12th Geography EM - WWW - Tntextbooks.in-1
12th Geography EM - WWW - Tntextbooks.in-1
12th Geography EM - WWW - Tntextbooks.in-1
Cultural and
➢ Understand
5.1 Introduction the existence of
5.2 Cultural Realms of the World cultural diversity
5.3 Races and cultural traits
5.4 Tribal Distribution of the World around the world.
5.5 Political Geography - Concept of ➢ Describe the world
Nation and State distribution of the tribes.
5.5.1 Frontiers and Boundaries ➢ Explain the concept of nation and state.
5.5.2 Geopolitics: Global Strategic views ➢ Distinguish between Boundaries and
5.5.3 21st Century Geopolitics of the Frontiers
Multipolar World Order ➢ Understand political relevance of
Heartland theory and Rimland theory
5.1. Introduction to the present world.
An interesting traditional Chinese custom
says that a husband should carry his bride
Culture is the total way of life that
over a pan of burning coals before crossing the
characterises a group of people. There are
threshold of their home as husband and wife.
According to tradition, the ritual ensures that thousands of cultures existing today and
the wife will have an easy and successful labour. each contributes to global diversity. There are
Fire walking is also performed by some Chinese so many ways that people can be culturally
people as a means to prevent natural disaster’. different. Specifically, a culture consists of
‘In Cypriot culture, do not give white lilies numerous cultural components that vary
as they are used at funerals. It is polite to from one culture group to the other. Some of
finish everything on your plate. If you have the cultural parameters are religion, language,
not finished eating, cross your knife and fork architecture, cuisine, technology, music, dress,
on your plate with the fork over the knife’. gender roles, law, education, government,
It indicates you have finished eating by agriculture, economy, sport, values, and many
laying your knife and fork parallel across the more.
right side of your plate’. Do you know some
interesting custom practiced in our culture?
XII Geography 88
(ii) Continental European culture is influenced Islamic culture is highly orthodox and
by different political and economic thoughts, based on traditional beliefs, the impact of which
while Christianity remains an important can be seen in high female illiteracy rates. These
influence. countries have very high per capita incomes,
but the level of modernisation is very low.
(iii) Mediterranean Europe includes countries
lying to the south of the Alps. It is the region Indie Cultural Realm
of dominance of Christianity. Indie Cultural Realm is the culture of the
(iv) Anglo-American and Indian sub-continent. Baker called it a sub-
continental culture, while D. Stamp used the
(v) Australian cultural realms are practically the term paddy culture. This cultural realm is well-
offspring’s of west European culture. Both defined; it lies between Himalayas in the north,
are inhabited by migrants from west Europe. Indian Ocean in the south and Hindukush
There are only some regional differences. Mountains in the west.
(vi) Latin American culture is very similar to This cultural realm is characterized by joint
the Mediterranean culture. It is the only family, village community, caste system, semi-
region of occidental culture which lies in the feudal land relations, subsistence agriculture,
tropics and is underdeveloped. It became a paddy farming, seasonal climate changes and
agricultural season coming at the same time
all over the region. The culture of this region is
Body Build Linear to lateral slender Tend to be lateral, some Tend to be linear and
to refuge. linearity evident. muscular.
Nose Usually high, narrow to Low to medium form, Low, medium to very
medium broad. medium broad. broad.
Blood Group More A than B. High in B. High is Rh(D).
Eye Colour: light blue to Colour: brown to Colour: brown to
dark brown , lateral eye dark brown , medial brown black, vertical
– fold occasional epicanthic fold very eye – fold common
XII Geography 92
XII Geography 94
4. Mountainous region: Bhotia, gujjar, Naga etc. slender with ling feet, hands and fingers. Their
5. Monsoon regions: Gonds, Santhals, Todas, skin colour ranges from light chocolate to dark
Bhils, etc. brown. They have high and long head, thin face
and nose. Their lips are less thick than that of
6. Arctic cold regions: Eskimo, Lapp, Alute, Negroid people. Masai occupy the interior
Chukchi etc. plateau of the equatorial Africa. The territory
of the Masai lies between 1ºN and 6ºS latitudes
and covers all the rift valleys in this region.
The pigmies are Negroid people and are
also called Negrillos. They are short stature,
flat nosed, wooly haired, long headed and black
people. The average height of men and women
are found 150cm. So they are also called dwarf. In Arabic, Bedouin means desert dwellers.
The pigmies are those who live in scattered The Bedouins are most important among the
parts of tropical Central Africa. They are found tribal of South West-Asia and North Africa.
in many sub-groups in the equatorial forest They are pastoral nomads and keep camel,
region of Africa mainly in Congo basin 3ºN and sheep, goats, horse etc. The Bedouins occupy the
3ºS latitudes along both sides of the equator. In desert areas of the Arabian Peninsula including
addition some groups of Pigmies are also found Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Syria and
in the forests of Philippines and New Guinea. Jordan. The Bedouins belongs to the mixture
of Mediterranean and Armenian races. They
are medium stature people with long narrow
face, prominent nose, dark eyes and hair. Their
complexion is wheatish to pale.
Bushman is the tribal people of Kalahari
Desert in southern Africa who are still engaged
in hunting and gathering economics. They are
on constant run for both food and water. Their
homeland Kalahari Desert lies in Botswana,
Namibia and southern Angola. The bushman
The Masai of east Africa belong to the territory is a wide plateau about 2000 meters
pastoral society and are known as the best and above the sea level with sub tropical climate.
most typical cattle herders not only of Africa The bushman are included in the Negroid
but also of the world. Masai people are tall and stock. They are very short in stature and have
long head, short and flat ears, and yellowish
brown complexion. On the whole the Negroid
characteristics prevail among the Bushman.
