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2021-01-1281 Published 11 Oct 2021

Development of an Optimized Rotary Screw Air

Compressor for the Electrical Vehicle Air Brake
Systems/Suspension Systems on Trucks and Buses
Bo Jiang and Barry Fitzgerald VMAC Global Technology Inc.

Citation: Jiang, B. and Fitzgerald, B., “Development of an Optimized Rotary Screw Air Compressor for the Electrical Vehicle Air Brake
Systems/Suspension Systems on Trucks and Buses,” SAE Int. J. Advances & Curr. Prac. in Mobility 4(3):936-942, 2022, doi:10.4271/2021-01-1281.

This article was presented at the Brake Colloquium & Exhibition, October 17-20, 2021.

“VMAC” has 35 years’ experience developing, manufac-

ir brake systems and their reciprocating air compres- turing, and supporting their rotary screw technology on
sors are incumbent, legislated, and mature technolo- mobile platforms globally. “VMAC” has taken on the chal-
gies integral to commercial trucks and especially the lenge of developing an EV screw compressor solution for the
Class 8 Diesel Semi-Truck industry. The introduction of the electric-semi and bus application.
Class 8 Electric-Semi Truck (electric-semi) will displace diesel Based upon potential commercial electric-semi manu-
driven trucks over time. The air brake systems and the require- facturer demands the author analyzes the inherent advantages
ment for an air compressor will not be displaced for the fore- and disadvantages of different compressor technologies, their
seeable future and the requirements will be inherited by the working boundary conditions and creates the basic tech-
new electric-semi industry. The industry shall have to work nology specifications to meet the air deliver rate and discharge
hard to optimize the air compressor for this new electric pressure requirements. Screw compressor technology has a
platform that demands high energy density, high efficiency, reputation of high reliability, high energy efficiency and it is
low mass, excellent NVH management, small space claim, suited for extreme climatic conditions. It will be one potential
high levels of durability and reliability, low and easy mainte- candidate for electric-semi air brake systems. The primary
nance over a life of 20 years. As with all systems on an electric- design output requirements are considered to be 354 LPM
semi truck the benefits must be delivered with the best-in-class (liter per minutes) or 12.5 CFM (cube feet per minutes) with
total cost of ownership to ensure fleet customers’ switching discharge pressure range 1.02~1.36 MPa or 150~200 PSI. This
costs are low and their investment has a rapid payback. broad air and pressure range is possible due to the character-
Reciprocating compressors traditionally used in this istic of the screw compressor air deliver/RPM curve being flat.
market are not optimized for these new requirements. This paper describes the unique approach “VMAC” has
Alternative compressor technologies will be adopted, such as taken to optimize rotary screw compressor technology to deliver
rotary screw, scroll, rotary vane, or possibly other technologies the performance required by electric-semi’s and electric buses.
may replace piston compressor technology completely as part This development introduces a single stage rotary screw tech-
of the electrification of semi-trucks. Successful compressors nology into the mini-compressor world for a high air pressure
in the electric-semi market can be expected to deliver solu- application. The product is currently being prepared for low -
tions to the electric bus markets too if they have the capability medium volume production with high volume production poten-
of being highly reliable at very high duty cycles. tial in 2022. The performance and unique technology features as
Each of the compressor technologies weak points must they pertain to the electric-semi market are described in this
be addressed to the extent possible and must be designed paper. “VMAC” has verified that dramatically decreasing the size
specifically for the application by the technology specialists of the rotary screw technology addresses the high efficiency, size,
in order to compete in this market. mass, space claim, and reliability for this new application.

