Unit Iv

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Unit - 4 Web Services

Why web service?

● Web Services make the communication between incompatible

applications possible.
● The functionality that one application is trying to consume from the other
is exposed as a Web Service.
Ex: Real time scenarios

1. A lot of companies like Amazon leverage different payment gateway options

to pay for the purchases.
a. It is not guaranteed that all the vendor-specific applications and the
payment gateway applications are compatible with Amazon in terms of
technology and platform where they get executed.
b. Even then, the communication between these applications and Amazon
happens successfully due to use of web services.

2. Travelling is made easier and comfortable through different forms of

a. In order to make our stay comfortable and pleasant, we need to search for a
good hotel that fits in our budget. We all know that different online hotel
booking applications are there to make this search possible in a single click.
b. Trivago, a familiar online hotel booking site/application will give us the details
of the hotels that are available in a particular locality based on our preference.
As well, it will allow us to book rooms in a hotel for our stay.
c. It is not possible for trivago, an outsider, to get access to the hotel databases
because of security reasons. The hotels will also not push their room details to
Trivago periodically, simply because when the updates happen periodically, there
are situations where the end-customer gets misguided as Trivago and the partner
hotels’ databases are not in sync.
d. The correct mechanism behind this is, Trivago gives calls to the associated hotels'
application services when the end customer requests. But Trivago may not be
compatible with all the associated applications. The communication still happens
due to web services.

3. Quora gives us many sign-in options like Google and Facebook apart from its
standard authentication.
a. If we have signed in to our Facebook already, it is not required for us to sign in to
Quora individually. Rather, we can make use of an option called, “Continue with
b. Here, it is implicitly understood that Quora avails the login service of Facebook.
And, we see a lot of applications work this way in our day-to-day life like LinkedIn
or InfySpringboard.
c. But it doesn't mean that Google and Facebook are compatible with Quora, the
communication happens with the use of Web Services.
SOA - Service Oriented Architecture

● SOA is a software model designed for achieving communication among

distributed application components, irrespective of the differences in terms
of technology, platform, etc.,
● The application component that requests for a service is the
consumer/client and the one that renders the service is the

● SOA is an architecture that can help to build an enterprise application by

availing the services/functionalities from different third-party entities
without reinventing the existing functionalities.

SOA principles:

These principles are the driving factors behind SOA, ensuring a high level of abstraction,
reliability, scalability, reusability, and maintainability.
Implementing SOA:
CORBA: Common Object Request Broker Architecture is a standard that
achieves interoperability among the distributed objects. Using CORBA, it
is much possible to make the distributed application components
communicate with each other irrespective of the location (the place where
the components are available), language and platform.

Jini: Jini or Apache River is a way of designing distributed applications

with the help of services that interact and cooperate.

Web Services: Web services are a way of making applications interact

with each other on the web. Web services leverage the existing protocols
and technologies but use certain standards. Web Service is the most
popular solution as it eliminates the issues related to interoperability with
pre-defined standards and processes in place.

COBRA and Jini/Apache River : Tight coupling as objects are used

Web services : Loose coupling

What are Web services?

W3C defines Web Services as follows: "A web service is a software

system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction
over a network".
● Web services are client-server applications that communicate
over HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
● Web services are a standard means of achieving interoperability
between software applications running on diverse platforms and
● Web Services are highly extensible. Services can be loosely coupled
to solve complex operations.
● Web Service is a way of realizing Service Oriented Architecture
(SOA). SOA is a style of software design where services are
provided by the application components through a communication
protocol.for example, retrieving a banking card statement online
Difference between WebApplication and WebService:

Benefits of Web Services:

● Integrates with other systems easily irrespective of the

difference in technology or platform - Interoperability
● Creates reusable components - Reusability
● Saves cost, effort and time - Ease of

Types of Web Services

There are two types of web services:

o RESTful Web Servies

o SOAP Web Services

RESTful Web Services

REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. It is developed by Roy Thomas

Fielding who also developed HTTP. The main goal of RESTful web services is to make web
services more effective. RESTful web services try to define services using the different
concepts that are already present in HTTP. REST is an architectural approach, not a
It does not define the standard message exchange format. We can build REST services with
both XML and JSON. JSON is more popular format with REST. The key abstraction is a
resource in REST. A resource can be anything. It can be accessed through a Uniform
Resource Identifier (URI). For example:

The resource has representations like XML, HTML, and JSON. The current state is captured
by representational resource. When we request a resource, we provide the representation of
the resource. The important methods of HTTP are:

o GET: It reads a resource.

o PUT: It updates an existing resource.
o POST: It creates a new resource.
o DELETE: It deletes the resource.

For example, if we want to perform the following actions in the social media application,
we get the corresponding results.

POST /users: It creates a user.

GET /users/{id}: It retrieve the detail of one user.

GET /users: It retrieve the detail of all users.

DELETE /users: It delete all users.

DELETE /users/{id}: It delete a user.

GET /users/{id}/posts/post_id: It retrieve the detail of a specific post.

POST / users/{id}/ posts: It creates a post for a user.

GET /users/{id}/post: Retrieve all posts for a user

HTTP also defines the following standard status code:


o 200: SUCCESS
o 201: CREATED
RESTful Service Constraints
o There must be a service producer and service consumer.
o The service is stateless.
o The service result must be cacheable.
o The interface is uniform and exposing resources.
o The service should assume a layered architecture.
Advantages of RESTful web services
o RESTful web services are platform-independent.
o It can be written in any programming language and can be executed on any platform.
o It provides different data format like JSON, text, HTML, and XML.
o It is fast in comparison to SOAP because there is no strict specification like SOAP.
o These are reusable.
o These are language neutral.

SOAP Web Services

REST defines an architectural approach whereas SOAP poses a restriction on the format of
the XML. XML transfer data between the service provider and service consumer.
Remember that SOAP and REST are not comparable.

SOAP: SOAP acronym for Simple Object Access Protocol. It defines the standard XML
format. It also defines the way of building web services. We use Web Service Definition
Language (WSDL) to define the format of request XML and the response XML.

For example, we have requested to access the Todo application from the Facebook
application. The Facebook application sends an XML request to the Todo application.
Todo application processes the request and generates the XML response and sends back to
the Facebook application.
If we are using SOAP web services, we have to use the structure of SOAP.

In the above figure, the SOAP-Envelope contains a SOAP-Header and SOAP-Body. It

contains meta-information needed to identify the request, for example, authentication,
authorization, signature, etc. SOAP-Header is optional. The SOAP-Body contains the real
XML content of request or response. In case of an error, the response server responds back
with SOAP-Fault.

Let's understand the SOAP XML request and response structure.

XML Request

1. <Envelop xmlns=?http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelop/?>
2. <Body>
3. <getCourseDetailRequest xmlns=?http://udemy.com/course?>
4. <id>course1</id>
5. <getCourseDetailRequest>
6. </Body>
7. </Envelop>

XML Response

1. <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-
2. <SOAP-ENV:Header /> <!?empty header-->
3. <SOAP-ENV:Body> <!?body begin-->
4. <ns2:getCourseDetailsResponse xmlns:ns2=?http://in28mi> <!-- content of the response-
5. <ns2:course>
6. <ns2:id>Course1</ns2:id>
7. <ns2:name>Spring<ns2:name>
8. <ns2:description>10 Steps</ns1:description>
9. </ns2:course>
10. </ns2:getCourseDetailResponse>
11. </SOAP-ENV:Body> <!?body end-->
12. </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

Points to remember

o SOAP defines the format of request and response.

o SOAP does not pose any restriction on transport. We can either use HTTP or MQ
for communication.
o In SOAP, service definition typically done using Web Service Definition
Language (WSDL). WSDL defines Endpoint, All Operations, Request
Structure, and Response Structure.

SOAP Web Services

 SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol.

 It is a XML-based protocol for accessing web services over HTTP.
 SOAP is a W3C (the World Wide Web consortium) recommendation for
communication between two applications.
 The WC3 is committed to improving the web by setting and promoting
web-based standards. The W3C's goal is to create technical standards and
guidelines for web technologies worldwide.
 It is platform independent and language independent. By using SOAP,
you will be able to interact with other programming language
 SOAP is a communication protocol designed to communicate via
 SOAP can extend HTTP for XML messaging.
 SOAP provides data transport for Web services.
 SOAP can exchange complete documents or call a remote procedure.
 SOAP can be used for broadcasting a message.
 SOAP is the XML way of defining what information is sent and how.
 SOAP enables client applications to easily connect to remote services and
invoke remote methods.
SOAP Web service working

The flow diagram shows how a SOAP client sends a message to a SOAP
processor, which then invokes the appropriate web service and returns the
response to the SOAP client.


1. The SOAP client creates a SOAP message containing the request and
sends it to the SOAP processor.
2. The SOAP processor receives the SOAP message and parses it to
determine the requested web service and its parameters.
3. The SOAP processor invokes the requested web service and passes it the
parameters specified in the SOAP message.
4. The web service performs the requested operation and returns a response
to the SOAP processor.
5. The SOAP processor parses the response from the web service and
creates a SOAP message containing the response.
6. The SOAP processor sends the SOAP message containing the response
back to the SOAP client.
7. The SOAP client receives the SOAP message containing the response and
parses it to extract the results.

UDDI Registry- (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration):

The UDDI Registry is a directory of web services. It can be used by SOAP

clients to find the WSDL for a web service. The WSDL describes the web
service's operations and the parameters that each operation accepts and returns.
WSDL-(Web Services Description Language):

The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is a XML-based language

that is used to describe web services. It describes the web service's operations,
the parameters that each operation accepts and returns, and the data types of the

SOAP Processor:

A SOAP processor is a software component that mediates between SOAP

clients and web services. It receives SOAP messages from SOAP clients,
invokes the appropriate web services, and returns the responses to the SOAP

Web Service:

A web service is a software application that is exposed over the web. It can be
invoked by SOAP clients to perform various operations.

SOAP Message:

A SOAP message is an XML-based message that is used to exchange data

between SOAP clients and web services. It contains the request or response for
a web service operation.

XML Schema:

XML Schema is a language that is used to define the structure and data types of
XML documents. It is often used to define the structure of SOAP messages.

RESTful Web Services

 REST-REpresentational State Transfer is an architectural style for

developing web services which uses HTTP for communication.
 The term, REST was coined by Roy Fielding in his doctoral dissertation
in 2000.
 It revolves around resource where every component is a resource and a
resource is accessed by a common interface using HTTP standard
 In REST architecture, a REST Server simply provides access to
resources and REST client accesses and modifies the resources.
 Here each resource is identified by URIs/ global IDs.
 REST uses various representations to represent a resource like text,
JSON, XML. JSON is the most popular one.

HTTP methods:

 GET − Provides a read only access to a resource.

 POST − Used to create a new resource.
 DELETE − Used to remove a resource.
 PUT − Used to update an existing resource or create a new resource.

 RESTful Web Services make use of HTTP protocols as a medium of

communication between client and server.
 A client sends a message in form of a HTTP Request and the server
responds in the form of an HTTP Response.
 This technique is termed as Messaging

In REST, everything is a Resource (data/functionality/web page) that is

uniquely identified by URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).


Resource URI
Data of an employee http://www.infy.com/employees/john
Web Page http://www.infy.com/about/infosys.html
Functionality that validates a credit

Constructing a Standard URI

The following are important points to be considered while designing a URI −

 Use Plural Noun − Use plural noun to define resources. For example,
we've used users to identify users as a resource.
 Avoid using spaces − Use underscore (_) or hyphen (-) when using a
long resource name. For example, use authorized_users instead of
 Use lowercase letters − Although URI is case-insensitive, it is a good
practice to keep the url in lower case letters only.
 Maintain Backward Compatibility − As Web Service is a public
service; a URI once made public should always be available. In case, URI
gets updated, redirect the older URI to a new URI using the HTTP
Status code, 300.
 Use HTTP Verb − Always use HTTP Verb like GET, PUT and
DELETE to do the operations on the resource.

Good Resources Representation

 REST does not impose any restriction on the format of a resource

 A client can ask for JSON representation whereas another client may ask
for XML representation of the same resource to the server and so on.
 It is the responsibility of the REST server to pass the client the resource
in the format that the client understands.

Following are some important points to be considered while designing a

representation format of a resource in RESTful Web Services.

 Understandability − Both the Server and the Client should be able to

understand and utilize the representation format of the resource.
 Completeness − Format should be able to represent a resource
completely. For example, a resource can contain another resource. Format
should be able to represent simple as well as complex structures of
 Linkablity − A resource can have a linkage to another resource; a format
should be able to handle such situations.

However, at present most of the web services are representing resources using
either XML or JSON format. There are plenty of libraries and tools available to
understand, parse, and modify XML and JSON data.

The resources of REST can be represented in many ways that include

JSON, XML, HTML, etc.,

For example, if the URI, http://www.infy.com/employees/john, is hit using

HTTP GET method, the server may respond back with John's details in JSON

1. {
2. "name": "John",
3. "Level": 5,
4. "address":"Hyderbad",
5. "phoneno":998765432
6. }

There are possibilities to expose John's details in XML format as well.

1. <employee>
2. <name>John</name>
3. <address>hyderabad</address>
4. <level>5</level>
5. <phoneno>998765432</phoneno>
6. </employee>

This means the server can represent the resource in many ways.

So now what does State Transfer mean?

When we make a request to a resource like http://www.infy.com/employees/john

using HTTP, we may be asking for the current "state" of this resource or its
desired "state".

We can use the same URI to indicate that, we want to:

 Retrieve the current value of an Employee John (current state)

 Perform Update operation on employee John's data (desired state) etc.

The server will understand which operation has to be invoked based on the
HTTP method that was used to make a call.

In short it means that a client and server exchange, representation of a resource,

which reflects its current state(GET) or its desired state(PUT).

Why RESTful Web Services?

Sample SOAP Request to GreetingService:

1. Sample SOAP Request for GreetingService:

2. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3. <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
4. <SOAP-ENV:Header/>
5. <S:Body>
6. <ns2:hello xmlns:ns2="http://infy.com/">
7. <name>Rekha</name>
8. </ns2:hello>
9. </S:Body>

This XML will be embedded as "payload" inside the SOAP request envelope
which in turn will be wrapped using HTTP request and then, will be sent using

The SOAP Response would be:

1. Sample SOAP Response for GreetingService:

2. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><S:Envelope
xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:SOAP-
3. <SOAP-ENV:Header/>
4. <S:Body>
5. <ns2:helloResponse xmlns:ns2="http://infy.com/">
6. <return>Hello Rekha,Welcome to the world of Web Services
7. </ns2:helloResponse>
8. </S:Body>
9. </S:Envelope>

If the same functionality is developed as a RESTful Web service, the request

will be something like this,

GET http://<server name>:<portno>/GreetingService/greetings?name=Rekha

It is an HTTP GET request to a web service or endpoint at the URL
`http://<server name>:<portno>/GreetingService/greetings`.

The request includes a query parameter, `name=Rekha`, which is typically used

to pass data to the web service for processing.

- GET: specifies the HTTP method being used, which is "GET" in this case. A
GET request is used to retrieve data from the specified URL.

- <server name>: It is a placeholder for the actual server name or hostname

where the web service is hosted.

- <portno>: It is a placeholder for the port number on which the web service is
- /GreetingService/greetings: This is the path or endpoint of the web service. It
specifies the location of the resource you want to access on the server. In this
case, it seems to be related to a "GreetingService" and "greetings" resource.

- ?name=Rekha: This is the query parameter included in the URL. Query

parameters are used to pass data to the web service. In this case, it's passing a
parameter named "name" with the value "Rekha."

And, the response will be like the one that follows.

{"response":"Hello Rekha, Welcome to the world of Web Services" }

Both SOAP and REST provide support for building applications based on
Service Oriented Architecture.
SOAP-based Web Service RESTful Web Service
SOAP is a protocol (defines the way how REST is an architectural style.
messages have to be sent) which is
transported over a transport layer Protocol,
mostly HTTP.

SOAP messages can be transported using REST leverages HTTP Protocol.

other transport layer protocols (SMTP,
FTP) as well.
Data (XML/JSON) wrapped in a SOAP REST is straight forward in handling
message, comes with an additional requests and responses. Since REST
overhead of XML processing at the client supports multiple data formats other than
and server side as well. XML, there is no overhead of wrapping the
request and response data in XML. Also,
REST uses the existing HTTP protocol for
communication. All these factors together
make REST, lightweight.
SOAP-based reads cannot be cached REST-based reads can be cached.
because SOAP messages are sent using
the HTTP POST method.
A predefined formal contract is required Formal contract is not mandatory. Service
between the consumer and the provider. description can be done if needed, using a
less verbose way with the help of WADL.

The Web Application Description Language (WADL) is a machine-readable

XML description of HTTP-based web services.

When REST?

To better understand REST and SOAP, let us take a simple analogy of mailing
a letter.

 SOAP is like an envelope which is used to send/receive messages

 REST is like a postcard
o Easier to handle (by the receiver)
o Less usage of paper (i.e., consume less bandwidth)
o Has a short content (REST requests are not really limited in length,
especially, if POST is used instead of GET)
So eventually, if we want to develop an application which

 is light-weight
 can be accessed by any other application irrespective of the differences in
terms of language and platform.
 leverages HTTP protocol
 is stateless
 does not require a specific message format to carry the request and
response (like SOAP)
 represents data using various MIME (MultiPurpose Internet Mail Extension) types
which all applications can consume

then, RESTful Web Service is the choice.

REST APIs are stateless, meaning that calls can be made independently of one
another, and each call contains all of the data necessary to complete itself

REST in Real World

The Google Maps API provides web services as an interface for requesting
Maps API data from external services.

PayPal: Uses REST based payment services to accept online and mobile
payments in an easier and secure way.
YouTube: In order to fetch the list of videos available on YouTube, A REST
API service named "search" is provided by YouTube.

One example is the GitHub API. GitHub is a web-based platform for version
control and collaboration that provides an API for developers to interact with its
data programmatically. The GitHub API is well-designed and adheres to
RESTful principles.

REST Principles

RESTful web service or REpresentational State Transfer (REST) adheres to a

set of architectural principles which makes RESTful web services
fast, scalable and modifiable.

Uniform Interface

 In REST, data and functionality are considered as resources. Every

resource has a representation (XML/JSON) and a URI to identify the
 Resources are manipulated using HTTP's GET, POST, PUT and
DELETE methods.

We can use the HTTP Methods for the following operations on the resources.
Method Operation
GET Read Fetches a resource
POST Create Adds an existing resource to a server
Transfers a resource to the server and overwrites
PUT Update
the existing resource
DELETE Delete Discards resources

Example: If Customer is a resource, then Customer details can be added,

deleted, updated or retrieved.

If the blog is another resource, then the operations that we can perform on the
blog will be read, create, update or delete.

Advantage: Single URI can perform multiple operations on the resource.


 The interaction that takes place between the service provider

and consumer is stateless.
 Being stateless, the server will never store the state information of its
clients. Rather, every request from a service consumer should carry all
the necessary information to make the server understand and process the

Advantage: Statelessness ensures that the requests from a consumer should get
treated independently. This helps to scale the APIs (making them available in
multiple servers) to support a large number of clients concurrently. Any server
is free to serve any client since there is no session related dependency. Also,
REST APIs stay less complex as server-side state synchronization logic is
removed. On top, the performance of APIs is improvised because of less space
occupation (no space is required for state-related info).


 Enforces the separation of concerns that helps to establish a distributed

architecture. And, this is the most foundational constraint. Because of
this distributed architecture with separation of concerns, the change in
one component will not affect other components. In simple words, the
components stay loosely coupled making them more manageable.

Advantage: Supports the independent evolution of the client and server side

 Service consumers can cache the response data and reuse the same. For
example, HTTP GET and HEAD operations are cacheable.
 RESTful Web Services use the HTTP protocol as a carrier for the data.
And, they can make use of the metadata that is available in the HTTP
headers to enable caching.
 For example, Cache-Control headers are used to optimize caching to
enhance performance.

Advantage: Enhances performance

Layered System

 REST based solution comprises of multiple architectural layers.

 The Consumer may interact directly with the actual provider or through
the service that is residing in the middleware layer.

Advantage: Information hiding with a layered architecture helps to simplify the

design of distributed architecture. Also, individual layers can be deployed and
evolved independently.


 This is an optional constraint which is primarily intended to allow client-

side logic to be modified without doing changes in the server-side logic.
 For example, a service can be designed in such a way that it dynamically
pushes part of the logic to the consumers.

Advantage: Logic that is present in the client end (such as Web browsers) can
be modified/ maintained independently without affecting the logic at the server

Advantages of REST API:

 REST API is easy to understand and learn, due to its simplicity, known
 With REST API, being able to organize complicated applications &
makes it easy to use resources.
 The high load can be managed with help out of HTTP proxy server &
 Use standard HTTP procedure call- outs to retrieve data and requests.
 Brings flexibility formats by serializing data in XML or JSON format.
Disadvantages or Challenges in REST:
 Lack of state: most web applications require stateful mechanisms.
Suppose you purchase a website which has a mechanism to have a
shopping cart. It is required to know the number of items in the shopping
cart before the actual purchase is made. This burden of maintaining the
state lies on the client, which makes the client application heavy and
difficult to maintain.
 Lack of security: REST doesn’t impose security such as SOAP. That is
the reason REST is appropriate for public URLs, but it is not good for
confidential data passage between client and server.

How to create RESTful Services

RESTful Web services can be developed and consumed in Java using JAX-RS
API or Spring REST.

JAX-RS stands for JAVA API for RESTful Web Services.

JAX-RS is a JAVA based programming language API and specification to

provide support for created RESTful Web Services

JAX-RS 2.0 and above are annotation-driven which eases the development of
Java-based RESTful services.

JAX-RS uses annotations available from Java SE 5 to simplify the development

of JAVA based web services creation and deployment.

By using JAX-RS technology, REST applications are simpler to develop, simpler to consume,
and simpler to scale when compared to other types of distributed systems
It also provides supports for creating clients for RESTful Web Services.

Following are the most commonly used annotations to map a resource as a web
service resource.

Annotation Description

@Path The @Path annotation’s value is a relative URI path

indicating where the Java class will be hosted:
for example, /helloworld. You can also embed variables in the
URIs to make a URI path template. For example, you could
ask for the name of a user and pass it to the application as a
variable in the URI: /helloworld/{username}.

@GET The @GET annotation is a request method designator and

corresponds to the similarly named HTTP method.
The Java method annotated with this request method
designator will process HTTP GET requests.

@POST The @POST annotation is a request method designator and

corresponds to the similarly named HTTP method.
The Java method annotated with this request method
designator will process HTTP POST requests.

@PUT The @PUT annotation is a request method designator and

corresponds to the similarly named HTTP method.
The Java method annotated with this request method
designator will process HTTP PUT requests.

@DELETE The @DELETE annotation is a request method designator

and corresponds to the similarly named HTTP method.
The Java method annotated with this request method
designator will process HTTP DELETE requests.

@HEAD The @HEAD annotation is a request method designator and

Annotation Description

corresponds to the similarly named HTTP method.

used to get status of method availability.
The Java method annotated with this request method
designator will process HTTP HEAD requests.

@PathParam The @PathParam annotation is a type of parameter that you

can extract for use in your resource class.

@QueryParam The @QueryParam annotation is a type of parameter that

you can extract for use in your resource class.
Query parameters are extracted from the request URI query

@Consumes The @Consumes annotation states the HTTP Request type.

@Produces The @Produces annotation states the HTTP Response

generated by web service.

JAX-RS implementations

JAX-RS is simply a specification and we need actual implementations to write

web services. There are many vendors in the market who adhere to the
standards of JAX-RS such as, Jersey and RESTEasy.

Below are some of the JAX-RS implementations.

Spring REST

Spring is an end to end framework which has a lot of modules in a highly

organized way.

One among such modules is, Spring MVC that provides the support for REST
in addition to the standard MVC support.

The developers who use Spring MVC can go for constructing RESTful services
in an effortless way. Also, it is guaranteed that the application stays lightweight
as the build path is not polluted with many external dependencies, just to
support REST.

Spring Web MVC is the source of Spring REST.

Spring provides support for creating RESTful web services using Spring MVC.
Availing this support requires, Spring version 3.0 and above.

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