A design of an IP Voice Communication System for Air Traffic Control by use of Open
Source software
Nixon Baraza
Dr. L. Muchemi
This project has been submitted with my approval as the university supervisor department of
I thank all for supporting me to the completion of this project in one way or another. First, I thank
God for protection and ability to do the project work.
I'm very much grateful to Dr. L. Muchemi for accepting my request to be my supervisor and for
the guidance he has given me throughout the project work.
My sincere thanks also goes to my employer the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority for allowing me
to use materials at our Kenya Airports
I am also so thankful to my classmates whose challenges and productive critics provided new ideas
to work.
Last but not least I'm profoundly grateful to my family who encouraged me thought the research
The aim of this paper is to suggest a design of an IP based Voice Communication System for Air
Traffic Control by use of Open source software. With the advent of new VOIP standard for Air
Traffic Control, it has resulted in a research opportunity. This research opportunity is driven by
the fact that unlike the old technology we have legacy open source IP telephony software which
can be modified through research to provide necessary VOIP functionalities for Air Traffic Control
voice. Also, this research opportunity is being driven by the fact that Telecommunication service
providers are replacing analog/Time division multiplexing communication links with IP based
communication links. Most Voice communication system manufacturers have ceased investment
and production of the old voice communication system, and therefore the cost of spares are bound
to increase. A subset of the requirements of ED 137 B standard was used in the design of a
Design Research as a strategy was employed in this project because it is concerned with design or
improvement of artifacts. The selection of this strategy was informed by the fact it is linked to
Design Science Research DSR paradigm which underpins the philosophy of this project. The
general methodology for design research by Vaishnavi and Kuechler (2015) was employed to
guide the activities of the project. In the development phase of the general method for design
research, we applied software reengineering methodology to develop four algorithms using legacy
telephone software as the base software.
The design was subjected to experimental evaluation to check to on functionality as per ED 137 B
VOIP standard and usability. The form of experimental evaluation used was a simulation, and with
this, we used SIP tester simulation software. The results of the evaluation showed that some
functionality of the standard were met. The above proved that using open source software; we can
be able to design an IP based Voice Communication Control System for Air Traffic Control.
Table of Contents
DECLARATION.......................................................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................................................... ii
2.6.2 Program evolution - Development methods: ................................................................................. 26
2.6.3 Design methods of evaluation ....................................................................................................... 28
2.8 Conceptual Framework. .................................................................................................................... 30
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................... 32
4.2.4 Algorithm for channel enabled and UP/DOWN link monitoring. ............................................. 56
List of abbreviations
VOIP - Voice over Internet Protocol.
List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Basic Block diagram view of the Voice Communication System .............................. 1
Figure 1. 2 Components of the tradition voice communication system (APANPIRG/26, 2015). .. 2
Figure 2. 1 ASBU ground to ground communication road map (Solar, 2014)............................... 8
Figure 2. 2 SIP flow call management (Johnston, 2015). ............................................................. 11
Figure 2. 3 RTP packet format (Schulzrinne et al, 2003). ............................................................ 12
Figure 2. 4 RTP header plus RTP header extension (Schulzrinne et al, 2003)............................. 14
Figure 2. 5 Design research cycles and research relevance and rigor (Hevner et al, 2010 p. 16) 23
Figure 2. 6 General methodology for design research (Vaishnavi and Kuechler 2015)............... 25
Figure 2. 7 Conceptual framework (Johnston, 2015) ................................................................... 31
Figure 3. 1 General model of software reengineering IEEE 1992 (Dugerdil, 2006). ................... 34
Figure 3. 2 Outline of the Development stage (Dugerdil, 2006). ................................................. 36
Figure 3. 3 Design methods of evalution (Henver et al, 2004). ................................................... 37
Figure 3. 4 Architecture employed for evaluation (Henver et al, 2004). ...................................... 38
Figure 4. 1 PJSIP library and Application showing scope for Reverse engineering (Handley &
Schooler, 2002). ............................................................................................................................ 40
Figure 4. 2 PJMEDIA media flow (Handley & Schooler, 2002).................................................. 41
Figure 4. 3 Sip call flow (Handley & Schooler, 2002). ................................................................ 42
Figure 4. 4 Conference Bridge (Bardach et al, 2003). .................................................................. 43
Figure 4. 5 Conference bridge with two way communication (Bardach et al, 2003). .................. 44
Figure 4. 6 Interconnection between media stream and media transport (Bardach et al, 2003). .. 45
Figure 4. 7 Call flow sequence for the prototype (Darilion et al, 2004). ...................................... 46
Figure 4. 8 RTP header plus RTP header extension (Darilion et al, 2004). ................................. 51
Figure 4. 9 RTP header extender (Darilion et al, 2004)................................................................ 52
Figure 4. 10 Radio Communication for Air Traffic Control (Darilion et al, 2004). ..................... 53
Figure 4. 11 Communication from ATC to Radio Transmission (Bardach et al 2003)................ 54
Figure 4. 12 Communication from Radio to ATC (Bardach et al 2003). ..................................... 54
Figure 4. 13 Flowchart for half duplex communication (Bardach et al, 2003) ............................ 55
Figure 4. 14 Flowchart for channel enabled and UP/DOWN link monitoring (Darilion et al,
2004). ............................................................................................................................................ 57
Figure 4. 15 Flowchart for audio transmission (Darilion et al, 2004). ......................................... 58
Figure 4. 16 Flow chart for audio reception (Darilion et al, 2004). .............................................. 59
Figure 4. 17 Graphical user interface (Darilion et al, 2004). ........................................................ 60
Figure 4. 18 PJSIP with modified library (Darilion et al, 2004)................................................... 62
Figure 4. 19 Friendly ARM Tiny210 (Darilion et al, 2004). ........................................................ 64
Figure 5. 1 Evaluation setup (Clark et al., 2013). ......................................................................... 67
Figure 5. 2 screen short for INVITE request from the prototype (Clark et al., 2013) .................. 69
Figure 5. 3 Screen short for 200 OK ACK Response (Clark et al., 2013). ................................... 70
Figure 5. 4 ACK RESPONSE TO 200 OK (Clark et al., 2013). .................................................. 70
Figure 5. 5 RTP with extension header indication (Clark et al., 2013). ....................................... 71
Figure 5. 6 RTP header extension detail (Clark et al., 2013)........................................................ 72
Figure 5. 7 PTT encoding in the extended header (Clark et al., 2013). ........................................ 73
List of Tables
Table 2. 1 Comparison of PJSIP vs. .NET C# SIP libraries (Schulzrinne et al, 2003). .............. 19
Table 2. 2 Comparison of PJSIP vs. Java SIP/RTP libraries (Schulzrinne et al, 2003). ............ 20
Table 2. 3 Comparison of PJSIP vs. Python libraries (Schulzrinne et al, 2003). ......................... 21
Table 2. 4 Philosophical assumptions of the four research paradigms (Vaishnavi and Kuechler,
2015). ............................................................................................................................................ 22
Table 2. 5 Design methods of evaluation (Hevner et al, 2004). ................................................... 29
Table 4. 1 ED 137 B Selected requirements for the project (Solar, 2014). .................................. 48
Table 5. 1 Results (Solar, 2014).................................................................................................... 74
Table 5. 2 Guidelines for Design Science Research DSR guidelines as suggested by (Henver et
al., 2010). ...................................................................................................................................... 78
1.1 Background
Communication is the firmness of any air traffic services and the Air Navigation Services
Providers (ANSP) are responsible for providing reliable communication services to aircrafts to
ensure air safety (Himeda et al, 2016). Voice communication is one type of the communication
performed by air traffic controllers in providing safety to aircraft. To accomplish this function, a
system called voice communication system specific to air traffic control is used. This system sits
between the air traffic controller and audio devices (radios and telephones) which could in the
remote place or within the premise where air traffic control is taking. For a long time, the
technology for Air Traffic Control Voice Communication Systems was based on analog and more
recently digital in the form of Time Division Multiplexing/Pulsed Code Modulation (TDM/PCM)
technologies. The road map for Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) was presented in the GNAP
which was adopted by the 38th Session of ICAO Assembly (APANPIRG/26, 2015). With the
advent IP based voice communication Air Traffic Control are now moving to IP based Voice
Communication system for Air Traffic Control. Figures 1.1 and 1.2 below explain the Voice
Communication System black box and the components of the traditional voice communication
system respectively.
