2.9.2 Rigger V1.04

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<Date 2013>

<Title> <Name> <Surname>



In recognition of, and in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 4 to the

Mine Health and Safety Act no. 29 of 1996



In terms of Section 7(4) of the Mine Health and Safety Act, 29 of 1996, and the
powers vested in me to appoint persons, you are hereby appointed as Rigger to
assist me in the discharge of my duties and functions in terms of the mining
legislation and to be responsible for all delegated duties and functions within your
area of responsibility.

You are further authorised in terms of Mine Health and Safety Act Regulations 8.5.5
and 8.8.3, as detailed in the addendum to this appointment.

You are hereby referred to the addendum attached to this appointment insofar as it
describes your area of responsibility. You are to ensure that you are familiar with the
area of responsibility, and understand and agree with the boundaries of your area of

Your appointment will be with effect from the date of your signed acceptance until
this appointment is cancelled or superseded by a new appointment.

Section 7(4) of the Mine Health and Safety Act, 29 of 1996 allows for the manager to
assign to you functions and provisions under the Act and Regulations entrusted to
the manager. You will be held responsible for compliance with the assigned duties in
your area of responsibility. You are hereby referred to the addendum attached to this
appointment insofar as it describes the functions and provisions assigned to you.

You are to report to me without undue delay any situation in conflict with the Act and
with which you cannot properly deal.

In terms of Regulation 2.9.2, in force in terms of Schedule 4 of the Mine Health and
Safety Act, 29 of 1996 you must take all reasonable measures to ensure the Safety
and Health of employees within your area of responsibility and keep proper

Your attention is specifically directed to the Regulations as set out in the addendum
attached to this appointment.
You must take reasonable measures to ensure that the functions entrusted to you
are complied with in accordance with the provisions of the Act, and you are to report
to me without delay any situation in conflict with the Act and with which you cannot
properly deal.

Instructions and procedures are from time to time issued by the employer and / or
the manager and it will be your responsibility to ensure the implementation and
adherence to these instructions and procedures in your area of responsibility.

You are hereby authorised and obliged to take all reasonable measures to comply
with legislative requirements. It will be your responsibility to report any shortcomings
in relation to the implementation of applicable legislation which you are unable to
rectify, immediately in writing to the appointed manager.

You are to maintain a good working knowledge of the provisions of the mining
legislation and all amendments thereto, as well as of other legislation which may
impact on the activities at the mine, and your health and safety responsibilities as
described above. ©Denton

Please confirm your acceptance of this appointment and

understanding of the duties involved, in writing, by signing the
acknowledgement below.

<Title> <Appointer>
<Appointment> Manager

The above appointment and responsibilities are understood and accepted.

I acknowledge and accept the above appointment and declare that I am familiar with
the duties, functions and responsibilities imposed on me by legislation and this
appointment and undertake to ensure the implementation and adherence to these
duties, functions and responsibilities.

<Name> <Surname>


SIGNED: _______________________ DATE:________________



This addendum is an integral part of your appointment.


Your geographic area of responsibility is:

NOTE; Describe area of responsibility in words and/or refer to a survey plan that may be attached as
annexure “B”.


Within your geographic area of responsibility, your attention is drawn to, but not
limited to, the following specific legal duties, functions and activities. You will be held
accountable/responsible for compliance with:

1. Legal reference: Mine Health and Safety Act, 29 of 1996 (Section; 7(4))
The following duties/functions are assigned to you:

In terms of Section 7(4) of the Mine Health and Safety Act, 29 of 1996 you are
responsible for compliance with the following functions and provisions which are
entrusted to the employer and or manager by the Act:

 Sections 5, 6, 10 and 11;

 You must also ensure compliance with Chapter 3 of the Mine Health and
Safety Act and the implementation of the collective agreement as
contemplated in Section 26 and 33 of the Act.
 You are further tasked with ensuring compliance with the requirements in
terms of any mandatory and voluntary codes of practice applicable within your
area of responsibility in terms of Section 9

2. Legal reference: Minerals Act, 50 of 1991 (Regulations; 2.9.2) – in force in terms

of Schedule 4 of the Mine Health and Safety Act, 29 of 1996.

The following duties/functions are assigned to you:

 Your attention is specifically directed to the following Regulations:

(Add reference to those Regulations that are applicable, dependant on exact
function, including electrical, machinery etc.)

3. Legal reference: Mine Health and Safety Act, 29 of 1996 Regulations

The following duties/functions are imposed on/assigned to you:

 Section 8 insofar as machinery and equipment is concerned.
 You are further authorised in terms of Regulation 8.5.5 in terms of operating
lifting tackle and equipment.
 You are also authorised in terms of Regulation 8.8.3 to start, operate and
maintain equipment, and will do so in accordance with Chapter 8.


You are given the authority to ensure proper discipline and compliance with the legal
provisions and requirements.

 You are to familiarise yourself with the group and internal disciplinary codes
and procedures and to apply them when required;

 You are to bring to my attention the need for any additional authority required
by you to ensure compliance with the legal provisions/requirements;

 You are to bring to my attention the need of any means needed to ensure
compliance with the legal provisions/requirements;

 You are required to bring any queries, difficulties or any issue that cannot be
properly resolved by yourself to my attention;



In addition to your statutory responsibilities, you are required to comply with the
SHEQ Management System within your area of responsibility.

You are to make yourself familiar with all mine Standards, Procedures, Codes of
Practice, Mandatory Codes of Practice and Policies as they relate to the Safety,
Health, Environmental and Quality Management Systems, and ensure compliance,
within your scope of authority, therewith.

Should you be unable to comply, you will immediately bring this to my attention.

These responsibilities are consistent with, and supplementary to your legal



Your attention is drawn to the fact that amendments occur from time to time both to
the applicable legislation and the Regulations. It is your responsibility to ensure that
you are up to date and, where appropriate, and advise management on relevant
changes to the legislation and Regulations insofar as it impacts on your area of
responsibility. You should note that your rights and powers are only in respect of the
designated working area for which you have been appointed.

By attaching your signature at the bottom of this addendum you confirm that you
have read and understand the requirements and accept the responsibilities set out in
the contents.

Signed _______________________ Date ____________

Mr. ___________________

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