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Stars 3 Additional Units

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Stars Sponsor Guide

Units Packet 1

This packet contains three units

(Growing, Holy Communion,
Water Baptism) with a tab, a Units-
at-a-Glance, Activity Pages, and
new resources. Place all the pages
of this packet after the last page of
the units in your Sponsor Guide.

May God bless you in your ministry.

Gospel Publishing House and the

national Girls Ministries Department.


© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
Units-at-a-Glance / 3

Additional Units-at-a-Glance
Growing—Connected to the Son Central Truth
Jesus provides everything I need to grow.
Memory Verse
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a Clubroom Discoveries
man remains in me and I in him, he will Lesson 1: Why are plants so important?
bear much fruit; apart from me you can Lesson 2: What do plants need to grow?
do nothing” (John 15:5, NIV). Lesson 3: What did Jesus say about plants?
“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He Lesson 4: How do I keep my heart a gar-
that abideth in me, and I in him, the same den for God?
bringeth forth much fruit: for without me
ye can do nothing” (John 15:5, KJV).

Holy Communion—Remember Me soon return when I participate in

Memory Verse
Clubroom Discoveries
“Whenever you eat this bread and drink
this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death Lesson 1: What is a parable?
until he comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26, NIV). Lesson 2: What is the Parable of the
Prodigal Son?
“For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink Lesson 3: What is the Parable of the Great
this cup, ye do show the Lord’s death till Feast?
he come” (1 Corinthians 11:26, KJV). Lesson 4: What is Jesus’ example of
Central Truth Communion?

I remember Jesus’ sacrifice and look for His

Water Baptism—I Choose to Be Central Truth

Like Christ Jesus commands us to be baptized.
Memory Verse Clubroom Discoveries
“Go and make disciples of all nations, bap- Lesson 1: Why does the Church baptize in
tizing them in the name of the Father and water?
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” Lesson 2: What does water baptism mean?
(Matthew 28:19, NIV). Lesson 3: Who should be baptized?
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, Lesson 4: How should we baptize?
baptizing them in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”
(Matthew 28:19, KJV).

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com

Review (NIV)—Stars Additional Units

Memory Verse

“I am the ______; you are the ___________. If a man ___________ in ____ and I in
______, he will _______ much ________; ________ from me you can do ___________”
(________ 15:5, NIV).

10 points each blank

Holy Communion
Memory Verse

“_______________ you ______ this _________ and _________ this _______, you
_____________ the _________ _________ until he ________” (1 Corinthians _______,

10 points each blank

Water Baptism
Memory Verse

“_____ and make ____________ of all _________, _____________ them in the _______
of the ___________ and of the ______ and of the ________ _________” (____________
28:19, NIV).

10 points each blank

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com

Review (KJV)—Stars Additional Units

Memory Verse
“I am the _______, ye are the ___________: He that __________ in _____, and I in
______, the same ___________ forth much ________: for ____________ me ye can do
__________” (_______ 15:5, KJV).

10 points each blank

Holy Communion
Memory Verse

“For as ________ as ye _____ this ________, and ________ this ______, ye do _______
the ________ ________ till he ________” (1 Corinthians _______, KJV).

10 points each blank

Water Baptism
Memory Verse
“_____ ye therefore, and ________ all __________, _____________ them in the
________ of the __________, and of the ______, and of the ________ _________”
(______________ 28:19, KJV).

10 points each blank

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com

Review Key (NIV)—Stars Additional Units

Memory Verse
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will
bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5, NIV).
10 points each blank

Holy Communion
Memory Verse
“Whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death
until he comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26, NIV).
10 points each blank

Water Baptism
Memory Verse
“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19, NIV).
10 points each blank

Review Key (KJV)—Stars Additional Units

Memory Verse
“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same
bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing” (John 15:5, KJV).
10 points each blank

Holy Communion
Memory Verse
“For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord’s death
till he come” (1 Corinthians 11:26, KJV).
10 points each blank

Water Baptism
Memory Verse
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 28:19, KJV).
10 points each blank

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
Growing / 7


Connected to the Son
Notes to the Sponsor
“Growing” is a “hands-on” unit best
presented in late spring or early
summer. This will enable the girls to
enjoy some outdoor adventures in
gardening. Also, flowers, insects, and
fresh fruits and vegetables will be
available to enrich the unit. The sug-
gested crafts, activities, and snacks
will tie in to the lessons and make
this unit fun.
Start collecting materials before the
Memory Verse unit begins. Ask church members to
donate old seed and garden catalogs.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me Second-hand bud vases can be pur-
and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do chased cheaply at garage sales. Box
nothing” (John 15:5, NIV). flats from potted plants can also be
saved a few at a time.
“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I
in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can
do nothing” (John 15:5, KJV).

Central Truth See page 16 for suggested

Jesus provides everything I need to grow. Adventures, project, and bulletin
Clubroom Discoveries
Lesson 1: Why are plants so important?
Lesson 2: What do plants need to grow?
Lesson 3: What did Jesus say about plants?
Lesson 4: How do I keep my heart a garden for God?

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
8 / Stars Sponsor Guide

Lesson 1
Why are plants so

Exploring the World

How many of you have helped your parents or grandparents work
in the garden or have grown your own sunflowers or pumpkins? Did
Preclub Activity you rake the soil, or put in the seeds, or pull weeds? Maybe you’ve
watered houseplants or transplanted them into larger pots. Whatever
Club Distinctives your experience was, it is fun to help plants to grow and produce
fruit, flowers, or vegetables, or to just make our homes more attrac-
Memory Activity tive.
Plants have many important purposes. They are beautiful to look at
Giving Time and help us to relax and enjoy God’s handiwork. Trees, vines, vegeta-
bles, grass, bushes, and even weeds have a purpose. Plants make the
air rich in oxygen, a gas we must breathe to stay alive. They also sup-
ply food for people and animals and medicines to help us get well.
Animals find shelter in trees, bushes, and in the grasses. Some types
of cloth, such as cotton and linen, are made from plants. Most furni-
Suggestions for ture and many homes are made from the wood of trees, such as pine,
maple, and oak.
Preclub Activity Plants and gardens are mentioned many times in the Bible. The
Growing Take-Home Page prophetess Deborah held court under the palm trees (Judges 4:4,5);
(Give the girls markers to complete Solomon’s temple was built from the great cedars of Lebanon (1 Kings
the Take-Home Page. Look through 7:2,3); and Jesus suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mark 14:32;
seed/nursery catalogs for coloring John 18:1).
ideas.) Let’s go back to the very beginning of creation as described in the
Memory Activity Bible. Let’s read Genesis 1:11–13. Right after God separated the waters
and created dry land, He spoke into being the grasses, trees, and
Picture This herbs. He saw that they were good. God placed Adam and Eve in
charge of the very first garden, which He called Eden. This perfect and
beautiful place gave Adam and Eve much enjoyment. (Read Genesis
2:15–17.) God gave all of this to them, placing only one restriction on
them—not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The
devil tricked Eve; he told her that she would be like God if she ate the
fruit from that tree. When she ate some and then offered it to Adam,
he also ate it. Because they disobeyed God, sin entered the beautiful
garden. One of the consequences was that now mankind had to work
hard to plow the ground and pull weeds to produce crops. They were
Supplies for also put out of the Garden of Eden.
Exploring the World In this unit, we will continue to learn more about God’s gift of
plants and gardens. By learning about them, we will see how our

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
Growing / 9

hearts are like gardens and how we can choose to make them a beau-
tiful place for Jesus to live.

Discussion Activity
1. How would you like to live in the Garden of Eden? Even
though sin brought punishment, what is God’s plan of salvation Prayer
so we can be with Him eternally in Heaven? (Answers will vary.
Jesus died for our sins. If we repent and confess our sins, God will forgive us Spend time with the girls, thanking
so we can live with Him in Heaven.) God for His beautiful gift of plants to
2. Have you been tempted to disobey God? What were the conse- us. Allow time for repentance if any
of the girls feels she has been disobe-
quences? (Answers will vary.)
dient to God.
3. What are your favorite flowers or plants? What do you like
about them? (Answers will vary.)

