01-11-2023 - Handwritten Notes

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The Hindu News Analysis – 01st December 2023 – Shankar IAS Academy
S. Page Number*
News Articles
No. C B D H T
Manali firms not keen on studying feasibility of zero
1 3 -- -- -- --
discharge system, says NGT
2 India set to launch X-ray Polarimeter Satellite, says ISRO 12 16 16 12 10

The spread of AIDS can be stopped with science-backed SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI
protocols II II II II II

4 Fiscal deficit touches 45% of full-year target 14 18 18 14 12

5 Telangana sees 63.9% voter turnout 1,7 1,11 1,6 1-6 1,5

6 CBI searches Bengal MLA’s residence, recovers cash 11 15 15 11 9

7 Prelims Practice Questions @ end of the video

*C – Chennai; B – Bengaluru; D – Delhi; H – Hyderabad; T – Thiruvananthapuram


Pg 3 – Chennai edition

Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) system

• Wastewater treatment process.

• It involves recovering and treating all
wastewater for reuse. • Waste treatment in.

• It ensures zero (liquid) discharge. Power plants

Textile industry

Chemical & petrochemical


Metallurgical industries

Municipal Wastewater treatment


How the Zero Liquid Discharge System functions


• Treated water can be


• Safe disposal of dry

solid waste.

• Recovery of salts,
minerals, and chemicals
from the dry waste.


Q. Which of the following can be found as
pollutants in the drinking water in some
parts of India:
Advantages of this system
1. Arsenic
• Zero effluent pollution. 2. Sorbitol
3. Fluoride
• Water conservation. 4. Formaldehyde
• Economically beneficial. 5. Uranium
Select the correct answer using the codes
• Good public health. given below:
a) 1 and 3 only
b) 2, 4 and 5 only
c) 1, 3 and 5 only
d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5


Pg: 12 – C, H;

Pg: 16 – B, D;

Pg: 10 - T


• Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves.

• Polarization - orientation of these

oscillations relative to the direction of the
wave's motion.



• It is the study and measurement of the polarization state of light or other electromagnetic

• X Ray polarimetry – is the study of polarization of X rays.

• Applications in astronomy

It provides insights into the nature, composition, and magnetic fields of various astronomical

X-ray Polarimeter Satellite (XPoSAT)

• XSPECT (X-ray Spectroscopy and Timing).
• Launched by PSLV.
Give spectroscopic information.
• Orbit - low earth (650 kms), non sun
X-ray pulsars, blackhole binaries, low-
synchronous orbit.
magnetic field neutron stars, Active
• Lifetime - 5 years. galactic nuclei and Magnetars


• POLIX (Polarimeter Instrument in X-rays).

Measure the polarimetry parameters

(degree and angle of polarization)

Raman Research Institute (RRI), Bangalore

& U R Rao Satellite Centre (URSC)

Will observe 40 bright astronomical sources


Practice Question – Prelims

Q. Arrange the following electromagnetic
waves in the increasing order of
1. Ultra violet rays.
• Will the degree of polarization and the
2. Infrared rays.
angle of polarization.
3. Microwaves.
• Will help understand the physics of black
holes, neutron stars, and active galactic
4. X Rays.
nuclei. 5. Gamma rays.

• Will help develop X-ray polarimetry skills in Select the correct code:
India. a) 4 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 3
b) 5 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 3
c) 5 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 3
d) 3 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 5

Science page II – C, B, D, H, T



About HIV

• HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

• Lentivirus - sub-classification of the


• If not treated - Leads to AIDS.

• Attacks & destroys the CD4 cells of the

immune system.

Loss of CD4 cells – difficult to fight

infections, illnesses, and certain cancers.

Transmission of HIV.
• Transmission from a birthing parent with
• Carrier person to another - when certain HIV to child - during pregnancy, childbirth
bodily fluids, shared between them. or breastfeeding is called perinatal

Includes - Blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid, transmission of HIV.

vaginal fluids, rectal fluids & Breastmilk. Symptoms of HIV.

