Collector Proceedings

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WIP Visits:


Present: Smt p. prasanthi, I.A.S.
Roc.No. Coord/e- 1924945/2023 Dated,.22 .tt.2}23
Sub: \ /IP VISITS - West Godavari District - protocol Expenditure -
Administrative sanction an amount of Rs. 1,04,7O,OOO.OO to the
District Collector, West Godavari District, Bhimavaram, as additional
funds to meet the expenditure incurred for the visits of Hon,ble Chief
Minister of Andhra Pradesh - DC Bills submitted - Sanctioned
Orders issued for Rs.1,04,69,6O1/- -Reg


Dt: O9.11.2023


The Government of Ap have accorded administrative sanction for an

amount of Rs. 1,04,70,000'00 (Rupees one crore four lakhs and seventy
thousand only) to the collector and District Magistrate, west Godavari
Bhimavaram, as additional funds ,in relaxation of treasury contror
quarterly reguration orders, to meet the expenditure incurred
for making
arrangements in connection with the visit of Hon,ble chief
Minister of Ap to
Narasapuram constituency, Bhimavaram, Elamanchili and
also other wlpS
visits on dt.18.2.2}23 and O4.5.2O23.
The details of expendrture incu*ed for Hoa'bre cM, visit
are as deta ed

Expenditure for th e visit of Hon'ble Chief Minister

Narasapuram Constituen cy, West Godavari District
required For
Bill approved Bills Uploaded in payment to
sI. Expenditure Bills after scrutiny by Government CFMS ( Vide
No clear the
Received the District Sanctioned Token Number ( pending Bills
Collector 2022-224L854 ) regarding
Hon'ble CM

I Rs.2,28,40,tso/ - 2,06,46,851./ - 7,2s,00o,00 / - L,25,00o,oo/ - 81,46,8sr/-

The details of balance amount of expenditure incurred to

Rs,81,46,851/- are as detailed below: pay

Arrangem Recommended Advance Balance to

No Bills
S. Agency after Scrutiny Released
ents submitted be Paid Remarks
(Rs./-l (Rs./-l (Rs./-)
Rs.30,00 takhs
ents of
is releas€d as
German Advance and
1 Decorator, 1,29,53,3431- t,tt,6o,2271-
Hanger, 6,t7,3,2O4 50,47,023/- was paid from
Dias, rR 27
Seating /Disaster
arrangem funds
e nts

r's for un APEPDCL 99,828 99,828 0 99,828
ed Power

3 TR27 / Disaster funds (To be neimbursed ) :t0,000,00/-

Total Rs.81,46,85r/-

Further, the following wlps/Mps progr.unlnes lvere organized from

December, 2022 to May, 2023 including the visit of Hon'ble Former Vice-
President of India on 11.02.2023 to Bhimavaram and Hon'ble cM'visit on 18-
2-2023 to Bhimavaram and Elamanchili on O4-OS-2O23.
The details of expenditure incurred for the above visits of WIp/VIps are
strbmitted here under:

S.l{o Expenditure incurred details /Visit Amount

Visit of Hon'ble Chief Minister of A.P to Bhimavara:u on
14.02.2023 expenditure incurred for Convoy hire :urd batta
charges made by the District Transport Oflicer, Bh:mavaram 28,600 /-
Visit of Honble former vice president of India to Bhimavaram
on 11.O2.2O23 expenditure incurred for Convoy hire and
Batta charges claimed by the District Transport OIIicer, 32,sOO l-
Visit of Hon'ble CM on to Elamanchili Convoy veh-lcle hire &
Batta Charges 2,s1,5OO l-
Hon'ble EX CM Convoy Charges on 04.05.2023 , 06.05.2023
and 11.05.2023 to 13.05.2023 1,11, ooo/-
Visit of Honble Chief Minister of A.P Visited to Bhimavarim
or 18.02.'2023 to pay condolences to Sri Pathapati Sarra.tu,
Ex-MLA and Hontrle Chairman for AP State Khastnya 91,3s8/-
l) Supply of Fuel for Convoy of Hon'ble CM of AP Visits
to Bhimavaram and Elamanchili on
2) Supply of Fuel to t.le convoy for Ex CM of AP visits tc
West Godavari on O4.O5.2O23, 06.05.2023 and I 1.05.2023
6 to 13.05.2023 1a2ao92
3) Supply of Fuel for Hon'ble Vice President of India to West
Godavari on 11 .O2.2O23
4) Supply of fuel for Other WIP Visits and District
Collector/ Joint Collector/ DRO and other hired r)ffice
vehicles luel Ch S

Total 2323050

The total expenditure incurred to pay the amount details are

S.No. Subject Amount

'J, Expenditure for the visit of Hon'ble Chief Rs.8146851
M inister to Narasapuram Constituency,
West Godavari District

WIP Visits Bills (mentioned in above

2 Rs.2323050/-

Total Bills Rs.1,04,69,901/-

In view of the above, sanction is hereby accorded for drawr and payment
of an amount of Rs' 1,04,69,901/ -(Rupees one crore four lakhs sixty nine
thousand nine hundred one only) to meet the expenditure incurred for the
arrangements in connection with the visits of Hon'ble chief Minister of Ap to
Narasapuram constituency, Bhimavaram, Elamanchili and other wIpS on
dates 18.2.2023, 04.O5.2023 and other WIps visits.

The Administrative oflicer, collectorate, Bhimavaram is hereby

authorized to draw the amount of Rs.1,04,69,901/-(Rupees one crore four lakhs
sixty nine thousand nine hundred one only) and to pay to the suppliers/ agencies
concerned .The Expenditure is debitable from the Head of Account "2os2-
Secretariat General Services - MH-090 - Secretariat - sH (04) - GAD-200
other Administrative Expenses- 204 -protocol Expenditure for Dignitaries. -
The District rreasury officer, w.G., District, Bhimavaram is hereby
directed to Transfer the amount Rs.1,o4,69,9o1/-(Rupees one crore four
lakhs sixty nine thousand nine hundred one only) sanctioned vide
G.o.Rt.No.2226' GENERAL ADMINISTRATION (pRorocoL.At Department,
dated:o9.11.2o23 to Accounts officer (DDo), collectorate, Bhimavaram
DDO Code No.7OO123O2OO1, Account No.4O9OSO6L22O, State Bank of
India IFSC Code No.SBINOO12567.

Further, the District Treasury officer, w.G., District, Bhimavaram is also

directed to take necessary action to pass the DC bill immediately after
presenting the bill by the Administrative officer, collectorate, Bhimavaram.
(These orders are issued wlth prior appro\ral of the Distrlct collector, ulest
Godavari, Bhimavaram. I

For Collector & District Magistrate,
W.G., District, Bhimavaram.

ro, w*
The District Treasufu Officer, W.G., District, Bhimavaram.
The Administrative OIIicer, Collectorate, Bhimavara:rr for necessarjr action.
Copy to CC to Collector/JC/DRO, W.G., District, Bhimavaram.

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