MCQ Internal
MCQ Internal
MCQ Internal
1. What is the name of nodal formations with whitish contents, localized in ear auricles and in
the joint area in patients with gout?
A. Nasal erythema
B. Subcutaneous nodules
C. Tophi
D. Erythema annulare
E. Furuncle
ариант 1
A. drinking alcohol
D. physical activity
E. injury
4. Ossalgia is:
E. pain in limbs
C. Rheumatoid polyarthritis
D. Deforming osteoarthritis
E. Gouty arthritis
6. Arthrosis is:
E. Pain in limbs
7. Arthritis is:
E. Pain in limbs
5. The patient arrived to the hospital. He is unconsciousness. Blood Analyses: Hb-42 g/l., Er.-
1,5 x 1012 /l., Le.- 8,2 x 109 /l., Promyelocytes3%, E-4%, B-1%, St-6%, Se-58%, L-20%, M-8%,
ESR-42 mm/h. What is the syndrome?
A. Anaemic syndrome.
B. Hypersplenic syndrome.
C. Leukemic syndrome.
D. Inflammatory syndrome.
E. Allergic syndrome.
4. The woman 45 years complains of weakness, loss of appetite, burning of tongue, heaviness
after meal in the epigastric region, diarrhea. She has got problems for 3 years. Objectively:
skin is pale, dry. The abdomen is painful in the epigastric region. Blood Analysis: Hb-94 g/l.,
Er.-2.2 x 1012 /l., Col.ind.-1.2, ESR-28mm/h. Megalocytosis. Fiberoptic endoscopy of stomach
shows atrophy of the stomach mucous. What is the disease?
A. Hemolytic anemia.
C. Thrombocytopenic purpura.
D. B12-dificiency anemia.
2. The patient is donor. He gave blood for many years. His complains on developed during
some last years dizziness, dyspnoe after insignificant physical exercise. Blood test: Er.-3.0 x
1012 /l.,Col.ind.-0.7, anisocytosis and poikilocytosis. What is the disease?
A. Hemolytic anemia
C. Thrombocytopenic purpura.
D. Adison-Birmer disease.
A. Men
B. Women.
C. Teenagers.
D. Older adults
10. The patient 22 years-old complains on headache, anorexia, periodical nasal hemorrhages.
Face is hyperemic. Heart rate is 78, B.P. – 180/80 mm.Hg. Blood Analyses: Hb-195 g/l., Er.- 8.3
x 1012 /l., Le.- 10 x 109 /l., Thr.-410 x 109 /l. What kind of examination should we prescribe?
E. Sternal puncture
7. The woman 45 years complains of weakness, loss of appetite, burning of tongue, heaviness
after meal in the epigastric region, diarrhea. She has got problems for 3 years. Objectively:
skin is pale, dry. The abdomen is painful in the epigastric region. Blood Analysis: Hb-94 g/l.,
Er.-2.2 x 1012 /l., Col.ind.-1.2, ESR-28mm/h. Megalocytosis. Fiberoptic endoscopy of stomach
shows atrophy of the stomach mucous. About what disease do you think?
A. Hemolytic anemia
C. Thrombocytopenic purpura.
D. B12-dificiency anemia.
8. Hemotransfusion was done for treatment of gastro-intestinal bleeding. In few hours patient
felt heaviness in the lumbar region, pain in the left area below theribs, dyspnoea, obstruction
in the chest. Objectively: skin is pale and a slight yellow. Splenomegaly. Blood Analyses: Hb-70
g/l., Er.- 2,1 x 1012 /l., Le.- 16 x109 /l., E-4%, B-1%, St10%, Se-55%, L-20%, M-10%, ESR-45
mm/h. What diagnosis is more probably?
