LD Beams - Martins
LD Beams - Martins
LD Beams - Martins
Thin-Walled Structures
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Keywords: This work presents and discusses numerical results concerning cold-formed steel simply supported beams sub-
Cold-formed steel beams jected to uniform bending and exhibiting (i) three cross-section shapes (lipped channels, zed-sections and hat-
Local-distortional interaction sections), and (ii) two end support conditions (differing in the warping and local displacement/rotation re-
Major/minor/skew bending straints, which are either free or fully prevented). A systematic numerical investigation is carried out, in order to
Shell finite element analysis
characterise the post-buckling behaviour and ultimate strength of beams experiencing more or less severe L-D
Elastic-plastic post-buckling behaviour
interaction effects. 43 geometries and 11 yield stresses are considered for each combination of cross-section
Direct Strength Method (DSM)
shape and support conditions, thus ensuring distinct (i) ratios between the local (McrL) and distortional (McrD)
critical buckling moments (0.50 ≤ McrD /McrL ≤ 2.00), and (ii) local or distortional slenderness values, ranging
from 0.50 to 3.50. The numerical results are obtained through ABAQUS shell finite element analyses and concern
the (i) post-buckling behaviour (elastic and elastic-plastic), ultimate strength and failure mechanisms of beams
previously selected to undergo considerable L-D interaction. Based on the acquired information, a first con-
tribution towards the Direct Strength Method (DSM) design of cold-formed steel beams undergoing different
“levels” of L-D interaction is presented and discussed.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: andrerdmartins@ist.utl.pt (A.D. Martins), dcamotim@civil.ist.pt (D. Camotim), dinis@civil.ist.pt (P.B. Dinis).
Received 6 May 2017; Accepted 13 June 2017
Available online 20 August 2017
0263-8231/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
[13]) stiffeners under minor-axis bending (subsequently, the authors by considering three deformation mode sets, namely modes (i) 7–17
compared their ultimate strength results with the predictions of several (local), (ii) 5+6 (distortional), and (iii) 3+4 (lateral-torsional: minor
design standards [14] and showed evidence of L-D interaction), (ii) axis-bending + torsion) – note that the cross-section discretisation in-
most of the tests reported by Wang and Zhang [15] on lipped channels volves 9 intermediate nodes (3 in the web and flanges). Since the 7–17
with several lip configurations (upright, inclined and return) involving modes yield practically the exact critical local buckling moment and the
specimens under uniform or non-uniform bending, which showed clear 5+6 modes lead to an approximate1 critical distortional buckling
evidence of L-D interaction, and (iii) the studies carried out by Douty moment, Fig. 1(a2) makes it possible to conclude that beams with
[16] and Serrete and Peköz [17] on simply supported standing seam lengths 45 < L < 250 cm are highly prone to L-D interaction – this
roof panels with several configurations (these authors reported evi- fairly large length interval evidences the relevance of this coupling
dence of L-D interactive failures in most specimens). However, a sys- phenomenon. Obviously, when global buckling is critical the solution
tematic investigation, aimed at identifying which combinations of the obtained with deformation modes 3+4 only is the exact lateral-tor-
ratios involving McrL or McrD and the yield moment lead to sizeable/ sional buckling moment – note that there is a gap in the transition
relevant L-D interaction effects, is still lacking – the purpose of this between the “exact” and 3+4 curves, which corresponds to lengths of
work is to provide a first contribution towards filling this gap, based on beams prone to D-G or L-D-G interaction (coupling phenomena outside
the knowledge acquired from the recently reported Generalised Beam the scope of this work – see, for instance, the works of the authors
Theory (GBT) post-buckling results [18], which shed fresh light on the [21,22] on lipped channel beams affected by D-G interaction). Finally,
mechanics of lipped channel beams undergoing L-D interaction. Fig. 1(b) shows the local and distortional critical buckling modes of the
Thus, the main objectives of this work are (i) to present and discuss L = LDL = 50 cm beam, associated with practically coincident local and
numerical results obtained for simply supported uniformly bent beams distortional buckling moments – they exhibit 8 (local) and one (dis-
affected by L-D interaction and (ii) to provide a first contribution to- tortional) half-waves. Naturally, the post-buckling behaviour (either
wards the development of an efficient Direct Strength Method (DSM) elastic or elastic-plastic) of such beam is bound to be strongly affected
design approach for such members. The beams analysed exhibit (i) by L-D interaction.
