DNA Replication and Mutation WS

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Worksheet 8

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Replication & Mutations
Answer the following questions. 5. a) If mutation occurs in a body cell,
and the cell dies, is this a problem for
1. What is "DNA replication" and when the organism? May not be a problem, but can
cause abnormal growth and potentially lead to cancer
does it occur?
DNA replication is when a cell makes a copy of its DNA b) If the mutated cell does not die, what
before it divides. This creates two identical DNA might happen? It can cause cancer or other
molecules that are needed for cell division.
abnormal growth. Mutations can also cause genetic
disorders or diseases that affect health

2. Why is it important that DNA c) When can a mutation affect every cell
replication is done accurately? in an organism? A mutation can affect all cells
Accurate DNA replication is essential because mistakes in an organism if it occurs in a precursor cell or early
can lead to harmful effects and genetic disorders, and it in embryonic development.
ensures the proper functioning of cells and the
preservation of genetic information for future generations.
6. In general terms:
a) is mutation usually good or bad for an
3. What is a "mutation"? individual? Mutations can be helpful or harmful,
depending on the specific mutation. while others can
A mutation is a change in the DNA sequence that cause genetic disorders or diseases.
can occur spontaneously or be caused by external b) is mutation good or bad for the
4. What things can cause mutations? survival of a species? The impact of
Some mutations are also inherited from parents. The mutations depends on various factors, such as the
type and frequency of mutations can depend on an type and frequency of mutations, the environment, and
individual's genetics and environmental factors. genetic factors.
Years 9-10 Topic 17 Cell Division & DNA
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