Healthineers Magnetom Sempra

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Operator Manual – Coils

Answers for life.

Operator Manual – Coils

Indicates a hint
Provides information on how to avoid operating errors or information emphasizing
important details

Indicates the solution to a problem

Provides troubleshooting information or answers to frequently asked questions

Indicates a list item

Indicates a prerequisite
A condition that has to be fulfilled before starting a particular operation

Indicates a single-step operation

Indicates steps within operating sequences

Italic Used for references and for table or figure titles

Used to identify a link to related information as well as previous or next steps

Bold Used to identify window titles, menu items, function names, buttons, and keys, for
example, the Save button

Blue Used to emphasize particularly important sections of the text

Courier Used for on-screen output of the system including code-related elements or

Courier Identifies inputs you need to provide

Menu > Menu Item Used for the navigation to a certain submenu entry

<variable> Identifies variables or parameters, for example, within a string

Used with the safety alert symbol, indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury or material damage.
CAUTION consists of the following elements:
◾ Information about the nature of a hazardous situation

◾ Consequences of not avoiding a hazardous situation

◾ Methods of avoiding a hazardous situation

4 Coils | Operator Manual

Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.
WARNING consists of the following elements:
◾ Information about the nature of a hazardous situation

◾ Consequences of not avoiding a hazardous situation

◾ Methods of avoiding a hazardous situation

Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02

6 Coils | Operator Manual

Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
Table of contents

1 Introduction 11
1.1 Layout of the operator manual 11
1.2 The current operator manual 11
1.2.1 Product designations in this document 12

2 Safety 15
2.1 General safety information 15
2.2 Coils 15
2.2.1 Effect of antenna 16
2.2.2 RF coils that are not connected 16
2.3 Quality measurement 17
2.4 Measurement phantoms 17
2.4.1 Risk due to aerosol formation 17
2.4.2 Handling and storing 17
2.4.3 Phantom fluid spills 18

3 General information 21
3.1 RF coils 21
3.1.1 Basic principles 21
3.1.2 Coil sockets 21
3.1.3 Attaching RF coils 22
3.1.4 Storing RF coils 25
3.2 Positioning the patient 26
3.2.1 Securing the coil 28
3.3 Positioning without the Head/Neck 16 31
3.3.1 Head First position of the patient 32
3.3.2 Feet First position of the patient 32
3.4 Quality Assurance 32
3.4.1 Quality measurement 33
3.4.2 Performing quality assurance (software) 33

4 Coils 37
4.1 Body coil 37
4.1.1 Description 37
4.1.2 Quality measurement 37
4.2 Head/Neck 16 38
4.2.1 Description 38
4.2.2 Use 39
4.2.3 Quality measurement 40

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Table of contents

4.3 Head/Neck 10 41
4.3.1 Description 41
4.3.2 Use 42
4.3.3 Quality measurement 43
4.4 Spine 18 44
4.4.1 Description 44
4.4.2 Use 45
4.4.3 Quality measurement 47
4.5 Body 6 47
4.5.1 Description 47
4.5.2 Use 48
4.5.3 Quality measurement 50
4.6 Breast 4 51
4.6.1 Description 51
4.6.2 Use 53
4.6.3 Quality measurement 54
4.7 4 Ch BI Breast 55
4.8 Shoulder Small/Large 6 55
4.8.1 Description 55
4.8.2 Use 55
4.8.3 Quality measurement 57
4.9 Wrist 8 57
4.9.1 Description 57
4.9.2 Use 59
4.9.3 Quality measurement 60
4.10 Extremity 12 60
4.10.1 Description 60
4.10.2 Use 61
4.10.3 Quality measurement 63
4.11 Foot/Ankle 10 63
4.11.1 Description 63
4.11.2 Use 63
4.11.3 Quality measurement 65
4.12 Flex Coil Interface 65
4.12.1 Description 65
4.12.2 Connection 66
4.13 Flex Small/Large 4 67
4.13.1 Description 67
4.13.2 Use 68
4.13.3 Quality measurement 70

8 Coils | Operator Manual

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Table of contents

4.14 Special Purpose 4 71

4.14.1 Description 71
4.14.2 Use 71
4.14.3 Quality measurement 72

5 Cleaning 73
5.1 Cleaning RF coils and positioning aids 73

6 Accessories 75
6.1 Standard accessories 75
6.1.1 Cushions and positioning aids 75
6.1.2 Set of positioning aids 76
6.2 Coil accessories 77
6.2.1 Head/Neck 10, Head/Neck 16 77
6.2.2 Spine 18 78
6.2.3 Body 6 78
6.2.4 Breast 4 79
6.2.5 Shoulder Small/Large 6 80
6.2.6 Wrist 8 80
6.2.7 Extremity 12 81
6.2.8 Foot/Ankle 10 82
6.2.9 Flex Small/Large 4 82
6.3 Accessories for quality assurance 83
6.3.1 Measurement phantoms 83
6.3.2 Phantom holder 84

7 Appendix: Information about legal

manufacturer 87

Index 89

Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
Table of contents

10 Coils | Operator Manual

Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
Introduction 1

1 Introduction
In order to operate the MR system accurately and safely, the
operating personnel must have the necessary expertise as well as
knowledge of the complete operator manual. The operator manual
must be read carefully prior to using the MR system.

1.1 Layout of the operator manual

Your complete operator manual is split up into several volumes to
improve readability. Each of these individual operator manuals covers
a specific topic:
◾ Hardware components (system, coils, etc.)
◾ Software (measurement, evaluation, etc.)
Another element of the complete operator manual is the information
provided for the system owner of the MR system.
The extent of the respective operator manual depends on the system
configuration used and may vary.

 All components of the complete operator manual may include

safety information that needs to be adhered to.

The operator manuals for hardware and software address the

authorized user. Basic knowledge in operating PCs and software is a

1.2 The current operator manual

This operator manual is a supplement to the MR system operator

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1 Introduction

This manual may include descriptions covering standard as well as

optional hardware and software. Contact your Siemens Sales
Organization with respect to the hardware and software available for
your system. The description of an option does not infer a legal
requirement to provide it.
The graphics, figures, and medical images used in this operator
manual are examples only. The actual appearance and design of
these may be slightly different.
Male and female patients are referred to as “the patient” for the sake
of simplicity.

1.2.1 Product designations in this document

In place of the printed product designations, the following
descriptions are used in this document:

Head and neck

Product Document/Text

Head/Neck 10, A 1.5T Tim Coil Head/Neck 10

Head/Neck 16, A 1.5T Tim Coil Head/Neck 16

Upper body and organs

Product Document/Text

Spine 18, A 1.5T Tim Coil Spine 18

Body 6, A 1.5T Tim Coil Body 6

Product Document/Text

Breast 4, A 1.5T Tim Coil Breast 4

4-Channel BI Breast Coil, A 1.5T Tim Coil 4 Ch BI Breast

Joints and extremities

Product Document/Text

Shoulder Small 6, A 1.5T Tim Coil Shoulder Small/

Large 6
Shoulder Large 6, A 1.5T Tim Coil

12 Coils | Operator Manual

Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
Introduction 1

Product Document/Text

Wrist 8, A 1.5T Tim Coil Wrist 8

Extremity 12, A 1.5T Tim Coil Extremity 12

Foot/Ankle 10, A 1.5T Tim Coil Foot/Ankle 10

Flex Coil Interface 1.5T Flex Coil Interface

Tim Coil Interface 1.5T Tim Coil Interface

Flex Small 4, A 1,5T Tim Coil Flex Small/Large 4

Flex Large 4, A 1,5T Tim Coil

1.5T Special Purpose 4 Special Purpose 4

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1 Introduction

14 Coils | Operator Manual

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Safety 2

2 Safety

2.1 General safety information

All safety information of the valid operator manuals must be
adhered to without fail. It is merely supplemented by the notes
contained in this document.

