A2 Business Law
A2 Business Law
A2 Business Law
29 NOVEMBER 2023
The termination of a contract is a concept, in contract law indicating the end of the
relationship between parties. Contracts are essential in both business and
transactions as they define the rights and responsibilities of the parties. While
contracts start with consent and binding obligations it is equally important for the
parties to have a conclusion allowing them to move forward independently. Various
factors such, as fulfilling obligations reaching an agreement encountering obstacles
or disagreements violating terms or legal circumstances can lead to the termination
of a contract.
The legal case known as "Berney v Tronoh Mines (1949)" holds a place, in the
history of law leaving a lasting impact on the landscape. This case, which falls under
contract law and tort law took place within the jurisdiction of the court. It explores the
intricacies of mentioning the area in question. The case revolves around a set of
circumstances that highlight the key factual elements and legal issues involved.
Providing background information on any economic or social context is essential, for
understanding the context of "Berney v Tronoh Mines." The parties involved in this
dispute not needed a legal resolution but also grappled with implications that
extended beyond their immediate concerns.
This court declaration that was made in 1949 has not just disappeared into legal
history but reverberates in subsequent judgments and academic discussions. It is
considered a leading case in this area of law. specifying the legal field and
influencing the interpretation and application of the legal doctrines. Hence, this
introduction prepares a deeper investigation into “Berney vs. Tronoh Mines” by
considering the specificities of the case as well as the legal issues that have been
discussed and their lasting effects on the legal context.
A central matter in the case of H. A. Berney vs. Tronoh Mines Limited arises from the
controversial alleged contract between the claimant, H. A. Berney, and the
counterclaimant, Tronoh Mines Limited. The major point at issue is the existence,
validity, and clauses alleged by H.A. Berney relating to the discharge of the contract.
The report aims to carry out a wide-ranging study and meticulous examination of the
events precipitating the disagreement. The central issue is whether H.A. Berney and
Tronoh Mines Limited entered into a legally binding and enforceable contract. This
endeavor necessitates an intricate exploration of several critical facets:
This report was meant to provide a just and thorough description of the facts and
legal aspects surrounding Berney’s contract with Tronoh Mines Limited. The report
uses empirical evidence in conjunction with legal principles and precedent analysis
in an effort to ascertain the factual basis and legitimacy of an alleged contractual
agreement between the parties involved in this case.
Without specific access to “H.A. Berney v. Tronoh Mines Limited (1949) 15, M.L.J.
4,” it is hard to cite the laws or regulations used in that case concerning the
termination of the contract.
Nevertheless, the discharge of a contract generally entails different legal rules and
situations where the contractual obligations become extinguished. Here are some
key aspects related to the discharge of contracts and common legal principles:
1. Performance
Discharge of contracts means fulfilling the obligations prescribed therein by each
party. If all parties fulfill their obligations under a contract, it is said to be discharged.
2. Breach of Contract
In such a situation, one party may not have performed correctly according to the
agreement, without any lawful reason. It should be noted that such a breach is
referred to as a material breach. It may terminate the contract, with the innocent
person no longer being under any obligation.
3. Agreement
Discharge by agreement or mutual consent is a situation in which the parties
themselves decide to terminate the contract. They can renegotiate an agreement
that cancels the earlier one, and they get out of their mutual obligations.
4. Frustration of Contract
Frustration of a contract occurs if unforeseen circumstances arise and the contract
becomes impossible to execute or drastically differs from the initial terms of the
agreement. This can be used by the parties to relieve themselves fofany future
Some points should be considered here since this case (Berney v. Tronoh Mines
(1949)) is referenced and applied to release the liable party from fulfilling the contract
and have his claims dismissed in order to shield the parties of law. In this case,
frustration can only arise where:
In addition, when the circumstances stated above would be entirely unfair to let
either or both parties to their original contracts, the application to discharge a
contract can only be done then. This shows that when the principles established in
the case are applicable, they could be incorporated into your legal argument or
analysis. Differences should also be pointed out in terms of variations compared to
this specific case (Bersey vs. Tronoh Mines (1949)). Specifically, in Berney v. Tronoh
Mines, it was stated that where there is a war between governments, the
governmental interference would be considered a usual cause for frustration in
contract cases. Ultimately, it was held that the Japanese invasion of Malaya
frustrated the performance of the contract and that therefore there was no breach of
contract on the part of the defendants. The court eventually ruled that the case
should be dismissed on jurisdiction.
The discharge of a contract is one of the most important parts of contract law, which
determines at what point and in what way a contractual obligation can be
terminated. Discharge is one of the most important terms in the contract and can be
affected by performance, agreement, frustration, breach, and law. The easiest and
most frequently adopted way of terminating a contract is for the parties to mutually
perform their obligations. However, upon experiencing unexpected circumstances
such as dissatisfaction or violation, the situation becomes problematic.
The tenets of dismissal offer guidance to the parties during the period of a
contract. Parties should have a good understanding of what amounts to discharge
and the safety measures that they should put in place, including incorporating force
majeure provisions or foreseeing possible violations. a mechanism’s of discharge,
which guarantees the adaptability of contract law to complex business transaction
scenarios in the world.
Therefore, the implication of contracts as agreed by the party or parties also has
white lines that are critical. However, it is vital for a party, a company, or an entity to
understand the fundamentals of contracts so as to protect them and ensure a hitch-
free transaction with involved groups.
Able to
Not able to Able to
Able to Able to produce produce their
produce their produce their
produce their their own work, own work,
own work, own work, no
Authenticity 2 own work but authenticity distinctive 10
there was a plagiarism and
there is minor and no authenticity
lot of require minor
of plagiarism plagiarism and no
plagiarism improvements
Not able to
Not able to Not able to Able to follow
follow Able to follow
follow follow according to
according to according the
according to according to the
the assignment
Format 2 the the assignment assignment 10
assignment format and
assignment format and format, and
format and good use of
format and limited use of excellent use
no the references
limited use of the references of references
the references
Total Points: /100
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presents a
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Discussion 4 topic, and that focus on that focus on support their 20
does not the topic. May the topic & recommendatio
present a include some include ns with good
ons with
clear unnecessary necessary reason and
discussion. information. information. evidences.
presentation Good
The style is less presentation
presentation convincing Moderate style.
style is and less clear. presentation Intonation is
unconvincing The intonation style. Good better and
style. Intonation
Communic and less clear. of the intonation and able to
3 is better and 15
ation/ Q&A Language language is correct generate
able to give
intonation is less answers feedback with
inappropriate, appropriate, match the classmates as
and answers and the title. well as give
are incorrect answers are correct
somewhat answers.
Only one Not all
member member
contributes contributes Team Team
Teamwork to oral to oral members Team member member
Presentatio 2 presentation presentation transition transition transition 10
n team team fairly organized excellent
member are member are organized organized
not not
organized. organized.
presentation The
was the The presentation
The appropriate presentation was the
The presentation length but was the appropriate
presentation was too long seemed very appropriate length. It did
was not or too short. hurried or too length but not seem
prepared and The presenter slow. The seemed slightly hurried or too
Presentatio no eye did not speak presenter hurried or too slow. The
2 10
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presenter did the time and and distinctly presenter spoke spoke clearly
not speak the established only some of clearly most of and distinctly
information little eye the time the time and and
on the poster contact with and/or established eye established
the audience. established contact with the eye contact
little eye audience. with the
contact with audience
the audience