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hexagonal mesoporous silica (HMS), KIT, and SBA among In this work, the hierarchization of a selection of industri-
others.[8] These materials have attracted research interest for ally relevant zeolites is critically reviewed. Here, ZSM-23 (MTT),
their use as solid acid catalysts and adsorbents. However, their ZSM-22 (TON), ferrierite (FER), ZSM-5 (MFI), mordenite
structure is amorphous, which causes them to have a lower (MOR), X, Y, and USY (FAU), and beta (*BEA) are taken into
hydrothermal stability, and generally a lower acidity, and as account. For this review, only the new synthesis procedures
such all this limits their applications. A second strategy is the from 2016 to February 2020 are mostly discussed. For earlier lit-
synthesis of zeolites with larger pore sizes (>12-membered erature the reader is referred elsewhere.[15–17] Figure 1 gives an
rings (MRs)). Such extralarge pore zeolites have been made overview the number of new publications per year regarding any
using complex organic compounds as structure-directing new synthesis techniques for hierarchization that were taken
agents (SDAs) and germanium as framework atoms. Unfor- into account in this review. Among them, we have distinguished
tunately, these materials show lower acidity, high production the top-down, bottom-up, and assembly of nanozeolite synthesis
costs, and poor (hydro)thermal stabilities.[9] A third strategy is approaches. A clear difference in number between the selected
reducing the crystal size to a nanometer scale. While making catalysts can be observed showing the following order: ZSM-5
nanozeolites, the external surface area increases rapidly and the (MFI) > beta (*BEA) > X, Y, and USY (FAU) > mordenite (MOR)
diffusion path is significantly reduced. As such, nanozeolites > ZSM-22 (TON) > ferrierite (FER) > ZSM-23 (MTT). This differ-
provide an effective way to improve the diffusion rate of mole- ence can reflect the ease or study interest of each strategy on the
cules and the conversion of bulky molecules. Despite these used zeolite. However, this does not exclude that the distribution
promising properties, nanozeolites have some drawbacks such might be different upon investigating older literature.
as a difficult separation from the reaction products and more
tedious synthesis protocols.[10]
Another strategy to alleviate these problems is the produc- 2. Synthesis of Hierarchical Zeolites
tion of hierarchical zeolites. Hierarchical zeolites refer to
zeolites with an additional porous network on top of and inter- A diversity of methods has been developed the last decades to
connecting with the micropores, which can be mesoporous create hierarchical zeolites. In general, these methods can be
(2–50 nm) and/or macroporous (>50 nm). These additional subdivided in two main groups: I) the top-down and II) the
pore networks increase the diffusivity and may be formed in bottom-up methods. Top-down methods are used when zeo-
the crystal (i.e., intracrystalline porosity) or between crystal par- lites, synthesized in advance or commercially available, are
ticles (i.e., intercrystalline porosity).[7,11] Different strategies have used to create a hierarchical zeolite system upon post-treat-
been developed to obtain hierarchical zeolites, and they can ment procedures. By etching away a part of the zeolite, and in
be divided into three main groups: I) top-down strategies, II) some cases recrystallizing it again, mesopores can be created.
bottom-up strategies, and III) assembly of nanozeolites. More These methods are thus considered as destructive. When the
details about these strategies will be given in the next section. hierarchical system is created during the zeolite synthesis,
Ample studies have shown that the use of hierarchical zeo- one can speak of bottom-up methods. These methods are not
lites can result in improved catalytic performances. An example considered as destructive. A third class of hierarchical sys-
can be found in a study from Venkatesha et al., where a hierar- tems that will be discussed in this review are nanozeolites and
chical *BEA zeolite was synthesized after dealumination with their assemblies. These can be produced using both top-down
phenoldisulfonic acid (PDSA), and tested for the condensation and bottom-up methods. Some general aspects typical of the
of glycerol with acetone. It was shown that an increase in pore different methods are discussed below.
volume could rise the dioxalane selectivity up to 100%. Herein,
the influence of the acidity was cancelled out by employing the
so called “volume space acidity.” The improved performance of 2.1. Top-Down Methods
the hierarchical zeolite could thus be attributed to the increase
in pore volume.[12] The creation of hierarchical zeolites, how- 2.1.1. Dealumination
ever, can influence other characteristics of the crystal as well.
One of the most important properties is the acidity of the Dealumination is the oldest technique used to introduce
zeolite. Depending on the modification strategy this can be mesopores in a zeolite. It is being used industrially since
changed, influencing the catalytic performance. This means mid-1960 to increase the (steam hydro)stability of high alu-
that caution has to be taken when changes in catalytic perfor- mina microporous zeolites, as by removing Al from the zeolite
mance are ascribed to the mesopore system. An example is framework the acidity and Si/Al ratio are altered. Nowadays,
given by Jamil et al. who used a diluted hydrofluoric acid (HF) the technique is industrially mainly used for the production of
solution to introduce mesopores in a self-prepared ZSM-22 zeo- USY, which can be used for fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) and
lite. The obtained hierarchical catalyst showed a higher initial hydrocracking. Next to the increased stability, the dealuminated
conversion in the steam catalytic cracking (SCC) of n-hexane, zeolites also appeared to have an increased mesoporosity. In
an effect that is assigned to the enhanced acidity of the zeolites general, dealumination can be performed by means of steam,
rather than the increased mesoporosity.[13] Similarly, Liao et al. acid, or heat treatment.[5,18–20]
demonstrated that hierarchical ZSM-5 was an excellent catalyst Steam treatments are traditionally performed at tem-
for the monomolecular dealkylation of 4-propylphenol, due to peratures higher than 500 °C in a water vapor atmosphere
the creation of more active Lewis acid sites, rather than the causing AlOSi bonds to break and defects to be formed.
increased porosity.[14] The released Al will remain on the zeolite surface and in the
Figure 1. Overview of the amount of new open publications per year since 2016 regarding new hierarchization synthesis techniques for zeolites
that were taken into account for this review. A distinction is made between the different papers based on the topology and the hierarchization
procedure used.
pores as extra-framework Al (EFAl), while less stable Si will and time-consuming heating as in conventional heating
move to the Al depleted regions creating Si rich domains. As methods. A short overview is given in the following source.[25]
such, a part of the amorphous structure generated during However, the use of dealumination techniques to introduce
dealumination is recovered while creating mesopores. The mesopores in a zeolite comes with a few important disadvan-
entire mechanism is however not completely understood tages. A partial amorphization of the zeolite occurs, causing
yet.[5,18,20–24] The use of steam during the treatment causes the relative crystallinity to drop. Often, the formed cavities and
an improved mobility of Al and Si compared to heat treat- mesopores are not connected or lie within the zeolite frame-
ments without the use of the steam. Steam treatments them- work, i.e., they are not connected to the surface and there-
selves do not cause a change in Si/Al ratio as Al remains on fore not really optimal for fastening molecule transport in
(in) the zeolite as debris. A mild acid treatment, also called the crystal. Moreover, the pore size distribution of the formed
“acid wash,” is often performed after the steam treatment mesopores is wide.[5,6,18,24]
to remove this debris and to open the previously formed
mesopores. For instance, depending on the temperature of
steaming and the number of acids washes, USY zeolites with 2.1.2. Desilication
different pore volumes and acidity can be obtained from a
parent Y zeolite.[5,18,22,24] When contacting the zeolite with an alkaline solution, e.g.,
In contrast to mild acid treatments, severe acid treatments diluted NaOH, SiOSi bonds are selectively hydrolyzed
are used to hydrolyze SiOAl bonds. In this case, the Al is causing the preferential removal of Si from the zeolite frame-
immediately extracted from the framework causing the Si/Al work and the formation of mesopores.[6,19,20] The process is pref-
ratio to increase and mesopores to be formed without the erentially initiated at the boundaries of the zeolite crystal or at
extra need of an acid wash. The performance of the acid treat- structural defects. Thus, the morphology of the zeolite crystal has
ment depends on the zeolite, type of acid used, and the pH an important impact on the desilication process.[15,20,23] Moreover,
of the acid solution.[5,18,22,24] The acid dealumination can also the framework Al is an important factor during desilication, and
be performed in combination with microwave irradiation as the as such the Si/Al ratio of the parent zeolite, as the charge of the
heating method. This method can reduce the energy-intensive framework Al prevents the extraction of nearby Si species.[5,6,18,24]
are separated from each other by means of short alkyl linkers. Nanozeolites can be synthesized in many different ways: with
The hydrophobic tail will take part in the formation of micelles or without the use of SDAs, seed-induced, via milling and
and is thus responsible for the formation of the mesopores. recrystallization, via confining the space growth, or by using
The hydrophilic head will participate in the formation of the more alternative techniques like microwaves or ultrasonic irra-
micropores of the zeolite.[5,18,20] diation.[20,21] By controlling the kinetics of the nucleation and
growth, the zeolite size can be limited to nanosized zeolite
2.2.2. Hard Templating By assembling the synthesized nanozeolites into larger
ordered structures, one can obtain a hierarchical structure con-
Hard templates can also be used in combination with SDAs taining inter(nano)crystalline mesopores. These mesopores
for the synthesis of hierarchical zeolites. Hard templates are can be tuned by the size of the nanocrystals. The assembled
solid materials with a relatively rigid structure, such as carbon nanozeolites show enhanced properties compared to traditional
materials, polymers, and biological materials. When added zeolites, combining the superior properties of nanozeolites as
during zeolite synthesis, they will act as a template around stated above and the presence of mesopores. Thanks to these
which the microporous zeolite is synthesized. After synthesis, mesopores, reagents and products can be faster transported in
the template is removed by means of calcination or dissolu- and out the zeolite system.[6,20,22]
tion. This creates meso- or macropores at the locations of the The next part of this review will discuss in very detail the
hard templates.[5,6,18–20] Hard templates are divers and chemi- progress and advancements made since 2016 with regard to the
cally inert. Moreover, they enable the control of the mesopore hierarchization of the most important 10- and 12-MR zeolite
size. They are also easy to remove after synthesis, but they topologies. 8-membered ring zeolites are not within the scope
often require quite high temperatures to do so, risking loss of here.
product. Due to their more hydrophobic character, applications
are limited. Hierarchical zeolites synthesized using hard tem-
plates are often hydrothermally and mechanically less stable. 3. Synthesis of Hierarchical 10-MR Zeolites
Furthermore, the interconnectivity of the formed mesopores is
rather low.[5,18,20,21] 3.1. ZSM-23
synthesis. In addition, the SDA not only had an influence on concentrations of HF were more active, yielding higher initial
the purity, crystallinity, and structure of the zeolite phase, but conversions. This can be explained by the enhanced acidity
also on the effect of the alkaline treatment. Nevertheless, the of the zeolites. Additionally, no difference was noticed for the
data presented by Silva et al. show that the introduction of mes- deactivation rate. The zeolite treated with a higher concentra-
oporosity in ZSM-23 is difficult, which can be attributed to the tion of HF (1.5 wt%) showed a lower initial conversion and
crystal morphology and the unidimensional pore system.[34,36] showed more cokes formation at the end of the reaction.[13]
The performance of the hierarchical zeolites was tested and Top-Down Methods—Desilication: Desilication is a method
compared to their microporous analogues for the catalytic that has been frequently used the past few years to introduce
cracking of n-heptane[36] and polyethylene.[34] In both cases, the mesopores in the ZSM-22 zeolite crystals. Dyballa et al. studied
observed activity was higher and the amount of cokes formed the influence of different alkaline treatments, based on NaOH
was lower for the hierarchical zeolites. These effects can be or KOH, followed by an acid wash on the properties of ZSM-22.
clearly attributed to the more open porous structure of the hier- During the desilication and acid wash, the crystallinity of the
archical zeolites in comparison to their microporous analogues. zeolites was largely maintained, indicating the reduced suscep-
This makes it easier for reagents and products to respectively tibility of unidimensional zeolites like ZSM-22 and ZSM-23 to
enter and leave the zeolite. The lower external surface acidity desilication.[37,39] Nevertheless, an increased BET surface area
restricts the formation of cokes.[34,36] and mesopore volume was created in comparison to the parent
material. This increase was higher when KOH or more concen-
trated alkaline solutions were used. The Brønsted acid strength
3.2. ZSM-22 remained unchanged. However, the acid site density (or the
amount of acid sites) was lowered due to the alkaline treatment.
ZSM-22 (TON topology) is a unidimensional 10-MR zeolite The obtained hierarchical zeolites were tested for the MTO con-
with needle or rod shaped crystals. The pores of the zeolite version. The results indicated that an improved catalyst lifetime
(0.46 × 0.57 nm) run parallel to the longest dimension of the was not only achieved when there is an increased mesopore
needle shaped crystals.[37] ZSM-22 is of high interest for use in volume, but that an optimized Brønsted acid site density is also
cracking, hydroisomerization, methanol-to-olefin (MTO), and crucial in this type of reaction. Moreover, the shape selectivity
methanol to hydrocarbon (MTH) reactions.[37–41] As explained of the 10-MR pores was maintained.[39]
earlier for ZSM-23, ZSM-22 also suffers from diffusion limi- Del Campo et al. looked at the influence of three different
tations due to the high aspect ratio of the zeolite crystals. desilication procedures: I) NaOH, II) surfactant-assisted NaOH
Rapid deactivation, caused by pore blocking as a result of coke treatment with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), and
deposition, is also reported as a major issue.[13] In contrast to III) NaOH and tetrabutylammonium hydroxide (TBAOH), fol-
other zeolite topologies for which bottom-up techniques are lowed by an acid wash on a commercial and a self-prepared
frequently used to introduce mesopores in the zeolite crystal, ZSM-22. Their research showed that the influence of the desili-
this technique is difficult to apply for ZSM-22 as impurities cation procedure depends strongly on the morphology of the
can be easily brought into the zeolite crystal. This is why top- crystal, wherein the commercial ZSM-22 is more rod shaped
down strategies like desilication are preferentially chosen.[37,38] while the self-prepared ZSM-22 is needle shaped. As such,
However, given the surface of ZSM-22 is rich in Al, vigorous intramesoporosity was generated more efficiently in the rod
alkaline treatments are necessary to introduce mesopores. shaped crystals, while the needle shaped crystals got more
The formation of mesopores, though, is limited due to the fragmented, leading to a higher external surface area with less
shape and size of the zeolite crystals, making it difficult to intramesopore creation. del Campo et al. also demonstrated
introduce proper mesoporosity in the zeolite crystal without that the employed desilication method had an influence on the
destroying it.[38] pores formed. Using only NaOH during alkaline treatment gave
Top-Down Methods—Dealumination: A dealumination pro- rise to nonuniform mesopores and a roughening of the crystal
cedure was performed by Jamil et al., who used an aqueous surface, while the use of CTAB or TBAOH during desilication
HF-solution to introduce mesopores in a self-prepared ZSM- formed more well-defined mesopores. Thanks to the use of an
22. When treating the zeolite with a very diluted HF-solution acid wash after the alkaline treatment, the micropore volume
(0.7 and 1.0 wt%), Al was preferentially leached from the zeolite was restored by removing the EFAl, formed during desilication.
framework. When more concentrated HF-solutions, viz. 1.5 wt%, The Brønsted acidity of the zeolite did not seem to be modi-
were applied, Si was preferentially leached. While performing fied because of desilication, although the amount of surface
the treatment, the structure of the zeolite was maintained but the hydroxyls decreased.[40] The different hierarchical ZSM-22 zeo-
crystallinity decreased. Moreover, the crystals seemed to be less lites of del Campo et al. were tested in the MTH conversion.
agglomerated. When using the most concentrated HF-solution The obtained results indicated that the catalyst lifetime could be
(1.5 wt%), the highest mesopore volume was created. This increased dramatically when using a hierarchical ZSM-22. This
sample also showed the most retained micropore volume. Nev- could be explained by a combination of the enhanced accessi-
ertheless, all dealuminated samples had a lower Brunauer– bility to the acid sites and increased adsorption and transport
Emmett–Teller (BET) surface area and external surface area properties. However, the parent material of the hierarchical
compared to the parent zeolite. The dealuminated zeolites were zeolite was decisive here as the effect of the postsynthetic treat-
hydrothermally more stable and possessed a lower Brønsted ments differed depending on the starting zeolite.[41]
acidity compared to the parent zeolite. They were tested for their Silva et al. also used an alkaline solution based on NaOH
suitability in the SCC of n-hexane. The zeolites treated with low to desilicate three differently self-prepared ZSM-22 samples.
Thanks to the desilication, a significantly increased surface area acid sites but a lower total acid site content. The acid sites were
and mesopore volume was achieved while mainly maintaining situated at the pore mouths, in the micropores and on the
the micropore volume. The more concentrated the alkaline mesopore surface. During the hydroisomerization of n-hep-
solution, the higher the observed mesopore volume of the zeo- tane, n-dodecane, and n-hexadecane, cracking reactions were
lites.[42] This effect was also observed by Dyballa et al.[39] Impor- suppressed while the selectivity toward multibranched com-
tantly, the type of precursor that was used during synthesis of pounds increased when compared to microporous ZSM-22.
the parent material had an influence on the amount of mes- The latter was caused by the presence of Brønsted acid sites in
oporosity in the zeolite.[42] This finding was also observed by the mesoporous structure.[44,45]
the same group for ZSM-23.[36] The best results were obtained Nanozeolites and Their Assembly: Finally, Wang et al.
when an organosilane, viz. trimethoxyphenylsilane, was used reported ZSM-22 nanozeolites assembled into hollow-spheres.
during zeolite synthesis.[42] Therefore, a two-step hydrothermal synthesis was performed.
According to Li et al., the use of a desilicated ZSM-22 zeo- In a first crystallization step, ZSM-22 nanorods were synthe-
lite is also beneficial for the hydroisomerization of n-hexane, sized, while the second crystallization step included the self-
since the conversion and selectivity were higher compared to assembly of these nanorods in the presence of CTAB and KF
untreated ZSM-22. As for the previous discussed cases, the to form hollow-spheres. As such, a zeolite system was created
performance of the zeolite was determined by both the acidity having micropores in the ZSM-22 nanorods and inter(nano)
and the pore structure of the zeolite. To obtain these superior crystalline mesopores in the hollow-spheres self-assembly. The
zeolites, the researchers performed an alkaline treatment on a obtained catalysts were not tested for their performance in
commercial ZSM-22. They also showed that during treatment, catalysis.[46]
the topological structure was maintained, but the relative crys-
tallinity of the samples was strongly influenced by the concen-
tration of the alkaline solution. A reduction of the length of the 3.3. Ferrierite
needle shaped crystals was observed as well. During the alka-
line treatment, mesopores were created while largely retaining Ferrierite (FER) is a 2D zeolite with intersecting 10- and 8-MR
the micropores of the zeolite. This is in contrast with previous channels (0.42 × 0.54 nm and 0.35 × 0.48 nm, respectively). At
papers wherein an extra acid wash was performed to obtain this the intersection of the 8-MR channel and the 6-MR channel,
result. However, during the ion-exchange of the zeolite, a small a spherical ferrierite cage is formed, which is accessible via
amount of acid was added to the NH4Cl solution, which might the 8-MR channel. Ferrierite shows a good thermal, hydro-
have the same effect. Nevertheless, no further details were thermal, and chemical stability and is currently used in many
given about the procedure. A decreased acidity was observed, applications such as the hydroisomerization of n-alkanes,
which can be mainly attributed to a decrease of the Lewis acid isomerization of n-alkenes, cracking of n-paraffins, NOx reduc-
sites.[43] tion, styrene epoxidation, N2O decomposition, etc.[47–49] The
Taking into account the difficulties that come along during main industrial application of ferrierite is the isomerization of
the desilication of ZSM-22, Wang et al. looked at the possibili- 1-butene.[50]
ties of performing a desilication while protecting the zeolite Top-Down Methods—Dealumination/Desilication: Dealumi-
crystals. To do so, they detemplated the rod-shaped zeolite only nation and desilication have been reported multiple times to
partially before desilication and added CTAB to the desilication introduce mesopores in ferrierite. Brylewska et al. combined a
mixture. By partially detemplating the zeolite before desilica- dealumination and desilication procedure on two ferrierite zeo-
tion, the region and degree of mesopore formation can be tai- lites having different Si/Al ratios. Zeolites were created with an
lored since only desilication will occur in zeolite crystal parts increased mesopore volume and surface area, while preserving
free of template. As such, the crystals were protected against the micropore structure and the crystallinity of the zeolites.
heavy destruction. By adding CTAB, the size of the generated Additionally, the acid site density also increased. This might
mesopores was centered and below the width of the crystals, be attributed to an enhanced accessibility of the acid sites. The
avoiding them to crack. In addition, it reduces the blockage of hierarchical zeolites were tested in the dehydration of ethanol.
