Chapter 1 To 15test - Computer Security4e
Chapter 1 To 15test - Computer Security4e
Chapter 1 To 15test - Computer Security4e
T F 1. Threats are attacks carried out.
T F 2. Computer security is protection of the integrity, availability, and
confidentiality of information system resources.
T F 3. Data integrity assures that information and programs are changed only
in a specified and authorized manner.
T F 11. Hardware is the most vulnerable to attack and the least susceptible to
automated controls.
14. The assurance that data received are exactly as sent by an authorized
entity is __________.
A. authentication B. data confidentiality
C. access control D. data integrity
15. __________ is the insertion of bits into gaps in a data stream to frustrate traffic
analysis attempts.
A. Traffic padding B. Traffic routing
C. Traffic control D. Traffic integrity
5. A(n) attack is a threat that is carried out and, if successful, leads to an undesirable
violation of security, or threat consequence.
6. A(n) countermeasure is any means taken to deal with a security attack.
7. Misappropriation and misuse are attacks that result in usurpation threat consequences.
8. The assets of a computer system can be categorized as hardware, software,
communication lines and networks, and data.
9. Release of message contents and traffic analysis are two types of passive attacks.
10. Replay, masquerade, modification of messages, and denial of service are example of
Active attacks.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
11. Establishing, maintaining, and implementing plans for emergency response, backup
operations, and post disaster recovery for organizational information systems to ensure
the availability of critical information resources and continuity of operations in
emergency situations is a contingency plan.
12. A(n) risk assessment is periodically assessing the risk to organizational operations,
organizational assets, and individuals, resulting from the operation of organizational
information systems and the associated processing, storage, or transmission or
organizational information.
13. The OSI security architecture focuses on security attacks, mechanisms, and services.
14. A digital signature is data appended to, or a cryptographic transformation of, a data
unit that allows a recipient of the data unit to prove the source and integrity of the data
unit and protect against forgery.
15. Security implementation involves four complementary courses of action: prevention,
detection, response, and recovery.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
T F 9. Like the MAC, a hash function also takes a secret key as input.
T F 13. The purpose of the DSS algorithm is to enable two users to securely
reach agreement about a shared secret that can be used as a secret key
for subsequent symmetric encryption of messages.
1. The original message or data that is fed into the algorithm is __________.
A. encryption algorithm B. secret key
C. decryption algorithm D. plaintext
5. The most important symmetric algorithms, all of which are block ciphers, are the
DES, triple DES, and the __________.
6. If the only form of attack that could be made on an encryption algorithm is brute-
force, then the way to counter such attacks would be to __________ .
A. use longer keys B. use shorter keys
C. use more keys D. use less keys
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
9. __________ is a block cipher in which the plaintext and ciphertext are integers
between 0 and n-1 for some n.
10. A __________ is created by using a secure hash function to generate a hash value
for a message and then encrypting the hash code with a private key.
A. digital signature B. keystream
C. one way hash function D. secret key
12. Digital signatures and key management are the two most important applications of
__________ encryption.
A. private-key B. public-key
C. preimage resistant D. advanced
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
14. Combined one byte at a time with the plaintext stream using the XOR operation, a
__________ is the output of the pseudorandom bit generator.
A. keystream B. digital signature
C. secure hash D. message authentication code
15. A _________ protects against an attack in which one party generates a message for
another party to sign.
A. data authenticator B. strong hash function
C. weak hash function D. digital signature
3. The decryption algorithm takes the ciphertext and the secret key and produces
the original plaintext.
5. A block cipher processes the plaintext input in fixed-size blocks and produces a
block of ciphertext of equal size for each plaintext block.
6. A stream cipher processes the input elements continuously, producing output one
element at a time.
7. Public-key encryption was first publicly proposed by Diffie and Hellman in 1976.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
8. The two criteria used to validate that a sequence of numbers is random are
independence and uniform distribution.
9. A back-end appliance is a hardware device that sits between servers and storage
systems and encrypts all data going from the server to the storage system and
decrypts data going in the opposite direction.
10. In July 1998 the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced that it had
broken a DES encryption using a special purpose “DES cracker” machine.
13. The public and private key is a pair of keys that have been selected so that if one
is used for encryption, the other is used for decryption.
15. The purpose of the Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement algorithm is to enable two
users to securely reach agreement about a shared secret that can be used as a
secret key for subsequent symmetric encryption of messages.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
T F 4. Many users choose a password that is too short or too easy to guess.
T F 7. User authentication is the basis for most types of access control and for
user accountability.