Key Word
Screw Compressor, Electrical vehicle air brake, Screw rotor
profile, Energy efficiency

1. Introduction well as air brake systems. The Compressor industry has

he air compressor is a mature machine technology, continually developed and optimized existing technologies
which is widely used in air conditioning equipment, to satisfy the growing demand for performance and reli-
for engine superchargers, and in air suspension as abilit y in the vehicle market. Rotar y compressor
© 2021 VMAC Global Technology Inc. Published by SAE International. This Open Access article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original author(s) and the source are credited.
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Jiang and Fitzgerald / SAE Int. J. Advances & Curr. Prac. in Mobility, Volume 4, Issue 3, 2022 937

technologies have occupied many traditional reciprocating

compressor fields for vehicles to achieve better energy 2. Development Concepts
efficiency, reliability, as well as noise vibration hazard
demands. In the vehicle air condition system, the staple
and Optimization Air
technologies generally include scroll compressor [3], Screw Compressor
rolling piston, and swashplate [4] [5] compressor technolo-
gies. Scroll technology far out paces other technologies for Development
air conditioning due to its quietness, and the circuit being
closed (foreign particulate filtration issues does not impact For the air compressor technologies discussed it is that their
seal life). Scroll technology also has been studied on super- design is adapted to build upon its strengths and optimized
charger applications [6] and energy recovery fields [7] to the extent possible to deliver the necessary performance
because of its inherent lower noise advantages. As for for the customer. Rotary Vane, Screw and Scroll compressor
rotary screw technology it has been adapted for cooling technologies are contenders for this new market if they are
applications in fuel cell stacks [1], and military vehicles adapted and can deliver the performance required at the
[2] for high heat capacity air conditioning. required total cost of ownership.
In traditional air brake and air suspension system, “VMAC” is a screw compressor developer and manu-
scroll and rotary vane technologies have been introduced facturer. There are specific benefits to clean sheeting the screw
successfully. For internal combustion prime mover semi- design for this application and similarly the other technolo-
trucks reciprocating technology dominates the market. gies mentioned can improve their performance and fit for
As the EV or hydrogen fuel cell vehicle market grows, the the application using the same philosophy. Some of the chal-
industry demands more energy efficiency, reliability, and lenges presented and solutions proposed herein are common
lower maintenance air compressors that work in extreme to the other technologies; however, each does have
environments. These features must be delivered by unique challenges.
existing air compressor technologies [8]. Although the The screw compressor has a reputation of high reli-
reciprocating air compressor has been optimized over ability, energy efficiency, robustness, high-pressure capa-
several decades, the commercial vehicle technology has bility, compactness, and being suitable for extreme environ-
likely reached its limitation of both efficiency and reli- ments, which are a good match for the electric-semi applica-
ability. For scroll technology, the intake air filtration tions. An electric-semi air system typically consumes about
restriction and high-pressure ratio limitation, thermal 100~450 LPM (liter per minute) compressed air. But the
management as well as maintenance cost will challenge existing screw compressor products usually deliver
its adoption by electric-semi original equipment manu- 0.6~600 m3/min (600~600,000 LPM) [9]. To extend screw
facturers. It is expected that the rolling piston and vane compressor technology into the EV market, the author made
technology will have a reliability challenge and relatively changes to key design and manufacturing parameters
high maintenance cost based on the present state of the through in-depth compressor working process simulation
technology. The author foresees the technology draw- and analysis. Through estimating, designing, testing,
backs of each compressor type being addressed overtime comparing, and modifying processes, the author developed
with different technologies playing their part in providing a mini screw encapsulated air compressor that is a signifi-
solutions to electric-semi and bus applications depending cant step in optimizing rotary screw technology for the
on t he u s e c a s e a nd c u s t ome r pr ior it i e s a s market. Some of the factors that were specifically addressed
previously mentioned. are as follows: size, mass, high pressure range, an air flow
Advancements in these air compressor technologies range specific to bus and truck requirements, life optimiza-
will be necessary to compete in the new EV air compressor tion considerations for different flows/pressures/duty cycles,
markets for electric-semi’s and buses. It is yet to be proven overall endurance and addressing environmental factors,
which technology shall be most successful. Overall, the new high efficiency, and scalability/cost. Only two areas of devel-
demands for efficiency and total costs of ownership will have opment are described herein as part of the clean sheet design
a positive effect on developments in the rotary screw, vane approach, other work and approaches will be published in
and scroll technologies. The extent to which the comparative the future:
advantages and disadvantages of each technology can A). Rotary Screw Profile and Size
be addressed to optimize it to the new EV market demands
will determine the dominant technology overall, but also B). Moisture Management
which technologies will carve out market niches due to
unique strengths that suit different use cases and customer
performance preferences. 2.1. Screw Rotor Profile and
This paper describes the specific and innovative adapta- Working Parameter
tion of the rotary screw compressor to address the electric-
semi and bus applications specific requirements and to address
its weaknesses, or at least identify them, along with the To improve the energy efficiency of commercial EV system,
strengths that are inherent in the technology that can one design concept is to reduce the pneumatic components
be augmented to provide a compelling solution for this weight and size that leads extra-energy saving for driving
burgeoning industry. during its service life. There was a focus on increasing the
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938 Jiang and Fitzgerald / SAE Int. J. Advances & Curr. Prac. in Mobility, Volume 4, Issue 3, 2022

