Novel Methodologies in
Novel Methodologies in
Novel Methodologies in
Knee arthroplasty Cryoanalgesia Cryoneurolysis Neuromodulation
Peripheral nerve stimulation
Combined with the rising expertise of ultrasound imaging among anesthesiologists, ubiq-
uitous availability of ultrasound devices, and availability of portable cryodevices, cryoanal-
gesia is now a realistic intervention for acute pain management.
Although a single application of ultrasound-guided percutaneous cryoneurolysis provides
weeks to months of analgesia, careful selection of candidates is required given the poten-
tial prolonged motor block if mixed motor-sensory nerves are targeted.
Ultrasound-guided percutaneous peripheral nerve stimulation offers a novel intervention
to provide post–knee arthroplasty analgesia without the major limitations of opioids and
continuous peripheral nerve blockade.
Before ultrasound-guided percutaneous cryoanalgesia and percutaneous peripheral
nerve stimulation may be routinely practiced, robust clinical trials documenting their risks
and benefits in managing acute and subacute postoperative pain should be conducted.
Disclosures: R.A. Gabriel’s institution has received funding and product for his research from
Myoscience and Epimed; infusion pump manufacturer Infutronics; perineural catheter manu-
facturer Ferrosan Medical; and a manufacturer of a peripheral nerve stimulation device, SPR
Therapeutics. B.M. Ilfeld’s institution has received funding and product for his research from
Myoscience and Epimed; infusion pump manufacturer Infutronics; perineural catheter manu-
facturer Ferrosan Medical; a manufacturer of a peripheral nerve stimulation device, SPR Ther-
apeutics; and, manufacturers of long-acting bupivacaine formulations, Pacira Pharmaceuticals
and Heron Pharmaceuticals.
Department of Anesthesiology, University of California, San Diego, 200 West Arbor Drive, MC
8770, San Diego, CA 92103, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
Fig. 1. A cryoneurolysis probe produces extremely cold temperature at its tip because of the
Joule-Thomson effect, which results in gas flowing from a high to low pressure chamber.
(Courtesy of B. Ilfeld, MD, MS, San Diego, CA.)
Fig. 3. A portable cryoneurolysis device with built-in nerve stimulator (PainBlocker). (Cour-
tesy of B. Ilfeld, MD, MS, San Diego, CA and Epimed, Dallas, TX.)
Fig. 4. Treatment lines (green bars) used to apply cryoneurolysis via a “blind” superficial
approach to target anterior femoral cutaneous nerve and the infrapatellar branch of the
saphenous nerve. (Courtesy of B. Ilfeld, MD, MS, San Diego, CA.)
This retrospective study of 100 patients reported the use of preoperative cryoneur-
olysis was associated with a reduced incidence of prolonged hospitalization duration
and opioid consumption up to 12 weeks postoperatively in patients undergoing TKA.18
Similarly, this blind approach using landmark techniques was used to treat
392 Gabriel & Ilfeld
Potential Risks
Compared with other invasive analgesic modalities, cryoanalgesia has few contraindi-
cations and risks. Relative contraindications include Reynaud syndrome, cryoglobuli-
nemia, and cold urticaria.34 The associated prolonged total sensory, motor, and
proprioception block combined with an unpredictable duration of action (weeks to
months) is not appropriate in most clinical scenarios involving acute pain with the
one potential exception being the treatment of the anterior femoral cutaneous and
infrapatellar branch of the saphenous nerve for knee surgery, such as knee
Similar to traditional needle-based percutaneous regional anesthesia techniques,
potential complications of cryoneurolysis include bleeding, bruising, and infection.
Additional risks include injury to the nerve or surrounding tissue if the cannula is
retracted before resolution of the ice ball, and cutaneous discoloration if the ice ball
reaches the skin.29 Therefore, when treating superficial nerves it is important to use
a cannula designed specifically for this area with heating units at and below the skin
to protect against inadvertently involving the dermis and epidermis.