three cross-section shapes (lipped channels, hats and zeds) and (ii) two The output of this selection are 43 beam geometries (labelled X1 to
end support conditions (addressed in Section 2). A systematic numerical X43, where “X” stands for either “C”, “HM”, “Hm” or “Z”) for each
investigation is carried out, in order to characterise the post-buckling combination of cross-section shape and end support conditions – they
behaviour and strength of beams experiencing more or less severe L-D can be found in Annex A (Tables A1–A7). All these beams (i) exhibit
interaction effects. It involves beams (i) with 43 geometries, for each RDL values in the range 0.50 ≤ RDL ≤ 2.00 and (ii) have global
combination of cross-section dimensions and end support conditions, buckling moments (McrG) much higher than (ii1) the local and dis-
selected to ensure distinct ratios between McrD and McrL, namely 0.50 ≤ tortional ones (McrG / Mcr. Max ≫ 1.0 – Mcr. Max=max{McrD; McrL}) and
RDL ≤ 2.00 (RDL=McrD /McrL) and (ii) 11 yield stresses, such that a wide (ii2) the yield moments (McrG / My. Max ≫ 1.0), thus ensuring that no
slenderness range (0.50–3.50 interval) is covered. The numerical results interaction with global (lateral-torsional) buckling occurs – the values
presented and discussed are obtained from ABAQUS [19] shell finite ele- of the above two moment ratios are also given in Annex A. Local
ment analyses and concern the beam (i) post-buckling behaviour, (ii) buckling is almost always triggered by the compressed flange2 (most
ultimate strength and (iii) failure mode – special attention is paid to common situation in practice) and, in order to study the effect of
assessing the ultimate strength erosion due to the coupling effects. Fi- strong L-D interaction, 26 beams were selected in the
nally, the paper closes with some considerations about the impact of the 0.85 < RDL < 1.15 range – the other 17 beams are obtained by
findings reported on the DSM-based design of cold-formed steel beams varying this ratio in 0.10/0.05 steps until 2.00 and 0.50, respectively,
experiencing different L-D interaction levels, as well as a few comments making it possible to investigate “secondary (local or distortional)
about the work on this topic planned for the near future. bifurcation interactions” (Martins et al. [23]).
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
Fig. 1. C+SCA beam (a1) Mcr vs. L curve (a2) “approximate” GBT solutions and (b) local/distortional critical buckling modes.
adopting models similar to those reported earlier [24]. Nevertheless, initial geometrical imperfection shape is the “pure” local one.5 This
the main characteristics of these models are briefly reviewed next: same procedure was adopted for the remaining six beam types (C+SCB,
HM+SCA, HM+SCB, Z+SCA, Z+SCB, Hm + SCB) and the same output
(i) Discretisation. Beam mid-surface discretised into fine S4 element was obtained: the “pure” local initial geometrical imperfections are the
(Abaqus nomenclature − 4-node isoparametric shell element with most detrimental ones. Note, however, that this conclusion was drawn
the shear stiffness obtained by full integration)3 meshes. from the analysis of beams with RDL = 1.00 and may not remain true
(ii) Support Conditions. The SCA beams were modelled by imposing for beams with lower RDL values. Therefore, it was decided to analyse
null transverse displacements at the end cross-sections. In order to also beams with RDL < 0.90 that contain “pure” distortional initial
avoid numerical difficulties related to the load application, both geometrical imperfections involving (i) inward flange lip-motions (SCA
end cross-sections are free to move axially (the axial rigid-body and SCB C, HM and Z-beams) or (ii) outward flange lip-motions (SCB
translation is precluded by preventing the axial displacement of Hm-beams) (see [24]). For the remaining beams, “pure” local initial
the mid-span mid-web point). The SCB beams have their end cross- geometrical imperfections were always considered. The amplitude of all
sections attached to rigid plates,4 ensuring full warping and local the initial geometrical imperfections considered in this work is equal to
displacement/rotation restraints, whose external surfaces rest on 0.1t.
spherical hinges prevented from twisting [25]. Thus, the beam end
cross-sections are locally fixed and globally pinned (simply sup- 3.3. Post-buckling behaviour of beams experiencing L-D interaction
(iii) Loading. Equal major-axis (C and HM beams), minor-axis (Hm 3.3.1. True L-D interaction
beams) and skew (Z beams) bending moments applied at the end Figs. 2(a1)-(a2) show the Mcr vs. (v+v0)/t post-buckling equilibrium
sections, either (i) via nodal concentrated forces statically paths (v is the mid-span compressed/top flange-lip corner vertical dis-
equivalent to 1 kN cm (SCA beams) or (i2) directly on the rigid end placement and v0 the corresponding initial value) of RDL = 1.0 Z-beams
plate centroids (SCB beams). (Z24+SCA and Z33+SCB) with 4 critical slenderness [λcr=(My/
(iv) Material Model. The carbon steel material behaviour, deemed iso- Mcr)0.5] values: 1.0, 2.5, 3.5 and ∞ – the last one stands for elastic
tropic and homogeneous, is modelled as (i) linear elastic (buckling behaviour. On the other hand, Figs. 2(b1)-(b2) display beam deformed
analysis) or (ii) elastic-perfectly plastic (post-buckling analysis). In configurations and plastic strain diagrams at the onset of collapse
the latter case, the well-known Prandtl-Reuss model is adopted – it concerning the λcr=1.0 and λcr=3.5 beams. The observation of these
is based on J2-flow plasticity theory and combines von Mises's results prompts the following remarks:
yield criterion with its associated flow rule.
(i) As reported in [24], the SCA and SCB beam post-buckling beha-
3.2. Initial geometrical imperfections viours are clearly distinct: while the former exhibits a fairly rapid
stiffness erosion/degradation until an elastic limit point is reached
A crucial issue in investigations involving buckling mode interaction (no elastic-plastic strength reserve), the latter involves a much
is the identification of the most detrimental initial geometrical im- slower stiffness erosion/degradation and is associated with a re-
perfection shape, i.e., that leading to the lowest beam strength. In this levant elastic-plastic strength reserve.