MR scanning is not established for safe imaging of fetuses and

 infants under two years of age. The responsible physician must

evaluate the benefits of the MR examination compared to those
of other imaging procedures.

2.2 Coils

Damaged RF coils/coil cables! Warming!

Patient burns
◆ Never run coil cables over the patient's head.
◆ Avoid direct contact between the coil cables and the patient.
◆ Use only operationally satisfactory RF coils/coil cables.
◆ In case of damage, contact Siemens Service.

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2 Safety

Dangerous current loops may be generated if parts of the patient's

body touch. These loops may lead to burns or increase the probability
of stimulation. To avoid such loops, always use appropriate cushions
when positioning the patient. ( Page 75 Standard accessories)

2.2.1 Effect of antenna

Cables (e.g. from RF coils, ECG cables) that are run together and form
loops can act as receiver antennas and become very hot.


Arcing caused by coil cable loops!

Patient burns
◆ Avoid coil cable loops.

2.2.2 RF coils that are not connected

To avoid electrical coupling between the RF coils and the Body coil,
the coils must be connected correctly.


Coil cables/plugs not connected!

Patient burns
Irreparable damage to RF coil
◆ Ensure that all RF coils used are connected.
◆ Remove disconnected RF coils from the patient table.

16 Coils | Operator Manual

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Safety 2

2.3 Quality measurement


Deactivated RF transmitters (SAR) and gradient (dB/dt)

monitoring during quality measurement!
Injury to patient
◆ Ensure that the patient is not located in the magnet bore.

2.4 Measurement phantoms

When measurement phantoms are used as intended within the scope
of quality assurance for RF coils, there is no physical contact with
measurement phantom fluids. The fluids are sealed inside the
measurement phantoms.

2.4.1 Risk due to aerosol formation

If phantom fluid has escaped, inhalable droplets (aerosols) containing
nickel may form in the event of a fire or atomization caused by strong
air currents. Carcinogenic effects cannot be ruled out if these aerosols
are absorbed by the body.

2.4.2 Handling and storing


Improper handling of measurement phantoms!

Damage to measurement phantoms
Risk of fire due to lens effect
◆ Store the phantoms at 20°C in a protected location.
◆ Do not drop measurement phantoms.
◆ Do not change measurement phantoms.
◆ Do not store measurement phantoms in direct sunlight.

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2 Safety

2.4.3 Phantom fluid spills

 The measurement phantoms may contain either a nickel sulfate

solution or white oil (this liquid is blue in color).

The EC safety data sheets and legal regulations do not explicitly

mention possible hazards relating to phantom fluids.
Note the different measures to be applied for the various phantom
liquids. ( Page 18 First aid in case of contact with phantom fluid)


Contact with spilled phantom fluid (nickel sulfate)!

Personal injury
◆ Wear protective clothing (gloves, work coat, and goggles).
◆ Wear a mask with a filter for inorganic vapors if aerosols
(inhalable droplets) are formed.
◆ Avoid skin contact with phantom fluids.
◆ Do not use damaged phantoms.
◆ Ensure that fluids from phantoms are disposed of properly.

Measures in case of phantom 1 Put on protective clothing (goggles, overalls, and disposable
fluid spills gloves).
2 Absorb the fluid immediately using absorbent material such as
sand, sawdust, etc.
3 Collect the fluid in a plastic bucket.
4 Prevent phantom fluid from entering the waste water system.
5 Change contaminated clothing.
6 Clean your hands thoroughly using soap and water.

First aid in case of contact with ◆ Always consult a physician immediately.

phantom fluid

18 Coils | Operator Manual

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Safety 2

Skin contamination:
1 Immediately remove the clothing covering the contaminated area.
2 Immediately wash the skin using soap and water.

Eye contamination:
◆ Immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

◆ Drink plenty of water and induce vomiting immediately.

Swallowing white oil:

1 Do NOT induce vomiting.
2 Ensure that the person lies still.

◆ Apply fresh air.

Mandatory reporting in case of 1 Inform the fire department about the contents of the
fire measurement phantoms.
2 Inform your local fire department that phantom fluids may produce
nickelous aerosols.

Disposal of phantom fluids as 1 Label the container accordingly.

special waste
2 Hire an authorized special waste company for disposal.
3 It is recommended that you contact the local Siemens Service
office as well as the environmental protection officer or the
responsible local authorities.
4 If you have additional questions, contact Siemens Service.

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2 Safety

20 Coils | Operator Manual

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General information 3

3 General information

3.1 RF coils

3.1.1 Basic principles

RF coils are divided into two categories:
◾ Transceiver coils (TxRx)
◾ Pure receiver coils (Rx)
When the RF coil is used as a receiver coil only, the RF pulse is
transmitted by another RF coil that usually acquires a larger area (e.g.
the Body coil).
During reception, the signal-to-noise ratio is higher, the closer the RF
coil is located to the examination area. This explains why small RF
coils have a better signal-to-noise ratio than e.g. the Body coil. They
do, however, have a smaller measurement field.
The Body coil is a stationary coil installed in the magnet

3.1.2 Coil sockets

The coil sockets are located at the head end of the patient table.

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3 General information

When cleaning the table use the protective cover for coil sockets 5
and 6.

General coil sockets

Coil Coil socket

Head/Neck 10, Head/Neck 16 5 and 6

Spine 18 7 and 8

Body 6 1 or 2

Breast 4 1

Shoulder Small/Large 6 1 or 2

Wrist 8 1 or 2

Extremity 12 1 or 2

Foot/Ankle 10 1 or 2

Flex Small/Large 4 Flex Coil Interface

Special Purpose 4 Flex Coil Interface

Coil interface Coil socket

Flex Coil Interface 1 or 2

Tim Coil Interface 1 or 2

3.1.3 Attaching RF coils

Please note that plugged in coils may warm up after considerable

22 Coils | Operator Manual

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General information 3

Proper handling

Touching inside of coil socket!

Electric shock, patient burns
◆ Never touch the patient and the inside of the coil socket (with
hands, fingers, or other objects) at the same time.


Improper use of RF coils!

Injury to patient; damage to RF coils
◆ Read carefully through the safety information provided for RF
coils in the individual coil chapters.

1 Handle RF coils with care.

2 Store RF coils so that they are protected against mechanical
3 Only lift and carry RF coils at the lower part.
4 To avoid cable warming, do not route the coil cable in the
proximity of the RF transmit coil.
5 Always use the necessary positioning aids and cushions with RF
6 When you cover the positioning aids and cushions with crepe
paper, ensure that the crepe paper does not touch coil contacts.
7 Do not compress, bend or stretch the coil cables.
8 To connect the coil plug: Slide the socket cover with the coil plug
away and connect the plug to the socket.

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3 General information

9 To remove the coil plug: Grasp the plug housing and lift it up

Combining coils As the Spine 18 is a standard coil for the basic configuration of the
MR system with respect to coil channels, this coil is often mentioned
in the various coil chapters. Some coils are available with different
channel setups, for example, Body 6.