compressed air power density to enable a compact compressor TABLE 1 Comparison of rotor profile of Alpha and Beta
to provide high pressure air to allow for smaller receiver tanks. compressor
The screw’s rotor profile is a key design element, and it Alpha screw Beta screw
effects all aspects of compressor behaviors. The most common Items compressor rotor compressor rotor
size of male rotor in commercial products is between 75 Male rotor outer 68.0 mm 48.0 mm
~620 mm [9] and the smallest one in screw compressor products

© VMAC Global Technology Inc

is 59.7 mm. Several pioneer screw compressor manufacturers Female rotor outer 68.0 mm 45.0 mm
developed screw compressor products using their existing rotor diameter
profiles for use in EV air system applications. Since the rotor Ratio of lobe length to 1.256 1.460
size is relatively big for the application requirements (based on rotor diameter (L/D)
the conventional sizes noted above), the compressor works at Driving shaft Female Rotor Male Rotor Shaft
lower speeds than it was originally intended to run; therefore, Shaft
it is compromised for an application requiring low air delivery
rates compared to typical rotary screw applications. This
approach results in a compressor that is larger, heavier, requires of both prototype compressors. Table 2 shows the key param-
a larger motor, and other mechanical interfaces must be larger eters of the developed compressors.
presenting opportunity for improvement.
To understand air demand at mini air compressor products
of screw compressor technology, “VMAC” carried out numer- FIGURE 1 Rotor set comparison between Alpha to
ical simulations, manufactured prototypes for testing/evalua- Beta compressor
tion, performed analysis and optimization the key parameters
of design for the working condition.
For optimization of the screw rotor profile for the electric-
semi air system application, “VMAC” first developed an Alpha
compressor using its smallest rotor configuration currently in
production. This rotor profile and size was originally developed

© VMAC Global Technology Inc

for a mobile air power application with a 0.8~1.5 m3/min
(800~1500 LPM) air deliver rate requirement. A female rotor
driving feature was used to save adding a gear case to increase
the speed ratio. Both male and female rotor diameters are 68
mm, and the ratio between profile lobe length to male rotor
diameter (L/D) is 1.256. Based upon a study of the profile
parameters and a compressor performance sensitivity study
using the current machining tolerance analysis, numerical
working simulation and compressor performance estimation, FIGURE 2 Alpha and Beta encapsulated prototype compressor.
the author found that both male rotor diameter and the ratio
L/D were not in the optimal range, and this formed the baseline
for optimizing the size and profile design. The rotor tip speed
and the leakage between the compression chambers were not
compatible with the design requirement.
During the design optimization, the author focused on
the rotor diameter, L/D ratio as well as the rotor tip speed
parameter for the performance requirement and with consid- © VMAC Global Technology Inc
eration to the bearing size limitation, and profile machining
accuracy. A new J-profile is developed for a Beta compressor
prototype. After further verified testing, Beta prototype design
has been directly used in “VMAC’s’ “EC10” compressor
product for the electric-semi air compressor application.
Table 1 shows the main parameters between Alpha rotor profile
(pre-existing) and Beta (EC10) rotor profile (new).