Eskimos also called Inuits are tribes of
tundra cold region in Canadian northland,
Alaska, Greenland and north-eastern Siberian
coastal region. The Eskimos are Mongoloid Sledge
race. The main physical
Eskimos are migratory by nature and
characteristics of the
construct ice houses called Igloos. For travelling
Eskimos are short stature,
on ice shield the Eskimos use sledge which is
Flat narrow face, small
usually built either of whale bone or of wood
snub nose, yellow –brown
whichever is available. It is drawn by two or
complexion and coarse
more dogs, caribous or rain deer.
straight black hair. Hunting
and fishing are the main occupations of the
Tribal in India
Eskimos. They live in igloo and practice hunting
way known as Maupak. The Eskimos wear India is the home to large number of
clothes of caribous or reindeers skin and other indigenous people, who are still untouched
furs. by the lifestyle of the modern world. With
more than 84.4 million, India has the largest
population of the tribal people in the world.
These tribal people also known as the adivasis
are the poorest in the country, which are still
dependent on haunting, agriculture and fishing.
Some of the major tribal groups in India include
Gonds, Santhals, Khasis, Angamis, Bhils, Bhutias
and Great Andamanese. All these tribal people
have their own culture, tradition, language and
lifestyle. There are more than 50 tribal groups
in India. Most of the tribal belong basically to
the Negroid , Australoid and Mongoloid racial
XII Geography 96
Munda tribe mainly inhabit in the region Located far into Andaman and Nicobar
of Jharkhand, although they are well spread in Islands, the Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean,
the states of West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Odisha North Sentinel Island is one of the most isolated
and Bihar. Munda generally means headman of places on earth. This remote island is home
the village. Hunting is the main occupation of to the Sentinelese tribe, the most dangerous
the Mundas tribe. tribe in the world. The Sentinelese are hunter-
gatherers, as agriculture is not known to them.
Khasi Their diet consists mainly of coconuts and
Khasi tribe is mainly found in the Khasi fish that can be found in the shallow waters
Jaintia hills in Meghalaya and in the states of around their shores. The Sentinelese would
Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Manipur, West Bengal be described as Stone Age people. The women
and Jammu and Kashmir. They form the large wear fibre strings tied around their waists, necks
part of the population in the state of Meghalaya. and heads. The men also wear necklaces and
headbands, but with a thicker waist belt. The
Angami men carry spears, bows and arrows. Sometimes
Angami tribe belongs to the extreme the Sentinelese appeared to make friendly
north eastern part of the country, in the state of gestures at others they would take the gifts into
Nagaland. The total population of the Angamis the forest and then fire arrows at the contact
is around 12 million. They are quite popular for party. The population of North Sentinel Island
is estimated at 250 individuals. The Sentinelese
their woodcraft and artwork. Sekrenyi is the
do not want help from outsiders.
XII Geography 98
Dialect the state. Many people are familiar with the old
A distinct linguistic form peculiar to a and familiar dialects of Tamil such as Chennai,
region or social group but which nevertheless, Coimbatore, Madurai and Tirunelveli.
can be understood by speakers of other forms
of the same language. The two main types of 5.5 Political Geography -
dialects are the geographic dialect, spoken by Concept of Nation and State
the people of the same area or locality, and the Nation
social dialect used by people of the same social
A nation is a group of people who see
class, educational level or occupational group.
themselves as a cohesive and coherent unit
Major dialects in India based on shared cultural or historical criteria.
More than 40 languages or dialects in India Nations are socially constructed units, not
are considered to be endangered and are believed given by nature. Their existence, definition,
to be heading towards extinction as only a few and members can change dramatically based
thousand people speak them officials said. on circumstances. Nations in some ways can
be thought of as “imagined communities” that
According to a report of the census
are bound together by notions of unity that can
Directorate, there are 22 scheduled languages
pivot around religion, ethnic identity, language,
and 100 non –scheduled languages in India. The
cultural practice and so forth.
scheduled languages are 11 from Andaman and
Nicobar, Seven from Manipur and Four from State
Himachal Pradesh. There are 42 languages spoken
A State is an independent, sovereign
by less than 10,000 people. Some other languages
region and its government exercise control over
also are in endangered position in India.
certain spatially defined and bounded area,
Major dialects in Tamil Nadu whose borders are usually clearly defined and
Tamil is an interesting language with a internationally recognized by other states.
range of native dialects. The language has several
charming improvisations in different regions of Vaishali was established as
a republic by the 6th century
B.C (BCE), prior to the birth of
Fact File Gautama Buddha in 563 B.C (BCE), making
it the world's first republic.
UNESCO’S five levels of language risk:
Safe: Widely spoken
Vulnerable: Not spoken by children
The nation state is a system of organization
outside the home (600 languages)
defined by geography, politics and culture.
Definitely endangered: Children not
The nation is cultural identity that is shared
speaking (646 languages)
by the people, and the state is the governing
Severely endangered: Only spoken by administration. A nation state must have a
oldest generations (527 languages) shared national identity, physical borders,
Critically endangered: Spoken by and a single government.
only a few members of the oldest
A nation-state is a political unit with a well-
generation, often semi-speakers (577
defined territory, inhabited by a people who are
well-organised, possess sufficient powers and
boundary the people with similar ethnicity are 3) The Outer or Insular Crescent - It includes
found. North and South America, Africa (south of
E.g. Pakistan occupied Kashmir Sahara) and Australia. Besides, it also includes
the Great Britain and Japan because of their
4. Relict Boundaries
insularity from Eurasia.
istorical boundaries which only exist in the
books. According to Mackinder, one with control
over Heartland will be in an unstoppable position
E .g. Persia, the boundary between east & West
to rule the world. Heartland, with its agricultural
and industrial resources would conquer the
5.5.2 Geopolitics: Global inner crescent and Outer crescent would follow
Strategic views later. He conceptualized his theory as:
Who rules East Europe commands the
The study of the way a country’s size,
position, etc, influence its power and its
relationships with other countries. Political Who rules Heartland commands World
activity is influenced by the physical features Island.
of a country or area of the world. Geo politics Who rules World Island commands the
is concerned with how geographical factors World.
including territory, population, strategic
Mackinder later argued that key to control
location, and natural resources endowments as
Heartland lays in Eastern Europe, reflecting
modified by economics and technology affect
a powerful strand of pre and post- Versailles
the relations between states and the struggle
geographical thinking concerning the news to
forward domination. It is battle between land
separate the powerful states of Germany and
power and sea power which is going to lead the
Russia by the creation of ‘buffer states'.
world continents by one.
