19 November 2021
● More often than not, the approved routes are not integrated nor interconnected
with one another due to differing interests.
DILG-DOTR JMC NO. 001, S. 2017
Make the routes more Assign appropriate vehicle Plan public transport
responsive to demand type depending on reforms considering
(address unserved demand, road hierarchy the local situation
areas) and configuration and goals
LGUs are in a better position to identify local public transport service requirements being in-charge of
formulating the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Zoning Plans, and Traffic Management Plans.
DILG-DOTR JMC NO. 001, S. 2017
Section 4.1. The LPTRP shall include the following: List and map of existing public transportation routes,
List and map of proposed routes, Estimated existing and forecasted passenger demand for each
proposed route, and Inventory of available transport facilities.
Section 4.2. All LPTRP submitted by LGUs shall be consistent with the LGU's respective plans embodied
in their Comprehensive Development Plan (DCP), Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP), Zoning
Ordinance and Zoning Map.
Memorandum Circulars ISSUANCES
● DOTr-DILG Joint Memorandum Circular No. 001 Series of 2017 . Guidelines on the
Preparation and Issuance of Local Ordinances, Orders, Rules and Regulations
Concerning the Local Public Transport Route Plan (LPTRP)
Section 4 (c). LGUs shall prepare their respective LPTRPs based on and/or consistent with the Manual
prescribed in this JMC and submit the same to the LTFRB for review, copy furnished the DILG, within six
(6) months from the formal notice of the DOTr.
Section 4 (d) (iv). An approved LPTRP shall be one of the bases for the prioritization of the road
transport network development projects of the government.
Section 4 (f). The LPTRP shall be revised at least once every three years after the last approval.
Section 6 (a). A moratorium on the acceptance of applications/petitions for tricycle franchises shall
be implemented by all LGUs, upon effectivity of this JMC, pending the approval of its LPTRP.
Memorandum Circulars ISSUANCES
● DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2018-60. Guidelines for the Preparation of Public Transport
Route Plan (LPTRP) by the Local Government (LGUs), Basis for the Land Transportation
Franchising Regulatory Board (LTFRB) issuance of Franchises to Public Utility Vehicles
Section 6. Non-compliance is tantamount to dereliction of duty and shall be dealt in
accordance with applicable Civil Service Rules and Regulations, and other pertinent
laws, rules, and regulations.
Memorandum Circulars ISSUANCES
● DILG Memorandum to concerned LGUs dated 24 June 2021. Ensuring Full Support
of LGUs to the DOTr Public Utility Vehicle (PUV) Modernization Program
Guided by Section 4(c) (ii) (On the Preparation of LPTRP by the LGUs) of DILG-DOTr Joint
Memorandum Circular No. 001 Series of 2017 dated June 19, 2017, all Provincial Governors,
City Mayors, and Municipal Mayors are hereby advised to:
1. Intensify efforts in the preparation of Local Public Transport Route Plan (LPTRP), and
submit to the DOTr-LTFRB for review and issuance of Notice of Compliance (NOC); and
2. Approve an ordinance adopting the LPTRP, with LTFRB issued NOC, as basis for local
comprehensive transport plan pursuant to the above-mentioned JMC.