Figure 1.1 Basic block diagram view of the Voice Communication System.
Figure 1. 2 Components of the tradition voice communication system.
The above diagrams show a traditional Voice Communication System that present a very complex
structure for the exchange component. With IP technology the exchange part can be made as
simple as a Local Area Network LAN switch. This kind of setup removes the most expensive
element of the system which is the voice switch and also reduces single point of failure. Apart
from these, two key factors are driving this change in this aviation community.
• Telecommunication service providers are now staging out their leased line TDM/analogue
services. These leased lines are used to create links for remote Radios or telephone lines to other
ATC unit in another airport. This builds a case for the extension of the end equipment (Voice
communication system and Radios).
• The European Organization for Air safety of Air Navigation EUROCONTROL now prescribes
interoperability in order to increase handling of increased air traffic and to rip benefits that will
accumulate from the use of IP Voice communication system. This sets the agenda for the
discontinuation of TDM voice switches for air traffic control. Consequently, no Equipment
manufacturer would want to continue investing in TDM switches despite the fact that many of the
Air navigation service providers ANSP are still using TDM switches. Spares for this Equipment
are bound to become expensive
IP communication for Air Traffic Control has the potential of increasing reliability in the sense
that TDM systems usually rely on duplicating expensive centralized equipment. IP communication
systems migrate core switching intelligence away from the central Equipment to the peripheral
equipment thus a breakdown in a single unit does not affect operation in the rest of the system.
Besides that, it costs less in the sense that using an IP infrastructure builds synergies in an
organization procurement, operation and maintenance, which then leads to notable savings. IP
communications is scalable, so ATC authorities no longer need to invest in large systems right
from the beginning as compared with traditional voice communication systems.
The European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment EUROCAE WG-67, with cooperation
from EUROCONTROL, European industry, and ANSPs, developed the first VoIP in Air Traffic
Management standard. This standard was released in February 2009 as a set of documents known
ED136-138 defining the operational concept, the interoperability and the network- associated
requirements. A new version of the standard ED137B was issued in February 2012 after a review
which included integration of requirements from the United States Federal Aviation
Administration FAA.
According to 2013-2028 ICAO Global air navigation capacity and efficiency plan, migration to
VOIP will begin in block 0 with expected completion in 2020.
Legacy VCS systems are not ready for new interoperability requirements for
sharing Radios
Maintenance and upgrade for legacy VCS will become harder in future due to
obsolete Technology.
There exists a lot of Open Source software libraries that are used to make VOIP products
specifically for telephone systems. These software libraries can be extended by including modules
for IP Radio communication and ATC to enable Radio communication. Most of the Equipment
manufacturers avoid the use of open source software because they would like to hold on to their
code. Companies like Red Hat produces software that powers mission-critical systems (Brad,
2011) yet their software is based on open source software. Therefore, the aim of this project is to
take the opportunity of Open Source software line of software to design an IP based Voice
Communication System for Air Traffic Control by incorporating an extra module for Radio
1.3 Objectives:
1. Design algorithm by use of open source software to include ED 137B standard for use in Radio
communication for Air Traffic Control.
2. Implement algorithm to make a prototype.
3. Simulate input data and use it on the prototype.
4. Use standard evaluation methods to perform an assessment.
1.4 Justification:
Telephone IP libraries are implemented as full duplex while radio communication is full duplex.
Research can be done on how the library can be converted to a half-duplex and also on how the
headers can be modified to provide signaling required in Radio communication using the open
source software.
1.5 Scope:
Air traffic Voice Communication Control system for Air Traffic Control is a complex system and
therefore in regard to this, it was not possible because of time to produce a complete system from
scratch and based on EUROCAE documents (ED 137 B). Therefore, in this section we define the
boundary of the project. The goal is to design an IP based Voice Communication System for Air
Traffic by modification of SIP/RTP library where we shall introduce RTP extension header. The
project will, therefore, make use of the existing mature tried and tested SIP/RTP libraries. The
minimum functionality is to provide two-way communications between the Air Traffic Controller
and the pilot.
2.1 Introduction
In this section, we discuss theoretical background which relates IP voice communication for air
traffic control, the standards required, the protocols employed namely the Session In-session SIP
protocol and the Real-time Protocol RTP. Others which relate include; Open source SIP/RTP
library, the modification needed to Radio communication on SIP/RTP library, Design Science
Research DSR, Design evaluation methods and lastly the conceptual framework.
2.2.1 VOIP Standardization for Air Traffic Control:
The European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment EUROCAE Working Group 67 defined
standards for IP Voice ATM Systems which go along in guaranteeing a safe and secure voice
communication for ATC. The standards are listed below:
The first set of documents were issued in February 2009, and a new version for the interoperability
standard ED 137B was released in February 2012 after a review which eventually led the inclusion
of requirements from the USA Federal Aviation Administration FAA. The following membership
of EUROCAE WG67 was involved in coming up with this standards:
and continue to block 3 which ends in 2028. Therefore, it means that VOIP in ATC is still in its
formative stage.
This specification is available in the form of RFCs, where the most important one is RFC3261
(IETF) which contains the key protocol specification. The function of the protocol is to create,
modify, and terminate sessions with one or more participants. Sessions are a set of senders and
receivers that communicate, and the state kept in those senders and receivers during the
communication (Rosenberg et al., 2002). All SIP communications sessions share at least the
following three functions :
This is the the client side components that communicates to the User agent server (UAS). UAC
client can initiate up to six SIP requests to User Agent Server. The six requestscan be one
of the following: INVITE, ACK, OPTIONS, BYE, CANCEL and REGISTER. In making
request, UAC SIP component determines information which is essential for the request,
and this includes the protocol, the port and the IP address of the Server where the request
is will be sent.
This is the application runs the as Server and is the one that receives the SIP requests from a UAC,
responds by sending a response to the to the UAC. From preceding, we note that SIP
operates in client/server mode. When say A requests for connection to start communication
with B the recipient B becomes the Server, and A becomes the client. The roles keep
changing depending on who makes the response and makes the reply. SIP packet consists
of SIP header shown in figure 2.2 below and a message which could be a request or a
Sip messages: It a question or a response, which can be of different types. The header contains
the request or response message, which is usually in clear text and thus can be read by human
beinggs. Below is a sample SIP message header.
