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AI in Education:
Change at the Speed
of Learning
UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education
Author: Steven Duggan, Terawe Corporation
Editor: Svetlana Knyazeva, UNESCO IITE

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or area of its authorities, or the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Whilst
the information in this publication is believed to be true and accurate at the time
of publication, UNESCO cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability to any
person or entity with respect to any loss or damage arising from the information
contained in this publication.

Published by the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education

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ISBN 978-5-6046449-2-8

Cite this content as: UNESCO IITE. (2020). AI in Education: Change at

the Speed of Learning. UNESCO IITE Policy Brief. Author: Steven Duggan.
Editor: Svetlana Knyazeva.

Foreword............................................................................................................................................ 4
Executive Summary...................................................................................................................... 5
1. The Changing Role of Technology in Education................................................................. 8
2. Advancements in Technology................................................................................................. 9
2.1. Data, Analytics and Personalized Learning....................................................................... 9
2.2. Artificial Intelligence........................................................................................................... 10
2.3. Cloud Computing............................................................................................................... 11
2.4. Machine Learning............................................................................................................... 12
3. The Promise of AI..................................................................................................................... 14
3.1. Students.............................................................................................................................. 14
3.1.1. Personalization........................................................................................................ 14
3.1.2. Social and Emotional Growth................................................................................ 15
3.1.3. 21st Century Skills....................................................................................................15
3.1.4. Accessibility.............................................................................................................. 16
3.1.5. Well-being................................................................................................................ 16
3.2. Educators............................................................................................................................ 17
3.2.1. Effectiveness and Timesaving............................................................................... 18
3.2.2. Engagement and Enjoyment................................................................................. 18
3.2.3. Collaboration........................................................................................................... 19
3.2.4. Professional Development and Self-Reflection...................................................19
3.3. Parents................................................................................................................................ 20
3.3.1. Involvement and Engagement.............................................................................. 20
3.3.2. Reinforcing Values.................................................................................................. 21
3.4. School Leaders................................................................................................................... 21
3.4.1. Oversight and Insight............................................................................................. 21
3.4.2. Efficiencies and Resource Management.............................................................. 22
3.4.3. Teacher Retention................................................................................................... 22
3.4.4. Student Retention and Welfare............................................................................. 23
3.4.5. Communications and Community........................................................................ 25
3.5. Local, Regional and National Administration.................................................................25
3.5.1. Resource Planning.................................................................................................. 25
3.5.2. Curriculum Design.................................................................................................. 26
4. Challenges................................................................................................................................. 27
4.1. Equity, Equality and Access...............................................................................................27
4.2. The Ethical Dimension....................................................................................................... 27
4.3. Technology Dependence...................................................................................................28
4.4. Continuous Professional Development..........................................................................28
5. Change at Scale and Change at The Speed of Learning..................................................30
6. What’s Next?............................................................................................................................. 32
6.1. New Ways of Seeing........................................................................................................... 32
6.1.1. Cognitive Services................................................................................................... 32
6.1.2. Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality................................................................. 32
6.1.3. IoT and Edge Computing........................................................................................ 33
6.2. New Ways of Doing............................................................................................................ 34
6.2.1. Metacognitive Scaffolding...................................................................................... 34
6.2.2. Personalized Assessment and Credentialing......................................................34
Acknowledgements.......................................................................................................................... 36

AI in Education 3 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief


In line with its mission to serve as facilitator and enabler for achieving Sustainable
Development Goal 4 through ICT-enhanced solutions and best practices, the
UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education launches a new series
of publications “Digital Transformation of Education”. The series will include policy
briefs, analytical reports and reflection papers developed to explore ongoing and
emerging fundamental changes in education due to the use of technologies and
their impact on education and other spheres of human life.

The first issue in the series is the policy brief on Artificial Intelligence (AI), which
promises enormous benefit to students, teachers, school leaders, parents and
education administrators. The appropriate and effective use of AI can provide
considerable benefit in time to be spent for lesson preparation, devising creative
and innovative ways to improve the learning experience for students, and
developing individualized learning pathways. The Compendium “UN Activities on
Artificial Intelligence” listing the actions of 35 UN agencies in this field to meet
the most urgent world’s challenges, from humanitarian crises to climate change,
mentions that ‘although it is still early days for AI’ it should be ‘a force for good, it
must face complex questions about trust and address challenges.’ This UNESCO
IITE publication describes the promises of AI and also highlights the ethical aspects
of its implementation and challenges that it might bring.

This policy brief was authored by Mr. Steven Duggan, who have worked in education
for more than 30 years. Mr. Duggan is Member of UNESCO IITE Governing Board
and Vice President of Terawe Corporation providing AI solutions for a wide range
of public sector and commercial industries. Previously he served as the Director of
Worldwide Education Strategy at Microsoft.

Mr. Tao Zhan

UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education

AI in Education 4 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

Executive Summary

AI will play a pivotal role in helping to realize the promise of personalized learning —
the ability to tailor the delivery, the content and the pace of learning to the
specific needs of each individual student. The ability to Ingest data from multiple
data sources, Interrogate that data and to derive Insights — using tools such as
predictive analytics and machine learning — is what makes AI such an exciting
advancement in education technology and why its use will prove transformational
for all stakeholders, from individual students to Ministries of Education.

For students, AI’s ability to make connections between disparate data sources will
help to identify areas where real-time interventions or additional assistance may
be required. As a result, AI makes it possible to devise a tailored or individualized
learning pathway for each student which is specific to them and designed to
accommodate their strengths, weaknesses, talents and challenges. Advanced
analytics and machine learning also hold significant potential for the development
of social and emotional learning skills as they allow educators to personalize
instruction and to analyse both qualitative and quantitative data to assist with a
student’s mastery of these skills. By enabling students to learn at any time, in any
place, technology is also helping to democratize education and offers learners
currently unable to attend a physical school the opportunity to achieve their full

The effective use of AI, Data & Analytics and Machine Learning can enable educators
to deliver engaging, immersive educational experiences. Far from becoming side-
lined by the emergence of these exciting new technologies the primacy of the
teacher’s role has been reasserted, and the role of the educator will be enhanced
rather than displaced by technology. The promise of AI for teachers lies in its ability
to increase the effectiveness of their teaching and to assist them in providing
the ideal conditions in which their students can learn and grow. By analysing all
of the available data sources and generating insights to guide in the creation of
personalized learning pathways, AI can save educators significant amounts of time
that would otherwise have to be spent studying and collating such data — an almost
insurmountable task when the data is continually changing and there are so many
success factors and data sources to be considered. Data and Analytics can also
support effective teamwork across a school. Subject teachers, department heads,
counselling and welfare services and school leadership can coordinate efforts and
collaborate in the building and delivery of individualized support programs based
on a shared set of learnings and indicators.

Students whose parents take an active part in their education are more likely
to attend school regularly, adapt well to school, take advanced classes, and to
excel academically. Such students also tend to have better social skills and are
more likely to graduate from high school and to attend post-secondary school. AI
supports parental engagement by allowing them to become participants in, rather
than reviewers of, their child’s progress.

AI in Education 5 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

School leaders are responsible for decisions which can affect every student and
faculty member. Whereas in the past it might have been deemed sufficient for
school leaders to monitor academic progress, it is now accepted that preparing
a student for the world beyond the school gates requires the development of
a variety of skills and abilities, all of which need to be considered integral parts
of a student’s learning pathway. In addition to core factors such as Behaviour
and Attendance, educators and school leaders must also evaluate Participation,
Persistence, Optimism and Self-Belief, Critical Thinking and a range of other key
determinants of future success. In the absence of AI, it is impossible for a school
leader to analyse all of these disparate factors for each student within the school,
or to derive the insights necessary to support timely interventions.

Management of the institution (of its human and capital resources, of the
physical and digital environments, of compliance with and adherence to fiscal
and legal requirements, etc.) is often accompanied by a myriad of other logistical
and administrative tasks. For many school leaders the burden this imposes is
exacerbated by the reactive nature of the tasks involved. Sudden, unexpected
expenses for building maintenance and repair; provision of cover for absent
teaching, facilities or administrative staff; peaks and troughs in student enrolment
numbers — all of these can impose stresses and financial constraints upon the
effective management of the school. The use of Data and Predictive Analytics can
help school leaders to move from reactive to proactive management and to predict
issues before they arise.

Ministries of Education, local authorities, municipalities and other organizations

tasked with oversight and management of groups of schools or colleges are reliant
upon accurate, up-to-date information. Traditionally these organisations have
placed a premium upon data collection to guide decision-making, but in the main
this data has been historic and is often out of date by the time it has been collated.
Planning for the future armed only with information from the past is both imprudent
and unnecessary. AI, Data & Analytics and Machine Learning technologies have the
ability to generate insights in real time and to continuously update that guidance
as the data is refreshed.