Suggestions for
Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks
*Bean and Seed Mosaic

Closing Activity *Plant Seeds

Be sure the seeds are cared for in
Let the girls continue to work on planting their seeds (craft) and looking between club meetings. By lesson
through the seed/nursery catalogs from the Preclub Activity. 2, the seeds should have sprouted.
Flower Hunt
*Spice Guessing
Veggies With Dip
Tropical Fruit Sensation

*New Crafts, Activities, Games, and

Snacks are marked by an asterisk (*)
and are found at the back of this

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
10 / Stars Sponsor Guide

Lesson 2
What do plants need
to grow?

Exploring the World

In the last lesson we learned about how important plants are in our
lives. God created the universe with such order that plants, animals,
Preclub Activity and people are interdependent. That means that we need each other,
and we especially need God.
Club Distinctives Have you learned about the food chain in your science classes?
Sunlight and soil provide what plants need. Plants provide what ani-
Memory Activity mals need, and both provide what humans need. Even when plants
and animals die, tiny little animals called bacteria cause them to
Giving Time decay, which returns nutrients to the soil. Then the cycle starts over
again. Every living thing on the earth is important, even insects,
worms, snakes, and bats.
Plants need sunlight, good rich soil, and water to be healthy. Before
planting seeds or plants, check the soil. Remove rocks and weeds.
Gardeners sometimes test the soil with chemicals or pH testers to see
Suggestions for if any nutrients need to be added, such as compost, manure, or other
Preclub Activity Once the seeds are planted, they must be cared for. Keep the soil
Bring some gardening books and moist with water, provide sunlight, and pull any weeds. Do not water
magazines for the girls to look through. too much; it could cause the seeds or plant roots to rot. Some types
Or, bring insect guidebooks so the girls of flowers like more sunlight and others prefer shade. It’s a good idea
can identify which are harmful or to find out some information about the plant you want to grow, such
beneficial to plants. as what kind of soil and light they prefer.
Memory Activity When plants and trees get larger, sometimes they need to be
pruned. This means that damaged, weak, and unproductive branches
Hot Potato must be cut off to make the rest of the tree stronger. Orchard growers
Popcorn also take off some of the blossoms or fruit from the trees so that the
remaining fruit is larger and healthier, and the limbs don’t break from
carrying too much fruit.
Keeping a plant healthy may require even more care. Insects or dis-
eases often attack plants and weaken or kill them. Organic growers
use only natural products to protect their plants. Others use various
chemicals to kill insects or prevent disease. Not all insects are harm-
ful. Beneficial insects include the ladybug and praying mantis, which
Supplies for eat harmful insects and insect eggs. Honeybees and bumblebees are
very helpful in the garden and orchard. They spread pollen as they
Exploring the World fly from flower to flower. This pollinates a plant and allows the fruit
Bible to develop and grow.

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Growing / 11

The fun part of growing plants comes with the harvest when it’s
time to pick the flowers, fruits, or vegetables. Then all the hard work
seems worth it.
There is much more we can learn about gardening. Try to remem-
ber some of these planting and growing steps we’ve talked about. In
a later lesson we will see how to apply them to growing in Jesus.

Discussion Activity
1. What three basic things does a plant need to be healthy? Prayer
(Sunlight; good, rich soil; water)
2. What do you depend on God for in your life? (Answers will vary Thank God for His gift of plants to
but could include salvation, healing, love, joy, hope.) us. Have each girl ask God what she
3. What are your favorite fruits and vegetables? (Answers will vary.) needs to grow closer to Him. Does
she need to spend more time reading
the Bible or worshiping Him? Will
she make more time in her life to do
Prayer this so she can produce a harvest?

Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks

Closing Activity Suggestions for

Let the girls check their seedlings and water them or give whatever care they
Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks
might need.
*Ladybug Stones

*Flower Arranging

Fruit Basket Mix-Up

Bug Hunt

Dirt Dessert

Popcorn and Fruit Juice

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
12 / Stars Sponsor Guide

Lesson 3
What did Jesus say
about plants?

Exploring the World

As we mentioned in Lesson 1, there are many stories about plants
and gardening in the Bible. Jesus knew that by using everyday expe-
Preclub Activity riences in His stories, the people that He was teaching, who were
mostly farmers and fishermen, would understand the lesson better. In
Club Distinctives this lesson we will look more closely at three of the parables Jesus told
in Matthew 13: sowing seeds, wheat and tares, and the mustard seed.
Memory Activity In the first parable (Matthew 13:1–9), we read about sowing seeds in
different types of soil. When the seeds fall on the side of the field, the
Giving Time birds come down and eat them. When they land on rocky ground,
there isn’t enough good soil for the roots to grow into and the hot sun
burns the seeds. When the seeds fall among the thorns, the new little
plants are choked out. But when the seeds fall on good soil, they take
root, grow, and produce fruit.
Jesus explains what this parable means later in the chapter. Let’s
Suggestions for read verses 18–23. How does each of these different sowings compare
to us when we hear God’s Word (the seed)? We will discuss this more
Preclub Activity in our next lesson.
Bring in a box of gardening tools and In another parable in the same chapter (vv. 24–30), Jesus tells of a
supplies. Some suggestions are: a bulb man sowing wheat seeds in his field. At night the man’s enemy
planter, soil pH tester, trowels for dig- throws weed seeds (tares) into the new wheat field. Both the wheat
ging, watering can, tree guards, tomato and the weeds grow side by side. The farmer’s workers tell him about
cage, scare-eye balloon. See if the girls
all the weeds and ask if they should pull them out. The farmer says
can identify the different tools.
the good wheat plants might get pulled out too, so the workers
Memory Activity should wait until the harvest. When the plants are full-grown and
Memory Bee stronger, the workers harvest the weeds and the plants together. Then
they separate the weeds from the wheat and burn them. Read verses
“John 15:5” 36–42. It’s Jesus’ explanation of what this parable means.
The final parable that Jesus shares in this chapter is about the mus-
tard seed, which was considered “the least of all seeds” (Matthew
13:31,32). But when the man sows this tiny seed, it becomes a mighty
tree for the birds to nest in. What do you suppose Jesus was trying to
teach the people about the Kingdom of Heaven and the mustard
seed? (Explain that Jesus was saying that even though His kingdom [believers]
will have a small beginning, it will eventually spread throughout the whole world.)
Supplies for We can read more in the New Testament about gardens, seeds, and
Exploring the World plants. Can you name some? (Garden of Gethsemane, the fig tree, the vine and
the branches) Have you ever tried to explain something to someone by

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
Growing / 13

talking about another object? That’s what parables do. They are earth-
ly stories that have a heavenly or spiritual message.

Discussion Activity
1. Why is it easier for a seed to root in soft soil? Is the soil of your
heart soft? (Answers will vary.)
2. Is it better to pull out weeds while the weeds and plants are
small or wait until they are large? Why? (Wait until plants are larger Prayer
so you can tell which plants are weeds and which are the crop.) Pray that the girls can begin to pre-
3. Have you ever seen God do something big with something pare their hearts to be good soil so
small like the mustard seed? (Answers will vary.) that when they learn truths about
Jesus, they will remember them and
be able to use them.


Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks

Closing Activity Suggestions for

Let the girls practice their memory verse by listening and singing along Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks
with “John 15:5.” *Potato Prints

Sacks of Grain

Did God Create This?

African Rock Game


Apples With Caramel Dip

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
14 / Stars Sponsor Guide

Lesson 4
How do I keep
my heart a garden
for God?