5. The __________ strategy is when users are told the importance of using hard to
guess passwords and provided with guidelines for selecting strong passwords.
A. reactive password checking B. proactive password checking
C. computer-generated password D. user education
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
6. A __________ strategy is one in which the system periodically runs its own
password cracker to find guessable passwords.
A. user education B. proactive password checking
C. reactive password checking D. computer-generated password
8. __________ systems identify features of the hand, including shape, and lengths
and widths of fingers.
A. Signature B. Hand geometry
C. Fingerprint D. Palm print
9. Each individual who is to be included in the database of authorized users must first
be __________ in the system.
A. verified B. authenticated
C. identified D. enrolled
10. To counter threats to remote user authentication, systems generally rely on some
form of ___________ protocol.
A. eavesdropping B. Trojan horse
C. challenge-response D. denial-of-service
12. A __________ is directed at the user file at the host where passwords, token
passcodes, or biometric templates are stored.
A. eavesdropping attack B. denial-of-service attack
C. client attack D. host attack
14. An institution that issues debit cards to cardholders and is responsible for the
cardholder’s account and authorizing transactions is the _________.
A. cardholder B. auditor
C. issuer D. processor
15. __________ allows an issuer to access regional and national networks that
connect point of sale devices and bank teller machines worldwide.
1. An authentication process consists of the identification step and the verification step.
2. Voice pattern, handwriting characteristics, and typing rhythm are examples of
dynamic biometrics.
3. A shadow password file is a separate file from the user IDs where hashed passwords
are kept.
4. With the complex password policy a user is allowed to select their own password, but
the system checks to see if the password is allowable.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
5. The technique for developing an effective and efficient proactive password checker
based on rejecting words on a list is based on the use of a Bloom filter.
6. Objects that a user possesses for the purpose of user authentication are called tokens
7. Authentication protocols used with smart tokens can be classified into three
categories: static, dynamic password generator, and challenge-response protocol.
8. A biometric authentication system attempts to authenticate an individual based on his
or her unique physical characteristics.
9. The retinal pattern is the pattern formed by veins beneath the retinal surface.
10. A host generated random number is often called a nonce
11. Eavesdropping, in the context of passwords, refers to an adversary’s attempt to learn
the password by observing the user, finding a written copy of the password, or some
similar attack that involves the physical proximity of user and adversary.
12. In a Trojan horse attack, an application or physical device masquerades as an
authentic application or device for the purpose of capturing a user password,
passcode, or biometric.
13. A denial of service attack attempts to disable a user authentication service by
flooding the service with numerous authentication attempts.
14. A cardholder is an individual to whom a debit card is issued.
15. The verification step is presenting or generating authentication information that
corroborates the binding between the entity and the identifier.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
T F 1. Access control is the central element of computer security.
T F 2. The authentication function determines who is trusted for a given
T F 10. The default set of rights should always follow the rule of least
privilege or
read-only access
T F 12. Any program that is owned by, and SetUID to, the “superuser”
grants unrestricted access to the system to any user executing that
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
T F 13. Traditional RBAC systems define the access rights of individual users
groups of users.
1. __________ implements a security policy that specifies who or what may have
access to each specific system resource and the type of access that is permitted in
each instance.
A. Audit control B. Resource control
C. System control D. Access control
2. __________ is verification that the credentials of a user or other system entity are
A. Adequacy B. Authentication
C. Authorization D. Audit
3. _________ is the granting of a right or permission to a system entity to access a
system resource.
A. Authorization B. Authentication
C. Control D. Monitoring
4. __________ is the traditional method of implementing access control.
5. __________ controls access based on comparing security labels with security
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
C. Exclusive D. Hierarchy
14. Subject attributes, object attributes and environment attributes are the three types
of attributes in the __________ model.
15. The __________ component deals with the management and control of the
ways entities are granted access to resources.
A. resource management B. access management
C. privilege management D. policy management
3. Role-based access control controls access based on the roles that users have
within the system and on rules stating what accesses are allowed to users in given
4. Discretionary access control controls access based on the identity of the requestor
and on access rules stating what requestors are or are not allowed to do.
5. The basic elements of access control are: subject, object and access right.
6. Basic access control systems typically define three classes of subject: owner,
group and world.
7. A discretionary access control scheme is one in which an entity may be granted
access rights that permit the entity, by its own volition, to enable another entity to
access some resource.
8. The super-user user ID is exempt from the usual file access control constraints
and has system wide access.
9. A session is a mapping between a user and an activated subset of the set of roles
to which the user is assigned.