the micropores. As such, a higher desilication efficiency (i.e., The data indicated that for this reaction the best results were
the amount of external surface area developed per % of weight obtained when the catalyst had a high concentration of acid
loss) could be obtained and the Brønsted acid sites were more sites and a well-defined microporous structure. Meaning that
accessible. The obtained catalyst was superior compared to in this case the introduction of mesopores not necessarily pro-
its parent material for the hydroisomerization of n-dodecane, vided a more effective catalyst.[47]
showing indeed a higher isomer yield and less cracking.[38] Pereira et al. only used a desilication procedure with NaOH
Top-Down Methods—Dissolution–Recrystallization: Another to introduce mesopores in ferrierite. Compared to the parent
approach to obtain hierarchical zeolites is by simultaneously ferrierite, an increased mesopore area was observed while the
dissolving a part of the zeolite in an alkaline solution and micropore volume slightly decreased. The catalyst also lost
recrystallizing it on the remaining zeolite in the presence crystallinity. The obtained catalysts were tested in the conver-
of a surfactant. Liu et al. used this technique and obtained a sion of propylene to light olefins. The results showed a positive
microporous ZSM-22 zeolite with a well-developed MCM-41 correlation of the initial activity with the mesopore area, indi-
mesoporous surface coating with 3 nm mesopores. CTAB was cating higher site accessibility. Furthermore, a different product
used as surfactant assisting the formation of the mesoporous selectivity was detected, yielding more products in the gasoline
phase. The obtained material had an increased amount of weak range.[50]
Finally, Catizzone et al. used a sequence of three different Nanozeolites and Their Assembly: Crystal size reduction to
postsynthetic treatments proposed by Verboekend et al. to nanoscale is an alternative option to improve mass transport in
obtain a hierarchical ferrierite and used it for the dehydration of zeolites. Chu et al. synthesized in the presence of pyrrolidine
methanol. First, the ferrierite zeolite was treated with NaAlO2, (as SDA) rod-shaped nanoferrierite appearing as aggregates.[55]
creating mesopores in the zeolite structure. Meanwhile, Al A very similar approach was used by Liu et al., showing compa-
debris blocking the micropores and Si nanocrystals were rable nanomaterials. They both looked in more detail into the
formed. Then, the zeolite was treated with HCl to remove the synthesis parameters that determine the crystallinity and inter-
Al debris and restore the microporosity of the zeolite crystals. crystalline mesoporosity of high quality nanosized ferrierite
Finally, an alkaline wash with NaOH was performed to remove crystals. These data led to optimal synthesis conditions (i.e.,
the Si nanocrystals. In the paper, special attention was paid to synthesis temperature, alkalinity, crystallization time, and SDA
the influence of the first NaAlO2 treatment on the properties concentration). Both research groups tested the nanoferrierite
of the zeolite. The results indicated that a higher concentration aggregates in the skeletal isomerization of n-butene and found
of NaAlO2 or a higher contact time gave higher mesoporosity. improvements of selectivity and stability.[55,56]
Despite these textural changes, the Si/Al ratio and acidity were Margarit et al. used two SDAs (piperidine (Pip) and cetyl-
preserved after the treatment sequence. The obtained hierar- methylpiperidinium bromide (C16MPip)) to synthesize nano-
chical zeolites showed a higher activity in the dehydration of ferrierite crystals. The first SDA initiates the crystallization
methanol. However, a lower selectivity to dimethyl ether was process, while the second SDA restricts crystal growth. This
observed due to the presence of the mesopores.[51,52] procedure led to very small nanosized ferrierite crystals, viz.
Top-Down Methods—Dissolution–Recrystallization: To the best 10 × 10 nm dimension, of excellent crystallinity quality. Thus,
of our knowledge, only one paper was published since 2016 the microporous structure is maintained and large external
describing the one-step desilication and recrystallization of fer- surface and intercrystalline mesoporosity are present. This
rierite. In this paper by Cheng et al., an alkaline treatment with nanocatalyst showed a very high 1-pentene oligomerization
NaOH in the presence of CTAB was used to create a ferrierite activity with high diesel selectivity and a longer life time,
with a hierarchical pore system. The obtained intracrystalline explained by the short diffusion path lengths in the zeolite
mesopores were parallelepiped-shaped and in the direction of crystals.[48]
the 10-MR pores. The CTAB can also be inserted between the Finally, Wuamprakhon et al. assembled nanosheets of
layers of the ferrierite crystals, leading to the partial delamina- ferrierite into a ball-shaped morphology during a direct
tion of layered crystals in addition to the formation of occluded hydrothermal synthesis in the presence of dimethyloctadecyl[3-
mesopores. When more severe process conditions were applied, (trimethoxysilyl)propyl]ammonium chloride (TPOAC) as SDA.
other zeolite phases like GIS and SOD were formed.[49] As such, a hierarchical ferrierite system with high crystallinity
Bottom-Up Methods—Soft Templating: While some and microporosity was acquired. The acid strength of the hier-
researchers focus on the use of top-down techniques to obtain archical ferrierite was similar to that of the microporous ana-
hierarchical ferrierite, others use bottom-up techniques. One logue, but acid density (and in particular the very strong ones)
possible option uses the dual templating technique. Here a was lower. Potential benefits were screened for the benzyla-
SDAs is responsible for the common zeolite formation in tion of toluene with benzyl chloride. The catalytic data showed
combination with a mesoporogen that directs the formation higher activity without compromising selectivity.[57]
of mesopores. Bolshakov et al. used this technique twice to
create hierarchical ferrierite. In a first paper, they synthesized
mesoporous ferrierite in presence of N-methylpyrrolidine 3.4. ZSM-5
(NMP) (as SDA) and N,N-methyl-hexadecylpyrrolidinium
bromide (C16NMP) (as mesoporogen). Thanks to the pres- ZSM-5 (Zeolite Socony Mobil-5) is one of the most widely
ence of the mesoporogen, highly crystalline and acidic fer- studied and used catalysts. ZSM-5 has an MFI topology and
rierite was obtained having both micro- and mesopores. The 10-MR openings, which make zig-zag channels along the [100]
hierarchical ferrierite was subsequently tested in the dehy- axis (0.51 × 0.55 nm). Besides this, the zeolite also has straight
dration-isomerization of 1-butanol to isobutene. Despite a intersecting channels along the [010] axis (0.53 × 0.56 nm).[58]
somewhat lower conversion rate compared to that of the Due to its controlled acidity, high hydrothermal stability
non-mesoporous ferrierite, the deactivation rate of mesoporous and unique pore structure, ZSM-5 is one of the most impor-
ferrierite was substantially lower.[53] tant shape-selective catalysts. The catalyst is widely used in
A second paper of Bolshakov et al. describes a hierarchical industry, for example, in alkylation, isomerization, and cracking
ferrierite synthesis through transformation of a FAU pre- reactions.[59]
cursor in the presence of NMP (as SDA) and the amphiphile This part collects and discusses the recent literature of
mesoporogen 1,2-dimethyl-3-hexadecyl-1H-imidazol-3-ium mesoporous MFI zeolites with focus on ZSM-5. Because of the
bromide (C16dMImz). A strongly crystalline ferrierite zeolite vast amount of literature concerning ZSM-5, rather an analysis
was presented with high mesoporosity and small crystal size. of the methods instead of a comprehensive review of individual
Compared to the previously discussed dual templating tech- work will be presented. No systematic evaluation of silicalite-1
nique, this mesoporous ferrierite has a higher acid site density. is done unless when used as seed material. The following thus
The hierarchical zeolite showed an improved activity in the contains emerging synthesis methods for pure ZSM-5 zeolites
isomerization of unsaturated fatty acids to branched fatty acids excluding composites with other materials/topologies and sur-
thanks to the better mass transport and appropriate acidity.[54] face functionalization.
Top-Down Methods—Dealumination: Dealumination of Al-zoned ZSM-5 crystals, as can be seen in Figure 3. A conven-
ZSM-5 zeolites is generally done by steaming, acid treatment, tional desilication with NaOH leaches framework Si without
or leaching with complexing agents. It often results in poor disturbing much of the framework Al. The use of a tetrapro-
mesopore formation, and decreases the Al content and thus the pylammonium hydroxide (TPAOH) treatment resulted in a
zeolite acidity. In this way, Al-rich MFI zeolites are made more desilication–recrystallization process (vide infra). In contrast,
susceptible for a subsequent desilication treatment.[60] Some prior steaming or fluorination treatments largely disturbed
recent studies where dealumination is used in a first step to the Al coordination. A subsequent NaOH or TPAOH treat-
create mesopores are discussed below. ment was able to redistribute Al, ultimately resulting in higher
Recent studies suggested the successive steaming-alkaline mesoporosity with narrow and uniform pores.[64] Similarly,
leaching of ZSM-5.[61–63] Wang et al. used this consecutive Li et al. produced ZSM-5 zeolites with an Al-rich exterior
treatment to create mesoporous ZSM-5 with intracrystalline and a defective silicious interior. This enabled a hollow struc-
mesopores around 2–4 nm. In this process, steaming extracted ture formation upon selective base leaching/desilication of
EFAl from the outer surface of the zeolite, reducing the acid the crystal inside. However, this catalyst was not found to
density and strength of the parent zeolite. The additional alka- be more stable than the parent zeolite in the methanol-to-
line-treatment partially restored the acid density and strength. propylene (MTP) reaction. The instability was related to the
This can be explained by considering realumination of EFAl highly acidic shell and the closed hollow structure, leading
in the outer shell of the zeolite, preventing further excessive to quick coke deposition on the external surface. When the
desilication in the alkaline treatment. This two-step approach parent ZSM-5 with discontinuous composition along the
results in pores with a smaller aperture in comparison with a crystal radius was first treated with NH4F, the interior Si-
sole desilication treatment. Reversibly, a successive alkaline- defects were repaired and the Al in the outer shell distorted.
steaming treatment causes a structural collapse.[62] Yang and In a subsequent alkaline treatment, most Al in the shell was
co-workers also used this steaming-alkaline treatment in an leached out and slowly redeposited on the zeolite surface,
Al-rich ZSM-5 zeolite. Here, the researchers were able to regu- acting as an external pore directing agent (PDA). This series
late the acid quantity by altering the concentration of the base of treatments ultimately resulted in a higher solid yield and
in the alkaline treatment.[63] an open mesoporous structure with uniform 13 nm pore size.
The influence of the Al coordination was further studied This catalyst showed a long lifetime and high propylene for-
by Li et al. Different Al coordinations resulted in different mation activity in the MTP process, when compared to the
zeolite structures when different treatments were applied on parent zeolite.[65]
Figure 3. The effect of different treatments and the Al-coordination in the zeolite structure. Reproduced with permission.[64] Copyright 2018, American
Chemical Society.
Top-Down Methods—Desilication: Desilication of parent ZSM-5 The desilication of ZSM-5 can also be executed with other
zeolites with aqueous NaOH is one of the most popular methods bases than NaOH. Feng et al. focused on the effect of weak
to prepare mesoporous ZSM-5.[66–68] Comprehensive studies on bases such as NaHCO3, Na2CO3, and NH3·H2O. Treatment
top-down mesoporization were done by Groen et al. They noted with NaHCO3 and Na2CO3 sharply reduced the Brønsted/Lewis
the importance of framework Al during desilication with NaOH (B/L) acid site ratio, whereas the use of NH3·H2O showed a
and concluded that the optimal Si/Al ratio ranged from 25 to 50. slight increase of this ratio. The NH3·H2O treatment yielded a
At higher Si/Al ratios, nonselective and excessive extraction of highly stable catalyst for the methanol to aromatics (MTA) reac-
framework Si occurs, whereas minor extraction and limited tion and this was explained by a combination of the appropriate
mesoporosity formation takes place for low Si/Al ratios.[60] That B/L ratio, large pore volume and surface area. Interestingly,
is, Al rich ZSM-5 samples are more difficult to mesoporize, the ZSM-5 catalyst also showed a higher selectivity toward
whereas Al poor samples are very sensitive to complete disso- benzene–toluene–xylene (BTX).[74] Zhang et al. systematically
lution. Verboekend et al. were able to extend this 25–50 range studied desilication with different alkali-metal hydroxides such
limitation by using PDAs, which also enabled the modification as LiOH, NaOH, KOH, and CsOH. All of them effectively cre-
of siliceous ZSM-5. These PDAs protect the framework from ated mesoporosity. The hierarchical ZSM-5 modified with
excessive dissolution resulting in higher crystallinity and solid CsOH showed the best results during butene oligomeriza-
synthesis yield. The use of a sequential acid wash can be used tion. Overall, this catalyst contained a high L/B acidity ratio,
for zeolites with lower Si/Al ratios. As seen before, another had interconnected open mesopores, and showed the smallest
method to modify Al-rich zeolites is to perform a dealumina- crystal size.[75]
tion before desilication. However, some Al-rich framework may NaAlO2 can also be used in the desilication process of
be completely lost with this treatment, resulting in a low mate- ZSM-5. Gorzin et al. studied the use of different amounts of
rial yield.[69] NaAlO2 and TPAOH for the desilication of highly silicious
Recently, various adaptations to the NaOH treatments have ZSM-5 zeolites (Si/Al = 200). The use of TPAOH protected the
been performed to desilicate ZSM-5. It is known that the addi- zeolite against severe base leaching of the framework. When
tion of certain additives to the NaOH solution can increase using the appropriate NaAlO2/TPAOH ratio and performing
mesoporosity. The co-effect of for instance Na+ and TPA+ was a subsequent an acid wash, uniform and narrow mesopores
investigated in a NaOH desilication process by Wan et al. High were created without significantly changing the original Si/Al
concentrations of TPA+ did not result in high mesoporosity, ratio. A successful improvement of the catalytic performance
however, it had a protective role against desilication. In contrast, was demonstrated for the MTP reaction. The catalyst showed
Na+ shows a positive effect on the mesoporization process. The an increased lifetime compared to the parent catalyst, which
latter approach enabled synthesis of highly mesoporous ZSM-5, may be explained by its lower acid strength and higher
containing small-sized mesopores that are evenly distributed mesoporosity.[76]
over the crystal. An example is shown in Figure 4. This catalyst The use of alkaline media can also produce internal cavities
showed a superior MTH lifetime compared to the ZSM-5 catalyst in the crystal rather than recognizable mesopores. This can be
that was treated according to the traditional NaOH treatment.[70] achieved in different ways. Hollow ZSM-5 crystals were made
Smail et al. investigated the effect of a NaOH treatment by ammonia leaching by Xu et al. With this method, hollow
with and without the presence of other additives, i.e., I) NaOH, structures with a shell thickness of 40 nm were obtained.[77]
II) CTAB with NaOH, III) TPAOH with NaOH, and IV) and Fu et al. used a two-step method to similarly treat 100 nm
CTAB/TPAOH with NaOH. The organic additives positively ZSM-5 zeolites, producing hollow ZSM-5 zeolites with a
affected the desilication process regarding the creation of mesoporous shell. They first dissolved internal silica using
uniform pores. The treatment with NaOH resulted in the NaOH, transforming the crystals to hollow objects. The next
smallest mesopores (≈3.7 nm), followed by TPAOH with NaOH step attempted the formation of mesoporosity in the remaining
(≈11.1 nm), CTAB with NaOH (≈14.9 nm), and CTAB/TPAOH shell using a protective leaching concept with NaOH/TPAOH.
with NaOH (≈15.2 nm).[71] The obtained catalyst showed improvements regarding its ser-
Feng et al. compared an alkaline (NaOH) with an acid (citric vice time in the MTH reaction.[78,79] Similarly, Xu et al. reported
acid, EDTA-2Na, and combination thereof) mesoporization hollow ZSM-5 with a mesoporous shell using NaOH/TPAOH.
treatment. Citric acid was able to remove EFAl species, which They further tuned the mesopore size by addition of Na+. As
resulted in an increase in micropore surface area. The use of such, mesopore sizes of 7.9–20.5 nm can be obtained. As gen-
EDTA-2Na promoted desilication and simultaneously trans- erally accepted, TPA+ plays a protective role in the synthesis,
formed the removed Al-species into EFAl. By consequence, the limiting crystal growth and fusion of the growing pores. How-
Lewis acid site density increased. The use of these three agents ever, the addition of Na+ induced a competitive adsorption to
created an effective hierarchical zeolite with high Brønsted fine tune growth and protection processes. Clearly, large frame-
and Lewis acid site density. The material showed significant work dissolution was noticed in absence of TPA+. When mixed
improvement in the catalytic cracking of n-heptane.[72] Another with Fe3O4@MnO2, this zeolite was an excellent catalyst for the
variation of the classic NaOH desilication procedure suggested gasoline production from syngas in the Fischer–Tropsch syn-
the use of ultrasound. Upon using rice husk ash as the silica thesis. Here, an unprecedented C5–11 selectivity was reported
source, the authors demonstrated the formation of mesopores with substantial suppressing of C2–4. This can be explained by a
as a result of ultrasound utilization in a NaOH alkaline treat- reduction of hydrocracking as a result of the limited residence
ment process. The higher catalytic cracking activity of light time of the molecules in the zeolite.[80]
naphtha was related with the obtained higher mesoporosity Top-Down Methods—Dissolution–Recrystallization: Different
compared to a classically NaOH modified zeolite.[73] organics can be used for the dissolution–recrystallization
Adv. Mater. 2020, 2004690 2004690 (10 of 47) © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH
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Figure 4. The desilication mechanism in different alkaline solutions. Reproduced with permission.[70] Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society.
approach to create mesopores in ZSM-5 zeolites. Among them, ageing procedure, and further consequently converted into Al-
TPAOH is the most familiar candidate. It is known that this enriched mesoporous ZSM-5 with box-like morphologies using
dissolution–recrystallization mechanism can produce hollow a TPAOH post-treatment. The improved diffusion and strong
zeolites, while additional mesoporosity in the remaining shell acidity of the produced catalyst resulted in improved catalytic
will benefit crystal diffusion. Mesopores around 2–4 nm were performance in the cracking of n-octane and cumene.[83] Also
for instance created in the shell by Niu et al. Here, TPAOH Ma et al. produced hollow ZSM-5 and highly mesoporous micro-
was used with an Al source and added to silicalite-1 zeolite. ZSM-5 by starting with two differently sized silicalite-1 crystals
The produced hierarchical hollow zeolite was deposited with (200 and 900 nm, respectively), as can be seen in Figure 5. A
Pt, and the Pt/ZSM-5 showed superior catalytic activity in the desilication–recrystallization process was applied with NaAlO2
hydrodeoxygenation of guaiacol, compared to conventional as Al source and TPAOH as template. TPA+ played the protec-
Pt/ZSM-5. This can be explained by the synergetic effect of the tive role in the desilication process, while the presence of Na+
hollow structure and the enhanced Pt dispersion due to the directed the formation of mesopores during the recrystalliza-
interaction of the Pt particles with the generated strong acidic tion process. The smaller silicalite-1 zeolites were transformed
centers.[81] Lin et al. were also able to produce similar hollow into hollow ZSM-5 with mesopores around 23 nm, while the
ZSM-5 by using TPAOH and by regulating the kinetics of the larger ones transformed into highly mesoporous ZSM-5 with
dissolution–recrystallization process (e.g., temperature con- mesopores of ≈15 nm. Both catalysts showed excellent MTH
trol). They showed the formation of open box-like ZSM-5 zeo- activity with higher service times in comparison to the con-
lites, which showed higher catalytic performance in a benzyl ventional ZSM-5.[84] A similar study of the TPAOH desilica-
alcohol self-etherification reaction, compared to a conventional tion–recrystallization method with 200 nm sized silicalite-1
ZSM-5 or hollow ZSM-5.[82] Similarly, Jiao et al. also produced and NaAlO2 investigated the influence of the Si/Al ratio. A
box-like mesoporous ZSM-5. Here, parent zeolites containing high ratio led to hollow ZSM-5, whereas a mesoporous shell
tetrahedral extra-framework Al were produced via a rapid was observed at a low Si/Al ratio. By adjusting the porosity and
Adv. Mater. 2020, 2004690 2004690 (11 of 47) © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH
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Figure 5. The proposed mechanism of the desilication–recrystallization of 200 nm (S200) and 900 nm (S900) silicalite-1. Reproduced with permission.[84]
Copyright 2019, American Chemical Society.