Influence - His theory was put to test
Mackinder described the political history
during the World War II when the Heartland
of the world as continuous struggle between
could become the power centre of the world if
land and sea powers. According to him, the
either Germany unites with Russia or China or
Columbian era of sea powers, which gave
Japan thrashes Russia. But the shattering defeat
Europe its pivotal position for four centuries is
of Germany turned Heartland into a power
coming to an end. And in the struggle between
land and sea powers, the ultimate victory is
going to be of one possessing land powers. The area highlighted in red is the heartland,
He divided the earth into 3 tiers. blue is rim land and the encircled area is the
world island.
1) The Heartland - area of interior and Arctic
drainage in the Eastern Europe, covered by The heartland is inaccessible from top
mountains on three sides and Arctic in north. because North Sea, Norwegian Sea, Barents
This is a natural fortress on earth, inaccessible Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, East Siberian Sea are
to sea powers. all frozen throughout the year. The hearland is
inaccesible from the bottom because of Middle
2) The Inner or Marginal Crescent - area of
Eastern desert, Iranian Plateau, Himalayas,
Europe and Asia adjoining the Heartland and
Plateau’s of Tibet and Siberian mountains. This
Africa, north of Sahara.
makes heartland immune to any conquests
from any other side than Eastern Europe.
XII Geography 102
Not to Scale
The only gateway to the heartland is Economic Union, SCO, SAARC, and ASEAN
through Eastern Europe. So, protecting one all cooperating with one another in changing
gateway would be far easier than protecting the the world order.
whole land. Moreover, the heartland was self Missile Defense Shield, Prompt Global
sufficient with most of the resources and wasn’t Strike, and the Naval Race
dependent on trade from outside world.
The basis of American control over the
So, Mackinder believed that the one who world is through economic means as enforced by
controls the heartland would be able to control military ones. In certain cases, though, the US is
the Rimland and as a result the world-Island, unable to directly attack its rivals such as Russia
and the one, who rules the world Island, would and China without suffering unacceptable
rule the world. Although this theory made damage through a nuclear second strike, ergo
sense at that time (1904), when there was no why Washington is pushing to build anti-missile
significant aviation and naval power, it does not installations all around Eurasia in order to ring
make much sense now. in these Great Powers and diminish their most
5.5.3 21st Century Geopolitics of credible deterrent capability. Complementary
with this are the US’ space weapons, whether
the multipolar world order
based in this theatre (X37-B and the policy of
To put it succinctly, the unipolar world “Prompt Global Strike”) or directed towards it
is characterized by the US’ predominant (anti-satellite weapons, whether kinetic such as
hegemony in a wide variety of spheres, whether missiles or non-kinetic like lasers).
exercised directly through unilateral initiatives
Neither the US’ missile shields nor its
or indirectly (“Lead From Behind”) through
space-related weaponry are sufficient enough
its regional and institutional partners. The
for ensuring that the country is defended from
Multipolar forces in the world are working to
submarine-launched ballistic missiles, which
replace the US-led international order with
form a crucial component of any country’s
a diversified array of multiple stakeholders
nuclear triad. This explains why there’s an
in order to bring balance to International
ongoing naval race across the world as the
Affairs. Importantly, they seek to do this
US seeks to ensure its dominance in the high
through progressively reforming international
seas in the face of rising competition from
institutions such as the UN, IMF, World
Russia, China, and others. The global ocean is
Bank, and others, as well as creating their own
also important for another reason as well, and
counterparts to some of them like the BRICS
this one relates back to the economic basis of
New Development Bank or outright forming
American dominance over the world. China
entirely new and unprecedented organizations
depends on the international waterways for
like the SCO.
the vast majority of its trade, which makes it
One of the latest proposals has been to inordinately vulnerable to any US efforts to
broaden the BRICS format through what has now block certain chokepoints such as the Strait of
been called the “BRICS-Plus” strategy, which Malacca and Suez Canal.
essentially seeks to have each of the five member
states encourage multilateral cooperation OBOR’s Global Reorganization
between each other’s respective regional Understanding the sudden systemic-
integration organizations. As Russian Valdai shaking consequences that any hostile action
Club expert Yaroslav Lissovolik describes it, this like this could inflict for China’s domestic
could see Mercosur, the SADC, the Eurasian
XII Geography 104
socio-economic stability, the People’s Republic Altogether, the above stratagem explains
prudently foresaw the need to pioneer the essence of China’s One Belt One Road
ambitious trans-continental trade routes to its (OBOR) global vision of New Silk Road
crucial European partner, as well as secure the connectivity, which is designed to transform
Sea Lines Of Communication (SLOC) along its the world’s trading networks so as to facilitate
existing maritime ones in order to safeguard its the transition from a unipolar American-led
access to the growing economics of Africa. The international order to a diversified Multipolar
latter are exceptionally important nowadays one safeguarded by a host of Great Powers.
because their growth is expected to allow Beijing
to relieve itself of its industrial overproduction To live in a world where geography is
so long as it can succeed in building up these respected and not ignored is to understand the
marketplaces and stabilizing them. As for the constraints. Many obstacles simply cannot be
Western Hemisphere, China wants to increase overcome. That is why the greatest statesmen
its soft presence here as a means of competing work near the edges of what is possible.
with the US and asymmetrically countering Geography establishes the broad parameters–
America’s moves in the South China Sea. only within its bounds does human agency have
a chance to succeed.
4. Nationalism - the feelings of affection and pride that people have for their country.
Cyberwarfare - The use of the internet to attack an enemy, by damaging things such as
communication and transport systems or water and electricity supplies.
8. Semitic – refers to the race of people that includes Arabs and Jews, or to their languages.
10. G
eopolitics - the study of the way a country's size, position, etc. influence its power and its
relationships with other countries.