A. Hypoplastic anemia.
C. Hemolytic anemia.
E. B12-dificiency anemia.
3. Woman 65 years-old complains of weakness, bout of diarrhea, dull pain in the epigastric
fossa. He is unsteady on his legs. Inspection: skin is pale. Brittleness of nails. Dullness of the
hair. Lips and tongue are scarlet. Blood Analysis: Hb-80 g/l., Er.-2.1 x 1012 /l., Col.ind.-1.2, Le.-
3.2 x 109 /l. Diagnosis is Addison-Biermer anemia. What examination can confirm this
B. Ultrasonic kidney
C. Ultrasonic heart
D. Colonoscopy
E. Sternal puncture
A. Macrocytic megoblastic.
C. Microcytic hypochromic.
D. Microcytic normochromic.
E. Normocytic normochromic.
A. Liver cirrhosis
C. Hemolytic anemia
D. Adison-Birmer’s disease
E. Hypersplenism
Thyroid gland:
A. Bradycardia
A. Hyperglycemic
B. Hypoglycemic
C. Hyperthyroidism
D. Hypothyroidism
B. Hashimoto's disease
D.Nervous exhaustion
E. Diabetes mellitus
A. Thyroid gland palpation increase, it is visible during swallowing at thrown back position of
C. Thyroid gland palpatable, it size more than nail phalanx of pollex of hand of patient
D. Thyroid gland not palpation, it size less than nail phalanx of pollex of hand of Patient
A. Hypothyroidism
B. Autoimmune thyroiditis
C. Diffuse toxic goiter
D. Juvenile strum
A. Hyperglycemic
B. Hypoglycemic
C. Hyperthyroidism
D. Hypothyroidism
2. Sick 72 years hospitalized with the first exposed tachisystolical form of blinking arrhythmia.
Marks diminishment of body mass on 5 kg for the last 2 months on a background an usual
appetite. At the objective inspection a knot is exposed in the left particle of thyroid. What
diagnosis is most credible?
B. Atherosclerotic myocardiosclerosis
D. Cancer of thyroid
3. What syndrome includes fatigue, forgetfulness, sensitivity to cold, unexplained weight gain,
A. Hyperthyroidism
B. Bronchial obstruction
D. Coronary insufficiency
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Unchanged
9. After the subtotal resection of the thyroid gland the patient began to suffer from increasing
weakness, drowsiness and fatigability. Edema of eyelids appeared. Hypothyroid was
suspected. What is it necessary to determine?
A. Thyreotropin
B. Glycated hemoglobin
C. Estrogen levels
D. Thyrocalcitonin
Diabetes mellitus:
А) 3.3 mmol/l
B) 9.9 mmol/l
C) 5.5 mmol/l
D) 6.6 mmol/l
E) 11.1 mmol/l
6. What glycemia level in 2 hours after adequate glucose loading allowsto diagnose diabetes
А) Sleep disturbance
C) Administration of NSAIDs
E) Emotional stress
А) Rising fasting glucose level in venous blood plasma over 3.3 mM/l
B) Rising fasting glucose level in venous blood plasma over 5.5 mM/l
C) Rising fasting glucose level in venous blood plasma over 6.1 mM/l
D) Rising fasting glucose level in venous blood plasma over 7.0 mM/l
E) Rising fasting glucose level in venous blood plasma over 11,0 mM/l
A) Thyrotoxicosis
B) Diabetes mellitus
C) Myxedema
D) Addison's Disease
E) Obesity
7. Criterion of impaired glucose tolerance is the following glucose levelwithin 2 hours after
A) Glucose
B) Fat
C) Protein
E) Vitamins С and D
Digestive 3 (hepar):
3. The patient, 42 years, complains on dyspnea, increase of abdomen.In the history- alcohol
abuse. During inspection – abdomen is increased,umbilicus is protruded, around the umbilicus
- «caput medusae». Yourdiagnostic assumptions?