Via: SIP/2.0 /UDP; bbranch=z8LH4bM776asdhds
Max Forwards: 80
Contact: <>
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 130
From the SIP message above the first statement shows an INVITE message type which is areq
uest that is used start commuicationt. . The first line also contains the SIP address and the SIP
version that is used. The second line contains Via field which indicates the address to the
destinationt.The request message makes its way and each node appends its address to the Via
field, so as ensure that responses is routed back correctly. SIP transactions are tracked by an
identier in the Via field
To-and-From , show identy and locations of the sender and recipient respecively. Call ID field is
a sole identifier that ensures unique identication of SIP sessions. CSeq number is the number of
requests that have been sent within a a particular session.
Max-Forwards indicates the number of maximum hops that for a message that be tolerated before
the message is discrded which would then cause an error messasge to be generated. Contact field
contains the location to the originator. Content-Type , specifies the format the of message body
and Content-Lenth specifies how long the message is. Figure 2.2 below is shows SIP messages
are exchanged by two communicating parties
Figure 2. 2 SIP flow call management (Johnston, 2015).
In the figure above, user A starts communication by sending an INVITE request to User B, who
whose phone responds by ringing, Finaly when user B pick the handset, a response encoded as OK
is sent, which is then acknowledged by user A who sends an ACK encoded reply. After this
exchange of SIP messages, the session is now setup, and the original information data/voice is
transmitted in full duplex as a stream of RTP packets. To end the session a BYE request is sent,
whose is reply is a 200 OK from the response (Darilion et al, 2004).
Session parameter negotiation using SDP (Session Description Protocol): This is used to
convey information about media types and other communication parameters in multimedia
sessions to help participants join or gather info of a particular session. This forms an agreement of
the agreeable Parameters for both users, that will be complied by both parties during
2.3.2 RTP: Real-time Transport Protocol
The second protocol after SIP is the RTP which is the real-time transport protocol used to carry
audio from one end to the other. According to RFC 3550 the functions of RTP are as follows:
Payload type identification
Source identification
Sequence numbering
Times tamping
RTP packet format
Figure 2.3 below shows the RTP header packet format.
The sequence number field contains an incrementing counter which is started by a
source from a random number.
The timestamp corresponds to the generation of time instant of the first octet in the
The synchronization source identifier (SSRC) is a randomly generated figure that
uniquely identifies the source within a session.
Following the fixed header there are one or more contributing source identifiers
which are supplied by the mixer and the payload.
2.4 Radio functionalities.
In this section we describe the necessary functionalities for an IP based VCCS, and later discuss
different implementable methods as suggested by (Schulzrinne et al, 2003)
2.4.1 Radio Communication Channels.
For Communication Radio, the user requires to be availed with radio channels to choose from. In
legacy system, analogue means through the use of analogue interface such as ear and mouth E &M
would be used, but in IP communication this requirement is handled by a new set of protocols i.e.
SIP and RTP.
This method, makes use of SIP with an extension. Support for requests related to signaling
(PTT/Squelch) events between users (Darilion et al 2004). SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY requests
are used to implement PTT and Squelch respectively. A user that wants to use a certain radio
frequency SUBSCRIBE to the frequency using and the corresponding Radio sends NOTIFY
request to back to the SUBSCRIBER. Because of acknowledgement which is embedded in SIP
message this method is reliable. The second advantage is that there is no need to setup RTP session,
a host would be interested in PTT and squelch events only and not the audio, the last advantage is
that, this method uses only open Internet standards, a disadvantage with this method it increases
the number of number of SIP messages.
This method requires an extra header to be added to RTP packets to transmit more header
parameters (Schulzrinne et al, 2003). This extension is as shown as figure 2.4 shown below:
Type: a 16 bits’ field which is defines by the application that uses the extension,
Length: a 16-bit field that defines the extension head length,
Header extension: the appended header extension.
Figure 2. 4 RTP header plus RTP header extension (Schulzrinne et al, 2003).
Using a customized header extension, Squelch and PTT can be encoded, which will then convey
signaling information. In this method signaling status shall be transmitted together voice packets,
and this will ensure presence of signaling information which always be synchronized to the audio
stream. When PTT/Squelch is sent together with the RTP packets will avoid creating a new session
every time there is a change signaling status. The disadvantage is that a RTP session has to be set
up even if audio is not being transmitted or received (Darilion et al, 2004).
14 Suppression of audio stream.
For this audio packets are transmitted/received when either Squelch or PTT is active, and muted
when neither PTT nor Squelch is not sent. Therefore, this implies that every presence of packets
signifies PTT. As compared to the RTP header extension is that this looks to be simpler and the
header can be made to be always small (Schulzrinne et al, 2003). The disadvantage with this
method is it only allows one type of information that is either there are packets of RTP are present
or not. With ATC communication being complex signaling some information such as best signal
selection and acknowledgement that the links are working are required.
Signaling information can be encoded in Real Time Transport Protocol. No RTP session is needed
but there will be a need to modify to suit this situation. However, this method lack acknowledgment
and this makes it less appealing than the SIP specific event notification method mentioned earlier,
(Schulzrinne et al, 2003). The choice of Radio signaling for this project.
The RTP header extension as prescribed by Eurocae but audio with stream suppression was
adopted for this project. That is, audio packets will only be transmitted if PTT or squelch has been
activated (ED137B). This method is based ED 137 B standard which has been adopted by ICAO
2.5 SIP/RTP open source library.
In this section we discuss implementation of SIP/RTP protocol through open source software. For
this project PJSIP an open source library for SIP and RTP was selected for use after satisfying an
evaluation criterion. The particular modules that needs to be modified is highlighted
2.5.1 OSS Open source software.
OSS is software that has its source code is open, published and developed by individuals using the
Internet to support, collegiate behavior and usually by voluntary effort. In consistence with the
principles defined with open source initiative (OSI) the license is usually available at no charge.
General Public License (GNU) This is a license by the Free Software Foundation where GPLv2
and GPLv3 are the two major versions available. In June 2007 GPLv3 was introduced later as a
major update to GPLv2. GPL has the following major key points e:
Programs are used without any restrictions and commercial use is allowed.
Programs can be distributed for free or for money but the source code must be part
of the package.
Modification of internal architecture to suit different requirements is allowed.
Modified versions of the source code are distributable under the terms open source
Integration and interoperability repositioning as a major concept of your information
system development strategy.
The quality of the code is improved if more people can have access to it. As many
people interact with the code, it implies that many issues will arise about the code which
may result in the revelation of more bugs.
Publication academic papers can enhance learning if the source code of software
written for these papers cane made available to enhance learning or research
This project required the use of SIP/RTP library. SIP/RTP software libraries implement SIP/RTP
protocols discussed above. For radio communication an additional header is required to carry
radio signaling information. We therefore made an extensive search for an appropriate SIP/RTP
library that can be modified for this project. The following evaluation criteria was used to select
The basic requirement for design and development for this project was to base all infrastructures
on Open Source license. The main idea for this was to reduce cost and for the system to enjoy the
benefits that accrue with open software.