I. Choose the correct answer.
1. Which of the given statements is true?
a) India has the world's highest number of languages.
b) I ndia has the world's third highest number of languages, after China and Russia.
c) India has the world's second highest number of languages, after Papua New Guinea.
d) India and England have the third and fourth highest number of languages respectively.
2. Which of the following is untrue about the Occidental realm?
a) West European is the most industrialised and urbanised culture.
b) Continental European culture is influenced by different political and economic thoughts, while
Islam remains an important influence.
c) Mediterranean Europe includes countries lying to the south of the Alps. It is the region of
dominance of Christianity.
d) Anglo-American and Australian cultural realms are practically the offspring’s of west European
3. It is estimated that one language dies out every.
a) 14 minutes b) 14 days
c) 14 months d) 14 years
4. Of the UNESCO’s five levels of language risk, definitely endangered languages children do not
speak are
a) 457 languages b) 970 languages
c) 646 languages d) 374 languages
5. Who stated the following?
“Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland.
Who rules Heartland commands World Island.
Who rules World Island commands the World”.
a) Humboldt b) Hutton
c) Spikeman d) Mackinder
6. Which country has the maximum number of neighbours touching its border?
a) China b) Canada
c) Russia d) India
7. Which of the following is an example of Relict Boundaries?
a) Persia and the boundary between east & West Germany
b) Pakistan occupied Kashmir
c) N. Africa and the state boundaries of USA
d) The countries of Europe
8. The Heartland theory was proposed by
a) Humboldt b) Hutton
c) Spikeman d) Mackinder
XII Geography 106
9. All of the following are supporting the Heartland theory of Mackinder except,
a) The heartland is inaccessible from top because North Sea, Norwegian Sea, Barents Sea, Kara Sea,
Laptev Sea, East Siberian Sea are all frozen throughout the year.
b) The hearland is inaccesible from the bottom because of Middle Eastern desert, Iranian Plateau,
Himalayas, Plateau’s of Tibet and Siberian mountains.
c) The only gateway to the heartland is through Eastern Europe.
d) This makes heartland immune to any conquests from any other side.
10. Which one is rightly matched?
a) Austric – Munda, Mon-Khmer.
b) Sino – Hindi, Urdu, Sans.
c) Indo-Aryan – Tibetan, Bodo, Karen, Manipuri, etc.
d) Dravidan – Sans, Karen, Manipuri, etc.
IV Detailed answers
21. Describe the Genetic Classification of the boundaries.
22. Explain the major Languages of India
23. On the outline map of the world, show the three tier boundaries of Heartland theory.
Feature Caucasoid Mongoloid Negroid
Skin colour Pale reddish white to Brown to black brown
olive brown. yellow brown.
Stature Medium to Tall. Medium tall to Medium Tall to very Short.
Face Medium broad to very
broad molars high and
flat tends to medium high
Head Form Long-broad and Short Predominantly long,
Medium, high-very high. Low height.
Hair color Brown to brown black, Brown black light curl
Straight. and wooly.
Body Build Linear to lateral slender Tend to be linear and
to refuge. muscular.
Nose Usually high, narrow to Low to medium form,
medium board. medium broad.
Blood Group High in B. High is Rh(D).
Eye Colour: light blue to Colour: brown to
dark brown , lateral eye brown black, vertical
– fold occasional eye – fold common
1. Cultural geography, Majid Husain
2. Cultural geographies. An Introduction, John Horton and Peter Kraftl
3. Political geography, Sudeepta Adhikari
• Type the URL link given below in the browser or scan
the QR code. A page opens with colorful pictures
• When we touch it , It opens into another page with many
• When we select the required or desired country it opens
into another page.
• It contains a video. That video contains all the cultural
things of the country like food,cloth etc.
Step 1 Step 2
Website URL:
2002: Johnnesburg 7 8 9
Conference on
2009: COP 15 Copenhagen
Sustainable Development And Now
2010: COP 16 Cancun
Rio + 20....
2011: COP 17 Durban
* Johannesburg plan of
1 NO
1 NO
Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms Goal 6: Ensure access to water and
everywhere sanitation for all
One in five people in developing countries Clean, accessible water for all is an
still live on less than $1.90 a day, many people essential part of the world we want to live in.
risk slipping back into poverty. Economic There is sufficient fresh water on the planet to
growth must be inclusive to provide sustainable achieve this. But due to bad economics or poor
jobs and promote equality. infrastructure, every year millions of people,
Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food most of them children, die from diseases
security and improved nutrition and associated with inadequate water supply,
promote sustainable agriculture sanitation and hygiene. By 2050, at least one
in four people is likely to live in a country
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries can
affected by chronic or recurring shortages of
provide nutritious food for all and generate
fresh water.
decent incomes, while supporting people-
centred rural development and protecting the Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable,
environment. A profound change of the global reliable, sustainable and modern
food and agriculture system is needed if we are energy for all
to nourish today’s 815 million hungry and the
Energy is central to nearly every major
additional 2 billion people expected by 2050.
challenge and opportunity the world faces
Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and today. Sustainable energy is opportunity – it
promote well-being for all at all ages transforms lives, economies and the planet.
Significant strides have been made in
Goal 8: Promote inclusive and
increasing life expectancy and reducing some
sustainable economic growth,
of the common killers associated with child and
employment and decent work for all
maternal mortality. Major progress has been
made on increasing access to clean water and Sustainable economic growth will require
sanitation, reducing malaria, tuberculosis, polio societies to create the conditions that allow
and the spread of HIV/AIDS. people to have quality jobs that stimulate the
economy while not harming the environment.
Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and quality Job opportunities and decent working
education for all and promote lifelong conditions are also required for the whole
learning working age population.
Major progress has been made towards
increasing access to education at all levels and Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure,
increasing enrolment rates in schools particularly promote sustainable industrialization
for women and girls. For example, the world has and foster innovation
achieved equality in primary education between Inclusive and sustainable industrial
girls and boys, but few countries have achieved development is the primary source of income
that target at all levels of education. generation, allows for rapid and sustained
increases in living standards for all people,
Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and and provides the technological solutions to
empower all women and girls environmentally sound industrialization.