Ensuring that school and college curricula are up to date and can adequately prepare
students for the world they will face upon graduation is a perennial challenge. In
many subject areas, including but not limited to the sciences and technologies,
the knowledge base is continuously changing and expanding, making it difficult to
ensure that course content is relevant and up to date. The ability to interrogate large
data sets, to analyse that data and generate insights, and to expose those insights
via dashboards and visualizations tailored to the needs and roles of those tasked
with curriculum design, can improve the currency and accuracy of the information
available and the preparedness of those engaged in this essential work.

Despite the promise of AI, significant challenges remain, particularly in regard to

equity of opportunity. 43% of the world’s population still do not have access to the
internet, and an estimated 40% of people have never once been online. Learners
who have limited access to the information required to assist them in their studies
and the ability to generate and share electronic data, may be disadvantaged when it

AI in Education 6 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

comes to the building of personalized learning pathways which adequately identify
and address their needs.

If all learners are to reap the rewards of AI in education, regulation and ethical
frameworks will be required. How can we ensure that gender, racial, socio-
economic and ability biases are not introduced at the programming level? How can
we ensure that social and cultural stereotypes are not promulgated? How can we
ensure that all learners, regardless of where they live, have the same access to the
benefits which will accrue? Given the power and influence such technologies will
come to have in shaping the education — and by extension the opportunities and
potentially the values of learners — transparency and oversight will be required
to ensure that AI-enabled technologies conform to and strengthen fundamental
human rights. AI technologies are continually evolving — emergent technologies
such as Cognitive Services, Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality and the Internet
of Things are reshaping our world and providing all stakeholders in education with
opportunities to advance teaching and learning, and ethical challenges which will
need to be addressed.

AI will play an important part in tackling the next great challenge being offered
to education technologists: how to support personalized assessment. Current
forms of assessment are seldom aligned to the skills that will be demanded of
students when they enter the world of work. Multiple-choice, long- and short-form
examinations can serve to evaluate some of the higher-order thinking skills that
will be required in a 21st century environment — recall, comparison, analysis and
inference — but soft skills, ‘people skills’, moral character, teamwork, collaboration
and the ability to work effectively as part of a team are difficult to evaluate using
these traditional forms — and they are at least as important to future employers
and to a graduate’s ability to survive and thrive in a 21st century workplace.

AI will form part of the foundation for the educational experiences and opportunities
students will enjoy in the coming decade. For students, educators, school leaders,
parents, administrators and system owners, AI in education is already delivering
real benefits and will prove a powerful catalyst for change.

AI in Education 7 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

1. The Changing Role of Technology
in Education

Students and teachers are facing a world of constant, ever-accelerating change.

Those now exiting secondary school for the world of work or further study in the
developed countries have never known a world without the ubiquity of the internet
and the mobile phone. Although the first commercially-available mobile phone only
appeared in 1985, by 1999 one phone was being sold in the United Kingdom every
four seconds, and by 2004 — when these students were in grade 2 or 3 — there were
more mobile phones than people in the UK1. The disparity between the developed
and developing world in terms of access to the internet and smart devices was
immediately recognised as a ‘Digital Divide’; and as technology entered the classroom
in schools where the socio-economic conditions allowed for such investments, fears
were expressed that disadvantaged students of all nationalities would be left behind.

Conversely, many people held that access to technology and low-cost mobile
devices could help close the educational gap caused by failures of the formal
education system, and connect those who had left school or never had the
opportunity to attend a classroom to rich educational experiences which could
address foundational issues such as the global challenge of illiteracy.

In the event, the introduction of devices into the classroom did not bring about a
commensurate improvement in exam grades — though it did help to enable new
pedagogical modalities such as the flipped classroom — and illiteracy rates remained
virtually unchanged2. The role of the teacher has been proven paramount, along
with the need for adequate professional development supports which incorporate
the building of digital skills3. Far from technology replacing teachers, the role of the
teacher is now recognised as the most important factor in unlocking the potential
of technology to advance teaching and learning.

In concert with the emergence of these new technologies was a focus upon
what were termed ‘21st century skills’. Knowledge-acquisition was relegated in
importance, and the ability to work in teams, to collaborate and communicate
effectively and to develop analytical and digital skills to better prepare students
for the world they would face upon leaving school assumed a primacy in curricular
and pedagogical design. Learning how to learn and the importance of lifelong
learning were regarded as intrinsically linked to the acquisition of digital skills and
experience in the use of basic technologies.

The Guardian. (2009). In just 25 years, the mobile phone has transformed the way we communicate.
Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/business/2010/jan/01/25-years-phones-
World Population Review. (2020). Literacy Rate by Country 2020. Retrieved from https://
OECD. (2018). Teaching for the Future: Effective Classroom Practices To Transform Education. OECD
Publlishing, Paris. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1787/9789264293243-en

AI in Education 8 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

2. Advancements in Technology

2.1. Data, Analytics and Personalized Learning

The notion of personalized learning — the ability to tailor the delivery, content and
the pace of learning to the specific needs of each individual student — emerged
as a primary objective of educational reform. The promise of technology lays in its
ability to support personalised learning pathways: but this could not be achieved
through the use of hardware or software alone. To determine whether students
were building 21st century skills it would be necessary to measure a variety of data,
drawn from disparate sources.

The implementation of Student Information Systems (SIS) and Learning

Management Systems (LMS) provided new digital data sets, but the majority of
data pertinent to student progress and performance was still in paper form, and
often resided solely in the heads of teachers. Before Artificial Intelligence (AI) or
Predictive Analytics could be employed to assist in the creation of personalized
learning pathways, progress was necessary in how data was gathered, stored,
and made accessible.

The ‘data journey’ towards this state was comprised of the following key stages:

I. Data collection: the capturing of key student data relevant to some or all
of the following core measures of student success: academic performance;
attendance; participation; behaviour; consistency; resilience; persistence
or ‘grit’; confidence or self-belief; enjoyment or engagement; emotional
development; social development; ethical development; physical

II. Data presentation: the display of data in a form which allows for review
and interrogation, including visualizations.

III. Historical analysis: the analysis of past performance and student progress
to date to derive insights and to identify areas requiring course-correction
or review.

IV. Predictive analysis: the analysis of both current (real-time or near-real-

time) data and historical data to enable projections with regard to such core
concerns as student retention/dropout rates and to identify students in
need of timely interventions, whether these relate to academic performance
or issues of mental health or welfare, and to assist in future planning on a
systemic, institutional, and individual student basis.

The majority of schools, colleges and education systems are currently at stage I of
the data journey (data collection) but even at this stage Artificial Intelligence can
deliver real benefits. Before we outline those benefits, we need to define what is
meant by AI in an educational context.

AI in Education 9 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

2.2. Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence begins with data. The ability to Ingest data from multiple data
sources, Interrogate that data and derive Insights — using tools such as predictive
analytics and machine learning — is what makes AI such an exciting advancement
in education technology, and why its use will prove transformational for all
stakeholders, from individual students to ministries of education.

In an educational context, perhaps the best way to view Artificial Intelligence is to

view it as Augmented Intelligence. The application of AI provides all stakeholders
with additional information and with insights which can better inform decisions.
Below are a number of the data points which need to be considered by key

Students: individual students need help to identify areas in their learning

pathways where they need additional support or guidance, or where they
require an increased focus in their studies

Educators: a typical primary-school teacher can have between 20-30 students

in a class4. To measure progress against all of the core success metrics outlined
in Stage 1 of the data journey above for each student in a class of 30 students
would require them to track progress against 390 different data points. For a
secondary school teacher, who might teach 6 or more groups of students in
different grades or age groups, the challenge is exponentially greater. (It is a
measure of the extraordinary dedication and skill that teachers as a profession
display that they undertake to do this to the best of their abilities in service of
their students and the students’ families.) A professor or dean of faculty at a
university may have an even larger cohort of students; and for all educators the
student cohort will typically change on an annual or more frequent basis.

School Leaders: to manage an academic institution or to lead change, a school

leader in K-12, Further Education or Higher Education needs to consider a vast
range of factors and data points. In addition to student-centric data, he or she
must consider staffing issues; financial and infrastructural management issues;
matters relating to policy, governance and oversight; privacy, health and safety
concerns, etc.

Curriculum Designers: those tasked with designing curriculum at an

institutional, regional or national level need to consider information from a
variety of sources, including the academic, the vocational and the societal, in
order to ensure that evolving curricula can meet the current and future needs
of students, and will adequately prepare them for the world they will face on
leaving school. A curriculum based solely upon historic data, referencing a
limited number of sources, cannot hope to meet future needs.

Having access to all of the relevant and available data is not sufficient. None of
these challenges can be met with data alone. It is the ability of Artificial Intelligence
to make connections across these different data points — to provide predictions

OECD.Stat. (2020). Average class size. Retrieved from https://stats.oecd.org/Index.