Always observe the message on the Dot display. If a coil code
error is displayed, the connected coil is not released for use on
your system!

If no coil code error is displayed, you can use the coil on this system.
But the number of coil channels used for the measurement is always
limited by the channel setup of the MR system.
For example, on MR systems with a maximum number of 16
channels, you can use a few coil combinations despite the fact that
the combined channels exceed the maximum of 16.

Tim Coil Interface Some coils are valid for several MR systems. Use the Tim Coil Interface
to connect these coils to the MR systems with the new patient table.
(1) Socket cover for coil socket
(2) Release for coils
(3) Interface coil plug
(4) Release for Tim Coil Interface

1 Connect the Tim Coil Interface to the patient table.

24 Coils | Operator Manual

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General information 3

2 To connect the coil: Slide the socket cover of the Tim Coil Interface
with the coil plug away and connect the plug to the socket.

3 To remove the coil: Use the release on the Tim Coil Interface.

4 To remove the Tim Coil Interface: Grasp the housing and lift it up

3.1.4 Storing RF coils

For storing the coils as well as the accessories you can use the coil

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3 General information

Setting up the coil cart 1 As shown on the label on the lid, open the coil cart carefully and
turn the lid completely to the backside of the cart. Never rest the
lid against the wall.
2 Open the doors completely and lock them using the lateral bolts.
3 Lock the front wheels after moving the coil cart to the desired
4 Only reposition the coil cart (e.g. for cleaning) if the doors are
5 Store heavy accessories (e.g. sandbags) only in the center bottom
drawer to improve the stability of the cart.

3.2 Positioning the patient


Incorrect patient positioning and trapping of arms and legs!

Pinching of fingers or toes
◆ Ensure that the fingers or toes of the patient do not get
caught in the gap between the patient table and magnet
during table movement.

26 Coils | Operator Manual

Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
General information 3


Incorrect positioning of the patient’s head when using a head or

head/neck coil!
Wrong SAR calculation resulting in local overheating
◆ Always position the patient’s head inside the head or head/
neck coil.

1 Use positioning aids and table pads to position the patient as

comfortably as possible on the patient table.
2 If the patient's hands or feet protrude over the table end, always
use the corresponding positioning aids.
3 Ensure the patient's feet do not hit the handle at the foot end of
the table or get caught in the gap between handle and table,
especially if the patient is very tall. Use positioning aids to position
the patient's feet a bit higher. When positioning the patient in the
prone position always use the foot roll and take special care when
the table moves out of the magnet.
4 If you are performing a triggered measurement: position the
patient in the supine position where possible.
5 When examining extremities, ensure correct patient orientation
and positioning.

Unlike examinations of the patient's torso, for which registration

of the image orientation data and positioning choices are limited,
imaging of the extremities is more freely selectable. Therefore,
registration of image orientation data when imaging extremities
may deviate from actual anatomical positioning of the patient.

 Example: Positioning of the hand

◾ Right/left
◾ Palm/back of the hand
◾ Hand over the head
◾ Hand to the side along the body

MAGNETOM Sempra 27
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3 General information

6 Depending on the requirements, position the patient in the feet or

head first orientation in the direction of the magnet bore.

We recommend that patients, especially those suffering from
claustrophobia, are positioned with their feet toward the magnet

To obtain optimal image quality and a homogeneous fat

saturation, ensure the most isocentric position for the patient's

extremity to be examined.
Especially in areas with high B0 inhomogeneity, the STIR
technique provides for a more robust fat suppression than
spectral fat saturation. Protocols for both variants are included in
the Siemens protocol tree.

The increased SAR limits are activated in the First level controlled
operating mode. In this operating mode it should be ensured that
heat dissipation is not impaired by clothing or blankets.

3.2.1 Securing the coil

Use the straps attached to the patient table to secure the coil.
Two different securing mechanisms are available depending on the
groove size of your patient table configuration.

Table groove Straps to be used

Table groove 6 mm

28 Coils | Operator Manual

Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
General information 3

Table groove Straps to be used

Table groove 10.5 mm

Securing straps in the 6-mm


1 Insert the mounting device of the strap into the T-shaped groove
along the edge of the patient table.

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3 General information

2 To fix the strap: Turn the mounting device up toward the center
until it locks into place.
3 To remove the strap: Turn the mounting device down into its
horizontal position.

Securing straps in the 10.5-mm ✓ Groove is free of dirt.


1 Position the mounting device of the strap slightly tilted toward the
table center and insert it into the groove along the edge of the
patient table until it audibly locks into place.

30 Coils | Operator Manual

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General information 3

2 To adjust the position of the straps along the groove, grasp the
mounting device of the strap and slide it to the required position.

Position the mounting device so that the strap is vertical. If the

strap is positioned at an angle, this may cause the mounting device
to shift within the groove.

3 To remove the strap: Press against the middle part of the mounting

3.3 Positioning without the Head/Neck 16

If you do not use the Head/Neck 16, the head of the patient is
positioned in the back-of-the-head support.
The back-of-the-head support must be positioned correctly so that the
system knows the exact patient position and can determine the
correct SAR values.


Patient positioning in Head First orientation without a head or

head/neck coil!
Wrong SAR calculation resulting in local overheating
◆ Always use the back-of-the-head support if no head or head/
neck coil is used.
◆ Make sure that the back-of-the-head support is positioned
correctly on the head-heel insert so that it is flush with the
edge marking of the head-heel insert.

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3 General information

3.3.1 Head First position of the patient

1 Position the back-of-the-head support on the head-heel insert of
the patient table so that it is flush with the edge marking of the
head-heel insert.
2 Position the patient’s head on the back-of-the-head support.

3 If needed, insert the lookout mirror holder into the T-shaped

groove on both sides of the patient table.

3.3.2 Feet First position of the patient

The head of the patient is positioned on the back-of-the-head support
located at the foot end of the patient table. The feet of the patient are
positioned on the back side of the head-heel insert.
◆ Position the patient’s feet in the corresponding recesses for the
heels on the head-heel insert.

3.4 Quality Assurance

A degraded MR image quality may indicate a malfunctioning RF coil.
A quality measurement is performed for each RF coil to verify
satisfactory operation.

32 Coils | Operator Manual

Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
General information 3

3.4.1 Quality measurement

Measurement phantoms are used for quality measurements.

The fluid in the measurement phantoms presents a health
hazard. Follow the safety regulations in case of phantom fluid

The quality measurement is performed with the quality program at

the syngo Acquisition Workplace. The program checks the signal-to-
noise ratio for all RF coils. In addition, it checks the artifact behavior
for the Body coil.

If the quality measurement results are outside specifications, the

phantom fluid may have moved inside the phantom.

 Measurement phantoms must be positioned for at least 3

minutes at rest on the phantom holder.
If the values of the quality measurement for an RF coil are
outside specifications, please repeat the quality measurement.

3.4.2 Performing quality assurance (software)

 The Help button opens a help feature which describes the steps
necessary for performing quality assurance.

Selecting the coil 1 Select the Options > Service > Customer QA... menu option.
The dialog window Quality Assurance opens.

