Internal Audit Manual
Internal Audit Manual
Internal Audit Manual
The Internal Auditor in the Philippine Government has the fundamental role of
assisting the Department Secretary or the Governing Body/Audit Committee of the
Governing Board in promoting effective, efficient, ethical and economical operations
by appraising the adequacy of internal controls, consistent with the National
Guidelines on Internal Control Systems (NGICS). The findings on the appraisal of
internal controls are provided to said officials/bodies to institute corrective and
preventive measures and achieve the agency objectives.
The role of the Internal Auditor is not about fault-finding. Neither is it investigative nor
punitive. As one of the accountability mechanisms in public service organizations, the
Internal Auditor reviews the extent of compliance with laws and policies under the
authority of the Department Secretary or the Governing Body/Audit Committee.
Part I – Guidelines outlines the basic concepts and principles of internal audit,
and the policies and standards that will guide government agencies in
organizing, managing, and conducting an effective internal audit.
To complement the PGIAM and facilitate the roll-out of the NGICS, Generic Manuals
on Controls in the Human Resource Management System, Quality Management
System, and Risk Management System will also be issued. An overview of these
generic manuals is provided in Appendix A.
The Department of Budget and Management, in conjunction with the Office of the
President – Internal Audit Office, the Commission on Audit, and the Reference Panel
will regularly review these manuals to ensure that these remain updated, relevant and
attuned to the developments in the bureaucracy and best practices abroad.
TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................ii
LIST OF BOXES......................................................................................vii
LIST OF FIGURES..................................................................................vii
LIST OF TABLES.....................................................................................vii
LIST OF APPENDICES...........................................................................viii
LIST OF ACRONYMS...............................................................................x
PART I - GUIDELINES..............................................................................1
1. Internal Control Framework....................................................................................34
1.1 Objectives of Internal Control...........................................................................34
1.2 Components of Internal Control........................................................................35
1.3 Control Environment.........................................................................................35
1.3.1 Plan of Organization.................................................................................35
1.3.2 Coordinated Methods and Measures.......................................................36
1.3.3 Integral Process.......................................................................................36
1.4 Risk Assessment..............................................................................................37
1.4.1 Risk Identification.....................................................................................37
1.4.2 Risk Analysis............................................................................................38
1.4.3 Risk Evaluation........................................................................................ 38
1.5 Control Activities...............................................................................................41
1.5.1 Risk Response.........................................................................................41
1.5.2 Performance Review and Improvement of Operations,
Processes and Activities..........................................................................42
1.5.3 Compliance Review and Improvement of Operations,
Processes and Activities..........................................................................42
1.6 Information and Communication.......................................................................42
1.6.1 Information............................................................................................... 43
1.6.2 Communication........................................................................................ 44
1.6.3 Accountability for Transparency...............................................................45
1.7 Monitoring.........................................................................................................46
1.7.1 Ongoing Monitoring..................................................................................46
1.7.2 Separate Evaluation.................................................................................47
1.7.3 Combination of Ongoing Monitoring and Separate Evaluation.................47
1.7.4 Distinction Between Monitoring, Performance Review
and Compliance Review..........................................................................49
2. Administrative Relationships...................................................................................49
2.1 Supervision and Control...................................................................................50
2.2 Administrative Supervision...............................................................................50
2.3 Attachment....................................................................................................... 50
5.2 Operations Audit Division.................................................................................60
6. Head of Internal Audit.............................................................................................62
6.1 Status............................................................................................................... 62
6.2 Qualifications.................................................................................................... 63
6.3 Responsibilities.................................................................................................64
6.4 Skills................................................................................................................. 64
7. Staffing the Internal Audit Service/Internal Audit Unit.............................................65
7.1 Temporary Personnel Movements to Supplement Internal Audit
7.1.1 Detail....................................................................................................................66
7.1.2 Secondment.............................................................................................66
7.1.3 Other Arrangements.................................................................................67
8. Internal Audit Budget..............................................................................................68
PART II - PRACTICES............................................................................73
2.2 Validate Previous Audit Follow-up Report......................................................110
2.3 Discuss with the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom.....................................................110
3. Summary.............................................................................................................. 110
3.3.2 Sampling................................................................................................ 140
3.3.3 Computer-Assisted Audit Techniques and Tools...................................140
3.4 Techniques in the Analysis of Evidence.........................................................141
4. Root Cause Analysis............................................................................................ 141
4.1 Root Cause Analysis Techniques...................................................................142
4.1.1 5 Whys Technique..................................................................................142
4.1.2 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis.........................................................142
4.1.3 Fault Tree Analysis.................................................................................142
4.1.4 Fishbone or Ishikawa Diagrams.............................................................142
4.1.5 Pareto Analysis...................................................................................... 143
5. Perform Substantive Tests on the Samples.........................................................143
6. Use of Work of Other Experts...............................................................................144
7. Integration and Preparation of Highlights of Audit Findings..................................144
Box 1 – Chronology of Issuances on the Creation of the IAS/IAU.............................5
Box 2 – Rule X: Grounds for Administrative Disciplinary Action..............................25
Box 3 – Issuances on the Organization and Staffing of the IAS/IAU.......................57
Figure 1 – Compliance Audit Flow Diagram.......................................................9
Figure 2 – Management Audit Flow Diagram...................................................10
Figure 3 – Operations Audit Flow Diagram.......................................................12
Figure 4 – Workback Approach Flow Diagram.................................................13
Figure 5 – Internal Control Framework.............................................................34
Figure 6 – Organizational Chart of the Office of the Secretary.........................57
Figure 7 – Organizational Chart of the Department Proper..............................58
Figure 8 – Organizational Chart of the Internal Audit Department
of a GOCC/GFI................................................................................58
Figure 9 – Organizational Chart of the Internal Audit Service...........................59
Figure 10 – Flow of Internal Audit Activities........................................................74
Figure 11 – Diagram of Internal Audit Key Processes........................................74
Figure 12 – Strategic Planning Flow Diagram....................................................77
Figure 13 – Baseline Assessment of ICS Flow Diagram....................................78
Figure 14 – Control Significance and Materiality and Control Risk
Flow Diagram..................................................................................98
Figure 15 – Assessment of Internal Audit Risk Flow Diagram..........................100
Figure 16 – Audit Process Flow Diagram.........................................................113
Figure 17 – Audit Engagement Planning Flow Diagram...................................114
Figure 18 – Audit Execution Flow Diagram.......................................................122
Figure 19 – Audit Reporting Flow Diagram.......................................................126
Figure 20 – Audit Follow-up Flow Diagram.......................................................129
Figure 21 – Ishikawa Diagram..........................................................................143
Table 1 – Distinction Between Management Review and Management Audit......11
Table 2 – Functions Related to Internal Control Among the Operating Units,
the Support Services Units, and the Internal Audit Service..................31
Table 3 – Qualification Standards for the HoIA.....................................................63
Table 4 – Qualification Standards for the IAS/IAU Staff........................................65
Table 5 – Example of a Management Audit Coverage.......................................106
Table 6 – Example of an Operations Audit Coverage.........................................106
Table 7 – Example of Audit Focus/Foci for One Period......................................109
Table 8 – Contents of the Audit Plan for Management Audit..............................120
Table 9 – Contents of the Audit Plan for Operations Audit.................................120
Table 10 – Oversight Over IAS/IAU by COA and DBM.........................................151
Table 11 – Request for Opinion, Rulings and Interpretations...............................154
Appendix A : Summary of Generic Manuals on Controls in the Human
Resource Management System (HRMS), Quality Management
System (QMS) and Risk Management System (RMS)..................168
4Cs Criteria, Condition, Conclusion and Cause
4Es Effective, Efficient, Ethical, Economical
ABM Agency Budget Matrix
AO Administrative Order
AR Audit Risk
ARP Allotment Release Program
AuditCom Audit Committee
AWP Annual Work Plan
BA Baseline Assessment
BAC Bids and Awards Committee
BAR Baseline Assessment Report
BC Budget Circular
BSC Balanced Scorecard
CAATTs Computer-Assisted Audit Techniques and Tools
CIS Computerized Information System
CL Circular Letter
COA Commission on Audit
COSO Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission
CPA Certified Public Accountant
CSC Civil Service Commission
CU Control Universe
DA Department of Agriculture
DBIFC Disclosure of Business Interests and Financial Connections
DBM Department of Budget and Management
DepED Department of Education
DOH Department of Health
DOJ Department of Justice
DPWH Department of Public Works and Highways
DS Department Secretary
EO Executive Order
FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
FTA Fault Tree Analysis
GAA General Appropriations Act
GAAM Government Accounting and Auditing Manual
GB Governing Board
GFI Government Financial Institution
GISP Government Information Systems Plan
GOCC Government-Owned and/or -Controlled Corporation
GQMSS Government Quality Management Systems Standards
HoA Head of Agency
HoIA Head of Internal Audit
HRM Human Resources Management
ICS Internal Control System
IA Internal Auditor
IAS/IAU Internal Audit Service/Internal Audit Unit
ICQ Internal Control Questionnaire
IDR Identification and Disclosure of Relatives
IFAC International Federation of Accountants
IIA Institute of Internal Auditors
INTOSAI International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISPPIA International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal
IT Information Technology
KPI Key Performance Indicator
MC Memorandum Circular
MD/MU Management Division/Unit
MO Memorandum Order
MTPDP Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan
MUS Monetary Unit Sampling
NCA Notice of Cash Allocation
NEDA National Economic and Development Authority
NGAS National Government Accounting System
NGICS National Guidelines on Internal Control Systems
NOSCA Notice of Organization, Staffing and Compensation Action
OGCC Office of the Government Corporate Counsel
OMB Office of the Ombudsman
OP- IAO Office of the President – Internal Audit Office
OPIF Organizational Performance Indicators Framework
PAPs Programs, Activities, Projects
PD Presidential Decree
PGIAM Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual
PhilGEPS Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System
PMS- Performance Management System – Office Performance Evaluation
OPES System
PNS Philippine National Standards
PSIPOP Personal Services Itemization and Plantilla of Personnel
PSSO Public Service Sector Organizations
QMS Quality Management System
RA Republic Act
RCA Root Cause Analysis
RMS Risk Management System
SAI Supreme Audit Institutions
SALN Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth
SARO Special Allotment Release Order
SCA Statement of Control Attributes
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission
SG Salary Grade
SoG Summary of Gaps
SP Strategic Plan
SUCs State Universities and Colleges
SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
TCWP Test of Control Working Paper
UNDC United Nations Disarmament Commission
UNTAG United Nations Transition Assistance Group
WB World Bank
WD Working Days
Part I
In fulfilling their mandates and missions, departments and agencies must consider
and observe the general objectives of internal control, namely to:
1. Safeguard assets;
2. Check the accuracy and reliability of accounting data;
3. Ensure efficient, effective, ethical and economical operations;
4. Comply with laws and regulations; and
5. Adhere to managerial policies.
1. Control environment;
2. Risk assessment;
3. Control activities;
4. Information and communication; and
5. Monitoring.
While it is the direct responsibility of the agency head to install, implement and
monitor a sound system of internal control, the Internal Audit Service/Unit (IAS/IAU)
assists him/her by conducting a separate evaluation of the internal control system
(ICS) to determine if controls are well designed and properly implemented. This
function of the IAS/IAU is separate or distinct from the function of the operating units,
other support units, and their equivalent in Government-Owned and/or -Controlled
Corporations (GOCCs) and Government Financial Institutions (GFIs), which monitor
and institute continual improvement of internal controls to support the achievement of
performance targets and organizational objectives.
From a baseline assessment of the ICS which identifies gaps or control deficiencies,
the IAS/IAU recommends an audit agenda for approval by the Department
Secretary/Head of Agency (DS/HoA) or the Governing Board/Audit Committee
(GB/AuditCom). Once approved, internal audit is conducted based on set procedures
and criteria. The results of internal audit are submitted to the DS/HoA or the
GB/AuditCom with appropriate recommendations. The PGIAM provides guidelines
and protocols in the performance of these internal audit functions.
1. Definition of Internal Audit
The results of internal audit are provided to the DS/HoA or the GB/AuditCom to
assist management in achieving organizational objectives in an effective, efficient,
economical and ethical manner.
The establishment of the internal audit Box 1 – Chronology of Issuances on the Creation
of the IAS/IAU
function is based on Philippine laws and
statutes. The creation of the Internal 1. Presidential Abolished the IAS created under
Audit Service (IAS) was first mandated Decree No. 1 RA 3456, as amended by RA
under Republic Act No. 3456 or the 4177, and transferred the function
to the Management Division
Internal Auditing Act of 1962, as
2. Administrative Created an IAS in the Department
amended by Republic Act No. 4177. Code of 1987 of Public Works and Highways,
With the or EO 292 and included the supervision of
reorganization of the Executive Branch of internal audit activities as one of
government under Presidential Decree the functions of the Department of
No. 1, the IAS was abolished but its Finance‟s Central Financial
Management Office
functions were merged with the 3. AO 278 & AO Provided authority for the creation
Management Division of the Financial 70 of an IAS and its functions, duties
and Management Service (FMS) of and activities
Departments. The Administrative Code of 4. DBM Budget Highlighted the policy guidelines in
Circular 2004-4 the organization, staffing, positions
1987 re-established the IAS in the and salary grades of the IAS
Department of Public Works and 5. DBM-CSC Provided for the creation of an
Highways. Joint IAS/IAU with its functions in line
Resolution No. with Executive Order No. 366
Subsequent administrative 1, s. 2006
orders mandated government 6. DBM Circular Provided the guidelines in the
Letter No.organization of the IAS and
entities to strengthen their 2008-5 clarified its functions, and the rank
internal control systems and and salary grade of the head of the
organize systems and IAS
procedures in coordination with 7. DBM Circular Provided that the IAS would be
the Department of Budget and Letter No. composed of a Management Audit
2008-8 Division and an Operations Audit
Management (DBM). More recent administrative Division, order and and DBM issuances
specified the
provided for the creation, functions, duties and activities of the functions
IAS/IAU‟s IAS/IAU. related to
internal control
The chronological summary of issuances on the organization, staffing, functions
and activities of internal audit is provided as follows.
c. Department of Justice Opinion No. 153 dated 27 September 1974, noted that
the IAS/IAU was abolished by the Integrated Reorganization Plan under PD
No. 1 and found no legal basis to allow the payment of salary differentials to
seven Auditing Examiners II serving in said defunct IAS/IAU.
d. Executive Order No. 292 (Instituting the Administrative Code of 1987) dated
25 July 1987, created an IAS/IAU in the Department of Public Works and
Highways under Sec. 4, Ch. 1, Title V, Book IV, and included the supervision
of internal audit activities as one of the functions of the Department of
Finance‟s Central Financial Management Office under Ch. 3, Title II, Book
i. DBM Budget Circular 2004-4 (Guidelines on the Organization and Staffing of
Internal Auditing Units) dated 22 March 2004, provided for the policy
guidelines in the organization, staffing, positions and salary grades of the
IAS/IAU in Departments/Agencies/GOCCs/GFIs concerned.
k. DOJ Opinion No. 007 dated 29 January 2007, in response to the query on
whether or not RA No. 3456, as amended by RA No. 4177, is still the
enabling law on the establishment of the internal audit function in
government agencies, cited the evolution of the IAS/IAU from RA No. 3456,
as amended by RA No. 4177, to PD No. 1, wherein the IAS/IAU was
abolished but its functions were merged with the Management Division under
the FMS. It also recognized DBM Budget Circular (BC) No. 2004-04 in
setting the Guidelines on the Organization and Staffing of Internal Auditing
Units. However, the DOJ opined that the query be coursed to the Office of
the Government Corporate Counsel (OGCC) and/or the DBM.
l. OGCC Opinion No. 099 dated 30 May 2007, stated that PD No. 1 recognized
that the IAS/IAU had been abolished but its functions had been merged with
the Management Division under the FMS, and DBM BC 2004-04.
3.1 Scope
3.2 Functions of IAS/IAU
4. Types of Audits
There are three types of audit: compliance audit, management audit, and
operations audit.
1) The Philippine
1) Control Environment
5) Monitoring 6) Contractual
investigating agencies, and the rules on vaccination and immunization in the
case of health facilities. Examples of support services systems are human
resource management system, financial management system, quality
management system, risk management system and their sub-systems. The
audit is conducted to identify issues and control weaknesses or management
deficiencies in the organization, thus providing top management with courses
of action to address the problem area.
Components of
Internal Control Controls Output
3) Control Activities 3) Adherence to Managerial Effectiveness
4) Information and
Communication Support 4) Compliance w/ LRP
processes 5) Ensure 4Es of Operations
5) Monitoring
4.2.2 Management Review and Management Audit
4.3 Operations Audit
Consistent with the Code using
Perform of Conduct and Ethical Standards
the least
amount of inputs within a
specific timeframe Ethical
Input Evaluation Outcome Evaluation
Process Evaluation Output Evaluation
Quality Quality Quality Quality
Input Process Outputs Outcomes
Law, mandate, Implementation,
program, organization, risk response, Products and Benefits and
staff, system‟, resources performance and services impact or
and managerial policies compliance reviews change
In undertaking operations audit, the auditor seeks to:
The work back approach of operations audit requires proper
identification of programs/projects/processes and their respective
outputs and outcomes. This is to establish causality between
programs and projects, projects and processes, as well as their
respective outputs and outcomes.
a. Programs/Projects/Processes
Based on the foregoing, the following can be construed:
i. Outcome Evaluation
outcomes with the baseline data. An estimate of what would
have happened in the absence of a department/bureau/
regional office or a local government unit program is
intended beneficiaries is established. This is to determine
the extent of the contribution of the
programs/projects/processes to the agency outcome and
to the actual/observed impact or change in the condition of
intended beneficiaries.
of project outputs (major final outputs) to program
outcomes towards the fulfillment of citizens‟ needs and
Processes/interrelated activities are also evaluated as to their
ability to meet the requirements of quality outputs. Process
evaluation determines whether or not processes/interrelated
activities are quality processes that contribute to the delivery of
quality outputs to meet citizens‟ needs and expectations.
Citizen-focused public service sector organizations are
characterized by quality results (outputs and outcomes), quality
processes and quality inputs. Quality is defined in terms of its
ability to meet citizens‟ needs and expectations. Hence, quality
results, quality processes and quality inputs of public service
sector organizations are geared towards the fulfillment of these
needs and expectations.
ii. Assess whether or not the means provided (legal, budget, etc.)
for a new or ongoing government program are adequate,
consistent, suitable or relevant;
iii. Assess whether or not the quality and quantity of the public
services meet the citizens‟ needs or the statutory objectives;
v. Identify the relative utility of alternative approaches to yield
better performance or eliminate factors that inhibit
program/project effectiveness.
b. Efficient means being able to “do things right” given the available
resources/inputs and within a specified timeframe. This is about
delivering a given quantity and quality of outputs with minimum
inputs or maximizing outputs with a given quantity and quality of
inputs. It follows the principle of prioritization and leveraging by
determining the critical path and assigning available resources.
Efficiency means optimum utilization of resources keeping in mind
the objectives of the organization.
In essence, efficiency indicates how well an organization uses its
inputs to produce or deliver products/goods and services. Thus, it
focuses on the transformation of inputs to outputs, and the rate
(productivity) at which inputs are used to produce or deliver the
outputs. Output dimensions include quantity and quality. The
quantity of outputs delivered to the public are in terms of amount,
volume, or number of products/goods and services produced or
delivered. Outputs should meet the quality requirements; statutory
and regulatory requirements; agency requirements; process
design and standards; and the needs and expectations of the
citizens. In short, quality outputs are delivered to improve the
quality of life of the public being served.
d. Economical means being able to perform functions and tasks
using the least amount of resources/inputs within a specific
timeframe. It implies that the resources/inputs should be acquired
at the right cost, at the right time, at the right place, in the right
quantity and of the right quality.
The Internal Auditor should avoid conflict of interest at all times, thereby
maintaining objectivity and impartiality and upholding public interest. He/she
should maintain an impartial, unbiased attitude, characterized by integrity
and an objective approach to work and be constantly conscious of and alert
to factors which may give rise to conflict of interest.
Objectivity and impartiality are vital to the effectiveness of the internal audit
function. Objectivity means an unbiased mental attitude and professionalism
that allows an Internal Auditor to perform engagements with no quality
compromises. The principle of objectivity imposes on all Internal Auditors the
obligation to be fair and intellectually honest. Objectivity requires the auditors
not to subordinate their judgment on audit matters to that of others. In the
execution of an audit, the Internal Auditor must base his/her findings on
relevant, reliable, sufficient and timely audit evidence and a set of criteria.
Such criteria include statutory policies, rules, regulations and procedures. 11
Impartiality, on the other hand, means that the Internal Auditor is free from
bias and conflict of interest. He/she does not use his/her position to acquire
benefits or advantage for his/herself or his/her related interests. In case of an
actual or potential conflict of interest, he/she practices full disclosure and
inhibits his/herself from participating in the decision making process.
To be objective and impartial, the Internal Auditor shall at all times uphold
public interest over and above personal interest. He/she should have no
direct authority or responsibility for the activities he/she reviews and no
responsibility for developing or implementing processes or systems. He/she
should not engage in regular functions or activities which are the primary
duties of the unit of the agency, except as noted in the NGICS. He/she
should not have a vested interest in the activity being audited. Internal
auditors are not allowed to make the rules – they shall audit against
performance standards that are already in place and accepted by the
agency. If they develop the rules, they cannot impartially evaluate the
effectiveness and application of these rules.
Based on the audit objectives and subject to compliance with the internal
security policies of public service organizations,12 the head of agency should
authorize Internal Auditors to have full, free and unrestricted access to all
functions, premises, assets, personnel, records, and other documents and
information that the head of internal audit (HoIA) considers necessary in
undertaking internal audit activities.
Confidentiality is not only a matter of disclosure of information. It also
requires that the Internal Auditor acquiring information in the course of the
audit neither uses nor appears to use that information for personal
advantage or for the advantage of a third party.
The HoIA and the individual internal audit staff are responsible and
accountable for maintaining the confidentiality of the information they receive
during the course of their work.
d. Standards and other Continuation of Box 2
issuances of
These acts shall continue to be
intergovernmental prohibited for a period of one (1) year
organizations such as the after resignation, retirement, or
United Nations‟ specialized separation from public office, except in
committees and agencies; the case of paragraph (c) above, but the
and professional concerned cannot practice
his profession in connection with any
matter before the office he used to be
e. Relevant or applicable with, within one year after such
standards and best resignation, retirement, or separation
practices in governance, provided that any violation hereof shall
accountability, and be a ground for administrative
disciplinary action upon re-entry to the
operations, both local and government service.
international, such as the
(e) Disclosing or misusing confidential or
International Organization classified information officially known to
for Standardization (ISO) him by reason of his office and not made
and other officially available to the public, to further his
recognized organizations private interests or give undue
advantage to anyone, or to prejudice the
and associations.
public interest;
5.7 IAS Functions vis-à-vis (f) Soliciting or accepting, directly or
indirectly, any gift, gratuity, favor,
Activities and Operations of entertainment, loan or anything of
Other Units monetary value which in the course of
The IAS should not participate his official duties or in connection with
any operation being regulated by, or any
in the activities and operations
transaction which may be affected by the
of another unit. The IAS/IAU is functions of, his office. The propriety or
not responsible for or required impropriety of the foregoing shall be
to participate in procedures determined by its value, kinship or
which are essentially part of relationship between giver and receiver
and the motivation. A thing of monetary
regular operating activities or
value is one which is evidently or
the primary responsibility of manifestly excessive by its very nature.
another unit in the Gift refers to a thing or a right disposed
organization. These include of gratuitously, or any act of liberality, in
management and process favor of another who accepts it, and shall
improvement of operating and include a simulated sale or an ostensibly
support services systems such onerous disposition thereof.
as quality management, human Loan covers both simple loan and
resource management, and commodatum as well as guarantees,
financing arrangement or
financial management, which accommodations intended to ensure its
are the responsibilities of the approval. Commodatum refers to a
operating and support services contract whereby one of the parties
units concerned. Refer to Table deliver to another something not
2 for the functions related to consumable so that the latter may use
the same for a certain time and return it.
Internal Control among the
Operating Units, the Support
Services Units and the IAS.
In particular, the IAS/IAU
should not undertake agency Continuation of Box 2
and sectoral risk assessment. This prohibition shall not include:
This responsibility rests with top (1) Unsolicited gift of nominal or insignificant
management and the functional value not given in anticipation of, or in
exchange for, a favor from a public
and operating units concerned. official or employee or given after the
transaction is completed, or service is
Operational risk assessment is rendered. As to what is a gift of nominal
best undertaken by a person or value will depend on the circumstances
a unit responsible for managing of each case taking into account the
salary of the official or employee, the
those risks. frequency or infrequency of the giving,
the expectation of benefits, and other
Moreover, except for purposes similar factors.
of planning and prioritizing (2) A gift from a member of his family or
potential audit areas, the relative as defined in the Code on the
IAS/IAU should not conduct occasion of a family celebration, and
control risk assessment. without any expectation of pecuniary gain
or benefit.
Control risk assessment is
(3) Nominal donations from persons with no
primarily performed by top
regular, pending, or expected
management as part of its transactions with the department, office
regular functions. Heads of or agency with which the official or
organizations or units from the employee is connected, and without any
Department Secretary down to expectation of pecuniary gain or benefit.
the regional and local (4) Donations coming from private
government heads who organizations, whether local or foreign,
which are considered and accepted as
exercise supervision and humanitarian and altruistic in purpose
control or administrative and mission.
supervision at their levels, i.e., (5) Donations coming from government to
sector, organization/agency, government entities.
services, bureaus, regions, as As to gift or grants from foreign
well as local government units, governments, the Congress consents to:
must conduct an assessment of (i) The acceptance and retention by a
their own control risks. public official or employee of a gift of
nominal value tendered and received
Control risks include as a souvenir or mark of courtesy;
operational risks. In bureaus, (ii) The acceptance and retention by a
regional offices and local public official or employee of a gift in
the nature of a scholarship or
government units, the bureau fellowship grant or medical treatment;
director, regional director, or
governor and mayor performing (iii)The acceptance by a public official or
management control functions employee of travel grant or expenses
shall conduct both operations for travel taking place entirely outside
and control risk assessments. the Philippines (such as allowances,
transportation, food and lodging) of
more than nominal value, if such
acceptance is appropriate or
consistent with the interests of the
Philippines, and permitted by the head
of office, branch, or agency to which
he belongs.
