Ior in Nigeria
Ior in Nigeria
Ior in Nigeria
K. I. Idigbea, O. A. Olafuyib Departmen. of Petroleum Engineering, Uni. of Benin, Benin City (NIGERIA) a,
ABSTRACT At present, water injection remains the preferred improved oil recovery method, IOR, in Nigeria. This paper reviews the prospects, challenges and benefits of miscible IOR in Nigeria. Investigations show that by December 2008, approximately 52 billion barrels of crude oil(s) were potential targets for improved recovery in Nigeria. Increased OPEC production quota, greater indigenous participation, and greater cash flow, are some of the benefits of miscible IOR in Nigeria. However, proper identification of reservoirs as potential candidates, quality human resource and best practices, are major benchmarks for the success of a miscible IOR process in Nigeria. The design of the miscible process must incorporate the challenges of stability and miscibility, and should be economic, to ensure target recoveries. Key words: Miscible Flooding, Oil Recovery, Thermal Injection, Water Injection
1. INTRODUCTION Energy is required globally to drive and sustain development. Crude oil is a major part of this energy requirement. Great efforts are made by all stakeholders the Governments through their National Oil Companies (NOCs), the International Oil Companies (IOCs), the International Independents (IICs), and indigenous Companies to sustain, and possibly add to the volumes of recoverable crude oil(s) worldwide. The additions are achieved through new discoveries and improved recovery methods (IOR). By December 2008, the volumes of recoverable crude oils in Nigeria were estimated at about 35(+) billion barrels, at an average recovery factor of 40% (1). This means that the potential for improved recovery of crude oil(s) in Nigeria is approximately 52 billion barrels (1). These crude oils have a wide range of characteristics, especially, very differing API gravities, as shown in Table 1. Table 1. Typical API Gravities of Crude Oils in Nigeria (1). S/N 1 2 3 4
Nigeria had been noted for her light to very light crude oils. Only quite recently, have companies IICs (Addax, o Afren, etc.) and indigenous companies taken interest in exploiting crude oil fields with API gravities less than 28 . A good example is the Ebok Field with crude oils of API gravities of 15 and 24 degrees, located in the continental shelf of Nigeria, and operated by Oriental Energy/Afren Energy Resources. This interest is very encouraging, especially, with indigenous companies opting to develop these fields with bio-degraded crude oils having these low API gravities, which are increasingly being discovered. Basin metrics There are four basins in Nigeria in which prospectivity for crude oil have been carried out. These are: The Chad Basin, The Gombe/Bauchi Basin, The Anambra Basin, and The Niger Basin.
However, only the Anambra and Niger Delta basins are certified to be commercial crude oil containers. At present, the Niger Delta basin is the only crude oil producing basin in Nigeria, with the 35 billion barrels of recoverable crude oils from the basin. The major metrics for crude oil recovery from a Well in a Sample Field in the Niger Delta basin are shown in Table 2. The Niger delta basin consists of three reservoir systems, namely: The Benin Formation, The Agbada Formation, and The Akata Formation. Table 2. Basin Metrics from a Well in a Sample Field in the Niger Delta Basin (2) Depth -ftss 6780 6894 8112 8637 8866 9780 API Gravity 32.1 36.7 33.2 33.9 35.6 38.9
Porosity (%) 29 31 30 26 25 27
Swi (%) 27 37 18 12 20 14
Thickness (ft) 45 11 30 43 60 20
Table 3 shows the geologic metrics for the three reservoir systems. Most reservoirs in the major producing reservoir system, the Agbada Formation, have water as the major driving force strong aquifer support. This explains the high recovery factors of about 40%, but ultimately, natural energy must be supplemented (enhanced) to improve recovery from these reservoirs. Supplementary energy can be achieved either through: Artificial Lift, or Fluid Injection Process. Table 3. Geologic Metrics for Reservoir Systems in the Niger Delta Basin (3) Reservoir System Lithology Approximate Depth -ftss 4000-6000 6000-17,000 14,500 Average Thickness (km) 1.8 3.0 1.2 Average Water Resistivity 2 (ohm-m /m) 10 2-3 Very Low Salt Water Status
In the fluid injection process, sweep (Es) and displacement (Ed) efficiencies, play very important roles in crude oil recovery. These are complimented by the injection (Ei) efficiency, which is a best practice procedure proper engineering and policies. Fortunately, our reservoirs are not highly stratified and heterogeneous, and thus, are very good candidates for improved recovery. Improved oil recovery IOR The basic and likely candidates for improved recovery of crude oil(s) in Nigeria through the fluid injection process are (2): Water Injection, Miscible Process, and Thermal Injection. The thermal injection process will be for the heavy crude oil(s), with API gravities of 25 degrees and lower. These crude oils occur at very shallow depths. For example, the depth(s) at the Ebok Field operated by Oriental Energy/Afren