TABLE 2 EV Rotary Screw Product Form Factor, Input Power,

and Rotor Speed
2.2. Developed Prototype Key parameters 22 Pilot Production Plan
Compressor Envelope (L*W*H) 280mm*280 mm*205mm
With an innovative new rotor profile, the Beta encapsulated Weight <10Kg
compressor shows significantly advancements over the Alpha Rotor Tip Speed at 354 LPM @12.5 Bar 14.4 m/s
design in energy efficiency, mass, and size. Fig 1 shows the Shaft power at 354 LPM @12.5 Bar 3.5 KW
dramatic difference in size of the rotor sets. Fig. 2 is the image © VMAC Global Technology Inc
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Jiang and Fitzgerald / SAE Int. J. Advances & Curr. Prac. in Mobility, Volume 4, Issue 3, 2022 939

3. Verified Test and Data FIGURE 5 Air Delivery and Shaft Power of Alpha and Beta
compressor curve.
An EC10 encapsulated compressor test system and test bench
has been built for prototype testing to verify the compressor’s
preformance. Fig.3 is a simplified schematic diagram of the
compressor installed in the test set up that allows simulation
of a working air brake system on a semi-truck.
In Fig 3, Item 1 is a power drive unit, which is an AC
motor with belt and pulley components for Alpha prototype,

© VMAC Global Technology Inc

and an integrated machine includes a high voltage DC motor
with controller/inverter for Beta prototype and EC 10 pilot
production encapsulated compressor. Item 2 is a high preci-
sion “Burster 8661” torque sensor to measure compressor shaft
torque and speed. Item 3 is an encapsulated compressor which
has a built-in compressor oil cooler. To simplify the diagram,
the air oil coalescer and blowdown circuit is not shown in the
schematic diagram. Item 5 is a ASME flow meter by ASME
PTC 9-1970 (R1997) standard to measure air deliver rate.
When performing on performance test, the compressed air
only passes item 5 by closing the valve before pressure regu- FIGURE 6 Air Delivery and Input Shaft Torque for Alpha
lator. When performing compressor air brake simulation and Beta compressor curve.
testing, the compressed air only passes item 6 by closing the
valve before Item 5.
Fig 4 to Fig 7 are the plotted data from the Alpha and Beta
compressor performance test results, which shows measured
data from the input shaft speed, shaft torque, calculated shaft

FIGURE 3 EC 10 Encapsulated Screw Air Compressor Test

System Simplified Schematic Diagram
© VMAC Global Technology Inc
© VMAC Global Technology Inc

FIGURE 7 Air Delivery and Volume Efficiency of Alpha and

Beta Compressor curve.
FIGURE 4 Air Delivery and compressor input speed for
Alpha and Beta compressor curve.
© VMAC Global Technology Inc

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940 Jiang and Fitzgerald / SAE Int. J. Advances & Curr. Prac. in Mobility, Volume 4, Issue 3, 2022

power, and volume efficiency at 6.8~13.6 Bar (100~200 PSI) FIGURE 8 EC 10 encapsulated compressor typical
discharge pressure with an air deliver rate of 140~650 LPM simulation cycle and measurement data.
(liter per minute).
A comparison of the Alpha and Beta compressors’
measured performance data demonstrates that the energy and
volume efficiency of the Beta unit is higher than the Alpha
unit between 150-650 LPM and a discharge pressure range of
6.8-13.6 bar. The Beta compressor’s efficiency improvement
matches our numerical analysis of the new J-rotor profile
design because the new profile significantly reduces the
internal leak losses between the high pressure chamber to the