acidity in the synthesis process, long catalytic lifetimes, and to conventional ZSM-5.[91] Another combination of techniques
high selectivities could be obtained in the MTH reaction.[85] was proposed by Lin et al. Here, the use of poly(ethylene glycol)
Luo et al. used a modified TPAOH dissolution–recrystallization (PEG) directed the synthesis to mesopores in the steam-assisted
technique in which different morphologies (e.g., microporous, crystallization (SAC) process. The following dissolution–recrys-
mesoporous, and core–shell mesoporous) were noticed upon tallization process was carried out with TPAOH and created the
adjusting the detemplation of the parent zeolite.[86] expected core shell-like zeolite. This method ensured surfacing
Besides TPAOH, other organic bases have been tested as of the mesopores. Addition of Na+ competed with the adsorp-
well. Tetraethylammonium hydroxide (TEAOH) for instance tion of TPA+ and enabled tailoring the porosity. Acetylation
strongly resembles TPAOH during postsynthetic treatment.[87] catalysis of cyclohexanone with these materials showed prom-
Zhang et al. used TEAOH during treatment of highly sili- ising enhancement of the catalytic activity.[92]
cious ZSM-5, and tested the mesoporous ZSM-5, containing Recently, the dissolution–recrystallization was also applied
2–3 nm sized pores, for the MTP reaction. They found sub- in the presence of a binder. Zhou et al. created a full-zeolitic
stantial improvement of the service time.[88] CTAB with NaOH hierarchical monolytic ZSM-5. Addition of n-butylamine (as
is another alternative that can be used during dissolution and SDA) and a binder to cylindrical shaped ZSM-5 pellets under
recrystallization.[89] It was used by Subhan et al., showing steam conditions induced binder crystallization. In addition,
the formation of mesostructures similar to Al-MCM-41, with mesopores were formed due to a recrystallization process
enhanced adsorptive desulfurization properties.[90] (Figure 6). This catalyst showed superior catalytic activity in the
The dissolution–recrystallization approach can also be com- MTH process when compared to the commercial catalyst.[93]
bined with other synthesis techniques. A first study described Bottom-Up Methods—Soft Templating: Organic compounds
the desilication of ZSM-5 zeolite with NaOH, followed by recrys- can be used as mesoporogen templates in the synthesis mixture
tallization treatment with TEAOH wherein oxidized lignin was to induce intracrystalline and/or intercrystalline mesopores.
added to the mixture. This combined treatment resulted in Different templates such as polymers, organosilanes, amines,
mesoporous ZSM-5 with a broad pore size distribution. The and organic ammonium salts, can be used. Direct synthesis
material showed enhanced CO2 physisorption capacity compared routes with surfactant-based templates often result in a random
Adv. Mater. 2020, 2004690 2004690 (12 of 47) © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH
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Figure 6. Schematic representation of the preparation of full-zeolitic hierarchical ZSM-5 monoliths. Reproduced with permission.[93] Copyright 2016,
stacking of nanosheets or an agglomeration of nanozeolites. acidity.[98] Hollow ZSM-5 with intracrystalline mesopores have
The catalysts that are clearly assembled of particles in the also been synthesized with soft templates containing ammo-
nanorange are described in the section “nanozeolites and their nium groups. In this aspect, a gemini-type quaternary ammo-
assemblies.” The recent soft templating reports for hierarchical nium cation surfactant together with tetrapropylammonium
microporous zeolites are summarized here. bromide (TPABr) can be used in a hydrothermal synthesis. The
Templates with ammonium groups are popular given their Fe-substituted hollow catalyst was tested for the hydroxylation
strong electrostatic interaction with the zeolite framework. of phenol with H2O2 to form dihydroxybenzenes wherein the
Zhang et al. used a surfactant with a hydrophobic alkene highest activity was observed for the mesoporous catalyst.[99]
chain and a multiquaternary ammonium head group. The A popular quaternary alkylammonium template is CTA+.
mesoporous zeolite was synthesized according to a sol-gel Meng et al. used KOH in a cetyltrimethylammonium hydroxide
method in a tumbling autoclave. New core–shell structured (CTAOH) templated one-pot synthesis. The use of these cations
ZSM-5 zeolites were obtained with a micro–macroporous core influenced the dissolution rate. As an example, KOH led to a
and a mesoporous shell.[94] faster dissolution of the silica species.[100] The same group used
The higher economic cost of customized soft templates is CTAOH as template, which functioned as a bifunctional tem-
often a drawback for catalytic applications. Meng et al. were plate in a RbOH-based alkaline synthesis gel. The use of Rb
able to produce mesoporous ZSM-5 using a cheap monoqua- cations influenced the dissolution rate in such a way that the
ternary ammonium surfactant (C16H33[N+-methylpiperidine]) mesoporous texture of the amorphous precursor is retained to
and diethyl amine (DEA). This catalyst resulted in similar some extent, resulting in a zeolite with uniform mesopores.
catalytic performances when it was compared to a catalyst that This stands in contrast to the use of KOH where the KOH dis-
was synthesized with an expensive diquaternary ammonium turbs the formation of micellar rods, leading to less-ordered
surfactant.[95] mesopores compared to the use of RbOH. Catalysis testing
Most surfactant soft-templating techniques result in disrup- was performed for MTH, and better results were obtained
tive mesopore formation along the b-axis. In this aspect, the when compared to conventional ZSM-5 zeolite.[101] The use of
group of Zhang et al. was able to produce a single-crystalline different alkali metals in combination with CTA+ was further
mesoporous MFI zeolite with sheet-like mesopores along the studied by Meng et al. They produced mesoporous ZSM-5
a- and b-axis. They used a triply branched surfactant with with CTA+ as a sole template in a one-pot synthesis. Here, the
diquaternary ammonium groups, connected to 1,3,5-triphenylb- mesoporous silica–alumina precursor is transformed in a dis-
enzene by a six- and eight-carbon alkyl chain. These surfactants solution–recrystallization mechanism. In this study, LiOH,
were able to self-assemble and gave a highly ordered orienta- NaOH, KOH, RbOH, and CsOH were investigated. The use of
tion due to π–π stacking.[96] In another study, Tian et al. used KOH and RbOH led to a mesoporous ZSM-5, whereas NaOH,
a nonsurfactant dual functional polymer-based template. They LiOH, and CsOH led to an amorphous material.[102]
synthesized a cationic nonsurfactant polymer that enabled A careful use of soft versus hard templates is crucial.
the synthesis of ZSM-5 with open, interconnected mesopores Zhou et al. synthesized different mesoporous ZSM-5 zeolites
in a 3D single-crystalline zeolite. This material contained a depending on the template used (CTAB and distearyl dimethyl
mesoporous shell and a conventional zeolite core.[97] Sadrara ammonium chloride as soft templates, and carbon nanotubes
et al. produced mesoporous ZSM-5 crystals by using decyltri- as hard template). The synthesis in presence of carbon nano-
methylammonium bromide as mesoporogen and tetrameth- tubes resulted in ZSM-5 with well-preserved strong acid sites
ylammonium hydroxide as SDA. Certain ratios of these tem- and a well-connected micro–mesopore network, which was not
plates allowed the formation zeolites with well-developed 4 to observed when the soft templates were used. This difference
10 nm mesopores, with preservation of the crystal structure and in pore architecture led to better catalytic results for the MTH
Adv. Mater. 2020, 2004690 2004690 (13 of 47) © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH
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reaction in case of the hard templated ZSM-5, as reflected in Polymers can also result in the construction of hollow hier-
the higher BTX yield and lower carbon deposition rate.[103] archical zeolites. Niu et al. were able to produce such structures
Other ways to induce mesopores are the use of organosi- by using polyvinylpyrrolidone as template in a one-pot hydro-
lane or organosiloxane templates. Mesoporous high-silica thermal synthesis method (Figure 7). The hydrophilic polymer
ZSM-5 was for instance synthesized in the presence of dimeth- resulted in intense interaction between polymer and frame-
ylhexadecyl [3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl] ammonium chloride work. The amount of template is a way to control the particle
(TPHAC) in a seed-induced method, and contained intrac- dimensions. By incorporation of Mn, excellent activities were
rystalline mesopores of ≈2–10 nm, which is in accordance obtained for the oxidation of cyclohexane to cyclohexanol. This
with the micellar size of TPHAC.[104] A new organosilane, can be attributed to the good accessibility of the active sites
1,6-bis(diethyl(3-trimethoxysilylpropyl)ammonium) hexane and fast mass transfer in the hollow structure with nano- and
bromide, possessing a gemini-type structure, was synthesized mesochannels.[117]
by Zhu et al. and used as mesoporogen together with TPAOH Besides the common templates, other molecules have also
(SDA). Tuning of the irregular mesoporosity was demon- been used as mesoporogen. A new anionic soft template, hexa-
strated by variation of the organosilane/TEOS ratio.[105] Other decanesulfonic acid sodium salt was used to produce small
researchers have shown the formation of core–shell ZSM-5 mesoporous ZSM-5 crystals of around 100–400 nm.[118] Tian
with trimodal mesopores, of which the size gradually reduced et al. produced mesoporous ZSM-5 by adding imidazole to the
from surface to core, in the presence of organosilyl compo- synthesis mixture. This mesoporous catalyst showed better
nents. This zeolite was produced in a one-pot approach with selectivity and higher catalytic lifetime in the MTA reaction,
controlled orthogonal self-assembly, and was the result of the compared to a conventional ZSM-5.[119]
specific nanoscale phase separation between the TPOAC orga- Given the trend toward green and sustainable synthesis, bio-
nosilane supramolecular assembly and the zeolite framework. derived molecules were also screened for their template poten-
Variation of the amount of organosilane enabled control over tial. The group of Chen et al. used gelatin where the pores in
the mesopores in the core, shell and intermediate boundary.[106] the hydrogel served as a microreactor. They were able to affect
The same TPOAC, but now in combination with TPAOH, the zeolite porosity by adjusting the gelatin/H2O ratio. When
was studied by Shen et al., who showed different morpholo- using a specific ratio, mesopores around 15 nm were formed
gies by adjusting the composition of the synthesis mixture, inside the crystals.[120] Carbohydrates are another cheap option
in this way catalysts with nanorod morphologies and worm- to be used as biotemplates. For instance, soluble starch was
like intracrystalline mesopores were created.[107] In another used as a biotemplate for the synthesis of mesoporous ZSM-5.
study, Xing et al. used an acid treated kaolin clay as an Al and The introduction of mesopores was found effective given the
Si source in combination with organosilanes. Hexadecyltri- higher activity of the mesoporous zeolites in the esterifica-
methoxysilane was added as a mesoporogen in a SAC method. tion of acetic acid with benzyl alcohol.[121] Disaccharides such
This catalyst showed better performances in the MTA reaction as sucrose can also act as soft mesoporogen. Their use gener-
compared to a commercial ZSM-5.[108] Several other authors ates mesoporous ZSM-5 with reduced acid site density and
studied the use of similar templates, such as an organosilane increased mesoporosity with 4 nm mesopores. The catalyst
quaternary ammonium salt with double-oxycarbonyl carbon showed an increased lifetime and decreased coking rate in
chains (resulting in mesopores of 4 nm),[109] triethoxyvinylsilane the methanol to gasoline (MTG) reaction.[122] Jin et al. used
(resulting in mesopores of 2.7 nm),[110] organosiloxane-polyether sucrose as a template to create a chainlike structure by using
amine (resulting in mesopores of 6–15 nm),[111] an organosi- high sucrose contents. The materials typically have a high
loxane (C24H57O12NSi3) (resulting in mesopores of 3–6 nm),[112] mesoporosity and surface area with nm sized mesopores.[123]
and phenylaminopropyltrimethoxysilane (PATMOS) (resulting Monosaccharides such as glucose can also assist in mesopore
in mesopores of 3–6 nm).[113] creation. Feng et al. used glucose in a precrystallization step
Soluble polymers are another popular soft template. to form semicrystalline amorphous species. A second crystal-
Poly(acrylic acid) was used as a mesoporogen by Guo et al. Small lization step transforms this into fully crystalline mesoporous
amounts of TPOAC were responsible for enhancing the con- ZSM-5. This two-step method gave a lower number of acid sites
nection between the growing crystal domains and the polymer. and weaker acid strength compared to a conventional one-step
In this way, single-crystalline zeolites with mesopores around crystallized ZSM-5.[124] It is the group of Che et al. who made a
5–20 nm were formed.[114] Liu et al. produced cuplike ZSM-5 comparative study of different green templates. Sucrose, starch,
agglomerates by using an MFI precursor seed solution as nucle- and cellulose with different molecular sizes were used as soft
ation promotor and polyacrylamide for the crystal growth restric- template. The addition of 10% starch resulted in superior
tion. At lower temperatures monolithic nanocrystal agglomerates acidity and porosity, compared to the other prepared catalysts,
with a large number of intercrystalline mesopores were formed. and this mesoporous ZSM-5 gave the highest BTX yield in the
Synthesis at higher temperatures led to a cuplike morphology catalytic pyrolysis of biomass.[125] Functionalized carbohydrates
with walls that were composed of monolayers of highly crystal- such as carboxymethyl cellulose was used as a mesoporogen by
line ZSM-5 (thickness < 200 nm). This catalyst showed excellent another group. The obtained mesoporous ZSM-5 showed supe-
activity in the low-density polyethylene (LDPE) cracking due to rior activity for the acetalization of cyclohexanone with meth-
its highly accessible acid sites and high acid strength.[115] Another anol.[126] Fibrous mesoporous ZSM-5 was synthesized with the
synthetic, inexpensive polymer, namely, poly(vinyl alcohol) aid of another biotemplate, namely, sodium alignate. Here, the
(PVA), was used as mesoporous template by Miyake et al. This carboxyl and hydroxyl groups of the polymer induced a self-
template gave rise to uniform mesopores of 15 nm.[116] stacking of the growing ZSM-5 nanocrystals along the direction
Adv. Mater. 2020, 2004690 2004690 (14 of 47) © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH
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Figure 7. Imaginative scheme for the morphology evolution of hierarchical hollow ZSM-5. Reproduced with permission.[117] Copyright 2020, Elsevier.
of the b-axis.[127] In a last soft templating study with bioderived textural characteristics and acidity of the final zeolites. The uni-
molecules, Zhang et al. produced hierarchical ZSM-5 in the form mesopores resulted in an enhanced mass transfer, which
presence of l-lysine during a kinetic-modulated crystallization. resulted in enhanced catalytic performances in the toluene
The use of l-lysine induced oriented aggregation of protozoic disproportionation, compared with conventional ZSM-5.[143,144]
nanoparticles. A subsequent intraparticle ripening of the crys- Zhao et al. also selected hydrophilic carbon nanoparticles to
tals delivered nicely interconnected mesopores.[128] avoid phase separation issues. In this case, the hydrophilic
Bottom-Up Methods—Hard Templating: Jacobsen et al. was carbon is prepared by carbonizing poly(ethylene oxide) mixed
one of the first to prepare mesoporous ZSM-5 crystals with hard with urea. Hard templating gave mesoporous ZSM-5 with large
templates.[129] Excess of zeolite gel with carbon particles allowed 12.5 to 34.5 nm pores, depending on the size of the carbon nan-
zeolite crystal growth around the carbon particles. Controlled oparticles. The presence of surface COC and COH
combustion removed the carbon particles leaving mesoporous groups is proposed to promote the synthesis of mesoporous
ZSM-5 crystals. Later, many other studies were performed on ZSM-5 with preference of aluminum in the framework. The
the creation of mesoporous MFI crystals with hard templates. high Brønsted acidity in the mesoporous pore architecture led
For example, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and nanofibers,[130,131] to a high ethanol to olefin reaction stability (on stream) and the
ordered mesoporous carbons,[132,133] nonordered carbon aero- highest conversion rate in the sterically demanding benzylation
gels or mesoporous carbons,[134–136] pyrolyzed wood or carbon- of mesitylene with benzyl alcohol.[145]
ized rice husk,[137,138] CaCO3 nanoparticles,[139] and polystyrene Additional modification of popular templates was for instance
(and other polymeric) microspheres.[18,140–142] These have been suggested by Zhang et al. They used tetrabutylammonium bro-
complemented in the last 5 years with other hard templates mide (TBABr) grafted multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)
and template synthesis methods. Similarly, there is a tendency as bifunctional hard template to synthesize mesoporous
to use bioderived hard templates as a cheaper and greener ZSM-5. They controlled morphology and acid properties by
alternative. varying the amount of TPABr. Grafting of MWCNTs clearly
One of these modified templates is hydrophilic carbon led to more effective utilization of the hard template. The
black. Commercial hydrophobic carbon black was oxidized mesoporous ZSM-5 had highly interconnected mesopores of
using a sodium hypochloride solution. A mix of hard template 20–30 nm, identical to the MWCNTs diameter.[146] Flores et al.
and synthetic precursor is crystallized and calcined, leading also focused on the use of modified CNTs as hard template.
to mesoporous single crystal-like aggregates of ≈2 µm with a Here, a mesoporous Co/ZSM-5 was synthesized by using CNTs
narrow pore size distribution, viz. 5–18 nm. The hydrophilic impregnated with cobalt. When pristine CNTs followed by a Co
nature of carbon was essential to allow high dispersion of the impregnation step were used, the sample surface area and pore
template in the synthesis. Previous attempts have shown for- volume was significantly reduced. One of the reasons for this
mation of aggregates resulting in wider mesopore size distri- effect was plugging of the pores by Co3O4. In contrast, samples
bution. The amount of hydrophilic carbon black controls the prepared with Co/CNTs showed surface areas and microporous
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volumes similar to the pure zeolites, but with a three- to four- by another SAC with water. After calcination, a ZSM-5 product
fold mesopore volume. The use of pristine versus Co/CNTs with the shape of the original sponge was obtained.[155] Liu et al.
also determines high contents of Lewis and Brønsted acidity used a SiO2/carbon composite as a silica source and template
respectively. These Co/CNTs prepared ZSM-5 zeolites showed in a hydrothermal synthesis method. The structure of the com-
to have an up to eightfold higher reaction rate in Fischer– posite significantly affected the pore structure, and ZSM-5 with
Tropsch synthesis (normalized by reducible Co) compared to intercrystalline meso- and macropores was created.[156] Silica
a catalyst that was prepared by conventional impregnation. composites were also used by Peng et al. They produced a hier-
In addition, a higher selectivity toward isomerized branched archical ZSM-5 in accordance to Murray’s law (i.e., the cubes of
hydrocarbons was also noticed.[147] A similar CNT hard tem- the radii of the parent vessel should equal the sum of the cubes
plate but with Ga was proposed by Chen et al. The researchers of the radii of the daughter vessels). They used amorphous
synthesized Ga/ZSM-5 using the Ga-immobilized CNTs hard nanosilica spheres coated with porous carbon and impregnated
template in the classic SAC method. Similarly, the use of Ga/ them with a mix of an aluminum source and TPAOH. A SAC
CNTs instead of pure CNTs followed by Ga impregnation, was method was used to obtain crystalline mesoporous ZSM-5. Cal-
more effective to generate mesoporous ZSM-5. Moderate mes- cination of the composite material recovered pure mesoporous
oporosity with a high surface concentration of (GaO)+/Brønsted ZSM-5 (Figure 8). This catalyst showed a much higher conver-
acid sites was obtained. The mesoporous Ga/ZSM-5 proofed to sion rate in the cracking of isopropylbenzene, compared to pre-
be beneficial for methanol aromatization.[148] The effect of: I) pared nano-ZSM-5.[157]
CNTs, II) carbon nanofibers, and III) graphene oxide as hard Biobased hard templates also gained interest in recent years.
templates was studied for the synthesis mesoporous ZSM-5 in Such templates are mostly cheap and may result in more sustain-
presence of TPAOH as SDA. In analogy with the mesoporiza- able mesoporization synthesis routes, especially when obtained
tion of FAU zeolites (see Section 4.2), the use of graphene oxide from waste streams. Corn and sorghum stem piths, composed
results in the highest mesoporosity and largest pore size. This of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, were for instance evalu-
mesoporous ZSM-5 showed the highest selectivity toward pro- ated as sacrificial hard template. This bio-organic material is
pylene in the MTO reaction among the tested catalysts.[149,150] spongy in nature and has interconnected macropores. Given the
The crystallization method in hard template synthesis can surface of the pith is negatively charged at the used pH, dipping
be different and impact the material’s properties. The use of of the organic material into poly(diallyldimethylammonium
MWCNTs during a I) hydrothermal or II) SAC synthesis was chloride) facilitates adsorption of the negatively charged silica
for instance compared by Qiu et al. The SAC method is clearly prior to a classic SAC method. After calcination, a hierar-
preferred for CNTs hard templates because of fewer phase-sep- chical ZSM-5 material with connected micro-, meso-, and
aration issues, and thus higher mesoporosity.[151] macropores was recovered. Higher conversion rates compared
Other carbon structures can also function as hard templates. to the conventional ZSM-5, mesoporous ZSM-5 (prepared via
Activated carbon is a first example, but a comparative study alkaline treatment) and Al-SBA-15 was observed in the pres-
with CNTs revealed a higher amount of amorphous phase and ence of the biotemplated ZSM-5 for the esterification of benzyl
inaccessible large gaps between the crystals, whereas CNTs alcohol with hexanoic acid.[158] Zhang et al. used soluble-starch
create extra channels inside the crystal. Different catalytic as an in situ biotemplate for mesoporous ZSM-5 synthesis.