10. Role hierarchies make use of the concept of inheritance to enable one role to
implicitly include access rights associated with a subordinate role.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
11. A pre-request role dictates that a user can only be assigned to a particular role if
it is already assigned to some other specified role and can be used to structure the
implementation of the least privilege concept.
12. There are three key elements to an ABAC model: attributes which are defined
for entities in a configuration; a policy model, which defines the ABAC policies; and
the architecture model, which applies to policies that enforce access control.
13. The three types of attributes in the ABAC model are subject attributes, object
attributes, and environment attributes.
14. A credentials is an object or data structure that authoritatively binds an identity to
a token possessed and controlled by a subscriber.
15. In digital identity systems, a trust framework functions as a certification program.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
T F 4. The value of a primary key must be unique for each tuple of its table.
T F 10. SQL Server allows users to create roles that can then be assigned
rights to portions of the database.
T F 12. Site security of the data center itself includes barriers to entry,
coupled with
authentication techniques for gaining physical access.
1 A(n) __________ is a structured collection of data stored for use by one or more
A. attribute B. database
C. tuple D. inference
2. The basic building block of a __________ is a table of data, consisting of rows
and columns, similar to a spreadsheet.
A. relational database B. query set
C. DBMS D. perturbation
3. In relational database parlance, the basic building block is a __________, which is
a flat table.
A. attribute B. tuple
C. primary key D. relation
4. In a relational database rows are referred to as _________.
A. relations B. attributes
C. views D. tuples
5. A _________ is defined to be a portion of a row used to uniquely identify a row in
a table.
A. foreign key B. query
C. primary key D. data perturbation
6. A _________ is a virtual table.
A. tuple B. query
C. view D. DBMS
7. A(n) __________ is a user who has administrative responsibility for part or all of
the database.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
8. An end user who operates on database objects via a particular application but does
not own any of the database objects is the __________.
A. application owner B. end user other than application
C. foreign key D. administrator
9. __________ is the process of performing authorized queries and deducing
unauthorized information from the legitimate responses received.
A. Perturbation B. Inference
C. Compromise D. Partitioning
10. A ___________ is the portion of the data center that houses data processing
A. computer room B. main distribution area
C. entrance room D. horizontal distribution area
11. __________ houses cross-connects and active equipment for distributing cable
to the equipment distribution area.
A. Main distribution area B. Equipment distribution area
C. Horizontal distribution area D. Zone distribution area
12. __________ encompasses intrusion detection, prevention and response.
A. Intrusion management B. Security assessments
C. Database access control D. Data loss prevention
13. _________ is an organization that produces data to be made available for
controlled release, either within the organization or to external users.
A. Client B. Data owner
C. User D. Server
14. __________ is an organization that receives the encrypted data from a data
owner and makes them available for distribution to clients.
A. User B. Client
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
T F 12. Packet sniffers are mostly used to retrieve sensitive information like
usernames and passwords.
T F 13. A bot propagates itself and activates itself, whereas a worm is initially
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
1. A program that is covertly inserted into a system with the intent of compromising
the integrity or confidentiality of the victim’s data is __________.
A. Adobe B. Animoto
C. malware D. Prezi
2. __________ are used to send large volumes of unwanted e-mail.
A. Rootkits B. Spammer programs
C. Downloaders D. Auto-rooters
3. A __________ is code inserted into malware that lies dormant until a predefined
condition, which triggers an unauthorized act, is met.
A. logic bomb B. trapdoor
C. worm D. Trojan horse
4. The term “computer virus” is attributed to __________.
A. Herman Hollerith B. Fred Cohen
C. Charles Babbage D. Albert Einstein
5. Computer viruses first appeared in the early __________.
A. 1960s B. 1970s
C. 1980s D. 1990s
6. The __________ is what the virus “does”.
A. infection mechanism B. trigger
C. logic bomb D. payload
7. The __________ is when the virus function is performed.
A. dormant phase B. propagation phase
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
T F 4. The SYN spoofing attack targets the table of TCP connections on the
T F 6. The source of the attack is explicitly identified in the classic ping flood
T F 12. A SIP flood attack exploits the fact that a single INVITE request
triggers considerable resource consumption.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
T F 14. Reflector and amplifier attacks use compromised systems running the
attacker’s programs.
T F 15. There is very little that can be done to prevent a flash crowd.
1 ______ relates to the capacity of the network links connecting a server to the
wider Internet.
A. Application resource B. Network bandwidth
C. System payload D. Directed broadcast
4. The ______ attacks the ability of a network server to respond to TCP connection
requests by overflowing the tables used to manage such connections.