regard, it is worth noting that a critical-mode imperfection study has (ii) Despite the different behaviours associated with the two support
already been conducted, in [7], for a C+SCA beam with RDL = 1.00 − conditions, Fig. 2(b) shows that, regardless of the beam yield stress
it consisted of analysing the post-buckling behaviour of 24 beams (see Figs. 2(b1)-(b2) – Z-beams with λcr = 1.0; 3.5), both local and
containing different linear combinations of adequately normalised distortional deformations are clearly visible in the compressed
“pure” local and distortional buckling modes, and sharing the same flange at the onset of collapse, thus evidencing the occurrence of L-
overall amplitude (0.1t). This study showed that, for beams with local D interaction. As in columns [3–5], the emergence of local and
buckling triggered by the compressed flange, the most detrimental distortional deformations at early loading stages characterises “true
L-D interaction”, causing relevant failure moment erosion (see
Section 4) and occurring for RDL≈1.0 – these assertions also apply
Note that the mesh discretisation appearing in the ABAQUS beam deformed config-
to SCA or SCB HM and C beams (the Hm beams are addressed se-
urations shown in this document (Figs. 2–5) is a bit coarse – this was done to improve the
readability of these figures and also to reduce the document size (they are in eps format). parately, in Section 3.3.4).
The actual meshes employed have elements with a length-to-width ratio roughly equal to
In Figs. 2–5, showing ABAQUS deformed configurations of SCB beams, the attached
end plates are not displayed (although they were, obviously, considered in the simula- A similar study, for a RDL = 1.00 beam with local buckling triggered by the web (not
tions). This was done to improve the “readability” of the figures along the beam length. dealt with in this work) was also reported in [7].
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
Fig. 2. RDL=1.0 Z-beam (a) elastic and elastic-plastic (λcr = 1.0, 2.5, 3.5) M/Mcr vs. (v+v0)/t equilibrium paths and (b) deformed configurations at the onset of collapse of λcr=1.0 and
λcr=3.5 beams for (1) SCA and (2) SCB.
Fig. 3. RDL=0.5HM beam (a) elastic and elastic-plastic (λD = 1.0, 2.5, 3.5) M/McrD vs. (v+v0)/t equilibrium paths and (b) deformed configurations at the onset of collapse of the λD = 2.5
and λD = 3.5 beams for (1) SCA and (2) SCB.
Fig. 4. RDL=2.0 C beam: (a) elastic and elastic-plastic (λL = 1.25, 2.5, 3.5) M/McrL vs. (v+v0)/t equilibrium paths and (b) deformed configurations at the onset of collapse of the λL =
1.25, λL = 2.5 beams, for (1) SCA and (2) SCB.
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
Fig. 5. RDL=1.7 C+SCA-beams (a) elastic and elastic-plastic (λL = 1.5, 1.75, 3.0, 3.5) M/McrL vs. (v + v0)/t equilibrium paths and (b) deformed configurations of the λL = 1.75 and λL =
3.0 beams at stages I and II.
flanges in Figs. 3(b1)-(b2)). These deformations only emerge at pronounced distortional half-wave is also visible.6 Therefore,
advanced loading stages, a feature that, like in columns [3–5], this beam does not exhibit a “pure” local collapse, due to the
characterises “secondary local bifurcation L-D interaction”. In this heavy flange curling deformations, which also explains why
type of L-D interaction the amplitude of the local deformations the currently codified DSM local strength curve is unable to
remains quite small, even for high yield stresses. For this particular predict accurately the stocky beam failure moments (see
RDL value, L-D interaction only develops if λD falls between 3.0 and Section 4).
3.50 – once again, these conclusions apply also to the other beams (ii.2) Conversely, the two post-buckling deformed configurations
analysed (C and Z beams). displayed in Fig. 5(b2)-(b3), concerning the λL = 3.0 beam,
show that the distortional deformation pattern changes,
3.3.3. Secondary distortional bifurcation L-D interaction from one half-wave (due to flange curling) to two half-waves
Finally, Figs. 4(a1)-(a2) plot the McrL vs. (v+v0)/t post-buckling (due to interaction with distortional buckling), along the
equilibrium paths of RDL = 2.0 C beams (C43+SCA and C43+SCB) equilibrium path. This feature clearly indicates the occur-
with 4 local slenderness [λL=(My/McrL)0.5] values: 1.0, 2.5, 3.5 and ∞. rence of “secondary distortional bifurcation L-D interaction”.
As before, the beam deformed configurations and plastic strain dia- In this case, the collapse mechanism involves yielding in the
grams, at the onset of collapse, are shown in Figs. 4(b1)-(b2), for the compressed/top flange-lip edge, typical of distortional fail-
λL= 1.25 and λL= 2.5 beams. For these beams, it should be noted that: ures - recall (e.g. [18]) that distortional deformations prevail
in all the types of L-D interaction including the extreme case
(i) Once again, the SCA beam elastic equilibrium path exhibits a limit of the "secondary distortional bifurcation L-D interaction".
point − in this particular case, this limit point is followed by a (ii.3) Although slender beams with nD = 1 (e.g., the λL = 2.5
minute “snap-back” phenomenon. beam – deformed configurations displayed in Fig. 4(b)) are
(ii) Surprisingly, the stockier beams (λL=1.25 − Fig. 4(b)) show dis- also affected by “secondary distortional bifurcation L-D in-
tortional deformations at the onset of collapse. As discussed in teraction”, it is difficult (or even impossible) to distinguish
[18], this “unexpected” feature stems from the occurrence of between the distortional deformations caused by flange
flange curling (e.g., [26–28]), which causes, since the early loading curling and L-D interaction by means of SFEA results.
