Material Designers
Material Designers
Material Designers
Boosting talent
towards circular
ISBN 978-84-09-24438-6
Printed edition
How Materials can Clara Guasch 12
Shape our Future
How Materials 01 HOW MATERIALS
Clara Guasch Sastre Materials play a key role in the configuration is rich in material opportunities. Algae, fungi, and other The future is also populated with materials
of our environment and our life. Indoors, outdoors populations are also heavy weights in the total picture that age beautifully. Aging implies longevity which is
even interstellar they allow us to thrive, providing us of the biosphere. All offering multiple possibilities for among circular priorities because materials that last
with comfort, function, beauty, and the many other fast carbon cycle management. Unlike humans, which keep resources in circulation for longer. Some materials
qualities that nurture and enrich our lives. Materials classify among the smallest groups by weight (0.06Gt) become more beautiful with time and use. And beautiful
can be visible or invisibly interwoven within our real- but nonetheless generating plenty of emissions. materials are harder to discard.
ities. They can be close to our skin or become part At the end of life, bio-based materials can When applied to materials, longevity is not
of what we breath. They can be healthy or make us be pyrolyzed turning them into bio-chars. Thereby equivalent to durability. Ageing poetically positively
unhappy and sick. prolonging the time span of carbon sequestration for fosters longevity whereas durability only withstands
To the observer, scientific or intuitive, mate- belated release at convenience. In this regard, hemp time. The poetic dimension of materials is cultivated and
rials carry the seed of form and function that can is an outstanding carbon negative material example. grows in cultured environments. The line between art,
fulfil our human needs. Materials form our natural It grows in short cycles (90 to 120 days) in densely science and design dissolves.
and cultural landscape, being a powerful source of populated fields. It works well as a rotating crop, which
expression and information. A living archive of genuine prevents land use changes and improves soil condition
human interaction with the planet. Our finite source of for subsequent crops. Moreover, it can be fully utilized
everything. Now we see the Anthropocene as the era for multiple materials and end use applications. Increas-
of excess resource use. A combination of technolog- ingly in use, hemp development is reaching almost
ical abuse and ruthless appropriation. Our unleashed every field of human activity and is advancing thanks
attitude towards nature has pushed the boundaries of to destigmatization. The key point being its ability to
an otherwise robust ecosystem, far beyond the advis- capture a lot of carbon (estimations range from 8 to 22
able. Fairly undistributed access to materials and to t/h) in a short time span, especially when compared to
transformative processes have enabled the world as forests or to any other crops.
we know it, with unfairly distributed consequences.
Moving forward from the Anthropocene into 04 DEMOCRATIC MATERIALS
a way that caters for all beings and the planet requires
new and bold material approaches. Also, a change of Democratic materials are honest and unpre-
mindset at the hard core of the system. In this way, our tentious materials. Some are rescued from waste streams
future thrives in the Planthroposcene, a term recently and sent back to circulation after reprocessing. And
1.0 coined by Natasha Myers a Canadian anthropologist, some might grow near us or perhaps in remote places.
Circular Design and 01 A MANDATORY TRANSITION
How does circular design contribute to diminish Many of today’s complex economic, social, and envi-
the pressure for the planet, or generate a ronmental challenges have a common root cause - an
climate neutral and resilient society? economic model that’s based on continual extraction
and consumption. Our use of materials offers an urgent
and overlooked example. We extract value without
thinking about the whole system. This means most of
the materials we use, we lose, and often after just one
short use.
We can address this linear model through
design. Whether working alone or as part of a team,
people make decisions during the design stage of mate-
rials, products, services, and systems. These decisions
influence how we make and use things, and whether an
item stays in the economy providing value, or is lost as
waste. Adopting the circular design approach means
aligning your creation with the principles of a circular
economy, in which waste and pollution are designed
out, products and materials are kept in use, and natural
systems are regenerated.
Which role do materials have within Circular design is an approach to the design stage
the strategies for circular design? that encourages a range of strategies, including mate-
rials selection, how materials and components are
combined, business model innovation, and how value is
recaptured and circulated. The important thing is taking
a systems view: zooming in to the user’s needs, and
zooming out to see connections to the wider system.
Joe Iles This is crucial when considering materials. A
well-meaning choice of an innovative material can have
unintended consequences further down the line, if the
material or product isn’t used or handled in the right
way, or there isn’t the infrastructure or understanding
to keep that material in use.
Since materials are the literal fabric of our
natural and created environment, it’s clear that intelli-
gent materials selection can have a disproportionate
influence on the circularity of the things we create,
and hence our economy overall. If a product contains
materials that have no pathway to effective recapture
and reprocessing, or cannot return to a natural system
safely, they’re destined for a linear fate. So smart mate-
04 CIRCULAR MATERIALS rials selection with a systems view is essential for mean-
DESINERS AS A SOLUTION ingful and impactful circular design.
Circular Material
Material Tinkering Valentina Rognoli, PhD 20
and Creativity Stefano Parisi
Design Department
Politecnico di Milano
and Creativity
Acquiring knowledge about materials and processes 02 WHAT IS MATERIAL TINKERING? and learning materials in the context of design, in
through materials exploration is a fundamental step IMPLICATIONS IN MATERIAL particular, involving students in learning through
in the roadmap of Material Designers’ practice and DESIGNERS EDUCATION AND PRACTICE making (Pedgley, 2010). Direct exploration, as many
education. The most successful way to get tacit sources claim (Haug, 2018; Rognoli, 2010; Pedgley,
knowledge about materials and to foster creativity In the education of material design students 2010; Ayala Garcia, Quijiano & Ruge, 2011), stimulates
for further development and innovative solutions is and the practice of material design professionals, one the creative process and therefore teaching with
to engage an experimental and goal-free exploratory fundamental way to get knowledge about materials physical materials and product samples emerges as an
practice (Pedgley, 2010; Parisi et al., 2017). We refer is to acquire tacit knowledge through a learning by efficient method of acquiring knowledge on materials.
to approach to hands-on early stage exploration as doing approach, considering both technical proper- Moving from education into practice, designers who
Material Tinkering. ties and expressive, sensorial and experiential quali- are focusing on material-driven innovation likely use
Material Tinkering is the art of manipulating ties (Manzini, 1986; Cornish, 1987; Ashby and Johnson, an experimental approach to design novel materials or
the material creatively for discovery and learning 2002; Rognoli, 2010; Karana et al., 2014). Simulta- reinterpret the conventional ones.
purposes. In this process, a hybrid mindset is required: neously, innovative solutions and meaningful appli- We have called this practice as Material Tink-
one targeted to pure blue-sky exploration is combined cations can be obtained by considering adopting a ering (Parisi & Rognoli, 2017; Parisi et al., 2017). The
with a scientific approach based on a trial-and-error design approach to materials. Designers can choose term “Tinkering” is popular in the scientific community
approach. In fact, on the one hand, only through the appropriate materials for their projects if they know of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and denotes
documentation of processes and results it would be the materials, their technical properties, sensory quali- the hacking and manipulation of physical interac-
possible to proceed to the further steps of materials ties, production processes and treatments. They could tion materials in a naive, playful and imaginative way
development. also help characterize them from an expressive-sen- (Cermak-Sassenrath & Møllenbach, 2014; Sundström &
On the other hand, material designers need to sorial point of view and in their general appearance by Höök, 2010; Zimmerman et al., 2007; Bevan, et al. 2014;
accept uncertainty, approximation and the unexpected designing their unique features. The designer can even Wilson & Petrich, 2014). It is an informal way of learning,
discoveries they may encounter and to embrace fail- start from a particular material and develop mean- but it can also be used in formal contexts. The approach
ures and mistakes (Pye, 1968). With this approach, ingful applications for it. is based on creativity, experimentation, direct interac-
material designers can tinker with and for materials. In recent years, in the context of material tion with different materials, components and tools.
By establishing direct contact with matter, they learn education in the field of design, direct experimentation Apprentices and students are at the core of the learning
by doing and educate their sensitivity to the sensory has been privileged over the selection and the theoret- process. Both the HCI and the materials communities
and aesthetic qualities of the materials. ical approach. The importance of the materials’ sensori- show interest in studying this approach concerning its
Words by The application of this experimental approach
to matter allows material design practitioners and
ality and the direct involvement that can arise between
the designer and the physical samples of the materials
implications for the designer’s experiential learning and
direct involvement with the material (Falin, 2014; Nied-
Valentina Rognoli students to discover the opportunities that unconven- were therefore recognized (Pedgley, 2014). Internation- derer, 2007; Nimkulrat, 2012; Seitamaa-Hakkarainen et
Stefano Parisi tional – often hidden – resources, tools and processes
– often inspired by other fields – may offer. As a result,
ally, many courses and workshops encourage students
to experiment with materials through a hands-on
al., 2013; Vallgårda & Farneaus, 2015). The professional
designers can learn more about materials for design
they produce novel materials of their invention, which approach (Groth & Mäkelä, 2016; Mäkelä & Löytönen, by engaging a real conversation with them (Schön &
often have innovative features and communicate the 2015; Sonneveld & Schifferstein, 2009). Researchers Bennet, 1986), a modality that describes and favours
designer’s unique vision. Finally, it allows moving from and educators have developed methodologies and creative practice and experimentation. In this process,
the conventional practices of selection and applica- tools for the exploration of materials (Karana et al. 2015; the materials play an active role by suggesting ways
tion of existing materials, encouraging a paradigm Rognoli, 2010), inspired by the Bauhaus didactic notion of interaction and manipulation. The designer must be
shift in the invention of new materials, which takes on of Learning by doing (Wick, 2000) and Learning through open to interpreting the feedback that comes from the
an increasingly material-driven design nature (Karana making. Students are thus facilitated in the construc- manipulated material. Metcalf (1994) also argues that
et al., 2015). tion of conceptual knowledge, but they also create new “the material speaks” and the designer must be ready
In this chapter, we introduce the theoret- artefacts and cultivate new ways of thinking and acting. and open to listening. By tinkering, we open up to mate-
ical background related to the concept of Material From the very beginning of the process, design and rial vitality from an aesthetic, affective (Bennett, 2010)
Tinkering, including providing its definition, origins, implementation are focused on the development and and performative point of view. The material engages
and how the tinkering activities can help the learning concrete transformation of design ideas into various the tinkerers on a deep level, even establishing a kind of
and creative process. In this description, we make a material forms. Designers understand that making is intimacy with them.
distinction between tinkering with materials and tink- a very effective way to design focusing on the useful- The material becomes an active partici-
ering for materials. Then, we provide a description of ness and appropriateness of ideas and investing effort pant in the experimentation process, and the agency
tools, approaches, strategies and recommendations to in continually improving ideas. In the context of design extends to the material. The material participates in
tinker with and for materials, inspired by desk research and craftsmanship, this has meant that design concepts the process and co-performs (Robbins et al., 2016)
and by case studies. We believe that these would help are evaluated and refined iteratively, gradually trans- with the tinkerer. As Rosner (2012) states, “Materials
materials designers in the early stages of their process forming into various material artefacts. The interaction are collaborators in the craft process.” Barati and
fostering creativity and sparks of ideas for break- between thinking and doing is fundamental. Karana (2019) argued that designers must be equal
through and cutting-edge solutions in terms of mate- As Haug (2018) states, different approaches partners in projects where creativity-driven material
rials and processes innovation. and methods for teaching materials exist, including development is considered the primary goal. They also
‘Material-produced’ information – for example, direct addressed the required participation of designers in
experimentation with materials. Active Learning discovering the new potential of a material rather than
(Bonwell & Eison, 1991) and Experiential Learning merely translating information about provided mate-
1.2 (Kolb, 1984) are fundamental approaches to teaching rials into product requirements.
In the Material-Driven Design (MDD) method 04 TINKERING WITH MATERIALS The material demonstrators are therefore designed For example, the Technical and Sensorial Characteri-
(Karana et al., 2015) Material Tinkering is encouraged; and delivered as the outcome of an experimentation zation of the Material is defined first by the modifica-
indeed, a specific phase of the design process is dedi- We argue that this approach may be helpful process. The most common material demonstrators tions in the preparation of the materials such as the
cated to it. The MDD method is a new methodology for to foster material designers’ creativity and to educate are those aimed to explore and represent quality vari- addition of ingredients or filling of other compounds
the exploration and design of materials focusing on the them in understanding, evaluating, and designing ants such as colour, thickness, texture. There are also and elements, i.e. reinforcement fibres. Then it can be
notion of material experience (Karana et al., 2015; Giac- the experiential, expressive, and sensory character- demonstrators of processes, i.e. shaping and showing performed by the use of moulds of different shapes,
cardi & Karana, 2015) and combines practical experi- istics of materials. Tinkering with materials favours variations around the creation of forms. After the texturing, colouring, temperature and other conditions’
mentation, user studies and vision. The phase is called the acquisition of knowledge on the matter and the inspiration phase, demonstrators emerging from tink- variations, process. Finally, embodied exploration can
“Tinkering with the material” and aims to understand the development of procedural understanding through ering for materials become a valuable resource for the be used to test their qualities, for instance, strength,
material through its direct manipulation, which is crucial experiential learning. Tinkering with materials aims design activity. In fact, by doing tinkering for materials roughness, and elasticity, or home-made experiment
in the MDD method to further develop the materials. to obtain information and understand the qualities of without a design application in mind, the designer uses to test their technical characteristics, such as tensile
We can use the lens of experiential learning materials and their empirical properties, recognizing exploratory research to create and nurture a vision strength, flame resistance, impermeability, water-re-
(Smith, 2001, 2010) to observe Tinkering. Experien- their constraints and identifying their potential. Tink- that may lead to further development of the material sistance and traction. Also, it is possible to add and try
tial learning is the type of education undertaken by ering promotes sensory awareness of material attrib- and its meaningful application. different treatments on finished samples.
students who are able to acquire and apply knowl- utes and can reveal unpredictable and unique results These direct, engaging and creative experi- Here, we list emerged pattern and sugges-
edge, skills and feelings by being involved in a “direct as a bricolage practice (Louridas, 1999). Novel and ments are often used by material designers to develop tions from case studies, i.e. more than three years of
encounter with the phenomena being studied rather meaningful insights can be achieved by producing low-tech self-produced materials. We are talking tinkering with and for materials in design courses,
than merely thinking about the encounter” (Borzak, and manipulating materials to create material drafts. about DIY-Materials (Rognoli et al., 2015; Ayala-Garcia thesis projects, and workshops:
1981). The main contribution on the topic is the work of Tinkering with materials means working with the & Rognoli, 2019). In fact, the dissemination of work-
David Kolb (1984) and Roger Fry (Kolb & Fry, 1975) who hands and the direct involvement of all human senses. shops, fab labs, maker spaces, access to knowledge → Be inspired by techniques and “recipes” from
developed the model of “Experiential learning cycle” It is through this practice that the possibilities of how and sharing through online platforms facilitate this other fields, for example culinary, science
out of four elements: 1) Applying (active experimenta- materials can look, feel, sound and smell are discov- type of experimentation. Thanks to this democratiza- and biology, agriculture and farming, arts,
tion), i.e. testing a particular action in a specific situ- ered. Tinkering offers a powerful platform for material tion of knowledge and technologies, even inexperi- and others, activating a trans-disciplinary
ation through active experimentation; 2) Experiencing designers to improve their lexicon of experiences and enced people can tinker. cross-pollination.
(concrete experience), i.e. having a concrete experi- build their own aesthetic preferences. It is through this
ence of it and its effects within a particular situation; sensitivity, developed in tinkering with materials, that 06 HOW TO TINKER WITH AND → Be inspired by techniques and recipes from
3) Reflecting (reflective observation), i.e. understanding material designers will be able to design materials and FOR MATERIALS? METHODS your or other cultures and traditions.
the effects in the specific instance through reflective artefacts that offer rich and consistent experiences AND RECOMMENDATIONS
observation to anticipate it if it happens again with the (Parisi et al., 2017). → Enhance authenticity: show the raw ingredients
same conditions; 4) Generalizing (abstract conceptual- In summary, the activity of tinkering with In this section, we present recommenda- in the final samples or some characteristics of
ization), i.e. the formation of abstract concepts to gain materials is entirely free and guided only by explora- tions, approaches, and tools inspired by desk research it, e.g. fibres, colours.
experience of the action beyond the particular instance tion. It does not have any previously planned intention, (literature review) and case studies (Parisi & Rognoli, →
and suggest the general principle. Kolb and Fry (1975) but the only purpose is to learn and create hypotheses, 2017; Parisi et al., 2017). Reconnect with material provenance: some
state that the experiential learning cycle should be that are tangible material drafts. In fact, the physical The tinkering process is extensive. Informa- ingredients are characterized by the unique
approached as an iterative process in the form of a output of tinkering with materials are only experi- tion can emerge by three types of actions. Those that conditions of the environment or location
continuous spiral and that after the Generalizing step mental and incomplete materials with no integrated led to the production of the sample and those that they are extracted from, or by the season or
the process restarts with a new Applying step in which purpose or application. These are material proposals, come from the interventions after the process. It is time they were collected. This can interest
the action is tested in new situations within the range of called materials drafts, that are underdeveloped mate- possible to define a structure – model, blueprint, plan, minerals or organic resources such as plants.
generalization. In the same way, tinkering is an iterative rials ready for further development or to be used as a or template – for materials tinkering, in three levels Emphasize this unique characteristic to show
process covering every step of the experiential learning source of inspiration. characterized by different operations: the geographical and temporal coordinates
cycle. The Material Tinkering process encourages of the material.
continuous development and perpetual prototyping. 05 TINKERING FOR MATERIALS → Tinkering applied to the formula: this prac-
tice aims to discover how variations in the → Be creative: Stress unconventional connec-
03 TYPES OF TINKERING: As previously explained, tinkering activities recipes can impact on the final results. tions with other ingredients and processes
DIFFERENT AIMS AND APPROACHES support materials design and foster materials further (unlikely connectable) to develop unex-
development. While tinkering with materials produces → Tinkering applied to the process: this prac- pected and original results.
By observing the tinkering practices and physical outputs in the shape of material drafts, with tice seeks to identify possible manufac-
aims, we can distinguish between tinkering with mate- the activity of tinkering for it is possible to achieve turing processes and to understand the → Ceding control to materials vitality and
rials and tinkering for materials. These two areas have the development of material demonstrators, instead. material behaviours through the relation- spontaneity: support the material instead of
two entirely different aims, and therefore two different Tinkering for material requires that there is a declared ship between the variables of the process concealing and restraining it.
mindsets are needed. However, they are inherently intention by the material designer to investigate and the results.
connected and intertwined: to approach tinkering for beyond the material drafts that have been considered → Establish a dialogue with the materials:
materials, designers need to pass through tinkering promising in tinkering with materials, and to deliver → Tinkering applied to the sample: this prac- be inspired by what it does and its perfor-
with materials. Iterations between the two phases further development of them, as an objective. tice aims to identify the possible surface mances, i.e. what it says.
are possible. Note that excellent examples of what we When there is the possibility to produce treatments, the resistance of the materials,
are going to illustrate now can be found in the experi- demonstrators, this means that material designers and other behaviours of the samples through → Appreciate materials dynamism: respect the
ments carried out by the participants in the 6 interna- have already in mind an idea or a vision they want to direct manipulations. time required by the material – to grow or to
tional workshops of Made project. prove in terms of materials and processes innovation. stabilize – and observe changes over time.
→ Value Imperfection of materials; tinkering material drafts and material demonstrators. Then, we Ashby, M., Johnson, K. (2002) Materials and design. The Art
and Science of Materials Selection in Product Design. Oxford,
and DIY practice may generate inhomoge- described tools, approaches, strategies and recom- Butterworth-Heinemann.
neous results. mendations to tinker with and for materials, inspired Ayala-Garcia, C., Quijano, A., & Ruge, C.M. (2011). Los
by desk research and by case studies. materiales como medio para estimular procesos de creación.
→ Be open: be open to the unexpected, seren- We stated that tinkering is a practice situ- Dearq, (8), 44-53.
dipity and uncertainty. ated between instinct and science, emotions and Ayala-Garcia, C., Rognoli, V. (2017) The New Aesthetic of DIY-
perseverance. This is evident in the practice itself, but Materials, The Design Journal, 20:sup1, S375-S389.
→ Be disruptive: break the rules and disrespect also in the final results. Improving the materials is the Ayala-Garcia, C., Rognoli, V. (2019). The Materials
conventions; accept failures and mistakes, ultimate goal of tinkering: as designers, we are always Generation. in L. Rampino, I. Mariani (Eds.), Advancements in
Design Research. 11 PhD Theses as we do in Polimi. (pp. 197-
and learn from them. trying to improve the materials in multiple dimensions. 219). Milano: Franco Angeli. ISBN 9788891786197
Tinkering for materials is closer to science than tink- Barati, B., Karana, E. (2019). Affordances as materials
→ Use embodied and tactual experience to test ering with materials because the material designer potential: What design can do for materials development.
material properties and qualities; develop starts to set a goal, moving from open exploration and International Journal of Design, 13(3), pp. 105-123
your own vocabulary and lexicon to describe approaching a more scientific way to do experimen- Bennett, J. (2010). Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of
and name material qualities. tations for materials development, i.e. setting hypoth- Things. Durham & London: Duke University Press.
eses to test and validate. Bevan, B., Gutwill, J.P., Petrich, M. and Wilkinson, K.
→ Iterate: learn from intermediate steps and A topic still to be investigated concerns the (2015), Learning Through STEM‐Rich Tinkering: Findings From a
Jointly Negotiated Research Project Taken Up in Practice. Sci.
further/improve the material. This will foster aesthetics of the materials resulting from a tinkering Ed., 99: 98-120.
creativity and continuous development and activity. Tinkering emphasizes imperfect, organic and Bonwell, C.C., & Eison, J.A. (1991). Active learning: Creating
perpetual prototyping. rough surfaces, activating a process of humaniza- excitement in the classroom. Washington, DC: School of
tion of the materials, making them honest, expres- Education and Human Development, George Washington University.
The results of the Tinkering materials are sive and vulnerable (Parisi and Rognoli, 2016). This is Borzak, L. (ed.) (1981). Field Study. A source book for
collections of material samples (material drafts mainly due to the use of a low technology approach experiential learning, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.
and material demonstrators) with different quali- very close to craftsmanship and the use of local waste Cermak-Sassenrath, D., Møllenbach, E. (2014). Teaching to
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NordiCHI 2014.
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resulting qualities and characteristics, in a kind of current practice given the confirmed growing trend Cornish, E. (1987). Materials and the designer. Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press.
“book of recipes”, using the culinary metaphor. Often, in design, or Craft 2.0 (Micelli, 2011; Sennet, 2008),
one result of the tinkering activity is an Abacus, i.e. in which designers draw inspiration from the tech- Falin, P. (2014). Connection to materiality: Engaging with
ceramic practice. Ruukku Journal, vol. 2.
a visual and textual instrument with the shape of a niques, skills and knowledge of traditional craftsman-
matrix reporting the variations within the same mate- ship and use a self-produced, practical, and experi- Giaccardi, E., Karana, E. (2015). Foundations of Materials
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rial samples production. Videos, diaries, posters, and mental approach. In addition to practice tinkering to 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing
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used to enhance the storytelling about the final result increase innovation, the emerging profile of the mate- Groth, C., Mäkelä, M. (2016). The Knowing Body in Material
and the whole experience around material tinkering, rial designer has another crucial role. It is the one to Exploration. Studies in Material Thinking Journal, vol. 14,
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i.e. the material designer journey. divulge this experimental practice to reach an audi-
Additionally, the tinkerers use pictures, ence and to increase its aesthetic and cultural value in Haug, A. (2018). Acquiring materials knowledge in design
education. International Journal of Technology and Design
videos, drawings, notes and intimate diaries to docu- order to make it acceptable, as a result. Education, (February), 1-16.
ment the development. Documentation records the Material Tinkering is a practice that can drive Karana, E., Barati, B., Rognoli, V., Van der Laan, A. Z.
process and makes it visible, communicating it and innovation and design uniqueness. As David Pye (2007) (2015). Material Driven Design (MDD): a method to design for
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Creating a narrative is also useful for building the capable of right now is so woefully limited”. Indeed,
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and creative process. In this description, we made a Education Researchers.
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26 DIY Recipes: 01 INTRODUCTION 27
Ingredients, processes
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linear, following a simple pattern: production ->
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A case study. In Proceedings of the International
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Pedgley, O. (2014). Material Selection for Product
Experience: New Thinking, New Tools. In Karana, E., Pedgley, Sundström, P., Höök, K. (2010). Hand in hand with the
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an Approach to Design for Focal Things and Practices. Wilson K., Petrich M. (2014), Art of Tinkering, Weldon Owen
In proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer editor.
economy says that it is “... an economy designed to
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being reintegrated into the biosphere, and the tech-
Journal of Faculty of Architecture, 27(2), pp.287-300. in Computing Systems (pp. 493-502).
nical ones, destined to be revalued without entering
the biosphere” (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2012).
A production system no longer based on the maximi-
zation of profits and the hyper-exploitation of natural
resources but which re-elaborates all the production
phases and follows the five fundamental principles
identified by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation: ecode-
sign, modularity and versatility, renewable energies,
ecosystem approach, materials recovery (Ellen MacAr-
thur Foundation, 2012; Weetman, 2017).
Within this new economic model, where the
serious and urgent problems of our society must be
understood and addressed from a different perspec-
tive (Lukens, 2013), design is becoming a fundamental
discipline, embracing complexity and facing different
It has been studied that up to 80% of the
environmental impact of human products, services
and infrastructure are determined in the design phase
(Thackara, 2005). The responsibility, therefore, lies
mostly with the designers and the design decisions
they make, and that shape the processes under-
lying the products: the use, the materials and the
1.2 energy needed to make them, how they are managed
daily and what happens when they are not needed tion. It is a process of design through making which 03 THE IMPORTANCE OF MATERIAL DRAFTS Material drafts are samples that come out
anymore. Several scholars have recently defined CE demonstrates obvious parallels with crafts practice AND MATERIALS DEMONSTRATORS directly from the material experimentation phase,
as a holistic, restorative and resilient economic model (Yair et al., 1999). focused on understanding the adequacy of the chosen
based on innovative projects for the reuse of products From the analysis of the many case studies Designers have started experimenting with sources and the correct use and dosage of the compo-
and resources, efficient material recovery strategies and considering the various experiences made at an matter from the most disparate sources, by gener- nents. In this phase, the focus is on the sensory qual-
through closed-loop supply chains and reverse logis- international level, we can state that it is undoubtedly ating increasingly sophisticated material development ities of the future materials and those colours and
tics (Sillanpää & Ncibi, 2019; Ghisellini et al., 2016). possible to outline general guidelines that describe processes, oriented to the creation of material drafts and elements to create textures, transparencies and chro-
Being “circular” is not just a question of the main phases for the development of a DIY material. shaping material demonstrators. These demonstrators matic effects. Material demonstrators are therefore
reintroducing scrap in the traditional sense of waste The purpose of this chapter is precisely to have the purpose of making the superficial and formal slightly more advanced prototypes, in which the exper-
into the production cycle, but also to remedy the identify the primary and fundamental steps neces- qualities of the hypothetical material perceptible and imentation phase focuses more on the formal potential
inefficient use of natural resources, products and sary for a designer to develop a material draft that is concrete, to further direct the experimentation and give and feasibility of future processes, experimenting with
materials. It is a question of clearing away the very configured as a DIY-Material. impressions and new ideas. Material demonstrators are potential forms and techniques (Rognoli and Ayala-
concept of “waste” and recognizing that everything Furthermore, we also want to contribute to obtained quickly and do not require many investments, Garcia, 2020).
has a value (Lacy and Rutqvist, 2016). the definition of the figure of the materials designer, sophisticated tools or processes. However, they are also
To this extent, designers need the right as a new model that is emerging in the professional beneficial for undertaking actions of speculation and 04 THE MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT PROCESS
training to tackle complex challenges and apply context.Material designer is a professional able to critical design, pushing the designer to create scenarios
knowledge within multidisciplinary teams in response manage the complex role of materials in the design and visions and foresee their future application. We have defined DIY-Materials as materials
to the urgent challenge they have to face. One of the process, focusing on the right material qualities or As argued by scholars (Barati et al., 2016; that arise from an individual or collective self-produc-
significant concerns in implementing the CE princi- properties or even design them, incorporating today Parisi et al. 2017) material demonstrators are useful for tion activity, often through techniques and processes
ples relates to understanding the flow of materials also a CE design approach. Facing new materials frame and communicate material knowledge between of the designers’ invention, as a result of a tinkering
and the possibilities of reshaping the current state of developments, the material designer is called to face materials experts, designers and users. The mate- process with materials. DIY-Materials can be new mate-
our society in terms of artefacts and infrastructure. the challenge of tackling the material project as a rial drafts and the demonstrators offer the designer rials with creative use of other substances as material
Since the traditional industrial drivers that pushed whole, starting from the selection of the sources and the opportunity to tinker and learn interrelationships ingredients, or they can be modified or further devel-
materials research are no longer valid on all fronts, developing a comprehensive strategy in which mate- between processing, control and experiential quali- oped versions of existing materials (Rognoli et al., 2015).
designers don’t have to rely solely on pure science rial drafts are created, designed and improved. ties directly, ensuring a broader understanding of the Within the framework of the material expe-
when it comes to material development. In fact, the Most of the time, the designer’s motivation to process leading to certain features than a finished, rience (Karana et al., 2014), DIY-Materials have been
expansion of the designer’s knowledge of materials undertake a path of material experimentation is attrib- ready-to-use sample can do. Furthermore, demon- described as carriers of unprecedented and promising
and processes is fueled by the democratization of utable to the sensitivity and desire for alternative and strators facilitate communication because they carry material experiences for the future panorama of mate-
technologies, activism and do-it-yourself practices more sustainable solutions, with the aim of replacing evident traces of the process. They tell us where they rials for design. We also investigated their aesthetic
(Anderson, 2014; Bettiol & Micelli, 2014; Tanenbaum those used today by industry in an inappropriate way come from and what their history is because they potential (Ayala & Rognoli, 2017) and their propensity
et al., 2013). for human health and the environment. The exploration readily convey information about processing which is to become bearers of social innovation (Rognoli et al.,
In recent years, many initiatives based on of alternative solutions leads the designers to evaluate difficult to find in standard samples. 2017). Now, we intend to explain in broad terms how
DIY practices (Fox, 2014) have flourished around the new sources, often considering waste or the abundance Scholars also claimed (Parisi & Rognoli, 2017; the development path of DIY-Materials takes shape.
world. These also concerned professional design and of natural materials as the starting point of the mate- Barati et al. 2017), the material drafts and demonstrators The main phases of the self-production process can be
not just the world of amateurs. In fact, the designer rial development process. This approach stimulates are able to support creative thinking and directly orient summarized in four steps:
took the opportunity to acquire control of the entire designers to acquire a global and systemic approach the design choices. Buchenau and Suri (2000) coined
design process by developing material artefacts to the project, which can also help to reach the tracks the experiment “Experience prototyping “, which is a (I) Taking into consideration the material
autonomously. of the circular economy and achieve its goals. form of prototyping that allows both designers, but context in which the designer wants to move
Kotler (1986) defines do-it-yourself as an also users and customers to gain a first-hand appre- and select, choose and study of its source;
activity in which individuals employ raw and semi-raw ciation of existing or future conditions through active
materials and parts to produce, transform, or recon- involvement with prototypes. This approach is used to (II) Exploring through tinkering, as practical,
struct material goods, including those obtained from facilitate various activities during the design process, creative experimentation on materials, funda-
the natural environment. When designers faced this including understanding, exploiting and communi- mental for experiential learning related to the
growing trend related to self-production and focused cating the experiential aspects of design and predicting material itself.
on the material dimension, a new class of materials the use of the future artefact.
was born, known as do-it-yourself materials, DIY-Ma- The propensity of designers to create initial (III) Experimenting self-production processes and
terials (Rognoli et al. 2015). representations of their ideas and insights can be very developing material drafts;
The development of DIY-Materials by the useful in developing materials in which multiple stake-
designer arises from a personal propensity of the holders are involved, including materials scientists, (IV) Evaluating the material drafts that are evalu-
individual towards experimentation, and it grows, engineers, biologists and design researchers (Barati ated and chosen to be transformed into mate-
changes and improves through experience and the et al., 2017). Despite the approximation that is duly rial demonstrators. This further step of exper-
reiteration of a process that evolves through trials inherent in this approach, creating demonstrators and imentation leads to reflection on possible
and errors (Rognoli et al., 2017). In the self-produced the material draft is also useful for sharing paths and applications or new rounds of experiment.
material development where the development ends design purposes for the entire project team, providing
before the start of the industrial production of the them with the opportunity to experiment by making The Material Designer often begins to
same, in the self-produced materials the specifica- and directly creating new hypotheses, on the appear- conceive the material draft by thinking about a source
tions are finalized as late as possible, allowing for ance and feel of the material and changes in the course or selecting the appropriate source (Ayala-Garcia et
further refinement and reiteration of experimenta- of its development. al., 2017). The choice or the opportunity of the sources
guides the experimentation as it directs the material very frequently conducted on waste materials, food to have a sufficient quantity to carry out the exper- composite materials, I was able to understand its func-
designer on a particular type of ingredients. Then the leftovers or organic, renewable and biodegrad- iments and to think in terms of material flows for a tion and properties”. This reiterative learning enables
material designer starts a manipulation process for able materials. Designers tend to adopt a systemic circular economy. the designer to master the recipe/process better at
understanding the properties and qualities of mate- approach, in order to understand the complexity Within this phase the designer should try each new attempt, with a trial and error cognitive
rials, learning the constraints and recognizing their of the life cycle of the material, and its possible to know the material origin and its life cycle as thor- process, almost in a sort of Darwinian selection of the
potential (Parisi et al., 2017). Also, as the material draft reintegration into new productions, leading to a oughly as possible, thus letting the experimentation best suitable solution (Rognoli et al., 2017).
begins to take shape, material designers start a more subsequent industrial symbiosis. follow according to sustainability requirements. The Even in this phase, learning from one’s own
systematic process of getting the various potentials An important task is to understand the fundamental rules of the material flow in a CE, as mistakes is essential. To give a common example, with
of materials and open to imagine material demonstra- different sources available based on this new mate- Ellen Mc Arthur Foundation explicitly stated, want moist organic matter, at the basis of many bioplastic
tors. The designers are fully aware of the capabilities riality, which has been classified by various scholars the starting source to be returned in its original cycle, recipes, problems such as breakages in the drying
and potential of the new material, and tuning becomes in different ways (Thompson, 2013; Lee, 2015; Pelliz- keeping it natural and biodegradable if from organic phase or the presence of mold over time should
significant (Karana et al., 2016). Finally, the designer zari & Genovesi, 2017; Solanki, 2018; Franklin & Till, origin, while recyclable if from a synthetic origin. From be expected on the agenda. Using small tricks like
proposes a vision of what the material can become, its 2019). Ayala-Garcia (2019) introduced the classifica- an aesthetic point of view, the primary source may working with always well-dried compounds, paying
future conditions and possible uses. Imagining through tion of kingdoms, a precise system for identifying a still be visible, influencing technical characteristics attention to the correct ratio of liquid ingredients or
storytelling will help to realize future applications with potential source for DIY-Materials. This classification and supporting the storytelling of the novel devel- the inclusion of vinegar in the recipe, may help manage
the material (Celi & Rognoli, 2017). Storytelling will also refers explicitly to the kingdoms of life proposed by oped material. mold in moisty recipes. Cracks or deformation of the
help communication to make the proposed solution Linnaeus in his Systema Naturae (1735) and divides In some recipes formulated by professional sample due to the contraction of the material during
acceptable, and the definition of a potential specula- the different sources that can be obtained from designers participating to Made project, the original the drying phase can also occur easily, in this case
tive path provides valid indications for the progress of natural or industrial resources (Rognoli & Ayala- material can be fragmented, becoming a filler to be hygroscopic fillers or fibers could help to reinforce the
the project using this material. Garcia, 2020; Ayala-Garcia et al., 2017). aggregated with binders to create a new one, as we basic recipe. Depending on the percentage and gran-
At this point, it is essential to point out that can see in the work Eggshell Ceramic by Laura van de ulometry of the added filler its function will be purely
this path of material development is not linear, but reit- THE KINGDOMS Wijdeven. Here the eggshell, according to the size of aesthetic or structural. A conscious exploration of
erative as a cyclic process. Even after the imagination fragmentation, gives different colors and textures to different features, textures, colours, composition, or
phase, the Material Designer can plan to consider new → Kingdom vegetabile: the primary source of the final material. The grain size of the filler not only a combination of material samples will enhance the
sources or alternative transformation tools and can this kingdom comes from plants and fungi. affects the aesthetics of the new samples but also material, affirming its identity and eliciting a particular
begin another cycle of material development. Some- The self-produced material drafts that belong different technical properties such as brittleness, material experience.
times the cycle starts with a previous tuning result or to this kingdom are also made through elasticity, hardness and weight. The important thing Part of the material’s identity is related to its
previous work on a material source. growing or cultivation techniques. to remember when using the starting material as a behaviors when it becomes a solid volume or a hollow
It is essential to emphasize that the path filler is the fact of inserting it in the recipe only when shape, accordingly, exploring volumes and shapes is
we illustrate in this chapter responds to the need to → Kingdom Animale: includes sources derived well dehydrated, in order to prevent the formation of fundamental for the development of the material. It is a
provide the primary and fundamental steps useful for a from animals and bacteria. The development mold. There can also be a choice to further separate refined step that requires knowledge about the many
material designer to develop a material draft, although of self-produced material drafts often takes the matter, in the case of a composite material, or to ways industry and crafts shape, join, and finish things.
there is no single or consolidated method of dealing place in collaboration with live organisms or re-use the starting material as it is, experimenting The different demonstrators and studies of various
with materials developed for the field of design. By using ingredients of animal origin, such as more with assembly methods and already winking processing techniques bring the material closer to its
following this cycle of four iterative steps, however, it is hair or bones. at possible applications as shown in the project possible applications.
possible to obtain a potential material draft consistent PosiBalls by Andrés Ramírez, where the action of sea Moreover, once the material develop-
with the CE approach quickly and effectively. → Kingdom Lapideum: the sources include waves has already transformed the residue of Posi- ment has reached a mature stage, it is of great help
Each designer then explores, creates and minerals: stones, sand, pottery, clay donia algae into soft spheres. to perform necessary characterization tests. Any
personalized his/her own research path. Having macroscopic techniques such as mechanical testing,
supported the material-focused research of hundreds → Kingdom Recuperavit: includes all sources 06 MATERIAL TINKERING thermal analysis, or density calculation will allow the
of students and designers in international contexts, we which, although mostly considered waste, designer to obtain advanced information about the
can suggest guidelines, defining the main shared and can be turned into a valuable resource. Once the material has evolved and the obtained material. Manzini suggested that new mate-
helpful steps for a material exploration that could lead designer sees a potential, a new phase of optimization rials don’t necessarily come from research centers
to its redesign or reuse in new circular applications. → Kingdom Mutantis: includes different sources and tuning occurs. The main question (with infinite and laboratories (1986, p. 42), this is especially true for
related with technologies and hybridiza- answers) regards the possible processes through DIY-Materials, however, once a certain level of defini-
05 INGREDIENTS SOURCE AND SELECTION tion with interactive elements (with the help which the designer wants to develop the new material. tion has been reached, laboratory tests could confirm
of open-source electronics) or intelligent Depending on the designer’s knowledge and interdis- the designer’s first rough tests and be supportive in
The initial choice of the source for the devel- sources, such as the transfer of ownership, ciplinary approach, a vast range of possibilities will, at presenting the project to the market.
opment of the material is a very delicate phase, which the exchange of energy or the exchange of this point, shape new material samples at each new
will affect the whole process and future considera- materials. cycle of experimentation in a reiterative process of
tions. However, as a free choice, the Materials Designer discovery. Taking precise notes of the recipes and
can consider any source to start from. Once the material designer has identified tested processes is crucial to replicate the experi-
Observing the emerging phenomena and a source and has a reference in the classification of ments and their outcomes. Any sample obtained, even
the different case studies available (Rognoli et al. kingdoms, the main and significant characteristics of the failed ones, will contribute to build a refined knowl-
2015), it is easy to note that the selection of a source these sources can be researched: aesthetic aspects edge of the starting material and how it can be trans-
is usually motivated by the desire to find the answers or intrinsic properties will influence the entire design formed; as stated by the designer Rosie Broadhead
to the many looming and increasingly evident prob- process. The availability of the source also becomes a (author of the project Magnesium Bikini) “Through
lems in our planet. For this reason, experiments are crucial element of the whole process, as it is essential experimentation and developing these magnesium
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main steps and evolutions. Regardless of the trajec- Giaccardi, E., & Karana, E. (2015). Foundations of Materials World. MIT Press.
tory, the material project will take a valuable set of Experience: An Approach for HCI. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI
conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI ’15. Thompson R. (2013). Sustainable Materials, Processes and
available samples may help build up a story. The story- Anderson C. (2014). Makers: The New Industrial
Revolution. Currency New York, USA: ACM Press. Production. Thames & Hudson
telling can also focus on how this material will open
Humier L. (2012). Cooking Material. Triennale Design Museum. UN, Sustainable Development Goals, Goal 12: Ensure
doors to new applications, in contrast with the current Ayala-Garcia C., Rognoli V. (2017). The new materials
aesthetics. DIY-Materials as triggers of new sensorial sustainable consumption and production patterns.
state of product development and mass consumption, experiences. In: The Design Journal, volume 20, pp. Karana E., Giaccardi E., Stamhuis N., Goossensen J. (2016). Retrieved September, 30, 2020, from:
The Tuning of Materials: A Designer’s Journey. In: Proceedings sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-consumption-production/
highlighting the drivers and motivations behind the S375-S389.
of DIS ‘16: the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive
project, the sources of inspiration, tools developed, Ayala-Garcia C., Rognoli V., Karana E. (2017). Five Kingdoms Systems, pp. 619–631 Weetman C. (2017). A Circular Economy Handbook for Business
and Supply Chains. Kogan Page, London.
and tests performed. of DIY Materials for Design. In: Proceedings of EKSIG 17 -
Alive. Active. Adaptive - Experiential Knowledge and Emerging Karana, E., Barati, B., Rognoli, V., & Zeeuw Van Der Laan,
Materials, 19-20 June, Rotterdam, The Netherlands A. (2015). Material driven design (MDD): A method to design Yair K., Tomes A., Press M. (1999). Design through making:
for material experiences. International journal of design, crafts knowledge as facilitator to collaborative new product
08 CONCLUSIONS Ayala-Garcia C. (2019). The Materials Generation. The 19 (2) 2015. development. Design Studies, n.20, pp. 495–515
emerging materials experience of DIY-Materials. Unpublished
Karana, E., Pedgley, O., Rognoli, V. (2014). Materials Zimmerman J., Forlizzi J., Evenson S. (2007). Research
As we said in the introduction to this chapter, PhD thesis in Design, Design Department, Politecnico di
Milano - founded by Colombian Government and Universidad Experience: Fundamentals of Materials and Design. Elsevier. through design as a method for interaction design research
the designers have demonstrated their will to find de Los Andes. in HCI. In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human
Kotler P. (1986). The Prosumer Movement: a New Challenge Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 493-502 . ACM.
alternative ways of developing materials for design. Barati B., Karana E., Jansen K. M. B., Hekkert P. (2016). For Marketers. NA - Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 13,
They highlighted how they too could play a role in the Functional Demonstrators to Support Understanding of Smart pp. 510-513.
Materials. In: Proceedings of the TEI’16: Tenth International
process of generating new material solutions, applying Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, Lacy P., Rutqvist J. (2016). Waste to Wealth: The Circular
creativity and collaborating with multidisciplinary pp. 386-391. ACM. Economy Advantage. Palgrave Macmillan.
Expert Interview (DADI) UNIVERSITY OF
How can the circular economy The impetus of the circular economy strongly influ- Can creativity help determine what Creativity is a tool of primary importance in the design
influence material design? ences the design of materials for the products of the would be the ‘next oil’ in the 21st century? of new materials, with it being a quality that belongs not
future. Bringing new material objects into the world only to the world of designers but also to that of mate-
will increasingly require a considerable evaluation of rials scientists, who need creativity to set up new lines
the ethical responsibility. The materials with which new of research as well as elaborate the predictive princi-
things will be made must be cyclical like those of nature: ples that guide them in the defining of investigation
produced with waste materials and reusable at the end processes and innovative application protocols.
of their life. In the process of creating new materials, crea-
It will be even more necessary to treat tivity can therefore constitute an intermediate meeting
post-production and post-consumer waste in an upcy- point in the collaboration between designers and
cling perspective that is geared towards increasing the scientists that can help them dialogue and collaborate
value of the materials resulting from recycling. through common prefigurations to reach shared objec-
In the past, recycled materials were perceived tives, along with cohesion and relational empathies
as chip materials, since it was customary that recy- capable of generating joint and consistent paths. The
cling negatively affected their technical performance, mutual collaboration between designers and materials
degrading them and reducing their potential subse- scientists, carried out creatively will allow to define the
quent applications. Today the value of a new material materials of the future, which must come from highly
is no longer tied only to its technical performance, but renewable resources, be versatile, not require high-im-
also to its perceptive, evocative and experiential char- pact transformation processes as well as be easily recy-
acteristics. This offers new and unprecedented possi- clable or biodegradable. It is not said that they will be
bilities for regenerating waste. The design of mate- chemical synthesis materials: the oil of the future could
rials with the contribution of design must therefore be come from biodesign processes, as well as, for example,
oriented towards identifying the most “uncomfortable”, from vegetable fibers such as hemp or from the cultiva-
most difficult and expensive waste to dispose of, to tion of biological systems such as fungi or bacteria.
reinterpret and regenerate it, while also increasing its
value, so as to make the recycling process sustainable
Carla Langella and convenient.
What is the relationship and added In the objectives of sustainable development, the mate-
value of materials towards the rial component of new products constitutes a burden
Sustainable development goals? that aggravates the environmental weight of the prod-
ucts due to it requiring a consumption of material and
energy resources. Regardless of the specific impact of
the material, the greater the quantity of material used
to produce new objects, the more the environmental,
economic and social impact of the objects increase.
The reduction of material is therefore one of the most
important strategies to follow.
Nevertheless, objects are made of materials
and it is therefore necessary to deal with the theme of
designing new materials in light of the indications that
emerge from the SDGs. The most involved objective is
Objective 12: to guarantee sustainable consumption
and production models, which aim to generate sustain-
able consumption and production models, through an
ecological management of chemicals and all waste,
along with a substantial reduction in waste generation
through measures such as recycling or reuse. Objective Associate Professor in Industrial Design at the Depart-
12 also aims to halve food waste as well as encourage ment of Architecture and Industrial Design of the
businesses to adopt sustainable practices. University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” where she
teaches Bio-Innovation Design, Design for Scientific
Visualization, and Laboratory of Industrial Design 3.
Her main research interests and publications are in
the fields of design for materials, design and science,
design for sustainability, and biomimetic design. Since
2006 she has founded and coordinates the Hybrid
Design Lab, a design research group dedicated to the
mutual collaboration between design and science.
Circular Material
Material Education: Valentina Rognoli, PhD 38
New Training, New Skills Ziyu Zhou
Design Department
Politecnico di Milano
Material Education: 01 ABSTRACT 38 1.3 DESIGN DEPARTMENT
in the near or far future: waste of food, energy and other By studying the current technology and contemporary designers need new material skills to
resources; over polluted water and solid; over emissions market development state, several highlighted trends adapt to this fast-changing world?
during manufacturing processes… Back to the theme can play a vital role in the future development of Started from the generic view on the mate-
of circular design, material consideration is essential, materials education. First of all, the democratization rial in the design world, and expanding to detailed
and designers can be able to actively propose new of personal fabrication can break down the barriers branches such as material selection or materials
material solutions to get a more sustainable results by of design and manufacturing, allowing designers to experience, the literature on the material aspect of
manipulate the materials and its circular systems. The understand and manipulate materials directly. This will design can reveal how the designer’s perspective on
ninth principle of Dieter Rams says that good design pin down the concept of “materials” in design, turning materials gradually changes in these years. Besides
is environmentally friendly and sustainable (Rams, it from the parameters written on the paper into touch- the material selection in design, quite a few designers
2017). From the point of view of material design, we can able auxiliary design tools. Therefore, the popularity of have begun to put materials at the beginning of their
firstly interpret it as a flow of highly efficient material Fab Labs may gradually change the design educational design paths, exploring the infinite potential they can
resources and low recycling emissions and production patterns, and it will also change the basic approach offer. Opinions of design scholars, material special-
costs, but the circular choice of materials also affects of material cognition by design students. Moreover, ists, and material designers show how the evolu-
the immateriality of the design: the social and economic the increasing number of material libraries nowa- tion of the material world inspired designers to new
impacts and the value of the user experience while days provides massive tangible resources for the circular solutions and ecodesign to look differently
using the product. Under this new context, designers current design and material education. The material at relations between humans, objects, materials
need to have new dialogue competences with materials libraries have established a direct link between market and systems. Reflecting on what has happened in
and make better material decisions. resources and education, and its own existence as a the past to the present day, as well as anticipation
In design education, the cultivation of the design consult business also allows design students following today’s new context, the chapter aims to
capabilities on dialoguing with materials has become to see the potentiality from large amounts of mate- encourage us rethinking the evolving role of materials
more flexible and challenging. Designers’ material rial suppliers on the market. Besides, a considerable education in design for a circular and more sustain-
competencies must not only follow technological number of open educational resources have also made able approach.
updates but also require them to keep their social material learning more comfortable and more auton- There is still a long way to go for materials
responsibility in mind, in order to respond to the mate- omous. Designers today can use the availability of education in design, and it struggled to adapt to the
rial sustainability issues today actively. It is necessary information properly to explore material stories and current development and trends of science, tech-
to put materials in a role that can be designed and experiences into more circular and more sustainable nology and social forms. Putting materials in a posi-
03 THE CHANGING MATERIAL explored, to allow design students to conduct multi-di- and increase the impact of materials as an entity that tion where they can be designed and explored will
WORLD: NEW CONTEXTS mensional explorations and dialoguing with materials’ can be designed. Besides, people can share a common undoubtedly have a revolutionary impact shortly, and
environmental, economic, cultural, and technological, design language on a global scale in our digital age. also heralds that materials will continue to be one of
The education of materials in design has etc. aspects. Ziyu Zhou’s ongoing doctoral research External developments and new trends the crucial considerations in the future development
always been influenced by changes in the external is trying to reveal a future landscape of materials incubated the changing perspectives on materials. In of design education. Thanks to design material educa-
world. Today’s design education focuses on mate- education in design and define a feasible pedagogical recent years, design students have shown increasing tors, scholars and experts for their continuous explo-
rials is trying to keep up with the real needs of framework taking materials as a designable element curiosity about designing and transforming mate- rations and teaching practices, in the future design
designers, in response of the changing and evolving at the starting point of the design path (Zhou, 2020). rials’ experiential attributes, which explains the large field, there will be more and more material profes-
world with many requirements and issues. More than The research aims to construct a method to enhance number of hands-on courses that take “materials” as sional figures who can connect design aesthetics
ever, designers need to be able to capture the subtle design students’ ability from two fundamental aspects a starting point for the generated design path. New and manufacture directly. Just like sommeliers, they
changes in the world we live in; this requires them not of material education: thinking and practicing. Many teaching attempts, such as introducing DIY-Materials can have their unique methods and tools to “taste”
only to have inquiring minds and to work hard but also elements that can be considered and used to create practice (Rognoli et al. 2015) to students and encour- and feel materials, and be able to analyze, evaluate,
to have a strong social responsibility. From contin- tools or approaches for material exploration among the aging them to explore and create new material expe- advocate, and even create new ones. They will play an
uous exploration, innovation and communication, framework, and as well, they are usually be regarded riences by a hands-on approach, have received very essential role in building a sustainable future.
designer’s focus and interest in materials is changing as intentioned learning outcomes in today’s materials positive feedback because they allow a more engaging
and evolving tremendously nowadays. They began to education in design, such as: and active dialogue with materials.
create their own languages on materials such as new
material typologies, new fabrication processes, new (a) Keep updated and understand the emerging 04 CONCLUSION
consideration on relations between users and prod- materials and technologies;
ucts. Many novel material sections generated, like As the designers’ perspectives on the mate-
Growing materials (Collet, 2017; Camere, 2017); (b) Criticize and investigate the resources, rial gradually changed from technical properties to
Interactive Connected and Smart (ICS) materials materials flows and the circular issues we are materials experience, emerging educational activities
(Rognoli, 2017; Parisi 2018), Social materials facing up today; began to conceptualize and contextualize the mate-
(Drazin & Küchler, 2015), Transmaterials (Brownell, rials experiential attributes and integrate it into the
2017) revealed the diversity of material innovation, also (c) Explore the material processing technology design education. A phenomenon generated recently
showing that designers and design researchers are and approaches, to give material new prop- is catching people’s attention: the pedagogy in mate-
aware of how these material innovations and related erties and attributes; rial education tends to engage students taking “mate-
practices can facilitate the development of design rials” as an active entity to be designed, rather than
discipline into more transdisciplinary. This brings an (d) Analyze and rethink about the relationships just a passive thing to choose in the design path. This
enormous changing and developing of the design world. between people, objects and materials, has led us to reflect on the future of materials educa-
Besides, we are facing up to new challenges as today’s based on understanding and exploring the tion in design: do we need new training methods
designers because of the potential crisis we might have material experiences. to guide designers to dialogue with materials? Do
Many scholars identify the materials used to industrial processes, paying greater attention to the managing circular design, material manipulation (Parisi → Locality. Understanding the potentiality of
shape the world as a fundamental element to manage expressive and sensorial components. The accept- et al., 2017) and creative processes based on practical local materials knowledge and culture
a transition towards sustainability (Liedtke et al., 2015; ance of the independence of the design of materials experimentation.
Ceschin and Gaziulusoy, 2016; Crabbé et al., 2013; has undoubtedly brought out the need for a profes- This specialist materials designer evaluates, → Business models. Gaining new business models
Gaziulusoy and Erdoğan Öztekin, 2019). The human sional designer specialized in this field, and it has laid designs or develops materials and inspires means to knowledge that enables materials designers to
being’s ability to extract, transform and consume the foundations for today being able to talk about the manufacture materials for use in products that must envision alternative mainstream industry solu-
material resources has defined it as a species. The design of materials aimed at the circular economy. In meet specialized design and performance specifica- tions and new sources of revenues.
fact of transforming materials into useful, meaningful, fact, the area of material design is mature enough to tions. These Material designers, foreseen as work of
ergonomic and performative artefacts described her/ be able to face one of the most critical challenges that the future by some experts (Brownlee, 2016), have a → Different production sectors. Understanding
him as a designer. The scale they have done this, both human beings have met, to defend their world from specific approach and contribution for a more respon- the different productive sectors they can
as humans and as designers, over the past 50 years is themselves, also thanks to design and the material sible role in the current planetary and human chal- impact with their creations.
placing an unsustainable burden on the planet. designer. lenges. They refer to the circular economy approach as
In the history of design, it is possible to find This chapter is focused on communicating the their goal; they use creativity as a tool for innovation → Hands-on experimentation. Adopting exper-
examples of approaches and moments in which the reflections arisen during the Made Project regarding and addressing materials and processes as means to imental methodologies and DIY techniques
importance of materials has emerged firmly. One of the designer’s role concerning the impending envi- achieve this goal. from other disciplines and bring them into the
all is the example of Primary Design, thanks to which, ronmental problems and the development of more This material designer showcases a hybrid creative ones.
towards the end of the 70s in Italy, a new approach sustainable solutions, including circular materials. It is profile of creativity with science-driven design. They
to materials was defined. The merit of the Primary a contribution to the overall reflection about the way are great ideators, connectors of unexpected combina- → Visual communication. Creating a visual attrac-
Design was to try to re-establish the primacy of human humans think about design in the context of urgent tions, being able to go out of their comfort zone. Their tive project to ensure high communication
function, making the artefacts and the environment needs for sustainable solutions to face uncertainties, creative spark, purposeful design attitude and mate- impact of any experimental creative project.
reactive to the touch and manipulable, to reconnect turbulence and rapid change of the contemporary rial-driven design approach make them a great asset
the human being to the existing centre. Sensations world. The contribution is aimed at outlining the char- in today’s economic, societal and environmental chal- 02 MATERIAL DESIGN PROJECTS
become a privileged theme of the project and the study acteristic features of the materials designer implicated lenging context, including addressing the European
of the chromatic, acoustic, tactile perception allows in the transition to sustainability as a new design Green Deal and the relevant UN’s Sustainable Develop- What are the typologies of materials design
the possibility of elaborating new material languages discipline and in discovering solutions for the circular ment Goals. projects? An early analysis of existing material
that become just as important as the compositional economy approach. Their work should not be developed on their design projects has been performed, clustering them
and structural syntax. own, but being connected and collaborating with into five categories: Grown materials, Wasted mate-
With the Primary Design, the specificity of 01 MATERIAL DESIGNERS other disciplines, such as material science (to back rials, Zero-Waste materials, Domesticated materials,
material design is born for the first time, which inter- IN CONTEXT up any creative-driven decision), industrial engi- Technocraft materials. Table 1 displays the materials
venes where the material is acquiring its set of chro- neering (to scale up their materials design solutions category along the definition, the reasoning behind,
matic, acoustic, visual and surface properties, to give What are they agents for? What are their into industry), social sciences (to systematically exemplifying design projects, and potential project/
it a specific, culturally recognizable identity (Petrillo, contributions and specific skills? explore the materials impact on social structures and industry application. This analysis allows for the iden-
1985; Petrillo, 1989; Trini Castelli, 1985). It can, there- What has been understood today is that not to explore how to communicate to a wider public in tification of the material design development starting
fore, be said that in this case, the design of the materials only the designer can transform and create using the order to raise environmental awareness), and envi- point and the possible future applications, provided
was focused on their sensorial-expressive dimension. material of the invention (Manzini, 1986), but she/he ronmental sciences (to evaluate the environmental that the industrial scalability of these early material
As scholars stated (Branzi, 1984; Manzini, 1988; Doveil, can invent the material itself. Over the past ten years impact of their creations). designs is addressed.
1998; Rognoli, 2005), the design of materials opened or so, a phenomenon has been observed in the field
up new possibilities for planning and determining an of design. The scholars have called it as DIY-Mate- A good material designer demonstrates these The materials categories and processing typologies
intervention not on the form, but on the material defi- rials (Rognoli et al., 2015; Ayala-Garcia, 2017). Under specific skills: can be classified as follows:
nition of the products. New technical knowledge is this designation, the idea was to collect all the exam-
indispensable for this kind of design focused on mate- ples, still growing today, of self-produced materials by → Sectoral Transversality. Understanding the → Materials category: GROWN Materials
rials, and it allows control for the constructive process designers. Whereas previously the only professionality transversality of materials and connecting
of materials, often employed misusing their authentic involved in the creation and manipulation of materials solutions from different industries. Definition: Materials that are grown through
expressive skills. The design of materials, therefore, were scientists and engineers, now designers have also the use of bacteria or fungi.
were defined as the design research, which makes shown that they are enthusiastic in developing the skills → Scientific and creative perspectives. Adopting
the theme of materials the very ground of the project to design materials. The reasons for this desire are to a multidisciplinary view of materials, both Reasoning behind: Biological processes to
process. Materials have their cultural autonomy which be found in the awareness that the material is a funda- from creative and scientific approach. generate materials.
helps to create an expressive structure that requires a mental and indissoluble part of the design process and
dedicated design activity to be determined. on the other hand the desire to design sustainable and → Sustainability and circular economies. Under- Design projects: MOGU. Materials grown
The real revolution produced by the recogni- circular material solutions by discovering and experi- standing circular economies in the context of from funghi. Mauricio Montalti from Oficina
tion of the autonomy of the design of materials in the menting with alternative resources. design and materials. Corpuscoli. | Biocouture. Materials grown
culture of the project was the development of design Having said that, the Made project focused from bacterial cellulose. Suzanne Lee.
research addressed at giving meaning to technology, precisely on providing professional material lover → Hybrid of traditional and computerised
technical culture, accustomed instead to considering designers with the right context to boost their skills by skills. Mastering hybrid skills that bridge Project/industry application: Small home
materials only as a tool aimed at the functional realiza- addressing them towards the design of circular mate- traditional craft techniques with techno- objects, construction bricks, insulation panels.
tion of objects. rials. The results of the European Made project high- logical innovation in the field of materials
The need to design materials, independently lighted how a specific profile of materials designer is processing (3D printing; Computer-aided
and beyond the shape of the objects, means entering emerging, as a professional capable of simultaneously fabrication,..)
→ The MaDe Awards were coined to set a quality Branzi A. (1984). The Hot House: Italian New Wave Design. Mit
Pr; Mit Press.
Materials category: WASTED Materials Design projects: Interwoven. Domesticating standard for materials design projects, in the three
grass roots to generate woven material. Diana different areas where material designers can have an Buchanan R. (1989). Declaration by Design: Rhetoric,
Argument, and Demonstration in Design Practice. In: Victor
Definition: Composite materials that are created Scherer. Bamboo shelf. Luz Gallegos. impact as a profession: industry, entrepreneurship and Margolin, ed. Design Discourse, Chicago: University of
out of harvested waste. forecasting. Three MaDe winners were appointed out Chicago Press, p. 93.
Project/industry application: Textiles, furniture. of 18 selected finalists, based on criteria such as orig- Brownlee, John (2016). “5 Design Jobs That Won’t Exist
Reasoning behind: Reuse of existing waste, → inality, industrial scalability, entrepreneurial poten- In The Future”. Fast Company. Retrieved from https://www.
undeeming the use of resources. Landfills as Materials category: TECHNOCRAFT Materials tial and socioeconomic impact, and disruptive vision future
resource locations. that can have future impact on society and industry in Ceschin F., Gaziulusoy I. (2016). Evolution of design for
Definition: Materials that are developed to terms of circular economy. sustainability: From product design to design for system
Design projects: Well proven chair, made out function specifically for its use together with The training of skills, quality standard and innovations and transitions. In: Design Studies, Volume 47,
of wooden chips. Marjan van Aubel and James the new technologies. talent acquisition is achieved through the MaDe Chal-
Shaw. | Waste clothing made out of recycled lenges, industrial collaborations between each winner Crabbé A., Jacobs R., Van Hoof V., Bergmans A., Van Acker K.
(2013). Transition towards sustainable material innovation:
PET bottles. Jorge Penadés. | Paperbricks. Reasoning behind: Lightness, minimum mate- and an appointed company or organisation, as a way evidence andevaluation of the Flemish case. In: Journal of
Tables made out of waste paper pulp. Studiio rial or favouring the recuperation and reuse of to give access to material designers to the corpo- Cleaner Production, n. 56, pp.63-72.
Woojai. | Air Ink. Made out of recovered air original material with minimum impact on the rate context and to specific, practical challenges that Doveil F. (1998). La materia progettata. (The designed
pollution. Graviky Labs. ecosystem. industry may have. matter) In: Domus, n.805, pp.73-80.
Generating a community of like-minded Gaziulusoy I., Erdogan Öztekin E. (2019). Design for
Project/industry application: Chairs, tables, Design projects: Ceramic Constellation Pavilion designers is achieved through the MaDe platform, a Sustainability Transitions: Origins, Attitudes and Future
Directions. In: Sustainability, vol.11, n. 3601, pp. 1-16.
stools, footwear, clothing, home accesso- by Plasma Studio and HKU Faculty of archi- repository of talented material designers and their
ries, fashion accessories (glasses, watches, tecture. materials projects, but also through social media Grant J., Fox F. (1992). Understanding the Role of the
Designer in Society. Journal of Art & Design Education,
jewellery), construction panels, architectural platforms. This community can be accessed by other vol.11, n. 1, pp. 77-87.
elements (kitchen fixtures,...). Project/industry application: Architectural designers, but also by companies willing to incorpo- Liedtke C., Baedeker C., Borrelli L. M. (2015).
→ elements (façades,..), fashion trimmings, rate this talent into their organisation. Transformation Towards a Sustainable Society – Key
Materials category: ZERO WASTE Materials decorative objects. Exposure and visibility of all these new Mate- Intervention Areas. In: Innovative Energy & Research, vol. 4,
n.2, 1000117.
rial Designers’s profiles is as important as the training
Definition: Materials normally discarded before The materials processing typologies can be in order to achieve a certain recognised status within Manzini, E. (1986). The material of invention. MIT Press.
production of goods and of local and abun- fit into two categories: (a) DIY processes that include the design community. In a context where physical Manzini, E. (1988). La materia progettata. (The designed
dant nature. From organic or non organic chemical and physical experimental processing, and digital merge, and in order to successfully reach matter) In: Abacus, n.15, pp. 28-31.
origin, issued from local abundance or culture, taken from other experimental disciplines (chemistry, different audiences, it is necessary to find innovative Papanek V., (1972). Design for the Real World: Human Ecology
including food waste, that are used in a new gastronomy,...) and (b) Processes combined from ways to reach the audience, rely strongly on network and Social Change. Academy Chicago Pub.
way or as new resources. traditional industry and from technological digital multipliers and generate attractive communicative Parisi S., Rognoli V., Sonneveld M. (2017). Material
processing (CNC, 3D, etc). portfolios. The MaDe Edits is a short film, available for Tinkering. An inspirational approach for experiential
learning and envisioning in product design education. In: The
Reasoning behind: Use the whole of a mate- larger audiences, that promotes and positions with a Design Journal, vol. 20, pp. S1167-S1184.
rial resource, without discarding anything. 03 MATERIAL DESIGNERS, focus on materials as taking up the responsibility for Petrillo A. (1985). Lettera sul design primario (Primary
Enhancing local and social economies. A NEW DISCIPLINES pursuing more circular design solutions. The MaDe design letter). In: Clino Trini Castelli (ed.), Il Lingotto
Primario (The Primary Ingot), Arcadia, Milano.
Galleries and MaDe Films are audiovisual packages
Design projects: The new age of trichology. How is this new design discipline created? from the MaDe finalists that can help them showcase Petrillo A. (1989). Il progetto della materia (the design of
Human hair used as fibers. Sanne Wisser. | In order to set the seed for this new creative profes- and share their projects and their professional profile. the matter). In: Ottagono, n.89.
Piñatex. Vegetable leather out of pineaple sion, actions are then needed such as training the Conceived for sectoral audiences, the MaDe Talks help Rognoli V., Levi M., (2005). Materiali per il design:
leaves. | Porcaria. Pig skin-made bioplastic. skills, establishing a quality standard, generating share the personal and professional experience of espressività e sensorialità (Materials for design:
expressivity and sensoriality). Milano: Polipress
Materials Experience Lab. | Remolten. Made out a community and giving it visibility. MaDe (Material these material designers on a first-person perspective,
of local lava materials. Good things 2 people. Designers) is the project, co-funded by Creative and the MaDe Book can collect the different academic Rognoli V., Bianchini M., Maffei S., Karana E. (2015). DIY
Materials. Special Issue on Emerging Materials Experience.
Europe Programme of The European Union, that has and industrial views on what are the role of material In: Virtual Special Issue on Emerging Materials Experience,
Project/industry application: Bioplastic pack- targeted these activities, aiming at boosting talents designers in the context of circular economy. Materials & Design, vol. 86, pp. 692–702
aging, automotive parts (upholstery, interior towards circular economies across Europe. As a conclusion, Material Designers are Stengall N. (2006). Designing for Sustainability: A
elements), cords, tableware, stools, fashion Training had to be adopted from a trans- agents of change. They can design, redesign, reform, Philosophy for Ecologically Intentional Design. In: Design
Issues, vol. 22, n. 2, pp.56-63.
accesories (glasses, watches, jewelry), foot- disciplinary perspective and immersive experience reuse and redefine materials giving them an entirely
wear, architectural elements (kitchen fixtures,..). approach. The intensive 5-day MaDe training had two new purpose. Increasing the potential of materials they Thackara J., (2006). In the Bubble: Designing in a complex
world. MIT Press.
→ expert multi-disciplinary supervisors and tackled the can go on to research, advise, educate and communi-
Trini Castelli C., Petrillo A. (1985). Il lingotto primario
Materials category: DOMESTICATED Materials scientific bases of the different typologies of mate- cate what materials are and can be in the immediate, (the primary ingot). Arcadia, Milano.
rials, trends in materials, materials hands-on DIY near and far future, implementing positive social,
Definition: Materials imitating natural processes processes and manipulations, and storytelling. The economic, political and environmental change across Vezzoli C. (2003). A new generation of designers:
perspectives for education and training in the field
and conditioning natural matter to grow in a materials’ project had to also oversee the possible all sectors towards a responsibly designed future. of sustainable design. Experiences and projects at the
proposed direction. sector application in view of generating an impact on Politecnico di Milano University. Journal of Cleaner
Production, Vol. 11, No 1, pp. 1-9.
industrial innovation. A community of 120 designers Ayala-Garcia C., Rognoli V., Karana E. (2017). Five Kingdoms
Reasoning behind: design in a symbiotic manner across Europe were trained. of DIY Materials for Design. In: Proceedings of EKSIG 17 -
Alive. Active. Adaptive - Experiential Knowledge and Emerging
Wahl D. C., Baxter S. (2008). The Designer’s Role in
Facilitating Sustainable Solutions. Design Issues, vol. 24,
with nature. Materials, 19-20 June, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. n. 2, pp.72-83.
What are the specific skills of a material designer? In my opinion, there is nothing “specific” at all about a
material designer, and that is both the beauty and the
opportunity of the field: I see practitioners existing on a
broad spectrum.
On one hand, there are problem solvers: a
novel application needs a material with X or Y char-
acteristics, and one doesn’t exist. They combine the
necessary tools and knowledge to achieve a singular
goal. On the other are explorers: they push material to
its limits to see what is possible, with no specific goal in
mind. They don’t ask the materials to do what they – the
designer – wants them to do, they ask the materials to
show what they – the materials – are capable of.
In between are those who, for example,
develop replacement materials for a product that is
currently made from one that is at odds with evolving
knowledge about impacts to the environment, whether
that is micro, meso, or macro; or who see a surplus of a
material (often waste, often growing) that has inherent
value and look to exploit it.
Where does the materials design discipline stand? Material design stands at the crossroads of the Built
Can they be the connectors between different Environment and Natural Resource Management – and
climate related disciplines? it holds the keys to both. Until we will be able to tran-
scend the laws of physics and either conjure matter
from nothing or make matter disappear, our ability to
shape material flows is of critical importance.
Richard Lombard A major reason that makes these flows so
important is that they weigh so heavily on the envi-
ronment. From extraction to manufacture to useful life
to end-of-life scenarios, all materials fundamentally
impact the air, land, and sea. The ways in which they do
this is maddeningly complex and interconnected, and
cannot be understood from a single perspective.
Material designers have not only the opportu-
nity, but also the responsibility, to consider the impacts
that their ideas have from the perspective of multiple
stakeholders. This vital perspective allows them to
understand – and communicate the understanding of
– the intrinsic connections that materials have to the
health of the planet.
Industry and
Circular Material for Marinella Ferrara, PhD 52
Creative Industries: Design Department
The Emerging Bioplastics Politecnico di Milano
of Design and Engineering
Circular Material for 01 INTRODUCTION 52 1.4 DESIGN DEPARTMENT
Creative Industries:
The Emerging Bioplastics Creative Industries (CIs) make up the most important
sector of European economies and are among the
manner without harm or waste, by breakdown natu-
rally and, (ii) technical materials, which can be contin-
fastest-growing (KEA 2006, Power and Nielsén 2010). uously re-used without harm or waste”. Even, McDon-
According to the European Commission (2010), CIs In the topical and expected transition phase ough and Braungart (2002) recognized two cycles in
are “those industries which use culture as an input to Circular Economy (CE) paradigm, CIs are the first which resource loops flow, the ‘technical cycle’ and
and have a cultural dimension, although their outputs to start to reorganize their product manufacturing the ‘biological cycle’. The first refers to closed loops
are mainly functional.” They produce tangible goods on sustainability principles to reduce environmental within which inorganic materials or synthetics ones
or intangible services and can support innovation footprint (Prendeville, et al 2014, Loiseau et al 2016, can stay in continued use without losing their prop-
in other industries through typical creative inputs of Geissdoerfer et al 2017). Within a company the tran- erties or value. The biological cycle refers to organic
art, design, and architecture. Culture and creative sition mattes a way to reduce conflicts between nutrients or materials that can return to the system or
labour are applying to new concepts of material, prod- the competitivity in terms of improved efficiency, decompose without causing harm to the environment
ucts, services or strategic communication ensuring ecological responsibility, ethical values and customer and provide a source of food for the wider system.
continuous innovation based on high values prod- satisfaction (EIO 2013; Martos-Pedrero et al 2019). Finally, a sustainable circular material can be defined
ucts (product innovation) and new technologies, Reducing the impact on the environment have also as something whose production is supported indef-
procedures, and routines to raise efficiency or quality a positive financial impact: less raw material they initely by nature, which means, a resource is used
(process innovation). Speaking about CIs innovation, use more they can recycle, and less they have to up at the same speed that it is renewed. From the
we recall that “Material research plays an important spend on those materials. But the transition requires moment in which the raw materials are extracted to
role in the creative industries because the key success investments because of materials research and an the moment in which the final product is disposed of,
of a new product is increasingly linked to the materials intensive process of “recirculation of resources in there must be no permanent damage to the environ-
used.” (Rosso 2012) CIs can be important appliers of loops of reuse”, recycling and renewal (using clean ment. What is needed to embrace a circular model is
new materials products and manufacturing processes energy and eliminating waste) are needed (Clark et the capability to limit the use of materials and energy
or contribute themselves to material innovation. It is al 2016). Moreover, besides its academic penetration, at the top of the process and minimise their exit
on this very topic that we focus our contribution to CE seems to be a rather unclear or poorly understood during the process, reducing negative environmental
MaDe. We display the potentiality of new biobased concept that deficit of well-defined methodology (de externalities.
plastics for CIs. At the same time, we highlight the role Jesus & Mendonça 2018). It lacks clear information In line with sustainability theories, a strong
of the design-driven material innovation approach and and effective legislation (Rizos et al 2015). environmental sensitivity has stimulated researcher
the advisable implementation in CIs. In this scenario, the objective of this essay and innovators towards a deep exploration around
Words by From 2012, European Commission, jointly with
the EASME endorsed actions to promote new collabo-
is to give insight into the role of design in the enter-
prises’ transition toward the CE. Pursuing this
materiality (Ferrara, 2017). Production cycles, mate-
rial and energy flows through industrial systems
Marinella Ferrara rative innovation strategies for the integration of design intent, after having briefly highlighted the connec- have been questioned for understanding how these
creativity into material research and development. tion between CIs and design, we want to clarify the systems interact with the environment. Researchers
Projects such as ‘Damadei’, dedicated to increasing the relationship CE-sustainability-material innovation, deal with reducing the ecological footprint even if it
collaboration between creative and material commu- giving evidence to the potentiality of new bio-based needed to redesign processes and materials shifting
nity, and the ‘Design for Enterprises’, a series of courses plastics. Many of them have been already developed from a linear system to a closed one where wastes
to increase the innovative capability of European small and placed on the market thanks to the contribution can become new inputs to production. They trayed
and medium-sized enterprises (Ferrara & Lecce 2019) of designers in connection with CIs, giving voice to to turn industrial waste and disused objects into new
- with a dedicated module of ‘Design for Materials’ innovator sensibility and design research aware- materials, developing techniques and also machines
(Ferrara 2017 p.179-181) – contribute to spreading among ness according to EU plastics Strategy. Design is for the recycling of thermoplastics, such as the
scholar, SMEs and incubators an approach of design- called from the process beginning to establish a Precious Plastic machines by the Dutch designer Dave
driven material innovation (also named creative-driven new relationship between resources and production Hakkens - that originated a movement to promote
material innovation approach), relative methodologies (Korhonen et al 2018). plastic-recycling organizations - or the candyfloss
and knowledge about what design creativity could do inspired machine by Polyfloss Factory allowing for
for materials development (EC 2013). EU actions have 03 CIRCULAR ECONOMY AND the recycling of thermoplastics into fibres. Similarly,
been contributing moving beyond the consolidated SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION in Germany 3DEVO, developed a machine capable of
design guidelines, such as the selection and application transforming the plastic waste into 3D printable gran-
of given materials, and pushed design culture toward According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation ules, which can be then turned into filaments. Instead,
an expanded and more complex materials innovation (2016a), CE is a concept “based on the principles of Refil that produced 100% recycled filaments of many
process to capture new value and drive production as designing out waste and pollution, keeping products thermoplastics from plastic waste, now is changing
well as consumption towards sustainability. and materials in use, and regenerating natural systems”. its focus on the operations of Better Future Factory to
By designing products with materials that come from, help brands & business moving to sustainable plas-
and safely flow, into their respective nutrient cycles, tics. Technical cycles like these could be considered
they can be part of creating an optimized materials a partial solution to the environmental problems but
economy that eliminates the concept of waste (2016b). can open new economic of ecological potentialities
A useful sustainable business conceptualization by for manufacturing companies as well as for crafts-
Scott (2010) is based on “a zero-waste industrial people and local communities in many contexts. In
economy that profits from two types of material inputs: a time when plastics are ubiquitous with a profound
(i) biological materials which are those that can be negative impact on animal welfare and the environ-
1.4 reintroduced back into the biosphere in a restorative ment, plastic waste is a crucial issue.
There are plenty of CE transition cases effective sustainable alternatives to conventional plas- and are recyclable but non-biodegradable. The renew- of carbon sources including waste effluents, plant oils,
through materials’ innovation among design-oriented tics for a new generation of green products. able (or partly renewable) basis of these products fatty acids, alkane, and simple carbohydrates. In this
industries. Speaking of technical material cycles, for As regards to the expected biological cycle, reduces their carbon footprint while also lowering case, PHA has the dual benefit of reducing cost and the
instance, Magis, one of the most popular Italian design it is important to consider that biobased plastics are production costs. They are a kind of bio-similar copy cost of waste disposal. PHA is non-toxic, fully biode-
furniture brands developed a polypropylene recycling not necessarily environmentally friendly. This could of petrochemical plastics but are made from biomass gradable under the right conditions, and can be used
sourced from its production waste and that of the be not biocompatible, nor biodegradable (Vert et al instead of fossil oil. There are types of PE, PP, PVC, and in a wide range of applications, from food packaging to
local car industry. new originated patented mate- 2012). It must make attention to the needed biodeg- PET. This last is widely known thanks to the launch of medical implants.
rial, that excludes almost all virgin or new materials, radation conditions and to the eventual presence of the Plantbottle™ by Coca-Cola company. This specific Last, but not least there is a group of biode-
can be 100% recycled again after use. This material compounded polymer or a copolymer that can include PET is manufactured using 30% plant-based materials gradable biopolymers fossil-fuel-based such as the
was applied by the designer Konstantin Grcic in the bio-resistant additives or moieties, respectively (Vert et while retaining the same characteristics as the tradi- polybutyrate (PBAT) – a random copolymer made up of
monobloc Bell chair, which uses the minimum quanti- al 2012). tional bottle and being fully recyclable. butylene adipate and terephthalate - and the polycapro-
ties of material and causes less energy consumption The macro-category of biobased plastics Another group of bio-based plastics are the lactone (PCL). Used primarily in hybrid conjunction with
during production thanks to the structurally strong includes various materials that differ in properties biopolymers that are produced from bacteria such us starch or other bioplastic materials, they improve the
egg-shaped shell geometry, that is comfortable and and applications depending on their base materials, the polyhydroxalkanoates (PHAs). Each type of PHA application-specific performance of the final product
welcoming. Once the product has reached the end compounded polymers and manufacture. Biobased is produced by a specific strain of bacteria. These are due to their biodegradability and mechanical properties.
of life, it can fully recycle creating an almost closed plastics can be distinguished as full or partially natural, exposed to a specific supply of essential nutrients They have emerged as promising biopolymers finding
material cycle. Grcic’s ecological aspiration behind renewable or not. It can also be or not be biode- (such as oxygen and nitrogen), which promotes the numerous applications as thermoplastics, elastomers,
the project drive to rethink the entire production and gradable and compostable. Biodegradable refers growth of PHA in granules of plastic inside their cells as adhesives, packaging materials, dining utensils, dispos-
distribution process in order to keep the weight, the to a substance able to entirely degrade naturally by food and energy reserves. Industrial production prefers able razors, diapers, cosmetic containers - shampoo
time of production and the price of the chair as low biological activity without leaving behind any residue certain bacteria capable of producing PHA from a range bottles and cups.
as possible. Distribution costs have been reduced (Ceresana 2009). Effective biodegradation requires
by shipping the chair on a specially designed pallet, micro-organisms action that metabolises the material
a vertical stack of 12 units, using the same recycled leading to a significant change in their chemical struc-
plastic (Grcic 2020, Magis 2020). ture, converting it into other natural substances such
Even companies that do not operate in the as compost water, and carbon dioxide. In the case of
products design sector have an interest in promoting compostable materials, biotransformation happens in
their circular economy approach. For instance, in specific environmental conditions including location,
2019 the multinational Heineken brewery awarded temperature, level of aeration, and timeframe, allowing
the Spanish architect Omayra Maymó for her idea to microorganisms (especially by enzymatic action)
create a new material with barley waste from the beer- metabolise the material. According to European
brewing process. She applied the draft of this new Bioplastics (2018), a bio-based material “is defined as
material to Malta I, a conceptual piece that embodies a bioplastic if it is either bio-based biodegradable, or
“a statement on the use of resources” (Maymó, 2020). features both properties.”
This is made by taking the beer process residue and One of the first bioplastics, both biobased and
binding it with cement, forming a hybrid inorgan- biodegradable, is the Polylactic Acid (PLA) produced
ic-organic composite structure lighter of cement, and by bacterial fermentation under controlled conditions
capable of higher thermal insulation and strength. of a carbohydrate source like corn starch. It was discov-
Used as concrete in architecture, this new formula ered in the 1930s, but only recently became the most
could help to reduce the large carbon emission popular and promising green plastic alternatives for
produced by traditional cement manufacturing. commercialization on a large scale. It happens thanks
also its properties, comparable to other plastics in the
04 BIOBASED PLASTICS: A RENEWED industry, such as PET, and to the ability to be processed
GENERATION OF GREEN PLASTIC in different forms (from film to moulded shapes and
even filaments for 3D print) on existing production
Nowadays, for a more long-standing chal- equipment. PLA does not release toxic fumes when
lenge new sustainable and renewable substances oxygenated. Recognized as safe, it is mostly used
entered the productive scene and new ones are prom- in food packaging and also in medical applications
ising to soon enter thanks plaint of material researches. because can be absorbed biologically. Its production
We refer to biobased plastics, i.e. industrial poly- allows the reuse of products for a considerable number
meric materials which are wholly or partly derived or of times, by remelting the recycled material, lowering
composed of natural sources, including plants (such plastic pollution. But the 2nd generation PLA is less
as corn, sugarcane, tapioca, or other forms of cellu- efficient in term of production than the first. More-
lose), animal and marine materials (for example prawn over, even if it is made from renewable resources, its
shells) and its protein and chitin, bacteria and also renewable materials absorb carbon to grow, although
fossil-fuel-based (Vert et al 2012). Bio-based sources in fewer quantities if compared to fossil-based plastics.
or waste-based material solutions are compatible with The fastest growing bio-based plastics group
a bio-economy, like materials derived from agriculture worldwide are the so-called bio-based drop-in chemi-
or food waste. If combined with bio-resin, these bring cals, which are partially made from renewable sources
05 FASHIONABLE BIOPLASTICS to its low consumption of energy and raw materials. 06 CIRCULAR MATERIAL SUCCESS STORIES been discovering inherent properties that each fungal
The production process is based on the symbiosis Mycelium strain can provide to a final material, and
The fashion sector often includes niche between bacteria and natural sources. It contains In this last paragraph, we offer empirical elaborating different methods, technics, conditions,
materials and results of start-ups, as evidenced by the neither fossil nor animal materials. The entire process is evidence of new CIs engaged in sustainable and different strains, and substrates to employ to create
so-called fashionable bioplastic, i.e. a new generation handled in and does not produce any chemical waste. circular materials. These show how innovators and specific materials with specific properties. From long
of semi-finished products that, while being environ- The material is fully biodegradable. Potential fields of entrepreneurs could apply a design-driven material experimentation, a series of new 100% bio-based
mentally sustainable, also maintain adequate physical application are fashion, automotive, aerospace and innovation approach and manage their enterprise from composites are born, some of these now are in produc-
properties and aesthetic qualities to meet the perfor- electronic components. material drafts stage to a bio-based business. These tion in the MoGu factory established in Lombardy, Italy.
mance requirements of fashion products, accessories Applying similar fashionable biopolymers, start-ups have been grown from low tech experimen- Mogu’s team is composed of mycologists,
and upholstery. the German home Nat2 of sustainable luxury footwear, tations often carried out under autonomy and in the biotechnologists, engineers, and designers. They have
Among these, there are green alternatives propose engineered high-end sneakers made of leath- absence of any connection with the industry, contrib- identified effective protocols to monitor the growth
to leather that, while contributing to reduce the use of er-look-alike from algae, cannabis, fungi, coffee, milk, uting to the diffuse phenomenon of self-production in of mycelium and to engineer the properties of the
animal-leather unique products, maintain the valuable roses, stone, and more natural substances. the design sector (Ferrara, 2011) and Material Activism resulting materials for interior application. The basic
properties of the natural material such as durability and Thanks to the storytelling about their areas (Ribul, 2013). For sure, their path from draft material material is made by applying a method that uses the
flexibility, and also offers colour customisation options of production and the material origin, like waste trans- to industrial production was not an easy one. As draft structure of particular selected strains of mycelium, to
and a cost comparable to high-quality animal leather. formed into products, new biomaterials qualities enable results, their applications are mainly hypothetical, i.e., implement the structural transformation and binding
These leathers can be divided into Vegan and Bacte- companies to propose meanings directed to conscious not feasible to produce as consumer products in their pre-engineered substrates made of agro-industrial
rial leathers. The Vegan ones are of vegetable origin. consumers to make a statement buying sustainable current state of development and could find several and upcycled textiles residues into strong composites
They contain neither fossil nor animal materials, so are innovation to express their value. difficulties for effective industrial application. This with new functionalities. At the end of the production
mainly PETA-approved vegan. All are cellulose-based In the eyewear sector and accessories, is especially true when the research is limited to the process, mycelium materials are inertised by slow
materials featuring a variety of textures, thicknesses producers are always looking for the lightest, durable, conception of a material omitting technical develop- drying, for reduced energy consumption. The resulting
and embossing options. They are easily cut, sewed and resistant and, also eco-friendly material. Despite the ment for characterization and the design of applica- products are completely stable, safe, durable and recy-
printed, making it suitable for uses across fashion, inte- already eco-friendliness of the acetate material, and a tions. This can limit the successful penetration of the clable. Thanks to Mogu’s design and engineering skills,
riors and furniture. Among the options already in the new type of cellulose acetate certified as eco-friendly, innovation in established companies’ R&D processes. the process alloy mycelium to convert the low-value
market there are: biodegradable and recyclable – such as the M49 by the The path from design experimentation practices to input matter into a product for interior design with
Italian Mazzucchelli company – other bio-based mate- industries is not an easy one but is more promising in high added value, characterized by unique aesthetics.
→ The Piñatex leather by the London-based rials appear to guaranty a less footprint, a big variety terms of user preference and market penetration in The company development has been imple-
start-up Ananas Anam, that is produced of sensor-aesthetical characteristics. In this sector comparison to traditional scientific research. mented though different stages: a first Pilot scale, the
from pineapple harvest (leaf fibres) in the new hemp cellulose, bio-composites and filaments We have chosen the following two success second phase of demo scale carry out in partnership
Philippines improving an ancient Filipino have been introduced. The hemp filaments adoption stories of CIs among many others, not only for the with a player of the mushroom industry, and the third
processing technique to obtain a non-woven in eyewear is not much common yet, but promising. obtained results and high qualities of materials but phase of commercial scale, now still in progress. The
material that is finished in Italy and Spain. Kanèsis is an Italian start-up that produces a hemp also for their exemplar journey. These two case studies, company milestones include: 1) the implementation
This leather is tear and tensile resistant, soft, filament, recovering a history of production from the of which we interview the protagonists after a study of the Pilot plant in Varese, 2) two exclusive scientific
versatile, breathable and lightweight. beginning of the last century, and give appropriate of secondary sources, allow us to highlighted strain collaboration agreement with the University of Padova
examples of potential applications with 3D printing points of their start-up journey and also the principal and the University of Utrecht 3) the company incuba-
→ The Wineleather by the Italian startup Vegea additive manufacturing, that increase sustainability in barriers they are crossing. These case studies are a tion Program Alimanta2Talent 4) Company accelera-
obtained from the processing of grape skins, the use of material. In bio-composites sheet materials, condensation of good suggestions for new entre- tion Program Unicredit Startlab, 5) Participation in BBI
seeds and stalks during the production of the renewable hemp is used in fibres as reinforcement preneurs, designers or not, who want to undertake a project (Agrimax & Grace), 6) A Partnership with Moffu
Italian wine – in particular from the ligno- in the blending. They are extremely strong and durable. design-driven material innovation start-up path. Labs and SME instrument Phase 2 project approval.
cellulose and the oils utilizing a sustainable The resin can include polyethene, polyester, and poly- At the same time, as there is not yet a market
process that uses the machinery already propylene, but it is possible to use a 100% bio-com- 07 SUCCESS STORY 1 – MOGU for this disruptive and completely new series of mate-
present in the tanning plants posite adding plant-based resins. Hemp and flax fibre rials. They are to overcome this barrier creating the
composites sheet which are impregnated with an MoGu is an industrial project and concrete bases for a market and to favour the introduction of
→ The Apple Ten Lork leather by the Italian eco-friendly binder are handcraft by the Scottish Hemp proof of design-driven material innovation, based since the first set of products so that the consumers can
company Frumat produced from apple waste Eyewear with natural-looking. For its acoustic and the beginning of 2015 on the research by Maurizio become acquainted with the related opportunities and
as the main ingredient. The apple waste of thermal insulation properties hemp bio-composites are Montalti, an Italian engineer and a designer working limitations. For this to happen, the work implied the
South Tyrol-based, a region well known for used also in other consumer products including furni- jointly with Officina Corpuscoli, the design studio choice of a field of application, the design of detailed
the apple production, is dried and ground into ture and automotive interior substrates such us in the which he founded in Amsterdam. The studio works effective application of final products, as well as eval-
powder. This powder is mixed with pigments case of Acrodur® by BASF. through a rather experimental approach towards uating and demonstrating its economic feasibility at
and a binder and spread out onto a canvas the identification of novel materials and processes, scale, participating in exhibitions and fares, and in
until it turns into a leather-like material. A situated at the intersection between science and promotion event by media.
similar 100% biodegradable Apple leather is design. Their research brought to the generation of The first commercialized MoGu product is
produced in Denmark by Apple Girl, and in innovative processes and high-added value ecologi- the Acoustic collection for interior design comfort,
Canada by Samara. cally responsible resources, exploring the possibility launched in June 2019. The production includes several
of growing materials, making use of different waste models each combining acoustic functionality with the
The bio-fabricated leather-like bacteria cellu- and by-products of other industries and value-chains, organic shape and a multisensorial touch of the soft
lose by the Germany startup ScobyTec. Its production and valorising them through the digestion using of foam beauty characterizing the space decoration. This
is location-independent and resource-efficient, thanks fungal organisms (Montalti, 2017). In time, they have foam with its beautiful natural white colour, with small
captivating tone variations, makes the aesthetic of and a ceramic sound) that is combined with a luxu- legislation, standards, or commonly adopted criteria,
each module a single piece rather unique. rious appearance. Sulapac® premium eco-packages certifications of new biomaterials features, or even
The second product is MoGu Floor a disruptive will reduce the accumulation of plastic packaging of a specific market for the newly bioproducts, they
solution for commercial and residential resilient flooring, waste into nature without compromising any product continue to contribute to accelerates and inspires
combining design, performance and sustainability. The features making it an extremely attractive packaging the needed shift. In making this, they define a new
product is no harmful VOCs, sustainable, faster to install choice to any product brand (Sulapac Ltd, 2017). business model, which strengths are the cooperation
& easy to repair with a natural look and a great ‘foot feel’ It is interesting to note that the biomaterials with other enterprises, the commitment to continuous
and last but not least, cheaper than luxury vinyl. standardization is still under development. The only learning and improvement, to spreading information
tool available is Circulytics™, the circularity metrics by and educating partners, customers, and the wider
08 SUCCESS STORY 1 – SULAPAC the Ellen MacArthur Foundation to assess a compa- audience about opportunities and challenges related
ny’s circularity performance holistically. Sulapac team to sustainable products.
The Sulapac project, developed by Finn’s had to create criteria and validation schemes based Barriers aren’t an excuse for not innovating.
passionate biochemists Suvi Haimi and Laura Kyllönen, on other European regulation standards, recom- They are ready to go forwards. Are the national indus-
aims to accelerate the plastic waste-free future with mendations from top scientists in the field and also trial systems and consolidate enterprises ready too?
sustainable materials that are beautiful and func- through scientific literature and then get validation
tional. The already developed materials is a biobased from accredited, third-party test laboratories for their
compostable plastic for fully biodegradable packaging own business.
with an initial application for the cosmetic industry.
When the two biomaterial researchers, were 09 CONCLUSION Ceresana Research (2009), Market Study: Bioplastics. Green economy and related concepts: An overview.
combined with the wood composite expertise of Petro Costance: Ceresana. Journal of Cleaner Production, 139, 361–371.
Lahtinen and Antti Pärssinen, Sulapac material innova- In a time of transition to CE, the demand for Clark, J.H., Farmer, T.J., Herrero-Davila, L., Sherwood, Magis (2020). Bell chair. Available at:
tion was born. The patent material consists of renew- sustainable strategy is growing and expand. Bio-based J. (2016), Circular economy design considerations for research
able natural wood chips from sustainably managed plastics are of prior importance for sustainable inno- and process development in the chemical sciences. Green
Chem., 18, 3914-3934. de Jesus A. & Mendonça, S., (2018), Martos-Pedrero, A., Cortés-García, F. J. & Jiménez-
forests and bio plastic-like properties natural binders vation of end-product and a plastic waste-free future. Castillo D. (2019) The Relationship between Social
that replace the traditional fossil-based plastic mate- Today the bioplastics industry is a small but rapidly Lost in Transition? Drivers and Barriers in the Eco-innovation
Road to the Circular Economy. Ecological Economy, 18, 75-89.
Responsibility and Business Performance: An Analysis
of the Agri-Food Sector of Southeast Spain.
rial with a new more sustainable one (Sulapac Ltd, growing section of the plastics industry. At present, EC- European Commission (2013) Creativity-driven (e.g. Sustanaibility 11, 22, 6390
2017). It biodegrades fully without leaving permanent it makes up around 1% of the total plastics market, a design-driven) materials innovation. Available at:
microplastics behind. The material is resistant to oil and tiny drop in the plastic ocean. However, analysts fore- pdf/creativity-driven-material-innovation_en.pdf Maymó, O (2020), Malta I. Available at:
water and it doesn’t penetrate oxygen. Sulapac® can cast strong growth within the sector. Advances in EIO (2013), A Systemic Perspective on Eco-innovation
be processed with existing plastic product machinery, technology have improved product quality and versa- Eco-innovation Observatory. Funded by the European McDonough, W. and Braungart, M. (2002). “Cradle to Cradle:
making the switch from conventional plastic to an tility while lowering production costs. This, in conjunc- Commission, DG Environment, Brussels Remaking the Way We Make Things”. No Point Press
eco-friendly alternative easier than you might think. tion with rising fossil-fuel costs, has resulted in more Ellen MacArthut Foundation (2016 a) [Online]. Available at: Montalti, M. (2017), The growing lab: Fungal
futures. In Ferrara, M, & Ceppi, G. Ideas and
The Sulapac start-up was founded in 2016 companies entering the bioplastic market, promoting
the Matter, pp. 71-89. Trento: ListLab
in Helsinki, Finland, and immediately started a strong further research and competition. Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2016 b), The Circular Design Guide.
