The Methods of Teaching Language Arts
The Methods of Teaching Language Arts
The Methods of Teaching Language Arts
A focus on learning the rules of grammar and their application in translation passages from one
language into the other.
Vocabulary in the target language is learned through direct translation from the native language,
it is taught in the form of isolated word lists.
e.g. with vocabulary tests such as:
the house = ang bahay the mouse = and daga
Very little teaching is done in the target language. Instead, readings in the target language are
translated directly and then discussed in the native language. Little or no attention is given to
Grammar is taught with extensive explanations in the native language, and only later applied in
the production of sentences through translation from one language to the other.
For example:
Do you have my book? = Nasa iyo ba ang aking libro?
I don't know where your book is. = Hindi ko alam kung nasaan ang libro mo.
Literary language is superior to the spoken language. Translating each language into each other is
an important goal for learners.
The authority in the classroom is the teacher. To be able to communicate with target language’s
speakers is not among the goals.
The primary skills to be improved are reading and writing. Its focus is on accuracy and not
Error correction: If a student’s answer to a question is incorrect, the teacher selects a different
student to give the correct answer or s/he replies himself/herself.
Classes are taught in the mother tongue, with little active use of the target language.
Much vocabulary is taught in the form of lists of isolated words.
Long elaborate explanations of the intricacies of grammar are given.
Grammar provides the rule for putting words together, and instruction often focuses on the form
and inflection of words.
Reading of difficult classical texts is begun early.
Little attention is paid to the content of texts, which are treated as exercises in grammatical
Content of materials often boring and have little of interest to the learners
Inappropriate for young learners who cannot read much
Exposure to authentic spoken language absent
Dictation: The teacher chooses a grade appropriate passage and reads the text aloud. Teacher
reads the passage three times
Students take turn reading sections of a passage, play or dialogue out loud.
Students are given a map without labeled then the students label it by using the directions the teacher
The students are asked to write a passage in their own words.
The teaching techniques rely mostly on Reading aloud, Question answer exercise, Self-correction,
Conversation practice, Fill-in-the-blank exercise, Dictation and Paragraph writing.
It gives the opportunity to speak in meaningful contexts.
It encourages spontaneous speech by learners.
Lessons can be very lively in the early stages.
The use of drills and patterns practice are the distinctive features of the Audio-Lingual method.
The students repeat an utterance aloud as soon as they have heard it. They do this without looking
at a printed text. The utterance must be brief enough to retained by the ear. Sound is as important
as form and order.
T : I used to know him.
S : I used to know him.
T : I used to know him years ago
S : I used to know him years ago when we were in school.
One word in an utterance appears in another form when repeated.
• I bought the ticket. - I bought the tickets.
• He bought the candy -She bought the candy.
The student hears an utterance that is complete except for one word, then repeats the utterance in
completed form.
T : I'll go my way and you go......
S : I’ll go my way and you go yours.
T : We all have . . . own troubles.
S : We al1 have our own troubles
The coordination of speech and action. Learners roles of listener and performer.
Learners monitor and evaluate their own progress.
Reading and writing is taught after grammar and vocabulary.
Grammar is taught inductively.
Grammar and vocabulary selected according to the situation.
Learning language by gesture (body movements).
The teacher and the students are the actors.
Students should be more active and talk active.
Motorist student
Students are not generally given the opportunity to express their own thoughts in a creative way.
It can be a challenge for shy students.
It is not a very creative method.
Overusing TPR causes someone easily bored.
Certain target languages may not be suited to this method.
It is limited, since everything cannot be explained with this method.
Community Language Learning advises teachers to take their students as “whole person.”
Whole person learning means that teachers consider not only the students’ intellect but also their
Teachers become “language counselors” and give no threatening to students.
We start with students sitting in a circle around a tape recorder to create a community
The students think in silence about what they'd like to talk about, while I remain outside the
To avoid a lack of ideas students can brainstorm their ideas on the board before recording.
Once they have chosen a subject the students tell me in their L1 what they'd like to say and I
discreetly come up behind them and translate the language chunks into English.
With higher levels if the students feel comfortable enough they can say some of it directly in
English and teacher gives the full English sentence. When they feel ready to speak the students
record their sentences.
They're working on pace and fluency. They immediately stop recording and then wait until
another student wants to respond. This continues until a whole conversation has been recorded.
Next the students discuss how they think the conversation went.
They can discuss how they felt about talking to a microphone and whether they felt more
comfortable speaking aloud than they might do normally.
This part is not recorded.
Next they listen to the tape and transcribe their conversation.
Only intervene when they ask for help.
The first few times you try this with a class they might try and rely on you a lot but aim to
distance yourself from the whole process in terms of leading and push them to do it themselves.
This involves looking at the form of tenses and vocabulary used and why certain ones were
chosen, but it will depend on the language produced by the students.
