People in Vietnam Prefers Foreign Milk Over Domestic Milk
People in Vietnam Prefers Foreign Milk Over Domestic Milk
People in Vietnam Prefers Foreign Milk Over Domestic Milk
Nguyen Hai Ninh'
In Vietnam. Ihe revenue of foreign branded dairy product counts for V, of total
revenue ofthe dairy markei (around 200 million USD/year). However, it is noticeable
that most daily market share in Vietnam is now belonging to foreign enterprises P0%
ofthe whole market). This image of market share has been existed for several years
Therefore, this research aims at understanding Ihe satisfaction level, the consumption
trend and finding testing the factors that influence consumers' choice of foreign
branded dairy products Research applied the convenient sampling method with 198
sampling units who are experienced customers with foreign branded dairy products
The collected dala was cleaned and analyzed by staislical sofiwware SPSS 20, The final
results showed ihat the Vietnamese consumers have posiiive behavior towards foreign
branded dairy products and Iheir behavior are affected by some key factors as:
customers' satisfaction, trust and experience of customers Besides the customers'
satisfaction was determined by branding strategy, country of origin and advertising
24H (2013) stated that while the domestic firms hold over 80% of n i ^ e t share, fffipj
milk (equivalents to 1 billion US Dollar), the situation is completely oppo^te
foreign branded dairy products (Gafm, 2014).
Cunwitly, according to (Bizlive, 2014); tiieis arembbut'3Q ente^3^Sds-from
domestic and foreign competing for the m^ket ^lare of dairy producte. It is coi
for a quarter of total revenue in the dairy industry; in 2012, the revenue of poi
milk market was 2,359 billion VND, it increased at 2,800 billion VND in 2013, ani
expected to excess 4,800 billion VND in 2017. Foreign branded dairy product coi
of both imported brands (Nan, Meiji, Galiia..) and the local - based foreign 5]
(Nestle, Mead Johnson, Dutch Lady..). According to statistic date^pubHshed by Mmisdy
of Industry and Trade (2012), 70% ofthe market shares are held by foreign enterpmesj
with big brand names such as: Abbott, Mead Johnson, Dutbh Lady, Dumex, Nestifi,
Meiji, XO,... The outstanding domestic brand iKimes - Vinamilk holds 24.6% of total
market share for dairy products. However, it is noticeable that nearly 70% of dairy '
jwoducing materials of Vinamilk are imported, due to the shortage of domestic supplies ^
so it is quite correct when conclude that: "foreign brands dominate the Vietnamese dany 1 ! !
market . t
^^^y^ff^r^'S" Branded Dairy Products in Vietnam
From the more detailed perspective, Kotler and Keller (200fi) considered ttie
study of consumer behavior is 'The study of individuals, groups, or organizations and
the processes they use to select, secure, and dispose of products, services, experiences,
orideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and
soeiety". According to die two authors, consumer behavior is die actual actions of
consmner before, between and afier dieir consmnption; it is die process of evaluating,
selecting, purchasing and disposmg of goods and services. The behavior of consumer
may change dues to the change in dieir demands and willingness to buy, or in ottier
word we can say consumer behavior depends on consumer attimde.
After reviewing these above research models and comparing to die real situation
of dairy industry in Vietnam, die audior buih a new research model of factor affecting
consmners- behavior towaids foreign branded dairy products in Vietiiam. Reseaich
model is formed of two parts. The first part indicates die relationship between customer
satis&ction and 7 different factors which are (1) Btand awareness, (2) Coinitiy5(|
origm. (3) Price. (4) Nmrition. (5) Taste, (6) Promotion and (7) Disttiimtion. The s
part is die assumption ttiat (8) Trust. (9) Experience and (10) Customer satis&ction havs
impact on die behavior of consumers in choosing foreign branded dairy products.
The demographic variables including age. gender, occupation and die number, of
family members also are considered as the control variables ofthe research model.