5.8 Internal Audit Not an
Assurance and Consulting Continuation of Box 2
Activity Nothing in the Code shall be construed
to restrict or prohibit any educational,
Internal audit in government is scientific or cultural exchange programs
not an “assurance” and subject to national security
“consulting” activity. The IAS/IAU requirements.
is an office/unit within a (g) Obtaining or using any statement filed
government department or under the Code for any purpose
contrary to morals or public policy or
certain agencies as authorized by any commercial purpose other than by
law to have such. It assists the news and communications media for
Department Secretary or the dissemination to the general public;
Governing Body and performs (h) Unfair discrimination in rendering public
functions delegated by the head service due to party affiliation or
of agency. Its auditees are not its preference;
customers; neither is the (i) Disloyalty to the Republic of the
Department Secretary nor the Philippines and to the Filipino people;
Governing Body its client. The (j) Failure to act promptly on letters and
request within fifteen (15) days from
IAS/IAU is therefore subordinate
receipt, except as otherwise provided
to the head of the organization in these Rules;
within which it has been (k) Failure to process documents and
established. complete action on documents and
papers within a reasonable time from
5.8.1 Consulting Activity is preparation thereof, except as
otherwise provided in these Rules;
Non-government Service
(l) Failure to attend to anyone who wants
to avail himself of the services of the
Consultancy services are office, or to act promptly and
not considered expeditiously on public personal
government service since transactions;
no employer-employee (m) Failure to file sworn statements of
relationship exists assets, liabilities and net worth and
between the consultant disclosure of business interests and
financial connections; and
and the government.14
(n) Failure to resign from his position in the
They are not covered by private business enterprise within thirty
Civil Service Law, Rules (30) days from assumption of public
and Regulations. They office when conflict of interest arises,
however are covered by and/or failure to divest himself of his
shareholdings or interests in private
COA rules.15
business enterprise within sixty (60)
days from such assumption
5.8.2 Consulting Activity is of public office when conflict of interest
Non-audit Service arises,: Provided however, that for
those who are already in the service
and a conflict of interest arises, the
Non-audit services are
official or employee must either resign
those tasks like consulting or divest himself of said interests within
services which are the periods here-in above provided,
requested by management reckoned from the date when the
for the IAS/IAU to perform conflict of interest had arisen.
that directly support the
agency‟s operations.16
Section 5 (f), RA 9184, “Government Procurement Reform Act”
defines consulting services, to wit:
Finance and Management Office or Comptrollership Office, or the
Chief of Office who has direct supervision and control over the
agency‟s accounting and financial transactions, and the Head of
Agency or his/her authorized representative. In said statement, those
signatories have to certify that “management maintains a system of
accounting and reporting which provides for the necessary internal
controls to ensure that transactions are properly authorized and
recorded, assets are safeguarded against unauthorized use or
disposition and liabilities are recognized.”
The IAS/IAU does not exercise direct supervision and control and is
not responsible for procedures which are essentially a part of regular
operating activities or in operations which are the primary
responsibility of another unit in the agency/organization. 20 Thus, it is
not the function of the IAS/IAU to ensure and even assure that the
agency‟s internal controls and operations are effective, efficient,
ethical and economical.
Table 2 - Functions Related to Internal Control Among the Operating Units,
the Support Services Units, and the Internal Audit Service
Support Services Units
Operating Units,
such as Planning, Internal Audit
Bureaus, Regional and
Administrative, Financial Service/Unit
Field Offices
and Management Services
Nature and Purpose of Review
Actions To Be Taken
5.9 Internal Audit Studies, Services and Other Seminars by Private Persons
or Firms
b. The Commission shall have certified in writing its prior decision not to
undertake such contract.
The Commission may, however, engage the services of experts from the
public or private sectors in the conduct of these studies subject to the
following provision:
Aside from the certification requirements from COA, contracts with private
institutions for consulting services must comply with the governing principles,
rules and regulations for government procurement.22 With reference to RA
9184 or the Government Procurement Reform Act, consulting services
include, among others, advisory and review services, management and
related services, and other technical services or special studies.
1. Internal Control Framework
The most basic competence that an Internal Auditor must possess is the
knowledge of internal controls. Pursuant to DBM CL 2008-5, one of the functions
of the IAS/IAU in relation to internal control is to conduct an appraisal of the
organization‟s internal control system to determine whether internal controls are
well designed and properly operated.
It is reiterated here that the Internal Auditor is not responsible for establishing
internal controls. As mentioned earlier, it is the direct responsibility of the agency
head to install, implement and monitor a sound system of internal control. 23
Figure 5 shows the Internal Control Framework consisting of the internal control
objectives and the internal control components in the context of the public service
Internal Control Objectives
Reliability of Accounting and Ethical Operations
Safeguarding Assets Ensure Economical,
Check Accuracy and Managerial Policies
Comply Efficient , Effective
with Laws
and Regulations
Adherence to
Public Service
Mo nitoring
In fulfilling its mission and mandates, an agency must achieve as well the
separate but interrelated general objectives of internal control, namely to:
a. Safeguard assets;
b. Check the accuracy and reliability of accounting data;
c. Adhere to managerial policies;
d. Comply with laws and regulations; and
e. Ensure effective, efficient, ethical, and economical operations.24
1.2 Components of Internal Control
The internal control system consists of control features built into and made
an integral part of an organization‟s processes to regulate and guide its
operations to ensure that the abovementioned objectives are attained.
a. Control environment;
b. Risk assessment;
c. Control activities;
d. Information and communication; and
e. Monitoring.25
Control environment is the general framework serving as basis for the other
four components of internal control. It is the scope and coverage of an
organization‟s internal control system which impacts on its structural and
operational framework.26
This component integrates all the other four internal control components that
influence the direction and quality of an agency‟s strategies and outcomes. It
also includes the concept of “Tone from the Top”, emphasizing the important
role that top management plays in instilling control consciousness.
The control features are built into, not on, and made as integral part of the
plan of organization and all the coordinated methods and measures
implemented by top management and personnel to achieve the control
to operating units to ensure the efficient functioning of the entire
The control environment includes the informal, and often intangible, soft
controls, such as ethics, integrity, management practices, discipline and
commitment to competence. It also includes laws, rules, regulations and
managerial policies currently in place to support good governance and
The control environment in the public service sector context is also sectoral
and is not restricted by organizational boundaries. Thus, it includes the
c. Stakeholders.
For example, the public service sector organization of the education sector
consists of the following: (a) schools - public and private educational
institutions; (b) learning centers - non-formal and informal sources of
knowledge and skills; and (c) the Department of Education (DepEd).
To illustrate, the internal stakeholders of the DepEd in the education sector
include, among others, the local school boards, Parents Teachers and
Community Associations (PTCAs), the Congressional and local Sanggunian
committees on education. Its external stakeholders include other public
service sectors such as the public works sector (i.e., DPWH and its internal
stakeholders) – for roads going to the school, the health sector (i.e., DOH
and its internal stakeholders) for the health and nutrition of the students.
1.4.2. Risk Analysis
Aside from risk assessment, the other core elements of the risk
management process are:
Risk assessment, along with the other foregoing elements of the risk
management process, is the basis for determining how those risks
should be managed, to assess the relative susceptibility of agencies
to uncertainties due to internal and external opportunities and threats.
As a component of internal control, risk assessment plays a key role
in the selection of the appropriate control activities to undertake.32
The IAS/IAU should not undertake agency and sectoral operational
risk assessment. The determination on whether or not the risk
management system would address the risk in operations is the
responsibility of the operating and functional units concerned, i.e.,
the bureaus and offices, including the regional and field units and
the planning, administrative, financial and management services
Except for planning and prioritizing audit areas, the Internal Auditor
should not conduct control risk assessment. Heads of agencies or
units from the Department Secretary down to the regional and
local government heads who exercise supervision and control over
the sector, organization/ agency, service, bureau, region, as well
as the local government units, must make an assessment of their
own control risks. They must conduct identification, analysis, and
evaluation of those risks which may undermine the achievement of
the control objectives, e.g., risks that their policies and guidelines
may not be achieved.
1.5 Control Activities
These are the mechanisms that management establishes to ensure that their
policies and guidelines are carried out, including the processes identified to
address the risks. They occur at all levels and in all functions throughout and
across the agency. They are the response to a risk designed to contain the
uncertainty of an outcome that has been identified.
a. For some risks, the best response is to transfer them. This is done
by removing the impact or the consequences of the risk event. An
example of a risk transfer is through insurance coverage, that is,
by paying a third party to take the risk in another way.
d. Risk treatment involves one or more options for modifying risks
and implementing those options. Once implemented, treatments
provide or modify the risks.
Under ISO 31000 and ISO 31010, risk treatment options are not
necessarily mutually exclusive or appropriate in all circumstances.
The options can include the following:
Information must be shared in a determined format and communicated in a
given time period which enables the parties concerned to fulfill internal
control objectives and other responsibilities.
1.6.1 Information
1.6.2 Communication
External parties can provide inputs that may have highly significant
impact on the extent to which an agency achieves its goals, thus, the
agency should also ensure adequate means of communicating with,
and obtaining information from them.
1.6.3 Accountability for Transparency
i. Citizen‟s Charter;
ii. Public assistance desk; and
iii. Report card survey.
Thus, in addition to providing information, the heads of agencies must
also report to their constituents on the results of those plans and
programs implemented and services delivered and must ensure
access to said reports and supporting documents.
1.7 Monitoring
1.7.2 Separate Evaluation
Baseline assessment is primarily done by the heads of
organizations or units from the Department Secretary down to the
regional and local government heads who exercise supervision
and control at their levels, i.e., sector, agency, service, bureau and
region, as well as local government units.
c. Assessment of Internal Audit Risk
2. Administrative Relationships
To operationalize this particular objective, the Administrative Code of 1987
distinguishes the following administrative relationships pertaining to the manner
by which agency activities may be controlled, supervised and coordinated.40
This is usually the relationship between a department and the bureaus under
it. This includes the authority to act directly whenever a specific function is
entrusted by law or regulation to a subordinate; direct the performance of
duty; restrain the commission of acts; review, approve, reverse or modify
acts and decisions of subordinate officials or units; determine priorities in the
execution of plans and programs; and prescribe standards, guidelines, plans
and programs.
The department can require the submission of reports and initiate the
conduct of management audit, performance evaluation and inspection to
determine compliance with policies, standards and guidelines; and take
action as may be necessary for the proper performance of official functions,
including rectification of violations, abuses and other forms of
maladministration. Further, the department has the authority to review and
pass upon the budget of such agencies under its administrative supervision
but it may not increase or add to it.
2.3 Attachment
1. Establishment of Internal Audit Service/Unit
2. Reporting Lines
The IAS/IAU is an integral part of the agency which provides assistance to the
DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom and performs functions delegated by the DS/HoA or
GB/AuditCom.43 As such, the IAS/IAU shall report to the following:
b. In the case of regular attached agencies, the IAS/IAU shall report to the HoA.44
c. For multi-headed agencies, the IAS/IAU may report directly to the Governing
Body. The GB may opt to organize an Audit Committee from among its
members to which the IAS/IAU shall report directly.45
d. In the case of GOCCs/GFIs, the IAS/IAU shall report to the Audit Committee of
the Governing Board of the corporation.
Pursuant to Section 124 of the Government Auditing Code of the Philippines and
the Administrative Code of 1987, the DS/HoA or the GB/AuditCom has the direct
responsibility to install, implement and monitor a sound system of internal control.
However, the DS/HoA/GB/AuditCom may task the IAS/IAU to undertake the
appraisal of the internal control within the department, agency, GOCC/GFI or
As an output of its internal audit functions, the IAS/IAU may provide inputs to the
DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom in:
In the conduct of internal audit work, the internal audit staff must:
a. Comply with the government‟s Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Public Officials and Employees;
c. Acquire the skills in dealing with people and communicating audit findings and
recommendations and related issues effectively;
To be effective, the IAS/IAU must have the trust and confidence of the principals
and key stakeholders it works with. This can only be established and maintained
by fostering effective working relationships and delivering high quality and timely
internal audit services.
Key stakeholders may either be internal or external.
a. Internal stakeholders include those within the sector (e.g., Civil Service
Commission, Office of the Ombudsman, and other review and oversight
bodies). These are the individuals and groups that can affect and be affected
by the agency‟s operation within a particular public service sector. In terms of
relationship, the IAS/IAU basically coordinates with internal stakeholders.
b. External stakeholders, on the other hand, pertain to those outside the sector.
These are the persons, organizations and other service groups that are
outside a specific public service sector but may have an interest and can
influence the achievement of the sectoral goals of the agency concerned. The
IAS/IAU only collaborates with external stakeholders.
4.1 Internal Audit Service/Internal Audit Unit and the Department Secretary
As mentioned in the previous section, the IAS/IAU must report directly to the
DS/HoA.46 It is reiterated that the Department Secretary or the agency head
is not the client of the IAS/IAU. Instead, a superior-subordinate relationship
exists between the DS/HoA and the Internal Auditors. This means that the
HoIA is accountable to the DS/HoA. This relationship should be used as an
opportunity for internal audit to gain insights into new and emerging issues
and concerns facing the organization, and to discuss the role that the
DS/HoA requires the IAS/IAU to fulfil, in line with the latter‟s mandated
4.2 Internal Audit Service/Internal Audit Unit and the Governing Body
4.3 Internal Audit Service/Internal Audit Unit and the Audit Committee in
The relationship between the IAS/IAU and the Audit Committee is also
crucial and is likely to have a number of dimensions. These involve the
a. The IAS/IAU being functionally responsible to the Audit Committee for the
implementation of the internal audit program which places the Audit
Committee in the role of being the IAS‟ primary principal and requires the
latter to have a close professional relationship with the Audit Committee;
4.5 Internal Audit Service/Internal Audit Unit and the Commission on Audit
The COA has the Constitutional authority and duty to examine, audit and
settle accounts in accordance with law and regulations. 47 The Constitution,
as well as the Administrative Code of 1987, also provides that, “where the
internal control system of the audited agencies is inadequate, the COA may
adopt such measures, including temporary or special pre-audit, as necessary
and appropriate to correct the deficiencies”. This authority of the COA is
distinguished from the functions of the IAS/IAU.
The IAS/IAU is an integral part of the department or agency and assists in
the management and effective discharge of the responsibilities of the Office
without intruding into the authority and mandate of the COA granted under
the Constitution48 or encroaching on or be adversarial with those of the
auditors of the COA.49 However, there must be constructive cooperation
between the IAS/IAU and the COA.
The coverage of internal audit provided in the Strategic and Annual Internal
Audit Work Plans, including the appropriate amendments, are subject to the
authority of the DS/HoA or the GB/AuditCom.
Access to internal audit plans, working papers and reports is subject to the
authority of the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom and/or in accordance with
Department-specific policies on security of information and disclosure.
4.6 Internal Audit Service/Internal Audit Unit and Oversight, Regulatory and
Other External Bodies
The HoIA can liaise in behalf of, and with authority from, the DS/HoA or the
GB/AuditCom, with other external reviewers as part of the organization‟s
governance arrangements. It is critical that these activities are performed
with authority from the DS/HoA or the GB/AuditCom.
It is important that the Internal Auditors are abreast with professional and
industry developments, and use networking opportunities to assist in their
continuing professional development. They must continually update
themselves on new frontiers of internal auditing and respond to
developments affecting their profession, subject to applicable laws and
5. Organizational Structure
Box 3 – Issuances on the
To be able to provide the services Organization and
expected of the IAS/IAU, it is important Staffing of the
that it has: IAS/IAU
DBM Budget Circular No. 2004-4
a. An appropriate organizational structure; dated 22 March 2004
entitled, “Guidelines in the
b. Access to sufficient human resources Organization and Staffing of Internal
Auditing Units” DBM Circular
with the necessary skills and
Letter No. 2008-5 dated 14
experience; and April2008 entitled,
Staffing ofin thean Organization and
Internal Audit
c. An adequate budget. Service/Unit and Management
Division/Unit in Departments/
The quantum and mix of resources Agencies/GOCCs/GFIs Concerned”
DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-8
required is influenced by a number of dated 23 October 2008 entitled,
factors. “National Guidelines on Internal
Control Systems”
It is important that the IAS/IAU be positioned well within the organization. The
location of the IAS/IAU in the organizational structure of the Office of the
Secretary and in the department proper is provided in Figure 6 and Figure 7.50
Undersecretary Undersecretary
The IAS/IAU of the Department shall report directly to the Department Secretary.
It shall be headed by a Director IV or as may be provided by the Administrative
Code of 1987 or other special laws. The Director IV shall be occupied by a career
official with a third level eligibility.
Office of the Secretary Internal Audit
In the absence of special provisions, the major staff units of a Department include
the Planning Service, Financial and Management Service, Administrative Service,
and when necessary, the Technical and Legal Services. 51
Except when otherwise provided by law, each Department may have units which
shall perform planning, financial and management, administrative services,
internal audit, and other support to operations.52
In the case of regular agencies attached to a Department for policy and program
coordination, their respective Board/Council shall determine the propriety of
establishing a separate unit for the purpose or avail of the services of the IAS/IAU
of the Department.53
Risk Board of
Management Directors Audit Committee
The IAS/IAU in departments and equivalent agencies shall consist of two divisions
- an Operations Audit Division and a Management Audit Division as shown in
Figure 9.55 The Divisions shall be headed by an Internal Auditor V (SG 24).
Office of the
DS/HoA or
Functional Statements
a. Conduct management audit of activities and its units and determine the
degree of compliance with the mandate, policies, government regulations,
established objectives, systems and procedures/processes and
contractual obligations (Section 2.4b, DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-5 and
Section 1.1.2, AO 278, s. 1992);
b. Review and appraise systems and procedures/processes, organizational
structure, assets management practices, financial and management
records, reports and performance standards of the agencies/units
covered (Section 2.4c, DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-5);
e. Ascertain the extent to which the assets and other resources of the
institutions are accounted for and safeguarded from losses of all kinds
(Section 1.1.3, AO 278, s. 1992);
Administrative Order No. 278,61 s. 1992 further espoused the operations
audit function where it explicitly stated that the internal audit activities shall
include “[r]eviewing of operations or programs to ascertain whether or not
results are consistent with established objectives and goals and whether or
not such programs are being carried out as planned.” (underscoring
Functional62 Statements
The Operations Audit Division shall evaluate the extent of compliance and
ascertain the effective, efficient, ethical and economical execution of
operations by utilizing internal auditing methods. The Division is tasked to
perform the following functions:
i. Perform miscellaneous services, including special investigations and
assistance to outside contacts such as COA (Section, DBM
Budget Circular No. 2004-4).
The HoIA is responsible for ensuring that the internal audit function and
engagement are delivered efficiently and effectively toward the attainment of the
IAS/IAU objectives. In doing so, the HoIA should maintain utmost commitment to
public interest and the highest degree of excellence, professionalism, intelligence
and skill.
6.1 Status
The rank and salary grade of the HoIA are stipulated in Sections 2.5 to 2.7 of
DBM Circular Letter 2008-5.
6.2 Qualifications
The HoIA must meet the eligibility requirements specified in Sections 2.5 to
2.7 of DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-564. As a career service officer, he/she
must also meet the prescribed minimum education, training and experience
requirements. However, CSC MC No. 12, s. 2006 encourages agencies to
set specific or higher standards for their IAS/IAU positions. These must be
submitted to the CSC for approval, and once approved, shall be adopted by
the Commission as qualification standards in the attestation of the
appointments of non-Presidential appointees of the agency concerned.
The following Qualification Standards for the HoIA may be adopted for CSC
The knowledge that the HoIA must possess prior to qualification consists of
general knowledge and professional knowledge.
Since both management and operations audits start with compliance audit,
which involves the determination of the degree of compliance with laws,
regulations, managerial policies, accountability measures, ethical standards
and contractual obligations, it would be an advantage if the HoIA possesses
sufficient foundation in law and is familiar with the rudiments of the law, in
addition to the general knowledge gained from the basic education.
The HoIA must also possess functional expertise. His/her knowledge of a
specific function and sector (e.g., health) must be contextualized within the
operations of the department/agency which performs this particular function.
It helps if he/she has relevant experience in applying this knowledge in a
work setting as it enhances his/her understanding of the organization and its
6.3 Responsibilities
a. Ensuring the efficient and effective operation of the internal audit function;
c. Leading the development of the internal audit strategic plan and annual
work plan that outlines the objectives, priorities and proposed internal
audit coverage; and
6.4 Skills
To operate effectively, the HoIA requires a broad range of skills and specific
personal qualities which are critical to the credibility and acceptance of the
internal audit function that he/she leads. These include intellectual,
interpersonal, communication, and information technology skills. Other skills
and qualities that could be expected of a HoIA include:
7. Staffing the Internal Audit Service/Internal Audit Unit
The rank and salary grades of the IAS/IAU staff are stipulated in Section 4.1.3 of
DBM Budget Circular No. 2004-4, Annex A.
The qualification standards for the IAS/IAU staff are enumerated in the following:
a. Rule IV, CSC Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of EO 292, s. 1987 or the
Administrative Code of 1987; and
A detailed matrix providing for the qualification standards and functions of each
position in the IAS/IAU is provided in Appendix C.
7.1 Temporary Personnel Movements to Supplement Internal Audit
The need to establish and maintain an internal audit unit that is staffed with
people who have the necessary competence, skills and experience is an
ongoing issue for most, if not all, agencies. Temporary movement of officials
and staff to the IAS/IAU can be a useful way of supplementing internal audit
7.1.1 Detail
7.1.2 Secondment
7.1.3 Other Arrangements
8. Internal Audit Budget
a. The number and types of audits included in the annual work plan -
performance audit is more complicated and costly than compliance audit, but
more beneficial in terms of agency opportunities;
b. Complexity of the annual work plan - an audit requiring special skills, such as
an information technology expert, could add to the cost of the audit;
c. Geographic spread of audit work - the more travel that is required, the greater
the required budget; and
d. Related audit services, such as being reference point for contacts like the
COA, Office of the Ombudsman and other oversight or regulatory bodies
and/or intervening activities or tasks that may be assigned to the IAS/IAU by
the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom.
In presenting the internal audit strategic and annual work plan, the HoIA may
submit the proposed budget for the planned activities. If the approved budget is
less than the proposed, the IAS/IAU should review the audit plan and prioritize the
activities that can be undertaken for the year. Other activities may be rescheduled
in the succeeding years.
1. Performance Evaluation
c. Indicators, which are used to verify if progress towards results has taken
The most suitable KPIs vary from one organization to another depending on
the approved internal audit strategic plan. It is expected that KPIs would be
sufficient in number and as a minimum, would measure audit work and other
significant services provided by internal audit. Good KPIs include
measurement of the:
c. Auditees‟ survey on the extent of impartiality, professionalism,
communication and due care in managing the internal audit;
In any event, internal audit should keep track of where it has significantly
influenced change in the organization.
Principal and key stakeholders‟ surveys at the end of an audit are useful and
well-accepted ways of measuring the level of satisfaction with internal audit
services. Short surveys that can be completed electronically are efficient
means of collecting data, but manual approaches can also be done in cases
when IT-based systems are not adequate. Any significant issue identified
from such surveys should be followed up, where possible.
e. Level of collaboration with management, the public they serve, and the
agency‟s stakeholders; and
f. Overall value of the report to the management, the public they serve, and
the agency‟s stakeholders.
As principal, the DS or GB/AuditCom should also be involved in providing
regular feedback on the quality and cost-effectiveness of the audit reports
and other services provided by internal audit.
a. Comments on the internal audit activities and any variance from approved
e. Issues that may require attention in relation to the internal audit function.
Part II
The Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual (PGIAM) Part II - Practices
contains the approaches, tools and techniques that will facilitate the conduct of
internal audit activities as explained in the PGIAM Part I - Guidelines.
The PGIAM Part II - Practices is composed of three chapters representing the major
steps in the conduct of internal auditing. To facilitate navigation of this manual,
reference should be made on the flow of internal audit activities as illustrated in
Figure 10 and the internal audit key processes as illustrated in Figure 11.
Internal audit activities start with the development of a strategic plan for a three-year
period, which consists of the strategic plan and the annual work plan. The strategic
planning begins with a baseline assessment of ICS that establishes how the IAS/IAU:
(1) reviews the organization‟s internal control components in the context of the public
service organization in the sector and key strategic challenges and advantages; and
(2) leverages on this knowledge to plan for the work to be undertaken in assisting the
organization to achieve its objectives. After the baseline assessment of ICS, the
IAS/IAU considers the control significance and materiality and control risk of key
processes in the operating and support systems to achieve the control objectives,
assesses the internal audit risks, formulates the Strategic Plan and prepares the
Annual Work Plan.
The audit process, as will be discussed in Chapter 2, involves four (4) stages,
namely: (1) audit engagement planning; (2) audit execution; (3) audit reporting; and
(4) audit follow-up. The processes pertain specifically to the preparation of the audit
engagement plan, conduct of the audit itself by identifying the standards/criteria and
gathering pieces of evidence for the conditions and causes, analysis of the findings of
facts and pieces of evidence, formulation of recommendations, and monitoring of the
implementation of approved audit recommendations. At any point during the audit
and during the conduct of the baseline assessment of ICS, when significant
risks/issues arise, the IAS/IAU will prepare an Interim Report to the DS or
GB/AuditCom to communicate findings, issues, and problems that may affect the
conduct of the audit and expose the organization to considerable risks. The audit
process applies to compliance, management and operations audits.
Workflow charts and diagrams of internal audit key processes are provided in
Appendix D of this Manual.
1. Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is the process of identifying the key audit strategic direction of
the IAS/IAU for a three-year period. Its format and content shall be agreed upon
between the Department Secretary/Head of Agency or the Governing Board/Audit
Committee (DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom) and the Head of Internal Audit (HoIA). In
strategic planning, the IAS/IAU:
The annual work plan (AWP) is based on identified audit areas resulting from the
strategic planning, while the audit engagement plan sets the activities per audit
engagement identified in the AWP.
The first activity to develop the strategic plan is the baseline assessment of the
ICS. Baseline assessment is done for the purpose of formulating a three-year
strategic plan which should be iterative and updated for changes in the control
component. This is to ensure that the focus of the IAS/IAU is relevant to the
conditions of the organization. Conceptually, it should have two parts. Part A is
the Strategic Plan (SP). Part B is the Annual Work Plan (AWP).
The objectives of the baseline assessment are to: (1) get familiar with the
organization‟s operations; (2) identify and document the five components of
ICS; (3) review key control processes and performance of operating and
support systems; and (4) gather sufficient information on potential audit
areas to be included in the strategic plan.
Baseline assessment is carried out by performing activities such as: administering internal
control questionnaires/checklist and verifying the results; using flowchart/narrative notes,
conducting walkthrough and test of controls.
Components of
Internal Control Controls
Control Gaps,
Operating Deficiencies and Interim Report
1) Control Environment Breakdowns
processes N
2) Risk Assessment
Test of
Flow Controls
Y Chart,
3) Control Activities YE
Narrative S Reviews of
4) Information and Support E YES B
S Notes and Oversight
Communication System-Key Walk Control and Int’l.
processes A
Through + Dev’t. =
5) Monitoring Universe Bodies
references/copies of information, documents or records other than the
original source). For example: the primary source of Philippine laws is
the Philippine Congress, and the primary source of the Department of
Health‟s operating manual is the DOH itself. On the other hand, the
secondary source of Philippine laws are copies of said laws in the
records of an agency; and the secondary source of DOH‟s operating
manual is a copy of it maintained in the UP Law Center, if any.
i. Control Environment
Constituents or publics to serve are: (1) internal public relating
to individuals or groups within the organization; and (2) external
public refer to the recipients of services outside the agency
directly or indirectly affected by an agency‟s operations.69
(2) The Coordinated Methods and Measures
ii. Risk Assessment
activities; skills, experience and competence; resources
needed for each step of the risk management process;
and training programs.