Exploring the World

In the first lesson we learned why plants are such an important part
Preclub Activity of God’s creation. Then we talked about how to care for seeds and
plants and what keeps them healthy. In our last lesson we learned of
Club Distinctives some of the parables Jesus told, using plants and seeds as examples
to teach us spiritual lessons.
Memory Activity As Christians, we are a lot like plants because we need to be cared
for and nourished. We want our spiritual roots to grow deeply in
Giving Time Christ and in His Word so that our relationship with Him is strong.
Then the rough times in life will not knock us out. We reach out our
hearts and hands to Him just like plants lift their leaves and branch-
es to the sun. As much as we are like plants, we are extra precious to
Suggestions for
God because He has breathed His Spirit into us and made us His chil-
Preclub Activity dren. In Matthew 6:28–30, Jesus tells the people to consider the beau-
tiful lilies of the field and how He takes care of them. How much more
If working on the Design-a-Garden,
have the girls begin by looking through
does He care for us! So how can we keep growing in Christ once we
seed and garden catalogs. They can accept Him?
choose to make a flower, vegetable, or To answer that, let’s look inside our hearts. Remember the parable
rock garden. Have each girl cut out sam- about the seeds sown on different types of ground? What kind of
ples of what she would like to put in her ground is your heart? Does the seed of God’s Word get to your heart
garden. They can plan the layout on a and grow, or when you hear it, does Satan steal it away like the birds
sheet of paper. If you choose not to do did? Is the “soil” of your heart stony and hard, so that when problems
the Design-a-Garden, the girls can still arise in your life, the seed of God’s Word gets “burned up”? Are thorns
glue their favorites onto the paper. in your heart, maybe bad thoughts, which choke out the plants? Or is
Memory Activity your heart good ground, ready to receive the Word and produce the
fruit of the Spirit? (Read about the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22,23.)
Once we have the seed of God’s Word planted in our hearts, we
Sign Language must care for it like a tender plant. Do you remember how to care for
plants? (Sun, water, soil) We can worship God and pray, allowing His
“Sonshine” to pour on us. We can keep our heart gardens watered by
reading the Bible every day. Forgiving others will keep our heart from
getting rocky and hard. And remember to pull out those weeds. Don’t
let others steal the words and dreams that God has given to you. Then
Supplies for we can look forward to the fun part—the harvest. The harvest does not
Exploring the World stop at your Christian growth, but continues on as you lead others to
Christ. Jesus said in Luke 10:2 that the harvest is great but the workers

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
Growing / 15

few. He wants every Christian to tell people about Him and about the
new life He offers to everyone.
Some of the questions in this lesson may seem hard to think about,
but God does not want us to ignore sin in our lives. Allow Him to
make all of us better Christians. After all, God is the Master Gardener.

Discussion Activity
1. What do you think is the hardest part of gardening—digging, Prayer
planting, or weeding? (Answers will vary.)
Pray for a bountiful harvest in the
2. Do you ever get impatient when changes don’t happen fast girls’ characters. Also, pray that as
enough in your life? Do you think gardening takes patience? they grow in Christ, they will witness
(Answers will vary.) to others who don’t know Him.
3. How can you care for the seed of God’s Word in your heart?
(Worship God, pray, read Bible, forgive others)

Suggestions for
Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks
Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks
Closing Activity
Paper Flowers
Complete Activity Page 4, including the Exploration Station. Have
the girls recite the memory verse. Fill out the bottom section of Activity Page 4 O-o-oh-soom
as each girl completes her badge requirements.
Haba Gaba

*Zucchini Bread

*Herb Tea Samples

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
16 / Stars Sponsor Guide

Project Idea Suggested Adventures

Ask your pastor or church
groundskeeper if the girls can design for This Unit
a small planting or help maintain an
area for the month (weeding, water-
ing, etc.).

Visit a garden shop, greenhouse, plant nursery, or

Visit a pick-your-own fruit farm when the crop is
ripe; blueberries are an easy fruit for the girls to pick.

If the girls try flower arranging, they can take their

finished work to a retirement home or to a shut-in.

Visit a well-landscaped park and notice how gardens,

walkways, and trees are placed.

Have a landscape designer or a master gardener come

and speak to the girls.

Bulletin Board
C over the bulletin board
with green paper. Cut out
or draw a large, brown
vine with smaller branches coming
off of it. Place the brown vine
across the green paper. Have the
girls cut out grape clusters, all dif-
ferent sizes and varieties, from old
seed and garden catalogs, and sta- Growing—Connected to the Son
ple or glue them to the ends of the
branches. Write the memory verse
on the background paper below
the title “Growing—Connected to
the Son”.
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Holy Communion / 17

Holy Notes to the Sponsor

The explanation of Communion set
forth in this unit identifies the blood-
bought sacrifice of Jesus for the sal-
vation of believers. It also encourages
the girls to remember Jesus’ sacrifice
and look for His soon return for

Remember Me those who believe in Him. An

Assemblies of God brochure entitled
“The Local Church” with a statement
on Communion is available from
Gospel Publishing House.
Consider serving Communion to
your club at the end of Lesson 4.
Discuss it with your pastor. He might
be willing to come and serve the girls
Memory Verse
“Whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim
the Lord’s death until he comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26, NIV).
“For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show
the Lord’s death till he come” (1 Corinthians 11:26, KJV).
See page 26 for suggested
Central Truth Adventures, project, and bulletin
I remember Jesus’ sacrifice and look for His soon return when I
participate in Communion.

Clubroom Discoveries
Lesson 1: What is a parable?
Lesson 2: What is the Parable of the Prodigal Son?
Lesson 3: What is the Parable of the Great Feast?
Lesson 4: What is Jesus’ example of Communion?

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
18 / Stars Sponsor Guide

Lesson 1
What is a parable?

Exploring the World

Sometimes it is hard to get others to understand what you are try-
ing to say. Not everyone has experienced the same things you have.
Preclub Activity Maybe your neighbor just moved from Brazil and you have always
lived in the United States. You and your neighbor probably did a lot
Club Distinctives of different things growing up. For example, if you talk with your
neighbor about football, you will need to explain whether you are
Memory Activity talking about American football or soccer; otherwise, your neighbor
might be thinking of something totally different from what you’re try-
Giving Time ing to say.
Because God is so awesome and greater than anything we could
ever understand, He had to find a way to tell us everything we need-
ed to know about Him. He chose to use those things that are familiar
to us as His creation to teach us things that are too big for us to
understand. In a way it would be like your trying to teach your ger-
bil how to use your boom box or computer game. The gerbil could
never understand your instructions. Unlike the gerbil, however, God
Suggestions for has given us the ability to understand things. He just has to bring
ideas that are too big and hard for you and me to understand down
Preclub Activity to where we can at least begin to “get them.” That’s what parables do;
Words from Words God uses something we can see and understand to explain or illus-
trate a spiritual/invisible principle. The truths in parables usually
Memory Activity either show us a new spiritual truth or reinforce a truth we already
“1 Corinthians 11:26” know. Once we understand the truth, we must decide if we are obey-
ing or disobeying it.
Erase a Word Jesus used parables when He taught. They are written in the New
Testament. Have you heard the story of the Prodigal Son? (Allow
responses.) That’s a parable Jesus taught, but we find parables in the Old
Testament too. Can you think of any? (Allow responses.) Second Samuel
12:1–4 is a story that teaches a spiritual truth. Let’s read it and talk
about the spiritual principle being taught. (Read 2 Samuel 12:1–4.) Who
remembers the story of David and Bathsheba? (Allow responses. Briefly
review the story if the girls don’t know it.) Nathan used the story of the rich
man and poor man to cause David to recognize his own sin against
Uriah, Bathsheba’s husband. The parable of the rich man taking the
Supplies for poor man’s sheep to feed his guest made it very easy for King David
to see someone had been wronged.
Exploring the World Sometimes just a simple statement in Scripture can lend itself to a

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Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
Holy Communion / 19

parable. Luke 6:39 is an example: “Can the blind lead the blind?” Can
you take this statement and make a parable? (Allow responses. Offer the
following suggestion: Two blind men were struggling together to find their way
down the street. As each tried to help the other by leading the way, neither was get-
ting anywhere. Then they both fell into the ditch and were trying to climb out of it.
Neither was successful.) What is the spiritual truth from this story? (Allow
responses. Direct the discussion to the fact that the unsaved cannot lead the unsaved
to Christ because neither knows the way. Both are spiritually blind. Someone with
a relationship with Christ must lead the unsaved to Him.) A parable is simply
an earthly story with a heavenly or spiritual meaning. Prayer
Now that we know what a parable is, let’s consider some of Jesus’
Thank You, God, for parables. Thank You
words to understand why He used parables to teach. Let’s look at
for speaking to us in a way we can under-
Matthew 13:10–17. When the disciples asked Jesus why He spoke in
parables, how did He respond? (Allow responses.)
Jesus says that He uses parables to hide the truth from those who
don’t want to listen and allow the Holy Spirit to help them under-
stand God’s lesson. Jesus used parables to communicate truth to those
who already believed in Him. Suggestions for
Parables can also give us a glimpse of what heaven is like and
what future things God has planned for us that we otherwise Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks
might not be able to understand. Beaded Communication
Perhaps let the girls choose their
Discussion Activity own meanings for the colors of
the beads.
1. What is a parable? (An earthly story with a heavenly or spiritual
meaning) Heart Message
2. What was being taught in the parable of the rich man and the
Obstacle Course
poor man in 2 Samuel? (David sinned against Uriah by taking his
wife and having him killed.) Rumor
3. How does the truth in Nathan’s story relate to your life? (Greed is
sin. We should be content with what we have and not harm others by try- Shake a Snack
ing to get more.) Healthy Juice


Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks

Closing Activity
Blindfold volunteers, one at a time, and let the other girls guide them with ver-
bal directions through the obstacle course.