AI in Education 10 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

of future outcomes in order to enable course-corrections in near-real-time and to
derive insights which will allow all stakeholders to make more informed decisions —
which constitutes its power and its promise.

2.3. Cloud Computing

Interrogating huge data sources is not possible without access to proportionate
computing power. Advancements in computing power have been the primary driver
of the rapid pace of innovation and technical advancement we have seen over the
past few decades. In 1970, Gordon E. Moore, the co-founder of Intel Corporation,
said that he believed the processing power of computers would double every two
years. What became known as Moore’s Law has proved prescient. The processing
power of a computer processor (or CPU) can be measured in Floating Operations
Per Second (FLOPS). Between 1956 and 2015 it is estimated that there has been a
one-trillion-fold increase in FLOPS of computer processing power. This increase in
computing power has been accompanied by a commensurate reduction in cost,
which also provided a vital contribution to the pace of change5.

Perhaps the single most important development in the evolution of Artificial

Intelligence has been the shift from what is termed ‘on-premises’ computing —
where users access a computer or network of computers housed locally — to Cloud
Computing, where users access computing resources through the internet, with a
virtually unlimited source of computing power that can increase in line with their
needs. These resources include tools and applications like data storage, servers,
databases, networking, and software. As long as an electronic device has access to
the internet, it has access to the data and the software programs to run it.

Cloud Computing is not a single piece of technology but instead comprises three
different types of services: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Infrastructure-as-a-Service
(IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).

Software-as-a-service (SaaS) enables users to license a particular piece of

software (for example, a productivity suite such as Microsoft 3656) on a pay-as-
you-go or on-demand basis.

Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) provides users with access to everything

from operating systems to servers and storage as part of an on-demand service,
meaning that organisations no longer need to purchase software or physical

Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) provides users with a development platform for

creating software, allowing them to develop, deploy and manage computer
applications without having to build or maintain the infrastructure required to
support this.

The key benefits of Cloud Computing — and the reasons why so many businesses
and public enterprises have made the move to the Cloud — are the following:

Max Roser and Hannah Ritchie. (2013). Technological Progress. Published online at
OurWorldInData.org. Retrieved from https://ourworldindata.org/technological-progress

AI in Education 11 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

1. Reduced Costs: computer server hardware and traditional desktop software
can be very expensive and are often under-utilized, meaning that servers
can sit idle for much of the time and that organisations end up paying a
high price to license software that not all of their staff members use or
require. A low-cost cloud service based on a pay-as-you-go model, whereby
the organization only pays a license fee based on actual usage, can provide
significant savings.

2. Unlimited Storage: Cloud Storage is virtually unlimited and is charged on

a usage basis. The organisation no longer needs to worry about meeting
changing storage needs via the purchase of expensive hardware which it
will need to maintain, and storage provision can be scaled up — or scaled
down — as needed.

3. Backup and Recovery: all data stored in the Cloud is typically backed-up
by the cloud service provider, with multiple fail-safes and automatic data
replication across different locations, greatly reducing the danger of data
loss and allowing for rapid data recovery in the event of a ‘crash’.

4. Ubiquitous Access: key information can be accessed from virtually any place
with an internet connection, at any time, and using any device. This in turn
can improve communication and collaboration between team members
and boost productivity.

5. Security: although many fears persist about placing sensitive or confidential

information in the Cloud, cloud service providers often have enhanced levels
of security and data protection along with services such as data encryption
and remote wipe of lost or stolen devices which provide commensurate or
improved levels of security compared to on-premises solutions.

6. Flexibility: organizations can scale services to meet their needs and increase
or decrease capacity in line with demand to support fluctuating workloads.

2.4. Machine Learning

Machine Learning is an application of Artificial Intelligence which enables
computers to act without being explicitly programmed, and to learn and improve
from experience without human intervention or assistance. It is used to answer
questions that cannot be answered by manual research, and is based on the idea
that systems can learn to identify patterns and make decisions and can become
more proficient over time, learning from previous computations to produce
reliable, repeatable decisions and results.

Machine Learning uses algorithms — pieces of code comprising of a finite set of

unambiguous step-by-step instructions that a machine can follow to achieve a
certain goal. Algorithms use parameters based on training data — a subset of data
that represents the larger set. As the training data expands through usage and
the analysis of larger and larger data sets, the algorithm calculates more accurate

AI in Education 12 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

Different algorithms analyse data in different ways. They are often grouped by
the machine learning techniques that they are used for: supervised learning,
unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.

Supervised Learning: In supervised learning, algorithms make predictions

based on a set of labelled examples that you provide. This approach is useful
when you know what the outcome should look like. For example, you provide
a dataset that includes city populations by year for the past 100 years, and you
want to know what the population of a specific city will be four years from now.
The outcome uses labels that already exist in the data set: population, city, and

Unsupervised Learning: In unsupervised learning, the key data points are

not labelled — the algorithm labels them itself by organizing the data, or by
describing its structure. This technique is typically used when you do not know
what the outcome should look like. For example, you provide customer data,
and you want to create segments of customers who like similar products. The
data that you are providing is not labelled, and the labels in the outcome are
generated based on the similarities that were discovered between data points.

Reinforcement Learning: Reinforcement learning uses algorithms that learn

from outcomes, and decide which action to take next. After each action, the
algorithm receives feedback that helps it determine whether the choice it made
was correct, neutral, or incorrect. It’s a good technique to use for automated
systems that have to make a lot of small decisions without human guidance. For
example, you are designing an autonomous car, and you want to ensure that it
is obeying the law and keeping people safe. As the car gains experience and a
history of reinforcement, it learns how to stay in its lane, go the speed limit, and
brake for pedestrians.

Machine Learning is already widely used across many industries. On online retail
websites it is used to help identify products you might be interested in buying based
on your previous purchasing history, or upon searches you have made on the website
for particular goods or services. Banks and other financial organizations routinely
use machine learning to identify, predict and prevent fraudulent transactions. In
healthcare, machine learning can help to identify patterns or anomalies, which can
improve diagnoses and accelerate the provision of vital treatments.

AI in Education 13 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

3. The Promise of AI

3.1. Students
The application of Artificial Intelligence offers students of all ages, achievement
levels and differing socio-economic backgrounds a number of significant benefits,
each of which can result in enhanced learning experiences and improved learning

Much of the data required may already be being collected, such as grade scores,
results from school and state exams, attendance and punctuality records, school
reports, comparative scores with regard to peers or classmates, Individualized
Education Programs (IEPs) and other sources of qualitative and quantitative data.

Typical forms of qualitative data can include notes from classroom observations;
minutes of staff meetings; feedback from a teacher, teaching assistant or
department head; samples of the student’s work with comments from their teacher;
disciplinary or student welfare reports, etc. These can be augmented through the
use of surveys, interviews and observations.

Typical forms of quantitative data can include assessment scores (individual and
comparative), aggregates of survey results, and numerical results or measures of
any sort pertinent to the student’s progress. Essentially quantitative data in this
context means any data which can be expressed as a set of numbers.

As schools and colleges proceed along the ‘data journey’, more of this information
will be available in digital form, which assists in data analysis. It is worth pointing
out that data does not need to be in digital form to be included in a data set. With
the use of emergent technologies such as Cognitive Services, it is also possible
to extract data from handwritten notes and audio or video recordings. Cognitive
Services add the ability to see, hear, speak, search, understand, and accelerate
decision-making to the processes of data collection and interrogation.

3.1.1. Personalization
AI, Data & Analytics and Machine Learning allow all those tasked with a student’s
education to access information and gain vital insights into key aspects of the
student’s progression, and into other factors which may underly a change in their
attitude, engagement or performance.

AI’s ability not only to ingest and interrogate vast amounts of data, but to make
connections between disparate data sources, can help to identify areas where real-
time interventions or additional assistance may be required. Extrapolating from
this AI makes it possible to devise a tailored or individualized learning pathway
for each student, which is specific to them and designed to accommodate their
strengths, weaknesses, talents, and challenges.

AI in Education 14 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

The implications of this are enormous. Truly personalized learning provides
students with the optimal environment in which they can achieve their full potential.
In addition to the positive effect this will have upon their academic performance,
a student’s attitude to school, level of engagement, sense of being cared for and
valued and their general happiness and well-being are also likely to be improved.

3.1.2. Social and Emotional Growth

Social and emotional well-being has become an increasing area of focus in
education. There has been a recognition that automation and AI are radically
changing the world of work, and that interpersonal skills, empathy and creativity
will become essential attributes for the jobs of tomorrow. Social and emotional
skills, such as problem solving and collaboration, are increasingly necessary for
the labour market. The link between a student’s outlook and mood, their ability
to interact and collaborate with others and their capacity to learn has also been
recognised, and had led to a demand for educational reform which places these
skills at the centre7.