results were associated to the pore architecture. As an example, Here, a precursor solution with the soluble starch was first
CNTs assisted synthesis of mesoporous ZSM-5 zeolites out- heated, resulting in carbonized starch. Hereafter, the solu-
performed amorphous carbon assisted zeolites in the catalytic tion was hydrothermally treated, resulting in the mesoporous
cracking of LPG to ethylene and propylene.[152] Liu et al. also catalyst. They found unordered pores with nonuniform pores
used activated carbon, but in a solvent free one-pot synthesis of different sizes. The material showed excellent thermal and
with mechanical mixing of the solid raw materials prior to a hydrothermal stability, but catalysis was not performed.[159] In
heat treatment. With this method, a highly crystalline ZSM-5 situ hydrothermal carbonization of sucrose in a SAC method
zeolite with macro- and mesopores of respectively 68 and (with ethylene diamine instead of NaOH) was developed by
2.6 nm was obtained. This mesoporous ZSM-5 was very active Zang et al. to create mesoporous ZSM-5 with SiO2/Al2O3 ratios
in the MTG reaction.[153] Abildstrøm et al. used metal nano- as low as 30. A comparative study with soft templating methods
particles instead of carbon to synthesize mesoporous ZSM-5. using P123 and PEG revealed poor mesoporization because of
They added Ni nanoparticles to the silica gel. Coke carbon tem- dissolution of the soft templates out of the precursor gel in the
plates were grown on the metal clusters via a chemical vapor alkaline environment.[160] Another study used sucrose as a hard
deposition. After crystallization and calcination, ZSM-5 with template with precrystallization and dry gel methods, showing
mesopores of ≈17 nm were formed. This zeolite showed higher that precrystallization led to a higher crystallinity and BET sur-
isomerization and cracking activity of n-octane in comparison face area.[161] Nanocrystalline cellulose is an alternate hard tem-
with the conventional zeolite.[154] plate to synthesize mesoporous ZSM-5. Tailoring of the pore
In another strategy, silica–carbon composite materials are structure and acidic sites was demonstrated by playing with
fabricated prior to crystallization. Hierarchical ZSM-5 was for the template/precursor ratio. After modification with metallic
instance produced using a polyurethane sponge. In a first step, Ni, this catalyst was successfully tested in the reductive split-
the sponge was contacted with a silica and alumina precursor ting of cellulose into hexitols.[162] Furthermore, chitin (the exo-
solution, followed by a SAC hydrothermal treatment with an skeleton of insects and crustaceans) is an interesting low-cost
ammonium hydroxide aqueous solution. After three repeating hard biotemplate for the synthesis of mesoporous ZSM-5.[163,164]
cycles, the material was impregnated with TPAOH, followed The obtained material with 15–50 nm mesopores successfully
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Figure 8. Schematic representation of the crystallization process of mesoporous zeolite crystals. a) Original nanosized silica sphere. b) SiO2NPs@C
composites. c) SiO2NPs@C composites impregnated with a TPAOH solution. d) Formation of zeolite/C composites after SAC treatment. e) Final
mesoporous zeolite crystals after calcination. a–e) Reproduced with permission.[157] Copyright 2018, The Royal Society of Chemistry.
adsorbs crystal violet dye, and obtained a much higher capacity ZSM-5 with Si/Al ratios ranging from 30 to 150. This was
than conventional ZSM-5.[163] Bacterial cellulose converted into done by varying the TPAOH concentration, as higher
active carbon also gave promise to a sustainable synthesis of Al-doping resulted in a higher need of TPAOH.[171] Ge et al. suc-
mesoporous ZSM-5. Due to the improved mass transfer per- ceeded in the synthesis of single-crystalline mesoporous ZSM-5
formance, the authors showed an exceptionally high adsorption having an abundant 3D interconnected network based on the
rate of formaldehyde.[165] Instead of carbonizing bacterial cellu- SAC method using small amounts of TPAOH.[172] The method
lose, it can also be coated with aluminosilicates and TPAOH as a was also applicable for high-silica crystals.[173] Similarly, Rilyanti
precursor scaffold. Vapor treatment of this structure resulted in et al. also used a TPA+ lean SAC, and found that the presence of
self-assembled 3D b-oriented MFI superstructures with meso- mesopores is attributed to the presence of severe defect sites.[174]
and macroporosity.[166] To conclude, Gomes et al. used sugar Zeolitization of mesoporous material with SAC often
cane bagasse and biomass-derived compounds by hydrolysis only results in a partial conversion, causing composite mate-
of the sugar cane. This approach yielded mesoporous zeolites rials. However, transformation of Al-SBA-16 to fully crystal-
with particular morphologies and broad differences regarding line mesoporous ZSM-5 was successfully demonstrated. This
external surface areas (between 51 and 153 m² g−1), Si/Al ratio ZSM-5 catalyst showed promising activity in the benzyla-
(between 8 and 29), and zeolite crystal size (between 0.3 and tion of mesitylene and performed better than the commercial
13 µm). The catalysts were tested in the cracking of n-hexane, ZSM-5.[175] Other hierarchical ZSM-5 zeolites were produced
and the MTH reaction. A positive correlation was found by a dry gel conversion-SAC method using different Si/TPA+
between activity and high Al content for n-hexane cracking. ratios. High ratios led to hierarchical ZSM-5 with intracrystal-
Mesoporous ZSM-5 with a high external surface area and Si/ line mesopores, whereas low ratios gave zeolite assemblies
Al ratio converted methanol mainly into light olefins, whereas a with intercrystalline mesoporosity.[176] Two-step mesoporous
lower external surface area and Si/Al ratio yielded gasoline pre- ZSM-5 syntheses were also reported. A carbonaceous SBA-15
cursors, in line with the mechanism of the MTH reaction.[167] was formed by an in situ carbonization of an SBA-15/P123
Bottom-Up Methods—Template-Free: Different methods composite, followed by SAC after impregnation with TPAOH.
for the bottom-up synthesis of zeolites without hard or soft A wormlike morphology, similar to the SBA-15, was obtained.
mesoporogen templates can be distinguished. One uses phys- In another sample, 1,3,5-trimetylbenzene was added as swelling
ical methods to create mesopores.[168–170] This can be the use of agent at the SBA-15/P123 stage, resulting in microspherical
an ultrasound treatment to assist the formation of mesoporous forms.[177] Similarly, Zhang et al. impregnated mesoporous silica
ZSM-5 (Figure 9),[168,169] or the use of mechanical pressing and spheres with a precursor solution to obtain hierarchical ZSM-5
high-temperature treatment of zeolite particles into stacked using SAC, resulting in a porous ZSM-5 with 300–500 nm
catalysts.[170] macropores interconnected with 50–90 nm pores.[178]
The template free synthesis of mesoporous ZSM-5 often Adjustments of the classic hydrothermal synthesis condi-
relies on the SAC method. He et al. synthesized mesoporous tions also allows mesoporization of ZSM-5 without templates.
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Figure 9. Schematic representation of the mesopore formation by ultrasonic treatment. Reproduced with permission.[169] Copyright 2018, Elsevier.
Hartanto et al. produced a mesoporous ZSM-5 in a seed-assisted on the outer layer of the zeolite crystals. Mesoporous hollow
synthesis. The group dispersed cheap kaolin in highly alkaline ZSM-5 crystals of 1.5 µm were produced with a shell thickness
NaOH solution, inducing the formation of ZSM-5 zeolite. The of around 200 nm.[186] Wang et al. produced a bayberry-shaped
excess NaOH acted as a desilicating agent forming mesopores MFI zeolite, consisting of an hollow assembly of zeolites. Here,
in the formed zeolite crystals.[179] Other one-step template-free silicalite-1 seeds with NaAlO2 were contacted with silica micro-
syntheses of mesoporous ZSM-5 followed a combination of two spheres of around 15 µm. The dried samples were crystallized
strategies: I) the silicalite-1 seed-induced interface assembly and in a SAC method. After 24 h, the amorphous phase was fully
II) the acidic co-hydrolysis/condensation of aluminosilicate spe- transformed into the MFI phase and a hollow bayberry-shaped
cies and alkali-earth metals.[180] Single crystalline mesoporous morphology was produced. This catalyst showed higher conver-
ZSM-5 was synthesized in a one-pot using sodium carbonate, sion and longer lifetime compared to nonhierarchical ZSM-5
yielding uniform crystals around 200–300 nm in size with high zeolites in the MTA reaction.[187]
pore volume.[181] Kadja et al. were able to produce template-free Nanozeolites and Their Assembly: This section summarizes
a mesoporous ZSM-5 under 100 °C after systematic optimiza- the recent publications related to zeolite nanostructures. New
tion of the Si/Al, TPA+/Si, and H2O/Si ratio.[182] synthesis procedures of nanostructures, hierarchical nanopar-
Other nonclassical template-free crystallization methods are ticles and assemblies of nanostructures will be discussed. The
the solid-state crystallization and the crystallization with vapor term “nanozeolite” is often used for zeolites with at least one
phase transport. The latter was applied by Zhao et al. wherein dimension smaller than 100 nm. Frequently, methods or a
a mesoporous ZSM-5 was synthesized by alkaline etching combination of methods of the previous parts are used during
of shaped precursors using trimethylamine and ethylenedi- synthesis.[188] New procedures for the synthesis of conventional
amine.[183] A solid-state crystallization was introduced by Wang non-mesoporous nanozeolite particles go beyond the scope of
et al. In a first step they produced aluminosilicate nanogels this review.
resulting in dried nanoparticles. Next, transformation of the A common strategy to create hierarchical zeolites is the
particles to zeolites relied on the intrinsic water content, and formation of nanozeolite assemblies. This is often accom-
gave fused nanocrystals with stable mesoporosity.[184] plished with the aid of a nanozeolite seed-solution (ZSM-5 or
Template-free synthesis can also form hollow ZSM-5 spheres. silicalite-1). Addition of CTAB as mesoporogen in the seed-solu-
A hollow sphere of stacked ZSM-5 crystals with inter- and tion is a well-known strategy as well that leads to assembly of
intracrystalline mesopores was made by Wu et al. Here, ZSM-5 nanostructures, impeding crystal growth.[189–191] For economic
crystals, silica spheres and NH4F were grinded together and reasons, the use of a lower amount of CTAB has been studied.
subsequently crystallized during a solid-state crystallization. In Chen et al. synthesized 400–600 nm aggregates of 20–50 nm
this process, the premade ZSM-5 functions as a confined Al- ZSM-5 crystals starting from silicate-1 seeds with no additional
source, whereas NH4F is a mineralizer (Figure 10). The catalyst templates and trace amounts of CTAB.[192] Ultimately, CTAB/
was tested with success in the MTG reaction.[185] Hollow ZSM-5 SiO2 molar ratios as low as 0.008 were used to synthesize nano-
can also be obtained by adjustment of the hydrothermal syn- ZSM-5 aggregates from silicalite-1 seeds, of which the size of
thesis. This can be done in a one-pot hydrothermal synthesis the crystals in the aggregates can be tuned, depending on the
with a high concentration of SDA, and occurs through a dissolu- used ratio.[193] Seed-assisted synthesis with other mesoporo-
tion–recrystallization process. The less dense Al-low and amor- gens than CTAB was studied as well. Nanocrystal agglomerates
phous particle center preferably dissolves and recrystallizes can be synthesized from a seed solution and polyacrylamide as
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Figure 10. Proposed reaction mechanism for the creation of a hollow sphere with stacked ZSM-5 zeolites. Reproduced with permission.[185] Copyright
2019, Wiley-VCH.
mesoporogen. Upon removal of the template, inter- and intra- lifetime during the dehydrogenation of glycerol to acrolein due
particle mesopores were formed.[194] Ultrafine and high silica to the enhanced resistance to coking.[200]
ZSM-5 aggregates were also synthesized successfully from It may be also cost-effective and eco-friendly to synthe-
silicalite-1 seeds in the presence of hexatrimethylammonium size ZSM-5 aggregates with low amount of SDA and using
bromide (HTAB) as mesoporogen in a solid state-like conver- silicalite-1 seeds, but without combustion of the SDA. For
sion. The finding of this work supports the occurrence of a instance, silicalite-1 seeds with a low concentration of TPAOH
kinetics-controlled dissolution/induction/growth/aggregation as SDA were synthesized and the formed mesoporous ZSM-5
mechanism.[195] aggregates were used as catalyst for LDPE cracking.[201]
For economic and ecological reasons, seeding methods Besides organics such as quaternary ammonia, the use of
without use of organic mesoporogens have been proposed. organosilanes is another common strategy to create mesoporous
Zhang et al. studied a seed-induced method in combination nanoaggregates of ZSM-5. The reports often mention the use
with a salt-aided route. They synthesized nanocrystallite-ori- of a seed-solution. Li et al. for instance obtained hierarchical
ented self-assembled ZSM-5 and ZSM-5 with intracrystalline ZSM-5 powders from TPOAC and zeolite seeds in a rotation
mesopores, and suggested that the seeds function both as synthesis. The aggregates occur in a core–shell conformation,
micropore and mesopore template at the same time. Regulation with loosely packed nanoparticles in the shell and mesopores
of morphology is possible by playing with the amounts of KF of 4–22 nm and is produced by kinetic control through a nano-
and TPABr, or other SDAs. This regulation alters the kinetics particle oriented-aggregation mechanism.[202] Ahmadpour and
of seed dissolution and seed-induced recrystallization.[196] Taghizadeh also studied the effect TPOAC, but with addition of
Mesoporous bundle-like MFI crystals with a core–shell struc- CTAB in a one-pot hydrothermal synthesis. To maximize mes-
ture have also been reported in template-free seed induced oporosity (without compromising in microporosity), they found
conditions. Silicalite-1 seed acts as matrix to grow precursor a 3:1 molar ratio of TPOAC:CTAB and a 0.02 molar ratio of
particles, which crystallizes in epitaxial and anisotropic direc- (TPOAC + CTAB)/SiO2 most suitable.[203] Liu et al. used other
tion. This unique structure seems to be the result of the inter- growth factors such as (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane and
play of thermodynamics and kinetics.[197] Shen et al. were able γ-chloropropyltriethoxysilane, leading to 1–2 µm sized spher-
to synthesize a meso–macroporous ZSM-5 using an additive- ical aggregates of nanosized ZSM-5 zeolites with mesopores
free, seed-assisted hydrothermal procedure in which they between 2 and 4 nm. The aggregates showed a higher CO2
deliberately employed a low SDA/SiO2 ratio. A mesoporous adsorption rate and capacity compared to conventional
assembly of 20–50 nm nanorods was obtained. A Zn modi- ZSM-5.[204] Similar CO2 adsorption studies were done by Qian
fied version was used to catalyze the MTA reaction, wherein a et al. who used organosilanes with different chain lengths: I) tri-
longer lifetime and higher selectivity toward total aromatics was methoxypropylsilane, II) trimethoxyoctylsilane, and III) trimeth-
observed in comparison to the conventional Zn/ZSM-5.[198] An oxydodecylsilane. The authors found the highest adsorption rate
assembly of (fairly aligned) Al-rich rod-like ZSM-5 nanocrystals and capacity when the shortest organosilane was used in the
was also obtained by Zhang et al. in template-free conditions synthesis. This could be attributed to the high mesopore volume
with seeds. The resulting crystals were an assembly of rod-like and surface area.[205] Li et al. made mesoporous nano-ZSM-5
nanocrystals. The interrod distance, responsible for mesopore aggregates with a similar short organosilane (3-aminopropyltri-
volume, was around 10–30 nm. These rods showed beneficial methoxysilane), that effectively passivates and rapidly self-con-
catalytic properties during the catalytic cracking of cumene.[199] densates. A high activity for the methanol to propylene reaction
Nanocrystal agglomerates were synthesized from deionized was observed.[206] The use of 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane
silicalite-1 seeds (without mesoporogen), which reacted with also led to a nanocrystalline self-assembly with ZSM-5 char-
ammonia to circumvent the time-consuming ion-exchange in acteristics, but with 3 µm large spherical forms (Figure 11).
further steps as the zeolite is already in the NH4+ form. With Mesopores originated from the 2.1 nm intercrystalline distance
this method, zeolites with micro-, meso-, and macropores were between the 50 and 100 nm sized ZSM-5 crystals.[207] Hexade-
obtained, which showed great improvements in the catalytic cyltrimethoxysilane was used as template in a hydrothermal
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Figure 11. The formation mechanism of self-assembled hierarchical ZSM-5. Crystal growth is inhibited by the bond-blocking R-groups, resulting in
nanocrystalline aggregates. Reproduced with permission.[207] Copyright 2017, Elsevier.
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70 to 108 µm with spherical, bowl-like, or dimpled morpholo- using a seed-assisted synthesis with a bolaform surfactant (an
gies were formed, depending on the parameter conditions. amphilic molecule with hydrophilic groups linked with a hydro-
In this process, soluble aluminosilicate act as stabilizer in the phobic alkyl chain).[226] Higher Al content in the nanosheets
drying process and as crosslinker to chemically bind the pre- changed the organization of the crystals in the aggregates
formed nanozeolites. This drying process enabled the synthesis from nanosheet stacks to HCL structures.[227] Another tetra-
of aggregates with uniform 6 nm sized mesopores.[216] headgroup rigid bolaform quaternary ammonium surfactant
Synthesis of ZSM-5 nanoaggregates in absence of preformed was used to create a multilamellar mesoporous ZSM-5. The
MFI seeds and mesoporogens is possible. Li et al. demon- dual-functional amphiphilic surfactants play a critical role for
strated the formation of high-silica nano-ZSM-5 aggregates that directing the structure with high mesoporosity.[228] Wei et al.
were built from 20 to 70 nm sized nanocrystallites by using an were able to regulate the nanosheet stack size of mesoporous
SDA-lean dry gel solid-like state in the SAC conversion method, 2D MFI zeolites by changing the precursor cations and anions.
which is a kinetically controlled nucleation/growth/aggregation They found that the following order was most suitable for the
process. Mesopore size control was done by alkalinity varia- generation of intercrystalline mesopores: Na+ > K+ > Rb+ > Cs+
tion.[217] Sashkina et al. attempted changes in the H2O/SiO2 and SO42− > NO3− > Cl−. The cations and anions did not influ-
ratio of the precursor solution in a hydrothermal synthesis to ence the acidity of the zeolite, however, the hydrothermal sta-
get ZSM-5 nanocrystalline aggregates. They found a decrease of bility was effected in accordance with the following order:
crystal size to nanometer scale and a wider crystal size distribu- Na+ < K+ < Rb+ for cations and SO42− < Cl− < NO3− for anions.[229]
tion by increasing the ratio. The lower ratios (10 to 100) created The thickness of nanosheets was modified in another study.
aggregate-like mesoporous/hollow ellipsoid crystals, whereas A gradual change in the amount of Na+ in a synthesis with
a high ratio of 300 gave nanopill-shaped crystal formation.[218] C18-6-6, controlled the thickness of the nanosheets over a range
A Na-free hydrothermal synthesis was investigated and yielded of 2.5–20 nm.[230] Seed-fused ZSM-5 nanosheets were produced
ZSM-5 aggregates of 20 nm sized crystals with intercrystal- by Shang et al. by adding ZSM-5 seeds in a hydrothermal
line voids of 1–10 nm.[219] ZSM-5 nanoparticle aggregates were synthesis with a C18-6-6Br2 template to reduce the extralarge
synthesized under low-solvent conditions by Shi et al. They con- external acidity that may cause rapid catalyst deactivation in
verted Al-SBA-15 that was presynthesized with P123. Decompo- for instance the methanol to propylene reaction. A 5–30 wt%
sition of P123 in the synthesis conditions created the confined increase of the seed amount shortened the crystallization time,
mesoporous space surrounding the 20–40 nm sized nanounits. decreased the particle size, and reduced the acid strength and
A type of interconversion or local dissolution/precipitation may external acidity, while the micropore volume increased with
be suggested given the aggregates closely resemble the size of 50%. Superior catalysis for the methanol to propylene reaction
the parent Al-SBA-15.[220] In another study, ZSM-5 aggregates was reported.[231] Epitaxial growth of layered nanosheets over
were synthesized using 1,6-diaminohexane and CTAB as SDA bulky ZSM-5 zeolites, obtained by adding conventional ZSM-5
and mesoporogen, respectively. In the crystallization process, to a synthesis solution of lamellar ZSM-5, yielded a hierarchical
mesoporous silica–alumina species were formed with the aid core–shell ZSM-5 structure.[232]
of CTAB, followed by a transformation to hierarchical ZSM-5 Self-pillared MFI nanosheets with Ni nanoclusters were syn-
aggregates with the aid of 1,6-diaminohexane.[221] thesized by Gong et al. In the one-pot hydrothermal synthesis
Another common type of nanostructures is defined as with the bifunctional surfactant C18-6-6Br2, MFI nanosheets
nanosheets, and was mentioned sporadically above under par- were affected by the content of Ni as Ni nanoclusters prevented
ticular conditions. These platelet structures can be formed with the adjacent nanosheets of forming new SiOSi bonds. Fur-
different methods. Fan et al. produced multilamellar ZSM-5 thermore, the self-pillared structure protected the nanosheet
nanosheets using silicalite-1 as seed and TPOAC as organosi- against collapse during calcination.[233] In another report, sand-
lane. The zeolite nanosheets were stacked in a disordered wich-structured Pt between ZSM-5 nanosheets was produced
manner forming mesoporous zeolite aggregates. The random by an intercalated wetness impregnation of zeolite nanosheets.
