly admitted to an assisted-living facility. The admitting
nurse notices a red ring around the iris of her eye and refers her to an
ophthalmologist for follow-up care. She must pay for a van service to
bring her to the ophthalmologist and attends the appointment only to
have an adverse effect to the medication given to dilate her pupils for
examination. Instead of returning to the facility, she is admitted to the
hospital, where she falls out of bed and sustains a hip fracture requiring
6 weeks of rehabilitation. All of this could have been avoided if the nurse
had recognized the ring around the eye as arcus senilus, a normal change
of aging with no related visual effects.
Conversely, the incorrect assumption that changes induced by dis-
ease are age-related leads to therapeutic neglect of potentially or possibly
treatable conditions. Consider a 75-year-old man who has gradually been
Normal Changes of Aging 77
CѢlѡѢџюl FќѐѢѠ
having greater problems with his memory over the past year. His wife
frequently notices that he loses track of things, is unable to find the right
words to express his thoughts, and forgets things that happened within
an hour of their occurrence. Some may assume that it is normal for older
people to experience forgetfulness as described here. However, these
symptoms are not normal changes of aging, but signs and symptoms of
early cognitive impairment. Failure to diagnose and treat this cognitive
problem will result in heightened progression of disease as well as risk for
other problems with health and functioning.
Health care may be delivered in a more efficient and effective man-
ner if health professionals can recognize and prioritize which problems
will benefit from intervention and which will not. Great variability
occurs within the aging process, therefore, nurses cannot assume that
older adults will exhibit specific changes of aging. While the two exam-
ples given previously may seem outrageous, the inability to differentiate
normal aging changes from pathological aging changes occurs every-
day and has similar complications for older adults’ health. This chapter
addresses the naturally occurring changes in each body system of older
adults. These changes are summarized in Table 3.1. The chapter begins
with changes in the cardiovascular system and the nursing interventions
used to compensate for these changes.
Cardiovascular System • Heart becomes larger and occupies a • Can be cardiomyopathy, so refer for
greater amount of space within the chest. diagnostic tests.
• Reduction in the amount of functional muscle mass of • Inform patient that exercise can ulti-
heart. mately reduce the strain on the heart.
• Decreased amount of blood that is pumped throughout • Heart murmurs require further tests to
the circulatory system. determine its effect.
• More adventitious S4 heart sounds. • Fatigue, SOB, DOE, dizziness, chest
• Premature contractions and arrhythmias. pain, headache, sudden weight gain, or
• Blood flow is slower changes in cognitive function or cogni-
(wounds heal slower and impacts medication metabolism tion requires full assessment.
and distribution). • Know that the time of effectiveness may
• Low diastolic pressure. take longer when giving meds.
• Increased pulse pressure. • Inform patient that low diastolic pres-
sure is a risk for cerebrovascular ac-
cidents or strokes.
• Inform patient that exercise lowers
blood pressure.
Peripheral Vascular • Increase in the peripheral vascular resistance (blood has a • Inform patient that age, diet, genetics,
System hard time returning to the heart and lungs). and lack of exercise can transform non-
• Valves in the veins don’t function efficiently and form (non- pathological to pathological (atheroscle-
pathological) edema. rosis and arteriosclerosis), which can
result in CVD.
• Monitor older adults’ cholesterol levels
with lowering agents to prevent athero-
sclerosis and arteriosclerosis.
• Inform patient that exercise results in
lower cholesterol levels.
• Discuss the right medication, exercise
program, and diet for the patient as a
means to slow the progression of cardiac
Respiratory System • Decreased vital respiratory capacity. • Note that auscultating sounds is difficult
• Lungs lose elasticity. so it must be done on all lung fields in a
• Loss of water and calcium in bones causes the thoracic cage quiet environment.
to stiffen. • Inform that pollution and smoking
• Decreased amount of cilia lining system. worsens the cilia (try to help stop smok-
• Decreased cough reflex. ing by recommending behavioral man-
agement classes, support groups/nicotine
replacement therapies, antidepression
• Tell patients that they are at risk for
• Make sure patient’s respiratory function
is frequently assessed.
• Encourage regular exercise.
TABLE 3.1 Normal Changes of Aging and Nursing Interventions (Continued)
System Normal Aging Changes Nursing Interventions
Integumentary System • Skin becomes thinner and more fragile. • Promote the use of sun block and tell
• Skin is dry and loses elasticity (wrinkles). patient to avoid overexposure.
• Sweat glands lessen, which leads to less perspiration. • Avoid the use of soaps that dry skin and
• Subcutaneous fat and muscular layers begin to diminish; use a lotion after baths.
less padding, more easily bruised. • Protect high-risk areas such as elbows
• Dryness. and heels with padding.
• Skin tears. • Refer to a podiatrist.
• Fingernails and toenails become thick and brittle. • Help older adult maintain personal
• Hair becomes gray, fine, and thin. appearance.
• Facial hair on women.
• Decreased body hair on men and women.
Gastrointestinal • Inflamed gums. • Assess older adult’s ability to chew.
System • Periodontal disease. • Refer older adult for further oral evalua-
• Sensitive teeth. tion if necessary.
• Tooth loss. • Assist older adults in making changes
• Decreased peristalsis of esophagus. with their eating habits.
• Decreased gut motility, gastric acid production, and absorp- • Assess nutritional health frequently.
tion of nutrients. • Encourage older adult to drink water
• Difficulty evaluating wastes (constipation). (1.5 L).
• Involuntary leakage of liquid stool (fecal incontinence). • Add bulk and fiber to diet.
• Promote exercise.
• Enemas and laxative medications may
be given in severe situations.
• Diets high in fiber and bulk, adequate
fluids, and exercise.
• Bowel habit training (for cognitively
• In severe cases, surgery may be appropriate.
Urinary System • Kidneys experience a loss of nephrons and glomeruli. • Assess urinary incontinence.
• Bladder tone and volume capacity decreases. • Kegel exercises.
• Incontinence (not a normal change, but occurs in response). • Voiding schedules (for cognitively
Musculoskeletal • Decrease in total muscle and bone mass. • Encourage older adult to exercise
System • Muscle units that combine to form muscle groups diminish. regularly.
Sexual/Reproductive • Decrease in testosterone in men, and estrogen, progester- • Help older adult feel comfortable when
System one, and androgen in women. discussing sexuality.
Women: • Give vaginal lubricants to females.
• Follicular depletion in the ovaries. • Inform men to increase the time between
• Natural breast tissue is replaced by fatty tissue. erections.
• Labia shrinks. • Discuss use of oral erective agents.
• Decrease in vaginal lubrications and shortening and nar-
rowing of the vagina.
• Strength of orgasmic contraction diminishes, and orgasmic
phase is decreased.
• Increased length of time needed for erections and
TABLE 3.1 Normal Changes of Aging and Nursing Interventions (Continued)
System Normal Aging Changes Nursing Interventions
Ears tion of the nose and mouth.
• Increased amount of hard cerumen. • Obtain a thorough diet history.
Taste and smell
• 30% of taste buds diminish.
Neurological System • Total brain weight decreases. • Help older adult maintain an active
• Shift in the proportion of gray matter to white matter. body and mind.
• Loss of neurons. • Encourage older adults to participate in
• Increase in the number of senile plaques. cognitive activities.
• Blood flow to the cerebrum decreases.
Normal Changes of Aging 83
pressure of the heart at rest to become greatly reduced. This may occur
even in the presence of systolic hypertension and is known as isolated sys-
tolic hypertension (Hill, Tannenbaum, & Salman, 2005). Consequently,
an increased pulse pressure (the distance between the diastolic and sys-
tolic blood pressure values) is frequently seen among older adults. Lower
diastolic blood pressure values have recently been implicated as a risk
factor for cerebrovascular accidents or strokes.
In the peripheral vascular system, older adults have an increase in the
peripheral vascular resistance, which means that the blood in the periph-
eral parts of the body (fingers and toes) has greater difficulty returning
to the heart and lungs to be reoxygenated and recirculated. The valves in
the veins of the lower extremities also become incompetent, resulting in
nonpathological accumulation of fluid in the lower extremities (depen-
dent edema). These changes are often worsened by nonmodifiable and
modifiable risk factors for disease. As a result of genetics, diet, and other
factors, older adults also tend to have a higher risk of developing both
atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis in the cardiac and peripheral arteries,
There are several changes in the normal lab values of older adults.
For example, hemoglobin (Hg) and hematocrit (Hct), and erythrocyte
sedimentation rate (ESR, Sed rate), which are essential measures of oxy-
gen carrying red blood cell production, volume, and function, are slightly
decreased among older adults. Leukocytes, or white blood cells, which
are essential for immune function, are also slightly decreased among
older adults. Table 3.2 provides a list of laboratory values for the older
adult with age-related changes described. Knowledge and awareness of
the normal ranges of specific blood values for older adults will enhance
effective assessment and management of disease.
While these normal changes of the aging cardiovascular system
may seem to position all older adults as sick and weak, this is not the
case. It is important to remember that there is great variability in the
aging process, and while some may experience all these aging changes,
others may experience none. Moreover, there are several interventions
that nurses may recommend to older adults to slow the onset of these
normal changes of aging, such as diet, exercise, and when necessary,
medication. There have been many attempts to halt and reverse the
aging process, however, Fisher and Morley (2002) report that “While
the concept of anti-aging therapies is intriguing, there is clearly lit-
tle evidence-based medicine to support most of the generally touted
approaches” (p. M638).
The role of regular exercise in preventing normal changes in the
cardiac system and preventing cardiac disease cannot be emphasized
enough. There is overwhelming evidence that regular exercise results in
Normal Changes of Aging 85
Cultural Focus
The skin of older adults generally becomes thinner and more fragile as
they age. The decreased amount of subcutaneous tissue allows for less
water, and the skin becomes dry and loses its elasticity. Consequently,
small lines and wrinkles appear on the skin. The appearance of lines and
wrinkles is closely associated with the amount of sun exposure sustained
throughout older adult’s lives, especially the early years. In fact, the skin
that has not been exposed to the sun (i.e., skin on the underside of the
arm) may be quite free of lines and wrinkles and appear very youthful.
Nurses caring for older adults know that people enjoy the sun. More-
over, some sun is healthy. The sun produces vitamin D within the body,
which is necessary for calcium metabolism. However, overexposure to
the harmful rays of the sun can accelerate the normal aging changes and
place the older adult at high risk for the development of pathological skin
problems, such as cancer. Nursing interventions to reduce the effects of
sun exposure on the skin and prevent against disease onset include the use
of sun protection. It is presently recommended that older adults should
be counseled to use sun block and avoid over exposure to the sun.
In addition to the wrinkling of the skin, the number of sweat glands
diminishes as people age, leading to less perspiration among older adults.
The subcutaneous fat and muscular layers of the skin also begin to dimin-
ish. These changes have several common and noticeable effects. First,
these changes result in dryness of the skin, which often is uncomfortable
and can lead to skin tears. These skin tears occur under seemingly little
trauma and may be very difficult to heal. In addition, the loss of subcu-
taneous tissue beneath the skin of older adults results in less padding and
a higher rate of bruising with minimal trauma. The dryness of the skin,
in combination with decreased perspiration, leads to the need to bathe
less frequently. Nurses caring for older adults may recommend that older
adults and caregivers avoid the use of soaps that further dry the skin and
replace moisture lost during bathing with a recommended moisturizer.
Moreover, great care must be taken to prevent the skin from skin tears.
The use of clothing and protection of high risk areas, such as elbows and
heels, with appropriate padding, may be helpful in preventing skin tears.
Preventing older adults from falls and traumas is a substantial issue for
nurses caring for the elderly, and this will be discussed in greater detail
in Chapter 5. Changes in subcutaneous tissue, fat, and muscle among
older adults result in less protection against temperature extremes. Con-
sequently, older adults exposed to extreme heat or cold are at risk for
developing hyperthermia and hypothermia, respectively. Proper environ-
mental control and adequate hydration are essential to prevent these dev-
astating consequences of normal aging changes.
Through the normal aging process, fingernails and toenails become
thick and brittle, and thus, nail care may become more difficult for the
aging adult to accomplish independently. Changes in vision and pain per-
ception may further complicate the task of nail care. In some facilities
and care agencies, nurses may assist older adults with nail care. However,
it is generally recommended that older adults enter the care of a podia-
trist when normal and pathological aging changes make independent nail
care difficult. Nurses may play an instrumental role in detecting the need
Medicare will cover skilled care if all these conditions are met:
1. You have Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) and have days left in your benefit period to use.
2. You have a qualifying hospital stay. This means an inpatient hospital stay of three consecutive days or more,
including the day you’re admitted to the hospital, but not including the day you leave the hospital. You must
enter the SNF within a short time (generally 30 days) of leaving the hospital and require skilled services
related to your hospital stay (see item 5). After you leave the SNF, if you reenter the same or another SNF
within 30 days, you don’t need another three-day qualifying hospital stay to get additional SNF benefits.
This is also true if you stop getting skilled care while in the SNF and then start getting skilled care again
within 30 days.
3. Your doctor has decided that you need daily skilled care. It must be given by, or under the direct supervision
of, skilled nursing or rehabilitation staff. If you are in the SNF for skilled rehabilitation services only, your
care is considered daily care even if these therapy services are offered just five or six days a week, as long as
you need and get the therapy services each day they are offered.
4. You get these skilled services in a SNF that is certified by Medicare.
5. You need these skilled services for a medical condition that
• was treated during a qualifying three-day hospital stay, or
• started while you were getting care in the SNF for a medical condition that was treated during a qualify-
ing three-day hospital stay. For example, if you are in the SNF because you had a stroke, and you develop
an infection that requires I.V. antibiotics and you meet the conditions listed in items 1-4, Medicare will
cover skilled care.
Smoking Cessation Medicare covers minimal regular doctor’s office visits, and
(Counseling to up to 8 face-to-face visits in a 12-month period if you are diagnosed with an illness caused or complicated by
stop smoking) tobacco use, or you take a medicine that is affected by tobacco.
Speech-Language See Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy/Speech-Language Pathology.
Substance-Related Medicare covers treatment for substance-related disorders in inpatient or outpatient settings. Certain limits
Disorders apply.
Normal Changes of Aging 91
for external assistance with nail care and make an appropriate referral.
This is essential in order to maintain hygiene and prevent infections.
Another change in the older adult’s integumentary system occurs in
the hair. This is one of the most obvious effects of aging and among the
most feared. The hair of older adults may become gray, fine, and thin,
but there is great variation among change in hair patterns as people age.
Some older adults may experience the loss of hair, or alopecia, which may
or may not be hereditary. As a result of hormone shifts, the appearance of
facial hair may be seen among women, and decreased body hair generally
occurs with both sexes.
Because many of the changes older adults experience in the integu-
mentary system affect their appearance, it is important to consider the
effect of these changes on the self-concept and self-esteem of older adults.
As in youth, it is important to remember that older adults also take great
care in their personal appearance, including personal hygiene, hair, and
clothing. It is the role of nurses and other health care professionals to
recognize the importance of personal appearance and to help older adults
maintain and enhance their personal appearance. As older adults con-
tinue to populate society, it is likely that the appreciation of the beauty of
this population will continue to grow.
Older adults experience a great deal of change within the important gas-
trointestinal system, which starts at the mouth and ends at the rectum.
At the start of the system, older adults commonly experience problems
chewing and swallowing food. This often results from the lack of avail-
ability of fluorinated water in the early years as well as inadequate dental
care. It was not until the year 1945 that Grand Rapids, Michigan, became
the first city in the United States to fluoridate its drinking water. Fluorina-
tion of drinking water, which continues to be supported by the American
Dental Association, is done to prevent tooth decay by reducing the effects
of harmful bacteria in the water. Because most of today’s cohort of older
adults was already beyond their developmental years by this time, they did
not benefit from the presence of fluorination in the water. Consequently,
inflamed gums or periodontal disease is common among older adults.
Moreover, sensitive teeth and tooth loss is seen regularly among older
adults. Tooth and gum problems often prevent older adults from being
able to chew (masticate) food. This may lead to a decrease of food choices
and self-denial of soft food related to its poor taste or appearance. Nurses
must consistently assess client’s ability to chew food and refer clients with
assessed problems in this area for further oral evaluation.
Constipation, defined as the abnormally delayed or infrequent passage of
accumulated, often dry, feces in the lower intestines, is the most common
Normal Changes of Aging 93
complaint among older adults (Beers & Jones, 2000). Many nurses who
care for older adults find that older adults are often preoccupied with the
risk for, or presence of, constipation, which results in frequent requests
for medication. Annells and Koch (2002) report that laxatives are the
most commonly sought after treatment for constipation, with approxi-
mately one-third of older adults requesting weekly laxatives to reduce
constipation. Constipation is a substantial problem for older adults and
has extensive effects on functional health. Moreover, untreated consti-
pation may result in life-threatening effects. Constipation also requires
excessive nursing resources for effective management (Lagman, 2006).
In addition to normal aging changes, lack of physical activity is a
major contributor to constipation. Environmental changes that result
in less privacy also contribute to constipation. Nursing interventions to
minimize the risk of constipation include encouraging adequate fluids.
For older adults who are not severely ill, daily fluid intake should be
between 30 and 35 ml fluid/kg (National Collaborating Center for Acute
Care, 2006). Maintaining a diet with sufficient bulk, such as green leafy
vegetables and grains, is also helpful in reducing constipation. Exercise
has a quick and favorable effect on constipation. Moreover, dietary mod-
ifications, such as the increase of fiber and fluid, can stimulate the colon
and resolve constipation. Stool softener medications, enemas, and laxa-
tive medications may be used when constipation is severe.
Bowel Incontinence
Bowel incontinence is defined as an involuntary unexpected leakage of
liquid stool. It is estimated that approximately 45% of nursing home resi-
dents suffer from this condition (University of North Carolina Center for
Functional Gastrointestinal and Motility Disorders, 2006). Fecal inconti-
nence results in part from normal aging changes to the bowel. However,
there are other causes of bowel incontinence as well, including: (1) his-
tory of urinary incontinence, (2) neurological disease, (3) poor mobility,
(4) severe cognitive decline, and (5) age greater than 70. The University
of North Carolina Center for Functional Gastrointestinal and Motility
Disorders(2006) reports that fecal incontinence is associated with hem-
orrhoids, diarrhea, constipation, childbirth injuries, diabetes, ulcerative
colitis, and dementia. As with constipation, diets high in fiber and bulk,
adequate fluids, and exercise are helpful in preventing and treating bowel
incontinence. In cognitive-impaired older adults, bowel habit training
may be helpful. This may be accomplished by first determining times
throughout the day when older adults are most often incontinent. The
information for this may be gathered through examination of the bowel
diary. Once the pattern of incontinent episodes is determined, the older
adult may be encouraged and assisted to the toilet a half hour before the
usual time of incontinence in order to prevent the incontinent episode
from occurring. In severe cases of fecal incontinence, resulting from tears
in the anal sphincter, surgery may be an appropriate treatment.
Changes in the urinary system occur frequently as people age. The kid-
neys, which are responsible for concentrating urine and filtering meta-
bolic products for elimination, experience a total loss of nephrons and
glomeruli as people age. In the older adult, the bladder tone and volume
capacity may decrease as well. This results in a high incidence of urinary
incontinence (UI), or involuntary loss of urine among older adults. Stud-
ies have shown that between 10% and 58% of women and 6% to 28%
of men experience daily incontinence (Gray, 2003).
There are several changes in the normal lab values of older adults
within the genitourinary system. For example, the blood urea nitrogen
(BUN) values, which are commonly used to measure kidney function,
are increased as a result of decreased renal function. BUN values among
older adults are heavily influenced by dietary protein intake. Because lean
body mass declines with age, the total production of creatinine increases,
while creatinine clearance declines by almost 10% per decade after age
40. These are essential indicators of kidney function among older adults.
Normal changes in lab values are summarized in Table 3.2.
Urinary Incontinence
Urinary incontinence (UI) is not a normal change of aging, but it occurs
frequently among the older population in response to normal aging
changes. Because of the stigma associated with this embarrassing disor-
der, it is not readily diagnosed. Gray (2003) reports that UI occurs in up
to 11% of community-dwelling older adults. There are many types of UI,
but the two most frequent types of UI in the older population are stress
and urge incontinence. Stress incontinence results when the strength of the
urethral sphincter decreases and is unable to stop the flow of urine. This
most commonly occurs in response to weakened pelvic muscles that sup-
port the bladder. Older patients with stress incontinence frequently report
losses of small volumes of urine during laughing, sneezing, coughing, or
running/jumping. This type of UI occurs very commonly with aging. The
other common type of UI is urge incontinence, which results in the loss
of a large volume of urine. There are many causes of urge incontinence,
including neurological problems or infection. However, in many cases
Normal Changes of Aging 95
of older people with UI, no known causes are identified. The risk for
developing UI increases with age, obesity, chronic bronchitis, asthma,
and childbearing. Many older adults experience a combination of both
types of incontinence, known as mixed.
Assessing UI is the first step in solving this embarrassing problem. It
is important to note that Bradway (2004) and other researchers report
that UI in women is a culturally bound experience. Narratives of women
with long-term UI revealed that it is an individual experience and inter-
preted and managed according to culture, individual and shared experi-
ences, and interactions with health care professionals, friends, and family
members. Consequently, many clients, including those from diverse cul-
tural backgrounds, may be reluctant to discuss incontinence. Nurses
must understand this and be sure to ask culturally appropriate assess-
ment questions.
After assessing the presence of UI, many interventions are available
to assist with these types of incontinence. The 2003 State of the Science
on Urinary Incontinence (Mason, Newman, & Palmer, 2003) reports that
practice related to urinary incontinence must change. “Use of absorbent
products is often the intervention applied to everyone. Individualized care
for UI isn’t provided” (p. 2). They further report that devices and medi-
cations should take a back seat to effective nursing interventions for UI,
including behavioral interventions, such as pelvic floor exercises and blad-
der training.
The easiest nursing intervention for cognitively intact older adults
with incontinence is to teach pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegel
exercises. These exercises strengthen pelvic muscles to aid in the retention
of urine. Wyman (2003) found that pelvic floor muscle exercises com-
bined with lifestyle modification and bladder training exercises were very
effective in helping older adults with UI. While these exercises work well
to help older adults improve incontinence, they are challenging to learn.
Thus, nurses are instrumental in teaching older adults the correct pelvic
floor muscle exercise method. Older women may be taught to place a
finger in their vagina and squeeze around it. The correct technique occurs
when pressure is felt on the finger. Once the correct muscle is identified,
clients should be instructed to hold the squeeze for 3 to 4 seconds and
then relax for 3 to 4 seconds. It is recommended that the exercises be
performed 15 times, 2 or 3 times a day. Improvement in urinary inconti-
nence will be seen in 6 to 12 weeks. Nurses may suggest that clients do the
exercises to music first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Bio-
feedback, which provides clients with verification of the correct technique
while they are practicing the exercise, may be useful and is available at
many urology practices nationwide. More information on kegel exercises
may be found at
Cultural Focus
Evidence-Based Practice
Evidence-Based Practice
becomes less acute. The ability of the pupil to constrict quickly in response
to stimuli decreases and peripheral vision declines. The lens of the eye often
becomes yellow, resulting in the development of cataracts in the older pop-
ulation. Because of the normal changes in the aging eye, the older adult is
at higher risk for diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma. Older adults
should have a baseline eye assessment early in older adulthood, with fol-
low-up eye appointments at least annually. A nonpathological anatomical
change seen frequently in older adults is known as arcus senilus, which is a
ring that appears around the older adult’s iris but has no impact on vision.
Consequently, no nursing interventions are necessary.
As a result of decreased body water, older adults tend to accumulate
an increased amount of hard cerumen in their ears, which may affect
hearing. The removal of the cerumen often requires assistance of a health
care professional, and this may increase hearing acuity. Hearing impair-
ments, while not a normal change of aging, occur frequently in the older
population as a result of environmental exposure to noise pollution, as
well as genetics. The prevalence of presbycusis, or high-pitched hearing
loss, also rises with age. The usual intervention for older adults who
become hearing impaired is consultation with a hearing professional.
Hearing aides, which are fitted to the ears of older adults and enhance
the sounds of the environment, may be an effective method to improve
hearing in the older population. Newer, more advanced methods of hear-
ing enhancement are currently being researched.
Older adults also experience an overall decline in both the senses of
taste and smell. This is due to an average decrease of approximately 30%
Because of the great concern older adults have about becoming cog-
nitively impaired in older age, nurses are often called upon to provide
information on maintaining cognitive and intellectual capacity. The most
appropriate interventions to prevent the effects of normal aging on cog-
nitive functioning and reducing the risk for the development of demen-
tia are to maintain an active mind and body. Older adults should be
encouraged to participate in cognitive activities such as work, games, or
a course of study. Many colleges and universities allow older adults to
attend classes for low or no charge. In fact, 17% of older adults have a
bachelor’s degree or more. Keeping intellectually active is regarded as a
hallmark of successful aging.
It is clear that as people age, each body system undergoes changes. The
changes are caused by many factors including exposure to environmental
injury, illness, genetics, stress, and many others. Most of these changes
occur over many years and are considered normal among older adults.
However, these changes often place the older adult at high risk for the
development of disease. It is extremely important to differentiate normal
from pathological changes in order to prevent improperly treating nor-
mal changes and failing to treat those that result from illness.
Teaching regarding the normal changes of aging should be the first
intervention made with all aging adults to help them understand what is
going on in their bodies. In addition, many interventions are available to
compensate for these changes as well as to prevent the development of
disease as a consequent of these interventions. Teaching and assurance by
the nurse that these changes are a normal part of aging allow older adults
to understand their bodies, to feel comfortable learning how to compen-
sate for these changes, and to discover how to prevent the development
of disease.
Alzheimer’s Association. (1999). Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias fact sheet.
Retrieved from
Annells, M., & Koch, T. (2002). Older people seeking solutions to constipation: The laxa-
tivemire. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 11(5), 903.
Beers, M. H., & Jones, T. V. (Eds.). (2000). The Merck manual of geriatrics (3rd ed.).
Rahway, NJ: Merck Research Laboratories.
Bradway, C. K. W. (2004). Narratives of women with long-term urinary incontinence.
Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Ferrie, B. W. (2003, April 28). What is male menopause? Advance for Nurses, 5, 27–28.
Fisher, A., & Morley, J. E. (2002). Antiaging medicine: The good, the bad and the ugly. The
Journals of Gerontology, 57(10), M636–M639.
Gray, M. L. (2003, March). Gender, race and culture in research on urinary incontinence.
American Journal of Nursing, (Suppl.), 20–25.
Hill, M., Tannenbaum, S., & Salman, A. (2005). Hypertension. In J. Fitzpatrick & M. Wallace
(Eds.), Encyclopedia of nursing research (pp. 287–290). New York: Springer Publish-
ing Company.
Lagman, R. L. (2006). Constipation—Not a mundane symptom. Journal of Supportive
Oncology, 4(5) 223–224.
Lewis M, Szabo R, Weiner K, McCall L, Piterman L.(1997). Cultural barriers to exercise
amongst the ethnic elderly. Internet Journal of Health Promotion. Retrieved August
25th, 2007 from
Malazemoff, W. (2004). When the nose no longer knows—Smell and taste disorders in
elders. Nursing Spectrum, 8(8), 12–14.
Mason, D. J., Newman, D. K., & Palmer, M. H. (2003). Changing UI practice. American
Journal of Nursing, (Suppl.), 2–3.
Masters, W. H. (1986, August 15). Sex and aging—Expectations and reality. Hospital Prac-
tice, 175–198.
National Collaborative Centre for Acute Care. (2006). Nutrition support in adults. Clinical
guideline 32. London: National Center for Health & Clinical Excellence.
Reijneveld, S. A., Westhoff, M. H., & Hopman-Rock, M. (2003). Promotion of health and
physical activity improves the mental health of elderly immigrants: Results of a group
randomised controlled trial among Turkish immigrants in the Netherlands aged 45
and over. Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health, 57, 405–411.
Swanenburg, J., de Bruin, E. D., Stauffacher, M., Mulder, T., & Uebelhart, D. (2007).
Effects of exercise and nutrition on postural balance and risk of falling in elderly
people with decreased bone mineral density: Randomized controlled trial pilot study.
Clinical Rehabilitation, 21(6), 523–524.
University of North Carolina Center for Functional Gastrointestinal and Motility Disor-
ders. (2006). Understanding fecal incontinence. Retrieved July 13, 2007, from http://
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2004). The health consequences of smok-
ing. Executive summary. Available at
Walker, B. L., & Ephross, P. H. (1999). Knowledge and attitudes toward sexuality of a
group of elderly. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 31, 85–107.
Wyman, J. F. (2003, March). Treatment of urinary incontinence in men and older women.