Gender equality is not only a fundamental
human right, but a necessary foundation for a
peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.
Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests,
among countries combat desertification, halt and reverse
To reduce inequality, policies should be land degradation, halt biodiversity loss
universal in principle paying attention to the needs Forests cover 30 per cent of the Earth’s
of disadvantaged and marginalized populations. surface and in addition to providing food
Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, security and shelter, forests are key to combating
resilient and sustainable climate change, protecting biodiversity and the
homes of the indigenous population. Thirteen
Cities are hubs for ideas, commerce, culture,
million hectares of forests are being lost every
science, productivity, social development and
year while the persistent degradation of dry
much more. At their best, cities have enabled
lands has led to the desertification of 3.6 billion
people to advance socially and economically
Common urban challenges include congestion,
lack of funds to provide basic services, a shortage Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and
of adequate housing and declining infrastructure. inclusive societies
Goal 12: Ensure sustainable This Goal is dedicated to the promotion of
consumption and production patterns peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable
Sustainable consumption and production development, the provision of access to justice
is about promoting resource and energy for all, and building effective, accountable
efficiency, sustainable infrastructure, and institutions at all levels.
providing access to basic services, green and
Goal 17: Revitalize the global
decent jobs and a better quality of life for all.
partnership for sustainable
Its implementation helps to achieve overall
development plans, reduce future economic,
environmental and social costs, strengthen A successful sustainable development
economic competitiveness and reduce poverty. agenda requires partnerships between
governments, the private sector and civil
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat society. These inclusive partnerships built upon
climate change and its impacts principles and values, a shared vision, and
Climate change is now affecting every shared goals that place people and the planet
country on every continent. It is disrupting at the centre, are needed at the global, regional,
national economies and affecting lives, costing national and local level.
people, communities and countries dearly today
and may be even more tomorrow. Fact File
Paris Agreement
Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use
To address climate change, countries
the oceans, seas and marine resources
adopted the Paris Agreement at the
The world’s oceans – their temperature, COP21 in Paris on 12 December 2015.
currents and life – drive global systems that The Agreement entered into force shortly
make the earth habitable for humankind. thereafter, on 4 November 2016. In the
Careful management of this essential global agreement, all countries agreed to work to
resource is a key feature of a sustainable limit global temperature rise to well below
future. 2°C, and given the grave risks, to strive for
7.3 Climate Change and ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more
Sustainability intense heat waves.
2. Adaptation - seeks to lower the risks posed 6. Organic farming - Soils are an important
by the consequences of climatic changes. sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Both approaches will be necessary to deal Nevertheless, deforestation making way
with the global changes that have already for conventional agriculture is increasingly
been set in motion. depleting this sink. Sustainable and organic
agriculture helps to counteract climate
Mitigation measures:
change by restoring soil organic matter
It is important that we learn how to reduce content as well as reduce soil erosion and
climate change, and put them into practice now, improve soil physical structure. Organic
before it is too late. farming uses natural fertilizers and helps
maintain crop yields.
1. Cleaner alternative energy sources: One
important way to fight climate change is to
reduce our reliance on and usage of fossil 7.4 Watershed management and
fuels, and depend on alternative renewable its importance
and greener sources of energy such as wind Watershed is a geographical area drained
energy, solar energy, water or hydropower, by a stream or a system connecting stream in
biomass, and geothermal energy. which water from all over an area flow under
gravity to a common drainage channel. A
2. Energy saving tips - we can adopt energy
watershed system delivers water through rills,
saving tips by investing in more expensive
gullies and streams to a larger body of water.
energy-saving appliances like the compact
fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs, Air- Watershed management is proper
conditioners, refrigerators etc. Switching off utilization of land and water resource
our electrical appliances when not in use. for optimum production with minimum
hazards to natural resources. It relates to soil
3. Green driving tips - The best strategy to
and water conservation proper land uses,
reduce toxic gas emissions is definitely to
promote afforestation and sustainable farming
reduce the use of automobiles. Use public
practices, conserve farmland and pastureland,
transport, carpooling, use of electricity maintaining soil fertility, proper management
powered cars or two wheelers can be an of local water for farming, drainage, construct
alternative. small dams for flood protection, improving
4. Reduce - Reuse - Recycle practices - individuals standard of living and thereby
Reducing, reusing and recycling helps us promote ecological balance.
conserve resources and energy, and reduce
pollution and greenhouse gas emissions Key steps in watershed management
produced thereby. Watershed plans should first identify the
5. Re-forestation - The cleanest and most characteristics of the watershed and inventory
the watershed’s natural resources. The first steps
efficient remover of carbon dioxide from
in watershed management planning are to:
our atmosphere actually is nothing but
green plants and trees. The rate at which i)
Delineate and map the watershed’s
we are cutting down our trees and forests boundaries and the smaller drainage basins
to make way for human developments has within the watershed.
greatly reduced the earth’s ability to remove ii) Map and prepare an Inventory of resources
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. in the watershed.
iii) Prepare an Inventory and map the natural Integrated Wasteland Development Program
and manmade drainage systems in the (IWDP) were launched subsequently in various
watershed. hydro-ecological regions. Entire watershed
iv) Prepare an Inventory and map land use and development programs primarily focused on soil
land cover. conservation and rainwater harvesting during
1980s and before.
v) Prepare a soil map of the watershed.
vi) Identify areas of erosion, including stream Rain Water Harvesting (RWH)
banks and construction sites. Millions of people throughout the
vii) Identify the quality of water resources in the world do not have access to clean water for
watershed as a baseline; and domestic purposes. In many parts of the world
conventional piped water is either absent,
Watershed Management in India: unreliable or too expensive. One of the biggest
Watershed development project in the challenges of the 21st century is to overcome the
country has been sponsored and implemented by growing water shortage. Rain Water Harvesting
Government of India from early 1970s onwards. (RWH) has thus regained its importance as a
Various watershed development programs like valuable alternative or supplementary water
Drought Prone Area Program (DPAP), Desert resource, along with more conventional water
Development Program (DDP), River Valley supply technologies. Water shortages can be
Project (RVP), National Watershed Development relieved if rain water harvesting is practiced
Project for Rain-fed Areas (NWDPRA) and more widely.