house-of-cards-like (HCL) stacking, which was responsible The nanosheets were produced using C22H45N+(CH3)2C6H12N+
for the interplate space, penetrated through the whole aggre- (CH3)2C6H13](Br−)2 as SDA. Pt served as pillars stabilizing the
gate particle.[222] Moukahhal et al. developed a synthesis proce- mesopores between the nanosheets.[234] Another method to sta-
dure to aggregate the ZSM-5 nanosheets in beads. The group bilize the mesopores in between ZSM-5 nanosheets suggested
used a pseudomorphic transformation of large amorphous the intercalation of silicon precursors in the zeolite, protecting
mesoporous silica beads of 20, 50, and 75 µm. Mesopores the nanosheets from collapse even after calcination.[235]
with an average diameter of 3.9–4.7 nm were obtained.[223] In Techniques that are typically used in top-down methods
another study, Yan et al. used TPAOH and an ammonium sur- were also used to produce nanosheets. Alkaline steaming with
factant, viz. C6H5C6H4OC10H20N(CH3)2C6H13, in a TBAOH and ethylenediamine was used in the presence of
dual templating synthesis method to create various bodies of zeolite seeds. Here, nanosheet assemblies were formed with
ZSM-5 nanosheets (e.g., ultrathin ZSM-5 nanosheets, split- a layer space of ≈10 nm and mesopores around 3.5 nm.[236]
like nanosheets and condensed packing plates), depending on Qin et al. produced a single-crystalline ZSM-5 by using NH4F-
the precise ratios of the templates.[224] Other nanosheets were etching. This etching removed Si and Al at similar rates, and
produced by using TPAOH in combination with octadecyltri- preferentially removed less-stable defects. The progressive
methylammonium chloride (C18TMAC), CTAB, or tetradecyl- etching to the core was less facile due to the limited amount
trimethylammonium bromide (C14TMAB) in a hydrothermal of structural defects.[237] In another study, NH4F-etching was
synthesis.[225] An assembly of zeolite nanosheets was produced applied on layered ZSM-5 zeolites. This etching step resulted in
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a depillaring of the zeolite and thus shortening of the interlayer 4. Synthesis of Hierarchical 12-MR Zeolites
Other nanostructures such as nanosponges, nanorods and 4.1. Mordenite
nanofibers were also reported. Hierarchical zeolites with a tri-
modal porosity were created by Wu et al. This group produced Zeolites with MOR topology consist of a framework that
a ZSM-5 zeolite with 90° twin intergrowth nanofibers using includes 12-MR channels in the [001] direction, which are
1,6-bis(methylpiperidinium)hexyl dibromide as template. Using interconnected by 8-MR channels.[250] According to IZA,
this template, large crystal sizes (10 µm × 10 µm) were obtained zeolites with MOR topology contain a 2D channel dimensionality.
with an open marcroporous architecture and uniform Al dis- The 12-MR channels have dimensions of 0.65 × 0.70 nm,
tribution. A subsequent desilication step created mesopores of whereas the 8-MR channels are smaller with dimensions of
≈10 nm.[239] Another group used a diquaternary ammonium 0.26 × 0.57 nm. The large 12-MR pores make this type of zeo-
surfactant (e.g., C18H37N+(CH3)2C6H12N+(CH3)2-C4H9) in a lites appropriate for applications in cracking or isomerization
dry-gel synthesis of MFI zeolites, forming a nanosponge mate- reactions.[251] Despite the relatively large 12-MR pores, MOR
rial composed of 2.5 nm thick MFI nanolayers with mesopores zeolites are susceptible to rapid deactivation due to the fact
centered around a diameter of 4 nm.[240] Simone et al. also pro- that reactant molecules cannot diffuse into smaller side chan-
duced a nanosponge-like morphology, composed of unilamellar nels.[252] It should be mentioned that there exist several mate-
MFI nanosheets of 2.5 nm. This synthesis was done with rial types with MOR topology, although, mordenite zeolites are
C22H45N+(CH3)2C6H12N+(CH3)2C6H13 as a template in most familiar and will be mainly discussed in following section.
a seed-assisted synthesis. The authors showed the benefits of Top-Down Methods—Dealumination: A first extensive
the pore structure for the glycerol etherification with tert-butyl screening of the dealumination process was done by the group
alcohol.[241] Different bolaform surfactants with an axial chiral of Wahono et al.[253] Herein, several dealumination procedures
binaphtyl core in the hydrophobic tail and various triquaternary were performed on natural zeolite, which contained 48% of a
ammonium heads were used by Zhang et al. Four to ten car- crystalline mordenite phase. Following parameters were exam-
bons in the alkyl chain between the triquaternary ammonium ined: I) HCl concentration, II) zeolite/acid volume ratio, III)
head group and the binaphtylgroup gave nanosponge-like MFI treatment time, IV) agitation, and V) multistage dealumina-
zeolites. In contrast, eleven and twelve carbons in the linker tion. Afterward, characterization data provided information
led to nanorod-constructed mesoporous MFI zeolites.[242] Shen about the improved Si/Al ratio, porosity, crystal structure, and
et al. produced ultrathin ZSM-5 zeolites by performing a con- engineering of surface functional groups. It was shown that
trolled crystal growth. A bifunctional template with quater- a ten-stage dealumination could increase the Si/Al ratio from
nary ammonium groups and hydrophobic groups was used to 3.9 up to 120 and the specific surface area from 25.95 up to
control the crystal growth in the a–c plane and layer stacking 220 m² g−1. This improvement indicates that such modified
along the b-axis. The spatial effect by using another template mordenite zeolites can be potentially used as hydrocarbon
led to intergrown single-unit-cell nanowires, which showed adsorbent or catalyst with hydrophobic surface. In contrast to
promising catalytic results for the hydroxylation of phenol.[243] the HCl concentration and single/multistage dealumination
Agglomeration of uneven sized nanocrystals or nanoneedles parameters, which all showed to have a significant influence
can be obtained, using an inexpensive monoquaternary ammo- on the framework composition and pore characteristics, zeo-
nium N-cetyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium as a mesoporogen. The lite/acid volume ratio, agitation, and treatment time did not
amount of mesoporogen and SDA controlled the morphology seem to affect the outcome of the dealumination significantly.
and structural properties.[53] Wool-ball-like structures and However, the effect of treatment time was also investigated by
others, composed of 100–150 nm nanorods, were made without Tamizhdurai et al.[252] and Nasser et al.[254] during the dealumi-
a mesoporogen. Here, a high degree of supersaturation and nation of mordenites in a HCl or HNO3 reflux. Tamizhdurai
self-assembly are at the basis of the formation of such structure, et al. performed an acid treatment for 0.5, 1, and 1.5 h, whereas
which performed better in the cracking of isopropylbenzene Nasser et al. applied a treatment time between 3 and 6 h. A
and n-octane.[244,245] A nanotube trimodal network was used as a significant effect of treatment time was observed by the first
scaffold by Li et al. They were able to create hierarchical ZSM-5 group, wherein a treatment time of 1 h in 6 N HCl (100 °C)
zeolites with an inner nanotube diameter of 90 nm, mesopores resulted in high porosity, increased external surface area and
of 2 nm, and macropores of 700 nm, made up of nanocrystals. improved total acidity compared to the parent mordenite
This catalyst showed superior catalytic performance in the without intensively destroying the microporosity. This was not
MTH reaction compared to a conventional ZSM-5 catalyst.[246] the case for a treatment of 1.5 h, which led to a loss of crystal-
Hierarchical nanocrystals can also be produced with intrac- linity of 37%. It should be mentioned that an improved total
rystalline mesoporosity instead of intercrystalline mesopo- acidity in this case corresponds to a decrease compared to the
rosity. This can be created for example by controlling the parent mordenite. This is because a lower total acidity tends to
nucleation-growth rate and engineering growth-defects,[247] by be beneficial in the isomerization of n-hexane, n-pentane, and
additional desilication of nanozeolites, creating mesopores or light naphtha, since higher acidities will lead to cracking.[252]
hollow zeolites.[248] In a last study, mesoporous nano-ZSM-5 The same improvement is true for the study of Nasser et al.
crystals were produced by using a desilication–recrystallization wherein acidity decreased as well, compared to the parent zeo-
process. Here, silicalite-1 was added to a TPAOH solution lite. By consequence, the selectivity to light olefins increased
in the presence of NaAlO2. Here, mesopores or hollow zeo- in the conversion of dimethyl ether. Thus, a treatment time of
lites were formed as well by adjusting the zeolite treatment 6 h in 3 m HNO3 (90 °C) seemed optimal to increase the sur-
procedure.[249] face area and pore volume.[254]
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Multiple acids such as HCl, HNO3, and oxalic acid were also higher acidity led to a considerable improvement of the catalytic
applied in a study from Saxena et al., who concluded that an properties in n-hexane cracking. Furthermore, it should be noted
acid treatment with HNO3 resulted in a hierarchical mordenite that desilication is a destructive approach in which material loss
that showed the highest increase in external surface area (from can be observed. For instance, in the pyridine-assisted desilica-
20.81 to 39.40 m² g−1) and mesopore volume (from 0.0191 to tion from Issa et al., a material yield of ≈76% was obtained.[266]
0.0416 cm³ g−1) compared to the untreated mordenite. In addi- Another strategy is an alkaline treatment that is followed
tion, the modified zeolites showed excellent reusability, which by an acid wash. This is done by several research
makes them highly attractive for industrial applications, for groups.[258,262–264,267,268] Pastvova et al. performed an acid wash
example, in the selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to ben- in 0.1 m oxalic acid or HNO3 after an alkaline treatment in
zaldehyde.[255] Several other groups used HNO3 as well in the 0.2 m NaOH.[262] The combined alkaline and mild acid treat-
acid treatment of mordenites.[254,256–258] In a study from Reule ment resulted in a decrease of microporous volume (from
et al., the concentration of the HNO3 solution, as well as the 0.19 to 0.13 cm3 g−1), and in an increase in mesoporous volume
treatment temperature, was varied in order to study the effect (from 0.05 to 0.12 cm3 g−1) and external surface area (from 42 to
on dealumination.[257] Both a higher HNO3 concentration and 114 m2 g−1) compared to the parent mordenite.[262]
a higher temperature resulted in an increase of external sur- To finish, Pastvova et al. performed a fluorination–alkaline–
face area, pore volume, and average pore size. The treated mor- acid treatment wherein the fluorination step was executed in a
denites were subsequently tested in the DME carbonylation 0.36 m NH4F solution. Subsequent alkaline treatment resulted
to methylacetate.[257] Next to HNO3 that was used in previous in the simultaneous removal of Si and Al. In this way, a micro–
studies, there exist other mineral acids that can be employed mesoporous mordenite was formed with a large number of
as well for the dealumination of mordenites, such as HF[259,260] unrestricted channels, as well as a large increase in accessibility
and NH4F,[259] but also organic acids like oxalic acid[255] and of the OH-groups.[262]
citric acid[261] can be used. However, the effect of these acids on Top-Down Methods—Dissolution–Recrystallization: A first
for instance the increase in mesopore volume was not as pro- recrystallization procedure that is discussed includes a hydro-
nounced as was the case with HNO3. thermal recrystallization in the presence of CTAB as soft tem-
Desilication: Desilication of mordenites can be performed plate. This was done by Ponomareva et al. who synthesized
on its own, although, it should be noted that desilication is hierarchical Cs-mordenite for the production of isobutylene
often preceded by a dealumination. A first extensive research from acetone. Different NaOH concentrations were applied,
regarding the combination of acid and alkaline treatment was which led to various material types with different micropore
done by Pastvova et al. This group performed following treat- and mesopore characteristics, which is illustrated in Figure 2 in
ments in order to obtain hierarchical mordenite zeolites: Section 2.1. As an example, an analogous method was employed
I) alkaline treatment, II) alkaline–acid treatment, III) acid–alka- by Lee et al. who opted for a NaOH concentration of 0.1 m. The
line–acid treatment, and IV) fluorination–alkaline–acid treat- resulting zeolite could then be described as a RZEO-1 type of
ment. A schematic overview of these four strategies is shown in material.[269] Back to Ponomareva et al., this group showed
Figure 12.[262] Following paragraphs will discuss each strategy that a significant increase in mesopore volume from 0.08 to
separately and comparable studies from other groups will be 0.77 cm3 g−1 improved the mass transfer to the active sites,
incorporated for each of them. which then led to an increase of the acetone conversion of
A pure alkaline treatment was performed by several 56.2% (compared to 35.5% for the untreated Cs-mordenite).[270]
groups.[262–268] Pastvova et al. treated a parent mordenite in a 0.2 m Bottom-Up Methods—Soft Templating: A first important factor
NaOH solution.[262] This concentration, however, was varied in in template-assisted hydrothermal synthesis is the type of the
another study from Huang et al. who concluded that extracting soft template. Therefore, a first broad screening of mesoporo-
Si from the framework by an alkaline treatment could generate gens was performed by Santos et al. This group performed
intracrystalline mesopores with diameters of 3–30 nm.[263] The a SAC method in the presence of different soft templates:
same conclusion was made by Pastvova et al., who also men- poly(ethylene glycol) hexadecyl ether, Pluronic P123, Pluronic
tioned that desilication preferably took place along crystal F127, and CTAB. The last template proved to successfully form
defects.[262] Furthermore, Tsai et al. performed desilication in a a crystalline mordenite structure with preserved acidity and
single-cycle, as well as in multiple cycles. It was concluded that a with significant mesoporosity (0.18 cm3 g−1) compared to the
single-cycle treatment resulted in disordered mesopores of 8 nm, parent. This led to a higher initial activity and lower deacti-
regardless of the alkaline-treating time. However, a multiple- vation rate in the catalytic cracking of n-heptane. However, it
cycle treatment tends to be most effective since mesopores should be mentioned that a loss of crystallinity was observed
of 8–14 nm were formed that were interconnected with silica- when a high amount of CTAB was used.[271] In addition to pre-
blocked 12-MR micropores. This last treatment showed to be viously tested mesoporogens, the group of Sheng et al. inves-
most effective for enhancing the catalytic activity and stability.[265] tigated the synthesis of hierarchical mordenites in the pres-
A last (only) alkaline treatment from Issa et al. was assisted by ence of n-butylamine or polyacrylamide.[272] It was shown that
pyridine, which showed dual action on textural and chemical n-butylamine and polyacrylamide resulted in more framework
properties. This approach yielded aggregates with smaller zeolite aluminum and Brønsted acid sites in the 8-membered rings,
particles with a substantially higher amount of external silanols. which means that 12-MR pore channels contained less acid
In addition, pyridine in situ generated EFAl species during the sites so that coke formation was suppressed. As a consequence,
final calcination step, which increased the acidity of the final the carbonylation of DME showed a high DME conversion and
hierarchical mordenite zeolite. Both smaller zeolite particles and high methylacetate selectivity.[272]
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Figure 12. Scheme of the preparation of micro–mesoporous mordenite zeolites using postsynthesis alkaline–acid (series I), acid–alkaline–acid (series
II), and fluorination–alkaline–acid (series III) leaching procedures. Reproduced with permission.[262] Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society.
Nanozeolites and Their Assembly: A final class of syn- This last decrease caused a better hydrocracking selectivity
thesis procedures deals with the production of nanoassem- since 12-MR acid sites are otherwise involved in the conversion
blies of MOR zeolite crystals. Here, a distinction can be of alkene intermediates.[274]
made between 1D nanorods, and 2D nanosheets. Several In contrast to previous template-assisted methods, another
research groups have studied the formation of hierarchical synthesis strategy is possible, which falls under the concept of
mordenite nanorod bundles. The first group by Dai et al. kinetic regulation. Herein, the hierarchical zeolite is synthe-
used TPOAC as an organosilane functioned fumed silica. sized without using a template, but by controlling the zeolite
This limits the growth of zeolite crystals into large crystals, crystallization process so that a balance between nucleation
such that nanorod assembled bundles are formed, of which and crystal growth is achieved. In this field, Singh et al. devel-
the single nanorods have a diameter between 30 and 80 nm, oped a template free facile synthesis method for mesoporous
external surface area of 148 m2 g−1, mesopore volume of mordenite wherein small rod-shaped nanoparticles were trans-
0.15 cm3 g−1 and mesopores of 2–8 nm. The hierarchical mor- formed to 2–3 µm mordenite particles through self-assembly.
denite nanorod bundles showed good performance in the ben- The synthesis conditions were therefore carefully controlled,
zylation of mesitylene by benzyl chloride due to efficient diffu- namely, a 24 h during crystallization process at 180 °C and a
sion and improved accessibility of the active sites.[273] Another tumbling rate of 25 rpm. This created a rod-shaped mordenite
group by Bolshakov et al. used an inexpensive mesoporogen, nanoparticle-assembly wherein the nanoparticles contained
namely, N-cetyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium. This proved to steer mesopores with a diameter of 3–5 nm.[275] Another synthesis
the synthesis toward 0.6–1 µm rod-like crystals with a mesopore by kinetic regulation was done by Velaga et al. who used a
volume of 0.12 cm3 g−1 and external surface area of 88.5 m2 g−1. seed-assisted method in which the influence of hydrothermal
Moreover, the mesoporogen tends to redistribute Al in the zeo- treatment and aging time was monitored. It was shown
lite framework, which causes an increase of Brønsted acid sites that an increase in treatment time resulted in an increase of
in the 8-MR at the expense of acid sites in the 12-MR channels. crystallinity (up to 97%), mesoporosity, and concentration of
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acid sites. The growth of the zeolite crystal involved several commonly distinguished: I) zeolite X (Si/Al = 1–1.5), II) zeolite Y
stages, starting from nanospherical particles to nanocylindrical (Si/Al > 1.5), and III) ultrastable Y zeolite or USY zeolite
particles, and finally micromonolith mordenite particles, which (Si/Al = 6 and higher).[283] Regarding the applications of FAU zeo-
were used for (carbohydrate) biomass conversion to levulinic lites (mainly zeolite Y and USY), they are typically used in the pro-
acid.[276] cess of FCC, which causes them to account for 95% of the yearly
Next to nanorods, nanosheets can be synthesized as well. consumption of the synthetic zeolites.[282] On the other hand, zeo-
This was done by Wang et al.[277] and Liu et al.[278] who both lite X is more likely to be used in adsorptive applications. Most of
employed PEG as template in the hydrothermal synthesis, recent research on mesoporization has been performed on zeolite
however, Liu et al. also used CTAB as an additional template. Y and USY, and to a lesser extent on zeolite X. In following para-
It was shown that the use of PEG dramatically increased the graphs, each type of FAU topology will be discussed, going from
crystallinity compared to reference mordenites that were syn- low Si/Al ratio (zeolite X), to high Si/Al ratio (USY).
thesized without the addition of PEG. Moreover, the molecular
weight of PEG showed to have an effect on the final properties
of the material. An increase in molecular weight resulted in an 4.2.1. Zeolite X
increased stability of the catalytic activity in the carbonylation
of DME, which was explained by an increase in specific surface Top-Down Methods—Dealumination/Desilication: Zeolite X is
area (from 487.1 to 567.4 m2 g−1), total pore volume (from 0.201 to a zeolite with FAU topology that typically contains a high alu-
0.218 cm3 g−1), and acid site strength compared to a mordenite minum content, resulting in a low Si/Al ratio. Therefore, dea-
that was synthesized without addition of PEG.[277] Next to rela- lumination is a convenient first strategy to create a hierarchical
tively simple templates such as PEG and CTAB, more complex pore structure in the crystalline material. Over the years, dif-
mesoporogens have been recently investigated, namely, gemini- ferent strategies have been investigated to optimize the dealumi-
type amphiphilic surfactants. Such templates were employed by nation process. This ranges from template-free dealumination
Lu et al., who showed that the benzyl diquaternary ammonium to dealumination in combination with a mesoporogen. In con-
cations structurally directed the crystallization toward the MOR trast, desilication is rather difficult or cannot be applied to zeo-
topology, whereas a long hydrophobic hexadecyl tail prevented lites with low Si/Al ratios since the framework Al generates a
crystal growth along the b-axis (Figure 13). In this aspect, a hier- shielding effect that hinders attack by alkaline compounds.[284]
archical mordenite nanosheet was formed with a large external Because of this aspect, desilication of zeolite X is always pre-
surface area that proved to be promising in the alkylation of ceded by a dealumination step, which is why both treatments
anisole with benzyl alcohol. In addition, the material led to an will be discussed together.
extremely high ethylene selectivity in the MTO reaction, com- Only little amount of research has been performed on
pared to bulk mordenites.[279] mesoporization of zeolite X. Al-Ani et al. demonstrated the syn-
To finish, a different type of mesoporous nanostructures thesis of hierarchical zeolites X and Y by a two-step acid and
was developed through the formation of a cluster of nanodis- alkaline treatment. This was done based on a method of Sachse
persed mordenite crystals, as is shown in Figure 14. Such struc- et al., who tailored the intracrystalline mesoporosity through
tures were prepared by Travkina et al., who crystallized these an alkaline treatment in a CTAB solution.[285] Al-Ani et al. sub-
mesoporous mordenite granules, starting from a mixture of jected the parent zeolites (NaX and NaY) to a 1 h acid treat-
amorphous aluminosilicate, fumed silica and mordenite crys- ment with 10% citric acid, followed by an alkaline treatment in
tals. Depending on the proportion of the crystalline phase in a NaOH–CTAB solution for 24 h. Catalytic tests of the synthe-
the initial sample, two outcomes are possible. When 30 wt% of sized hierarchical zeolites X and Y showed a declined activity in
the initial sample is crystalline mordenite, a micro–macropo- the transesterification of rapeseed oil after only a slight increase
rous system is formed (Figure 14a), whereas 60 wt% modernite of the framework Si/Al ratio. This can be explained by a lower
crystals gives rise to a micro–mesoporous system (Figure 14b). amount of framework Al, which results in a lower ion-exchange
These structures contain nanocrystals of 50–300 nm between capacity for electropositive cations (e.g., K+, Cs+) that are needed
the layers and were used as a bifunctional catalyst in the hydroi- as basic sites. It can thus be concluded that the accessibility is
somerization of a model mixture of benzene-heptane after less important than the strength of the basic sites in the trans-
loading with 0.3 wt% Pt.[280] esterification of triglycerides.[286]
Bottom-Up Methods—Soft Templating: In addition to previous
top-down approaches, several bottom-up approaches have been
4.2. Faujasite published in literature. Herein, temperature, crystallization
time, and the presence of a mesoporogen belong to the main
Faujasites (FAU) are one of the most industrially relevant zeo- variables. Starting with the mesoporogen, two research groups
lites. They are constructed of sodalite cages that are intercon- used different templates in the hydrothermal synthesis of hier-
nected by their 6-membered rings. This creates a 3D network of archical zeolite X. The first group by Gómez et al. used sodium
micropores made up of 12-membered rings (0.74 × 0.74 nm).[281] dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS), which is an anionic liquid.
Next to these micropores, the crystal structure also contains Important parameters that were examined are, for instance, the
supercages with a diameter of 1.124 nm. Altogether, this makes SDBS concentration, dissolution time of SDBS, and aging time.
FAU zeolites belong to the group of large-pore zeolites.[282] It turned out that high SDBS concentrations (e.g., three times
The crystal in general consists of Si and Al atoms with rela- the critical micellar concentration), long dissolution times
tive amounts that can vary significantly. Three main types are (e.g., 24 h), and long aging times (e.g., 48 h) were necessary
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Figure 13. Graphic description for the formation of MOR nanosheet structures. Reproduced with permission.[279] Copyright 2020, Wiley-VCH.
to obtain noteworthy mesoporosity in zeolite NaX.[287] Another Figure 15. Therefore, the synthesis mixture was hydrothermally
mesoporogen, an organosilane named TPOAC, was used by treated at two different temperatures apart from aging. In the
Parsapur and Selvam. By tailoring the zeolitization conditions, initial step, the nucleation was encouraged over crystal growth
this group achieved a stable supramolecular self-assembly by by maintaining low-temperatures (50 °C), which is followed by
consecutively performing: I) a homogeneous nucleation and II) complete zeolitization at higher temperatures (75–100 °C).[288]
a multistep crystallization, which are schematically shown in In both studies, the formed zeolites were tested as catalysts in
Figure 14. The mechanism of formation of a hierarchical porous structure: a) crystalline seed content 30%, only macropores are formed (NaMOR-
meso (30)); b) crystalline seed content 60%, meso- and macropores are formed (NaMOR-meso (60)). Reproduced with permission.[280] Copyright 2019,
Springer Nature.
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Figure 15. Proposed mechanism for the synthesis of hierarchical FAU-type zeolites. Reproduced under the terms of the CC-BY Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0).[288] Copyright 2018, The Authors, published by Springer Nature.
the deoxygenation of benzyl acetate[287] and the tertiary butyla- such a way that they create an additional pore system due to
tion of phenol,[288] respectively. The hierarchical zeolites showed interlayer void spaces. Regarding the synthesis, such materials
remarkably higher conversions, product selectivity and excel- are usually formed in the presence of a growth modifier that
lent lifetimes compared to their nonhierarchical analogs. Based inhibits the crystal growth in one dimension, however, additive-
on findings from Gómez et al., the higher catalytic lifetime was free methods are a new point of interest from an economic
mainly attributed to a higher mesopore volume of 0.19 cm³ g−1 and ecological point of view. This includes synthesis through
(compared to 0.04 cm³ g−1 for the pristine zeolite), since less kinetic regulation of the crystallization process, which will be
pore blocking could occur and molecules had longer access to discussed later. For more detailed information about layer-like
the active sites. FAU-type zeolites, the interested reader is referred to the review
Bottom-Up Methods—Template-Free: Koohsaryan and Anbia of Reiprich et al.[282]
investigated the hydrothermal synthesis of highly crystalline Continuing on nanosheets, different synthesis strategies can
mesoporous zeolite FAU in a template-free system. Instead, be followed. An important distinction that is made among such
zeolite 13X and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG 400) were used as strategies is the presence or absence of SDA. In this aspect, a
seed and polymeric solubilizer agent, respectively. The outcome first strategy from Yutthalekha et al. worked with the organosi-
of the template free synthesis were well-developed zeolite crys- lane TPOAC as SDA.[290] Herein, the route to prepare the fauja-
tals with mesopore size distributions of 2–10 nm. Herein, zeo- site zeolite with the nanosheet-assembled structure, as well as
lite 13X was indispensable to induce nucleation, while PEG was the role of synthetic parameters on the characteristics and prop-
needed to enhance the crystallization of the synthesis gel since erties are systematically investigated. In the formed material,
it provided a more basic medium, which is beneficial for the the mesopores originate from the interstitial pores between
dissolution of the starting materials.[289] the nanosheet assemblies. Although the use of SDAs is known
Nanozeolites and Their Assembly: Nanozeolite assemblies of to be environmentally unfriendly, this research focused on a
FAU type zeolite X under the form of nanoparticles, nanosheets greener synthesis by recycling the waste mother-liquid, which
or nanorods are also a new point of interest. In this aspect, layer- effectively reduced environmental pollution.
like zeolites are a recently developed type of structure, which Next to previous template-assisted method, nanosheets
have already been discussed extensively in a review by Reiprich can also be synthesized in absence of such templates. Here
et al.[282] Layer-like zeolites, which are shown in Figure 16, con- the focus lies on kinetic regulation of the crystallization pro-
sist of branched zeolite crystals and plates. Herein, branched cess wherein synthesis conditions are controlled to obtain the
zeolites are materials consisting of assemblies of intergrown desired zeolite structure or morphology. Such an additive-free
2D zeolite crystals creating a HCL structure. In contrast, plates method was for instance used by Jia et al. who synthesized a
are morphologies where the 2D zeolites are not intergrown, zeolite nanosheet with intergrown structure, which held a hon-
they thus form separate plates. These type of structures can be eycomb-like structure with abundant mesopores of 10 nm in
seen as hierarchical structures as long as they are arranged in diameter, wherein the mesopores are the result of the internal
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Figure 16. Schematic overview of proposed classification terms for zeolites with 2D-morphology. Reproduced with permission.[282] Copyright 2020,
Springer Nature.
space between the zeolite nanosheets.[291] Next to these honey- during reflux, II) aging temperature, and III) aging time. Water
comb-like structures, HCL structures are another unique type removal led to an increased viscosity of the synthesis gel, which
of intergrown structures that were synthesized by Liu et al. in can induce constrained mass transport. In this way, nanocrys-
an additive-free system (Figure 17). This group investigated tals were formed under the most constrained mass transport
the structure evolution by regulating the reaction conditions, conditions since removing water and continued heating result
which followed a nucleation and then skeleton crystal growth in supersaturation that promotes nucleation. The formed
model. Here, it seems that the viscosity of the synthesis gel nanocrystals then packed together, which created mesopores
tends to be an important factor when steering the synthesis with a broad pore size distribution (2–100 nm). In addition to
toward nanosheet structures. An increase in viscosity can lead these nanocrystals, an interpenetrating packing of nanosheets
to the limitation of vortexing effects, which causes the supply with small pore size distribution (2–20 nm) was also formed
of solutes to the growing crystal to be only possible by diffu- under less stringent synthesis conditions. Unfortunately, the
sion. As a result, the solutes-limited environment changed mesoporous materials were not completely composed of FAU,
the growth mechanism of the crystals, making their edges but were rather a mix of FAU and EMT phases.[293]
and corners grow faster prior to the planes.[292] A similar con-
cept was employed by the group of Wang and Dutta for the
synthesis of zeolite nanoparticles and nanosheets. This group 4.2.2. Zeolite Y
hydrothermally produced various types of microporous zeolite
crystals with varying degrees of mesoporosity.[293] Following Top-Down Methods—Dealumination: Recent literature regarding
parameters were examined during synthesis: I) water removal the dealumination of zeolite Y used an acid treatment as
Figure 17. Comparative illustration of the evolving mechanisms of HCL-NaX with HCL structure according to the nucleation and skeleton crystal growth
model and octahedral structure zeolite based on a common cubic crystal habit from cube to octahedron. Reproduced with permission.[292] Copyright 2018,
The Royal Society of Chemistry.
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dealumination technique. Herein, the severity of the treatment improvement of the thermal dispersion of EDTA in the zeo-
is an important parameter that will result in zeolites with dif- lite framework, II) good microwave absorption of framework
ferent physical properties. A mild acid treatment was employed Al compared to framework Si, which accelerates the selective
by Feng et al. who made use of different NH4HF2 solutions. interaction between framework Al and EDTA, and III) the
This acid ionizes into positive H+ and negative F− at a very slow relatively low bond energy of the AlO in comparison with that
rate, which avoids a sudden increase of the concentration of H+ of the SiO. In the end, this method proved to be able to com-
and F−. Therefore, it can be concluded that the dealumination plete the synthesis of mesoporous zeolitic materials within a
is more sustained and mild, and that the crystallinity of hier- treatment time of 1 min at both 50 and 100 °C, while structural
archical Y zeolites is higher compared to zeolites that under- parameters were comparable to those of mesoporous zeolitic
went more severe treatments with for instance HCl/NH4F materials that were synthesized by a conventional hydrothermal
or HF/NH4F.[294] Pagis et al. used a severe dealumination for treatment of 6 h at 100 °C. In addition, the material proved to
the synthesis of hollow Y zeolite single crystals. Such hollow have suitable acidity to catalyze the catalytic cracking of 1,3,5-tri-
structures could be a possible solution for the often observed isopropylbenzene (TIPB) with high and stable activity (stable
ineffectiveness of zeolites in catalysis. It has been seen that up conversion of ≥97%). This proves that the MWAC method is
to 50% of the internal volume of bulk crystals is not used in a time- (and cost-) effective method, which may be classified as
the reaction.[295] Therefore, creating a cavity in the bulk crystal environmentally friendly and sustainable.[297]
can count as a secondary level of porosity, which makes these Top-Down Methods—Desilication: Like previously mentioned,
hollow Y zeolites part of the hierarchical zeolites. In this work, a dealumination step may be required previous to desilication
three main modification steps were applied on conventional to remove protective Al species. Starting with a publication
NaY crystals, which are shown in Figure 18: I) substantial dea- from Li et al., this group performed such an alkaline treatment
lumination of the zeolite framework by SiCl4, II) acid leaching that was preceded by two dealumination steps: I) a steam treat-
with a 0.1 m HCl solution, and III) a selective dissolution of ment and II) an acid treatment (e.g., fluorosilicic acid, HCl). By
the crystal core in the presence of protective aluminum species consequence, Al was partially removed from the framework,
(e.g., sodium aluminate). This last step creates an Al-rich sur- after which the zeolite crystal was healed by the migration of
face, which protects the outer parts of the crystals from desilica- Si into the framework. The actual desilication was done in a
tion. In contrast to earlier reported literature related to hollow NaOH solution (0.6 and 1.0 m) and was needed to eliminate Si
Y zeolites, this work synthesized hollow Y zeolites with much debris. This last step, the desilication, is an essential process to
higher Si/Al ratios, which makes them stable against harsh introduce the intracrystalline mesoporosity. The resulting hier-
conditions. From a practical point of view, the mild dealumi- archical zeolite Y exhibited remarkably higher catalytic activity
nated zeolites have been tested for the adsorption of toluene, than the conventional zeolite in the cracking reaction of TIPB.
where a high adsorption capacity was measured at higher This can be attributed to the combination of high crystallinity,
pressures due to a large number of mesopores. The hollow Y large external surfaces, and appropriate acid properties.[298]
zeolites have been used as bifunctional catalysts in the hydroi- To further explore the role of NaOH, its concentration and
somerization of n-hexadecane after being mixed with a Pt- the treatment time in a desilication process, several studies
supported alumina binder. It was seen that the use of hollow were executed. Graça et al. concluded that an increase of
zeolites caused a higher turnover frequency compared to their the NaOH concentration up to 0.2 m, which is a common
bulk analogs.[294–296] NaOH concentration for desilication purposes, increased the
The problem with conventional dealumination treatments mesoporous volume (from 0.043 to 0.087 cm³ g−1) and external
is the time- and energy-consuming synthesis procedure. To surface area (from 48 to 58 m² g−1), while microporosity and
cope with this issue, Abdulridha et al. performed a so called crystallinity are preserved compared to the untreated zeolite.[299]
microwave-assisted chelation (MWAC) for the preparation of Additionally, Oruji et al. used a higher concentration of 0.5 m
mesoporous zeolites materials. Herein, ethylenediaminetet- NaOH in a conventional alkaline treatment (1 h, 30 °C), which
raacetic acid (EDTA) was used as chelation agent to remove Al was comparable to the previous method from Graça et al.[300]
from the zeolite framework by complexation. Furthermore, this Moreover, this group applied ultrasound energy during the
process was assisted by microwave-irradiation, which intensi- desilication, which accelerated the movement of OH− ions. This
fied the complexation reaction. This can be explained by: I) an proved to be beneficial for selectively extracting Si from the
Figure 18. Schematic illustration of the fabrication of hollow Y zeolite by a three-step process. Reproduced with permission.[296] Copyright 2018, The
Royal Society of Chemistry.
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zeolite structure. In this aspect, a material yield of ≈75 wt% was only difference between TPHAC and TPOAC is the length of
observed. Further, it should be noted that an increasing treat- the carbon tail on the ammonium group, which includes 16
ment time resulted in a decreased relative crystallinity. How- and 18 carbon atoms, respectively. Starting with Ji et al., this
ever, ultrasonic irradiation had a positive impact on the preser- group executed a sequential acid wash and alkaline treatment
vation of the micropore structure and formation of mesopores. in the presence of TPHAC. The role of the SDA in the crea-
Additionally, the obtained mesopores turned out to be well tion of mesopores can be explained as follows. In a first step,
interconnected and provided easy access to the active sites. They CH3OH, which was released after hydrolysis from TPHAC, was
possessed moderate acidity and led to a decreased coke forma- able to partially break framework SiOAl bonds into Si–OH
tion rate, increasing catalytic stability and activity.[300] In accord- and Al–OH. Thereafter, the Al–OH species were removed from
ance with Oruji et al., Zhang et al. made use of ultrasound the framework through coordination with Si–(OH)2, whereas
energy as well. In this study, a conventional hydrothermal desil- the other Si–OH from TPHAC was incorporated into the zeo-
ication treatment was compared with an ultrasound-assisted lite framework. Consequently, mesopores were created after the
desilication after a chemical dealumination with EDTA or citric anchored surfactants self-assembled into micelles within the
acid. It was concluded that the ultrasound-assisted method zeolite crystal.[306] The same mechanism was valid for TPOAC,
is as effective as the hydrothermal treatment with respect to which was used by the group of Li et al. in a comparable desili-
mesopore formation and acid properties. However, the ultra- cation process.[307] In the end, both methods obtained mate-
sound-assisted method proved to be more efficient since the rials that exhibited higher microporous surface areas, external
treatment-time was reduced by sixfold, which makes it more surface areas, and well-preserved crystallinity compared to
energy and time-efficient compared to a conventional hydro- standard NaY zeolites.
thermal treatment.[301] Bottom-Up Methods—Soft Templating: When looking at
Next to NaOH as desilication agent, other alkaline solutions bottom-up approaches, hierarchical zeolite Y is mostly syn-
can be used as well. Van-Dúnem et al. tested three bases in thesized in the presence of a mesoporogen, although, there
combination with CTAB as SDA: I) NaOH, II) NH4OH, and exist template-free procedures as well. Examples of possible
III) TPAOH. The development of larger porosity was clearly templates include CTAB, octadecyltrimethylammonium bro-
dependent on the used bases. The first commonly used base, mide (TMODAB), and TPOAC. The first template CTAB was
namely, NaOH, created mesoporosity that corresponds mainly employed in a study from Zhou et al. where it was first self-
to pore widths higher than 10 nm. The other bases mainly cre- assembled with tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) to form SiO2–
ated a large pore volume, with pores in the range 4–10 nm, CTAB micelles (Figure 19). Subsequently, the micelles swelled
and to a lesser extend to pores larger than 10 nm. The effect after 1,3,5-trimelthybenzene (TMB) was added to increase their
of different bases was seen in terms of the Fe-complex immo- size to mesopore size. The zeolite precursors then condensed
bilization characteristics, which could possibly show important on the micelle by forming SiOSi and SiOAl bonds
consequences on the catalytic behavior and recycling.[302] with SiO2 on the micelle surface. After a crystallization period
Like in previous work from Van-Dúnem et al., where dif- and hydrothermal treatment, a mesostructured material with
ferent bases were tested, different mesoporogens can also influ- (semi)-crystalline walls was obtained.[305]
ence the outcome of hierachical Y zeolites.[302] Van-Dúnem Regarding such materials with (semi)-crystalline walls, the
et al. and Al-Ani et al. both used CTAB to assist in their desili- group of Mehlhorn et al. proved that the final crystallinity
cation approach.[302–304] Al-Ani et al. suggested that 12-MR strongly depended on the applied NaOH/Si ratio. In a hydro-
zeolites (FAU, *BEA, MOR, LTL), which are accessible by the thermal synthesis in presence of TMODAB, it was shown that
surfactant, facilitate the formation of regular mesopores during two main material types were formed. The first type was an
the desilication.[304] More in detail, Sachse et al. proposed a ordered mesoporous material with zeolite walls and zeolite nan-
mechanism that explains the role of CTAB in a desilication odomains (0.0625 < NaOH/Si < 0.10). These materials would
procedure. When FAU zeolite is subjected to a mild alkaline be interesting for applications that require large mesopore vol-
treatment, the base initiates the hydrolysis of the SiO bonds umes (up to 0.411 cm³ g−1) and high acidity. The second mate-
generating negatively charged defect sites, which attract CTA+. rial included ordered mesoporous structures with amorphous
As the reaction proceeds, micelles agglomerate within the indi- walls and zeolite nanodomains (0.125 < NaOH/Si < 0.25),
vidual zeolite crystals and steer silica fragments to reassemble which could possibly be interesting for applications that require
around these micelles, creating a system of ordered mesopores. large macropore volume (0.754 cm³ g−1) and mild acidity. An
In this surfactant-templating treatment, partial dissolution increase in NaOH/Si ratio thus showed to result in a decreased
of the zeolite is avoided by treating the zeolite in a surfactant size of the zeolite nanodomains, increased mesopore volume,
solution of mild alkalinity. This induces mesostructuring of decreased acidity, and a decrease of micropore volume.[308]
the crystalline zeolite structure. This is in contrast to recrystal- The final mesoporogen, namely, TPOAC, has been previously
lization strategies where strong alkaline solutions are used to discussed in the desilication of zeolite Y, however, this molecule
partially dissolve the zeolite, after which a surfactant is added can also be useful in bottom-up approaches. This is done by
to assemble dissolved silica species into a mesoporous amor- Venkatesan et al.[309] and Lv et al.[310] Venkatesan et al. started
phous phase. The surface-templating method proved to be from a seed gel in combination with TPOAC as amphiphilic
much more controllable.[285] organosilane. Herein, the crystallization started with a long
Next to CTAB, other mesoporogens include TPHAC and nucleation period, followed by rapid crystal growth. The formed
TPOAC. Both are quite similar in structure since they contain hierarchical Y zeolite possessed a narrow pore size distribu-
both organosilane and quaternary ammonium groups. The tion (3–4 nm), high external surface area (110 m2 g−1), high BET
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Figure 19. Possible route for the synthesis of mesoporous Y zeolite. Reproduced with permission.[305] Copyright 2017, Elsevier.
surface area (764 m2 g−1), and a total pore volume of 0.41 cm3 g−1. regulation of the crystallization process. The first work by
Additionally, the external surface contained highly accessible Ferdov synthesized zeolite Y nanosheet assemblies by repeti-
and strong acid sites.[309] In accordance to this work, Lv et al. tive branching of hierarchically arranged FAU nanolayers.