American Journal of Nursing, (Suppl.), 26–35.
Learning Objectives
1. List techniques necessary for the systematic assessment of older
2. Discuss challenges and solutions to obtaining health histories and
physical examinations on older adults.
3. Identify alterations in older adult lab values.
4. Identify critical components of comprehensive geriatric assess-
5. State the two key components of assessing older adults.
Mr. Joseph is a 68-year-old man who has Down syndrome and is very
hard of hearing. He recently had a physical exam and routine blood work
done at the physician’s office you work at. He is currently 30 lbs over-
weight, and his total cholesterol is 280. His physician asks you to do
some teaching regarding lifestyle modifications that can be done to lose
weight and lower his cholesterol. However, when he comes in you have a
hard time communicating the information because he is so hard of hear-
ing. In addition, you are unsure of whether or not he understands the
material. He shakes his head when you ask if he has any questions, but
he looks very confused. By the end of the session he looks very frustrated
and upset and hurries to leave. You schedule a follow-up appointment in
a week to see how he’s doing and reinforce the material.
The story of Mr. Joseph happens frequently among older adults. Health
assessment of older adults is a process of collecting and analyzing data.
It is the first step in the nursing process. It is also essential in order to
formulate effective plans of care for older adults. The assessment of older
adults focuses on physiological findings, including normal changes of
aging, psychosocial data, functional abilities, and cognitive dimensions of
well-being. While nurses may assume that the assessment of older adults is
similar to that of a younger adult, older adult assessments must pay close
attention to the differentiation between normal and pathological changes,
as well as the impact of these changes on functional status. Moreover,
these assessments must consider potential subtle changes in function and
cognition that indicate early signs of disease in this population.
This chapter provides information on health assessment techniques
necessary for the assessment of older adults. Challenges to obtaining
health histories and physical examinations among older adults will be
discussed. Altered presentation of commonly occurring diseases among
the elderly will be identified, and the reader will be provided with mate-
rial on appropriate assessment of function and cognition.
The nurses’ assessment of older adults requires the ability to actively lis-
ten as well as to use all other senses to gather data. This often draws upon
experience and expertise gained over time in working with the older pop-
ulation. An inexperienced nurse is often frustrated by the length of time
needed for the geriatric assessment, and the inability of some older adults
to keep focused on providing the necessary information. For example,
consider an 86-year-old woman with mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
who presents to a medical unit with a small bowel obstruction (SBO).
This assessment will probably take a long time, and it may be necessary
to consistently encourage the client to focus on answering the questions.
In an effort not to be rude, the nurse may allow the patient to continue
providing unessential information. Written forms and checklists can help
the nurse to keep the client more focused.
The physical assessment of the older adult demands that the health
care team include special considerations that are unique to the geriatric
population. Environmental adaptations are usually necessary to com-
pensate for the older adult’s physiological and psychological changes
of aging. Modifications to the physical environment start with a room
that is comfortably warm to the client and not exposing the client any
more than is necessary. Changes in subcutaneous tissue, fat, and muscle
among older adults provide less protection against temperature extremes,
consequently, older adults are more sensitive to temperature changes.
Amella (2004) states that the “key to providing appropriate treatment to
older adults is going beyond the usual history and physical parameters
to examine mental, functional, nutritional and social-support status”
(p. 43).
The room should be adequately bright but with indirect lighting to
compensate for diminished visual acuity. Fluorescent lighting and window
Assessing Older Adults 107
glare should be avoided. Straight-backed chairs with arms that are cush-
ioned for comfort should be utilized, making sure that the client’s height
allows for ease in rising from them. The examination table should be low
and well padded to protect from discomfort. The head of the examination
table should rise up, as some older adults may have difficulty lying flat for
any amount of time. There should be adequate space in the examination
room to accommodate mobility aides. The room should be free from dis-
traction and background noises. It is important to take into consideration
the energy level of the older adult and conduct the physical examination
at the individual’s own pace. Minimize skin exposure of the older adult to
prevent chilling. These factors may indicate the need to conduct the exami-
nation over more than one session. It is helpful to organize the examination
to reduce the changes in body positions and conserve the client’s energy.
Because the older adult may become disoriented in a different environ-
ment and/or have sensory impairments, various techniques need to be uti-
lized to assess each individual adequately. At the start of the examination,
it may be worthwhile for the examiner to spend some extra time establish-
ing a nonthreatening relationship. As a sign of respect, older adults should
be addressed by their last name and title. The first name should be used
only if invited to do so. The nurse must allow the older client enough time
to respond to questions. The nurse should speak facing the client and use
commonly accepted wording. Allowing hearing-impaired clients to see the
nurse’s entire face and body so that they may detect lip reading and body
language may be helpful. If the client wears hearing aids, make sure they
are on and working properly. For clients with visual deficits, nurses must
make sure that the clients have their glasses on and plan to use visual cues
as needed. Family members can provide important information, but the
examiner needs to focus on the client.
Older adult health assessment, which requires a substantial amount
of nursing time and resources, often conflicts with the hurried and
short-staffed health care environment in which older adults receive
care (Hogstel, 2001). Geriatric interdisciplinary teams (GITs)—made
up of physicians, nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists,
recreational therapists, social workers, psychologists, and nursing assis-
tants—make assessment more efficient by assigning components of the
assessment to the most qualified member of the team. After completing
assigned components of the assessment, GIT members gather together
to plan care for the older adult, which is generally more comprehensive
and effective than when individual team members work alone (Fulmer
et al., 2005). Geriatric interdisciplinary team care has been effective
in managing the complex syndromes experienced by chronically ill
and frail older adults with multiple co-morbidities, because such care
requires skills that are not possessed by any one professional. Positive
outcomes of geriatric teams have been revealed in multiple studies,
Eѣiёђћѐђ-BюѠђё Pџюѐѡiѐђ
including one by Li, Porter, Lam, and Jassal (2007). These researchers
found that a team approach to care delivery resulted in quicker hospital
discharge and improved functional status. The Institute of Medicine
(IOM) of the National Academy (2001), in attempts to reduce medical
errors and improve patient outcomes, challenges all health care profes-
sionals to recognize the need for effective interdisciplinary team care for
multiple patient populations.
As discussed in Chapter 1, the older adult population is becoming
increasingly culturally diverse. Consequently, during the assessment, close
attention must be paid to culturally appropriate behaviors. It is important
to determine how the older adult would like to be addressed and the lan-
guage that they are most comfortable speaking. If the older adult speaks a
language foreign to the nurse, the client should be questioned as to whether
or not an interpreter is desired or whether a family member would like to
communicate the client’s history. Attention should also be paid to the older
adult’s comfort with the amount of personal space, eye contact, and physi-
cal gestures of the health care provider. The relationship of the nurse to the
client requires recognition of and sensitivity to cultural differences, because
some cultural groups definitions of health and illness may differ from the
examiners. These same cultural groups may also have their own health
practices that are thought to promote health and cure illness within the
Assessing Older Adults 109
CѢљѡѢџюљ FќѐѢѠ
group. All nurses should make efforts to modify health care according to
the client’s cultural beliefs in order to provide culturally competent care.
It is important to remember that although older clients may be part
of a specific cultural group, they may have acculturated to a certain degree
during their time in the United States. Therefore, a cultural history is an
essential step in determining the basis of the client’s health care beliefs and
practices. Some health care facilities have begun to add cultural assessment
questions to client’s admission assessment. Sample questions to guide the
assessment may be found in Exhibit 1.4. It is important to remember that
all older adults should be treated with dignity and respect. Consequently,
always use a client’s formal title (Mr., Mrs., Dr.), or ask how they would
like to be addressed. If the older client speaks a language with which the
nurse is not familiar, determine if the older adult client would like an
interpreter or whether a family member would like to communicate the
individual’s needs. It is important to note that the fast pace in which the
American culture operates may be seen as a sign of disrespect to older
adults from different cultural backgrounds. A quick approach to patient
care, which is often essential in busy health care climates, often is perceived
as uncaring and hasty. Recognizing this allows for nurses to approach the
clients more slowly and with greater attention to caregiving and detail. The
amount of personal space, the comfort with eye contact, and the use of
physical gestures, such as hand-shaking, should also be assessed to deter-
mine the older adult’s comfort with these common social norms.
When conducting assessments on older adults, it is also necessary
to remember that some of the standardized assessment tools, such as the
Geriatric Depression Scale and the Mini Mental State Examination, are
available in different languages. Be cautious about interpreting a tool
that has not been formally translated, as the meanings of many words
change by cultural background. During the assessment, it is necessary
to determine the decision maker in the family and respect the client and
families wishes in sharing information. In some cultural backgrounds,
older adults are prevented from hearing about their diagnoses, and fam-
ily members are given this information. In addition, some diseases of
CѢљѡѢџюљ FќѐѢѠ
The health assessment always begins with a health history. This is usu-
ally the first time that the older adult and nurse have an opportunity to
meet, and it marks the beginning of the therapeutic relationship. It is
important at this time to focus on gaining the trust of the client. Conse-
quently, a sufficient amount of time should be set aside for the health his-
tory so that the older adult does not feel rushed. Normal changes of aging
result in an overall slowing down of response time to questions, not to
mention that the older person being interviewed may have 80 or 90 years
of health history to relate to the nurse. Because of the time period that the
health history must cover, the older adult may have difficulty extracting
dates and details from memory, so it is important for the nurse to be
patient and understanding. Some older adults may find some information
to be too distressing to discuss, such as the birth of a still-born child, or
may fear the consequences of their health problems so they may withhold
certain medical information. Memories of painful tests or the fear of a
stressful diagnosis may also cause the older adult to minimize symptoms.
They may also fear being a burden on the health care system or on their
children and, thus, hide or minimize symptoms of disease for this reason.
Assessing Older Adults 111
CѢљѡѢџюљ FќѐѢѠ
and prevalence of headaches. The health history and review of systems col-
lectively form the basis of the subjective portion of the health assessment.
The term reminiscence has been in use for many years as a manner in which
to help older adults experience memories of earlier times. It was originally
defined as thinking about or relating past experiences, especially those per-
sonally significant (McMahon & Rhudick, 1961). The concepts of reminis-
cence and life review are often used interchangeably but are similar in their
ability to help older adults recall memories from an earlier period of time
in order to experience emotions associated with these memories, or reach
resolution regarding past events. Haight (2005) suggests that one method of
reminiscence or life review that may be helpful during the health assessment
is the oral history or narrative therapy in which the client is asked to tell the
story about a particular problem or reason for seeking health care. In the
process of storytelling, new insights are gained by both the client and health
care provider, and the storytelling becomes therapeutic. Reminiscence may
also be accomplished by asking an older adult about their memories of
certain events, smells, or photographs. In order to stimulate reminiscence,
older adults may be asked to write about or tape record memories of past
events, develop a family tree, or write to old friends. Tornstam’s theory of
gerotranscendence, discussed in Chapter 1, suggests that reminiscence con-
tributes to the reconstruction of identity and the understanding of reality as
a process of reorganization and reconstruction.
Evidence-Based Practice
An older adult’s ability to independently complete activities of daily liv-
ing (ADLs) is a benchmark for health. If an older adult becomes incon-
tinent or unable to bathe themselves, this often requires a change in the
level of care. Moreover, an acute decline in functional status frequently
signals the onset of physiological disease among older adults. For exam-
ple, consider an older female who generally eats and bathes indepen-
dently. One morning she wakes up and requires assistance to get out of
bed and eat. This should signal the presence of functional decline and
Assessing Older Adults 117
A decline in cognitive function frequently signals the onset of physiologi-
cal disease among older adults. Nurses caring for older adults are often
in a position to evaluate cognitive status and screen for the development
of cognitive impairments, which will assist in differential diagnosis. For
example, consider an older nursing home resident who is usually cogni-
tively intact. This resident usually remembers nurses’ names, knows the
date, and is oriented to person, place, and time. One evening, during
the med pass, the client calls the nurse his mother. Further brief cog-
nitive assessment indicates that the client is disoriented. Among older
adults, this rapid change in cognitive status should signal the presence
of delirium and further assessment to determine the cause. In this case,
the presence of infection, medications, or sensory deprivation may be the
reason behind the sudden onset change in cognitive function. Changes in
cognitive status occur both in cognitively intact and cognitively impaired
older adults. For example, clients with Alzheimer’s disease may experi-
ence a decline in cognitive function in response to the pathological disease
processes listed previously.
Health Promotion
Learning Objectives
1. Differentiate between primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of
prevention among older adults.
2. Identify risk factors, harmful effects, and treatment for excessive
alcohol usage among older adults.
3. Identify the harmful risks and interventions to stop smoking for
older adults.
4. Discuss risk factors, assessments, and interventions for poor
nutrition among older adults.
5. List barriers and facilitators to exercise among older adults.
6. Identify the causes of sleep disturbance among older adults, and
provide nursing interventions to restore sleep quality.
7. Identify risk factors and interventions for fall prevention and
minimizing injury in older persons.
8. Plan the nursing care of older adults, utilizing nonrestraint
9. Discuss appropriate immunizations for older adults.
10. Identify interventions for the early detection of cardiovascular
11. Identify interventions for early detection of diabetes.
12. State American Cancer Society guidelines for early detection of
weekends. You are the RN performing a follow-up home visit for a home
safety check.
Upon visiting the home you discover that although it is very neat
and clean, she has a number of throw rugs covering the hardwood floor
in her living room. In addition, the carpet in her bedroom is coming up
along the edges. Likewise, there currently is no clear path from her bed
to the bathroom. After your assessment you make a plan to discuss your
suggestions with Mrs. Martin.
The story of Mrs. Martin typifies that of older adults today. Older adults
have many health care needs. These needs have resulted from both nor-
mal and pathological changes of aging. Pathological changes of aging
may result from poor health practices acquired early in life and continued
into older adulthood. The Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related
Statistics (2004) reported that in the year 2001, the most leading causes
of death in the United States were heart disease, malignant neoplasms,
cerebrovascular diseases, chronic lower respiratory diseases, influenza,
pneumonia, and diabetes. These have an affect on all individuals at one
time or another, therefore, older adults may still benefit from health pro-
motion activities, even in their later years. In fact, health promotion is as
important in older adulthood as it is in childhood. Older adults are never
“too old” to improve their nutritional level, start exercising, get a better
night’s sleep, and improve their overall health and safety.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services developed
National Health-Promotion and Disease-Prevention Objectives (http:// titled Healthy People 2010. These objec-
tives are achieved through varying levels of prevention. Primary preven-
tion involves measures to prevent an illness or disease from occurring,
for example, immunizations, proper nutrition, and regular fluoride
dental treatments. Secondary prevention refers to methods and proce-
dures to detect the presence of disease in the early stages so that effective
treatment and cure are more likely. Routine mammograms, hyperten-
sion screening, and prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood tests are a few
examples. Tertiary prevention is needed after the disease or condition has
been diagnosed and treated. This is an attempt to return the client to an
optimum level of health and wellness despite the disease or condition, for
example, physical, occupational, and speech pathology services follow-
ing a cerebrovascular accident.
Despite the need to promote health among older adults and the
clearly defined objectives, many barriers stand in the way of improved
health among this population. One of the greatest barriers surrounds
misconceptions about the benefits of health promotion for older adults.
Another barrier lies in the challenge of separating the normal changes
Health Promotion 123
Evidence-Based Practice
CѢltural Focus
It is impossible in one brief book to discuss all of the harmful effects of
cigarette smoking. Currently, there is evidence to support that cigarette
smoking causes heart disease, several kinds of cancer (lung, larynx, esoph-
agus, pharynx, mouth, and bladder), and chronic obstructive pulmonary
diseases, including bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, and bronchiectasis.
Cigarette smoking also contributes to cancer of the pancreas, kidney,
and cervix (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2000). The
current cohort of older adults is one of the first groups to have poten-
tially smoked throughout their entire adult lives. The effects of smoking
are silent and often occur slowly over time. Older adults do not always
experience typical symptoms of disease until lung damage has occurred.
Research has shown that because smoking begins and propagates disease
development, it is one of the most critical negative predictors of longev-
ity. Because of the large number of medications older adults often take,
including over-the-counter (OTC) and herbal medications, the potential
for these drugs to interact with the nicotine in cigarettes is high. Nicotine–
drug interactions can cause many problems for the older adult.
Despite contrary belief, it is possible for older adults to experience
the benefits of smoking cessation even in old age. Moreover, it is impor-
tant to note that older adults may be more motivated to quit smoking
than their younger counterparts, because they are likely to experience
some of the damage that smoking has caused. Nurses are in an ideal
position to assist older adults to quit smoking to promote health or while
recovering from an acute illness or managing chronic illnesses.
Evidence-Based Practice
Cultural Focus
The role of regular exercise in promoting health and preventing disease
cannot be underscored enough. There is overwhelming evidence that
regular exercise results in improved sleep, reduced constipation, lower cho-
lesterol levels, lower blood pressure, improved digestion, weight loss, and
enhanced opportunities for socialization. A recent study by Melov, Tar-
nopolsky, Beckman, Felkey, and Hubbard (2007) found that six months
of resistance exercise training resulted in reverses signs of aging in human
skeletal tissue. Despite these seemingly wonderful results, a great deal of
research shows that the amount of exercise performed by older adults in
industrialized countries is reduced with age. This reduction occurs despite
the absence of both physiological and psychological restrictions against
exercise. However, normal changes of aging, diseases, and environmental
changes often result in barriers to effective exercise among older adults.
Nurses are in an ideal role to teach the interventions necessary to
help older adults to participate in exercise programs, beginning with the
benefits of exercise. Helping older adults choose exercise programs that
they will enjoy, as well as encouraging them to exercise with others, are
key factors in motivating them to exercise. The ideal exercise program
will combine strength training, flexibility, and balance. One of the most
popular forms of exercise among older adults is walking. Walking tran-
scends care settings, requires little equipment (except good shoes), and is
accessible 24 hours a day. Other exercises popular among older adults
include both weight-bearing and aquatic exercises. Weight-bearing and
muscle-building exercises assist in maintaining functional mobility, pro-
moting independence, and preventing falls. In addition, weight-bearing
exercises have been shown to be very effective in reducing bone-wasting
related to osteoporosis (Katz & Sherman, 1998). Aquatic exercises are a
pain-free method of promoting health and increasing functional ability,
especially for older adults with arthritis and osteoporosis. It is important
that older adults who have not been regularly exercising have a complete
health assessment prior to beginning a new exercise regime.
Health Promotion 131
Inability to fall asleep and sleep through the night are among the most
frequent complaints of older adults. Kryger, Monjan, Bliwise, and Ancoli-
Israel (2004) report that approximately 57% of older adults report one or
more sleep problems. Sleep is affected by both normal and pathological
changes of aging. Normal changes of aging include an increase in night-
time awakenings and overall sleep deficiency, shorter periods of deep sleep,
a decline in slow wave activity and longer time spent in stage 2 of the
sleep cycle. Pain and medication side-effects are among the pathological
contributors to poor sleep among older adults. Kryger et al. (2004) report
that inability to get a good night’s sleep results in: excessive daytime sleepi-
ness, attention and memory problems, depressed mood, falls, use of sleep-
ing medications, impaired health, and lower quality of life. A good night’s
sleep is essential to maintaining energy and function as well as motivation
to continue a high quality of life. The first step toward achieving good
sleep hygiene is to perform a comprehensive sleep assessment. Based on the
results of the assessment, the nurse may provide teaching about the effects
of normal changes of aging on sleep and reassure older adults that changes
in sleep are not necessarily problematic. With this information, anxiety
regarding “too little sleep” may be diminished. The following recommen-
dations may help the older adult to enhance their quality of sleep:
Fall Prevention
Falls among older adults in every care setting are a large national prob-
lem. Vu, Weintraub, and Rubenstein (2004)) report that falls occur at
a rate of 1.5 falls, per bed, per year. Many falls are benign and result
in no injury to the older adult. However, when an older adult falls, the
consequences may be devastating. They are likely to develop a fracture,
which begins them on a spiral of iatrogenesis, which may end in death.
In fact, the CDC (2006c) reports that 13,700 older adults died from falls
in 2003. While older men tend to die from falls, older women experience
more hospitalizations for fall-related hip fracture (
Both normal and pathological aging changes, as well as unsafe
environments, contribute to the high rate of falls among older adults
and place them at higher risk for falls. Normal changes of aging sur-
round sensory alterations, such as visual and hearing decline, as well as
changes in urinary function. Pathological changes include neuromuscular
and cognitive disorders, osteoporosis, strokes, and sensory impairments.
Older adults who have fallen previously have a higher risk of experienc-
ing another fall.
The first line of fall prevention among older adults is to conduct a
comprehensive fall assessment. Once an older adult is determined to be at
Evidence-Based Practice
Title of Study: Diabetes Mellitus as a Risk Factor for Hip Fracture in Mexi-
can American Older Adults
Authors: Ottenbacher, K., Ostir, G., Peek, M., Goodwin, J., Markides, K.
Purpose: To examine diabetes and other potential risk factors for hip
fracture in a sample of community-dwelling, older Mexican American
adults (> 65 years old).
Methods: 3050 older Mexican American subjects participated in a
longitudinal study. They were originally interviewed and tested to
establish a baseline and then reassessed in 2-, 5-, and 7-year inter-
vals. Incidence of hip fracture was noted for subjects over the 7-year
follow up.
Findings: At baseline, 690 individuals were identified with diabetes. 134
subjects experienced a hip fracture during follow-up. Cox proportional
hazard regression showed a greater hazard ratio for hip fracture for
diabetic subjects compared to those without diabetes (when adjusted
for age, body mass, smoking, and previous stroke). The hazard ratio for
Mexican Americans taking insulin was 2.84 when adjusted for covari-
Implications: In older Mexican Americans, it was found that an increased
risk for hip fracture exists for persons with diabetes. Because the Mexi-
can American population has a high incidence of Type 2 diabetes, fur-
ther study is needed for the risk factors for this ethnic group.
Journal of Gerontology, Medical Sciences 2002, Vol. 57A, No. 10, M648–
Health Promotion 133
Restraint Usage
In the need to prevent older adults from falling or harming themselves or
others, physical restraints were developed and once commonly used by
many nurses and health care providers in several environments of care. A
Evidence-Based Practice
Adult Immunization
One of the greatest advances in primary prevention and public health has
been the use of immunizations to prevent disease. People age 65 and older
and persons of all ages with chronic diseases are at increased risk for com-
plications from viral infections. During epidemic outbreaks, more than
90% of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza occurred among
persons aged 65 and older. The few controlled studies of efficacy in per-
sons age 65 and older suggest that when there was a good antigenic match
between vaccine and virus, influenza vaccination prevented about 40% of
hospitalizations and deaths caused by respiratory illness. See Figure 5.1.
Influenza is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in older adults. The
80 and older population experiences an estimated 200,000 hospitaliza-
tions and 36,000 deaths per year due to flu (CDC, 2006a). Despite the
Health Promotion 135
The effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccine in the general population
has not been determined with certainty. However, there is some evi-
dence, and the U.S. preventive task force has recommended that the
pneumococcal vaccine be used in immunocompetent individuals age 65
and older at otherwise high risk for pneumococcal disease. Estimates
indicate that pneumococcal infections resulted in death in approxi-
mately 7% of older adults hospitalized for the disease in 2004 (CDC,
2006b). Despite this high death rate, many older adults still remain
unvaccinated. The CDC recommends that all older adults should get the
pneumonia vaccination every 10 years. However, many barriers about
pneumococcal vaccination, such as the prevailing lack of importance
of the disease and vaccination and the myth that receiving the vaccina-
tion will result in the disease, prevent the older adults from receiving
Diphtheria 1 dose booster every 10 years 1
( Td)* Pregnancy A
(MMR)* or other indications 7 Asplenia including elective
splenectomy and
terminal complement H E, I, J
component deficiencies
Varicella* 2 doses (0, 4-8 weeks) for persons who are susceptible 8
See Special Notes for Medical Conditions below—also see Footnotes for Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule, by Age Group and Medical Conditions, United States, 2003-2004 on back cover
See Footnotes for Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule, by Age Group and Medical Conditions, United States, 2003-2004 on back cover
For all persons Catch-up on For persons with medical / Contraindicated
For all persons Catch-up on For persons with medical / in this group childhood vaccinations exposure indications
in this group childhood vaccinations exposure indications
Special Notes for Medical Conditions
A. For women without chronic diseases/conditions, vaccinate if pregnancy will be at 2nd G. Hemodialysis patients: Use special formulation of vaccine (40 ug/mL) or two 1.0 mL
or 3rd trimester during influenza season. For women with chronic diseases/conditions, 20 ug doses given at one site. Vaccinate early in the course of renal disease. Assess
*Covered by the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. For information on how to file a claim call 800-338-2382. Please also visit To file a claim for vaccine injury contact: vaccinate at any time during the pregnancy. antibody titers to hep B surface antigen (anti-HBs) levels annually. Administer
U.S. Court of Federal Claims, 717 Madison Place, N.W., Washington D.C. 20005, 202-219-9657. additional doses if anti-HBs levels decline to <10 milliinternational units (mlU)/ mL.
B. Although chronic liver disease and alcoholism are not indicator conditions for
This schedule indicates the recommended age groups for routine administration of currently licensed vaccines for persons 19 years of age and older. Licensed combination vaccines influenza vaccination, give 1 dose annually if the patient is age 50 years or older, has H.There are no data specifically on risk of severe or complicated influenza infections
may be used whenever any components of the combination are indicated and the vaccine’s other components are not contraindicated. Providers should consult the manufacturers’ package inserts for other indications for influenza vaccine, or if the patient requests vaccination. among persons with asplenia. However, influenza is a risk factor for secondary
detailed recommendations. bacterial infections that may cause severe disease in asplenics.
C. Asthma is an indicator condition for influenza but not for pneumococcal vaccination.
Report all clinically significant post-vaccination reactions to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System ( VAERS). Reporting forms and instructions on filing a VAERS report are available by calling D. For all persons with chronic liver disease. I. Administer meningococcal vaccine and consider Hib vaccine.
800-822-7967 or from the VAERS website at J. Elective splenectomy: vaccinate at least 2 weeks before surgery.
E. For persons < 65 years, revaccinate once after 5 years or more have elapsed since
For additional information about the vaccines listed above and contraindications for immunization, visit the National Immunization Program Website at or call initial vaccination. K. Vaccinate as close to diagnosis as possible when CD4 cell counts are highest.
the National Immunization Hotline at 800-232-2522 (English) or 800-232-0233 (Spanish).
F. Persons with impaired humoral immunity but intact cellular immunity L. Withhold MMR or other measles containing vaccines from HIV-infected persons with
Approved by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), and accepted by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) may be vaccinated. MMWR 1999; 48 (RR-06): 1-5. evidence of severe immunosuppression. MMWR 1998; 47 (RR-8):21-22;
and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) MMWR 2002; 51 (RR-02): 22-24.
all clients who have not received the primary series, and all adults should
receive periodic TD boosters. The optimal interval for booster doses is
not established, but the standard regimen suggests a booster about every
10 years. Figure 5.1 presents immunization guidelines recommended
by the CDC. Older adults often did not receive primary immunization
against diphtheria and tetanus in their childhood years. Lack of immu-
nization against these diseases leaves the older adult vulnerable to illness
and possible death from these two toxoids.
Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a general term used for a wide vari-
ety of illnesses affecting this system. It affects approximately 50% of
older women and 70% to 80% of elderly men (Williams, Fleg, Ades,
Chaitman, et al. 2002). The CVDs most common among older adults
include hypertension, coronary heart disease, and stroke. Early detection
of CVDs will likely greatly impact treatment among older adults and has
the potential to decrease morbidity and mortality.
In addition to screening for risk factors for cardiovascular disease,
which include obesity, sedentary lifestyle, stress, alcohol, and smoking
discussed in the previous section, the most significant nursing interven-
tions necessary to detect cardiovascular disease are early and frequent
blood pressure and cholesterol screening. The JNC–VII criteria for blood
pressure are listed in Table 5.1. Frequent assessments should be con-
ducted to determine a client’s position within the provided ranges. When
a client’s blood pressure readings exceed the recommended limits, they
should be referred to their primary health care provider for blood pres-
sure management, including antihypertensive medications. The U.S. Pre-
ventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends that older adults with
normal blood pressure readings participate in blood pressure screening
at least every 2 years.
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic medical disease that occurs
commonly among older adults. It is estimated that 20% of the U.S. popu-
lation will develop Type 2 DM by the age of 75. The CDC reports that 17
million Americans have DM, and over 200,000 deaths occur each year
from diabetes-related complications. DM is often a silent killer as the CDC
estimates that 5.9 million Americans are currently unaware that they have
the disease. As people age, there is a normal increase in insulin resistance
and DM. As with cholesterol levels, cultural backgrounds effect the inci-
dence of diabetes among older adults, with the highest rates of DM occur-
ring in non-Hispanic Blacks. Identification of risk factors for Type 2 DM,
such as cultural influence, obesity, low levels of activity, and poor nutrition,
is the first step toward successful diagnosis and treatment of this disease.