Students’ exposure to the internet and social media has also contributed to an
increased focus upon the development of these skills. The prevalence of ‘fake
news’, disturbing images and stories, issues of privacy and data protection, and
the pressures upon children and young people to project and protect an idealized
image of themselves against a backdrop of cyber-bullying and health and welfare
disorders, including body dysmorphia, eating disorders, depression and anxiety,
have underlined the importance of students acquiring the knowledge and skills to
navigate the world in which many of them now live.

Research8 has shown that artificial intelligence and multimodal social computing
can help to improve cognitive, social and emotional skills. Advanced analytics and
machine learning have long been employed in the private sector to deliver business
insights, and increasingly these applications are entering education. Advanced
analytics and machine learning hold significant potential for the development of
social and emotional learning skills because they allow educators to personalize
instruction, and to analyse both qualitative and quantitative data to assess and
assist with a student’s mastery of these skills.

3.1.3. 21st Century Skills

A consensus has been established in relation to the skills which can be regarded as
essential for students to be successful both during their studies, and in the world
of work. What have become known as ‘21st century skills’ are a set of competencies
and capabilities which students will require upon graduation to enable them to
achieve their full potential.

The Economist Intelligence Unit. (2019). Emotion and Cognition in the Age of AI: white paper.
Commissioned by Microsoft. Retrieved from https://clouddamcdnprodep.azureedge.net/gdc/
Cassell, J., Bai, Z., Paranjape, B., Sinha, T., Slebodnick, D., Luo Yi Tan. (2016). Sensing Curiosity in
Play and Responding. The ArticuLab, Carnegie Mellon University. Retrieved from http://articulab.

AI in Education 15 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

Although lists of designated 21st century skills can vary, all authorities agree that
certain skills lie at the core, including: Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking,
Perseverance, Problem-Solving, Self-Direction, Global Awareness and Digital
Literacy Skills.

Technology can play a role in helping students to develop skills in all of these areas,
and the application of AI can help educators to orchestrate and personalise the
delivery of learning to meet their needs. It is the ability of AI to assess progress
against a large and disparate set of measures, to ingest data from all of these often
distinct and unrelated learning pathways, and to generate insights which provide a
holistic view of the progress of each individual student that most clearly illustrates
the value that AI can have in improving learning outputs.

Assisting a cohort of students in the development of the broad range of 21st

century skills requires the collection and analyses of vast amounts of data — what
is sometimes termed Big Data — and AI is required if useful insights are to be
exposed, which assist them in that journey. As the organizational theorist Geoffrey
Moore put it, “Without big data, you are blind and deaf and in the middle of a

3.1.4. Accessibility
Technology has long played a role in supporting students with disabilities. The first
beneficiaries of education technology within schools and colleges were typically
those for whom a laptop or similar device served to help ‘level the playing field’ for
them as learners, facilitating improved access to learning objects and opportunities,
freeing them from the constraints of set times and physical locations, and providing
access to new tools and services specifically tailored to their needs.

Features such as text-to-speech and screen narration provide help to people with
visual impairments; voice commands, descriptive audio and speech-to-text features
provide assistance to students with hearing difficulties; simple features such as
keyboard shortcuts and support for varied input devices and sensors have enabled
those with physical disabilities to operate a computer device even if their disability
is profound, as exemplified by the achievements of the late Stephen Hawking.

AI is opening doors for students with disabilities, which will profoundly alter their
educational opportunities and levels of engagement. Among recent advancements
driven by the use of AI have been Apps which can observe, analyse and describe
the world around a visually impaired person through their mobile phone, with the
ability to recognize the student’s friends and acquaintances, and even to describe
their emotions based on such factors as facial expression and posture9.

3.1.5. Well-being
In recognition of well-being’s impact on learning — and the education system’s
role in shaping the emotional and mental health of young people — the OECD


AI in Education 16 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

has measured student well-being as part of its Program for International Student
Assessment (PISA)10 ranking since 2015.

PISA defines well-being as “the psychological, cognitive, social and physical

functioning and capabilities that students need to live a happy and fulfilling life,”
which includes the following elements:

Psychological Well-being: comprising students’ sense of purpose, self-

awareness, affective states and emotional strength.

Social Well-being: students’ quality of social lives, including relationships with

family, peers and teachers, as well as a sense of social belonging within a school

Cognitive Well-being: referring to students’ proficiency in using academic

knowledge and soft skills to become lifelong learners, effective workers and
engaged citizens.

Physical Well-being: the ability to follow a healthy lifestyle based on self-

reported measures of physical activity and nutrition.

AI can assist all interested stakeholders within an educational institution or system

to identify, predict and prevent crises in student well-being or welfare. The ability to
ingest data from data sources across the institution, including performance measures,
attendance and punctuality records, notes and reports from faculty, administrative
and counselling staff members, can be used to create dashboards and alerts which
help the institution plan and allocate resources to support early interventions for
students in need of assistance, in danger of dropping out, or undergoing a mental
health, academic or personal life crisis. In this context, AI’s ability to identify students
in need of urgent assistance in real-time, and to predict when others may be in
danger of experiencing a well-being crisis in the future using indicators and insights
derived from machine learning, can literally prove a life-saver.

3.2. Educators
The effective use of AI, Data & Analytics and Machine Learning can enable educators
to deliver engaging, immersive educational experiences and to build personalized
learning pathways for each student utilising the augmented intelligence and insights
derived from their use.

It is worth reiterating that AI will not replace teachers. Dr Thornburg’s oft-quoted maxim
that “Any teacher that can be replaced by a computer, deserves to be” is a contentious
one, but it also serves to highlight the fact that no technology currently exists which
can replicate let alone supplant the myriad skills and qualities of a great educator. Far
from becoming side-lined by the emergence of these exciting new technologies, the
primacy of the teacher’s role has been reasserted. The promise of AI for teachers lies in
its ability to increase the effectiveness of their teaching and to assist them in providing
the ideal conditions in which their students can learn and grow.


AI in Education 17 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

3.2.1. Effectiveness and Timesaving
By analysing all of the available data sources and generating insights which they
can use to create personalized learning pathways, AI can save educators significant
amounts of time that would otherwise have to be spent studying and collating such
data: an almost insurmountable task when the data is continually changing, and
there are so many success factors and data sources to be considered.

By providing educators with a detailed view of each student’s progress, they can
quickly identify gaps and challenges and address these, resulting in better student
outcomes and happier, more engaged class members.

AI can also save time for educators at the ‘other end’ of the process, by producing
rich student reports which can be made available to the institution, to parents or
guardians, and to the students themselves. Rather than historical reports which
reflect past performance at set points in time during an academic year, such reports
can be made available to all stakeholders as and when required and will be both
more accurate and up-to-date than traditional reports or reviews.

Freeing up time from laborious administrative tasks can also have an impact upon
educator recruitment and retention. Teachers spend an estimated 3-5 hours11 each
day grading papers and tests, preparing lesson plans and completing administrative
work outside of the classroom. Not only is this a leading cause of teacher attrition,
it also serves as a powerful disincentive when trying to attract top talent to our
schools and classrooms.

3.2.2. Engagement and Enjoyment

Students, who are engaged and interested, learn more and retain that learning for
longer. Successive studies12 in the late 20th and 21st century in both England and the
US suggest that an absence of enjoyment is one of the foundational reasons for
young people failing to achieve their potential. Though perseverance and an ability
to deal with frustration and failure are also key to a successful learning journey,
these studies have amply demonstrated that children in particular learn better
when they are excited and engaged.

Student enjoyment is not only a beneficial condition for learning: it is a desired

outcome, and in some national curricula is assigned the same importance as being
healthy and safe13. When educators can devote more of their time to class preparation
and learning delivery, and less on assessments and the writing of reports, the benefits
are felt by students in their classrooms and lecture halls. When students feel that
their individual needs are ‘seen’ and considered by the educator, they feel supported
and valued and are more likely to engage with their course of study.

Murray, C. (2013). How Many Hours Do Educators Actually Work? Retrieved from https://
Goetz, T., Nathan C., Hall, B., Anne, C., Frenzel, A., Pekrun, R. (2006). A hierarchical
conceptualization of enjoyment in students. Learning and Instruction, 16, 323-338.; Shernoff, D.J.,
Csikszentmihalyi, M., Schneider, B., Shernoff, E.S. (2003). Student engagement in high school
classrooms from the perspective of flow theory. School Psychology Quarterly, 18(2), 158-176.
Department for Education and Skills. (2003a). Every child matters. London: DfES.

AI in Education 18 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

3.2.3. Collaboration
Data and Analytics can reveal insights which support effective teamwork across a
school, and can inform a personalized learning plan (PLP) or similar whole-school
support program. Subject teachers, department heads, counselling and welfare
services, and school leadership can coordinate efforts and collaborate in the
building and delivery of individualized support programs, based on a shared set
of learnings and indicators. Team-teaching modalities are also enhanced when it is
possible to effectively map student needs to educator strengths and talents.