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3 General information

2 Go to the selection list and select the coil for the quality

Registering coils It may be that some coils are not available in the list. Coils of these
coil types must be registered before starting the quality assurance.
✓ Coil is connected to the patient table.
1 In the status bar, click the Update button to add the type of the
connected coil to the list.
2 Wait at least one minute until the update process is done.
The list is updated automatically.

Configuring the quality During the quality measurement, the signal-to-noise ratio and the
measurement signal uniformity of the individual coils are checked.
✓ The coil is selected.
◆ Activate the control box Coil Check.

Starting the quality ✓ The quality measurement is configured.

1 Click the Go button to the lower right in the dialog window Quality
The dialog window Workflow Popup opens, including information
for the quality measurement of the coil selected.
2 Follow the instructions for positioning the coil, the phantom, as
well as the phantom holder.
3 Connect the coil to be measured.
4 Click the OK button in the Workflow Popup dialog window.
The dialog window Workflow Popup closes and the quality
measurement starts.
During the measurement, messages regarding the measurement
status are displayed.

Message Status of quality measurement

ToDo Measurement still waiting to be performed

Running Running

34 Coils | Operator Manual

Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
General information 3

Message Status of quality measurement

Done Completed
Parameters correspond to specifications

NotOk Completed
Parameters are out of specification

Error Measurement cannot be performed

The quality measurement does not provide satisfactory

Parameters are out of specification.

 ◆ Optimize the position of the phantom.

◆ Optimize the position of the laser light localizer.
◆ Repeat the measurement.
◆ If the repeated quality measurement does not provide
satisfactory results: Notify Siemens Service.

Completing the quality ✓ The quality measurement is finished.

◆ Click Exit.
A window including a safety query appears that must be

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3 General information

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Coils 4

4 Coils

4.1 Body coil

4.1.1 Description
Area of application The main function of the Body coil is to generate a homogeneous RF
magnetic field for the excitation of nuclear spins.
As a receiver coil for MR signals, the Body coil is used only for survey
measurements because its signal-to-noise ratio is significantly lower
than that of local coils located close to the body.

Configuration The Body coil is the innermost shell of the three field-generating
components: magnet, gradient coil and RF transmitter coil. It is
permanently installed in the magnet.
The support tube of the Body coil functions as the inside lining of the
magnet bore. It has guide rails for the patient table and, together
with other components, is responsible for attenuating noise.

Functionality The Body coil functions as a transmitter coil during all measurements.
Exception: when using local transceiver coils.
As a transmitter coil, the Body coil (aided by resonant current loops)
produces an alternating magnetic field. The frequency of this
magnetic field corresponds to the operating frequency of the MR
system. The strength of the magnetic field is selected so that the
nuclear spins are deflected according to the requirements of the
selected MR measurement.
If the Body coil is not used as a receiver coil, the Body coil is detuned
for receiving. As a result, the body signals are optimally received by
all other transceiver coils without interference from the Body coil.

4.1.2 Quality measurement

1 Position the phantom holder 38 at the head end on the patient

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4 Coils

2 Connect the phantom holder 39 to the phantom holder 38.

3 Position the spherical phantom D240 on the recess of the phantom

holder 38.
4 Position the spherical phantom D165 on the recess of the phantom
holder 39.
5 Position the 15ml plastic bottle in the corresponding recess on the
phantom holder 38.
6 Align the laser localizer on the center marking of the phantom
holder 38.
7 Start the quality measurement. ( Page 33 Performing quality
assurance (software))

4.2 Head/Neck 16

4.2.1 Description
The Head/Neck 16 is used for examinations of the head and the neck
(e.g. nape of the neck and vessels of the neck), and combined
measurements with other coils.
A mirror carrier can be attached to the upper part of the coil.
Accessories ( Page 77 Coil accessories)

Configuration The coil consists of the following components:

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(1) Mirror
(2) Lever for release
(3) Upper Part
(4) Lower part

4.2.2 Use
Positioning the coil ✓ The Spine 18 or the table pads are positioned on the patient table.

1 Slide the coil into the lateral recesses at the head end of the patient
table so that it locks into the coil sockets 5 and 6.

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2 Move the lever to release the upper part of the coil and lift it up
and off.
3 Place the relax cushion in the lower part of the coil.
4 Secure the patient’s head using the corresponding cushions.
5 Use suitable positioning aids.
6 Position the head of the patient in the lower part of the coil. Ensure
that the shoulders touch the lower part of the coil.
7 Place the upper part on the lower part and slide it forward until it
locks into place.

 For cervical neck examinations, the upper part of the coil may be
omitted for slender patients.

Performing the measurement 1 Align the laser light localizer with the center of the region of
2 Start the measurement.

4.2.3 Quality measurement

The quality measurement for the Head/Neck 16 is performed in two
steps: for the head region and for the neck region.
✓ The lower part of the Head/Neck 16 is positioned on the patient
1 Position phantom holder 29 into the lower part of the coil.

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2 Position the 5300 ml plastic bottle on phantom holder 29 so that

the bulge of the bottle is positioned as far as possible in the lower
part of the coil.

3 Place the upper part on the lower part of the coil and slide it
forward until it locks into place.
4 Align the laser light localizer with the corresponding center
marking of the coil.
5 Start the quality measurement. ( Page 33 Performing quality
assurance (software))

4.3 Head/Neck 10

4.3.1 Description
The Head/Neck 10 is used for examinations of the head and the neck
(e.g. nape of the neck and vessels of the neck), and combined
measurements with other coils.
A mirror carrier can be attached to the upper part of the coil.
Accessories ( Page 77 Coil accessories)

Configuration The coil consists of the following components:

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(1) Mirror
(2) Lever for release
(3) Upper Part
(4) Lower part

4.3.2 Use
Positioning the coil ✓ The Spine 18 or the table pads are positioned on the patient table.

1 Slide the coil into the lateral recesses at the head end of the patient
table so that it locks into the coil sockets 5 and 6.

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2 Move the lever to release the upper part of the coil and lift it up
and off.
3 Place the relax cushion in the lower part of the coil.
4 Secure the patient’s head using the corresponding cushions.
5 Use suitable positioning aids.
6 Position the head of the patient in the lower part of the coil. Ensure
that the shoulders touch the lower part of the coil.
7 Place the upper part on the lower part and slide it forward until it
locks into place.

 For cervical neck examinations, the upper part of the coil may be
omitted for slender patients.

Performing the measurement 1 Align the laser light localizer with the center of the region of
2 Start the measurement.

4.3.3 Quality measurement

The quality measurement for the Head/Neck 10 is performed in two
steps: for the head region and for the neck region.
✓ The lower part of the Head/Neck 10 is positioned on the patient
1 Position phantom holder 29 into the lower part of the coil.

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2 Position the 5300 ml plastic bottle on phantom holder 29 so that

the bulge of the bottle is positioned as far as possible in the lower
part of the coil.

3 Place the upper part on the lower part of the coil and slide it
forward until it locks into place.
4 Align the laser light localizer with the corresponding center
marking of the coil.
5 Start the quality measurement. ( Page 33 Performing quality
assurance (software))

4.4 Spine 18

4.4.1 Description
The Spine 18 is used for examining the spine and for combined
measurements with other coils.
Up to four clusters (groups of coil elements) of the Spine 18 can be
used at a time.
Accessories ( Page 77 Coil accessories)

Configuration The coil consists of the following components:

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(1) Carrying handle

(2) Lever for release
(3) Plug connection

4.4.2 Use
In the following section, a measurement configuration is shown in
the Head First orientation.

Positioning the coil

1 Position the Spine 18 so that the coil plugs fit into the coil sockets
7 and 8.

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2 Move the lever to lock the coil in place.