Because Type 2 DM is manifested by an increase in blood glucose
levels, screening for this disease is most efficiently accomplished by test-
ing the blood for elevated glucose levels. Fasting glucose levels between
100 and 125 mg/dl are indicative of pre-diabetes and should be evaluated
often. Higher levels are indicative of diabetes and must be referred to the
primary health care provider for management. Management of DM often
involves the administration of hypoglycemic medications, as well as insu-
lin. Dietary management and weight loss are also recommended.
Over half of cancer diagnoses in the United States occurs in those age
65 and older. The cancer incidence rate among people aged 65 to 69 is
approximately double that for those age 55 to 59. Age is also an important
predictor of cancer stage; those of advanced age often have their cancers
diagnosed at later stages than do younger persons. Therefore, the positive
outcomes of cancer treatment appear to diminish as age increases. For all
age groups, lung cancer is still the number one cause of cancer mortality.
For older men, the other major cancer killers, in order, are prostate, colon/
rectum, and pancreas. For older women, colon/rectum cancer is the high-
est killer, followed by cancers of the lung, breast, pancreas, and ovary.
Screening for cancer among older adults is the most effective manner
in which to detect the disease at the earliest possible stage. Consequently,
early detection leads to the most effective treatment. Table 5.3 provides
the American Cancer Society Recommendations on Screening for cancer.
A detailed description of the tests is provided at
It is important to note that many providers of care to older adults have
debated the usefulness and ethical nature of screening older adults for
cancer. Significant issues surround the cost effectiveness of these often
expensive and painful diagnostic tests versus benefit in increasing life
expectancy. Often cancer diagnosis among older adults results in treat-
ment that greatly decreases quality of life and does not result in improved
life expectancy.
TABLE 5.3 American Cancer Society Recommendations for the Early Detection of Cancer in Average-Risk
Asymptomatic People
Cancer Site Population Test or Procedure Frequency
Breast Women, age 20* Breast self- Beginning in their early 20s, women should be told about the benefits
examination (BSE) and limitations of breast self-examination (BSE). The importance of
prompt reporting of any new breast symptoms to health professionals
should be emphasized. Women who choose to do BSE should receive in-
struction and have their technique reviewed on the occasion of a periodic
health examination. It is acceptable for women to choose not to do BSE
or to do BSE irregularity.
Clinical breast ex- For women in their 20s and 30s, it is recommended that clinical breast
amination (CBE) examination (CBE) be part of a periodic health examination, preferably
at least every 3 years. Asymptomatic women aged 40 and over should
continue to receive a clinical breast examination as part of a periodic
health examination, preferably annually.
Mammography Begin annual mammography at age 40.*
Colonocial Men and Fecal occult blood Annual starting at age 50.
women. age 50* test (FOBT)†, or
Flexible sigmoidos- Every 5 years, starting at age 50.
copy, or
Fecal occult blood Annual FOBT and flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years, starting at
test (FOBT)† and age 50.
flexible sigmoidos-
copy,‡ or
Double contract DCBE every 5 years, starting at age 50.
barum (DCBE), or
Colonoscopy Colonoscopy every 10 years, starting at age 50.
Prostate Men, age 50* Digital rectal ex- The PSA test and the DRE should be offered annually, starting at age 50,
amination (DRE) for men who have life expectancy of at least 10 years.
and prostate-specific
antigen test (PSA)
Cervix Women, Pap test Cervical cancer screening should begin approximately 3 years after a
age 18* woman begins having vaginal intercourse, but no later than 21 years of
age. Screening should be done every year with conventional Pap tests
of every 2 years using liquid-based Pap tests. At or after age 30, women
who have had three normal test results in a row may get screened every
2 to 3 years. Women 70 years of age and older who have had three or
more normal Pap tests and no abnormal Pap tests in the last 10 years and
women who have had a total hysterectomy may choose to stop conical
cancer screening.
Endometrial Women, at At the time of menopause, women at average risk should be informed about risks and symptoms
menopause of endometrial cancer and strongly encouraged to report any unexpected bleeding or sporting to
their physicians.
Cancer- Men and On the occasion of a periodic health examination, the cancer-related checkup should include
related women, age 20* examination for cancer of the thyroid, testicies, ovaries, lymph nodes, oral cavity, and skin, as
check-up well as health counseling about tobacco, and exposure, diet and nutrition, risk factors, sexual
practices, and environmental and occupational exposures.
Beginning at age 40, annual clinical breast examination should be performed prior to mammography.
FOBT, as it is sometimes done in physicians’ offices with the single sicot sample collected on a fingertip during a digital rectal examination, is not
an adequate substitute for the recommended at-home procedure of collecting two samples from three consecutive specimens. Toilet bowl FOBT tests
are not recommended. In companion with guaiac-based tests for the detection of occult blood, immunochemical tests are more patient-friendly and are
likely to be equal or better in sensitivity and specificity. There is no justification for respecting FOBT in response to an initial positive finding.
Flexible sigmoidoscopy together with FOBT is preferred over FOBT or flexible sigmoidoscopy alone.
Information should be provided to men about the benefits and limitations of testing so that an informed decision about testing can be made with
the clinician’s assistance.
This chapter underscores the need for primary prevention among older
adults to prevent and reduce the harmful effects of smoking and excessive
alcohol usage and to prevent the effects of poor nutrition and sleep pat-
terns, as well as sedentary lifestyles, on the health of older adults. Early
detection of fall risk and implementation of strategies to prevent falls, as
well as immunization against vaccine-preventable diseases, are additional
primary prevention strategies to help maintain the health and quality of
life of older adults. The early detection of disease is an essential second-
ary prevention strategy to decrease the morbidity and mortality of older
adults. Nurses who care for older adults can do much to promote their
health and well-being through education, research, and practice.
Ammerman, A. A., Lindquist, C. H., Lahr, K. N., & Hersey, J. (2002). The efficacy of
behavioral interventions to modify dietary fat and fruit and vegetable intake: A
review of the evidence. Preventative Medicine, 35(1), 25–41.
Blow, F. C., Walton, M. A., Chermack, S. T., Mudd, S. A., & Brower, K. J. (2000). Older
adult treatment outcome following elder-specific inpatient alcoholism treatment.
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 19(1), 67–75.
Centers for Disease Control. (2006a). Key facts about influenza and influenza vaccine.
Retrieved July 19, 2007, from
Centers for Disease Control. (2006b). National hospital discharge survey: 2004 annual
summary with detailed diagnosis and procedure data. Retrieved August 8, 2007,
Centers for Disease Control. (2006c). Preventing falls among older adults. Retrieved
July 19, 2007, from
Colton, H. (1983). The gift of touch. New York: Seaview & Putnam.
Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics. (2004). Older Americans 2004:
Key indicators of well-being. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Gleeson, M., & Timmons, F. (2004). The use of touch to enhance nursing care of older per-
son in longterm mental health care facilities. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health
Nursing, 11, 541–545.
Hogstel, M. O. (2001). Gerontology: Nursing care of the older adult. Albany, NY: Delmar
Thomson Learning.
Howard, J. H., Gates, G. E., Ellersieck, M. R., & Dowdy, R. P. (1998). Investigating rela-
tionships between nutritional knowledge, attitudes and beliefs, and dietary adequacy
of the elderly. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly, 17(4), 35–52.
Health Promotion 143
Institute of Medicine. (2002). Unequal treatment: Confronting racial and ethnic dispari-
ties in health care. Retrieved July 19, 2007, from
Katz, W. A., & Sherman, C. (1998). Exercise is medicine. Osteoporosis: The role of exercise
in optimal management. Physician & Sportsmedicine, 26, 39–42.
Kryger, M., Monjan, A., Bliwise, D., & Ancoli-Israel, S. (2004). Sleep, health, and aging:
Bridging the gap between science and clinical practice. Geriatrics, 59(1), 24–30.
Mattiasson, A. C., & Heber, M. (1998). Intimacy—Meeting needs and respecting privacy
in the care of elderly people: What is a good moral attitude on the part of the nurse/
career? Nursing Ethics, 5, 527–534.
Melov, S., Tarnopolsku, M.A., Beckman, K., Felkey, K., & Hubbard, A. (2007). Resistance
exercise reverses aging in human skeletal muscle. Public Library of Science, 5, 1–8.
Odlund, O. A. (2005). Nutritional status, well-being and functional ability in frail elderly
service flat residents. European Journal of Nutrition, 59(2), 263–270.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (2001). Substance abuse: The nation’s number one
health problem. Prepared by the Schneider Institute for Health Policy, Brandeis Uni-
versity. Available at Prince-
ton, NJ: Author.
Shelkey, M. (2000). Pet Therapy. In J. Fitzpatrick, T. Fulmer, M. Wallace, & E. Flaherty
(Eds.), Geriatric nursing research digest (pp. 215–218). New York: Springer-Verlag,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2000). Healthy people 2010: National
health promotion and disease prevention objectives.
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. (2003). Behavioral counseling in primary care to pro-
mote a healthy diet: Recommendations and rationale. American Journal of Nursing,
103(8), 81–91.
Vu, M. Q., Weintraub, N., & Rubenstein, L. Z. (2004). Falls in the nursing home: Are they
preventable? Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 5(6), 401–406.
Williams, M. A., Fleg, J. L., Ades, P. A., Chaitman, B. R., Miller, N. H., Mohiuddin,
S. M., et al. (2002). Secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in the elderly
(with emphasis on patients ? > or = to 75 years of age). An American Heart Asso-
ciation scientific statement from the council on clinical cardiology subcommittee on
exercise, cardiac rehabilitation, and prevention. Circulation, 105, 1735–1743.
Pathological Disease
Processes in Older
Leaning Objectives
1. Identify clinical presentation of, and interventions for, commonly
occurring musculoskeletal disorders among adults.
2. Identify clinical presentation of, and interventions for, com-
monly occurring cardiovascular and respiratory disorders among
3. Identify clinical presentation of diabetes among older adults.
4. Identify clinical presentation of, and interventions for, commonly
occurring infectious diseases among older adults.
5. Identify clinical presentation of, and interventions for, cancer in
older adults.
6. Identify clinical presentation of, and interventions for, Parkin-
son’s disease in older adults.
As is the case with Mr. Marse in the preceding case study, the older
population experiences a number of acute and chronic illnesses through-
out the later decades of life. These illnesses make up the majority of the 10
leading causes of death among the U.S. population (Table 6.1). Because of
the substantial amount of acute and chronic illnesses, the older population
needs experienced nursing care in order to prevent unnecessary morbidity
and mortality. Fulmer (2001) reports that older adults are hospitalized for
acute illnesses approximately three times as often as the rest of the popula-
tion, and their stays are double that of younger individuals.
Acute illnesses, by definition, develop quickly and last only a short
time. However, because of the interaction of normal changes of aging
and co-morbidity, some acute diseases become chronic in the older popu-
lation. While acute and chronic illnesses occur in all populations, the
risk factors, presentation, and duration of these conditions is different
in older adults than in their younger counterparts. Furthermore, older
adults with acute illnesses are more likely to develop life-threatening
complications, such as changes in mental status, dehydration, septice-
mia, pneumonia, falls, and other iatrogenic complications of disease and
disease treatment.
As the older adult population continues to increase in size and lifespan,
the number of chronic illnesses in this population will also increase. These
chronic conditions require effective disease management. It is estimated
that Currently 80% of older adults have at least one chronic illness and
50% have at least two chronic illnesses (Keller, Ostbye, & Goy, 2004).
It is important to understand the impact of acute and chronic dis-
ease on older adults. The presence of a chronic disease often requires daily
medications and frequent medical appointments for disease management.
Moreover, chronic diseases have the potential to decrease an older adult’s
ability to function independently. Almost 40% of community-dwelling
Pathological Disease Processes in Older Adults 147
Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common chronic disorders seen
in older adults and is the number one cause of pain. It affects approxi-
mately 46.4 million Americans, with 8.8% of these reporting an arthritis-
related limitation (CDC, 2007a), and is believed to have a strong genetic
link. OA accounted for 71% of the pain in a nursing home pain study.
Older adults have suffered from osteoarthritis for thousands of years.
In fact, the Bible reports that King Asa, who reigned between 867 and
906 b.c., suffered from a disease of the legs thought to be osteoarthritis.
The prevalence of OA affecting the hip is reported to be 3–6% of White
older adults. However, studies of Asian, Black, and East Indian popula-
tions show a much lower incidence with a virtual absence of the disease
in Blacks and Hispanics.
CѢlѡѢџюl FќѐѢѠ
Osteoporosis is another of the most common chronic diseases of older
adulthood. Physiologically, osteoporosis results from a demineralization
of the bone and is evidenced by a decrease in the mass and density of
the skeleton. A theory of the etiology of osteoporosis results from age-
related changes in the synthesis of vitamin C resulting in decreased cal-
cium absorption. The most common areas of bone loss are the vertebrae,
distal radius, and proximal femur.
Osteoporosis affects approximately 44 million women and men aged
50 and older in the United States. It is estimated that this number will
Pathological Disease Processes in Older Adults 149
Eѣіёђћѐђ-BюѠђё Pџюѐѡіѐђ
injuries from falling out of bed. The use of wall-to-wall carpeting also
pads a patient’s fall, resulting in less injury on impact. The use of alarms
on beds or wheelchairs to alert caregivers of an older adult’s intent to
ambulate may assist to prevent falls among older adults who have fallen
in the past. Shelkey (2000) reports that specially trained dogs may be
helpful in alerting caregivers of the sudden mobility of an older adult
to prevent falls.
Hypertension (HTN), or abnormally high blood pressure, results from
many nonmodifiable and modifiable risk factors and lifestyle behaviors,
and is a serious risk factor for the development of many types of car-
diovascular and renal diseases. Thus, the prevention and treatment of
HTN in older adults is essential in order to maintain both health and
function among the older population. Hypertension is considered a silent
killer, because it has no signs and symptoms. While some older adults
experience headaches from elevated blood pressure, older adults with
this disorder may be unaware of it if they do not receive a blood pres-
sure reading. In fact, approximately one-third of people with HTN are
unaware they have it. The American Heart Association (2007) estimates
that of those with HTN, at least 50% are not on medication while about
25% more are on inadequate hypertensive therapy.
The JNC-VII criteria for blood pressure are listed in Table 5.1. The
guidelines define stage I hypertension as a blood pressure of 140/90 or
above measured on three separate readings. It is important for older adults
to undergo regular blood pressure screening and, if hypertensive, to fol-
low the directions of their physicians. Hypertension treatment guidelines
vary somewhat. Nevertheless, treatment of hypertension has been shown
to reduce morbidity and mortality in both genders and in all ages and
races (CDC, 2007b). Risk stratification is often used to make decisions
about treatment for hypertension. In clients with low CV risk factors,
even a blood pressure as high as 160/100 mm Hg may be treated with
lifestyle modifications alone. The combination of diabetes and smoking
together is more dangerous than either risk factor alone, related to the
possibility of microvascular complications occuring (ACP, 2007). In
contrast, in clients at high risk, such as those with diabetes, antihyperten-
sive drug therapy may be recommended, even when the blood pressure is
less than 140/90 mm Hg. The treatment target is a blood pressure of less
than 130/80 mm Hg (JNC-VII).
CHF may be used to refer to either left ventricular failure (LVF) or right
ventricular failure (RVF). Left ventricular failure is the cause of CHF in
older adults (Hogstel, 2001). Left ventricular failure may lead to right
ventricular failure causing fluid to accumulate in the lungs and heart,
virtually drowning the cardiac muscle. Approximately 287,000 people
died of CHF in 2006 (CDC, 2006a).
Many diseases result in CHF, but the CDC (2006a) reports that the
most common causes are coronary artery disease, hypertension, and dia-
betes, with 7 of every 10 people presenting with CHF having a previous
diagnosis of hypertension. CHF is an inclusive term for cardiac pathol-
ogies that obstruct circulation, causing excess fluid to build up in the
lungs and body tissues. Blood backed up into the lungs creates pulmo-
nary edema with accompanying dyspnea and fatigue. Fluid also becomes
obstructed in the venous system where the excess pressure causes it to
leak into body tissues. This fluid retention, in turn, creates edema, usually
seen in the lower extremities.
The typical presentation of CHF is the sudden development of short-
ness of breath (dyspnea) with exertion (DOE). Fatigue and weakness are
common. DOE often progresses to shortness of breath at rest, accompa-
nied by both orthopnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND), or
dyspnea when lying down. In older adults, memory loss, confusion, dia-
phoresis, tachycardia, palpitations, anorexia, and insomnia may occur.
Pedal edema and fluid in the lungs are common findings. Normal and
pathological aging changes may often make the early assessment and
treatment of CHF difficult. For example, pedal edema or weight gain of
CHF may be confused with normal pedal edema that occurs with aging
or the side effects of steroid treatment for COPD. Altered cough reflex
may prevent early detection of pulmonary changes. Other symptoms
such as chest pain or tightness, fatigue, general weakness, a nonproduc-
tive cough, insomnia, and other may be commonly attributable to other
conditions of aging and orthopnea. For example, consider the case of an
89-year-old man with repeated incidents of anxiety attacks. Not until an
EKG and chest X-ray were done during, or subsequent to, these attacks
were cardiac and respiratory signs of CHF associated with these circum-
stances. The expected classic symptoms of CHF are not always exhibited
in the older adult.
Nurses play an important and comprehensive role when caring for
the older adults with CHF. The first role of nurses is to identify early
symptoms of CHF. Nurses who treat elderly patients will likely encoun-
ter this disease and should be aware of its signs and symptoms and how
they present in the older adult. Managing factors that will decrease hos-
pital readmissions is the next role of nurses. In so doing, disease progres-
sion will be minimized resulting in a maximum quality of life. Nurses
of angina and MI. Both of these diseases may present as pain, so pain
complaints must be considered seriously and proper assessment imple-
mented. Nurse’s beliefs that pain is a natural and expected part of angina
or MI is among one of the most prevalent myths that prevent appropri-
ate treatment. Other barriers include older adult’s hesitancy to report
pain, because they also expect it, think nothing can be done for it, or
are afraid to bother their nurse. Objective pain is aided by the presence
of many standardized tools for assessing pain in older adults. The most
frequently used measure of pain evaluation is a numeric rating scale, in
which the client is asked to choose a position on a scale of 1 to 10,
with 1 being very little pain, and 10 being the worst pain imaginable.
However, some research suggests that the abstract nature of these scales
makes them difficult for some older adults, especially those with cogni-
tive impairments, to complete. Visual Analogue Scales (VAS) are straight
horizontal 100 mm lines with verbal pain descriptors on the left and
right sides. Older adults are asked to indicate a position on the scale that
represents their pain. These tests also are not perfect. The “Faces Scale”
depicts facial expressions on a scale of 0–6 with 0 = smile and 6 = crying
grimace, which is another alternative to objective pain assessment. Deter-
mining the right tool for each patient is a necessary step to utilizing these
objective measures effectively. These scales may be used for baseline and
subsequent pain assessments to evaluate effectiveness of treatment. For
older adults with cognitive impairments, awareness of known painful
conditions and evaluation of behavior is essential for effective assessment
and management of pain. The five-item Pain Assessment in Dementia
Scale has been demonstrated to be effective for assessing pain in this
population (Warden, Hurley, & Volicer, 2003).
After pain complaints are validated, further symptoms of angina and
MI should be evaluated in conjunction with the interdisciplinary team
using EKGs and cardiac enzyme evaluation. MIs are a medical emergency
and must be managed accordingly. Drug therapy for chronic angina usu-
ally involves the daily application of nitroglycerin patches (Nitrodisc®,
Nitro-Dur®) to enhance perfusion to the cardiac vessels. Clients with
chronic angina are usually encouraged to keep sublingual nitroglycerin
pills (Nitrostat®, Nitrolingual®) with them. Proper teaching regarding the
application of patches and the administration of sublingual nitroglycerin
is necessary. Clients should be taught to remove the patch and clean the
area before applying the next patch. Sublingual nitroglycerin must be
placed under the tongue and allowed to dissolve.
Lipid-lowering medications, known popularly as statins, are often
effective in reducing further occlusion of the cardiac vessels. Statin
medications, such as atorvastatin (Lipitor), fluvastatin (Lescol), lovas-
tain (Mevacor), pravastain (Pravachol), and simvastatin (Zocor), are
Pathological Disease Processes in Older Adults 157
CѢlѡѢџюl FќѐѢѠ
Both the incidence and the mortality rates for strokes are higher for Blacks
than for Whites. Consequently, nurses must consistently assess risk factors
for strokes in these populations of older adults, including hypertension,
smoking, diabetes, and obesity.
by several years and should be closely watched for by nurses caring for
obese patients.
Smoking greatly affects the symptoms of cardiovascular dysmetabolic
syndrome and is the greatest modifiable risk factor for preventing complica-
tions from diabetes. As reported in Chapter 5, smoking cessation even after
many years of heavy smoking may result in health benefits in the older pop-
ulation and should be encouraged by nurses working with older clients.
Nursing interventions for diabetes must begin with a thorough as-
sessment of functional ability, physical health, social support, financial
support, and older adult’s goals for treatment. The type of therapy should
be tailored to the individual client’s needs and issues. Overall goals aim
at reduction of cardiovascular risk factors, smoking cessation, exercise,
proper weight control, and control of hypertension. Diet and exercise are
two important therapeutic options. Exercise is helpful in increasing insu-
lin sensitivity (American College of Physicians, 2007), and many nursing
homes and care facilities offer exercise programs.
Therapeutic goals for older adults with NIDDM focus on blood glu-
cose control. This may be accomplished with low carbohydrate, diabetic
diets and weight loss and exercise, as well as management of the disease
with oral hypoglycemic medications and insulin when necessary. Com-
plications of NIDDM resulting from poor blood sugar control include
peripheral neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy, erectile dysfunction,
foot ulcers, and kidney failure. The use of angiotensin-converting enzyme
(ACE) is often recommended to minimize the damage to the kidneys from
poor blood sugar control.
NIDDM among older adults is closely linked to obesity and physical
inactivity in this population. Weight reduction is essential for managing
NIDDM in obese older adults, and it is of great importance for older
adults with NIDDM to develop healthy eating habits that will result
in control of glucose levels. Self-management of NIDDM in the elderly
includes a suitable diet, medication use, blood glucose monitoring, foot
examination, and exercise. Certain age-related barriers may prevent
older adults from following appropriate diets, adhering to medication
and blood sugar regimens, and beginning and maintaining an exercise
program. Examples of barriers to disease management include poor
vision (can result from diabetic retinopathy or cataracts), co-morbidities,
or decreased motor function. For more information on promoting exer-
cise, dietary assessments, and nutritional counseling, see Chapter 5.
While educating older adults with NIDDM, it is important to note
that medications may produce episodes of low blood sugar or hypoglyce-
mia. Consequently, older adults should be encouraged to carry lifesavers
or a sugary candy with them at all times to take in the event that they feel
weak or dizzy from hypoglycemia. It is also important to teach patients
how to monitor their daily blood sugar. The use of an alarm clock or
wristband, blood sugar tests, and other medications or activities may
help to increase adherence to blood sugar monitoring. Clinical manage-
ment of NIDDM involves awareness of symptoms in elderly patients,
establishment of healthy diet and exercise regimens, and maintenance
of hypoglycemic or insulin medications necessary to control blood sugar
and prevent complications.
Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is a contagious viral disease that
frequently infects the population in the winter months. The Centers for
Disease Control (CDC, 2007d) report that between 10% and 20% of the
U.S. population are infected with the influenza virus each year. The flu
is often only a mild disease in healthy children and adults, manifesting
symptoms such as fever, sore throat, dry cough, headache, and aching
muscles. Older adults are more likely to develop life-threatening compli-
cations from the flu, such as changes in mental status, dehydration, pneu-
monia, extreme tiredness, and death. Each year, approximately 36,000
U.S. residents die from influenza, and 200,000 more are hospitalized
from the disease (CDC, 2006b).
The influenza virus is spread via droplets through the air when
someone infected with the virus coughs or sneezes. The viruses are spread
quickly from one person to another, particularly in places where there is
a large gathering of people. Carriers of the influenza virus may spread the
disease even before they begin experiencing symptoms.
Similar to pneumonia and other acute and chronic illnesses, older
adults may present with flu symptoms differently from their younger
counterparts. The classic symptoms of cough, congestion, nausea, and
vomiting may be absent or attributed to other disease processes. Older
adults with the flu may present with acute confusion or delirium. Con-
sequently, careful histories should be taken to differentiate symptoms
of the flu from other illnesses, such as chronic dementia, depression, or
psychosis. If the client has chronic confusion or dementia, the presence
of influenza may cause deterioration of the baseline cognitive and func-
tional status.
Evaluation of the symptoms of flu is essential when assessing older cli-
ents, especially during high-incidence seasons. Once an older adult devel-
ops the flu, nursing interventions include making sure that the client gets
plenty of rest as well as maintaining nutrition and hydration. Symptom-
atic treatment of the disease with fever reducers, such as acetaminophen
Pathological Disease Processes in Older Adults 163
Although pneumonia is a grave health concern for all populations, it is
a substantial problem for older adults. Pneumonia results in the highest
number of infectious disease deaths in the United States with an esti-
mated 60,000 deaths each year (Institute for Clinical Systems Improve-
CѢlѡѢџюl FќѐѢѠ
ment [IGSI], 2003). The death rate from pneumonia is even higher
among older adults who have had recent surgery or been weaned from
mechanical ventilation, and it has a great impact on society because of
the high costs involved in treating this disease (Hogstel, 2001). Moreover,
the rates of pneumonia are projected to increase commensurate with the
rise in the geriatric population.
Normal changes of aging, such as lowered immune status, and
changes in respiratory function (Graf, 2006), including altered cough
reflex and diminished airway clearance, play an important role in the
increased risk of morbidity and mortality from pneumonia among older
adults. The presence of chronic diseases such as COPD, CHF, GERD,
impaired swallowing and tube feeding, and impaired mobility, as well as
alterations in levels of nutrition, also are risk factors for pneumonia and
resulting poor outcomes. Malnourished older adults, or those who have a
low albumin (Hogstel, 2001), are also at high risk for pneumonia.
The symptoms of infection change with age, resulting in both
delayed diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia among the elderly. These
factors contribute greatly to the increased mortality rate of the disease
among older adults. The delay occurs because pneumonia has a wide
variety of presentations. The traditional symptoms include cough, fever,
and dyspnea. Purulent sputum and pleuritic chest pain are often absent
or difficult to assess among older adults, but most experience confusion
or delirium, altered functional abilities, and/or decompensation of under-
lying illnesses. These symptoms are often present, along with the atypical
symptoms, but not in all cases. Amella (2004) reports that the fever and
chills associated with infectious diseases, such as pneumonia, are often
replaced with confusion and decreased functional status in older adults.
Amella (2004) further reports that an increased respiratory rate, with
decreased appetite and functioning, may be more sensitive for pneumonia
in this population than traditional symptoms. The presence of changes in
cognitive status among older adults as the presenting sign and symptom
of disease cannot be stressed significantly enough. Consequently, when
an older adult presents with acute confusion or delirium, or changes in
baseline cognitive function, a careful history and physical exam should be
undertaken in order to determine the causes of these cognitive changes. If
pneumonia is suspected, diagnostic testing, including a chest X-ray and
white blood count, should be initiated immediately.
Nursing assessment and management of pneumonia is based on
assessment of the disease as well as identification of the cause of infection.
Older adults with pneumonia may be treated at home or within an acute
or long-term care setting, as long as symptom management is adequate in
these environments. For older adults who require intravenous antibiotics
and frequent respiratory therapy, or for older adults with a history of poor
outcomes from pneumonia and other disease, hospitalization is necessary.
Pathological Disease Processes in Older Adults 165
of CDC recommended safe sexual practices. The final part of the model
allows for intensive therapy (IT) to be provided to the older adult regard-
ing sexual issues that may arise during the assessment. This may include
the discovery of sexually transmitted diseases, which require treatment.
The assessment of an older adult’s sexuality should take place in a
quiet area that affords the client necessary privacy. The establishment of
a trusting relationship between health care provider and client is essen-
tial. The nurse must be respectful of the older adult’s sexual beliefs and
practices and prevent judgmental thoughts or comments. Appropriate
history questions regarding sexuality include (a) the number and his-
tory of partners, (b) sexual practices, (c) physical signs and symptoms of
sexual problems, (d) the level of satisfaction with current sexuality, and
(e) the use of protection and precautions. The nurse must provide educa-
tion on safe sex practices to all sexually active older adults, including the
use of condoms.