The documents/criteria to be considered are listed below. The
list, which is a starting point, is not all-inclusive. Not every
document/criterion will apply to every department/agency/
(1) Information
(2) Communication
v. Monitoring
The documents/criteria to be considered which are listed below
is a starting point. It is not all-inclusive. Thus, not every
document/criterion is applicable to every department/agency/
(3) Combination
officers and employees. The relevant documents may be
inspection guidelines or manuals which contain the standards,
timing and methods for the conduct of inspection.
the interim report. Their content should eventually be included
in the Baseline Assessment Report. Subsequently, interim
report recommendations should be monitored, and in the
ensuing audit period, it should be validated if the actions taken
addressed the control deficiencies. The recommendations
should not merely include addressing the control deficiencies,
but should hold accountable the next level in the hierarchy for
failure of supervision.
The criteria for the selection of critical processes can include the
The review also includes the key operational processes used to
manage and monitor the organization‟s operational strategy (plans
and programs) to attain the expected outputs/outcomes, including
how they support and reinforce the overall sectoral goals. The
objective is to understand operational control components that are
necessary to achieve the target outputs and outcomes, as well as
the identified key performance measures.
(4) Assess the relative position of the organization, comparing
one or more of the following:
the procurement system or in the hiring of personnel). The review
is expected to identify strengths and weaknesses, sources of
problems, and potential problem areas.
The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
(INTOSAI) identified major categories of general controls:
“Application controls and the manner in which information flows
through information systems can be categorized into three
phases of a processing cycle:
It is a workflow diagram in a graphic representation of all the major
steps of a process. It helps visualize the process and therefore
facilitates an analysis of the operation and assists in identifying
inefficiencies, overlaps and duplications/missing procedures and
control weaknesses. It helps the auditor:
Elements of a Flowchart
c. The internal auditor must conduct a walkthrough test after
documenting the auditee‟s processes. This involves following one
or two transactions or activities step-by-step through the process
from beginning to end. From a control standpoint, a walkthrough is
simply the act of tracing the identified significant controls in a
transaction through organizational records and procedures – a
practical approach to learning how a process works and
determining whether or not the policies have been communicated
and implemented. In a walkthrough, the auditor traces a
transaction from its origin through the agency's information
systems, until it is reflected in the reports.
1.1.3 Test of Controls
The tools/working papers that may be used in the test of controls are
1.1.4 Interim Report
A material weakness is a significant deficiency, or a combination of
significant deficiencies, that results in more than a remote likelihood
that fraud or error will not be prevented or detected.
report includes a summary of the interim report which contained the
gaps or control deficiencies/breakdowns, root cause analysis, and
recommended courses of actions. The BAR also includes the Control
Universe and the results of the review of oversight bodies and
international development partners.
1.2 Consider Control Significance and Materiality and Control Risk of Key
After the baseline assessment of the ICS, the IAS/IAU also considers the
control significance and materiality and control risk of key processes of the
operating and support systems to achieve the control objectives as illustrated
in Figure 14 below:
• Control
Control Objectives Controls and
• Control Risk
1) Safeguard Assets
Operating NO Not prioritized in
2) Check Accuracy & System-Key the strategic and
Reliability of processes annual work plan
Accounting Data
3) Adherence to
Managerial Policies
Support Assessment for
4) Compliance w/ LRP internal audit risk
processes YES
5) Ensure 4Es of
1.2.1. Control Significance and Materiality Level
Generally, the units responsible for addressing risks must make the
assessment of their own risks. Control risk assessment is primarily
performed by top management as part of its regular functions. As
control risk owners, they should have identified and initiated measures
to modify the material and significant control risks, based on
probability and impact, before the auditors begin an audit.
However, as opposed to operations risk, for purposes of planning and
prioritizing potential audit areas, the IAS/IAU will have to conduct risk
assessment on the identified material and significant controls where
there may be high risk of impact on key processes of operating and
support systems. This involves the following steps:
The IAS/IAU also focuses its auditing efforts based on the assessment of
internal audit risks illustrated in Figure 15 below:
Internal audit risks are those risks or factors which may affect the conduct of
the audit and may have an impact on the planned results without neglect and
inspite of the exercise of due diligence, e.g., sudden change in political
leadership/administration, replacement of the principal, natural calamities,
judicial findings and decisions which may affect audit objectives.
1.3.1 IAS/IAU Audit Objectives
The IAS/IAU assesses internal audit risks which will impact on its
functions (audit objectives) to:
a. Risk identification
b. Risk analysis
c. Risk evaluation
i. Compare the estimated levels of the risks with the risk criteria;
ii. Determine whether or not the risk or its magnitude is
acceptable or tolerable.
a. IAS/IAU Objectives
b. Methodology
d. Fraud and Errors
e. IAS/IAU Management Strategies
This section describes the major focus of the audit function and any
audit related activity over the three-year period; and any change that
is required to ensure that the audit plan and other activities remain
relevant to the strategic direction of the organization/sector.
For transparency in the prioritization of the audit coverage,
potential audit areas are calculated by assigning scores to the
controls as to consequence and probability (or the total impact).
Those controls with the highest impact shall be covered in the
audit and included in the three-year audit plan. The IAS/IAU may
further formulate criteria on which offices/units may be included in
audit, such as offices/units/system with the biggest budget, least
achievement, or with the most adverse findings reported by the
external auditor and oversight bodies.
Department of Education
Audit Area Site Audit Area Site Audit Area Site
Controls in Selected Controls in the Selected Controls in Selected
the Regional payroll system Regional the bureaus
procurement Field Units – Field Units performance and
system Procuring (frontline evaluation agencies
Entities units) system
Department of Education
Audit Area Site Audit Area Site Audit Area Site
g. Allocation of Audit Resources
h. Performance Measures
This section lists the performance measures of the IAS/IAU that are
used to measure the performance of internal audit and any change in
measures or targets over time.
This section describes the timeframe and arrangements for the review
and update of the plan. The plan covers a three-year rolling period
and needs to be reviewed iteratively.
An Annual Work Plan (AWP) contains the prioritized audit areas from the
Strategic Plan and approved by the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom which will be
focused on during a one-year period, the type and approach of the audit, and the
timelines of the same.
The AWP should include areas for management audit and operations audit. The
audit area can also come from the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom. In doing so, the
basic frame of reference is the objective established by the organization and the
weight of the expected results from the audit area. If failure to deliver expected
results is attributed to a control deficiency in the system, there is a need to
conduct a management audit. The IAS/IAU should refer to the approved Annual
Work Plan for management audit developed during the strategic planning phase.
As part of strategic planning and developing the AWP, the IAS/IAU may review
the control components for any change, new systems and processes, and the
results obtained on, for example, the top five key audit issues and the
organization‟s priorities.
2.1 Prioritize Potential Audit Areas
From the list of controls identified in the Strategic Plan, the IAS/IAU
categorizes by process the control methods and measures of the operating
and support units/systems, into potential audit areas/topics.
a. Validate the Baseline Assessment Report (on the 2nd and 3rd year);
c. Update the internal audit risk assessment (on the 2nd and 3rd year); and
Of the three-year strategic plan, the IAS/IAU schedules the prioritized audit
areas into three annual plans or AWPs, subject to the approval of the
DS/HoA/GB/AuditCom. The IAS/IAU then prepares the Audit Engagement
Plan which focuses on the specific audit areas prioritized for the year. An
example of an audit focus is shown in Table 7. In case the allocated budget
is insufficient, the IAS/IAU should strategically source augmentation of
Table 7 - Example of Audit Focus/Foci for One Period
Department of Education
Audit Foci – Year 1
Audit Area Audit Audit Expected Area Priority Estimated Estimated
Type Description Benefit Responsible Duration Start
Bureau of 1 30 WD Jan 15
Controls in M Appraisal of Raise Elementary
the a A the existing recommendation Education
Procurement n u controls on the (BEE)
System a d in the controls to Bureau of 2 30 WD Jan 15
g i procurement ensure that Secondary
e t system the procurement Education
m system will be (BSE)
e observed and Bureau of 3 30 WD April 15
n satisfy citizens‟ Technical
t needs and and Voca-
expectations tional Edu-
Bureau of 4 30 WD April15
National 5 30 WD July 15
Book Deve-
National 6 30 WD July 15
Council for
Region V – 1 30 WD Aug. 15
Output O Validation of Raise Bicol
evaluation of p A the recommendation Region III 2 30 WD Aug. 15
the e u effectiveness to ensurethe Region XI – 3 30 WD Sept.15
secondary r d of the public effectiveness of Davao
education a i secondary the public Region
services t t education secondary Region II – 4 30 WD Oct 15
i services education Cagayan
o services Valley
n Region VI – 5 30 WD Oct 15
s Western
CAR 6 30 WD Nov.15
2.2 Validate Previous Audit Follow-up Report
The HoIA should present and discuss the Strategic Plan and Annual Work
Plan with the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom. The objective is to obtain a good
understanding of the insights of the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom on the
organizational and sectoral objectives. It also allows the IAS/IAU to focus on
important issues throughout the planning process and audit. Finally, the
HoIA should obtain the approval of the Strategic Plan and the Annual Work
Plan by the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom.
3. Summary
The significance of the strategic and annual work planning is to identify and
prioritize potential audit areas where controls are claimed by auditees to be in
place based on the results of the baseline assessment of the ICS. Before this can
be achieved, the IAS/IAU needs a thorough understanding of the internal control
components of the public service organization as a going concern in the context of
the sector. The assessment also includes a review of the operating and support
units/systems with all their coordinate methods and measures.
On the other hand, all the gaps or control deficiencies/breakdowns are contained
in the interim report and summarized in the Baseline Assessment Report and
recommendations are offered at the level of the DS/HoA/GB or AuditCom. The
gaps or control deficiencies/breakdowns where courses of actions have been
recommended are critical and should form part of the ensuring year‟s Audit Plan
to determine if recommendations have been implemented.
three-year period. It focuses on both audit and management goals and is
consistent with organization/sector policies and guidelines. This Plan needs to be
updated iteratively for changes occurring in the control component of the
The Strategic Plan is developed from the prioritized audit areas contained in the
control universe and the results of the review of oversight bodies and international
development partners, and incorporated in three Annual Work Plans. The IAS/IAU
then prepares the Audit Engagement Plan for the first year, which is explained in
the succeeding chapters. The possible audit areas for the second and third year
audit plans are updated and/or revised when necessarily affected by the changes
occurring in the control component, and should include gaps or control
deficiencies/breakdowns where courses of action have been recommended.
The Strategic and Annual Work Plans are a matter of agreement between the
DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom and the HoIA. The approval of the plans by the DS/HoA
or GB/AuditCom gives the go signal for the IAS/IAU to plan the audit engagement.
1. The Audit Process
The Audit Process is divided into four phases, namely: audit engagement
planning, audit execution, audit reporting, and audit follow-up. See Figure 16. This
audit process is applicable for both management audit and operations audit. For
each phase, there are specific criteria to ensure a successful audit engagement.
Audit Execution
Audit Reporting
Audit Follow-up
A key aim in planning an audit should be to complete the audit in the least
time necessary, without compromising its quality. It is therefore important
that in planning and scoping audits, audit effort and resources are directed to
the key issues that matter most.
1. Document understanding
How to Audit of the
EXECUTION program and project
2. Determine the audit objective, scope
andand audit
How toevidence
3. Determine the resource required for the
audit and the target milestone/dates
4. DevelopWhat to Follow-up
the audit plan and audit
5. Determine the Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs) of the audit
6. Secure approval of the audit plan and
audit work program and KPIs
The audit plan should be based on a sound understanding of the
internal control system, operating and support systems and
d. Purely systematic review may not be adequate (e.g., effectiveness
of a vocational training program may be measured by the auditee
through % of trainees gaining employment; but the auditor may
have to review what % of the trainees gained employment related
to the training and what % retained their employment); the IAS/IAU
should identify appropriate audit procedures; and
Audit objectives also relate to why the audit is being conducted. If
controls are weak, the IAS/IAU traces the root cause and
recommends to top management courses of action to address the
deficiency. The IAS/IAU can also recommend further examination
of the underlying issues, or the legal action to take, if conditions so
For Operations Audit, the IAS/IAU may choose from any of the
following objectives, or may formulate more which are appropriate
to the results of the audit planning:
In Operations Audit, for example, audit scope includes the
determination of which phase of the program or project will be
examined. What will be the duration of the program or project?
What portion of the program or project will be covered in audit?
What will be the sources of information for examination?
To continue the example for the DepEd program, the scope for the
given audit objective may be to: validate the rate of graduating
pupils (information on graduation) covering a schools division in
each city in Metro Manila (coverage) for the school year 2008-
2009 (timeframe) to determine if the expected level of graduating
pupils was attained. This scope can be reduced or expanded
depending on the sampling requirement and the resources
allocated for the audit.
Thus, the IAS/IAU could look for the answers to these questions:
iii. Do they adhere to managerial policies?
iv. Are they in compliance with laws, rules and regulations?
v. Do they ensure effectiveness, efficiency, economy and
ethicality of operations?
1.1.3 Determine the Resources Required for the Audit and the Target
The audit plan for Management and Operations Audits will document
the results of all the planning tools which would necessarily contain
the following:
Element Information
Introduction A brief description of the management controls, i.e., the plan of
organization and all the methods and measures adopted within an
agency to ensure that resources are used consistent with laws,
regulations and managerial policies; resources are safeguarded
against loss, wastage and misuse; financial and non-financial
information are reliable, accurate and timely; and operations are
economical, efficient, ethical and effective
Audit Objective Overall objective and scope of the work to be accomplished
and Scope
Assessment of Critical processes identified by the IAS/IAU during the planning
Controls phase which led to the selection of the audit area approved by the
DS/HoA or GB/ AuditCom and the formulation of the audit objective
Audit Approach Compliance audit and management control process audit
Resources/ Statutory policies, mandates, managerial policies, government
Inputs regulations, established objectives, systems and
procedures/processes, etc.
Audit Criteria Set of reasonable and attainable standards of performance,
statutory or managerial policies, laws and regulations, etc.
The audit work program or audit program contains the audit objective,
the step by step audit procedures to accomplish the audit objective,
the auditor responsible to perform the procedures, and the specified
Audit programs are guidelines for action during the execution phase of
the audit. Audit programs set out the detailed audit procedures for
cost effective collection of evidence.127 It is the detailed listing of steps
to be taken by the IA when analyzing samples to achieve an audit
objective. It describes the details of the planned audit and enumerates
the processes or methods and tools for identifying, analyzing, and
recording information gathered during the engagement.
It is important that the KPIs for internal audit are aligned with the
internal audit strategic plan and the annual work plan and help drive
the performance that the organization expects from the IAS/IAU. It is
incorporated in the audit plan to guide the auditors during the
execution of the audit engagement.
1.1.6 Approval of the Audit Plan, Audit Work Program and KPIs
The audit plan, audit work program and KPIs, are submitted by the
internal audit team leader to the HoIA for review and approval prior to
the commencement of the audit execution. The HoIA will evaluate the
documents to assess the relevance, significance, auditability and
other factors affecting the conduct of the audit.
After the documents have been approved, management should be
informed about the approved audit plan, audit work program and the
KPIs. The audit plan and the KPIs should be discussed with
management but the audit work program should not be shared.
At any point during the audit and during the conduct of the baseline
assessment of the ICS, when significant risks/issues arise, the IAS/IAU will
prepare an Interim Report to the DS or GB/AuditCom to communicate
findings, issues, and problems that may affect the conduct of the audit and
may expose the organization to considerable risks. A summary of the interim
report will be included in the audit report.
1.2.1 Entry Conference
The entry conference sets the tone of the audit. The initial conference
aims to discuss the plans for the conduct of the audit as well as to
obtain the audited entity‟s views and expectations for the overall
framework for the conduct of the audit. Matters arising from the entry
conference must be recorded (Entry Conference Notes) and should
be considered during the conduct of the engagement planning.
c. Determine the probable cause(s).
c. Determine the root cause(s).
1.3 Audit Reporting
Audit reporting represents the culmination of the audit execution and the
associated analysis and considerations made during the audit. The audit
report sets out the findings in appropriate format; provides the pieces of
evidence gathered to arrive at the audit findings, and the recommendations.
Condition is what the auditor actually finds as a result of the
review. It is a situation that exists. The auditor may find that the
actual condition of an event is not in accordance with the criteria.
For example, under the program of the DepEd, the actual cost of
school building is more than the estimated cost; the ratio of book
distribution per pupil of 1:1 was not followed despite the sufficiency
of budget for books; the actual passing rate of pupils was reduced
to 66% from the expected or acceptable passing rate of 75%.
The audit findings should align with the audit objectives and should be
rational and based on specific standards and criteria. Audit findings on
probable cause of illegality of a transaction constitute a violation of
law, while irregularity constitutes a violation of regulations.
Much of the work of internal audit is judged on the quality of the final
audit report, including its analyses, findings, and recommendations.
The recommendations, in particular, provide courses of action as the
basis for improving internal controls.
Audit recommendations are management/legal remedies to avoid
occurrence (preventive action) or avoid recurrence (corrective action)
of control weaknesses and incidences.
The draft audit report is prepared by laying out and analyzing the
pieces of evidence gathered to arrive at preliminary audit findings and
a. Delineate the objectives and scope and report within that scope,
unless other issues of substance are identified;
b. Identify all criteria;
c. Report significant matters – positive or negative;
d. Describe the context and background of the reported matter only
as far as is necessary to provide an understanding of the issue;
e. State initial findings, management‟s comments and team‟s
rejoinder, if any;
f. Present the audit findings in a manner that is concise, fair and
objective; and
g. State the recommendations so that they indicate what needs to be
done but not how to do it.
1.3.4 Update the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom
a. Table of Contents;
b. Executive Summary;
c. Detailed Audit Findings;
d. Management Comments and Team‟s Rejoinder;
e. Monitoring and Feedback on Prior Year‟s Recommendations;
f. Recommendations; and
g. Appendices.
1.4.1 Monitor Implementation of Approved Audit Findings and
Follow-up of audit recommendations serves four main purposes:
In line with its functions, the IAS/IAU may conduct compliance audit of the
submission of the Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Net Worth (SALN),
Disclosure of Business Interests and Financial Connections (DBIFC), and
Identification and Disclosure of Relatives (IDR) in government service of public
officials and employees to determine whether such documents have been
properly accomplished pursuant to RA 6713 and its IRR, RA 3019 and other
related laws.
b. SALNs, DBIFCs and IDRs that are not in proper form, incomplete, and/or
not accomplished in detail shall be subject to further fact-finding by the
c. To facilitate the conduct of fact-finding of the SALNs, DBIFCs and IDRs
of public officials and employees, the IAS/IAU may require additional
documentation such as:
d. During the fact-finding, the IAS/IAU may also request for documents
readily available from other government offices.140
e. Upon receipt of the SALNs, DBIFCs and IDRs and additional documents,
the IAS/IAU shall perform the following:
The IAS/IAU determines whether the submitted SALN, DBIFC and IDR of the
public officials and employees are compliant with the provisions of RA 3019,
RA 6713 and RA 1379 and with the internal auditing methods in the
identification of assets and/or expenses manifestly out of proportion to the
public official‟s or employee‟s salary, disposable funds and income taxes
paid such as:
Real and personal property P xxx
Business interests and xxx
financial connections
Total Assets acquired by the public P xxx
officer during the year
Less:Salary P xxx
Other lawful income xxx
Income from legitimately
acquired property xxx
Other cash/fund inflow xxx
Disposable funds xxx
Discrepancy P xxx
Personal and family expenses P xxx
Reduction in liabilities xxx
Total P xxx
Less:Salary P xxx
Other lawful income xxx
Income from legitimately
acquired property xxx
Other cash/fund inflow xxx
Disposable funds xxx
Discrepancy P xxx
Assets (Real, personal and other
properties) P xxx
Less: Liabilities xxx
Net Worth for the Current Year P xxx
Less: Net Worth over Previous Year xxx
Increase(Decrease) in Net Worth P xxx
Less: Salary P xxx
Other lawful income xxx
Income from legitimately
acquired property xxx
Other cash/fund inflow xxx
Disposable funds xxx
Discrepancy P xxx
d. Cash/Funds Flow Analysis Method146 - Proceeds from the theory that
where the amount of money spent during a given year exceeds the
reported salary and disposable funds, and the sources of such fund is
otherwise unexplained, the difference may give rise to findings for further
investigation of the official or employee.
Sources of Funds
Declared compensation income per SALN P xxx
Business income (add back non-cash
expenses, e.g., depreciation, bad debts) xxx
Income of spouse xxx
Non-taxable receipts such as prizes, royalties xxx
Receipts subject to final tax such as
dividends, donations, inheritance and xxx
interest on deposit
Loans or credits xxx
Cash at the beginning of the period xxx
Total Funds P xxx
Less: Application of Funds
Personal and family expenses declared P xxx
Payments of debts, payables, accruals, xxx
and other liabilities
Payments of taxes xxx
Acquisition of assets – real, personal
and other assets xxx xxx
Discrepancy P xxx
a. Criteria. The IAS/IAU will determine whether the submitted SALN, DBIFC
and IDR of the public officials and employees are compliant with the
provisions of RA 3019, RA 6713 and RA 1379 and with the internal
auditing methods in the identification of assets and/or expenses
manifestly out of proportion to the public official‟s or employee‟s salary,
disposable funds and income taxes paid.
b. Conditions. These conditions may arise in the course of the evaluation of
the SALN, DBIFC or IDR of the public officials or employees.
i. The SALN, DBIFC and IDR submitted by the public officials and
employees are in proper form, complete and detailed.
ii. The SALN, DBIFC and IDR submitted by the public officials and
employees are not in proper form, incomplete and/or not detailed but
after being given the opportunity to correct said documents, the public
official or employee concerned complied and corrected the same to
be in proper form, complete and detailed.
iii. The SALN, DBIFC and IDR submitted by the public officials and
employees are not in proper form, incomplete and/or not detailed and
after being given the opportunity to correct said documents, the public
official or employee concerned failed to comply and correct the same
to be in proper form, complete and detailed.
The IAS/IAU shall render assistance to the disciplining body in the conduct of
the investigation in the event that there is a finding of probable cause against
the public officials and employees who have failed to comply after being
given the opportunity to correct, or have failed to justify the property acquired
and/or their personal and family expenses are manifestly out of proportion to
their salary, disposable funds and income taxes paid.
3. Gathering and Analysis of Evidence
Under the execution phase of the audit, the audit work program is executed to
gather more evidence and draw the audit findings. Audit evidence covers all the
information used by the auditor in arriving at the audit findings and audit report.
Sources of information include sampling results of accounting records (books of
entry, checks, invoices, contracts, ledgers, journal entries, etc.); minutes of
meetings; analyst reports; controls manual; information obtained from such audit
procedures as inquiry, observation, and inspection; and other information
developed by, or available to, the auditor that permits him to reach conclusions
through valid reasoning.
In executing the annual work program developed during the planning stage,
gathering of evidence will be completed to form the audit findings. The process
therefore involves the following:
In the test of controls, the internal auditor obtains sufficient and appropriate
evidence to support the initial findings.
Sufficient and appropriate means that the audit evidence must be substantial
enough to influence or convince the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom to implement
the recommended courses of action. “Substantial evidence is more than a
mere scintilla of evidence. It means such relevant evidence as a reasonable
mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion, even if other minds
equally reasonable might conceivably opine otherwise.”151
b. Direct evidence is that which proves the fact in dispute without the aid of
any inference or presumption.
3.2 Types of Audit Evidence
Overreliance on any one form of evidence may impact on the validity of the
findings. One should gather a wide variety of evidence for purposes of
triangulation of multiple forms of diverse and corroborating types of
evidence. This is to check the validity and reliability of the findings. Thus,
more cross-checks on the accuracy of the decision should be undertaken.
Pieces of evidence in support of the findings should be corroborative as a
result of triangulation of evidence gathered in at least three approaches.
Documentary evidence may be obtained through solicitation or
elicitation. Independent external (third party confirmation) evidence
may be more reliable than internally provided evidence. Evidence
obtained by the auditor directly (third party confirmation direct to/from
auditor) is more reliable than internally provided evidence.
Documentary evidence is more reliable than oral representations;
internal evidence is more reliable when related internal controls are
satisfactory, e.g., elicit – draw, extract, obtain; and solicit – ask for or
There are many different types of electronic evidence and these may
include: hardware and network diagrams; operating systems software;
network and communications software; journal and activity logs;
application programs; and flow diagrams. Collecting electronic
evidence requires careful planning and execution, preferably by
experts. Electronic evidence may be challenged on the basis of
unreliability. Such challenges may be countered if it can be shown
that controls are in place. Thus, the auditor should exercise due care
to document such controls if electronic evidence is going to be used.
Decisions will have to be made at each stage of the audit about the need for
specific testing, data collection and analysis by the internal audit and the
extent that reliance can be placed on the work of other internal or external
3.3.1 Inquiries and Interviews
a. Preparatory interviews;
b. Interviews to collect or validate material information; and
c. Interviews to generate and assess facts and pieces of evidence.
3.3.2 Sampling
The Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI)
identified types of CAATTS into two discrete areas of operations:
The basic steps in conducting the RCA relating to non-compliance of
management controls are:
There are various root cause analysis techniques that can be used. Some of
these are the: (1) “5 Whys” Technique; (2) Failure Mode and Effects
Analysis; (3) Fault Tree Analysis; (4) Fishbone or Ishikawa Diagrams; and
(5) Pareto Analysis. These techniques are presented below:153
the actual causes, since these can only be determined by real
evidence and empirical testing of the hypotheses. The information is
organized in either a Fishbone (also called Ishikawa) or sometimes a
tree diagram.
Sub cause
The IAS/IAU may use these concepts or procedures in determining the degree of
compliance and in performing management or operations audit of a sample
Expert task in auditing is expertise gained in the course of audit activities. Expert
tasks are performed in a way that does not endanger the impartiality of audit
activities. Expert tasks include participating in working groups or projects,
presenting initiatives to correct observed deficiencies in administration, issuing
statements and arranging trainings.
d. Advise the expert on what the work is being used for and the purpose.
In the preparation of audit findings, the conditions, conclusions and the causes
must be supported by sufficient audit evidence. The quantum of evidence
required to support an audit finding is substantial evidence. Such substantial
evidence would lead to the determination/finding of a probable cause or a prima
facie case and would draw a reasonable conclusion that more likely than not, a
non-compliance or failure of control/supervision was established, and that an
offense may have been committed.
b. A finding of probable cause for non-compliance needs only to rest on evidence
showing that more likely than not156 the act/s or omission/s of the person
responsible had caused the non-compliance with laws, regulations and
managerial policies and operating procedures in the agency, including
compliance with accountability measures, ethical standards and contractual
obligations, which may warrant the conduct of administrative proceeding by
the disciplining authority. It must be noted that to come up with the
determination of probable cause/s, the IAS/IAU must be able to establish, not
only the facts and circumstances, but also the why‟s, the what‟s and the
how‟s157 of the non-compliance.