also studied a rapid hydrothermal synthesis method with two Since no morphology modifiers were used, kinetic control
different TPOAC concentrations. However, here microwave of the synthesis conditions was applied instead to induce co-
irradiation was used to shorten the synthesis time and improve crystallization of FAU- and EMT-type zeolites. The branching
production efficiency. This microwave irradiation caused fre- resulted from recrystallization of the zeolite nanoparticles,
quent turning of polar molecules so that electromagnetic which was followed by the formation of sub-micrometer
energy is converted into heat energy due to friction between faceted crystals. These crystals served as nutrient for the final
the molecules. In the end, it was seen that a higher TPOAC nanosheet structures. Such 3D intergrown nanosheets can be
concentration increased the total pore volume from 0.42 to interesting for low-cost and environmental friendly applica-
0.54 cm3 g−1, wherein the mesopore volume slightly increased tions.[312] Similar to those 3D intergrown nanosheets, a more
(from 0.10 to 0.28 cm3 g−1) at the expense of micropore volume exotic type of nanostructures, named as “flowerlike hierar-
(from 0.32 to 0.26 cm3 g−1).[310] Moreover, a high specific surface chical Y zeolites,” can be synthesized as well. Such materials
area of 810 m2 g−1 was observed, which was higher compared to were synthesized in a template-free system by Du et al. who
a specific surface area of 764 m² g−1 in the first study, where no followed a hydrothermal procedure wherein primary nano
microwaves were used. Both methods thus proved to be appro- crystals self-assembled into loose aggregates. The inner crystals
priate for synthesizing outstanding hierarchical zeolite Y. were difficult to grow because of the confined spaces, while the
Bottom-Up Methods—Template-Free: In contrast to previous outer crystals were able to grow further to form oriented sheet
template-assisted bottom up approaches, Travkina et al. man- “petals,” as can be seen in Figure 21. A potential application
aged to successfully synthesize a highly crystalline zeolite Y of such structures includes, for instance, precracking of bulky
with a micro–meso–macroporous structure without using any reactants in FCC.[313]
templates. This method is based on the selective crystallization
into the integral cluster crystals of the preliminarily molded
granules, containing crystals of the zeolite and a porous binder 4.2.3. Ultrastable Y Zeolite (USY)
matrix. More in detail, the meso- and macropores were located
between the separate crystals and the amorphous binder mate- Top-Down Methods—Dealumination: Ultrastable Y zeolites
rial while the micropores were in the zeolite crystal itself (USY) are also zeolites with FAU topology, however, these
(Figure 20). The material revealed high activity in the multicom- commercial USY series have been previously modified by
ponent reaction of propanol with formaldehyde and ammonia one or more steam and/or acid treatments. This results in
toward 3,5-dimethylpyridine with a selectivity of 95%.[311] zeolites with a disrupted crystal morphology that have more
Nanozeolites and Their Assembly: Regarding zeolite Y cracks and voids as the degree of dealumination increases.[314]
nanoassemblies, two noteworthy works have been published Further dealumination can be performed to create: I) fewer
that both use a template-free strategy and thus focus on kinetic Brønsted acid sites, II) silanol nests, which can be used
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Figure 20. The mechanism of formation of a hierarchical porous structure in meso-Y(60). Reproduced with permission.[311] Copyright 2017, Springer
for impregnation of Lewis acid ions, or III) a higher Si/Al applied as dealumination strategy. This promoted the hydrolysis
ratio, which results in a more (steam)stable structure.[18] of SiOAl and SiOB bonds, which resulted in the release
A first dealumination study was performed by Pande et al. of boron from the framework. NMR and DSC measurements
and used mineral acids such as H3PO4 and H2SO4 to steer indicated that this extra-framework boron further promotes
the properties of the parent USY zeolite. In order to obtain framework destruction around the B-sites. In this aspect, the
the optimal selectivity and yield in the conversion of fructose formation of interconnected mesopores was enhanced, which
to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF), the treatment needed to resulted in a relative increase in mesopore volume of 46%,
reduce the acidity, as well as increase the mesopore volume compared to the boron-free USY zeolite. This hierarchical USY
compared to the parent USY. The best performing hierarchical was tested as a cracking catalyst for 2,2,4-trimethylpentane (iso-
USY was obtained by treating the parent USY in an aqueous octane) and TIPB wherein it showed a higher catalytic activity,
H3PO4 solution (10 wt%) for 2 h at 100 °C as aging step, fol- as well as a 2.1% increase in gasoline yield.[316]
lowed by an additional hour of stirring. This optimal combina- As was mentioned earlier, dealumination can also be used to
tion of conditions resulted in: I) the presence of Brønsted and create silanol nests wherein Lewis acid ions (e.g., Sn, Hf) can
Lewis acid sites with moderate acidity, II) moderate dealumina- be immobilized. This was done in multiple works from Zhu
tion of EFAl and framework Al as well, III) formation of new et al. in which Sn was impregnated.[317,318] However, since the
AlOP bonds, IV) the formation of mesopores.[315] However, focus of these methods is more on the impregnation of Lewis
the possibility exists that the mesopores are not interconnected acid ions than on the creation of mesopores, the interested
due to the rather random action of the dealumination. To cope reader is referred to literature for further details.
with this issue, Mi et al. developed a method that ensured Top-Down Methods—Desilication: Among literature concerning
interconnected mesopores after the dealumination process. the desilication of USY zeolites, there exist many similar syn-
This was achieved by introducing catalytic amounts of boron in thesis strategies under which the use of a mesoporogen is a
the initial NaY framework, after which a steam treatment was well-known aspect. An overview of different templates that are
Figure 21. Proposed forming process of the flowerlike Y zeolite. Reproduced with permission.[313] Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society.
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qualified to assist in a desilication process is given in a first on Al-poor USY zeolites had been reported before, including
study from Verboekend et al. Herein, the molecular criteria for very advanced material and pore characterization, to be a suc-
the selection of such molecules are investigated.[319] To find out cessful mild method to open the structure through desilication
which mesoporogen could tailor the intracrystalline mesopore with preservation of crystalline and catalytic activity domains.
structure and prevent realumination and amorphization, a broad Moreover, the material is immediately in their acid form upon
screening of 18 different SDAs (anionic-, nonionic-, and cationic calcination. Such treatments with NH4OH tend to show high
surfactants) was performed. The most effective mesoporogen material yields of up to 94 wt%.[324,325] Finally, Gackowski et al.
tend to be positively charged and contained ≈10–20 carbon also studied the effect of the desilication temperature on the
atoms. Their impact on the desilication process depends on outcome of the hierarchical USY zeolites.[322] Apparently, a tem-
their charge, size, type, and concentration of the mesoporogen. perature of 80 °C seemed to be optimal since this implied the
In what follows, three noteworthy mesoporogens are discussed. formation of a new kind of hydroxyls with extremely high acidity
Starting with tetrapropylammonium cation (TPA+), this quater- (located in supercages).[326] From a practical point of view, all the
nary ammonia was studied by Verboekend et al. It was shown hierarchical USY zeolites that were synthesized by this group
that TPA+ provided the largest preservation of the intrinsic zeo- were tested in the isomerization of α-pinene, which is an inter-
lite properties within the mesoporous zeolite. Furthermore, a esting test model to monitor improved site accessibility and acid
material yield of 56% was obtained after the desilication in pres- strength (variation).[327] Here it was shown that the desilicated
ence of 0.2 m TPA+.[319] zeolites had an increased activity.[321–323,326]
A second mesoporogen is a cetyltrimethylammonium To finish, USY zeolites can also be used as a catalyst in
cation (CTA+). This is different from TPA+ since it contains 3 hydroconversion reactions. Therefore, hierarchical Brønsted
methyl groups and one hexadecyl group, whereas TPA+ con- acid USY zeolite, which can catalyze isomerization and cracking
tains 4 shorter propyl chains. Verboekend et al. noticed that reactions, can be used as support for NiMo phases, which can
CTA+ is responsible for the introduction of mesoporosity, as catalyze hydrogenation reactions. Such zeolites were synthe-
well as for the preservation of intrinsic zeolite properties with sized by Ren et al.[328] and Zhang et al.[329] Both research groups
a facilitated reassembly of leached species. However, even in employed a dealumination and desilication to synthesize a
the presence of CTA+, not all leached species were reassembled hierarchical USY support. Ren et al. performed a dealumina-
since a material yield of only 50% was observed.[319] The same tion using steam and NH4F as dealumination agents, whereas
template was employed by Silva et al. to assist in a desilication Zhang et al. employed (NH4)2SiF6. Both methods were then fol-
process with NaOH, which was followed by a hydrothermal lowed by a desilication in NaOH. Comparison of characteriza-
treatment (20 h at 150 °C) . This work studied the effect of the tion data from both methods leads to the conclusion that the
concentration of NaOH and CTA+ on textural, chemical and method from Ren et al. gave the highest micropore surface area
morphological characteristics. It turned out that NaOH had (376 vs 196 m2 g−1), micropore volume (0.20 vs 0.09 cm3 g−1)
the greatest influence on textural properties, whereas CTA+ and mesopore volume (0.40 vs 0.29 cm3 g−1) compared to the
functioned as a protective agent, which prevented amorphiza- hierarchical USY supports from Zhang et al. A comparison in
tion and desilication, leading to a material yield of 97.6%. This catalytic performance between the parent USY and a hierar-
protective effect of CTA+ could be explained by the positively chical USY as Brønsted acid support in hydrocracking of naph-
charged cation that hinders the attack of negatively charged thalene showed that both zeolites had a similar hydrogenation
hydroxyl-groups (OH−).[320] activity, however, the hierarchical support possessed a higher
A third template, namely, TBAOH, functions both as desilica- ring-opening ability.[328] Therefore, these modified zeolites are
tion agent and mesoporogen. It was studied by Gackowski et al. potentially interesting for the upgrading of FCC diesel oil[328]
who looked at the effect of TBAOH in a NaOH solution. There- or waste cooking oil[329] through hydrodeoxygenation, hydroi-
fore, 3 desilication experiments were performed in 3 different somerization and/or hydrocracking reactions.
solutions: I) NaOH, II) TBAOH, and III) a NaOH/TBAOH mix-
ture.[321] Best results were obtained with the NaOH/TBAOH mix-
ture since ≈50% of Si was extracted without losing crystallinity 4.3. Beta
and zeolite microporosity. Additionally, there was an increase in
mesopore volume (from 0.20 to 0.89 cm³ g−1), BET surface area Zeolites with *BEA topology contain a crystal structure with a
(from 802 to 826 m2 g−1), and Brønsted and Lewis acid sites.[321] partially disordered framework. Therefore, the *BEA topology is
Furthermore, it was shown that a 10–70 mol% TBAOH in NaOH often denoted with an asterisk as *BEA. This type of framework
was optimal regarding crystallinity, acidity, porosity, and catalytic contains 3D channels of 12-membered rings with following
properties of the resulting mesoporous zeolite. From an eco- dimensions: (0.66 × 0.67 nm) along the [100] plane, and
nomic point of view, a 10 mol% TBAOH was chosen to be most (0.56 × 0.56 nm) along the [001] plane.[330] Among zeolites with
interesting, especially when a potential scale up is considered.[322] a *BEA framework, different materials can be distinguished
In addition to the use of NaOH/TBAOH solutions, an ammonia (e.g., beta, Tschernichite, CIT-6, etc). However, following para-
treatment was carried out on USY zeolite as well. This was inves- graphs mainly discuss the hierarchization of beta materials.
tigated from an economic point of view, since an ammonia treat- Top-Down Methods—Dealumination: Zeolites with *BEA
ment can be a promising inexpensive route. It was shown that topology can be dealuminated for two main reasons: I) to create
this resulted in a partial loss of crystallinity, coupled with a loss mesoporosity in addition to the microporous crystal structure,
of long-distance zeolite ordering. However, a short-range zeolite and II) to create silanol nests, which can be used to incorpo-
ordering was largely preserved.[323] Use of ammonia, especially rate basic sites in the zeolite framework. However, only the first
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purpose will be discussed extensively since the focus of the abilities, where tartaric acid had the highest. Alternatively, the
second dealumination is more on the incorporation of basic hierarchical beta zeolite that was formed after treatment with
sites instead of creating mesopores. malic acid exhibited the best performance in the esterification
Dealumination of *BEA zeolites has been extensively inves- of acetic acid with sec-butyl alcohol. This result was attributed to
tigated. In general, related works mainly focused on the use of the quantity and density of medium and strong Brønsted acid
different acids, which can be mineral acids (e.g., HNO3[331–333]) sites, and to the enhanced aluminum gradient.[336] Regarding
or organic acids, and other synthesis parameters (e.g., tempera- the realumination, the same research group published a study
ture, treatment time, and acid concentration). A first research in which solid AlF3 was used as realumination agent.[337]
was published by Zhao et al. and discussed the dealumination Herein, the structure, texture property, and acidity of the final
of Al-rich *BEA zeolites in a HNO3 solution. Herein, the HNO3 hierarchical beta zeolite can be adjusted by changing the used
concentration varied between 4% and 15%, whereas the tem- amount of AlF3. It was concluded that realumination occurred
perature during dealumination varied between 50 and 100 °C. between 1.5 and 3 wt% AlF3, whereas only dealumination hap-
Subsequently, an acid HCl wash was executed to remove depos- pened when higher or lower amounts of AlF3 were used.
ited EFAl. It was shown that a hierarchical beta zeolite with Top-Down Methods—Desilication: Desilication procedures
a Si/Al ratio of 22 was an excellent catalyst in the conversion can be roughly divided into three groups: I) desilication com-
of 2,5-dimethylfuran (2,5-DMF) to p-xylene yielding a 97% bined with an acid wash, II) template-free desilication, and III)
p-xylene yield at 99% DMF conversion.[331] template-assisted desilication. The first group thus includes
In contrast, Suárez et al. used HF/NH4F as dealumination desilication procedures wherein an acid wash was used before
agent. Herein, the influence of the HF concentration was inves- or after desilication to make the zeolite framework more sus-
tigated, as well as the treatment temperature and treatment ceptible to desilication or to remove EFAl, respectively.
time. It was shown that the crystallinity was higher than 80% as A first study that belongs to the first group was published by
long as the HF concentration was lower than 0.5 m. Moreover, Leng et al. Herein, a beta zeolite was first desilicated in 0.2 m
the treatment was best performed at temperatures and dura- NaOH, after which it was refluxed in a 12 m HNO3 solution,
tions lower than 40 °C and 30 min, respectively. The acidic solu- followed by an acid wash in 0.2 m HNO3. After incorporating Ti
tion tends to slowly modify the crystal structure, leaving behind into the framework, this hierarchical Ti/beta zeolite was tested
a highly corroded and porous sponge-like crystal structure in in the oxidative desulfurization (ODS) of dibenzothiophene
which the zeolite structure is retained. Next to these desired (DBT) and 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene (4,6-DMDBT). It was
sponge-like crystals, it should be mentioned that a relatively low shown that the hierarchical Ti/beta zeolite, which preparation
material yield between 30% and 60% was observed. The HF/ method included an acid wash after the desilication, showed
NH4F treatment resulted in a higher Brønsted/Lewis acid sites enhanced activity compared to hierarchical Ti–Beta that was
ratio, which proved to cause a lower activity in the isomeriza- formed by direct dealumination or desilication.[338] A similar
tion/disproportionation reaction of m-xylene.[334] preparation method was employed by Jin et al. who also used
Comparable to Suárez et al., Venkatesha et al. also investi- a combination of an alkaline- an acid treatment. First, a pre-
gated the influence of the concentration of the dealumination etching step was performed in a 0.2 m NaOH solution. Sub-
agent, however, in this work, PDSA was used. A concentration sequently, an additional alkaline treatment, as well as a first
between 0.1 and 1 m was used during the synthesis of hierar- acid treatment, was performed in respectively 0.2 m NaOH and
chical *BEA zeolite, which was used for the condensation of 0.2 m HCl, which was repeated for three times. Overall, this
glycerol with acetone to form glycerol acetals. Two products procedure produced hierarchical pore structures with a regular
were formed when an untreated zeolite *BEA was used: the pore size distribution and with material yields ranging from
corresponding dioxalane (87% selectivity) and dioxane (13% 40 to 60 wt%. When the alkaline–acid treatment was com-
selectivity). Applying an acid treatment with PDSA increased pared to an alkaline treatment, it was concluded that the acidic
the selectivity toward dioxalane, which could rise to 100% properties were comparable. However, an alkaline–acid treat-
when a 1 m PDSA solution was used. This high selectivity was ment narrowed the pore size distribution, leading to enhanced
attributed to a decreased acidity, but also an increase in pore catalytic performance with respect to selective production of
volume proved to be a significant factor since this increase in linear alkylbenzenes, whereas an only alkaline treatment broad-
spatial environment facilitated the sterically demanding rear- ened the pore size distribution.[339]
rangement of dioxane to dioxalane.[12] The second group of desilication strategies includes tem-
Next to previous mineral acids as dealumination agent, plate-free alkaline treatments and has been employed by sev-
organic acids can be used as well. This was done by several eral groups. In general, most research groups employ a 0.2 m
research groups.[335–337] Starting with Kowalska-Kuś et al., this NaOH solution as desilication agent,[340–344] while the effect of
group performed an acid treatment with citric acid, which was other synthesis parameters was explored. For instance, Dos
preceded by an alkaline treatment using a NaOH solution. The Santos et al. investigated the influence of temperature and
outcome was a hierarchical beta zeolite with superior catalytic treatment time on the synthesis outcome. It was concluded
performance. Applications included the ketalization of glycerol that the optimal duration (10–240 min) of the alkaline treat-
with acetone, forming solketal, with a conversion and selectivity ment at 65 °C depends on the initial Si/Al ratio of the zeolite.
up to 90% and 98% respectively.[335] Furthermore, the group of For a high Si/Al ratio of 73 it was seen that these conditions
Li et al. performed subsequent dealumination and realumina- are too drastic to develop mesoporosity with preservation
tion using organic acids such as oxalic acid, dl-malic acid and of microporosity. In contrast, a Si/Al ratio of 40 was a better
dl-tartaric acid. All three acids showed different realumination precursor.[340]
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Continuing on template-free desilication, this strategy was framework. Subsequently, the synthesis shows characteristics
also used for the synthesis of hollow beta zeolites. This was pub- of a bottom-up approach that favors crystallization of the zeo-
lished in a study from Morgado Prates et al., wherein different lites and recovers the defects in the zeolite framework. In the
parameters were examined that could affect the desilication of end, a material yield of about 65 wt% could be observed.[357]
nanometric beta zeolite crystals: I) nature of the zeolite (crystal In contrast to NaOH as desilication agent, Escola et al. used
size, composition), II) alkalinity, III) temperature, and IV) the an ammonia/TEAOH solution in a hydrothermal treatment to
amount of added Al. It was shown that alkalinity, temperature and rearrange the broad pore size distribution of parent hierarchical
the composition of the zeolite had the biggest effect on the mor- beta zeolites to a single mesopore size. A uniform mesopore
phology and properties of the hollow beta zeolites. Moreover, size of 400 nm was successfully created and proved to be ben-
the addition of sodium aluminate during synthesis proved to eficial in the acylation of veratrole showing a high TOF.[358]
protect the surface from desilication and favor dissolution at To finish, the group from Cho et al. performed a final recrys-
the center of the crystals, which in the end created the hollow tallization step on a postsynthetic Sn/Beta in the presence of
structure.[345] NH4F and TEABr. The fluoride ions induced partial dissolution
To finish, this paragraph discusses the third group of desilica- of the zeolite crystal, after which a rearrangement of different
tion strategies wherein mesoporogens are used to assist in the types of silanol defects took place in the presence of TEABr.