stages, symmetric distortional deformations exhibiting a single (iii) “Secondary distortional bifurcation L-D interaction”, stemming
half-wave (like the major-axis bending deformations due to the from the high local post-critical strength and large yield stresses,
applied moment). Since the distortional critical buckling mode also occurs despite the substantial difference between McrL and McrD.
exhibits a single half-wave (nD=1) in these beams, it is virtually This implies the existence of a “border” separating L and L-D col-
impossible (with SFEA) to detect for which applied loading level lapses that depends on the values of RDL and My. Note that the
the distortional deformations due to L-D interaction come to into “amount” of distortional deformation appearing in this beam is
play. Thus, in order to illustrate the development of “secondary much larger than that of the local deformation occurring in the RDL
distortional bifurcation L-D interaction”, it is necessary to analyse = 0.5HM beam (for the same λcr value). Obviously, this is due to
a beam with nD > 1. So, Fig. 5(a) shows the equilibrium path of a the different post-critical strengths associated with the critical bi-
RDL = 1.70+SCA beam with bw = 130, bf = 80, bl = 20, t = furcation mode, which justifies the fact that higher ultimate
0.963 and L = 1500 mm, which has nD = 2. As for Fig. 5(b), it strength erosion takes place for beams undergoing “secondary
displays several beam deformed configurations. The observation of distortional bifurcation L-D interaction” (see Section 4).
these post-buckling results shows that:
(ii.1) The λL=1.75 beam exhibits several local half-waves to-
3.3.4. Hat-section beams under minor-axis bending
gether with a single distortional half-wave (see Fig. 5(b1)),
This section deals with hat-section SCB beams acted by uniform
thus confirming that this beam is not affected by L-D inter-
minor-axis bending (Hm+SCB beams) and covers all the topics ad-
action − since nD=2 and the half-wave single distortional
dressed in Sections 3.3.1 to 3.3.3. Fig. 6(a) shows elastic and elastic-
buckling moment (MbD.1) is higher than the critical one
(MbD.1/McrD.2=1.13). Moreover, the collapse mechanism
involves mostly yielding of the compressed/top flange-web 6
At this stage, it is worth recalling that the flange curling and symmetric distortional
and flange-lip edges, typical of local failures – however, a buckling deformation patterns are identical.
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
Fig. 6. Hm+SCB beam (a) elastic and elastic-plastic (λcr = 1.0, 2.5, 3.5) M/Mcr vs. (v+v0)/t equilibrium paths and (b) λcr=1.0 and λcr=3.5 beam deformed configurations at collapse for
(1) RDL = 1.0, (2) RDL = 0.5, (3) RDL = 2.0.
plastic (λcr = 1.0, 2.5, 3.5) post-buckling equilibrium paths M/Mcr vs. of collapse (see Fig. 6(b1)). Although this coupling effect is
(v+v0)/t of three beams: (i) RDL= 1.0Hm33+SCB, (ii) stronger in the λcr = 3.5 beam, both deformation types are already
RDL=0.5Hm23+SCB and (iii) RDL=2.0Hm43+SCB beams. As for perceptible in the stocky beam (λcr = 1.0).
Fig. 6(b), it shows deformed configurations of the λcr=1.0 and 3.5 (iii) On the other hand, the RDL=0.5Hm23+SCB beam exhibits a clear
elastic-plastic beams (amplified 5 and 2 times, respectively). The ob- “pure” distortional failure, i.e., no L-D interaction occurs. In fact, unlike
servation of all these results prompts the following comments: in the beams analysed in Section 3.3.2, no trace of local deformations
was found in the slender beams (e.g., the λcr = 3.5 beam in Fig. 6(b2)).
(i) Except for the λcr = 1.0 beams, all the elastic-plastic equilibrium In this case, “secondary local bifurcation L-D interaction” does not
paths depicted in Fig. 6(a) exhibit a failure limit point in the elastic develop, because of the relevant strength degradation occurs well be-
range, which occurs after a continuous and smooth stiffness ero- fore the critical distortional buckling moment level is reached.
sion/degradation that may start before or after the critical buckling (iv) The behaviours of the RDL=2.0Hm43+SCB beams are qualitatively
moment level has been reached – the onset of yielding occurs al- similar to those presented in Section 3.3.3, i.e., (iv1) the stocky
ready in the descending branch. The strength erosion is due to the beams (e.g., see the λcr = 1.0 beam in Fig. 6(b3)) fail in modes
development of the “secondary local or distortional bifurcation L-D exhibiting only local deformations, and (iv2) the slender beams
interaction” addressed in Sections 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 (see also items (e.g., see the λcr=3.5 beam in Fig. 6(b3)) show perceptible (but
(iii) and (iv) below). Moreover, the response of these beams is, small) distortional deformations at the onset of collapse, which
qualitatively, significantly different from those exhibited by the characterises “secondary distortional bifurcation L-D interaction”.
SCB beams analysed earlier, which were either bent about the However, the distortional deformations are much smaller in the
major-axis or subjected to skew bending. Hm-beams than in the beams acted by major-axis/skew bending
(ii) Like the beams analysed in Section 3.3.1, the RDL=1.0Hm33+SCB analysed earlier – once again due to a premature strength loss
beams are also affected by “true L-D interaction”, since clear local occurring in the elastic range (now after the critical buckling
and distortional deformations are visible in the flanges at the onset moment level has been reached).
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
4. Direct Strength Method (DSM) design compared later (in Fig. 16). The comparisons make it is possible to
extract several conclusions, which follow very similar trends for the
The Direct Strength Method (DSM), first developed by Schafer and various cross-section types:
Peköz [29] based on an original idea from Hancock et al. [30], may be
viewed as an approach/procedure to establish methodologies for the (i) First of all, as it would be logical to expect, all the numerical MU
design of a wide variety of limit states – it should be noted that the /My values are well aligned along “Winter-type” curves.
above pioneering work [29] included the application to cold-formed (ii) Based on the results reported in [24], the currently codified DSM
steel beams. This versatility explains the worldwide popularity of the distortional curve provides very substantial failure moment over-
method for the design of cold-formed steel members (but not limited to estimations for both SCA and SCB beams with any type of cross-
them – see, for instance [31,32]). A major advantage of the DSM, when section (see Figs. 7–14).
compared to the traditional “Effective Width Method”, is the possibility (iii) On the other hand, and generally speaking, the MND strength curve
of taking explicitly into account buckling mode interaction. In this re- proposed in [24] provides accurate ultimate strength estimates for
gard, two strategies, based on an approach adopted for columns un- beams with RDL « 1.0 (e.g., RDL=0.50; 0.70 – see Figs. 7(a1)-(a2),
dergoing L-D interaction (similar to an idea put forward by Schafer 9(a1)-(a2), 11(a1)-(a2) and 13(a1)-(a2)). However, this accuracy is
[33]), can be followed: (i) the NLD approach (MNLD), already employed heavily dependent on the flange-lip width ratio (bf /bl) and critical
in [6] and involving the replacement of My by MND,7 and (ii) the NDL distortional half-wave number,11 as unveiled in [24]. For instance,
approach (MNDL), which consists of replacing My by MNL8 – one then the comparison between the MU /My values of the RDL = 1.0 beams
obtains, respectively,9 C1+SCB (bf /bl = 9.0) and C20+SCB (bf /bl = 6.7) shows that the
former (larger bf /bl ratio) are always higher. Indeed, the vast
MND , λLD ≤ 0.776
MNLD = ⎧ −0.8 −0.8
majority of these beams fail in pure distortional modes, as only the
⎩ (1 − 0.15λLD ) λLD MND , λLD > 0.776 (1) most slender ones exhibit minute local deformations, stemming
from “secondary local bifurcation L-D interaction” (see Fig. 3(b)) –
MNL , λDL ≤ 0.673 this means that there is virtually no ultimate strength erosion due
MNDL = ⎧ −b −c
⎨ (1 − aλDL ) λDL MNL , λDL > 0.673 (2) to this type of L-D interaction. As RDL increases up to 0.85
(Figs. 7(a3), 9(a3), 11(a3) and 13(a3)), the proposed MND strength
where λLD=(MND/McrL) is the local slenderness based on the distor-
curve gradually ceases to provide safe ultimate strength estimates
tional strength and, similarly, λDL=(MNL/McrD)0.5 is the distortional for the slender beams, which exhibit visible local deformations
slenderness based on the local strength. As for the values of the para- prior to collapse. This happens because such beam sequence cor-
meters a, b and c, they can be found in [24]. The main goal of this respond to the transition between beams experiencing no L-D in-
section is to provide a valid “path” to develop a rational DSM-based teraction and beams experiencing first “secondary local bifurcation
design approach to handle L-D failures, thus extending the currently interaction L-D interaction” (RDL=0.70) and then “true L-D inter-
available expressions (MN=min{MNLG; MND; MNG }) to MN=min{MNLG; action” (RDL=0.85). However, the failure moments of all the
MND; MNG; MNLD}. beams affected by L-D interaction (either “secondary” or “true”)
The results presented concern a representative sample of the beams are quite accurately predicted by the MNLD (and MNDL) values.
selected/identified in Section 2 − due to space limitations, it is not (iv) Naturally, neither the currently codified DSM NL nor the proposed
feasible to present all the results obtained. However, this sample of DSM ND strength curves are able to capture the ultimate strength
results, presented in Figs. 7–14, provides enough information to enable erosion exhibited by all the RDL=1.00 beams (see Figs. 7(a4)-(b4),
assessing the quality of the ultimate strength estimates in beams ex- 9(a4)-(b4), 11(a4)-(b4) and 13(a4)-(b4)) – this is because “true L-D
hibiting the various RDL values considered. Specifically, it consists of interaction” occurs along the whole slenderness range (see also
beams with RDL= 0.50–0.70–0.85–1.00–1.30–1.60–1.80–2.00: Figs. 7- Fig. 2(b)). Once again, the NLD (and NDL) strength curve predicts
8, 9-10, 11-12 and 13-14 concern the C, HM, Z (both for SCA and SCB) accurately the ultimate strength erosion inherent to this coupling
and Hm (only SCB) beams, respectively. They plot MU /My against the phenomenon.
