CHS 554
CHS 554
CHS 554
1. Answer all the following sub-divisions. (9×2=18)
a) Narrate the invention of first organometallic compound.
b) Write the structure of [η1 – (C6H5) Mn η6 – (C6H6)]Cl2 and comment on its
c) What are agostic bonds ? How are they different from the other bonds ?
d) Discuss the structure of cyclooctatetraene complexes and mention its
e) Name the following complexes
i) [IrCl(CO)(PPh3)3] ii) [CoCl2(C2H2)2(CO)2].
f) Why does back donation of electrons alter the C-C bond length in alkene
complexes ?
g) What properties of AlCl3 and TiCl4 in the Ziegler-Natta compound make it
a polymerisation catalyst ?
h) Mention the advantages of water-gas shift reaction.
i) Differentiate hydrocyanation reactions from the hydrogenation reactions.
Answer any four full questions. (4×13=52)
2. a) Discuss the structure and bonding in transition metal alkyl compounds
with suitable example.
b) By providing suitable experimental evidences, explain the structure and
bonding in K[PtCl3(C2H4)].
c) How does metal hydrides synthesised ? Give their applications. (5+5+3=13)
CHS 554 *CHS554*