alkaline treatment. Starting with Fernandez et al., this research Eventually, two material types were formed: a 3D-ordered-
group performed a screening of various cationic tetraalkylam- mesoporous imprinted catalyst, as well as a nanocrystalline Sn/
monium salts and organic amines for their potential contribu- Beta catalyst. Both materials showed an improved hydropho-
tion in a desilication process. This work attempted to figure out bicity and mass transport, which were beneficial in reactions
a structure–property relationship between the structure of the that involve bulky molecules such as lactose.[359]
mesoporogen and the average mesopore size. Furthermore, the Bottom-Up Methods—Soft Templating: In the following para-
as synthesized hierarchical beta zeolites were tested in the acid graph, several bottom-up approaches are discussed that make
catalyzed isomerization of α-pinene where an improved cata- use of a mesoporogen in their hydrothermal synthesis proce-
lytic conversion was noticed compared to the parent beta zeo- dure. There exist various strategies that are simply based on
lite.[346] A first mesoporogen, namely, tetramethylammonium a change of soft template as well as on a variation of the syn-
hydroxide (TMAOH), was employed by Bi et al. in combina- thesis parameters. A first research was performed by Caldeira
tion with NaOH. The resulting hierarchical beta zeolites were et al. who started their synthesis with a precrystallization step
used in the catalytic fast pyrolysis of Kraft lignin and showed to induce the formation of protozeolitic nanounits. Further on,
a higher cracking activity compared to parent beta. This was these nanounits were subjected to two separate methods. The
mainly attributed to the preserved acidity and larger mesopores, first method employed CTAB to assist in the reorganization of
which ensured the entry of bulkier reactant molecules.[347] the nanounits, which in the end showed a narrow mesopore
Similar mesoporogens with different alkyl chain-lengths (e.g., size distribution, high acid strength, and stable tetrahedral Al
TEAOH, TPAOH, TBAOH), were used by several research species. The second method used a silanation agent such as
groups.[345,348–351] As such, Werner et al.[348] and Morgado Prates phenylaminopropyltrimehoxysilane (PHAPTMS), which was
et al.[345] performed a desilication with tetraethylammonium grafted to the outer part of the nanounits to avoid total merge
hydroxide/bromide (TEAOH, TEABr). The first group reported during the crystallization process. This resulted in a hierarchical
no loss of microporosity and crystallinity, as well as a higher beta zeolite with a rather high mesopore area and external sur-
activity in the epoxidation of cyclooctene.[348] These results were face area, and consequently in an improved accessibility. The
also obtained by the second group who obtained an improved synthesized zeolites were evaluated in the catalytic cracking of
crystallinity and thermal stability in the synthesis of hollow high-density polyethylene (HDPE), where the accessibility to
beta zeolite nanocrystals.[345] Tetrapropylammonium hydroxide/ the active sites and the acid strength seemed to influence the
bromide (TPAOH, TPABr) was used by multiple groups,[349–351] catalytic performance and product selectivity, respectively.[360]
as is the case for tetrabutylammonium hydroxide/bro- As was the case for FAU zeolites, hierarchical *BEA zeo-
mide (TBAOH, TBABr)[352] and cetyltrimethylammonium lites can exist in the form of hollow zeolites. Following two
hydroxide/bromide (CTAOH, CTABr).[353–355] Although there is groups attempted to hydrothermally synthesize this type of
a subtle difference in structure, the overall outcome after use of structures, all by using a specific mesoporogen, for instance
these mesoporogens was similar. a cationic quaternary ammonium surfactant[361] or pentacy-
Top-Down Methods—Dissolution–Recrystallization: In the clic lactams.[362] The first group from Zheng et al. performed
recrystallization of beta zeolites, NaOH is a common alkaline a one-step hydrothermal method wherein the cationic quater-
agent that is used by several groups, possibly in presence of an nary ammonium surfactant was able to interact with anionic
organic template (e.g., TPA+).[356] Starting with Zhang et al., aluminosilicate species to induce the formation of hollow beta
this group synthesized hierarchical beta zeolites by performing zeolites. The synthesis followed a surface-to-core crystalliza-
a desilication in different NaOH concentrations (0.2 and 0.3 m). tion process, which is visually represented in Figure 22. In this
Catalytic tests in the conversion of benzyl alcohol with mesi- process, surface nanoparticles of the amorphous quasi-spheres
tylene showed that a concentration of 0.2 m is optimal in order underwent faster nucleation compared to the interior. In this
to preserve sufficient acidity and crystallinity during synthesis. aspect, a large inner cavity is created, as well as a hierarchical
The formation of mesopores was explained by a sequential hier- structure, which facilitates access to the acid sites.[361] A similar
archical structure formation and recrystallization mechanism. method from Zhao et al. used pentacyclic lactams as another
First, NaOH creates mesopores by extracting Si from the zeolite type of hollow-directing agents. These are cost-effective and
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the synthesis proved to be successful since the catalyst showed of the catalytic effect on simple conversion in time plots,
an improved resistance against deactivation in the alkylation of whereas very detailed kinetic analyses are often missing, as
benzene with propene.[375] well as selectivity versus conversion plots measured at var-
In another work, Chaida-Chenni et al. investigated two proce- ious contact times. Direct links between mesoporosity effects
dures. The first method included a direct hydrothermal method and reaction rates should therefore be concluded with cau-
in which an assembly of nanocrystals of preformed beta seeds tion, though there is no doubt that hierarchization has sub-
was formed. Herein, a Pluronic P123 triblock copolymer was stantial impact on catalysis.
used as template during the assembly, which finally resulted The processes that are used to create hierarchical zeolites
in physical mixtures of beta nanoparticles with mesoporous can be divided in two main approaches: I) a top-down
SBA-15 phases.[376] Next to P123, it is also possible to employ approach, and II) a bottom-up approach. The first is based
CTAB as mesoporogen, which was the case in a work from on the action of an acid- or alkaline treatment on an already
Al-Eid et al. where an analogous method was employed in a synthesized zeolite to perform a dealumination or desilication
one-pot synthesis.[377] The second method from Chaida-Chenni respectively. Such treatments are relatively straightforward and
et al., however, executed an acidification of the beta seeds solu- are suitable to be employed on an industrial scale. The second
tion, without the use of an organic template. This method pro- strategy is based on the direct synthesis, possibly in assistance
vided the best structured beta nanoparticles.[376] of a mesoporogen, of a crystal structure containing inter- or
To finish, several works are given that aimed to synthesize intracrystalline mesopores. Both methods have clear advan-
hierarchical *BEA nanosponges.[378–381] Therefore, Kim et al.[378] tages and drawbacks. Starting with a top-down treatment, the
and Shin et al.[379] employed gemini-surfactants in the hydro- major advantage of this method is its simplicity. However, it is
thermal synthesis of these structures. Nanosponge zeolites can difficult to control the mesopore formation process since the
be seen as randomly interconnected ultrathin beta nanocrys- attack of the acid and/or base is rather random. As a result,
tals with intercrystalline mesopores. Such structures tend to the mesopores that are created are potentially enclosed in the
perform well in catalytic tests, as there is the cycloaddition of framework without any connection to the external surface or
dimethylfuran with ethylene,[378] or the tetrahydropyranylation micropores or show low connectivity. Another drawback is the
of alcohols.[379] An enhanced catalytic activity was reported com- loss of material as a consequence of the partial dissolution of
pared to commercial beta zeolite, which was attributed to facile the zeolite framework. Although not per se a show stopper
diffusion and high accessibility of acid sites in nanosponge beta for the academic research, high loss of material, irrespective
zeolites. of the beauty or catalytic property of the porous material, will
restrict its use in applications. It is therefore strongly advised
always to report the numbers and show progress in this con-
5. Conclusion and Perspective text as well. Furthermore, an increase in mesoporosity is often
coupled to a decrease in microporosity and crystallinity. This
This review shows and confirms the great potential of syn- obviously should be limited since the micropores are respon-
thesizing hierarchical zeolites and their use in a variety of sible for the structure selectivity effect that is characteristic of
(industrially relevant) catalytic applications. An improved per- zeolitic catalysts, and often also for the strong zeolite-typical
formance is seen both in the activity and/or product selec- acidity (if required). In contrast, the construction of the hier-
tivity of the zeolite and/or in a decreased deactivation rate. archical zeolite framework in bottom-up approaches is more
This can be attributed to several effects that come along controllable, but often more tedious and expensive. Herein,
with the hierarchization procedure and the obtained zeolite parameters such as aging time, crystallization time, composi-
structure. Most affected parameters are for instance total tion of the synthesis gel, temperature, stirring speed, addition
surface area, micro- and mesopore surface area, micro- and of an SDA or mesoporogen can be altered in order to steer
mesopore volume, acidity, crystallinity and pore diameter. the synthesis toward a well-defined mesoporous zeolite. The
Several works discussed in this review largely attributed the use of an SDA and/or mesoporogen is helpful in the synthesis
better performance to an increase in mesopore surface area of micropores and mesopores, respectively. However, besides
and volume, compared to that of the parent zeolite, and the cost, the expensive templates can also be toxic for the envi-
report exemplifies this with catalytic results for several reac- ronment. In addition, such templates need to be burned off
tion types. In this aspect, site accessibility increased, diffu- before the catalyst can be used, which releases CO2 and vola-
sion limitation decreased or even disappeared so that mass tile (toxic) compounds to the atmosphere. Sometimes, such
transport to the active sites is more efficient. However, in template oxidation creates an exotherm that can destroy the
many cases the hierarchization also impacts the acidity of the (porous) structure of the zeolite. Here, researcher are trying
zeolite as well. This is due to a change in Si/Al ratio or dif- other means such as the use of ozone that oxidizes at much
ferent position of Al in or out the framework. In this aspect, lower temperature. Washing and re-use of templates is also
and depending on the targeted reaction, a higher (either an option, but this is not systematically studied, and likely
strength or number of ) acidity can increase the activity at the not always possible with the current procedures and molecule
active sites so that the zeolite appears to have a higher overall types used today.
activity. Other acid types are also created upon hierarchiza- Different synthesis approaches can also be used to pro-
tion on top of the Brønsted acid sites, such as in particular duce nanozeolites. In recent years, the assembly of nanoze-
Lewis acid sites, which may be better/worse for the catalysis. olitic units was studied further. These assemblies show great
One note is important: most papers rely for their conclusions promise as they can mitigate some of the drawbacks of normal
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nanozeolites, such as poor stability and difficult manipulations, In recent years, a great progress in the synthesis of hierar-
during catalytic reactions. chical zeolites has been achieved using both established but
The extensive overview given in this review has shown that fine-tuned and new methods. However, there remain a number
for most zeolite topologies variants on both approaches can be of challenges in the development of hierarchical zeolites.
used to create a hierarchical pore system. Instead of formu-
lating a general statement regarding the best hierarchization
strategy, it should be mentioned that the appropriate strategy 5.1. Green and Cost-Effective Synthesis of Hierarchical Zeolites
largely depends on the morphology and topology of the parent
zeolite. Moreover, the applied strategy depends on the targeted In order to prepare hierarchical zeolites more economically
properties of the final zeolite. In this aspect, a hierarchical zeo- and environmentally viable for industrialization, large-scale
lite that needs high acidity will be processed by a different treat- zeolite synthesis using commercially available and eco-friendly
ment than a hierarchical zeolite wherein the acidity is of less raw materials is highly required. The industrial production
importance compared to, for instance, its mesopore volume. of hierarchical zeolites strongly requires cost- and energy-
Nevertheless, Figure 23 attempts an overview of the effect of efficient synthetic approaches. For instance, hierarchical
different hierarchization procedures on the final characteristics zeolites that are synthesized via acid/base-treatment methods
of the zeolite, and shows the results for the most important generally suffer from low solid product yields and decreased
topologies. Here the fraction of mesoporosity is selected as a zeolite crystallinities, thus, increasing the product yields and
measure, as hierarchization is about improving porosity, though crystallinities are crucial from an economical view point.
its optimal value depends on the optimal balance between reac- Furthermore, some two-in-one soft templates could suc-
tion rate of the catalysis and molecular pore transport. The cessfully direct the formation of high-quality hierarchical
mesopore fraction is plotted against the relative acidity (against zeolites, however, the design and synthesis of such organic
the reference material), as a measure of the improvement of templates are labor- and cost-intensive. To date, there are
the amount of catalytically active sites in the final mesopore many approaches creating hierarchical zeolites, however, the
material. This is done for each discussed topology (except MTT) high synthetic cost, low product yields and crystallinities of
and is based on data found in literature. Note that acid strength zeolites, and addition of soft templates, which are harmful
is not included because these values are less reported system- to the environment or cost-intensive limit their industrializa-
atically and the results are more difficult to compare among the tion. On the basis of existing mature synthesis methods of
different groups due to (slightly) different procedures used for hierarchical zeolites, more green and cost-effective synthetic
their measurements. strategies for creating high-quality hierarchical zeolites are
Although no clear trend can be observed, the figure can be a long-term goals to pursue.
very helpful tool to determine the appropriate hierarchization Recently, template-free approaches including seed-assisted
strategy in order to obtain a zeolite with the desired properties and kinetic regulation for creating hierarchical zeolites have
for a certain application. It is apparent that with regard to TON, gained more attention and success in academia.[382] Compared
almost only top-down methods were explored in the last years, with template-directed and post-treatment methods, seed-
whereas no bottom-up syntheses have been reported recently. assisted and kinetic regulation are emerging green methods
Yet, zeolites like ZSM-22 are interesting zeolites, e.g., for diesel for the formation of hierarchical zeolites, in which a balanced
dewaxing and hydroisomerization. For FER, both methods have nucleation and growth rate is required. Classical and nonclas-
been used. Improvement in acidity level can be realized with sical crystallization mechanism coexist in such seed-assisted
both methods, whereas the highest mesoporosity is achieved and kinetic regulation processes for creating hierarchical zeo-
with bottom-up syntheses, viz. 45 in the Figure 23. This is in lites. The adjustment on two/multistep crystallization, addition
contrast with the hierarchization of MOR, where particularly of inorganic ions, and even concentration of precursor sources
top-down methods are more successful to introduce high mes- will be effective to regulate the nucleation and growth steps. Fur-
oporosity, as illustrated by the examples 261 and 265. For FAU thermore, the understanding of the formation process of hier-
topology, classically more top-down methods are studied. The archical zeolites is crucial to unravel the zeolite crystallization
whole spectrum of acidity and porosity combinations can be mechanisms.
achieved, using different methods, and very nice procedures
exist to realize both high porosity and high acidity values, e.g.,
examples 322 and 323. ZSM-5 is the most studied topology for 5.2. Fabrication of Single-Crystalline Hierarchical Zeolites
its major utilization in catalysis in various reactions types such
as alkylation and (hydro)cracking. Although the majority of Compared with polycrystalline hierarchical zeolites, single-
the mesoporization research is done with bottom-up methods, crystalline hierarchical zeolites contain fewer grain boundaries.
the best results showing both high acidity and porosity were These grain boundaries that are preferentially attacked by
achieved with top-down methods, viz. 68, 78, and 80. Hier- water, may cause low hydrothermal stabilities of zeolites. In
archical *BEA materials with varying mesoporosity can be general, a specific synthetic condition is needed for the for-
obtained with both methods and comparable acidity numbers. mation of hierarchical single-crystalline zeolites. For instance,
More detailed information concerning Figure 23 and the used nanosized crystals could aggregated to form hierarchical zeo-
references can be found in Tables S1–S6 in the Supporting lites, in which some hierarchical zeolite products possess
Information, which also includes the catalytic reactions that single-crystalline features and the others are polycrystalline.
were tested. Such aggregation process corresponds to the nonclassical
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Figure 23. Overview of the effect of different hierarchization procedures on the final characteristics of each topology discussed here (except MTT),
based on data found in the literature. The open symbols represent top-down methods. The closed symbols represent bottom-up methods. More
detailed information concerning this figure and the used references can be found in Tables S1–S6 in the Supporting Information.
zeolite crystallization mechanism. A precise control on the single-crystalline zeolites. Fabrication of hierarchical single-
zeolite nonclassical crystallization mechanism may allow the crystalline zeolites and investigation of their formation
aggregation of nanosized crystals toward an oriented-attach- mechanism remain challenges and a hot research topic in the
ment manner and consequently the formation of hierarchical future.
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5.3. Fabrication of Hierarchical Zeolites with Interconnected 3D-printing technology is a new approach for precisely con-
Pore Systems or Low Defects structing materials with desirable porosities, sizes, shapes,
and active site spatial arrangements. Recently, binder-free zeo-
Isolated mesopores do not contribute to the improvement of lite monoliths featuring hierarchical structures were obtained
mass transportation within zeolites.[383] Instead, these isolated using 3D-printing technology.[387] Such new technology will be a
mesopores may act as centers that gathers large amount good method for precise control of the proportion, connectivity,
of intermediates/products and finally lead to coke deposi- and distribution of micro-, meso-, and macropore systems.
tion, which causes decreased catalytic performance as well as The molecule diffusion kinetic within various hierarchical
decreased selectivity toward target products. In contrast, hierar- systems significantly differs and consequently affects the cata-
chical zeolites with interconnected pore systems allow rapid dif- lytic performance. In this case, 3D-printing technology will be
fusion of intermediates or products from the active sites before a good approach to regulate the molecule diffusion kinetic via
being involved in secondary events. adjusting the proportion, distribution, and connectivity of pore
Silanol defects play important roles in zeolite catalysis. For systems. Then, with the assistance of 3D-printing technology
instance, the silanols adjacent to the active Sn hydroxyl sites in for tailoring hierarchical systems, a good relationship between
Sn-Beta promote the hydride transfer in the isomerization of the molecule diffusion kinetic and catalytic performance could
glucose to fructose.[384] Tailoring silanol defects of hierarchical be well established.
zeolites will be an increasingly important research topic in the
future. Furthermore, the amount of defects significantly affect
zeolite hydrothermal stabilities, namely, the more defects, the 5.5. Precise Control of the Aluminum Distribution
worse the zeolite hydrothermal stability. As no zeolite can be in Hierarchical Aluminosilicalite Zeolites and the Silicon
free of external surface defects, in this case, low defects cor- Distribution in Hierarchical Silicoaluminophosphate Zeolites
respond to low internal framework defects but not external
surface defects. Hierarchical zeolites with interconnected Some soft mesoporogens possess chelation properties to che-
and large mesoporous systems may feature low defects. This late with Si or Al species, further controlling the Si or Al distri-
is because these interconnected and large mesopores turn butions. The precise control of Si distribution in SAPOs and Al
to be external surfaces. In contrast, the isolated and small distribution in aluminosilicalite zeolites remains a challenge.
mesopores generate large amounts of internal framework The Si or Al atom distributions significantly affect the catalytic
defects. Synthesis of low-defect hierarchical zeolites endows performances including product selectivities and catalyst life-
zeolites with dramatically improved hydrothermal stabili- times, especially under high-temperature gas-phase catalytic
ties. Alternatively, passivation of the silanol defects via incor- processes. The organic molecules that served as mesoporo-
poration of heteroatoms has proven to be another effective gens/modifiers generally possess chelation properties because
approach.[385] of the existence of ammonium or hydroxyl groups. The chela-
tion between organic molecules and metal species or silica has
already been reported.[388–390] Recently, aluminum-rich ZSM-5
5.4. Synthesis of Hierarchical Zeolites Using Commercially (Si/Al = 8) zeolites were prepared via biomass-mediated supra-
Available Raw Materials, Which Contain Mesoporosity molecular approach.[391] Silicates and aluminates are known to
Themselves or via 3D Printing Technology bind to carbohydrates in a way that diminishes their reactivity,
which favors the incorporation of Al atoms into zeolite frame-
Some natural and lab-synthesized silicon resources, such as works. Compared with inorganic Si/Al precursor sources, these
diatomite and mesoporous silica possess mesoporosity/macro complex may supply a “nutrient pool” providing a consecutive
porosity themselves. Transformation of these resources to zeo- and slow release of Si or Al sources to nourish the nucleation/
lite crystals while keeping their mesoporosity/macroporosity growth of hierarchical zeolites, which is favorable for the con-
will be a promising strategy for the formation of hierarchical trol of T atom distribution. Furthermore, this also provides
zeolites. For instance, an ordered mesoporous aluminosili- in-depth molecular-level and supramolecular-level under-
cate with a completely crystalline zeolite wall structure has standing of the zeolite crystallization mechanisms.
been synthesized using SBA-15 as silicon source.[386] In gen-
eral, a low mobility of the silicon sources in the gel system
are needed to suppress an extensive and fast transformation 5.6. Preparation of Zeolite-Based Hierarchical Core–Shell
from amorphous to crystalline. Thus, a facile and slow trans- Catalysts That Contain Zeolites as Core Enwrapped by
formation from silicon species to silica tetrahedra and finally Mesoporous Materials or Zeolites as Shell
zeolite frameworks are permitted to maintain the mesoporo-
sity/macroporosity of raw materials. Compared with a conven- These zeolite-based core–shell materials have received enor-
tional diluted gel system that generally causes high mobility of mous attention due to their dual functions in catalysis. Core–
precursor sources, the dry gel synthesis, concentrated gel syn- shell structured composites comprising zeolite crystals as cores
thesis, or steam-assisted approach is beneficial in maintaining and ordered mesoporous silica as shells presented superior per-
the mesoporosity/macroporosity of the raw resources. Taking formance in various catalytic process.[383,392–395] This is due to
full advantage of the mesoporosity/macroporosity of raw mate- the fact that the mesoporous shells could allow providing suf-
rials will provide opportunities for industrial production of ficient voids for capturing reactant molecules, precracking of
hierarchical zeolites. primary bulky molecules, promoting molecule diffusion from
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Bert F. Sels (1972), currently a full professor at KU Leuven, obtained his Ph.D. in 2000 in the field
of heterogeneous oxidation catalysis. He was the director of the Centre for Surface Chemistry and
Catalysis (COK, 2015–2018), and started a new division at KU Leuven in 2019 called the “Centre
for Sustainable Catalysis and Engineering, CSCE”. His research activities encompass the design
of heterogeneous catalysts for the future challenges in industrial organic and environmental
catalysis. His expertise includes heterogeneous catalysis in biorefineries and biofactories, design
of hierarchically structured materials such as zeolites and carbons for catalysis, and identification
of catalytically active sites for small-molecule activation using spectroscopy and kinetics.
Adv. Mater. 2020, 2004690 2004690 (47 of 47) © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH