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MOTS DE LIAISON Rappel de cours lI ny a pas de régle fixe pour lutlisation des mots de liaison. II faut done les mémoriser, ou au moins les ‘comprendre en contexte. Dans le Linguaskill, quand vous devez insérer ou comprendre un mot de laisor ‘vous devez c'abord decider le lien entre les idées qui sont a lier. Per exemple, dans la phrase suivante, ya une opposition entre les deux idées, donc il faut savoir comment exprimer ce contraste idée 1 idée 2 The children went out to play. it was raining. (A)although (8) despite (C) whereas (0) instead ‘Ayant compris quel genre de mot ou phrase convient, il faut choisir colui qui convient grammaticelement. Dans fa liste ci-dessus, il y a plusieurs possibltés pour exprimer cette opposition (instead, whereas, despite, although). La compréhension de la fonction grammaticale du met ou de la phrase est nécessaire Pour savoir que le seul mot qui convient ii est “although. ‘The children went out to play the rain. Cet exemple présente la méme notion d'opposition, mais grammaticalement, la reponse correcte ic serait “despite”, car il s'agit d'un mot cui est toujours suivi par un nom, tandis que "although est toujours suivi par un sujet et un verbe. ‘Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste de mots de liaison pour exprimer d'autre notions, telles que 'addltion, la cause, la conssquence, lexemplarté, etc | Addition mot de Garis feng uz | TRealarm ising there 8a obbery. Moreover, wil esourge pple moreover | de pit from trying to rob the bank. on oure par | They reject our accuses, Furthermore ey Gaim tat he las au] furthermore) sitours responsibility. besides! ailleurs, en | Do you play other sports besides football? / She won't mind you being late | - plus de — besides, it's not your fault. inadditon [onus de [in eddton, here were parle mesings wit nanogonent aso [28% [eis alo extremely interesting as wol'ae [eine que |W have inviod tends a wl os lami tohe weeding aust de too [e882 Ir support you. Bob wa too 395 '@~ Mots de liaison| contraste / Opposition Boren but mais Sane | don't know you but | trust you. instead (of) _[aulieude/a la place | There's no coffee. Will you have come tea instead? fon the one ‘On the one hand, your proposal doesnt include our hand... peer suggestions, fon the other| dautre part, en : fa ree .buton the other hand, ithas some very positve points. rowever _|oapendant pourtant [TH one posse soliton tothe problem. However, there nevertheless! is_|! already knew most ofthe points she made, but her talk was nonetheless _|SaNMeIns "0UeFO8 interesting neverthelessinonetholess yet cependant He's too fat and has no hair, and yet he Is somehow very attractive, ‘on the contrary | au contraire | never said | was against the idea. On the contrary, | spoke in favour oft either... or... | soit. sot. Either you sign now or the deal is off. in spite of 1] aia despite mals Despite the weather, the event attracted a big crowd, although / even thouge bien que ‘Athough / Even though itwas raining, the event attracted a big crowd. either... nor... [rin This is neither the time nor the place for such discussions. ‘cependant / malgré noe Hees stil cope He made a mess off. Stl it was a dificult thing to try and do a ie Haran re capatle making ror, whereas computers are aoe tends que hie ccs het se snot pret must admit hat doi athenvise _[autrement,sinon [Id beter write K'down, otherwise Ii forget urike [Ala ference de, | rte is rahe, he hates working | Cause as parce que | She bought herself a car as she felt she couldn't keep borrowing Alan's due to oa The crash was due to a fauity steering mechanism, owing to |§2 0" | Owing to a lack of interest, the picnic has been cancelled. because of | cause de Production has gone down sharply because of the strikes last month. since puisque Since you can't stay late this evening, perhaps you can arrive earlier [tomorrow moming, thanks to | grace a ‘Thanks to your hard work, we have achieved all our targets this year. 396 TT| condition mot me as ong as tant que _[As long as you do what we tell you, youtl be ok evenif méme si_|Even you find ittoo dificult, keep on tying Guspincese... [925° |ou should eat apan incase you misunderstood someting Gans le inthe