AI can help department and faculty heads to identify the range of strengths
and weaknesses across their educator cohort, and to structure collaborative
approaches which maximise the collective skills of the team. Best practices which
improve learning outcomes can be identified and shared, and mentorships and
peer coaching relationships enhanced by ready and ongoing access to quantitative
and qualitative data.

3.2.4. Professional Development and Self-Reflection

Effective, ongoing professional learning is essential, if schools and colleges are
to support the development of the increasingly complex skills students will need
to learn for further education, and for work in the 21st century. Sophisticated
forms of teaching are needed to develop student competencies such as critical
thinking, complex problem-solving, deep mastery of challenging content, effective
communication and collaboration, and self-direction. To enable educators to
support the development of 21st century skills they need access to professional
development which helps them to learn and refine the pedagogies required to
teach these skills.

Studies would suggest that these needs are poorly served in many institutions and
education systems. Constraints of time, money and resources, and a tendency for
many forms of professional development to take place outside of the classroom,
often limit the number of hours or days educators can devote to developing their
skills in an academic year. Educators also need opportunities to collaborate in
their learning, to practice the same types of learning they will bring back to their
classrooms, and to share ideas and best practices. We cannot build 21st century skills
and support deep learning within educational institutions by subjecting educators
to outmoded forms of instruction during their professional development.

The effective use of technologies such as AI can provide educators with the same
access to anytime, any place learning, and enable them to build the same skills that
their students will require, via the same pedagogies and modalities they will be
asked to model in their schools and colleges. AI can also assist with on-the-job and
informal or independent professional development. Educators are assisted in the
processes of self-reflection and skills development when supported by objective
data rather than, or in addition to, subjective appraisals to which some educators
may be resistant, or in which they may be unwilling to participate.

AI in Education 19 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

3.3. Parents
3.3.1. Involvement and Engagement
Parents14 are key stakeholders in the education of children and young people yet
to reach the age of majority, and are typically deeply involved and interested in
the education of their children above this age during the course of further and
higher education. Their active participation can be a key factor in determining the
successful completion of the student’s learning journey. Students whose parents
take an active part in their education are more likely to attend school regularly,
adapt well to school, take advanced classes, and to excel academically. Such
students also tend to have better social skills and are more likely to graduate from
high school and to attend post-secondary school.15 In fact, some studies suggest
that parental engagement can prove the single most important determinant of
student success16.

Schools and colleges themselves also benefit from the active engagement of
parents. In addition to providing essential support to the institution, when parent —
teacher relationships are prioritized the learning environment is improved, which
in turn affects learning outcomes for all students. Teachers who focus on parental
engagement find that the more parents are involved in their children’s education,
the better their entire class’s motivation, behaviour, and grades become. School
leaders are also more likely to make effective and impactful decisions when parents
are included as participants in the governance and strategic planning.

Parental engagement can be viewed as a progression from parental involvement.

Many schools and colleges involve parents in activities, fund-raising initiatives, and
school events. The school in turn provides parents with information relating to
the student’s academic progress and social development. The data shared with
parents in these cases tends to be historical and shared at particular points-in-time:
usually at the end of a school term or following a school or state exam. Parental
engagement is when parents are active participants in their children’s education,
sharing responsibility with the school or college for the student attaining his or her
educational goals. This requires a willingness on both parts to listen and to share —
bringing different perspectives to the table to collaborate on the development and
delivery of a learning pathway tailored to the needs, abilities, and aspirations of the

AI supports parental engagement by allowing them to become participants in rather

than reviewers of their child’s progress, by ensuring that all parties have access to
data and insights to inform that collaboration. When parents can monitor their
child’s progress and intervene at an appropriate juncture, and can communicate

For the sake of concision, the terms ‘parents’ and ‘parental’ are intended as representative of all
parents, guardians and care-givers.
Henderson, Anne T., Mapp, Karen L. (2002). A New Wave of Evidence. The Impact of School, Family,
and Community. Connections on Student Achievement. Annual Synthesis 2002. National Center
for Family and Community Connections with Schools, SEDL. Retrieved from https://sedl.org/
National PTA. (2000). Building Successful Partnerships: A Guide for Developing Parent and Family
Involvement Programs. National Education Service, Indiana, USA.

AI in Education 20 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

with the child’s teachers in an informed manner, then all parties benefit — the
school, the teacher, the parent, and the child.

3.3.2. Reinforcing Values

When parents are active participants in a student’s education they reaffirm the
belief that education is important. The child in turn will be more likely to recognize
the value and importance of education. The impact of parental engagement can be
multi-generational: children tend to model adult behaviours and when parents are
actively involved in their education they will internalise that lesson and will be more
likely to emulate those behaviours when they too become parents. By providing
parents with greater visibility of their child’s progress, AI enables them to become
more actively involved, and to reinforce the message that they regard education
as of importance. However, to achieve this, schools and colleges must be willing to
grant access to key data and the information systems which house it, in support of
a culture of trust and shared responsibility.

3.4. School Leaders

3.4.1. Oversight and Insight
School leaders, deans, presidents and senior administrators are responsible for
decisions which can affect every student and faculty member. Data and insights
which can assist them in the decision-making process can have obvious benefits,
a fact which is recognised by the majority of school leaders who regard digital
technologies as an important supplemental resource which can be employed to
personalize the learning experience based on each student’s strengths, weaknesses,
and preferences17.

The challenge for school leaders18 is an exponential one. Whereas an individual

teacher at primary or elementary school level may have to monitor the progress
of 25-35 students, a secondary or high school teacher may teach multiple classes
with a total student cohort of up to 180 students, a university professor may teach
a large class of more than a hundred students but tutor a much smaller number,
a school leader is typically responsible for a student population running into the
hundreds or even thousands of students.

The focus upon 21st century skills has also had an exponential impact upon the
process of student assessment. Whereas in the past it might have been deemed
sufficient to monitor academic progress, it is now accepted that preparing a student
for the world beyond the school gates requires the development of a variety of
skills and abilities, all of which need to be assessed as integral parts of a student’s
learning pathway. In addition to core factors such as Behaviour and Attendance,

Education Week Research Center. (2018). School Leaders and Technology. Results from a National
Survey. Retrieved from https://www.edweek.org/media/school-leaders-and-technology-
For the sake of concision, the term ‘school leader’ is intended as representative of all school
leaders at primary, secondary and tertiary level.

AI in Education 21 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

educators and school leaders must also evaluate Participation, Persistence,
Optimism and Self-Belief, Critical Thinking and a range of other key determinants
of future success. Simply put, in the absence of AI it is impossible for a school
leader to analyse all of these disparate factors for each student within the school,
or to derive the insights necessary to support timely interventions.

3.4.2. Efficiencies and Resource Management

School leaders have many responsibilities apart from those directly connected to
teaching and learning. Management of the institution (of its human and capital
resources, of the physical and digital environments, of compliance with and
adherence to fiscal and legal requirements, etc.) is often accompanied by a myriad
of other logistical and administrative tasks. School leaders often say that their first
duty in fact is to ‘keep the lights on’ — to ensure that the school can continue to
operate and provide the structures and the services essential to the delivery of

For many school leaders the burden this imposes is exacerbated by the reactive
nature of the tasks involved. Sudden, unexpected expenses for building
maintenance and repair; provision of cover for absent teaching, facilities or
administrative staff; peaks and troughs in student enrolment numbers — all of
these can impose stresses and financial constraints upon the effective management
of the school. The use of Data and Predictive Analytics can help school leaders to
move from reactive to proactive management, and to predict issues before they
arise. AI solutions can be used to lower energy costs by ensuring that heat and
light are provided in line with actual demand, with accurate forecasts generated
using machine learning based on historical patterns. Management of staff rosters
can be improved, and contingency plans drawn up in advance of any last-minute
crisis. Resource planning can be optimized, reporting can be automated, and rich
dashboard views presenting real-time data can be made available to all key staff,
specifically tailored to their roles. Higher Education institutions in particular are
embracing the promise of AI and the Internet of Things (IoT) to increase efficiencies
and reduce the number of unforeseen events (and the bureaucratic overhead
which often accompanies them).

3.4.3. Teacher Retention

One of the biggest challenges any school leader faces is in attracting and retaining
talent. Great educators are a finite resource, and their impact can be immeasurable.
Not just upon individual student success — but on the culture and health of the
organization as a whole.