In the older adult population, STDs, such as syphilis, genital herpes,
and hepatitis, may remain from earlier years and be passed unknowingly
to partners.
Ten percent of all AIDS cases are among people aged 50 and older;
25% are over age 60 ( However, it is impor-
tant to note that this number is most likely low due to misdiagnosis and
will continue to increase as the population of older adults increases. The
number of cases of other STDs and hepatitis are also likely to increase
commensurate with the increasing elderly population. Due to the normal
and pathological changes of aging, symptoms of HIV and AIDS may go
undetected. For example, common problems of aging such as fatigue, alter-
ation in function, or altered cognitive status (Hogstel, 2001), which could
be symptomatic for HIV, also occur as a result of normal aging changes.
The awareness of the possibility of STDs among older adults heightens the
awareness of these potential disorders and focuses attention on the need
for diagnosis. When sexual history questions lead the nurse to believe that
the older adult is sexually active, especially with more than one partner,
Cultural Focus
diagnostic testing may include the presence of semen and vaginal cultures
to rule out infection. These tests should also be conducted if positive symp-
tomatology for STDs is present. However, STDs, such as chlamydia, gonor-
rhea, syphilis, and other diseases, often have few or no symptoms. Vaginal
or penile pain, itchiness or tenderness, and discharge may be symptomatic
of STD infections among older adults. Because HIV is often transmitted
simultaneously with other STDs, the nurse should encourage clients diag-
nosed with an STD to be tested for HIV. The ELISA test may be used to
diagnose the presence of the HIV virus. If this test is positive, the Western
blot test may be conducted to confirm HIV infection.
If STD, HIV, or hepatitis are diagnosed among older adults, appro-
priate drug therapy is initiated. Nurses should provide teaching and
medication administration as needed. In addition, the diagnosis of these
diseases provides an opportunity to teach older adults safe sex practices,
which is essential in order to prevent further, or repeat, infection.
Cultural Focus
While self-breast examinations are among the most effective methods for
detecting breast tumors, many older women avoid self-exams and mam-
mograms because of attitudes that one does not touch oneself or expose
one’s breasts to others. This may be a cultural belief or a holdover from
the teachings of prior generations. Nursing assessment of comfort levels
with self-breast examination and demonstration of appropriate techniques
are essential at enhancing compliance among older women of all cultural
Pathological Disease Processes in Older Adults 171
ing that the occurrence of the disease increases with age (Noble, 2007).
It is estimated that, more than 1 million older adults in the United States
live with PD every day, which is more than many less frequent neurode-
generative diseases combined (Hogstel, 2001).
Parkinson’s disease affects men more than women and Whites more
than Blacks or Asian Americans. Nurses who understand the disease,
are aware of the signs and symptoms, know available treatment options,
assess individual functionality, and advocate for the client are best able
to implement plans of care for these clients (McMahon, 2004).
PD is a slow and degenerative nature that results from the death
of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. By the time symptoms
are present, 70% to 80% of these neurons have already been destroyed
(Hogstel, 2001). Dopamine is the critical chemical responsible for body
movement and balance. It exists in balance with another chemical trans-
mitter, acetylcholine, which is not destroyed by the disease. When acetyl-
choline levels exceed dopamine levels, symptoms appear.
The causes of PD have not been determined. Recently, a genetic
component has been identified by research, and this is currently under
investigation. The roles of environmental toxins, poisons, viruses, and
medications have also been implicated in the development of PD, but
these are also still under investigation. Some medications, including
chlorpromazine and haloperidol, as well as reserpine, methyldopa, and
metacolpramide, have been linked to the development of PD symptoms.
There are no objective clinical markers for PD. The signs and symp-
toms of the disease usually bring the client into the health care setting,
where a thorough health assessment is conducted. The diagnosis of PD
is most often determined by the presence of three motor signs: tremor,
rigidity, and bradykinesia. Noble (2007) reports that patients present
with either “tremor dominant” PD or “motor disorder” characterized by
gait distruance, rigidity, and postural instability. Besides these common
signs, clients with the disease may exhibit additional symptoms such as
depression and autonomic dysfunction.
Identifying the signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease may be
accomplished during routine health assessment, but nurses must be aware
of the signs that characterize this disease, because they can be very dif-
ficult to assess. For example, postural changes that are typical in PD may
present as other musculoskeletal changes common with aging. Assess-
ment of the signs and symptoms is crucial for symptom management.
Signs and symptoms of the disease may be detected through a func-
tional assessment of older adults. For example, tremors make it difficult
to get dressed in the morning, rigidity makes it hard to get out of bed in
the morning, and bradykinesia may impair mobility. Overall, individual
function may be dramatically altered, and that should serve as a major
warning sign for nurses caring for older patients. The client’s response to
the medication levodopa may also aid in the diagnosis of PD.
There is no cure for PD. Therefore, symptom management is the pri-
mary focus of nursing care. It is imperative to make an early yet accurate
diagnosis so that an appropriate course of treatment may be determined.
Although the causes of PD are still unknown, a significant amount of infor-
mation regarding the disease is available. The goal should be to isolate the
signs and symptoms that typically characterize the disease and provide spe-
cific treatment options, both pharmacological and nonpharmacological. As
advocates for patients, nurses must understand and present to clients all of
the options available for treatment. It is important that nurses assess each
individual for characteristic signs and symptoms of the disease. The overall
goal of nursing care for PD clients is to provide support for individuals
with this life-threatening disease and their families and to meet physical,
psychological, social, and spiritual needs as the disease progresses.
Treatment of PD generally combines levodopa with carbidopa
(Sinemet®). These medications assist in boosting the level of dopamine
in the brain, thereby minimizing the symptoms of PD. As symptoms
progress, the ability to perform activities of daily living decreases and
the need for pharmacotherapy increases. Yet, the question remains as to
when to begin medical treatment. Some physicians recommend starting
medication as soon as the symptoms are diagnosed as PD; others may
recommend waiting until symptoms interfere with functional ability and
functional disability becomes apparent. Side effects of the medications
can include confusion, hallucinations, hypotension, nausea, and vom-
iting, so patients may choose to utilize nonpharmacological treatment
options or delay medical treatment, thus postponing potential discomfort
from the unwanted side effects.
If motor abilities are relatively intact, nonpharmacological treat-
ments may be extremely beneficial. Physical and occupational therapy
may help those with a shuffling gait, focusing on the client’s balance abili-
ties and providing assistive devices where applicable. Nutritional therapy
is also essential when caring for the Parkinson’s patient. Immobility is a
major contributor to constipation and, therefore, it is important to assess
the dietary needs of PD clients to prevent severe constipation. Exercise
is also extremely therapeutic for clients with PD by improving mobility,
flexibility, posture, balance, and overall function, as well as decreasing
the risk of falls related to the disease (Lyons & Koller, 2001).
Centers for Disease Control. (2007a). Arthritis Data & Statistics. Retrieved July 18, 2007,
Centers for Disease Control. (2007b). High blood pressure facts and statistics. Retrieved
July 18, 2007, from
Centers for Disease Control. (2007c). Prevalance of Heart Disease—United States 2005.
MMWR, 55(6) 113–118.
Centers for Disease Control. (2007d). Key facts about the flu. Retrieved July 18, 2007, from
Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics. (2004). Older Americans 2004:
Key indicators of well-being. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Fulmer, T. (2001). Acute care. In J. J. Fitzpatrick, T. Fulmer, M. Wallace, & E. Flaherty
(Eds.), Geriatric nursing research digest (pp. 103–104). New York: Springer Publish-
ing Company.
Ginsberg, T. B., Pomerantz, S. C., & Kramer-Feeley, V. (2005). Sexuality in older adults:
Behaviours and preferences. Age and Ageing, 34(5), 475–480.
Graf, C. (2006). Functional decline in hospitalized older adults. American Journal of Nurs-
ing, 106(1), 58–67.
Hogstel, M. O. (2001). Gerontology: Nursing care of the older adult. Albany, NY: Delmar
Thomson Learning.
Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement. (2003). Health care guideline. Community
acquired pneumonia in adults. Retrieved May 5, 2005 from
Janus, S. S., & Janus, C. L. (1993). The Janus Report on sexual behavior. New York: Wiley
Keller, H. H., Ostbye, T., & Goy, R. (2004). Nutritional risk predicts quality of life in
elderly community-living Canadians. Journals of Gerontology, Series A, Biological
Sciences and Medical Sciences 2004, 59(1), 68–74.
Lyons, J. M., & Koller, W. C. (2001). Parkinson’s disease: Update in diagnosis and symp-
tom management. Geriatrics, 56, 24–25, 29–30, 33–36.
Martinen, M., Freundl, M. (2004). Innovations in long-term care. Managing congestive
heart failure in long-term care: development of an interdisciplinary protocol. Journal
of Gerontological Nursing, 30(12), 5–12.
McMahon, T. (2004. Continuing professional development. Parkinson’s disease, palliative
care and older people: Part 2. Nursing Older People, 16, 22–26, 28.
National Osteoporosis Foundation. (2003). America’s bone health: The state of osteoporo-
sis and low bone mass. Retrieved July 18, 2007, from
Noble, C. (2007). Understanding Parkinson’s Disease, Nursing Standard, 15(12), 48–58.
Rosengren, A., Wallentinb, L., Anselm, K., Gittc, S., Behard, A., Battlere, F., et al. (2004).
Sex, age, and clinical presentation of acute coronary syndromes. European Heart
Journal, 25, 663–670.
Shelkey, M. (2000). Pet therapy. In J. J. Fitzpatrick, T. Fulmer, M. Wallace, & E. Flaherty
(Eds.), Geriatric nursing research digest (pp. 215–218). New York: Springer Publish-
ing Company.
Stanley, M. (1999, July–August). Congestive heart failure in the elderly. Geriatric Nursing,
20(4), 180–187.
Us Too! International. (2004). Informed brochure. Retrieved January 16, 2005, from http://
Warden, V., Hurley, A. C., & Volicer, L. (2003). Development and psychometric evalua-
tion of the pain assessment in advanced dementia (PAINAD) Scale. Journal of the
American Medical Directors Association, 4(1), 9–15.
Medication Usage
Learning Objectives
1. Describe the demographics of medication usage in older adults.
2. Identify physiologic changes of aging and their effects on medica-
tion absorption, distribution, and clearance.
3. Discuss the prevalence of medication–medication, medication–
disease, and medication–nutrient interactions among older adults.
4. Identify special considerations for administration of medications
to older adults.
5. Discuss demographics and strategies for enhancing medication
6. Describe the usage of herbal and illegal drugs among older
7. List medications that should be administered with caution in the
older adult population.
Mr. Turner is a 73-year-old man who has been admitted to the hospital
after being found unresponsive at home by his wife. His VS upon admis-
sion were T 97.5, P 75, R 16, BP 160/96, and a blood glucose of 640. He
has a history of Type 2 diabetes and HTN, but states that he is not on any
meds at this time. His wife states that he had been taking “some pills”
but that they were too expensive so he stopped taking them. When asked
if he checks his blood sugar at home, he states, “No, I never know how
to work that machine and I ran out of the stuff that goes with it.” His
physician plans to start him on oral hypoglycemics as well as an insulin
regimen and antihypertensives. A social worker comes to speak with him
and his wife about payment options, and you, as his nurse, plan to do
some diabetic teaching.
The story or Mr. Turner typifies today’s older adult. In the United States,
treatment of multiple acute and chronic illnesses often takes the form
of medication. For every symptom, ailment, or illness, there is usually a
long list of available treatments from which to choose. These treatments
include a number of prescriptions and over-the-counter medications. The
use of prescription, nonprescription, over-the-counter (OTC), and herbal
medications among older adults is substantial. The availability of multi-
ple and effective medications to treat the numerous diseases among older
adults undoubtedly plays an instrumental role in the increasing lifespan
of this population.
The availability and substantial usage of medications among the
elderly is both of benefit and concern among older adults and health care
providers. In fact, the use of excessive, and often inappropriate, medica-
tions among older adults remains one of the most prevalent problems
within the older population (Morley, 2003). In the United States, older
adults spend approximately $3 billion annually on prescription medica-
tions. Moreover, as adults continue to age, the number of prescription
medications rise. The Centers for Disease Control and the Merck Insti-
tute of Aging and Health (2004) report that the average older adult takes
five medications each day. Although older adults make up only 13% of
the population, they consume 34% of all prescription medications and
30% of all nonprescription medications.
In an effort to reduce the large amount of unnecessary medications
used by older adults in long-term care facilities, the Federal government
developed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) in 1987 and
implemented it in 1990 (Standard of Practice—OBRA-90). While there
has been some success, use of both prescription and OTC medications
by older adults is disproportionate to census findings. Older adults cur-
rently represent only 10% of the population, but they use 25% of all
prescription medications. The Alliance for Aging Research (2002) reports
that the average older adult uses five prescription drugs and many over-
the-counter medications.
Medication usage among older adults is complicated by several issues.
Normal changes of aging often influence the manner in which medica-
tions are utilized by older adults. These changes affect how medications
are absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, skin, or musculature;
distributed via the circulatory system; metabolized by the liver; and
cleared from the body through the kidneys. These four pharmacokinetic
mechanisms are also influenced by acute and chronic illnesses common in
older adulthood, which may further slow or impair the ability of organ
systems to absorb, distribute, metabolize, and excrete medications. These
changes are summarized in Table 7.1.
Medication Usage 177
Medication Absorption
Several changes occur in the gastrointestinal system throughout life. These
include an increase in gastric pH and a change in the amount of fluid
Medication Usage 179
Medication Distribution
There are several factors that affect drug distribution among older adults.
These include changes in fluid pH, plasma protein, and serum albumin
concentrations; reduced lean body mass; a relative decrease in total body
water; and an increase in the percentage of body fat, blood flow, and tis-
sue–protein concentration. These normal aging changes have the poten-
tial to alter the distribution of the medication compared to the blood
concentration. These anatomical and physiology aging changes have the
potential to greatly impact medication distribution among older adults.
Total body intracellular and extracellular water decreases by as much
as 15% among older adults. This reduces the distribution of water-soluble
medications and increases the distribution of fat-soluble medications.
For example, medications such as digoxin, lithium, aminoglycosides, and
cimetidine, which are water soluble, have the tendency to become ele-
vated among older adults. Consequently, administration of water-soluble
medications must be done with caution. Increased caution should be used
when administering any of these medications with diuretics, which fur-
ther reduce fluid volume in the body. Additionally, lean body mass is
reduced in older adults. The proportion of fat tissue increases with age
from 18% to 36% in men and from 36% to 48% in women between the
ages of 20 and 80 years. Consequently, fat-soluble medications, such as
barbiturates, phenothiazines, benzodiazepines, and phenytoin, have the
tendency to accumulate in the increased fat distribution of older adults
resulting in a prolonged half-life of these medications.
Alterations in plasma protein binding, which may occur as part of
the normal aging process, are of particular concern to nurses caring for
older adults (Hogstel, 2001). This change could potentially alter the dis-
tribution of a medication significantly, as well as change the half-life of
a medication and disrupt the steady flow of medication needed for dis-
ease management. As with drug absorption, this change is exacerbated
by other medications, which compete for the same binding sites. Plasma
protein binding can affect drug distribution, especially for drugs that are
highly protein bound. This change is particularly important for older
adults with multiple chronic illnesses that further reduce serum albumin
Medication Usage 181
Hepatic Metabolism
Normal changes of aging that affect the biotransformation of medica-
tions vary greatly among older adults. Unlike medication absorption
and distribution, determining the function of the liver is difficult. Thus,
while medication metabolism is dependent on adequate liver function,
that function is difficult to determine. Consequently, in the absence of
diagnosed liver disease, it is often challenging to project how medications
will be metabolized among older adults.
Normal aging liver changes that affect medication metabolism
include reduced blood flow to the liver and a decrease in functional liver
cells, which have the potential to impact how effectively medications are
transformed. There are two phases of metabolism within the liver that
affect medication processes: phase I metabolism, which involves the use
of enzymes to break down medications, is reduced among older adults;
phase II metabolism, known as conjugation, is generally not affected by
the aging process (Hogstel, 2001).
While normal aging changes impact liver function and consequently
the metabolism of medication within this organ, pathological changes
of aging and the presence of chronic illness and treatments further
complicate the metabolism of medications in the liver. Specifically, the
Renal Elimination
Elimination of medications among older adults is one of the most well-
studied and easily predictable age-related changes in medication pharma-
cokinetics. Older adults experience a normal reduction in the number and
size of the nephrons, reduced glomerular filtration rate, and decreased
renal tubular secretion. Thus, it is generally understood that older adults
will eliminate medications more slowly than younger individuals, result-
ing in an increased medication half-life. However, it is important to note
that these changes vary greatly among older adults.
While it is tempting to measure the glomerular filtration rate by test-
ing creatinine clearance, there is often little change in serum creatinine
concentration, despite normal aging changes. Consequently, creatinine
clearance may not be the most reliable measure of renal function and
elimination of medications among older adults. A more sensitive measure
of medication elimination incorporates several variables, such as body
build or weight, age, and gender. This formula, known as the Cockcroft-
Gault formula, is used to calculate creatinine clearance (Cockcroft &
Gault, 1976). It may also be used to calculate the correct dosage of medi-
cation for older adult clients. For example, opiate medications are often
highly appropriate for older adults in pain, however, a reduction in the
dosage of opiates is recommended. The Cockcroft-Gault formula may
be useful in this case to calculate the necessary dosage to achieve pain
management without unnecessary sedation and cognitive effects. Conse-
quently, this formula may be helpful in calculating effect medication dos-
ages across environments of care. However, it is important to remember
that blood values for certain medications, such as digoxin, lithium, and
procainamide, are also available and provide a more accurate measure of
the medications levels within the body.
Medication Usage 183
Medication–Disease Interactions
Because the average older adult has three chronic diseases, it is very com-
mon that the medications used to treat one disease potentially could
Medication–Nutrient Interactions
Medications often interact with nutrients among older adults and have
the potential to impact the nutritional status of the population in two
specific ways. First, many medications have the tendency to impact
appetite. For example, paroxetine, which is commonly prescribed for
depression among older adults, may result in a decreased appetite and
lead to weight loss and malnutrition. Conversely, several antipsychotic
medications prescribed for bipolar disease or schizophrenia in the elderly
may increase appetite resulting in the consumption of food poor in nutri-
ents and obesity (Hogstel, 2001).
The second major interaction between medications and nutrients
surrounds the impact of nutrients on the absorption, distribution,
metabolism, and elimination of nutrients. In other words, nutrients have
the potential to decrease absorption of medications, impair cardiac out-
put, and alter liver and kidney function, which are critical for medication
effectiveness. Moreover, older adults are at higher risk for medication–
nutrient interactions because of normal and pathological aging changes,
as well as higher rates of alcoholism and the use of restricted diets to treat
disease. For example, the absorption medication may be affected by the
intake of the medication with orange juice or milk.
Further difficulty in absorption may take place by the interaction of
the medication with food. For example, some antibiotics may be rendered
ineffective if combined with calcium or magnesium that was recently
ingested during a meal. The use of nutritional supplements among the
elderly, which contain many nutrients, may also potentially impact medi-
cation effectiveness. Administering medications via tube feedings results
in a similar risk of nutrient–medication interactions (Hogstel, 2001).
Moreover, certain nutrients may be excreted more quickly if they interact
with medications, for example, diuretics, such as thiazide.
Medication Usage 185
(Librax), diazepam chlorzoxazone (Paraflex),
(Valium), and flurazepam metaxalone (Skelaxin),
(Dalmane) FLEXERIL® (cyclobenzaprine),
dantrolene (Dantirum), and orphen-
chlorpropamide (Diabinese) adrine (Norflex, Norgesic)
trimethobenzamide (Tigan)
Adapted from Beers, M. H. (1997). Explicit criteria for determining potentially inappropriate medication use by the elderly.
Archives of Internal Medicine, 157, 1531–1536.
Medication Usage 187
It is generally reported that about one-half of all patients take the medica-
tions exactly as prescribed upon leaving the physician’s office. The other
half take the medications incorrectly, or not at all. Of those who take
the medications incorrectly, one-third don’t take it at all, one-third take
some, and one-third do not even fill the prescription. Among the reasons
for nonadherence to medication regimes is that health care providers fail
to give clear instructions on use of the medication and when to take
each dose. Moreover, the American Chronic Pain Association recently
reported that 3 in 10 patients with chronic pain cannot fill their pre-
scriptions because they cannot afford them; others simply forget to take
it. Multiple prescriptions and complicated administration schedules, for
example, medications that change dosages, contribute to lack of adher-
ence (Hogstel, 2001). For example, many patients who wear daily nitro-
glycerin patches are not aware that one patch should be removed and the
area cleaned, before applying the next patch.
Cultural Focus
Eѣidence-Based Practice
Cultural Focus
Evidence-Based Practice
Title of Study: Factors Associated With Illegal Drug Use Among Older
Methadone Clients
Author: Rosen, D.
Purpose: To describe life stressors of exposure to illegal drug use and expo-
sure of illegal drug use to older methadone clients.
Methods: The administrative data of a subsample of clients in a metha-
done clinic was reviewed. This study focused on African American and
White clients who were over the age of 50. Respondents’ age, gen-
der, and race were socioeconomic control variables. Life stressors were
defined as those variables that indicate economic well-being and living
Findings: Exposure to methadone drug use within the client’s social net-
works and neighborhoods significantly increased the likelihood of ille-
gal drug use by the client.
Implications: Even though demographic trends show an increase in age of
the methadone population the user numbers are also increasing. There
is little research that shows their well-being and their needs.
The Gerontologist, Vol. 44, No. 4, 543–547.
Cultural Focus
and illegal drugs by older adults will require additional attention and
research in the future to determine the effectiveness and risks with these
substances. Future study must also review ways to make necessary medi-
cations affordable for older adults.
Alliance for Aging Research. (2002). Ageism: How healthcare fails the elderly. Retrieved
October 16, 2003, from http:/
Astin, J. A., Pelletier, K. R., Marie, A., Haskell, W. L. (2000). Complementary and alterna-
tive medicine use among elderly persons: One-year analysis of a Blue Shield Medicare
supplement. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences & Medical Sci-
ences, 55A(1) M4–M9.
Centers for Disease Control and Merck Institute for Aging and Health (2004). The state
of aging and health in America. Retrieved July 13, 2007, from
Cockroft, D. W., & Gault, M. H. (1976). Prediction of creatinine clearance from serum
creatinine. Nephron, 16(1) 31–41.
Fahlman, C., Lynn, J., Finch, M., Doberman, D., & Gabel, J. (2007). Potentially inap-
propriate medication use by Medicaid + choice beneficiaries in the last year of life.
Journal of Palliative Care Medicine, 10(3), 686–695.
Gerontological Society of America. (2004, July 4). Alternative medicine gains popularity.
Gerontology News, p. 3.
Hogstel, M. O. (2001). Gerontology: Nursing care of the older adult. Albany, NY: Delmar
Thomson Learning.
Kirsch, I. S., Jungeblut, A., Jenkins, L., & Kolstad, A. (2002). Adult literacy in America:
A first look at the findings of the National Adult Literacy Survey (3rd ed.). Vol. 201.
Washington, DC: National Center for Education, U.S. Department of Education.
Morley, J. (2003). Editorial: Hot topics in geriatrics. Journal of Gerontology Medical Sci-
ences, 58A, 30–36.
Townsley, C. A., Selby, R., & Siu, L. L. (2005). Systematic review of barriers to the recruit-
ment of older patients with cancer onto clinical trials. Journal of Clinical Oncology,
23, 3112–3124.
Cognitive and
Psychological Issues
in Aging
Learning Objectives
1. Describe the prevalence of delirium, depression, and dementia in
older adults.
2. Discuss the symptoms of delirium, depression, and dementia.
3. Identify the importance and components of mental status assess-
4. Discuss treatment options for delirium, depression, and dementia.
5. Assess mood using a validated tool.
6. Contrast criteria for differentiating depression, delirium, and
dementia in older adults.
Mr. Katz is a 75-year-old White male who enters his primary care provid-
er’s office very confused. He states that he needs to see the doctor “right
now” and keeps repeating the request even though the nurse reassures
him that the doctor will be right with him. As you take Mr. Katz to the
exam room, he continues to be nervous and confused. His vital signs
are stable. His wife says he was barely able to get dressed and out of the
house this morning and has become increasingly able to do less for him-
self over the past several months.
One of the most prevalent myths of aging is all older adults will become
senile, or demented as a result of the aging process. Becoming demented
as one ages is of large concern to the aging population and their fami-
lies and is the focus of a great deal of study in the older population.
Many assume that as people age they will ultimately become cogni-
tively impaired. This image is perpetuated by the number of cognitively
impaired older adults requiring care in nursing homes, in adult day care,
or at home. However, this is not always the case. Many older adults live
well into their 10th decade as sharp as they were in their twenties and
thirties. While memory losses are common in older adulthood, the devel-
opment of dementia is not a normal change of aging. Dementia is a term
for a group of over 60 different pathological disease processes. These
cognitive impairments develop as a result of disease, heredity, lifestyle,
and perhaps environmental influences; they do not develop as normal
changes of aging. Dementia is a chronic loss of cognitive function that
progresses over a long period of time. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the
most common cause of dementia among older adults, making up about
50% of all dementia diagnoses, and there are approximately 4.5 mil-
lion U.S. residents with AD. Dementia is a devastating occurrence for
both older adults and loved ones, and much research is being conducted
on the prevention, diagnosis, early detection, and treatment of AD and
related dementias.
In older adults, three pathological cognitive and psychological con-
ditions occur frequently that lead to cognitive impairment. These condi-
tions are commonly known by those who care for older adults as the three
Ds: delirium, depression, and dementia. It is important to understand the
incidence, prevalence, causes, and treatment of these disorders in order
to give appropriate treatment. Delirium, depression, and dementia occur
from completely different disease processes, yet, they all tend to result in
similar symptoms of cognitive decline. It is important to recognize the
existence of these conditions in the older adult, screen for them appro-
priately, and refer the older adult for further evaluation and treatment
at the earliest possible point of care. Key features of each of the three
Ds are presented in Table 8.1. The following chapter reviews each of the
three Ds in terms of the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment. They are
presented in the order in which they may be assessed. In other words, if
an older adult is experiencing signs and symptoms of impaired judgment,
difficulty with language and calculation, disorientation or a change in
behavior, then the nurse may consider delirium, followed by depression,
then dementia.
The typical scenario of delirium occurs as follows: an older adult is admit-
ted to the hospital for necessary or elective surgery. When she arrives, the
nurse asks her questions to complete the history, and she is able to quickly
recall dates and procedures, such as the onset of arthritis or cataracts. She
TABLE 8.1 Comparison of the Clinical Features of Delirium, Dementia, and Depression
Clinical Feature Delirium Dementia Depression
Onset Sudden/abrupt: depends on Insidious/slow and often Coincides with major life changes: often
cause; often at twilight of in unrecognized: depends on cause abrupt but can be gradual
Course Short, diurnal fluctuations in Long, no diurnal effects; symptoms Diurnal effects typically worse in the
symptoms; worse at night, in progressive yet relatively stable over morning; situational fluctuations, but less
darkness, and on awakening time; may see deceits with increased than with delirium
Progression Abrupt Slow but uneven Variable: rapid or slow but even
Duration Hours to less than 1 month: Months to years At least 6 weeks can be several months to
seldom longer years
Consciousness Reduced Clear Clear
Alertness Fluctuates lethargic or hyper- Generally normal Normal
Attention Impaired: fluctuates Generally normal Minimal impairment, but is distractible
Orientation Generally unpaired severity Generally normal Selective disorientation
TABLE 8.1 Comparison of the Clinical Features of Delirium, Dementia, and Depression (Continued)
Clinical Feature Delirium Dementia Depression
Memory Recent and immediate im- Recent and remote impaired Selective or “patchy” impairment; “is-
paired lands” of intact memory: evaluation often
difficult due to low motivation
Thinking Disorganized, distorted, frag- Difficulty with abstraction: Intact but with themes of hopelessness,
mented, incoherent speech, thoughts impoverished; judgment helplessness, or self-deprecation
either slow or accelerated impaired: words difficult to find
Perception Distorted: illusions, delu- Misperceptions usually Intact delusions and hallucinations absent
sions, and hallucinations: dif- absent except in seven cases
ficulty distinguishing between
reality and misperceptions
Psychomotor Variable hypokinetic, Normal; may have apraxia Variable; psychomotor retardation or
behavior hyperkinetic, and mixed agitations
Sleep/wake cycle Disturbed: cycle reversed Fragmented Disturbed, usually early morning awaken-
Associated fea- Variable affective changes: Affect tends to be superficial, inap- Affect depressed dysphonic mood exag-
tures symptoms of autonomic hy- propriate and labile; attempts to gerated and details complaints; preoc-
perarousal: exaggeration of conceal deficits in intellect; person- cupied with personal thoughts; insight
personality type: associated ality changes, aphasia, agnosia may present; verbal elaboration; somatic com-
with acute physical illness be present; lacks insight plaints, poor hygiene, and neglect of self
Assessment Distracted from task: numer- Failings highlighted by family fre- Failings highlighted by individual,
ous errors quent “near miss” answers; strug- frequent “don’t knows”: little effort;
gles with test great effort to find an frequently gives up: indifferent toward test
appropriate reply; frequent requests does not care or attempt to find answer
for feedback on performance
Reprinted with permission from Springer Publishing Company. Forman, M., Fletcher, K., Mion, L., & Trygstad, L. (2003). Assessing cognitive
function. In M. Mezey, T. Fulmer, & I. Abraham (Eds.), & D. Zwicker (managing ed.), Geriatric nursing protocols for best practice (2nd ed.,
pp. 102–103). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Cultural Focus
Mrs. Ortega was admitted to the hospital for repair of her left hip after a
fall down her front porch steps. When admitted, she was alert and oriented
and had a pleasant affect. The surgery went as planned, and Mrs. Ortega
was transferred to the recovery room. Upon awakening from her anesthe-
sia, she was highly disoriented. She began yelling, attempting to remove
her IV, and trying to get out of bed. The nurses tried to calm her down, but
without success. She was finally administered a sedative medication and
transferred to a surgical unit.