13. It is possible to specifically defend against the ______ by using a modified version of
the TCP connection handling code.
A. three-way handshake B. UDP flood
C. SYN spoofing attack D. flash crowd
14. Modifying the system’s TCP/IP network code to selectively drop an entry for an
incomplete connection from the TCP connections table when it overflows, allowing a
new connection attempt to proceed is _______.
A. poison packet B. slashdot
C. backscatter traffic D. random drop
15. When a DoS attack is detected, the first step is to _______.
A. identify the attack B. analyze the response
C. design blocking filters D. shut down the network
2. Flooding attacks flood the network link to the server with a torrent of malicious
packets competing with valid traffic flowing to the server.
3. The standard protocol used for call setup in VoIP is the Session Initiation
4. Requests and responses are the two different types of SIP messages.
5. A HTTP flood refers to an attack that bombards Web servers with HTTP
6. During a reflection attack, the attacker sends packets to a known service on the
intermediary with a spoofed source address of the actual target system and when
the intermediary responds, the response is sent to the target.
7. In reflection attacks, the spoofed source address directs all the packets at the
desired target and any responses to the intermediary.
8. Amplification attacks are a variant of reflector attacks and also involve sending a
packet with a spoofed source address for the target system to intermediaries.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
9. The best defense against broadcast amplification attacks is to block the use of IP-
directed broadcasts.
10. The four lines of defense against DDoS attacks are: attack prevention and
preemption, attack detection and filtering, attack source traceback and
identification and attack reaction
11. Since filtering needs to be done as close to the source as possible by routers or
gateways knowing the valid address ranges of incoming packets, an ISP is best
placed to ensure that valid source addresses are used in all packets from its
13. To respond successfully to a DoS attack a good incident response plan is needed
that includes details of how to contact technical personal for your ISP(s).
15. A denial-of-service (DoS) is an action that prevents or impairs the authorized use
of networks, systems, or applications by exhausting resources such as central
processing units, memory, bandwidth, and disk space.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
T F 1. An intruder can also be referred to as a hacker or cracker.
T F 2. Activists are either individuals or members of an organized crime
group with a goal of financial reward.
T F 6. The IDS component responsible for collecting data is the user interface.
T F 12. An inline sensor monitors a copy of network traffic; the actual traffic
does not pass through the device.
T F 13. A common location for a NIDS sensor is just inside the external
T F 15. Snort can perform intrusion prevention but not intrusion detection.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
8. A (n) __________ is a hacker with minimal technical skill who primarily uses existing
attack toolkits.
A. Master B. Apprentice
C. Journeyman D. Activist
9. The _________ module analyzes LAN traffic and reports the results to the central
A. LAN monitor agent B. host agent
C. central manager agent D. architecture agent
10. The purpose of the ________ module is to collect data on security related events on
the host and transmit these to the central manager.
A. central manager agent B. LAN monitor agent
C. host agent D. architecture agent
11. A(n) ________ is inserted into a network segment so that the traffic that it is
monitoring must pass through the sensor.
A. passive sensor B. analysis sensor
C. LAN sensor D. inline sensor
12. A(n) ________ event is an alert that is generated when the gossip traffic enables a
platform to conclude that an attack is under way.
13. _________ is a document that describes the application level protocol for exchanging
data between intrusion detection entities.
A. RFC 4767 B. RFC 4766
C. RFC 4765 D. RFC 4764
14. The rule _______ tells Snort what to do when it finds a packet that matches the rule
A. protocol B. direction
C. action D. destination port
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
15. The _______ is the ID component that analyzes the data collected by the sensor for
signs of unauthorized or undesired activity or for events that might be of interest to
the security administrator.
A. data source B. sensor
C. operator D. analyzer
14. Honeypots are decoy systems that are designed to lure a potential attacker away
from critical systems.
15. The administrator is the human with overall responsibility for setting the
security policy of the organization, and, thus, for decisions about deploying and
configuring the IDS.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
T F 3. The firewall can protect against attacks that bypass the firewall.
T F 10. A DMZ is one of the internal firewalls protecting the bulk of the
enterprise network.
1. _________ control determines the types of Internet services that can be accessed,
inbound or outbound.
A. Behavior B. Direction
C. Service D. User
3. _________ control determines the direction in which particular service requests may
be initiated and allowed to flow through the firewall.
A. Behavior B. User
C. Direction D. Service
6. A __________ gateway sets up two TCP connections, one between itself and a TCP
user on an inner host and one between itself and a TCP user on an outside host.
A. packet filtering B. stateful inspection
C. application-level D. circuit-level
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
8. Typically the systems in the _________ require or foster external connectivity such as
a corporate Web site, an e-mail server, or a DNS server.
A. DMZ B. IP protocol field
C. boundary firewall D. VPN
11. Typical for SOHO applications, a __________ is a single router between internal and
external networks with stateless or full packet filtering.
A. single bastion T B. double bastion inline
C. screening router D. host-resident firewall
12. __________ are attacks that attempt to give ordinary users root access.
A. Privilege-escalation exploits B. Directory transversals
C. File system access D. Modification of system resources
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
13. __________ scans for attack signatures in the context of a traffic stream rather than
individual packets.
A. Pattern matching B. Protocol anomaly
C. Traffic anomaly D. Stateful matching
14. __________ looks for deviation from standards set forth in RFCs.
A. Statistical anomaly B. Protocol anomaly
C. Pattern matching D. Traffic anomaly
15. The _________ attack is designed to circumvent filtering rules that depend on TCP
header information.
A. tiny fragment B. address spoofing
C. source routing D. bastion host
1. The firewall is inserted between the premises network and the Internet to
establish a controlled link and to erect an outer security wall or perimeter to
protect the premises network from Internet-based attacks.
2. A packet filtering firewall applies a set of rules to each incoming and outgoing
IP packet and then forwards or discards the packet.
3. The source IP address is the IP address of the system that originated the IP
4. An intruder transmitting packets from the outside with a source IP address field
containing an address of an internal host is known as IP address spoofing
6. Identified as a critical strong point in the network’s security, the bastion host
serves as a platform for an application-level or circuit-level gateway.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
10. A host-based IPS (HIPS)makes use of both signature and anomaly detection
techniques to identify attacks.
11. Pattern matching scans incoming packets for specific byte sequences (the
signature) stored in a database of known attacks.
12. Traffic anomaly watches for unusual traffic activities, such as a flood of UDP
packets or a new service appearing on the network.
13. Snort Inline adds three new rule types: drop, reject, and Sdrop
14. A single device that integrates a variety of approaches to dealing with network-
based attacks is referred to as a UTM (unified threat management)system.
15. The firewall follows the classic military doctrine of “defense in depth”because it
provides an additional layer of defense.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
T F 1. Buffer overflow attacks are one of the most common attacks seen.
T F 7. Stack buffer overflow attacks were first seen in the Aleph One Worm.
T F 10. The potential for a buffer overflow exists anywhere that data is copied
or merged into a buffer, where at least some of the data are read from
outside the program.
1. The buffer overflow type of attack has been known since it was first widely used by
the __________ Worm in 1988.
A. Code Red B. Slammer
C. Morris Internet D. Alpha One
6. The Packet Storm Web site includes a large collection of packaged shellcode,
including code that can:
8. __________ can prevent buffer overflow attacks, typically of global data, which
attempt to overwrite adjacent regions in the processes address space, such as the
global offset table.
10. The __________ used a buffer overflow exploit in “fingerd” as one of its attack
A. Code Red Worm B. Sasser Worm
C. Morris Internet Worm D. Slammer Worm
11. In 2003 the _________ exploited a buffer overflow in Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
A. Slammer worm B. Morris Internet Worm
C. Sasser worm D. Code Red worm
4. “Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit” was a step by step introduction to
exploiting stack-based buffer overflow vulnerabilities that was published in
Phrack magazine by ____Aleph One_____ .
10. Stackguard is one of the best known protection mechanisms that is a GCC
compiler extension that inserts additional function entry and exit code.
11. A canary value is named after the miner’s bird used to detect poisonous air in a
mine and warn miners in time for them to escape.
12. Off-by-one attacks can occur in a binary buffer copy when the programmer has
included code to check the number of bytes being transferred, but due to a coding
error, allows just one more byte to be copied than there is space available.
13. The heap is typically located above the program code and global data and grows
up in memory (while the sack grows down toward it).
14. Gaps, or guard pages, are flagged in the MMU as illegal addresses, and any
attempt to access them results in the process being aborted.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
15. In the classic stack buffer overflow, the attacker overwrites a buffer located in the
local variable area of a stack frame and then overwrites the saved frame pointer
and return address.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
T F 8. Injection attacks variants can occur whenever one program invokes the
services of another program, service, or function and passes to it
externally sourced, potentially untrusted information without sufficient
inspection and validation of it.
