USP2 Aminophylline Tablets
USP2 Aminophylline Tablets
USP2 Aminophylline Tablets
Printed by: Dang Van Vu Official Date: Official as of 01-May-2020 Document Type: USP @2023 USPC
Do Not Distribute DOI Ref: u4h4m DOI:
Flow rate: 0.4 mL/min
precipitate the theophylline. Filter, and retain the filtrate, Injection volume: 1 µL
free from washings. Use the filtrate in Identification C. Wash System suitability
the theophylline crystals so obtained with small quantities Samples: System suitability solution and Standard solution
of ice-cold water, and dry at 105° for 1 h. Suitability requirements
Acceptance criteria: The IR spectrum of theophylline so ci Resolution: NLT 2.0 between theophylline and
obtained corresponds to that of USP Theophylline RS. theophylline related compound F, System suitability
• B. The retention time of the major peak of the Sample solution
solution corresponds to that of the Standard solution, as Relative standard deviation: NMT 1.0%, Standard
obtained in the Assay. solution
• C. Analysis
Sample: The filtrate obtained in Identification A Samples: Standard solution and Sample solution
Analysis: To the Sample add 0.5 mL of benzenesulfonyl Calculate the percentage of the labeled amount of
chloride and 5 mL of 1 N sodium hydroxide to render theophylline (C7H8N4O2) in the portion of Tablets taken:
alkaline, shake by mechanical means for 10 min, and add
5 mL of 3 N hydrochloric acid to acidify. Chill, collect the Result = (rU/rS) × (CS/CU) × 100
precipitated disulfonamide of ethylenediamine, and wash
with water. Recrystallize the washed precipitate from water, rU = peak response of theophylline from the Sample
and dry at 105° for 1 h. solution
Acceptance criteria: The dried precipitate melts at 164°– rS = peak response of theophylline from the Standard
171°. solution
ASSAY CS = concentration of USP Theophylline RS in the
• PROCEDURE Standard solution (mg/mL)
Solution A: 10 mM ammonium acetate prepared as follows. CU = nominal concentration of theophylline in the
Transfer 770.8 mg of ammonium acetate to a 1-L Sample solution (mg/mL)
volumetric flask, and dissolve in water to 80% of the flask
volume. Adjust with glacial acetic acid to a pH of 5.5 and Acceptance criteria: 93.0%–107.0%
dilute with water to volume. Pass through a suitable filter OTHER COMPONENTS
of 0.2-µm pore size. • CONTENT OF ETHYLENEDIAMINE
Solution B: Methanol Sample solution: Transfer a portion of the powdered
Mobile phase: See Table 1. Tablets, equivalent to 350 mg of aminophylline, prepared
in the Assay, into a 100-mL conical flask. Add 20 mL of
Table 1 water, and digest at 50°, with frequent shaking, for 30 min.
Time Solution A Solution B Cool, filter into a 250-mL conical flask, and wash with water
(min) (%) (%) until the last washing is neutral to litmus. Use the combined
0 98 2 filtrate and washings.
Titrimetric system
7 50 50 Mode: Direct titration
7.3 10 90 Titrant: 0.1 N hydrochloric acid VS
Endpoint detection: Visual
8.3 10 90
Analysis: Add methyl orange TS to the Sample solution, and
8.31 98 2 titrate. Each mL of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid is equivalent to
3.005 mg of ethylenediamine (C2H8N2).
12 98 2
Acceptance criteria: 140–190 mg of ethylenediamine
(C2H8N2) per gram of theophylline (C7H8N4O2) found in the
Impurity stock solution: 25 µg/mL of USP Theophylline Assay
Related Compound F RS in water 1/3
Printed on: Thu Feb 09 2023, 12:04:36 AM(EST) Status: Currently Official on 09-Feb-2023 DocId: GUID-09E82524-1468-4B04-AC9B-EC9AF5F70EAB_2_en-US
Printed by: Dang Van Vu Official Date: Official as of 01-May-2020 Document Type: USP @2023 USPC
Do Not Distribute DOI Ref: u4h4m DOI:
Sample solution: Place 1 Tablet in a 250-mL volumetric
flask, add 200 mL of water, and shake by mechanical Calculate the percentage of any other individual
means until disintegration is complete. Add water to unspecified degradation product in the portion of Tablets
volume. Filter a portion of the mixture, discarding the first taken:
20 mL of the filtrate. Result = (rU/rS) × (CS/CU) × 100
Instrumental conditions
Mode: UV
Analytical wavelength: About 269 nm
Cell: 1 cm
ci rU
= peak response of any other individual unspecified
degradation product from the Sample solution
= peak response of theophylline from the Standard
Blank: Water solution
CS = concentration of USP Theophylline RS in the
Samples: Standard solution and Sample solution Standard solution (mg/mL)
Calculate the percentage of the labeled amount of CU = nominal concentration of aminophylline in the
anhydrous theophylline (C7H8N4O2) in the Tablet taken: Sample solution (mg/mL)
Result = (AU/AS) × (CS/CU) × 100 Acceptance criteria: See Table 2. Disregard peaks less than
AU = absorbance of the Sample solution
AS = absorbance of the Standard solution Table 2
CS = concentration of USP Theophylline RS in the Relative Acceptance
Standard solution (µg/mL) Retention Criteria,
CU = nominal concentration of theophylline in the Name Time NMT (%)
Sample solution (µg/mL)
Theophylline related compound Ca, b 0.36 —
Acceptance criteria: Meet the requirements Theophylline related compound B a, c
0.63 — 2/3
Printed on: Thu Feb 09 2023, 12:04:36 AM(EST) Status: Currently Official on 09-Feb-2023 DocId: GUID-09E82524-1468-4B04-AC9B-EC9AF5F70EAB_2_en-US
Printed by: Dang Van Vu Official Date: Official as of 01-May-2020 Document Type: USP @2023 USPC
Do Not Distribute DOI Ref: u4h4m DOI:
O 3/3