Documentation is one of the key thing when starting a project. Project team should waste time
because of missing documentation during project implementation. This is important especially
when using an OSS SIP library. Unclear or missing documentation is a problem often seen in open
source projects (Vaishnavi et al, 2013).
Complexity of Integrating:
One of the most important task is to integrate the library within the tool chain so as to deploy it on
the embedded board. There are libraries available with embedded systems already in their design
which means such libraries are generally easier to port to the destination board. There is situation
that require external dependencies to other libraries which must also be ported.
Resource Requirements:
Embedded platforms usually have limited resources. This includes physical memory, disk/flash
storage and CPU power. It is important to check resource requirements before settling on a
particular library.
Sample Applications:
Sample applications can make use of the library easier, leading to custom applications being
derived from same.
A huge community together with a user base is usually an indicator for the quality of the projects.
Open source projects are not subjected to aggressive marketing behind, what counts are satisfied
users. Users will not be willing to choose a library that is badly written and barely usable.
We made a deep and detailed investigation, compared different possibilities of SIP/RTP libraries
as shown in the following three tables. PJSIP SIP/RTP an open source software library which was
chosen for this project is the reference SIP/RTP library.
Table 2. 1 Comparison of PJSIP vs. .NET C# SIP libraries (Schulzrinne et al, 2003).
Table 2. 2 Comparison of PJSIP vs. Java SIP/RTP libraries (Schulzrinne et al, 2003).
Table 2. 3 Comparison of PJSIP vs. Python libraries (Schulzrinne et al, 2003).
Each programing language usually has a platform-specific library, but as depicted above it is PJSIP
library which is presented in all three matrices. PJSIP can be used on different desktop and mobile
platforms due to its native C++ implantation and a wide range of wrappers available. Due to it is
good functionality, community support and documentation, PJSIP appears to be the best choice.
Consequently because of these reasons we settled on PJSIP for our project.
implemented by coding. We analyzed table 4 below on research paradigms and their underlying
philosophical assumption as suggested by (Vaishnavi and Kuechler, 2015).
which highlights developmental and impact analysis of artefact on composite system is in line with
the objectives of this project.
For this project, design research approach was more suited since the focus of the research was on
the construction of an artifact. In Design research, we can distinguish three research cycles as
shown in figure 2.5 below.
Figure 2. 5 Design research cycles and research relevance and rigor (Hevner et al, 2010 p. 16)
Relevance cycle:
• The research problem or the need for the research and the research environment is explained
in the relevance cycle, the application domain initiates Design research by providing the following
• Testing of the Research results in the field to answer questions like
The artifact may have deficiencies in behavior and qualities which will lead to the restatement of
the requirements and when the artifact has been modified field testing is done again.
It uses current knowledge bases which include methods, theories, products, processes, artifacts,
expertise and experiments that provide a foundation for thorough design research.
This cycle encompasses the build/design and evaluation which are the main activities and actions.
Requirements are validated through a thorough evaluation which may result in problem statement
being revisited for improvement are revisited for improvement. DS methodology as and shown in
figure 2.6 was employed for this project.
Figure 2. 6 General methodology for design research (Vaishnavi and Kuechler 2015)
Vaishnavi and Kuechler (2015) describes the design research process as shown below:
1. Awareness of problem. This is the first step in which a problem is sighted by the researcher.
Identification of need or an idea or Problem where design and creation of a model,
framework, artefact, construct, theory or method can result to solutions is the characteristic
of this phase. A research proposal is the result of this step.
2. Suggestion. Using relevant existing theories and knowledge solutions are suggested in this
second step. Finally, a possible design or solution is selected among many possible
3. Development. This phase leads to development of an artifact.
4. Evaluation. Qualitative or Quantitative evolution technique is used to perform evaluation
so as to measure performance of the artefact.
5. Conclusion. In the conclusion phase, results of the research are used to enhance the body
of knowledge.
In the three stages of development, implementation and evaluation, new findings elicit new
problem/ideas, which lead to an iteration of some of the processes. It may happen that
“circumscription process” which is iterations of the process done several times, may be
conducted before the design is fully complete.
The Law of Continuing Change — a program that is in existence must change, or with
time it will becomes less useful.
The Law of Increasing Complexity — as a program is enhanced, with time it becomes
more complex. This will continue until work is done to maintain or reduce the
Components reuse and software reengineering are some of the examples of how one can cope up
with continued change and increasing complexity.
Software components reuse
In the present world it is recommended to design the system with individual components that can
be replaced or changed as the system evolves. These components have individual interfaces, they
encapsulate internal details and they have separate documentation. One main advantage of
constructing software with components is reuse. Software reuse is when existing software is used
to construct new software. Examples of software reuse are design patterns and software
frameworks. A design pattern is a reusable software design. They are not code in themselves, they
rather express a commonly tried and tested approach in software. A framework uses these design
patterns to form the architecture for an application.
Software reengineering
Re-engineering is the analysis and modification of a software system. The goal with software
reengineering is to decipher and understand the current software and then improve the system. Re-
engineering can consist of reverse engineering, refactoring and forward engineering.
Reverse engineering is a process where one analyzes an existing software and creates
a representation of this system on different abstraction levels. Reverse engineering can
be done in the following steps (Dugerdil, 2006)
1. Scope: Firstly, one must decide which part of the system should be
refactored/restructured and why. All parts may not be important or critical to
2. Domain: Identify business tasks that the system should support. These tasks can
then be divided into use-cases. These should be documented and should be
mapped to their data structures (entity, table column etc.).
3. Architecture recovery: Cluster software elements together that support the
business tasks. This is done by tracing which software elements connect to
certain tasks. This can be done by seeing which data structure is connected to
what software element. In a system where there is no separation between views
and models this is hard.
Refactoring or restructuring is the transformation of a system at the same abstraction
It keeps the external behavior of the system.
Forward engineering is the traditional way of designing systems. It usually starts from
high abstraction and ends in an actual physical implementation of the system.
Software reengineering approach:
Software re-engineering can be done in different ways (Rosenberg et al, 2002).
a. Incremental: In this approach, system sections are re-engineered and added incrementally
as new versions of the system are needed to satisfy new goals. The project is broken into
re-engineering sections based on the existing system's sections.
b. The "Big Bang": This approach, also known as the "Lump Sum" approach, replaces the
entire system at one time. This approach is often used by projects that need to solve an
immediate problem, such as migration to a different system architecture.
c. Evolutionary: In the "Evolutionary" approach, as in the Incremental approach, sections
of the original system are replaced with newly re-engineered system sections. In this
approach however, the sections are chosen based on their functionality, not on the structure
of the existing system.
2.6.3 Design evaluation methods
The utility, quality, and efficacy of a design artifact must be rigorously demonstrated via well
executed evaluation methods (Hevner et al, 2004). As such evaluation is an important stage in
Design Research. ICT artifacts can be evaluated in terms of functionality, performance,
completeness, reliability, consistency, usability accuracy, fit with the organization, and other
relevant quality attributes. The evaluation of designed artifacts usually employs methodologies
available in the knowledge base. These methods are summarized in Table 2.5 as shown below.
The selection of evaluation methods must be matched appropriately with the designed artifact and
the selected evaluation criteria.
Table 2. 5 Design methods of evaluation (Hevner et al, 2004).