The counselor's role is to respond calmly and non- judgmentally, in a supportive manner, and
help the client try to understand his or her problems better by applying order and analysis to
There is also room for actual counseling in Community Language Learning. Explicit recognition
is given to the psychological problems that may arise in learning a second language.
The teacher monitors learner utterances, providing assistance when requested.
The teacher's role is initially likened to that of a nurturing parent. The student gradually "grows"'
In ability, and the nature of the relationship changes so that the teacher's position becomes
somewhat dependent upon the learner.
The teacher is responsible for providing a safe environment in which clients can learn and grow.
Learners from a small circle. A learner whispers a message or meaning he or she wants to
express, the teacher translates it into the target language, and the learner repeats the teacher’s
Learners may engage in various group tasks, such as small-group discussion of a topic, preparing
a conversation, summary of a topic for presentation to another group, preparing a story that will e
presented to the teacher and the rest of the class.
Students transcribe utterances and conversation they have recorded for practice and analysis of
linguistic forms.
Students analyze and the study of transcriptions of the target language sentences in order to focus
on particular lexical usage or on the application of particular grammar rules.
Learners reflect and report on their experience of the class, as a class or in groups. This usually
consists of expressions of feeling, sense of one another, reactions to silence, concern for
something to say.
Students listen to a monologue by the teacher involving elements they might have elicited or
overheard in class interactions.
Students engage in “free conversation” with the teacher or with the learners.
It implies giving support to fellow learners and acting as a counsellor for other students.
Students determine content.
Learners learn through interacting with members of the community and establish an interpersonal
CLL compares language learning to the stages of human growth. Stage 1 the learner is like an
Student interest
Student independence
Students learn inductive techniques
The councilor allow the learners to determine type of conversation and to analyze the language
The student centered nature of the method can provide extrinsic motivation.
Time wasted
Students have mix of languages
Not enough time in school
Risks can be good
The counselor/teacher can become too non directive. Students often need directions.
The inductive learning method.
Translation is a difficult task.
A successful learning involves commitment of the self to language acquisition through the use of
silent awareness and then active trial.
Silent Way learners acquire “inner criteria”.
The Silent Way student is expected to become independent, autonomous and responsible.
Independent Learners are aware that they must depend on their free will to choose own resources and
realized that they can use the knowledge of their own language to open up some things in a new language.
Independent Learners
Autonomous Learners
Autonomous learners choose proper expression in a given set of circumstances and situations.
Responsible Learners know that they have free will to choose from any set of linguistic choices, the
ability to choose intelligently and carefully is said to be evidence of responsibility.
1. Word Chart Wall
charts on which the words are written with the same color code as the rectangle chart. These
charts display the structural vocabulary of the language: about 500 words. The color code means
that languages as different as Japanese and Russian, which use signs unfamiliar to the learner, can
be immediately read and pronounced correctly.
2. The Fidel
These show all the possible spellings for each phoneme and which also use the same color code
as the rectangle chart. The Fidel is particularly useful for languages such as English and French,
which have complex and irregular spellings.
3. Cuisenaire Rod Ros
are used to create clear and visible situations that enable students to understand how a given
concept is expressed in the language.
4. A pointer
The teacher or the learner can show a word or a sentence while maintaining the essential
characteristic of language - its ephemeral nature.
The pointer creates the dynamic of the language by introducing the element of time in relation to
the different charts, which are in themselves, static.
The use of the pointer is one of the ways in which the teacher calls on the learners to use their
mental powers.
5. The Sound / Color Rectangle Chart
A wall chart made up of different colored rectangles; each color represents a phoneme (sound) of
the language, enabling learners to work on fine distinctions in the phonetics and prosody of the
language, both on the level of production and of listening and recognition.
The general goal set for language learning is near-native fluency in the target language, and
correct pronunciation and mastery of the prosodic elements of the target language are
The teacher should give them only what they absolutely need to promote their learning.
They become independent by relying on themselves.
To teach: the presentation of an item once, typically using nonverbal clues to get across meanings
To test: elicitation and shaping of student production is done in as silent a way as possible
To get out of the way: the teacher silently monitors learners' interactions with each other and may
even leave the room while learners struggle with their new linguistic tools
Teacher silently monitors learners' interactions with each other and may even leave the room
while learners struggle with their new linguistic tools.
Teachers are responsible for designing teaching sequences and creating individual lessons and
lesson elements.
It is important for teacher-defined learning goals that are clear and attainable.
The teacher is responsible for creating an environment that encourages student risk taking and
that facilitates learning.
The teacher uses gestures, charts, and manipulates in order to elicit and shape student responses
and so must be both facile and creative.
Teacher like the complete dramatist, writes the script, chooses the props, sets the mood, models
the action, designates the players, and is critic for the performance.
The materials are used to illustrate the relationships between sound and meaning in the target
The materials are designed for manipulation by the students and the teacher, independently and
cooperatively, in promoting language learning by direct association.
The number of languages and contain symbols in the target language for all of the vowel and
consonant sounds of the language.
The symbols are color coded according to pronunciation; thus, if a language possesses two
different symbols for the same sound, they will be colored alike.
The colored cuisenaire rods are used to directly link words and structures with their meanings in
the target language, thereby avoiding translation into the native language.
The rods may be used for naming colors, for size comparisons, to represent people build floor
plans, constitute a road map, and so on.
Use of the rods is intended to promote inventiveness, creativity, and interest in forming
communicative utterances on the part of the students, as they move from simple to more complex
When the teacher or student has difficulty expressing a desired word or concept, the rods can be
supplemented by referring to the Fidel charts, or to the third major visual aid used in the Silent
Way, the vocabulary charts.
Some people use this method as a first approach to reading in order to help their student
understand that what they’ve drawn and what you have written is a form of communication
between the student and yourself.
The Language experience approach supports children’s concept development and vocabulary
growth while offering many opportunities for meaningful reading and writing activities through
the use of personal experiences and oral language.
1. A shared experience
2. Creating the text
3. Read and Revise
4. Read and Reread
5. Extension
As Jones ( 1986) notes, the basic approach to LEA as outlined in the five-step process above draws on
several key language learning principles
1. Learning occurs from the known to unknown
2. Learning occurs most effectively in general to specific direction
3. Struggling adult readers usually have a low self-concept as readers and need to be assured of
some immediate success
4. Everyone reads at every LEA session
students and teacher thinking aloud about their experience while writing about it; the teacher
modeling the translation of students’ signs into an appropriate written version;
students rereading what they have dictated
Students documenting their language experience through pictures and written compositions
it is time-consuming; (2) it lacks structure and vocabulary control; and (3) it requires leaving the
Development and Practice more than teaching
Implicit-doesn't reach all students
Reading disabilities and other cognitive disorders-need explicit teaching
10-15% have processing disorder
Components of a good reading program that could be missing: letter knowledge, phonemic
awareness, phonics, irregular word reading, multisyllabic word reading
“Learning is a matter of attitude, not aptitude.”
This method puts importance on “ desuggesting limitations on learning.”
We set up psychological barriers to learning and thus we do not use the full mental powers we
have; in order to use our reserved capacity, the limitations we think we have need to be
The goal of the teachers using the teaching method is to help students eliminate and overcome the
barriers to learning and increase their communicative ability.
Light is comfortable
Everything is bright and colorful
We perceive much more in our environment than that to which we consciously attend.
“When there is a unity between conscious and subconscious, learning is enhanced.”
Fine arts
One of the ways the students’ mental reserves are stimulated is through integration of the fine
arts-music, drama, or paintings.
Enjoy your learning
The teacher gives the students the impression that learning is easy and enjoyable.
Its desire that the students achieve a state of ‘infantilization’ so they will be more open to
Choosing a new identity
This enhances students’ feeling of security and allows them to be more open.
Positive suggestions
Direct suggestion
Indirect suggestion
Active concert
Teacher will introduce a story as related in the dialog and call the students’ attention to some
particular grammatical points that arise in it, she reads the dialog in the target language. Music is
played. The teacher begins a slow, dramatic reading, synchronized in intonation with the music.
The music is classical and the teacher’s voice rises and falls with the music.
Passive concert
In the phase, the students are asked to put their scripts aside. They simply listen as the teacher
reads the dialog at a normal rate of speed. The teacher is seated and reads with musical
Primary activation
The students playfully reread the target language dialog out loud, as individuals or in groups.
Students are asked to read the dialog in particular manner: sadly, angrily, and cheerfully.
Creative adaptation
The students engage in various activities designed to help them learn the new material and use it
spontaneously. Activities particularly recommended for this phase include singing, dancing,
dramatizations, and games.
To accelerate the process of learning a foreign language for everyday communication
To desuggest learners’ psychological barriers
To activate learners’ ‘paraconscious’ part of the mind
The teacher’s role:
authority —being confident and trustable
security —affording a cheerful classroom atmosphere
The students’ role:
relaxed —following the teacher’s instruction easily
role play —enjoying in the new identity freely
Classroom atmosphere —decorations & posters
A new name and occupation —to dispel fear or anxiety
Handout —for advanced students
No test, no assignment
Conversation with translation in music —to activate the ’whole brain’ of the students
Games, songs, role play —to strengthen the material
The teacher initiates interactions in two way:
1. the teacher to a group of students
2. the teacher to only one student
The students respond through:
1. nonverbal actions
2. a few target languages student-student interaction—role play
Has limitation since there is no single teaching method that is categorized as the best based on
some consideration such as: the curriculum, students’ motivation, financial limitation, number of
students, etc.
Environment limitation
The use of hypnosis
Infantilization learning