T F 10. To prevent XSS attacks any user supplied input should be examined
and any dangerous code removed or escaped to block its execution.
T F 12. There is a problem anticipating and testing for all potential types of
non-standard inputs that might be exploited by an attacker to subvert a
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
T F 13. Key issues from a software security perspective are whether the
implemented algorithm correctly solves the specified problem,
whether the machine instructions executed correctly represent the
high level algorithm specification, and whether the manipulation of
data values in variables is valid and meaningful.
13. “Incorrect Calculation of Buffer Size” is in the __________ software error category.
A. Porous Defenses
B. Allocation of Resources
C. Risky Resource Management
D. Insecure Interaction Between Components
A. Porous Defenses
B. Allocation of Resources
C. Risky Resource Management
D. Insecure Interaction Between Components
16. Incorrect handling of program _______ is one of the most common failings in
software security.
A. lines B. input
C. output D. disciplines
17. _________ is a program flaw that occurs when program input data can accidentally
or deliberately influence the flow of execution of the program.
A. PHP attack B. Format string injection attack
C. XSS attack D. Injection attack
18. A _________ attack occurs when the input is used in the construction of a command
that is subsequently executed by the system with the privileges of the Web server.
A. command injection B. SQL injection
C. code injection D. PHP remote code injection
19. A _______ attack is where the input includes code that is then executed by the
attacked system.
A. SQL injection B. cross-site scripting
C. code injection D. interpreter injection
20. Blocking assignment of form field values to global variables is one of the defenses
available to prevent a __________ attack.
A. PHP remote code injection B. mail injection
C. command injection D. SQL injection
21. __________ attacks are vulnerabilities involving the inclusion of script code in the
HTML content of a Web page displayed by a user’s browser.
A. PHP file inclusion B. Mail injection
C. Code injection D. Cross-site scripting
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
23. The intent of ________ is to determine whether the program or function correctly
handles all abnormal inputs or whether it crashes or otherwise fails to respond
A. shell scripting B. fuzzing
C. canonicalization D. deadlocking
24. A stead reduction in memory available on the heap to the point where it is
completely exhausted is known as a ________.
A. fuzzing B. deadlock
C. memory injection D. memory leak
25. The most common technique for using an appropriate synchronization mechanism to
serialize the accesses to prevent errors is to acquire a _______ on the shared file,
ensuring that each process has appropriate access in turn.
A. lock B. code injection
C. chroot jail D. privilege escalation
14. _________ are a collection of string values inherited by each process from its parent
that can affect the way a running process behaves.
A. Deadlocks B. Privileges
C. Environment variables D. Race conditions
15. The most common variant of injecting malicious script content into pages returned to
users by the targeted sites is the _________ vulnerability.
A. XSS reflection B. chroot jail
C. atomic bomb D. PHP file inclusion
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
16. “Failure to Preserve SQL Query Structure” is in the Insecure Interaction Between
Components CWE/SANS software error category.
18. Program input refers to any source of data that originates outside the program and
whose value is not explicitly known by the programmer when the code was
19. Two key areas of concern for any input are the _ size _ of the input and the
meaning and interpretation of the input.
20. A number of widely used standard C library routines compound the problem of
buffer overflow by not providing any means of limiting the amount of data
transferred to the space available in the buffer.
22. In the SQL injection attack the user supplied input is used to construct a SQL
request to retrieve information from a database.
23. Cross-site scripting attacks are most commonly seen in scripted Web applications.
24. A variant where the attacker includes malicious script content in data supplied to
a site is the XSS reflection vulnerability.
25. The process of transforming input data that involves replacing alternate,
equivalent encodings by one common value is called canonicalization
26. The major advantage of fuzzing is its simplicity and its freedom from assumptions
about the expected input to any program, service, or function.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
27. A race condition occurs when multiple processes and threads compete to gain
uncontrolled access to some resource.
28. UNIX related systems provide the chroot system function to limit a program’s
view of the file system to just one carefully configured section that is known as a
chroot jail
29. If privileges are greater than those already available to the attacker the result is a
privilege escalation
30. The principle of least privilege strongly suggests that programs should execute
with the least amount of privileges needed to complete their function.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
T F 1. Most large software systems do not have security weaknesses.
T F 2. Each layer of code needs appropriate hardening measures in place to
provide appropriate security services.
T F 6. The purpose of the system does not need to be taken into consideration
during the system security planning process.
T F 12. A very common configuration fault seen with Web and file transfer
servers is for all the files supplied by the service to be owned by the
same “user” account that the server executes as.
T F 15. Backup and archive processes are often linked and managed together.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
B. system administrator
C. malware protection mechanisms
D. remote access privileges
4. The following steps should be used to secure an operating system:
13. ______ systems should not run automatic updates because they may possibly
introduce instability.
A. Configuration controlled B. Policy controlled
C. Change controlled D. Process controlled
14. The most important changes needed to improve system security are to ______.
A. disable remotely accessible services that are not required
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
B. ensure that applications and services that are needed are appropriately configured
C. disable services and applications that are not required
D. all of the above
15. Security concerns that result from the use of virtualized systems include ______.
A. guest OS isolation
B. guest OS monitoring by the hypervisor
C. virtualized environment security
D. all of the above
4. The final step in the process of initially securing the base operating system is
security testing
5. Logging is a reactive control that can only inform you about bad things that have
already happened.
6. Backup is the process of making copies of data at regular intervals allowing the
recovery of lost or corrupted data over relatively short time periods of a few hours
to some weeks.
7. Archive is the process of retaining copies of data over extended periods of time,
being months or years, in order to meet legal and operational requirements to
access past data.
8. Change controlled systems should validate all patches on test systems before
deploying them to production systems.
9. Unix and Linux systems grant access permissions for each resource using the
chmod command.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
10. Unix and Linux systems use a chroot jail which restricts the server’s view of the
file system to just a specified portion.
13. Guest OSs are managed by a hypervisor or VMM, that coordinates access
between each of the guests and the actual physical hardware resources.
14. Hosted virtualization systems are more common in clients, where they run along
side other applications on the host OS, and are used to support applications for
alternate operating system versions or types.
15. Native virtualization systems are typically seen in servers, with the goal of
improving the execution efficiency of the hardware.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
T F 1. Cloud computing gives you the ability to expand and reduce resources
according to your specific service requirement.
T F 4. In a public cloud model the provider is responsible both for the cloud
infrastructure and for the control of data and operations within the
T F 6. A CSC can provide one or more of the cloud services to meet IT and
business requirements of a CSP.
T F 7. The three areas of support that a cloud broker can offer are service
intermediation, service aggregation and service arbitrage.
T F 9. Data must be secured while in transit, but not while in use or at rest.
26. Measured service and rapid elasticity are essential characteristics of _________.
A. resource pooling B. cloud computing
C. broad network access D. resource pooling
28. The use of __________ avoids the complexity of software installation, maintenance,
upgrades, and patches.
A. SaaS B. MaaS
C. PaaS D. IaaS
29. A __________ infrastructure is made available to the general public or a large
industry group and is owned by an organization selling cloud services.
31. The _________ cloud deployment model is the most secure option.
A. public B. private
C. community D. hybrid
32. A __________ is an entity that manages the use, performance and delivery of cloud
services, and negotiates relationships between CSPs and cloud consumers.
34. __________ is the monitoring, protecting, and verifying the security of data at rest,
in motion, and in use.
35. The core of ___________ is the implementation of intrusion detection systems and
intrusion prevention systems at entry points to the cloud and on servers in the cloud.
37. _________ is the management software module that controls VMs within the IaaS
cloud computing platform.
A. Glance B. Nova
C. Swift D. Object
A. microcontroller B. gateway
C. carrier D. sensor
40. __________ has two operating modes, one tailored for single-source
communication, and another tailored for multi-source broadcast communication.
A. Edge B. Keystone
C. OpenSource D. MiniSec
32. NIST SP 800-145 defines three service models: software as a service, platform as
a service, and infrastructure as a service.
33. The four most prominent deployment models for cloud computing are public
cloud, community cloud, hybrid cloud and private cloud.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
34. The hybrid cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more clouds that
remain unique entities but are bound together by standardized or proprietary
technology that enables data and application portability.
35. A cloud auditor is a party that can conduct independent assessment of cloud
services, information system operations, performance, and security of the cloud
36. A cloud carrier is a networking facility that provides connectivity and transport of
cloud services between cloud consumers and cloud service providers.
37. Identity and access management (IAM) includes people, processes and systems
that are used to manage access to enterprise resources by assuring that the identity
of an entity is verified, then granting the correct level of access based on this
assured identity.
38. Security information and event management (SIEM) aggregates log and event
data from virtual and real networks, applications, and systems. This information
is then correlated and analyzed to provide real-time reporting and alerting on
information/events that may require intervention or other type of response.
40. The Internet of things (IoT) is a term that refers to the expanding interconnection
of smart devices, ranging from appliances to tiny sensors.
41. With reference to the end systems supported, the Internet has gone through
roughly four generations of deployment culminating in the IoT: information
technology, operational technology, personal technology and sensor/actuator
44. MiniSec is an open-source security module that is part of the TinyOS operating
T F 14. One asset may have multiple threats and a single threat may target
multiple assets.
T F 15. A threat may be either natural or human made and may be accidental
or deliberate.
2. The ________ has revised and consolidated a number of national and international
standards into a consensus of best practice.
A. act B. plan
C. check D. do
8. The advantages of the _________ approach are that it doesn’t require the expenditure
of additional resources in conducting a more formal risk assessment and that the same
measures can be replicated over a range of systems.
A. combined B. informal
C. baseline D. detailed
9. The _________ approach involves conducting a risk analysis for the organization’s IT
systems that exploits the knowledge and expertise of the individuals performing the
A. baseline B. combined
C. detailed D. informal
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
10. A ________ is anything that might hinder or present an asset from providing
appropriate levels of the key security services.
A. vulnerability B. threat
C. risk D. control
13. ________ specification indicates the impact on the organization should the particular
threat in question actually eventuate.
A. Risk B. Consequence
C. Threat D. Likelihood
14. The purpose of ________ is to determine the basic parameters within which the risk
assessment will be conducted and then to identify the assets to be examined.
A. establishing the context B. control
C. risk avoidance D. combining
15. _________ is choosing to accept a risk level greater than normal for business
A. Risk avoidance B. Reducing likelihood
C. Risk transfer D. Risk acceptance
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
17. ISO details a model process for managing information security that comprises the
following steps: plan, do, check and act.
18. The term security policy refers to a document that details not only the overall
security objectives and strategies, but also procedural policies that define
acceptable behavior, expected practices, and responsibilities.
19. The aim of the risk assessment process is to provide management with the
information necessary for them to make reasonable decisions on where available
resources will be deployed.
21. The baseline approach to risk assessment aims to implement a basic general level
of security controls on systems using baseline documents, codes of practice, and
industry best practice.
22. The use of the informal approach would generally be recommended for small to
medium-sized organizations where the IT systems are not necessarily essential to
meeting the organization’s business objectives and additional expenditure on risk
analysis cannot be justified.
23. The advantages of the detailed risk assessment approach are that it provides the
most detailed examination of the security risks of an organization’s IT system and
produces strong justification for expenditure on the controls proposed.
26. The level of risk the organization views as acceptable is the organization’s risk
27. Risk transfer is sharing responsibility for the risk with a third party.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
28. Not proceeding with the activity or system that creates the risk is risk avoidance
29. The combined approach combines elements of the baseline, informal, and
detailed risk analysis approaches.
30. The detailed security risk analysis approach provides the most accurate evaluation
of an organization’s IT system’s security risks.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
T F 10. It is likely that the organization will not have the resources to
implement all the recommended controls.
A. control B. safeguard
C. countermeasure D. all of the above
3. _______ controls focus on security policies, planning, guidelines, and standards that
influence the selection of operational and technical controls to reduce the risk of loss and
to protect the organization’s mission.
A. Management B. Technical
C. Preventative D. Supportive
4. _______ controls are pervasive, generic, underlying technical IT security capabilities
that are interrelated with, and used by, many other controls.
A. Preventative B. Supportive
C. Operational D. Detection and recovery
5. ________ controls focus on the response to a security breach, by warning of violations
or attempted violations of security policies.
A. Technical B. Preventative
C. Detection and recovery D. Management
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
15. Periodically reviewing controls to verify that they still function as intended,
upgrading controls when new requirements are discovered, ensuring that changes to
systems do not adversely affect the controls, and ensuring new threats or vulnerabilities
have not become known are all ________ tasks.
A. security compliance B. maintenance
C. incident handling D. program management
3. The three steps for IT security management controls and implementation are:
prioritize risks, respond to risks, and monitor risks.
Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition Chapter 1
4. Technical controls involve the correct use of hardware and software security
capabilities in systems.
5. The IT security plan documents what needs to be done for each selected control,
along with the personnel responsible, and the resources and time frame to be used.
10. The detection and recovery controls focus on the response to a security breach,
by warning of violations or attempted violations of security policies or the
identified exploit of a vulnerability and by providing means to restore the
resulting lost computing resources.
11. Contingency planning falls into the operational class of security controls.
13. The security compliance audit process should be conducted on new IT systems
and services once they are implanted; and on existing systems periodically, often
as part of a wider, general audit of the organization or whenever changes are
made to the organization’s security policy.