eventot... |S2P8! — |in the event of fro, please use this extinguisher : @moine | Unless we hear from you in the next two weeks, we shall bo forced fo unless cue take legal action, whether BAST | dont know whether to laugh or cry. on condition that _ | condition | She has agreed on condition that there is no publicity involved: provided / providing] POUT | 24 help us provided (Hat) he oan ring his dog with — ou Hell help us provided (het) he can bring his dog with him. | Comparaison 1 j°2"PE"|ancomzaraen [In comaron win sare open, cuir ota ta a de meme, Cars have to stop at red lights; similarly, bieycles should elso| silty parallélement _| stop. i également, de | He had a very hostile attitude towards the police; ikewise (o| oe meme his parents I Degré Had peat) cary in many She seemed lke the perfect partner, nd in many ways ways, @ bien des égards ee in some He was like his father in some respects; in others he was | respects 2 certains égards totally different. ore W2Y ©°| en fegonouune auve || wil have my revenge on him ane way or another some Wo can ocuprao our oases to sre eat by sling ant 2 ans une ceaine mesure |e can orupeate © 2, en garde pane Lite wil ays boo alarge exont what we make of 1 fein incor wil reese purchasing power, thus the: aes donc stimulting the economy. i [d'une certaine fagon, dune | You look somehow different / We must finish the job by. somehow | facon ou une autre tomorrow evening somehow. 397 Grammaire ~ Mots de liaison| Préci ion Poros coon dans la | believe in God insofar as I feel sure there is @ power guiding insofar as mesure oi _| the universe. i. (id est)/that is to say|clest A dire | Keeping @ dog will cost you a lot of money, i.e. £200 I'm thinking of three U.S. presidents, namely Roosevelt, namely Asavoir | Eisenhower and Kennedy ‘e.g. (exempli gratia) / for| example Many US fastfood chains (eg. Pizza Hut) are well ar exemple | established in Europe. [But foro In order that you can complete your task, we have installed 24-hour| inorder that |afingue | 2 illance, (norder)to [finde | This is wnat we must do (in order to help them. in such a way|detelle | We have organised things in such @ way as to make sure that nobody asto fagon _| loses, 50.28 to afinde _ | They went ahead on foot so as not to be heard. [By way of introduction, let me tell you something about my recent byway ef en kau des experiences in Borneo. ae | Résultat ao liaison cert cas ‘As a result of your incompetence, the whole switchboard has now been destroyed. ‘We spent most of the money in the first quarter and consequently had none left in the final one. as aresult | par conséquent consequently | par conséquent so ainsi, done __| This is very easy so | expect you to finish Before 4 o'clock. then puis Do this fst, then come and see me. par thoretore —[eonséquent, _| The new caris smaller and therefore cheaper than our old one. donc A tise in income will increase purchasing power, thus stimulting the thus ainsi done | hence ot His mother was ltalian, hence the name — Giulo. en accordingly 2 sequence [When we recelve your instructions, we shall act accordingly. 398] Exemple Boron example) 2.9. (exempli gratia = for een par Many companies have used our services, e.g. Renault, fexemple _| Cisco, Nokia such es Jcomme, tet [Brands such as Nike and Adidas are the essence of| que fashionable sportswear. ins Ame pial ‘instance. for instance = for example jexemple | Take you mother for instar | Généralités ts Reon Cee habitus, avoir usualy | Thabitude, a | usually play badminton on Sunday afternoon. for the most pour la plupart [The factory operatives are, for the most part, hard-working, part honest people. There were a few problems, but on the whole, tne event went con the whole | en gros ee coanio [onidgogintrie [02a wo debolove a he as and anes at re of | Identification = fee ea inthe as ot leans caso |e <8 of Young Hay EL, wo wl Rave take an as for. quant 2. As for the meeting, it will have to be cancelled. - autre part, ‘We still have problems here, but elsewhere everything is under elsewhere ailleurs ‘control. 3; | Wherever you look these days, there is @ McDonald's and @ wherever |partouton —_| Wherever 399 Grammaire - Mots de liai
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