Transmission route. • Stage 1 or Acute HIV infection stage.

Unprotective sex, Symptoms - similar to the flu or other

Sharing needles for injecting drugs or viral illnesses.

tattooing, Fever, Muscle pains, Headache, Sore

throat, Night sweats, Diarrhea.
Getting stuck with a needle – Possess a
HIV infected Blood. Many people have no symptoms in

Pregnancy & through breastfeeding. stage1.


Symptoms of HIV

3rd stage - symptoms depend on the

Symptoms of HIV particular infection & which part of the

• Chronic or Asymptomatic HIV infection (Stage body infected.

2) - NO symptoms. General symptoms - Weight loss, Fever,

Lasts - 10 years or longer. Sweats, Rashes and Swollen lymph glands.

• If they are not treated - Almost all people

infected with HIV will develop AIDS (Stage

People with AIDS - Higher risk for certain

cancers, especially lymphomas & skin cancer
called Kaposi sarcoma.

Prevention and Treatment.

• curing of AIDS - Early stage.

• Prevention - Protective sex, Proper checking

of Blood for HIV before Transfusion etc.

• Diagnostic test - Enzyme Linked Immuno-

Sorbent Assay (ELISA) test.

• Effective antiretroviral medications - keep

the viral load low & prevent multiplication of

• If patients take HIV takes drugs - Normal

life without developing opportunistic infections.


Pg: 14 - C, H;

Pg: 18 - B, D;

Pg: 12 - T

Fiscal Deficit
• Shortfall in the income of a government as
Fiscal Deficit = Total expenditure (Revenue compared to its expenditure.
expenditure + Capital expenditure) --Total
• Expressed as a percentage of its GDP.
receipts other than borrowings/total income
(Revenue receipts + Non debt creating capital • Fiscal Deficit of the government will be

receipts) equal to its market borrowings (G-Sec & T-



Fiscal consolidation

• Reducing government spending.

Reducing unnecessary expenses

Enhancing efficiency in public service delivery

Making government programs and projects are cost-

effective • Increasing GDP as the fiscal
deficit is expressed as a
• Increasing government revenue.
percentage of GDP.
Implementing tax reforms

Broadening the tax base

Improving tax collection efficiency

Closing loopholes in the tax system

Disinvestment and selling assets

Practice Question – Prelims

Q. Which of the following are a part of capital
1. Amount borrowed from Japan for
construction of Metro.
2. Government building new schools and
3. Amount received by the privatization of
4. Sri Lanka paying interest for the amount
borrowed from India.
Select the correct code from the codes
given below:
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 1 and 3 only
c) 2 and 3 only
d) 2 and 4 only


Pg 1,7 - C

Pg 1,11 – B

Pg 1,6 - D

Pg 1-6 - H

Pg 1,5 - T

Practice Question – Mains

• India - constitutional democracy & follows
Q. Compare and contrast the provisions under
parliamentary system of government.
Representation of People’s Act, 1951 with
that of the provisions related to elections in • Holding regular, free and fair elections -
the Constitution of India.
essential to uphold democratic principles.
(150 words, 10 marks)
• Article 324 - independent election commission
Part B — Main Examination to conduct free & fair elections.
• EC’s role - conducting elections to the
General Studies - II: Governance, Constitution, Polity, Parliament, state legislatures + offices of
Social Justice and International relations.
President & Vice-President.
• Indian Constitution — historical underpinnings,
evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions • State election commission - elections to
and basic structure. local bodies.
• Salient features of the Representation of People’s Act.


Body of the answer

Comparison of provisions related to elections -
Constitution vs RPA, 1951. • Article 325 - mandates to maintain a single
general electoral roll for every territorial
• Article 324 - election commission to conduct
• Using the same electoral roll for election to
free and fair elections.
the Parliament and State Legislature.
• Powers & functions of the CEC & ECs.
RPA, 1951
RPA, 1951
• Advocates to provide free copies of electoral
• Structure of administrative machinery for rolls to all the contesting candidates.
conducting elections.
• Outlines the process for preparing electoral
• Details about the duties of electoral officers, rolls.
returning officers & election observers.

• Article 326 - elections shall be conducted on
the basis of adult suffrage. • Article 327 - empowers the Parliament to
make provisions with respect to elections.
RPA, 1951
Matters - preparation of electoral rolls,
• Provisions about eligibility and ineligibility
qualification of members, the delimitation
for voting.
of constituencies.
• Examples
RPA, 1951
A person shall not vote in more than one
• Provisions regarding qualification and
disqualification of members of parliament
A person is not allowed to vote if he is and state legislative assemblies.
confined in a prison.



Constitution • Empowers the EC to deal with disputes

regarding election symbol and political party.
• Article 324 - free and fair elections.
RPA, 1951
RPA, 1951
• Empowers the high court & Supreme court to
• Detailed provisions - election notification,
deal with election related disputes.
election scheduling, nomination process,
registration of political parties, and conclusion
counting of votes.
• Introduction of EVMs & VVPAT machines -
• Mandates the candidates to furnish ease of conducting elections + transparency
information about ‘assets & liabilities’ and & accountability.
election expenses.
• Issues to be sorted out - cash for vote and
criminalisation of politics.

Pg: 11 - C, H;

Pg: 15 - B, D;

Pg: 9 - T


Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)

• National investigative agency.
• A director + special director or additional
• 1963 - set up on the recommendations of
‘Santhanam Committee on Prevention of
• Director - security of tenure (2 years).
• Appointment - central govt based on the
• Created by a resolution of the Ministry of
recommendations of a selection committee.
Home Affairs.
Selection committee
• Now - functions under the Ministry of
Personnel, Pension & Public Grievances. • Head - Prime Minister.

• Derives its powers from the Delhi Special • Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha.
Police Establishment Act, 1946.
• CJI or a SC Judge nominated by CJI.
• It is not a statutory body.

• 2014 - amendment in DSPEA.

Leader of the single largest opposition

party in the Lok Sabha would be included
in the selection committee where there is
no recognized leader of opposition.

Functions of the CBI

• Prevention of corruption.

• Maintaining integrity in govt administration.

• Providing assistance to the Central Vigilance

Commission and Lokpal.


Practice Question – Prelims

Q. Consider the following statements regarding
the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI):
1. It is functioning under the Ministry of
Home Affairs, Government of India.
2. It is a statutory body created under Delhi
Special Police Establishment Act, 1946.
3. The director of the CBI is provided with
the security of tenure for 2 years.
How many of the statements given above
are correct?
(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) All three
(d) None


Practice Question – Prelims

Q. Which of the following are a part of capital
1. Amount borrowed from Japan for
construction of Metro.
2. Government building new schools and
3. Amount received by the privatization of
4. Sri Lanka paying interest for the amount
borrowed from India.
Select the correct code from the codes
given below:
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 1 and 3 only
c) 2 and 3 only
d) 2 and 4 only


Q. Which of the following can be found as
pollutants in the drinking water in some
parts of India:
1. Arsenic
2. Sorbitol
3. Fluoride
4. Formaldehyde
5. Uranium
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below:
a) 1 and 3 only
b) 2, 4 and 5 only
c) 1, 3 and 5 only
d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5


Practice Question – Prelims

Q. Arrange the following
electromagnetic waves in the
increasing order of wavelengths:
1. Ultra violet rays.
2. Infrared rays.
3. Microwaves.
4. X Rays.
5. Gamma rays.
Select the correct code:
a) 4 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 3
b) 5 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 3
c) 5 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 3
d) 3 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 5

Practice Question – Prelims

Q. Consider the following statements regarding
the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI):
1. It is functioning under the Ministry of
Home Affairs, Government of India.
2. It is a statutory body created under Delhi
Special Police Establishment Act, 1946.
3. The director of the CBI is provided with
the security of tenure for 2 years.
How many of the statements given above
are correct?
(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) All three
(d) None


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