Distribute the Take-Home Page

for this unit to the Stars.

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Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
20 / Stars Sponsor Guide

Lesson 2
What is the Parable
of the Prodigal Son?

Exploring the World

Luke 15:11–32
Jesus taught through parables to help believers understand about
spiritual things. Let’s look at one parable, in a group of three, to
Preclub Activity understand why Jesus wants believers to participate in Communion.
The story of the Prodigal Son comes after the Parable of the Lost
Club Distinctives Sheep and the Lost Coin. Each of these parables is about finding
something that is lost and returning it to where it belongs. Have you
Memory Activity ever lost something? (Allow responses.) If you’re like most people, you
searched and searched until you found it. When you found it, how
Giving Time did you feel? (Allow responses.) That feeling of joy and gladness caus-
es us to celebrate. In each of these parables something is lost,
searched for with great desire, and then is found. In each there is
great happiness.
The story of the son who leaves home helps us to understand bet-
ter what it means to be spiritually lost—away from God—and how
much God wants us to return. Let’s read the parable. (Read Luke
Suggestions for 15:11–32. Let volunteers each read a few verses.) What did the father do when
the son asked to find his own place to live? (Allow responses.) How did
Preclub Activity the dad show that he wanted his son to make the right decision to
Affirmation Basket come home? (See verse 20. Allow responses.) The dad wanted his son to
come home from the very beginning. In fact he really didn’t want him
Memory Activity to leave. The father must have continually watched for his son to
Sign Language come home because verse 20 tells us “while [the son] was still a long
way off, his father saw him.” The father must have watched the road
Card Game coming to their house every day, hoping that his son would return.
Have you ever waited for someone to come home after being away
for a long time? (Allow responses.) Wasn’t it exciting to welcome the per-
son back?
What did the father do when he saw his son from a distance? (Allow
responses.) That’s right. He ran to him, gave him new clothes for his old
rags, welcomed him home as his son, and then had a great banquet
to celebrate.
Like the Prodigal Son, people are lost, living away from God. On the
day we ask Jesus to forgive our sin and come into our lives, God the
Father welcomes us home with rejoicing. The verse right before the
Supplies for Parable of the Prodigal Son tells us that the angels in heaven rejoice
Exploring the World when a sinner repents and becomes part of God’s family, called

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Holy Communion / 21

Communion is not a feast. Jesus chose two symbols to help us

remember what He did to make a way for us to come home to God.
When we eat the bread and drink the juice, we remember that Jesus
suffered, bled, and died for us. It is a time to remember and a time to
look forward to joining our Father in heaven. Our salvation makes
God very happy because He always wanted us to live with Him. What
did the father in the story do? (Allow responses.) He threw a party. It was
a moment of great celebration for everyone to welcome home the one
who had left but now returned.
Listen to the words of the parable when the father sees his son (vv. Prayer
22–24), “The father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and
put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring Thank You, Jesus, for making a way for us
the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. For this to come back home to God. We will be happy
for our salvation as we remember through
son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So
Communion Jesus’ sacrifice for us.
they began to celebrate.”
When we take Communion, let’s repent of any sin as we remember
our salvation through Jesus’ sacrifice. Then we will be welcomed into
heaven someday with a great celebration feast.

Discussion Activity
Suggestions for
1. How did the father react when his son returned home? (He
embraced him, gave him new clothes, and had a big feast in his honor.) Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks
2. How are we like the Prodigal Son? (When we get saved, God wel- Salvation Bracelets
comes us into His family.)
3. Why is Communion a solemn, yet happy time? (We remember Wordless Book
Jesus’ sacrifice with thankfulness as we look forward to a great celebration in In the News
Foreign Market
Prayer Puppy Chow (call it “Pig Chow”)

Dirt Dessert
Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks

Closing Activity
Plan a special “welcome” for someone in your home, club, or
church to celebrate the person’s return.

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Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
22 / Stars Sponsor Guide

Lesson 3
What is the Parable
of the Great Feast?
Exploring the World
Matthew 22:1–14
It’s five thirty and no one is here. The party was scheduled to begin
at five o’clock. The invitations were sent three weeks ago. The list was
checked twice so as not to miss anyone. Every effort was made to
make sure those invited would come. Yet, no one came. What a sad,
lonely day that would be. What would you do? (Allow responses.)
Preclub Activity In Matthew 22:1–14 Jesus tells a parable about a king who prepared
a wedding celebration for his son. He sent servants out to invite the
Club Distinctives guests, but no one came. He sent out more servants to invite them
again. Still, they did not come. He had prepared the food. The deco-
Memory Activity rations were finished. The tables were set. Yet, no one who had been
invited showed up. What was he to do?
Giving Time We learned in lesson 1 that a parable is an earthly story with heav-
enly or spiritual meaning. So, in a parable, the elements of the story
can represent something else besides what they are. In this Parable of
the Great Feast, can you guess who the king preparing a wedding
banquet for his son might be? (Allow responses. Direct them to the correct
response if necessary.) If God is the king, then who is the son? (Allow
responses.) That’s right—Jesus is the son in this parable. Who are the
Suggestions for invited guests? (Allow responses. Lead them to name God’s chosen people, the
Preclub Activity Israelites.)
The idea that those who make Jesus Lord of their lives make up the
Match the Girl
bride, and Jesus is the bridegroom in this parable is very obvious. It
Memory Activity comes from the Old Testament. (Read Isaiah 62:5 and Hosea 2:19,20.)
Since Adam and Eve’s sin in the beginning caused the fall of mankind
“1 Corinthians 11:26”
from God’s presence, God has longed for the day when the Church
Hopscotch (those who have been saved) will be reunited with Him in a total per-
sonal relationship. The wedding feast in this case demonstrates that
private relationship. Let’s make some observations about the feast.
s The host must be quite rich. Twice he invited a lot of people who
did not come. Then his servants went out and invited “all the peo-
ple they could find” (v. 10).
s The host could invite anyone he wanted to come.
s The food for the feast was ready and the table was set.
s Some people rejected the invitation to come to the feast, others
gladly accepted the invitation and came.
Think in terms of a parable—an earthly story with a heavenly or
spiritual meaning. What do you think this story represents? (Allow
Supplies for responses. Talk about the wedding feast of the Lamb in Revelation 19:6–9, partic-
Exploring the World ularly as it relates to accepting the invitation to salvation.) Jesus was letting the
people know that all people are offered salvation and His Father is

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Holy Communion / 23

preparing a great feast at the end of time for all those who have
accepted that personal relationship with Him.
In this parable we also find that one person at the feast is not prop-
erly dressed. The host asked him what he was doing there and then
had him thrown out. What does that mean?
In Bible times the host provided a special garment for each person
coming to the wedding. It was expected that this garment would be
kept clean and worn to the wedding. The man with the wrong clothes
on either refused to wear what was provided, thinking his own was
good enough, or he had somehow ruined the garment that was given Prayer
to him. When the host asked how the man got in without the prop- Thank You, Heavenly Father, for inviting
er clothes, the guest had no answer. It seems that the man could have us to Your great celebration in heaven. Help
been properly dressed but chose not to be. us to stay ready to join You by obeying You
From what we’ve already learned about this parable, what biblical and avoiding sin.
lessons does this teach us? (Allow responses.) Just as the host provided a
garment to each person invited to the wedding feast, Jesus covers each
of us with a robe of spiritual righteousness when we ask Him to for-
give our sin and be Lord of our lives. We are to accept, wear, and keep
it clean. This means we accept His forgiveness and continue to let the
Holy Spirit help us live according to the truths in the Bible.
Suggestions for
Each time we take Communion, we declare that we are part of Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks
God’s family. It’s also a reminder of the wedding feast all true
Christians will be part of when Jesus returns. So each time we par-
Make an invitation to the
ticipate in Communion, we need to make sure there is no sin in our Wedding Supper of the Lamb.
lives that would spoil the robe of righteousness Jesus gave us and Include the ABCs of salvation.
keep us from being welcomed. If you think you have committed a
sin, ask Jesus right then to forgive you. Then you will be able to take T-Shirts
Communion, thankful for being a child of God through Jesus Christ.
Don’t Forget Your Coat

Discussion Activity Mail Carrier

1. What is the Parable of the Great Feast? (A picture of God’s provision Giant Celebration Cookie
of salvation to all who will accept it)
Apples in Robes
2. How can someone receive the garment of righteousness? (By
admitting to being a sinner, believing Jesus is God’s Son, confessing sin and
asking Jesus for forgiveness)
3. What should you do if Jesus’ righteousness in you is spoiled by
your sin? (Repent [admit sin and commit to not doing it again, with the
Holy Spirit’s help] and ask forgiveness.)

Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks
Closing Activity
Let the girls work on their cards or T-shirts.

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24 / Stars Sponsor Guide

Lesson 4
What is Jesus’
example of
Exploring the World
The Last Supper
Luke 22:14–20
If you are going to serve Communion at the end of the lesson, make arrange-
ments with your pastor and prepare the elements.
In Luke 22:14–20, Jesus is talking about a time in the future when
He will eat and drink with His disciples again in the Kingdom of God.
Preclub Activity In the last two lessons, we read about banquets. One day we will all
have a great big feast with Jesus, and He will be both the host and the
Club Distinctives guest of honor. That great day will be when every person since Adam
and Eve will bow before Jesus and confess that He is Lord. Not all will
Memory Activity be Christians and eat at the banquet though. Do you remember the
guest from the Parable of the Great Feast? (Allow responses.)
Giving Time In this story of Communion in Luke 22, Jesus is having one last
meal with His disciples. He tells them that one day He will do it again
with them. During this meal, He uses the elements (bread and juice)
to help the disciples understand why He is going to die and what it
means to them—and to us. He is creating a picture of what His broken
body (the bread broken) and His shed blood (the juice poured out)
Suggestions for What does Jesus’ broken, beaten, and pierced body provide for us?
Let’s find out. (Read or let the girls read the following verses: Isaiah 53:4,5; Luke
Preclub Activity 4:18,19; 1 Peter 2:24.) What do these Scripture passages tell us Jesus’ bro-
Wrap It Up ken body means? (Allow responses.) His broken body provides all kinds
of healing for us—physical, emotional, and spiritual.
Memory Activity
What does Jesus’ shed blood mean to us? (Allow responses. Ask two vol-
Find the Verse unteers to read Ephesians 1:7 and Hebrews 9:22,28.) Jesus’ blood, lost in His
death, provides the forgiveness of our sins. In the Old Testament the
Israelites had to offer sacrifices of animals continually. Jesus’ death on
the Cross was the last sacrifice of blood ever needed for forgiveness
of sin. The sacrifice of His life paid for the sins of all people of all time.
Turn to Revelation 19:6–9. (Read this passage or let a volunteer do so.) This
passage tells us about the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. It is the
description of what it is going to be like when the disciples of Luke
22 and the disciples (Christians) of all time will eat that meal with
Jesus that He talked about at the Last Supper. It will be the time when
we are home in heaven forever. It’s like the feast the father gave for
Supplies for the returned Prodigal Son or the great feast the king had for his son
Exploring the World who was getting married.
In Bible times parents arranged the weddings. That means the par-
ents of a girl and a young man would get together and decide that
Communion elements

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Holy Communion / 25

their children should get married someday. The bride’s family would
pay a dowry (money, livestock, or property) so that she could marry
the groom. When the time for the actual marriage took place, the
bridegroom would go to the house of the bride and escort her to his
house. The bride and bridegroom would then eat the wedding sup-
per together with everyone who attended. At this time, the marriage
would take place.
This parable gives us a picture of everyday life in Bible times that
teaches us what it will be like when Jesus comes for the Church, those
who are saved. God arranged the marriage and He sent His Son to
die—paying the dowry that the bride could not afford to pay—so that Prayer
we could accept His invitation to this wedding. The bridegroom is Heavenly Father, forgive us for the wrongs
going to come to our house (earth) to take us to His house (heaven) we have done, knowingly or unknowingly.
at the time of the Rapture so we can eat the wedding feast together Help us to make our relationship with You
and then live with Jesus forever. the most important thing in our lives.
Jesus’ example of Communion through the Last Supper tells us
what elements we should use for Communion—bread and juice. It tells
us to take part in Communion as a remembrance of Him. We are to
remember these things as we partake of Communion:
s Remember that Jesus died on the Cross for us so we could be
s Remember that we, like the Prodigal Son, have come back to Suggestions for
being part of God’s family. Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks
s Remember that, as in the Parable of the Great Feast, each of us
is welcome and there is always room for more.
s Remember to examine ourselves to make sure we are clean and Cross Bead Necklace
ready for Jesus’ return by repenting of any sin.
s Remember that someday true believers will be served Marshmallow Mountain
Communion by Jesus at the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. We are Human Video
brought to heaven to be with Him.
Pita Bread
Discussion Activity No Bake Cookies
1. What elements did Jesus use at the Last Supper? (Bread and juice)
2. According to Jesus, why should we have Communion? (In
remembrance of Him and His sacrifice for us)
3. Who should partake of Communion and what it looks forward
to? (Those who have repented of sin and accepted salvation anticipate the
Wedding Supper with Jesus when He returns for us.)

Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks
Closing Activity
Let the pastor serve Communion after you provide time to pray with girls who
might not yet know Jesus as their Savior.

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26 / Stars Sponsor Guide

Project Idea Suggested Adventures

Volunteer to prepare and/or clean
up after your church’s next for This Unit
Communion service.

Ask your pastor to accompany your club to a nursing

home and give those residents an opportunity to partic-
ipate in Communion.
Visit websites of various denominations to compare
Communion practices.

Bulletin Board

C over the bulletin board

with light-blue tissue
paper. Attach a picture of
the Last Supper in the middle of
the bulletin board. Print the title
“Holy Communion” on paper and
staple at the top. Print and attach
the words “Remember Me” at the
bottom. Attach a picture of each

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Water Baptism / 27


Water Baptism
I Choose to Be Like Christ
Notes to the Sponsor
Upon completion of this unit the
girls may want to be baptized in
water. It is important for you to know
your pastor’s and church board’s
feelings and policies on water bap-
tism, particularly as it relates to bap-
tizing a child. Discuss this with your
pastor ahead of time to determine if
your girls can be baptized, and if so,
a possible date. A water baptismal
service might be scheduled already.

Memory Verse
“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19,
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”
(Matthew 28:19, KJV).
See page 36 for suggested
Central Truth Adventures, project, and bulletin
Jesus commands us to be baptized.

Clubroom Discoveries
Lesson 1: Why does the Church baptize in water?
Lesson 2: What does water baptism mean?
Lesson 3: Who should be baptized?
Lesson 4: How should we baptize?

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28 / Stars Sponsor Guide

Lesson 1
Why does the Church
baptize in water?