1. Which of the three Ds does Mrs. Ortega most likely have? Why do
you think this?
2. If Mrs. Ortega’s pre-op status was not communicated to the surgical
unit nursing staff, which of the three Ds would Mrs. Ortega most
likely be assumed to have?
3. What risk factors did Mrs. Ortega have for developing this cognitive
4. What interventions could be put into place for Mrs. Ortega in the
hospital and to make sure that this situation does not reoccur?
and understanding approach to care will speed the resolution of the delir-
ium and prevent injury. Frequently reassuring families of the temporary
nature of this illness is also necessary and essential for the emotional
stability of the family and the continued support for the older adult.
Eѣidence-Based Practice
Cultural Focus
Just as there are differences among individuals, clients with depression dif-
fer in their emotional states. These differences may be based on cultural,
ethnic, religious, or gender factors. For example, Aroian, Khatutsky, Tran,
and Balsam (2001) reported that providing support services for depres-
sion and loneliness was essential among elderly immigrants to the United
Untreated depression has the unfortunate capacity to end in suicide among
older adults. It is estimated that 15% of severely depressed people commit
suicide. The rate of suicide among older adults is disproportionate to the
population; while older adults currently account for only 12% of the pop-
ulation, they commit almost 20% of all suicides. Early reports on suicide
among older adults have revealed that while women make more suicide
attempts, men are three times more successful at completing suicide. More-
over, if there is a family history of suicide, risk increases (Yesavage, 1992).
Diagnosis of depression is the highest risk factor for suicide. In addi-
tion, the relocation of older adults from home to long-term care institu-
tions, living alone, and widowhood are also high risk factors for suicide
among older adults. Nurses must be aware of these risk factors and take
action when suicidal ideation is vocalized. Phrases such as, “I’m ready to
die; I wish the good Lord would just take me,” demonstrate feelings of
helplessness, hopelessness, and worthlessness consistent with depression.
Evidence has consistently revealed that approximately 80% of all people
who have committed suicide told someone about it first, often a primary
care provider. These types of statements require further evaluation with a
standardized geriatric depression scale.
Decline in the cognitive function of older adults is one of the most preva-
lent concerns and a major focus of study in the older population. While
normal changes of aging result in a decrease in brain weight and a shift in
the proportion of gray matter to white matter, the development of demen-
tia is not a normal change of aging. In fact, dementia, a general term used
to describe over 60 pathological cognitive disorders, occurs as a result of
disease, heredity, lifestyle, and, perhaps, environmental influences. It is
commonly believed that all older adults will develop dementia as they age,
but this is not the case. Memory losses are common to older adulthood,
but they are often falsely labeled as dementia. Dementia is a chronic loss of
cognitive function that progresses over a long period of time. The character-
istics of dementia differentiate it from delirium (see Table 8.1), which has a
sudden onset and acute duration. Dementia, as defined by the Alzheimer’s
Association (1999), is a “loss of mental function in two or more areas
such as language, memory, visual and spatial abilities, or judgment severe
enough to interfere with daily life” (p. 1). A commonly used scenario to
discriminate between common memory loss and dementia is: If you lose
your car keys, you simply experienced memory loss. If you find them and
don’t know what they are for—this may mean cognitive trouble.
Eѣidence-Based Practice
Title of Study: Memory Club: A Group Intervention for People With Early-
Stage Dementia and Their Care Partners
Authors: Zarit, S., Femia, E., Watson, J., Rice-Oeschger, L., Kakos, B.
Purpose: To investigate the immediate and long-term consequences of
dementia by examining afflicted individuals in the early stages of demen-
tia while they can still participate in decision making.
Methods: A 10-session group program, Memory Club, is comprised of
people with dementia and their care partners. Structured sessions of
dyads, as well as separate meetings with other people with dementia
and other care partners.
Findings: Participants evaluated this program very positively.
Implications: This study indicates that the person facing the long-term
effects of dementia, as well as those who care for the afflicted individu-
als, found it helpful to converse with other persons in their same situ-
The Gerontologist, Vol. 44, No. 2, 262–269.
adults with the disease are often able to interact appropriately in a social
Most often, the first sign of AD occurs when more difficult tasks
need to be completed, such as writing checks to pay bills, scheduling
appointments, or using the bus to get from one location to another. As the
moderate stage of AD develops, the older adult will experience difficulty
(a) finding the proper words to articulate thoughts or needs (aphasia);
(b) performing fine motor tasks, such as household tasks or ADLs
(apraxia); and (c) remembering (agnosia). Baum and Edwards (2003)
report that older adults may have a limited capacity to learn and prob-
lem solve at this stage of the disease. All of these changes may create
frustration for the older adult. While the older adult may have difficulty
recognizing some familiar faces at this stage of the disease, they may still
function well socially. As the disease progresses, the aphasia, apraxia,
and agnosia are enhanced; older adults in the final stage of AD often do
not speak at all, or it is garbled and incoherent. AD patients may become
very functionally limited, incontinent, and unable to ambulate. Finally,
there is often no memory left, and the patient’s level of consciousness
declines into a stuporous or comatose state (Baum & Edwards, 2003).
Effective evaluation of the cognitive function of older adults is the
benchmark of excellence in geriatric nursing care. Frequent evaluation
of cognitive status will allow the presence of delirium and dementia to
be detected at an early stage, which facilitates the most effective possible
treatment. If cognitive decline is detected, consistent reassessment of the
progression of the disease and development of a plan of care is necessary
for appropriate disease management. The use of a standardized cogni-
tive assessment instrument, such as the Mini Mental State Examination
(MMSE), is essential. If the older adult’s score on the MMSE is consistent
with low cognitive function, further diagnostic testing should occur to
rule out other causes of cognitive impairment, such as delirium or depres-
sion. Moreover, further cognitive evaluation will provide data to make a
more effective differential diagnosis.
Definitive diagnosis of all but multi-infarct dementia formerly was
limited to post-mortem brain autopsy. However, recent advances in
computed tomography (CT) scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
and, most importantly, positron emission tomography (PET) scans have
improved the ability to diagnose AD with more than 90% accuracy. In a
consensus report prepared by the Neuroimaging Group of the Alzheim-
er’s Association (Alzheimer’s Association, 2005), researchers found that
neuroimaging, such as MRI and CT, provided an accurate diagnosis of
AD. However, PET is another type of imaging technology that uses a
tracer called F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG), and in patients with AD, the
PET scan showed that their brain activity had a marked reduction in
Cognitive and Psychological Issues in Aging 213
FDG uptake. Thus, PET scanning may also be quite significant in evalu-
ating the progress of AD.
If older adults score low on screening instruments for cognitive
impairments, such as the MMSE, they should be referred for a com-
prehensive geriatric assessment to aid in the diagnosis of AD and to
rule out delirium and depression as possible causes of altered cogni-
tive function. Many major hospitals have such assessment centers, and
these can be a valuable resource for individuals and families coping
with decline in cognitive status. The Alzheimer’s Association is also a
valuable source of information about further diagnosis and treatment
for the disease.
Symptoms of dementia include difficulty communicating, forgetful-
ness, inattentiveness, disorganized thinking, altered level of consciousness,
perceptual disturbances, sleep–wake disorders, wandering psychomotor
disturbances, and disorientation. Working with older adults with cogni-
tive disorders is very challenging and often frustrating. The focus is on
maintaining function and independence as much as possible, while keep-
ing the older adult safe. Nurses who work with older adults are develop-
ing interventions to increase the quality of life for those who suffer from
dementia, including environmental manipulations, such as camouflaging
doors and installing door alarms, applying wander guards, and provid-
ing safe wandering areas. Restraints are not an appropriate alternative
for cognitively impaired older adults. Instead, placing mattresses directly
on the floor, using carpeting to decrease injury from falls, and using
commonly recalled signs and symbols to orient the older adult to the
environment are a few of the appropriate interventions. The Alzheimer’s
Association (2000) recommends the techniques in Table 8.2 for caring
for older adults with dementia.
One of the most important considerations in working with the
AD population is the need to plan for structure and consistency.
Maintaining a specific daily schedule may aid in reducing frustration
or uncertainty, because environmental changes or alteration in daily
routines may exacerbate dysfunction and worsen behavioral symptoms
(Souder & Beck, 2004). Once a patient progresses beyond the mild to
moderate stages of AD, increasing amounts of direct care and supervi-
sion are often needed. Translocation from one environment to another
may potentially upset the patient, so attempting to transition the patient
smoothly to this environment is important. One intervention is to main-
tain calm and comfort and to reassure his or her safety (Souder & Beck,
2004). Remember to speak directly to the older client with AD and lis-
ten respectfully, observing cues in facial expression, tone, and repetitive
phrases or behaviors to obtain insight into what the patient is feeling
(Souder& Beck, 2004).
Cultural Focus
Some cultural backgrounds lead to the belief that older adults with cogni-
tive disorders, such as AD, must be cared for at home, by family. The tradi-
tional Western medicine model is more accepting of institutionalization of
older adults. The Profile of Older Americans (AARP, 2002) reports 54.7%
(13.7 million) of older noninstitutionalized persons lived with their elderly
spouses, and it is estimated that family members provide approximately
80% of the care for older adults. The nurse, in conjunction with family
caregivers, must also assess, document, and report any changes in physical
and mental status of the client immediately in order to implement interven-
tions to minimize short- and long-term disease effects. In addition, care for
the caregiver is often part of the nurse’s role.
disease effects. In addition, care for the caregiver is often part of the
nurse’s role. More information on caregiving can be found in Chapter 9.
Administration on Aging & U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2005). A
profile of older americans. Retrieved July 12, 2007, from
Alzheimer’s Association. (1999). Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias fact sheet.
Retrieved on July 13, 2007, from
Alzheimer’s Association. (2000). Steps to understanding challenging behaviors. Retrieved
on July 13, 2007, from
Alzheimer’s Association. (2005). Basics of Alzheimer’s disease. Retrieved on July 13, 2007,
American Association of Retired Persons. (2005). Profile of Older Americans. Retrieved
July 14th, 2007 from
American Psychiatric Association. (1994). The diagnostic and statistical manual of mental
disorders (4th Edition). Washington, DC: Author.
Cognitive and Psychological Issues in Aging 217
Aroian, K. J., Khatutsky, G., Tran, T. V., & Balsam, A. L. (2001). Health and social service
utilization among elderly immigrants from the former Soviet Union. Journal of Nurs-
ing Scholarship, 33, 265–271.
Balas, M. C., Deutschman, C. S., Sullivan-Marx, E. M., Stumpf, N. E., Alston, R. P., &
Richmond, T. S. (2007). Delirium in older surgical intensive care unit. Journal of
Nursing Scholarship, 39(2) 147–154.
Baum, C., & Edwards., D. F. (2003). What persons with Alzheimer’s disease can do: A
tool for communication about everyday activities. Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly, 4(2),
Brown, W. A. (2005) Pseudodementia. The Pyschiatric Times, 22(13), 83.
Edwards, N. (2003). Differentiating the three D’s: Delirium, dementia, and depression.
MedSurg Nursing, 12(6), 347–357.
Hogstel, M. O. (2001). Gerontology: Nursing care of the older adult. Albany, NY: Delmar
Thomson Learning.
Inouye, S. K., Zhang, Y., Jones, R. N., Kiely, D. K., Yang, F., Marcantonia, E. R. et al.
(2007). Risk factors for delirium at discharge: Development and validation of a pre-
dictive model. Archives of Internal Medicine, 167(13), 1406–1413.
Jacobson, S. A. (1997). Delirium in the elderly. The Psychiatric Clinics of North America,
20, 91–110.
McCarthy, M. C. (2003). Detecting acute confusion in older adults: Comparing clinical
reasoning of nurses working in acute, long-term and community health care environ-
ments. Research in Nursing and Health, 26, 203–212.
National Institute of Mental Health. (2007). Older adults: Depression and suicide facts.
Retrieved August 9, 2007, from
“Never been the same since”: Delirium in older people might have permanent effects on the
brain. (2007). The Harvard Health Letter, 32(6), 4.
Rizzo, J. A., Bogardus, S. T., Leo-Summers, L., Williams, C. S., Acampora, D., & Inouye,
S. K. (2001). Multicomponent targeted intervention to prevent delirium in hospital-
ized older patients: What is the economic value? Medical Care, 39, 740–52.
Shelkey, M. (2000). Pet therapy. In J. Fitzpatrick, T. Fulmer, M. Wallace, & E. Flaherty
(Eds.), Geriatric nursing research digest (pp. 215–218). New York: Springer-Verlag.
Short, M., & Winstead P. (2007). Delirium dilemma. Orthopedics, 30(4), 273-276.
Souder, E., & Beck, C. (2004). Overview of Alzheimer’s disease (includes abstract). Nursing
Clinics of North America, 39(3), 545–559.
Sullivan, T. (2007). Try this: The Caregiver Strain Index revised. Hartford Institute for
Geriatric Nursing. Retrieved July 12, 2007, from
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2000). Healthy people 2010: National
health promotion and disease prevention objectives. Retrieved from http://www.
Wallace, M., & Shelkey, M. (2007) Try this. Katz Index of Independence in activities of
daily living (ADL). Try this: Best practices in nursing care to older adults, a series
from the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing. Retrieved August 8, 2007, from
Waszynski, C. (2007) Try this. The Confusion Assessment Method. Try this: Best practices
in nursing care to older adults, a series from the Hartford Institute for Geriatric
Nursing. Issue 13. Retrieved August 8, 2007, from
Yesavage, J. A. (1992). Depression in the elderly. How to recognize masked symptoms and
choose appropriate therapy. Post Graduate Medicine, 91(1), 255–258, 261.
Learning Objectives
1. Discuss ethical issues inherent in the aging process.
2. Define ethical principles used to guide ethical decision making.
3. Discuss problems and solutions associated with older adult
4. Use an ethical framework to explore issues related to older
5. Identify barriers and interventions to sexuality among older
6. Use an ethical framework to explore issues related to sexuality
among older adults.
7. Describe the incidence of problem and pathological gambling
and its impact on the health of older adults.
8. Use an ethical framework to explore issues related to gambling
among the elderly.
Chronic illnesses that occur during the aging process frequently cause
nurses to encounter ethical issues in the care of this population. Chronically
ill older adults may experience cognitive disorders, suffer from pain and
discomfort, endure poor quality of life, or need to cope with end-of-life
issues. As nurses care for older adults, ethical dilemmas surrounding these
issues of older adulthood arise daily and are often in need of immediate
resolution. Moreover, these issues present great challenges to nurses and
other members of the health care team.
Ethics are defined in The American Heritage Dictionary of English
Language (2007) as “The study of the general nature of morals and
of specific moral choices.” The American Heritage Dictionary of the
English Language (2007) defines bioethics as “The study of the ethical
and moral implications of new biological discoveries and biomedical
advances, as in the fields of genetic engineering and drug research.”
Issues surrounding the ethical care of older adults are complex and
often require the integration of personal values and morals, as well as
other factors specific to the nurse, the client, and the situation. Each
person in the situation (client/resident, nurse, case manager, discharge
planner, social worker, physician, family, and lawyer) has a personal
perspective on effectively managing the situation based on their indi-
vidual values, life experiences, education, and other factors. Each per-
son also brings a set of morals and values used to identify right from
This chapter will explore the ethical issues inherent in the aging
process. It begins with a discussion of ethical principles used to guide
ethical decision making. These ethical principles will be applied to three
E i -B P i
While there are many complex and challenging decisions ahead for nurs-
ing students and nurses in the care of older adults, it is important to
know that nurses are not alone in making these decisions. Nurses are
members of health care teams composed of physicians, social workers,
therapists, clergy, and others who all bring unique perspectives to the care
of older adults. In many ethical situations, the team is called together to
discuss the situation and make decisions jointly. The nursing profession
is consistently guided by the American Nurses Association (ANA) code
for nurses. This document is a guideline for the goals, values, and ethical
decisions of nurses. It is considered nonnegotiable and supersedes the
policies of individual institutions in regard to nursing practice and ethical
decision making. The code for nurses provides a number of interpretive
statements specific to health care situations frequently encountered in
the care of older adults. For example, the ANA has a position statement
on polypharmacy among older adults and nurses’ participation in end-
of-life care. These statements can provide great support and resources
during difficult ethical encounters throughout nurses’ careers. The ANA
code for nurses and interpretive statements may be found at http://www.
The ethical practice of nurses and other health care professionals
involves the application of ethical principles to each situation. Ethical
principles provide a framework for understanding the ethical issues that
frequently arise among the care of older adults. For example, consider
Mrs. Jones, a highly functioning 79-year-old widow recently admitted
to a nursing home with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Mrs. Jones
began a friendship with Mr. Carl, who is cognitively intact and wheel-
chair bound. Mr. Carl is married to a woman who resides outside the
facility. The nursing staff has noticed more and more intimate touches
among the two residents and is concerned about whether Mrs. Jones
is competent to make the decision to participate in this increasingly
intimate relationship. The staff is also concerned about the moral and
ethical issues surrounding Mr. Carl’s relationship with a woman other
than his wife. The availability of ethical principles can be extremely
useful to guide nurses’ actions within the situation. Understanding and
Autonomy conveys a respect for the person’s ability to govern self or
to freely choose one’s actions as long as these choices do not interfere
with the autonomy or rights of other persons. This principle has also
been called self-governance or self-determinism (Hogstel, 2001). World defines self-determinism as the determination of “one’s
own fate or course of action without compulsion.” Decisions involv-
ing autonomy or self-determination must consider the patient’s right to
choose for themselves, regardless of the consequences. Issues surround-
ing autonomy or self-determination are seen frequently in clinical areas,
when patients refuse medications, treatments, and surgical procedures
that are likely to improve their health. For example, clients of particular
cultural and religious backgrounds do not believe in blood transfusion
and, thus, will not consent to this procedure, even though it may be
necessary to save lives. Enhanced understanding regarding older adults’
health beliefs will result in improved capacity to make ethical health
care decisions.
In the case of Mrs. Jones, the right to autonomy is complicated by
the presence of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and must be explored
further. The question remains: Is she competent to make the decision to
participate in an intimate relationship, or must another person be asked
to do this? In Mr. Carl’s case, the nursing staff must highly consider the
resident’s right to autonomy, even when the moral values and life experi-
ences of the nurses lead them to believe his relationship with Mrs. Jones
is wrong.
Ethical issues and dilemmas that surround this principle also in-
clude informed consent. Informed consent is defined by worlddictionary.
com as the “consent by a patient to a medical or surgical treatment or
to participate in an experiment after the patient understands the risks
Clients from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds may have health
care beliefs that play a significant role in ethical decision making. Enhanced
understanding regarding older adults’ health beliefs will result in improved
capacity to make ethical health care decisions.
Ethical Issues of Aging and Independence 223
Beneficence is defined as “doing good or participating in behavior that
benefits a recipient of care.” This ethical principle forms the basis of
professional codes of practice for many health care disciplines. For
example, Mr. James, a 79-year-old man is admitted to a medical–sur-
gical unit for unexplained rectal bleeding. He has a history of two
previous suicide attempts over the past year, since his wife died. The
physician diagnoses a nontreatable malignancy. Out of concern that
this diagnostic information will result in another suicide attempt, the
health care team chooses to withhold this medical information from
Mr. James until they are certain that his depression is stabilized and
safety can be assured. In this case, the principle of beneficence assumed
prominence over the person’s right to self-govern. In the case of Mrs.
Jones and Mr. Carl earlier in the chapter, the actual and projected out-
comes of the intimate relationship would require assessment to deter-
mine what nursing actions are required regarding this relationship.
If an assessment of Mrs. Jones finds that she is incapable of under-
standing the consequences of her relationship with Mr. Carl, then she
must be prevented from being taken advantage of. However, if the
assessment leads nurses to believe that Mrs. Jones and Mr. Carl under-
stand the risks and consequences of their relationship, then the right
to autonomy prevails. The difference between the two cases is revealed
in each patient’s ability to act autonomously. Both Mrs. Jones and Mr.
James have questionable abilities to do this based on the presence of
MCI and the history of two suicide attempts, respectively. In these ethi-
cal dilemmas and all others, nurses and other health care professionals
must weigh the ability and right to act autonomously with the good
and the bad of each considered action and then render a decision based
on which action would be the most beneficial to the client and, thus,
meet the health care goals.
Nonmaleficence focuses on the health care provider’s mandate to “above
all, do no harm.” This principle prevents nurses from aiding in physi-
cian-assisted suicide and/or causing pain or suffering to another person.
Nonmaleficence provides the legal and correctional framework. It places
value on all human life and freedom, the importance of each person’s
life and the need to honor the human dignity and choices of each person
(Hogstel, 2001). Discussions of active and passive euthanasia involve the
principle of nonmaleficence. Active euthanasia, committing a fatal act
on an ill person, is not morally acceptable in most societies. However,
Ethical Issues of Aging and Independence 225
“The principle of justice supports the fair allocation of resources to indi-
viduals or the provision of an equal share of available resources to each
person” (Hogstel, 2001, p. 540). This principle has specific application
to older adults who must consistently fight against ageism. As discussed
earlier in this text, ageism is defined as a negative attitude or bias toward
older adults, resulting in the belief that older people cannot, or should not,
participate in societal activities or be given equal opportunities afforded
to others (Holohan-Bell & Brummel-Smith, 1999). In the case of Mrs.
Jones and Mr. Carl, failure to recognize the sexual needs of older adults,
and manage these needs with similar priority to other physical needs, is a
violation of the ethical principle of justice. Ethical issues that arise from
the principle of justice and are influenced by ageism involve the distribu-
tion of health care resources at local and national levels, including micro
allocation and macro allocation, respectively. For example, approximately
60% of patients cared for today are older adults, yet only 34% of nurs-
ing schools require a course in geriatric nursing. Nurses caring for older
adults understand that ageism has great potential to impact the health
care of older adults and their access to services. Moreover, ageism has the
power to destroy the dignity and respect of older adults and impacts poli-
cies and care decisions for this population. Nurses must work consistently
to identify ageism and mitigate its ability to influence policies and care
decisions that will affect the quality of life of older adults. In so doing,
nurses play an instrumental role in preventing the consequences of aging
on older adults. This includes making sure that older adults are not dis-
criminated against in selection for medical procedures or resources.
Consistent with the principle of justice is the issue of whether or
not health care is a right for all persons, or a privilege for those who can
afford it. While the United States has discussed a national insurance pro-
gram, many other countries have implemented it in the spirit of justice.
Senses Eyes
• Visual acuity declines.
• Ability of pupil to constrict in response to stimuli
• Peripheral vision declines.
• Lens of the eye often becomes yellow.
• Increased prevalence of hearing disorders.
Neurological • Slower response time to stimuli.
• Shift in the proportion of gray matter to white matter.
• Loss of neurons.
• Increase in the number of senile plaques.
• Blood flow to the cerebrum decreases.
normal changes of aging among older drivers. This results in a large num-
ber of older adults unable to safely drive.
There are many ethical issues surrounding the decision about whether
older adults should continue to drive. These issues are summarized in
C i i T i i C S
Nonmaleficence Failure to assess the impact of normal and pathological changes on Mr. Larry’s ability
Above all, do no harm. to drive puts both Mr. Larry and society at risk. With knowledge regarding the potential
impact of normal and pathological aging on driving among older adults, it is a nurse’s
duty to be sure to assess these changes and implement interventions to promote the
maximum safety for clients and society. Failure to do so in this case has the potential to
cause harm to both.
Justice The role of ageism in society often makes it easy to assume that older adults should not
The fair allocation of resources to drive. However, while normal changes of aging impact driving ability, there are many
individuals or the provision of an equal ways in which to compensate for these changes. Consequently, full regard for the rights
share of available resources to each of autonomy must be adhered to in order for justice to prevail in the case of Mr. Larry
person. and other older adult drivers.
Ethical Issues of Aging and Independence 229
Table 9.2. One ageist solution that has been suggested is to revoke their
license to drive at a certain age. In fact, this has been considered as a
viable solution to the problem. However, this will result in a great loss of
independence among this population, and considering the ethical prin-
ciples stated earlier, it is important to discuss ways in which older adults
may be assisted to maintain their safety and independence as long as
possible, while still protecting the safety of other drivers, passengers, and
pedestrians. Consider the case study in this chapter using the ethical prin-
ciples outlined earlier.
Nurses can play an essential role in helping older adults to maintain
safe driving practices and ensure the safety of the community by assessing
normal and pathological changes of aging in the older adult. The imple-
mentation of strategies to reduce the effects of normal aging and man-
age disease are also important components of safe driving. In addition,
nurses should recommend that patients learn to drive again, adapting to
their neuromuscular and sensory changes. Nurses working with older
adult drivers should encourage them to take driver refresher classes that
are run by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). Com-
pletion of the AARP driver refresher course often allows older adults to
save money on car insurance.
One of the most prevalent myths of aging is that older adults are no lon-
ger interested in sex. Because sexuality is mainly considered a young per-
son’s activity, often associated with reproduction, society doesn’t usually
associate older adults with sex. In the youth-oriented society of today,
many consider sexuality among older adults to be distasteful and prefer
to assume sexuality among the older population doesn’t exist. However,
despite popular belief, sexuality continues to be important in the lives
of older adults. A survey of 1,126 older adults by Matthias, Lubben,
Atchison, and Schweitzer (1997) found that 30% had participated in
sexual activity over the past month. The need to continue sexuality and
sexual function should be as highly valued as other physiological needs.
Because much of society believes sexuality is not part of the aging pro-
cess, nurses and other health care providers rarely assess sexuality, and
few intervene to promote sexuality of the older population. Nurses may
avoid the discussion because they lack knowledge about sexuality in
older adults, or simply because they’re inexperienced and uncomfortable
with the issue.
The fulfillment of sexual needs may be just as satisfying for older
adults as it is for younger people. However, several normal and patho-
Evidence-Based Practice
The normal changes of aging may alter or delay the sexual response
of older adults, but sexual dysfunction is not a normal process of aging.
The frequent occurrence of chronic illnesses and the use of multiple medi-
cations among older adults, however, frequently interfere with the nor-
mal sexual function of older men and women. Morley and Tariq (2003)
report that medication usage, diseases such as diabetes and depression,
and surgery to structures involved in the sexual response (e.g., prostate,
breast) are all factors that result in sexual dysfunction among older
adults. In these cases, removal of the medication causing the dysfunction,
treatment of the chronic medical illness, and psychological therapy are
interventions that may contribute to the resolution of sexual problems
(Morley & Tariq, 2003). Medications, vacuum erection devices, and sur-
gery are options for resolving erectile impotence when other interven-
tions fail.
The assessment and management of sexual problems of older adults
is often complicated by ethical issues. As seen in the case of Mrs. Jones
and Mr. Carl earlier in this chapter, normal and pathological aging
changes, as well as the role of families, are important factors to consider
when addressing sexual issues in this population. Moreover, a nurse’s
lack of knowledge and experience and general reluctance to assess and
plan care related to sexuality issues has a substantial impact on the older
adult’s health and functioning. A summary of the ethical issues involved
in this case are presented in Table 9.3.
