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Siebel 8.1.

x Tools

Activity Guide

Edition 1.1
November 2009
Table of Contents

Practice 0-1 Class Setup ......................................................................................1

Practice 1-1 Exploring Siebel Tools ......................................................................3
Practice 1-2 Understanding the Basic Steps to Configure a Siebel Application ....7
Practice 2-1 Verifying a Local Developer Environment ....................................... 11
Practice 2-2 Checking Out Projects .................................................................... 14
Practice 3-1 Exploring a Requirement ................................................................ 17
Practice 3-2 Administering Projects .................................................................... 20
Practice 3-3 Editing and Compiling Object Definitions ........................................ 21
Practice 4-1 Using Archive Files ......................................................................... 25
Practice 5-1 Exploring Web Templates............................................................... 27
Practice 6-1 Examining a Form Applet ............................................................... 31
Practice 6-2 Creating a New Form Applet........................................................... 34
Practice 7-1 Examining an Existing List Applet ................................................... 39
Practice 7-2 Creating a New List Applet ............................................................. 42
Practice 8-1 Modifying an Existing View ............................................................. 45
Practice 8-2 Creating a New View ...................................................................... 47
Practice 9-1 Adding a View to a Screen.............................................................. 49
Practice 9-2 Creating a Detailed Category.......................................................... 52
Practice 9-3 Configuring Application-Level Menus and Toolbars........................ 54
Practice 10-1 Examining Single Value Field Mappings ....................................... 57
Practice 10-2 Creating a Join.............................................................................. 60
Practice 11-1 Examining Fields in Party Business Components......................... 65
Practice 11-2 Creating a Join to a Party Extension Table ................................... 69
Practice 12-1 Configuring Field Properties ......................................................... 73
Practice 13-1 Examining Links............................................................................ 77
Practice 13-2 Adding a New Business Object Component ................................. 81
Practice 14-1 Creating a Business Component and Link .................................... 85
Practice 14-2 Displaying the Business Component in a Detail View ................... 89
Practice 15-1 Exploring the Siebel Database...................................................... 93
Practice 15-2 Extending a Siebel Database Table.............................................. 96

Practice 15-3 Creating a Siebel Database Table ................................................ 99
Practice 16-1 Configuring Case Insensitive Columns ....................................... 101
Practice 17-1 Configuring Drilldown .................................................................. 105
Practice 17-2 Configuring a Dynamic Drilldown ................................................ 110
Practice 17-3 Configuring a Dynamic Toggle.................................................... 113
Practice 18-1 Examining Picklists ..................................................................... 115
Practice 18-2 Configuring a Static Picklist ........................................................ 119
Practice 18-3 Configuring a Dynamic Picklist (Optional) ................................... 122
Practice 19-1 Examining Multi-Value Groups ................................................... 127
Practice 19-2 Configuring a Multi-Value Group................................................. 132
Practice 20-1 Configuring a Visibility View........................................................ 139
Practice 20-2 Examining the Visibility of Picklists ............................................. 144
Practice 21-1 Configuring User Properties........................................................ 147
Practice 22-1 Exporting Repository Changes ................................................... 153
Practice 23-1 Troubleshooting .......................................................................... 157
Practice 23-2 Spooling SQL (Optional) ............................................................. 167

Lesson 0: Course Introduction

Practice 0-1 Class Set up

Goals To invoke the classroom initialization routine to prepare your machine for the Siebel
Tools course

Time 10 – 15 minutes

This practice is a prerequisite to running the remaining practices in this course.

1. Prepare to run the course set up:

a. Log out of all Siebel applications (select File > Log Out) and close the windows.
b. Look in the task bar at the bottom of the screen. Verify that the Siebel application and SQL
icons: do not appear.
If you leave these applications running, this set up will fail.

2. Invoke the course set up:

a. Use Windows to navigate to D:\deployment.
b. Double-click the “Deploy your Siebel Environment.html” shortcut.
c. If necessary, click OK in the Information Bar box.
d. If there is a security warning bar at the top of the web page saying “To help protect your
security, Internet Explorer has restricted…”, right-click the bar and select Allow Blocked
Content. Click Yes.
e. Select Tools from the drop down list in the middle of the page.
f. Click GO.
g. Click Run. You should get a command prompt window asking if you wish to deploy.
h. Verify the course name (Siebel Tools). If it is correct, enter Y.
i. You will then be prompted for a three letter code. Enter TLS. You will start to see lines
appearing in the command window similar to:

j. Let the script run. It should run about 10 minutes. Do not close the window or run any other
programs. When the script is complete you should see a line that the course files have been
deployed similar to:

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 1

Lesson 0: Class Set Up

k. Close the command window. If you do not see the command window, it may have already
been closed by the script.

3. Verify the set up:

a. Use Windows to navigate to D:\deployment\logs.
b. Double-click to open the latest log file. Scroll to the end of the file. You should see a line
that indicates the Tools_Environment_Changes completed with a time code. If you do not,
please consult your instructor.
c. Close the log file.
d. Select Start > Programs. You should see a zz program group.
e. Close the D:\deployment\scripts\course_index.html page.

2 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 1: Configuring a Siebe l Application

Practice 1-1 Exploring Siebel Tools

Goals To practice several Siebel Tools operations commonly used to examine object

Time 15 – 25 minutes

In this practice, you will practice several basic procedures in Siebel Tools to navigate and to
examine object definitions; you will use these procedures though the remainder of the course.

1. Start Siebel Tools:

a. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools. If prompted, click Yes to
agree to terms.
b. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
c. Click OK.
d. Observe that Siebel Tools starts, and that the Object Explorer is displayed on the left side.

2. Display the object definitions for a top-level object type.

a. Select Application in the Object Explorer (in the left pane).
b. Observe that the Object List Editor (in the right pane) now displays a set of Application
object definitions.
c. Select Siebel Automotive.
d. Observe that the selected record is highlighted in color and that an active record indicator
appears to the left of the selected record.

3. When there are many object definitions, it is often more convenient to execute a query to locate
the definition of interest. Practice executing a query in the Object List Editor.
a. Select Business Object in the Object Explorer.
b. Observe that a large number of object definitions are displayed.
c. Query to locate the Opportunity business object as follows:

i. Select Query > New Query, or click the New Query button .
ii. Set Name = Opportunity. Queries are case sensitive.
iii. Select Query > Execute Query, or click the Execute Query button , or
press Enter.
d. What is the value of the Project property?

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 3

Lesson 1: Configuri ng a Siebel Application

e. Execute a blank query (that is a query with no value for any of the properties) to re-display
all the records as follows:

i. Select Query > New Query, or click the New Query button .

ii. Select Query > Execute Query, or click the Execute Query button , or
press Enter.
iii. Verify that the original list of records reappears.
f. Execute a query for all business objects for which Primary Business Component = Contact.
i. Click the New Query button.
ii. Set Primary Business Component = Contact .
iii. Click the Execute Query button.
iv. Verify that one of these business objects is Life Sciences Home.
g. Repeat the previous query and Set Primary Business Component = * Contact*. Wildcards are
supported in queries in the Object List Editor. Observe that many other primary business
components are retrieved as well.

Examining object definitions in Siebel Tools consists of first selecting the object type in the Object
Explorer and then selecting the desired object definition in the Object List Editor. To examine child
object definitions, you continue to select object types and definitions alternately.
This course uses the following notation to specify how to navigate to a specific object definition:
Select Business Component :: Account | Field :: Account Role
This indicates to first select business component in the Object Explorer, next select Account in the
Object List Editor, then if n ecessary expand the Business Component type and select Field in the
Object Explorer, and finally select Account Role in the Object List Editor.

4. Practice displaying object definitions for a child object type. Use queries to locate the individual
a. Select Application :: Siebel Universal Agent | Page Tab :: Sales Order Screen.
b. Verify that the Text Property is Sales Orders.
c. Select Application :: Siebel Universal Agent | Screen Menu Item :: List Mgmt.
d. What is the value of the Text property?

e. Execute a blank query to re-display all the child object definitions.

f. Execute a query to display all screens that include the word Administration in the Text
g. Sort the records by sequence number:
i. Select any record and click in the property (Sequence) you wish to sort by.
ii. Select Query > Sort Order, set Sort by = Sequence , and click OK. Alternatively click the
Sort Ascending button .
iii. Verify that the records now appear in ascending order by sequence number.

4 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 1: Configuring a Siebe l Application

5. In addition to the Object List Editor, you can use the Properties window to examine properties.
a. Select Application :: Siebel Universal Agent.
b. Select View > Windows > Properties Window. Be careful to select View in the menu bar at
the top of the application.
c. Observe that the Properties window displays the properties for the Siebel Universal Agent
object definition in a separate pane.
d. Observe that the properties are arranged alphabetically rather than in the order displayed in
the Object List Editor.
e. Note that the Properties window does not display the W, Project, and Changed properties.
f. Be aware that occasionally the name of the property in the Properties window may differ
slightly from the name in the Object List Editor.

6. The windows that surround the Object List Editor can be collapsed to make more space for the
a. Click the AutoHide button on the Properties window to collapse the window to a tab on the
left side the application.

b. Observe that the window collapses to a tab to the left of the Object Explorer.
c. Click the Properties tab.
d. Observe that the tab pops open to display the Properties. Note that the AutoHide pushpin
points to the left.
e. Select any record in the Object List Editor, and observe that the Properties window collapses.
f. Click the Properties tab again.
g. Click the AutoHide button and observe that the window becomes permanently docked to the
right of the Object Explorer. Note that the AutoHide pushpin points to the bottom.
h. AutoHide the Properties window.

7. Leave Siebel Tools running.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 5

Lesson 1: Configuri ng a Siebel Application

Solutions 1-1 Exploring Siebel Tools


3.d. What is the value of the Project property?


4.d. What is the value of the Text property?

List Management

6 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 1: Configuring a Siebe l Application

Practice 1-2 Understanding the Basic Steps to Configure

a Siebel Application

Goals To perform the three primary configuration steps

Time 10 – 20 minutes

In this practice, you will perform the three primary steps in configuring a Siebel application:
• Explore the repository.
• Configure object definitions.
• Compile edited object definitions into the client repository file and test the client.
The intent of this lab is to reinforce these steps by leading you through an example of a simple
configuration. During the lab you will be directed to execute several configuration steps. These steps
will be discussed in more detail in later lessons in the course.

1. Start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:

a. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
b. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
a. Click OK. If prompted, click Install to install the Siebel High Interactivity Framework. This
installs supporting Active-X controls and Java code.
b. If prompted, click AutoFix and Run.
c. Verify that the application's homepage appears with a greeting for D DEV.

2. Inspect the behavior when you create an account.

a. Click the Accounts tab.
b. Click My Accounts immediately underneath the Frequently Viewed Accounts header
c. Click New to create a record and set
Name ATL Account 1
Site HQ
d. Select Edit > Save Record to save the record.
e. Create a second account record and set Name = ATL Account 2.
f. Save the record and verify that an account record can be created with just a Name.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 7

Lesson 1: Configuri ng a Siebel Application

g. Create a third account record. Do not set the Name, just set Site = Western.
h. Save the record and observe that a message appears that Name is a required field.
i. Click the Menu button (at the top of the applet) and select Undo Record.
j. Select File > Log Out to stop the application.

3. Inspect the configuration of the Account business component to determine how to make Site
required as well. A colleague of yours has determined that the Name column in the list applet
displays the Name field and the Site column displays the Location field. You will learn in later
lessons how to determine this.
a. In Siebel Tools, select Business Component :: Account | Single Value Field :: Name.
Remember this instruction directs you to select the Business Component object type in the
Object Explorer, next query for Account in the Object List Editor, then expand the Business
Component object type and select the Single Value Field child object type, and finally query
for Name in the Object List editor.
b. Scroll to the right in the lower list applet to view the Required property, and verify that
Required is TRUE(checked). This property is responsible for making Name required.
c. Select Business Component :: Account | Single Value Field :: Location.
d. Scroll to the right to view the Required property, and verify that Required is not checked.
You have determined which property you will need to set to make Site required.
In the next section of the lab, you will modify the configuration to make Location a required field.

4. In order to edit an object definition you must first lock the project that contains the object
definition. You will learn about locking projects in a later lesson.
a. Select Tools > Lock Project.
b. Verify that a pencil icon appears in the W property in the top applet. This indicates the object
definition can be edited.

5. Make the configuration change.

a. In the Location single value field, click the check box in the Required property to set it to
b. Click the Account record in the upper list applet. Stepping off the record in the lower applet
saves the modified Location record.
In the next section of the lab, you will compile the modified object definition into the client
repository file, and then test the application.

6. Compile the modified Account object definition.

a. Select Business Component :: Account.
b. Right-click and select Compile Selected Objects.
c. In the Object Compiler window, click Browse.
d. Navigate to D:\OUsea\Client\OBJECTS\ENU and select siebel_sia.srf. The Siebel repository
file field should display D:\OUsea\Client\OBJECTS\ENU\siebel_sia.srf. Note that the default
path includes the Tools, and not the Client, directory.
e. Click Compile.

8 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 1: Configuring a Siebe l Application

7. Test the configuration.

a. Start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center – ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Click the Accounts tab.
c. Click My Accounts immediately underneath the Frequently Viewed Accounts header
d. Create a record and set Name = ATL Account 3 .
e. Save the record and verify that Site is now a required field.
f. Click OK.
g. Set Site = Peachtree.
h. Save the record, and observe that the record can now be saved
i. Select File > Log Out to stop the application.

8. You want to undo this configuration and restore the Account business component to its original
a. In Siebel Tools, Select Business Component :: Account | Single Value Field :: Location
b. Click the Required property to delete the checkmark.
c. Select Business Component :: Account. This also saves the modified Location object
d. Right-click and select Compile Selected Objects.
e. Verify that repository file is D:\OUsea\Client\OBJECTS\ENU\siebel_sia.srf
f. Click Compile.

9. Verify that the application has been properly restored.

a. Start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center – ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Click the Accounts tab.
c. Click My Accounts immediately underneath the Frequently Viewed Accounts header
d. Create a record and set Name = ATL Account 4 .
e. Save the record and verify that Site is no longer required.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 9

Lesson 1: Configuri ng a Siebel Application

f. Select File > Log Out.

10. Unlock the project in Siebel Tools

a. In Siebel Tools, select Business Component :: Account.
b. Select Tools > Unlock Project.
c. Verify that the pencil icon disappears. This indicates the object definition cannot be edited.
d. Select File > Exit to stop the application.

10 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 2: Using a Local Development Environment

Practice 2-1 Verifying a Local Developer Environment

Goals To verify that a local developer environment has been successfully created

Time 10 – 20 minutes

In this practice you will examine several of the files and other items that are required for a local
development environment. Most of these items have been pre-created for you by administrators who
have completed the following
• Created an employee TLSCONFIG with a login of TLSCONFIG/ TLSCONFIG and assigned
him Siebel Administrator responsibility and the Developer responsibility. The latter
responsibility allows a user to drill down on hyperlinks in Siebel tools.
• Registered TLSCONFIG as a mobile client, and extracted a local database for him.
• Initialized the local database for TLSCONFIG. The local database is stored in
D:\OUsea\Tools\LOCAL and is named sse_data.dbf.
• To help TLSCONFIG get a quick start in his development efforts, the administrator has also
performed a GET to populate the local database with repository data.

1. Verify that the local database has been extracted and populated.
a. Start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Connect to Local
iii. Click OK.
b. Select Help > Technical Support.
c. Verify that the connect string points to D:\OUsea\Tools\local\sse_data.dbf.
d. Verify that the Repository File is D:\OUsea\Tools\objects\enu\siebel_sia.srf.
e. Click OK to close the Technical Support Information dialog box.
f. Select Business Component in the Object Explorer and verify that business component object
definitions appear in the Object List Editor.
g. Select File > Exit to close Siebel Tools.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 11

Lesson 2: Usin g a Local Development Environment

2. Siebel Tools and the Siebel Developer Web client use several ODBC connections to connect to
the local database. Default connections are created during Tools installation and do not
necessarily correspond to the choice for storing the local database. Inspect the ODBC
connections and make any modifications if necessary.
a. Select Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC).
b. Click the System DSN tab.
c. Verify the SSD Local Db default instance connection.
i. Select SSD Local Db default instance and click Configure.
ii. Click the Database tab.
iii. Verify that following values. Make any changes as required.
Server name <blank> (leave the value blank, or delete a default value if present)
Start line D:\OUsea\Tools\bin\dbeng9.exe -q -m -x NONE -gp 4096 -c40m -ch60m
Database name <blank>
Database file d:\OUsea\Tools\local\sse_data.dbf
iv. Click the Login tab.
v. If necessary select Supply user ID and password and add TLSCONFIG/TLSCONFIG as
the credentials.
vi. Click the ODBC tab.
vii. Click Test Connection to verify that the connection works, and then click OK.
d. Verify the SEAW Local Db default instance connection.
i. Select SEAW Local Db default instance and click Configure.
ii. Click the Database tab.
iii. Verify that following values. Make any changes as required
Server name <blank>
Start line d:\OUsea\Tools\bin\dbeng9.exe -q -m -x NONE -gp 4096 -c40m -ch60m
Database name <blank>
Database file d:\OUsea\Tools\local\sse_data.dbf
iv. Click the Login tab.
v. If necessary select Supply user ID and password and add TLSCONFIG/TLSCONFIG as
the credentials.
vi. Click the ODBC tab.
vii. Click Test Connection to verify that the connection works, and then click OK.
e. Verify the OUEnt_DSN default server connection.
i. Select OUEnt_DSN default instance and click Configure.
ii. If necessary, click the General tab.
iii. Verify that following values. Make any changes as required
Data Source Name OUEnt_DSN
Server Name SIEBELDB
Client Version 10gR1 and later
iv. Click Test Connect and add SADMIN/SADMIN as the credentials

12 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 2: Using a Local Development Environment

v. Click OK to verify that the connection works

vi. Click OK to close the Test Connect window.
vii. Click OK to close the Driver Setup window.
f. Click OK to close the ODBC Data Source Administrator.

3. Verify that Siebel Tools can connect to the server and local databases to check out object
a. Start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Connect to Local
iii. Click OK.
b. Select Tools > Check Out.
c. Verify that the Check Out dialog box appears. If you receive an error that the specified
database is already in use, check the ODBC connections you configured in the previous step.
d. Click Cancel. You will perform a check out later in this practice.

4. Verify that the Developer Web client can connect to the local database.
a. Start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center – ENU.
ii. Enter:
Connect to Local
iii. Click OK.
b. If necessary, maximize the application.
c. Select Help > Technical Support.
d. Verify that the connect string points to D:\ousea\Tools\local\sse_data.dbf.
e. Verify that the Repository File is D:\ousea\Client\objects\enu\siebel_sia.srf.
f. Click OK to close the Technical Support Information dialog box.
g. Click the Contacts screen tab, and then click Contact Administration in the link bar to
navigate to Contact Administration View. You may need to click the drop-down list at the
end of the link bar to find the Contact Administration link.
h. Observe that only a short list of contacts appears.
i. Select File > Log Out.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 13

Lesson 2: Usin g a Local Development Environment

Practice 2-2 Checking Out Projects

Goals To check out a project from the server repository

Time 20 – 30 minutes

In this practice you will check out several projects and then check them back in. Since a large
number of projects are enabled, by default, for object check out/check in (COCI), you will also need
to administer projects on the server to enable project COCI. In much of the practice you will be
using two instances of Siebel Tools, one of which is connected as TLSCONFIG to the local
development database, and the other is connected as SADMIN to the server database. Read the
instructions carefully to make sure that you are using the correct instance.

1. Determine the project that contains an object definition of interest.

a. Select Screen :: ABO Bulk Request Screen.
b. Notice that the Project property has a value of ABO Bulk Request UI.
c. Select Project :: ABO Bulk Request UI.
d. Notice that the project is not locked, and therefore object definitions in this project cannot be

2. Identify other object definitions in this project.

a. At the top of the Object Explorer, select ABO Bulk Request UI in the project drop-down list.
This displays only those object definitions in the selected project.
b. Notice that only a small number of UI object types (in addition to Project) are listed.
c. Select Applet, then Screen, then View in the Object Explorer to verify that this project
contains only a small number of UI object definitions.
d. Select **All Projects** to restore the Object Explorer to display all the object types and all
object definitions.

3. Check out the project to allow its object definitions to be edited.

a. Select Tools > Check Out.
b. Select ABO Bulk Request UI in the projects list in the Check Out dialog box. Make sure that
you select the ABO Bulk Request UI project and not the ABO Bulk Request project.
c. Notice that the Check Out button is enabled. This indicates that the project on the server is
enabled for project COCI.
d. Click Check Out. Checking out this project takes one to two minutes. The progress dialog
box disappears when the check out completes. Note also that the Object List Editor closes
shortly before check out completes.
e. When the check out has completed, select Project :: ABO Bulk Request UI.

14 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 2: Using a Local Development Environment

f. Notice that the Locked, Locked By Name, and Locked Date properties have been set to
indicate that project is now locked by TLSCONFIG.
g. Select Screen :: ABO Bulk Request Screen.
h. Notice that a pencil icon appears in the W property indicating this object definition can now
be edited.
i. In the object list editor, scroll to the right and locate the Comments property. Set the property
to Edited by TLSCONFIG .
j. Step off the record to save it.

4. Examine the project object definitions on the server using a second instance of Siebel Tools.
a. Start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to Server
iii. Click OK.
b. Select Project :: ABO Bulk Request UI
c. Notice that the same information about TLSCONFIG appears in the object definition on the
server as well.
d. In the object list editor, scroll to the far right and notice that the Allow Object Locking
property is not set for this project.

5. As TLSCONFIG (the Tools instance connected to the local database) , check the project back in.
a. Select Tools > Check In.
b. Notice that the Check In dialog box lists only the projects that TLSCONFIG has checked out.
c. Select ABO Bulk Request UI in the projects list, and Click Diff. After a minute or two, a
Compare Objects window appears. You will learn more about comparing objects in a
subsequent lesson.
d. Expand the project contents until ABO Bulk Request Screen is displayed.
e. Notice that it is tagged as a differing instance.
f. Select ABO Bulk Request Screen.
g. The lower windows list the properties with differing values. Verify that the display indicates
the edit you just made.
h. Click Close.
i. In the Check In dialog box, click Check In.
j. When check in complete, verify that the project is no longer locked on the local database.

6. As SADMIN (the Tools instance connected to the server database) , examine the project and
screen object definition on the server.
a. Select Screen :: ABO Bulk Request Screen.
b. Notice that the Changed flag is now set, and that the Comments property has been updated.
c. Select Project :: ABO Bulk Request UI
d. Verify that the project is no longer locked on the server database.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 15

Lesson 2: Usin g a Local Development Environment

7. As TLSCONFIG , attempt to check out another project.

a. Select Business Component :: Account.
b. Notice that the Project property has a value of Account.
c. Select Project :: Account.
d. Notice that the project is not locked, and object definitions in this project cannot be edited.
e. Select Tools > Check Out.
f. Select Account in the projects list in the Check Out dialog box.
g. Notice that the Check Out button is disabled. This indicates that the project on the server is
not enabled for project COCI.
h. Click Cancel.

8. As SADMIN , enable the project for project COCI.

a. Select Project :: Account.
b. Notice that the Allows Object Locking property is TRUE. This allows individual object
definitions in the project to be checked out, but prevents the project as a whole from being
checked out.
c. Right-click the record and select Toggle Allows Object Locking.
d. Verify that the Allows Object Locking property is no longer set.
e. Step off the record to save it.

9. As TLSCONFIG , attempt to check out the project again.

a. Select Tools > Check Out.
b. Select Account in the projects list in the Check Out dialog box.
c. Notice that the Updated column is Yes. This indicates that project on the server has been
updated since the last time you checked out or performed a Get on the project.
d. Notice that the Check Out button is now enabled.
e. Click Check Out.
f. Verify that the Account project is now locked.

10. As TLSCONFIG , edit an object definition and check the project back in.
a. Select Business Component :: Account.
b. Add Edited by TLSCONFIG to the Comments property.
c. Step off the record to save it.
d. Select Tools > Check In.
e. Select Account in the projects list.
f. Click Check In.
g. When check in complete, verify that the project is no longer locked.
h. Leave this instance of Siebel Tools running.

11. As SADMIN , examine the project and account object definition on the server.
a. Select Business Component :: Account.
b. Notice that the Changed flag is now set, and that the Comments property has been updated.
c. Select Project :: Account and verify that the project is not locked.
d. Select File > Exit to close this instance of Siebel Tools.

16 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 3: Editing and Compiling Object Definitions

Practice 3-1 Exploring a Requirement

Goals To identify object definitions and properties to be edited to meet a requirement

Time 10 – 15 minutes

In the set of practices for this lesson, you will configure a small set of changes to an applet using the
local development database. You have been directed to change the captions on several fields in the
entry applet in the My Personal Contacts list view.
Existing Caption New Caption
Account Works at
Zip Code Postal Code

You will first identify the projects you need to check out, check them out, implement the required
configuration, test your changes using the local development database, and finally check the
modified projects back in.
In the first practice for this lesson you will explore the underlying object definitions, determine the
projects, and explore the supplied string references to determine if you can reuse existing string

1. Determine the underlying object definitions.

a. Start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center – ENU.
ii. Enter:
Connect to Local
iii. Click OK.
b. Navigate to Contacts > Personal Contacts List.
c. Notice that the entry applet below the personal contact list applet displays fields with
captions Account and Zip Code. This is the applet you will modify.
d. Select Help > About View.
e. What is the name of the entry applet (Applet [1])?
f. Click OK to close.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 17

Lesson 3: Editing and Compiling Object Definitions

2. Examine the object definitions in the repository.

a. If necessary, start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Connect to Local
iii. Click OK.
b. Select Applet :: Contact Entry Applet(Personal Contact). If you choose to execute a query
that contains special characters such as ( or ) you must enclose the entire query string in
quotation marks.
c. What project does this applet belong to?
d. Select Applet :: Contact Entry Applet(Personal Contact) | Control
e. Query for controls with Caption = Account OR Zip Code . Notice that the Caption - String
Reference property is filled in for both controls This means that both captions are derived
from string references instead of string overrides.

3. Determine if string references exist for the new captions.

a. Expose the symbolic string object type which specifies the string references.
i. Select View > Options.
ii. Click Object Explorer.
iii. Scroll down to locate Symbolic String in the object explorer hierarchy and check
Symbolic String.
iv. Click OK.
b. Select Symbolic String in the Object Explorer.
c. Query for Current String Value = Postal Code . Notice that there is a symbolic string record
for Postal Code, and that its name starts with SBL_POSTAL_CODE.
d. Query for Current String Value = Works at . Observe there is no such symbolic string.
e. Query for Current String Value = Work* to determine if there is another string you might be
able to use. After inspecting the choices you decide that will need to create a new string.
f. Observe that the as-delivered symbolic strings are stored in the Symbolic Strings project.
This is a very large project and the system administrator will create a separate project for you
and your fellow developers to create any new strings required you create.

18 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 3: Editing and Compiling Object Definitions

Solutions 3-1 Exploring a Requirement


1.e. What is the name of the entry applet (Applet [1])?

Contact Entry Applet(Personal Contact).

2.c. What project does this applet belong to?

Personal Contact.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 19

Lesson 3: Editing and Compiling Object Definitions

Practice 3-2 Administering Projects

Goals To create a new project on the server repository

Time < 5 minutes

In this practice you, as a Siebel Administrator, will administer projects so a developer can check
them out and configure them.

1. Administer the Personal Contact project for project check out/check in (COCI). Start another
instance of Siebel Tools and login as SADMIN to the Server database.
a. Start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to Server
b. Click OK
c. Select Project :: Personal Contact.
d. Notice that the Allows Object Locking property is TRUE. This allows individual object
definitions in the project to be checked out, but prevents the project as a whole from being
checked out.
e. Right-click the record and select Toggle Allows Object Locking.
f. Verify that the Allows Object Locking property is no longer set.

2. Create a new project for the custom symbolic strings.

a. As SADMIN , create a new project and name it ATL Strings .
b. Notice that the Allows Object Locking property is set by default to TRUE.
c. Right-click the record and select Toggle Allows Object Locking to enable project COCI.
d. If necessary query to redisplay the new project.
e. Step off the record to save it.
f. Select File > Exit to close this instance of Siebel Tools.

20 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 3: Editing and Compiling Object Definitions

Practice 3-3 Editing and Compiling Object Definitions

Goals To edit and compile object definitions

Time 10 – 15 minutes

In this practice you will check out projects and configure several object definitions in them. You will
then compile your changes into the client .srf file and test the configuration.

1. Check out the projects you need.

a. Verify that you are still logged into Siebel Tools as TLSCONFIG by selecting Help >
Technical Support.
b. Select Tools > Check Out.
c. Notice that the ATL Strings project appears in the Projects list.
d. Make sure that the Selected Projects radio button is selected.
e. Select the ATL Strings project.
f. Scroll down and control-click to select the Personal Contact project.
g. Click Check Out.
h. Select Project in the Object Explorer and query for locked projects, that is projects where
Locked is checked.
i. Verify that the ATL Strings and Personal Contacts projects have been locked.

2. When you check out a project, an archive file of the exported project is also created and stored in
the TEMP\projects folder in the Tools installation directory. Examine this folder. You will learn
about archive files in the next lesson.
a. Navigate to D:\OUsea\Tools\TEMP\Projects.
b. Verify that archive (.sif) files corresponding to each project have been created.
c. Copy the two .sif file to the D:\ directory. You will use these files in the next practice.

3. Create a new symbolic string.

a. In Siebel Tools, select Symbolic String in the Object Explorer.
b. Create a record with
Name X_WORKS_AT ( notice that the name is automatically prefixed
with X_ to distinguish it from the as-delivered strings )
Current String Value Works at
Project ATL Strings ( notice that you can select only locked projects )
Type Conversion

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 21

Lesson 3: Editing and Compiling Object Definitions

4. Modify the captions for the applet.

a. Select Applet :: Contact Entry Applet(Personal Contact).
b. Verify that a pencil icon appears in the W property. This indicates that the applet and control
records are able to be edited.
c. Select Applet :: Contact Entry Applet(Personal Contact) | Control :: Postal Code. This is the
field whose caption is Zip Code.
d. Change the symbolic string to Postal Code
i. Click the arrow in the Caption – String Reference property to invoke the picklist.
ii. Search for strings with Current String Value beginning with Postal Code.
iii. Select the record with Current String Value = Postal Code.
iv. Click Pick.
v. Verify that the Caption property for the control is now set to Postal Code.
e. Select Applet :: Contact Entry Applet(Personal Contact) | Control :: Account.
f. Change the Caption – String Reference property to the string with Current String Value
beginning with Works at . Remember that names are case sensitive.
g. Verify that the Caption property for the control is now set to Works at.
h. Step off the record to save it.

5. The Changed property (often referred to changed flag) is set whenever an object definition has
been edited. Examine the changed flags for your edits.
a. Verify that the Changed property has been set to TRUE for the Account control.
b. The changed flag provides an easy was to locate object definitions you have edited.
i. Select Applet :: Contact Entry Applet(Personal Contact) | Control to update the records.
ii. Query for Changed = TRUE .
iii. Observe that the Postal Code and Account controls have their Changed flags set.
iv. Also note that the Changed flag is also set on the parent applet object definition as well.

6. Compile your changes.

a. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Compile Projects.
b. Select the Locked Projects radio button.
c. Verify that the Siebel repository file is D:\OUsea\Client\OBJECTS\ENU\siebel_sia.srf. Make
sure that the Client directory appears in the target string.
d. Click Compile. Siebel Tools will shut down the Siebel Call Center Developer Web client to
compile the object definitions and then automatically restart the client.

7. Test the configuration changes.

a. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to Contacts > Personal Contact List.
b. Inspect the entry applet and verify that the captions now appear as Works at and Postal Code.
c. If the captions do not appear as desired, return to Siebel Tools and make changes to fix them.
You do not need to log out of the Siebel client when you next compile, as Siebel Tools will
shut the client down and restart it automatically.

8. When you have successfully configured the captions, select File > Log Out in the Siebel client to
stop the client.

22 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 3: Editing and Compiling Object Definitions

In a real-world development effort you would continue to make configuration changes and testing
them until you have successfully implemented then all. At regular intervals, you should also check in
your tested configuration changes to the server as a backup and to make them available for other
developers if necessary.

9. Check in the modified projects.

a. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Check In.
b. Select the Locked/New Objects radio button.
c. Click Check In.
d. Navigate to D:\OUsea\Tools\TEMP\Projects.
e. Observe that two archive (.sif) files corresponding to each project have been deleted. This
happens whenever projects are checked back into the server.

This practice was intended to demonstrate the basic steps of configuring a Siebel application using a
local development environment. The key steps are:
• Check out the relevant projects from the server.
• Configure on the local repository.
• Compile the changes into the client .srf file
• Test using the local database.
• Check the projects back in to the server.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 23

Lesson 3: Editing and Compiling Object Definitions

24 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 4: Managing Object Definitions

Practice 4-1 Using Archive Files

Goals • Create an archive file

• Import an archive file
• Compare object definitions in different archives files and repositories

Prerequisite You must have copied the archive files when you checked out the projects in the
Editing and Compiling Object Definitions practice in the previous lesson.

Time 10 – 15 minutes

In this practice you will create an archive file, compare its contents to another archive file, and
import the contents of an archive file.

1. Export the changes you made in the previous practice to an archive file.
a. Return to or if necessary, start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Connect to Local
iii. Click OK.
b. In Siebel Tools, select Project :: Personal Contact.
c. Select Tools > Add to Archive.
d. Name the archive file PersonalContact.sif in the default directory D:\OUsea\Tools\objects.
e. Click Save.

2. Compare the contents of this archive with that you saved in the previous lesson. You should
observe differences corresponding to the configuration you made in the previous lesson.
a. Select Tools > Compare Objects > Archive vs. Archive.
b. Select PersonalContact.sif in the OBJECTS folder for the left side archive, and click Open.
c. Navigate to D:\ and select Personal_Contact.sif.
d. Click Open.
e. In the compare objects window, notice that Personal Contact is tagged as a differing instance.
f. Expand Personal Contact, and the child instances such as Applet and Control that are tagged
as differing until you display a set of controls.
g. Select Account and notice that the properties for the Account control that differ are displayed
in the lower windows.
h. Verify that the original and final values for the Caption - String Reference are displayed.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 25

Lesson 4: Managing Object Definitions

i. Examine the Postal Code control.

j. Click Close when you have examined all the differing instances.

3. Before you can import the object definitions in the archive file, you must first have the project
locked. Normally you would do this by checking out the Personal Contact project. For the
purposes of this demonstration lab you will lock the project directly on the local database.
a. Select Project :: Personal Contact.
b. Click the Locked property to lock the project.

4. Import the archive file with the original object definitions. This will restore the modified object
definitions to their original configuration.
a. Select Tools > Import from Archive.
b. In the Select Archive to Import window, navigate to D:\ and select Personal_Contact.sif.
c. Click Open.
d. Notice that the Preview window displays the object definitions in the archive.
e. Select the “Overwrite the object definitions in the repository” radio button.
f. Click Next.
g. Expand the conflicting objects in the left pane, and notice that the two modified controls are
h. Observe an action of File appears in the upper right pane for each control. This corresponds
to the default choice to overwrite the values in the repository.
i. Select the Postal Code control in the upper right pane, right-click and select Repository. This
indicates that the value in the repository for this control will be kept.
j. Click Next.
k. Notice that a summary of the modifications is displayed.
l. Click Yes. Notice that the list editor disappears as the definitions are being updated.
m. Click Finish to close the import wizard.

5. Verify that the local repository has been updated.

a. Select Applet :: Contact Entry Applet(Personal Contact) | Control :: Account.
b. Verify that the Caption property has been restored to Account.
c. Examine the Caption property for the Postal Code control and verify that is was not restored
to Zip Code.

You will finally perform some additional configuration of the Tools application itself for the
remainder of the course.

6. Close all instances of Siebel Tools. You will be using the sample datasource for the next set of

7. Set the Object Check Out/Check in property to disallow object check out, as you will not need
the feature in the rest of the course.
a. Navigate to D:\OUsea\Tools\BIN\ENU and open tools.cfg
b. Set the EnableObjectCOCI parameter to FALSE.
c. Save the changes and close the file.

26 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 5: Siebel Web Templates

Practice 5-1 Exploring Web Templates

Goals To understand the role Web templates play in the display of the Siebel user interface

Time 10 – 15 minutes

In this practice, you will examine a view and identify the Web template used by the view. You will
next examine how the applets in the view are mapped to placeholders in the template. You will then
modify two of the applet mappings and observe how the view is then rendered.

1. Start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:

a. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
b. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
c. Click OK.

2. Determine the UI object definitions behind the example view.

a. Use the site map to navigate to Accounts > Accounts List > Profiles > Customer Profile.
b. Observe that the view consists of four applets and that the lowest two applets are arranged
side by side. You may need to scroll down to see all the applets.
c. Verify that the Partners list appears to the left of the Competitors list.
d. Select Help > About View to identify the object definitions behind this view. The dialog box
should display the following:

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 27

Lesson 5: Sieb el Web Templates

3. Start Siebel Tools:

a. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
b. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
c. Click OK.

4. Inspect the configuration of the view.

a. In Siebel Tools, select View :: Account Customer Profile View | View Web Template.
b. Observe that the Web Template used by this view is View Detail Multi Child.
c. Select View :: Account Customer Profile View | View Web Template :: Base | View Web
Template Item
d. Observe that there are four template items that correspond to the four applets that appear in
the view. Each template item specifies the placeholder (the item identifier) in the view
template to which the applet is mapped.
e. Return to Siebel Call Center to verify that the four applets appear in the view in the same
order as the item identifiers for the applets.

5. Swap the item identifiers for the Partner and Competitor list applets to observe the effect upon
the view in the client.
a. Select View :: Account Customer Profile View
b. Select Tools > Lock Project in order to edit the object definitions.
c. Modify the item identifiers for the following View Web Template Items as follows:
UT Competitor List Applet 7
UT Partner List Applet 8
d. Select View :: Account Customer Profile View.
e. Right-click and select "Compile Selected Objects".
f. Verify that repository file is D:\OUsea\Client\OBJECTS\ENU\siebel_sia.srf.
g. Click Compile. Siebel Tools shuts down the Siebel Client, compiles into the SRF file, and
then restarts the client at the same view.

6. Observe the changes in the client.

a. Scroll down to the bottom and verify that the Partners list is now to the right of the
Competitors list. This occurred because you swapped the two applets that were assigned to
placeholders 7 and 8 in the view Web template. In later lessons you will learn how to
reposition applets in the view using the view Web layout editor.

7. Identify the Web template file used for this Web template. In an earlier step, you determined that
the name of the Web template is View Detail Multi Child.
a. In Siebel Tools, select Web Template :: View Detail Multi Child | Web Template File.
b. What is the file name for this Web template file?

28 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 5: Siebel Web Templates

8. Observe that multiple other views also use this template. You use the flat tab in the Object
Explorer to search for object definitions without knowing the parent.
a. Click the Flat tab in the Object Explorer.
b. Select View Web Template.
c. Execute a query to select View Web Templates with Web template = View Detail Multi
Child . This identifies views that use the View Detail Multi Child Web template. The Parent
View property identifies the view.
d. Observe that several hundred views use the View Detail Multi Child Web template.
e. Click the Types tab to return to the hierarchical object display.

9. Examine the Web template file.

a. Select View > Windows > Web Template Window to display the Web Template Explorer.
b. Select CCViewDetailMultiChild in the explorer to display the contents of the file in a code
editor window.
c. Scroll to the end of the file and observe that placeholders with id = 6, 7, 10 are grouped
together and are displayed in the left half of a tabular array, while placeholders with id = 8, 9,
and 11 are grouped together and are displayed in the right half of a tabular array. Note that
swe:applet is the Siebel tag for an applet placeholder.
d. Right-click the Web Template File tab and select Close to close the editor. Alternatively
click the X at the far right to lose the active window.

10. (Optional) Change the value of the item identifier for UT Competitor List Applet from 7 to 9.
Compile the changes and observe where the two list applets are now displayed in the view.

11. Unlock the projects you locked.

a. Select Projects in the Object Explorer.
b. Query for locked projects (Locked = TRUE).
c. Uncheck the Locked property for the project (or projects) returned by the query.

12. Leave both Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 29

Lesson 5: Sieb el Web Templates

Solutions 5-1 Exploring Web Templates


7.b. What is the file name for this Web template file?

10. (Optional) Change the value of the item identifier for UT Competitor List Applet from 7 to
9. Compile the changes and observe where the two list applets are now displayed in the
Since both item identifiers are in the right tabular group, both list applets appear on the
right as follows:

30 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 6: Configuring Form Applets

Practice 6-1 Examining a Form Applet

Goals To examine the configuration of a form applet

Time 5 – 10 minutes

In this practice you will examine the Service Request Detail Applet.

1. Identify the applet using the client application:

a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Click the Service tab.
c. Click the All Service Requests link.
d. Select Help > About View. The bottom applet should be the Service Request Detail Applet.
e. Click OK to close the About View window.

2. In Siebel Tools, set the target browser field to allow the Web layout editors to function properly.
a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Make sure the Configuration Context toolbar is displayed. This toolbar has Target Browser
as its first item.
i. Select View > Toolbars.
ii. If necessary select Configuration Context.
c. If the value displayed for the target browser is not equal to IE 6.0, select Target Browser
Config from the Target Browser drop-down list.
i. Select IE 6.0 from the available browsers list and move it to the selected browsers list. IE
6.0 is the browser used in the classroom.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 31

Lesson 6: Configuring Form Applets

ii. Click OK.

iii. Select IE 5.5 in the selected browsers list and remove it.
d. Click OK to close the Target Browser Configuration window.

3. Examine the applet in the repository:

a. In Siebel Tools, select Applet :: Service Request Detail Applet | Applet Web Template.
b. Notice this applet has one (active) applet Web template and therefore uses only a single
applet mode (Edit).
c. Invoke the Web Layout editor by selecting Service Request Detail Applet, right-clicking and
selecting Edit Web Layout. Click OK to acknowledge that you do not have the object
d. In the Controls/Columns pane on the left of the screen, notice the mode list shows the modes
for the applet.
e. In the Mode list, select "2: Edit" to make sure the active applet Web template is displayed in
the right pane.
f. Observe that placeholders for many button controls appear at the top of the applet. Note that
the New and Delete buttons have been mapped (they appear a shaded box) while the
placeholder for the Edit button is unmapped.
g. Return to Siebel Call Center and observe that the first two buttons (after the Menu button) are
New and Delete and that there is no Edit button on the applet.
h. Return to Siebel Tools and observe that the fields in the bottom part of the applet have arrow
icons associated with them. This indicates that these fields are displayed in only the Show
More mode.
i. Return to Siebel Call Center and click the Show More button in the upper right corner of the
form applet. Observe that the applet now displays these additional fields.
j. Return to Siebel Tools, right-click in the applet, and select Preview. This displays what the
applet looks like in the client.
k. Right-click the applet and deselect Preview to return to the editing mode.
l. Close the editor by right-clicking the Applet (Service Request Detail Applet) tab in the right
pane and selecting Close.

4. Examine the configuration of the applet controls.

a. Select Applet :: Service Request Detail Applet | Applet Web Template :: Edit SIA 2 | Applet
Web Template Item. This is another way to view the mappings between the controls and the
b. Sort the controls in ascending order by Item Identifier.
c. Observe that the first set of controls have low (3 digit) identifiers. These represent the Ids of
the button placeholders at the top of the applet.
d. Observe that the remaining controls have higher identifiers. These are actually pairs of
numbers that serve as the coordinates of the location of the field on the grid layout.
e. Select Applet :: Service Request Detail Applet | Control to display all the available controls
in the form applet (whether or not they are mapped to a template placeholder) and how they
map to the business component fields. Note in the future, if you need to add additional fields
to an applet, you first add a control and then you can use the editor or the Applet Web
Template Item to map the control to a template for display.

32 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 6: Configuring Form Applets

f. Select Applet :: Service Request Detail Applet | Control :: AccountLocation

g. Observe that this control has a caption of Site and maps to the Account Location field.

5. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 33

Lesson 6: Configuring Form Applets

Practice 6-2 Creating a New Form Applet

Goals To create a new form applet

Time 15 – 25 minutes

In this practice you will create a new form applet to display key account profile data and add it to an
existing view.

1. The view to be modified is hidden by default in the view tab layout in the user preferences.
Enable the view for display.
a. In Siebel Call Center, select Tools > User Preferences.
b. Click the drop-down arrow at the end of the link bar and then click Tab Layout.
c. Select Accounts in the upper applet.
d. In the lower View Tab Layout applet, query for records with Name = Profile.
e. Observe that a view named Profile has its Hide column checked.
f. Uncheck the Hide column and save the record.
g. Log out of Siebel Call Center. You need to log back into Siebel Call Center to make the new
tab layout effective.
h. Start the Siebel Call Center Developer Web client and log in as DDEV/DDEV to the Sample

2. Inspect the existing applet in the client application:

a. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to Accounts > Accounts List > All Accounts.
b. Select the first account and drill down on it.
c. Click the view tabs drop-down list and scroll down in the list to select Profile. Make sure you
select Profile and not Profiles . Note that this version of Call Center includes account views
from all the vertical applications. Hence there are a large number of views and occasionally
some duplicate or near duplicate names.

34 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 6: Configuring Form Applets

d. Select Help > About View and verify that the name of the view is Account Profile View and
the name of the lower applet is Account Profile Applet.
e. Click OK to close the About View window.
f. Notice that only the Query button appears as active.

The business analysts have determined that only a small subset of the fields on this applet is required
for the users. You will create a simplified form applet with the subset of fields.

3. Identify the object definitions used by the applet:

a. In Siebel Tools, select Applet :: Account Profile Applet | Applet Web Template. Scroll to the
right. It shows the templates used by the applet for formatting. In this case, the applet uses
the Applet Form Grid Layout template.
b. By looking at the existing applet in the client, you can determine the data you wish to
display. Select Applet :: Account Profile Applet | Control.
c. A colleague of yours has produced a tentative set of data mappings. Inspect the properties
for several controls to verify that the fields she identified are correct. For each entry query for
the control with the value of the Caption, and check the Field property for that record.
Caption Field Your Label
Account Name Name Account Name
Site Location Site
Industry Line of Business Industry
Annual Revenue Annual Revenue Annual Revenue
Account Type Type Account Type
Status Account Status Status
Price List Price List Price List

4. Create a new project to contain your new object definitions:

a. In Siebel Tools, select Project in the Object Explorer.
b. Create a new record and name it ATL .
c. Set the Locked property to TRUE (check mark).

5. Use the Form Applet wizard to create a new applet.

a. Select File > New Object.
b. Click the Applets tab and double-click Form Applet.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 35

Lesson 6: Configuring Form Applets

c. Set:
Project ATL
Name ATL Account Profile Applet (It is good practice to prefix the objects you
create with an acronym to identify them from existing repository objects)
Display Title Account Profile
Business Component Account
Upgrade Behavior Preserve
Use Grid Layout Checked
d. Click Next.
e. Leave the default of Edit Mode checked and click Next.

6. Select the fields in the following order to assign to the applet. The order you enter them
determines the order of appearance in the applet.
Selected Fields
Line of Business
Annual Revenue
Account Status
Price List
a. Click Next.
b. This dialog shows the controls you can add to the applet. Click Next to accept the defaults.
c. Click Finish. The applet definition is created and the editor is displayed. At this point the
applet should look like:

7. Use the editor to modify the created applet definition:

a. Reposition the controls:
i. Select both the field and the label for Annual Revenue. Use the arrow keys to move them
down and to the left to position them directly underneath Price List.
ii. Align the Annual Revenue controls with those above. To align controls to the same left
most starting point, click the align-left button in the formatting toolbar. Use the other
Format options as needed:

iii. Align the each column of captions so they are right-aligned.

36 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 6: Configuring Form Applets

iv. Align other controls as required. Use Preview to see how the applet will ultimately
appear in the view. Your applet should look something like this:

b. Use the editor to change labels:

i. Select the Location field (not the label).
ii. Right-click and select View Properties Window.
iii. In the Properties Window, in the Caption property, open the picklist, and select Site.
iv. Observe that the name in both the field and caption fields change. However the
underlying business component field does not change.
v. Change the caption for Line of Business to Industry.
c. Add standard buttons:
i. In the Controls/Columns pane, drag the New Query button control onto the placeholder
named Query (this placeholder is in the lower row of placeholders above the applet).
ii. Drag the GoToNextSet (RecNavNxt) control from the Controls pane and place it on the
Next placeholder in the top row of placeholders. You may need to scroll to the far right to
find the target placeholder.
iii. Drag the GoToPreviousSet (RecNavPrv) control from the Controls pane and place it on
the Previous placeholder in the top row of placeholders.
d. Save your changes by clicking the Save button in the Edit toolbar.
e. Close the Web layout editor.

8. Complete the configuration of the next and previous record controls.

a. Select Applet :: ATL Account Profile Applet | Control. This adds arrow icons to the buttons.
b. Update:
Name HTML Bitmap HTML Disabled Bitmap

9. Modify the view (replacing the old applet with the new):
a. Select View :: Account Profile View.
b. Select Tools > Lock Project to allow you to edit the view.
c. Select View :: Account Profile View | View Web Template :: Base | View Web Template
Item :: Account Profile Applet.
d. Change the Applet property to ATL Account Profile Applet.
e. Step off the record to save it.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 37

Lesson 6: Configuring Form Applets

In a later lesson you will learn to assign applets to views using the view Web layout editor.

10. Compile the locked projects. This may take more than a minute as the Account (SSE) project is
large. After compiling has completed Siebel Tools should return you to the most recent view in
Siebel Call Center.

11. Test your configuration:

a. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to Accounts > Accounts List and select All Accounts from the
visibility drop-down list.
b. Select the first account and drill down on it.
c. Click the view tabs drop-down list and select Profile.
d. Observe that the new applet appears in the view.
e. Use About View to verify that the ATL Account Profile Applet is part of the view.
f. Click the next and previous record buttons in the upper right corner of the applet to verify
these control work.
g. Click the Query button in the new applet and query for Name = Allbright.

12. Unlock the projects.

a. In Siebel Tools, select Project.
b. Query for locked projects (Locked = TRUE).
c. Uncheck the Locked property for the projects.

13. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

38 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 7: Configuring List Applets

Practice 7-1 Examining an Existing List Applet

Goals To examine the configuration of a list applet

Time 5 – 10 minutes

In this practice you will examine the Service Request List Applet.

1. Identify the applet using the client application:

a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Click the Service tab.
c. Click the All Service Requests link.
d. Select Help > About View. The top applet should be the Service Request List Applet.
e. Close the About View window.

2. Inspect the applet in the repository:

a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Select Applet :: Service Request List Applet | Applet Web Template.
c. Notice this applet has three applet Web templates. The Base and Edit List use the same Web
template (Applet List (Base/EditList)) and the Edit template uses Applet List Edit
(Edit/New/Query). These identify the three modes for this list applet.
d. Invoke the Web Layout editor by selecting Service Request List Applet, right-clicking and
selecting Edit Web Layout. Click OK to acknowledge that you do not have the project

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 39

Lesson 7: Configuring List Applets

e. In the Controls/Columns pane on the left of the screen, notice the mode list shows the three
modes for the applet.
f. In the Mode list, select "3: Edit List" and notice the template in the editor pane on the right
g. In the Controls/Columns pane, notice there is an option to show unmapped controls only.
Uncheck the box to deselect the option. Notice that two mapped controls Abstract and
Account appear now in the list.
h. Close the editor by right-clicking the Applet (Service Request List Applet) tab in the right
pane and selecting Close.
i. Select Applet :: Service Request List Applet | Applet Web Template :: Edit List | Applet Web
Template Item. This is another way to view the mappings between the controls and the
template. Notice that both Abstract and Account appear as mapped items (Control property).
j. Select Applet :: Service Request List Applet | List. Each list applet has a child object
definition called List that groups all the list columns.
k. Select Applet :: Service Request List Applet | List :: List | List Column to display all the
available columns in the list applet (whether or not they are mapped to a template) and how
they map to the business component fields. Note in the future, if you need to add additional
fields to an applet, you first add a list column and then you can use the editor or the Applet
Web Template Item to map the list column to a template for display.
l. Scroll to the right or use the properties window. Notice:
Field Indicates the field the list column displays
Display Name This is the string that is used to display a label to the user. In
this case the column heading in the list applet.
Display Name – String Reference Points to a symbolic string that is used for the display name.
Display Name – String Override This allows you to specify a string that isn’t listed in the
symbolic strings.
HTML Icon Map This identifies a set of mappings which convert values to
icons. For instance the CHECK icon maps Y to a check mark
and N to a blank icon.
Show in List This allows you to indicate which columns should be
displayed by default. Recall that a user can customize this
using the columns displayed option.

3. Explore the use of the Show in List property.

a. In List Columns, query for Name = Account. Notice the Available property is TRUE, the
Show in List property is TRUE, and the Display Name is Account.
b. In List Columns, query for Name = Account Location . Notice the Available property is
TRUE, the Show in List property is FALSE, and the Display Name is Site.
c. In List Columns, query for Name = Agreement Id . Notice the Available property is TRUE,
the Show in List property is TRUE, and the Display Name is Ent. Agreement Id.
d. Select Applet :: Service Request List Applet | Applet Web Template :: Edit List | Applet Web
Template Item, and verify that Account and Account Location appear as mapped items, but
that Agreement Id is not a mapped item. Query for Control = Agreement Id.
e. Return to the Siebel Call Center application.

40 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 7: Configuring List Applets

f. In the Service Request List applet, right-click and select Columns Displayed. Click Reset
g. Observe that a column named Account appears and there is no column named Site.
h. Return to columns displayed. On the left are the controls that are available, but not shown in
the list. Site should appear in this list.
i. Notice that Agreement Id does not appear in either column. This occurs because the list
column has not been mapped to a placeholder in the template.
j. Move Site to the right (into the selected columns list), move it up to immediately follow
Account, and click Save to have it appear in the columns displayed in the applet.
k. Notice in the applet that the Site column is now displayed with some records having values.
You may need to scroll down to observe this.
l. Click Query. Notice the format. This is a result of the templates that are configured for the
list applet. If you are creating a new applet and you are not sure which to use, it is good
practice to inspect an existing applet to determine the templates.
m. Click Go to return to the list.

4. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 41

Lesson 7: Configuring List Applets

Practice 7-2 Creating a New List Applet

Goals To create a new list applet

Time 15 – 25 minutes

In this practice you will create a simplified version of an assets list applet that displays a small set of
important asset fields.

1. Examine the existing application:

a. In Siebel Call Center, select Site Map > Assets > List.
b. Observe that the applet displays many columns and that you may have scroll to the right to
see all of them.
c. In the list applet, right-click and select Columns Displayed. Notice that there are many more
available columns.
d. Click Cancel to close the window.

2. Use the wizard to create a new list applet to display only several key fields:
a. In Siebel Tools, lock the ATL project.
b. Select File > New Object.
c. Click the Applets tab and click List Applet to invoke the List Applet wizard.
d. Click OK.
e. Set:
Project ATL
Name ATL Asset Characteristics List Applet (It is good practice to
prefix the objects you create with an acronym to easily identify
them from existing repository objects)
Display Title Asset Characteristics
Business Component Asset Mgmt - Asset
Upgrade Behavior Preserve
f. Click Next.
g. Set:
Template for Base read-only mode Applet List (Base/EditList)
Template for Edit List mode Applet List (Base/EditList)
Template for Edit mode In the bottom list. Applet List Edit (Edit/New/Query)
h. Click Next.

42 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 7: Configuring List Applets

i. Select the fields below and move them from the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields
list using the arrows. Available Fields show the fields from the business component.
Selected Fields show the fields you want to include in the applet.
Asset Number
Serial Number
Asset Description
Product Name
Product Description
Product Part Number
j. If necessary use the up and down arrows re-order the selected field to match that in the list
k. Click Next.
l. This dialog shows the controls you can add to the applet. Click Next to accept the defaults.
m. Click Finish. The applet definition is created and the editor is displayed.

3. Modify the display name for one of the columns

a. Change the display name for a field:
i. Notice the Controls/Columns pane on the left of your screen. The Mode of the applet is
shown here. Verify Mode = 1:Base.
ii. In the editor, on the right side of your screen, select the Serial Nu mber column heading.
iii. Right-click and select View Properties Window.
iv. In the properties window, change the Display Name to Serial # by selecting the Serial #
string reference from the pick list.
b. Right-click in the white space in the editor and select Preview. This shows how the applet
will appear. You may need to temporarily collapse some of the other editing windows to see
the previewed applet
c. Right-click again and select Preview to return to edit mode.
d. In the Controls/Columns pane, select Mode= 3:Edit List.
e. Notice that the display change appears here as well.
f. Save your changes by clicking the Save button in the edit toolbar.
g. Close the editor.

4. Practice modifying the applet by adding a new field:

a. Select Applet :: ATL Asset Characteristics List Applet | List :: List | List Column.
b. Create a new record and set:
Field Status
Display Name - String Reference Status (elect the string reference if multiple
instances occur)
c. Accept all the default property values, step off the record and notice the Name property
defaults to the Field value.
d. Assign the columns to the applet template.
i. Select Applet :: ATL Asset Characteristics List Applet.
ii. Right-click and select Edit Web Layout.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 43

Lesson 7: Configuring List Applets

iii. From the Controls/Columns pane, drag the Status column and drop it on the field
placeholder to the right of Product Part Number.
iv. Drag and drop a New Query minibutton onto the button placeholder named Query.
v. Repeat to assign the NewRecord and DeleteRecord buttons.
vi. Preview the applet. Close the preview mode after you have reviewed the layout.
vii. In the Mode: field of the Web Controls toolbar, select 3:Edit List and repeat your steps to
add the Status field and New Query, New, and Delete buttons.
viii. Save your changes.
e. Close the Web layout editor window.

5. If you have time, validate the applet.

a. Select Applet :: ATL Asset Characteristics List Applet.
b. Right-click the applet record and select Validate. Click Start.
c. Review the results. You should not receive any warnings or errors.
d. Click Cancel.

6. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

You cannot test your configuration yet. You must first assign the applet to a view and then add the
view to a screen in the application. You will perform this configuration in the practices for the
following lessons.

44 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 8: Configuri ng Views

Practice 8-1 Modifying an Existing View

Goals To modify an existing view

Prerequisite You must have configured the ATL Asset Characteristics List Apple in the previous

Time 10 – 15 minutes

In this practice you will modify an existing view by replacing an existing applet with a new applet.

1. Inspect the view in the client application you wish to modify:

a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Navigate to Contacts > Contacts List and select All Contacts from the visibility drop-down
c. Drill down on the Ray Aamos contact.
d. Navigate to the Contacts Assets view by selecting the Assets view from the drop-down list at
the end of view tabs.
e. Select Help > About View to determine the view name (Contact Asset Mgmt View). You
will replace the Contact Asset Mgmt - Asset List Applet with the applet you created in the
previous practice.
f. Click OK to close the About View window.

2. Modify the view:

a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 45

Lesson 8: Configuri ng Views

b. Select View :: Contact Asset Mgmt View.

c. Lock the project to enable editing of this definition.
d. Right-click and select Edit Web Layout.
e. In the layout editor (on the right of your screen), scroll down to the applet placeholder that
contains the assets list applet.
f. Right-click the placeholder and select Delete.
g. In the Applets pane (on the left of your screen), click List Applet and drag and drop it onto
the applet placeholder you just cleared. A pick dialog box appears.
h. Click the Name header to sort the applets alphabetically.
i. Select ATL Asset Characteristics List Applet and click Pick.
j. Right-click the view and select Preview to preview the view. Verify that the list applet
corresponds to the applet you created in the previous practice.
k. Deselect preview to return to the editing mode.
l. Save your changes.
m. Close the View editor.
n. Select View :: Contact Asset Mgmt View | View Web Template :: Base | View Web
Template Item :: ATL Asset Characteristics List Applet.
o. Execute a blank query to refresh the data.
p. Set the Applet Mode to Edit List and step off the record.

3. Compile your changes:

a. Select Tools > Compile Projects
b. Click the Lock Projects radio button.
c. Click Compile. Siebel Tools shuts down the client, compiles into the SRF file, and then
restarts the client, and returns to the Contact Asset Mgmt View

4. Verify your changes:

a. In Siebel Call Center, observe that the view includes the assets list applet you created.
b. Selecting Help > About View and verify that the view now includes the ATL Asset
Characteristics List Applet.
c. Select Site Map > Assets > List to navigate to the Assets screen.
d. Create an asset record and set Product to #1 Fuel Oil.
e. In the lower applet, add Ray Aamos as a contact.
f. Return to the Contacts Asset view by clicking the browser back arrow.
g. Verify that the asset you just created now appears.

5. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

46 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 8: Configuri ng Views

Practice 8-2 Creating a New View

Goals To create a new view

Time 10 – 15 minutes

In the following steps you will create a new detail view to display an account and its assets using the
new list asset applet you created.

1. Determine the account form applet to use:

a. In Siebel Call Center, select Site Map > Accounts > Accounts List > Assets.
b. Select Help > About View to identify the account form applet (SIS Account Entry Applet).
c. Close the About View window.

2. Create a new view using the wizard:

a. In Siebel Tools, make sure the ATL project is still locked.
b. Select File > New Object and click View to invoke the wizard.
c. Click OK and set:
Project ATL
Name ATL Account Asset View Simple (It is good practice to
prefix the objects you create with an acronym to easily identify
them from existing repository objects)
Title Account Assets
Business Object Account
Upgrade Behavior Preserve
d. Click Next.
e. Select View Detail and click Next.
f. In Available Applets, select SIS Account Entry Applet and ATL Asset Characteristics List
g. Click Next.
h. Click Finish. You are navigated to the Web Layout Editor.
i. Close the editor. You are navigated to the new view definition.

3. Configure the applet modes:

a. Select View :: ATL Account Asset View Simple | View Web Template :: Base | View Web
Template Item :: ATL Asset Characteristics List Applet.
b. Set the Applet Mode to Edit List .

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 47

Lesson 8: Configuri ng Views

4. Administer your new view:

a. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to Administration - Application > Views.
b. In Siebel Tools, select View :: ATL Account Asset View Simple.
c. Select the Name. It will highlight.
d. Press Ctrl-C to copy.
e. Navigate back to the client application.
f. Create a new record.
g. Press Ctrl-V to paste the name into View Name. This is done so you match the exact
spelling from the repository in the client.
h. Navigate to Administration - Application > Responsibilities.
i. In the Responsibilities applet, create a record and set Responsibility = ATL TEST RESP.
Organization should automatically be set to Default Organization.
j. In the Views applet, click Add. Select the ATL Account Asset View Simple.
k. In the Users applet, click Add. Select DDEV (User Id = DDEV). This is the user you are
logged in as for your testing.
l. Select File > Log Out. You need to log out of the application for the new responsibility to
become effective.

5. Leave Siebel Tools.

You cannot test your configuration yet. You must first assign the view to a screen. You will perform
this configuration in the practice for the following lesson.

48 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 9: Configuring Applications an d Scre ens

Practice 9-1 Adding a View to a Screen

Goals To add a view to a screen and configure the way the view appears.

Prerequisite You must have configured the ATL Account Asset View Simple in the previous

Time 5 – 10 minutes

In this practice you will add the ATL Account Asset View Simple view you created to the Accounts
screen. You will add it to the screen so that the screen will have both a detailed and simple account
asset views.

1. Start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:

a. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
b. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
c. Click OK.

2. Examine the existing account asset view.

a. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to Accounts > Accounts List and select All Accounts from the
visibility drop-down list.
b. Select the Allbright record and drill down on it.
c. Click the drop-down list at the end of the view tabs, and observe that there is no view named
assets in the list.

3. The account assets view is hidden by default in the view tab layout in the user preferences.
Enable the view for display.
a. In Siebel Call Center, select Tools > User Preferences.
b. Click the drop-down arrow at the end of the link bar and then click Tab Layout.
c. Select Accounts in the upper applet.
d. In the lower View Tab Layout applet, query for records with Name = Asset*.
e. Observe that a view named Assets has its Hide column checked..
f. Uncheck the Hide column and save the record.
g. Log out of Siebel Call Center.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 49

Lesson 9: Configuri ng Applications and Screens

4. Start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:

a. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
b. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
c. Click OK.

5. Verify that the assets view appears in the view tabs.

a. Navigate to Accounts > Accounts List and select All Accounts from the visibility drop-down
b. Select the Allbright record and drill down on it.
c. Click the drop-down list at the end of the view tabs, and observe that the assets view now
appears in the list.

6. Determine the screen to which you will add the view.

a. Select Help > About View to identify the screen (Accounts Screen).
b. Close the About View window.

7. Add the view to a screen:

a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Select Screen :: Accounts Screen | Screen View.
c. Lock the project.
d. Add a new screen view record and set:
View ATL Account Asset View Simple
Type Detail View
Sequence 1 (Pos ition it to far left in the view tabs to make it easy to find)
Parent Category Account List
Viewbar Text – Assets-Simple (You are overriding so it will be easier to spot)
String Override
Display in Site Map TRUE
Menu Text – String Assets-Simple (You are overriding so it will be easier to spot)
e. Step off the record to save it.

50 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 9: Configuring Applications an d Scre ens

8. Compile your changes:

a. Select Tools > Compile Projects
b. Click the Lock Projects radio button.
c. Click Compile.

9. Test your configuration:

a. In Siebel Call Center, select Site Map > Accounts.
b. Verify that a new view Assets-Simple appears under Accounts List.
c. Click Assets-Simple.
d. Verify that the ATL Account Asset View Simple appears with the simplified assets list
e. Use Help > About View to confirm the name of the view and applets.
f. Navigate to Accounts > Accounts List and select All Accounts from the visibility drop-down
g. Select the Allbright account, and drill down on it.
h. Verify that an Assets-Simple view tab appears at the left of the view tabs.
i. Click Assets-Simple and verify the view appears.
j. Click the view tabs drop-down and verify that a view named Assets still appears.

10. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 51

Lesson 9: Configuri ng Applications and Screens

Practice 9-2 Creating a Detailed Category

Goals To group two detail views in a detail category.

Time 5 – 10 minutes

In this practice you will group the two asset views together in a detail category.

1. Examine an existing detail category.

a. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to Accounts > Accounts List and select All Accounts from the
visibility drop-down list.
b. Select the Allbright record and drill down on it.
c. Click the drop-down list at the end of the view tabs, and select Notes.
d. Observe that the notes tab is a detail category with two notes detail views (Private Notes and
Public Notes) in the link bar below the tab. You will configure the two assets view similarly.

2. Create the detail category.

a. In Siebel Tools, select Screen :: Accounts Screen | Screen View.
b. Create a screen view record and set:
Type Detail Category (You must set the type first to create a category)
Category Name Assets
Sequence 1 (Pos ition it to far left in the view tabs to make it easy to find)
Parent Category Account List
Viewbar Text – Assets (Select a string reference)
String Reference
Display in Site Map TRUE
Menu Text – String Assets (Select a string reference)
c. Select Screen :: Accounts Screen | Screen View :: ATL Account Asset View Simple.
d. Modify the record:
Parent Category Assets
e. Select Screen :: Accounts Screen | Screen View :: Account Asset Mgmt - Asset View.

52 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 9: Configuring Applications an d Scre ens

f. Modify the record:

Sequence 2
Parent Category Assets
Viewbar Text – Assets-Detailed
String Override
Menu Text – String Assets-Detailed

3. Compile the Accounts Screen object you just configured.

a. Select Screen :: Accounts Screen.
b. Right-click and select Compile Selected Objects.

4. Test your configuration:

a. In Siebel Call Center, select Site Map > Accounts.
b. Verify that under Accounts List, Assets now appears with the Assets-Simple and Assets-
Detailed as children.
c. Click Account List.
d. Select All Accounts.
e. Select the Allbright account, and drill down on it.
f. Verify that an Assets view tab appears at the left of the view tabs.
g. Click Assets.
h. Observe that a link bar appears with the two detail views named Assets-Simple and Assets-
i. Click Assets-Detailed and observe that the view changes from the simple to the detailed
j. Click Assets- Simple to return to the simple view.
k. Unlock all the projects you locked.

5. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 53

Lesson 9: Configuri ng Applications and Screens

Practice 9-3 Configuring Application-Level Menus and


Goals To observe and change application-level menu items and toolbar icon sequences.

Time 15 – 20 minutes

In this practice you will disable the File > Auto > Call List menu item and resequence the tool bar
icons so that the Site Map is the left-most icon in the Call Center application.

1. Inspect the application-level menus:

a. In Siebel Call Center, select File. Notice some menu items are grayed-out and are
b. Notice there is an Auto submenu which also has submenu items such as Call List.
c. Notice the keys in brackets [ ]. These are keyboard accelerators for the menu items. For Call
List the accelerator is Alt + I.
d. Press Alt+I on your keyboard. Notice you are navigated to a Call List view.

2. Identify the name of your application:

a. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to D:\OUsea\Client\BIN\ENU and open uagent.cfg.
b. Locate the ApplicationName parameter in the Siebel section. Notice it is set to Siebel
Universal Agent.
c. Close the file without saving any changes.

3. If necessary, set options so that you can view the Command, Menu, and Toolbar object
a. In Siebel Tools, select View > Options and click the Object Explorer tab.
b. Check the Command, Menu, and Toolbar object types in the list.
c. Click OK.

4. Identify the menu being used by your application:

a. Select Application :: Siebel Universal Agent. This is the appropriate object because the
name matches the string you found in the client cfg file above.
b. Notice the Menu property is set to Generic WEB.

54 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 9: Configuring Applications an d Scre ens

5. Observe the configured menu items:

a. Select Menu :: Generic WEB | Menu Item.
b. Lock the project to enable editing of the object definitions.
c. Sort by Position by clicking the Sort Ascending button.
d. Notice the Caption and Caption - String Reference property settings. Using the Properties
Window may help you avoid a lot of scrolling. These control the text that appears to the
e. Notice the Position property. This controls the sequence in which items appear.

6. Disable the Auto > Call List item:

a. Select Menu :: Generic WEB | Menu Item :: File - New Call List.
b. Set the Inactive property to TRUE.
c. Add ATL test comment in the Comments property.
d. Step off the record to save the change. The record should change to red to indicate it is

7. Observe where the keyboard accelerator for this menu item is configured.
a. Observe that Command property for this menu item is New Call List.
b. Select Command :: New Call List | Accelerator.
c. Observe that the Key Sequence property is Alt+I. This property determines the keyboard
accelerator for this command.

8. Change the position of menu items. You wish to have Export Data Map appear before Import
Data within the File menu.
a. Select Menu :: Generic WEB | Menu Item :: File - Import Data
b. Observe that Position = 1.14
c. Set the Position to 1.15. (the value for the position of File - Export Data).
d. Select Menu :: Generic WEB | Menu Item :: File - Export Data
e. Set the Position to 1.14. (the former value for the position of File - Import Data).

9. Inspect the application toolbar in Siebel Call Center:

a. Return to the Call Center application.
b. Notice that the Site Map icon is not the left-most icon in the toolbar.
c. Hover over the icons to the left of the Site Map to see the text (such as Apply Target List).

10. Change the sequence of the toolbar icons to have Site Map be the left-most icon.
a. In Siebel Tools, select Toolbar :: HIMain | Toolbar Item.
b. Lock the project
c. Notice SLM Apply Target List has the lowest Position property setting (2) for those items
which are active.
d. For the SiteMap item, set the Position property to 1. Duplicate positions are allowed.
e. Step off the record to save it.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 55

Lesson 9: Configuri ng Applications and Screens

11. Compile your changes into the client .srf file. Since you have multiple object definitions in
several projects compile all locked projects.

12. Verify your changes:

a. In Siebel Call Center, select File > Auto and verify that Call List does not appear under File
> Auto.
b. Press Alt+I on your keyboard. You should not be navigated to the Call List view.
c. Verify that in the File menu Export Data Map appears before Import Data.
d. Verify that the Site Map icon is the left-most icon.

13. Unlock the projects you locked.

14. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

56 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 10: Business Components and Join s

Practice 10-1 Examining Single Value Field Mappings

Goals To identify the columns to which fields are mapped

Time 10 – 15 minutes


In this practice you will examine mappings between fields in the Service Request business
component and columns in its base and joined tables.

1. First you will examine the Single Value Field object definitions to determine the underlying
database table and column.
a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Select Business Component :: Service Request. What is the base table for this business
component? Check the table property.

c. Select Business Component :: Service Request | Single Value Field :: Commit Time.
i. What is the column for this field?

ii. What is the value of the Join property?

iii. What does a null Join property tell you about the database table that contains the

d. Select Business Component :: Service Request | Single Value Field :: Lot Start Date.
i. What is the value of the Column property?

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 57

Lesson 10: Business Components and Joins

ii. What is the value of the Join property?

iii. What does a non-null Join property tell you about the database table that contains the

iv. Select Business Component :: Service Request | Join and query for Alias = Lot.
v. Which database table contains the EFF_START_DT column?

In many cases the alias for the join is the name of the table. In these cases the table name
appears as the Join property in the single value field.
e. Examine the following fields for the Service Request business component. Determine the
column and table to which they map. Fill in this table with your observations.
Field Column Join Table
Contact Last Name
Customer Ref Number
Product Part Number
Resolution Code
Serial Number

2. Leave Siebel Tools running.

58 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 10: Business Components and Join s

Solutions 10-1 Examining Single Value Field Mappings


1.b. Select Business Component :: Service Request. What is the base table for this business

1.c.i. What is the column for this field?


1.c.ii. What is the value of the Join property?

It is null (or blank).

1.c.iii. What does a null Join property tell you about the database table that contains the column?
A blank Join property indicates that the column maps to the base table (S_SRV_REQ).

1.d.i. What is the value of the Column property?


1.d.ii. What is the value of the Join property?


1.d.iii. What does a non-null Join property tell you about the database table that contains the
This field maps to a column stored in a related table, rather than to the base table for
Service Request.

1.d.v. Which database table contains the EFF_START_DT column?

It is a column on the S_PROD_INT table.

1.e. Examine the following fields for the Service Request business component. Determine the
column and table to which they map. Fill in this table with your observations.

Field Column Join Table

Customer Ref Number SR_CST_NUM S_SRV_REQ

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 59

Lesson 10: Business Components and Joins

Practice 10-2 Creating a Join

Goals To create a Join and use it to map fields

Time 30 – 40 minutes


The business analysts on the team have identified several columns in the S_ORDER table that
contain data of interest that should be displayed on the “Asset Mgmt - Asset Detail Applet - Big”
applet. This applet references the Asset Mgmt - Asset business component. The columns of interest
are listed below:
Table Column
In this practice you will configure Join and Join Specification object definitions to allow you to
create new fields in the Asset Mgmt - Asset business component that map to columns in the
S_ORDER table. You will then create Original Order Number and Customer PO Number fields in
the Asset Mgmt - Asset business component. Finally you will expose these new fields on the “Asset
Mgmt - Asset Detail Applet - Big” applet.

1. Identify the base table for the Asset Mgmt - Asset business component.
a. In Siebel Tools, select Business Component :: Asset Mgmt - Asset.
b. The Table property identifies the base table for the business component. Notice that the value

2. Next check the joins for the Asset Mgmt - Asset business component to determine if S_ORDER
is a related table with a pre-built join.
a. Select Business Component :: Asset Mgmt - Asset | Join.
b. The Table property identifies the related table. Query for Joins with Table = S_ORDER.
c. Is there an existing Join to the S_ORDER table?

3. A join can be configured if there is a foreign key in S_ASSET that points to the S_ORDER table.
Determine if this is satisfied.
a. Select Business Component :: Asset Mgmt - Asset and drill down on the S_ASSET hyperlink
in the Table property.
b. Select Table :: S_ASSET | Column.
c. Recall that columns that serve as foreign keys are identified by the name of the related table
in the Foreign Key Table Property. Execute a query to determine if there are any foreign key
columns that point to S_ORDER.

60 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 10: Business Components and Join s

d. Record the names of such columns, if any.

4. Determine the name of the column in the join table that serves as the primary key.
a. Select Table :: S_ORDER | Column and
b. Query for Primary Key = TRUE and observe that is ROW_ID

5. The join specification uses the name of the foreign key field in the business component that
references the foreign key column you determined above. When you configure a join
specification you create the foreign key field if it does not already exist.
a. Select Business Component :: Asset Mgmt – Asset | Single Value Field.
b. Check to see if there is an existing mapping.
i. Query for Column = ORIG_ORDER_ID.
ii. Were any fields returned?
c. Since there is an existing mapping, you do not need to add a new single value field.

6. Create a join and join specification to add the joined (related) table to the Asset Mgmt - Asset
business component.
a. Select Business Component :: Asset Mgmt – Asset | Join.
b. Lock the Asset Management project.
c. Add a new record and set the following properties:
Outer Join Flag TRUE (This returns all asset records regardless if
there is an associated order)
d. Select Business Component :: Asset Mgmt – Asset | Join :: S_ORDER | Join Specification.
e. Add a new record and set the following properties:
Name Order Id
Destination Column ROW_ID
Source Field Original Order Id

7. Create a new field that references the ORDER_NUM column from the joined table in order to
display it in the applet.
a. Select Business Component :: Asset Mgmt - Asset | Single Value Field.
b. Add a new record and set (accept all other default values):
Name Original Order Number
c. Why must you set the Join property before the Column property?

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 61

Lesson 10: Business Components and Joins

8. Create a new field that references the ACCNT_ORDER_NUM column from the joined table.
a. Select Business Component :: Asset Mgmt - Asset | Single Value Field.
b. Add a new record and set:
Name Customer PO Number

Now you need to display these new fields in the “Asset Mgmt - Asset Detail Applet - Big” applet.
You will first create controls for the applet, and then add the controls to the applet template.

9. Add controls to the applet.

a. Select Applet :: Asset Mgmt - Asset Detail Applet - Big | Control.
b. Add a new record and set:
Name Original Order Id
Caption - String Reference Original Order Id (A symbolic string exists so use it)
Field Original Order Number (Type the name directly into the field
if the picklist doesn't work)
HTML Type Field
c. Add a second new record and set:
Name Customer PO Number
Caption - String Override Customer Order (No symbolic string exists so create a
string override)
Field Customer PO Number
HTML Type Field

10. Add the controls to the applet template.

a. Select Applet :: Asset Mgmt - Asset Detail Applet - Big.
b. Right-click and select Edit Web Layout. Verify the Mode: field in the Web Controls toolbar
is 1:Edit.
c. Drag the Original Order Id and Customer PO Number controls from the Control /
Columns window and position them in the lower left corner of the grid applet editor. Make
sure that you drag both the field and caption controls for each field.
d. Preview the applet. Verify that the fields appear where you put them.
e. Save your changes
f. Close the Web Layout Editor window.

11. Compile all locked projects.

12. Test your work.

a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.

62 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 10: Business Components and Join s

ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Use the site map to navigate to Assets > List.
c. Drill down on a record in the list applet.
d. Click the More Info tab to display the Asset Mgmt - Asset Detail Applet - Big applet.
e. Verify that the two new controls (Original Order Id and Customers Order) appear on the
f. Observe that these two controls are grayed indicating that they cannot be edited. Why should
this be the case?

13. In Siebel Tools, unlock the Asset Management project.

14. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 63

Lesson 10: Business Components and Joins

Solutions 10-2 Creating a Join


2.c. Is there an existing Join to the S_ORDER table?


3.d Record the names of such columns, if any.


5.b.ii. Were any fields returned?

Yes, Original Order Id

7.c. Why must you set the Join property before the Column property?
If the Join property is blank, the columns available on the Column property are those on
the base table (in this case, S_ASSET). The ORDER_NUM column is located on
S_ORDER, not S_ASSET. You need to set the Join property to display the columns in the
joined table

12.f. Observe that these two controls are grayed indicating that they cannot be edited. Why
should this be the case?
Fields that mapped to joined tables are read-only. These fields can be edited in an applet
and business component that uses the table as its base table.

64 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 11: Par ty Busi ness Components

Practice 11-1 Examining Fields in Party Business


Goals To understand the structure of party business component field mappings

Time 15 – 25 minutes


1. In this step you will examine how the S_CONTACT and S_CONTACT_X tables are related to
the S_PARTY table.
a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Select Table :: S_CONTACT.
i. What is the type of the table?
ii. What is the value of the Base Table property?
c. Select Table :: S_CONTACT_X. This is the standard 1:1 extension table for the Contact
business component. What is the value of the Base Table property?

(Note: 1:1 extension tables cannot have extension tables of their own.)

2. Identify additional extension tables of S_PARTY.

a. Select Table in the Object Explorer.
b. Execute a query for tables with Base Table = S_PARTY. This selects extension tables with
S_PARTY as the base table.
c. Verify that the common tables mentioned in the lecture (such as S_BU, S_CONTACT,
S_ORG_EXT, and S_USER) appear.
d. Observe that there are numerous S_PARTY additional extension tables. Notice that many of
these are additional contact and account extension tables tailored for several of the Siebel
Industry applications such as Financial Services and Life Sciences.

3. Examine how the Organization business component uses the S_PARTY extension tables.
a. Select Business Component :: Organization.
b. What is the base table for Organization?

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 65

Lesson 11: Party Business Components

c. Determine the fields that map to columns in the base table.

i. Select Business Component :: Organization | Single Value Field
ii. Execute a query with Join = is null and Column is not null . This returns all fields that
map to columns in the base table for the business component. If you query for just Join =
"", calculated fields which do not map to columns in any table will be returned as well.
You will learn about calculated columns in a later lesson.
iii. Observe that a small set of fields having to do with party-related data are returned.
d. Determine the fields that map to columns in the S_ORG_EXT extension table.
i. Select Business Component :: Organization | Single Value Field
ii. Execute a query with Join = S_ORG_EXT
iii. Observe that a moderate number of columns are returned. Notice Name and Locations are
two such fields.
e. Determine the fields that map to columns in the S_BU extension table.
i. Select Business Component :: Organization | Single Value Field
ii. Execute a query with Join = S_BU
iii. Observe that a small number of columns are returned. Notice that Organization BU Name
is one of these fields.

This exercise shows that the Organization business component uses both the S_ORG_EXT and
S_BU extension table.

4. Examine how the Account business component uses the S_PARTY extension tables.
a. Select Business Component :: Account.
b. What is the base table for Account?
c. Determine the fields that map to columns in the base table.
i. Select Business Component :: Account | Single Value Field
ii. Execute a query with Join = is null and Column is not null.
iii. Observe that a small set of fields having to do with party-related data are returned.
d. Determine the fields that map to columns in the S_ORG_EXT extension table.
i. Select Business Component :: Account | Single Value Field
ii. Execute a query with Join = S_ORG_EXT
iii. Observe that a large number of columns are returned. Notice Name and Location are two
such fields, and they map to the NAME and LOC columns respectively.
e. Determine the fields that map to columns in the S_BU extension table.
i. Select Business Component :: Account | Single Value Field
ii. Execute a query with Join = S_BU
iii. Observe that no fields are returned

This exercise shows that the Account business component uses the S_ORG_EXT extension table
but not the S_BU extension table.

66 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 11: Par ty Busi ness Components

5. Examine the Joins for the Account business component.

a. Select Business Component :: Account | Join.
b. Query for Joins with an Alias of S_ORG_EXT or S_BU. Remember that the Alias property
is the name of the join.
c. Why are there no joins with either name?

d. Query for joins to the S_ORG_EXT table.

e. Notice that all of these joins have an alias that differs from the name of the table. This is
necessary to distinguish these joins from the implicit join which does have the name of the
f. Examine the Parent Account join.
i. Select Business Component :: Account | Join :: Parent Account | Join Specification.
ii. Which foreign key field is used to identify the related account record?

This exercise shows that only the explicit joins to a joined table are listed as Join object

6. Examine how the Account business component uses the Parent Account join.
a. Select Business Component :: Account | Single Value Field
b. Execute a query with Join = Parent Account.
c. Notice that a small number of columns in the S_ORG_EXT table including the Name and
LOC column have fields mapped to them. The values stored in this record in the
S_ORG_EXT table are the name and location of the parent account, and not that of the
account itself.

7. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 67

Lesson 11: Party Business Components

Solutions 11-1 Examining Fields in Party Business



1.b.i. What is the type of the table?

Extension (Siebel)

1.b.ii. What is the value of the Base Table Name property?


1.c. Select Table :: S_CONTACT_X. This is the standard 1:1 extension table for the Contact
business component. What is the value of the Base Table property?

3.b. What is the base table for Organization?


4.b. What is the base table for Account?


5.c. Why are there no joins with either name?

These are implicit joins to the extensions tables. Hence they do not appear as Join object

5.f.ii. Which foreign key field is used to identify the related account record?
Parent Account Id

68 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 11: Par ty Busi ness Components

Practice 11-2 Creating a Join to a Party Extension Table

Goals To create a join to a party business component

Time 20 – 30 minutes


You have been asked to add the login ID of the last person to update the record for a given service
request to the Service Request Detail Applet in the service requests list views. You have determined
that the Service Request Detail Applet exposes the Service Request business component.

1. In Siebel Tools, examine the Service Request business component and base table to which you
will add the Last Updated By field.
a. What is the base table for the Service Request business component?

b. Which columns in this table serve as foreign keys to S_PARTY?

c. Why are there no columns?

d. Observe that there a several columns that serve as foreign keys to S_USER.
e. Which of these looks like it contains the name of the last person to work on the service

f. Select Business Component :: Service Request | Single Value Field. Are there any single
value fields based on the LAST_UPD_BY column?

2. Add a Last Updated By Id field to the Service Request business component. This field will be
used to configure the join
a. Select Business Component :: Service Request | Single Value Field .
b. Lock the project.
c. Create a new SVF and set:
Name Last Updated By Id

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 69

Lesson 11: Party Business Components

d. Since this is a new field, you know there are no joins based on it. Select Business Component
:: Service Request | Join and create a new Join object definition:
Table S_USER
Alias Last Updated By
Outer Join Flag TRUE
e. Create the join specification: Select Business Component :: Service Request | Join :: Last
Updated By | Join Specification, and create a new record with the following properties:
Name Last Updated By Id
Destination Column PAR_ROW_ID
Source Field Last Updated By Id

3. Now you will create a field that will display the login ID of the last person to update the service
a. Select Business Component :: Service Request | Single Value Field.
b. Create a new field for the login ID:
Name Last Updated By Login
Join Last Updated By
Column LOGIN

4. Add a control to the Service Request Detail Applet.

a. Select Applet :: Service Request Detail Applet.
b. Lock the project.
c. Create a new control to display the Last Updated by Login field and set:
Name Last Updated By
Caption - String Reference Last Updated By (A symbolic string exists so use
Field Last Updated By Login
HTML Type Field

5. Add the control to the applet template.

a. Select Applet :: Service Request Detail Applet.
b. Right-click and select Edit Web Layout.
c. Set the Mode to 2:Edit.
d. Drag the Last Updated By textbox and caption controls and place them directly underneath
the First Name controls.
e. Preview the applet. If necessary uncheck More in the content-sensitive menu to display only
the base set of controls in Preview mode.
f. Save your changes
g. Close the Web Layout Editor window.

70 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 11: Par ty Busi ness Components

6. Compile all locked projects.

7. Test your work.

a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Navigate to Service > Service Requests List > All Service Requests.
c. Drill down on an SR.
d. Use Help About View to verify that the view is the Service Request Detail View.
e. If necessary click the More Info
f. Verify that the new Last Updated By field appears and is populated.
g. Click the Show More button and verify that the control still displays in the desired position.
h. Click the Show Less button to return to the original applet.

8. Unlock the projects.

a. In Siebel Tools, select Projects.
b. Query for locked projects (Locked = TRUE).
c. Uncheck the Locked property for the projects.

9. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 71

Lesson 11: Party Business Components

Solutions 11-2 Creating a Join to Party Business

Component Table


1.a. What is the base table for the Service Request business component?

1.b. Which columns in this table serve as foreign keys to S_PARTY?

Query for columns with a Foreign Key Table property = S_PARTY. There are no such

1.c. Why are there no columns?

Joins to party business components reference the extension table storing the data of
interest, not S_PARTY.

1.e. Which of these looks like it contains the name of the last person to work on the service

1.f. Select Business Component :: Service Request | Single Value Field. Are there any single
value fields based on the LAST_UPD_BY column?

72 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 12: Business Components and Fiel ds

Practice 12-1 Configuring Field Properties

Goals To configure properties of single value fields to implement business requirements

Time 25 – 35 minutes

In this practice you will configure business component field properties to implement the following
set of business requirements:
• Add a validation check and message to the Revenue field in an opportunity if the revenue is
less than $1000.
• Create a calculated field for the age (in days) of an opportunity
• Create a post default value for the Primary Revenue Close Date field
• Set the Executive Priority Flag for opportunities with large revenues

1. Explore the behavior of the opportunity business component in the as-delivered application.
a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Navigate to Opportunities > All Opportunities.
c. Expose the Executive Priority column.
i. Right-click in the list applet and select Columns Displayed.
ii. Select Executive Priority in the Available Columns list and move it to the Selected
Columns list.
iii. Move it up to just below the Revenue column.
iv. Click Save.
d. Create a new Opportunity record and set the Opportunity Name to ATL Test 1 .
e. Save the record.
f. Observe the Revenue defaults to $0.00
g. Set the Revenue to $100,000 and save the record.
h. Observe that the Executive Priority flag remains unset.
i. Drill down on the record.
j. Click the More Info tab.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 73

Lesson 12: Bu siness Compo nents and Fields

k. Observe that the Channel field in the lower applet is blank. The Channel field is located in
the General Information section of the form applet.
l. Click the Channel drop-down list and select Call Center. You will configure the field to pre-
default to this value.

2. Identify the business component fields of interest.

a. Use About View to identify the applet (Opportunity Form Applet – Child Big) and business
component (Opportunity).
b. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
c. In Siebel Tools, verify that the following business component fields are involved.
Column/Control Single Value Field
Revenue Primary Revenue Amount
Close Date Primary Revenue Close Date
Channel Channel

3. Set a validation for the Primary Revenue Amount field.

a. Select Business Component :: Opportunity | Single Value Field :: Primary Revenue Amount.
b. Lock the project.
c. Observe that there is already a Pre Default value of 0.0 and a Validation (>=0).
d. Change the Validation to >=1000 .
e. Set Validation Message - String Override to Please enter a revenue of at least $1000 .
f. Set Message Display Mode to User Msg . This displays only the custom message you just

4. Set the predefault for the Channel field. This populates the Channel field when the record is first
created and before the user is able to edit the record.
a. Select Business Component :: Opportunity | Single Value Field :: Channel.
b. Set Predefault Value to Call Center. This value is case sensitive and must match the value
you observed in the drop-down list.

5. Set a post default for the Primary Revenue Close Date field. This populates the field with a
default value of two weeks from today when the user saves a new record if the user has not
explicitly entered a close date.
a. Select Business Component :: Opportunity | Single Value Field :: Primary Revenue Close
b. Observe that it has a Predefault Value of System: Today. Clear the Predefault Value.
c. Set the Post Default Value to Expr: 'Today() + 14' . Make sure you enter the expression
exactly as stated above including the single quote marks.

74 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 12: Business Components and Fiel ds

For further details on the appropriate syntax for predefault and post default fields, select Help
> Contents > Siebel Developer's Reference > Operators, Expressions, and Conditions >
Functions in Calculation Expressions > Syntax for Predefault and Postdefault Fields.

6. Compile the Opportunity business component.

7. Test your configuration

a. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to Opportunities > All Opportunities.
b. Create a new Opportunity record and set the Opportunity Name to ATL Test 2 .
c. Set the Revenue to $500and save the record.
d. Verify that the error message you configured appears.
e. Click OK to dismiss the error message.
f. Change the Revenue to $50000and verify that you can save the record
g. Observe that the Close Date (in the lower applet) is set to 2 weeks from today.
h. Drill down on the record.
i. Click the More Info tab.
j. Observe that the Channel has been set to Call Center.
k. Create a new opportunity and set:
Name ATL Test 3
Revenue $2000
Close Date <enter a date one month from today>
l. Verify that the close you date you entered is saved.
In the next section of this practice you will create a new calculated field to display the age in days of
an opportunity. The expression uses the Today() function and the Created field.

8. Verify that there is no existing calculated field that already computes the age.
a. In Siebel Tools, select Business Component :: Opportunity | Single Value Field.
b. Execute a query for Calculated Value = *Today* or *Created*.
c. Examine the expressions in the Calculated Value property to determine if any them appears
to calculate the age. Since none do, you will create a calculated field to do so.

9. Create a new single value field and set:

Name Age
Calculated TRUE
Calculated Value Today() - [Created]

10. Create a list column in the Opportunity List Applet that exposes the Age field.
a. Select Applet :: Opportunity List Applet | List :: List | List Column.
b. Lock the project.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 75

Lesson 12: Bu siness Compo nents and Fields

c. Create a new List Column and set:

Name Age
Display Name - String Reference Age (A symbolic string exists so use it)
Field Age
HTML Type Field
Show in List TRUE
d. Select Applet :: Opportunity List Applet.
e. Right-click and select Edit Web Layout. In the Controls/Columns window, verify the Mode =
4: Edit List.
f. Drag Age from the Control / Columns window and position it on an empty field placeholder
g. Preview the applet. Verify that the control appears where you put it.
h. Save your changes
i. Close the Web Layout Editor window.

11. Compile all locked projects.

12. Test your work.

a. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to Opportunities > All Opportunities.
b. Verify that an Age column appears in the list applet and displays an integer. You may need to
scroll to display the Age column.
c. Create a new opportunity with revenue > $1000 and name it ATL Test 4.
d. Verify that the Age column displays 0.

13. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

76 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 13: Business Objects and Links

Practice 13-1 Examining Links

Goals To examine links to determine the relationship between parent and child business

Time 10 – 20 minutes

In this practice you will examine several detail views, and then examine the link definitions to
determine the relationship between the business components displayed in the view.

1. Examine the Opportunity Detail - Contacts View in the Opportunities screen.

a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Navigate to Opportunities > Opportunities List and select All Opportunities from the
visibility drop-down list.
c. Select the 2008 PCS Technologies Electronics Master SLA Renewal opportunity and drill
down on the Name hyperlink.
d. Use Help > About View to verify that:
View Opportunity Detail - Contacts View
Business object Opportunity
BusComp[0] (Parent business component) Opportunity
BusComp[1] (Child business component) Contact
e. Click OK to close the About View window.

2. Determine the nature of the relationship between these two business components.
a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 77

Lesson 13: Business Objects and Links

iii. Click OK.

b. Select Business Object :: Opportunity | Business Object Component. Opportunity is the
business object you identified in the previous step.
c. Query for Bus Comp = Contact. Contact is a child business component you identified in the
previous step.
d. Observe that the name of the link is Opportunity/Contact. This default name for a link is
"parent business component/child business component".
e. Drill down on the Link.
f. Examine the link itself.
i. Verify that the link has the Inter Table property set to S_OPTY_CON.
ii. What does this tell you about the nature of the relationship between contacts and

3. Determine the relationship between opportunities and activities as displayed in the Opportunity
Detail - Activities View.
a. In Siebel Call Center, click the Activities view tab to navigate to the Opportunity Detail -
Activities View.
b. Identify the business components and business object:

c. In Siebel Tools, identify the link used in the business object component. Repeat the steps
from above to identify the link.

d. Examine the link itself.

i. Observe that the link does not have a value for Inter Table property but that the
Destination Field property is set to Opportunity Id.
ii. What does this tell you about the nature of the relationship between activities and

78 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 13: Business Objects and Links

4. In Siebel Call Center, click the Notes view tab to navigate to the Opportunity Note View. If the
Notes view tab is not exposed, select Notes from the drop-down list at the end of the view tabs.
The left most detailed view labeled Public Notes in the links is highlighted; this is the desired
view. Use Siebel Tools to determine the nature of the link between opportunities and notes as
displayed in this view.

5. You will use the note list applet in the next practice. Record the name of the child applet and its
business component.

6. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 79

Lesson 13: Business Objects and Links

Solutions 13-1 Examining Links


2.f.ii. What does this tell you about the nature of the relationship between contacts and
Since the link references an intersection table, the relationship is M:M.

3.b. Identify the business components and business object.

Opportunity (parent) and Action (child)

3.c. In Siebel Tools, identify the link used in the business object component. Repeat the steps
from above to examine the link.

3.d.ii. What does this tell you about the nature of the relationship between activities and
Since this link does not reference an intersection table, the relationship is 1:M.

4. In Siebel Call Center, click the Notes view tab to navigate to the Opportunity Note View. If
the Notes view tab is not exposed, select Notes from the drop-down list at the end of the
view tabs. The left most detailed view labeled Public Notes in the links is highlighted; this
is the desired view. Use Siebel Tools to determine the nature of the link between
opportunities and notes as displayed in this view.
Use Help About View to determine that the business components are Opportunity and
Opportunity Note. The link is Opportunity/Opportunity Note and inspection of that link
indicates that it does not use an intersection table. Hence the relationship between the
opportunities and notes in the Opportunity Note View is 1M.

5. You will use the note list applet in the next practice. Record the name of the child applet
and its business component.
Opportunity Note Applet, Opportunity Note

80 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 13: Business Objects and Links

Practice 13-2 Adding a New Business Object


Goals To add a new applet to a view based on a new business object component

Time 15 – 25 minutes

In this practice you will modify a view by replacing an applet. The view is parent child grandchild
view, and specifically you will replace the grandchild applet with another applet based on a different
business component. You will then add the business component for the applet to the business object.

1. Examine the view you will modify.

a. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to Accounts > Accounts List and select All Accounts from the
visibility drop-down list.
b. Create a new record with Name = ATL Account for Modified View .
c. Drill down on the account name.
d. Select Opportunities from the drop down at the right end of the view tabs to navigate to the
Account Detail - Opportunities View. Do not click the Accounts Opportunities view tab as
that navigates you to a different view.
e. Use About View to verify that the name of the view is Account Detail - Opportunities View.
f. Scroll down in the view and observe that the view has a child applet and a grandchild applet.
The lowest list applet shows the opportunities (if any) related to the opportunity selected in
the middle applet.

2. Identify the list applet you wish to replace the Related Opportunities applet.
a. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to Opportunities > Opportunities List and select All
Opportunities from the visibility drop-down list.
b. Select the 2008 PCS Technologies Electronics Master SLA Renewal opportunity and drill
down on the Name hyperlink.
c. Select Notes from the drop-down list at the end of the view tabs (or click the Notes view tab
if is displayed) to navigate to the Opportunity Note View. The left most detailed view labeled
Public Notes in the links is highlighted; this is the desired view.
d. Use Help About View to verify that:
View Opportunity Note View

Applet[1] (Child list applet) Opportunity Note Applet

BusComp[0] (Parent business component) Opportunity
BusComp[1] (Child business component) Opportunity Note
The Opportunity Note Applet is the applet you will use to replace the existing grandchild

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 81

Lesson 13: Business Objects and Links

3. Add the Opportunity Note business component to the business object so that you will be able to
select the Opportunity Note Applet. An applet can be added to a view only if its underlying
business component is part of the business object the view references.
a. In Siebel Tools, select Business Object :: Account | Business Object Component.
b. Lock the project.
c. Query for Bus Comp = Opportunity Note , and verify that it is not present.
d. Create a new record and set:
BusComp Opportunity Note
Link Opportunity/Opportunity Note (Since you are adding a grandchild
applet you use the link between the child and grandchild business

4. Modify the view configuration.

a. Select View :: Account Detail - Opportunities View.
b. Lock the project.
c. Right-click and select Edit Web Layout.
d. Scroll down, if necessary, and click in the Related Opportunities applet in the editor to select
e. Right-click and select Delete.
f. Observe that the template placeholder is annotated with Child or Grandchild applet. This is
the placeholder to which you will assign the note list applet.
g. Select and drag the List applet icon in the Applets window to the "Child or Grandchild"
placeholder in the editor.
h. In the Pick Record applet, click the Name column header to sort the applets.
i. Select Opportunity Note Applet and click Pick. If you cannot find this applet, make sure you
added Opportunity Note to the Account business object.
j. Preview the view to verify the view includes the note list applet.
k. Save the changes.
l. Close the Web layout editor.

5. Adjust the template properties.

a. Select View :: Account Detail - Opportunities View | View Web Template :: Base | View
Web Template Item :: Opportunity Note Applet.
b. Set the Applet Mode to Edit List .

6. Compile all locked projects.

7. Test the changes.

a. In Siebel Call Center, create several test opportunity records:
i. Navigate to Opportunities > Opportunities List > My Opportunities.
ii. Create two test records and set:
Opportunity Name Account Revenue
ATL Oppty 1 ATL Account for Modified View 1000
ATL Oppty 2 ATL Account for Modified View 5000

82 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 13: Business Objects and Links

b. Add a note to the first opportunity,

i. Drill down on the ATL Oppty 1 opportunity.
ii. Select Notes in the drop-down list at the end of the view tabs to navigate to the
Opportunity Note View.
iii. Create a new record and set Description = Note for Oppty 1 .
c. Add a note to the second opportunity,
i. Click the Opportunities List link at the top of the view to return to the list applet and drill
down on the ATL Oppty 2 opportunity.
ii. Select Notes in the drop-down list at the end of the view tabs to navigate to the
Opportunity Note View.
iii. Create a new record and set Description = Note for Oppty 2 .
iv. Create a second note record and set Description = Another note for Oppty 2
d. Click the back arrow several times to return My Opportunities list applet.
e. Drill down on the "ATL Account for Modified View" account name.
f. Select Opportunities from the drop down at the right end of the view tabs to navigate to the
Account Detail - Opportunities View.
g. Scroll down to display the lowest applet and verify that the lowest applet has changed to the
Opportunity Note Applet. Use About View to confirm this.
h. Observe that the two opportunity records you created are displayed in the middle list applet.
i. Select each opportunity and observe that only the associated notes for that opportunity are
displayed in the lowest applet. This confirms that the link between the two business
components is functioning correctly.

8. In Siebel Tools, unlock projects you locked (Account and Account (SSE)).

9. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 83

Lesson 13: Business Objects and Links

84 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 14: Creating a New Business Component Using a Standar d 1:M Extension Table

Practice 14-1 Creating a Business Component and Link

Goals Creating a business component on a 1:M extension table

Time 15 – 25 minutes

The business analysts wish to record occurrences of news articles of significance for each of your
company's accounts. You have been instructed to create a new account citations detail view. For the
purposes for the purpose of this practice, the citations view should include a text field (max 100
characters) for the citation, another text field for citation source (max 30 characters) along with a
date field.
Since each account can have multiple citations, you will consider using the 1:M extension table for
the Account business component. Remember that the name of the 1:M extension table is typically
the name of the base table appended with _XM.

1. Identify the appropriate extension table.

a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Which table stores the primary data associated with accounts? Remember that Account is a
party business component.

c. Select Table in the Object Explorer and query for Name = S_ORG_EXT_XM. Recall this is
the standard name for the 1:M extension table.
d. Verify that the extension table exists.

2. Determine if the extension table is already being used for other account child business
a. Select Business Component in the Object Explorer and query for Table =
b. Observe that a moderate number of business components are based on this table. Examine
the Search Specification property. Will you still be able to use the table?

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 85

Lesson 14: Creating a New Business Component Using a Standard 1:M Extension Table

3. Select the columns in the extension table to use.

a. Navigate back to the table and look at the properties of the NAME column to verify it can be
used to store the citation data (100 characters).
b. Which column serves the foreign key to the parent table?

c. Which fields are candidates for storing the citation source (30 characters)?

d. Which fields are candidates for storing the date?

4. Create a new project to store the object definitions you will create for this requirement.
a. Select Project in the Object Explorer.
b. Create a new project record and name it ATL Citations .
c. Lock the project.

5. Use the business component wizard to create the ATL Citation business component.
a. Select File > New Object and double-click BusComp.
b. In the New Business Component dialog box enter:
Project ATL Citations
Name ATL Citation (It is good practice prefix object names with an abbreviation)
c. Click Next.
d. Enter the following single value fields by first selecting the column, entering a name for the
field, and clicking Add.
Column Name for the Field
NAME Citation
PAR_ROW_ID Account Id
ATTRIB_03 Source
ATTRIB_12 Date
e. Click Finish. After a short while the list editor displays the newly created business

86 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 14: Creating a New Business Component Using a Standar d 1:M Extension Table

6. Complete configuration by setting predefaults and the search specification.

a. Select the ATL Citation business component and set the Search Specification property to
[Type] = 'ATL Citation' .
b. Set the properties for the following fields:
Name Column Predefault Value Required
Type TYPE ATL Citation (This needs to match the
Search Specification exactly)

You will now create a link between the Account and ATL Citation business components, so that you
can add the new business component to the Account business object.

7. Create the link.

a. Select Link in the Object Explorer.
b. Create a Link object definition and set:
Project ATL Citations
Parent Business Component Account
Child Business Component ATL Citation
Source Field Id (This identifies the primary key field for the parent
business component)
Destination Field Account Id (This identifies the foreign key field in the child
business component that points to the parent))
c. Observe that the Name property is automatically set to Account/ATL Citation.
d. Why did you not need to provide a value for the Inter Table property?

8. Add the ATL Citation business component to the Account business object.
a. Select Business Object :: Account | Business Object Component.
b. Lock this project.
c. Create a new object definition and set:
BusComp ATL Citation
Link Account/ATL Citation

9. (Optional challenge question). In the configuration you just completed, you were able to map the
ATL Citation field to the NAME column. If the requirement had stated that the ATL Citation
field need to be 250 characters long, what changes would be required in the configuration?

In the next practice you will configure a new applet and view to display the account citations

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 87

Lesson 14: Creating a New Business Component Using a Standard 1:M Extension Table

Solutions 14-1 Creating a Business Component and Link


1.b. Which table stores the primary data associated with accounts? Remember that Account is a
party business component.
S_ORG_EXT. You can determine this by examining single value fields for the account
business component, and observing the most of the main fields (such as Name and
Location) are mapped using the S_ORG_EXT implicit join.

2.b. Observe that a moderate number of business components are based on this table. Examine
the Search Specification property. Will you still be able to use the table?
Yes, 1:M extension tables are designed to support multiple business components. Each
business component draws a sunset of the records from the underlying table based on the
value of TYPE. A new business component will require a unique value for TYPE.

3.b. Which column serves the foreign key to the parent table?

3.c. Which fields are candidates for storing the citation source?
Any of the columns of type varchar 30 can be used. This set includes ATTRIB_03 through
ATTRIB_07 and ATTRIB_48 through ATTRIB_50. You could also use any varchar column
larger than 30 as well but you should reserve these columns for longer text strings.

3.d. Which fields are candidates for storing the date?

Any of the columns of type DateTime can be used. These set includes ATTRIB_12 through
ATTRIB_13 and ATTRIB_26 through ATTRIB_33.

7.d. Why did you not need to provide a value for the Inter Table property?
The relationship between the parent and child business components is 1:M and not M:M.

9. (Optional challenge question). In the configuration you just completed, you were able to
map the ATL Citation field to the NAME column. If the requirement had stated that the
ATL Citation field need to be 250 characters long, what changes would be required in the
You would need to map the ATL Citation field to an extension column of type varchar 250
or greater. ATTRIB_47 would satisfy this. In addition you would need to map something
else to the NAME column. The Name column is used in two indexes and a unique value
would need to be supplied. One strategy is to assign ROW_ID to the NAME column.

88 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 14: Creating a New Business Component Using a Standar d 1:M Extension Table

Practice 14-2 Displaying the Business Component in a

Detail View

Goals Create an applet and view to display data in a business component in a 1:M extension

Time 20 – 30 minutes

In this practice you will create a list applet to display account citations. You will also create and
administer a detail view that includes the citations list applet.

1. Use the List Applet wizard to create a new list applet.

a. In Siebel Tools, invoke the List Applet wizard.
b. In the General dialog box set:
Project ATL Citations
Name ATL Citations List Applet
Display Title Account Citations
Business Component ATL Citation
Upgrade Behavior Preserve
c. In the Web layout - General dialog box set:
Template for Base read-only mode Applet List (Base/EditList)
Template for Edit List mode Applet List (Base/EditList)
Template for Edit mode Applet List Edit (Edit/New/Query) (In the
bottom list)
d. In the Web Layout - Fields dialog box select in order:
Remember you do not expose the Type column.
e. Accept the default controls and click Finish.
f. In the Web layout editor, select Mode = 3: Edit List and preview the applet to verify that it
appears as desired and close the editor.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 89

Lesson 14: Creating a New Business Component Using a Standard 1:M Extension Table

2. Use the View wizard to create a view called ATL Account Citations View that displays the SIS
Account Entry Applet above the ATL Citations List Applet.
a. Invoke the wizard and in the New View dialog set:
Project ATL Citations
Name ATL Account Citations View
Title Account Citations
Business Object Account
Upgrade Behavior Preserve
b. In the View Web Layout dialog box, select View Detail.
c. In the Web Layout - Applets dialog box, select SIS Account Entry Applet and ATL Citations
List Applet. Note that views with upper case names appear at the top of the list.
d. Inspect the view in the Web layout editor and adjust the applets if required. Close the editor.

3. Configure the applet mode:

a. Select View :: ATL Account Citations View | View Web template :: Base | View Web
Template Items :: ATL Citations List Applet
b. Set the Applet Mode to Edit List so that editing is allowed in the list applet.

4. Add your new view to a screen:

a. Select Screen :: Accounts Screen.
b. Lock the project.
c. Select Screen :: Accounts Screen | Screen View.
d. Create a new record and set:
Property Value
View ATL Account Citations View
Type Detail View
Sequence 1
Parent Category Account List
Display in Page TRUE
Display in Site Map TRUE
Menu Text – String Override ATL Account Citations
Viewbar Text – String Override ATL Account Citations

5. Compile all locked projects.

6. Administer your new view:

a. In Siebel Tools, select View :: ATL Account Citations View.
b. Select the Name, and copy it.

90 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 14: Creating a New Business Component Using a Standar d 1:M Extension Table

c. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:

i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
d. Navigate to Administration - Application > Views.
e. Create a new record.
f. Press Ctrl-V to paste the name into View Name. This is done so you match the exact
spelling from the repository in the client.
g. In the lower Responsibilities applet, create a record and set Responsibility to ATL TEST
h. Select File > Log Out. You have to log out and back in for DDEV to assume the modified

7. Test your configuration:

a. Start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Select Site Map > Accounts. Verify that ATL Account Citations appears under Accounts
List in the site map.
c. Navigate to Accounts > Accounts List and select All Accounts from the visibility drop-down
d. Drill down on the first record.
e. Verify that a new view tab named ATL Account Citations appears to the far left of the view
f. Click ATL Account Citations.
g. Verify that the ATL Citation List Applet you created appears. Note that not all the editing
buttons that typically appear in a list applet are present. This is a result of accepting the
defaults when we used the wizard. You would need to manually assign additional controls to
add the New, Delete, and Query buttons .
h. Add two citation records with:
Citation Source Date
Record profits $10B New York Times 08/01/2008
Increase Dividend WSJ 08/10/2008

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 91

Lesson 14: Creating a New Business Component Using a Standard 1:M Extension Table

i. Click the next record button at the top right corner of the upper form applet.
j. Verify that no citation records are displayed.
k. Click the previous record button at the top right corner of the upper form applet to return to
the first account record.
l. Verify that the citation records you just entered reappear. This verifies the link is working.

8. In Siebel Tools, unlock the projects you locked.

9. Log out of Siebel Call Center and Exit Siebel Tools.

92 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 15: E xtending th e Siebel Database

Practice 15-1 Exploring the Siebel Database

Goals To explore properties of Siebel database tables

Time 15 – 25 minutes

In this practice you will examine relationships between the S_PROD_INT and S_INDUST tables
and their extension tables. You would normally test out extensions on your local database and then
move them to the Server database. In class, you will skip directly to working against the Server

1. Log out of Siebel Call Center and exit Siebel Tools.

2. Examine possible extension tables for S_PROD_INT.

a. Start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to Server
iii. Click OK.
b. Select Table in the Object Explorer.
c. Query for Base Table = S_PROD_INT .
d. Observe that there are multiple 1:1 extension tables including S_PROD_INT_X (the standard
1:1 extension table). The remaining tables are additional extension tables created for the
various industry applications.
e. Query for Name = S_PROD_INT_XM .
f. Verify that there is a 1:M extension table for S_PROD_INT.

3. Repeat the above steps to determine if there are extension tables for S_INDUST.

You have been asked to determine if there are intersection tables in the as-delivered Siebel database
between the S_INDUST and S_PROD_INT tables and the S_INDUST and S_EVT_ACT tables.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 93

Lesson 15: Extend ing the Siebel Database

4. Execute the following query to determine if there is an intersection table between S_INDUST
a. Select the Flat tab and then select Column in the Object Explorer.
b. In the Object List Editor arrange the list columns to display the Parent Table, Name, Foreign
Key Table, and User Key Sequence columns arranged at the beginning of the list editor.
c. Execute a compound query with the following values:
Foreign Key Table S_PROD_INT OR S_INDUST
User Key Sequence 1 OR 2
d. Sort the results of the query in ascending order for both the Parent Table list column and then
the User Key Sequence list column.
e. Look for two adjacent rows with the same Parent Table and where the Foreign Key Table
property is S_PROD_INT in one row and S_INDUST in the other row.
f. Observe that the S_PROD_INDUST table satisfies this requirement.

5. Repeat this query for the S_EVT_ACT and S_INDUST tables to determine if there is an
intersection table. Observe that there is no such table.

6. Verify that S_PROD_INDUST is an intersection table.

a. Click the Types tab in the Object Explorer.
b. Select Table :: S_PROD_INDUST | Column.
c. Verify that the table does contain a foreign key column to both S_PROD_INT and
S_INDUST. Notice that the INDUST_ID column is a Foreign Key Column for S_INDUST
and PROD_ID is a Foreign Key Column for S_PROD_INT.

7. Leave Siebel Tools running.

94 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 15: E xtending th e Siebel Database

Solutions 15-1 Exploring the Siebel Database


3. Determine if there are extension tables for S_INDUST.

There is 1:1 extension table S_INDUST_SS, but it is not the standard extension table (it
does not end with _X). There is no 1:M extension table.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 95

Lesson 15: Extend ing the Siebel Database

Practice 15-2 Extending a Siebel Database Table

Goals To extend a Siebel database table

Time 10 – 20 minutes

In this practice you will add two columns to the S_PROD_INDUST table to store volume and
pricing information about products in various industries. You would normally test out extensions on
your local database and then move them to the Server database. In class, you will skip directly to
working against the Server database.

1. Return to or start Siebel Tools connecting to the Serverdatabase.

a. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
b. Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to Server
c. Click OK.

2. Determine if the columns exist in the as-delivered table

a. In Siebel Tools, select Table :: S_PROD_INDUST | Column
b. Inspect the columns and observe that are no columns designed to store volume and pricing

3. Add the new columns.

a. Select Table :: S_PROD_INDUST | Column.
b. Lock the project.
c. Create two new columns and set:
Name Physical Type Length
VOLUME Varchar 30
PRICING Varchar 30
d. Observe that the column names are immediately prefixed with X_ to indicate the columns are
customer extension columns.

The logical representation of the database has been changed, but the actual physical database has not
been changed yet. The changes will be made to the database to which Siebel Tools is connected.

96 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 15: E xtending th e Siebel Database

4. Apply the changes to the database table.

a. Select Table :: S_PROD_INDUST.
b. Click Apply/DDL.
c. Select Generate DDL and click OK to generate and inspect the DDL (data definition SQL).
d. Click OK to the warning.
e. In the Apply Schema dialog box set:
Tables: Current Row (the default)
Database user SIEBEL (the database user has
permission to modify the database schema itself))
Database user password SIEBEL
ODBC data source OUEnt_DSN
DDL file D:\S_PROD_INT.txt
f. Click Generate DDL.
g. Click OK.
h. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to D:\S_PROD_INT.txt and open the file. Observe that
the file contains an SQL statement to add the two columns. Note that the physical database
specifies varchar2 columns. The storage is database specific.
i. Close the file.
j. In Siebel Tools, click Apply/DDL and select Apply this time.
k. In the Apply Schema dialog box verify or set:
Tables Current Row
Database user SIEBEL
Database user password SIEBEL
ODBC data source OUEnt_DSN
l. Click Apply.
m. After a short while a message box indicating that the changes were successfully applied
should appear. Click OK.

5. Use Oracle SQL Developer (a vendor query tool) to verify that the changes were successfully
a. Start Oracle SQL Developer:
i. In Windows, double-click D:\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper.exe.
ii. Click Browse.
iii. Navigate to D:\jdk_16010\bin\java.exe.
iv. Click Open.
v. Click OK.
vi. Click No to the dialog asking about migrating settings.
vii. Check SQL Source (.sql) when prompted to Configure File Type Associations.
viii. Click OK
ix. Uncheck "Show tips at startup".

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 97

Lesson 15: Extend ing the Siebel Database

x. Click Close to dismiss the tip of the day.

b. Configure Oracle SQL Developer to connect to the Siebel database server.
i. Right-click Connections and select New Connection.
ii. Set:
Connection Name siebeldb
Username SYS
Password oracle
Save Password checked
Connection Type TNS
Network Alias SIEBELDB
iii. Click Test. You should see "Status: Success" on the bottom left side of the screen.
iv. Click Save.
v. Click Cancel.
c. Select View > Connections.
d. In the Connections pane, expand Connections, expand siebeldb, expand Other Users, expand
Siebel, expand Tables, and click S_PROD_INDUST.
e. In the right-hand pane, the Columns tab should be active with the columns displayed. Verify
that X_PRICING and X_VOLUME appear.
f. Minimize the window.

6. Leave Siebel Tools and Oracle SQL Developer running.

98 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 15: E xtending th e Siebel Database

Practice 15-3 Creating a Siebel Database Table

Goals To create a new Siebel database table

Time 5 – 10 minutes

In this practice you will create an intersection table between the S_EXT_ACT and S_INDUST

1. Create a new project to store the table.

a. Return to Siebel Tools, select Project in the Object Explorer.
b. Create and lock a project called ATL Tables.

2. Use the Table wizard to create an intersection table

a. Select File > New Object.
b. Double-click Table.
c. In the General dialog box, set:
Name for new table ATL_ACT_IND
(there is a length restriction)
(the wizard prepends the name you enter with CX_ )
Project ATL Tables
Type of table An intersection Table between two existing tables
d. Click Next.
e. In the Parent Table Specification dialog box set:
First Parent Table S_EVT_ACT
Foreign Key Column EVT_ACT_ID
name for first parent
Second Parent Table S_INDUST
Foreign Key Column INDUST_ID
name for second parent
f. Click Next.
g. Click Finish.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 99

Lesson 15: Extend ing the Siebel Database

3. Examine the table object definitions.

a. Select Table :: CX_ATL_ACT_IND | Column
b. Notice that the two foreign key columns were created in addition to several system columns.
c. Examine the Indexes and User keys to verify that they were also created.
i. Select Table :: CX_ATL_ACT_IND | Index to examine the indexes that were generated.
ii. Select Table :: CX_ATL_ACT_IND | User Key to examine the user key that was

4. Repeat the steps from the previous practice to apply the changes. If you have the time or interest
consider generating the DDL file before you apply the changes.

5. Use Oracle SQL Developer to verify that the table was created:
a. Return to Oracle SQL Developer.
b. In the Connections pane, scroll up and click CX_ATL_ACT_IND. If the table does not
appear in your list, consult your instructor.
c. Minimize the application.

6. In Siebel Tools, unlock the projects you locked.

7. Leave Siebel Tools and Oracle SQL Developer running.

The intersection table is now ready to be used for further configuration such as configuring a link
between the industry and activity business components. You are not doing that in this course.

100 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 16: Additional Data L ayer Configur ation

Practice 16-1 Configuring Case Insensitive Columns

Goals To make columns in a Siebel database table case insensitive

Time 25 – 35 minutes

In this practice you will configure the S_QUOTE table to make the column that stores the quote
name case insensitive. You would normally test out your changes on your local database and then
move them to the Server database. In class, you will skip directly to working against the Server

1. Examine the behavior of queries for quotes.

a. Start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client.
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center – ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to Server
iii. Click OK.
b. Navigate to Quotes > List and select All Quotes from the visibility drop-down list.
c. Create a quote and set the name to ATL Test Quote , and save the record.
d. Create another quote and set the name to atl test quote , and save the record.
e. Click Query.
f. Click into a column other than Name. You should see <Case Required> in the Name
g. Click the Name column and query for atl*. Make sure you use all lower case.
h. Verify that the atl test quote record is returned and the ATL TEST Quoterecord is not
i. Query for Name = ATL*.
j. Verify that the ATL Test Quote is returned and the atl test quote record is not returned.

2. Determine the underlying business component and table.

a. Select Help > About View.
b. Notice that the Business Component behind the applets is Quote.
c. Log out of Call Center.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 101

Lesson 16: Additional Data Layer Configuration

3. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Tools:

a. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
b. Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to Server
c. Click OK.
d. Select Business Component :: Quote.
e. Notice that the Table is set to S_DOC_QUOTE.
f. Drill down on the table name.

4. Enable case insensitivity on the NAME column.

a. Lock the project.
b. Select Table :: S_DOC_QUOTE | Column.
c. Query for Name = NAME .
d. Right-click and select Case Insensitivity to invoke the CIAI wizard.
e. Click Next.
f. Review the list of changes that will be applied to the repository. The specifics of how the
changes will be physically implemented is database dependent.
g. Click Finish.
h. Click OK to exit the wizard.

5. Verify the changes made.

a. Select Table :: S_DOC_QUOTE | Column.
b. Query for changed records.
c. Verify that the NAME and X_NAME_CI are marked as changed.

6. Apply the changes to the database.

a. Select Table :: S_DOC_QUOTE to make sure that the highlighted record is in the Tables list.
b. Click Apply/DDL to apply the changes to the database.
c. Click OK.
d. In the Apply Schema dialog box set if necessary:
Tables: Current Row (the default)
Database user SIEBEL
Database user password SIEBEL
ODBC data source OUEnt_DSN
e. Click Apply.
f. Click OK when the changes have been successfully applied.

102 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 16: Additional Data L ayer Configur ation

7. Observe the result in a database query tool.

a. Return to Oracle SQL Developer.
b. In the Connections pane, scroll and click S_DOC_QUOTE.
c. In the right pane, scroll through the columns and notice that there is no X_NAME_CI
column. For the Oracle database, case insensitivity is implemented using indexes. For the
local database, you would have seen this new column added.
d. Select File > Exit to close the application.

8. In Siebel Tools, compile the S_DOC_QUOTE object definition into


9. Test the modified configuration.

a. Start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password SADMIN
Connect to Server
iii. Click OK.
b. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to Quotes > List and select All Quotes from the visibility
drop-down list.
c. Click Query.
d. Click into a column other than Name. You should not see <Case Required> in the Name
e. Click the Name column and query for atl*. Make sure you use all lower case.
f. Notice that BOTH atl records now appear.

10. In Siebel Tools, unlock the projects you locked.

11. Log Out of Siebel Call Center and exit Siebel Tools.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 103

Lesson 16: Additional Data Layer Configuration

104 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 17: Configuring Drilldowns and Applet Toggles

Practice 17-1 Configuring Drilldown

Goals To configure drilldowns

Time 20 – 30 minutes

In this practice you will configure the following drilldowns from columns in the service request list
• Modify the existing drilldown on the SR# to navigate the user to the FS Service Request
Detail View instead of the Service Request Detail View
• Add a drill down on Entitlement to navigate the user to the Entitlement Service Details

1. Examine the drilldown on the SR# column.

a. Start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Navigate to Service > Service Requests List and select All Service Requests from the
visibility drop-down list.
c. What is the name of the list applet with the drilldowns? Use Help > About View.

d. Observe that the SR # is displayed as a hyperlink indicating the column has been enabled for
drilldown. Drill down on the first record.
e. To which view are you navigated?

f. Click the Service Details view tab to navigate to the desired destination view.
g. Verify that this is the FS Service Request Detail View.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 105

Lesson 17: Configuring Dr ill downs and Applet Toggles

2. Examine the existing drilldown.

a. Start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Select Applet :: Service Request List Applet | Drilldown Object
c. Lock the project.
d. Query for Hyperlink Field = SR Number.
e. Sort the drilldowns by sequence. You will have to scroll to the right to find the property or
alternatively use Columns Displayed to move the Sequence property.
f. Observe that there many drilldowns defined for the SR # column. Each drilldown applies to a
different Siebel industry application. For Siebel Call Center the drilldown named Original is
the relevant drilldown.
g. Verify that the target view (View property) is Service Request Detail View.

3. Modify the drilldown.

a. Select Applet :: Service Request List Applet | Drilldown Object :: Original.
b. Set View to FS Service Request Detail View .

4. Compile the Service Request List Applet object definition.

5. Test the modified drilldown.

a. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to Service > Service Requests List and select All Service
Requests from the visibility drop-down list.
b. Drill down on a service request.
c. Use Help > About View to verify that you are navigated to the FS Service Request Detail

6. Examine the Entitlement column.

a. Use the back arrow to navigate back to the All Service Requests view.
b. Verify that there is no column named Entitlement displayed in the applet.
c. Right-click and select Columns Displayed to determine whether there is an available list
column for entitlements.
d. Select Entitlement and move it to the selected columns.
e. Move it up to immediately follow the SR # column, and click Save.
f. Scroll through the SR records until you locate SRs with an entitlement.
g. Observe that this column has not been enabled for drill down yet. There is no hyperlink.

106 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 17: Configuring Drilldowns and Applet Toggles

7. Identify the parameters for the target view.

a. Navigate to Entitlements > Entitlement List > Service Details.
b. This is the desired target view. Verify that the name of the view is Entitlement Service
Details View and that the parent business component is Agreement Entitlement.

Since the target view is based on a different business component, you will need to identify the
relevant foreign and primary keys.

8. First identify the target table for the drilldown.

a. In Siebel Tools, select Business Component :: Agreement Entitlement.
b. Record the name of the base table for Agreement Entitlement.

9. Identify the foreign key field in the Service Request business component that points to the target
a. Select Business Component :: Service Request.
b. Drill down on the S_SRV_REQ (table property) hyperlink to examine the table.
c. Select Table :: S_SRV_REQ | Column.
d. Query for the column that serves as the Foreign Key to the S_ENTLMNT table.
e. Verify that the column name is AGREE_ID.
f. Select Business Component :: Service Request | Single Value Field.
g. Query for a single value field that maps to the AGREE_ID column.
h. Record the name of the field.

10. Configure the new drilldown.

a. Select Applet :: Service Request List Applet | List :: List | List Column.
b. Query for the list column with a display name of Entitlement.
c. Verify that the field is Entitlement Name.
d. Select Applet :: Service Request List Applet | DrillDown Object.
e. Create a drilldown object and set:
Name ATL Entitlement
Sequence 999
Hyperlink Field Entitlement Name (this is the field to enable for drilldown)
View Entitlement Service Details View
Source Field Entitlement Id (this is the field that is the foreign key to the
target business component)
Business Component Agreement Entitlement
Destination Field Id

11. Compile the Service Request List Applet object definition.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 107

Lesson 17: Configuring Dr ill downs and Applet Toggles

12. Test the new drilldown.

a. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to Service > Service Requests List and select All Service
Requests from the visibility drop-down list.
b. Locate a service request with an entitlement.
c. Verify that the entitlements appear in blue indicating a hyperlink.
d. Drill down on the entitlement hyperlink for one of these service requests.
e. Verify that you are navigated to the Entitlement Service Details View.

13. In Siebel Tools, unlock the projects you locked.

14. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

108 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 17: Configuring Drilldowns and Applet Toggles

Solutions 17-1 Configuring Drilldown


1.c. What is the name of the list applet with the drilldowns? Use Help > About View
Service Request List Applet

1.e. To which view are you navigated?

Service Request Detail View

8.b. Record the name of the base table for Agreement Entitlement.

9.h. Record the name of the field.

Entitlement Id

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 109

Lesson 17: Configuring Dr ill downs and Applet Toggles

Practice 17-2 Configuring a Dynamic Drilldown

Goals To configure a dynamic drilldown

Time 10 – 20 minutes

Related 17-3 Configuring a Dynamic Toggle

practice Choose to complete either this practice or 17-3 based on which configuration
may be more relevant to your company .

In this practice you will modify the drilldown on an opportunity record to navigate the user to the
Opportunity Activities view whenever the executive priority flag for the opportunity is set; otherwise
the drilldown should remain as currently configured. It has already been determined that the
corresponding field in the Opportunity business component is Executive Priority Flag.

1. Examine the existing drilldown on the opportunity name.

a. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to Opportunities > Opportunities List and select All
Opportunities from the visibility drop-down list.
b. If necessary, expose the Executive Priority column and place it next to Revenue.
c. Use About View to verify that the name of the list applet is Opportunity List Applet.
d. Drill down on the opportunity name.
e. To which view are you navigated? This is desired target view when the executive priority
flag is not set.

f. Click the Activities view tab to navigate to the desired target view. This is the desired target
view for drilldown when the executive priority flag is set.
g. What is the name of this view?

2. Examine the drilldown objects for the Opportunity List Applet.

a. In Siebel Tools, select Applet :: Opportunity List Applet | Drilldown Object.
b. Sort by Hyperlink Field.
c. Observe that there are numerous drilldown objects defined for Name and that most of them
have target views for Siebel Industry applications.
d. In addition observe that are two drilldown objects with the Opportunity Detail - Contacts
View as a target view. The object named Original is inactive and was configured for the
horizontal application. It has been replaced by the drilldown object named Line of Business.
Note that this has the lowest sequence number of the drilldown objects for the Name
hyperlink field

110 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 17: Configuring Drilldowns and Applet Toggles

e. Select Applet :: Opportunity List Applet | Drilldown Object :: Line of Business | Dynamic
Drilldown Destination.
f. Observe that the records specify the criterion for each of the target views. Most involve
checking the Deal Type field which is important in the Industry applications. This field can
be ignored for the purposes of this practice.

3. Configure the dynamic drilldown to navigate the user to the Opportunity Detail - Activities View
whenever the priority flag for the opportunity is set.
a. Lock the project.
b. Select Applet :: Opportunity List Applet | Drilldown Object.
c. Create a new drilldown and set:
Name ATL Executive Priority
Hyperlink Field Name
View Opportunity Detail - Activities View
Sequence 30
Business Component Opportunity
d. Select Applet :: Opportunity List Applet | Drilldown Object :: Line of Business | Dynamic
Drilldown Destination.
e. Create a new record and set:
Name ATL Activities View
Field Executive Priority Flag
Value Y
Destination Drilldown Object ATL Executive Priority
Sequence 15 (this is higher than the other
sequence numbers)

4. Compile the Opportunity List Applet.

5. Test the new drilldown.

a. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to Opportunities > Opportunities List and select All
Opportunities from the visibility drop-down list.
b. Select an opportunity record and set the Executive Priority flag.
c. Drill down on the opportunity name.
d. Verify that you are navigated to the Opportunity Detail - Activities View.
e. Return to the All Opportunities view.
f. Select an opportunity record for which the Executive Priority flag is not set, and drill down
on the opportunity name.
g. Verify that you are navigated to the original destination view (Opportunity Detail – Contacts

6. In Siebel Tools, unlock the projects you locked.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 111

Lesson 17: Configuring Dr ill downs and Applet Toggles

Solutions 17-2 Configuring a Dynamic Drilldown


1.e. To which view are you navigated? This is target view when the executive priority flag is
not set.
Opportunity Detail - Contacts View

1.g. What is the name of this view?

Opportunity Detail - Activities View

112 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 17: Configuring Drilldowns and Applet Toggles

Practice 17-3 Configuring a Dynamic Toggle

Goals To configure a dynamic toggle

Time 20 – 30 minutes

Related 17-2 Configuring a Dynamic Drilldown

practice Choose to complete either this practice or 17-2 based on which configuration
may be more relevant to you company.

In this practice you will create a customized version of the Contact Form Applet for Canadian
contacts. You will configure the Contact Form Applet to toggle between the as-delivered version and
the customized version based on the contact's country.

1. Configure the customized applet

a. In Siebel Tools, select Applet :: Contact Form Applet.
b. Lock the project.
c. Use Edit > Copy Record. This may take a few minutes.
d. Name the new record ATL CANADA Contact Form Applet .
e. Make sure the project is set to Contact (SSE).

2. Identify the captions to change.

a. Invoke the Applet Web layout editor for the new applet.
b. Select the State control in the layout editor, and delete its text box and caption controls.
c. Replace them with the Personal Province controls by dragging them from the Controls pane.
d. Select the Zip Code text-box control, right-click, and select View Properties Window.
e. Verify that the name of the Field is Personal Postal Code.
f. Rename the Caption
i. Click the Caption dropdown.
ii. Select the string reference = Postal Code .
g. Save the edits.
h. Preview the applet to verify that the new captions appear.
i. Close the Web editor window.
j. Collapse the Properties window.

3. Add the new applet as an applet toggle for the Contact Form Applet.
a. In Siebel Tools, use View Options to expose the Applet Toggle object type.
i. Select View > Options and click the Object Explorer tab.
ii. Expand Applet and check the Applet Toggle object type in the list.
iii. Click OK.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 113

Lesson 17: Configuring Dr ill downs and Applet Toggles

b. Select Applet : Contact Form Applet | Applet Toggle.

c. Create a new applet toggle record and set:
Applet ATL CANADA Contact Form Applet
Auto Toggle Field Personal Country
Auto Toggle Value Canada

4. Compile all locked projects.

5. Test the changes.

a. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to Contacts > Contacts List and select All Contacts from the
visibility drop-down list. This may take a few moments.
b. Select a contact with City = San Francisco.
c. Verify that the form applet at the bottom is the original Contact Form Applet and it includes
State and Zip Code.
d. Query for City = Toronto .
e. Observe that the form applet at the bottom has the modified fields (Province and Postal
f. Use About View to verify that the bottom applet is now the ATL CANADA Contact Form

6. If you were unable to locate any contacts with addresses in Canada, create a new contact.
a. Create a new contact and set:
Last Name Bear
First Name Trevor
b. Drill down on the record.
c. Navigate to the Personal Addresses view by selecting it from the View dropdown at the far
right of the view tabs.
d. Click New. This allows you to select and add an existing address to the contact.
e. In the Add Address pick list, click New to create a new address.
f. Set:
Country Canada
Address 123 Main
City Toronto
Zip Code M4Y-9T7
g. Observe that you cannot select the province from the State pick list. You will learn in later
lesson how you can change the picklist entries when the selected country is Canada.
h. Click the back arrow several times to return to All Contacts view.
i. Verify that the lower applet is the applet modified for Canadian contacts.
In a real implementation you would also customize the applet you use to enter personal addresses as

7. In Siebel Tools, unlock all projects when you have finished.

114 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 18: Configuring Pickli sts

Practice 18-1 Examining Picklists

Goals To examine how static and a dynamic picklists are configured

Time 10 – 20 minutes

In this practice you will examine how several picklists are configured.

1. Identify several fields with picklists to examine in detail.

a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Navigate to Accounts > Accounts List and select All Accounts from the visibility drop-down
c. Select a record and drill down on the account name.
d. Click the More Info tab.
e. What is the name of the More Info form applet?
f. Locate the Shipping Terms field in the Pricing and Purchasing section of the applet, and click
the drop-down list.
g. Note the values that appear in the list.

h. Select an entry from the drop-down list. This is an example of a static picklist.
i. Click the select button in the Price List field.
j. Observe that a pick applet displaying price lists appears. Select a price list and close the pick
applet. The pick applet indicates this is a dynamic picklist.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 115

Lesson 18: Configur ing Picklists

2. Examine how the Shipping Terms picklist is configured. You will configure a similar static pick
in the following practice.
a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Select Applet :: Account Profile Applet | Control.
c. Select the control with a caption of Shipping Terms.
d. Which field does the control map to?
e. Is there a pick applet assigned to this control? (Check the Pick Applet property)
f. Select Business Component :: Account | Single Value Field :: Freight Terms to examine its
g. What picklist is assigned to this field?
h. Drill down on the picklist.
i. Which business component is the picklist based on?
j. Which Type Value is used for this picklist?
k. Select Business Component :: Account | Single Value Field :: Freight Terms | SVF Pick Map.
l. Observe that the single pick map specified copies the value in the Value field of the picklist
into the Freight Terms field. This updates the field with the value the user just selected.

3. Examine the picklist using Siebel Tools. You can examine and administer LOVs from Siebel
Tools in addition to using the Siebel client.
a. Select Screens > System Administration > List of Values.
b. Query for Type = FREIGHT_TERMS .
c. Verify that the LOV records returned have the same display values as you noted above (Due,
FOB, TBD, and No Charge).

4. Examine how the Price List picklist is configured. You will configure a similar dynamic pick in
a subsequent practice.
a. Select Applet :: Account Profile Applet | Control.
b. Select the control with a caption of Price List.
c. Which field does the control map to?
d. Is there a pick applet assigned to this control? (Check the Pick Applet property)
e. Select Business Component :: Account | Single Value Field :: Price List to examine its
f. Which picklist is assigned to this field?
g. Drill down on the picklist.
h. Observe that the Type Value property is blank for this picklist.
i. Which business component is the picklist based on?

116 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 18: Configuring Pickli sts

j. Select Business Component :: Account | Single Value Field :: Price List | SVF Pick Map.
k. Observe that there are multiple pick maps specified. One pick map copies the Id field (a
primary key) of the price list into the Price List Id field (a foreign key) to establish the
relationship. The other pick maps copy other price list fields to update corresponding account
fields for display on the applet.

5. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 117

Lesson 18: Configur ing Picklists

Solutions 18-1 Examining Picklists


1.e. What is the name of the more info form applet?

Account Profile Applet

1.g. Note the values that appear in the List.

Due, FOB, TBD, No Charge

2.d. Which field does the control map to?

Freight Terms

2.e. Is there a pick applet assigned to this control?


2.g. What picklist is assigned to this field?

PickList Freight Terms

2.i. Which business component is the picklist based on?

PickList Generic

2.j. Which Type Value is used for this picklist?


4.c. Which field does the control map to?

Price List

4.d. Is there a pick applet assigned to this control?


4.f. What picklist is assigned to this field?

PickList Price List

4.i. Which business component is the picklist based on?

Price List

118 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 18: Configuring Pickli sts

Practice 18-2 Configuring a Static Picklist

Goals To configure a picklist that displays values from the List of Values table

Time 15 – 25 minutes

Your company wants to create a set of standard job titles for use when creating contact records. You
have been directed to create a static picklist that you can associate with the Job Title field for a
contact. In this practice you will configure the picklist so that users can enter other job titles when
For the purposes of this practice use the following picklist values:

Software Developer
Sales Manager
Curriculum Developer

1. Examine the existing List of Values (LOV) to determine if there are any LOVs that could be
a. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to Administration - Data > List of Values.
b. Query for Type = *TITLE*.
c. Scroll through the LOV types and observe there are none that suggest job titles.
d. Perform another query with Type = * JOB* , and observe that there is an existing picklist with
Type = TRAINING_CURR_JOB_TYPE. However the values in this picklist are not the ones
you need to use.

Accordingly you will need to create an LOV for the picklist. You could do now that using the Call
Center client. However you will administer the LOV while you are configuring the picklist.

2. Identify the field for the picklist.

a. Navigate to Contacts > Contacts List for the My Contacts view. This may take a moment.
b. If the Job Title column is not displayed on the list applet, use Columns Displayed to display
the column.
c. Verify that the top applet is Contact List Applet and that the business component is Contact.
d. In Siebel Tools, select Applet :: Contact List Applet | List :: List | List Column.
e. Query for the list column with Display Name = Job Title. Notice that there are two such list
columns: one with Name = Job Title and a second one with Name = Job Title - displayed.
The second list column is a specialized version used in the Siebel Life Sciences application.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 119

Lesson 18: Configur ing Picklists

f. Select the record with Name = Job Title and verify that the business component field is Job

3. Lock the Contact and Contact (SSE) projects as you will modify object definitions in both

4. Use the Picklist wizard to configure the picklist.

a. Select File > New Object and double-click Pick List.
b. In the Pick List window set:
Project Contact
Business Component Contact
Field Job Title (Enter J in the field to
jump to the fields that begin with J)
c. Click Next. This may take a minute as Siebel Tools identifies all controls/list columns based
on the selected field.
d. In the Pick List Type window select the list column to attach the pick list. To do this:
i. Increase the size of both the Name and Applet Name columns in the list.
ii. Click the Applet Name column header to sort by applet name.
iii. Select the entry with Applet name = Contact List Applet and Name = Job Title. Note
there is another similar looking entry with Name = Job Title - displayed.
e. Accept the default pick list type of Static, and click Next.
f. In the Pick List Definition window, accept the default "Create new Pick List", and click
g. Enter Name = ATL Contact Job Titles .
h. Accept the default "Create new List of Values", and click Next.
i. In the List of Values window, Enter Name = ATL_CONTACT_JOB_TITLE .
j. Enter the following values for the LOV. For each value below, enter it and then click Enter.
Software Developer
Sales Manager
Curriculum Developer
k. Click Next.
l. In the Pick List Definition window, leave all the values blank and click Next. This sets the
pick list to be unbounded so users can enter other values.
m. Click Next.
n. Review the changes and click Finish.

5. Examine the new and modified object definitions.

a. Select Pick List :: ATL Contact Job Titles and verify that it appears.
b. Observe that it is based on the PickList Generic business component and that the Type Value
is ATL_CONTACT_JOB_TITLE. The Type Value identifies the LOV used by the picklist.
c. Select Business Component :: Contact | Single Value Field :: Job Title.

120 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 18: Configuring Pickli sts

d. Verify that PickList property is ATL Contact Job Titles. This indicates that the ATL Contact
Job Titles picklist has been added to the field.
e. Select Business Component :: Contact | Single Value Field :: Job Title | SVF Pick Map.
f. Verify that a pick map has been added to the field. This pick map copies the selected Value
from the LOV into the Job Title field.

6. Compile the locked projects.

7. Test the configuration.

a. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to Contacts > Contacts List.
b. Create a new record and set:
Last Name ATL
First Name B
c. Click in the Job Title column, and verify that a dropdown appears.
d. Click the drop-down list and verify that the job titles you entered in the wizard appear.
e. Select Trainer.
f. Create a new record and set:
Last Name ATL
First Name C
g. Click in the Job Title column and enter Product Manager.
h. Save the record, and verify that the job title remains Product Manager. This occurs because
the picklist is unbounded.
i. Create a new record and set:
Last Name ATL
First Name D
j. Click in the Job Title column, and verify that a dropdown appears.
k. Click the drop-down list and verify that only the original names appear. Observe that Product
Manager does not appear in the list.
l. Select Engineer and save the record.

8. In Siebel Tools, unlock all the locked projects.

9. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 121

Lesson 18: Configur ing Picklists

Practice 18-3 Configuring a Dynamic Picklist (Optional)

Goals To configure a picklist that displays values from the Language Def business

Time 30 – 40 minutes

Additional This practice is included to provide detailed instructions on how to configure a dynamic
Information picklist. It is intended to serve as reference for use when you return to your project.
If you have additional time and interest during this class, feel free to complete this
practice during the class.

Your company wants the ability to assign a preferred language to an opportunity. You have been
directed to add a control to the form applet (Opportunity Form Applet - Child) in the opportunity list
views to display the preferred language. In addition you will add a bounded picklist that allows users
to select from a set of standard language names.
Languages are administered in the Siebel client using the Languages Administration view in the
Application - Data screen. A colleague of yours has already identified the following about
• The underlying business component is Language Def
• The base table is S_LANG.
• The column storing the language name is NAME.
• The Primary key column in S_LANG is LANG_CD. This is one of the few exceptions to the
use of ROW_ID as primary key of a Siebel database table.

1. You need a join from the Opportunity business component to the S_LANG table to implement
this requirement as dynamic picklists typically are used to update joined fields Determine if a
join exists.
a. In Siebel Tools, select Business Component :: Opportunity | Join.
b. Query for Table = S_LANG.
c. Observe that there is no join to S_LANG.

2. Determine if there is a foreign key column in the S_OPTY table that points to the S_LANG
table. This column is necessary to create the join. What is the name of this column?

122 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 18: Configuring Pickli sts

3. Determine if the PREF_LANG_ID column is exposed as a field in the Opportunity business

component. This field is part of the join configuration. What is the name of this field?

4. Configure the join.

a. Select Business Component :: Opportunity | Join.
b. Lock the project.
c. Create a record and set:
Table S_LANG
Alias Preferred Language
Outer Join Flag TRUE
d. Select Business Component :: Opportunity | Join :: S_LANG | Join Specification.
e. Create a new record and set:
Name Preferred Language
Destination Column LANG_CD
Source Field Preferred Language Code

5. Create a new field called Preferred Language that maps to the NAME column in the S_LANG
table. This field uses the Preferred Language join. Set the text length to 50 to correspond to the
length of the column.

6. Expose the Preferred Language field on the Opportunity Form Applet - Child. Position the
control underneath the Sales Stage control.

7. Compile the locked projects.

8. Test your changes.

a. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to the My Opportunities view.
b. Verify that the Preferred Language field is exposed in the form applet.
c. Can you enter a value into the field? Why or why not?

You will now configure a picklist on the field so that users can assign a preferred language to the
opportunity. You will first examine picklists and pick applets to determine if there any that you can

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 123

Lesson 18: Configur ing Picklists

9. Examine picklists for a candidate.

a. In Siebel Tools, select Pick List in the Object Explorer.
b. Query for Business Component = Language Def .
c. Verify that are several picklists. You decide to try PickList Language since it has the most
general name.
d. Observe that this picklist is bounded.

10. Examine pick applets for a candidate.

a. Select Applet in the Object Explorer.
b. Query for Business Component = Language Def and Type = Pick List.
c. Verify that there are several such pick applets. Which applet seems to be the best candidate?

d. Invoke the Web layout editor to confirm that your choice looks acceptable. Close the editor.

11. Use the Picklist wizard to configure the picklist.

a. Select File > New Object and double-click Pick List.
b. In the Pick List window set:
Project Oppty
Business Component Opportunity
Field Preferred Language
c. Click Next. This may take a minute as Siebel Tools identifies all controls/list columns based
on the selected field.
d. Select pick list type of Dynamic, and click Next.
e. Select "Use Existing Pick List".
f. Select PickList Language from the Existing Pick Lists, and click Next.
g. In the Pick Map window create the following two pick maps by alternately selecting fields in
the originating and pick business components and clicking Add:
Field (originating) Pick List Field
Preferred Language Language Name
Preferred Language Code Language Code
h. Click Next
i. Review the changes and click Finish.

12. Examine the new and modified object definitions.

a. Select Business Component :: Opportunity | Single Value Field :: Preferred Language.
b. Verify that PickList Language has been added to the field. You may need to requery to verify
that the picklist has been added.
c. Select Business Component :: Opportunity | Single Value Field :: Preferred Language | SVF
Pick Map.

124 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 18: Configuring Pickli sts

d. Verify that the two pick map has been added to the field. One pick map copies the Language
code (primary key) into the foreign key field, and the second copies the language name for
display in the applet.

13. Configure the control to display the picklist.

a. Select Applet :: Opportunity Form Applet - Child | Control :: Preferred Language.
b. Observe that the wizard set Runtime to TRUE and selected a pick applet other than Language
Pick Applet that you chose earlier.
c. Change the Pick Applet to Language Pick Applet .

14. Compile the locked projects.

15. Test your changes.

a. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to the My Opportunities view.
b. Verify that a single select button appears in the form applet in the Preferred Language
c. Click the select button and select the value Dutch from the pick applet
d. Verify that the language appears in the control.
e. Select another opportunity.
f. Set Preferred Language = Canadian by typing the value directly into the field. Then tab out
of the control.
g. Observe that the pick applet pops up. Why did that occur?

h. Set the Preferred Language to English-British .

i. Execute a query in the lower applet for Preferred Language = not null.
j. Inspect the records in the list applet and verify that the preferred language value for each
field is still set correctly.

16. Observe what happens if you delete the pick applet.

a. In Siebel Tools, select Applet :: Opportunity Form Applet - Child | Control :: Preferred
b. Clear the Pick Applet property.
c. Compile the form applet.
d. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to the My Opportunities view.
e. Observe that picklist is now rendered using a dropdown. If a pick applet is not specified, a
drop-down list is generated at run time.
f. Click the dropdown and verify that you can still pick languages.

17. In Siebel Tools, unlock the locked projects.

18. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

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Lesson 18: Configur ing Picklists

Solutions 18-3 Configuring a Dynamic Picklist


2. Determine if there is a foreign key column in the S_OPTY table that points to the S_LANG
table. This column is necessary to create the join. What is the name of this column?

3. Determine if the PREF_LANG_ID column is exposed as a field in Opportunity. This field

is part of the join configuration. What is the name of this field?
Preferred Language Code

8.c. Can you enter a value into the field? Why or why not?
No. This field is a joined field and cannot be edited directly in the Opportunity business

10.c. Verify that there are several such pick applets. Which applet seems to be the best
Language Pick Applet. It is the applet with the most general name.

15.g. Observe that the pick applet pops up. Why did that occur?
The pick list is bounded so you cannot enter a value that does not appear in the picklist.

126 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 19: Configuring Multi-Value Groups

Practice 19-1 Examining Multi-Value Groups

Goals To examine how 1:M and M:M multi-value groups are configured

Time 15 – 25 minutes

In this practice you will examine how several multi-value groups (MVG) are configured.

1. Identify several fields with MVGs to examine in detail.

a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Navigate to Contacts > Contacts List.
c. Select a record and drill down on the last name.
d. Click the More Info tab.
e. What is the name of the More Info form applet?
f. Locate the Contact Team field in the applet, and click the multiple select button. This
displays a shuttle applet that is used to display many M:M MVGs.
g. Click OK to close the shuttle applet.
h. Click the multiple select button in the Alternate Email field. This displays a standard MVG
applet used for 1:M MVGs.
i. Click OK to close the MVG applet.

2. Examine how the Alternate Email MVG is configured. You will configure a similar MVG in the
following practice.
a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 127

Lesson 19: Configur ing Mu lti-Value Groups

b. Select Applet :: Contact Form Applet - Child | Control.

c. Select the control with a caption of Alternate Email. There are two similar controls with
slightly differing names. However the field property is the same for both of them.
d. Which field does the control map to?
e. Which MVG Applet is assigned to this control? Check the MVG Applet property.

f. Examine the underlying field.

i. Select Business Component :: Contact | Single Value Field :: Alternate Email Address.
ii. Is there such a field? Why not?

iii. Select Business Component :: Contact | Multi Value Field :: Alternate Email Address.
iv. Verify that there is such as multi value field and observe that the Multivalue Link
property is Communication Address. Note that it also references the Address field in the
child business component.
g. Examine the multi value link (MVL).
i. Select Business Component :: Contact | Multi Value Link :: Communication Address.
ii. Observe that the Communication Address business component is the Destination
Business Component for this MVL. This specifies the business component with the child
iii. Observe that the MVL references the Contact/Communication Address link. This link is
used to retrieve the child records.
iv. Observe that the Primary ID Field is set to Primary Alternate Email Id. This field in the
Contact business component identifies the primary record in the child business
v. Drill down on Communication Address and select Single Value Field in the Object
Explorer to examine its fields.
vi. Verify that there is an Address field. This is the field that is referenced by the Alternate
Email Address field in the MVG.

3. Examine the MVG applet.

a. Select Applet :: Communication Address MVG Applet.
b. Verify that it is of type MVG.
c. Verify that it does not have an Associate Applet. 1:M MVG applets do not have associate
d. Invoke the Web layout editor. Click OK to the dialog box.
e. Set the Mode to 3:Edit List .
f. Preview the applet and verify that it looks like the MVG applet in the application.
g. Close the layout editor.

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Lesson 19: Configuring Multi-Value Groups

4. Examine how the Contact Team MVG is configured. Follow the steps that you used above to
examine the Alternate Email MVG. Start by examining the controls in the Contact Form Applet -
Child with a caption of Contact Team.
a. Which field is the MVG assigned to?
b. Which MVG applet is used?
c. Which multi value link is used by the MVG?
d. Which field in the destination business component is used?
e. What is the destination business component?
f. Which link is used by the MVL?
g. Is there a primary, and if so what field supports the primary?

5. Examine the Contact Team Mvg Applet.

a. Select Applet :: Contact Team Mvg Applet.
b. Which business component does the applet reference?
c. Does the MVG applet have an associate applet?

d. Invoke the Web layout editor and remember to set the mode to 2:Edit List.
e. Preview the applet. Close the editor
f. How does this applet compare to the shuttle applet that gets displayed in the client.

6. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

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Lesson 19: Configur ing Mu lti-Value Groups

Solutions 19-1 Examining Multi-Value Groups


1.e. What is the name of the more info form applet?

Contact Form Applet - Child

2.d. Which field does the control map to?

Alternate Email Address

2.e. Which MVG Applet is assigned to this control? Check the MVG Applet property.
Communication Address MVG Applet

2.f.ii. Is there such a field? Why not?

MVGs are configured on multi value fields not single value fields.

4.a. Which field is the MVG assigned to?

Sales Rep. Examine the Field property of any of the controls with caption = Contact Team.

4.b. Which MVG applet is used?

Contact Team Mvg Applet Examine the MVG Applet property of any of the controls with
caption = Contact Team.

4.c. Which multi value link is used by the MVG?

Position. Examine the multi value fields for the Contact business component (used by the
form applet) and select the multi value field with Name = Sales Rep. Examine its
Multivalue Link property.

4.d. Which field in the destination business component is used?

Active Login Name. Examine the Field property in the multi value field.

4.e. What is the destination business component?

Position. Examine the Multi Value Links for the Contact business component and select the
MVL with Name = Position. Examine the Destination Business Component property.

4.f. Which link is used by the MVL?

Contact/Position. Examine the Destination Link property.

4.g. Is there a primary, and if so what field supports the primary?

Primary Position Id. Examine the Primary Id Field property.

5.b. Which business component does the applet reference?


5.c. Does the MVG applet have an associate applet?

Yes it does. Team Member Assoc Applet

130 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 19: Configuring Multi-Value Groups

5.f. How does this applet compare to the shuttle applet that gets displayed in the client?
The shuttle applet is configured from both the MVG applet and the associate applet. Hence
the MVG applet resembles the right side of the shuttle applet.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 131

Lesson 19: Configur ing Mu lti-Value Groups

Practice 19-2 Configuring a Multi-Value Group

Goals To configure a 1:M multi-value group

Time 50 – 60 minutes

Your company wants to add an activities multi-value group (MVG) to the form applet in the
opportunities list view. This will allow users to quickly access an overview of the activities
associated with the opportunity. In this practice you will configure the activities MVG.
You will first explore the repository to determine whether object definitions you need are already
configured in the repository.

1. Determine if there is an existing multi value link for activities. This is a pre-requisite for any
activity multi value fields.
a. In Siebel Tools, select Business Component :: Opportunity | Multi Value Link.
b. Query for Destination Business Component = Action . Action is the business component that
represents activities.
c. Observe that there is no multi value link. You will configure one shortly.

2. A multi value link requires a link between the parent and child object definitions. Determine if
an opportunity action link exists.
a. Select Link in the Object Explorer.
b. Query for Parent Business = Opportunity and Child Business Component = Action .
c. Observe that the link itself exists.

3. An MVG typically involves a foreign key column from the parent business component base table
to the child business component base table. The primary for the MVG is configured using this
column. Determine if there is a foreign key column.
a. Select Table :: S_OPTY | Column. S_OPTY is the base table for the Opportunity business
b. Query for Foreign Key Table = S_EVT_ACT (the base table for the Action business
c. Observe that are two such columns. Which one looks appropriate for a primary?

d. Determine if this column is used by the Opportunity business component.

i. Select Business Component :: Opportunity | Single Value Field.
ii. Query for Column = PR_ACT_ID and Join = is null .
iii. Observe that there is no such field. You will configure one shortly.

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Lesson 19: Configuring Multi-Value Groups

4. An MVG requires an MVG applet to display all the child records. Determine if there are any
MVG applets in the repository that you might be able to use. You wish to display the activity
description, type, and due date.
a. Select Applet in the Object Explorer.
b. Query for Type = MVG and Business Component = Action(the child business component
whose records are displayed in the MVG).
c. Observe that there are several candidates.
d. Inspect the list columns associated with each candidate by examining the List and List
Columns for each applet. Does any MVG applet appear to satisfy the requirements?

You can reuse several object definitions in the configuration of the MVG. Before you invoke the
wizard you will first configure a primary foreign key field.

5. Note that the configuration invokes both the Opportunity business component (in the Oppty
project) as well as the Opportunity Form Applet - Child (in the Oppty (SSE) project).
Opportunity. Lock these two projects.

6. Create the primary key field to use in the MVG configuration.

a. Select Business Component :: Opportunity | Single Value Field.
b. Create a single value field and set:
Name Primary Activity Id
Column PR_ACT_ID
Text Length 15
Type DTYPE_ID (this type is used for primary and foreign key fields)

7. Use the MVG wizard to configure the MVG.

a. Select File > New Object and double-click MVG.
b. In the Multi Value Group window set:
Project Oppty
Master Business Opportunity
c. Click Next.
d. In the following Multi Value Group window set:
Detail Business Component Action
Name for the Multi Value Link Action
e. Click Next.
f. In the Direct Links window, select Opportunity/Action, and click Next.
g. In the Primary ID Field window:
i. Select Primary Activity Id for the Primary ID Field
ii. Accept the Auto primary of Default.
iii. Check Use Primary Join.

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Lesson 19: Configur ing Mu lti-Value Groups

iv. Click Next.

h. In the Multi Value Link window, accept defaults, if any, and click Next.
i. In the Multi Value Fields window, add the following multivalve fields (select, enter, and
click Add):
Field Name
Due Action Date Due
Description Action Description
Type Action Type
j. Click Next.
k. Review the parameters and click Finish.

8. Examine the object definitions that were created.

a. Select Business Component :: Opportunity | Multi Value Link :: Action and verify that it was
b. Select Business Component :: Opportunity | Multi Value Field and verify that three action
fields were created.

9. Add a control to the Opportunity Form Applet - Child to display the Action Description field.
a. Select Applet :: Opportunity Form Applet - Child | Control.
b. Create a control and set: (Requery if the control does not appear locked)
Name Action Description
Caption Activities (Pick from a string reference )
Field Action Description
HTML Type Field
Runtime TRUE
MVG Applet Account Activity Type Mvg Applet

10. Add the control to the Applet Web template.

a. Select Applet :: Opportunity Form Applet - Child.
b. Right-click and select Edit Web layout.
c. Select Mode = 2:Edit
d. Drag the two Action Description controls and position them in the applet below the Currency
e. Preview the applet to verify the controls are present.
f. Save your edits. Close the editor.

11. Compile the locked projects.

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Lesson 19: Configuring Multi-Value Groups

12. Test your configuration.

a. In Siebel Call Center, select Opportunities > Opportunities List.
b. Create a new opportunity and set:
Name ATL MVG Test
Revenue 50000
c. Drill down on the name to navigate to the opportunity activities view.
d. Create a new activity and set:
Description ATL meeting notice
Type Meeting
e. Observe that several dates get set by default.
f. Create a second activity and set:
Description ATL appointment
Type Appointment
g. Click the back arrow to return to the My Opportunities view.
h. Verify that the meeting description appears in the Activities field in the form applet.
i. In the form applet, click the Activities multiple select button to display the MVG applet.
j. Verify that the MVG applet appears and displays both activities.
k. Notice that the MVG applet does display the activities but that the as-delivered applet has
some problems:
• The New and Delete buttons are inactive
• There is no indication of the primary activity
• The Due column in the MVG applet does not display the Due field in the action business
component. It is configured to display Start Date.
l. Click OK to close the MVG applet.

You have been directed to configure a new MVG applet to display the three multi value fields.

13. Use the MVG Applet wizard to configure the applet.

a. In Siebel Tools, select File > New Object, click the Applets tab, and then double-click MVG
b. In the Multi Value Group window set:
Project Oppty (SSE)
Name ATL Oppty Action Mvg Applet
Display Title Opportunity Activities
Business Component Action
Upgrade behavior Preserve
c. Click Next.
d. In the Web layout - general window, assign Popup List Mvg as the Web template for both

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 135

Lesson 19: Configur ing Mu lti-Value Groups

e. Click Next.
f. In the Web layout - fields window select the following fields from the available fields and
move them to the right column. Make sure the SSA Primary Field is the first listed.
SSA Primary Field
g. Click Next.
h. Click Next to accept all the controls.
i. Click Finish. This invokes the Web layout Editor.

14. Examine the list columns created by the wizard.

a. Select Applet :: ATL Oppty Action Mvg Applet | List :: List | List Columns
b. Verify that four list columns corresponding to the fields you selected have been created.
c. The wizard creates all columns as standard display columns. The SSA Primary Field column
needs to have it properties changed to function properly. Set the following properties for the
SSA Primary Field.
Display Name Primary
HTML Type CheckBox
Text Alignment Center
Runtime TRUE

15. Complete the configuration of the applet.

a. Click the tab that displays the Web Layout editor for the ATL Oppty Action Mvg Applet.
b. Select 2: Edit List.
c. Drag and assign the NewRecord, Delete, and New Query controls to the corresponding
placeholders in the upper left corner of the template.
d. Preview the applet.
e. Save the changes.
f. Close the editor.

16. Assign this MVG applet to the control.

a. Select Applet :: Opportunity Form Applet - Child | Control :: Action Description.
b. Set MVG Applet to ATL Oppty Action Mvg Applet.

17. Compile the Oppty (SSE) project.

18. Test your changes

a. In Siebel Call Center, select Opportunities > Opportunities List.
b. Select the ATL MVG test opportunity.
c. In the form applet, click the Activities multiple select button.
d. Verify that the MVG applet appears and displays both activities.

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Lesson 19: Configuring Multi-Value Groups

e. Verify that all three columns are properly populated.

f. Verify that the New and Delete are active.
g. Verify that the primary is displayed.
h. Verify that you can change the primary.
i. Observe that the MVG applet does not have a close button. The MVG applet created by the
MVG wizard does not have a control that can be bound to the OK button, because the control
is not included in the Popup List MVG web template you specified in the wizard.

19. Add this control manually and bind it to the button.

a. If necessary, close the tab that displays the Web Layout editor for the MVG applet.
b. Select Applet :: ATL Oppty Action Mvg Applet | Control.
c. Create a new control and set:
Name CloseApplet
OK (use a string reference )
HTML Display Mode DontEncodeData
HTML Type MiniButton
Method Invoked CloseApplet ( type the method in directly )
Visible TRUE
d. Invoke the Web layout editor for the MVG applet.
e. Set the Mode to 2:Edit List.
f. Drag the CloseApplet control and assign it to the OK placeholder at the bottom right of the
g. Preview the applet.
h. Save the changes.
i. Close the editor.

20. Compile the MVG applet.

21. In Siebel Call Center, select the ATL MVG test opportunity and verify that the MVG applet has
an OK button in the lower right corner.

22. In Siebel Tools, unlock all the locked projects.

23. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 137

Lesson 19: Configur ing Mu lti-Value Groups

Solutions 19-2 Configuring a Multi-Value Group


3.c. Observe that are two such columns. Which one looks appropriate for a primary?
PR_ACT_ID. Primary foreign key columns are typically prefixed with PR_.

4.d. Inspect the list columns associated with each candidate by examining the List and List
Columns for each applet.. Does any MVG applet appear to satisfy the requirements?
Account Activity Type Mvg Applet. This applet has three columns with captions that appear
close to what is required.

138 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesso n 20: Configuring Access Control

Practice 20-1 Configuring a Visibility View

Goals To configure a view that displays all records

Time 30 – 40 minutes

In this practice you will configure a visibility view to display all records for a business component
that can be subject to access control.

1. Examine the views for expense reports.

a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Select Site Map > Expense Reports > Expense Lists > My Expense Reports.
c. Use About View to determine:
Screen Expense Screen (ePS)
View Expense List View (ePS)
Business object Expense
Business component Expense
List Applet Expense List Applet
d. Create an expense report with the following values, accept all the defaults, and save the
Name ATL Expense Report
Submit To JABLE
e. Click in the Submitted By control in the lower form applet, and observe that a pick applet
with the name Pick Owned By appears. This suggests that an expense report is associated
with one person only (the person who submitted it).
f. Close the pick applet.
g. Examine the other visibility views and observe that there appears to be no view that displays
all expense reports.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 139

Lesson 20: Configur ing Access Control

2. Examine the configuration of the Expense Report business component.

a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Select Business Component :: Expense | BusComp View Mode.
c. Observe that there is one view mode. How are records selected based on this view mode?

d. What type of visibility views can this view mode support?

e. Select Business Component :: Expense | Field.

f. Query for Name = * Org* .
g. Observe that there appear to be no organization related fields in the Expense business
component. This is consistent with the absence of a view mode of type Organization.

3. Examine the views for expense reports to determine if there are any views that display all
expense reports. An easy way to do so is to query for all views for the Expense business object.
a. Select View in the Object Explorer.
b. Query for Business Object = Expense.
c. Observe that there are no views with the Admin Mode flag set to TRUE.
d. Observe that there are several views with a visibility applet type of All. These views display
all records regardless of access control restrictions.
e. Select View :: All Expense List View, and observe that its visibility applet is Expense Admin
List Applet.
f. Drill down on the visibility applet to observe its properties.
g. Note that this applet has a search specification property that retrieves only those expense
reports with an acceptable status. Accordingly this applet (and the All Expense List View)
will not necessarily display all expense reports.
h. Select View :: Expense List View, and observe that its visibility applet is Expense List
i. Drill down on the visibility applet to observe its properties.
j. Observe that it does not have any search specification.
A search of the other main expense report views shows the visibility applets have search
specifications as well. You decide to create a new view using Expense List Applet as the
visibility display applet to displays all expense reports.

140 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesso n 20: Configuring Access Control

4. Configure the new view.

a. Select View :: Expense List View (ePS) and lock the project.
b. Copy the record.
c. Set the Name to ATL Expense List All View , and make sure the Project is eExpense Report.
d. Verify that the Visibility Applet is Expense List Applet.
e. Set the Visibility Applet Type to All. Recall that All specifies that none of the view modes
are invoked and that all business component records are retrieved.
f. Step off the record to save it.

5. Add the view to the screen.

a. Select Screen :: Expense Screen (ePS).
b. Create a screen view record and set:
View ATL Expense List All View
Type Aggregate View
Sequence 99
Parent Category Expense List
Display in Page TRUE
Display in Site Map TRUE
Menu Text – String Override ALL EXPENSE REPORTS (use the override)
Viewbar Text – String Override ALL EXPENSE REPORTS (use the override)

6. Compile the locked projects.

7. In the Siebel Client, register the new view and add it to the ATL TEST RESP responsibility.

8. Log out of Siebel Call Center.

9. Test the new view.

a. Start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Select Site Map > Expense Reports > Expense List > My Expense Reports.
c. Verify that you see just the expense report you created earlier in the practice.
d. Click the visibility drop-down list and select ALL EXPENSE REPORTS.
e. Verify that the applet displays all expense reports regardless of owner (that is the person who
submitted the report).

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 141

Lesson 20: Configur ing Access Control

f. Execute a query in the form applet for Submitted By = DDEV.

g. Verify that the expense report you created appears.

10. In Siebel Tools, unlock the locked projects.

11. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

An alternate approach to configuring this view is to create an Admin Mode view setting the Admin
Mode flag to TRUE. This overrides the applet visibility properties and also overrides any editing
restrictions that might be present in the underlying business component.

142 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesso n 20: Configuring Access Control

Solutions 20-1 Configuring a Visibility View


2.c. Observe that there is one view mode. How are records selected based on this view mode?
Records are selected based on the Owner Id.

2.d. What type of visibility views can this view mode support?
My views and My Team views

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 143

Lesson 20: Configur ing Access Control

Practice 20-2 Examining the Visibility of Picklists

Goals To examine the properties that determine the visibility of picklists

Time 10 – 15 minutes

In this practice you will examine which set of records picklists display.

1. Determine the visibility of several accounts.

a. In Siebel Call Center, navigate to Accounts > Accounts List.
b. Create an account and name it ATL My Visibility . You will use this account later in the
c. Navigate to the All Accounts Across Organizations view.
d. Query for Name = Malton Med Ctr .
e. Verify that it appears in this view.
f. Navigate to the All Accounts View.
g. Query for Name = Malton Med Ctr .
h. Verify that it does not appear in this view. This indicates the account is in an organization
other than the default organization. Default Organization is the or ganization to which
DDEV's position is assigned.
i. Query for Name = University of Derby .
j. Verify that this account does appear in the list. This indicates that the account is in the default

2. Determine the set of accounts can be accessed in a pick list.

a. Click the Service screen tab.
b. Click the My Service Requests link.
c. Create a new service request and set the account to Malton Med Ctr . Notice this account is
visible in the pick list. The picklist appears to display accounts across all organizations.

3. Examine the configuration of the account business component.

a. In Siebel Tools, select Business Component :: Account.
b. Observe that the Popup Visibility Type is set to Organization and that Popup Visibility Auto
All is TRUE (checked). This allows a user with the Across All Orgs view to see accounts
across all organizations in picklists.

4. Modify the behavior of the picklist by editing the Account business component properties.
a. Lock the project.
b. Set the Popup Visibility Auto All to FALSE, that is unchecked.
c. Step off the record to save the changes.

144 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesso n 20: Configuring Access Control

d. Compile the Account business component.

5. Determine any changes in the picklist visibility.

a. In Siebel Call Center, click the Service screen tab.
b. Click the My Service Requests link.
c. Create a new service request and attempt to set the account to Malton Med Ctr. Notice this
account is no longer visible in the pick list.
d. Set the Account to University of Derby .
e. Notice that this account is in the picklist. The picklist has been configured to display only
those accounts in the user's organizations.

6. Modify the behavior of the picklist by editing the Account business component properties.
a. In Siebel Tools, select Business Component :: Account.
b. Set the Popup Visibility Type to Sales Rep . The picklist will display only your accounts.
c. Step off the record to save the changes.
d. Compile the Account business component.

7. Determine any changes in the picklist visibility.

a. In Siebel Call Center, click the Service screen tab.
b. Click the My Service Requests link.
c. Create a new service request, and click the select button to invoke the account picklist.
d. Observe that the picklist displays the ATL My Visibility account as well as several other
accounts that you may have created during the course. Note that the picklist displays only the
accounts assigned to your position not does not display other accounts in your organization.
e. Select ATL My Visibility and close the picklist.

8. Restore the original picklist behavior.

a. In Siebel Tools, select Business Component :: Account
b. Set the Popup Visibility Type to Organization .
c. Set the Popup Visibility Auto All to TRUE, that is checked.
d. Step off the record to save the changes.
e. Compile the Account business component.

9. Verify that the picklist behavior has been restored.

a. Click the Service screen tab, and then click the My Service Requests link.
b. Create a new service request and set the account to Malton Med Ctr . Notice this account is
visible in the pick list.

10. In Siebel Tools, unlock the locked projects.

11. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 145

Lesson 20: Configur ing Access Control

146 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 21: Co nfiguring User Properties

Practice 21-1 Configuring User Properties

Goals To implement business rules by configuring user properties

Time 25 – 35 minutes

In this practice you will configure business component user properties to implement several simple
business rules and policies.

1. Examine the as-delivered behavior of an account with a status of Marked For Deletion.
a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Navigate to Accounts > Accounts List.
c. Create an account and name it ATL For Deletion .
d. Set the Status to Marked For Deletion .
e. Verify that you can still modify other fields such as the Account Type and Account Class.
f. Log out of Siebel Call Center.

2. Use View Options to expose two object types:

a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Select View > Options and click the Object Explorer tab.
c. Expand Business Component and check Business Component User Prop.
d. Expand Field and check Field User Prop.
e. Click OK.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 147

Lesson 21: Configur ing User Properties

3. Your company's policy forbids updating accounts that have been marked for deletion. You will
configure a user property to make the account read only if the status is Marked For Deletion.
a. In Siebel Tools, select Business Component :: Account | Single Value Field.
b. Lock the project.
c. Create a calculated field and set:
Name ATL Read Only Flag
Calculated TRUE
Calculated Value IIF([Account Status]= "Marked For Deletion","Y","N")
d. Select Business Component :: Account | Business Component User Prop.
e. Create a new user property and set:
Name BC Read Only Field (select the name from the drop-down)
Value ATL Read Only Flag

4. Compile the Account business component.

5. Test your changes.

a. Start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Navigate to Accounts > Accounts List.
c. Select the ATL For Deletion record.
d. Verify that you can not edit any of its fields.
e. Create an account and name it ATL Test Deletion 2 and verify that you can edit the
account's type and class.
f. Set the Status to Marked For Deletion .
g. Step off the record to save it.
h. Return to the ATL Test Deletion 2 record.
i. Verify that you can not edit any fields.
j. Right-click the record and notice that Delete Record is grayed out.

6. Examine the record in an administration view.

a. Click Accounts Administration in the link bar.
b. Query for the ATL Test Deletion 2 record.
c. Observe that the record can be edited in the administration view. This is the case since this
administration view has the Admin Mode Flag set to TRUE. This overrides any restrictions
on editing a business component record.

148 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 21: Co nfiguring User Properties

d. Right-click the record and notice that Delete Record is active This indicates you can delete
the record in this view
e. Set the status to Other.
f. Return to the My Accounts list view.
g. Select the ATL Test Deletion 2 record.
h. Verify that you can now edit the record in the My Accounts view.

7. Examine the as-delivered behavior of addresses.

a. Create an account and name it ATL Addresses .
b. Drill down on the account.
c. Navigate to the Addresses view by selecting Addresses from the dropdown at the end of the
view tabs.
d. Create a new address and set:
Address Line 1 1 Market St
City Riverside
Country USA
e. Save the record and observe that you are not required to enter a value for the state.

8. Your company's policy about account addresses requires that a state be specified if the country is
USA. You will configure a user property to make the State field required if Country = USA.
a. In Siebel Call Center, use Help > About View to identify the business component used for
account addresses. Observe that it is CUT Address.
b. Log out of Siebel Call Center.
c. In Siebel Tools, select Business Component :: CUT Address | Field :: State.
d. Lock the project.
e. Select Field User Prop, create a new user property and set:
Name Required (select the name from the drop-down)
Value [Country] = 'USA'

9. Compile the CUT Address business component.

10. Test your changes.

a. Start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Navigate to the My Accounts list view.
c. Drill down on the ATL Addresses account.
d. Navigate to the Addresses view.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 149

Lesson 21: Configur ing User Properties

e. Create a new address and set:

Address Line 1 555 Railroad Ave
City Centerville
Country USA
f. Save the record, and observe that a message appears that State is a required field.
g. Click OK.
h. Enter a value for the state, and then save the record.
i. Create a new address and set:
Address Line 1 22 River Road
City Centerville
Country Australia
j. Save the record and verify that State is not required.

11. Examine the as-delivered behavior of service requests.

a. Navigate to Service > Service Requests List > My Service Requests.
b. Create a new service request and save the record.
c. Observe that the Owner defaults to DDEV (the creator of the request) and that Sub Status in
the form applet defaults to Unassigned.
d. Change the Owner of the SR to Henry Abel. Use the picklist on the Owner field to do so.
e. Save the record.
f. Observe that Sub Status remains Unassigned.

12. You will configure a user property to update the Sub Status to Assigned when the SR is assigned
to an owner.
a. In Siebel Tools, select Business Component :: Service Request | Business Component User
b. Lock the project.
c. Observe that there are several instances of On Field Update user properties.
d. Create a new user property and set:
Name On Field Update Set 9 (select the name from the
drop-down, also append a 9 since there are 8 other instances
of this user property)
Value "Owned By Id", "Sub-Status", "Assigned" (Note the
hyphen in the name of the Sub-Status field)

13. Log Out of Siebel Call Center.

14. Compile the Service Request business component.

150 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 21: Co nfiguring User Properties

15. Test your changes.

a. Start Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center - ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Navigate to the My Service Request list view.
c. Create a new service request.
d. Observe that the Sub Status is Unassigned.
e. Assign the SR to Henry Abel.
f. Verify that the Sub Status updates immediately to Assigned.
g. Observe that you can change the sub status once it has been set by the application.

16. In Siebel Tools, unlock all the projects you locked.

17. Leave Siebel Tools and Siebel Call Center running.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 151

Lesson 21: Configur ing User Properties

152 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 22: Migrating Repository Chan ges

Practice 22-1 Exporting Repository Changes

Goals To export a configured repository

Time 20 – 30 minutes

In this practice, you will export a small set of repository changes as a hot-fix and then export the
complete repository.

1. In Siebel Call Center, select File > Log Out. You typically would not be using the Siebel client
when exporting repository changes.

2. Examine the repository object definition:

a. Return to or if necessary start Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Use View Options to expose the Repository object type.
i. Select View > Options and click the Object Explorer tab.
ii. Check Repository.
iii. Click OK.
c. Select Repository in the Object Explorer.
d. Observe that the name of the repository is Siebel Repository.
e. Determine the ROW_ID of this record
i. Select Help > About Record.
ii. Click Details.
iii. Record the Row #:
It could be different, but similar to 8SIA-CPQ-1.
iv. Click OK to close the window.

