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Questions 04

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Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka

Department of computer Science, Faculty ofApplied science
Bachelor of Computer Science eOLS/ZArc)
Year -II Semester -I Examination (Febru ary,20l9)
Cozlzl: Advanced Mathematics for Computing

Answer all questions Time allowed: Two (02) hours

Instructions. to the students:
r Every step should be clearly mentioned with reason if necessary,
o Non Programmable calculator can be used.

L- Ql. a). Write an algorithm to add two matrices A,* and B.*n. losl
b). write an algorithm to multipry two matrices A."p and Bp*.
c). Prove the following by stating the properties of the determinant of matrices

i). I a-b-c 2a 2a
2b b-c-a 2b
I 2" : (a+b+c)3
I 2c c-a-b

la+b b+c c*al tabct

ii).lb +a c* a a+bl=2*lbc al t0sl
lc+a a*b b+cl lcanl
d). write an algorithm to calculate the determinant of MatrixAr-. ll0l
(30 Marks)
Q2. a). Differentiate tan(x) with respect to (x2+x).

h. b). prove ** atsi"k)t Cos(x) from the frst principle. tosl

Hinr Sin (A+B):Sin (A) Cos (B) + Cos (A) Sin (B)

c).Ify=%g2thenfindff. t05l
d). If y --.rr thenprove h"H= x*ll+ In(r)1. t0sl
e).If xmyn = (x + y)-*n thenprove thatg =2.
o.x x ll0l
(30 Marks)
Q3. a). If a pornt P(x,y)is reflected about a line fian(oc).x

D Find the coordinates of reflected point p,(r ,,!,),

ii) Find the transformation matrix,
iii) Prove that the transformation matrix is a self Inverse Matrix.

b). If a point P(x, y) is rotated anti clock wise by an angle 0, and then reflected about

}, = tan(oc) r. Finally, it is translated by[;I.

i). Find the tansformation matrix for the rotation given above about the origin.
ii). Find the transformation matix for the reflection given above. tosl
iii). Find the transformation matix for above two cases in the order (rotation first
and then the reflection) [05]
iv). Find the new coordinates of the point P after the rotation and reflection
followed by a translati"" Uy
[f;]. t05I

c). The square ABCD is sheared parallel to x-axis and it become A'B'CD as shown in tii.
the figure given below, where A = (L,L),and. A' = (1.5,1).

i). Write down the transforrnation matrix for the above mentioned shearing. [05]
ii). If the A'B'CD is reflected about x-uis, find the new coordinates of the
reflected image of A"B"CD t05I
(50 Marks)

Q4. a). If (x) is a firnction of x, then write an algoritlrm to find its root when (xF0 in the
interval [q b] for five decimal points using Bolzano's Bisection method. [05]
b). If a fi.rnction f(x)=0 has its root in [a, b] then its root can be obtained using the
iterative forrr rr, = $(xn-r) fromthe above given function,where l0'(x)l < L.
Find suitable 0(x) for the below given equations to solve for x.

i) f (x) - ex - Ze-x = 0 in the interval [0.3,0.4] t05I

ii) f (x) = S0rSin(r) - ex = 0 inthe interval [0.15,0.16] tosI
c). Ifthere is a root in ta, bl for f(x):0, then

i) Derive an iterative equation to find the root in [a, b] using the method of False
Position. [10]
ii) Write an algorithm using the method of False Position to find the root precise
to forn decimal points. t0sl
(30 Marks)

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