Positioning the patient

1 Position the lower part of the Head/Neck coil in the recess at the
head end of the patient table.
2 Position the table pad 4 on the foot end of the patient table.
3 Use suitable positioning aids.
4 Position the patient in the supine position and as straight as
possible in the center of the coil.

 The shoulders must lie against the lower part of the Head/Neck

Performing the measurement 1 Select the region of interest.

2 Align the laser light localizer with the center of the region of
3 Start the measurement.

Removing the coil

◆ To remove the coil press the release on the patient table and lift
the coil with the handle.

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4.4.3 Quality measurement

For the Spine 18, the quality measurement is performed separately
for each coil element (SP1 - SP6). The plastic bottle must be
positioned in the center of the respective coil element for each
individual measurement.

1 Position the phantom holder 25 on the Spine 18 in the center of

the corresponding coil element.
2 Align the laser light localizer with the center marking of the
phantom holder.
3 Position the 5300 ml plastic bottle on the phantom holder.
4 Start the quality measurement. ( Page 33 Performing quality
assurance (software))
5 Perform the quality measurement for the coil elements SP1-SP6 in
this way.

4.5 Body 6

4.5.1 Description
The Body 6 enables examinations of the following body regions:
◾ Upper body and abdomen
◾ Pelvis
Depending on the requirements, the coil may be used in the Head
First or Feet First orientation. Several Body 6 coils can be used for
complete upper body examinations.

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Accessories ( Page 77 Coil accessories)

Configuration The coil consists of the following components:

(1) Cluster 1
(2) Cluster 2
(3) Electronic boxes
(4) Coil plug

4.5.2 Use
In the following section, an examination of the entire upper body is
shown. Two Body 6 coils are used and the patient is positioned Head

Safe handling 1 Always position the Body 6 so that the coil cable does not touch
the patient’s head.
2 Use the iPAT cushion for a more homogeneous image contrast.
3 Do not bend the coil too much (for example, for ankle
examinations) as this may damage the coil. If you bend the coil,
ensure that the resulting diameter of bending is larger than
150 mm.

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Positioning the coil ✓ The Spine 18 is positioned on the patient table.

✓ The lower part of the head/neck coil is positioned.
1 Position the patient in the supine position with the head toward
the magnet.
2 Use suitable positioning aids.
3 Position the Body 6 on the patient's pelvis and connect the coil to
socket 1 or 2.

4 Position the second Body 6 so that it overlaps the first and is lying
against its electronic boxes.
5 Slide the second iPAT cushion under the second Body 6 without
overlapping with the first iPAT cushion.
6 Connect the coil to the next open coil socket.
7 Secure the connection cable.

Securing the coil combination

1 Slide the straps as shown through the flaps of the Body 6.

2 Secure both coils using the straps provided.
3 Secure the patient with an additional belt strap. Route the belt
strap over the overlapping area of the coil combination.

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Performing the measurement

1 Align the laser light localizer with the center of the region of
2 Select the two (up to four, depending on the coil configuration)
corresponding Spine 18 clusters at the syngo Acquisition
3 Start the measurement.

4.5.3 Quality measurement

The quality measurement must be performed in the Head First
orientation. In addition, the measurement must also be performed
with the coil rotated by 180°.
✓ The Spine 18 is positioned on the patient table.
1 Position phantom holder 40 on the table.
2 Place the phantom holder 27 around the 5300 ml plastic bottle.

3 Place the Body 6 around the plastic bottle and secure the coil on
the bottle using the straps.
4 Position the coil with the plastic bottle on the phantom holder 40
so that the coil cable points toward the groove on the side of the
phantom holder.
5 Ensure that the coil cable is routed through the groove on the side
of the phantom holder.
6 Connect the coil plug to a coil socket 1 or 2.
7 Align the laser light localizer with the center of the coil.
8 Start the quality measurement. ( Page 33 Performing quality
assurance (software))

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9 Perform the measurement successively for each orientation.

(1) Quality measurement, Head First 0° orientation

(2) Quality measurement, Head First 180° orientation

4.6 Breast 4

4.6.1 Description
Use and function The Breast 4 is used for examining female patients. The coil is used in
the Head First orientation. Both sides of the breast are displayed
simultaneously to allow for comparative evaluations.
Accessories ( Page 75 Standard accessories)

Configuration The coil consists of the following components:

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(1) Coil elements (left and right) with compression plates

(2) Positioning aids to stabilize the breast
(3) Knob for compressing the right breast
(4) Compression control
(5) Knob for compressing the left breast

Head support The head support can be adjusted in height.

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4.6.2 Use
Positioning the coil ✓ All RF coils and cushions are removed from the patient table.

1 Position the coil on the patient table with the guide knobs in the
recesses of the T-shaped groove.
2 Connect the coil plug to coil socket 1.
3 Place the positioning aids best suited to the current situation.

4 For patients with small breasts, place a positioning aid into the left
and into the right coil elements.
5 Use the large compression attachment, if necessary.

Positioning the patient

1 Position the patient in the prone position with the breasts in the
coil elements.
2 Use suitable positioning aids.
3 Set the compression level using the compression control (light,
standard, hard).

 The setting is applied to both compression mechanisms.

4 Stabilize each breast with the respective rotary knob.

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5 When positioning the patient with the arms above the head: Use
the insulation pad to avoid current loops.
6 Use suitable positioning aids.

Performing the measurement 1 Align the laser light localizer with the center marking of the coil.
2 Start the measurement.

4.6.3 Quality measurement

✓ All RF coils and cushions are removed from the patient table.
✓ The Breast 4 is positioned at the head end of the patient table.
✓ The coil plug is connected to coil socket 1.
1 Position plastic bottle 1900 ml into the left coil element flush with
the inside curved edge.
2 Align the laser light localizer with the center marking of the coil.
3 Start the quality measurement ( Page 33 Performing quality
assurance (software)).

4 Position plastic bottle 1900 ml into the right coil element flush
with the inside curved edge.
5 Align the laser light localizer with the center marking of the coil.
6 Start the quality measurement ( Page 33 Performing quality
assurance (software)).

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4.7 4 Ch BI Breast
For information on the 4 Ch BI Breast, see: Operator Manual - 4 Ch
BI Breast

4.8 Shoulder Small/Large 6

4.8.1 Description
The Shoulder Small/Large 6 is used for examining the shoulder. The
coil is used in the Head First orientation.
Accessories ( Page 77 Coil accessories)

Configuration The coil consists of the following components:

(1) Coil plug

(2) Guide knob with center marking
(3) Shoulder coil cup with shoulder support cushion

4.8.2 Use
For optimal image quality with slim patients, the shoulder coil cup
should be positioned at the inner position on the base plate. The
outer position should be used only for muscular and adipose patients.

Positioning the coil In the following section, the examination of the left shoulder is
shown. To examine the right shoulder, the coil needs to be
positioned on the other side.

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✓ The Spine 18 is positioned on the patient table.