critical slenderness (λL or λD) for the above 8 beam sets – obviously, the (v) The currently codified MNL curve only provides accurate ultimate
two beams in each figure do not share the same geometry, i.e., they strength estimates for stocky beams with RDL > 1.00 − the
have different web-to-flange and flange-to-lip width ratios (this issue is number of accurate predictions grows (slowly) with RDL and λL,
discussed next). For each RDL value, the numerical MU /My values are i.e., as the beam collapse occurs progressively in modes exhibiting
compared with their DSM predictions, namely (i) MNL or MND (design more dominant local deformations (until there is virtually no trace
curves currently codified and proposed in [24]) and (ii) MNDL, ac- of L-D interaction) – see Figs. 7(a1)-(a4), 9(a1)-(a4), 11(a1)-(a4) and
counting for L-D interaction – the MNLD curve was excluded from this 13(a1)-(a4). On the other hand, the MNL (and MND – not shown in
study, since it yields ultimate strength predictions very close to their those plots) design curve overestimates the failure moments of the
MNDL counterparts (and also to improve the readability of the figures10). RDL=1.30–1.60–1.80–2.00 slender beams, thus providing clear
Nevertheless, the accuracy of the two approaches will be assessed and evidence of the occurrence of L-D interaction, in this case due to
“secondary distortional bifurcation”. Unlike in the “secondary
7 local bifurcation L-D interaction” case (see item (iii) above), this
The currently codified DSM distortional curve is replaced by the curves proposed in
[24], since they were found to yield much more accurate bending strength predictions. type of L-D interaction cannot be ignored in design. For such
Note that the MNL curve prescribed by the current North-American specification [34] beams the proposed DSM NLD (and NDL) approach also provides
is, in fact, the MNLG (local-global interaction). In this work, the MNL curve, concerning high quality failure moment predictions.
“pure” local failures, is adopted. This curve is obtained by replacing Mne with My in the (vi) There is a strong qualitative resemblance between the responses of
MNLG expression appearing in [34] – since McrG is much higher than McrL (and McrD – see
Section 2 and Annex A), the differences between the MNL and MNLG curves are very small
beams and columns affected by L-D interaction, which can be
for slender beams. summarised as follows. First, the amount of overestimation of the
Both approaches include the additional plastic strength reserve (local and distor-
tional), based on the work of Shifferaw and Schafer [35], prescribed by the current North-
American specification [34] and dependent on the plastic moment. The determination of
the Z-section plastic moments (skew bending) was made following the procedure de-
scribed by Dwight [36] (the remaining cases are straightforward). Although this influence is negligible in the present work, since the critical distor-
The exception are the Hm-beams, for which both the MNDL and MNLD curves are tional half-wave number is equal to one in the overwhelming majority of the beams
depicted (only SCB beams were analysed). analysed.
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
Fig. 7. MU /My vs. (a) λL or (b) λD plots for C beams with (1)-(4) RDL=0.50–0.70–0.85–1.00 (SCA and SCB).
RDL < 1.00 beam failure moments, by the MND values, gradually switch from distortional failures to L-D interactive ones, first due to
grows as RDL and/or λD increase, because the L-D interaction ef- “secondary local bifurcation L-D interaction” and then to “true L-D
fects become progressively more significant. Indeed, there is a interaction”. Naturally, the number of accurate failure moment
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
Fig. 8. MU /My vs. (a) λL or (b) λD plots for C-beams with (1)-(4) RDL=1.30–1.60–1.80–2.00 (SCA and SCB).
estimates, indicating distortional failures, grows as RDL increases. increases and λL decreases, because the L-D interaction effects
On the other hand, the amount of overestimation of the RDL > 1.00 become gradually less relevant − naturally, the number of accu-
beam failure moments, by the local design curve, diminishes as RDL rate estimates, indicating local failures, grows (slowly) with RDL.
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
Fig. 9. MU /My vs. (a) λL or (b) λD plots for HM-beams with (1)-(4) RDL=0.50–0.70–0.85–1.00 (SCA and SCB).
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
Fig. 10. MU /My vs. (a) λL or (b) λD plots for HM-beams with (1)-(4) RDL=1.30–1.60–1.80–2.00 (SCA and SCB).
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
Fig. 11. MU /My vs. (a) λL or (b) λD plots for Z-beams with (1)-(4) RDL=0.50–0.70–0.85–1.00 (SCA and SCB).
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
Fig. 12. MU /My vs. (a) λL or (b) λD plots for Z-beams with (1)-(4) RDL=1.30–1.60–1.80–2.00 (SCA and SCB).
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
Fig. 13. MU /My vs. (a) λL or (b) λD plots for Hm-beams+SCB with (1)-(4) RDL=0.50–0.70–0.85–1.00.
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
Fig. 14. MU /My vs. (a) λL or (b) λD plots for Hm-beams+SCB with (1)-(4) RDL=1.30–1.60–1.80–2.00.
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
Fig. 15. Plots (a) MU /MNL vs. λL and (b) MU /MND vs. λD for 0.50≤ RDL≤ 2.00 (1) C, (2) HM, (3) Z, (4) Hm beams.
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
Fig. 16. Plots of (a) MU /MNLD and (b) MU /MNDL vs. λD for 0.50≤ RDL≤ 2.00 (1) C, (2) HM, (3) Z, (4) Hm beams.
Indeed, there is a switch from “true L-D interaction” to “secondary moments obtained in this work, the quality of their DSM-based pre-
distortional bifurcation L-D interaction”, first, and to “pure” local dictions is assessed next, with the help of the plots (i) MU /MNL vs. λL
behaviour, later. (Figs. 15(a1)-(a4)), (ii) MU /MND (curve from [24]) vs. λD (Figs. 15(b1)-
(b4)), (iii) MU /MNLD vs. λD (Figs. 16(a1)-(a4)) and (iv) MU /MNDL vs. λD
On the basis of the simply supported beam numerical failure (Fig. 16(b1)-(b4)) – Figs. (1), (2), (3) and (4) correspond to the C, HM, Z
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
and Hm beams, respectively. Note that (i) the C+SCA results reported L-D interaction”). Indeed, both the NLD and NDL approaches yield
in [6]12 are also shown (the grey squares), and (ii) Fig. 15(b4), con- good failure moment estimates (see also Figs. 8, 10, 12, and 14).
cerning the Hm-beams, depicts also the currently codified MU /MND vs. However, although both approaches provide similarly accurate
λD curve. The observation of these plots prompts the following com- results for 0.50≤ RDL ≤2.0, the NDL approach should be adopted.
ments: This is because the relevance of “secondary distortional bifurcation
L-D interaction” (affecting only the most slender beams) becomes
(i) The results reported in [6], concerning C+SCA beams in the small- negligible as RDL increases well above 2.0, i.e., when the beam
to-moderate slenderness range, follow the same trends as those behaviour tends to be “purely” local and, therefore, is perfectly
reported here – see Figs. 15(a1)-(b1) and 16(a1)-(b1). captured by the NDL approach – in such beams, λDL is always quite
(ii) The numerical-to-predicted failure moment ratio “clouds” (MU small (below 0.673) and MNDL coincides with MNL (see Eq. (2)).
/MNL, MU /MND, MU /MNLD and MU /MNDL) are very similar in the
vast majority of the eight pairs of plots displayed in Figs. 15 and 5. Conclusion
16. The exceptions are the MU /MND ratios of the SCA and SCB C
beams, which exhibit much better quality than those concerning A numerical investigation on the influence of L-D interaction on the
the other beam types considered – see the statistical indicators post-buckling behaviour, ultimate strength and DSM design of cold-
presented in the above figures. formed steel simply supported uniformly bent beams was reported. The
(iii) The pairs of plots in Figs. 15(a1)-(b4) clearly show that the cur- beams analysed exhibited (i) three cross-section shapes (lipped chan-
rently codified DSM local and distortional strength curves are nels bent about the major-axis, hats bent about the major or minor-axis
unable to predict adequately the ultimate strength erosion due to – lips compressed in the latter case – and zeds under skew bending
L-D interaction – the only fairly accurate MNL estimates concern causing uniform flange compression) and (ii) two boundary conditions.
stocky beams with RDL > 1.00, failing in “pure” local modes.13,14 Initially, a beam geometry selection procedure was presented and
Indeed, both sets of predictions exhibit very poor indicators: mean employed to identify simply supported beams exhibiting a wide variety
values well below 1.0 and very large standard deviations. Although of ratios between (i) the distortional and local buckling moments, and (ii)
the indicators of the distortional design curve proposed in [24] are the yield moment and the non-critical (local or distortional) buckling
visibly better, this curve still cannot cope with L-D interaction – moment. Next, the elastic-plastic post-buckling behaviours of beams af-
naturally, the most accurate estimates concern now stocky beams fected by different types of L-D interaction were investigated, with the
with RDL < 1.00, failing in “pure” distortional modes. As was purpose of shedding light on the underlying mechanics. Then, an ex-
clearly shown in [24], the currently codified DSM distortional tensive parametric study was carried out, by means of materially and
strength curve cannot predict adequately the failure moments of geometrically non-linear ABAQUS analyses, intended to gather failure
the simply supported beams analysed in this work. For instance, moment data concerning beams experiencing various types and “levels”
Fig. 15(b) clearly illustrates the poor performance of this design of L-D interaction. These data was subsequently used, in the last part of
curve, even for SCB beams. the paper, to develop and assess the merits of DSM-based design ap-
(iv) The MNDL and MNLD approaches provide the best failure moment proaches devised to handle failures involving this coupling phenomenon.
estimations, an assertion that can be confirmed by merely looking The comparison between the numerical failure moments and their DSM
at Fig. 16 – both of them exhibit similarly good accuracy (see the estimates made it possible to draw some meaningful conclusions.
corresponding statistical indicators given in this figure). Never- Amongst the various findings reported in this work, the following
theless, better predictions are found for the SCA beams, due to the deserve to be highlighted:
less pronounced dependence on the flange-lip width ratio (bf /bl),
as reported in [24] – recall that none of the DSM approaches de- (i) There is a strong qualitative resemblance between the L-D coupling
pends on this ratio. It is still worth noting that all overestimations effects in columns [3–5] and beams: two markedly different types
concern beams with high flange-lip width ratios. Moreover, the of L-D interaction were unveiled – “true L-D interaction” and
comparison between the ultimate strength predictions provided by “secondary (local or distortional) bifurcation interaction”. The
the DSM approaches developed in this work and that recently former is associated with McrD /McrL ratios close to 1.0 and is
proposed in [8], concerning exclusively RDL≈1.0C+SCA beams, characterised by the emergence of both local and distortional de-
shows clearly that the former are much more accurate and much formations at early loading stages. The latter type is associated
less scattered. Moreover, it should be mentioned that the scatter of with McrD /McrL values well above (“secondary distortional bi-
the failure moments reported in [8] is probably due to the fact that furcation”) or below (“secondary local bifurcation”) 1.0 – in such
local buckling is web-triggered in part of the beams analysed (and beams, deformations patterns akin to the non-critical buckling
not always flange-triggered, as in this work) – it was clearly shown mode only emerge at relatively advanced loading stages, provided
in [7] that the post-buckling behaviour and strength are different, that the yield stress is “high enough” to allow for it. Thus, the
both qualitatively and quantitatively, in the two cases. above observations may be viewed as inherent to the coupling
(v) Based on the results obtained in this work, it appears that is not phenomenon under consideration (L-D interaction) and remain
necessary to identify a “border” beyond which L-D interaction valid regardless of the particular combination of loading (columns,
ceases to be relevant in RDL > 1.0 beams15 (i.e., the transition from beams or beam-columns) and support conditions – the latter “only”
local failures to failures due to “secondary distortional bifurcation influence the relevance of the L-D interaction effects.