As discussed earlier, older adults experience many physiological
changes in their reproductive systems that impact their ability to func-
tion sexually, including changes in vaginal lubrication, response time,
and body image. Moreover, the presence of depression and diabetes, as
well as medications, such as beta blockers for hypertension, impact sex-
ual response. The loss of partners in older adulthood also significantly
impacts sexuality. However, because the topic of sexuality was not widely
discussed in previous decades, older adults do not always fully under-
stand these changes and their impact on sexuality. Despite older adults’
lack of knowledge about sexuality, education that addresses normal and
pathological aging changes, as well as the impact of role changes on sexu-
ality, and interventions to compensate for these changes, is rarely pro-
vided. Consequently, older adults may stop functioning sexually, because
they think they are abnormal or ill, and no one is available to counsel
them otherwise.
A sexual assessment is the first step to discussing sexuality of older
adults. The PLISSIT model (Annon, 1976) begins by first seeking permis-
sion (P) to discuss sexuality with the older adult. This permission may be
gained by asking general questions such as, “I would like to begin to dis-
cuss your sexual health; what concerns would you like to share with me
about this area of function?” Questions to guide the sexual assessment
of older adults are available on many health care assessment forms. The
next step of the model affords an opportunity for the health care pro-
vider to share limited information (LI) with the older adult. In response
to the increase in older adults with sexually transmitted diseases, it is
essential to provide them with safe sex information at this time. In the
next part of the model, specific suggestions (SS) are provided to older
adults to help them fulfill their sexuality. These suggestions may focus on
the use of CDC recommended safe sexual practices. The final part of the
model allows for intensive therapy (IT) to be provided to the older adult
regarding sexual issues that may arise during the assessment. This may
TABLE 9.3 Is This Sexual Relationship Safe?
Ethical Principle Application to Issue of Independence
Autonomy (Self-Determination) The right to autonomy is complicated by the presence of mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
The right to govern self or to freely and must be explored further. The question remains: Is Mrs. Jones competent to make
choose one’s actions as long as these the decision to participate in an intimate relationship, or must another person be asked to
choices do not interfere with the make the decision for her? In Mr. Carl’s case, the nursing staff must highly consider the
autonomy or rights of other persons. resident’s right to autonomy, even when the moral values and life experiences of the nurses
lead them to believe his relationship with Mrs. Jones is wrong.
Beneficence The actual and projected outcomes of the intimate relationship would require assessment
Doing good or participating in to determine what nursing actions are required regarding this relationship. If an assess-
behavior that benefits a recipient of ment of Mrs. Jones finds that she is incapable to understanding the consequences of her
care. relationship with Mr. Carl, then she must be prevented from being taken advantage of.
However, if the assessment leads nurses to believe that Mrs. Jones and Mr. Carl under-
stand the risks and consequences of their relationship, then the right to autonomy prevails
in this case.
Nonmaleficence Failure to assess Mrs. Jones’s ability to consent to participate in an intimate relationship
Above all, do no harm. with Mr. Carl could be termed nonmaleficence. While nurses are often uncomfortable and
lack knowledge in assessing and managing sexual issues among older adults, failure to
do so in this case has the potential to cause harm to both residents. Use of the nursing pro-
cess, as well as consultation with family and members of the health care team, generally
result in effective decisions.
Justice In the case of Mrs. Jones and Mr. Carl, failure to recognize the sexual needs of older
The fair allocation of resources to adults and manage these needs with similar priority as other physical needs is a violation
individuals or the provision of an of the ethical principle of justice.
equal share of available resources to
each person.
Nonmaleficence Failure to assess Mr. Diamond’s gambling behavior and its impact on his health would
Above all, do no harm. be termed nonmaleficence. While nurses often do not feel that gambling is a health care
issue, it has several health care consequences, such as stress and loss of financial resourc-
es, which could greatly impact health. Use of the nursing process, as well as consultation
with family and members of the health care team, generally result in effective assessment
and interventions.
Justice In light of the rising incidence of problem and pathological gambling in older adults,
The fair allocation of resources to assessment and management of gambling must take place at every health care encounter.
individuals or the provision of an
equal share of available resources to
each person.
Ethical Issues of Aging and Independence 237
In the care of older adults, many ethical, legal, and financial issues
will continue to arise. These issues range from who should receive ser-
vices to who should make the decisions and how health care bills will
be paid. These issues are complex and in great flux. Changes to laws
governing health care decisions influence how these decisions will be
made in the future. Moreover, the increasing older adult population is
retiring later thereby impacting the health care and financial status of
older adults.
There are several ethical principles that may be used to guide ethical
decision making. When health care team members use these principles as
the basis for discussion of ethical issues, they are better able to help cli-
ents make efficient and beneficial decisions. Furthermore, the use of legal
and medical resources to plan for the financial and health care future of
older adults is essential to ensuring maximum quality of life throughout
older adulthood.
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (4th ed). (2007). Ethics.
Retrieved July 14, 2007, from
American Nurses’ Association. (1994). Position statement on assisted suicide. Washington,
DC: Author.
Annon, J. (1976). The PLISSIT model: A proposed conceptual scheme for the behavioral
treatment for sexual problems. Journal of Sex Education Therapy, 2(2), 1–15.
Araujo, A. B., Mohr, B. A., & McKinlay, J. B. (2004). Changes in sexual function in middle-
aged and older men: Longitudinal data from the Massachusetts male aging study.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 52(9), 1502–1509.
Burkhardt, J. E., Berger, A. M., Creedon, M., & McGavock, A. T. (1998). Mobility and
independence: Changes and challenges for older drivers. Washington, DC: Depart-
ment of Health and Human Services (DHHS), under the auspices of the Joint DHHS/
DOT Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility.
Harvard Medical School. (2003). Sexuality in midlife and beyond: A special report from
Harvard Medical School. Boston: Harvard Health Publications.
Hogstel, M. O. (2001). Gerontology: Nursing care of the older adult. Albany, NY: Delmar
Thomson Learning.
Holohan-Bell, J., & Brummel-Smith, K. (1999). Impaired mobility and deconditioning. In
J. Stone, J. Wyman, & S. Salisbury (Eds.), Clinical gerontological nursing: A guide to
advanced practice (pp. 267–287). Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders.
Kessel, B. (2001). Sexuality in the older person. Age and Ageing, 30, 121–124.
Kessenich, C. R., & Cichon, M. J. (2001). Hormonal decline in elderly men and male
menopause. Geriatric Nursing, 22, 24–27.
Koeneman, K., Mulhall, J. P., & Goldstein, I. (1997). Sexual health for the man at midlife:
In-office workup. Geriatrics, 52, 76–86.
Levens, S., Dyer, A. M., Zubritsky, C., Knott, K., & Oslin, D. W. (2005). Gambling among
older, primary-care patients. An important public health concern. American Journal
of Geriatric Psychiatry, 13, 69–76.
Masters, W. H. (1986, August 15). Sex and aging—expectations and reality. Hospital
Practice, 175–177.
Meston, C. M. (1997). Aging and sexuality. Western Journal of Medicine, 167, 285–290.
Morley, J. E., & Tariq, S. H. (2003). Sexuality and disease. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine,
19(3), 563–573.
Unwin, B., Davis, M., & DeLeeuw, J. (2000). Pathological gambling. American Family
Physician, 61, 741–749.
Wiebe, J. M. D., & Cox, B. J. (2005). Problem and probable pathological gambling among
older adults assessed by the SOGS-R. Journal of Gambling Studies, 21(2), 205–221.
Learning Objectives
1. Identify quality of life dimensions of older adulthood.
2. Describe the epidemic of elder mistreatment.
3. Describe the types, indicators of, and contributing factors to elder
4. Discuss strategies for the assessing reporting, treatment, and pre-
vention of elder mistreatment.
5. Identify the incidence of pain and barriers to pain assessment in
older adults.
6. Assess pain using client self-report and/or a validated pain
7. Identify strategies and considerations in treating pain in older
8. Identify benefits and challenges of grandparenting.
9. Describe spirituality as an important component of quality of
feels very lucky to have someone caring for her at home so she does
not have to go a nursing home. After this, she mentions that her grand-
daughter lost her job about 2 months ago but is still very busy and
spends most of her days away from the house. You ask the client about
her normal diet patterns, and she says that she typically has one meal
a day in the evening when her granddaughter comes home and just
snacks throughout the rest of the day. Upon examination, you realize
that she is 5’1” and weighs 85 lbs. In addition, you notice that there
appear to be several bruises at different stages of healing evident espe-
cially on her arms and legs. She also appears to have a stage II pressure
ulcer on her coccyx.
Eѣiёђћѐђ-BюѠђё Pџюѐѡiѐђ
the concept has been the focus of much scholarly work. Spitzer et al.
(1981) were among the first to explore the multidimensional nature of
QOL as activity, daily living, health, support, and outlook. Gurland
and Katz (1991) performed an extensive review of QOL literature in an
older adult population. Using content analysis, they developed a list of
15 domains in which QOL should be evaluated for older adults. These
domains include:
• mobility
• activities of daily living
• organizational skills
• orientational skills
• receptive communication
• expressive communication
• health and perceived health
• mood and symptoms
• social and interpersonal relations
• autonomy
• financial management
• environmental fit
• gratification, future image
• general well-being
• effective coordination
• normal life
• happiness
• satisfaction
• achievement of personal goals
• social utility
CѢљѡѢџюљ FќѐѢѠ
Alabama •
Alaska • • • • •
Arizona • • • •
Arkansas • • • •
California • • • •
Connecticut • • • • •
Delaware • • •
District of • • • •
Florida • • • • •
Georgia • • • • • •
Hawaii • • • • •
Idaho • • • • •
Indiana • • • • •
Kansas • • •
Louisiana •
Maine • • •
Maryland • • • •
Massachusetts • • • •
Michigan • • • •
Minnesota • • • • •
Mississippi • • • •
Missouri • • • • • • •
Montana • • • • •
Nebraska • • • • •
Nevada • • • • • •
New Hampshire •
New Jersey • • •
New Mexico •
New York
North Carolina •
North Dakota
Ohio • • • • • •
Oklahoma • •
Oregon • • • • •
Pennsylvania •
Rhode Island • • • • • •
South Carolina • • • • •
South Dakota
Tennessee •
Texas •
Utah •
Vermont • • • • •
Virginia • • • •
Washington • • • •
West Virginia • • •
Wyoming •
Source: American Bar Association Recommended Guidelines for State Courts Handling Cases Involving Edler Abuse, 1995.
Retrieved June 28, 2005, from
Evidence-Based Practice
Pain is a major problem for older adults and those who care for them.
Flaherty (2007) reports that 25% to 50% of community-dwelling older
adults and 45% to 80% of nursing home residents experience untreated
pain. Marcus (2004) reports that there are many poor consequences of
pain. These include depression, decreased socialization, sleep distur-
bances, impaired functional ability, and increased health care utilization
and costs.
Despite the great prevalence and impact of pain on older adults,
there are many barriers that prevent success in this area. Some nurses
believe that pain is a natural and expected part of aging, and this remains
one of the most prevalent myths and a barrier to appropriate pain assess-
ment and management. Other barriers include older adults’ hesitancy to
report pain, because they may believe that it is an expected part of aging
and nothing can be done for it, or they simply may be afraid to bother
their nurse.
Both normal and pathological changes of aging affect the presenta-
tion of pain in older adults. However, mixed findings have been found
regarding whether or not the older adult’s perception of pain decreases
with age. Because objective biological markers of pain are not available,
nurses must rely on the patient’s self-report. There are many standard-
ized tools for assessing pain in older adults, but the most frequently used
measure of pain is a numeric rating scale where the client is asked to
rank their pain on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being very little pain, and
10 being the worst pain imaginable. However, some research suggests
that the abstract nature of these scales makes them difficult to use for
some older adults, especially those with cognitive impairments. Another
available tool is Visual Analogue Scales (VAS), which are straight hori-
zontal 100 mm lines with verbal pain descriptors on the left and on the
right sides. Older adults are asked to indicate a position on the scale
that represents their pain. These tests also are not perfect. The “Faces
Scale” depicts facial expressions on a scale from 0 to 6 with 0 for a smile,
indicating no pain, and 6 for a crying grimace, indicating lots of pain.
Determining the right tool for each patient is necessary to utilize these
objective measures effectively.
For older adults with cognitive impairments, clients may not be able
to verbalize pain appropriately. In these clients, yelling, wandering, and
repetitive or aggressive behavior may be signs of pain. In caring for the
cognitively impaired, the nurse needs to be aware of known painful con-
ditions. Evaluation of behavior for the signs and symptoms of pain is
essential for effective assessment and management (Horgas, 2007). The
five-item Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia Scale (PAINAD) has
been effective for assessing pain in this population (Warden, Hurley, &
Volicer, 2003).
Once the presence of pain is identified, it is important to look
for the underlying cause of pain and determine whether it is acute or
chronic. When possible, the cause of pain should be targeted for inter-
ventions and then the use of both pharmacological and nonpharmaco-
logical pain management strategies implemented. The most common
pharmaceutical medications used to treat pain in older adults are acet-
aminophen, nonsteroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and
opioids. However, the frequent adverse drug reactions and analgesic
sensitivity in this older adult population (see Chapter 6) underscore the
need for the old cliché to “start low and go slow” (American Geriatric
Society, 1998). For example, NSAIDs contribute to gastric ulceration
and mask pain. Older adults have also been found to respond to mor-
phine as if they were given a larger dose, suggesting the need to decrease
morphine dosages in this population. It is important to note that pain
medication for older adults should be given on a regular basis, not
PRN, or as needed (American Geriatric Society, 1998). Collaborative
pain medications, such as antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and anxio-
lytics, may also be helpful in pharmacologically reducing pain among
older adults.
In addition to pharmacological pain management strategies, non-
pharmacological pain interventions are receiving much attention for their
effectiveness in reducing pain among older adults. Exercise, educational
and cognitive therapy, massage, acupuncture, therapeutic touch, reiki,
and reflexology are all currently being investigated as potential adjuncts
to pain management. While the research is still forthcoming, early evi-
dence suggests that these interventions are effective in reducing pain in
multiple populations. The problem of pain in older adults is an ongoing
concern in need of further clinical investigation. Pain management at the
end of life will be discussed in Chapter 12.
Cultural Focus
The presence of spirituality in the lives of older adults once was not
acknowledged. In fact, the original work of Rowe and Kahn (1997)
on successful aging neglected to include the component of spirituality.
Cultural Focus
American Geriatric Society Panel on Chronic Pain in Older Persons. (1998). The manage-
ment of chronic pain in older persons. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society,
46, 635–651.
Bergland, A., & Narum, I. (2007). Quality of life demands comprehension and further
exploration. Journal of Aging & Health, 19(1) 39–61.
Cronin, G. (2007). Elder abuse: the same old story? Emergency Nurse, 15(3), 11–13.
Ferrans, C. E. (1990). Quality of life: Conceptual issues. Seminars in Oncology Nursing,
6, 248–254.
Quality of Life Issues Among Older Adults 253
Ferrell, B., Grant, M., Padilla, G., Vemuri, S., & Rhiner, M. (1991). The experience of pain
and perceptions of quality of life: Validation of a conceptual model. The Hospice
Journal, 7, 9–24.
Flaherty, E. (2007). Try this: Pain assessment in older adults. Issue 7. Retrieved July 14,
2007, from
Gurland, B. J., & Katz, S. (1991). Quality of life and mental disorders of elders. In H. Katschnig,
H. Freeman, & N. Sartorius (Eds.), Quality of life in mental disorders (pp. 198–202).
London: John Wiley and Sons.
Hogstel, M. O. (2001). Gerontology: Nursing care of the older adult. Albany, NY: Delmar
Thomson Learning.
Horgas, A. (2007). Try this: Assessing pain in older adults with dementia. Issue D2.
Retrieved July 14, 2007, from
Kassan, G. (2003). Compliance, caregivers, and the consumer. Presentation given at Direct
to Consumer Public meeting. Retrieved July 14, 2007, from
Koenig, H. G. (2007). Religion and remission of depression in medical inpatients with
heart failure/pulmonary disease. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 195(5),
Koenig, H. G., McCullogh, M., & Larson, D. B. (2001). Handbook of religion and health.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Marcus, D. (2004). Management of nonmalignant chronic pain in older patients. Clinical
Geriatrics, 12(6), 26–32.
McMathias, C. (1979). Improving the quality of life for the elderly. Journal of the American
Geriatrics Society, 28, 385–388.
Pearlman, R. A., & Speer, J. B. (1983). Quality of life considerations in geriatric care.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 3, 113–120.
Rowe, J. W., & Kahn, R. L (1997). Successful aging. Aging, 10, 142–144.
Szinovacz, M. (1998). Grandparents today: a demographic profile. Gerontologist, 8(1),
Spitzer, W. O., Dobson, A. J., Hall, J., Chesterman, E., Levi, J., Shepard, R., et al. (1981).
Measuring the quality of life for cancer patients: Concise QL-index for use by physi-
cians. Journal of Chronic Disease, 34, 584–597.
Warden, V., Hurley, A. C., & Volicer, L. (2003). Development and psychometric evalua-
tion of the pain assessment in advanced dementia (PAINAD) Scale. Journal of the
American Medical Directors Association, 4(1), 9–15.
Environments of Care
Learning Objectives
1. Identify the most common environments of care for older adults.
2. Discuss the effects of caregiving on older adults caring for loved
3. Discuss strategies for reducing the risk of caregiving.
4. List positive and negative aspects to home care.
5. Identify supportive interventions in the community.
6. State the risks of acute care hospitalization for older adults.
7. Discuss aspects of skilled nursing facility admission and care.
8. Discuss risk factors and prevention strategies for urinary tract
infections and pressure ulcers in skilled nursing facilities.
9. Identify housing alternatives for older adults.
10. Discuss problems associated with homeless older adults.
You are the home care nurse assigned to see an 83-year-old male patient
who was recently discharged to his home from the hospital after a frac-
ture of the right tibia resulting from a fall. He has no other known health
problems. When you make your first visit to the client’s home, you notice
that there are several stairs that one must walk up prior to entering the
home. You notice that the only other way to enter the house is by walk-
ing up several stairs in the back onto the deck and going in the back
door. Concerned about the fact that this patient has a history of falls,
you make a notation of this in the client’s chart. When you enter the
client’s home, you assess his vital signs and then ask to listen to his lungs
and heart and to look at the right leg. You determine that all of these
assessments are within normal limits. As you ask the patient about his
pain, he grimaces but says that he is fine. However, you spend some time
explaining to him that it is okay to discuss pain with you, and he admits
to still being bothered by pain. He feels like his pain medicine is not really
helping, especially because the pain has been preventing him from eating
or sleeping properly. You decide to call the doctor to try to get a more
effective medication for pain. In addition, you work with the patient on
some deep breathing and guided imagery techniques. Before you leave,
you ask to take a quick look around the house to assess for safety. The
client agrees and states, “You should be very pleased; my wife picked up
all the rugs around the house and put one of those funny plastic mats
in the shower for me.” You cannot see any evidence of cords or other
barriers to affect mobility around the house and tell the client that all
seems to be in place. You do, however, advise the client to try to create
an alternative way of getting in and out of the house to help protect the
client from falling down the stairs. You also add that it may be wise for
him to stay inside for a little while until he is feeling more comfortable
with getting around.
CѢlѡѢџюl FќѐѢѠ
Eѣіёђћѐђ-BюѠђё Pџюѐѡіѐђ
now watch out for each other; sometimes older adults are surrogate
parents or grandparents to new families who move into the neighbor-
hood. But, there are also problems with remaining at home for a life-
time. Many homes require costly and difficult repairs and maintenance
that older adults can no longer afford to manage. A decline in functional
status, vision, and hearing often make adaptation to a home and social-
ization difficulty. There is no medical care or assistance with ADLs and
IADLs built into the home, so the older adult either has to leave home
to obtain care, or hire outside providers. The latter may be costly and
expenses are not always covered by Medicare and private insurance.
Whether or not the older adult experiences a decline in health, an
interdisciplinary approach to home care is essential to facilitate aging in
place. Nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech-language
pathology, assistance with personal care, and social work are all available
to persons in the home setting. The interdisciplinary team works together
to assist the client in regaining strength and returning to the pre-illness
Eѣіёђћѐђ-BюѠђё Pџюѐѡіѐђ
level of functioning. The team collaborates with the client and family,
especially the caregiver.
Home care begins with an assessment on the initial visit, and this
sets the stage for all subsequent visits. The initial assessment includes the
assessment of the client’s (a) assets, (b) social support, (c) environment, and
(d) available community resources. The formal assessment of older adult
Medicare recipients is called the Outcome and ASessment Information Set
(OASIS). This is a group of data elements that forms the comprehensive
assessment for an adult home care patient and provides the basis for mea-
suring patient outcomes for purposes of outcome-based quality improve-
ment (OBQI). The OASIS includes sociodemographic, environmental,
support system, health status, and functional status attributes of the older
adult. The purpose of this assessment is to provide the home health nurse
with a picture of the client. Each home health agency uses its own assess-
ment form. Older adults often have multiple diagnoses, chronic illnesses,
and disabilities. Each part of the initial assessment is designed to aid the
home health nurse to form a holistic view of the client and to then develop
an appropriate plan of care that meets the client’s individual needs. Reim-
bursement from Medicare and insurance depend on the assessment of the
client and needs for skilled care as identified by the nurse.
Following the assessment, a plan of care is developed to help the cli-
ent meet their goals. It is important to note that Medicare reimbursement
for home care has become extremely limited over the past two decades.
Thus, the nurse must utilize every available resource in order to help the
client meet the goals in an efficient manner. Community resources are an
important part of home health, and the home health nurse should identify
community resources that may be useful (Hogstel, 2001). Community-
based services include such programs as employment resources, senior
center programs, senior housing, adult day care services, and alternative
community-based living facilities. Many of these programs are funded
through grants distributed through Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) or the
federal government, and all can enhance the well-being of older adults
and contribute to their ability to live independently, without financial dis-
tress and social isolation. Sometimes, the need for community resources
does not arise until later visits or client discharge. Consequently, it is
important to plan for resources from the start of visits to make sure the
client has all necessary services at discharge (Hogstel, 2001).
Caregiving at Home
When older adults continue to reside at home, cognitive, health, and
functional declines typically result in the need to have a caregiver live
in the home as well. Moreover, it is reported that the caregiver burden
Environments of Care 261
CѢlѡѢџюl FќѐѢѠ
Other variables associated with that stress are sociocultural issues. For
example, caregiving is a more accepted part of the role in many cultural
backgrounds, such as native Pacific Islanders. Thus, this role may receive
more support and lead to less stress. In addition, family dynamics, attri-
butes of the caregiver, and individual characteristics of the older adult
influence caregiver stress.
Any older adult with acute or chronic illness will spend some time in a
hospital or acute care facility. Fulmer (2001) reports that older adults gen-
erally spend twice the time in acute care facilities than their younger coun-
terparts do. While older adults were historically excluded from surgery and
other radical procedures because of a short projected lifespan, this is no
longer the case. Approximately 60% of hospital admissions, depending on
geographic area, are of older adults. However, despite the high prevalence
of older adults in acute care facilities, this environment of care is poorly
prepared to meet the commonly occurring problems of older adults. In
fact, the potential to acquire delirium, nosocomial infections, and decu-
bitus ulcers and to fall may make acute care settings very unsafe for older
Over the past few decades, several intervention models have been
introduced to make acute care facilities safer places for older adults. The
Geriatric Nurse Resource Project at Yale University Medical Center (Ful-
mer, 1991a; 1991b) and New York University Medical Center enrolls
interested nurses in geriatric care units into a program that provides
Environments of Care 263
= When box blank, must enter number or letter a. = When letter in box, check if condition applies MDS 2.0 September, 2000
Resident ______________________________________________________________ Numeric Identifier___________________________________________________________
(Status in last 7 days, unless other time frame indicated)
SECTION A. IDENTIFICATION AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION 3. MEMORY/ (Check all that resident was normally able to recall during
RECALL last 7 days)
NAME ABILITY Current season a.
That he/she is in a nursing home d.
a. (First) b. (Middle Initial) c. (Last) d. (Jr/Sr) Location of own room b.
2. ROOM Staff names/faces c. NONE OF ABOVE are recalled e.
NUMBER 4. COGNITIVE (Made decisions regarding tasks of daily life)
3. ASSESS- a. Last day of MDS observation period DAILY 0. INDEPENDENT—decisions consistent/reasonable
MENT DECISION- 1. MODIFIED INDEPENDENCE—some difficulty in new situations
DATE 2. MODERATELY IMPAIRED—decisions poor; cues/supervision
Month Day Year required
3. SEVERELY IMPAIRED—never/rarely made decisions
b. Original (0) or corrected copy of form (enter number of correction)
5. INDICATORS (Code for behavior in the last 7 days.) [Note: Accurate assessment
4a. DATE OF Date of reentry from most recent temporary discharge to a hospital in OF requires conversations with staff and family who have direct knowledge
REENTRY last 90 days (or since last assessment or admission if less than 90 days) DELIRIUM— of resident's behavior over this time].
DISOR- 0. Behavior not present
DERED 1. Behavior present, not of recent onset
THINKING/ 2. Behavior present, over last 7 days appears different from resident's usual
Month Day Year AWARENESS functioning (e.g., new onset or worsening)
5. MARITAL 1. Never married 3.Widowed 5. Divorced a. EASILY DISTRACTED—(e.g., difficulty paying attention; gets
STATUS 2. Married 4.Separated sidetracked)
RECORD SURROUNDINGS—(e.g., moves lips or talks to someone not
NO. present; believes he/she is somewhere else; confuses night and
7. CURRENT (Billing Office to indicate;check all that apply in last 30 days)
SOURCES Medicaid per diem VA per diem
a. f. incoherent, nonsensical, irrelevant, or rambling from subject to
FOR N.H. subject; loses train of thought)
STAY Medicare per diem Self or family pays for full per diem
b. g.
d.PERIODS OF RESTLESSNESS—(e.g., fidgeting or picking at skin,
Medicare ancillary Medicaid resident liability or Medicare clothing, napkins, etc; frequent position changes; repetitive physical
part A c. co-payment h. movements or calling out)
Medicare ancillary Private insurance per diem (including e. PERIODS OF LETHARGY—(e.g., sluggishness; staring into space;
d. co-payment) i.
part B difficult to arouse; little body movement)
CHAMPUS per diem e. Other per diem j.
8. REASONS a. Primary reason for assessment DAY—(e.g., sometimes better, sometimes worse; behaviors
FOR 1. Admission assessment (required by day 14) sometimes present, sometimes not)
ASSESS- 2. Annual assessment
MENT 3. Significant change in status assessment 6. CHANGE IN Resident's cognitive status, skills, or abilities have changed as
4. Significant correction of prior full assessment COGNITIVE compared to status of 90 days ago (or since last assessment if less
[Note—If this 5. Quarterly review assessment STATUS than 90 days)
0. No change 1.Improved 2.Deteriorated
is a discharge 6. Discharged—return not anticipated
or reentry 7. Discharged—return anticipated
assessment, 8. Discharged prior to completing initial assessment SECTION C. COMMUNICATION/HEARING PATTERNS
only a limited 9. Reentry
subset of 10. Significant correction of prior quarterly assessment 1. HEARING (With hearing appliance, if used)
MDS items 0. NONE OF ABOVE 0. HEARS ADEQUATELY—normal talk, TV, phone
need be 1. MINIMAL DIFFICULTY when not in quiet setting
completed] b. Codes for assessments required for Medicare PPS or the State 2. HEARS IN SPECIAL SITUATIONS ONLY—speaker has to adjust
1. Medicare 5 day assessment tonal quality and speak distinctly
2. Medicare 30 day assessment 3. HIGHLY IMPAIRED/absence of useful hearing
3. Medicare 60 day assessment
4. Medicare 90 day assessment 2. COMMUNI- (Check all that apply during last 7 days)
5. Medicare readmission/return assessment CATION a.
Hearing aid, present and used
6. Other state required assessment DEVICES/ b.
7. Medicare 14 day assessment TECH- Hearing aid, present and not used regularly
8. Other Medicare required assessment NIQUES Other receptive comm. techniques used (e.g., lip reading) c.
9. RESPONSI- (Check all that apply) Durable power attorney/financial NONE OF ABOVE d.
BILITY/ Legal guardian 3. MODES OF (Check all used by resident to make needs known)
LEGAL a. Family member responsible EXPRESSION
e. Signs/gestures/sounds
GUARDIAN Other legal oversight b. Speech a.
Patient responsible for self f.
Durable power of Writing messages to Communication board e.
attorney/health care c. NONE OF ABOVE g. express or clarify needs b.
10. ADVANCED (For those items with supporting documentation in the medical American sign language
DIRECTIVES record, check all that apply) or Braille NONE OF ABOVE g.
Living will Feeding restrictions
a. f. 4. MAKING (Expressing information content—however able)
Do not resuscitate b. Medication restrictions SELF 0. UNDERSTOOD
Do not hospitalize c. 1. USUALLY UNDERSTOOD—difficulty finding words or finishing
Other treatment restrictions STOOD thoughts
Organ donation d. h.
2. SOMETIMES UNDERSTOOD—ability is limited to making concrete
Autopsy request e. NONE OF ABOVE i. requests
5. SPEECH (Code for speech in the last 7 days)
CLARITY 0. CLEAR SPEECH—distinct, intelligible words
1. UNCLEAR SPEECH—slurred, mumbled words
1. COMATOSE (Persistent vegetative state/no discernible consciousness) 2. NO SPEECH—absence of spoken words
0. No 1.Yes (If yes, skip to Section G) 6. ABILITY TO (Understanding verbal information content—however able)
2. MEMORY (Recall of what was learned or known) UNDER- 0. UNDERSTANDS
STAND 1. USUALLY UNDERSTANDS—may miss some part/intent of
a. Short-term memory OK—seems/appears to recall after 5 minutes OTHERS
0. Memory OK 1.Memory problem message
2. SOMETIMES UNDERSTANDS—responds adequately to simple,
b. Long-term memory OK—seems/appears to recall long past direct communication
0. Memory OK 1.Memory problem 3. RARELY/NEVER UNDERSTANDS
7. CHANGE IN Resident's ability to express, understand, or hear information has
COMMUNI- changed as compared to status of 90 days ago (or since last
CATION/ assessment if less than 90 days)
HEARING 0. No change 1.Improved 2.Deteriorated
= When box blank, must enter number or letter a. = When letter in box, check if condition applies MDS 2.0 September, 2000
Resident ______________________________________________________________ Numeric Identifier _______________________________________________________
1. VISION (Ability to see in adequate light and with glasses if used)
5. CHANGE IN Resident's behavior status has changed as compared to status of 90
0. ADEQUATE—sees fine detail, including regular print in BEHAVIORAL days ago (or since last assessment if less than 90 days)
newspapers/books SYMPTOMS 0. No change 1.Improved 2.Deteriorated
1. IMPAIRED—sees large print, but not regular print in newspapers/
2. MODERATEL Y IMPAIRED—limited vision; not able to see
newspaper headlines, but can identify objects SECTION F. PSYCHOSOCIAL WELL-BEING
3. HIGHLY IMPAIRED—object identification in question, but eyes 1. SENSE OF At ease interacting with others a.
appear to follow objects INITIATIVE/ At ease doing planned or structured activities b.
4. SEVERELY IMPAIRED—no vision or sees only light, colors, or INVOLVE-
shapes; eyes do not appear to follow objects MENT At easek doing self-initiated
all that apply. If allactivities
information UNKNOWN, check last box only.c.
2. VISUAL Side vision problems—decreased peripheral vision (e.g., leaves food Establishes own goals d.
LIMITATIONS/ on one side of tray, difficulty traveling, bumps into people and objects, Pursues involvement in life of facility (e.g., makes/keeps friends;
DIFFICULTIES misjudges placement of chair when seating self) a.
involved in group activities; responds positively to new activities;
assists at religious services) e.
Experiences any of following: sees halos or rings around lights; sees
flashes of light; sees "curtains" over eyes b. Accepts invitations into most group activities f.
NONE OF ABOVE c. 2. UNSETTLED Covert/open conflict with or repeated criticism of staff a.
3. VISUAL Glasses; contact lenses; magnifying glass RELATION- Unhappy with roommate b.
Unhappy with residents other than roommate c.
Openly expresses conflict/anger with family/friends d.
SECTION E. MOOD AND BEHAVIOR PATTERNS Absence of personal contact with family/friends e.
1. INDICATORS (Code for indicators observed in last 30 days, irrespective of the
assumed cause) Recent loss of close family member/friend f.
DEPRES- 0. Indicator not exhibited in last 30 days Does not adjust easily to change in routines g.
SION, 1. Indicator of this type exhibited up to five days a week NONE OF ABOVE h.
ANXIETY, 2. Indicator of this type exhibited daily or almost daily (6, 7 days a week)
3. PAST ROLES Strong identification with past roles and life status a.
SAD MOOD VERBAL EXPRESSIONS h. Repetitive health Expresses sadness/anger/empty feeling over lost roles/status
OF DISTRESS complaints—e.g., b.
persistently seeks medical Resident perceives that daily routine (customary routine, activities) is
a. Resident made negative attention, obsessive concern very different from prior pattern in the community c.
statements—e.g., "Nothing with body functions
matters;Would rather be NONE OF ABOVE d.
dead;What's the use; i. Repetitive anxious
Regrets having lived so complaints/concerns (non- SECTION G. PHYSICAL FUNCTIONING AND STRUCTURAL PROBLEMS
long; Let me die" health related) e.g.,
persistently seeks attention/ 1. (A) ADL SELF-PERFORMANCE—(Code for resident's PERFORMANCE OVER ALL
b. Repetitive questions—e.g., reassurance regarding SHIFTS during last 7 days—Not including setup)
"Where do I go;What do I schedules, meals, laundry,
do?" clothing, relationship issues 0. INDEPENDENT—No help or oversight —OR— Help/oversight provided only 1 or 2 times
during last 7 days
c. Repetitive verbalizations— SLEEP-CYCLE ISSUES
e.g., calling out for help, 1. SUPERVISION—Oversight, encouragement or cueing provided 3 or more times during
("God help me") j. Unpleasant mood in morning last7 days —OR— Supervision (3 or more times) plus physical assistance provided only
k. Insomnia/change in usual 1 or 2 times during last 7 days
d. Persistent anger with self or sleep pattern
others—e.g., easily 2. LIMITED ASSISTANCE—Resident highly involved in activity; received physical help in
annoyed, anger at SAD, APATHETIC, ANXIOUS guided maneuvering of limbs or other nonweight bearing assistance 3 or more times —
placement in nursing home; APPEARANCE OR—More help provided only 1 or 2 times during last 7 days
anger at care received
l. Sad, pained, worried facial 3. EXTENSIVE ASSISTANCE—While resident performed part of activity, over last 7-day
e. Self deprecation—e.g., "I expressions—e.g., furrowed period, help of following type(s) provided 3 or more times:
am nothing; I am of no use brows — Weight-bearing support
to anyone" — Full staff performance during part (but not all) of last 7 days
m. Crying, tearfulness
f. Expressions of what 4. TOTAL DEPENDENCE—Full staff performance of activity during entire 7 days
appear to be unrealistic n. Repetitive physical
movements—e.g., pacing, 8. ACTIVITY DID NOT OCCUR during entire 7 days
fears—e.g., fear of being
abandoned, left alone, hand wringing, restlessness, (B) ADL SUPPORT PROVIDED—(Code for MOST SUPPORT PROVIDED
fidgeting, picking (A) (B)
being with others OVER ALL SHIFTS during last 7 days; code regardless of resident's self-
performance classification)
g. Recurrent statements that
something terrible is about o. Withdrawal from activities of 0.No setup or physical help from staff
to happen—e.g., believes interest—e.g., no interest in 1.Setup help only
he or she is about to die, long standing activities or 2.One person physical assist 8. ADL activity itself did not
have a heart attack being with family/friends 3.Two+ persons physical assist occur during entire 7 days
p. Reduced social interaction a. BED How resident moves to and from lying position, turns side to side,
MOBILITY and positions body while in bed
2. MOOD One or more indicators of depressed, sad or anxious mood were
PERSIS- not easily altered by attempts to "cheer up", console, or reassure b. TRANSFER How resident moves between surfaces—to/from: bed, chair,
TENCE the resident over last 7 days wheelchair, standing position (EXCLUDE to/from bath/toilet)
0. No mood 1. Indicators present, 2. Indicators present,
indicators easily altered not easily altered c. WALK IN How resident walks between locations in his/her room
3. CHANGE Resident's mood status has changed as compared to status of 90 WALK IN
days ago (or since last assessment if less than 90 days) d. How resident walks in corridor on unit
0. No change 1.Improved 2.Deteriorated
e. LOCOMO- How resident moves between locations in his/her room and
4. BEHAVIORAL (A) Behavioral symptom frequency in last 7 days TION adjacent corridor on same floor. If in wheelchair, self-sufficiency
SYMPTOMS 0. Behavior not exhibited in last 7 days ON UNIT once in chair
1. Behavior of this type occurred 1 to 3 days in last 7 days
2. Behavior of this type occurred 4 to 6 days, but less than daily f. LOCOMO- How resident moves to and returns from off unit locations (e.g.,
3. Behavior of this type occurred daily TION areas set aside for dining, activities, or treatments). If facility has
OFF UNITonly one floor, how resident moves to and from distant areas on
(B) Behavioral symptom alterability in last 7 days the floor. If in wheelchair, self-sufficiency once in chair
0. Behavior not present OR behavior was easily altered
1. Behavior was not easily altered (A) (B) g. DRESSING How resident puts on, fastens, and takes off all items of street
clothing, including donning/removing prosthesis
a. WANDERING (moved with no rational purpose, seemingly
oblivious to needs or safety) h. EATING How resident eats and drinks (regardless of skill). Includes intake of
nourishment by other means (e.g., tube feeding, total parenteral
were threatened, screamed at, cursed at)
i. TOILET USE How resident uses the toilet room (or commode, bedpan, urinal);
c. PHYSICALLY ABUSIVE BEHAVIORAL SYMPTOMS (others transfer on/off toilet, cleanses, changes pad, manages ostomy or
were hit, shoved, scratched, sexually abused) catheter, adjusts clothes
d. SOCIALLY INAPPROPRIATE/DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIORAL j. PERSONAL How resident maintains personal hygiene, including combing hair,
SYMPTOMS (made disruptive sounds, noisiness, screaming, HYGIENE brushing teeth, shaving, applying makeup, washing/drying face,
self-abusive acts, sexual behavior or disrobing in public, hands, and perineum (EXCLUDE baths and showers)
smeared/threw food/feces, hoarding, rummaged through others'
e. RESISTS CARE (resisted taking medications/ injections, ADL
assistance, or eating)
MDS 2.0 September, 2000
Resident Numeric Identifier _______________________________________________________
2. BATHING How resident takes full-body bath/shower, sponge bath, and 3. APPLIANCES Any scheduled toileting plan a. Did not use toilet room/
transfers in/out of tub/shower (EXCLUDE washing of back and hair.) AND commode/urinal f.
Code for most dependent in self-performance and support.
(A) (B) PROGRAMS Bladder retraining program g.
(A) BATHING SELF-PERFORMANCE codes appear below b. Pads/briefs used
External (condom) catheter Enemas/irrigation h.
0. Independent—No help provided c.
Resident ______________________________________________________________ Numeric Identifier _______________________________________________________
2. PAIN (Code the highest level of pain present in the last 7 days)
at Stage
1. ULCERS (Record the number of ulcers at each ulcer stage—regardless of
SYMPTOMS cause. If none present at a stage, record "0" (zero). Code all that apply
a. FREQUENCY with which b. INTENSITY of pain
resident complains or (Due to any during last 7 days. Code 9 = 9 or more.) [Requires full body exam.]
1. Mild pain cause)
shows evidence of pain
2. Moderate pain a. Stage 1. A persistent area of skin redness (without a break in the
0. No pain (skip to J4) skin) that does not disappear when pressure is relieved.
3. Times when pain is
1. Pain less than daily horrible or excruciating b. Stage 2. A partial thickness loss of skin layers that presents
2. Pain daily clinically as an abrasion, blister, or shallow crater.
3. PAIN SITE (If pain present, check all sites that apply in last 7 days) c. Stage 3. A full thickness
12 of skin is lost, exposing the subcutaneous
Back pain a. Incisional pain f. tissues - presents as a deep crater with or without
undermining adjacent tissue.
Bone pain b. Joint pain (other than hip) g.
Chest pain while doing usual d. Stage 4. A full thickness of skin and subcutaneous
12 tissue is lost,
Soft tissue pain (e.g., lesion, exposing muscle or bone.
activities c. muscle) h.
2. TYPE OF (For each type of ulcer, code for the highest stage in the last 7 days
Headache d. Stomach pain i. using scale in item M1—i.e., 0=none; stages 1, 2, 3, 4)
Hip pain e. Other j.
a. Pressure ulcer—any lesion caused by pressure resulting in damage
4. ACCIDENTS (Check all that apply) of underlying tissue
Fell in past 30 days Hip fracture in last 180 days
a. c. b. Stasis ulcer—open lesion caused by poor circulation in the lower
Fell in past 31-180 days b. Other fracture in last 180 days d. extremities
NONE OF ABOVE e. 3. HISTORY OF Resident had an ulcer that was resolved or cured in LAST 90 DAYS
5. STABILITY Conditions/diseases make resident's cognitive, ADL, mood or behavior RESOLVED
OF patterns unstable—(fluctuating, precarious, or deteriorating) a. ULCERS 0. No 1.Yes
CONDITIONS 4. OTHER SKIN (Check all that apply during last 7 days)
Resident experiencing an acute episode or a flare-up of a recurrent or
b. PROBLEMS Abrasions, bruises
chronic problem a.
End-stage disease, 6 or fewer months to live c. PRESENT Burns (second or third degree) b.
NONE OF ABOVE d. Open lesions other than ulcers, rashes, cuts (e.g., cancer lesions) c.
Rashes—e.g., intertrigo, eczema, drug rash, heat rash, herpes zoster d.
Skin desensitized to pain or pressure e.
SECTION K. ORAL/NUTRITIONAL STATUS Skin tears or cuts (other than surgery) f.
1. ORAL Chewing problem a.
Surgical wounds g.
PROBLEMS Swallowing problem b.
Mouth pain c.
5. SKIN (Check all that apply during last 7 days)
NONE OF ABOVE d. TREAT- Pressure relieving device(s) for chair a.
2. HEIGHT Record (a.) height in inches and (b.) weight in pounds.Base weight on most MENTS
Pressure relieving device(s) for bed
AND recent measure in last 30 days; measure weight consistently in accord with b.
WEIGHT standard facility practice—e.g., in a.m.after voiding, before meal, with shoes Turning/repositioning program c.
off, and in nightclothes Nutrition or hydration intervention to manage skin problems d.
a. HT (in.) b. WT (lb.) Ulcer care e.
3. WEIGHT a.Weight loss—5 % or more in last 30 days; or 10 % or more in last Surgical wound care
180 days f.
0. No 1.Yes Application of dressings (with or without topical medications) other than
to feet g.
b.Weight gain—5 % or more in last 30 days; or 10 % or more in last
180 days Application of ointments/medications (other than to feet) h.
0. No 1.Yes Other preventative or protective skin care (other than to feet) i.
4. NUTRI- Complains about the taste of Leaves 25% or more of food NONE OF ABOVE j.
TIONAL many foods a. uneaten at most meals c. 6. FOOT (Check all that apply during last 7 days)
PROBLEMS PROBLEMS Resident has one or more foot problems—e.g., corns, callouses,
Regular or repetitive NONE OF ABOVE
complaints of hunger b. d.
AND CARE bunions, hammer toes, overlapping toes, pain, structural problems
5. NUTRI- (Check all that apply in last 7 days) Infection of the foot—e.g., cellulitis, purulent drainage b.
TIONAL Parenteral/IV Dietary supplement between Open lesions on the foot
a. c.
ES Feeding tube f. Nails/calluses trimmed during last 90 days
b. d.
Mechanically altered diet Plate guard, stabilized built-up Received preventative or protective foot care (e.g., used special shoes,
c. utensil, etc. inserts, pads, toe separators) e.
Syringe (oral feeding) d. On a planned weight change Application of dressings (with or without topical medications) f.
Therapeutic diet program h. NONE OF ABOVE
e. g.
6. PARENTERAL (Skip to Section L if neither 5a nor 5b is checked)
OR ENTERAL a. Code the proportion of total calories the resident received through SECTION N. ACTIVITY PURSUIT PATTERNS
INTAKE parenteral or tube feedings in the last 7 days 1. TIME (Check appropriate time periods over last 7 days)
0. None 3. 51% to 75% AWAKE Resident awake all or most of time (i.e., naps no more than one hour
1. 1% to 25% 4. 76% to 100% per time period) in the:
Evening c.
2. 26% to 50% Morning a.
Afternoon b. NONE OF ABOVE d.
b. Code the average fluid intake per day by IV or tube in last 7 days
0. None 3. 1001 to 1500 cc/day (If resident is comatose, skip to Section O)
1. 1 to 500 cc/day 4. 1501 to 2000 cc/day 2. (When awake and not receiving treatments or ADL care)
2. 501 to 1000 cc/day 5. 2001 or more cc/day AVERAGE
INVOLVED IN 0. Most—more than 2/3 of time 2. Little—less than 1/3 of time
ACTIVITIES 1. Some—from 1/3 to 2/3 of time 3. None
SECTION L. ORAL/DENTAL STATUS 3. PREFERRED (Check all settings in which activities are preferred)
1. ORAL Debris (soft, easily movable substances) present in mouth prior to ACTIVITY Own room a.
STATUS AND going to bed at night a. SETTINGS Day/activity room Outside facility d.
DISEASE Has dentures or removable bridge
PREVENTION b. Inside NH/off unit c. NONE OF ABOVE e.
Some/all natural teeth lost—does not have or does not use dentures 4. GENERAL (Check all PREFERENCES whether or not activity is currently
(or partial plates) c. ACTIVITY available to resident) Trips/shopping g.
PREFER- Cards/other games a.
Broken, loose, or carious teeth d. ENCES Walking/wheeling outdoors
Crafts/arts h.
(adapted to b.
Inflamed gums (gingiva);swollen or bleeding gums; oral abcesses; Watching TV i.
ulcers or rashes e. resident's Exercise/sports c.
current Music d.
Gardening or plants j.
Daily cleaning of teeth/dentures or daily mouth care—by resident or f. abilities)
staff Reading/writing e.
Talking or conversing k.
NONE OF ABOVE g. Spiritual/religious Helping others l.
activities f. NONE OF ABOVE m.
MDS 2.0 September, 2000
5. PREFERS Code for resident preferences in daily routines 4. DEVICES (Use the following codes for last 7 days:)
CHANGE IN 0. No change 1. Slight change 2. Major change AND 0. Not used
DAILY a. Type of activities in which resident is currently involved RESTRAINTS 1. Used less than daily
ROUTINE 2. Used daily
b. Extent of resident involvement in activities Bed rails
a. — Full bed rails on all open sides of bed
b. — Other types of side rails used (e.g., half rail, one side)
1. NUMBER OF (Record the number of different medications used in the last 7 days;
MEDICA- enter "0" if none used) c.Trunk restraint
TIONS d. Limb restraint
2. NEW (Resident currently receiving medications that were initiated during the e. Chair prevents rising
MEDICA- last 90 days) 5. HOSPITAL Record number of times resident was admitted to hospital with an
TIONS 0. No 1.Yes STAY(S) overnight stay in last 90 days (or since last assessment if less than 90
3. INJECTIONS Record the number of DAYS injections of any type received during
( days). (Enter 0 if no hospital admissions)
the last 7 days; enter "0" if none used) 6. EMERGENCY Record number of times resident visited ER without an overnight stay
4. DAYS (Record the number of DAYS during last 7 days; enter "0" if not ROOM (ER) in last 90 days (or since last assessment if less than 90 days).
RECEIVED used.Note—enter "1" for long-acting meds used less than weekly) VISIT(S) (Enter 0 if no ER visits)
THE a. Antipsychotic 7. PHYSICIAN In the LAST 14 DAYS (or since admission if less than 14 days in
FOLLOWING d. Hypnotic
VISITS facility) how many days has the physician (or authorized assistant or
MEDICATION b. Antianxiety practitioner) examined the resident? (Enter 0 if none)
e. Diuretic
c. Antidepressant
8. PHYSICIAN In the LAST 14 DAYS (or since admission if less than 14 days in
ORDERS facility) how many days has the physician (or authorized assistant or
SECTION P. SPECIALTREATMENTS AND PROCEDURES practitioner) changed the resident's orders? Do not include order
renewals without change. (Enter 0 if none)
1. SPECIAL a. SPECIAL CARE—Check treatments or programs received during
TREAT- the last 14 days 9. ABNORMAL Has the resident had any abnormal lab values during the last 90 days
MENTS, LAB VALUES (or since admission)?
PROCE- TREATMENTS Ventilator or respirator
DURES, AND l. 0. No 1.Yes
IV medication c.
program m.
1. DISCHARGE a. Resident expresses/indicates preference to return to the community
Intake/output d. Alzheimer's/dementia special POTENTIAL
care unit n. 0. No 1.Yes
Monitoring acute medical
condition e. Hospice care o. b. Resident has a support person who is positive towards discharge
Pediatric unit p.
Ostomy care f. 0. No 1.Yes
Respite care q.
Oxygen therapy g. c. Stay projected to be of a short duration— discharge projected within
Training in skills required to 90 days (do not include expected discharge due to death)
Radiation h. return to the community (e.g., 0. No 2.Within 31-90 days
Suctioning i. taking medications, house r. 1.Within 30 days 3. Discharge status uncertain
work, shopping, transportation,
Tracheostomy care j. ADLs) 2. OVERALL Resident's overall self sufficiency has changed significantly as
CHANGE IN compared to status of 90 days ago (or since last assessment if less
Transfusions k. NONE OF ABOVE s. CARE NEEDS than 90 days)
0. No change 1. Improved—receives fewer 2. Deteriorated—receives
b.THERAPIES - Record the number of days and total minutes each of the supports, needs less more support
following therapies was administered (for at least 15 minutes a day) in restrictive level of care
the last 7 calendar days (Enter 0 if none or less than 15 min. daily)
[Note—count only post admission therapies]
(A) = # of days administered for 15 minutes or more DAYS MIN
(B) = total # of minutes provided in last 7 days (A) (B)
1. PARTICIPA- a. Resident: 0. No 1.Yes
a. Speech - language pathology and audiology services TION IN b. Family: 0. No 1.Yes 2. No family
b. Occupational therapy ASSESS-
MENT c. Significant other: 0. No 1.Yes 2. None
d. Respiratory therapy
e. Psychological therapy (by any licensed mental a. Signature of RN Assessment Coordinator (sign on above line)
health professional) b. Date RN Assessment Coordinator
2. INTERVEN- (Check all interventions or strategies used in last 7 days—no signed as complete
TION matter where received) Month Day Year
PROGRAMS Special behavior symptom evaluation program
BEHAVIOR, Evaluation by a licensed mental health specialist in last 90 days
Group therapy
Resident-specific deliberate changes in the environment to address
mood/behavior patterns—e.g., providing bureau in which to rummage d.
Reorientation—e.g., cueing e.
3. NURSING Record the NUMBER OF DAYS each of the following rehabilitation or
REHABILITA- restorative techniques or practices was provided to the resident for
TION/ more than or equal to 15 minutes per day in the last 7 days
RESTOR- (Enter 0 if none or less than 15 min. daily.)
ATIVE CARE a. Range of motion (passive) f. Walking
b. Range of motion (active) g. Dressing or grooming
c. Splint or brace assistance
h. Eating or swallowing
PRACTICE IN: i. Amputation/prosthesis care
d. Bed mobility j. Communication
e. Transfer k. Other
Eѣіёђћѐђ-BюѠђё Pџюѐѡіѐђ
Title of Study: The Minimum Data Set Depression Quality Indicator: Does
It Reflect Differences in Care Processes?
Authors: Simmons, S., Cadogan, M., Cabrera, G., Al-Samarrai, N., Jorge,
J., Levy-Storms, L., Osterweil, D., Schnelle, J.
Purpose: To determine whether those nursing homes that score differ-
ently on prevalence of depression (according to the minimum data set
[MDS] quality indicator), also provide different care for the depressed
Methods: A cross-sectional study of 396 long-term residents in 14 skilled
nursing homes. Of those care facilities, 10 were in the lower quartile
and 4 in the upper quartile on the MDS depression quality indica-
tor. By the use of resident interviews, direct observation, and medical
records reviews, measurement of depressive symptoms were assessed.
The staff was assessed relating to their care process, by trained
Findings: The prevalence noted by independent assessments was signifi-
cantly higher than prevalence based on the MDS quality indicator and
comparable between those homes reporting low versus high rates of
depression (46% and 41%, respectively).
Implications: The MDS quality indicator underestimates the prevalence of
depression, particularly in those homes reporting low or nonexistent
rates. Nursing homes need to enhance staff recognition of depressive
symptoms. Those nursing homes that report low prevalence of depres-
sion should not be accredited for providing better care.
The Gerontologist, Vol. 44, No. 4, 554–564.
In addition, a decrease in the smell, vision, and taste senses and the high
frequency of dental problems makes it difficult for the older adult to main-
tain adequate daily nutrition. Lifelong eating habits, such as a diet high
in fat and cholesterol, are other obstacles to maintaining optimal nutri-
tion. The diminishing senses of taste and smell result in less desire to eat
and may lead to malnutrition. Diminishing taste is also accompanied by
a decline in salivary flow that accompanies aging. Chronic illness, depres-
sion, loneliness, isolation, limited funds to purchase food, and not know-
ing healthy food choices are also significant factors in malnutrition among
older adults. Once the nurse identifies the nutritional concerns and risk
factors, it is necessary to plan care surrounding nutrition in the older adult.
Eliminating risk factors for malnutrition and appropriate meal planning
are essential nursing interventions. Encouraging family to bring the older
adult food that they enjoy or coordinating home-delivered meals may be
helpful in promoting nutrition. Dietary supplements may also be essential
in providing needed nutrition among chronically ill older adults.
Once pressure ulcers have developed, daily care with recommended
products is implemented according to wound stage. Stage one ulcers are
usually massaged around the area of the wound and reassessed daily. Stage
two ulcers are generally treated with occlusive dressings and reevaluated
at regular intervals. Normal saline dressings are the treatment strategy
for stage three and four ulcerations. As nutrition is necessary for decu-
bitus ulcer prevention, it is also needed to heal a decubitus ulcer once it
forms. Nutritional management in conjunction with effective wound care
is integral to healing pressure ulcers.
may be provided by an outside home care agency. The average monthly cost
of ALFs is $1,873 per person (National Center for Assisted Living, 1998).
Currently, the National Center for Assisted Living (1998) estimates
that there are more than 32,886 assisted-living residences in the United
States, providing housing to approximately 789,000 people. The average
annual income of ALF residents is $28,000, with financial resources of
approximately $192,000 (Marosy, 1997). The average age of residents in
ALFs in 2000 was 80 years with a range of 66 to 94 years. The services
offered at ALFs vary, but there is 24-hour supervision, three meals a day
plus snacks provided in a dining room setting, and a range of personal,
health care, and recreational services. These services may be included in
the monthly rate, or they may be offered at additional costs.
Advertisements for ALFs featuring attractive facilities and health
care have greatly influenced their successful occupancy in the past
decade. However, the health care and nursing services available at ALFs
vary widely throughout the country. Wallace (2003) reports that some
facilities have adequate 24-hour coverage, while others do not have reg-
istered nurses on site. Furthermore, the disparity in state regulations has
led to varied interpretations of what an ALF is and can do and the role
of nurses within these facilities. Older adults and their families should
research extensively the services within these facilities prior to selling
their homes and relocating.
Mrs. Hobson is an 89-year-old woman who has lived in her house for the
past 60 years. Her husband passed away 25 years ago, and she relies on her
two sons and daughter for groceries and transportation to health appoint-
ments. She is independent in all her activities of daily living. She lives in an
inner city area that has deteriorated greatly over her time there. Last night,
Mrs. Hobson’s home was burglarized. Mrs. Hobson startled the burglar,
and she was hit in the head with the crowbar used to break the window and
enter the house. She was treated in the emergency room and sent home.
1. What challenge does living on her own provide for Mrs. Hobson?
2. What other housing alternatives might Mrs. Hobson consider?
3. If Mrs. Hobson were to move to a more supportive environment,
what effects might she experience during this transition?
4. If Mrs. Hobson were to stay in her own home, what interventions
could be implemented to make her safer and enable her to function
at the highest possible degree of independence?
from substantial physical and mental illness, as well as alcohol and drug
abuse. This places older adults at high risk for increased morbidity and
mortality, including decreased bone density, increased risk of hip fracture
from falls, and increased motor vehicle accidents (Felson, Kiel, Ander-
son, & Kamel, 1988). It is important for nurses to consider the projected
increase in homelessness among older adults and focus research attention
at meeting the health needs of this challenging population.
End-of-Life Care
Learning Objectives
1. Identify the role of nurses in promoting the use of advance
directives among clients.