However, globally a teaching crisis is driving what has now been recognised by the
World Bank as a Learning Crisis19. School enrolments in developing countries, at
both primary and secondary level, have shot up in recent years — but attracting and

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank. (2018). The World
Development Report 2018 (WDR 2018). LEARNING to Realize Education’s Promise. Retrieved from

AI in Education 22 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

keeping qualified, motivated and effective teachers in those classrooms remains
an enormous challenge, and graduation rates in a large proportion of those
schools are often tragically low. This challenge is not restricted to the developing
world. Even when educators are relatively well paid and have access to appropriate
resources, the retention rate can be disturbingly low. The United States currently
faces an annual estimated shortage of more than 100,000 teachers, and an
additional 12% of teachers have indicated that the COVID-19 pandemic may lead
them to leave the profession, even though they were not planning to do so before
the crisis. Teachers with health challenges across the globe have been forced to
consider early retirement, at a time when teacher absences are also expected to
grow, and when an estimated 50% of new teachers were already choosing to leave
the profession within the first 5 years20. The UNESCO Institute of Statistics (UIS)
has estimated that countries need to recruit an additional 68.8 million teachers to
provide every child with primary and secondary education over the next decade,
and retention of existing teachers poses a significant additional challenge.

Artificial Intelligence cannot create new teachers — nor replace the great teachers
we already have. However, it can help school leaders to manage and reduce attrition
rates by addressing some of the root causes why teachers opt to leave. Surveys have
repeatedly shown that higher pay is not the central issue for teachers, nor will it of
itself address retention rates. What teachers want, it appears, is more autonomy,
more time to spend teaching and preparing classes, less bureaucracy, and less
time spent conducting tests and writing reports21. What drives great teachers,
moreover, is their desire to make a difference in a student’s life. By allowing them
to create personalized learning paths for each of their students — to identify and
address each student’s specific needs — and to generate automated, real-time
reports with the click of a button, AI can help to remove many of the frustrations
teachers currently face while enabling them to do what they love best in a more
effective and rewarding way.

3.4.4. Student Retention and Welfare

There is a myriad of reasons why students at all levels of education fail to graduate.
Academic under-performance is but one of these — and in many causes is an effect
rather than the cause of a student dropping out. The ability to identify and/or predict
which students are in danger of dropping out — and to do so in time to make an
intervention to prevent this — allows schools and colleges to marshal their limited
resources in a more targeted and effective manner. AI’s ability to ingest data from a
disparate set of unconnected data repositories — including learning management
systems (LMS’s), student information systems (SIS’s) and records of attendance or
behavioural reports — and to derive insights which can be presented as real-time
alerts, is transformational.

For schools and colleges, student retention is an important issue for a variety of
reasons. A student who drops out can represent a financial loss due to lost tuition

Education Week Research Center. (2020). The Substitute Teacher Gap: Recruitment and Retention
Challenges in the Age of COVID-19. Kelly Education.
Riggs, L. (2013). Why Do Teachers Quit? And why do they stay? The Atlantic. Retrieved from https://

AI in Education 23 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

fees or per-capita government grants; a drop in graduation rates can negatively
impact the college’s ability to attract future students; a reduction in student
numbers can also affect the student/teacher ratio, meaning that a school can lose
teachers. For the students themselves, the consequences can include reduced
career opportunities, lower earning potential; and in some cases a significant
student debt without the qualifications to help to service this.

Financial difficulties, family or health crises, and difficulties settling into a new
environment with new people and increased academic demands — often while
having to do so when living away from home for the first time — are all recognised
as major causes of a student leaving a college or university. Increasingly, schools
and colleges are looking beyond these factors towards a deeper and more insidious
threat — student mental health.

A recent survey of New Zealand students reported that 56% of all respondents
had considered dropping out of tertiary study, the main reasons mentioned were
feeling of being overwhelmed, living with mental illness, and fears of failure22.
Student well-being and student welfare are increasingly important areas of focus
for schools and colleges, with historic levels of anxiety, stress and depression being
reported by students. Whether this represents an increase in mental health issues,
or a welcome reduction in the stigma attaching to mental health (or both) what is
inarguable is the benefit which accrues when a mental health crisis is averted.

Student suicides are on the rise in countries around the world. In the UK, a major
survey in 2018 saw a significant increase in the rates of young people aged between
10 and 24 killing themselves, with the overall rate for that age group reaching
a 19-year high and the rate for young females reaching an all-time high23. That
same year saw a 33% increase in the number of Japanese elementary, junior high,
and high school students who died by suicide24. The most recent survey by the
National Crime Records Bureau in India found that of the total number of suicides
in the country, 6.7% were by current students, the most common factors identified
were stress and depression25. The use of Artificial Intelligence to interrogate vast
amounts of data and to identify a specific individual in need of help is increasingly
viewed by counselling services as a valuable, if not an essential tool in their efforts
to prevent these tragic losses.

One practical way in which AI is being used is through the use of machine learning
to add context to internet searches. Not only can AI help to avert cybersecurity
breaches and protect sensitive student data, it can also generate an alert, if, for
example, it noticed a student searching about self-harm.

New Zealand Union of Students’ Associations. (2018). Kei Te Pai? Report on Student Mental Health
in Aotearoa. Retrieved from https://gallery.mailchimp.com/b109fde7924adea2d9afaa28d/files/
Office for National Statistics. (2018). Suicides in the UK: 2018 registrations. Retrieved from https://
The Nippon Communications Foundation. (2019). Child Suicides at Highest Rate Ever in Japan.
Retrieved from https://www.nippon.com/en/japan-data/h00572/child-suicides-at-highest-rate-
Saha, D. (2017). Every hour, one student commits suicide in India. Hindustan Times. Retrieved from

AI in Education 24 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

3.4.5. Communications and Community
Just as parents benefit from the increased involvement and engagement AI enables,
school leaders are also beneficiaries when closer collaboration between the school, the
parents and the local community is facilitated. The foundation for closer relationships
is effective communications, and AI can play a part in maintaining and improving
these. Personalisation does not only apply to the students’ learning pathways: it is also
possible to personalize the ways in which communications are managed with each
parent. Learning which methods or mediums work best for each parent, and their
main areas of interest or concern, can help to ensure that the information parents
receive is relevant, and that they are neither starved of information nor the victims of
‘information overload’. When an active discourse between the school, the parents and
the local community is supported, the school leader’s voice is amplified, and he or she
has access to immediate feedback, and to a range of differing perspectives, which can
assist in policy-making and strategic planning for the institution.

3.5. Local, Regional and National Administration

Ministries of Education, local authorities, municipalities and other organizations
tasked with oversight and management of groups of schools or colleges, are
reliant upon accurate, up-to-date information. Traditionally these organisations
have placed a premium upon data collection to guide decision-making, but in the
main this data has been historic, and is often out of date by the time it has been
collated. Planning for the future armed only with information from the past is both
imprudent, and unnecessary.

Although administrative bodies may be at different stages in their data journey, AI,
Data & Analytics and Machine Learning technologies have the ability to ingest the
available data and to generate insights to assist in the planning process. Because
AI is capable of generating those insights in real time, and can continuously update
that guidance as the data is refreshed, it enables planners to predict as well as to
measure vital components within the planning process. With access to augmented
intelligence the finger in the air can become the finger on the pulse.

3.5.1. Resource Planning

In addition to the tracking of key demographical information, capital requirements,
staffing and professional development needs, etc., AI can also assist with services
such as the predictive maintenance of plant and industrial, IT and electronic assets,
allowing planners to proactively address the provision of adequate resources in
line with a changing environment. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the
importance of having up-to-date information at hand so that contingency plans
can be devised and implemented at speed — and can be developed ahead of time
using accurate models, in response to a variety of scenarios. Nobody knows what
the lasting effects of the pandemic might be in relation to such matters as travel
and traffic, work-from-home and childcare issues, a potential population shift away
from city centres as the need to travel to a physical office declines, or an ongoing
dependence upon remote learning facilities and services.

AI in Education 25 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

In the main, regional and national governments have done an excellent job in
responding to the current crisis, but not all students have been equally served
during this period, and best practices were often slow to identify and replicate.
With AI it will be possible to analyse any number of possible scenarios, and to have
the learnings and potential solutions for such eventualities available before the
next crisis arrives.

3.5.2. Curriculum Design

Ensuring that school and college curricula are up to date and can adequately prepare
students for the world they will face upon graduation is a perennial challenge. In
many subject areas, including but not limited to the sciences and technologies,
the knowledge base is continuously changing and expanding, making it difficult to
ensure that course content is relevant and up to date. The curriculum must also
change and evolve in response to changing pedagogies and emphases, as different
skills gain or lose primacy. Shortages of essential skills and proficiencies can hold
economies and societies back, stalling or even halting progress for their nations.
A lack of qualified educators, or college places in key subject areas, can mean that
demand outstrips supply for lengthy periods of time. Education’s purpose is not
merely to serve a nation’s economy (education is an end as well as a means) but it
is the bedrock upon which all economies are built.