© VMAC Global Technology Inc

low pressure one, and reduces friction losses. Comparing the
Beta compressor to the Alpha the Beta compressor has a
reduced shaft power requirement of 42%, shaft torque is 77%
less, and increased input shaft speed of 150%, and an improved
volume efficiency by 53%. The test data shows that the Beta
compressor has a flat curve for volume efficiency and shaft
torque for a wide air delivery range, which makes the
compressor suitable for both electric truck and bus applications.
For example, for a high air density air brake application As shown in Fig 8, the EC 10 compressor runs at 8000
with a compressor discharge pressure requirement of 13.6 bar RPM for the air charge cycle and runs at 6000 RPM for the
(200 PSI) and an air delivery 375 LPM, the Beta compressor recharge cycle. The typical charge cycle time is about 127
runs at 6000 RPM and consumes 3.9 KW shaft power. The seconds, and recharge cycle time is about 76 seconds. From
specific shaft power for Beta screw compressor is 10.4 KW/ the torque/RPM curve, the typical compressor shaft energy
m3/min, which is considered better energy efficiency than the consumption is 0.126 KW*Hour for one charge cycle, and
other types of single stage mobile air compressor in the air 0.064 KW*Hour for recharge cycles. The shaft energy
delivery and high-pressure range. Based on the work so far consumption of both charge and recharge cycles is considered
and the developed Beta prototypes, the new “EC10” encapsu- very efficient.
lated screw compressor is a significant advancement in mini The first stage of endurance test has been running for
compressor products. thousands of hours. No unexpected worn and frayed marks
The author performed an endurance test by using an have been found for the moving and rotating parts during the
apparatus that simulated the typical air supply requirements inspection of the tested compressor, which has been disas-
of an electric-semi air brake system. The tested compressor sembled at intervals for inspections. The actual shaft energy
was installed into an air brake simulation system as shown consumption for air charge and recharge cycle has been
in Fig.3. The compressor on/off switching was controlled by dropped about 3.0%. This phenomenon often happens in screw
a 30-liter air tank pressure signal, and this tank’s preset compressor due to the run-in of rotary parts that reduces
pressure limits define the charge cycle and recharge cycle of friction losses and improves the meshing.
the air brake system simulation. The air charge cycle is the
cycle to deliver compressed air into the 30-liter air tank from
0 to 12.4 bar (0 PSI to 183 PSI) pressure, and recharge cycle
delivers compressed air from 6.8 to 12.4 bar (100 PSI to 183
PSI). There is one air charge cycle followed by 23 recharge
4. Moisture Management
cycles, then this pattern repeats for the duration of the test. of EV Air Compressor
Fig. 8 shows the measured data for the key variables for the
typical air charge and recharge cycles (only 3 of 23 shown) The moisture management is critical for the oil lubricated
of the simulation test. compressors, which includes oil-injected screw, oil lubricated
In Fig 8, the input shaft speeds represent the powering vane, and oil-less scroll types of air compressor. The funda-
“on/off “of the compressor; tank pressure curve expresses the mental issue is the water content inside the lubricated fluid
rate of air charge and recharge of the tank; the input shaft effects the ability to build oil film on the journal and roller
torque reflects the load and energy of the simulation test. Since bearing. In 1977, Richard E. Cantley investigated the effect of
there is a blowdown circuit installed inside of the encapsulated dissolved water on the fatigue life of tapered roller bearings
compressor, the compressor’s discharge pressure begins to [11], which led to in depth moisture control studies and
drop by bleeding compressed air in the integrated air/oil sepa- practice within the compressor industry. Within half century
ration chamber to atmosphere once the compressor is off. of study and practice, rotary screw compressor has achieved
Therefore, the encapsulated discharge pressure does not have significantly longer life bearings and reduced oil deterioration.
the same trend as 30-liter tank pressure. By checking the Moisture and filtration control in stationary and mobile appli-
torque data at different tank pressures while the compressor cation is possible. [12]
is delivering air it was verified that the torque measurement In general, the moisture inside lubricated oil will
numbers match the compressor performance test results be present in the form of dissolved water, free water, and
plotted in Fig 6. emulsion. The emulsification of oil and water should not
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Jiang and Fitzgerald / SAE Int. J. Advances & Curr. Prac. in Mobility, Volume 4, Issue 3, 2022 941

be allowed to occur within the compressor lubrication system FIGURE 9 Water content burn-off rate test result at typical
as it directly impacts the lubrication mechanism causing operating conditions
bearings to rapidly fail and any other parts requiring lubrica-
tion as part their function will prematurely fail. By selecting
appropriate compressor oil plus suitable oil change interval,
the emulsion water portion is well controlled by compressor
manufacturers. The dissolved water portion slightly affects
the viscosity of the overall lubricant, which leads to a boundary
condition change in the oil film such as pressure and thickness