The Supreme Court in Balbastro vs. COA, G.R. No. 171481, 30 June 2008,
found the petitioner guilty on the basis of the audit report which constitutes
substantial evidence. The pertinent ruling reads:
“In fine, petitioner‟s arguments only render more pronounced the correctness
of the Ombudsman‟s decision finding her guilty on the basis of the audit
report which constitutes substantial evidence. As Balbastro v. Junio held, an
administrative case also involving herein petitioner:
The audit findings supported by substantial evidence are deemed admitted by the
auditee if not controverted by any evidence to overcome the same. In this case,
the burden of proof now lies with the auditee. “Burden of proof is the duty of a
party to present such amount of evidence on the facts in issue as the law deems
necessary for the establishment of his claim.”160
1. Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
It is important that the KPIs for internal audit are aligned with the internal
audit strategic plan and the annual work plan and help drive the performance
that the organization expects from the IAS/IAU.
2.3 Prepare Evaluation Report
The Head of IA shall have primary responsibility over the work performance and
discipline of the staff. He/she shall direct the conduct of audit progress
assessment based on a monitoring plan utilizing KPIs and conduct two types of
performance monitoring, as follows: (1) Review of Progress Assessment Report;
and (2) Review of Completion Assessment Report.
d. Findings and recommendations which promote the adequacy of internal
control pursuant to COA rules and regulations; and
Pursuant to the Administrative Code of 1987, the authority and responsibility for
the exercise of the mandate of the Department and for the discharge of its powers
and functions shall be vested in the Secretary, who shall have supervision and
control of the Department.
In the review of the Internal Audit Report, the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom shall
also consider adherence of the IAS/IAU on the following:
b. All audit findings are formulated and synthesized based on the 4Cs
(criteria, condition, conclusion, probable/root cause) defined as follows:
iii. Conclusion – evaluation of criteria and the conditions that could either
result in compliance or non-compliance with laws, regulations and
policies as supported by substantial evidence; determination of the
adequacy or inadequacy of controls; determination of the efficiency,
effectiveness, ethicality, and economy of agency operations; and
e. At any point during the audit, when significant risks/issues arise, the
IAS/IAU will prepare an Interim Report to the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom to
communicate findings, issues, and problems that may affect the conduct
of the audit and may expose the organization to considerable risks. The
Interim Report contains the following:
4.2 Review of the IAS/IAU Performance Report
At the close of every fiscal year, the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom shall review
the performance of the IAS/IAU through the various reports/outputs (i.e.,
baseline assessment report, assessment of control significance and
materiality and control risk report, assessment of internal audit risk report,
annual audit plan, audit engagement report, audit follow-up report and
performance monitoring evaluation report) that are submitted to their office.
Efficiency and
Adequacy of IAS/IAU
Oversight effectiveness of IAS/
as part of ICS
IAU as part of ICS
b. In a case decided by the Supreme Court, “[A]s can be gleaned from the
foregoing provisions of the Constitution, state audit is not limited to the
auditing of the accountable officers and the settlement of accounts, but
includes accounting functions and the adoption in the audited agencies of
internal controls to see to it, among other matters, that the correct fees
and penalties due the government are collected.” 171 (underscoring
c. Under the Administrative Code of 1987, it is a declared policy that “all
resources of the government shall be managed, expended or utilized in
accordance with law and regulations and safeguarded against loss or
wastage through illegal or improper disposition to ensure efficiency,
economy and effectiveness in the operations of government. The
responsibility to take care that such policy is faithfully adhered to rests
directly with the chief or head of the government agency concerned.”172
d. The Government Accounting and Auditing Manual, Volume III 173 provides
that internal audit is part of the internal control system.
“Sec. 33. Distinction from other systems within the organization. –
Except for the Internal Audit Office which is part of the internal
control system, internal controls are not separate specialized
systems within an agency. They consist of control features
interwoven into and made an integral part of each system that
management uses to regulate and guide its operations. In this
sense, internal controls are management controls.” (underscoring
g. In the course of evaluating the ICS, the COA may request the IAS/IAU,
through the DS or GB/AuditCom, to submit documents that will allow
them to determine the adequacy of the IAS/IAU as part of the ICS.
Among the documents that may be submitted are as follows:
5.2 By the Department of Budget and Management
a. The DBM is responsible for the efficient and sound utilization of funds
and revenues. Pursuant to this mandate, it “shall assist the President in
the preparation of a national resources and expenditures budget,
preparation, execution and control of the National Budget, preparation
and maintenance of accounting systems essential to the budgetary
process, achievement of more economy and efficiency in the
management of government operations, administration of compensation
and position classification systems, assessment of organizational
effectiveness and review and evaluation of legislative proposals having
budgetary or organizational implications.”175 (underscoring supplied)
c. In the case of Gutierrez vs. DBM177, the Supreme Court recognized the
power of the DBM to make rules and regulations to implement a given
legislation and effectuate its policies, to wit:
in the Organization and Staffing of an Internal Audit Service/Unit
[IAS/IAU] and Management Division/Unit [MD/MU] in
Departments/Agencies/GOCCs/GFIs Concerned” and providing for the
functions of the IAS/IAU and MD/MU.
Audit findings and recommendations resulting from the audit conducted by the
IAS/IAU shall be submitted to the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom for approval, pursuant
to its authority and responsibility to exercise supervision and control of the
Department179/Board/Commission/Corporation. Once approved, the same shall be
subject for implementation.
6.1 Rule-making Power of COA, CSC and DBM
The COA, CSC and DBM are bestowed by the Constitution and the law with
rule-making powers necessary for the proper discharge and management of
its mandated functions. Apart from the rules and regulations upon which the
COA, CSC and DBM are authorized to come up with to carry into effect the
provisions of a particular law, said agencies are also authorized to
promulgate their own rules on matters coming under their special and
technical expertise, to wit:
through circulars and other issuances on budget and management
“The Court has consistently yielded and accorded great respect to the
interpretation by administrative agencies of their own rules unless there is
an error of law, abuse of power, lack of jurisdiction or grave abuse of
discretion clearly conflicting with the letter and spirit of the law.” 186 (emphasis
“The COA itself, the agency that adopted the rules on bidding
procedure to be followed by government offices and corporations,
had upheld the validity and legality of the questioned bidding. The
interpretation of an agency of its own rules should be given
more weight than the interpretation by that agency of the law
it is merely tasked to administer.” (emphasis and underscoring
c. “As properly noted, CSC was only interpreting its own rules on leave of
absence and not a statutory provision in coming up with this uniform rule.
Undoubtedly, the CSC like any other agency has the power to
interpret its own rules and any phrase contained in them with its
interpretation significantly becoming part of the rules
themselves.”190 (emphasis original)
d. In the case of Gutierrez vs. DBM191, the Supreme Court stated that
“Congress has endowed administrative agencies like respondent DBM
with the power to make rules and regulations to implement a given
legislation and effectuate its policies”. In like manner, the DBM has the
power and is in the best position to interpret its own rules.
In the conduct of compliance audit, the IAS/IAU may find some violations by
the auditee of compliance with COA and CSC rules and regulations and/or
DBM circulars and other issuances. In case of dispute on issues relating to
personnel matters and violation of Civil Service rules and regulations, the
auditee may elevate the same to the CSC. For issues relating to violations of
COA rules and regulations, the same may be elevated to COA. Likewise, for
issues concerning budget and management matters, the same may be
elevated to the DBM. Vested with the power to promulgate their own rules
and regulations, COA, CSC and DBM are in the best position to determine
and interpret if a violation of their own rules has been committed by an
a. Relatedly, the Administrative Code of 1987 provides that the CSC shall
“render opinions and rulings on all personnel and other Civil Service
matters which shall be binding on all heads of departments, offices and
agencies and which may be brought to the Supreme Court on
certiorari.”192 In line with this, Section 16 (3), Chapter 3, Subtitle A, Book
V of the Administrative Code of 1987 provides that the “the Office of
Legal Affairs shall “ x x x; prepare opinions and rulings in the
interpretation and application of the Civil Service Law, rules and
regulations; x x x”.
1. Introduction
Both documents reflect the policy, legal and institutional arrangements governing
internal audit in the Philippine public sector. The PGIAM I and II shall be reviewed
regularly to ensure they are still current.
The need to amend any or both documents may be prompted by feedback from
Departments and Agencies on the implementation of the PGIAM; Department-
specific and sector-based internal audit implementation insights; changes in laws,
policies, guidelines and regulations; and requisites for enhancing work practices.
3. Minor Amendments
Notification that a certain policy is due for periodic review will be sent three
months prior to the review date. The expectation is that a timely review of the
policy will be undertaken, generally within three to six months following
At the end of the review, an Amendment History table will be completed and
made part of the PGIAM Manual and Practices.
5. Amendment History
1. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Contact Officer
Approval Date
Updated to New
Improvement and
Approval Authority
Date of Next
Printed Copy
Electronic Copy
(PGIAM – Part I)
1. Administrative Order (AO) No. 278. “Directing the Strengthening of the Internal
Control Systems of Government Offices, Agencies, Government-Owned and/or
Controlled Corporations, Including Government Financial Institutions and Local
Government Units, in Their Operations”, 28 April 1992.
3. Asian Development Bank (ADB). ADB Audit Manual (Vol. I – Policies and
Procedures), ADB, December 2003.
4. Civil Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 27, “Policy on
Consultancy Contracts”, 24 June 1993.
5. CSC MC No. 40, s.1998, “Revised Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other
Personnel Actions”, as amended by CSC MC. No. 15, s. 1999, “Additional
Provisions and Amendments to CSC MC No. 40, s. 1998” and CSC MC No. 21,
“Policies on Detail”, 26 September 2002.
6. CSC MC No. 12-06, “Qualification Standards for IAS Positions”, 22 June 2006.
7. CSC MC No. 1, “Repeal of CSC MCs No. 17, s. 2002 also known as the „Policy
Guidelines for Contracts of Service‟ and CSC No. 24, s. 2002 also known as the
„Clarification of Policy Guidelines for Contract of Service‟”, 12 January 2007.
9. COA Circular No. 91-368, “Government Accounting and Auditing Manual”, Vol. III,
19 December 1991.
10.COA Circular No. 2002-002, “Prescribing the Manual on the National Government
Accounting System (Manual Version) For Use in All Government Agencies”, 18
June 2002.
12.DBM Circular Letter Nos. 2008-05, “Guidelines in the Organization and Staffing of
an Internal Audit Service/Unit and Management Division/Unit in
Departments/Agencies/ GOCCs/GFIs Concerned”, 14 April 2008.
13.DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-8, “National Guidelines on Internal Control Systems
(NGICS)”, 23 October 2008.
14.DBM-CSC Joint Resolution No. 1, “Rationalization Program‟s Organization and
Staffing Standards and Guidelines”, 12 May 2006.
15.Executive Order (EO) No. 292, “Administrative Code of 1987”, 25 July 1987.
26.Republic Act (RA) No. 6713, “Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
Officials and Employees” and its IRR, 20 February 1989.
27.RA No. 9485, “Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007” and its IRR, 2 June 2007.
28.Republic Act No. 9184, “Government Procurement Reform Act”, 10 January 2003.
30.The 1987 Philippine Constitution.
32.United Nations. United Nations Audit Manual. New York: Internal Audit Division,
Office of Internal Oversight Services, March 2009. Available from World Wide
Web: <
36.Veneracion and Linatoc vs. Office of the Court Administrator, A.M. No. RTJ-99-
1432, 21 June 2000.
37.World Bank (WB). Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC);
Republic of the Philippines; Accounting and Auditing Update. Available from
World Wide Web:<http://www. worldbank. org/ifa/ rosc_aa_phl_2006.pdf>.
(PGIAM – Part II)
4. Bagatsing vs. Committee on Privatization,, G.R. No. 112399, July 14, 1995.
5. Boiser vs. People of the Philippines, G.R. No. 180299, 31 January 2008.
6. Black‟s Law Dictionary, (ed.), (p.290, 6th ed.), St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co.
1990.ISBN 971-30-0356-X.
10. COA. Handbook on Internal Control Structure. Quezon City: COA, November
13. COA Circular No. 368-91, “Government Auditing Standards and Procedures and
Internal Control System”, 19 December 1991.
14. CSC MC No. 07, “Installation of Performance Management System (PMS) in the
Civil Service”, 18 April 2007.
15. CSC MC No. 12, “Revised Policies on Qualification Standards”, 29 October 2003.
16. CSC MC No. 14, “Additional Provisions and Amendments to CSC Memorandum
Circular No. 41, s. 1998”, 23 August 1999.
17. CSC Resolution No. 991936, “The Uniform Rules on Administrative Cases in the
Civil Service (URACCS)”, 31 August 1999.
18. CSC MC No. 41, “Amendments to Rule I and XVI of the Omnibus Rules
Implementing Book V of the Administrative Code of 1987”, 24 December 1998.
19. DBM Circular Letter Nos. 2007-6, “Manual on Position Classification and
Compensation”,19 February 2007.
20. DBM National Budget Circular No. (NBC) 518, “FY 2008 Personal Services
Itemization and Plantilla of Personnel (PSIPOP)”, 8 January 2009.
21. DBM NBC No. 522, “FY 2009 Personal Services Itemization and Plantilla of
Personnel (PSIPOP)”, 14 December 2009.
22. DBM NBC No. 507, “Omnibus Circular on the Submission of Budget Execution
Documents/ Accountability Reports”, 31 January 2007.
25. EO No. 366, “Directing a Strategic Review of the Operations and Organizations of
the Executive Branch and Providing Options and Incentives for Government
Employees Who May Be Affected by the Rationalization of the Functions and
Agencies of the Executive Branch”, 4 October 2004.
27. EO No. 265, “Approving and Adopting the Government Information Systems Plan
(GISP) as Framework and Guide for All Computerization Efforts in Government”,
12 July 2000.
28. Galario vs. Office of the Ombudsman, et. Al., G.R. No. 166797, 10 July 2007.
29. Gutierrez, vs. DBM, G.R. No. 153266, 18 March 2010.
34. ISO Guide 73:2009, Risk management – Vocabulary, 13 Novemember 2009.
35. National Archives of the Philippines General Circular No. 1, “Rules and
Regulations Governing the Management of Public Records and Archives
Administration”, 20 January 2009.
36. National Archives of the Philippines General Circular No. 2, “Guidelines on the
Disposal of Valueless Records in Government Agencies”, 20 January 2009.
40. National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) Office Circular No. 01-2009,
“Adopting the Code of Conduct for the Officials and Employees of NEDA, 19 May
2009; LTFRB, “Code of Conduct for Officials and Employees of the Land
Transportation and Franchising Regulatory Board,” 4 February 2005.
41. Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of EO 292 and Other Pertinent Civil Service
Laws, as amended such as by CSC MC 38, s. 1993; MC 40, s. 1998, MC 41, s.
1998; MC 20, s. 2002; MC 15, s. 2006; CSC MC 28, s. 2009.
45. Regalado, F. D. (2001). Remedial Law Compendium, II, 9th Rev. Ed., Caloocan
City:National Bookstore.
46. RA No. 9524, “General Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2009”, effective, 1 April
47. RA No. 3019, “Anti-graft and Corrupt Practices Act”; CSC Resolution No. 06-
0231, 1 February 2006.
48. RA No. 9013, “An Act Establishing the Philippine Quality Award in Order to
Encourage Organizations in Both the Private and Public Sectors to Attain
Excellence in Quality in the Production and/or Delivery of their Goods and
Services”, 28 February 2001.
49. RA No. 7160, “Local Government Code of 1991”, 10 October 1991.
50. Republic of the Philippines vs. Desierto, G.R. No. 135123, 22 January 2007.
51. Standard on Auditing (SA) 500 (Revised) Audit Evidence. Available from World
Wide Web:< 15576sa500revised. pdf>.
57. State Accounting and Auditing Development Office. Value for Money Audit –
Participant‟s Manual. Quezon City: Commission on Audit. 2000.
Appendix A : Summary of Generic Manuals on Controls in the Human Resource
Management System (HRMS), Quality Management System (QMS) and Risk
Management System (RMS)
The Training Manuals and Sets of Instructions (SOIs) will contain minimum guidelines
and requirements that will focus on the internal controls that are built into and made
an integral part of each system that management uses to regulate and guide its
Par. 1.1, DBM Circular Letter 2008-8, “National Guidelines on Internal Control Systems (NGICS)”, 23 October
Commission on Audit (COA) Memorandum No. 2009-004, “DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-8 dated October
23, 2008 entitles “National Guidelines on Internal Control Systems (NGICS), dated 16 February 2009.
operations to meet its objectives.3 The built-in controls in the support system such as
HRMS, QMS and RMS interfaces with that of the operations‟ own controls to come
up with stronger accountability; efficient, effective, ethical, and economical
operations; improved ability to address risks to achieve general control objectives;
better systems of responding to the needs of citizens; and quality outputs and
outcomes and effective governance.4 The Learning modules will serve as guide for
trainers and reference material for target audiences.
The Human Resource Management System (HRMS) forms part of the coordinated
methods and measures of every agency. Based on the guidelines provided in the
NGICS, the HRM system encompasses the processes from recruitment, retention,
training, supervision and discipline, until an employee‟s severance from the service,
either through retirement, resignation, or separation. These processes have built-in
controls to ensure 4Es (efficient, effective, ethical and economical) of operations to
meet agency objectives.
The module is focused on the internal controls that must be in place within the
Human Resource Management System (HRMS). It is intended to develop individual
competencies of the target audience in determining internal controls in the area of
human resource management. At the end of the module, the target audiences are
expected to:
Sub-Module 1 discusses the concept of public accountability and public trust which
promotes responsibility, integrity, loyalty, professionalism and the 4Es (efficient,
effective, ethical and economical) of operations in the government. This is provided
under pertinent provisions of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, the Administrative
Code of 1987 and the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and
Employees. Government officials and employees should always remember that
public service is public trust which means that “[t]he powers so delegated to the
officer are held in trust for the people and are to be exercised in behalf of the
government or of all citizens who may need the intervention of the officers. Such trust
extends to all matters within the range of duties pertaining to the office. In other
National Guidelines on Internal Control Systems (NGICS), 23 October 2008.
words, public officers are but the servants of the people, and not their rulers.” 5 They
are duty bound to maintain their integrity and fitness to discharge their functions.
Sub-Module 2. The Position Description and Qualification Standards (QS)
The Quality Management System (QMS) is one way in which a public sector
organization can direct and control its activities in order to satisfy the needs and
expectations of the citizens.9 To develop a culture of quality and integrity in
governance, the government mandated policy on quality service provides that “the
State shall encourage all sectors of the economy to aim for optimum productivity and
improved quality and shall recognize their contribution to raising the quality of life for
all, especially the underprivileged.”10 Agencies use the process approach as a
control measure to meet citizens‟ requirements.
Sabio vs. Gordon, G.R. No. 174340, 17 October 2006.
IV, Guidelines, Procedures and Requirements in the Preparation and Submission of Appointments, Omnibus
Rules Implementing Book V of Executive Order 292 and other Pertinent Civil Service Laws, May 2007).
Rule IX Performance Evaluation Promotion, Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of Executive Order No.
292 and other Pertinent Civil Service Laws, 2007.
Remolana vs. CSC, G.R. No. 137473, 2 August 2001.
Clause 0, Government Quality Management Systems Standards (GQMSS), 21 June 2007.
Sec. 2, Republic Act (RA) No. 9013, “An Act Establishing the Philippine Quality Award in Order to Encourage
Organizations in Both the Private and Public Sectors to Attain Excellence in Quality in the Production And/Or
Delivery of Their Goods and Service,” 28 February 2001.
The module is focused on the internal controls that must be in place within the
agencies‟ support and operating processes to enable them to identify and meet the
needs, expectations and requirements of the citizens. It aims to promote
organizational capabilities in revitalizing internal controls, particularly in the area of
quality management. At the end of the module, the target audiences are expected to
be able to:
Clause 5.1.1. ISO 9000, the “Introduction and Support Package: Guidance on the Concept and Use of the
Process Approach for Management Systems,” ISO/TC 176/SC 2/N 544R3, 15 October 2008; Executive Order
(EO) No. 605 s. 2007; and Republic Act (RA) No. 9013.
Clause 0.2, ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System – Requirements, 15 November 2008 “Process
approach refers tothe application of a system of processes within an organization, together with the
identification and interactions of these processes, and their management to produce the desired outcome.”
Clause 3.5., Government Quality Management System Standards (GQMSS), the “Quality Management
Systems - Guidance Document for the Application of ISO 9001:2000 in Public Sector Organizations,” 21 June
2007; Executive Order (EO) No. 605 s. 2007; and Republic Act (RA) No. 9013.
Clause 5.1.1, ISO 9000 Introduction and support Package:Guidance on the Concept and Use of the Process
Approach for management systems.
Sub-Module 3. The Continual Improvement
The module is focused on internal controls such as risk assessment and risk
treatment that are integrated in the organizational processes and decision making
process. Risk treatment, which forms part of the risk management process, is a risk
response that also falls under the control activity. It is discussed in this sub-module
on RMS. At the end of the module, the target readers are expected to:
Article 9 Public Procurement and Management of Public Finances, Chapter II, Preventive Measures, United
Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), 31 October 2003.
Clause 5.1, ISO 31010 – Risk management – Risk assessment techniques, 13 November 2009.
Sub-Module 2. Risk Assessment: Process and Techniques
Clause, ISO Guide 73:2009 “Risk management – vocabulary”, 13 November 2009.
Appendix B : Skills, Related Knowledge, Attributes and Other Competencies of
an Internal Auditor
Competency “is a set of skills, related knowledge and attributes that allow an
individual to perform a task or an activity within a specific function or job.”19
b. Set of skills “relates to the ability to do, physical domain” of performing the task.
The set of skills are the applied knowledge needed for the tasks.
The following are the types of competencies that an individual must possess to
perform a task.
a. Generic. “Competencies which are considered essential for all staff, regardless of
their function or level, i.e., communication, execution, processing tools, linguistics,
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Competencies.
Office of the Ombudsman vs. Civil Service Commission, G.R.No.159940, 16 February 2005.
Guidelines for Quality and/or Environmental Management Systems Auditing.
The concept of competence of auditors under PNS ISO 19011:2002 is adopted to
provide competency in management control and operations audit.
Personal Attributes
a. Examples of the generic knowledge and skills essential for all government
employees regardless of function and position include those provided under the
1987 Constitution, Civil Service Rules and Regulations, RA 6713 or the “Code of
Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees and the
General Principles Governing Public Officers and Employees under the
Administrative Code of 1987.
ii. Internal control objectives (safeguard assets; check accuracy and reliability of
accounting data; adherence to managerial policies; comply with laws, rules
and regulations; and ensure economical, ethical, efficient and effective
iv. Operating systems, management support systems and reference international
best practices.
d. The personal attributes of public officials and employees essential in the
discharge and execution of duties include the norms of conduct of public officials
and employees provided under Section 4 of RA 6713, herein provided as follows:
“Section 4. Norms of Conduct of Public Officials and Employees. - (A) Every
public official and employee shall observe the following as standards of
personal conduct in the discharge and execution of official duties:
(a) Commitment to public interest. - Public officials and employees shall
always uphold the public interest over and above personal interest. All
government resources and powers of their respective offices must be
employed and used efficiently, effectively, honestly and economically,
particularly to avoid wastage in public funds and revenues.
(b) Professionalism. - Public officials and employees shall perform and
discharge their duties with the highest degree of excellence,
professionalism, intelligence and skill. They shall enter public service with
utmost devotion and dedication to duty. They shall endeavor to discourage
wrong perceptions of their roles as dispensers or peddlers of undue
(c) Justness and sincerity. - Public officials and employees shall remain true to
the people at all times. They must act with justness and sincerity and shall
not discriminate against anyone, especially the poor and the
underprivileged. They shall at all times respect the rights of others, and
shall refrain from doing acts contrary to law, good morals, good customs,
public policy, public order, public safety and public interest. They shall not
dispense or extend undue favors on account of their office to their relatives
whether by consanguinity or affinity except with respect to appointments of
such relatives to positions considered strictly confidential or as members of
their personal staff whose terms are coterminous with theirs.
(d) Political neutrality. - Public officials and employees shall provide service to
everyone without unfair discrimination and regardless of party affiliation or
(e) Responsiveness to the public. - Public officials and employees shall extend
prompt, courteous, and adequate service to the public. Unless otherwise
provided by law or when required by the public interest, public officials and
employees shall provide information of their policies and procedures in
clear and understandable language, ensure openness of information,
public consultations and hearings whenever appropriate, encourage
suggestions, simplify and systematize policies, rules and procedures, avoid
red tape and develop an understanding and appreciation of the socio-
economic conditions prevailing in the country, especially in the depressed
rural and urban areas.
(f) Nationalism and patriotism. - Public officials and employees shall at all
times be loyal to the Republic and to the Filipino people, promote the use
of locally produced goods, resources and technology and encourage
appreciation and pride of country and people. They shall endeavor to
maintain and defend Philippine sovereignty against foreign intrusion.
(g) Commitment to democracy. - Public officials and employees shall commit
themselves to the democratic way of life and values, maintain the principle
of public accountability, and manifest by deeds the supremacy of civilian
authority over the military. They shall at all times uphold the Constitution
and put loyalty to country above loyalty to persons or party.
(h) Simple living. - Public officials and employees and their families shall lead
modest lives appropriate to their positions and income. They shall not
indulge in extravagant or ostentatious display of wealth in any form. “
In addition, government auditors should possess the following personal attributes
relevant to management control, operations audit and compliance audit:
(a) open-minded, i.e., willing to consider alternative ideas or points of view;
(b) diplomatic, i.e., tactful in dealing with people;
(c) observant, i.e., actively aware of the physical surroundings and activities;
(d) perceptive, i.e., instinctively aware of and able to understand situations;
(e) versatile, i.e., adjusts readily to different situations;
(f) tenacious, i.e., persistent, focused on achieving objectives;
(g) decisive, i.e., reaches timely conclusions based on logical reasoning and
analysis; and
(h) self-reliant, i.e., acts and functions independently while interacting effectively
with others.22
Adopted from the personal attributes of auditors under PNS ISO 19011:2002, Guidelines for Quality and/or
Environmental Management Systems Auditing
Appendix C : Qualification Standards and Functions of the Head and Staff of
The table hereunder provides for the qualification standards and functions of each
position in the IAS/IAU. It reflects the minimum competency required in the areas of:
a) Education; b) Experience; c) Training; and d) Eligibility that will enable auditors to
perform in a competent manner, the functions so desired by the IAS/IAU.
Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular No. 12, s. 2006.
DBM Budget Circular No. 2004-4, Guidelines on the Organization and Staffing of Internal Auditing Units
(IAUs), 22 March 2004.
Position Qualification Standards23 Functions24
Position Qualification Standards23 Functions24
Internal Auditor III 1. Education: Bachelor‟s degree 1. Under general supervision, reviews
relevant to the job (Law, agency organizational structure,
Accounting, Public Administration, staffing, administrative systems and
Criminology, Information procedures;
Technology/Computer Science and 2. Drafts audit plans for review of
other disciplines related to the immediate supervisor,
abovementioned) 3. Follows-up actions to determine if
audit recommendations have been
2. Experience: 2 years in position/s carried out;
involving Internal Auditing,
Administrative or Criminal 4. Performs difficult auditing work; and
Investigation and/or Forensics (e.g., 5. Does related work.