AI cannot address this challenge on its own. Implementing large-scale changes to

a national curriculum is the work of several years and involves a huge number of
stakeholders and interested parties. The ability to interrogate large data sets, to
analyse that data and generate insights, and to expose those insights via dashboards
and visualizations tailored to the needs and roles of those tasked with curriculum
design can improve the currency and accuracy of the information available to, and
the preparedness of those engaged in this essential work.

AI in Education 26 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

4. Challenges

4.1. Equity, Equality and Access

The term ‘digital divide’ has been in use since the late 1990s but was never intended
as a simple measure of students’ and teachers’ access to computers or the internet.
It was coined as a way of identifying an emerging gap between the “information
haves and have nots.” Information — not hardware, not software, not broadband
access — was the key factor then as now in evaluating inequalities and inequities
in the provision of education technologies.

The intervening years have seen significant advances, with hardware devices
becoming cheaper, more powerful and more mobile, and increased battery life and
alternate forms of connectivity enabling an additional number of learners to get
online. However, the most recent global report on internet penetration26 reported
that 43% of the world’s population still do not have access to the internet, and an
estimated 40% of people have never once been online. The disparity between the
most and least connected regions is stark. In North America and Northern Europe
95% of all citizens have access to information via the internet. In Middle Africa only
12% have the same opportunity.

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed this disparity, revealing what has been termed
a ‘homework gap’. Whilst internet access was widespread in most of affected
countries (as of August 2020) it was not ubiquitous. A significant percentage of
underserved students also report having access to only a single device — most
often a smartphone — and insufficient internet access at home27. When considering
the challenges of writing a paper, analyzing data, or even reading extensively, this
differentiation of access puts these students at a serious disadvantage.

AI begins with data. Although the manual recording of data by educators and
institutions can help to address this divide, as electronic data capture becomes
the norm, learners who have limited access to the information required to assist
them in their studies, and the ability to generate and share electronic data, may be
disadvantaged when it comes to the building of personalized learning pathways
which adequately identify and address their needs.

4.2. The Ethical Dimension

If all learners are to reap the rewards of AI in education, regulation and ethical
frameworks will be required. At present it is private companies who are leading
the way in bringing the power of AI to education, giving rise to concerns about the

Pensworth, L. (2019). 2019 Internet Statistics, Trends & Data. DailyWireless. Retrieved from https://
ACT Center for Equity in Learning. (2018). The Digital Divide and Educational Equity. Retrieved from

AI in Education 27 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

privacy, protection and use of student data. Although for-profit organizations can
have a significant role to play in advancing the educational benefits of these new
technologies, their priorities will understandably differ from those tasked with the
provision of education to a general populace, and the cost of such services may
also exclude communities of learners most in need of these advantages.

An ethical foundation for AI is required during the development of AI-enabled

services and solutions: not just at the deployment stage. How can we ensure
that gender, racial, socio-economic and ability biases are not introduced at the
programming level? How can we ensure that social and cultural stereotypes are
not promulgated? How can we ensure that all learners, regardless of where they
live, have the same access to the benefits which will accrue?

Given the power and influence such technologies will come to have in shaping
the education — and by extension the opportunities, and potentially the values of
learners — transparency and oversight will be required to ensure that AI-enabled
technologies conform to and strengthen fundamental human rights; and that the
application of AI in education helps to advance the Sustainable Development Goals,
in particular SDG 4 which enshrines the need to “Ensure inclusive and equitable
quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

4.3. Technology Dependence

Artificial Intelligence or Augmented Intelligence can prove of enormous benefit to
all the stakeholders named in this brief. The appropriate and effective use of AI
will always require human input. Perhaps the greatest benefit AI can provide is
time — time for educators, administrators and others to spend in class preparation,
in devising creative and innovative ways to improve the learning experience
for students, and to assess and apply the insights generated by AI to develop
individualized learning pathways.

The role of the educator therefore is likely to be enhanced rather than displaced
by technology. An increased reliance upon AI will not be entirely to our benefit.
We can expect to see an increased number of jobs replaced by automation, in
both the developed and developing world. There is also a danger that our ability to
delegate tasks and cognitive functions to machines can increase our dependence
upon technology whilst eroding our own ability to perform these, in what might be
termed a ‘use it or lose it’ scenario. Do students who rely on a computer keyboard
lose the ability to write legibly? Do those who perform calculations using a
spreadsheet or calculator become less skilled at mental arithmetic? Has a reliance
upon GPS affected our ability to navigate — quite literally to ‘find our own way’? As
these technologies become smarter and more capable, it will also become more
important than ever to know where it is we want to go.

4.4. Continuous Professional Development

To derive the benefits of AI in education, it will be necessary to equip educators
and administrators with the skills to assess and interpret the results. Thankfully,

AI in Education 28 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

this does not require deep technical knowledge. It is common to overestimate the
level of technical expertise required with modern AI solutions. The reality is that
most educators and administrators already have a sufficient level of digital literacy
to assess and apply the learnings if they have experience of using a smart phone
and/or a laptop. Effective AI solutions generate easy-to-interpret visualizations
and dashboards which allow users to interrogate the data and absorb insights
in real time. Custom views and reports, tailored for different roles and functions,
can easily be produced. The core focus of CPD in this context involves training
educators to leverage the insights generated so as to incorporate them into their
teaching practice, and to assist them in creating personalised learning pathways
for their students.

As all technologies, the software and cloud services will likely evolve and go through
successive iterations, or may be replaced by services or solutions from different
organisations or vendors. In this context, it is important that educators remain up
to date with any new features and changes in the user interface (UI).

AI in Education 29 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

5. Change at Scale and Change at The
Speed of Learning

If we accept the promise of AI, then perhaps the greatest challenge which will face
governments and those responsible for education systems is how to extend these
benefits to all learners. At both the institutional and the systemic level there is a
clear progression in the development and implementation of AI in education:

i. Data Collection

ii. Data Analysis

iii. Data Visualization

iv. Derive Insights

v. Predict Outcomes

vi. Direct Outcomes

It is not possible to skip any one of these key stages and arrive at a point where AI is
not simply providing useful information, but is helping policymakers to formulate
policies to bring about real change. Different systems or institutions are likely to be
at different stages in this process, so the most immediate step is to establish where
on the continuum they currently sit. The process of data collection is continuous,
so even if a majority of the available data is not currently digitised and/or available
for analysis, it is still possible to proceed. As more data is added, the AI solution will
become more effective and accurate.

In order to analyse the data to generate visualizations and to derive insights, it

will be necessary to put an appropriate technology solution in place. The data will
need to be stored — either in the cloud, in an on-premises data store, or using a
hybrid cloud solution which combines both. Data privacy and security measures
will need to be implemented, and all regulations such as the GDPR (General Data
Protection Regulation) strictly observed. An AI solution which can ingest Big Data,
apply Predictive Analytics, generate rich Dashboards and Visualizations, and utilize
Machine Learning to continuously improve the accuracy and currency of the
insights and predictions the AI solution produces will then need to be developed
and/or deployed.

Unlike most technology deployments, which typically occur at a specific point in

time (most typically, when the institution is closed to students for vacation or other
reasons), AI in education solutions and services can be implemented at any time
and will continually develop and evolve through use. AI implementations can be
done iteratively, consecutively or concurrently. Some institutions begin with a
single department or faculty and later expand the solutions and services across
the campus to include data from other sources. At a systemic level AI is often

AI in Education 30 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

implemented system-wide with a focus upon a specific data source or sources (for
example, ingesting data from records of attendance and academic grade scores to
help identify students in danger of dropping out of school). An effective technology
solution will support either approach and will be capable of generating reports
and dashboards tailored to the needs of all stakeholders as the AI implementation
moves forward.

The phrase ‘data-mining’ is often used when referring to technology solutions of this
kind and is an apt term in this context. We can think of data sources like unexplored
fields of information, with ‘nuggets’ buried and waiting to be unearthed. The vital
insights you need are already there — you just need the right tools to locate them.
Once they have been exposed, they can provide immediate benefits. As a result,
any strategy to employ AI in education should align with the learning process. One
of the ways in which AI proves transformational derives from its ability to identify
necessary course corrections or intervention points during as opposed to after the
delivery of learning. Most assessment systems are historical — they look at past
performance as measured by assessments conducted after the fact. AI is more
than simply another form of continuous assessment — used effectively, it allows
educators and administrators to predict future performance, and inform action
plans to proactively address needs — to affect change at the speed of learning.

AI in Education 31 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

6. What’s Next?

6.1. New Ways of Seeing

6.1.1. Cognitive Services
Cognitive Services are a set of emergent technologies which help developers to
create applications that can see, hear, speak, understand, and even begin to reason.
They allow developers to add features such as emotion and sentiment detection,
vision and speech recognition, and natural language understanding to their
applications without having direct AI or data science skills or knowledge themselves.
Because these services are made available to developers by large companies such
as Microsoft — as sets of AI algorithms and application programming interfaces
(APIs) — they can easily be added as enhancements to existing solutions.

Such technologies are already becoming ubiquitous in the commercial world.

Computer vision and speech recognition services are now widely used as a means
of unlocking a smartphone. National Language Processing (NLP) allows people
to perform web searches simply by asking a question in their own voice, using
everyday words and phrases. Text to speech and speech to text services can be
used to both create and narrate documents and webpages.

The implications for education are immense. For learners with a disability in
particular they can help to remove barriers of access and opportunity, and serve to
democratize education. For learners with foundational learning challenges, such as
literacy and numeracy deficiencies, they can enable active participation in higher-
order learning at the same time as the students develop those skills, rather than
excluding them until those capabilities are mastered. When added to existing AI
solutions and services they can accelerate the generation of vital insights — an
educator can simply ask the AI a question, rather than having to input a detailed
query using their keyboard or mouse.

6.1.2. Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) immerses a user in an entirely virtual environment generated
by a computer. Although VR experiences are typically provided via a headset,
either connected to an external computer or gaming console, or functioning as
a stand-alone device, the most advanced VR experiences can allow for freedom
of movement — users can move in a digital environment, hear sounds and use
special hand controllers to navigate, and to replicate tactile experiences.

In Augmented Reality (AR), users can still see and interact with the real world, while
viewing digital content made accessible to them via special glasses or headsets,
which overlay the digital content onto the real-world environment.

AI in Education 32 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

Mixed Reality (MR) combines virtual objects with the real world and allows the user
to interact with both. The user can not only view digital content but can interact
with the virtual objects, which can be anchored within the real-world environment.

VR, AR and MR learning content can revolutionize education, making learning

immersive and more engaging. With VR, students can travel anywhere in the world
from their classroom and experience a recreation of that world, at any time in
history, within a virtual environment. With AR, students can view holographic
instructions or information overlaid upon a physical object, providing them
with additional information about the object they are viewing. MR can be used,
for example, in medical training or engineering, allowing students to ‘dissect’
limbs or ‘repair’ machinery which they view as holograms within the real-world
environment, enabling learners to focus on practice rather than theory28. Although
these new technologies are still evolving, the speed of change is exponential and
some education technologists are already predicting that, in the future, low-cost
versions of such technologies will supplant the textbook and free learners from the
confines of their classroom.

AI will make it possible not just to deploy these exciting new technologies — but
to analyze their effectiveness and to optimize the benefits they can provide to
students and educators alike.

6.1.3. IoT and Edge Computing

The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects (things) that
are embedded with sensors, software and other technologies, which allow them
to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the internet,
without involving a human being. An IoT device can be as simple as a lightbulb
which can be turned on and off remotely, or as complex as a driverless car. There
are already more connected ‘things’ than there are people, and researchers have
predicted that there will be more than 40 billion such devices by 202529.

The IoT is already being used by many education institutions to help manage
their infrastructure more efficiently and cheaper — from using sensors to control
heating and lighting based on the actual occupancy of classrooms or buildings,
leading to increased energy efficiency and reduced operating costs; to the use of
remote cameras and biometrics to help make campuses more secure.

Edge computing is an information technology (IT) architecture in which data is

processed at the periphery (edge) of the network, as close to the user or the source
of the data as possible. This means that the data does not need to be sent to a
centralized (cloud) location to be processed or stored, reducing time and bandwidth
requirements. The key benefit of edge computing is the potential reduction in
latency — simply put, things can happen faster.

Microsoft HoloLens. (2017). Windows Mixed Reality: An Evolution for Education. Retrieved from
International Data Corporation. (2019). The Growth in Connected IoT Devices Is Expected to Generate
79.4ZB of Data in 2025, According to a New IDC Forecast. Retrieved from https://www.idc.com/

AI in Education 33 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

6.2. New Ways of Doing
6.2.1. Metacognitive Scaffolding
Scaffolding is defined as providing assistance to a student on an as-needed
basis, reducing or ‘dialing down’ the assistance as the competence of the student
increases. The use of AI in education makes it possible not just to identify when and
where a student requires assistance — but to monitor when to increase or decrease
the levels of assistance the students require, as their learning progresses. As both
resources and an educator’s time are finite this can have profound implications
for an institution’s ability to effectively and efficiently serve the needs of all of its
students; enabling them to optimize learning delivery, and to maximize the number
of students who successfully graduate at the conclusion of their learning journey.

Innovative learning environments — though they have many benefits — can

also pose new challenges for students. The need to learn effectively in group
or collaborative situations, to benefit from the new modalities and pedagogies
which may accompany remote learning or flipped classroom environments,
to communicate effectively in different mediums — all these place increased
demands upon a student’s ability to regulate his or her own problem-solving and
learning activities. Students will need assistance in planning and preparing to learn,
in monitoring their understanding during learning, and in evaluating their learning
at the conclusion of a learning experience.

AI can play a role in metacognitive scaffolding by allowing the students themselves

to benefit from the insights generated during the course of their learning pathways.
Increasingly, students will become the primary users of AI solutions and services,
rather than simply the subjects of the data analyzed by educators, administrators
and system owners. A learner who is provided with greater insight into how they
learn, and how they think, has greater agency and control over their education, and
is equipped with vital knowledge of self to act as a bedrock for lifelong learning.

6.2.2. Personalized Assessment and Credentialing

By enabling students to learn at any time, in any place, technology is helping to
democratize education and offer learners currently excluded from a physical school
or college the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Building upon advances
in the use of education technologies over the past decades, AI has the potential to
deliver on the promise of personalized learning by making it possible to ingest vast
amounts of data and generate insights which can be used to develop a learning
pathway tailored to a student’s individual needs and talents.

AI will also play an important part in addressing the next great challenge being
offered to education technologists: how to support personalized assessment. We
know that current forms of assessment in our schools and colleges are seldom
aligned to the skills that will be demanded of students when they enter the world
of work. Multiple-choice, long- and short-form examinations can serve to evaluate
some of the higher-order thinking skills that will be required in a 21st century
environment — recall, comparison, analysis and inference — but soft skills, ‘people

AI in Education 34 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

skills’, moral character, teamwork, collaboration and the ability to work effectively
as part of a team are difficult to evaluate using these traditional forms, and they
are at least as important to future employers and to a graduate’s ability to survive
and thrive in a 21st century workplace.

To supplement standardized tests many institutions and education systems are

including performance-based assessments, student portfolios and standards-
based projects and assignments that require students to apply their knowledge
and skills. These formative and summative types of assessment offer educators
the opportunity to provide their students with immediate feedback, rather than
a historic evaluation of past performance such as that employed in most state
examinations. On a practical level, providing multiple evaluation and assessment
points will necessarily result in a significant increase in the amount of data generated
and will need to be tracked and analyzed by educators and administrators alike. AI
will be required if this data is to support accurate and useful feedback that informs
a student’s progress.

There is also an increasing demand for new forms of credential which can provide
a fuller picture of student capability and accurately represent the breadth of
what students know and can do — and who they have become — as a result of
their learning. Many institutions and an increasing number of school systems
are investigating the use of micro-credentials that measure complex and general
learning capabilities, including such 21st century skills as critical thinking, creativity,
communication skills and entrepreneurship30. To establish the relevancy of these
micro-credentials and to help to build a closer connection with the local business
community these are often designed in conjunction with employers and/or
endorsed by them.

The development of new credentials is a significant task. At a systemic level it will

typically be the work of months or years, involve multiple stakeholders, require a
lengthy consultation process, and affect curriculum design. If these new credentials
are to remain relevant after their introduction it will also be essential to conduct
a continuous analysis of their efficacy and effectiveness, and to present these
findings and insights using real-time dashboards tailored to each stakeholder’s
area of interest or expertise.

Looking at new developments in teaching and learning — and in technology —

it is clear that AI and the use of data, analytics and machine learning will form
part of the foundation for the educational experiences and opportunities students
will enjoy in the coming decade. For students, educators, school leaders, parents,
administrators and system owners, AI in education is already delivering real
benefits, and will prove a fundamental catalyst for change.

Milligan, S., Luo, R., Hassim, E., Johnston, J. (2020). Future-proofing students: What they need to
know and how educators can assess and credential them. Melbourne Graduate School of Education,
The University of Melbourne. 17-29. Retrieved from https://education.unimelb.edu.au/__data/

AI in Education 35 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief


The author is indebted to the following experts for their assistance in the drafting
of this brief: Dr Kevin Marshall, Gavin Dykes, Mark Sparvell, Ian Campbell, Alan
Kilduff, Dominic Register, and Dr Ram Peruvemba.

He would also like to thank the Director, staff and the Governing Board members of
the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education for their guidance
and wise counsel.

AI in Education 36 UNESCO IITE Policy Brief

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