Exploring the World

Water baptism, along with Communion, is a part of church life that
comes directly from Jesus as an important part of a believer’s life. Let’s
look at Jesus’ own life.
Preclub Activity Who has heard of John the Baptist? (Allow responses.) Before Jesus
began His ministry, John started preaching that everyone needed to
repent of their sins and be baptized in water. (Read Mark 1:1–8.) The
Club Distinctives Bible tells us that many people came to the Jordan River to confess
their sins and be baptized by John. He also told the people that one
Memory Activity greater than he was coming soon. John was talking about Jesus. (Read
Mark 1:9–11.) Jesus, who was perfect and had no reason to repent and
Giving Time be baptized based on what John was preaching, still did so. He did
this so people would see that He was giving himself fully to God and
He did this as an example for us to follow.
Jesus, God’s Son, humbled himself by submitting to John’s ministry.
What happened next? (Allow responses.) God responded to His Son’s
obedience and humility. The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus, and God
audibly spoke to Him. Wow! Obedience set the stage for God’s
approval. Humility provided the backdrop. Do you think God was
Suggestions for pleased? (Allow responses. Reread Mark 1:11 if necessary.)
What lessons can we learn from this moment in Jesus’ life? (Allow
Preclub Activity
responses. Lead them to this: God desires our obedience. God is pleased by our
Music Mural humility. God voices His approval.)
Memory Activity If Jesus thought water baptism was important, how does that direct
us? Let’s listen to His words. Look at Matthew 28:18–20. (Read the pas-
“Matthew 28:19” sage or ask a volunteer to read it.) This passage is called the Great
Secret Code
Commission. This is some of Jesus’ final teachings during the time
after His resurrection and before He ascended to heaven. He is send-
ing the believers into the world to preach the message of salvation
through His death for us. What are we supposed to do according to
Jesus’ command? (Allow responses. Guide them to this answer: Go and make
disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit. Teach them to obey everything He has commanded.)
Did the disciples obey? (Ask volunteers to read a few of the following
Scripture verses to answer that question: Acts 2:41; 8:12; 8:35–39; 9:18; 10:47,48;
16:15; 16:30–33; 19:3–5.) Because of His death and resurrection, Jesus
has the authority to issue the command to the Church to baptize
Supplies for
believers in water. In Mark 16:15,16, Jesus says that all the world will
Exploring the World hear and “whoever believes and is baptized will be saved.” When Peter
preached his first message on the Day of Pentecost, he finished the

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Water Baptism / 29

sermon by telling all who were listening, “Repent and be baptized,

every one of you” (Acts 2:38).
Those who accepted Jesus as Savior in the time of the New
Testament were baptized in water to show he or she was Jesus’ fol-
lower. Jesus established the command and the Church obeyed it. We,
too, should obey it.

Discussion Activity Prayer

1. Who baptized Jesus? (John the Baptist) Ask God to help the girls humble
2. What is the second part of the Great Commission? (Baptize them themselves and be obedient to Him
in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.) by following Jesus’ example to be
3. Why does the Church baptize in water? (Because Jesus commanded baptized in water after salvation to
it and set the example) show they are obeying Him.


Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks

Suggestions for
Closing Activity Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks
Talk to the girls about your experience of water baptism and what it meant
to you. Give the details of when and where. Tell who was there and express any Candle Craft
special things that might have occurred. Ask the girls if they have been bap-
tized in water or have attended a water baptism service. Have them share their Reading a Recipe
experiences and insights. Left/Right

Cheese Dippers

Heart-Shaped Cookies

Distribute the Take-Home Page

for this unit to the Stars.

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
30 / Stars Sponsor Guide

Lesson 2
What does water
baptism mean?

Exploring the World

Let’s review lesson 1. Why do we have water baptism in the
Church? (It is Jesus’ command for all who are saved to do so.)
Preclub Activity Why do you think Jesus told believers to be baptized in water?
What do you think its purpose is? (Allow the girls to interact. Perhaps throw
Club Distinctives in a couple of silly thoughts such as: “They needed to have their clothes washed,” etc.
Share the following text, but don’t make any connection except to say this is what
Memory Activity it looks like.) Before we finish our brainstorming, let’s think about what
happens when someone is baptized in water. First, the person walks
Giving Time into the water and remains upright in it. Then the person is immersed
in (put completely under) the water. Finally, the person is brought up
out of the water. Thinking of a life cycle, what might this process be
a picture of? (Allow time for the girls to think for a moment, then go on to the
next paragraph.)
Water baptism is in one way an illustration. It is a picture of Jesus’
Suggestions for death, burial (going into and under the water), and resurrection (com-
ing out of the water). It is also a picture of what each believer experi-
Preclub Activity ences as he or she dies to sin and through forgiveness, is given new
You will need paper and pencils. Ask life. But water baptism is more than just this symbol of death to sin
the girls to write their definitions of the and new life in Jesus. It is an act of obedience.
words submit and identify. As we surrender our lives to Jesus, He expects that we will obey
Memory Activity Him. Water baptism is a first step. It is a declaration of dependence on
Jesus. When we enter the waters of baptism, we tell all those around
Sign Language us that we have given our lives to Jesus and that we identify with Him
Dramatize the Verse in His death, burial, and resurrection. (Read Romans 6:1–6.) We declare
that we will walk with Him in the experience of our new life. (Read
Romans 6:8,11.) We say that we have turned away from (died to) a life
of sin and are now following Jesus, living a new life of righteousness
in Jesus.
Furthermore, water baptism becomes another reminder of our
belonging to Jesus. It is a memorial or milestone moment in our lives.
It is a time that we can return to in our memories as a specific
moment that we know we declared to others that Jesus is our Savior
and Redeemer. When the devil (or anyone else) tries to convince us
that we don’t belong to God or haven’t surrendered our lives to Him,
Supplies for we can point back to when we confessed our sin and received for-
Exploring the World giveness of sin. Then we can point to that moment when we went
into the water in obedience and submission to Him.

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Water Baptism / 31

Discussion Activity
1. Why do we have water baptism in the Church? (Jesus commanded
it for all who are saved.)
2. What is water baptism a symbol of? (A person’s death to sin and new
life through forgiveness)
3. Water baptism is an act of ____________________. (obedience)

Prayer Prayer
Dear God, thank You for giving us this
memorial (milestone moment) in our lives.
Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks We will always be able to look back at our
water baptism and remember that we chose
to be like You.
Closing Activity
Let the girls continue to practice the memory verse by singing along with
“Matthew 28:19.”

Suggestions for
Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks
Club Banner

Printing Block
Write Jesus or Obey instead of girls’

Writing Letters

Trust Fall

Apple With Caramel Dip

Flavored Popcorn

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32 / Stars Sponsor Guide

Lesson 3
Who should be

Exploring the World

Does a person need to be baptized in water to get into heaven?
(Allow responses.) The answer to this question is easy and hard at the
same time. No. For an example let’s read Luke 23:39–43. (Read the pas-
Preclub Activity sage.) The thief on the cross who asked Jesus to remember him when
Jesus came into His kingdom was told that he would be with Jesus
Club Distinctives that day in paradise. This repentant thief did not have time to be bap-
tized. In Ephesians 2:8,9 the Bible tells us that salvation is by God’s
Memory Activity grace and not by our works. If we accept salvation through Jesus’
dying on the Cross for us, in repentance and faith, we are saved and
Giving Time will go to heaven. Nothing else can save us or make our salvation any
more sure.
So where does obedience to water baptism and other things like
that come into play? (Allow responses.) We can find some answers in the
Book of James. (Read James 2:14–19.) James tells us it is not enough to
have faith without good works. What do you think that means? (Allow
responses.) If we have truly given our lives to Jesus, the natural result
will be lives of doing good works that honor Jesus. On the other hand,
Suggestions for if we do all the right things, even get baptized in water but have not
accepted Jesus’ forgiveness and let Him be the ruler of our lives, we
Preclub Activity are not saved. Good works (being nice to others and helping them)
Check ‘Em Out
without faith in Jesus Christ is a good moral life with no eternal
future. True faith in Jesus will cause us to want to do good works.
Memory Activity When we have given Jesus control of our lives by being fully obedi-
*“Matthew 28:19” ent to Him, we can be confident that we will live with God forever.
Water baptism is a natural next step of our faith after salvation. One
Popcorn who is saved should obey Jesus in this action. He set the example and
commanded that all believers follow it. It does not matter how old
you are. It only matters that you have repented of your sins and asked
Jesus into your life. It is important to know that water baptism is not
for unbelievers (people who have not asked Jesus to be Lord of their
lives). A baby, who is baptized at birth, must still at some point later
in her life admit to sin and ask Jesus to forgive her. That baptismal
experience as a baby will not get her into heaven as an adult.
Water baptism is a believer’s baptism. In Peter’s sermon in Acts 2:38,
he says, “Repent and be baptized.” Repentance (believing in Jesus and
Supplies for admitting to sin) comes first. In Acts 19:2–5, Luke tells us that the peo-
Exploring the World ple had not yet received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. They did,
however, follow Jesus’ teaching by being baptized in water after they

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
Water Baptism / 33

believed. In Acts 8:38, Philip baptized the man from Ethiopia, because
he believed.
Anyone who repents and asks Jesus to be her Savior can be bap-
tized. It is an act of obedience to Jesus’ command for all believers.