© VMAC Global Technology Inc

parameters. Free water is a key contributory factor to bearing,
and roller bearing degradation without a moisture manage-
ment process integrated into the operation of the
lubricated compressor.
In the EV application, the compressor unit must overcome
reliability challenges due to consuming moist air and possibly
smaller sized solid particulate due to environmental condi-
tions and air filter performance characteristics. Different
compressor technologies have different challenges to fulfil in From the compressor oil’s water saturation curve, temperature
EV application requirements. Rotary vane and oil-less scroll versus water content (in PPM) the normal/maximum/
technologies have a sliding motion under a heavy load condi- minimum compressor working condition were identified on
tion for their critical parts such as orbiting scroll parts or slide the curve then the allowable EC 10 compressor water content
blades, respectively. From a tribology standpoint and the engi- design point was chosen to ensure bearing life was not dimin-
neering principles of the application these sliding motions are ished. By controlling water content in compressor oil, a
intolerant to a small amount of free water, or a high percentage burning cycle concept was introduced to push the water
of dissolved water in the lubricating oil. The hardness factors content in the compressor oil system out of compressor unit,
of these mating parts also increase the probability of prema- which is absorbed by air drying components before dry tank
ture failure due to contaminated surfaces/lubricant. The in the air brake system. The moisture burn-off cycle has a
rotary screw compressor is in a better position than vane and higher running temperature than the standard working cycle
oil-less scroll because screw rotors due to roller bearings of the compressor to ensure moisture is removed from the oil.
approximating a near pure rolling condition, and due to The purpose of the EC10 compressor moisture control
bearing surfaces’ smoothness and hardness. Oil-free scroll test was to find the efficiencies of different moisture burn-off
compressor technology does not face the same challenges cycles and apply them to the brake simulation test (previously
related to moisture management due to the absence of an oil discussed). To measure the burn-off rate of water in compressor
lubrication circuit. Oil-free scroll technology challenges are oil at different temperatures, a 100 ml of water was added into
mostly due to the risk of small particulate contamination from compressor air/oil separation tank, item 3.B. Different
the environment causing seal failure and the heavy heat rejec- compressor running conditions were selected to measure the
tion demand. Since the compressor’s harsh environment and time taken to eliminate 100 ml of free water from the
up to 14 bar gauge pressure demand, oil-free scroll technology compressor oil circuit. When compressor oil has free water
needs to solve these challenges for a commercial product. content, the capacitive moisture sensor, item 9.4, always reads
Some compressor makers apply high discharge tempera- 100%. When water is dissolved in the oil the capacitive
ture all the time for EV air system, which ensures all the intake moisture sensor’s percentage reading is used to identify the
moist air will not have the water (moisture) that condensates point on the saturation curve.
within the compressor thus contaminating the oil. This is a From Fig 9 shows how for different operating tempera-
simple solution; but it also causes the compressor to consume tures the burn-off rate changes with discharge pressure. In
extra-energy for the whole compression process. The EC10 most climatic zones and in many use cases the compressor’s
screw compressor’s moisture management strategy is from optimum operating temperature will not accumulate satu-
the perspective of the overall system design, using operation rated water in the oil or free water. In cases that ambient envi-
temperature and humidity condition, theoretical calculation, ronment conditions are prone to cause moisture accumulation
and moisture testing to find the optimum balance between the EC10 can execute a burn-off cycle at appropriate intervals
water content in the oil and the compressor unit’s efficiency which will not impact the total cost of ownership significantly
over its estimated 20-year life. and keep the moisture content at a level that does not impact
In Fig 3, Item 9.1 to 9.4 are sensors that measure variables bearing life.
that out important variables from the moisture management
test and for determining the moisture management system
for the EC10 compressor. The moisture/water content is
measured by the capacitive water sensor item 9.4. Item 9.3 5. Conclusion
measures the oil temperature. The absolute water content PPM
(Parts Per Million) in the compressor oil is measured by Karl The conventional rotary screw compressor using smaller
Fischer Titration. This test is performed by a third-party labo- rotors but still in the size range of conventionally manufac-
ratory on the oil samples taken from the oil used in the test. tured sizes (approx. 60 - 75mm in diameter) can be applied to
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942 Jiang and Fitzgerald / SAE Int. J. Advances & Curr. Prac. in Mobility, Volume 4, Issue 3, 2022

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source are credited.

Positions and opinions advanced in this work are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of SAE International. Responsibility for the content of the work lies
solely with the author(s).

e-ISSN 2641-9645

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