Lessonplan-Character Traits 1
Lessonplan-Character Traits 1
Lessonplan-Character Traits 1
Lesson # 1____ of ___1__ Grade Level: 1 Grade
Pre-assessment, picture book The Recess Queen by Alexis O’Neil, anchor chart
with pictures of different traits, a smart board, anchor chart with clear detailed
traits both inside and outside post-assessment, and slides
Instruction Engage/motivate:
Some students may remember characters. Review by asking “Do you know what
a character is?” (Display character chart). Allow some students to answer or
provide the answer. Characters can be people, animals, or things in a story. My
favorite character is Snow White! Ask students what their favorite movie
character is. Have students turn and talk to a neighbor and share about their
favorite character. Allow students to share some of their answers using the
frame: My favorite character is ________________.
Mini Lesson
Yesterday, we read The Recess Queen. Today, we will be focusing on the
character traits of Mean Jean & Katie Sue. Make students repeat: “Character
traits” Provide definition: Character traits are characteristics or traits like
feelings, actions, dialogues, and thoughts of a character.
Explain that some character traits can be seen, and others cannot be seen.
However, they can figure it out by looking at the pictures.
Tell students that good readers identify character traits from inside and outside
of the character.
Emphasize to students that everyone has traits, and those traits or
characteristics make up the personality.
I DO- Model using FAST for Mean Jean.
Today I will be teaching you how to find character traits both, inside and outside
by using “FAST” explain what FAST stands for (Feelings, Actions, Speech, and
Use the slides while showing the students how to identify each of the
characteristics for FAST and show the illustrations so students can relate the
action with the illustrations
As you work with the strategy continue to ask questions about how and why the
character is feeling the way the illustration is portraying
WE DO- Turn and Talk- what is another inside and outside trait for Mean Jean?
(Show page from the book) *Teacher will be informally assessing students to see
who understood the strategy*
Ask students to help you identify another inside character trait and another
outside character trait
Anticipated Difficulties
A possible difficulty may be the lower group struggling to understand the
concept of character traits, therefore, mini-group instruction needed to be
implemented during independent work with different worksheet
ELL/students with disabilities:
Worksheet will only focus on outside traits for Katie Sue and describing how the
character LOOKS. Students will be given a blank template of Katie Sue and will
look at the illustration from the text to color and describe her outside traits.
Students will practice labeling the outside traits.
On grade level:
Students will be given the same character trait worksheet as modeled, with an
added word bank for needed support.
Higher level:
Students will be given the same character trait worksheet as modeled.
Emphasize that they can refer to the FAST chart to help them identify the
character traits, both inside and outside
Closing / Ask students to share what they learned about character’ traits today.
Debrief Emphasize the idea that characters have different traits and feelings.
Connect the learning with real life by mentioning some of the students’ traits
and reminding them that everyone has traits both, inside and outside
The highest student will have an additional worksheet where they need to write
the character traits as opposed to the other sheet that has a word bank.
Name: Date:
What is a character?
An object
A person or animal from a story
An action
Describe the outside character traits of Katie Sue. Color her picture.
red hair Black skirt Green vest
Black shoes Glasses White socks
Pink bows Pink shirt Short hair
Links for my slide and my video
Character Traits
Character Traits
Student Achievement Chart (SAC)
Standard: 1.3: Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story,
using key details
Objective: SWBAT identifies the traits of a main character in a story .
Proficiency Students completed only 1 task Student JL, JC, SF, EC, MC, ES, DT,
(drawing the character) Initials: AD, ES, FL, AH, AS, TI,
Students completed 1 out of 5
parts of the assessment (post)
Absent: Jonas