2015 2016
2015 2016
2015 2016
Pages GL
L- Ql. a). Write an algorithm to add two matrices A,* and B.*n. losl
b). write an algorithm to multipry two matrices A."p and Bp*.
c). Prove the following by stating the properties of the determinant of matrices
i). I a-b-c 2a 2a
2b b-c-a 2b
I 2" : (a+b+c)3
I 2c c-a-b
c).Ify=%g2thenfindff. t05l
d). If y --.rr thenprove h"H= x*ll+ In(r)1. t0sl
e).If xmyn = (x + y)-*n thenprove thatg =2.
o.x x ll0l
(30 Marks)
Q3. a). If a pornt P(x,y)is reflected about a line fian(oc).x
b). If a point P(x, y) is rotated anti clock wise by an angle 0, and then reflected about
c). The square ABCD is sheared parallel to x-axis and it become A'B'CD as shown in tii.
the figure given below, where A = (L,L),and. A' = (1.5,1).
i). Write down the transforrnation matrix for the above mentioned shearing. [05]
ii). If the A'B'CD is reflected about x-uis, find the new coordinates of the
reflected image of A"B"CD t05I
(50 Marks)
Q4. a). If (x) is a firnction of x, then write an algoritlrm to find its root when (xF0 in the
interval [q b] for five decimal points using Bolzano's Bisection method. [05]
b). If a fi.rnction f(x)=0 has its root in [a, b] then its root can be obtained using the
iterative forrr rr, = $(xn-r) fromthe above given function,where l0'(x)l < L.
Find suitable 0(x) for the below given equations to solve for x.
i) Derive an iterative equation to find the root in [a, b] using the method of False
Position. [10]
ii) Write an algorithm using the method of False Position to find the root precise
to forn decimal points. t0sl
(30 Marks)