✓ The head-heel insert and the back-of-the-head support are
positioned on the patient table.
1 Position the base plate at the head end of the patient table. Ensure
that the base plate is seated correctly in the recess.
2 Slide the shoulder coil cup onto the guide rail for the shoulder to
be examined.
3 Slide the shoulder coil cup in the desired position (depending on
the patient´s size).
4 Connect the coil plug of the shoulder coil cup to the coil socket
(left shoulder: 2, right shoulder: 1).
5 Position the corresponding base plate cushion, depending on the
position of the coil cup.
6 Position the shoulder cup cushion in the coil.
7 Place the positioning aids suitable for the current situation.
For example, place the lordosis cushion to bridge the Spine 18 and
the base plate.

Positioning the patient

1 Position the patient in the supine position with the head to the
2 Align the shoulder coil cup on the guide rail so that it adapts to the
shape of the patient's shoulder.
3 Ensure the most isocentric position for the shoulder to be
examined to obtain optimal image quality.

 Make sure that the distance between the coil cable and the
patient's head is sufficient.

Performing the measurement 1 Align the laser light localizer with the center marking of the coil.
2 Start the measurement.

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4.8.3 Quality measurement

✓ The Spine 18 is positioned on the patient table.

(1) Position of the phantom holder: Shoulder Small 6

(2) Position of the phantom holder: Shoulder Large 6
1 Position the phantom holder 25 on the patient table.
2 Position the 5300 ml plastic bottle on the phantom holder so that
the bulge of the bottle is facing the magnet tunnel.

3 Position the coil on the plastic bottle, so that the bulge of the
plastic bottle fits into the coil cup.
4 Connect the coil plug to sockets 1 or 2.
5 Align the laser light localizer with the center marking of the coil.
6 Start the quality measurement. ( Page 33 Performing quality
assurance (software))

4.9 Wrist 8

4.9.1 Description
The Wrist 8 is used to examine wrists, hands, and fingers. The coil is
used with the patient in the Head First (prone position).
Accessories ( Page 77 Coil accessories)

Configuration The coil consists of the following components:

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(1) Release to unlock the upper part

(2) Coil plug
(3) Center marking

The following pads are used for the coil:

(1) Wrist pad

(2) Palm and Upper pad

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4.9.2 Use
In the following section, the examination of the right hand is
described. The examination procedure of the left hand is analog to
the following description - unless the coil is positioned on the
opposite side of the patient table.

Positioning the coil ✓ The Spine 18 is positioned on the patient table.

1 Place the Wrist 8 on the patient table.

2 Center the coil as much as possible for optimal image.
3 Connect the coil plug to coil socket 1 or 2.
4 Position the wrist pad, palm pad and upper pad as required in the
coil. ( Page 57 Description)

Positioning the patient 1 Use suitable positioning aids.

2 Position the patient in the prone position with the head toward the
3 Open the upper part of the coil with the unlocking mechanism.
4 Position the patient's hand in the coil and ensure that the pads are
positioned correctly.
5 If necessary, use the sandbags to stabilize the coil.

 In the horizontal coil position, you can also turn the coil at an
angle to adjust it to the patient's position.

6 Close the upper part of the coil. It has to audibly lock into place.
7 Stabilize the fingers with the suitable wedge cushions.

 The coil will function correctly only if the upper part is fully

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Performing the measurement 1 Align the laser light localizer with the center marking of the coil.
2 Correct the position of the coil if it is not possible to align the laser
light localizer with the center marking.
3 Start the measurement.

4.9.3 Quality measurement

✓ The Spine 18 is positioned on the patient table.

1 Place the Wrist 8 in the center on the patient table.

2 Connect the coil plug to coil sockets 1 or 2.
3 Open the upper part of the coil with the unlocking mechanism.
4 Position the Wrist 8 phantom so that it is held immobile.
5 Close the upper part of the coil.
6 Align the laser light localizer with the center marking of the coil.
7 Start the quality measurement. ( Page 33 Performing quality
assurance (software))

4.10 Extremity 12

4.10.1 Description
The Extremity 12 is used for examinations of the left and right knee.
The coil is used in the Feet First orientation.
Accessories ( Page 77 Coil accessories)

Configuration The coil consists of the following components:

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(1) Release button with center marking

(2) Upper part of the coil
(3) Lower part of the coil
(4) Base plate with guide rails

4.10.2 Use
To center the coil for optimal image quality, it is shifted to the side on
the guide rail.

Positioning the coil ✓ The Spine 18 or the table pads are positioned on the patient table.

1 Position the Extremity 12 at the height of the patient's knee on the

patient table. Note that the patient will be in the Feet First
2 Ensure that the detents of the base plate lock into the recesses on
the patient table.

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3 Push the release button on the top of the upper coil part and
remove the upper part by lifting it upward.
4 Slide the coil on the guide rail to the side into the desired position.

Positioning the patient

1 Position the patient in the supine position with the feet toward the
magnet bore.
2 For optimal image quality, position the coil as closely as possible to
the center of the table.
3 Use suitable positioning aids to stabilize the knee and the foot.
4 Move the Ramp Pad under the other leg next to the lower part of
the Extremity 12.
5 Position the upper part of the coil on the lower part so that it locks
into place.
6 Ensure that the patient does not feel discomfort or pressure.
7 Connect the coil plug to coil socket 1 or 2.

Performing the measurement 1 Align the laser light localizer with the center marking of the coil.
2 Correct the position of the coil by shifting it to the side if it is not
possible to align the light localizer with the center marking.
3 Start the measurement.

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4.10.3 Quality measurement

✓ The Spine 18 or the table pads are positioned on the patient table.
1 Position the lower part of the Extremity 12 on the patient table.
2 Position the phantom holder 28 in the lower part of the coil and
position the plastic bottle 1900 ml on the phantom holder so that
the bottom of the bottle is facing the magnet bore.

3 Position the upper part of the coil on the lower part.

4 Connect the coil plug to coil socket 1 or 2.
5 Align the laser light localizer with the center marking of the coil.
6 Start the quality measurement ( Page 33 Performing quality
assurance (software)).

4.11 Foot/Ankle 10

4.11.1 Description
The Foot/Ankle 10 is used to examine feet and ankles.
Accessories ( Page 77 Coil accessories)

Configuration The coil consists of the following components.

(1) Handgrip
(2) Upper part
(3) Center marking
(4) Tilt support mechanism
(5) Base plate

4.11.2 Use
A sample examination of the right foot/ankle is described.

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Positioning the coil ✓ The Spine 18 or the table pads are positioned on the patient table.

◆ Slide the coil with the base plate into the lateral recesses at the
head end of the patient table.

Positioning the patient ✓ The back-of-the-head support is positioned on the patient table.
1 If necessary, remove the upper part from the base plate.
2 Place the heel cushion in the lower part of the coil.
3 Position the foot to be examined on the heel cushion.

4 Relieve the leg to be examined with the knee pad. Position the foot
cushion under the other foot.

5 Place the upper part of the coil onto the base plate.
6 Connect the coil plug to coil socket 1 or 2 on the patient table.

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7 If necessary, tilt the coil slightly in the direction of the magnet

(with the tilt support mechanism) to position the patient more

Performing the measurement 1 Align the laser light localizer with the center marking of the coil.
2 Start the measurement.

4.11.3 Quality measurement

✓ The Spine 18 or the table pads are positioned on the patient table.
✓ Lower part of the Foot/Ankle 10 is positioned on the patient table.
1 Position the Foot/Ankle phantom correctly in the lower part of the

2 Place the upper part of the coil onto the base plate.
3 Connect the coil plug to coil socket 2 or 1 on the patient table.
4 Align the laser light localizer with the center marking of the coil.
5 Start the quality measurement ( Page 33 Performing quality
assurance (software)).