Of note, cryoneurolysis has been in clinical use for more than five decades without a
single published case of permanent nerve injury or neuroma28 and no evidence of
long-term changes to nerve function.26,30 However, two randomized, controlled
Regional Anesthesia for Knee Arthroplasty 393
Summary of Cryoanalgesia
There are currently far more unresolved questions than conclusive answers regarding
the use of cryoneurolysis to treat post–knee arthroplasty pain. Remaining undeter-
mined is the optimal number of cryoneurolysis applications for each target nerve,
the duration of treatment, the duration of thawing before subsequently moving the
cannula, and specific apparatus and cannula design. For example, there are preclin-
ical data suggesting that the duration of analgesia/anesthesia is directly correlated
with the duration of cryoneurolysis application (30–120 seconds),22 suggesting that
the ultimate treatment duration may be better controlled than currently realized. How-
ever, additional laboratory studies have demonstrated that partial nerve injury
(inducing Wallerian degeneration of only a portion of nerve fibers) results in hyperalge-
sia.35 Most importantly, outcome data from randomized, controlled clinical trials are
required to identify and quantify any improvement in outcomes and associated risks.
This technique should be compared with local anesthetic-based analgesic modalities;
however, the optimal pain control method may involve a combination of PNBs and cry-
oneurolysis for short- and long-term analgesia, respectively. Nonetheless, the use of
cryoanalgesia for TKA patients seems promising because of the combination of few
contraindications, easy technical application, new portable cryoneurolysis devices
and disposable cannulas, few apparent risks, and prolonged duration that in many
cases outlasts the surgical pain itself.
394 Gabriel & Ilfeld
The concept of using electricity to induce analgesia is not new, having originated with
the ancient Romans using living torpedo fish.39 Since the first device designed to pro-
vide electroanalgesia became available in the early twentieth century,40 neuromodu-
lation has mainly evolved for the management of chronic pain through implanted
spinal cord and PNS devices.41,42 Use of PNS to treat acute postoperative pain has
been limited primarily because of the invasive and time-consuming nature of the avail-
able technology.43 Although transcutaneous delivery of electrical current has been re-
ported, the analgesic ceiling caused by triggering pain fibers in the skin significantly
limits the degree of postoperative analgesia benefit.44 The development and FDA
clearance of a lead that is inserted percutaneously through a needle has now removed
the limitation of invasive surgical implantation and extraction, thus opening the possi-
bility of applying neuromodulation to treat postoperative pain (Fig. 5).
Extremely small, insulated electrical leads (Fig. 6) have been developed that allow
rapid placement via a percutaneous approach through an introducer needle.45,46 An
ultrasound-guided percutaneous approach using these extremely small leads has
been used for various chronic pain states47,48; but, its potential for acute postoperative
pain management remains primarily unexplored. Using ultrasound, these leads are
placed via an introducer needle proximal to nerve (about 1–2 cm away). Unlike tradi-
tional PNB techniques, needle placement does not need to be in contact with the
nerve to ensure appropriate local anesthetic spread. Stimulation is subsequently
tested and if appropriate paresthesias or motor stimulation is elicited, the introducer
needle is removed and lead left remaining in situ. The proximal portion of the lead is
then attached to a small external stimulator, which can easily be affixed to the patient’s
skin (Fig. 7).8
Mechanism of Action
The definitive mechanism of neuromodulation’s effect on pain remains unknown,
although multiple theories have been proposed. The most commonly noted is “gate
control theory,” in which electrical activation of large-diameter myelinated afferent pe-
ripheral nerve fibers inhibits pain signals from the small-diameter pain fibers to the
central nervous system.49 The resultant effect is analgesia while preserving motor,
sensory, and proprioception.
Fig. 5. A small diameter (0.2-mm), open-coiled, helical electrical lead with an anchoring wire
preloaded within a 12.5-cm, 20-gauge insertion needle for percutaneous application. (Cour-
tesy of B. Ilfeld, MD, MS, San Diego, CA.)