The above methods of evaluation were critically analyzed. The primary goal of evaluation through
observation is to determine in a comprehensive manner how the artifact behaves in a practical
environment place (Hevner et al, 2004). This method of evaluation, researcher becomes an
observer without participating directly. In the analytical method the artifact is evaluated to
determine the interaction with the environment (Hevner et al, 2004). For this method of evaluation,
the purpose is to check on performance and how it can be improved. Next is the experimental
evaluation which can done using controlled experimental like in a laboratory setup or through
simulation (Hevner et al, 2004). The fourth evaluation method is which can be done through
functional testing and structural testing (Hevner et al, 2004). The final method of evaluation is
Descriptive evaluation method. In this method one can form informed argument using
information from the knowledge base or use contract detailed scenarios about the artifact to depict
the utility. The fourth evaluation method is which can be done through functional testing and
structural testing (Hevner et al, 2004). The requirements for this project were based on ED 137 B
standard. To be able to verify whether this requirement was met, real environment where the Air
Traffic controller communicates to the aircrafts was not possible. Therefore, we settled on
Experimental evaluation method employing simulation. Simulation was employed because the
artifact was executed using artificial data
Figure 2. 7 Conceptual framework (Johnston, 2015)
Description of the main components
3.1 Introduction:
This project is based on design science research DSR. It is used in the design of artifacts or to find
solution to problems which could change the status of the universe (Vaishnavi and Kuechler,
2015). Two strategies are used with DSR; Action research and design research as discussed earlier
the literature review. The strategy that was used for this project is Design research approach. This
is because the main aim design research is developing and creating new artifacts. The following
sections give details of this method and how it was used to archive the research objectives.
The following description gives the five steps in the design research process and how it was used
to achieve the objective of the research project (Vaishnavi and Kuechler, 2015).
The output of this phase is was the proposal which was presented and accepted.
work in IP communication, two methods namely software component reuse and
software reengineering were explored. Software components reuse involves building
software from scratch but at the same time making use of design patterns or software
framework made earlier. This method is quite involving and considering that there
are software libraries for telephone communication which can be modified using
software reengineering we settled on software reengineering as the methodology for
the development phase. As was indicated in the literature review the open source
software to be reengineered was settled on PJSIP library.
3. Development: This phase entails the development of the artifact. The goal of this
project was to design an IP based Voice Communication for Air Traffic Control using
open source software in order to add the necessary functionality to provide for the
new VOIP standard by ICAO there was need to employ a software development
methodology that would allow the understanding of some critical parts of PJSIP
library and application. As indicated in the suggestion phase, software reengineering
methodology was chosen as the framework design the algorithms. The goal of
reengineering the PJSIP library and the application was to refactor portion of the two
software so that selected requirements of ED 137 B for voice communication in ATC
are met. Since the overriding factor in the design of an IP based voice communication
system for ATC is functionalities based on ED 137B evolutionary approach software
reengineering was chosen.
Since this development entailed moving from the existing system to a target system software
reengineering model proposed by Eric j. Bryne shown in figure 3.1 was used.
Figure 3. 1 General model of software reengineering IEEE 1992 (Dugerdil, 2006).
From the software reengineering model, the following steps were employed;
The following reengineering steps as discussed in the literature were employed to achieve the
reverse engineering goals;
2. Domain: A sip flow diagram was drawn to indicate the IP based communication tasks
that occurs using the PJSIP library.
3. Architecture recovery: The architecture to be used for refactoring was recovered using
the PJSIP library and the application.
Identification of basic requirements
Operational prototype
Revise and enhance prototype
3.3 Evaluation
The selected ICAO VOIP requirements were used to evaluate the prototype to find out whether
the objectives of the project were met. The requirements were mainly centered on functionality
and VOIP quality parameters such delay and audibility of audio signal.
Using figure 3.3, the selected evaluation methods were matched appropriately with the designed
Star Trinity Sip tester (Sip Tester n.d) was chosen as the simulation software for Radio part of the
communication. There were other software for simulation like MAP SIP emulator from GL
communication include (GL communication n.d) but the license was too expensive. Script
statements written using CallXML (Sip Tester n.d) were used evaluate the artifact as indicated in
the requirements.
IP network (LAN
CallXML switch)
scripts as
ts SIP tester running on CWP Controller
windows desktop Gui working position
Wav/Mp3/Pca (Radio simulator) prototype.
p files (Voice communication
system under test)
Call receiver
3.4 Conclusion
The evaluation results were discussed as those which past and those which didn’t pass. Knowledge
on how legacy IP based telephone can be extended to cater for VOIP Radio communication in Air
traffic control was expounded.
4.1 Introduction
This section details the development work that was done to design the IP based Voice
Communication System for Air Traffic Control. The development work was based on software
reengineering methodology. Consequently, reverse engineering which is the first task of software
engineering is described first. We then describe Refactoring work which is the second task in
software reengineering. Lastly but the least we describe the work that was done during the forward
engineering stage.
Figure 4.1 below shows the scope for the project as indicated above
Figure 4. 1 PJSIP library and Application showing scope for Reverse engineering (Handley &
Schooler, 2002).
SIMPLEUA.C: This is a basic simple SIP user agent complete media. The user agent does the
proper SDP negotiation and there after starts RTP media session once SDP negotiation has
PJSIP-UA: This is a high level abstraction of INVITE sessions. The library also provides SIP
transfer functionality and client registration,
PJMEDIA and PJMEDIA-CODEC: are multimedia and placeholder for codecs respectively.
These two components when operational can be described by the media flow diagram shown in
figure 4.2 below.
Figure 4. 2 PJMEDIA media flow (Handley & Schooler, 2002).
The main building block for the above diagram are:
Sound Device Port which is a thin wrapper for the Sound Device Abstraction to
translate sound device's rec_cb()/play_cb() callbacks into call to.
Conference Bridge: This allows telephone conference but is not necessary for Radio
Media Stream that is created for each call.
Media Transport that is attached to the Media Stream to receive/transmit RTP/RTCP
packets DOMAIN
The following sip flow diagram figure 4.2 shows the major components involved in telephone
communication at higher level of abstraction using PJSIP library. This explains the domain of the
legacy system that was employed in the design of an IP based system for Air Traffic Control.
Figure 4.3 below show SIP call flow diagram for the legacy system.
Figure 4. 3 Sip flow
The conference bridge provides a programing interface API to control audio routing between the
various audio objects. The idea is that it is it connects audio source to audio destination, which
will make the audio flows from the source to destination, an example of the audio object from
media flow in the figure 4.2 above is the sound device port and media stream port found in
stream.c. The diagram in figure 4.4below shows a conference
For slot 3 and 4 the media object is formed by stream.c object. As shown in the diagram above
whenever a media object is plugged-in to the bridge, it will not be connected to anything, so media
will not flow from/to any of the objects.
Telephone call
Usually a telephone call, establishes a bidirectional audio with the remote person and in this case
Alice, the media object for Alice can be connected to any free slot apart from slot 0 which is always
reserved for microphone and speaker.
The conference bridge diagram below shows the interconnection for Alice call.