4.12 Flex Coil Interface

4.12.1 Description
The Flex Coil Interface is required for connecting the Flex coils.

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(1) Coil socket

(2) Plug for coil socket on the patient table

The Flex Coil Interface can be connected to coil sockets 1 or 2 on the

patient table.

4.12.2 Connection
1 Connect the coil connector of the Flex Coil Interface to a suitable
coil socket on the patient table.
2 Ensure that the cable of the Flex Coil Interface does not hang over
the sides of the patient table.
3 Connect the coil plug of the coil used to the coil socket of the Flex
Coil Interface.
4 Secure the cable of the Flex Coil Interface with the cable holders.

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4.13 Flex Small/Large 4

4.13.1 Description
The Flex coil is available in sizes small and large. Depending on the
area to be examined, the coil is positioned on the patient and is used
to image the area of the body it covers.
For example, the following regions of the body can be examined:
◾ Hand
◾ Elbow and shoulder
◾ Hip and knee
Accessories ( Page 77 Coil accessories)

Configuration The coil consists of the following components:

(1) Center markings

(2) Electronics boxes
(3) Coil plug

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4.13.2 Use
In what follows, two examination examples are described:
◾ Shoulder and hip in supine position (Flex Large 4)
◾ Hand and elbow in prone and supine positions (Flex Small 4)

General information 1 Use the Flex Coil Interface as described.

2 Position the coil with the flat side against the region of interest.

 Examinations of the shoulder and hip may show strong artifacts

caused by layers of fat.

3 To avoid artifacts, increase the distance between the coil and the
area to be examined by using the iPAT cushion.

 Ensure that the coil cable does not hang over the sides of the
patient table.

Examining the shoulder and


✓ The Spine 18 is positioned on the patient table.

✓ The Flex Coil Interface is connected.
✓ The coil is connected at the Flex Coil Interface.
1 Attach the strap to the side of the patient table opposite the
shoulder to be examined.
2 Position the coil.
3 Ensure that the region to be examined is contained within the side
flaps of the coil.
4 Secure the coil with the strap.

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Examining the elbow and hand

✓ The Spine 18 is positioned on the patient table.

✓ The Flex Coil Interface is connected.
✓ The coil is connected at the Flex Coil Interface.
1 Position the patient in the prone or supine position with the head
to the magnet.
2 Position the region of interest as centered as possible.
3 Attach the strap to the bottom side of the coil.
4 For examinations of the hand, position the hand wedge and the
hand of the patient on the coil.
5 Wrap the coil around the patient’s hand or elbow.
6 Secure the coil with the strap.

 For examinations in supine position, it may be necessary to use a

strap and/or a sandbag to stabilize the arm.

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Performing the measurement 1 Align the laser light localizer with the center marking of the coil.
2 Start the measurement.

4.13.3 Quality measurement

✓ The Flex Coil Interface is connected.
✓ The coil is connected to the Flex Coil Interface.
1 Position phantom holder 26 on the Spine 18.
2 Position the Flex coil to be measured with the iPat cushion on the
phantom holder.
3 Attach the coil around the 1900 ml plastic bottle using belts.

Quality measurement Flex Small

Quality measurement Flex Large

4 Align the laser light localizer with the center marking of the coil.
5 Start the quality measurement. ( Page 33 Performing quality
assurance (software))

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4.14 Special Purpose 4

4.14.1 Description
The Special Purpose 4 can be used to examine small body regions
near the skin surface.
(1) Coil cable
(2) Coil plug

Standard accessories ( Page 77 Coil accessories)

4.14.2 Use
✓ The Spine 18 is positioned on the patient table.
✓ The Flex Coil Interface is connected.
1 Connect the Special Purpose 4 to the Flex Coil Interface.
2 Position the coil on the region of interest.
3 Align the laser light localizer with the center marking of the coil.
4 Start the measurement.

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4.14.3 Quality measurement

✓ The Spine 18 is positioned on the patient table.
✓ The Flex Coil Interface is connected to the socket 1 or 2.
✓ The Special Purpose 4 is connected to the interface.
1 Position the phantom holder 26 on the patient table.
2 Position the 5300 ml plastic bottle on the phantom holder so that
the bulge of the bottle is facing the magnet bore.
3 Position the Special Purpose 4 on the plastic bottle.
4 Secure the coil using the straps.
5 Align the laser light localizer with the center marking of the coil.
6 Start the quality measurement. ( Page 33 Performing quality
assurance (software))

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Cleaning 5

5 Cleaning
All instructions in the operator manual regarding cleaning, and when
applicable regarding disinfecting and sterilization must be always
This manual only contains cleaning information regarding coils and
their accessories. For cleaning information regarding the other
system components, please refer to: Operator Manual MR system

5.1 Cleaning RF coils and positioning aids

1 Clean the RF coils and positioning aids using commercially
available cleaning and disinfection solutions. Follow
manufacturer's instructions.
2 Do not use hard or sharp objects (e.g. knives or tweezers) to
remove residue.

 Do not pour cleaning fluid on surface areas - always use a damp

cloth to clean them.

MAGNETOM Sempra 73
Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
5 Cleaning

74 Coils | Operator Manual

Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
Accessories 6

6 Accessories

6.1 Standard accessories

The following standard accessories for patient positioning are
included in the delivery volume of the MR system.

6.1.1 Cushions and positioning aids

Table pad 1 Table pad 2 Table pad 3

Table pad 4 Head-heel insert 4 belt straps

2 different-sized sandbags, Lookout mirror holder

1 paper roll holder

MAGNETOM Sempra 75
Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
6 Accessories

6.1.2 Set of positioning aids

1 knee wedge 1 positioning roll 1 back-of-the-head support

2 large triangles 2 small triangles 1 wedge

1 lordosis cushion RF homogeneity cushion (for 3T 2 flat wedges


76 Coils | Operator Manual

Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
Accessories 6

2 knee cushions 2 different-sized multipurpose Gap cushion set small

cushions, 3 pieces each

Gap cushion set large

6.2 Coil accessories

Specific positioning aids are available for the following coils and are
included in the delivery volume of the coils.