Wetland flow
Need for Rain Water Harvesting followed in recent decades has brought about
i) To overcome the situation of inadequacy of large scale changes in the earth systems. We
water supply. are already feeling the impact of these changes
upon our health, livelihoods and safety. On the
ii) The most economical way to increase the
other hand, the fruits of development are not
ground water table.
equally distributed. Some countries and some
iii) To replenish the sub soil of the urban area communities have a high standard of living, while
covered with pavements. others are not able to meet their basic needs.
iv) To recharge the underground water table at
Development projects in the past were
places where the availability of rain water is
undertaken without any consideration about
higher or to overcome the situation of water
their environmental consequences. As a result
rivers and lakes have been polluted, air pollution
Rain water harvesting also improves the has reached threatening levels and pilling of
quality of underground water through a domestic and industrial wastes has resulted in
process called dilution. land degradation. Industrialization and economic
vi) To get water for irrigation of greenbelts, growth provided material comforts but at the
farms, gardens, etc. same time deteriorated the quality of life.
(1) Industries
(2) Mining
(3) Thermal power plants
(4) River valley projects Baripada: A hamlet that conserves forest,
promotes growth
(5) Infrastructure and CRZ
(Coastal Regulation Zone)
(6) Nuclear power projects.
However, the new legislation has entrusted
the decision of clearing projects on the
state government depending on the size/
capacity of the project. EIA appraises the
environmental health and social implications
of planned developmental projects. It thus
links environment with development. The goal Baripada, a small hamlet straddling the
of EIA is to ensure environmentally safe and Maharashtra-Gujarat border, is a collective tribal
sustainable development. wisdom which has taken it to the next level. With
a population of barely 1,000, the village has not
7.6 Measures for Promotion of only helped conserve their forest but also meet
Sustainable Development the United Nations’ sustainable development
goals, benefiting everyone in the process.
As discussed earlier, the United Nations 17
The villagers conserved the forest. And, forest
Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets helped in conservation of water. Water enabled
are part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable agriculture and farming. Farming brought
Development adopted by 193 Member States at prosperity, which in turn helped improve literacy.
the UN General Assembly Summit in September And, literacy broadened horizons and led us to
2015, and which came into effect on 1 January total transformation.
2016. These goals are the result of international Having developed dairy and poultry over the
consultations that brought national governments years, the villagers have also evolved a system for
and millions of citizens from across the globe marketing their products. This ensured a steady
together to negotiate and adopt the global path flow of revenue and kept poverty at bay. The
to sustainable development for the next 15 year. villagers share their common land with landless
The SDGs and targets will stimulate action families to ensure ‘zero hunger’ and ‘reduction of
in the following critically important areas: inequality’.
poverty, hunger, education, health and well- Besides, the villagers are game for any experiments
being, education, gender equality, water and involving water, land, forest conservations,
sanitation, energy, economic growth and decent biodiversity registration, biogas, solar power,
building basic infrastructure through public
work, infrastructure, industry and innovation,
participation. “Decisions on prohibition, tree
reducing inequalities, sustainable cities,
plantation were made at the village meeting and
consumption and production, climate action,
immediately implemented. But, to restrict entry
ecosystems, peace and justice, and partnership. of humans and animals in the 445 hectares of
This agenda recognises that it is not enough to village forest was a major task”.
focus on economic growth alone but in creating
more equal societies, and a safer and more
prosperous planet.
XII Geography 140
Which countries are achieving the countries, only Germany and France can
UN Sustainable Development Goals be found among the top ten performers.
fastest? The United States ranks 42nd on the Index,
while Russia and China rank 62nd and 71st
The ultimate aim of the Sustainable
respectively. Also in the top 20 were Canada
Development Goals is to end poverty, protect
(13th), the Czech Republic (15th) and Slovenia
the planet and ensure prosperity for everyone.
(17th). Asia-Pacific’s top performers Japan,
Each goal has specific targets that need to be
Singapore and Australia rounded off the list
met by 2030.
at 18th, 19th and 20th, respectively. The SDG
So how close are countries to meeting Index underlines that despite achieving high
them? To find out, non-profit organization percentages, all countries still have their work
Bertelsmann Stiftung and the UN Sustainable cut out to close the remaining gap.
Development Solutions Network have
India ranks 116 out of 157 nations on a
created a prototype index that measures their
global index that assesses the performance
of countries towards achieving the ambitious
Sweden leads the list, followed by sustainable development goals (SDGs).
Denmark and Finland. Among the G7
1. Coastal Zone: The area that extends 5. Health: The condition in which the body is
from the high tide mark on land to the sound and the mind is free,
edge of the continental shelf, which is the 6. Aerosol: Fine liquid, solid or gas particulates
submerged part of the continent. that remain suspended in the atmosphere
2. Earth Summit: The high level inter- for varying periods.
governmental meeting on environment of 7. Logging: Activity of felling trees and
the earth held in Rio-de-Janeiro, brazil in preparing the timber.
june 1992.
8. Gully: A ravine formed by the action of
3. Global Warming: The slow gradual rise in water.
the temperature of the earth due to emission
9. Biomass: Organic matter used as fuel
of excess quantities of radiation-trapping
specially in a power station for the generation
of electricity.
4. Local Authority: An official body
responsible to a higher body doing some of
the administrative and welfare work of the
locality e.g., Panchayats.