Discussion Activity
1. Does a person need to be baptized in water to get into heaven?
(No) Prayer
2. Who should be baptized? (Christians of any age—adults and children)
Pray with girls who are not saved.
3. What will be the result of faith in Jesus? (A desire to do good works)
Pray that all the girls will be sure of
their salvation and express a desire to
Prayer be baptized in water.

Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks

Closing Activity Suggestions for

Talk with the girls about their salvation and about following Jesus’ exam-
Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks
ple in water baptism.
See your pastor and schedule a baptismal service for the girls who are saved Finger Puppets
but have not yet obeyed the command to be baptized.
Stained Glass

Bushman’s Witness

Twenty Questions

Message Cakes

Ants on a Log

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
34 / Stars Sponsor Guide

Lesson 4
How should we

Exploring the World

Turn to Acts 8:26–40 and compare it with Matthew 3:13–17, Mark
Preclub Activity 1:9–12, and John 3:23. (Ask a few volunteers to help with the reading of these
passages.) What similarities do you see? (Allow responses. Listen for the fol-
lowing: People obeying God. People being baptized. Lots of water. People going into
Club Distinctives the water.)
Some churches teach that sprinkling (the pouring of a little water
Memory Activity on the head of the candidate) is the proper pattern. Others, such as
those of our fellowship, believe in immersion—the entering into and
Giving Time being lowered under the water. The primary reason for this is what
we discussed in the second lesson. Can anyone tell me what we
learned is the purpose of water baptism? (Allow responses.) In water
baptism we identify visually with Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrec-
tion. We also make a declaration to others of the death and burial of
sin in our lives and of our resurrection into a new life through Jesus
Christ. It’s as if each of us says, “I have died to sin, have been buried,
Suggestions for and Jesus has resurrected me into a new life.” The apostle Paul said it
this way in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new cre-
Preclub Activity ation; the old has gone, the new has come!”
Group Mural As we have already studied, this immersion in water takes place
after we have confessed our sin and given our lives to Jesus. The word
Memory Activity
in the language of the Bible (not English) that we translate to the
Memory Match English word baptism has a very specific meaning. It meant “to sub-
merge, dip, or immerse.” Can anyone tell me what those words mean?
Memory Verse Puzzle
(Allow responses.) At Jesus’ baptism, He was immersed. Matthew says
that He “went up out of the water” (3:16). In Acts 8:38 when Philip
baptized the Ethiopian eunuch, they both went down into the water.
In each of these cases it would have been unnecessary to have large
amounts of water if they were only to sprinkle. Also, Jesus would not
have come up out of the water, as He would not have needed to be
in the water to be sprinkled.
Let’s go back to where we started in the first lesson to the words of
Jesus in Matthew 28:18–20. Do you remember what that passage is
called? (Allow responses—the Great Commission.) In that passage Jesus told
us to do several things. Can you remember them? (Allow responses. Go
Supplies for and make disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of
Exploring the World the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey everything He has commanded.)
Why did Jesus tell us to baptize in the name of the Father and of

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
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Water Baptism / 35

the Son and of the Holy Spirit? (Allow responses.) We call this the bap-
tismal formula. Jesus connected these words as a specific part of the
experience of water baptism. It shows the equality of the Godhead.
There is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The
three are one—equal in power, glory, and authority. As we are baptized
using these words, we are recognizing God the Father, God the Son,
and God the Holy Spirit as having equal and total control in our lives
as we are publicly claiming our relationship to them.
Jesus gave these instructions out of His authority to do so. No other Prayer
person in Scripture offered any other formula. In Acts 5:29 Peter says,
“We must obey God rather than men.” Jesus established this formula, Thank You, Heavenly Father, for giving us
instructions about how to follow Jesus in
and it is the only one for water baptism written in the Bible.
water baptism. Help us to remember the pur-
pose of being baptized in water—to identify
Discussion Activity with Jesus in His death, burial, and resurrec-
tion and to show that we are obeying Jesus.
1. What is the purpose of water baptism? (To identify with Jesus in His
death, burial, and resurrection)
2. How should we baptize a believer? (By immersion in water)
3. What are the words we use from Jesus’ Great Commission to us
when baptizing a believer in water? (“In the name of the Father and
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”)
Suggestions for
Prayer Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks
Motion Picture
Crafts, Activities, Games, and Snacks Draw pictures of the sequence of
water baptism.

Steps Frame
Closing Activity
Encouragement Clothesline
Let the girls work on the unit project they have chosen to complete for this
unit. Pass the Word

Veggies With Dip

Gelatin Jigglies

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
36 / Stars Sponsor Guide

Project Idea Suggested Adventures

Have the girls write a report, poem,
or song about their baptism experi- for This Unit
ence or about one they’ve witnessed.
Ask them to illustrate their baptism
experience in a painting, sketch, clay
sculpture, or other visual art medium.

Visit a facility that manufactures or installs water

baptismal tanks.

Complete one lesson by a river, lake, ocean, or any

body of water deep enough to facilitate water baptism.

Bulletin Board

C over your bulletin board

with green paper and sta-
ple a blue crepe-paper
river across it. Add cut-out repro-
ducible figures of John the Baptist
and Jesus and staple them on the
water. Print on white or yellow
paper the title “Water Baptism”
and staple it at the top of the
board. Print on paper “I choose to
be like Christ” and staple it at the
© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
Stars Activity Page Answer Key / 37

Activity Page Answer Key
Growing—Connected to the Son
Activity Page 1
The memory verse is at the top of the Activity Page.
Exploration Station
Make it rich in oxygen
Activity Page 2
Circle the following pictures: sunlight, good soil, water, ladybugs, praying
mantis, bumblebee.
Exploration Station
To remove damaged, weak, and unproductive branches or to remove blossoms
or fruit so that the remaining fruit is larger and healthier.
Activity Page 3
Complete the maze.
Exploration Station
Activity Page 4
I, vine, you, branches, remains, I, him, bear, much, fruit, me, do, nothing, 15:5
Exploration Station
worship God; pray; read the Bible; forgive others; lead others to Jesus

Holy Communion—Remember Me
Activity Page 1
Wise and foolish builders—Matthew 7:24–27
Workers in the vineyards—Matthew 20:1–16
Sheep and goats—Matthew 25:31–46
Lost coin—Luke 15:8–10
Persistent widow—Luke 18:2–8
Exploration Station
c. An earthly story with a heavenly or spiritual meaning
Activity Page 2
Complete the maze.
Exploration Station
bread and juice
Activity Page 3
“Whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s
death until he comes,” First Corinthians 11:26, NIV.
garment, righteousness

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
38 / Stars Sponsor Guide

Exploration Station
God, Jesus, all the people in the world who made Jesus Lord of their lives
Activity Page 4
Jesus teaching to large group on hillside
Jesus with twelve disciples at the Last Supper
Jesus on cross
Empty tomb
Jesus going up to heaven
Modern church scene
Jesus standing at the head of many long tables (wedding supper of Lamb)
Exploration Station
Jesus’ broken body and His shed blood

Water Baptism—I Choose to Be Like Christ

Activity Page 1
Go, disciples
Baptize, Father, Son, Holy Spirit
Teach, obey, everything
Exploration Station
Be humble
Obey God
Activity Page 2
I have died to sin and, through forgiveness, have been given new life.
Exploration Station
A specific time we can look back on and know we turned to Jesus
Activity Page 3
“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” Matthew 28:19, NIV.
Exploration Station
Christians of any age. Anyone who believes on Jesus and makes Him the Lord
of her life.
Activity Page 4
Girl at altar; girl reading Bible; Pastor baptizing girl in water
Exploration Station
It is the formula Jesus established and it is the only formula written in the

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Activities and Games / 39

Activities and Games

Spice Guessing
Bring in small amounts of different herbs and spices, such as lemon, chili pep-
pers, cinnamon, cloves, basil, fennel seed, garlic, curry, ginger, and black pepper.
Take turns blindfolding each girl and letting her sniff each spice to see if she
can guess what it is. Talk about the variety God has provided even for season-
ing our foods.