Energy Resources, is above 3000 ftss. The water injection process, already been applied in some cases, in deeper reservoirs, will mostly probably just increase the recovery factor to about 55 percent. From the reservoir and crude properties, the miscible process will be a preferred choice for improved oil recovery in Nigeria. The miscible process refers to the conditions of fluid displacement in which the displaced fluid(s), in this case the crude oil(s), and the displacing fluid are miscible in all proportions, at least to a local extent. The displacing fluid can be injected either as: A slug, or Continuously. In the miscible slug process, the estimation of the optimum slug size is a key to the success of the process, provided the conditions of stability and miscibility are satisfied (4). Table 4 shows the prospects of a miscible IOR. Table 4. IOR Statistics (1) S/N API Gravity o (degrees) below 24 above 24 IOR Volumes (billion bbls) about 7.5 45(+)
1 2
Nigeria is highly endowed with vast volumes of natural gas (5), containing a good proportion of both propane and butane, the constituents of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) (6). LPG is miscible with crude oil, and represents a typical material for a miscible slug. It will be followed by natural gas, which is miscible with the LPG. Miscibility is a function of pressure, temperature and phase composition. The depths of our reservoirs with their crude oil properties are favorable for miscible IOR. At these depths, miscibility can be initiated. Table 5 shows benchmarks for a CO2 process in the miscible displacement of in-situ oil(s). Our reservoirs meet these benchmarks, when Tables 2 and 5 are compared. Table 5. Benchmarks for Reservoir and Fluid Characteristics for CO2 Miscible Process (12) Depth -ftss 9800 API Gravity 37
Porosity (%) 20
Tf o ( F) 159.8
SoR (%) 60
Thickness (ft) 49
Phenomena in miscible process The sustenance of miscibility will be determined by phenomena such as: Viscous forces, Dispersion forces, Gravity forces, and Heterogeneity forces.
These are natural forces that may be present in any miscible process, and must be modeled together to fully capture the efficiencies in miscible IOR, especially, the slug process: Es Sweep Efficiency Ed Displacement Efficiency Ei Injection Efficiency The overall volumetric efficiency is the product of three efficiencies. The miscible process challenges Noted for 100% displacement efficiency, Ed, the liquid-liquid miscible displacement process is a likely candidate for improved oil recovery in Nigeria. The in-situ oil(s) will be displaced by a liquid, such as liquid propane, which is miscible with the oil(s). However, there are basic challenges with this process, namely: Poor volumetric sweep efficiencies (7, 8),
Proper scaling (and modeling) of the miscible process (9), especially with respect to estimating sizes of miscible slugs, and Sustenance of miscibility. Some IOCs have noted these challenges in their application of various forms of the miscible process in their fields (10). Due to economic considerations, the injected liquid propane will most likely be in slugs. Although, the estimation of (4) optimum slug sizes can be achieved , the displacing liquid will most often be characterized by viscosity and density values, less than the viscosity and density of the displaced crude oil(s). This may result in both: Viscous instability fingering (viscous channeling) of the displacing fluid, and Density instability gravity override of the displacing fluid. These instabilities will contribute to poor volumetric sweep of our reservoirs, resulting in poor recoveries. Additionally, the phenomena of dispersion and heterogeneity (9) play very important roles in the stability, and subsequently, the volumetric sweep characteristics, of the miscible process. The process must remain miscible through out, to achieve the desired recoveries (Table 4). The sustenance of hydrodynamic instability will destroy any initial miscibility. What factors and conditions are necessary to sustain miscibility? Hydrodynamic stability influences area sweep efficiency, which in turn, impacts on the volumetric sweep efficiency. The important phenomena that will influence the miscible displacement of our in-situ crudes oil(s), must be properly scaled. Requirements for Success There are basic requirements that are necessary for the success of a miscible IOR process in Nigeria, namely: Proper identification of potential reservoirs for miscible IOR, Availability of quality human resource to drive the IOR, Effective design of the process incorporating all important phenomena, that will impact on stability and subsequently, miscibility of the process, and Application of best practices in operations and management. A major requirement for success is the availability of the human resource, qualitatively trained and with the proper practical knowledge of the process miscible. At present, the miscible process is not being applied as an IOR in Nigeria. The curricula in most of our universities are not properly designed to qualitatively teach miscible processes (13). This must change. We must begin to plan ahead to culture future engineers for IOR in Nigeria. Scaling is a very important part of the design of a miscible process. The following five dimensionless numbers are used in scaling the five important phenomena in a miscible process (7, 8, 14, 15): Nv - the viscous forces Ng - the gravity forces Nd - the dispersion forces Nf - the geometric similarity Np - the heterogeneity forces.