Figure 4. 6 Interconnection between media stream and media transport
From the diagram above we note that we have an input in the form of PCM which is then encoded
to RTP packet and the passed on to the media transport which then encodes it to an IP packet. The
same is repeated when a packet from the network arrives at the media transport but the process is
pjmedia_transport_send_rtp (): This Sends RTP packet with a specific media transport. This
simple wrapper then calls send rtp () member of the transport. There after the RTP packet will then
be delivered to the destination address. As shown in the literature review the PJMEDI RTP packet
header is a standard RTP packet header as used in any IP telephone system
rtp_cb: This is the call back to the stream object as audio flows in the opposite direction
The figure 4.7 below highlights the sequence of the events take place when this library is used for
IP telephone communication
4.2.2 Re-specification (Alteration)
Reengineering = Reverse engineering + Δ + Forward engineering (Darilion et al, 2004).
• This function “Δ” depicts the modifications made to the original system. There are two
key dimensions of the alterations: change in functionalities and change in implementation
• Functionality change comes from a change in the business rules, this is the desired change
for our project. The change required s to design an algorithm to implement the new ICAO
VOIP standard for Air Traffic Control
• The other change is concerned with implementation. For example, a program can be
converted from procedural to object oriented programing. This alteration will not be used.
Consequently, from the ED 137B documentation the following SIP flow diagram figure 4.7
summarizes the call flow sequence for the prototype:
Description of the requirements (ED137B Radio)
1. INVITE: The User Agent at the VCS endpoint sends an INVITE request message
containing the following: From: and To: SIP URI addresses, a Call_ID used to identify
the call, Cseq command sequence header, the Contact address of the User Agent A1, a
Max-forwards value of 70 (used to avoid SIP Radio session requests entering a loop), a
Subject header defined as “radio” and a Priority header defined as “normal”. The content
type defines an SDP message body is being carried with the INVITE method.
2. 100 Trying: The User Agent at Radio endpoint MAY respond with a 100Trying
provisional response containing the same from: and to: SIP URI addresses, the same
Call_ID used to identify the SIP Radio session, the same Cseq command sequence
header and no SDP message body included.
3. 200 OK: The User agent at Radio endpoint on receiving the INVITE request message
SHALL verify its SIP contents and SDP message body contents. If the GRS endpoint
has sufficient resources and the correct media capabilities etc. in order to accept the SIP
session establishment request, it will answer with a 200OK final response message,
containing an SDP message body that confirms the negotiated designated media
capabilities and attributes between the two endpoints.
4. ACK: The User Agent A1 at the VCS endpoint then sends an ACK request message
containing the same: From: and to: SIP URI addresses, the same Call_ID used to
identify the SIP Radio session, a new Cseq command sequence header for the ACK, the
Contact address of the User Agent A1, a Max-forwards value of 70 (used to avoid call
loops). The content type defines that no SDP message body is being carried with the
ACK method.
5. RTP+PTT_OFF+SQL_OFF: Link monitoring from VCS to the Radio. PTT is set to
OFF in extra header when there is no audio for transmission. In response the Radio will
transmit RTP packet with extra header by setting squelch OFF after 200 milliseconds.
In case there is transmission from either VCS or Radio link monitoring will be
suspended and incase of Transmission from VCS go to 6 and for reception from Radio
go to 7.
6. RTP+PTT_ON+SQL_OFF: In case of transmission from VCS, the VCS will set PTT
ON in the extra header and send RTP packet together with RTP extra header to the
Radio. In case there is no further audio transmission from the VCS will set PTT to OFF
and resume link monitoring (Go back to 5 above) within 200 milliseconds.
7. RTP+PTT_OFF+SQL_ON: In case of reception from the Radio, the Radio will set
SQL ON in the extra header and send RTP packet together with RTP extra header to
the VCS. In case there is no further audio transmission from the Radio will set SQL to
OFF and resume link monitoring (Go back to 5 above) within 200 milliseconds.
8. BYE: By deselecting the channel the SIP session shall be closed.
4.2.3 Forward engineering.
This section describes the forward engineering activities that were undertaken to design the IP
based Voice Communication System for Air Traffic Control. We first describe how the
requirements were gathered. Thereafter we designed four algorithms which we the coded and
integrated with PJSIP library. Since the method employed for forward engineering is prototyping
which is quite iterative, it overlaps with evaluation whose results feed the forward engineering
activities for fine tuning. Requirements
ED 137 B VOIP (Solar, 2014) standard was used as the main source of requirements for this project
the requirements that were chosen were those that that deliver the objectives of the project which
also coincide with providing basic radio communication functionality using IP for Air Traffic
control. The table 4.1 below highlight the requirements that were chosen.
Table 4. 1 ED 137 B Selected requirements for the project (Solar, 2014).
In the case that a GRS Transceiver or a GRS Transmitter/Receiver located at the
same site and accessible by one SIP URI, the communication between the VCS end
point and a GRS endpoint SHALL be performed in two distinct phases.
• Phase 1: The SIP session SHALL always be initiated from the VCS endpoint
towards the GRS endpoint (transceiver, transmitter or receiver).
Phase 2: Once the SIP session is established, both VCS and GRS endpoints SHALL
use the “Keep Alive” mechanism of the R2S protocol to control the link between
the VCS and the GRS. R2S-Keepalive packets will always be exchanged between
end points in the case that no audio is present.
4 [AUDIO] Voice Packetization interval requirements.
The VCS and GRS endpoints SHALL communicate using voice packet sizes of 10,
20 or 30ms.
5 [AUDIO] Voice coding requirement.
The VCS and GRS SHALL support the following codecs according to ITU-T
G.711PCM A-law or μ-law G.711 PCM. In order to improve robustness, the ITU-T
G.711PLC codec [34] MAY be used;
1 [RTP] RTP Radio Signaling Audio and protocol requirement.
Within an IP-network, the audio transmission and specific radio signaling SHALL
be performed by the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP).
5 [RTP] RTP PTT transmission performance.
PTT signal is used to activate transmission at the GRS transceiver/transmitter. It is
activated when the controller at the VCS endpoint selects the PTT key at the
Controller Working Position.
6 [RTP] Squelch transmission performance.
Squelch) signal is active when the GRS transceiver/receiver detects an incoming
radio call.
7 [RTP] RTP Header Extension description
The RTP header extension is used to transmit additional information necessary for
Radio communication. (I.e. PTT activation info, Squelch indication, signal quality
index, etc.). The extension SHALL be implemented according to RFC 3550 [21]
To summarize from table 4.1 above it suffices that alteration will involve the following
The functionality of SIP during session setup, active session, and session termination will have to
be modified to take care of ED 137/B requirements.
The functionality for two-way radio communication will have to be modified so that we have:
a. Half duplex communication instead of full duplex communication
b. During silence period there will be exchange of keep alive packets.
c. There will be a need to provide signaling information to signal each end incase audio
communication needs to occur.
The proposed by ED137 B to take care of header extension is shown in figure 4.8 below
for Radio
Figure 4. 8 RTP header plus RTP header extension (Darilion et al, 2004).
According to ED 137B document audio packets are supposed to carry signaling information for
the following purposes.
1. From user to Transmitter to signal that transmission is requested.
2. From Receiver to User to indicate that audio is coming.
3. To monitor session when no audio transmission or reception.
The standard specifies the use the following packet structure to carry the signaling information.
Figure 4. 9 RTP header extender (Darilion et al, 2004).
PTT-type (3 bits: b0 to b2)): This field defines the PTT-type sent by the VCS endpoint towards
the Transceiver/Transmitter endpoint to activate transmission over the air.