Regional Anesthesia for Knee Arthroplasty 395
Fig. 6. A small diameter (0.2-mm), open-coiled, helical electrical lead. (Courtesy of B. Ilfeld,
MD, MS, San Diego, CA.)
from the local anesthetic that may increase the risk of falling after joint replacement.4
Therefore, neuromodulation has important potential implications for use in total joint
surgeries because this intervention potentially may provide effective analgesia while
also preserving complete motor function and proprioception, both of which are
required to optimize postoperative rehabilitation and safety.
Recent preliminary studies provide data regarding the use of ultrasound-guided
percutaneous lead placement and subsequent PNS in the management of acute post-
operative pain following TKA.50,51 In one pilot study, leads were placed in five subjects
(femoral and/or sciatic nerve) who experienced uncontrolled postoperative pain with
oral analgesics between 8 and 58 days following TKA.50 Following lead insertion,
pain scores were recorded before and after the stimulators were activated. Immediate
analgesia was experienced by all subjects and decreased resting pain by an average
Fig. 7. Setup for a percutaneous peripheral nerve stimulator of the femoral nerve. (Courtesy
of B. Ilfeld, MD, MS, San Diego, CA.)
396 Gabriel & Ilfeld
of 93%, in which four of the five patients reported complete resolution of pain. Pain
during passive and active knee motion was reduced by 27% and 30%, respectively,
whereas maximum passive or active knee range-of-motion were only minimally
affected. A second study involving another small series of subjects reported similar
findings using an identical protocol between 8 and 97 days following TKA.52
Only a single report has been published describing the use of percutaneous PNS to
treat pain in the immediate postoperative period.53 Femoral and sciatic leads were
inserted preoperatively in seven patients and remained for up to 6 weeks. During
the first 2 weeks, pain was well controlled in 88% of the patients, four of whom did
not require addition opioids after this time period. Of the five subjects with data on
opioid use, the median time to complete opioid cessation was only 8 days, with
100% of subjects opioid-free 1 month following surgery. This is a dramatic improve-
ment compared with the typical median time to cessation of nearly 2 months (vs
8 days)54–57 with a 1-month opioid-independence rate of 11% to 33% (vs 100%) for
patients having the same surgical procedure within the United States.58 The average
6-minute-walk-test distance was 97% and 124% of patients’ preoperative distances
at 2 weeks and at 3 months, respectively. Importantly, there were no falls, motor block,
or infections reported.
Fig. 8. Illustration showing how (A) electrical lead (B) when at rest and (C) when applied
traction causes an opening of the helical coil, which prevents pistoning through the skin
and dislodgment. (Courtesy of B. Ilfeld, MD, MS, San Diego, CA.)
Regional Anesthesia for Knee Arthroplasty 397
With increased awareness of opioid overuse after surgery and the current worldwide
opioid epidemic, it is timely to introduce and study novel interventions that may aid in
long-term management of postsurgical pain to decrease opioid requirements. Also
noteworthy is that during the first few days following knee arthroplasty, adequate anal-
gesia improves ambulation, which is associated with shorter hospital length of stay
and lower hospitalization costs.67 Improved analgesia during the weeks to months
following knee arthroplasty will theoretically aid in improved physical therapy partici-
pation and reduce opioid requirements at home.
Before ultrasound-guided percutaneous cryoanalgesia and percutaneous PNS
may be more widely practiced, robust clinical trials demonstrating their efficacy in
managing acute and subacute postoperative pain should be completed. Further-
more, other hospital metrics should be examined including hospital length of stay,
opioid consumption, incidence of adverse events, and health care expenditures.
Lastly, until the costs of percutaneous PNS systems are better defined, a cost-
benefit analysis will remain inconclusive. Nevertheless, given the need to improve
postoperative analgesia, decrease opioid requirements because of the current
opioid epidemic, shorten hospitalization duration, improve postoperative functional
outcomes, and lessen analgesic-associated patient risks, such as falling,
ultrasound-guided percutaneous cryoanalgesia and PNS deserve further consider-
ation and investigation.
The authors thank Elan Ilfeld for his rendering of Figs. 1 and 8.
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