Accounting, Information
Technology, International
Organization for Standardization
[ISO] Management Systems and
other related disciplines)
Position Qualification Standards23 Functions24
Position Qualification Standards23 Functions24
Appendix D : Diagram and Flowcharts of Internal Audit Key Process
D. 1 Flowcharting symbols25
Description of process
Reference document
Decision box
Link to document
Off-page reference
Incoming reference
PNS ISO 5807:2004 – “Information processing – Documentation symbols and conventions for data, program
and system flowcharts, program network charts and system resources charts”; UN Audit Manual, Internal
Audit Division, Office of Internal Oversight Services, March 2009.
D. 2 Internal Audit Key Processes Diagram
Components of
Internal Control Controls
D. 4 Control Significance and Materiality and Control Risk Flow Diagram
procedures/processes, organizational
structure, assets management practices,
financial and management records, Risk analysis
reports and performance standards of the
agencies/units covered;
D. 6 Flowchart of Strategic Audit Planning
D.6. 1 Conduct of Baseline Assessment of Internal Control System
Internal Control
Interim Report,
ICQ Working
if critical
Interim Report,
if critical Flowcharts
Interim Report,
if critical Flowcharts
and Working
Narratives Papers
D.6 Strategic Audit Planning
D.6.1a Conduct of Baseline Assessment of Internal Control System (continuation)
Report, if
Consider reports of various monitoring and oversight bodies and
interim reports
Approved? Revise the Baseline
Assessment Report (BAR)
D.6 Strategic Audit Planning
D.6. 2 Assessment of Control Significance and Materiality and Control Risk
Assess control significance and materiality level Identify controls in the potential
audit area
High Risk?
Yes No
Not included
D.6.4 in the Stra-
tegic Plan
D.6 Strategic Planning
D.6. 3 Assessment of Internal Audit Risk
Guide staff and monitor progress Identify risk sources and events
of audit
D.6 Strategic Planning
D.6.3a Assessment of Internal Audit Risk (continuation)
Head of Internal
Audit (HoIA) Audit Team Leader Audit Team Members
Low High
D.6 Strategic Planning
D.6. 4 Formulation of Strategic Plan
Head of Internal
Audit (HoIA) Audit Team Leader Audit Team Members
Significance &
Materiality &
Control Risk
Audit Risk Working
D. 7 Preparation of Annual Work Plan
D.7. 1 Prioritize, by Process, the Control Methods and Measures into Potential Audit Areas
Head of Internal
Audit (HoIA) Audit Team Leader Audit Team Members
Working Working
Papers Papers
Revise prioritized potential audit
D.7 Preparation of Annual Work Plan
D.7. 2 Validate Previous Audit Follow-up Report
Review (revised) annual work plan Evaluate (revised) annual Prepare annual work plan
work plan
Revise annual work plan
Strategic Audit
Plan and AWP
D. 8 Flow Diagram of Compliance, Management and Operations Audit
D.8. 1 Compliance Audit Flow Diagram
5) Monitoring 6) Contractual
Components of
Internal Control Controls Output
3) Control Activities 3) Adherence to Effectiveness
Managerial Policies
4) Information and
Communication Support 4) Compliance w/ LRP
processes 5) Ensure 4Es of
5) Monitoring
D.8 Flow Diagram of Compliance, Management and Operations Audit
D.8. 3 Operations Audit Flow Diagram
Audit Execution
Audit Reporting
Audit Follow-up
D.9 Audit Process Flow Diagram
D.9. 1 Audit Engagement Planning Flow Diagram
How to Audit
What to Follow-up
D.9 Audit Process Flow Diagram
D.9. 3 Audit Reporting Flow Diagram
D. 10 Flowchart of Audit Process
D.10. 1 Flowchart of Audit Engagement Planning
Working Working
papers papers
Statement of
audit objective
Statement of
audit scope
D.10 Flowchart of Audit Process
D.10.1a Flowchart of Audit Engagement Planning (continuation)
Head of Internal
Audit Team Leader Audit Team Members
Audit (HoIA)
Draft Audit
D.10 Flowchart of Audit Process
D.10.1 b Audit of Engagement Planning (continuation)
Head of Internal
Audit Team Leader Audit Team Members
Audit (HoIA)
Draft Audit
Audit Plan
Plan and
Revise draft Audit Plan and Program
Prepare final Audit Plan and Revised
Program draft Audit
Plan and
Sign Audit Plan and Program Audit Plan
Audit Plan
D.10.2 Program
D.10 Flowchart of Audit Process
D.10. 2 Flowchart of Audit Execution
D.10.2.1 Entry Conference
Audit Plan
and Program
Consider the recommended Entry
Conference schedule and the
D.10 Flowchart of Audit Process
D.10. 2 Flowchart of Audit Execution
D.10.2.2 Compliance Audit
D.10.1b D.10.2.1
Supervise the audit team in the papers
Report progress of the audit
progress of the audit
D.10 Flowchart of Audit Process
D.10. 2 Flowchart of Audit Execution
D.10.2.2 a Compliance Audit (continuation)
Guide staff and monitor progress Index, file and collect inform-
of audit ation and working papers
Review progress of the Report progress of the
compliance audit report, control compliance audit and report con-
gaps, deficiencies trol gaps, deficiencies or
Is there a
need to report No
to DS/GB – Conduct System/Process Audit
D.10 Flowchart of Audit Process
D.10. 2 Flowchart of Audit Execution
D.10.2.3 System/Process Audit
Supervise the audit team in the Report progress of the audit papers
progress of the audit
D.10 Flowchart of Audit Process
D.10. 2 Flowchart of Audit Execution
D.10.2.3a System/Process Audit (continuation)
Report Report
Approved? Revise report on Compliance and System/
Yes Process Audits
D.10.2.3b Report
Report Report
Approved? Revise progress assessment report
assessment D.10.2.3b
D.10 Flowchart of Audit Process
D.10.2 Audit Execution
D.10.2.3 b System/Process Audit (continuation)
Head of Internal
Audit (HoIA) Audit Team Leader Audit Team Members
Supervise the audit team in the Report audit highlights and obser-
progress of the audit vations
D.10 Flowchart of Audit Process
D.10.2 Flowchart of Audit Execution
D.10.2.4 Exit Conference
Attend and conduct Exit Conference with request for management comment
D.10 Flowchart of Audit Process
D.10.2 Flowchart of Audit Execution
D.10.2.4a Exit Conference (continuation)
Comments submitted
after 10-15 days Rejoinder
Revise completion assessment report
D.10 Flowchart of Audit Process
D.10. 3 Flowchart of Audit Reporting
Recommend preventive
Guide staff and monitor progress action to avoid occurrence
of audit and corrective action to
avoid recurrence
Internal Internal
Audit Report Audit Report Draft Internal
Audit Report
Revise Internal Audit Report
Yes Revised
Internal Audit
Send Internal Audit Memo for Report
DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom with the
Internal Audit Report
D.10 Flowchart of Audit Process
D.10. 4 Flowchart of Audit follow-up
D.10.4. 1 Monitoring Implementation of Approved Audit Findings and Recommendations
Internal Audit
Evaluation Evaluation
Report Report
D.10 Flowchart of Audit Process
D.10.4. Flowchart of Audit follow-up
D.10.4.1 a Monitoring Implementation of Approved Audit Findings and
Recommendations (continuation)
Head of Internal Audit (HoIA) Audit Team Leader Audit Team Members
Sufficiency of
Instruct for the
change of status from
“Recommendation to
additional Yes Change status from “Recommendation to
evidence? “Implementation”
Request audited entity justi-
fication for non-implementation
/inadequate implementation
D.10.4.2 Memo
D.10 Flowchart of Audit Process
D.10.4. Flowchart of Audit Follow-up
D.10.4. 2 Resolving Non-implemented/Inadequate Implementation of Recommendations
Head of Internal Audit (HoIA) Audit Team Leader Audit Team Members
Obtain additional documents required in the conduct of review
Instruct Audit Team Leader to
draft Internal Audit Memo for
DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom for Draft Audit Memorandum for DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom or appropriate
appropriate legal/management legal/management action on the non-implementation/inadequate
action on the non- implementation of preventive/ corrective actions
implementation/inadequate im-
plementtation of preventive/cor-
rective actions Internal
Submit draft Internal Audit Memo Audit
for DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom for Audit Follow-up
appropriate legal/ management Memo Report
Review and approval of the
Internal Audit Memo for release action on the non-implementation
of preventive/ corrective actions
D. 11 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
Monitoring Evaluation
Adequacy of Efficiency
Oversight IAS/IAU as and
part of ICS effectiveness
as part of
Opinion/ Matters Matters on Matters on
Ruling/ on COA Budget and CSC rules
Interpretation rules and Management and
regulation regulations
D.11 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
D.11. 1 Performance Monitoring by Head of Internal Audit (HoIA)
D.11.1. 1 Review of Progress Assessment Report
Head of Internal Audit (HoIA) Audit Team Leader Audit Team Members
Approved? Revise Internal Audit Progress Assessment Report
Revised Inter-
Approve Internal Audit Progress As- nal Audit Pro-
sesment Report gress Assess-
ment Report
Internal Audit
Progress As-
sessment Re-
D.11 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
D.11.1 Performance Monitoring by Head of Internal Audit (HoIA)
D.11.1. 2 Review of Completion Assessment Report
Head of Internal Audit (HoIA) Audit Team Leader Audit Team Members
Revise Internal Audit Completion Assessment Report
Revised Inter-
Approve Internal Audit Completion nal Audit Com-
Assessment Report pletion Assess-
ment Report
D.11 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
D.11. 2 Performance Evaluation by the Department Secretary/Governing Board –
Audit Committee
D.11.2. 1 Review of Internal Audit Report
Internal Internal
Audit Audit Memo
Evaluate Audit Findings and
Approved? Recommendations
1. Audit Report
Audit findings in terms of 4Cs
Direct the Auditee on the implementation of the which are supported by facts and
approved audit findings and recommendation substantial evidence.
Audit recommendations based on
laws and applicable jurisprudence
D.11 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
D.11.2. Performance Evaluation by the Department Secretary/Governing Board –
Audit Committee
D.11.2. 2 Review of Internal Audit Service/Unit (IAS/IAU) Performance Report
Submit relevant documents
D.11 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
D.11. 3 Oversight
D.11.3. 1 Oversight by Commission on Audit (COA)
Department Secretary/Head of
Commission on Audit (COA) Agency or Governing Board/Audit Head of Internal Audit (HoIA)
(DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom)
Request Memo
Approved? Evaluate relevant do-
D.11 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
D.11.3 Oversight
D.11.3. 2 Oversight by Department of Budget and Management (DBM)
Department Secretary/Head of
Department of Budget Agency or Governing Head of Internal Audit (HoIA)
and Management Board/Audit Committee
(DBM) (DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom)
Request Memo
Approved? Evaluate relevant do-
5. Performance Monitoring
and Evaluation Re-
D.11 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
D.11. 4 Request for Opinion
D.11.4. 1 Commission on Audit (COA) on Matters of COA Rules and Regulations
Department Secretary/Head of
Agency or Governing
Board/Audit Committee Head of Internal Audit (HoIA) Auditee
(DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom)
Notification of Notification of
reversal of affirmation of Internal Audit
the approved the approved Memorandum
audit findings audit findings Comply with the approved audit
and recom- and recom- findings and recommendations
mendations mendations
No Yes
End Implement?
D.11 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
D.11. 4 Request for Opinion
D.11.4.1 a Commission on Audit (COA) on Matters of COA Rules and Regulations (continuation)
Department Secretary/Head of
Agency or Governing
Board/Audit Committee Head of Internal Audit (HoIA) Auditee
(DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom)
D.11 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
D.11. 4 Request for Opinion
D.11.4. 2 Civil Service Commission (CSC) on Matters of CSC Rules and Regulations
Department Secretary/Head of
Agency or Governing
Board/Audit Committee Head of Internal Audit (HoIA) Auditee
(DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom)
Notification of Notification of
reversal of affirmation of Internal Audit
the approved the approved Memorandum
audit findings audit findings Comply with the approved audit
and recom- and recom- findings and recommendations
mendations mendations
No Yes
End Implement?
D.11 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
D.11. 4 Request for Opinion
D.11.4.2 a Civil Service Commission (CSC) on Matters of CSC Rules and Regulations
Department Secretary/Head of
Agency or Governing
Board/Audit Committee Head of Internal Audit (HoIA) Auditee
(DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom)
D.11 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
D.11.4 Request for Opinion
D.11.4.3 Department of Budget and Management (DBM) on Matters of Budget and Management
Department Secretary/Head of
Agency or Governing
Board/Audit Committee Head of Internal Audit (HoIA) Auditee
(DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom)
Notification of Notification of
reversal of affirmation of Internal Audit
the approved the approved Memorandum
audit findings audit findings Comply with the approved audit
and recom- and recom- findings and recommendations
mendations mendations
No Yes
End Implement?
D.11 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
D.11.4 Request for Opinion
D.11.4.3 Department of Budget and Management (DBM) on Matters of Budget and Management
Department Secretary/Head of
Agency or Governing Board/Audit
Committee Head of Internal Audit (HoIA) Auditee
(DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom)
Yes No
Implement the approved audit
Adequate? findings and recom-
Appendix E : Internal Control Questionnaire
a. Select the appropriate group of respondents and invite them to read each
statement carefully and assess the conditions pertaining to the questions. Ask
the respondents to answer the questions following the instructions given.
b. Prepare a tally sheet for the answers and analyze their impact to the control
objectives. For “YES” answers, select the central or key controls for the
validation/test of controls.
This questionnaire is divided into five interrelated components that make up the
agency‟s/organization‟s internal control system:
Complete the matrix by performing the following:
a. Please read each statement carefully and assess the conditions pertaining to
the questions.
b. Answer with “YES” or “NO” in the space provided. Answers to questions would
require submission of evidence, such as a flowchart and other reference
documents, by the personnel concerned.
c. A space for reference documents has been provided next to each question.
For questions which require reference documents, cite the same in the space
d. The internal auditors shall review the ICQ responses as part of the baseline
assessment of internal control and may contact the personnel concerned to
follow- up on some of the questions.
* The questionnaires provided are meant to serve as a guide. The control questions
below may be revised to customize to the conditions of the agency/organization.
* Please add comments for any statement where you think additional information
will assist in validating and understanding the results you have provided
(additional pages may be attached, as necessary).
E. 2 Section I – Control Environment
These questions involve ways on how the agency/organization can inform public
officers and employees of their roles, responsibilities, accountabilities, and
authorities. They also include ways by which the agency/organization can create
an environment to better ensure that integrity and ethical values are not
compromised and that officers and employees receive and understand that thrust.
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
1. Are the agency‟s/organization‟s
administrative structures and
procedures designed to serve the
people? (4th whereas clause EO 292,
“Administrative Code of 1987”)
2. Are the agency‟s/organization‟s major
functional, procedural and structural
principles and rules of governance in
accordance with the Administrative
Code of 1987 or the law creating the
agency/organization? (3rd whereas clause
EO 292, “Administrative Code of 1987”)
3. a. Does the Department Secretary
(DS)/Head of Agency
(HoA)/Governing Board (GB)
ensure adherence to the principle
of public office is a public trust?
b. Do the public officers and
i. hold themselves accountable to
the people at all times?
ii. serve the people with utmost
responsibility, integrity, loyalty
and efficiency, act with
patriotism and justice and lead
modest lives? (Sec. 32, Chapter 9,
Book I, EO 292, “Administrative Code of
4. Is the agency/organization structured
and maintained to insure their capacity
to plan and implement programs in
accordance with established national
policies? (Sec. 2(1), Chapter 1, Book IV, EO
292, “Administrative Code of 1987”)
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
5. Do the major staff units of the
agency/organization include the
Planning, Financial and Management,
Administrative and when necessary,
Technical and Legal Services? (Sec. 3
(4), Chapter 1, Book IV, EO 292, “Administrative
Code of 1987”)
6. Does the agency‟s/organization‟s
Planning Service provide economical,
efficient and effective services relating
to planning, programming, and project
development, and discharge such
other functions as provided by law?
(Sec. 13, Chapter 3, Book IV, EO 292,
“Administrative Code of 1987”)
7. Does the agency‟s/organization‟s
Administrative Service provide
economical, efficient and effective
services relating to personnel, legal
assistance, information, records,
delivery and receipt of
correspondence, supplies, equipment,
collections, disbursement, security and
custodial work and such other
functions as provided by law? (Sec. 15,
Chapter 3, Book IV, EO 292, “Administrative
Code of 1987”)
8. Does the agency‟s/organization‟s
Financial and Management Service
advise and assist the DS/HoA/GB on
financial and management matters and
perform such other functions as
provided by law? (Sec. 14, Chapter 3, Book
IV, EO 292, “Administrative Code of 1987”)
9. a. Are the functions of the agency/
organization decentralized in order
to reduce red tape?
b. Are central office officials freed
from administrative details
concerning field operations?
c. Are central office officials relieved
from unnecessary involvement in
routine and local matters?
d. Is adequate authority delegated to
subordinate officials?
e. Are administrative decisions and
actions, as much as possible, at the
level closest to the public?(Sec. 2 (3),
Chapter 1, Book IV, EO 292,
“Administrative Code of 1987”)
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
10. Are the bureaus and offices grouped
primarily on the basis of major
functions to achieve simplicity,
economy and efficiency in government
operations and minimize duplication
and overlapping of functions and
activities? (Sec. 2(2), Chapter 1, Book IV, EO
292, “Administrative Code of 1987”)
11. Does the bureau have divisions, as are
provided by law, for the economical,
efficient and effective performance of
its functions? (Sec. 18 (3), Chapter 4, Book
IV, EO 292, “Administrative Code of 1987”)
12. Do the agency‟s/organization‟s regional
offices provide economical, efficient
and effective service to the people in
the area? (Sec.26, Chapter 5, Book IV, EO
292, “Administrative Code of 1987”)
13. a. Are the agency‟s/organization‟s
plans and programs directly
implemented by the regional and
field offices as the operating arms
of the agency concerned?
b. Are the implemented plans and
programs in accordance with
approved policies and standards?
c. As counterparts of the agency in
the region, do they undertake
operations within their respective
jurisdictions? (Sec. 40, Chapter 8, Book
IV, EO 292, “Administrative Code of 1987”)
14. Does the DS/HoA/GB:
a. Establish the policies and
standards for the operation of the
agency/organization pursuant to
the approved programs of
b. Promulgate rules and regulations
necessary to carry out the
agency‟s/organization‟s policies,
objectives, functions, plans,
programs and projects?
c. Promulgate administrative
issuances necessary for the
efficient administration of the
offices under them and for the
proper execution of the laws
relative thereto?
d. Exercise disciplinary powers over
officers and employees under them
in accordance with law?
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
e. Appoint all officers and employees
of the agency/organization (except
those whose appointments are
vested in the President or in some
other appointing authority)?
f. Delegate authority to officers and
employees in accordance with EO
292 or the law creating the agency/
organization? (Sec. 7, Chapter 2, Book
IV, EO 292, “Administrative Code of 1987”)
15. Does the Undersecretary or his
a. Advise and assist the DS/HoA/GB
in the formulation and
implementation of department
policies and objectives?
b. Oversee all the operational
activities of the department for
which he is responsible to the DS?
c. Coordinate the programs and
projects of the department and take
responsibility for its economical,
efficient and effective
d. Temporarily discharge the duties of
the DS in the latter‟s absence or
inability to discharge his duties?
(Sec.10, Chapter 2, Book IV, EO 292,
“Administrative Code of 1987”)
16. a. Is the authority and responsibility for
the agency‟s/organization‟s
operations, as may be necessary to
implement the plans and programs,
adequately delegated by the
DS/HoA/GB to the bureau and
regional directors or their
b. Is the delegation in writing?
c. Does it indicate to which officer or
class of officers or employees the
delegation is made?
d. Does it vest sufficient authority to
enable the delegatee to discharge
his assigned responsibility?
e. Is the implementation of national
and local programs in accordance
with the policies and standards
developed by the department or
agency with the participation of the
regional directors?
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
f. Is the implementation economical,
efficient and effective? (Sec.40,
Chapter 8, Book IV, EO 292,
“Administrative Code of 1987”)
17. Does the Director of a staff bureau
perform the following:
a. Advise and assist the Office of the
Secretary on matters pertaining to
the Bureau‟s area of
b. Provide consultative and advisory
services to the regional offices of
the department?
c. Develop plans, programs,
operating standards, and
administrative techniques for the
attainment of the objectives and
functions of the bureau? (Sec. 19 (2),
Chapter 4, Book IV, EO 292,
“Administrative Code of 1987”)
18.a. Does the staff bureau perform
primarily advisory or auxiliary
functions and exercise, in behalf of
the department or agency/
organization, functional supervision
over the regional offices?
b. Do they develop and set down
policies, standards and
c. Are said policies, standards and
procedures implemented by
operating units?
d. Is there continuing evaluation of
the implementation of policies,
standards and procedures?
e. Does the evaluation provide for
recommendation and when
authorized, the corrective
measures to be taken? (Sec.24,
Chapter 5, Book IV, EO 292,
“Administrative Code of 1987”)
19. For line bureaus, does the Director/
a. Exercise supervision and control
over all divisions and other units,
including regional offices under the
b. Establish policies and standards for
the operations of the bureau
pursuant to the plans and programs
of the agency/organization?
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
c. Promulgate rules and regulations
necessary to carry out bureau
objectives, policies and functions?
(Sec.20, Chapter 4, Book IV, EO 292,
“Administrative Code of 1987”)
20. Does the Bureau Head issue orders
regarding the administration of their
internal affairs for the guidance of or
compliance by their officers and
employees? (Sec.36, Chapter 6, Book IV, EO
292, “Administrative Code of 1987”)
21.a. Are regulatory agencies
administratively supervised by the
department under which they are
b. Does the regulatory agency
prepare and submit annual budgets
and work plans to the DS/HoA?
c. Are the agency‟s/organization‟s
annual budget and work plans
approved by the DS/HoA?
d. Is the day-to-day operation of the
regulatory agency based on the
approved annual budget and work
plan? (Sec.43, Chapter 9, Book IV, EO
292, “Administrative Code of 1987”)
22. Does the Regional Director/Head:
a. Exercise the management
functions of planning, organizing,
directing and controlling in his/her
area of jurisdiction?
b. Prepare and submit budget
proposals for the region to the
central office?
c. Administer the budget of the
regional office?
d. Authorize disbursement of funds
pursuant to approved financial and
work programs?
e. Administer the budget control
machinery in the region? (Sec.27,
Chapter 5, Book IV, EO 292,
“Administrative Code of 1987”)
23. Does the Regional Director/Head issue
circulars of purely information or
implementing nature and orders
relating to the administration of the
internal affairs of regional offices and
units within their supervision? (Sec. 36,
Chapter 6, Book IV, EO 292, “Administrative
Code of 1987”)
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
24. Are those having supervision and
control take the responsibility for the
a. Review, approve, reverse or modify
acts and decisions of subordinate
officials or units?;
b. Determine priorities in the
execution of plans and programs?;
c. Prescribe standards, guidelines,
plans and programs? (Sec. 38 (1),
Chapter 7, Book IV, EO 292,
“Administrative Code of 1987”)
25. Are those having administrative
supervision over an agency/
organization take the responsibility for
the following:
a. Oversee the operations of such
agencies/organization and ensure
that they are managed effectively,
efficiently and economically without
interference with the day-to-day
b. Require the submission of reports
and cause the conduct of
performance evaluation and
inspection to determine compliance
with policies, standards and
c. Take action as may be necessary
for the proper performance of
official functions, including
rectification of violations, abuses
and other forms of
d. Review and pass upon the budget
of such agencies under its
administrative supervision? (Sec. 38,
Chapter 7, Book IV, EO 292,
“Administrative Code of 1987”)
26. a. Does the agency/organization
comply with the policies, standards
and guidelines promulgated by the
CSC to promote economical,
efficient and effective personnel
administration in the government?
b. Are there plans and programs
adopted to promote economical,
efficient and effective personnel
administration in the government?
(Sec. 12 (3), Chapter 3, Subtitle A, Title I,
Book V, EO 292, “Administrative Code of
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
27. a. Does the agency/organization
establish, administer and maintain
qualification standards?
b. Is the establishment, administration
and maintenance of qualification
standards with the assistance and
approval of the Civil Service
Commission? (Sec.22, Chapter 5,
Subtitle A, Title I, Book IV, EO 292,
“Administrative Code of 1987”)
28. a. Is the degree of qualifications of
an officer or employee determined
based on the qualification
standards for the particular
b. Do the qualification standards
express the minimum requirements
for a position in terms of education,
training and experience, civil
service eligibility, physical fitness,
and other qualities required for
successful performance? (Sec.22,
Chapter 5, Subtitle A, Title I, Book IV, EO
292, “Administrative Code of 1987”)
29. Does the agency/organization promote
the primacy of public interest over
personal interest in the performance of
duties? (Sec. 1, Rule III, Rules Implementing
RA 6713, “Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public Officials and Employees”)
30. Does the agency/organization conduct
value development programs for its
officials and employees in order to
strengthen their commitment to the
public? (Sec. 1, Rule III, Rules Implementing
RA 6713, “Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public Officials and Employees”)
31. Are the following subjects, among
others, included in the agency‟s/
organization‟s programs and other
parallel efforts on value development:
a. Ethical and moral values?
b. Rights, duties and responsibilities
of public servants?
c. Socio-economic conditions
prevailing in the country?
d. Need for a Code of Conduct and
Ethical Standards? (Sec. 1, Rule III,
Rules Implementing RA 6713, “Code of
Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
Officials and Employees”)
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
32. Does the agency/organization conduct
continuing refresher courses, seminars
and/or workshops to promote high
standards of ethics in the public
service? (Sec. 1, Rule III, Rules Implementing
RA 6713, “Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public Officials and Employees”)
33. Does the head of department, office
and agency/organization ensure that
officials and employees attend the
value development program and
participate in parallel value
development efforts? (Sec. 3, Rule III,
Rules Implementing RA 6713, “Code of
Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
Officials and Employees”)
34.a. Does the agency/organization
conduct continuing studies and
analyses of their work systems and
procedures to improve delivery of
public services?
b. Do such studies and analyses
i. Identify systems and procedures
that lead or contribute to
negative bureaucratic behavior?
ii. Simplify rules and procedures to
avoid red tape?
iii. Devise and adopt systems and
procedures that promote official
and employee morale and
satisfaction? (Sec. 4, Rule III, Rules
Implementing RA 6713, “Code of
Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Public Officials and Employees”)
35. Does the agency/organization
continually conduct research and
experimentation on measures to
motivate officials and employees in
raising the level of observance of
public ethical standards? (Sec. 6, Rule III,
Rules Implementing RA 6713, “Code of
Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
Officials and Employees”)
36. Does the agency/organization adopt
innovative programs which will provide
motivation to officials and employees in
raising the level of observance of
public ethical standards? (Sec. 6, Rule III,
Rules Implementing RA 6713, “Code of
Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
Officials and Employees”)
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
37. Does the agency/organization promote
the functional principles of governance
that the powers so delegated to a
public officer or employee is held in
trust for the people and to be exercised
behalf or of all citizens who may need
their intervention? (Sabio vs. Gordon, G.R.
No. 174340, 17 October 2006.)
38. Do the public officials and employees
perform and discharge their duties with
the highest degree of excellence,
professionalism, intelligence and skill?
(Sec. 4(A) Norms of Conduct of Public Officials
and Employees, Republic Act (RA) No. 6713,
the “Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Public Officials and Employees,” 20 February
39. Is there a committee or officer
designated to conduct investigation
over disciplinary matters? (Sec. 7(5),
Chapter 2, Book IV, EO 292, “Administrative
Code of 1987”)
40.a. Do the employees have the right
to present their complaints or
grievances to management?
b. Are the employees‟ complaints
and grievances adjudicated as
expeditiously as possible in the
best interest of the:
i. Agency?
ii. Government as a whole?
iii. The employee concerned?
c. Are the complaints and
grievances resolved at the lowest
possible level in the department or
d. Does the employee have the right
to appeal the decision to higher
e. Does the agency/organization have
promulgated rules and regulations
governing expeditious, fair and
equitable adjustment of employees‟
complaints or grievances in
accordance with the policies
enunciated by the CSC?(Sec.37,
Chapter 5, Subtitle A, Title I, Book V, EO
292, “Administrative Code of 1987”)
41. a. Does the agency/organization
have an established performance
evaluation system (PES)?
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
b. Is the PES administered in
accordance with standards, rules
and regulations promulgated by the
c. Is the PES administered in such a
manner as to continually foster the
improvement of individual
employee efficiency and
organizational effectiveness?
(Sec.33, Chapter 5, Subtitle A, Title I, Book
V, EO 292, “Administrative Code of 1987”)
42. Does the agency/organization institute
a PES based on objectively measured
output and performance of personnel
and units, such as the Performance
Management System-Office
Performance Evaluation System
developed by the CSC? (Administrative
Order (AO) No. 241s. 2008, “Mandating the
Speedy Implementation of Republic Act No
9485 Otherwise Known as the „Anti-Red Tape
Act of 2007‟ and its Implementing Rules and
Regulations and Strengthening the Application
Thereof,” 2 October 2008.)
43. Does the DS/HoA/GB formulate and
enforce a system of measuring and
evaluating periodically and objectively
the performance of the agency/
organization and submit the same
annually to the President? (Sec.8,
Chapter 2, Book IV, EO 292, “Administrative
Code of 1987”)
44. Does the organization undertake, on a
continuing basis, programs to promote
constituents/public satisfaction and
improve service delivery, and other
similar activities for officers and
employees in frontline services? (Sec. 1,
Rule VI, Implementing Rules and Regulations of
RA 9485, “Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007)
45. Does the agency/organization conduct
an analysis of its operating
performance, evaluation of
performance relative to costs incurred
and the review of agency operating
systems and procedures as inherent
parts of the budget process? (Sec. 9,
Chapter 2, Book VI, EO 292, “Administrative
Code of 1987”)
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
46. Does the DS/HoA/GB evaluate on a
continuing basis the quantitative and
qualitative measures of its performance
as reflected in the units of work
measurement and other indicators of
agency performance, including the
standard and actual costs per unit of
work? (Sec. 51, Chapter 6, Book VI, EO 292,
“Administrative Code of 1987”)
47. Does the agency/organization identify
other public service organizations (e.g.,
public entities and private entities
providing public services), public they
serve and stakeholders as well as their
requirements, needs and expectations,
to define the organization‟s intended
outputs? (Clause 5.1.1. ISO 9000, the
“Introduction and Support Package: Guidance
on the Concept and Use of the Process
Approach for Management Systems,” ISO/TC
176/SC 2/N 544R3, 15 October 2008; Executive
Order (EO) No. 605 s. 2007; and Republic Act
(RA) No. 9013.)
48. Does the agency/organization monitor
information relating to constituents/
public perception as to whether the
organization has met constituents/
public requirements? (Clause 8.2.1 ISO
9001:2008, 15 November 2008; Executive
Order (EO) No. 605 s. 2007; and Republic Act
(RA) No. 9013.)
49. Are the agency‟s/organization‟s
operating units able to achieve the
expected results and contribute to the
achievement of its sectoral or societal
goals? (DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-8, the
“National Guidelines on Internal Control
Systems (NGICS),” 23 October 2008, pp. 11-
50. Does the agency/organization include
the necessary networking within and
outside government to attain better
coordination or convergence of efforts
in the execution of their
responsibilities? (Item 3.1, DBM CL 2008-8,
“National Guidelines on Internal Control
51. Does the agency/organization perform
functions and tasks using the least
amount of resources within a specific
timeframe? (DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-8,
the “National Guidelines on Internal Control
Systems (NGICS),” 23 October 2008, pp. 11-
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
52. Are all government resources and
powers of the agency/organization
employed and used efficiently,
effectively, honestly and economically,
particularly to avoid wastage of public
funds and revenues? (Sec. 4(A) Norms of
Conduct of Public Officials and Employees,
Republic Act (RA) No. 6713, the “Code of
Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
Officials and Employees,” 20 February 1989.)
53.a. Are all government resources
managed, expended or utilized in
accordance with law and
b. Is it safeguarded against loss or
wastage through illegal or improper
disposition to ensure economy,
effectiveness and efficiency in the
operations of the
c. Does the DS/HoA/GB ensure that
the foregoing policy on fiscal
responsibility is faithfully adhered to
in all the financial affairs,
transactions and operations of the
agency/ organization? (Sec. I, Chapter
1, Subtitle B, Title I, Book V, EO 292,
“Administrative Code of 1987”)
54. a. Does the agency/organization take
appropriate measures to promote
transparency and accountability in
the management of public
b. Do said measures encompass
effective and efficient systems of
internal control? (Article 9 Public
Procurement and Management of Public
Finances, Chapter II, Preventive Measures,
United Nations Convention Against
Corruption (UNCAC), 31 October 2003.)
55. a. Does the DS/HoA/GB prepare
and submit to the President,
through the Department of Budget
and Management (DBM), an
estimate of the necessary
expenditures of the agency/
organization during the next fiscal
b. Are these budget estimates based
on the reports and estimates
submitted by the bureaus and
offices under him? (Sec. 9, Chapter 2,
Book IV, EO 292, “Administrative Code of
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
56. a. Is the agency‟s/organization‟s
budget supportive of and consistent
with the socio-economic
development plan?
b. Is it oriented towards the
achievement of explicit objectives
and expected results, to ensure
that funds are utilized and
operations are conducted
effectively, economically and
efficiently? (Sec. 3, Chapter 2, Book VI,
EO 292, “Administrative Code of 1987”)
57. Does the agency/organization design
and implement the following?
a. Management information systems
yielding both performance and
financial information which will
adequately monitor and control
budget implementation, and
b. Improvements in operating
systems, procedures and practices,
so as to ensure that the targets
approved in budget authorization
are in fact attained at minimum
cost. (Sec. 9, Chapter 2, Book VI, EO 292,
“Administrative Code of 1987”)
58. Are all the government funds or
property under the administration or
control of the public officer or employee
used in accordance with the purpose
for which it was appropriated by law?
(Sec. 80, Chapter 7, Book VI, Executive Order
(EO) No. 292 s. 1987, the “Administrative Code
of 1987,” 25 July 1987 and Manhit vs. Office of
the Ombudsman, G.R. No. 159349, 7
September 2007)
59. Are the public officers or employees
who apply government funds or
property under his administration or
control to any use other than for which
such fund or property is appropriated
made liable therefor? (Sec.80, Chapter 7,
Book VI, Executive Order (EO) No. 292 s. 1987,
the “Administrative Code of 1987,” 25 July 1987
and Manhit vs. Office of the Ombudsman, G.R.
No. 159349, 7 September 2007)
60. Are the public officers and employees
who are directly responsible for
unlawful expenditures of government
funds or uses of government property
made personally liable therefor? (Sec.
52, Chapter 9, Subtitle B, Title I, Book V, EO
292, “Administrative Code of 1987”)
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
61. Are the public officers and employees
who are directly charged in the
processing, review and evaluation of
documents made personally liable for
unlawful expenditures of government
funds or uses of government property
resulting in the approval of said
documents? (Olaguer vs. Domingo, G.R. No.
109666, 20 June 2001; Section 52, Chapter 9,
Subtitle B, Title 1, Book V, Executive Order
(EO) No. 292 s. 1987, the “Administrative Code
of 1987,” 25 July 1987 )
62. Is the agency‟s/organization‟s control
environment understood within the
framework of public service
accountability where government, its
partners and agents, assume fiduciary
responsibilities towards the public they
serve? (Item 3.1.1, DBM Circular Letter No.
2008-8, the “National Guidelines on Internal
Control Systems (NGICS),” 23 October 2008)
63. Are there control features interwoven
into and made an integral part of each
system in the agency/organization that
management can use to regulate and
guide its operations? (Section 33, Title II-
Internal Control System, Vol. III, Commission on
Audit (COA) Circular No. 91-368, GAAM, 19
December 1991, p. 64; DBM CL 2008-8, Item
2.2.1, National Guidelines on Internal Control
64. Does the agency/organization adopt
and implement control policies and
measures on the following:
a. Delegation of authority and
b. Segregation of functions for
processing, reviewing, recording,
custody and approval?
c. Access to resources and records;
d. Completeness and integrity of
transaction documents and
e. Verification of transactions; and
f. Reconciliation of records and
data? [DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-8,
the “National Guidelines on Internal
Control Systems (NGICS),” 23 October
2008, pp. 27-28]
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
65. Are there plans of organization and
coordinated methods and measures
adopted within the agency/
organization to:
a. Safeguard its assets?
b. Check the accuracy and reliability
of its accounting data?
c. Encourage adherence to
prescribed managerial policies?
d. Comply with applicable laws and
e. Ensure ethical, economical,
effective and efficient operations?
(Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1445, the
“Government Auditing Code of the
Philippines,” as amended, 11 June 1978;
Department of Budget and Management
(DBM) Circular Letter No. 2008-8, the
“National Guidelines on Internal Control
Systems (NGICS),” 23 October 2008.)
66. Does the agency‟s/organization‟s
accounting system:
a. Produce information concerning
past operations and present
b. Provide a basis for guidance for
future operations?
c. Provide for control of the acts of
public bodies and officers in the
receipt, disposition and utilization of
funds or property?
d. Report on the financial position and
results of operations of the
agency/organization for the
information of all persons
concerned? (Sec. 41, Chapter 6, Subtitle
B, Title I, Book V, EO 292, “Administrative
Code of 1987”)
67. Does the agency/organization
implement the government-wide
Quality Management Program?
(Executive Order (EO) No. 605 s. 2007,
“Institutionalizing the Structure, Mechanisms
and Standards to Implement the Government
Quality Management Program, Amending for
the Purpose Administrative Order No. 161, s.
2006,” 23 February 2007 and Republic Act
(RA) No. 9013.)
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
68. Is the design and implementation of an
agency‟s/organization‟s quality
management system influenced by the
a. Organizational environment?
b. Changes in that environment, and
the risks associated with that
c. Varying needs?
d. Particular objectives?
e. Services it provides?
f. Processes it employs?
g. Size and organization structure?
(Clause 0.1, ISO 9001:2008 Quality
Management System, 15 November 2008;
Executive Order (EO) No. 605 s. 2007; and
Republic Act (RA) No. 9013.)
E. 3 Section II – Risk Assessment
These questions are used to identify and assess the external and internal factors
that could impact on the achievement of control objectives and provide a basis for
certain management controls.
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
1. Does the agency/organization
identify, analyze and evaluate
relevant risks to the achievement
of the control objectives and
determine the appropriate
response? [DBM Circular Letter No.
2008-8, the “National Guidelines on
Internal Control Systems (NGICS),” 23
October 2008, p. 29; International
Organization of Supreme Audit
Institutions (INTOSAI), the “Guidelines
for Internal Control Standards for the
Public Sector,” 16 October 2004, p. 22.;
and Clause 4, 4.3.4, IEC/ISO
31010:2009, the “Risk Management –
Risk Assessment Techniques,”
1 December 2009]
2. Is the agency‟s/organization‟s
risk assessment fully integrated
into the other components in the
risk management process which
includes the following:
a. Communication and
b. Establishing the context?
c. Risk assessment (comprising
risk identification, risk analysis
and risk evaluation)?
d. Risk treatment?
e. Monitoring and review?
(Clause 4, 4.3.1, IEC/ISO
31010:2009, the “Risk Management
– Risk Assessment Techniques,”
1 December 2009.)
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
3. In establishing the external
context, does the agency/
organization consider
familiarization with the
environment in which the
organization and the system
operates including the following:
a. Cultural, political, legal,
regulatory, financial,
economic and competitive
environment factors, whether
international, national,
regional or local?
b. Key drivers and trends having
impact on the objectives of
the organization?
c. Perceptions and values of
external stakeholders? [DBM
Circular Letter No. 2008-8, the
“National Guidelines on Internal
Control Systems (NGICS),” 23
October 2008, p.30 and Clause 4,
4.3.3a, IEC/ISO 31010:2009, the
“Risk Management – Risk
Assessment Techniques, 1
December 2009]
4. In establishing the internal
context, does the agency/
organization consider an
understanding of the following:
a. Capabilities of the
organization in terms of
resources and knowledge?
b. Information flows and
decision-making processes,
c. Internal stakeholders?
d. Objectives and the strategies
that are in place to achieve
e. Perceptions, values and
f. Policies and processes?
g. Standards and reference
models adopted by the
h. Structures (e.g., governance,
roles and accountabilities)?
[DBM) Circular Letter No. 2008-8,
the “National Guidelines on Internal
Control Systems (NGICS),” 23
October 2008, p.30 and Clause 4,
4.3.3b, IEC/ISO 31010:2009, the
Management – Risk Assessment
Techniques, 1 December 2009]
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
Risk Identification
5. Does the agency/organization
make an identification of the
a. Opportunities and threats to
the achievement of the control
b. The most important areas to
which resources in risk
assessment should be
c. Determine responsibility for
the management of the risk?
[DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-8, the
“National Guidelines on Internal
Control Systems (NGICS),” 23
October 2008, p. 30 and 2.2 Risk
Assessment, International
Organization of Supreme Audit
Institutions (INTOSAI), the
“Guidelines for Internal Control
Standards for the Public Sector,” 16
October 2004, pp. 23-24.]
6. Does the agency/organization
identify the causes and sources
of the risk (hazard in the context
of physical harm), events,
situations or circumstances which
could have a material impact
upon objectives and the nature of
that impact? (Clause 5, 5.2, IEC/ISO
31010:2009, the “Risk Management –
Risk Assessment Techniques,” 1
December 2009.)
Risk Analysis
7. Does the agency/organization
systematically use information to
identify sources and to estimate
the risk? [DBM) Circular Letter No.
2008-8, the “National Guidelines on
Internal Control Systems (NGICS),” 23
October 2008, p. 30-31]
8. Does the agency/organization
identify the factors that affect
consequences and likelihood of
the risk? [DBM Circular Letter No.
2008-8, the “National Guidelines on
Internal Control Systems (NGICS),” 23
October 2008, p. 30-31]
9. a. Does the agency/organization
determine the consequences
and their probabilities for
identified risk events?
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
b. In determining said
consequences and their
probabilities, does the
agency/ organization take into
account the presence (or not)
and the effectiveness of any
existing controls? (Clause 5,
5.3.1, IEC/ISO 31010:2009, the
“Risk Management – Risk
Assessment Techniques,” 1
December 2009.)
Risk Evaluation
10. Does the agency/organization
evaluate the significance of the
risk and assess the likelihood of
its occurrence? [DBM Circular Letter
No. 2008-8, 23 October 2008, the
“National Guidelines on Internal Control
Systems (NGICS),” p. 31 and 2.2 Risk
Assessment, International Organization
of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI),
the “Guidelines for Internal Control
Standards for the Public Sector,” 16
October 2004, pp. 22-23]
11. In evaluating the risk, does the
agency/organization compare
estimated levels of risk with risk
criteria defined when the context
was established, in order to
determine the significance of the
level and type of risk? (Clause 5,
5.4, IEC/ISO 31010:2009, the “Risk
Management – Risk Assessment
Techniques,” 1 December 2009.)
E. 4 Section III – Control Activities
These questions involve policies or procedures that help ensure that the
agency‟s/organization‟s objectives are achieved and directives are completed.
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
A. Risk Response
1. Does the agency/organization
establish policies and procedures
to address risks and to achieve
the entity‟s objectives?[DBM
Circular Letter No. 2008-8, the “National
Guidelines on Internal Control Systems
(NGICS),” 23 October 2008, pp. 31-32
and 2.3 Control Activities, International
Organization of Supreme Audit
Institutions (INTOSAI), the “Guidelines
for Internal Control Standards for the
Public Sector,” 16 October 2004, p. 28]
2. a. Are all the moneys and
properties officially received
by a public officer, in any
capacity or upon any
occasion, accounted for as
government funds and
government properties?
b. Are government properties
taken up in the books of the
agency concerned? (Sec. 42,
Chapter 7, Subtitle B, Title I, Book V,
EO 292, “Administrative Code of
3. Are the agency‟s/organization‟s
officers whose duties permit or
require the possession or
custody of government funds
properly bonded in accordance
with law? (Sec. 50, Chapter 9, Subtitle
B, Title I, Book V, EO 292,
“Administrative Code of 1987”)
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
4. Does the agency/organization
include the results expected for
each budgetary program and
project, the nature of work to be
performed, estimated costs per
unit of work measurement,
including the various objects of
expenditures for each project in
its budget estimates? (Sec. 14(7),
Chapter 3, Book VI, EO 292,
“Administrative Code of 1987”)
5. Are the frontline services
complemented with adequate
staff by adopting mechanisms
such as rotation system among
office personnel, sliding
flexitime, reliever system
especially in peak times of
transactions or providing
skeletal personnel during lunch
and snack times? (Section 3, Rule
VI, Implementing Rules and Regulations
of RA 9485, “Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007”)
6. Is disbursement of government
funds made in pursuance of an
appropriation law or other
specific statutory authority?
(Section 45 (1), Chapter 8, Subtitle B,
Title I, Book V, EO 292, “Administrative
Code of 1987”)
B. Performance Review
7. If accomplishments do not meet
established objectives or
standards, are the processes and
activities reviewed to determine if
improvements are needed? [DBM
Circular Letter No. 2008-8, the “National
Guidelines on Internal Control Systems
(NGICS),” 23 October 2008, p. 33 and
2.3 Control Activities, No. 6. Reviews of
Operating Performance, International
Organization of Supreme Audit
Institutions (INTOSAI), the “Guidelines
for Internal Control Standards for the
Public Sector,” 16 October 2004, p. 30]
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
C. Compliance Review
8. Does the agency/organization
periodically review operations,
processes and activities to
ensure that they are in
compliance with current
regulations, policies, procedures,
or other requirements? [DBM
Circular Letter No. 2008-8, the “National
Guidelines on Internal Control Systems
(NGICS),” 23 October 2008, p. 33 and
2.3 Control Activities, No. 7. Reviews of
operations, processes and activities,
International Organization of Supreme
Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), the
“Guidelines for Internal Control
Standards for the Public Sector,” 16
October 2004, p. 30-31]
E. 5 Section IV – Information and Communication
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
1. Do the heads of agencies/
organizations prepare and submit
annual reports to the President
on or before the first day of July
of each year? (Sec. 43, Chapter 11,
Book I, EO 292, “Administrative Code of
2. Are the contents of the agency‟s/
organization‟s annual reports in
accordance with the requirements
prescribed by pertinent laws and
issuances? (Sec. 44, Chapter 11,
Book I, EO 292, “Administrative Code of
3. a. Do all heads of bureaus or
offices render annual reports
to their respective DS/HoA on
or before the last day of
February of each year?
b. Do the reports contain the
i. Concise statements of the
accomplishments and
assessment of the
progress attained in terms
of approved programs and
ii. Pertinent financial
statements on
expenditures incurred in
their implementation
during the calendar year?
iii. Broad recommendations
and plans for undertaking
work during the ensuing
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
iv. Matters specifically
required by laws or
regulation to be
incorporated therein? (Sec.
37, Chapter 6, Book IV, EO 292,
“Administrative Code of 1987”)
4. Do all heads or other responsible
officers of the
agency/organization render a full
and complete report of
performance and
accomplishments within forty-five
(45) days from the end of the
year? (Sec. 7, Rule VI, Rules
Implementing RA 6713, “Code of
Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
Officials and Employees”)
5. Does the DS/HoA/GB establish
measures and standards that will
ensure transparency of and
openness in public transactions,
e.g., biddings, purchases, other
internal transactions, including
contracts, status of projects, and
other matters involving public
interest? (Sec. 2, Rule IV, Rules
Implementing RA 6713, “Code of
Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
Officials and Employees”)
6. Does the DS/HoA/GB establish
information system that will
inform the public of the following:
a. Policies, rules and
b. Work programs, projects and
performance targets?
c. Performance reports?
d. All other documents classified
as public information? (Sec. 2,
Rule IV, Rules Implementing RA
6713, “Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public Officials and
7. Are written requests, petitions or
motions sent to the agency/
organization by means of letters,
or the like, acted upon by the
official or employee in charge
within fifteen (15) days from
receipt thereof? (Sec. 3, Rule VI,
Rules Implementing RA 6713, “Code of
Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
Officials and Employees”
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
8. Except as otherwise provided by
law or regulation, does the
agency‟s/organization‟s written
action or decision contain not
more than three (3) initials or
signatures? (Sec. 5, Rule VI, Rules
Implementing RA 6713, “Code of
Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
Officials and Employees”)
9. In the evaluation of official forms
for agencies/organizations
rendering frontline services, are
the number of signatories limited
to a maximum of five (5)
signatures of officers or
employees directly supervising
the evaluation, approval or
disapproval or the request,
application, or transaction?
(Section 3, Rule III, Implementing Rules
and Regulations, RA 9485, “Anti-Red
Tape Act of 2007”)
10. Does the agency/organization
prescribed rules, through
appropriate office order, on the
proper authority to sign in the
absence of regular signatory? (Sec.
5, Rule VI, Rules Implementing RA 6713,
“Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards
for Public Officials and Employees”);
(Section 3, Rule III, Implementing Rules
and Regulations, RA 9485, “Anti-Red
Tape Act of 2007”)
11. Do all heads or other responsible
officers of the agency/ organization
prepare and submit to the CSC a
report of compliance with the
provisions of RA 6713 and its IRR?
(Sec. 7, Rule VI, Rules Implementing RA
6713, “Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public Officials and
12. a. Do the public officers and
employees file under oath their
Statements of Assets,
Liabilities and Net Worth
(SALN) and a Disclosure of
Business Interests and
Financial Connections (DBIFC)
and Identification and
Disclosure of Relatives (IDR) in
the government? (Sec. 1 & 2,
Rule VII, Rules Implementing RA
6713, “Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public Officials and
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
b. Does it contain a true,
detailed and sworn statement
of assets and liabilities,
including a statement of the
amounts and sources of the
public officer or employee‟
income, the amounts of his
personal and family expenses
and the amount of income
taxes paid for the next
preceding calendar year?
(Section 7, Republic Act (RA) No.
3019, the “Anti-Graft and Corrupt
Practices Act,” as amended, 17
August 1960 and Pleyto vs. PNP-
CIDG, G.R. No. 169982, 23
November 2007.)
13. Does the agency/organization
have compliance procedures for
the review of the SALN, DBIFC
and IDR in the government to
determine whether said
statements have been properly
accomplished? (Sec. 1, Rule VIII,
Rules Implementing RA 6713, “Code of
Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
Officials and Employees”)
14. Is the agency‟s/organization‟s
review and compliance
procedure, as called for under
item 13 above, approved by the
Secretary of Justice (in the case
of the Executive Department),
affirmatively voted upon by a
majority of the particular House
concerned (in the case of
Congress), the Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court (in the case of
the Judicial Branch), respective
Chairman and members thereof
(in the case of Constitutional
Commissions/ Offices) or the
Ombudsman (in the case of the
Office of the Ombudsman)? (Sec.
1, Rule VIII, Rules Implementing RA
6713, “Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public Officials and
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
15.a. Does the agency/
organization determine which
processes or transactions
constitute frontline service?
b. Does the agency/
organization undertake
reengineering of its
transaction systems and
procedures, including time
and motion studies, if
c. Does the agency/
organization set up their
respective service standards
to be known as the Citizens‟
charter? (Section 1, Rule III,
Implementing Rules and
Regulations, RA 9485, “Anti-Red
Tape Act of 2007”)
16. Does the agency‟s/organization‟s
reengineering process include a
review for purposes of
streamlining the following:
a. Steps in providing the
b. Forms used?
c. Requirements?
d. Processing time? and
e. Fees and charges? (Section 2,
Rule III, Implementing Rules and
Regulations, RA 9485, “Anti-Red Tape
Act of 2007”)
17. Does the agency/organization
review the location of the offices
providing frontline services and
put in place directional signs to
facilitate transactions? (Section 2,
Rule III, Implementing Rules and
Regulations, RA 9485, “Anti-Red Tape
Act of 2007”)
18. a. Does the agency/
organization have a workflow
chart showing procedures or
flow of documents?
b. Is the chart posted in
conspicuous places in the
department, office or agency
for the information and
guidance of all concerned?
(Sec. 4, Rule III, Rules Implementing
RA 6713, “Code of Conduct and
Ethical Standards for Public Officials
and Employees”)
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
19. Are the stakeholders, users and
beneficiaries of the frontline
services taken into consideration
in the preparation of the Citizens‟
Charter? (Section 3, Rule IV,
Implementing Rules and Regulations, RA
9485, “Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007”)
20. Is the agency‟s/organization‟s
Citizens‟ Charter in the form of
information billboards and
published materials written in
English, Filipino, or in the local
dialect? (Section 2, Rule IV,
Implementing Rules and Regulations, RA
9485, “Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007”)
21. Is the Citizens‟ Charter posted at
its office‟s main entrance or at the
most conspicuous place? (Section
2, Rule IV, Implementing Rules and
Regulations, RA 9485, “Anti-Red Tape
Act of 2007”)
22. Does the Citizens‟ Charter
include the following information:
a. Vision and mission of the
government office or
b. Identification of the frontline
services offered, and the
c. The step-by-step procedure to
obtain a particular service?
d. The officer or employee
responsible for each step?
e. The maximum time to
conclude the process?
f. Document/s to be presented
by the client, with a clear
indication of the relevancy of
said document/s?
g. The amount of fees, if
h. The procedure for filing
complaints in relation to
requests and applications,
including the names and
contact details of the
officials/channels to approach
for redress?
or Cite Reference Documents
i. Allowable period for extension
due to unusual
circumstances; i.e.,
unforeseen events beyond
the control of government
office or agency concerned?
j. Feedback mechanisms,
contact numbers to call and/or
persons to approach for
recommendations, inquiries,
suggestions, as well as
complaints? (Section 1, Rule IV,
Implementing Rules and
Regulations, RA 9485, “Anti-Red
Tape Act of 2007”)
23. Is the implementation of the
agency‟s/organization‟s Citizens‟
Charter continually monitored and
periodically reviewed? (Section 3,
Rule IVI, Implementing Rules and
Regulations, RA 9485, “Anti-Red Tape
Act of 2007”)
24. Are all the transactions and
processes made with the
permission or clearance from the
highest authority having
jurisdiction over the agency/
organization concerned? (Section
1, Rule V, Implementing Rules and
Regulations, RA 9485, “Anti-Red Tape
Act of 2007”)
25. Does the agency/organization
adopt working schedules to
ensure that all clients who are
within the premises prior to the
end of official working hours are
attended to and served even
during lunch break and after
regular working hours? (Section 3,
Rule VI, Implementing Rules and
Regulations, RA 9485, “Anti-Red Tape
Act of 2007”)
26. Does the DS/HoA/GB adopt
appropriate mechanisms to
ensure the uninterrupted delivery
of frontline services? (Section 3,
Rule VI, Implementing Rules and
Regulations, RA 9485, “Anti-Red Tape
Act of 2007”)
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
27. Are all officers and employees
transacting with the public
provided with an official
identification card which should
be worn during office hours?
(Section 4, Rule VI, Implementing Rules
and Regulations, RA 9485, “Anti-Red
Tape Act of 2007”)
28.a. Does the agency/organization
have a public assistance/
complaints desk in all their
b. Is there an officer or employee
knowledgeable on frontline
services who is at all times
available for consultation and
c. Is the desk attended to even
during breaktime? (Section 5,
Rule VI, Implementing Rules and
Regulations, RA 9485, “Anti-Red
Tape Act of 2007”)
29. Does the agency/organization
institute mechanisms by which
clients may adequately express
their complaints, comments or
suggestions such as hotline
numbers, short message service
or information and
communication technology?
(Section 5, Rule VI, Implementing Rules
and Regulations, RA 9485, “Anti-Red
Tape Act of 2007”)
30. Does the responsible officer or
employee acknowledge receipt of
written applications, requests,
and/or documents being
submitted by clients of the office
or agency? (Section 2, Rule VI,
Implementing Rules and Regulations, RA
9485, “Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007”)
31. Does the acknowledgement
indicate, by writing or printing
clearly thereon, the name of the
receiving officer or employee, the
unit where he/she is connected
with, and the time and date of
receipt? (Section 2, Rule VI,
Implementing Rules and Regulations, RA
9485, “Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007”)
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
32. Is the prescribed period to act
upon all applications and/or
requests not longer than five (5)
working days (in the case of
simple transactions) and ten (10)
working days (in the case of
complex transactions) from the
time the same was received?
(Section 2 (4), Rule VI, Implementing
Rules and Regulations, RA 9485, “Anti-
Red Tape Act of 2007”)
33. Are all applications and/or
requests in frontline services
acted upon within the period
prescribed under the Citizen‟s
Charter? (Section 2 (4), Rule VI,
Implementing Rules and Regulations, RA
9485, “Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007”)
34. Does the agency/organization
keep and preserve a logbook in
which shall be recorded in
chronological order, all final
official acts, decisions,
transactions or contracts,
pertaining to the agency/
organization? (Sec. 52, Chapter 11,
Book IV, EO 292, “Administrative Code of
35. Does the agency/organization
adhere to the government-wide
application of the classification of
administrative issuances
pursuant to the Administrative
Code of 1987 or the law creating
them? (Sec. 53, Chapter 11, Book IV,
EO 292, “Administrative Code of 1987”)
36. a. Does the agency/
organization comply with the
numbering system of
administrative issuances
pursuant to Administrative
Code of 1987?
b. Are the administrative
issuances (i.e., circulars and
orders) issued by the
Department Secretary, head
of bureaus, offices or
agencies chronologically
numbered and properly
identified as such? (Sec. 51,
Chapter 11, Book IV, EO 292,
“Administrative Code of 1987”)
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
37. Are the agency‟s/organization‟s
transactions and events promptly
recorded and properly classified?
[DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-8, the
“National Guidelines on Internal Control
Systems (NGICS),” 23 October 2008, p.
34 and 2.4 Information and
Communication, INTOSAI, the
“Guidelines for Internal Control
Standards for the Public Sector,” 16
October 2004, p. 36.]
38. Are relevant information
communicated throughout the
agency, as well as to its network
of organizations and sectors?
[DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-8, the
“National Guidelines on Internal Control
Systems (NGICS),” 23 October 2008, p.
33 and 2.4 Information and
Communication, International
Organization of Supreme Audit
Institutions (INTOSAI), the “Guidelines
for Internal Control Standards for the
Public Sector,” 16 October 2004, pp. 36-
39. Are relevant information
identified, captured and
communicated in a form and
timeframe that enables a
personnel to carry out internal
controls and other
responsibilities? [DBM Circular Letter
No. 2008-8, the “National Guidelines on
Internal Control Systems (NGICS),” 23
October 2008, p. 34 and 2.4 Information
and Communication, INTOSAI, the
“Guidelines for Internal Control
Standards for the Public Sector,” 16
October 2004, p. 36]
40. a. Does communication flow
down, across, and up the
organization, throughout all
components and the entire
b. Does the agency/organization
have an effective
communication with external
individuals and organizations?
[DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-8, the
“National Guidelines on Internal
Control Systems (NGICS),” 23
October 2008, p. 36 and 2.4
Information and Communication,
International Organization of
Supreme Audit Institutions
(INTOSAI), the “Guidelines for
Internal Control
Standards for the Public Sector,” 16
October 2004, p. 38]
QUESTIONS or Cite Reference Documents
41. Are the concerned officials
available to their staff for
consultations and dialogues?
(Rule III, Rules Implementing Republic
Act (RA) No. 6713, the “Code of
Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
Officials and Employees,” 21 April 1989.)
42. a. Does the agency/organization
consult the public they serve
for the purpose of gathering
feedback and suggestions on
the efficiency, effectiveness
and economy of frontline
b. Do they establish
mechanisms to ensure the
conduct of public
consultations and hearings?
(Rule III, Rules Implementing
Republic Act (RA) No. 6713, the
“Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public Officials and
Employees,” 21 April 1989.)
43. Does the agency/organization
communicate frequently with the
constituents or the public they
serve and stakeholders to ensure
continual understanding of their
requirements, needs and
expectations? Clause 5.1.1. ISO
9000, the “Introduction and Support
Package: Guidance on the Concept and
Use of the Process Approach for
Management Systems,” ISO/TC 176/SC
2/N 544R3, 15 October 2008; Executive
Order (EO) No. 605 s. 2007; and
Republic Act (RA) No. 9013.)
E. 6 Section V – Monitoring
Appendix F : Types of Sampling
There are various sampling methods available. The main types of sampling methods
available to the auditor are as follows:
1. Systematic Sampling
This involves selecting every nth item in the population. The interval is derived by
dividing the population number by the sample size. A random starting point is
selected. Technically, it is a practical approach that approximates the random
The auditor must ensure that the chosen sampling interval does not hide a
pattern. Any pattern would threaten randomness. A random starting point must
also be selected.
For example, if you determined that your sampling interval is 50 and your starting
point is number 1, every 50th sampling unit is selected to form part of the sample.
2. Statistical Sampling
This type of sampling involves defining the population and related confidence
intervals. Based on these assumptions, a sample size is determined and the
results of testing can be reasonably extrapolated to the overall population, thus, a
quantifiable conclusion can be drawn (e.g., we are 95% confident that the true
value of the accounts receivable balance is between X and Y).
There are several things that the IA should be aware of when using statistical
sampling. Some of them are indicated hereunder.
In general, there are some basic steps that are common to the statistical testing
process. They are as follows:
The size of the sample will generally be impacted by the sample size (the larger
the population, the larger the sample is likely to be), the acceptance risk (the
smaller the accepted risk, the larger the sample will likely be), and the population
variability (the more dispersed or variable the population is, the larger the sample
will likely be).
3. Non-statistical Sampling
a. Random Sampling
b. Simple Random Sampling
Its advantages include its being free of classification error, and it requires
minimum advanced knowledge of the population other than the frame. Its
simplicity also makes interpretation of data collected relatively easy. For these
reasons, simple random sampling best suits situations where not much
information is available about the population and data collection can be
efficiently conducted on randomly distributed items, or where the cost of
sampling is small enough to make efficiency less important than simplicity. If
these conditions are not true, stratified sampling or cluster sampling maybe a
better choice.
c. Stratified Sampling
ii. Optimum allocation (or Disproportionate allocation) - Each stratum is
proportionate to the standard deviation of the distribution of the variable.
Larger samples are taken from the strata with the greatest variability to
generate the least possible sampling variance.
4. Practical Example
In general, the size of the sample in each stratum is taken in proportion to the size
of the stratum. This is called proportional allocation.
The first step is to find the total number of staff (180) and calculate the
percentage in each group.
50% of 40 is 20.
10% of 40 is 4.
5% of 40 is 2.
35% of 40 is 14.
The following references on sampling may be used:
The following references on sampling may be used:
Auditee. The public official responsible for the subject of the audit. The auditee for
each audit is the senior manager with overall responsibility for the organizational area
being reviewed.
This person will be the primary senior point of contact for the audit and be
responsible for responding to the audit report, including the suggested courses of
action. For example, the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom may request an audit of the
Human Resources Management (HRM) System. The auditee is the subordinate unit
under the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom which includes, among others, the Office of the
The NGICS prohibits the auditor to have a client/customer relationship with the
Computer Assisted Audit Techniques and Tools. Computer tools and techniques
in performing various auditing procedures and improving the effectiveness and
efficiency of obtaining and evaluating audit evidence. It provides effective tests of
controls and substantive procedures where wide range of techniques and tools are
used to automate the test procedures for evaluating controls, obtaining evidence and
data analysis.199
External Stakeholders. The persons, organizations and other service groups that
are outside a specific public service sector but may have an interest and can
influence the achievement of the sectoral goals of the agency concerned. External
stakeholders must always deal with the principal (DS/HoA/GB/AuditCom) and not
directly with the IAS/IAU.
Expert. Person who is knowledgeable in a specialized field, that knowledge being
obtained from either education or personal experience. He/she is one who by reason
of education or special experience has knowledge respecting a subject matter about
which persons having no particular training are incapable of forming an accurate
opinion or making a correct deduction.200
Four Cs in Audit Findings. Stands for criteria, condition, cause and conclusion.
Criteria are the standards against which a condition is compared; standards can
be laws, rules, regulations, policies, orders, guidelines, procedures, plans, targets,
best practices, etc.
Condition is a fact, backed up by a substantial evidence (includes consequence,
effects or impact); this is also referred to as the “finding of facts” which is defined
as the written statement of the ultimate facts essential to support the audit
Cause refers to the probable cause, in case of compliance audit; or root cause, in
case of management audit or operations audit. Relatedly, a finding of probable
cause needs only to rest on evidence showing that more likely than not 202 the
act/s or omission/s of the person responsible had caused the non-compliance
which may warrant the conduct of administrative proceeding by the disciplining
authority. Root cause is a structured investigation that aims to identify the true
cause of the control weaknesses or incidences and the actions necessary to
eliminate it.
Conclusion is the evaluation of the criteria and the conditions that could either
result in compliance or non-compliance with laws, regulations and policies, as
supported by substantial evidence; control effectiveness; determination of
adequacy or inadequacy of controls; determination of the efficiency, effectiveness,
ethicality, and economy of agency operations; this is also referred to as the
“conclusion of facts” which is defined as an inference drawn from the subordinate
or evidentiary facts.”203
Head of Internal Audit. The highest official in the Internal Audit Service of a
Department or agency concerned. He has overall responsibility for auditing the
organization, managing the entire audit cycle and a team of internal auditors, and
ensuring the quality of audit products produced by the team.
Internal Audit Annual Work Plan. It contains the coverage of the audit for a given
calendar year and approved by the DS/HoA or GB/AuditCom. The plan should
outline the deficiencies in internal control and vulnerability being addressed, audit
title, specific audit area, type of audit, summary description of the audit, expected
benefit, priority and resources to be used, estimated duration and cost, and proposed
timing of the audit, among others.
Internal Audit Strategic Plan. An internal audit strategic plan outlines the broad
strategic direction of internal audit over the medium term (i.e., three to five years)
and provides an important basis for managerial policies from the DS/HoA and the
detailed internal audit annual work plan. It is approved by the DS/HoA or
It should articulate the primary focus and direction of the internal audit function over
the period covered by the plan; outline the objectives to be achieved in the period;
and identify the key management strategies (i.e., plans and programs) and actions
that will be needed to achieve these objectives.
Internal Stakeholders. These are the individuals and groups that can affect and be
affected by the agency‟s operation within a particular public service sector. These
include those within the sector (e.g., Civil Service Commission, Office of the
Ombudsman, Presidential Anti-Graft Commission, and relevant professional bodies;
other review and oversight bodies). In terms of relationship, the IAS/IAU basically
coordinates with internal stakeholders and collaborates with external stakeholders.
management system, quality management system, risk management system and
their sub-system; while operating systems of bureaus, regional offices and local
government units include, among others, the rules of engagement in the conduct of
arrest, search and seizure and rules on vaccination and immunization.
Management Audit Division. This is one of the two divisions forming part of the
IAS/IAU in departments and equivalent agencies. It is responsible for, among other
functions, conducting a separate evaluation of the effectiveness of the internal
controls adapted in the operating and support services systems. It conducts an
appraisal and review of management controls of the operating or support units to
determine if the control objectives are being achieved, conducts root cause analysis
in case the controls are weak, and recommends courses of action to address the
control weaknesses.
Operations Audit. The separate evaluation of the outcome, output, process and
input to determine whether government operations, including management and
personnel structure in programs/projects are effective, efficient, ethical and
economical. Operations audit of organizations, programs, and projects involves an
evaluation of whether or not expected results were achieved and targets were
Operations Audit Division. This is one of the two divisions forming part of the
IAS/IAU in departments and equivalent agencies. It is responsible for conducting a
separate evaluation of the outcome, output, process and input to determine whether
government operations, including management and personnel structure in
programs/projects are effective, efficient, ethical and economical.
Public Service Organizations These are classified into: (1) Public Entities; and (2)
Private Entities Providing Public Services.
Public Entities generally pertain to: (1) Agencies of Government, and (2) Public
Offices. Agencies of Government refer to any of the various units of government,
including a department, bureau, office, instrumentality, or government-owned
and/or -controlled corporation, or a local government or distinct unit therein.
Private Entities providing public services, as mandated and authorized by law,
include: (1) Utility and Service Providers; (2) Withholding Tax Agents; (3)
Procurement Observers; (4) Private Contractors; and (5) Volunteers.
Related Audit Services. Related activities such as being a resource person (i.e.,
attending to functions outside the organization) for external organizations like the
COA, Office of the Ombudsman, oversight or regulatory bodies and financing
institutions; training of IAS/IAU staff, and intervening activities or tasks that may be
assigned to the IAS/IAU.
Root Cause Analysis. A method that is used to address a deficiency in order to get
the “root cause” of the problem. It is used in order to correct or eliminate the cause
and prevent the problem from recurring. It attempts to identify the root or original
causes instead of dealing with the immediately obvious symptoms. It is a structured
review and evaluation that aims to identify the true cause of the deficiency and the
courses of action necessary to address it. RCA is continuing to ask why the control
deficiency occurred until the fundamental process element that failed is identified.
Separate Evaluation. Covers the periodic evaluation of the effectiveness of the
internal control system and ensuring that internal controls achieve the desired results
based on predefined methods and procedures. It includes the appraisal of the
internal control system to determine whether controls are well designed and properly
operated. In the conduct of separate evaluation, the IAS/IAU shall determine the
extent of compliance and assess the adequacy of controls embedded in functional
and operating systems/units, as well as evaluate the performance of programs,
projects and activities of the agency.
Sec. 8, Ch. 3, Title V (DPWH), Bk. IV, EO 292, s. 1987, “Administrative Code 1987” and Sec. 123, PD 1445
or the “Government Auditing Code of the Philippines”.
Section 55 (b), Title II-Internal Control System, Vol. III, GAAM; COA Circular No. 91-368 dated 19 December
1991; and Sec. 8(3), Ch. 2, Title V, Book IV, EO 292, s. 1987, the “Administrative Code of 1987” and the
“National Guidelines on Internal Control Systems”, DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-8, p. 39 .
For GOCCs/GFIs, the Audit Committee is a primary committee of the Board of Directors.
United Nations Development Program, Handbook on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluating for Development
Results, 2009.
Process refers to the “set of interrelated or interacting activities of the public sector organization which
transforms input elements (policies, resources, citizen needs and expectations, etc.) into outputs/outcomes
(the products and services provided to the citizens).” [underscoring supplied] Clause 3.5., Government
Quality Management System Standards (GQMSS), the “Quality Management Systems - Guidance Document
for the Application of ISO 9001:2000 in Public Sector Organizations,” 21 June 2007; Executive Order (EO)
No. 605 s. 2007; and Republic Act (RA) No. 9013.
DBM Circular Letter No. 2007-05, “Conduct of FY 2007 Organizational Performance Indicator Framework
(OPIF) Review and Consultation Meetings with the Agencies”, 8 February 2007.
Book VI, Chapter 1, Section 2, Executive Order (EO) No. 292 s. 1987, the “Administrative Code of 1987,” 25
July 1987.
Organizational Performance Indicators Framework, FY 2008, December 2007.
“SEC. 3. Declaration of Policy. – x x x. The budget shall be supportive of and consistent with the socio-
economic development plan and shall be oriented towards the achievement of explicit objectives and
expected results, to ensure that funds are utilized and operations are conducted effectively, economically and
efficiently. x x x.” [underscoring supplied] Chapter 2, Book VI, Executive Order (EO) No. 292 s. 1987, the
“Administrative Code of 1987,” 25 July 1987.
5.2. Government Quality Management Systems Standards, Quality Management Systems – Guidance
Document for the Application of ISO 9001:2000 (now ISO 9001:2008) in the Public Sector, Government
Quality Management Committee Resolution No. 1, series of 2007.
This was aptly illustrated in Veneracion and Linatoc vs. Office of the Court Administrator, A.M. No. RTJ-99-
1432, 21 June 2000 and Muro vs. State Prosecutors, A.M. No. RTJ-92-876, 11 December 1995. “What is
required on the part of the judges is objectivity. An independent judiciary does not mean that judges can
resolve specific disputes entirely as they please. They are bound by limitations on their authority, by
substantive and procedural rules of law, more importantly by Constitutional precepts and the recognition of
their places in the hierarchy of courts.”
Public service organizations are classified into two: (1) public entities and (2) private enterprises providing
public services.
Sec. 1 (2.0), AO 278, s. 1992, “Directing the Strengthening of the Internal Control Systems of Government
Offices, Agencies, Government-Owned and/or - Controlled Corporations, Including Government Financial
Institutions and Local Government Units, in their Operations”, 28 April 1992.
CSC Resolution No. 000831, Sison, Mory Q., Re: Consultancy Service, March 29, 2000 citing CSC
Resolution No. 95-6939 dated November 2, 1995 Pagaduan, Ma. Dolores, et al. vs. Malonzo, Reynaldo, et al;
Rule XI, CSC MC No. 40, s. 1998, “Revised Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Personnel Actions”.
Rule XI, CSC MC No. 40, s. 1998, “Revised Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Personnel Actions”.
Item 10, Government Auditing Standards Answers to Independence Standards Questions, US Government
Accountability Office [formerly US General Accounting Office until renamed in 2004], July 2002.
Despite compliance with supplemental safeguards, the IAS may face independence impairments as a result
of non-audit services. Recent high profile cases involving the auditing practice in corporate governance have
resulted in the realization that, in many cases, it is not appropriate for an auditor to provide both audit and
certain non-audit (consulting) services for the same client. By the nature of certain non-audit services (e.g.,
developing an organization‟s policies, procedures, and internal controls), it encompasses advice and
improvement of processes, operations and outcomes of Operating and Support Units which would impair the
ability of IAS to meet either or both of the overarching independence principles for certain types of audit work.
(Exposure Draft of Proposed New and Amended Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing,
30 May 2003, paragraphs 3.29 and 3.22).
Sec. 8(3), Chapter 3, Title V, Book IV, EO 292, Administrative Code of 1987, 25 July 1987 and Section 55 (b),
Title II-Internal Control System, Vol. III, GAAM, COA Circular No. 91-368, 19 December 1991, p.82.
COA Circular 2002-002, 18 June 2002.
Sec. 1, (2.0), Administrative Order 278, 28 April 1992, Directing the Strengthening of the Internal Control
Systems of Government Offices, Agencies, Government-Owned and/or –Control Corporations, Including
Government Financial Institutions and Local Government Units, in their Operations.
Commission on Audit (COA) Circular No. 93-214A, the “Government Contracts for Internal Audit Services,” 4
March 1993; COA Circular No. 83-214, 8 September 1983.
Republic Act No. 9184 or the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.
Section 124 of PD 1445, “Government Auditing Code of the Philippines”, as amended
Section 123 of PD 1445, as amended, and Section 1, Chapter 1, Subtitle B, Book V of the Administrative
Code of 1987.
National Guidelines on Internal Control Systems, p.16.
National Guidelines on Internal Control Systems, p.17.
Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan of 1999-2004.
Clause 5, 5.2, IEC/ISO 31010:2009, “Risk Management – Risk Assessment Techniques,” 1 December 2009.
Clause 5, 5.3.1, IEC/ISO 31010:2009, “Risk Management – Risk Assessment Techniques,” 1 December
Clause 5, 5.4, IEC/ISO 31010:2009, “Risk Management – Risk Assessment Techniques,” 1 December 2009.
Clause 4, 4.3.1, IEC/ISO 31010:2009, “Risk Management – Risk Assessment Techniques,” 1 December
INTOSAI Guidelines for Internal Control Standards for the Public Sector, p.23.
4.0 Risk assessment concepts, 4.1 Purpose and benefits, IEC /ISO 31010, Edition 1.0 2009-11, Risk
management-Risk assessment techniques.
5.0 Risk assessment process, 5.1 Overview, IEC/ISO 31010, Edition 1.0 2009-11, Risk management-Risk
assessment techniques.
Clause 2, 2.26, ISO 31000: 2009(E), the “Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines,” 15 November
Clause 2, 2.25, ISO 31000: 2009(E), the “Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines,” 15 November
Rule IV, Rules Implementing Republic Act (RA) No. 6713, the “Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Public Officials and Employees,” 21 April 1989.
Rule III, Rules Implementing Republic Act (RA) No. 6713, the “Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Public Officials and Employees,” 21 April 1989.
International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), the “Guidelines for Internal Control
Standards for the Public Sector,” 16 October 2004, p. 41.
Section 38, Chapter 7, Book IV of the Administrative Code of 1987.
Section 38 (3), (a), Chapter 7, Book IV, EO 292 s. 1987, the “Administrative Code of 1987”.
DBM-CSC Joint Resolution No. 1, s. 2006, “Rationalization Program‟s Organization and Staffing Standards
and Guidelines”, 12 May 2006 and Item 2.1, DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-5, “Guidelines in the Organization
and Staffing of an Internal Audit Service/Unit and Management Division/Unit in Departments/
Agencies/GOCCs/GFI Concerned” 14 April 2008.
Section 1 of Administrative Order No. 70, s. 2003.
Sections 2.5 and 2.6 of DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-5.
Section 2.7 of the DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-5.
Sections 2.5 to 2.7 of DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-5.
All accounts pertaining to revenues, receipts, expenditures or uses of funds and property owned or held in
trust by public service organizations. See Article XII-D, Section 2 of the Philippine Constitution and the
Administrative Code.
AO 70, s. 2003.
AO 278, s. 1992.
DBM-CSC Joint Resolution No. 1, “Rationalization Program‟s Organization and Staffing Standards and
Guidelines”, 12 May 2006 and item 2.1, DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-5, “Guidelines in the Organization and
Staffing of an Internal Audit Service/Unit and Management Division/Unit in Departments/
Agencies/GOCCs/GFI Concerned”, 14 April 2008.
Sec. 3, Ch. 1, Bk IV, EO 292, “Administrative Code of 1987”.
DBM-CSC Joint Resolution No. 1 dated 12 May 2006, p.5.
Item 2.6, DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-5, “Guidelines in the Organization and Staffing of an Internal Audit
Service/Unit and Management Division/Unit in Departments/ Agencies/GOCCs/GFI Concerned”, 14 April
Item 2.7, DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-5, 14 April 2008.
Item 2.5, DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-5, 14 April 2008; NGICS Section 3.5.2.
Section 8, Chapter 3, Title V, Book V, of the Administrative Code of 1987.
Item 2.4.b., DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-5 dated 14 April 2008, “x x x conduct management and operations
performance audit of the Department/Agency/GOCC/GFI activities and their units and determine the degree
of compliance with their mandate, policies, government regulations, established objectives, systems and
procedures/processes and contractual obligations.” Underscoring supplied.
Administrative Order (AO) 278 s. 1992, “Directing the Strengthening of the Internal Control Systems of
Government Offices, Government Owned And/Or Controlled Corporations, Including Government Financial
Institutions and Local Government Units, In Their Operations”, 28 April 1992 issued by then President
Corazon C. Aquino.
Section 8, Chapter 3, Title V, Book V, of the Administrative Code of 1987.
Item 2.4.b., DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-5 dated 14 April 2008, “x x x conduct management and operations
performance audit of the Department/Agency/GOCC/GFI activities and their units and determine the degree
of compliance with their mandate, policies, government regulations, established objectives, systems and
procedures/processes and contractual obligations.” Underscoring supplied.
AO 278 s. 1992, “Directing the Strengthening of the Internal Control Systems of Government Offices,
Government Owned And/Or Controlled Corporations, Including Government Financial Institutions and Local
Government Units, In Their Operations”, 28 April 1992 issued by then President Corazon C. Aquino.
AO No. 278 s. 1992, 28 April 1992 and DBM Circular No. 2004-4 dated 22 March 2004.
Item 2.5, DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-5, “Guidelines in the Organization and Staffing of an Internal Audit
Service/Unit and Management Division/Unit in Departments/ Agencies/GOCCs/GFI Concerned” 14 April
“Guidelines in the Organization and Staffing of an Internal Audit Service/Unit and Management Division/Unit
in Departments/ Agencies/GOCCs/GFIs Concerned” 14 April 2008.
Under CSC MC No. 12, s. 2006 “Qualification Standards for IAS Positions”, no experience and training is
required for Internal Auditor I, however, agencies are encouraged under said MC to set specific or higher
standards for their IAS/IAU positions. These must be submitted to the CSC for approval, and once approved,
shall be adopted by the Commission as qualification standards in the attestation of the appointments of non-
Presidential appointees of the agency concerned.
Sec. 10 (a), Ch. 3, Title I-Government Auditing Standards and Procedures, Volume III, GAAM, COA Circ.
368-91, 19 December 1991.
Practice Advisory 1000-1: Internal Audit Charter, International Standards for the Professional Practice of
Internal Auditing (ISPPIA), January 2009, p. 45.
Handbook on Monitoring and Evaluating for Results, UNDP, Evaluation Office, p. 64.
Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Circular Letter No. 2008-8, the “National Guidelines on
Internal Control Systems (NGICS),” 23 October 2008, p 20.
Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Circular Letter No. 2008-8, the “National Guidelines on
Internal Control Systems (NGICS),” 23 October 2008, p 21.
DBM Circular Letter No. 2007-6, “Manual on Position Classification and Compensation,” 19 February 2007.
EO 366, “Directing a Strategic Review of the Operations and Organizations of the Executive Branch and
Providing Options and Incentives for Government Employees Who May Be Affected by the Rationalization of
the Functions and Agencies of the Executive Branch”, October 4, 2004; CSC-DBM Joint Resolution No. 1,
“Rationalization Program‟s Organization and Staffing Standards and Guidelines,” 12 May 2006.
DBM National Budget Circular No. (NBC) 518, 8 January 2009; DBM NBC 522, 14 December 2009.
NEDA Office Circular No. 01-2009, “Adopting the Code of Conduct for the Officials and Employees of NEDA,
19 May 2009; LTFRB, “Code of Conduct for Officials and Employees of the Land Transportation and
Franchising Regulatory Board,” 4 February 2005.
“Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees”, 20 February 1989.
Section 8, Chapter 2, Book IV, EO 292, “Administrative Code of 1987”, 25 July 1987.
Attachment to Memorandum dated 3 August 1993 signed by Teofisto Guingona; Memorandum for the
President dated 10 June 1999 signed by Joseph Estrada; Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 68, s. 2004; MC
No. 24, s. 2006; and MC 110, s. 2006.
Section 13, Chapter 3, Book IV, EO 292, “Administrative Code of 1987”.
Section 3, Chapter 2, Book VI, EO 292, “Administrative Code of 1987”.
DBM Publications, Other Publications; Section 29, Art. VI of the 1987 Constitution; Sections 329-334 of RA
7160, “Local Government Code of 1991”.
Such as RA 9524, General Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2009.
DBM National Budget Circular No. 507, s. 2007.
Section 10, Chapter 4, Subtitle B, Book V, EO 292, “Administrative Code of 1987”.
PD 1445, “Government Auditing Code of the Philippines”, 11 June 1978.
COA Circular No. 2002-002, “Prescribing the Manual on the New Government Accounting System (Manual
Version) for Use in All National Government Agencies”, 18 June 2002.
Section 15, Chapter 3, Book IV, EO 292, “Administrative Code of 1987”.
RA 9184, “Government Procurement Reform Act”, and its Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations,
GPPB Resolution No. 03-2009, 22 July 2009.
Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 9184, GPPB Resolution No. 03-2009, 22 July 2009.
Section 5, RA 6713, 20 February 1989; Rule V of the Rules Implementing RA 6713; OP Memorandum
Circular 35 s. 2003.
National Archives of the Philippines General Circular No. 1 and 2, January 2009.
Section 7, Chapter 2, Subtitle A, Title I, Book V, EO 292, “Administrative Code of 1987”.
Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of EO 292 and Other Pertinent Civil Service Laws, as amended such
as by CSC MC 38, s. 1993; MC 40, s. 1998, MC 41, s. 1998; MC 20, s. 2002; MC 15, s. 2006; CSC MC 28, s.
CSC Resolution No. 991936, 31 August 1999, as amended.
1997 Revised Qualification Standards amended by CSC MC 12, s. 2003; Section 22, Chapter 5, Subtitle A,
Title I, Book V, EO 292, “Administrative Code of 1987”.
CSC MC 7, s. 2007, “Installation of Performance Management System (PMS) in the Civil Service”
RA 9013, “An Act Establishing the Philippine Quality Award in Order to Encourage Organizations in Both the
Private and Public Sectors to Attain Excellence in Quality in the Production and/or Delivery of their Goods
and Services”, 28 February 2001; EO 605, s. 2007, “Institutionalizing the Structure, mechanisms and
Standards to Implement the Government Quality Management Program, Amending for the Purpose
Administrative Order No. 161, s. 2003”, 23 February 2007.
ISO 9001:2008; and EO 605, “Institutionalizing the Structure, Mechanisms and Standards to Implement the
Government Quality Management Program amending for the Purpose Administrative Order No. 161, s.
5.5, Documentation, Ibid., p. 16.
1.3, Risk Management Plan, ISO Guide 73:2009 (E/F), p. 2.
2.24, Risk Criteria, ISO 31000:2009.
NGICS, pp. 32-33.
DBM Circular Letter 2008-8, “National Guidelines on Internal Control System”, p. 32, 23 October 2008.
Clause 2, 2.25, ISO 31000:2009(E), “Risk Management-Principles and Guidelines”, 15 November 2009.
DBM Circular Letter 2008-8, “National Guidelines on Internal Control System”, p. 32, 23 October 2008.
Clause, ISO Guide 73:2009 (E/F), “Risk management – Vocabulary”.
Clause, Ibid.
Section 6, RA 9485, “An Act to Improve Efficiency in the Delivery of Government Service to the Public by
Reducing Bureaucratic red Tape, Preventing Graft and Corruption, and providing Penalties Therefor”, 2 June
2007 and its Implementing Rules.
Rule V, Rules Implementing RA 6713, the “Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and
Employees”, 21 April 1989.
EO 265, s. 2000, “Approving and Adopting the Government Information Systems plan (GISP) as Framework
and Guide for All Computerization Efforts in Government”.
Section 8, RA 6713, the “Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees”,
February 20, 1989 and its Implementing Rules; Section 7, RA 3019, “Anti-graft and Corrupt Practices Act”;
CSC Resolution No. 06-0231, 1 February 2006; CSC MC 10, s. 2006.
Section 10, RA 9485; Section 1, Rule IV, Implementing Rules of Regulations of RA 9485, 24 July 2008.
Section 8, Rule III, Rules Implementing RA 6713, 21 April 1989.
RA 9584, GAA FY 2009.
Section 5, Rule III, Rules Implementing RA 6713, 21 April 1989.
Item 5.7, DBM National Budget Memorandum No. 103, “Policy Guidelines and Procedures in the Preparation
of the FY 2010 Budget Proposals”, 14 April 2009.
CSC MC 41 s. 1998; CSC MC 14, s. 1999.
2.11, DBM Circular Letter 2008-5, 14 April 2008.
Professional Development Center .
16 February 2009.
Government Quality Management Systems Standards, Quality Management Systems – Guidance Document
for the Application of ISO 9001:2000 (now ISO 9001:2008) in Public Sector, Government Quality
Management Committee Resolution No. 1, series of 2007).
Section 54, Chapter 6, Book VI, EO 292 “Administrative Code of 1987”.
International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), the “Guidelines for Internal Control
Standards for the Public Sector,” 16 October 2004, p. 32. Please refer to the 6th Asian Organization of
Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) Research Project , “IT Audit Guidelines”, September 2003.
International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), the “Guidelines for Internal Control
Standards for the Public Sector,” 16 October 2004, p. 32.
International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), the “Guidelines for Internal Control
Standards for the Public Sector,” 16 October 2004, p. 34.
ISO 31000:2009(E), the “Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines,” 15 November 2009
The Financial Audit Manual, Commission on Audit, 2003, p.22.
Value for Money Audit Manual , Commission of Audit, p. 49.
Sixth Edition (1990), Black‟s Law Dictionary, p. 290.
Webb vs. De Leon, G.R. No. 121234, 23 August1995; and Boiser vs. People of the Philippines, G.R. No.
180299, 31 January 2008.
Albert vs. Gangan, G.R.No. 126557, 6 March 2001.
Sixth Edition (1990), Black‟s Law Dictionary, p. 290.
Root Cause Analysis, Second Edition, Bjorn Anderson and Tom Fagerhaug p. 12.
Galario vs. Office of the Ombudsman, et. Al., G.R. No. 166797, 10 July 2007; Webb vs. De Leon, G.R. No.
121234, 23 August1995; and Boiser vs. People of the Philippines, G.R. No. 180299, 31 January 2008.
Root Cause Analysis, Second Edition, Bjorn Anderson and Tom Fagerhaug p. 12.
“Furthermore, the only concern of the Review and Compliance Procedure, as per paragraph (a), is to
determine whether the SALNs are complete and in proper form. This means that the SALN contains all the
required data, i.e., the public official answered all the questions and filled in all the blanks in his SALN form.”
(Presidential Anti-Graft Commission [PAGC] and the Office of the President vs. Salvador A. Pleyto, G.R. No.
176058, 23 March 2011).
“Both Section 7 of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act and Section 8 of the Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public Officials and Employees require the accomplishment and submission of a true, detailed
and sworn statement of assets and liabilities. Petitioner was negligent for failing to comply with his duty to
provide a detailed list of his assets and business interests in his SALN.” (Presidential Anti-Graft Commission
[PAGC] and the Office of the President vs. Salvador A. Pleyto, G.R. No. 176058, 23 March 2011, citing Pleyto
vs. Philippine National Police Criminal Investigation and Detection Group [PNP-CIDG], G.R.No. 169982, 23
November 2007 ).
“The law requires that the SSAL must be accomplished as truthfully, as detailed and as accurately as
possible.” (Hon. Waldo S. Flores, Hon. Arthur P Autea and the PAGC vs. Atty. Antonio F. Montemayor, G.R.
No. 170146, 25 August 2010).
“SEC. 7. Statement of Assets and Liabilities. – Every public officer, within thirty days after assuming office
and, thereafter, x x x shall prepare and file x x x a true, detailed and sworn statement of assets and liabilities,
including a statement of the amounts and sources of his income, the amounts of his personal and family
expenses and the amount of income taxes paid for the next preceding calendar year x x x” (RA 3019, “Anti
Graft and Corrupt Practices Act”).
“SEC. 7. Statement of Assets and Liabilities. – Every public officer, within thirty days after assuming office
and, thereafter, x x x shall prepare and file x x x a true, detailed and sworn statement of assets and liabilities,
including a statement of the amounts and sources of his income, the amounts of his personal and family
expenses and the amount of income taxes paid for the next preceding calendar year x x x” (RA 3019, “Anti
Graft and Corrupt Practices Act”).
“(B) Identification and disclosure of relatives. – It shall be the duty of every public official or employee to
identify and disclose to the best of his knowledge and information, his relatives in the Government in the form,
manner and frequency prescribed by the Civil Service Commission.” (Rosalio S. Galeos vs. People of the
Philippines, G.R.Nos. 174730-37, 9 February 2011, citing Section 8 (B) of RA 6713).
Sec. 12, Rule II, Uniform Rules on the Administrative Cases in the Civil Service Commission.
“We agree with the respondent that the professional fee he received from the law firm of San Juan, Africa,
Gonzales and San Agustin from 1978 to 1986 in the amount of P70,000 per annum, as well as that in the
amount of P55,000 reflected in his Statement of Assets and Liabilities for the period ending 31 December
1969, should not be excluded as part of his lawful income or disposable funds.
It is unquestionable that the outstanding loan balance of respondent's obligation to the GSIS in the amount of
P775,073.38 as of 28 February 1989 did not constitute as respondent's "income" in the strict sense of the
word. The same, however, formed part of the disposable funds used by him in capitalizing his property
acquisition and business investments.
It bears emphasis that, as borne out by his own summary of property acquisitions, most of his assets were
acquired in 1980 and in the preceding years. The rental income of P1,748,640, which the Sandiganbayan
included as part of his disposable funds, were for the period from 1981 to 1986. Thus, such income could not
have been used by respondent in financing the purchase of his real properties and shareholdings in various
companies prior to 1981. Besides, as will be shown later, there exists an unshakable doubt on the legality of
this income, considering that the properties from which such income was derived were not wholly funded by
lawful income.” (Republic of the Philippines vs. Sandiganbayan, Third Division, and Jolly R. Bugarin, GR No.
102508, 30 January 2002).
“SEC. 7. Statement of Assets and Liabilities. – Every public officer, within thirty days after assuming office
and, thereafter, x x x shall prepare and file x x x a true, detailed and sworn statement of assets and liabilities,
including a statement of the amounts and sources of his income, the amounts of his personal and family
expenses and the amount of income taxes paid for the next preceding calendar year x x x” (RA 3019, “Anti
Graft and Corrupt Practices Act”).
“Sec. 8. Prima facie evidence of and dismissal due to unexplained wealth. – If in accordance with the
provisions of Republic Act Numbered One thousand three hundred seventy-nine, a public official has been
found to have acquired during his incumbency, whether in his name or in the name of other persons, an
amount of property and/or money manifestly out of proportion to his salary and to his other lawful income, that
fact shall be a ground for dismissal or removal. Properties in the name of the spouse and dependents of such
public official may be taken into consideration, when their acquisition through legitimate means can not be
satisfactorily shown ” (RA 3019, Anti Graft and Corrupt Practices Act)
“Sec. 3…(c) The approximate amount of property he has acquired during his incumbency in his past and
present offices and employments,
(d) A description of said property, or such thereof as has been identified by the Solicitor General,
(e) The total amount of his government salary and other proper earnings and incomes from legitimately
acquired property, and
(f) Such other information as may enable the court to determine whether or not the respondent has
unlawfully acquired property during his incumbency.” (RA 1379, An Act Declaring Forfeiture in Favor of the
State any Property Found to Have Been Unlawfully Acquired by any Public Officer or Employee and
Providing for the Procedure Therefor).
“Sec. 8 x x x Bank deposits in the name of or manifestly excessive expenditures incurred by the public official,
his spouse or any of their dependents including but not limited to activities in any club or association or any
ostentatious display of wealth including frequent travels abroad of a non-official character by any public
official when such activities entail expenses evidently out of proportion to legitimate income shall likewise be
taken into consideration in the enforcement of this section notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary
x x x” (RA 3019, as amended by BP 195).
In the case of Salvador Pleyto vs. Philippine National Police Criminal Investigation and Detection Group, G.R.
No. 169982, 23 November 2007, the court held that the “net-worth-to-income-discrepancy analysis,” may be
effective as an initial evaluation tool, meant to raise warning bells as to possible unlawful accumulation of
wealth by a public officer or employee, but it is far from being conclusive proof of the same.
This is a modification of the Expenditure Method provided by RMO 15-95, as amended, where cash outlays,
other than expenses, are included in the Computation to arrive at the total sources of funds and cash
receipts, other than those from income, are included to arrive at the total application of funds.
“4. In his Explanation submitted to the Court on September 5, 2003, respondent contends that one of the
reasons why his assets increased significantly from 1974 to 1995 is that he was appointed as company
directory of ELXSHAR PTY LTD (ELXSHAR), a company based in Australia. He reasoned out that his
appointment was brought about by his daughter‟s connections in Australia wherein the latter is a resident.
However, we agree with the observation of the OCA that nowhere in respondent‟s SAL for 1989, 1991 and
1993 did he declare his business and financial connections with ELXSHAR. It was only his SAL for 1995,
1996 and 1998 that he included his directorship in ELXSHAR as part of his business and financial interests.”
5. Respondent also acknowledged in his Explanation that he constructed a two-hectare fish cage in January
1989 by obtaining a loan in the amount of P300,000.00. However, an examination of the SAL of respondent
for 1989 and 1991 reveals that he failed to declare either his ownership of or his financial interests in the said
fish pens. Respondent also explained that as security for his loan of P300,000.00, obtained in January 1989,
he executed a real estate mortgage in favor of the person who loaned him the money. However, his SAL for
1989 does not contain any declaration of a real estate mortgage for the said amount.
6. Respondent declared his ownership of a fish pen worth P2,500,000.00 in his SAL for 1995 and 1996. He
claims that his ownership of the said fish pen was acquired in 1993. However, a perusal of his SAL for 1993
shows that while respondent declared his being a fish pen operator as part of his business interests, he failed
to include said fish pen among his assets. It was only in 1995 that he began to declare the fish pen as part of
his assets. It was only in 1995 that he began to declare the fish pens as part of his assets” (Concerned
Taxpayer vs. Norberto V. Doblada, Jr., Sheriff IV, Branch 155, Regional Trial Court, Pasig City, A.M. No. P-
99-1342, 8 June 2005)
“Aside from dishonesty, however, respondent is also guilty of failure to perform her legal obligation to disclose
her business interests. Respondent herself admitted that she "had a stall in the market." The Office of the
Court Administrator also found that she had been receiving rental payments from one Rodolfo Luay for the
use of the market stall. That respondent had a stall in the market was undoubtedly a business interest which
should have been reported in her Sworn Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Her failure to do so exposes her
to administrative sanction.
Respondent should have, therefore, indicated in her „Sworn Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth,
Disclosure of Business Interests and Financial Connections, and Identification of Relatives in the Government
Service‟ for the years 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1995 that she had a market stall in the Public market of
Panabo, Davao. She admits that she never indicated such in her sworn statements.
As this Office had earlier stated in its Memorandum dated November 10, 1995 filed in connection with the
instant complaint:
„Such non-disclosure is punishable with imprisonment not exceeding five (5) years, or a fine not exceeding
five thousand (P5,000.00) pesos, or both. But even if no criminal prosecution is instituted against the
offender, the offender can be dismissed from the service if the violation is proven. Respondent 201 file
speaks for itself.
Furthermore, respondent should have divested herself of her interest in said business within sixty (60) days
from assumption into (sic) office. She has not. The penalty for non-disclosure of business interests and non-
divestment is the same.‟ (Citations omitted)
In her explanation, respondent maintains the position that she has no business interest, implicitly contending
that there is nothing to divulge or divest from. As discussed above, respondent had a business interest. We
do not find her administratively liable, however, for failure to divest herself of the said interest. The
requirement for the public officers, in general, to divest themselves of business interest upon assumption of a
public office is prompted by the need to avoid conflict of interests. In the absence of any showing that a
business interest will result in a conflict of interest, divestment of the same is unnecessary. In the present
case, it seems a bit far-fetched to imagine that there is a conflict of interest because an Interpreter III of the
Regional Trial Court has a stall in the market. A court, generally, is not engaged in the regulation of a public
market, nor does it concern itself with the activities thereof. While respondent may not be compelled to divest
herself of her business interest, she had the legal obligation of divulging it. (Narita Rabe vs. Delsa M. Flores,
Interpreter III, RTC, Branch IV, Panabo, Davao, A.M. No. P-97-1247, 14 May 1997)
“The OMB did not accord weight to the Joint Affidavit submitted by petitioner. In said Affidavit, Vieto and Dean
Racho, petitioner‟s brothers, stated that they entrusted to the petitioner P1,390,000 and P1,950,000
respectively. On the other hand, petitioner‟s nephew, Henry Racho, claimed that he delivered the amount of
P1,400,000 to petitioner. These sums were purportedly their contribution as stockholders of Angelsons
Lending and Investors, Inc. (Angelsons) and Nal Pay Phone Services (NPPS) – businesses managed by the
spouses Racho. Ironically, Dean Racho was not listed as a stockholder of the lending company. Moreover,
the articles of Incorporation of Angelsons reflected that Vieto, Henry and the spouses Racho individually paid
only P12,500 of the subscribed shares of P50,000 each. Petitioner did not present proofs of succeeding
contributions made and their amounts. Curiously, affiants allegedly tendered their additional contributions
during family reunions. Neither did the affiants describe the extent of their interest in NPPS. Petitioner merely
presented NPPS‟ Certificate of Registration and Business Name secured by his wife Lourdes B. Racho. Yet,
said certificate did not operate as a license to engage in any kind of business, much more a proof of its
establishment and operation. Even assuming that said businesses exist, petitioner should have similarly
reported his interest therein in his SALN.” (Nieto A. Racho vs. Hom. Primo C. Miro, in his capacity as Deputy
Ombudsman for the Visayas, Hon. Virginia Palanca-Santiago, in her capacity as Ombudsman Director, and
Hon. Antonio T. Echavez, in his capacity as Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial Court-Cebu City, Branch 8,
G.R. Nos. 168578-79, 30 September 2008).
Webb vs. De Leon, G.R. No. 121234, 23 August 1995; Boiser vs. People of the Philippines, G.R. No. 180299,
31 January 2008.
Carabeo vs. Court of Appeals, et. al., G.R. Nos. 178000 and 178003, 4 December 2009 citing Ombudsman
vs. Valeroso, G.R. No. 167828, 2 April 2007.
Albert vs. Gangan, G.R.No. 126557, 6 March 2001.
Montemayor vs. Bundalian, G.R. No. 149335, 1 July 2003.
6th Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) Research Project , “IT Audit Guidelines”,
September 2003.
IEC/ISO 31010, Edition 1.0, 2009-11, Risk Management – Risk Management Techniques.
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), “UNIDO Competencies”, 2002.
Montemayor vs. Bundalian, G.R. No. 149335, 1 July 2003.
Galario vs. Office of the Ombudsman, et. Al., G.R. No. 166797, 10 July 2007; Webb vs. De Leon, G.R. No.
121234, 23 August1995; and Boiser vs. People of the Philippines, G.R. No. 180299, 31 January 2008.
Albert vs. Gangan, G.R.No. 126557, 6 March 2001.
Cometa vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 126005, 21 January 1999.
Sevilla vs. Cardenas, G.R. No. 167684, 31 July 2006.
Destreza vs. Plazo, G.R. No. 176863, 30 October 2009.
Section 1 of Administrative Order No. 70, s. 2003.
Section 38(1) Chapter 7, Book IV, the Administrative Code of 1987.
Galario vs. Office of the Ombudsman, et. Al., G.R. No. 166797, 10 July 2007; Webb vs. De Leon, G.R. No.
121234, 23 August1995; and Boiser vs. People of the Philippines, G.R. No. 180299, 31 January 2008.
Root Cause Analysis, Second Edition, Bjorn Anderson and Tom Fagerhaug p. 12.
Montemayor vs. Bundalian, G.R. No. 149335, 1 July 2003.
Item 8.5.2, Government Quality Management Systems Standards (GQMSS).
Item 8.5.2,, Government Quality Management Systems Standards (GQMSS).
Section 124, PD 1445 “Government Auditing Code of the Philippines”, 11 June 1978.
Subtitle D (The Commission on Audit), Article IX (Constitutional Commission), 1987 Constitution.
Sec. 11, Chapter 4, Subtitle B (Commission on Audit), Book V, EO 292, “Administrative Code of 1987”, 25
July 1987.
Mamaril vs. Domingo, G.R. No. 100284, 13 October 1993.
Section 1, Chapter 1, Subtitle B – The Commission on Audit, Book V, EO 292 Administrative Code of 1987.
Section 32 and 33, Commission on Audit (COA) Circular No. 368-91 dated 19 December 1991, “Government
Auditing Standards and Procedures and Internal Control System”.
Reinstituting Selective Pre-Audit on Government Transactions, 18 May 2009.
Section 3, Chapter 1, Title XVII, Book IV, EO 292, “Administrative Code of 1987”, 25 July 1987.
Chapter 6, Book VI, EO 292, “Administrative Code of 1987”, 25 July 1987.
G.R.No.153266, 18 March 2010.
“Directing the Strengthening of the Internal Control Systems of Government Offices, Agencies, Government-
Owned or Controlled Corporations and Local Government Units in Their Fiscal Operations”.
“Section 6. Authority and Responsibility of the Secretary. – The authority and responsibility for the exercise of
the mandate of the Department and for the discharge of its powers and functions shall be vested in the
Secretary, who shall have supervision and control of the Department.” Chapter 2, Book IV, EO 292
“Administrative Code of 1987”.
Section 2 (2), Article IX –D Constitutional Commissions – The Commission on Audit, 1987 Philippine
Section 10 (3), Chapter 4 – Jurisdiction, Powers and Functions of the Commission, Subtitle B – The
Commission on Audit, Title I – Constitutional Commissions, Book V, EO 292 Administrative Code of 1987.
Section 12 (3), Chapter 3 – Organization and Functions of the Civil Service Commission, Subtitle A – Civil
Service Commission, Title I – Constitutional Commissions, Book V, EO 292.
Section 2, Chapter 1 – General Provisions, Title XVII – Budget and Management, Book IV – The Executive
Branch, EO 292 “Administrative Code of 1987”.
Section 3, Chapter 1 – General Provisions, Title XVII – Budget and Management, Book IV – The Executive
Branch, EO 292 “Administrative Code of 1987”.
Section 3, Chapter 2 – Budget Policy and Approach, Book VI – National Government Budgeting, EO 292
“Administrative Code of 1987”.
Commission on Appointments vs. Celso M. Paler, G.R. No. 172623, March 3, 2010 citing Eastern
Telecommunications Philippines, Inc. and Telecommunications Technologies, Inc. vs. International
Communication Corporation, G.R.No. 135992, January 31, 2006.
Eastern Telecommunications Philippines, Inc. and Telecommunications Technologies, Inc. vs. International
Communication Corporation, G.R.No. 135992, January 31, 2006.
G.R. No. 131392, February 6, 2002.
G.R. No. 112399, July 14, 1995.
City Government of Makati vs Civil Service Commission, G.R. No. 131392, February 6, 2002.
G.R.No.153266, 18 March 2010.
Section 12 (5), Chapter 3 – Organization and Functions of the Civil Service Commission, Subtitle A – Civil
Service Commission, Title I – Constitutional Commissions, Book V, EO 292.
Section 1(d), Rule II – Jurisdiction and Powers of the Commission on Audit, The 2009 Revised Rules of
Procedure of the Commission on Audit.
“Authority of the General Counsel/Director, Legal Office, this Commission to render legal opinion on legal
issues and queries elevated by management of auditee-agencies, heads of COA offices and heads of
auditing units”, February 7, 1996.
“Section 11. The Legal Office. The Legal Office shall be charged with the following responsibilities: 1. Perform
advisory and consultative functions and render legal services with respect to the performance of the functions
of the Commission and the interpretation of pertinent laws and auditing rules and regulations; x x x .”
Government Auditing Code of the Philippines, June 11, 1978.
“Section 7. Central Offices. – The Commission shall have the following central offices: x x x (7) The Legal
Office shall be heeded by a General Counsel with the rank and privileges of a director and which shall
perform the following functions: (a) Perform advisory and consultative functions and render legal services with
respect to the performance of the functions of the Commission and the interpretation of the pertinent laws and
regulations; x x x.”
“Authority of the General Counsel/Director, Legal Office, this Commission to render legal opinion on legal
issues and queries elevated by management of auditee-agencies, heads of COA offices and heads of
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6th Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) Research Project , “IT Audit Guidelines”,
September 2003.
Black‟s Law Dictionary, 6th Edition, (1891-1991) citing Midtown Properties, Inc. v. George Richardson, Inc.
139 Ga.App. 182, 228 S.E.2d 303, 307 and Balfour v. State, Ind. 427 N.E.2d 1091, 1094.
Air France vs. Carrascoso, G.R. No. L-1438, 28 September 1966.
Galario vs. Office of the Ombudsman, et. Al., G.R. No. 166797, 10 July 2007; Webb vs. De Leon, G.R. No.
121234, 23 August1995; and Boiser vs. People of the Philippines, G.R. No. 180299, 31 January 2008.
Sixth Edition (1990), Black‟s Law Dictionary, p. 290.
Sec. 8, Ch. 3, Title V (DPWH), Bk. IV, EO 292, The “Administrative Code 1987” and Sec. 123, PD 1445
“Government Auditing Code of the Philippines”.
CSC MC No. 12, s. 2003, “Revised Policies on Qualification Standards”.
ISO 31000:2009, Risk management-Principles and guidelines.