1846 Original Lenormand Instruction Sheet - PDF Versión 1

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1846 Original Lenormand Instructions

No. 1. — THE CAVALIER is a messenger of good fortune—if not

surrounded by unlucky cards, brings good news, which the Person may
expect, either from his own house or from abroad; this will, however,
not take place immediately, but some time later.

No. 2. — A CLOVER LEAF is also a harbinger of good news; but if

surrounded by clouds it indicates great pain; but if No. 2 lies near No.
29 or 28, the pain will be of short duration, and soon change to a happy

No. 3. — THE SHIP, the Symbol of commerce, signi es great wealth,

which will be acquired by trade or inheritance; if near to the Person, it
means an early journey.

No. 4. — THE HOUSE is a certain sign of success and prosperity in all

undertakings; and though the present position of the Person may be
disagreable, yet the future will be bright and happy. If this card lies in
the centre of the cards, under the Person, this is a hint to beware of
those who surround him or her.

No. 5. — A TREE, if distant from the Person, signi es good health;

more trees of different cards together, leave no doubt about the
realization of all reasonable wishes.

No. 6. — CLOUDS, if their clear side is turned towards the Person, are
a lucky sign; with the dark side turned to the Person, something
disagreeable will soon happen.
No. 7. — A SERPENT is a sign of misfortune, the extent of which
depends upon the greater or smaller distance from the Person; it is
followed invariably by deceit, in delity, and sorrow.

No. 8. — A COFFIN, very near to the Person, means, without any

doubt, dangerous diseases, death, or a total loss of fortune. More distant
from the Person, the card is less dangerous.

No. 9. — THE BOUQUET means much happiness in every respect.

No. 10. — THE SCYTHE indicates great danger, which will only be
avoided if lucky cards surround it.

No. 11. — THE ROD means quarrels in the family, domestic

af ictions, want of peace among married persons; also fever and
protracted sickness.

No. 12. — THE BIRD means hardships to overcome, but of short

duration; distant from the Person, it means the accomplishment of a
pleasant journey.

No. 13. — THE CHILD is a sign that the Person moves in good society,
and is full of kindness towards everybody.

No. 14. — THE FOX, if near, is a sign to mistrust persons with whom
you are connected, because some of them try to deceive you; if distant,
no danger is to be apprehended.
No. 15. — THE BEAR is either a messenger of good fortune, or
admonishes us to keep away from company; particularly from that of
the envious.

No. 16. — THE STAR con rms good luck in all enterprises; but if near
clouds, it means a long series of unhappy accidents.

No. 17. — THE STORK indicates a change of abode, which will take
place, the sooner the nearer the card lies to the Person.

No. 18. — THE DOG, if near the Person, you can consider your
friends faithful and sincere; but if very distant and surrounded by
clouds, be cautious not to trust those who call themselves your friends.

No. 19. — THE TOWER gives the hope of a happy old age; but if
surrounded by clouds, it forbodes sickness, and, according to
circumstances, even death.

No. 20. — THE PARK prognosticates that you will visit a very
respectable company; if very near, that you are to form a very intimate
friendship, but if distant, it hints to false friends.

No. 21. — THE MOUNTAINS, near the Person, warn you against a
mighty enemy; if distant, you may rely on powerful friends.

No. 22. — THE ROADS, surrounded by clouds, are signs of disaster;

but without this card, and if distant from Person, that you shall nd
ways and means to avoid the threatening danger.
No. 23. — THE MOUSE is a sign of a theft, a loss; when near, it
indicates the recovery of the thing lost or stolen; if at a distance, the loss
will be irrepareable.

No. 24. — THE HEART is a sign of joy leading to union and bliss.

No. 25. — THE RING, if on the right of the Person, prognosticates a

rich and happy marriage; when on the left, and distant, a falling out
with the object of your affection, and the breaking off of a marriage.

No. 26. — THE BOOK indicates that you are going to nd out a
secret; according to its position, you can judge in what manner; great
caution, however, is necessary in attempting a solution.

No. 27. — THE LETTER, without clouds, means luck, which comes to
you by distant, favorable news; but if dark clouds are near the Person,
you may expect much grief.

No. 28. & No. 29 — THE GENTLEMAN and THE LADY The whole
pack refers to either of these cards, depending, if the person whose
fortune is being told is either a Lady (No. 29) or Gentleman (No. 28).

No. 30. — THE LILIES indicate a happy life; surrounded by clouds, a

family grief. If this card is placed above the Person, they indicate the
same as being virtuous; if below the Person, the moral principles are

No. 31. — THE SUN, lying near, points to happiness and pleasure, as
its beams spread light and warmth; far away, it indicates misfortune and
sorrow, as without the Sun’s in uence nothing can grow.
No. 32. — THE MOON is a sign of great honors, fortune and fame, if
the card lies at the side of the Person; if at a distance, it means grief and

No. 33. — THE KEY, if near, means the certain success of a wish or a
plan; if distant, the contrary.

No. 34. — THE FISHES, if near the Person, point to the acquisition of
large fortune by marine enterprises and to a series of successful
undertakings; if distant, they indicate the failure of any speculation, no
matter how well projected or planned.

No. 35. — THE ANCHOR is a sign of a successful enterprise at sea, of

great advantage in trade, and of true love; but distant, it means a
thorough disappointment in ideas, and inconstancy in love.

No. 36. — THE CROSS is always a bad sign; if very near the person,
you may hope that the misfortune will not last long.

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