These forces collectively, determine the stability of a miscible process, and subsequently, the sustenance of miscibility (9). These dimensionless numbers are combined into a single stability number, Ns, as shown below. Ns = Nv (1-Ng) Nd Nf Np The dimensionless number represented by Ns (11), is: (1)
Ns =
( o s )(V Vc )d 2 w2 mixDt H e Lc (d 2 + w2 )
This number incorporates the key parameters that determine the nature and influence of the various phenomena in stability characteristics and subsequently, the miscibility of a liquid-liquid miscible displacement process, namely: Volumetric injection rate of the displacing liquid, Mobility ratio of the displacement, Density differences between the injected and displaced fluids, and Macroscopic dimensions of models and the field, and Heterogeneity of the reservoir(s) in the field.
The success of a miscible IOR in Nigeria will depend on achieving stability of the process that will guarantee continuous miscibility, throughout the period of fluid injection. Any design of a liquid-liquid miscible process as an IOR in Nigeria, must incorporate stability and miscibility conditions (11). Best practices, is a benchmark in the petroleum industry. It is desired that any miscible process in Nigeria, be near piston-like. Best practices in the selection of reservoir candidates, design of the process, and in operations and management, will provide excellent recoveries and success of future miscible processes, as IOR in Nigeria. Benefits of IOR in Nigeria Production quota is directly related to the recoverable volumes of crude oil(s) in member countries of OPEC. Nigeria is an OPEC member, and continuously wishes and asks for an increase in its quota. The production quota is presently less than 2.5 million barrels/day. Well planned and executed IOR, especially the miscible process, will bring in vast volumes of crude Oil(s). At present, the petroleum industry in Nigeria is more interested in deeper offshore environment. What happens to the high volumes of crude oil(s) left in our reservoirs, onshore and swamps, already exploited? We posit that these reservoirs can be given to indigenous companies for IOR projects. This will translate to greater indigenous participation, resulting in greater empowerment of our engineers, etc., thereby meeting the local content requirements. Greater cash reserves are also a benefit from any IOR of our crude oil(s). Availability of these monies will drive sustainable development projects in Nigeria. Power and other industries are in bad shape (5). Any sustainable development is hinged on the functioning and effectiveness of these industries. 2. CONCLUSIONS The improved recovery of the crude oil(s) potential of 52 billion barrels will be a very important challenge to the Federal Government of Nigeria. It is expected that as more crude oil reserves are added to the national reserves base of 35 (+) billion barrels, additional potential will be available for improved recovery. This paper highlights the challenges to the liquid-liquid miscible displacement process, which is a likely candidate for any improved recovery of the crude oil potential of 52 billion barrels in Nigeria. We report that: Stability and miscibility are major conditions that control the volumetric sweep efficiencies of a miscible displacement process. The major phenomena that control the movement of miscible fluids in porous media must be properly scaled. Ns, is a stability number, that incorporates the various scaling dimensionless numbers. The design and application of a miscible process in the improved recovery of crude oil(s) in Nigeria, should note the importance of stability and miscibility conditions, to achieve set targets. Our reservoirs meet the benchmarks for miscible process displacement of crude oil(s). Great benefits will be derived from the immediate application of the miscible process as an IOR in Nigeria. NOMENCLATURE d = Width of System (1) w = Height of System (1) Dt= Effective Transverse Dispersion Coefficient (12/t) He= Heterogeneity Factor (dimensionless) Lc= Length of Transition (Mixed) Zone (1) V = Superfluous Injection Velocity (1/t) Vc= Critical Injection Velocity (l/t) o = Viscosity of the Crude Oil (M/1-t) s = Viscosity of the Displacing Fluid(M/1-t) mix = Fluid Viscosity in the Transition (Mixed) Zone (M/1-t) DPR = Department of Petroleum Resources OPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.
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