SQU (1bit: b3): This field is used during the reception from the Radio. It is set to one otherwise
PTT-id (6 bits: b4-b9): This field is used by the VCS endpoint to send its PTTid previously
assigned to it by the Radio endpoint during the SIP session establishment.
PM (1 bit: b10) – PTT Mute: This field is used for signaling PTT_ON to non-transmitting (not
selected) transmitters in a coverage group.
PTTS (1bit: b11) – PTT Summation: This field is used by the VCS endpoint to indicate a PTT
summation of multiple RTP audio streams in the VCS, e.g. if the corresponding radio interface in
the VCS is configured for PTT summation and two users of this VCS are pressing PTT
Reserved (3 bits b12-b14): These three bits are reserved for future extensions.
X (1 bit: b15): This field indicates a marker bit, that SHALL be set to 1 if extended information
for additional features is used.
Extension for Additional Features: The information in the other function block is coded in the
Type-Length-Value (TLV) format. For backward compatibility, it SHALL be mandatory to set the
proper values within the fixed part even if there is redundant information within the additional
feature content. When the Extension field is not used, all bits SHALL be set to 0. With the above
information regarding ED137B standard, we captured the requirements for Radio Communication
for Air Traffic Control as shown in figure 4.10 below
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
V=2 P x= CC M PT S E Q U E N C E N U M B E R
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
0 0 0 0X X X X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The conference bridge was also modified to take care of the half-duplex communicating. Figure
4.11 shows how communication will occur from the Air Traffic Controller (sound device) to Pilot
(Alice) which is also called Transmission (TX).
From the fore going the following four algorithm were developed to address the requirements by
ED 137 B.
a) Algorithm for Half duplex communication
1. If enable channel is pressed go to 2 otherwise check again
2. Connect slot 3 to 1 of the conference bridge
3. Connect slot 3 of the conference bridge to stream object
4. If channel is disabled go to 1 else go to 5
5. If PTT is ON go to 5 go to 6 otherwise go 4
6. Disconnect slot 3 from of conference bridge form sound device
7. Connect sound device to slot 3 of the conference bridge
8. If PTT is still ON check again otherwise go 2
4.2.4 Algorithm for channel enabled and UP/DOWN link monitoring.
1. A user enables a channel via the user interface.
2. Set CH to EN to indicate transmission mode.
3. If channel is enabled and call is established go to 4 otherwise go to 13
4. Generate Real Time Packet RTP audio packet with no audio
5. Set bit X of the RTP packet header to 1 to indicate RTP packet header extension to
6. Create RTP packet header extension to carry signaling information.
7. On RTP header extension set Push to talk and Squelch to ON.
8. Append RTP header extension to RTP packet.
9. Transmit RTP packet to Radio
10. Disable channel. (set to receive mode)
11. sleep for 200 ms (time required before reply is received)
12. If channel is enabled and call is established go to 4 otherwise go 13
13. If call is established go to 13 otherwise go to go to 19
14. Receive RTP packet from the Radio.
15. If Push to Talk and Squelch is set to ON, then go to 16 otherwise go to 20
16. Radio session up.
17. sleep for 200 ms (minimum time after reception before transmission of the next
RTP real time packet)
18. Go to 2
19. Stop
20. Radio session down
21. Go to 19
Figure 4. 14 Flowchart for channel enabled and UP/DOWN link monitoring
Figure 4. 15 Flowchart for audio transmission
Figure 4. 16 Flow chart for audio reception.
This section describes the software which include the graphical user interface, the modified
application (SIMPLEUA.C) and the complete library stack showing the application.
The program window displays a radio channel as a button each for each channel. The buttons
function as input for commands as well as visual indicators of the channel status. Figure 4.17 below
Figure 4. 17 Graphical user interface
Description of the Graphical user interface:
1. OFF state: When application starts the radio channels will be OFF state
No. communication can take place.
2. MONITOR state (M): pressing Radio channel in OFF state will cause the state of
the Radio channel to change from OFF sate to MONITOR state which will allow
the operator to receive audio from the Radio. In case there is audio the signaling
information Squelch will cause background of yellow to appear on RX writing.
3. TRAFFIC State (T): Pressing Radio channel when in MONITOR state will cause
the channel to change from the channel to change to TRAFFIC state. In this state
the operator can transmit audio by first pressing the PTT button that will cause
generation of singling information (PTT) to be associated with all channels in
Traffic state so that audio can be transmitted.
state and there is no audio transmit or receive the VCS and Radio will exchange
packets for monitoring the link. In case the link fails to be ON, TX and RX
background will become RED.
Figure 4.18 below shows the complete library stack together with the modified Application
SIMPLEUA.c as the final product.
Now Simpleaunix.c
On Board:
HDMI interface
4 x User Led (Green)
1 x Power Led(Red)
Supply Voltage from 2V to 6V
Mechanical: Dimension: 64x 50x 11mm
Integrated TFT touch screen
It should be noted that the friendly ARM single board computers support TFT touch
screens unlike manufactures like Raspberry and Arduino whose boards are not supported
by a wide range of TFT screens
Figure 4. 19 Friendly ARM Tiny210
64 Operating system: LINUX operating system
Linux kernel is monolithic with loadable modules support and provides multitasking capabilities,
shared user-space libraries or multitask networking including IPv4 and IPv6. It self does not have
real-time capabilities as required by VOIP application — there are generally two ways to add real-
time needed features:
the dual kernel approach and
Making the kernel natively preemptive.
Dual kernel approach
This method introduces a new kernel (usually a micro- or nanokernel) which runs the whole non-
RT Linux system as a thread with the lowest priority. The communication between RT and non-
RT tasks is commonly possible using shared memory or FIFOs (First in First Out). This method
was not adopted because RT-Linux requires a steep learning curve which would not have gone
well in line with short time required for the project.
Modification of the standard Linux kernel to become preemptive
The other approach modifies the standard kernel to enable running both non-RT and RT tasks.
A patch called RT-Preempt path was used to modify the standard Linux kernel resulted in making
almost all previously uninterruptible system calls pre-emptible. The use of Linux-based operating
system was probable from the beginning due to its high modularity it can be run in a variety of
forms ranging from small embedded applications to multiprocessor supercomputers. The Linux
kernel is one of the kernels optimized to run on the Friendly ARM Tiny210 and by applying a real
time patch real time capabilities can be achieved. Tests (Hedera, 2014) have been before to
compare real time performance between a standard Linux kernel and a Linux kernel that has been
modified with RT-Preempt and the results showed when two systems are fully loaded latency
exhibited on the non-modified kernel was 2465μsec and on the modified Linux the latency was
58μsec. The latency exhibited by the modified Linux kernel as compared with the recommendation
of ITU-T G.114 recommends a maximum of 150ms one-way latency.
The following section describes the evaluation tasks that were conducted for evaluation. First we
describe the implementation details which highlights the prototype and the objects it was supposed
to meet. Next we describe the experimental setup used to perform the evaluation exercises. Finally,
we highlight the results of the evaluations.
This resulted in final product PJSIP plus application called simple UNIX
under test.