(ii) The elastic and elastic-plastic post-buckling behaviours of SCA and
SCB beams are clearly distinct. Although is not possible to compare
These results concern simply supported lipped channel beams with RDL values
directly these beams (or other members, for that matter) having
comprised between 0.85 and 1.20. However, 30 beams (out of 90) were excluded because
local bucking is triggered by the web (situation outside of the scope of this work).
the same geometry and interaction level (i.e., McrD /McrL) and
This same conclusion was reached by the authors in the context of columns ex- different support conditions, some conclusions may still be drawn:
periencing L-D interaction (e.g.,[3–5]). Nevertheless, the quality of the indicators ob- compared to the SCA beams, the SCB ones are (obviously) stiffer,
tained for the C beams is higher than that reported for the C columns − see item (ii) exhibit higher MU /Mcr and MU /My ratios (thus leading to much
more pronounced L-D interaction effects) and have significant
The occurrence of flange curling deformations precludes a better performance of the
MNL strength curve. elastic-plastic strength reserve – the SCA beams often exhibit
For columns, the authors recently showed that such identification is essential to elastic limit points or a minute elastic-plastic strength reverse.
obtain accurate predictions of failure loads associated with L-D interactive modes [37]. (iii) As expected, the DSM NL and ND (currently codified or proposed in
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
[24]) design curves cannot predict adequately the beam ultimate slenderness (in this case, on both λD and λL), like in the traditional
strength erosion caused by L-D interaction. Nevertheless, the DSM “Effective Width Method”. Moreover, note also that the use of the
distortional strength curve proposed in [24] provides accurate es- ND curves proposed in [24] is essential for the success of the
timates for beams experiencing L-D interaction due to a “secondary proposed DSM-based design approaches – basing them on the
local bifurcation” – since the local deformations are always minute, currently codified ND curve leads to inaccurate predictions.
no sizeable ultimate strength erosion occurs, which implies that this
type of L-D interaction can be ignored for design purposes. It should be underlined that all the beams analysed in this work
(iv) The two DSM design approaches developed to account for L-D exhibit flange-triggered local buckling (the most common situation in
interaction (NDL and NLD) were shown to handle adequately practice). As shown in [7], significantly different results would be ob-
simply supported beams with the three cross-section shapes and tained for beams exhibiting web-triggered local buckling – this topic is
two support conditions considered. The comparison between the under investigation by the authors. Finally, one last word to mention
fairly extensive set of numerical failure moments gathered and that the authors are also currently working on extending the results
their estimates made it possible to conclude that both approaches reported in this work to beams subjected to non-uniform bending, a
consistently provide good predictions for all the beams analysed, loading condition much more common in practice. On the other hand,
which undergo different types and “levels” of L-D interaction – an experimental program involving tests on lipped channel beams with
these predictions are much more accurate and less scattered than carefully selected geometries, to ensure very clear L-D interaction, is
those recently reported in [8]. However, it should be noted that the also planned for the not too distant future.
accuracy of the estimates is heavily dependent on the beam flange-
lip width ratio and critical distortional half-wave number, as
shown in [24] for beams failing in “pure” distortional modes (al- Acknowledgements
though safe estimates are almost always obtained). This means that
the quality of such estimates could be even higher if these two The first author gratefully acknowledges the financial support of
parameters were included in the DSM-based expressions – recall FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia – Portugal) through the
that all the DSM expressions/approaches depend solely on the doctoral scholarship SFRH/BD/87746/2012.
Table A1
Selected lipped channel beams under major-axis bending with SCA: geometry, buckling moments and their relevant moment ratios (dimensions in mm and moments in kNcm).
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
Table A2
Selected lipped channel beams under major-axis bending with SCB: geometry, buckling moments and their relevant moment ratios (dimensions in mm and moments in kNcm).
Table A3
Selected hat-section beams under major-axis bending with SCA: geometry, buckling moments and their relevant moment ratios (dimensions in mm and moments in kNcm).
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
Table A4
Selected hat-section beams under major-axis bending with SCB: geometry, buckling moments and their relevant moment ratios (dimensions in mm and moments in kNcm).
Table A5
Selected zed-section beams under skew bending (uniformly compressed top flange) with SCA: geometry, buckling moments and their relevant moment ratios (dimensions
in mm and moments in kNcm).
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901
Table A6
Selected zed-section beams under skew bending (uniformly compressed top flange) with SCB: geometry, buckling moments and their relevant moment ratios (dimensions in mm
moments in kNcm).
Table A7
Selected hat-section beams under minor-axis bending with SCB: geometry, buckling moments and their relevant moment ratios (dimensions in mm and moments in kNcm).
A.D. Martins et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 879–901