Figure 1: Suggested Research Model
Btand Awareness
Customers' behavior
Customer satisfaction
- Brand awareness: Accordmg to American Marketing Association (AMA). brand
awareness is a marketing concept diat "enables marketers to quantify levels and trends
in consumer knowledge and awareness of a brand's existence". K is the degree to which
consumers con-ecUy associate die brand widi die specific product or service, hi die
short-tenn concept, biand awareness is die primary goal of all promotion stiategies. It is
very importance to have a brand identity in consumers' memory, so Uiat ttiey can
recognize a particular product in different conditions. Moreover, by die findings of Ninh
(2015), brand awareness has positive influence on the customer satisfaction witti baby's
fresh milk. Hence, the first hypottiesis of research is:
HI. Brand awareness positively influence on customer satisfaction.
j j g j y of Foreign Branded Dairy Products in Vietnam
- Price: Kodcr (2012) defmed thm -Price is the amount of money customers must pay to
obtain Ihe product. " Price is one of four elemem in the Marketing mix model which is a
major concepts in modem marketing. The opinion abom price is varied between
differem customers. Some customeis are price-mtensive bm some are not. Some of
them consider "high price means high quality of product or sendee". Research comes to
the hypothesis that:
^'jiytn'i to i
j j g ^ ef F o r e ^ Branded a u r y Products in Vietnam
pnmary data - die main datasomse for analysis is collechxl from questionoaiie. Fiisdy,
die survey was sent randomly to 300 people who proposed to consume foreipi branded
dairy products. However, after collecting and filtering, diere are only 198/300 surveyed
participants have already bought and used die foreign bianded dahy pniducts. Then,
research decided to used 198 convenient sampling unit for detailed research Their
consumption and experience may increase die credibUity of Uie research's results.
Research uses botti ttle paper fonn and onlme fonn of questionnaires to survey die
respondents, Tliis process was conductedfi-omJanuary to February 2015.
The questionnaire consists of 4 main parts widi 56 questions: (1) Analyzing ttie
foreign bianded daily products' consumption habits of Viemamese consumers; (2)
Evaluating customer satisfaction and fiictors affecting customer satisfaction towards,
foreign branded dairy products in Viemam market; (3) Exploring die acmal behavior
and factors affecting ttiose behavior of Viemamese consumers towards foreign branded
dairy products and (4) Peisonal infonnation.
4. Research Results
4.1. Descriptive Analysis
Gender: Among 198 respondents, 31.55% is male and die female counting for
Age: One-diird of respondents are under 23 years old while 56 of diem are at die
age of 23-35 years old and only 11 respondents are ftom 36 to 55 years old.
Occupation: Out of 198 respondents, 53 people are working m a state-owned
company or organization, 25 are employees in private company and only 19 of
diem are doing personal business. Meanwhile, 101 respondents (over 50%) said
that they have other occupations.
Number of famdy members: Most of respondents are living in a family wiUl
from 3 to 5 membets, 16 respondents are die member of big family with more ttian 5
people and 19 of die respondents live alone or widl only one odier member.
4.2. Foreign Branded Dairy Products Usage Status of Vielnam Customers
Country of origin: Being ask about the origin of often-used foreign branded
dairy products, around 70% of respondents have purchased botti types - ttle local- based
foreign brands while around 13% and 17% are die proportion of respondents choose
only imported ones and local- based ones.
Mondily expense for foreign branded dairy product: Foreign branded dairy
product is special for just some special consumers, it seems diat Vietiiam families only
spend a littte amount money on foreign bianded dairy product. 118 of respondents
spend less ttian 500 ttiousands VND on consuming Foreign branded dairy products and
only 10 of tiiem pay more tiian 1.5 million VND per montii. It is 42 and 28 r
respectively for the expenditure on Foreign branded dairy producte of SO&;®l
1,000,000 VND and 1,000.000 - 1,500,000 VND monthly.
Brands: At firet, it is clearly that Viemam consimiers tend to switt^ e
different kinds of dairy products of botii imported brands and local-bf^ed fore^^,
brands. 74 respondents have bought and/or used foreign branded dairy producte^ig!
Abbott. In term of domestic and joint venture brand, 113 respondents often useproiiaf
of Dutch Lady, tiie number is 79, 70. 67 and 53 for Nutifood, Nestle' and Fie^fiS
Capina and other brands respectively.
Distiibution: It is shown that the most preferable channel for plirchasing foMi|S
branded dairy products in Vietoam are fi'om the supermarket and grocCTy store. 4$
respondents often come to the supermarket and grocery store to buy fereipi bfaided
dairy product, 91 of them only respect the genuine dealers for tiie guarfflitee of rai^v
The rest choose both of these above options. •' v
4.3. Evaluating customers satisfaction towards foreign branded dairy products '^' '>•
4.3.1. Customer salisfaction towards foreign branded dairy products • \^
Research conducted questionnaire included 3 observed variables lelatir^ to
customer satisfaction in 5 level of Likert scale. The mean value indicates the average
value of customer satisfaction of all 198 respondents. In the table 1 below, it showra t l ^
mean of total three variables are over 4, or in other words, Viemamese customers ate
quite satisfied with die existing foreign branded dairy product in the market.
Table 1; Customer satisfaction towards foreign branded dairy products
Cronbach Cronbach
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. anpha if anpha of
Deviation deleted CS Scale
CSI IV8 2 5 4.23 0.787 0.711
CS2 198 3 5 4.15 0.709 4.21 0.803 0.81? '
CS3 198 3 5 4.25 0.764 0.728
Valid N 198
CSl is: In general, I'm delighted with foreign branded dairy products I've used
CS2 is: I'm satisfied widi die utility of foreign branded dairy products I've used
j j g ^ o f Foreign Branded Dairy Products in Vietnain
CS3 is: I appredffle die effecis of foreigi branded daily produrts I've used
Seven factors equivalent fo seven measurement scales to be predicted ttiaf cdtdd lave .
unpact on customer satisfaction. They are: btand awareness (BAl-7). country of origin
(COl-4), price (Pl-4), nutiition (Nl-4), tilstc (TI-3), promotion (PRl-5) and^
distiibution (DI-4). Cronbach's Alpha test will remove die faetiir witti general:
! Cronbach's Alpha smaller ttian 0.6 and remove die variable which has item-total'
con-elation smaller dian 0.4 and the Cronbach's Alpha if item deleted greater Oian =
origmal Cronbach's Alpha. The resuh came out diat variables BA3, BAS, C04. PI, N4. \
T3 and D4 are omitted from die model and all seven fiictors are reliable.
Table 3: Exploratory Factor Anatysis Resul t -t . t •.
" • ' 'l
[terns New group CompoBe^t^.^.^ 1 ..i«i
component 1 2 3 ,4
D2 - Foreign branded dairy products
are sold at almost supermarkets and
convenient stores
BA6 - Foreign branded dairy "J r
products I've bought are from famous .731
and popular brands
BA7 - 1 only buy foreign branded
dairy products of reputed and long-
historv brands
Dl - Dairy companies have a wide
distribution system in the country
PRI -Advertisements of foreign
branded dairy products on public
,r^> H
channels are colorfiil and/or with .500
catchy music
ingredients for different people
j g ; j y B f Foreign grandcd Dairy Frodiicts in Vidnam
N2-Niitritional ingredients of •
foreign branded daity products are .728
veiy good for human healdi.
After exploratory factor analysis, new model were built, it was supposed ttiaf
Brand Sttategy (BS); Advertisint (AD); Nuttition (NU); Origin (OG) and Taste (TA) of
foreign branded dairy products could affect Viemamese customer satisfaction
Regression analysis and regression model was used to mdicate die correlation between
five indepcndem variables (BS, AD, NU, OG and TA) and dependem variable -
customer satisfaction (CS). hi order to assure fliat tiiere is cojiclatiQn,
dependent variable and independent variables, correlate test was made. It €££me'Om
correlation of CS and BS. AD, NU, OG, TA is significant atflje.O.Q.Usyel(sJg Ysiii
0.000). On the other hand, tiie cross correlation between five dqiendeht variables ^ o V ^
all significant value < 0.05, it means that there is no multi-coUinearity in flie %JC^° '.
Therefore, the condition to run regression analysis is satisfied.
Regression anafysis:
The first time running regression analysis using SPSS software made flie resuft
that NU and TA would be removed from regression model because they cannot ineet ftfe
significant level of 0.05.
Table 4: Customer Satisfaction - Regression Analysis T ^ t , ,
Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig. ColIinea#':-'lj
Coefficients Coefficients Statistics - -
The adjusted regression model contains three dependent variables which are BS, AD
and OG. The detail of regression analysis is illusti-ated in the following tables.
Table 5: Regression model summary of CS
Model R Square Adjusted R Std. Error ofthe
Square Estimate
Model Unstandardized" Standardized f ' Sig. CdKihearity
Coefficients Coefficients Statistics
B Std. Beta Tolerance VIF
(Constant), .565 .216 2.621 .010
, BS .392 .049 .439 7.941 .000 .975 1.025 •
AD .155 .042 .221 3.667 .000 .823 I.2I5
OG .286 .041 .414 6.958 .000 .840 1.190 1
a. Dependent Variable: CS
The regression model of CS and OG. BS, AD has R-Square equals 0.512, means
that die model can explam abom 51.2% the correlation of independent and dependem
vanables. Aldiough h is not a veiy high proponion. it is still acceptable and considered
consumers'ttend but it is such a bad signal for die local enterprises. ,.^-^
Table 6: Customer Behavior towards Foreign Branded Paity P r i i 8 n ^
Crtmbach C n i d i ^
Std. aoptiaif anpha,.^i
N Minimum Maximum Mean ofCB
Deviation deleted CS Scale'
CBI 198 3 5 4.40 0.624 0.841
CB2 198 3 5 4.35 0.711 4.07 0.775 0;»n L
CB3 198 2 4 3.48 0.689 0.671 1 '•
Valid N
(listwise) .,., J ;
CBi is: 1 probably continue purchase foreign branded dairy products in tlK^ne)^
buying time
CB2 is: 1 will recommend my relations to buy foreign branded dairy products . U.-:^P
CB3 is: 1 will join in promotion campaign organized by foreign branded dairy ^
enteiprises ,^^ •
4.3.4. Factors affecting consumers' purchasing behavior towards the foreign bran^"
dairy products
From the suggested research model, the purchasing behavior of Vietnamese consumers
may affected by three main factors: Trust, Experience of consumer and the Custofit^'l;
satisfaction so in the next part, research will do some analysis procedures as K'A aniJ'
regression to look for the trend.
As bemg indicated m die above table, dnee indepcndem variables can explain about
54.9% for die change of dependem variable Consumes' acmal behavior as R-square
value is 0.549, which is greater dian 0.5 to be appropriate.
Model Unstandaidized Standardized t Sig. CoUtnearify ,
Coefficienls CoefUcients Statistics
a. Dependent Variable: CB
Accoiding to the above results table, regression mode! of CS and TR, EX and CS are
significant (sig. = 0.000).
CB = 0.152 + 0.3 TR + 0.324 EX + 0.38 CS
Three factors have a positive impact on Consumers' purchasing Behavior.
Customer satisfaction has die greatest impact, followed by Experience and dien TrdS,;
In details, if customeis are satisfied widi foreign branded dairy products, fliey intend to:
pick foreign branded dairy products when buying dairy ones. Similarity, when fliey
have good experience of purchasing and using foreign branded daily products^ diey
would like to keep choosing foreign branded dairy products whenever they want to buy
milk. On the other hand, if customers believe that foreign branded dairy compani^
offer fliem good or even the best quality dairy products which are nuuritious and safe
for human, they will prefer choosing foreign branded dairy products.
4.3.4. Impacts of Demographic Variables on Consumers' Purchasing Behavior
The smdy checked the relationship between demographic variables with fliTj
buying behavior of consumers for foreign branded dairy products. Verificatioo"' '"•••
procedures ANOVA in SPSS 20 software was used to conduct this analysis wifli flife
hypothesis: •'.
ttu. I here is difference in behavior of consumers when there are differences ih jjjjj
demographic characterislics (gender, age. occupation, numbers of family
Sig. (p-value)
Gender * Consumers' actiial behavior
Age • Consumers' achial behavior
Occupation * Consumers' actiial behavior
Number of family members • Consumers' achial behavior 0.073
boost the customers' satisfaction by focusing on developing good I
strategies and enhancing the quality and the coverage df «lvertiai^-
campaigns; jj
(ii) (ii) Organizing events and to develop the brand awareness p£uaUd witii r ^ | g J
the use experience for consumers; and ^
(iii) All information and indications of products must be truthfully aatj
transparently. ;-.
Moreover, in order to support domestic enterprises and boost Vietnamese consumers to't.
change from using imported products to the local ones, govemment and d^
assoications should:
(i) Strictly require the local enterprises providing transparent and truthful products'
informalion, ingredients on product labels;
(ii) (ii) Encourage local brands in social activities; Organize seminas trainingSJitSi"
study tours for farmers to help tiiem increase the quality of fresh milk (the
essential input ingredient for the powdered milk products); and
(iii) (iii) Abandon the trade and using unquailified products from uncertified
unquailified sources.
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