6.2.1 Head/Neck 10, Head/Neck 16

Relax cushion Head/Neck cushion Head stabilization wedges

MAGNETOM Sempra 77
Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
6 Accessories

Clamp cushions Mirror carrier with mirror Head/

Neck 16

6.2.2 Spine 18

Cushion support

6.2.3 Body 6

2 straps 2 straps

78 Coils | Operator Manual

Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
Accessories 6

4 belts
iPAT cushion

6.2.4 Breast 4

2 large compression attach- 2 small compression attach- Positioning aids

ments ments

Soft pad Arm rest pad Wedge cushion (abdominal sup-


MAGNETOM Sempra 79
Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
6 Accessories

Head support Head support cushion Table pad

6.2.5 Shoulder Small/Large 6

Base plate pad Shoulder cup cushion

6.2.6 Wrist 8

Wrist pad Palm pad

80 Coils | Operator Manual

Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
Accessories 6

Upper pad
Air cushion

6.2.7 Extremity 12

Coil Pad, 0.25 Coil Pad, 0.50 Air cushion

Ankle Pad Ramp Pad

MAGNETOM Sempra 81
Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
6 Accessories

6.2.8 Foot/Ankle 10

Knee cushion Heel cushion

Foot cushion

6.2.9 Flex Small/Large 4

Hand wedge 2 soft straps 4 belts

iPat cushion, large iPat cushion, small 3 cable holders

82 Coils | Operator Manual

Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
Accessories 6

6.3 Accessories for quality assurance

6.3.1 Measurement phantoms

Plastic bottle, 15ml

◾ Solutes per 1000 g H2O dist.:
3g MnCl2 * 4 H2O + 5g NaCl

Plastic bottle, 1900ml

◾ Solutes per 1000 g H2O dist.:
3.75g NiSO4* 6 H2O + 5g NaCl

Plastic bottle, 5300ml

◾ Solutes per 1000 g H2O dist.:
3.75g NiSO4* 6 H2O + 5g NaCl

Spherical phantom D165

◾ Diameter: 165 mm
◾ Contents: 2570 ml
◾ Solutes per 1000 g H2O dist.:
1.25g NiSO4 * 6 H2O

MAGNETOM Sempra 83
Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
6 Accessories

Spherical phantom D240

◾ Diameter: 240 mm
◾ Contents: 7300 ml
◾ Solutes: MARCOL-Oil + 0.011g MACROLEX blue

Wrist 8 phantom
◾ Contents: 655 ml
◾ Solutes per 1000 g H2O dist.:
1.25g NiSO4* 6 H2O + 5 g NaCl

Foot/Ankle phantom
◾ Solutes per 1000 g H2O dist.:
1.25g NiSO4* 6 H2O + 2.6g NaCl

6.3.2 Phantom holder

Phantom holder 38 Phantom holder 39 Phantom holder 25

84 Coils | Operator Manual

Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
Accessories 6

Phantom holder 26 Phantom holder 27 Phantom holder 28

Phantom holder 29 Phantom holder 40

MAGNETOM Sempra 85
Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
6 Accessories

86 Coils | Operator Manual

Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
Appendix: Information about legal manufacturer 7

7 Appendix: Information
about legal manufacturer
The addresses and, if applicable, the CE sign on the back page of this
manual are valid for Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd. as
the legal manufacturer.

Please note that this manual may also contain information about

 components that are NOT legally manufactured by Siemens.

These components are either only distributed by Siemens, or only
mentioned for additional information.

All components which are medical devices on their own right,

distributed by Siemens and mentioned in this manual are listed in the
following table. Here you will find information about the
corresponding legal manufacturer and, if applicable, the authorized
Please observe the product information provided by the listed

Product and CE Legal manufacturer

Breast 4 Siemens Healthcare GmbH

Wittelsbacherplatz 2
80333 Muenchen, Germany

Positioning aids Polyform GmbH & Co. KG

Braasstraße 15
DE-31737 Rinteln, Germany

MAGNETOM Sempra 87
Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
7 Appendix: Information about legal manufacturer

88 Coils | Operator Manual

Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02

A Cleaning 73 Flex Small/Large 4

Coil cart 25 Accessories 82
Overview 21 Description 67
Coil accessories 77
Quality measurement 33 Examination 68
Phantom holder 84
Storing 25 Use and function 67
Positioning aids 76
Standard accessories 75 Coils| Foot/Ankle 10
Correct handling 23 Accessories 82
Description 63
Disposal of 19
D Performing the measurement 65
First aid 18
Quality measurement 65
Measurement phantoms 17 Description
Use 63
Phantom fluid 19 Body coil 37
Phantom fluid spills 18
Phantoms 18 H
Head/ Neck 10
B Quality measurement 43
Body 6 48
Back-of-the-head support Breast 4 53 Head/ Neck 16
Patient positioning 31 Flex Small/Large 4 68 Quality measurement 40
Body 6 Foot/Ankle 10 63 Head/Neck 10
Accessories 78 Head/Neck 10 42 Accessories 77
Description 47 Head/Neck 16 39 Description 41
Quality measurement 50 Shoulder Small/Large 6 55 Use 42
Use 48 Special Purpose 4 71 Head/Neck 16
Spine 18 45 Accessories 77
Body coil 37
Wrist 8 59 Description 38
Quality measurement 37
Extremity 12 Use 39
Breast 4
Accessories 81
Accessories 79
Description 60 I
Description 51
Performing the measurement 62
Performing the measurement 54 Interfaces
Quality measurement 63
Positioning the patient 53 Tim Coil Interface 24
Use 61
Quality measurement 54
Use 53
Extremity 12 61
Use and function 51 F
C Requirement of information 19
Measurement phantoms
Cart First aid
Accidents 17
Coil cart 25 Contact with phantom fluid 18
Cleaning Flex Coil Interface
Positioning aids 73 Connection 66
RF Coils 73 Description 65 Patient positioning
Accessories 75
Coil cart 25 Flex Large 4
Coil accessories 77
Examination hip 68
Coil sockets Performing 26
Examination shoulder 68
Overview 21
Phantom fluid
Flex Small 4
Coils Disposal 19
Examination elbow 69
Accessories 77 First aid 18
Examination hand 69
Attachment 22 Phantom fluid spills 18

MAGNETOM Sempra 89
Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
Phantom holder Description 71
Overview 84 Examination 71
Positioning aids Use and function 71
Overview 77 Spine 18
Preparing the examination Accessories 78
Positioning the patient 26 Description 44
Quality measurement 47
Use 45
Quality assurance
Positioning aids; coils 77
Accessories 83
Positioning aids; Standard 75
Quality Assurance
Coils 32
Quality measurement
Tim Coil Interface
Basic principles 33
Connection 24
Body 6 50
Description 24
Body coil 37
Breast 4 54
Extremity 12 63 W
Flex Small/Large 4 70 Wrist 8
Foot/Ankle 10 65 Accessories 80
Head/ Neck 10 43 Coil positioning 59
Head/ Neck 16 40 Description 57
Performing with software 33 Performing the measurement 60
Shoulder Small/Large 6 57 Positioning the patient 59
Special Purpose 4 72 Quality measurement 60
Spine 18 47 Use 59
Wrist 8 60

RF coils
Basic principles 21
Coil sockets 21

Safety information
General 15
Patient positioning 31
Shoulder Small/ Large 6
Accessories 80
Shoulder Small/Large 6
Description 55
Quality measurement 57
Use 55
Special Purpose 4

90 Coils | Operator Manual

Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02
The CE marking applies only to Medical Devices which have
been put on the market according to the above-mentioned
EC Directives.
01 9 7
Unauthorized changes to this product are not covered by
Manufacturer’s note: the CE mark and the related Declaration of Conformity.
This device bears a CE mark in accordance with the
provisions of Council Directive 93/42/EEC of June 14, 1993
concerning medical devices and the Council Directive
2011/65/EU of June 08, 2011 on the restriction of the use
of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic

EU Authorized Representative
Siemens Healthcare GmbH
Henkestr. 127
91052 Erlangen

Legal Manufacturer Siemens Healthineers

Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Headquarters
Resonance Ltd. Siemens Healthcare GmbH
Siemens MRI Center Henkestr. 127
Gaoxin C. Ave., 2nd 91052 Erlangen
Hi-Tech Industrial Park Germany
518057 Shenzhen Phone: +49 9131 84-0

Print No. M4-08006G.623.01.02.02 | © Siemens Healthcare GmbH, 2017

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