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Crafts / 41


Bean & Seed Mosaic ($$, 10 minutes)

Materials—Small bags of dried beans in various colors — black, white, red,
pinto, anasazi, as well as lentils, green split peas and unpopped popcorn; white
tacky glue; thick macramé cord or twine; a thick cardboard piece about four by
four inches for each girl.
Glue the heavy cord around the top outside edge of each of the cardboard
squares. This will keep the beans from falling off while the glue dries. Allowing
the girls to use different colored and shaped beans, let them make designs or
objects. Geometric designs tend to come out the best. Gluing a small section at
a time proves to be less messy. The glue should be applied quite
thickly. Placing the beans in divided dishes or separate bowls
helps with cleanup afterward.

Plant Seeds ($$, 10 minutes)

Materials—Small peat pots or Styrofoam cups; seeds that sprout
and mature quickly, such as green beans; potting soil; water; pan;
newspapers to protect tables.
Cover tables with newspaper. Allow the girls to fill the cups or pots
about two-thirds full with potting soil. Read the directions on the seed
packets and plant two or three seeds in each cup. Water to moisten.
Punch holes in the bottom of the cups to allow water drainage. Place
the cups in a pan to catch the water. Instruct the girls to watch over
their plants and keep them moist and in sunlight.

Ladybug Stones ($, 20 minutes)

Materials—Pictures of ladybugs; a couple of smooth, light-colored
stones, about one to three inches large, for each girl; black and red craft
paint; small-tipped paintbrushes; googly eyes; black pipe cleaners;
scissors; white glue.
Before the meeting, wash the stones and allow to dry completely. Show the
girls pictures of ladybugs. They may either use one whole stone as a ladybug
or use larger stones and paint several ladybugs on them. For one stone as a
ladybug, paint the whole stone red. Paint a black line down the center and
across the front quarter of the stone, which will be the head. Then paint black
dots over the rest of the ladybug’s back. When the paint is dry, glue two goo-
gly eyes on the head. Cut black pipe cleaners for legs and glue them under the
stone so they stick out like legs. Two short antennae pieces may also be glued
on the head.

Flower Arranging ($$$, 15 minutes)

Materials—A variety of freshly cut flowers from the garden; clean jars or
bud vases; sprigs of fern or baby’s breath.

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42 / Stars Sponsor Guide

Let the girls practice flower arranging, using a variety of colors and shapes of
flowers. Sprigs of fern or baby’s breath add a finishing touch.

Potato Prints ($$, 30 minutes)

Materials—One potato per girl; small paring knives; craft paint and brushes;
paper towels; sheets of white copy paper; foil or wax paper for girls to mix
paints on; newspaper for covering tables; water cups.
You may want to have extra assistance with this activity since the girls will
be using knives. Slice a potato in half and blot with a paper towel to dry. Have
the girls carefully carve out shapes and designs on the smooth surface of the
cut potato. Keep the shapes simple. Cut out around the shape so that what
will be printed will be raised above the rest of the potato surface. Apply paint
and print onto sheets of paper. The potato does not have to be repainted for
each print. The second and third prints will just be lighter. Encourage the girls
to overlap their prints and to experiment with mixing colors. If some of the
girls want to carve out a letter, remind them that most letters will appear back-
ward when printed.

Design-a-Garden ($$, 40 minutets)

Materials—Sturdy box flats or box lids (about nine by twelve inches), one per
girl; bucket of clean sand; toothpicks; modeling clay; pebbles; twigs and small
sticks; small pieces of mirror (about one to three inches); sprigs from evergreens;
white glue; scissors; old seed and garden catalogs; paper plates; garden-scented
air freshener (optional).
Ask your grocer to save box flats that display canned goods. Supplies may
be placed in sturdy paper plates for the girls to choose from. Allow the girls to
plan out a vegetable, flower, or rock garden. They may want to include a peb-
bled path, a fence made of twigs or toothpicks, trees, and bushes. The sand
may be used around the garden. The mirror piece may be set down into the
sand so the edges don’t show. The upright plants may be secured in a small
piece of modeling clay. Flowers and vegetables may be cut out of the seed cat-
alogs and glued down. The finished gardens may be sprayed with air freshener.

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com

Zucchini Bread
3 eggs
2 cups sugar
1 cup salad oil
2 cups zucchini, peeled and very finely chopped (or ground in blender)
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
3 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder

1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 cup chopped nuts (optional)
1 cup raisins (optional)

Beat eggs in large bowl; add sugar and oil, mixing well. Add rest of
ingredients and mix until well blended. Pour batter into two greased
bread pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Let cool slightly and loosen
sides of bread before removing from pans.

Herb Tea Samples

Choose three or four types of herbal teas that you think the girls might
like. Some suggestions are lemon, apple-cinnamon, peppermint, or
chamomile. Steep in teapots and serve in fancy teacups for a treat.

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com

Star’s Name Badge

Dear Parent, In this unit your daughter will be working on her Growing—Connected to the Son badge.
The emphasis will be how we need to grow in Christ just as plants grow in good soil. Listed below is
what she will be learning.

Memory Verse: “I am the vine; you are the Lesson 3: What did Jesus say about plants?
branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, Lesson 4: How do I keep my heart a garden for
he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can God?
do nothing” (John 15:5, NIV). “I am the vine, ye
are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in Home Discussion
him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for s Plant some flower seeds and help your daughter
without me ye can do nothing” (John 15:5, KJV). care for them. The seed packet will tell you
when to expect to see sprouts.
Central Truth: Jesus provides everything I need s Take a walk through your neighborhood and
to grow. talk about the different plants you see along the
Clubroom Discoveries s Ask your daughter to help you weed a garden
Lesson 1: Why are plants so important? area. Volunteer to do this at your church or a
Lesson 2: What do plants need to grow? park if you don’t have a garden at your home.

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com

Star’s Name Badge

Dear Parent, In this unit your daughter will be working on her Holy Communion—Remember Me
badge. She will be learning about the significance of Communion. Here is what she’ll be learning.

Memory Verse: “Whenever you eat this bread Clubroom Discoveries

and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death Lesson 1: What is a parable?
until he comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26, NIV). “For as Lesson 2: What is the Parable of the Prodigal Son?
often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye Lesson 3: What is the Parable of the Great Feast?
do show the Lord’s death till he come” Lesson 4: What is Jesus’ example of Communion?
(1 Corinthians 11:26, KJV).
Home Discussion
Central Truth: I remember Jesus’ sacrifice and s What is a parable?
look for His soon return when I participate in s How is Communion a symbol of a great feast?
Communion. s What are the elements of Communion?

© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
Star’s Name Badge

Dear Parent, In this unit your daughter will be working on her Water Baptism—I Choose to Be Like
Christ badge. She will be learning about following Jesus’ example of water baptism. Listed below is
what she will be learning.

Memory Verse: “Go and make disciples of all Lesson 3: Who should be baptized?
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father Lesson 4: How should we baptize?
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew
28:19, NIV). “Go ye therefore, and teach all Home Discussion
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, s Talk about people your daughter admires and
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew how she shows that admiration.
28:19, KJV). s Review the memory verse with your daughter.
Make up a song together to learn the memory
Central Truth: Jesus commands us to be bap- verse.
tized. s What is Jesus’ example of water baptism?

Clubroom Discoveries
Lesson 1: Why does the Church baptize in water?
Lesson 2: What does water baptism mean?

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Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com
© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
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© 2012 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Permission to duplicate for local church use only. www.GospelPublishing.com

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