3. Identify the references to the repository in a repository table.

a. Select Table :: S_SCREEN | Column. This table stores the screen object definitions.
b. Scroll through the columns and observe that there is a column called REPOSITORY_ID.
Observe that this column is a foreign key column to the S_REPOSITORY table which stores
the name of the repository

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 153

Lesson 22: Migrating Reposito ry Changes

4. Examine the contents of a repository table to observe the references to the repository name. You
will use the dbisql.exe tool supplied by the database vendor to examine the tables.
a. Navigate to D:\OUsea\Tools\BIN directory and double-click dbisqlc.exe to start the
interactive SQL product for the SQL Anywhere database.
b. Click the Database tab in the Connect to Adaptive Server Anywhere dialog box. Using the
Browse button, change the File Type to All Files and select the database file:
D:\OUsea\Client\SAMPLE\UTF8\sse_samp.dbf .
c. Click the Login tab and set:
Password DDEV
d. Click OK to start the database tool.
e. Examine S_REPOSITORY.
i. In the command pane enter:
ii. Click Execute.
iii. Observe that there is a single record in this table with the ROW_ID you recorded above.
iv. Verify that the Name is Siebel Repository.
f. Examine S_SCREEN.
i. In the command pane enter:
ii. Click Execute.
iii. Observe that there is record for each screen.
iv. Verify that the value of the REPOSITORY_ID is the ROW_ID of the S_REPOSITORY
g. Close the dbisql tool.

5. Generate a hot-fix that includes a small set of repository changes you have made.
a. In Siebel Tools, select Application :: Siebel Universal Agent. This object definition was
modified in an earlier practice.
b. Right-click and select Add to Hot-Fix.
c. Set Label = ATL HotFix . Keep the dialog box open.
d. Select Screen :: Accounts Screen. This screen was also modified in an earlier practice.
e. Right-click and select Add to Hot-Fix. Keep the dialog box open.
f. Query for Name = Contacts Screen OR Products Screen .
g. Shift-click to select both records.
h. Right-click and select Add to Hot-Fix.
i. In the Generate Hot-Fix window, click Export.
j. Click OK to close the message window.
k. In Windows Explorer, navigate to D:\OUsea\Tools\ADM.
l. Observe that a folder named ATL HotFix was created. Open the folder.
m. Observe that a .sif file was created. In addition a log file and an ADM descriptor (XML) file
were also created. These files can then be added to a package to be deployed using ADM.
This is typically performed by the system administrator.

154 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 22: Migrating Repository Chan ges

6. Export the complete repository.

a. Make sure that all projects are unlocked. In the real world you would make sure all projects
have been checked into the server.
b. In Windows, select Start > Programs > Siebel Enterprise Server Configuration 8.1 >
Database Server Configuration. This invokes the InstallShield wizard.
c. Click Next.
d. Click Next.
e. Make sure Oracle Database Enterprise Edition is selected by default and click Next.
f. Select Import/Export Repository and click Next.
g. Select Export Repository and click Next.
h. Set the ODBC connection to SEAW Samp Db default instance . This specifies the
connection to the sample database.
i. Click Next.
j. Set the user and user password:
Database user DDEV
Database user password DDEV
k. Click Next.
l. Set the table owner and table owner password:
Table Owner SIEBEL
Table Owner password SIEBEL
m. Click Next.
n. Make sure that Export Repository Name is set to Siebel Repository , and click Next.
o. Click Next.
p. Click Next.
q. Click Next to apply configuration changes immediately.
r. Click Next to start the export.
s. Click Yes to confirm.
t. Click OK to begin the upgrade. The export takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.
u. If you experience any problems, check the log files in D:\OUsea\siebsrvr\log\exprep\output
and D:\OUsea\siebsrvr\log\exprep\state.
v. Click OK when the wizard has completed.
w. Click OK to close the Execution Message box.
x. Click Cancel to close the Database Configuration wizard.
y. Click Yes to confirm.

7. Check that the export file was created.

a. In Windows Explorer, navigate to D:\OUsea\dbsrvr\ORACLE.
b. Verify that a large customer.dat file was created. Sorting the files by date can be an easy way
to locate the file.

8. Leave Siebel Tools running.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 155

Lesson 22: Migrating Reposito ry Changes

This file is now ready to be imported into the target repository. The import takes approximately 45
minutes, and you will not perform it.

156 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 23: Troubleshooting

Practice 23-1 Troubleshooting

Goals To observe the results of misconfigurations and determine if you can identify the

Time 45 – 60 minutes

In this practice you have been provided with a “broken” Call Center application. You will be
directed to certain views so you can see how the client application behaves. You will then be asked
to use Siebel Tools to diagnose the cause of the bad behavior. You do nothave to fix any of the
If you wish to try, be certain you are compiling into
D:\OUsea\Client\OBJECTS\ENU\siebel_broken.srf and using the correct client to test.

1. Observe the correct behavior for the view tab:

a. If necessary, start the “WORKING” Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > Siebel_Web_Client _81 > Siebel Web Client 8.1 > Siebel Call
Center – ENU.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
b. Click the Service tab.
c. Click the All Service Requests link.
d. Drill down on the first SR #.
e. You should see “Tasks” in the left most view tab in the center of the view.

2. Observe the incorrect behavior for the view tab:

a. Start the “ BROKEN” Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > zz > Siebel Call Center – BROKEN.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to BROKEN
iii. Click OK.
b. Click the Service tab.
c. Click the All Service Requests link.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 157

Lesson 23: Troubleshooting

d. Drill down on the first SR #.

e. What do you see in the left most view bar link?

f. Click the left most view tab.

g. Record the name of the screen and view object definitions:

3. Diagnose the view tab behavior using Siebel Tools:

a. Start the “ BROKEN” Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > zz > Siebel Tools - BROKEN.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to BROKEN
iii. Click OK.
b. Inspect the Screen and View object definitions to see if you can diagnose why the text for the
view tab is incorrect.
c. If you are having trouble, compare the Screen View definition to other Screen View
definitions to see if you can notice properties that are different.
d. If you still need help, you can compare this definition with a correct definition by starting an
uncorrupted Tools version:
i. If necessary, select Start > Programs > Siebel_Tools_8.1 8.1 > Siebel Tools.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to Sample
iii. Click OK.
e. What is the cause of the behavior?

Recall if are not sure which version of Siebel Tools or the application you are running, use Help >
Technical Support. The “BROKEN” versions will have a connect string that points to

4. Observe incorrect applet behavior:

a. In the “BROKEN” Call Center, click the Service tab.
b. Click the All Service Requests link.
c. Drill down on the first SR #.
d. Click the Invoices view tab.
e. Create a new invoice record.

158 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 23: Troubleshooting

f. In the Status field enter dddand tab out. You should receive an error that will give you a
clue as to what is wrong.
g. Record the name of the applet:

h. If you wish, you can return to the working Call Center application, repeat the above steps,
and observe what the correct behavior should be.

5. Diagnose the incorrect applet behavior using Siebel Tools:

a. In the “BROKEN” Tools session, navigate to the applet.
b. Look at the List Columns to determine if you can diagnose what is causing the error you saw
in the client.
c. What is the cause of the behavior?

6. Observe more incorrect applet behavior:

a. Return to the “BROKEN” Call Center application.
b. Use Columns Displayed to expose the Period column.
c. Enter 2in the Period column and tab out. You should receive an error.
d. If you wish, you can return to the working Call Center application, repeat the above steps,
and observe what the correct behavior should be.

7. Diagnose the incorrect applet behavior using Siebel Tools:

a. In the “BROKEN” Tools session, navigate to the applet.
b. Look at the List Columns to determine if you can diagnose what is causing the error you saw
in the client.
c. What is the cause of the behavior?

8. Observe more incorrect applet behavior:

a. Return to the “BROKEN” Call Center application.
b. Use Columns Displayed to expose the Revision column.
c. Enter xxin the Revision column.
d. Step off the record.
e. Run a blank query to refresh the invoices data. The data in the Revision column is gone.

9. Diagnose the incorrect applet behavior using Siebel Tools:

a. In the “BROKEN” Tools session, navigate to the applet.
b. Look at the List Columns to determine if you can diagnose what is causing the error you saw
in the client.
c. What is the cause of the behavior?

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 159

Lesson 23: Troubleshooting

10. Diagnose more incorrect applet behavior:

a. In the “BROKEN” Tools session, select Applet :: FS Invoice List Applet – Auto Invoice |
List :: List | List Column.
b. Query for a List Column named Comments.
c. Return to the “BROKEN” Call Center application.
d. In the invoices applet, right-click and select Columns Displayed. Notice there is no listing
for Comments in either the left or the right pane.
e. Click Cancel.
f. Return to the “BROKEN” Tools session to determine if you can diagnose why. Using Edit
Web Layout may help.
g. What is the cause of the behavior?

11. Observe incorrect business layer behavior:

a. In the “BROKEN” Call Center, click the Service tab.
b. Click the All Service Requests link.
c. Drill down on the first SR #.
d. Click the Orders view tab.
e. Create a new orders record.
f. Move to the next SR record using the next button in the top (form applet). The same order
should appear.
g. Advance to the next SR record. The same order should still appear.
h. Record the name of the business object and business components:

i. If you wish, you can return to the working Call Center application, repeat the above steps,
and observe what the correct behavior should be.

12. Diagnose incorrect business layer behavior:

a. Return the “BROKEN” Tools session to determine if you can diagnose the cause of the
repeating child records. Recall what controls which child records are displayed for a master
or parent record.
b. What is the cause of the behavior?

13. Observe more incorrect business layer behavior:

a. In the “BROKEN” Call Center, click the Service tab.
b. Click the All Service Requests link.
c. Drill down on the first SR #.
d. Click the More Info view tab (from the view tab dropdown).
e. In the top form applet, click the Show More/Show Less button.
f. In the Account field, click the select button, set the Account to Hamilton Reg Cancer Ctr.

160 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 23: Troubleshooting

g. Select Menu > Save Record to save the record.

h. In the form applet, click the next record button to move to the next SR. Notice there is no
value for Account.
i. In the form applet, click the previous record button to return to the first SR record. Notice
your account value is still set.
j. In the top form applet, click the Query button and click the Go button (to run an empty
query). Notice the account value is now gone.
k. Record the name of the business object and business components:

l. If you wish, you can return to the working Call Center application, repeat the above steps,
and observe what the correct behavior should be.

14. Diagnose incorrect business layer behavior:

a. Return to the “BROKEN” Tools session to determine if you can diagnose why the account
value seemed to take, but then disappeared when you requeried. Recall what controls the
values that are copied when pick lists are used.
b. What is the cause of the behavior?

15. Observe more incorrect business layer behavior:

a. In the “BROKEN” Tools session, select Business Component :: FIN Service Request Notes |
Single Value Field :: Note Type.
b. Notice the Post Default Value is set to MONKEY.
c. In the “BROKEN” Call Center, click the Service tab.
d. Click the All Service Requests link.
e. Drill down on the first SR #.
f. Click the view tab drop down and select the Notes view tab.
g. In the notes applet, create a new record. Do not change the value for the Note Type. Only
enter a value in the Note field.
h. Save the record.
i. In the notes applet, run a blank query. Why is the Note Type set to Note and not to


16. Observe more incorrect business layer behavior:

a. In the “BROKEN” Call Center, click the Service tab.
b. Click the All Service Requests link.
c. Drill down on the first SR #.
d. Click the More Info view tab.
e. In the bottom form applet, click in the Agent Escalation Time field.
f. Click the button to open the calendar widget.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 161

Lesson 23: Troubleshooting

g. Click Save to save the current time value.

h. Select the Menu button in the applet and select Save Record.
i. Click the next record button to advance to the next record.
j. Click the previous record button to return to this record.
k. Notice there is no value in the Agent Escalation Time field. The data you entered is lost.
l. Record the name of the business object and business components:

m. If you wish, you can return to the working Call Center application, repeat the above steps,
and observe what the correct behavior should be.

17. Diagnose incorrect business layer behavior:

a. Return to the “BROKEN” Tools session to determine if you can diagnose why the data
disappeared. If you have trouble locating the field, try searching using *Esc*. Recall which
properties control whether and where field data is stored.
b. What is the cause of the behavior?

18. Observe more incorrect business layer behavior:

a. In the “BROKEN” Call Center, click the Service tab.
b. Click the All Service Requests link.
c. Notice that several of the records have Priority = 3-Medium.
d. Create a new record.
e. Set Priority = 3-Medium. Do not set a value for Last Name (a joined field). Notice Owner =
f. Save the record.
g. Record the SR #.

h. Query for Priority = 3-Medium and Owner = DDEV. Your record is not in the list.
i. Query for Last Name = is null. Your record is not in the list.
j. Record the name of the business object and business components:

k. If you wish, you can return to the working Call Center application, repeat the above steps,
and observe what the correct behavior should be.

19. Diagnose incorrect business layer behavior:

a. Return the “BROKEN” Tools session to determine if you can diagnose why the Service
Request records you created are not showing up when you query for them. Recall what
controls which rows are returned when joined fields are displayed.

162 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 23: Troubleshooting

b. What is the cause of the behavior?

20. Observe incorrect data layer behavior:

a. In the “BROKEN” Call Center, click the Service tab.
b. Click the All Service Requests link.
c. Drill down on the first SR #.
d. Click the Solutions view tab. You receive an SQL error.

21. Diagnose incorrect data layer behavior.

a. Return to the “BROKEN” Tools session.
b. Select Applet :: SR Solution List Applet | List :: List | List Column.
c. Look at the Tested column.
d. Navigate to the associated business component and field.
e. What table and column does the Tested field map to?

f. What does the name tell you?

g. Since this is an extension column, you will use the interactive SQL tool to look at the table:
i. Log out of all Siebel Client and Tools applications.
ii. Navigate to D:\OUsea\Tools\BIN directory and double-click dbisqlc.exe to start the
interactive SQL product for the SQL Anywhere database.
iii. Click the Database tab.
iv. Using the Browse button, change the File Type to All Files and select the database file:
D:\OUsea\Client\SAMPLE\UTF8\sse_broken.dbf .
v. Click the Login tab and set:
Password DDEV
vi. Click OK to start the database tool.
vii. In the command window enter:
viii. Click Execute. You receive an error.
h. What is the cause of the behavior?

i. Select File > Exit to close the application.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 163

Lesson 23: Troubleshooting

Solutions 23-1 Troubleshooting


2.e. What do you see in the left most view bar link?
EMPTY (Service Request Tasks View).

2.g. Record the name of the screen and view object definitions:
Service Request Screen, Service Request Tasks View.

3.e. What is the cause of the behavior?

The Viewbar Text properties are empty (the Menu Text properties are as well). To fix this
you would need to supply values for these properties.

4.g. Record the name of the applet:

FS Invoice List Applet – Auto Invoice.

5.c. What is the cause of the behavior?

For the Status list column, the Runtime property is set to FALSE. This causes the picklist
to not be available for you to select values from. To correct this you would set the Runtime
property to TRUE.

7.c. What is the cause of the behavior?

For the Period Name list column, the Pick Applet property is blank. This causes the
picklist to not be available for you to select values from. To correct this you would set the
Pick Applet property to Period Pick Applet-2.

9.c. What is the cause of the behavior?

For the Revision Number list column, the Field property is blank. This means you can
enter data in the applet, but it isn’t mapped down to the business component or data layers
so it is not saved. To correct this, set the Field property to Revision Number.

10.g. What is the cause of the behavior?

If you invoke the editor and select 2: Edit List, you will notice that Comments appears in
the Controls/Columns list indicating that the column is not mapped to the web template.
Alternatively, you could select Applet :: FS Invoice List Applet – Auto Invoice | Applet Web
Template :: Edit List | Applet Web Template Item and query for Name = Comments and
find none. To correct this, add an Applet Web Template Item for Comments with Item
Identifier such as 517.

11.h. Record the name of the business object and business components:
BO = Service Request, BCs = Service Request, Order Entry - Orders.

164 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 23: Troubleshooting

12.b. What is the cause of the behavior?

Select Business Object :: Service Request | Business Object Component :: Order Entry -
Orders. The Link property is empty (missing). This causes all the child records to be
displayed for each parent. There is no filtering of which child records belong to which
parent. To correct this, set the Link property to Service Request/Order Entry - Orders.

13.k. Record the name of the business object and business components:
All are Service Request.

14.b. What is the cause of the behavior?

Select Business Component :: Service Request | Single Value Field :: Account | SVF Pick
Map. The Account Id map is Inactive. This means the ROW_ID for the account record is
not being copied back and saved. The “Name” is being copied back that is why you see it
displayed and why it is available when you move back and forth. When you requery, the
Join is used to populate the value and without an id, no rows are found. To correct,
activate the Account Id map.

15.i. In the notes applet, run a blank query. Why isn’t the Note Type set to MONKEY?
Select Business Component :: FIN Service Request Notes \ Single Value Field :: Note Type.
Notice there is a value for the Predefault Value property. When there is a Predefault
Value, the Post Default Value is ignored. To correct you would need to blank out the
Predefault Value and set a value for the Post Default Value that is a value in the pick list.

16.l. Record the name of the business object and business components:
All are Service Request.

17.b. What is the cause of the behavior?

Select Business Component :: Service Request \ Single Value Field :: Escalation Time.
Notice the Column property is empty. If this was the source of the error, you would have
received an SQL error when the application tried to render the applet. Notice also that the
Calculated property is set to TRUE. This means this is a calculated field and is not meant
to store any data. In fact when this is true, the Column property is non-editable. Notice
also that the Calculated Value property is blank. This means you forgot to provide the
calculation to use. To correct this you would either need to set Calculated FALSE and map
to Column (SR_ESCL_TS), or set the Calculated Value property.

18.g. Record the SR #:

It will be something similar to: 130258-2551854. However, your value will be different.

18.j. Record the name of the business object and business components:
All are Service Request.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 165

Lesson 23: Troubleshooting

19.b. What is the cause of the behavior?

Select Business Component :: Service Request | Single Value Field :: Contact Last Name.
This is a Joined field. It uses the Join with the alias = S_CONTACT. Select Business
Component :: Service Request | Join. Query for Table = S_CONTACT. Notice that the
Join with Alias = S_CONTACT is different from the others. Its Outer Join Flag property is
set to FALSE. This means that only service requests that have a corresponding contact are
displayed. The others are in the data base, but not shown in applets based on this business
component. To correct, set the Outer Join Flag to TRUE.

21.e. What table and column does the Tested field map to?
table = S_RESITEM, column = X_TESTED_FLG.

21.f. What does the name tell you?

Since the column begins with X_, you know this is a column that was added to the table.
You could verify that by looking at the Table Column Type property. You would see it is
Type = Extension.

21.h. What is the cause of the behavior?

Since the column is not in the physical database, it means that you forgot to “Apply” your
changes from the Table object definition in Siebel Tools. You made your changes in Tools
and compiled so the applet is trying to generate SQL to include the X_TESTED_FLG
column, but that column doesn’t exist in the database so an error is raised. This happens
any time an applet maps to a column that doesn’t exist. It can also happen if a field maps
to an empty column. To correct, select S_RESITEM and click Apply/DLL.

166 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 23: Troubleshooting

Practice 23-2 Spooling SQL (Optional)

Goals To practice spooling SQL

Time 15 – 25 minutes

In this practice, you will spool and examine SQL using the local client. You will also use Siebel
Tools to see how properties impact the SQL that is generated.

1. Configure the client shortcut to support spooling:

a. From the Start menu, select Programs > zz.
b. Right-click Siebel Call Center - BROKEN and select Properties to access the shortcut
properties window.
c. Click the Target line and move your cursor to the end (right most part of the line).
d. After the uagent_broken.cfg, add a blank space followed by /s d:\spool.txt .
e. Click OK.

2. Generate a minimum set of SQL using the client application:

a. Start the “ BROKEN” Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > zz > Siebel Call Center – BROKEN
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to BROKEN
iii. Click OK. You are navigated to the Home Page. Do not click anything.
b. Select File > Log Out. This ends your session and closes the spool file.

3. Inspect the minimum SQL that was generated:

a. Open d:\spool.txt with Notepad. The SQL you are seeing is in the syntax for the local
sample database (Sybase SQL Anywhere).
b. Notice you see a SELECT statement followed by a line that indicates the time the statement
took to execute. In some cases you also see the number of rows retrieved.
c. Scroll through the file. You see references to various system tables such as S_SYS_PREF,
S_APP_VER, S_LST_OF_VAL, and S_TIMEZONE. These are queries that perform
‘housekeeping” or “boot up” processing.

4. You can copy and paste SQL from the spool file and run it in the database tool:
a. In d:\spool.txt, move to the top of the file.
b. Copy the first statement starting with SELECT T1.CONFLICT_ID.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 167

Lesson 23: Troubleshooting

c. Start dbisqlc:
i. Navigate to D:\OUsea\Tools\BIN directory and double-click dbisqlc.exe to start the
interactive SQL product for the SQL Anywhere database.
ii. Click the Database tab.
iii. Using the Browse button, change the File Type to All Files and select the database file:
D:\OUsea\Client\SAMPLE\UTF8\sse_broken.dbf .
iv. Click the Login tab and set:
Password DDEV
v. Click OK to start the database tool.
d. Paste the SELECT statement you copied into the command window and click Execute. This
shows you the result of the query. These are the same results you would get in the Siebel
e. In d:\spool.txt, scroll down to the first SELECT statement that has a FROM clause that
references S_LST_OF_VAL. It is followed by bind variables. In order to run a statement
like this, you will need to substitute the bind values which represent the literal values.
f. Copy the statement you just located which should be:



(T1.NAME = ? AND T1.TYPE = ?)

g. Return to the dbisql window. Select the SQL in the Command window select Edit > Delete
to delete it.
h. Paste the new SQL that you copied into the Command window.
i. Click Execute. You receive an error. This is expected because you have not substituted the
bind variables yet.
j. In d:\spool.txt, highlight the value for the first bind variable under the SQL statement. In this
case, ZERO_DTIME_MODE. Copy the text.

168 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 23: Troubleshooting

k. Return to the dbisql window. Locate the first ? in the SQL.

(T1.NAME = ? AND T1.TYPE = ?)

l. Highlight the ? and paste in the value you copied. Surround the value with single quotes.
m. Repeat this for the second bind variable value and the second ?. Your result should be:

n. Execute the query. You receive one row. If you are considering configuration changes, you
could change values in the SQL and run it here to see the results before you made any
changes in Siebel Tools which would impact the statement generated.
o. Exit dbisqlc.
p. Close spool.txt.

5. Generate the SQL associated with a view:

a. Start the “ BROKEN” Siebel Call Center Developer Web Client:
i. Select Start > Programs > zz > Siebel Call Center – BROKEN
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to BROKEN
iii. Click OK.
b. Select Site Map > Solutions > Solution List.
c. Select Help > About View. Notice the business component is Solution and the applets are
Solution List Applet and Solution Form Applet.
d. Click OK
e. Look in the Saved Queries box at the top of the screen. Are there any predefined queries?

f. Select File > Log Out. This ends your session and closes the spool file.

6. Inspect the SQL associated with a view:

a. Open d:\spool.txt with Notepad.
b. Search for S_APP_QUERY. The second instance should have a bind variable below it of
Solution. A query is run to S_APP_QUERY to populate the predefined queries for a view.
Searching for this can help position you in the spool file to the view you are interested in.
c. Look at the next query after this one. It should be a SELECT statement with a FROM clause
that references the SIEBEL.S_RESITEM table. This is the table for the Solution business
component (the business component for the applets in the view you selected in the client
d. Notice the WHERE clause is returning only rows that have INTR_PUBLISH_FLG = ‘Y’.
e. Notice also the ORDER BY clause uses NAME.
f. Close the file.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 169

Lesson 23: Troubleshooting

7. Use Siebel Tools to see where the ORDER BY and WHERE clauses come from:
a. Start the “ BROKEN” Siebel Tools:
i. Select Start > Programs > zz > Siebel Tools - BROKEN.
ii. Enter:
Password DDEV
Connect to BROKEN
iii. Click OK.
b. Select Business Component :: Solution.
c. What is the value of the Sort Specification?

d. What is the value of the Search Specification?

e. Select Business Component :: Solution | Single Value Field :: Name.

f. Which Column does the Name field map to?

g. Notice that the Sort Specification is what generates the ORDER BY clause you saw in the
SQL. The Name field maps to the NAME column and caused the ORDER BY T1.NAME
clause in the SQL. T1 is just an alias name for the table.
h. Since the search specification is blank for the business component, what else can be causing
the WHERE clause?

i. Select Applet :: Solution List Applet.

j. Notice there is no Sort Specification.
k. What is the value of the Search Specification?

l. Return to the business component.

m. What Column does the Publish Internal field map to?

n. Notice that the Search Specification is what generates the WHERE clause you saw in the
SQL. The Publish Internal field maps to INTR_PUBLISH_FLG and the Search
Specification on the applet caused the WHERE INTR_PUBLISH_FLG = ‘Y’ to be

170 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Lesson 23: Troubleshooting

o. What would happen if you set a Search Specification on the business component whose value
was [Publish Internal] = 'N’?

8. Exit Siebel Tools.

9. It is good practice to turn off spooling when you are finished. Reset the client shortcut to stop
a. From the Start menu, select Programs > zz.
b. Right-click Siebel Call Center - BROKEN and select Properties to access the shortcut
properties window.
c. Click the Target line and move your cursor to the end (right most part of the line).
d. Remove /s d:\spool.txt .
e. Click OK.

Siebel 8.1.x Tools 171

Lesson 23: Troubleshooting

Solutions 23-2 Spooling SQL (Optional)


5.e. Look in the Saved Queries box at the top of the screen. Are there any predefined queries?

7.c. What is the value of the Sort Specification?


7.d. What is the value of the Search Specification?

It is blank – there is no value set.

7.f. What Column does the Name field map to?


7.h. Since the Search Specification is blank for the business component, what else can be
causing the WHERE clause?
A Search Specification on the applet or predefined queries for the view.

7.k. What is the value of the Search Specification?

[Publish Internal] = 'Y'.

7.m. What Column does the Publish Internal field map to?

7.o. What would happen if you set a Search Specification on the business component with a
value of [Publish Internal] = 'N’?
This would be ANDED together to generate the WHERE clause. The WHERE clause
Therefore, no rows would be returned.

172 Siebel 8.1.x Tools

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