A. Obesity
B. Flatting
C. Cyst
D. Tumor
E. Ascites
B. splenomegaly, anemia
B. Gilbert’s syndrome
C. Hepatitis
E. Wilson’s disease
A. Bile
B. Virus
C. Parasites
D. Fungi
E. Bacteria
8. In diseases of a liver and gallbladder pain may develop due toall reasons except of:
e. Destruction of hepatocites
a. Hepatitis
b. Cirrhosis
c. Norm
10. The patient K., 39 years old, compliance of constant dull pain in the right hypochondrium,
abdominal distension, leg swelling and general weakness. He got ill for more 8 years ago. He
underwent treatment for cirrhosis several times . The patients noted deterioration during
year. He smokes a lot and consumes alcohol. Objectively: jaundice, telangioectasia,
hepatomegaly (+ 7 cm) and splenomegaly (+3 cm). There are a free fluid in the abdomen cavity
and edema of lower extremities. What complication is present?
A. Hepatic encephalopathy
B. Liver cancer
C. Portal hypertension
D. Hepatorenal syndrome
E. Heart failure
Urinary system:
A. All mentioned
C. Fats metabolites
D. Carbohydrates metabolites
E. Proteins metabolites
2. . What degree of nephroptosis is present if it is possible to palpate the lower kidney pole
and it is not displaceble?
B. total nephroptosis
D. I
E. it is normal
A. Kidney diseases
B. Pneumonia
C. Bronchitis
D. Diseases of a heart
E. Hepatitis
A. pollakiuria
B. polyuria
C. ischuria
D. stranguria
E. anuria
A. Jaundice
B. All mentioned
C. Renal failure
D. Allergic reaction
E. Scabies
7. What is the origin of destroyed erythrocytes in urinalyses?
A. Pyelonephritis
B. Acute glomerulonephritis
C. Acute cystitis
D. Urolithiasis
E. Paranephritis
A. Nechyporenko’s test
D. Canalicular reabsorption
9. Patient O., 39 years old, complains of nicturia. What pathology is this symptom typical for?
A. diencephalic syndrome
B. diabetes mellitus
D. acute nephritis
Digestive 2:
B. In epigastrium
C. Diffuse pain in all abdominal region
D. In paraumbilical region
A. Jaundice
B. All mentioned
C. Renal failure
D. Allergic reaction
E. Scabies
3. Select the typical sign for dyspepsic syndrome in a patient withdiseases of a gallbladder
D. No changes
E. Periodical constipation
4. A patient has peptic ulcer and pylorostenosis. Which character ofvomiting masses will be in
this case?
B. All mentioned
E. Everything is wrong
E. loose stools
C. loose stools
9. A patient complains on general weakness, dizziness and tarrystools. Which pathology could
you suspect?
b. Lung bleeding
d. Haemorrhoids
Вариант 5
a. Bright-yellow
b. Black color
c. Pale
d. yellow
e. dark green
Digestive 1:
C. loose stools
A. All mentioned
B. nausea
C. heartburn
D. decreased appetite
A. In paraumbilical region
B. In epigastrium
d. Haemorrhoids
a. Hepatitis
b. Cirrhosis
c. Norm
a. Parasternal line
b. Midclavicular line
d. Midline
a. Bright-yellow
b. Black color
c. Pale
10. How many centimetres is liver size on the midline (obtained bypercussion by Kurlov’s
a. 9-11 сm
b. 8-10 сm
c. 7-9 сm
Respiratory 2:
1. A patient has pleurisy with effusion. What changes of vocal resonance (bronchophony) will
A. Symmetrical weakening
E. Symmetrical intensification
A. Bronchovesicular breathing
B. Vesicular breathing
D. Bronchial breathing
C. All mentioned
A. Social anamnesis
C. Allergological anamnesis
D. Harmful habits
A. All mentioned
B. Adhesions in pleural cavity
A. Pneumothorax
E. Pulmonary emphysema
C. Heart failure
D. Lung cancer
E. Pneumonia
A. Pleural friction
E. Pain in palpation
D. Disorders of perfusion
B. Mucoserous
C. Rusty
D. Glass-like
E. Mucopurulent