2. Discuss legal resources for end-of-life planning.
3. Describe assessment parameters important in palliative care.
4. Describe the nurse’s role in supporting a multidisciplinary team
approach to palliative and end-of-life care.
5. Identify the rationale for the team approach to care manage-
6. Identify physical, social, psychological, and spiritual needs and
nursing interventions at the end of life.
7. Provide care to enhance the grieving process of families.
8. Discuss challenges to widows and widowers.
9. Discuss the role of hospice in a “good death.”
The story of Ms. Wallace is typical of today’s older adult. In this society,
there remains a marked difference between the way people want to die
and the way they actually do. If asked to envision perfect death, most
people would likely exclude the words “hospital,” “tubes,” “medica-
tion,” and “pain.” Yet, many older adults die in hospitals, with breath-
ing and feeding tubes, urinary catheters, and, unfortunately, much pain.
The goal of palliative care is to allow older adults to die in a manner that
they would consider a “good death.” The World Health Organization
(2005) defines palliative care as “the active total care of patients whose
disease is not responsive to curative treatment. Control of pain, other
symptoms, and psychological, social, and spiritual problems is para-
mount.” This definition clearly underscores the multidimensional nature
of end-of-life care with biological, psychological, social, and spiritual
End-of-life care has recently undergone a great deal of research, and
the nursing role at the end of life is becoming better articulated. As one
approaches the end of life, they may explore the meaning of life and ques-
tion the possibility of an afterlife. There are many aspects to end-of-life
care, including communication, physical care, spiritual care, emotional
and psychological care, as well as working with the family in promoting
effective grieving.
required that older adults make these decisions (and many do not), it is
required that hospitals provide clients with the option to do so. The use of
verbal statements, living wills, and durable powers of attorney are all con-
sidered legitimate advance directives for future health care treatment deci-
sions (Hogstel, 2001). An important Web site that may be helpful to older
adults and health care providers in developing these statements is Aging
With Dignity and may be accessed at
At the end of life, great care must be paid to the client’s nutrition and
hydration to maintain comfort, and the ethical issues related to main-
taining nutrition and hydration have received a lot of attention. In some
cases, nutrition and hydration through nasogastric or gastric tubes pro-
vides the only life-sustaining measure in the older adult’s life. Ethical
issues surrounding the decision to remove these life-sustaining issues are
prevalent. Families’ decisions about continuing, or removing these life-
sustaining treatments often conflict with health care providers. In these
cases, it is most appropriate to determine the client’s wishes. Moreover,
cultural values influence the decision to sustain or withhold nutrition and
hydration at the end of life. Caralis, Davis, Wright, and Marcial (1993)
found that Whites were more likely to withhold nutrition and hydration
Eѣiёђћѐђ-BюѠђё Pџюѐѡiѐђ
CѢљѡѢџюљ FќѐѢѠ
at the end of life than were other cultural groups. This process is greatly
aided by the use of advance directives. In the absence of advance direc-
tives, ethical decision-making frameworks (Chapter 10) can be helpful in
guiding decision making regarding these issues.
Verbal statements regarding potential health care problems and pos-
sible treatment decisions may be made by older adults to health care
providers and trusted friends and family. These verbal comments indicate
a thoughtful approach to decisions that are consistent with ethical princi-
ples and with the older adult’s past decisions. They may be used to make
health care decisions when the older adult is no longer able to do so. If
these statements are spoken to health care providers, documenting them
in the patient record provides the best evidence of the patient’s wishes.
Another way in which older adults may make their desires for care
known in the event they are unable to make decision for themselves
is through living wills. Hogstel (2001, p. 553) defines living wills as
documents that provide a written statement about preferences for life-
sustaining treatment. Because the living will is a written form generally
filed with the older adult’s medical record, its usefulness is dependent
upon the health care providers to implement the older adult’s wishes
(Hogstel, 2001).
A durable power of attorney for health care or medical power of attor-
ney has power extended to making health care decisions in the event that
decision-making capacity of the older adult is impaired. Similar to a power
of attorney for financial decisions, the older adult designates a trusted per-
son to make health care decisions for them. The agent in this case may
receive diagnostic information, analyze potential treatment options, act as
an advocate for the client, and give consent to, or refusal of, care. This is a
legal advance directive that offers greater flexibility than a living will. The
document is not limited to life-sustaining measures but may apply to nurs-
ing home placement, surgery, or other forms of nonemergency treatment.
One of the great barriers to implementing a durable power of attorney
is finding someone to function as a substitute decision maker since older
adults may have outlived their significant others (Hogstel, 2001). In this
case, they may petition or hire a court-appointed power of attorney in
End-of-Life Care 283
There are many options that may be useful in planning for future financial
needs of older adulthood. Some of the options have limitations. For exam-
ple, a trust is limited to those who have significant financial assets. Trusts
allow the older adult to maintain maximum control of financial assets while
transferring the management of funds in a specified manner to an identified
party, such as a bank or financial planner. A trust designates beneficiaries,
individuals who will be in receipt of financial assets in the manner in which
the older adult specifies (Hogstel, 2001). Another financial option is a joint
tenancy, which is limited to those who have a trusted friend or family mem-
ber. By opening an account or purchasing a property with another person,
the older adult gives the trusted family member or friend unlimited access to
the property or account. While both of these options have limitations, they
are extremely helpful for many older adults who have or anticipate having
the need for assistance with financial affairs. A will is a written document
that gives instructions for the distribution of property, savings, and assets
upon the death of the older adult. These are important documents to help
the older adults determine the disposition of their assets upon death.
Regardless of the amount of financial assets, it is important for older adults
to consider designating power of attorney to a trusted relative or friend, in the
event that the older adult anticipates altered decision-making capacity. This situa-
tion may arise if the older adult were to experience a medical or surgical illness or
procedure and needed to make sure financial needs and obligations would be met
during that time. In this case, the power of attorney can manage the older adult’s
financial affairs, including filing taxes, paying bills, and banking during the older
adult’s recovery from a medical illness. When the older adult’s decision-making
capacity remains impaired, the designated individual manages the financial affairs
for the duration of the older adult’s life. This later case is known as a durable power
or attorney. Delegation of power of attorney can be very specific and provide lim-
ited instructions such as “pay bills for two months” or more general, providing the
agent with the power to manage all financial and personal matters.
Nurses care for clients at the end of life in multiple care settings. There
are many aspects to end-of-life nursing care including communication,
physical care, spiritual care, emotional and psychological care, as well as
Physical Dimension
The physical dimension of end-of-life care for older adults focuses on ensur-
ing that patients are pain-free while meeting other needs. This is not a time
for nurses to be influenced by myths that underlie the undertreatment of
pain in older adults (see Chapter 10). Clients must be assessed regularly for
the presence of pain. This can be accomplished with a standardized pain
assessment tool. Pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions
must then be implemented on a regular schedule (not PRN) to ensure a
pain-free death. No older adult should ever die in pain. The physical dimen-
sion also focuses on the older adults’ declining functional ability. The ability
to perform ADLs should be assessed daily using a standardized functional
assessment tool (see Chapter 4). While the older adult should be encouraged
to maintain independence as long as possible, assistance may be needed
when the older adult is no longer able to complete ADLs independently.
Other physical symptoms common at the end of life include dyspnea, cough,
anorexia, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue. These phys-
End-of-Life Care 287
Adapted from Matzo, M. L., & Sherman, D. W. (Eds.). (2001). Palliative care nursing.
New York: Springer Publishing Company.
ical symptoms are summarized in Table 12.3 along with nursing interven-
tions to reduce symptoms and their impact on quality of life.
Psychological Dimension
In psychological terms, the older adult’s success in meeting the develop-
mental tasks of aging must be assessed. While end of life is often difficult,
this time also provides an opportunity to complete important develop-
mental tasks of aging. The psychological dimension focuses on how the
older adult feels about their self and their relationships with others. Are
there unresolved personal issues? Are there unfinished tasks that still need
to be completed so that the older adult feels that responsibilities have been
met? Discussing some of these issues with older adults who are approach-
ing the end of life will help to identify uncompleted tasks. While it may
appear to be too late, some older adults have completed academic degrees,
contacted estranged family members, and even have been married on their
death beds. The nurse may be the one to make the phone call or mediate
the discussion between two people who have not spoken in years. Nurses
can play an important role in helping older adults to complete these devel-
opmental tasks and experience a good rather than a bad death.
In addition to the developmental task of aging, the psychological expe-
rience of dying must be considered. End of life often involves the devel-
opment of depression, anxiety, confusion, agitation, and delirium. These
symptoms and suggested nursing interventions are described in Table 12.4.
Social Dimension
In the social dimension, it is important to identify the roles that older
adults have occupied and whether or not they have disengaged from
these roles. With the rising numbers of older adults caring for grandchil-
dren, the aging grandmother may be concerned about who will care for
her grandchildren when she passes away. Older adults may be employed
and worry about how their job responsibilities will be met upon their
death. They may also be caregivers to ill or cognitively impaired spouses
or siblings; the loved one’s future care is likely to be a concern.
Spiritual Dimension
The spiritual dimension allows the older adult to transcend from this life
into another existence. If the older adult has explored the meaning of their
life and has an expectation of an afterlife, death may be peaceful. How-
ever, older adults often continue to struggle with the meaning of life even
at the end. As discussed in Chapter 10, spiritual assessment and coun-
End-of-Life Care 289
Mr. Casey, age 79, was admitted to the medical surgical unit for testing
because of vague abdominal discomfort. He was admitted during your
shift and was pleasant and respectful during the admission interview. He
stated that he was a devout Catholic and attended church every Sunday. He
also stated that he was sure the tests would show nothing, and he thought
his physician was overreacting by admitting him to the hospital. However,
over the course of several days, it was determined that Mr. Casey had end-
stage abdominal cancer. Because he lived alone, he and his only relative, a
sister, determined that he should remain in the hospital for the rest of his
short life. He was only expected to live for a few more weeks.
1. What questions might be appropriate to ask Mr. Casey to determine
the role of spirituality in his life and death?
2. What interventions might the nurse use to facilitate Mr. Casey’s spir-
ituality in the hospital environment?
3. Beyond spirituality, what other dimensions should be considered in
planning care for Mr. Casey? Provide examples of open-ended ques-
tions that could be asked to facilitate each dimension.
4. Beyond the patient and family, what other health care providers may
the nurses communicate with in order to facilitate the best possible
end-of-life care for Mr. Casey?
seling are integral to the promotion of peaceful death. The nurse must
explore spiritual concerns with the older adult in a respectful manner.
Several steps are necessary to help older adults achieve “good deaths.”
One of the hallmarks of palliative care is communication between care-
givers, families, and patients. Nurses can be instrumental in bringing
together interdisciplinary teams to plan care for dying older adults and
assess effectiveness in meeting multidimensional palliative care needs.
This team approach provides clients comfort and the reassurance that
they will not be abandoned. Nurses are responsible for consistently eval-
uating the needs of dying patients and calling the team together if those
needs are not met. It is important that both the client and family are
encouraged to participate in care planning and evaluation.
Nurses communicate with the physician, who plays an important
role in effective symptom management. Consequently, regular pain
assessments and responses to treatment will be communicated to the
physician who can adjust medications to keep the client free of pain.
In addition, communication with physical and occupational therapists
End-of-Life Care 291
Nurses’ work with older adults at the end of life does not end when the
older client passes away. Nurses are responsible for helping the family
through the grieving process. Grieving begins before the older adult dies
and proceeds differently for each family. Kubler-Ross (1964) describes
several stages of grieving that must be experienced for successful resolu-
tion of the loss. These stages include denial, anger, bargaining, accep-
tance, and grieving. Progression through these stages is unpredictable,
but necessary. Families who have lost an older relative never just “get
over it.”
A grief assessment helps to determine the type of grief, a family’s
reactions, the stages and tasks to be completed, and additional factors
influencing the grief process. Once the nurse gathers information on the
family’s grief, an active listening approach assists with resolution. Utiliz-
ing principles of therapeutic communication, nurses identify problems
with the grieving process and allow the family to talk through their situ-
ation, sharing experiences is appropriate so that the family knows they
are not alone. Nurses may identify support systems, such as bereavement
specialists and support groups, and they should encourage the family to
conduct activities and attend rituals surrounding the older adult’s death,
even when this may be difficult, because these ceremonies put closure to
the older adult’s life. It is important to note that grief work is never com-
pletely finished, but the pain becomes less over time.
It is well understood that the life expectancy of women is longer than that
of men. Moreover, societal trends have revealed that on average, women
marry older men. These two factors often combine to produce a substan-
tial number of older widows. The Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-
Related Statistics (2004) reports that women are three times more likely
to be widowed than men. There remains a paucity of research on the
experience of widowhood. The research literature that is available focuses
on the health effects of widowhood, with bleak outcomes. This literature
Hospice care at the end of life is an extremely valuable, yet underused, resource.
Approximately 620,000 clients had hospice services in the United States in
2000. Although hospices have provided end-of-life and palliative care for indi-
viduals in the United States for over 20 years, it is a highly underutilized service
(Hogstel, 2001). One-third of all hospice patients received hospice care for less
than 7 weeks, illustrating the lack of use of this beneficial service.The majority
of hospice patients were 65 years of age or older (Hoffman, 2005).
Eѣidence-Based Practice
Cultural Focus
The experience of dying differs for each older adult and is bound by both
cultural and spiritual values and beliefs. In order to provide high quality
hospice care, nurses must understand the individual values of the dying
person and work toward meeting personal goals and needs.
Caralis, P. V., Davis, B., Wright, K., & Marcial, E. (1993). The influence of ethnicity
and race on attitudes towards advance directives, life prolonging treatments, and
euthanasia. Journal of Clinical Ethics, 4, 155–165.
Dupre, M. E., & Meadows, S. O. (2007), Role strain and ease in decision making to with-
draw or withhold life support for elderly relatives. Journal of Family Issues, 28(5),
Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics. (2004). Older Americans 2004:
Key indicators of well-being. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Hogstel, M. O. (2001). Gerontology: Nursing Care of the older adult. Albany, NY: Delmar
Thomson Learning.
Kubler-Ross, E. (1964). On death and dying. New York: Macmillan.
Hoffman, R. L. (2005). The evolution of hospice in America: Nursing’s role in the move-
ment. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 31(7), 26–35.
Norton, S. A., & Talerico, K. A. (2000). Facilitating end-of-life decision-making: Strategies
for communicating and assessing. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 26(9), 6–13.
Sherman, D. W. (2001). Spirituality and culturally competent palliative care. In M. L.
Matzo & D. Sherman (Eds.), Palliative care nursing (pp. 3–47). New York: Springer
Publishing Company.
World Health Organization. (2005). Definition of palliative care. Retrieved June 6, 2005,
Future Trends
and Needs
Learning Objectives
1. Project future demographics of older adulthood.
2. Discuss changes in the health care delivery system necessary to
respond to an increased population of older adults.
3. Identify anticipated developments in normal, pathological, physi-
cal, and cognitive aging changes over the next century.
4. State the role of health promotion in increasing the population
of older adults.
5. Discuss projected developments in geriatric assessment over the
next century.
6. Report on advances in the development of environments of care
for older adulthood.
7. Discuss future methods in which nurses may assist clients to have
a “good death.”
The science of geriatric nursing has grown exponentially over the past
several decades, and it continues to expand today. Geriatric nurse sci-
entists have dedicated their research and careers to investigating how to
assess, prevent, and manage the common and pathological changes of
aging. As a result, the lifespan and quality of life for older adults have
become better. Throughout this book, the current available research on
the care of older adults has been presented. In this chapter, however, the
future of the science of geriatric nursing will be envisioned. This vision is
supported by the funding priorities of Table 13.1.
This chapter presents an exciting opportunity in which to visual-
ize how and what older adulthood will be in the future. The increasing
lifespan of older adults means that older adults will become the majority
of the population. This, in turn, will produce changing roles and envi-
ronments and necessary alterations in the health care delivery system. As
nurses increase their understanding of normal and pathological changes
of aging, nurse researchers and scientists will discover new ways to pre-
vent these changes through advanced assessment, health promotion,
medication, and various medical and surgical procedures. It is hoped that
the reader will savor these exciting advances in the care of older adults
and decide that they would like to participate in the care of this unprec-
edented number of older adults.
Believe it or not, by the year 2050, there will be more older adults than
children aged 0 to 14. Stop and think about that for a minute. Think of
the number of children running around on the beach during your sum-
mer vacation, or crying in the stores while you try to shop; and then
think to yourself that next to every child will be at least one older adult.
But don’t stop your vision yet! In your head, you likely have a picture of
a gray-haired, slightly sickly, and unfit elderly person or couple standing
TABLE 13.1 Research Priorities of the National Institute of Aging
PA Number Institute Date Open Date Closed Grant Type Sponsors
the Neurosciences
PA-05-036 NIA 12/29/2004 11/02/2007 P01, R01, Retirement Economics
R03, R21
PAS-05-022 NIA 11/24/2004 11/02/2007 R21 R21 Grants for Alzheimer’s
Disease Drug Discovery
PAR-05-021 NIA 11/23/2004 11/02/2007 R01 Alzheimer’s Disease Pilot Clini-
cal Trials
PA-04-158 NIA 09/20/2004 11/01/2007 RO1, RO3, Ancillary Studies to the Ad Neu-
R21 roimaging Initiative
PA-04-123 NIA 07/07/2004 11/02/2007 R03 Sociobehavioral Data Analysis
and Archiving in Aging
PA-04-064 NIA 02/20/2004 04/01/2007 R41, R42, Technology and Aging: NIA
R43, R44 SBIR/STTR Program Initiative
TABLE 13.1 Research Priorities of the National Institute of Aging (Continued)
ology and Interventions
PA-03-069 NIA 02/10/2003 03/01/2006 R01 The Biological Basis of
Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome
(HGS): Relationship to Muta-
tions in the Lamin A/C Gene
(LMNA) and to Other Known
PA-02-169 NIA 09/24/2002 09/25/2005 R01 Integrating Aging and Cancer
PA-02-116 NIA 06/25/2002 07/15/2005 R01, R21 Age-Related Prostate Growth:
Biologic Mechanisms (R01 and
next to your envisioned child. This is typical of what is seen in the older
adult population today. However, the older adults who constitute the
large elderly population of 2050 may very well have a full head of blond,
red, or dark hair and be as physically fit as the 20-year-old athlete of
In fact, it is now well understood that individuals currently aged
65 years can be expected to live an average of 18 more years than they
did 100 years ago, for a total of 83 years. Those aged 75 years can be
expected to live an average of 11 more years, for a total of 86 years.
The centenarians who are rare will be so commonplace that the White
House will likely abandon sending them birthday cards. People con-
tinue to live longer primarily because of the advances in health care.
Older adults are living improved lifestyles primarily due to advances
in medications to treat diseases, immunizations to prevent disease, new
diagnostic techniques to assist in the early detection and treatment of
disease, and new medical and surgical procedures to treat acute and
chronic diseases. As readers adjust the mental pictures of older adults
on the beach or in the store, prepare to visualize this large population
as both fit and healthy.
The cultural backgrounds of older adults are changing along with
the vast increase in the population. Scommegna (2007) reports that there
is an unprecedented shift in the cultural backgrounds of the U.S. popula-
tion; the White population of adults over 65 is expected to decrease from
approximately 87% to 75% of all older adults in the years 1990–2030.
In turn, the percentage of African American older adults is expected to
Imagine you are a nurse in the year 2050. You are employed at a 120-bed
acute-care teaching hospital in a major metropolitan area. Your specialty
area is oncology and your unit has 6 beds.
1. What changes do you anticipate in the health care delivery system
that make it possible for a major teaching hospital in a metropolitan
area to remain viable with only 120 beds?
2. What changes do you anticipate in care of cancer patients that make
it possible for an oncology unit to meet the needs of the environment
of interest with only 6 beds?
3. What changes in the presentation of disease, assessment, and man-
agement of disease do you anticipate among the elderly in the year
4. What technological advances are likely to enhance health care deliv-
ery in the year 2050?
CѢљѡѢџюљ FќѐѢѠ
The next decades will bring an unprecedented shift in the cultural back-
grounds of the U.S. population; and the White population of adults over 65
is expected to decrease from approximately 87% to 75% of all older adults
in the years 1990–2030. In turn, the percentage of African American older
adults is expected to rise from 8% to 9%; the percentage of Asian older
adults is expected to increase from 1.4% to 5%; and the percentage of
Hispanic older adults is expected to increase from 3.7% to 10.9%. These
statistics are important, because they predict a change in the manner in
which traditional Western medicine is accepted in this country.
Everyone in the United States who reads the newspaper or watches the
news on TV is aware of the problem of how to pay for health care for
the ever-increasing older population. In fact, the U.S. health care delivery
Future Trends and Needs 301
RђѠђюџѐѕ FќѐѢѠ
system has undergone enormous changes over the past several decades in
attempts to find a way to pay for the health care of older adults. As dis-
cussed in Chapter 2, it is commonly understood that as people continue
to age, they tend to develop more health problems. These health prob-
lems require increased use of the health care system. With a larger num-
ber of older adults and greater use of the system, Medicare, the primary
health insurance of older adults, is in great danger of being unable to
fund needed health care services. While several attempts have been made
to curtail Medicare spending (see managed care discussion, Chapter 2),
these attempts have been unsuccessful, and the problem of how to pay
for the health care needs of older adults remains.
Currently, major discussion about the health care delivery system
centers on the payment for medications for older adults. While this is
one facet of the problem, future solutions to the cost-effective delivery of
health care to older adults must address the health care delivery system
itself. The attitude that everyone must make use of everything available
to restore and promote health has resulted in heavy medication and med-
ical system usage. In a society where so much is available, it is currently
unthinkable to withhold medications or services, even if the effective-
ness is questionable and can be problematic for older adults. This is an
ethical problem, the discussion of which will likely continue for decades
to come. Regardless of the ethical issues raised by the current health care
delivery system, revisions can be expected in the methods of reimburse-
ment, the amount of care delivered, and the role of the gatekeeper.
Two more cost-cutting strategies will be likely to generate research in
the coming decades. First, it is well-known that healthier older adults require
fewer health care services. Yet, the current health care delivery system does
not often support the use of preventative services for older adults. It is hoped
that, in the future, reimbursement will be provided for more wellness visits,
exercise, smoking cessation, and health promotion programs.
In addition, nursing medication errors account for millions of dol-
lars spent on health care every year. An Institute of Medicine (IOM)
expert panel identified four environmental factors that consistently con-
tribute to the quality of care delivered and the patient outcomes seen
(Kohn, Corrigan, & Donaldson, 2000) ): management, workforce, work
processes, and organizational culture factors. The IOM panel also pro-
posed recommendations to prevent these errors from occurring in the
future, including: (a) developing governing boards that focus on safety,
(b) introducing evidence-based management of organizational structures
and processes, (c) assuring high levels of leadership ability, (d) providing
sufficient staffing, (e) promoting ongoing learning and decision support
at the point of care, (f) encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration, (g)
creating work designs that promote safety, and (h) achieving an organiza-
tional culture that continuously addresses patient safety (pp. 16–17). The
next decades will likely see system changes in terms of quality assurance
programs instituted in all facilities to reduce these costly errors.
In addition to the need for sufficient funds to pay for affordable
and accessible care, more health care providers will be needed to care
for the older adult population. Health care providers, including, physi-
cians, nurses, therapists, and support personnel, must be educated on
the special needs of older adults, including the topics in this book. While
medical and nursing schools are beginning to offer courses in gerontol-
ogy within the curriculum, many programs still do not have a required
course in gerontology. Federal and private support has been increasingly
available to educate providers regarding gerontology. It is hoped that this
funding trend continues and the workforce to care for the rising older
population is prepared to accomplish this task.
With all that is known about the increasing lifespan of older adults, advance
directives and financial planning have undoubtedly become household
Future Trends and Needs 303
Groups of health care professionals that gather each year at the Geronto-
logical Society of America (GSA) and American Geriatric Society (AGS)
can frequently be found debating the issue of whether normal changes of
aging are actually normal changes of aging. Perhaps they are so highly
influenced by the health and environment of older adults that they are
not normal at all, just common. If the latter is true, the improved health
and environment of older adults are likely to minimize the frequency of
these so-called normal changes of aging.
What this means is that the current picture of older adults may no
longer be accurate. With preventative exercise, diets, medications, and
restorative procedures, geriatric hearts and lungs may be as strong as
those of 20-year-olds. Cultural backgrounds also play an important role
in how a person ages. For example, people with darker skin possess more
natural protection against the sun and, thus, may wrinkle less than older
adults with lighter skin. It is generally agreed that biological aging changes
begin to appear commonly in the third decade of life, with subsequent
linear decline until death, but it is important in the future for nurses to
refrain from making assumptions about normal aging. The assistance of
talented hair stylists will make the hair of older adults blond, red, or bru-
nette; Botox, collagen injections, and highly skilled plastic surgeons will
leave older skin as smooth as a baby’s. Older adults will have 32 teeth
and will be eating nachos, dripping with spicy salsa. Oral erectile agents
such as Viagra™ and related products will continue to revolutionize the
sexuality of older adults. Gone will be the hearing aides and eyeglasses,
as the need for these are eliminated with hearing implants, laser Lasik™
treatments, and cataract removal.
Indeed these age-defying procedures are currently available and used
frequently enough to expect their continued popularity. Yet, there are
costs associated with these procedures, and availability does not mean
that they will be used or desired by all. The normal changes of aging may
CѢљѡѢџюљ FќѐѢѠ
be more difficult to predict in the future; however, the advances that have
produced greater variability in the aging process have also contributed to
the excitement of working with this population.
There are many modern scientific advances that may claim partial respon-
sibility for the increased longevity of older adults. However, the adoption
of healthier lifestyles undoubtedly plays a big part in improved health
and the longer life of older adults. Moreover, as originally discussed in
Chapter 5, older adults are never “too old” to improve their nutritional
level, start exercising, get a better night’s sleep, and improve their overall
safety. These health-promotion strategies, supported by Healthy People
2010, will continue during the twenty-first century to affect the lives of
all people beginning in childhood.
Barriers to healthy lifestyles for the young and old still remain, and
are a focus for further study by nurse researchers. Lack of motivation to
improve health will remain a barrier for years to come, and nurses must
continue to research the best ways to educate clients about the impor-
tance of good nutrition, exercise, smoking cessation, moderation in alco-
hol intake, and safety practices so that they can help individuals adopt
these behaviors.
Further research on health promotion will likely examine ways to
reduce additional barriers to healthy lifestyles. In the low-income popula-
tion, for example, lack of money for healthy food and transportation and
a lack of safe places to exercise will continue to be barriers to health. In
the current decades of post-welfare reform, sometimes simply being able
to find and afford food prevails over the need to eat a healthy diet. Also,
the need for two jobs precludes extra time at the gym or on a volleyball
team. Research that continues to uncover the benefits of health-promot-
ing practices will build the evidence for change to a healthier lifestyle,
but the means and methods to adopt these lifestyles also require further
Cultural Focus
The shift in cultural backgrounds in the United States also predicts a change
in the manner in which traditional Western medicine is accepted in this
country. Consequently, culturally competent care is essential among nurses
caring for older adults, and improved understanding regarding comple-
mentary and alternative therapy will be necessary.
Future Trends and Needs 307
The next five decades will bring about unprecedented advances in the
diagnosis, treatment, and cure of diseases that have plagued the popula-
tion for centuries. Drawing from the Human Genome Project, advances
have already begun in the genetic marking of diseases early in adulthood
or childhood. Identified diseases can be managed with medication or sur-
gical treatment to prevent onset. Genetic marking is commonly seen in
daughters or sisters of women who have breast cancer and now struggle
with the decision of whether to have a breast removed in the absence of
clinical disease. Genetic markings are also currently available for other
forms of cancer and heart disease and are used to help prevent the onset
of clinical disease later in life.
The future will undoubtedly find more older adults living at home and
fewer living in long-term care facilities. This shift in housing, fueled by
both the improved health of older adults and the poor reputation of
nursing homes, has already begun. The vacancy rate in nursing homes
approaches 50% in some states and is projected to rise. But, with the
increased number of older adults living at home, there is a greater
need for more community resources. Transportation, home-delivered
meals, assistance with ADLs, and social activities are among the many
needs of older adults living at home. It is likely that the future will see
an expansion of these services to allow older adults to live safely at
Future Trends and Needs 311
Kohn, L. T., Corrigan, J. M., & Donaldson M. S. (2000). To err is human: Building a safer
health system. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine.
Scommegna, P. (2007). U.S. growing bigger, older and more diverse. Population Refer-
ence Bureau. Retrieved July 12, 2007, from
Growing BiggerOlderandMoreDiverse.aspx
Web Resources
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