I. Choose the correct Answer
1. Who headed the World Commission on Environment and Development?
a) George Perkins Marsh’s b) Gro Harlem Brundtland
c) Edward Goldsmith’s d) Fruitz Schumacher’s
2. Sea level rise is occurring steadily at the rate of __________ per year
a) 0.01 to 0.25 centimetre b) 0.1 to 0.25 centimetre
c) 0.1 to 0.025 centimetre d) 1 to 0.25 centimetre
3. Rain water harvesting improves the quality of _____________ water.
a) Sea b) Ocean
c) River d) Under ground
4. which is the best strategy to reduce toxic gas emissions.
a) Public motor transport b) Use private transport
c) Use of electricity powered cars d) Two wheelers can be an alternative
5. In which year was EIA introduced in India
a) 1947 b) 1950
c) 1956 d) 1978
6. Expand the term UNFCCC
a) United Nations Forum on Climate Change Council
b) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
c) United Nations Framework Conveyance on Climate Change
d) United Nations Forum Conveyance on Climate Change
7. Reducing inequality within and among countries fall under sustainable development
a) Goal 10 b) Goal 7
c) Goal 15 d) Goal 5
8. The United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets are part of the
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted at the UN General Assembly Summit
in September 2015 by
a) 183 b) 193
c) 173 d) 163
9. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature introduced the term "sustainable
development in
a) 1990 b) 1980
c) 1970 d) 1960
10. In the Paris Agreement at the COP21 in Paris on 12 December 2015 all countries agreed
to work to limit global temperature rise to
a) Below 2 degrees Celsius,
b) Above 2 degrees Celsius
c) Between 2 degrees Celsius and 4 degrees Celsius
d) Between 2 degrees Celsius and 6 degrees Celsius
1. Environmental Impact Assessment, Larry W. Canter
Web reference
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WODX8fyRHA#action=share
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g75FRAF6wlc
143 Sustainable Development
• Type the URL link given below in the browser or scan the QR code. A page opens with
two options . “Instructions and Play game”
• Read the instruction well before start to play
• Many objects will appear on the screen you have to collect it with the help of the toy on
the screen and classify it .
• Then you have to put it in the three bins according to the instructions.
• The time limit is two minutes only. At the end of the game you will see your score.
Step 1 Step 2
Website URL:
Man-Made Disasters
- Public Awareness For
Disaster Risk Reduction
The magnitude and impact of disasters are 8.3 Man - made Disasters
increasing and disasters have disrupted social, Disaters induced by human beings are
economic and environmental community man-made disasters. It includes fire accident,
activities worldwide. International data shows transport accident, structure failure, minining
that disasters have taken, over the last 10 accidents, explosions, stampede etc. In this
years, more than 478,000 lives. It has affected lesson, we study about some of the man-made
2.5 billion people and caused direct economic disasters.
losses in the amount of 690 billion US dollars
worldwide. 8.3.1 Stampede
Recent financial studies underline the The term stampede is a sudden rush of a
urgent need for a shift from sole disaster crowd of people, usually resulting in injuries
response to disaster risk reduction. Therefore, and death from suffocation and trampling. In
efforts should be made to ensure that disaster stampede, the term mob or crowd is used to refer
risk reduction is an important aspect of poverty to a congregated, active, polarized aggregate
XII Geography 146
of people, which is basically heterogeneous can do in preparation is to try and know the
and complex. Its most salient features include topography of the place. This will help you find
homogeneity of thought and action among its the exits. So, when struck in a stampede, try to
participants and their impulsive and irrational identify these exits.
Causes of stampede
Incidents of stampedes can occur in
numerous socio-cultural situations. These
stampede incidents can be categorized into the
following types: Entertainment events, escalator
and moving walkways, food distribution,
processions, natural disasters, power failure,
religious events, fire incidents during religious/
other events, riots, sports events and weather
related events. 2. Keep Your Hands by Your Chest: Your
hands must be up by your chest like they would
be in a boxing position. This makes it easy to
move. It also stops your ribs from getting
crushed by the crowd on both sides. When
the crowd pushes you from front and back,
your lungs will be affected. You will suffer of
Stampede Management
Crowd management
is defined as the systematic
planning and supervision of
3. How to move when on your feet: In
the orderly movement and
the middle of a moving crowd, do not resist
assembly of people. Crowd
the flow by standing still or sitting down. The
control is the restriction or
force is too much to fight. Like in a wave, there
limitation of group behavior.
is force and in crowd situation. Keep moving
The rules of action for stampede diagonally between the pockets of people
1. Notice Alternate Exit: First thing to whenever there is a lull. Try to move towards
know in such situations is the route out. If you the exits but not towards walls or fences where
are attending an event, one of the things you you might be cornered. Keep moving with the
crowd to avoid falling.
Fact File
Students’ activity
Males are especially at risk of drowning, Mock Drill: To escape a fire, stop, drop,
and roll. In case your clothes burn, stop
with twice the overall mortality rate of females.
running, drop on the floor and roll to stop fire
Studies suggest that the higher drowning rates
among males are due to increased exposure to
water and riskier behavior such as swimming
alone, drinking alcohol before swimming
alone and boating. Drowning accounts for During droughts or windy weather, fire
75% of deaths in flood disasters. may destroy low vegetation and trees. The
spreading speed of low fire is 1-3 m/sec and
high fire may reach up to 100m/sec.
Preventive Measures
Think why? 1. Create a safe zone between the house and
Smoke kills more than fire. flammable plants.
2. Cut off all the branches of trees with below three
meter height standing near your house.
3. Remove moss and dry branches from plants
Rule of actions for Fire Accident-Do’s standing near the house.
1. W
hen Fire accident occurs, warning 5. Clean ditches and pits from dry branches and
should be given by shouting or ringing leaves.
bell. 6. Keep flammable materials in the checked safe
2. E
xtinguish the fire using sand and other
7. Ask your relative or friend living in a different
fire extinguishers.
location to be your contact person.
3. M
ain switch should be switched off 8. Have a fire extinguisher and know how to use it.
4. If clothes started burning, the victim A natural gas vent in Iraq
should roll on the ground to extinguish known as The Eternal Fire of
the fire. Baba Gurgur, meaning 'Father
of Fire' has been burning
5. T
he combustible materials found
continuously for over 4,000 years, and it has
near the fire accident place, have to
been mentioned by Herodotus, and Plutarch.
be discarded so that the fire does not
spread to them.