Runs the IP
ation for
Hex Data (optional) - generic RTP extension data in hexadecimal text format. Example:
'01C04FFA' extension ID (required if 'hex Data' is set) - identifier of RTP extension data format,
defined by audio/video profile wg67_pttType (optional) - PTT-type field, defined in
If wg67_pttType is set to "rxptt", whereby from received RTP it gets PTT-type, i.e. it creates
PTT-type RX-TX loopback connection. This loopback connection is used to measure round-trip
RTP audio delay for ED-137 performance testing of air traffic management (ATM) VoIP
networks. wg67_pttId (optional) - PTT-ID wg67_squ (optional, 1 or 0, default is 0) - SQU flag.
If wg67_squ is set to "rxptt", from the PTT-Type field of received RTP stream a loopback
connection is created: If RX-PTT-ID is 0 then TX SQU is 0, otherwise TX-SQU is 1 wg67_pm
(optional, 1 or 0, default is 0) - PM flag wg67_ptts (optional, 1 or 0, default is 0) - PTTS flag
wg67_sct (optional, 1 or 0, default is 0) - SCT flag.
The following screen shorts were the outputs of the above CallXML scripts as captured on the
INVITE request from CWP (VCS) to the Radio simulator.
Figure 5. 3 Screen short for 200 OK ACK Response
Figure 5.4 (Hedera, 2014) contains screen Short for ACK
Figure 5. 6 RTP header extension detail
Figure 5. 7 PTT encoding in the extended header
This section discusses the results obtained during evaluation exercise. We also discuss how the
seven DSR research guidelines as suggested by (Hevner et al., 2010) were met. Finally, we
discuss contribution and future works.
6.1 Results
Table 5. 1 Results
Once the SIP session is established, both VCS
and GRS endpoints shall use the “Keep Alive”
mechanism of the R2S protocol to control the
link between the VCS and the GRS. In the case
where audio is present, the R2S-Keepalive
packets will be exchanged between endpoints.
7 [SIP] Normal SIP session establishment This was met. The SIP Priority header
SIP session establishment request sent by a was set to normal and the subject
VCS endpoint to a Ground Radio Station end header to radio as can be seen from the
point in normal operational conditions SHALL INVITE request message
use a SIP Priority Header field set to “normal”
and a SIP subject header field set to “radio”.
2 [AUDIO] Voice quality RESULTS
The voice quality of a radio communication is This requirement was met. The sound
defined using a voice quality estimation from the speakers was audible enough
methodology nominated “Mean Opinion
Score” (MOS) rating.
3 [AUDIO] Voice latency time performance. RESULTS
The system delay shall respect ITU-T This requirement was met
Recommendation G.114
4 [AUDIO] Voice Packetization interval RESULTS
The VCS and GRS endpoints SHALL This requirement was partially met.
communicate using voice packet sizes of 10, 20 20ms voice packet size was used
or 30ms.
5 [AUDIO] Voice coding requirement. RESULTS
The VCS and GRS SHALL support the This requirement was partially met.
following voice codec according to ITU-T ITU-G.711PCM A-law was used as
G.711PCM A-law or μ-law G.711 PCM. In can be seen from the INVITE request
order to improve robustness, the ITU-T
G.711PLC codec [34] MAY be used;
1 [RTP] RTP Audio and Radio Signaling RESULTS
protocol requirement.
Within an IP-network, the audio transmission This was met as per screen shorts of
and specific radio signaling SHALL be the RTP header
performed by the Real-time Transport Protocol
5 [RTP] RTP PTT transmission performance. RESULTS
PTT signal is used to activate transmission at The screen short on RTP header
the GRS transceiver/transmitter. It is activated extension gives details on how PTT
when the controller at the VCS endpoint selects was used to activate transmission.
the PTT key at the Controller Working
6 [RTP] Squelch transmission performance. RESULTS
Squelch) signal is active when the GRS
transceiver/receiver detects an incoming radio
7 [RTP] RTP Header Extension description RESULTS
The RTP header extension is used to transmit This was met. The RTP header
additional information necessary for radio extension contains the fields as per the
communication. (I.e. PTT activation info, Eurocae standard.
Squelch indication, signal quality index, etc.).
The extension SHALL be implemented
according to RFC 3550 [21].
From the fore going it can be shown that the objective of the project was met as follows
1. Design of an IP based voice communication system for Air Traffic Control.
This objective was partially met. From the table of results, it can be seen that SIP
component was full met but on RTP component some aspects of the signaling were met.
This requirement is highly linked to requirement number one and so it was also partially
met. For example, R2S signaling was not met.
3. Simulate input data and use it on the prototype.
This objective was fully met. We were able to simulate data and use it on the prototype to
test the functionalities that worked.
Table 5. 2 Guidelines for Design Science Research DSR guidelines as suggested by (Henver et
al., 2010).
Guideline 1. Design as an artifact: This project has resulted in the development of four algorithms
which have been used to build an IP-based Voice Communication Control System for Air Traffic
Control using open source software.
Guideline 2. Problem Relevance: The use of open source software in the design is a response to
a research opportunity that has emerged due to the development of a new standard for voice
communication in Air Traffic Control ED 137 B by Eurocae which has been adopted by ICAO.
The new rule is based on IP communication.
Guideline 3. Design Evaluation: To evaluate the usability and efficacy of the design, the design
was subjected to Simulation test which is design evaluation method as suggested by (Hevner et
al., 2004).
Guideline 4. Research Contribution: The objective of the project was to develop an IP based Voice
Communication Control System for Air Traffic Control as per the Eurocae standard (ED 137 B).
We developed four algorithms as indicated in the Development chapter. These algorithms were
then incorporated into PJSIP library which was then evaluated. The results of the evaluation
showed some of the requirements were met. One of the key requirement that was met that
communication could be initiated from the prototype with all the extended header parameters to
actuate (PTT) the Radio for transmission. We therefore helped unpacked the complex logic ED
137 B standard for VOIP communication in ATC to the open source software. Though this is not
a full-fledged voice communication, we can get that we set design foundation for open software.
Guideline 5. Research Rigor: The development and evaluation of the artifact employed standard
methods such as software reengineering. In the evaluation stage, we applied standard evaluation
process Simulation test as suggested by (Hevner et al. 2004) We also assisted the developer MR.
Sergey Alhesin (website) of the SIP tester simulator software to discover a bug in his software
which had hindered our progress in the evaluation stage. The above was acknowledged by him.
Guideline 6. Design as a Search process: In meeting this requirement and because a design is an
iterative process we employed the general methodology for design research as suggested by
(Vaishnavi and Kuechler, 2015). The stages of development and evaluations have loops to the
analysis stage which emphasizes rework to fine tune the end product.
Guideline 7. Communication of the Research: The research findings were presented as part
fulfillment Masters of Science in Distributed Computing technology. We also presented in a
journal suitable for Design science research
6.3 Future works.
This study and past research have sought to gain a greater understanding of the use of open source
software to include ED 137B standard for use in Radio communication for Air Traffic Control.
This research, in particular, has analyzed how to design the algorithm by coding the algorithm to
make a prototype and then stimulate input data and use it in the prototype. Further longitudinal
research is needed over an extended period to determine the how this idea has helped in controlling
air traffic control. Additional research could also investigate the challenges facing this idea to look
for ways of making it perfect.
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22. Vaishnavi and Kuechler, (2015) Design science information system, Available at