Power, D., Nielsén, T. (2010), Priority Sector
collaboration with Make Helsinki. This is a team of In the path toward the CE paradigm shift, EU- European Union (2010, April), Commission Green Report: Creative and Cultural Industries. Brussels:
designers and communication experts specialized a great contribution come from design research and Paper “Unlocking the potential of cultural and creative Europe Innova Initiative/European Commission.
in many design fields. Their collaboration has been practices into the CIs. The here cited or presented industries”.
development/doc/GreenPaper_creative_industries_en.pdf Prendeville, S., Sanders, C., Sherry J., Costa F.
the right hand of Sulapac when it comes to commu- projects, materials, and success stories introduce (2014). Circular Economy. Is it Enough? UK, Cardiff:
Ecodesign Centre (EDC) Cardiff Business.
nication, marketing, and also package design needs. disruptive innovation in the plastics industry. European Bioplastics. What are Bioplastics) fact sheet.
Available at:
Visual communications guidelines and artifacts, Their stories of European CIs firstly demon- Ferrara, M. (2017) Shifting to Design-Driven Material Ribul, M. (2015), Material Activism [Online].
Available at:
from brochures to photoshoots, from the website strate that the design-driven material innovation innovation. In Ferrara, M. & Ceppi, G., Ideas
and the Matter, p.173-185. Trento: ListLab material-activism. [Accessed 8 March 2020].
to investment applications, have been pretty much approach is effective in strengthening competi- Ferrara, M. Lecce, C., (2019). “Design for Enterprises”:
Rizos, V., Behrens, A., Kafyeke, T., Hirschnitz-
planned together and designed and executed by Make tiveness. The holistic way of the design thinking of developing European SMEs capabilities for Design-driven
Innovation. MARKETS, GLOBALIZATION & DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 4,2, Garbers, M., Ioannou A. (2015), The Circular Economy:
Helsinki. Sulapac’s material concept had to be told innovating materials since the initial steps of their article 7. Barriers and Opportunities for SMEs (No. 412), CEPS
Working Document. Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)
to investors, B2B customers as well as to the public loop-closing conception, through identifying global Geissdoerfer, M., Savaget, P., Bocken, N. M. P., & Hultink,
in a friendly, effective, reliable, and ecological way as needs and local opportunities of resources recovery, E. J. (2017). The Circular Economy–A new sustainability Rosso, L. (ed) (2012). Materials. Research and
paradigm? Journal of Cleaner Production, 143, 757–768. innovation in the creative industries. Report on the
designers know to perfectly deal with. Marketing and connecting biology to industry for the safety of living round table discussion, Brussels, 5 October 2012.
communication had to be awakening, informative, and systems adds value to the whole productive supply Grcic K. (2020), Bell/Mono-bloc chair/ Magis/2020
[Online]. Available at: pdf/materials-in-creative-industries-report_en.pdf
emotional at the same time. Thanks to its effective way chain. This approach integrates hard (the R&D-driven
to communicate, Sulapac has won multiple competi- products, and cost-cutting processes) and soft inno- KEA European Affairs (2006) The Economy of Culture in Scott, J. T. (2010), The Sustainable Business:
Europe (Study prepared for the European Commission A Practitioner’s Guide to Achieving Long-Term
tions and gained very good feedback on their brand vation (concerning changes meeting the perspectives by the Directorate-General for Education and Culture). Profitability and Competitiveness. Routledge
communication and visual materials from their peers of consumers) connected to social awareness, envi- Available at:
culture/library/studies/cultural-economy_en.pdf Sulapac Ltd, “Sulapac,” 2017. [Online]. Available:
and customers. Winning competitions and investment ronmental literacy shifting consumer preferences in
applications have of course had a concrete monetary line with social needs. Korhonen, J., Nuur, C., Feldmann, A., Birkie, S.E. a-novel-premium-eco-packaging-at-luxe-pack-
(2018). Circular Economy as an Essentially Contested monaco-2017/. [Accessed 8 March 2018].
value for them. Secondly, the proposed case-studies show Concept. Journal of Cleaner Production, 175, 544-552.
The contribution of the design impact on some of the pioneers driving the current system in Vert M., Y. Doi, et al. (2012). Terminology
Loiseau, E., Saikku, L., Antikainen, R., Droste, N., for biorelated polymers and applications
material success thanks to a natural look (thanks to the direction more sustainable one, affording the Hansjürgens, B., Pitkänen, K., … Thomsen, M. (2016). (IUPAC Recommendations 2012). Pure Appl.
visible wood chips) and feel (thanks to haptic touch challenge of CE. In fact, despite the lack of effective Chem., V. 84, N. 2, pp. 377–410.
the Future
Materials are inevitably linked to the evolution of the development of more natural environments for
mankind. Everything around us are materials. Mate- humans and to alternative symbiotic ways of manu-
rials are now at the core of innovation, generating facturing. This is achieved by using naturally healthy
impact not only in industry, but on society and even materials such as cotton, hemp or clay or newer devel-
cultural values. Materials are no longer defined at the opment of engineered naturals, such as cellulosic
end of the design process but are part of the early fibres and cellulosic MDF-type of boards (Honext), or
design development. Moreover, consumers pay more even naturally anti-bacterial materials such as copper
attention to the materials they surround themselves or zinc which are embedded into textiles. Well-being
with, they are far more literate and interested in mate- is not only for humans, and there is a movement to
rials innovation than before. Materials-driven innova- cater for the well-being of the planet, with systems
tion allows for new industries being developed, more that use materials to de-carbonise the environment
sustainable solutions found, and more creative design (Bio-char by India School of Design, Algae raincoat by
processes put into place. Charlotte McCurdy) and to capture pollution (AirInk).
This interest in materials and what we are Nature is also a source of inspiration for alternative
surrounded by is in direct relationship to new socio- manufacturing processes: in-vitro growing processes
cultural behavioural patterns. Society and the planet using bacteria and fungi, (This is grown by Jen Keane,
are in upheaval and complete transformation and Growing a Mars boot by Oficina Corpuscoli) or the early
consumers are more aware of certain overarching development of new colour sources out of bacteria
topics related to human evolution: sustainability, (The Colour Biolab by Maria Boto, Faber Futures by
health, and ethics amongst others, that results in Audrey Chieza) are disruptive ways of transforming
product-service-system developments that either the industrial ecosystem.
force new behaviours and/or answer them. The third scenario, entitled Ampli-
In one way or the other, new design projects fied, deals with the complexity and hybridisation
arise where materials take a new role. This essay between the physical and the digital, proposing also
presents the current scenarios of materials trends enhanced and multifunctional materials. Techno
that are responding or generating new sociocultural couture practices combine traditional making tech-
behaviours, that is, those materials typologies that are niques and materials with new digital technologies,
Words by shaping the futures.
The first scenario is that of Scarcity and
opening for new creative approaches (3D tapestry by
Chloe McCormick). Advanced materials are also used
Laura Clèries Ethics, where guilt-free and self-sufficient behaviours as vehicles for delivering new perceptions of status
take the role. Plastic free packaging, using derivations (Hyundai Bank card in liquid metal). The combination
of bioplastics such as those from potato starch, are of digital manufacturing processes along with the use
populating the supermarket aisles (Ekoplaza) and of dynamic materials, such as shape memory polymers,
various experimental designers creatively develop new allow for dynamic and personalised products (Active
biopolymers in collaboration with scientists (Gleather shoes by Christophe Guberan and Carlo Clopath, MIT
Glubber, by Petra Lilja). The zero-waste movement is Selfassembly Lab). Digitally-informed materials can
pushing companies and material designers’ entre- translate personal data into a physical representation
preneurs to formulate new materials derived from (Phonoma by Sandra Lara).
discarded surplus, either in combination with bioplas- Finally, the fourth scenario, entitled Wellthy,
tics (Sawdust chair, Form us with love for Ikea) or more is related to emotional and spiritual needs. Ther is a
interestingly, in a mono material format, for instance, need for more holistic perspectives of human exist-
out of lettuce waste (Feltwood).The vegan movement ence, where the sensorial properties of materials are
has also promoted the development of bio-derived used as emotional tools (Tools for therapy by Nicolette
‘vegan-leathers’ (Piñatex). Manufacturing processes Bodewes) or colour is used as a more intuitive way to
that minimise waste and use a single material fail inform (Measuring less to feel more by Mickael Boulay).
also into this category (COS Zero-waste collection, Sensorial surfaces become the interface for a certain
Monobloc brush by Andrey and Shay). Companies indulgence (Locus chair by Anastasia Mass, My kind
and designers also strive to generate environmental of wall by Andrés Reisinger). Haptic surfaces add a
awareness in society through campaigns where mate- premium tactility to products (Rattan radio for Nexon
rials are the asset: products that are ephemeral and by Matthieu Lehanneur, Fringe mirror by Tero Kuitunen).
can compost (F-abric by Freitag) or museum ‘jewel’ Embracing serendipity and imperfection in processes
pieces that are made from ocean plastic waste (Gyre- and materials add an extra layer of craftmanship and
craft by Studio Swine). Ethical awareness is also a key personalised touches (Alphabet Aerobics by Anton
message, with products that explain the traceability Alvarez, Loewe craft prize by Mercedes Vicente).
and ethical resourcing of the materials (OESS ethical In conclusion, materials and material
and sustainable collection SS19). designs can therefore impact and transform behav-
The second scenario, entitled Purity, is asso- iours, contributing to the well-being of humans and
1.0 ciated to the demand for healthier lifestyles, promoting the planet.
What are the changes required in the An essential part of circularity is to plan for what happens
industrial world to adapt to circular when a product becomes ‘out there’ in the world. Tradi-
materials innovation? tionally, once a product has found a buyer and a home,
apart from certain obligations under warranties, guar-
antees and service contracts, the manufacturer lets the
product go. End-of-life actions become the responsi-
bility of the consumer. This has to drastically change
in a properly functioning circular economy. If we look
from the perspective of materials innovation, materials
(re)usage and materials reclamation, I can foresee new
obligations, new industries and new knowledge require-
ments. Industry will have to understand thoroughly and
deeply people’s acceptance of new and alternative
materials, as well as people’s willingness to engage
as product custodians rather than product owners or
consumers. Such ‘human factors’ research related to
circular materials innovation will be equally as impor-
tant as the technical and sustainability achievements.
Does society need more education towards Without doubt. I think some sections of society have
conscious consumption? a dreadful attitude towards consumption. Products
designed to have years of service are sometimes prema-
turely and abruptly junked. For example, tents at music
festivals, or deck chairs and tennis racquets left as
waste across beaches in southern England – the after-
math of people’s mad rush to soak up the sun during
the coronavirus pandemic. This is totally irresponsible
Owain Pedgley consumption. Affluence and convenience, along with
ultra-low-priced products and single-use packaging,
have jaded our relationship with materials and skewed
our perception of cost and value. Our normality must be
to buy and consume only what we need, and to be much
more conscious about the provenance of the materials
used in packaging and artefacts. But more than that:
hiring, renting, borrowing, sharing or swapping might
need to be part of a ‘new normal’ for a much higher
proportion of our material goods. That will take a great
deal of education and persuasion.
→ Bioplastic → Lifecycles
Plastics which fall into this definition exist on a spectrum A series of stages that characterise the course of existence of
ranging from fossil-fuel and biologically based plastics that a material product, individual or culture. When thinking about
are biodegradable to biologically based plastics that are the lifecycle of a material we can witness its progression from
not biodegradable raw state to product and back again if it has the ability to biode-
grade, be recycled or repurposed. See also – Material Flows
→ Circular Economy
The circular economy, following the model outlined by the → Maker Culture
Ellen MacArthur Foundation, is based on three principles. These An inclusive community of makers built upon the idea of using
are: to design out waste and pollution; to keep products and making as the basis of knowledge production and sharing.
materials in use; and to regenerate natural systems. By following This creator society is largely based upon an agreed model and
these principles the aim is to design waste out of the system belief in open-source making. Due to making being understood
as a process, maker culture in its definition is understood to
→ Compostable develop as such too
Sometimes wrongly considered to be the same as biodegrada-
bility, compostable materials require specific conditions in order → Material Designer
to decompose back to their natural elements, and typically do Material Designers are agents of change. They can design,
so in a shorter time frame redesign, reform, reuse and redefine materials giving them an
entirely new purpose. Increasing the potential of materials they
→ DIY Materials can go on to research, advise, educate and communicate what
Any material created through individual or collective processes of materials are and can be in the immediate, near and far future.
invention, play, failure and fixing, often by techniques of the design- These actions have the ability to implement positive social,
ers own invention economical, political and environmental change across all
sectors, towards a more responsibly designed future
→ Ecological Matter
Matter which has a symbiotic relationship between the → Material Narratives
organisms it is composed of and the environment that The stories emergent from the cultural, ecological and techno-
sustains it either during the process of making or continually logical system of relations surrounding the material, its making,
throughout its life and the purpose it now holds
→ Preservation
An act and process of preventing damage or decay, dependent → Speculative Design
on size, material composition and perishability, usually due to A critical frame of design thinking which considers possible
value or survival futures through a series of fictional objects and systems.
This form of material interrogation is used to stimulate debate,
→ Recoverable imagination and critical thinking with publics
Recoverable materials are restored to usefulness, regaining their
former condition or being designed into another functional state → Surplus
Something that produces in excess of what is required. Within
→ Recycle materials thinking and making there is a resurgence in consider-
Previously used or surplus materials are processed and treated ing use for overlooked material resources, resulting in new
in order to regain materials suitable for further use applications for otherwise unused leftovers and waste
→ Social Resilience
Social resilience refers to a social unit or a group to collectively
cope with or respond to external stresses and disturbances
resulting from social, political, and environmental changes
This material comes from lupini beans, being made This material comes from leftovers in the footwear
with their skin (that isn’t eaten by the majorityof industry that has a great impact on my locality, the left-
the people I know. For this reason, I found it inter- overs are harnessed to the maximum but there are small
esting to find a way to reuse them and make them pieces that have no other destination but the garbage. So
have a new purpose. I decided to try to find a way by creating a new material.
Tamara Orjola 90
Valdís Steinarsdóttir 92
Sophie Orland
craftsmanship and the interface between traditional manufac-
turing techniques and contemporary interpretations. To imple-
ment my conceptual projects by myself is as important to me
as finding inspiration in different traditions. The role of textile
design within social topics is an essential part of my concepts,
as is working with unconventional materials.
preted it by developing innovative technologies and
textiles during the process. Material experiments are an
essential part of my practice and I seek to place them at
the beginning of my independent work in which I would
like continue the development of my own innovative yet
manual technologies and their application.
Carolina Giorgiani
I am Carolina Giorgiani, 27 years old. Born I would like to work in this workshop with cigarette
and based in Milan, lived In Fano, by the Adriatic sea. butts, with a DIY approach, trying to give to this material
Master degree at Politecnico of Milan (Product Design new life. I’m interested in DIY materials, exploration and
for Innovation). Bachelor degree at L.A.B.A. Fine Arts experimentation, moreover I would like to enter more
Academy, Rimini (RN) (Product Design). Fond of mate- and more this field in my career and this is an incredible
rial futures. When I design, the most interesting thing occasion to work with materials and experts! The first
to me it’s to think how to create new gestures or new time I’ve worked with DIY materials has been two years
perspectives, imagine new scenarios in the future. My ago with Valentina Rognoli, in that occasion I under-
graduation project has been a research on giving new stood that working with materials, especially regarding
life, new function and aesthetics to cigarette butts industrial or domestic waste, is the most interesting
with a DIY approach. subject to me.
Fanny Corina
I am an industrial designer with tons of I have been into smart materials since I took my mas-
curiosity. The combo design tech sustainability suits ter’s degree in Elisava in 2014. I believe materials are
me. I’m currently studying Artistic Jewelry making in an important part of the message you send when you
Barcelona. design an object, they have a meaning. I often go to Ma-
terfad ‘Center of materials of Barcelona’ to check the
updates, I find them impressive. And in my daily work
I try to apply this materials.”,”I left my job as an indus-
trial designer to become a craftswoman. The aim was
to make things with my hands instead of just modeling
them behind the computer. Through this process I’ve
learnt how materials really work (not just the theory or
the Iron-Carbon Phase Diagram). That is why I’d like to
go further, having a deeper understanding of materials
and its possible combinations.
Malu Lücking
In July 2019 I successfully graduated from With the beginning of the Anthropocene era, the role
the art school Berlin- Weissensee with a Bachelor’s of the designer has changed. In my opinion, due to
degree in Textile and Surface Design. In the last years ‘wrong’ consumption and resulting environmental
of my studies I turned away from purley aesthetic changes, we find ourselves at a point in time where
design and confronted myself with enviornmental and not only politics and economy but also designers have
socioecological questions. Since then I am special- to take responsibility. On one hand, Designers have to
ised in experimental material research at the intersec- take responsibility for the materials they use to give
tion of design, biology and activism. I see my role as the design a physical form. On the other hand, through
a designer in developing responsible and sustainable aesthetics, material and form, designers can function
material solutions so that the planet the people and as a ‘communication tool’ that bring relevant scientific,
their products can coexist in the future. political and social issues to society.
Tamara Orjola
My name is Tamara Orjola and I am a product First of all, I would love to gain more knowledge and
designer and researcher. I have graduated with honors guidance from the experts. Besides working with mate-
from Design Academy Eindhoven in 2016, Wellbeing rials during my education I lack real professional expe-
department. For past 3 years I have been living and rience in the material field. Second of all, I would love to
working in London, but at this moment I am moving meet and connect with like-minded professionals. This
back to The Netherlands. Throughout my studies and will broaden my horizon, inspire and provide me with
career, I have been dealing with a wide range of social very useful connections in the future. Materials play an
and sustainable issues, which makes my interest and important role in my design, as a designer living in the
work very diverse. Materials play an important role in rise of consumerism, growing population, and climate
my design, as a designer living in the rise of consum- change. I find it very important to understand the glob-
erism, growing population and climate change. al picture, the whole cycle of materials applied.
Icelandic designer that focuses on material Ut liqui consequas maio. Cus inctius nos ex ercit, quo
experiments and finding unique solutions to social debitium sus dolorum quibus re ped ulpa volorum iur si
and environmental issues. Loves to have an open odigendi simoluptae pressequia dendunt que est, officiet
discussion with an audience, getting to the bottom of landite mporporentio ma volupta temquo exerest quam
why we think certain things are beautiful, interesting, iusam is ma porenti volum eostrum imagnim faccuptati
ugly or offensive. ut ea voloremperem fugit quid qui utestet anis conse-
qu iatio. Ab iustios etus doles sapitatur? Voloreriam alis
aces et eossequae lam sandae ime pa poribus eos dus
rem dolore lab ilictem idist ea quas ut dis ad esciet in
esequates sanditat min non cuptatiur sint, offic temod-
ipsam, voluptatiis dest voluptae dit quunt quam
Lab la Bla Studio LAB LA BLA, founded by Axel Landström & Victor Isaksson Pirtti,
is a studio and “konceptfabrik” bridging the gaps between design,
art and science. LAB LA BLA has previously worked with industries
and institutions developing bio-composites from Sweden’s biggest
sectors of natural resources, as well as more conceptual work.
Start Up Potential
of production towards a more regenerative, circular
way of understanding products. Joining MaDe and
this green movement would be a great possibility for
us to meet other makers, designers and researchers
struggling with the same problems, and together help
push our works further.
Ramírez Ruiz
I’m a Product and Graphic designer. During I have been into smart materials since I took my mas-
my academic training as a Product Designer at ter’s degree in Elisava in 2014. I believe materials are
ESADIB, in Mallorca, I discovered that my goal was an important part of the message you send when you
to work in innovation around sustainability. I was design an object, they have a meaning. I often go to
honor graduate and I received a national distinction. Materfad ‘Center of materials of Barcelona’ to check
At the same time, I developed my Graphic Design the updates, I find them impressive. And in my daily
training working with professionals in Barcelona, at work I try to apply this materials.”,”I left my job as
”Dos Grapas” by Albert Ibanyez (Elisava Alumini), an industrial designer to become a craftswoman. The
which I met after an internship at elBulliFounda- aim was to make things with my hands instead of just
tion by Ferran Adrià, where I was in the design modeling them behind the computer. Through this
team (an incredible experience around innova- process I’ve learnt how materials really work (not just
tion). After that, I’ve been working in my two own the theory or the Iron-Carbon Phase Diagram). That
project “Earthink”” and Studiograma. is why I’d like to go further, having a deeper under-
standing of materials and its possible combinations.
Bianca Streich
Bianca Streich is based in Berlin and currently In my recent design projects I have developed a fo-
studying Product Design at the University of Applied cus on material research, social design, and human
Sciences Potsdam, Germany. In her design practice behaviour change by imagining new concepts to re-
she imagines new concepts, focusing on social design, think the current perception and state ofaffairs in-
human behaviour change, and material research. A order to raise awarness to environmental and social
fascination for the overlooked, the waste and seem- problems. This workshop is an amazing match to my
ingly useless materials our society produces, inspires background and interests. The search for new and
her to question the current state of affairs. In her work more sustainable materials that question todays con-
she thrives to develop an delicate understanding and sumption is particularly important to me. The further
perception for alternative viewpoints, strongly influ- I engage in the topic of material research the more I
enced by art, nature, and science. am eager to keep on learning.”,”I am convinced that
during this workshop I will be able to learn a lot, ex-
change and gather important experiences in the field
of material studies. In my opinion there can never be
enough exchange of knowledge.
Davide Franci
My name is Davide Franci. I am 20 years I’m interest in taking part in MaDe because of the
old and I am currently in my second year of stud- theme dare to me. I am excited about the possibilities,
ying Product Design at Politecnico di Milano. I like to still unknown, of many materials that i’m sure can lead
create, explore, change and hopefully leave the world to unexpected ways. I think, in fact, that materials and
better than I found it. their end of life have an important role for the future
in our society. I believe that through materials we can
start a change of course that is crucial for us now-
days and I would like to give my contribution to deal
these theme.”,”I have worked last semester on a pro-
ject about material waste and circular economy that
give me more awareness regarding these theme. Af-
ter this experience I look with more attention the ma-
terials all around me and I see better their effect into
the environment.
Laura Van
de Wijdeven
Atelier LVDW is the material research and The studio researches the future of materials to main-
design studio of Laura van de Wijdeven, based in tain our connection with nature. Inspired by the social
Rotterdam the Netherlands. She graduated at the impact of the materials we use in daily life and which
Lifestyle Design department at Willem de Kooning we surround ourselves with. Translating this inspira-
Academy in Rotterdam in 2016. Her love for nature and tion into surface and material design and developing
the creation of materials evolved into her own design products that contribute to Biophilic surroundings.
studio in 2017. Laura grew up in a green environment Laura strongly believes in the benefits of natural ma-
on a farm in the south of the Netherlands. terials on modern human environments. By the use of
organic waste streams, she like to show the possibili-
ties of new natural materials.
Signý Jónsdóttir
I’m Signý, a 23 year old woman from Reykjavík I am in my third year at the Icelandic University of the
Iceland that just graduated as a product designer form Arts, department of Product Design. The key concepts
Iceland University of the Arts. If Ikea would ask me to concerning the department‘s emphasis is material, tools
design a new set of candleholders for the spring 2020 and transformation in the process. Emphasis is also laid
my answer would be no, but thanks though for the offer. on media and different ways of communicating and shar-
The human is always in need of something new and ing projects. With applying for this workshop I wish to
that is my biggest fear. What about just looking back gain more knowledge in those fields, deepen my under-
and search in the ocean for ideas, objects, discoveries standing and get a broader mind for new things. I trust
and thoughts that existed or exist, because we already that MaDe will fulfil those desires and help me in this
have the answer. process.
Paula Nerlich I am a designer and explorer. A deep fascination for Circular Design
and Futures Thinking drives me. I am active in the fields of Material
Design, Trend Research and Sustainable Innovation.
I graduated in Textiles from Edinburgh biomaterials from industrial food production surplus.
College of Art and gained experience as curatorial I initiate discourse around the value of waste as
assistant, planning art exhibitions and films at a resource and the place of new products and materials
production company in Berlin for several years. My in a circular economy. I have had a deep fascination
current research into sustainable materials has for healthy materials for a long time. I define healthy
brought new materials, such as ‘Aqua Faba Foam’ and as a term encompassing matters such as well-being,
‘COCOA_001’, which can be found in several material sustainability, human-centred, circular and alive.
Future Vision
libraries across Europe and ‘Aqua Faba Foam’ was on The MaDe workshop series opened up the world
display at the London Design Museum in 2019 and of Biodesign to me, in which I continue my ongoing
2020, as part of the display ‘Get Onboard: Reduce. exploration with a strong concept driven research
Reuse. Rethink’, curated by Priestmangoode. approach around healthy materials and well-being.
With my work I aim to support the elimination
of so called food waste through the creation of circular
Davide Piscitelli
Considering himself as an Hyperobject Explorer, Each application should challenge, question and re-
Davide investigates topics that transcend the tempo- frame our pre-existing knowledge surrounding the
rality and the space of our human experience. He is material world. This sentence, extracted from your
interested in how we, as society, build collective imag- brief, reframes one of the main reasons I have been
inaries as an attempt to conceptualise these ‘objects’ fascinated by materials and the concept of materiality
and the role that art, science and philosophy play in during the last years. This is also why, I graduated from
this conversation, in particular looking at the symbi- MA Material Futures (Central Saint Martins) where I
osis between knowledge and aesthetic. had the opportunity of deep researching topics such
as sustainability, synthetic biology, the complexity be-
hind the production of products and Artificial Intelli-
gence. Combining them with my previous studies in
emerging technologies and new media I am develop-
ing a personal artistic frame for exploring the concept
of materiality, and the related idea of responsibility to-
wards our environment.
Elena Albergati
I’m Elena Albergati, I’m a 23-years-old To better explain my intention in taking part to this
student attending the second year of Digital and workshop I would like to tell something about my ed-
Interaction Design Master at Politecnico di Milano. ucational background. I enrolled at the Politecnico di
All my life I’ve been guided by my two main passions, Milano, undertaking the three-year course in Interior
Art and scientific study of Nature. Since high school Design thinking it was the right road for me. I have culti-
I tried to combine these two aspects succeeding in vated experiences and received satisfaction, but once
part thanks to the Design Faculty that I have chosen. I graduated I decided to change perspective, aware of
However, my main aspiration is to actively contribute the fact that this path had given me and taught me so
to the biomimetic and sustainable design world much but also that the world of Design was really too
inspired by all my passions. rich and vast to explore only a part of it. In fact, over
the years, I found myself faced with the unexpected
and fascinating territory of Biomimetic Design.
Maria Mayer
1991 Munich | 2010 High School Graduation The path to my profession of textile and material de-
| 2010-2013 Training as a tailor for men’s costume, sign has its origins in traditional textile craftsmanship.
State Theater of Bavaria, Munich | 2013 – 2019 B.A Understanding and experiencing material and textiles
of Fine Arts in Textiledesign, Burg Giebichenstein with my hands and making them come alive are the
University of Art and Design, Halle | 2018 Birth of my roots of my creative work. To experience the origin of
daughter Aurora | since 2019 Freelance work. all materials and to find new ways for it brought me
to my study of textile design and my work in the field
of limits of textile possibilities. Developing my material
research means for me sharing this deeply motivation
and with all other believers of the great power of mate-
rial for a change in dealing with our environment.
Rosie Broadhead
Rosie Broadhead is an apparel designer My background is in material design within the fash-
specialising in biomaterials in the fashion industry. ion and sportswear industry. I have designed for a
She is a recent MA graduate from Central Saint small brand Cherevichkiotvichki, where the focus was
Martins’ ‘Material Futures’, and has a background in on natural hand-dyed fabric and locally and artisanal
R&D in sportswear and fashion design. She is inter- techniques. In contrast, I have worked in the R&D de-
ested in the skin and its interaction with clothing, partment at road cycling brand Rapha Racing, where I
and how science and technology will influence the developed materials that would increase speed, com-
future of fashion. Her most recent project ‘Skin II’ fort or durability of the rider. This exposure to future
probiotic clothing, explores the natural biological technology in the industry and through my studies has
function of the skin in combination with everyday helped to influence a new direction in my work. This
garments. Rosie believes that by looking at what experience has given me a strong understanding of
is natural on our bodies, we can create sustain- materials and their application. As a result, I have be-
able yet functional clothing which contributes to come more aware of the problems that are involved in
personal health and wellbeing. producing materials in a sustainable way.
Sara Kickmayer
Sara Kickmayer, born in the Austrian alps, “Materials Matter”– as I just finished my Bachelorde-
discovered early her interest in fashion, attending gree in Fashion & Technology at the University of
a school for clothing construction and exploring applied Arts and Design in Linz/Austria this month -
costume design during an exchange year in the USA. looking back at the studies and projects I have done,
In 2015 she started her studies in Fashion & Tech- this is somehow the common message of my work.
nology at the University of Applied Arts and Indus- Materials matter in any way - in Fashion, in Textile, in
trial Design in Linz, developing a special interest in Design I feel like without the material, there would be
unconventional materials and quality textiles also no shape, no structure, no texture and at the end even
through different internships, including one at the no aesthetic. Material is for me the main essence of
Dutch Designer Iris Van Herpen. creation. Material can be the inspiration as well as the
outcome and especially coming from fashion and tex-
tiles, material can bring a whole new dimension into
the processes necessary.
Material Recipes
Maria Mayer
Future Vision
Butt_er Ingredients
Food Colouring
4 stopper of Acetone 30 Cigarette Butts
Fanny Conzales
Cabbage Ingredients
Red Cabbage Juice
Dried Red Cabbage Leaves
1 Soak outer, unusable red cabbage leaves in 1 Mix alginate with the left over cabbage water
distilled water for 1–2 days (to remove the dye) from step one
2 Keep water for cooking stage 2 Add glycerin and the ground cabbage pigment
3 Dry outer leaves either in air or in the oven to the water
4 Then grind the dried leaves 3 To form foil-packaging, the liquid mass can
be poured into a flat mould to produce a foil
like film.
4 To form fruit-net
5 In order to create a nonwoven from the warm
mass, the alginate-based injected into the
Vegetable mould with a syringe.
Fanny Conzales
1 Reap wheat
2 Separate husk and seed
3 Grind seed and rinse flour
4 Grind bone
5 Mix dry ingredients and add water
6 Knead
7 Roll
Animal 8 Leave to dry
PossiBalls/ Ingredients
120ml Boiling Water
5g Colophonia 13g Jelly
Andrés Ramírez
Start Up Potential
Andrés Ramírez
Start Up Potential
Davide Franci
Start Up Potential
1 Grind the receipts or metro tickets
2 Prepare the concrete mixture
3 Mix the concrete with grinded receipts
4 Put the dough in a mold and leave to dry
5 Crumple some receipts (with other
processes it is possible to obtain different
6 Iron the receipts quickly
Recoverable 7 Paste the receipts to the concrete
1 Cook the discarded egg shells in water
2 Grind the egg shells with a mortar or blender
3 Weigh the ingredients
4 Mix the ingredients by hand
5 Pour the material into a mold
Animal 6 Wait until it’s airdried and demold
Paula Nerlich
Start Up Potential
Davide Piscitelli
Future Vision
Rosie Broadhead
Future Vision
Sara Kickmayer
Future Vision