6. If fire breaks out with smoke spreading,
During fire accident
cover the nose, crawl and move out. 1. When water cannot be used (because the
equipment is plugged-in) or there is no
7. T
hink that life is more valuable than water and the fire is not strong, you can
belongings. use cooking soda or calcite soda, washing
8. M
ove from the fire accident place to a safe powder, sand, soil.
place. 2. Keep your head no higher than 30 cm above
the floor; above this height accumulation
of heavy harmful gases may exists.
3. If there is no opportunity to leave the room,
move towards a window, and try to get the
attention of people by giving signals.
4. If your clothing has caught fire do not run
because this will intensify burning. Take
the clothes off, throw them in a safe place
and put out the fire.
5. If you are near a fire in a forest and cannot
extinguish the fire by yourself, immediately
inform people who are nearby about the
necessity to leave the hazard zone.
BHOPAL affected
UPPER by gas
LAKE leak
Not to Scale
Ensure that there are no vehicles, both on you can interpret the following instances to
the left and right side of the road. students:
Never attempt to cross the road, if the ➢➢ I f a horn is heard, stop and cross only after
signboard signifies “Don’t walk” message ensuring that no vehicle approaches you
or the walking symbol turns red. from left or right side of the road.
2. Stop, look, and cross 4. Don’t rush on roads
In fact, students will either walk to school Students will not be tolerant and have
or to the bus stop for waiting their respective a tendency to dash across the road to reach
school bus. The only task of students is to cross the other side. In addition, they become
the road prudently, right after the school bus absent-minded when they are having fun and
drops them off. Hence, we should undertake henceforth bound across or along the road.
the responsibility to provide adequate guidance Therefore, teach them to remain placid while
for crossing the road cautiously. they are near the road.
We teach them to be aware of various road 5. Relevance of Sidewalks
signs and recommend them to utilize the zebra
crossing while crossing the road. If there are Persuade students to avail the service of
no markings or signs, the following procedures sidewalks whenever they walk on the road.
can be worthwhile: Demonstrate them how to cross the road
safely. Motivate them to avail the sidewalks
➢➢ C
heck the right side, after that to the left
even though it is not a busy street.
side of the road for the incoming vehicles.
➢➢ If you notice a vehicle is approaching, 6. Crossroads and pedestrian crossings
wait for the vehicle to pass and then safely Students will have a tendency to scoot
cross the road. across the street. This will become particularly
➢➢ D
o not cross the road at the turns, it is perilous since vehicles will never slow down
unsafe. unless there is a cross road or relevant
➢➢ N
ever cross the road between the stopped signal. Notify your students to cross only at
vehicles. intersections and avail the pedestrian crossings.
If there is no crossroad or pedestrian crossing,
However, accompaniment is required for
you can admonish students to comply the rules
the children aged below 6 years and you should
mentioned above.
compulsorily hold their hands while crossing
the road. 7. Place the hands inside the vehicle
3. Listen A multitude of students have the habit of
placing their hands outside the vehicle while
Educate the child to be extra vigilant
it is moving. They will lay their head out and
while they cross the road at the turns. As a
wave with exhilaration. This is a familiar sight
consequence, listening can only aid them. For
among the school bus students. Nevertheless,
this reason, instruct your child to listen and
these behaviors can have significant
ensure whether a vehicle is approaching or
consequences. Due to carelessness, they will
not. Ordinarily, vehicles apply horns at turns
be injured by vehicles, which advance from the
and at unmanned intersections to provide
opposite direction.
a warning to other road users. Meanwhile,
Back to School.
8 Wear a seat-belt
3 Do NOT jaywalk Children under 13 are safest
Make sure to use a crosswalk in the back seat
I. Choose the Correct Answer
1. The spreading speed of low fire is
a) 1 – 3 m/sec b) 3 – 5 m/sec
c) 4 – 6 m/sec d) 6 – 8 m/sec
2. It is important to practice Drop, Cover, Hold for
a) Fire b) Earthquake
c) Lightning d) Flood
3. To cut off all branches of trees standing near our house is to prevent
a)Earthquake b) Flood
c) Fire d) Drought
4. Which one of the following is the rule of action for stampede?
a) Find lower place or cavity and squat there if the area is open.
b) Avoid rock slides and landslides if you are in the mountain.
c) Keep your hands by your chest
d) Keep your head no higher than 30 cm above the floor.
5. The 1984 Industrial gas disaster occurred in
a)Delhi b) Pune
c) Bhopal d) Noida
6. The percentage of death worldwide due to unintentional injury during drowning is ________.
a) 5% b) 7%
c) 10% d) 2%
7. The natural gas vent known as the Eternal fire of Baba Gurgur is located at which country?
a) Iran b) Iraq
c) Yeman d) Kuwait
8. Every year, ______ people are killed in the road accidents.
a)4.34 million b) 2.34 million
c) 3.24 million d) 1.34 million
9. In India ____ of stampede occur in religious events.
a) 69% b) 59%
c) 79% d) 49%
10. Drowning account for ____ of deaths in flood disasters.
a) 75% b) 65%
c) 55% d) 85%
XII Geography 156
IV Write in detail
20. List the basic road safety rules for students and explain any three of them.
21. Write any three do’s and don’ts for fire accidents.
22. Explain the rules of action during Stampede.
VI Group discussion
1. Discuss in group how you can manage stampede suppose you are trapped in the crowd in a festival
site/ Mall. Draw easy exit route map of the site and discuss about.
1. Introduction to Disasters (reference – unisdr.org, 2006 edition)
2. Disaster Mangement module. TNSCERT.
3. Farabi, Hamid. "Safety: A major objective in the Chemical and Petroleum Industry." 1992.
4. Mannan, Sam. Lee's Loss Prevention. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann, 2005.
• Type the URL link given below in the browser or scan the QR code. A page opens with “Play”
• When we touch it , It opens into another page with instuctions. When we finish that it opens into
another page. Contains many fire fighting vehicles.
• Select the vehicle of your choice then do every thing according to the given instructions.
• At last when we finish everything ie quench the fire we will be satisfied for our task.
Step 1 Step 2
Step 3 Step 4
Website URL: